[ KASKINE (THP KEH ftNl&fe-) • THK HOPI: * 0F jj PEOPLE W HO ! ABK ALWATS REALIZED A. POWERFUL TONIC. |ku tfr* mo" delicate stomiu li will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALABIA, • RHEUM &TISM, * HERVOTJS PROSTRATION, THEM os T scientific and successful BLOOD PLKIFIER. superior to quinine. • j|r Lode Hoornbecfc. of the U. 9. ship sarato cm now ltitie In Newport Harbor.-writes that be Dieet' with people almost dally who liave «rp trom experience that it is superior to quinine in tm<tc ali.t curative properties, and produce no Mtaeqoeiit bad effect*. Other !• tt'-rs of a slanlar character from prom ised' lad-tiduaß which *t»ti>D Raskin* a<< a ieu.e>»T o! undoubted merit, wIU b. sent on ap can be taken without any special m ,ni ii adrice. fl.oo per bottle, or <>lx bottles far 13- Sold by J. C. REDICK. Butler. Pa, vmtbT man on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. M Vt arren St.. New Vorlc. HUMPHREYS* nDTSuHPHSEYS' ICO2 Cloth It Cold Binding 1M iwl mirtrm rSR. I. ase W |»an.-ap«*sal Prescription, of _ —rtjacun Simple, fcfc *ad bare. ccues. ruin. |i» >,if.g. CaUMtion. Inflammations.. .25 M Uanu, Woralev.r. Worm Colic -■ •;£■> 3 CrrteC Colk, or TMfcsf* of Iniauia .24 2 fMmrr* Jtk W Children or Adult* .25 a brae iec*. Gripioc. B:liou» Colic .5 3 Cholera Morhas. \omiucc 23 ■ ffCaacfca. Ud. Broneuins ■ - 25 I (linnltlt. loottiacbe. l-aeeache j j I SfinUactin, hick Hwciichp V erucc.. ~J Biliour Konuch ■» ■ flicMmtri or Painful Periods. .23 RiWHMrtoo Pnftw Period.... 4? ■ ScroM. (i)«rtj>iflcu!t Bre»vhin« 2* BS» i Lrnpuom. ..5 ■ flllfceßsaallsni. Rhenmstic Ptaas -5 HOMEOPAfHIC ■3Wboevfai* <>•<*. \«»«! coughs . ,JjJ PYI ArthH OppraMd BrMtiiioc mVar lininml Heu n« -30 ||KBafe.«.«2:]» Bidina !so KiJ \^|lLSmmti Weiii- I | ten. or InvoHantxry DiacLarfces *92 Bq l ritry W fikmi;?? g jJJ Kyl af fh«» faeartf rSSutioD I .WJ ■JIFHifNT Spi«!*.St Vit«»'Dw»« # i»{J gTnSSS :?.S s p E CIF ICS. JgASSSfr »• t? HUMPHREYS* eamip ATHic vxteunaey specifics /TX For HOTSM, Sh«ep, \ Do«», Hogs. Poultry. HHEa ]m« PAGE BOOK Treat. Meat of Aalmalo y Chart Seat Free. ff..ji|Lt«i eyl' M. Co.. <M Fulton St., I. Y. THIS is the top of the gen |L- Bine " Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar ■re imitations. This the •exact label on each one of the Pearl Top Chimeys. The dealer may say and think he has as good, but he has not. Insist upon the exact label and top. CEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. « DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, m PENS AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. | All forma of Delicate oikl Com pbcau-d Dteea&ea requiring CON rtDtxTtALaml Scientific skhH- H ii are treated at Uii* UL-uen«arj- with a »uc m< ran '.v at;a'.:*d. I>r. S. K. •(the Po^l» o:.igc of PliJ »lclnu4 ami Surgeons, and i* the t. .1 d M'tciAU tHTlatbec r. tjHi-lalcttCßllon given to Xcn oas Pel -S.it li«me«\->ne mental exertion, ln (DarmkMofT'i-th, A<"., cauringphj; leal and ■Mala! dcMT,!' » ofcuctTT, «lceiJon<lcncy, etc. ; U..I Sores, I ud all di'. ;i-c«ol tliebkin, Blood, I.ui.ux, Urln arr Orsoa, Ac- Consultation free and st nctly eocfi''. ataL Offlee l-our. #to 4 and 7to 6 li.m.; lunilaviitol p.iu. only. C all at ollioe oraddrefca H. D., M. ILC.P.S. or E.J.LAKE, M. D. M'sPills REGULATE THE BOWELS. Habitual Costiveness Citjv,-IcrmaK-ment of thsrr.tlre sritcm.and bo tdxiliuiM are hazardous to life. P< -m>us of a f-mXi'* habttare t to Headache, DclectWo HrmMT.Oloomy Foi-eliodlacm. SenouineM.Kcvers, hroiriijif* «. Irritable Te-nper and other symptoma, via h ui.au t;.« sufferer for buidneui or agreeabla •aHClattcas. Bcfcular haldt of bod jr alone can eor n« 1 bene ertK and aoihlnj succeeds no well In •3lr« ins i hlrondltloii asTutt's Pills. Br their use aat ably is Uw system recorsted, but In con«v caenea of the harmoaloos ehanso thus created, ttier ■ perrades a feeling of satisfaction; the men tal racalttes perform their fiuictlons w-lih Tlvarlty, aad then la an extllar. tloa of miwl, freedom of UK>mr>t. and perfect Nart's ease that beepeoka the lad eajofmont of health. SECSXr OF BEAT^rY la health. The secret of tefi", in the a itrsper acni of food. Tsmcsii ae.er l»c d»ne \rh<-n • iverdoea bh act ii • |>» rt. Itiathedii- wheel In (he aechanlaia of asaa, nod :» it la out ot the whole ay at er -.■otuea de ranved, and Ferer, Dvaper . '-irk Ilend •chr. ('.la.tlpatloa, Jaaac . Uillonat uJ- IraMKiesenl l>ehlllty ensue. To restore (he rnaetlqna of the I.iver and Impart Mint •eaaty which n'ways nttends a healthy eeitsiltolion. Br. Tatt'a Liver Pills nre nrcinae.iJr4. They nre not a core-till, hit mr<- dwlrnul nnlelyfarthe disordered JLiver sad tlio diocaaca which it produces. Tutt's liver Pills BTIH UP THE TORPID LIVER. (OLD rsr ALL DBCfiGISTS, a So. PRATTS Aromatio Ceneva Cln CUBES DKKASED KIBRBTI. tt la ape3ooea»Ti(Bwlas) Gln.re-dlstlllsd with aslectad r ccLu lesras.frerh Italian jnniper berries lEmtisn root, Ac. It will bs fonn.3 an mT.lo.bls tomady sad oartaia care for Brlchl', Disease, Mona ia bladder, snd all infls&nijttiou of the Ktdaeys sad Crlnarjr Organs. The atnitp of Pratt's Aromatic Geneva Gin la aot osUhtsdto diMrmned Eidnersaloua. hot ia aasd by msny wviaan for he various complaints to which ujej are aab)act«d. Wj hare raceirad maay lattoro from all parts of tha country teati tnni to ita nine a. a cura for»oppreemd.paiaful, pinfaaa sad irrenlar manrtm.' lon. Ita stlm- Sisat, tonie, driretio and sedative properties allaT IrrltaUon. remove oonpeMion. aoothe eicita bfllty and enra tha pai-. T ken in wine-rlsss fntl peru.sa. toimW with hot foot or .team hatha It wli' la all eaaea produce t to dnired efiect. A nlaafale traatiae on 1 inesMd Kldner. that ev- nr one »hoald read and heap, mailed fre» upon a roll califttL JAKES E. IOBKIB, Sole Agent. MB CHAXBZSS ST, HEW YOKE. KOk KALt- U'V J. C REDICK. Druggist, UrTLEK, PESN'A. 111 All llf B°war*!ed are flinsc n-bci rea/j this 1111 »» I I»t'1 then »rt- r tbrr v.ll! Omi hon nil.l,l Im-JsMe enipiojniKnt tbat win not >takotbem trom their h«'Bef< and |e mm .. The frofitn are latye and nure for fery icduatncnw |.«thoo. msny bave made and are nw tr.il nst tootired dollars a ■von a. It ts eaiiy for any or.e to maka Is and ■!»» Rrrte j*r dar-, wbn is willing to wrtrlt. Ether •»■*. jxr.itii "r old; capital not needed; we Etart yoo. F**rj rhlne new No special ability re g-itred; yori. f ilrr, m d" It aw we'j Ma nn,v one. W-«j# "> ik «t rjjee ftj- tttli ps.ntcularß.whk b we Awtreas Stiuos a- Co., ■ ■ ' THE CITIZHJ3ST. MISCKL' ANEOUS- Another New Religion. Xew York Herald] We sometimes think of suggesting to our inuoeent theatrical people when tbev fail in "Uuele Tom s Cabin,and other moral shows and have to waik home over the raiiway sleepers, that when everything else (ails they should start a new religion It affords an unlimited field for the imagination. Capital is a niiuor lequisite. A looking glass, a woman anu a cat, for instance—how much cculd be done with these if properly combined under a code of moral ethics? A religion based upon univer sal bathing might be objected to by the highly strained as savoring of penance, but it would have a sanitary value While it a religion could be iuvented with special commandments against treating, colored pictures in comic journals, shaking hands, intro ducing people at random, reading ser mons, using tooth picks in public, cor respondents sending social news from Washington, parting one's name in the middle like T. Clover Jones (T. being tbe suppressed symbol of Tim othy). the world would have a defin ite gain. Tbe cheaper a religion the better, especially it it is based on failb. The kernel tit any new creed to succeed should be substantial contributions fur tbe founder. We have bad do new sensation in this line since Joe Smith began the Mormon trade with Lis peiidantic, rubbishy book wbicu •the angels fouud for him " Joe, however, went in tor fiddling, dwnc ing, economy and a good old swing to corners and down the middle country dance. It made little aiffur ence bow much eternal damnation Joe gave bis disciples >»o long as they invariably wound up the service with a good time. Moreover, Joe made the brethren pay, aud the bead men in the church waxed fat and prosper ed. Ht-re likewise we bare a Mme. Blavatbkv, who baviog bad a ra.'dest fX|jeiimeiJtal career ia N Y., starts op ia Lwiidoa as a theosophist, what ever tbat may be Tbe only gentle man on tbe Herald staff who under stands tbeosophy is our weather prophet, but we keep bim so bu*y over our exhaustive aud admirable weatber rpports that he has no time tor theology, especially a Dew theol ogy. We shall probably bear Iroin the Madame about her Dew creed shortly, as whenever a modern saint evolves a new faith she looks around lor the new.-paper men Nothing- ic more difficult than the avoidance ot an interview with the founder of a new religion. If Mme Jjlavatsky makes tDeosophy pay, tbe has a gootl tbiotr, but she must look to the money. A new religion should managed upon advertising principles —money iuvariablv in advance. Trusts and Monopolies. Trusts! They are the latpst de velopment of the times and a serious menace to the prosperity of the peo pie. No thoughtful American can watch their increasing strength with out amazement or observe the meth ods they employ without alarm. This tendency to combination on tbe part of capitalists is a matter of supreme importance ami withal is productive of such serious conse quences to "the greatest number," whose "greatest good'' is sacrificed for the benefit of the few During the last ten years, more or less, large sums of money have been pooled tor the purpose of controlling a given product aud arbitrarily fixing us market price. This combination or trust, or what not, has do commer cial significance or value unless it can break down all competition. Ds firs; step, therefore, is to uuite a dozen of the largest dealers, whose aggregat ed capital is sufficient for the purpose, and to out thn hundreds of smaller dealers by driving them out ol business or into bankruptcy. 15v the»e means tbev become masters of the situation When this has been done, let us say with oil, coal, tin, lead, rubtier aud a sci re or two of other industries, two consequences muke their appear ance. First, tbe market has been captured, prices ?au be arranged to -uit tbe syndicate, the whole commu nity is laid under tribute to a huge uud inexorable monopoly, at;d a lew gentlemen pile up colossal fortunes; I -econd, small dealers who made* a fair l<r«tit aud were on tbe way to a com petency are lashed back into tbe ranks of the working classes No ODe can set op in business for himself,because (his big monopoly will hammer his head tbe moment he exhibits any in dependence, and so tbe ve.ry spirit of lair play in trade ia violently drivvn out of existence. The enterprise of the many is destroyed by the despot ic bank account of a few. The rule iu America has always I'eeD that every man has opportuni ties, and can rise above thestttion iu which he was born by making a wise ute of ibem. TLat. lule tv;-s our > boast and pride. The tendency of this new state of affairs \s to deprive him of those very opportunities and discourage auy financial veu'ure. It creates an enormously rich class on the one hand and the poor classes ou tbe other—that is to say, '.a moneyed arißiocracv, which is a nation's worst eouceivable calamity, and the masses, Who dare not compete for business and who ultimately become siuggish and unambitious as are the popula tions of the Continent of Europe. All this is auti-rvpublican ar.d in tensely un-Amaricao It is a erave and knotty problem but it can be solvtd by the common t-ensp of the people, for the people are still king and can make the laws which all must obey. —Do not throw away your hard earned cash for every new cough syrup, when that standard remedy for cough, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, is 25 cents. "Mmrah !" said a little girl "I'm not to be kept in because of that bor rid neuralgia My mamma has bought a bottle of Salvation Oil. —The turtle canning industry is •spuming large proportions in Flor ida, aDd vessels are beintr employed to bring turtles from Yucatau aud the West India Islands. —During the past y »sr the distrib ution of lumber at Chicago w*s luO, 000 000 feet, id excess of 1886 Pnr< s did not move up thiough the year, as bad been expected, —On account of tbe great care ta ken in si k weaving and spinning in Italy it is claimed tb it Italian raw fcilk possesses aa evenness and finish which makes it superior to band-reel ed Chiuese fiik. —An electr'c light company in Newark has u> filled orders on its book ft r 100,000 lamps and 12 J ma i cbiuee. FRONTIER FRIVOLITIES. The All Night Dance in Which "Ole Virginia Never Tires." A writer in the American Maga zine gives s very felicitous descrip tion of a dancing purtv iu the sparse lv settled portion of Virginia. These parties are events of great importance, drawing friends and ac quaintances for uianv miles around They will come, perhaps from distant Counties, a dav's journey or more, to participate ID the festivities Tbe method of travel is ,- ou horse buck," and as the roads are bad and frequently bridgeless, the journeying must be accomplished betweeu '"sun op : ' and dark This would be •suffi cient reason, it there were no other, for keeping up their merrymakiQg through thj entire night, as is the universal custom. Old and yoimg join in dancing, which is only suspended for the hearty supper at midnight, and the "sweet supper'' as it is called, of ctikes, jellies, and tarts which is fur nished just before day break. As the sun lises the visitors mount their horses and start on their home ward journey, perhaps of many hours duration It seems like paying a severe penalty for a few hours enjoy ment, but these tough, hardy settlers do not wilt physically as easy as our modern, bothotfse society plants. in tbe log cabiu days of the early settlers in the northern states, the all night dance was a common feature of social lite, and old and young, for miles around, were participants They were a hardy race, perhaps i>e caUne they enjoyed themselves, took plenty of exeicise and but little medi cine. They enjoyed a rugg< d old age, because they found mediciue tor their simple ailments in rature's rem edies, the roots and be/bs of near-by fields and forests, which cured them, and left no after ill effects. The people of today migut. be more j rugged au d enjoy life better if tbey : would have recourse to na'ure's rem- j edies, instead of mineral drugs | With a purpose of giving them a j chance to try this course, H. 11. War utr & Co., proprietors of Warner's Sale Cure have had prepared from recipes, used in leal log cabiu days, a line of remedies known as Warner's Log Cabin Remedies, comprising a Sarsapariila, a Hops and Buehu Rem edy, a Cough and Consumption Remedy, an Extrac: for External and Internal use. Liver Piils, Rose Cream for catarrh, Sc«lpine tor [lead and Hair, and a porous Plaster. They nre all vegetable compounds, h crm less, aud just such remedies as were used by our grandmothers with the i>est effects. Take oft Your Skin. "Do take off your skin, my ,lear,or you will caieb cold," said the hostess '"No, thank you. To teil the truth s>rice I've grown so stout I cau't get off my tkin so easily," said hei blonde visifVir The speakers were two English women in a Lonauu morning room. Au Americau pres ent listened to the remarks with rounded eves. She remembered Syduey Smith's old receipt for hot weather: "Take off your flesh and sit in your bones," bnt to hear these ladies talk of shedding their epider mis without smile was incomprehen sible. Presently, when the blonde caller rose to depart, the hostet-s said: "Fancy your having had that skin for three years Why, except the 1 wrinkles aeross the chext, it looks quite fresh," patting, as she spoke, i the rich fur of the seal jacket her vis- I itor wore. The mystery wasexplaiu- I ed. "Skin" is the English abbrevia- I tiou for a sealskin garment, but it takes an American some time to get accustomed to the ghastly alin-oon | the abbreviation leiidi itself 10. —New j York Press. ram Cider Case Appealed. The case of Cnarlns Ryburg, of Sheffield, who mts acquitted at the | last term of Q i irter ias C jurt in Warren couutv on a charge of sell ing liquor (cider) without license, will be.taken to the Supreme Court on a writ of error by the temperance people, who employed I). I. Ball, Esq , to assist-District Attorney Hig tfins in the prosecution of the cx.s>e at the last trial. It will be remembered that the case was decided in the lower court on a ruling by Judge Brown, who concurred lu the argu ment of defendant's counsel, Messrs. Krnzine & Wiggins, who admitted the sale of cider, but set up the de feuse that cider is not a vinous liquor within the meaning of the law; or, in other words, that the word "vinoun" is used in the statute, uot iu its tech nical form, but in the common accep tation of the meaning of the word re lating to the juice of the grapes. It is from this ruling that the prosecu tion appeals and the result will be awaited with interest It will senle the question for once and all time.— Warren Paragraph. —There are said to be but four horses in Alu.-ka—three at Juneau and one at Sitka. Kentucky still heats her State flou-e at Franklin with old-fashioned wood fires. | —A St. Louis car company is put ! ting in au electric plant in order to work night aud day. —Th« actual yield of raw silk this • year will be 15 per cent, than that of last year. —The biggest daily issue of a news paper was by a Paris journal, wnich issued 'JCO,OOO copies. —Florida will furnish 1,000,000 boxes of oranges this year Thrje acres in full bearing yield 1000 boxes —Tobacco has been grown in Ea gland,Scotland and Irelaud this year. England took the lead. —The New York Central Railroad Companv has ordered 1)00 gondola cars from a Pennsylvania concern. —The miners throughout the West expect to equalize wages in several States aud secute the advance tbey are demanding. —A reaction has set in on some of the Alabama Imid companies. Shar-s which were $125 a year atro have sold within a month fur sl3 50. Within the past two weeks a great deaf of labor has been seeking employment, and in shops a down ward teudencv in wages h-ts shown itself. —The new railroads in Indiana have opened up what is said to be the finest growths of oak, hickory, ash, walnut aud cherry to be found iu the West. Popular science lectures are being : delivered iu various town aud cities iof England, nt. which the admission !is 2 cents. Tbey ure doinj; much I good. fS'r-JoiLEr, Affiles ,|m& : lelt; mflpfa l * ' for use ITCrf T j ■ I tfte Seat,clean,hand}/ And efft-cti/e. Bc<» tit, fally M in | bo* w.lhbufT. Send b cwift Tor i ftte tfie iyy>oxfct\Q/ri"- flhlobh wm CO So Everywhere Else. From the-Greenville Pro T--B.J Last March when Kitt>inning, Pa , first became a "dr>" town there were surprises ia many households. One woman whose husband is an employe in the iron works there went into a shoe store to bay a p'ur of I shoes for her 12 year old girl 'What number does she wear," asked the ; merchant The woman said f-he did not know. "What size did she wear last," asked the mer chant. Blushing still more the wo m-.n said her daughter had never had any shoes, but now that the saloons were closi-d her husband always cnnie home sober and they had plenty VJ eat and plenty to wear. —ln Brooklvn 1000 glass-workers, in CiiiCionati carriage painters end in Pittsburg 300 toolmakers are | idle. —The most remarkable cures of scrofn'a on record have been a<*c<>m pli.-hed by Hood's Sarsapanlia. Try it. 8«jld by all druggists. —The Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany has placed orders at Altoona for 109 locomotives aud 3500 freight cars. The Testimony Of Thousands, establishes beyond a denbt that Dr. [ Tutt's Liver Pills, followed by Qui nine, is a permanent cure for Chills and Fever and all Bilious diseases For sale by all druggists. Price, 25 cents per box. —A wire manufacturer is rnakiag a cabl« guaranteed to stand a strain of 194 000 pounds to the square inch. —You feel free from pain and stron ger after pnUinaf on a Hop Plaster Soothes, stimulates Rid yourself of pain, soreness and weaknesses by using the Hop Plas ters. Safe, reliable, infallible. - Florida is reveling in green peas, new potatoes and watermelons. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specitiic. It can by given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless ami will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousauds of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-dny be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT Nl-.VER FAILS The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes uu utter impossi bility lor the liquor appetite to exis~t F:>r full particular«, address UOLD EF SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio. When in Fiance Mr. Gladstone speaks French; whea in Italy.ltu.liaa —One Indiana car builder turned out 4fi6 curs iu December for oue company. Don't iet, that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing-. But it may run into catarrh Or into pneumonia. Or comsumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumon ia is dangerous. Consumption is death ili-elf. The breathing apparatus must be kept, health v aud clear of >: 11 obstruc tiouH and offensive matter. Other wise there 1M trouble ahead. All the diseases of the parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully aud entire ly cured by the u«e of Bosehee's Ger man Syrup. If you dout koow this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you. They nave cur td by it,aud "know how it is, them selves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. France is about to issue nickel ,-ilver coinage to the amount of $14,- 000,000. —A Wheeling company that makes garden rakes for the South, and is us ually idle in January, ia now overcrowded with orders for months to come —Georgia gold fields are being worked more iudus'riously than ever The cost of working has.been reduced io 30 cem* per ton. The deepest mine is 250 feet. Eight ve.ir-old Floyd Tuft, of Westvtlle, Vt, is a good chunk of a boy. II; weighs 125 pounds, is as strong an he big, and shoulders a tWO-bu>bel bag of shelled coru. iil/TiiSU COUNTY 'istuai Fire insurance G~. Office Cor. Msir: & Cunningham Sts. •i. C. ROESSING, PUESIDENT. VVM. CAMPBELL, ThieaSBKKB 11. C. 11 EI NEMAN, SKCRETABY. DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, Wiiliam Campbell J. W. BnrkhaH, A. Ttootiroui, Henderson Oliver, UoexsSn:;, .lames Stephenson, Dr. V.'. Irviu, N*. Weitzel, J. F. Taylor. H. C. lieinenmii, LOYAL M'JUNEUT, (ien. A*** i3i;T'LSR, WANTED. Canvassers in everv ward and township in Western IVnnsvlvania to sell "iVjriioral Si Klejcs: «u<t. His i'ard," tile best and fastest sell ing book, out; gooil pity from the start ; books ready ('.ill ••very WedneMav aud Saturday from 2to 6 p.m. or address James 8. Wilson, 85 Twenty-lirst St. Pittsburg, Pa, SFFLiCTED^UNFOBTOIUTE Alter all others fdil c- -nsult Dr. L.OBB 339 N. 15th St.. below Callowhill, Pbila., ?a. JO years experience in ail SPECIAL disease*. Per manently BMtores those weakcn«<* by early indtecrw ioa*,&c. Callorwrite. Advice free and strictly con i'jeuuaß. 4MMIT9 : ix a. **. till ?,«nd yto rj evenings. orotritM.whowish toe/amin# inn I I vtCltw this pnper.of obtain ost.matas cn advertising a*-: when in Cnicago, wifl find it on file at Vso Advertising AS^* : * ";l wv&rmm. THE CELEBRATED ALLEN WASHER. . Why it is Superior to All Others in the Market r c - • -i- .—. wi rk n.i re rsj irlly th«D any oilier machine. . of \»8ln mill inbiiii. n of slram, tut injurious _ jW to hfpltli ni rl uiiavoidxhle in rlie u.»e of all I fotk ' ' ,v< n:f 11 " re y ,;r! y hrnken flown in Ja l .lie the wafrJiboanl anrf in- J ' . ' n ''ie i erson or bed " t!, ' ns l ' ie ,f ' n l*ralure >o rt-ci s-arv ir fpW <•'.|'i •< 'i^-''| r^ V - '' 1 ' ■ bK Tie j ernliar action of the wntfr in the > H*V\ naehine (which CHtioot be understood unlet-s W ore sees it) forrir ? a strors current of water • i-Zj * w th.- i'< tiiM.ir i.f"« v.o v v i- i. <■' «r. Diak'es ihe Allen' Waiher « household MANUFACTUEED AND FOR SALE RY— SHIRA, SHIRA & HAYS, Guller, Pa, LOOK AT THIS FOB JANUARY 1888. A Holy Terror to Competition. 00 doz. Men's Rubber B ;ols Bostons. $2.25. 2 doz. Men's do do Bay IState, 2 00. 12 doz. Boys' do do Boston 1.50. 6 doz. Youth's do do do 1.00. 6 doz. Woman's do do do 1.40. 8 doz. Misses' do do do 1.00. Don't Wait or You AVill be too Late. 265 pairs Mens' Kip Boots, $1.75. 195 pairs do hand pegged do 2 00. 220 pairs do Fine Kip do 2.50. 200 pairs Boy's Boots at 1 00. 120 pairs Children's Boots at .65. Everything is Marked Down. 270 pairs Mens'Fine Shoes, s>.sl) fonner price $5 00. 194 pairs do do 2.30 do 3.50. 365 pairs do do 1.50 do 2 25. ISS pairs boys do Si to 1 25 do 1 75. 378 pairs Youths' do 05c to 90c go 1 25. Tell Your Friends of This Sale. 4 Ladies' Kid Button »Shoes, $1.25 4 fjises do Fine Grtiin do do 1.00 5 di.z do do Hand Turned do 2.00 372 pair do Graiii Lace do .85 mm no mmm hob ce m. 460 pairs Misses' Grain Button Shoes, 90 cents. 270 pairs Children's do do 65 cents. 120 pairs do Calf Lace do 25 cents. 180 pair tli Jm.ls' l utu n d 25 cents. The Balance of Slip -180 piirs Mens' Alligator Slippers at $1 00 GO p-irs ' " Fine Velvet .85 120 pairs " Leather .50 If you are. now is thn time to visit my store, for thet-e goeds must go, no matter what they bring. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER REPAIRING IN LEATHER AND RUBBER. Remember the place, JOHN BICKEL, 22 Bouth Wain St,, Butle. Pa. I ■ -■ r F n s, ! PLANTS or TVTTLBS. It cent:/- •!'» Tllajtral'.oirm. anJ ! nearly 150 pi^fs,telllux what to LUT, an.l whi-re t#> !i. i* 1 pnmii - .* lnffest prices for bosefltfooiu. jTt».cuf OPIDEoaIy IQoeaU, lm-luiiingaciriUfirntuguoil for ion n'-< JAJIES VICU) SEEDSMAN, BoChester, N. Y. Having taken the agency lor the C hoice Fruit Trees. Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, Ane evoiythiiiE else in the Nursery line, of the \i« 1 upland Nurseries. Chase I.rov. fi; to., N. V.. Iv. 111 call upon you In the ue.-tr future and solicit your orders for spring delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, llutler - Pa- No operation or liusine-s delay. Thousands oi cures. At Keystone House. Ke «.11 . I'a.. ind Saturday of each month. Send tor circulars. Advtee tree. ■ i 5J r v vhan revolutionized the I HI "? ii if -ilworld during the list half I ' bf 51 S 5*J iJceutury. Not I'-asi uincng E Si t? - » wonders of Invon'tve progress is :i method and system of work that cau he performed all over the country without i separating: the workers from their Homes. I'ay j Hi■ ■•ral; any one em do rhe work; either K«W. younir or old; uo special ability require. Capl- | tal not uscded; you are started free, bomeihtug ' of great v.tlue mid importance to you, that will ; start vou In business*, which-v. 11l bring you la j l'lg'ln away than anwiilng else in tlie world.'- (ii;iad outllt-fieo. • A hlress TBIE & i Co., Augusta. Maine. For Propsy, cravel, Bright'?., Heart. Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nervousness, <cc Cure Guar anteed. OHlce ssi Arch street, fl per bottle, o tor At lirutgist*. Try It, I Tlifcl CITIZEN, A weeMy newspaper, published every Fri- Uaj* morning at Butler, Pa., by JOiXN H. A W. U. NEGLEY. ■Subscription Hate. Per yt ar, in advance if-1 50 I Otherwise 43 00 No subscription will bo discontinued until all arrearages" are paid. All communications intended for publication in tins paper must be accompanied by tlio real name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith, Mtrriage and death notices mu->t be accom panied Ly a responsible name. Advertising lt:;t«-s. One square, one insertion, £1 ; each sitbse* qnent insertion, 50 cants. Yeniy advertise ments exceeding one-fonrtli of a column, to per inch. Figure work double tbeso rates; additional charges wiieio weekly or monthly changes an mtalo. Local advertisements 10 1 cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents j per line for each additional insertion. Mar riages and deaths published free of charge. I Obituary notices charged as local advertise- I menta ana payable when handed in. Auoiiors' Notices, 44; Executors. and Aduiinirtiators' i Notices, «3 each; Estiay, Caution aud Dm j solution Notices, not exceeding ten loixs, iJ Address Tntc CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. Pisco to secure • thorongh Hui'neM Education. or Nvomu an Kjp. rt shorthand and Type Writer, or pr. pari; to teach Speucerlan FocmaojntP. 1» •* tna vprr.re.rlnn BDIIMM College, CUFTMHI «»• | V-a-'1 rated Catalogue fr#* TRI • i. lIHT FOR SPECII Ij COURT rOJIJIEXeTSO >F,B. 13. 1888. So. Tern. )>. Plaintiff? Attorney. PUmUiffk. Defendantt. De/'u lant'i Attorney. A IV, 37, Mar.'f>SjMcr, Thompson Jc Son Jclia McClaflVriy et al John Berg et al fcQ and i! r inlou " liii, 188 ;Kiddle S imu*l L Rul lie JohnM Armstrong A: R»l«ton " 4'i, June lf><'' flrandon . VV H Kroery Joseph McElroy et al ■'catt and *i-CandleM " 81. June 1 .Thora|»foa, McCaadleas, et al V H Lyon Thou \l Marshall et al n H Cnii| kll, it ll " 20, Mar IS*i Ir.indoa It W Xelson SO W Brown et al towaer " 28, June is*' Greer A RaNton B L IfocVenberry J K Hindtuan loC, Willing 4c Mitchell " 4S,Se|>t l!*»i j vlcC, T& S .Io*»-|>h McElroy H A Klingennmith tundo-i " 3, l>«-c ISS.; Brandon and McC J Cubisoa for use .las Sowers et al -4oQai»'ion " 18. I><c l v > . Jrwr.': Knlstou F M»rt«*rer Albert Adcrhold hornjwo Jj Jion " 15, Juni' 18.-7 Brll,U m. Campbell, et al H W ChrUtv Andre* B!altelv et al "hrnnpm-" 11 al " 48, June 1887 I D Marshall R-ibrri Glenn Emma Sclieidfiuantie eta j 'cQn*'i"ii " 65, June 1 »87 Bran.l.hi |J H Mol'ain, Ex'r I \ ndrew Campbell It f) Mi-Jj ik in " 81. June is>7 Brandon it- Campbell ! W II etui M<-Eln>v Trustee " 70, fi-pt 1 .-7 MeQ:u»ti'in Jacob Stanlield Pet«r Si-bwick ir»?r4 !!> tlon [ " st>, D.'o i>-7 ; Braudon ,I'iu.ij. Vielda* Gu" A Grieih.ich et al : »<v.u 6:s, (>ec I<S7TbompMui i Son iHantmb Crawford Chi* Herr er al vlcCandi* " 76, l>eo 1«!»7 Bowser :.T<iuip* Armstrong Ifi-ht Smikey " ! " 80. De« I *B7 " ,Br*dv twp J M l>nnn e' al ''ireerJc U;iN»on j " 2". Mar 1 ■ is > Wc< >'iistion I.Totin P Getman Heliz " " I •' 56. Dec 1.5«.: MeJ A: Gaibreuih ißoht IViri-. et tit I l> A'.bene' al 'Kiddle i " 40. IVc 1 " s 7 " " SteitiT & Vi.epr'ey II B Tavlor ;!tow«er I " 1.-ept 1 •>>.' John 11. Tboui snn IfoftV.i .n A f\»rr A i:i» Stalker N B nek I ' June 1885 Bowser JJaiii.-s M. I.au{i.tin F fleiber et al K Keiber " <l, D*c 1887 " |F B < rildiejer A«a A I Campbell |"icitt j Pr thocotary'sOffice, Jan 16tb 1-88. JOHN W. BROv- N, Pr-.thonotary. Having Determined to Make A CLEAN SWEEP Of the whole suck of goods, consisting of all kinds of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Hosiery, rf-c.. for MEN, TOUTS p S AJ*l) BOYS. W- take 111 is means of announcing t<> our many iriends a>.d patrons to avail themselves of We Will Sell Regardless of Cost. Such a stile cmh not. and will not last for ever, nor for any great length of time. So come at once ami ecuie a good genui' e bargain. It will justify the means for investing in aitides though ol'no immediate use— although \veha\e lots of seasonable goods. "A word the w he," Co:ne early, and be sure not to miss this Clean Sweep Sale < AT BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHINQ STORE (Directly opposite Butler Pavings Bank ) jyTeriii Htreet, But lex*' Pa. .185Q IK - V) 1850 t*.V a ESTABLISHED IKBO 1850" E.EBIEB, jjet"Lw t "L 1 H. Ko. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, MB DIME OF IMS S3ODS. Diumoads, Ladies' aud Genla' Gold and Silver Watches Q Ttn, r* O I'f'TT Don't fuil to soe this line of Goods, a* it is the largest DiivUiWtiiu OJ OpUUldlliy. sud most complete stock ever afaown in Butler. Bcdger Bros Knivss and Forks, Warranted Triple Plate. ThQ Best Goods in the Market. ta X 3 TT'T SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, ia Gold, Silver atsd Steel framed \_) £\, t\ 1 l\ VJS O scieniificallj adjusted under Dr. King's System.- Agent for the Celebrated Rockford Quick Train Railroad Watches. En graving tree of charge. Place of business opposite Trouttuan's Drj Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ]N"o- 19. ISTortli Main Street, - " - BUTLER* PA, YOUR ATTENTION * a Is Called to my Fine Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, ! iILTSAWARE. (Sc., All of which have been selected with great care for OUR TRADE. A complete liue of ROGER BROS' Celebrated IN IVES, FORKS, SPOONS. SC., &C., jJsgf~Ail troods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to bay from A #ell UUUI) WATCH SIGN Of ELECTRIC BELL. iHE ALLEN PATENT WASHER Why it is Superior to all Others. : j c i ITS being enclosed It retains the high IS I. temper.) tui'e so necessary In removing tlie dirt from the goods, Onr! THEHK .no Frlcllon oil the t'lu- clot hlng to wear It. Q r ,-f Tfl peculiar action of the water In the ; **. Machine (which cannot be u: !<:rstoo;l unless sees It) loretng a strong current of water through the clothing'at every virbratlon of tlia Agitator. (which Is caused by the peculiar construction of I he top of the Machine. A tli AN !) lv> st of all is that a child M four years **■lll. can do the work it belli;; ao 11 "lit that the operator sits down wlifle doing It. Machines and county and Township nights throughout tli ■ Slutc of I'ennsvlvanla. sold by SHI Li&.S & Ha YS, Butler, Pa s-iD-iy ! MILLINERY I In all t!»e latest Xovt-ltlrs, French Felt Silk Hats. FicumJ Ohis-.e aud Watered I*lll lies, Velvets anil Silks. FANCY PLUSHES, The New Wide Ribbons, Co/set*, 'i nou!- der Unices, }'a;ti Shirt liabds, Flosicrv and Saspeuderti, Toiiet Powders, Washes, Rouge and Osmetics, "Letia IVtb" and "Sybel'a j Secret," DItESS TRIMMINGS, IJress Linings, Findings, Fur Trimminga, ' Newest Styles iu limits, Hair Goods aud Crimpers, Children's Knit aud I'lu«h Cajwt i aud floods, Toboggans, Silk Handkerchiefs and M ufllers. MISS M, H, GILKEV, BXJTLEH, - - - 3r»A SUFFERiNQWOMEN^ VVhe»a u~>ublorl with tbo««% annoyir*: j fre*jvi»»i»tly followinKo cola or or InmOoa •Ututiouiil Wraknevaei «*o peculiar to tbolr e> k, rfccM Use OR, DuCHOINK'S C^lobr^ad r EMALE REGULATING P'LLS. I her are Stnogtbenlnfr torhn ntlm Uinart one, vlg >r «nd magnetic turn- to all fenc'ic.ia i-'haij i ii j IL.AJicXf' 1 wf • Harm vr» kvUH tlfOf New Drugstore JUST OPENED, i NEW GOODS, NEW PHICES, AT ll 2D, t. JBFFEBSBN ST., | Where you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals, Per fumes and Toilet Articles. Agents for Mi Alma, Montrose Healer. Kcno, and Scissors cigars. Best 5 and 10 ceut Cigars in town. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an expsnenced Pharmacist. your patronage respectfully solicited. DB. D. E. WILES, Prop'r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers