Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 27, 1888, Image 3

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    THE orrrz sxst-
Wow Advertisements.
Atxt'"* * BOties—EhUte of Hartenstein A
M«w I.'■rats Hr-rK's prices. RomHaeh s
rt.»i«( iat Mle, tamKioa to Wasbiug-
t ' - r ~ I
Tkt public it kertby notified that hrrmft'-r j
*ll Reunion ot Retfirct or t'onSotemrr .-dopt
rd bf «v.. * H ,z*tMm and ordered fmhhthrd all }
nrtirrt of ClwrcA Fsiri, frtttrait aid Lec
tures; and nil cemmunu ated Obituarict will |
ir ct.mrj-d fur at the : ate of one-half ct nt a
nri money to arrcmpanii each orHrr.
p «*f Laliß< in Penn twp ,
hti b*~* n sb-dished.
—Tb'noreooe knaws. th» it wi 1
fAf hi o N alien I -ch >o! a: E imb >r».
_«T - asm th* bone the sweater the
Difftl,' » h thin fc lrl said to her lover.
—Mr. G«»:*• J. Smtth. the rr«wur*nt
kw«wr rt>i< town. br->lce hi* W*t Cillery
laat Bond*y by * Ml fnoi a freight car.
A crat'nMn of *hi« p'a<M i« the pos«es
aor of ayMir.Q en!f which he baa aptly nam
•d "BahiiW."
—k 'a-'ie nam her of the ei»:»»i« of Por
t#t*vil>e awl vieiatlv were ia towo thia week
en tbe I er»« farm eaee.
—Service* at the Baptift CH«reh of thU
tan next Saadav at the »»a«l houra, by
Rev. J. 51. Ray of Ma«jwek.
—Tfce atrichia* haa beeu «pl«4id Utely j
•ad oar liverraaaa have not needed to hire .
soyeM :a tiekla than.
—Mr. Phil life of Bailer and Uiaa
Nettie Xieea of Sandy Lake. Mercer county,
were married leal week,
—The aanni for rabbita eloeed oa tbe lat
iaat.. bat a twy ia the wwoda with a *iia ia
•at likely to let a rabbit bite hiai-law er no
—Mr ivetter*T haa rented hi* a»w atore
wvm to Mr. Fraaklepear, a Pittabor* dry
iaaa. who expaeta to occupy it by tbe
lat of April.
—Mb* Ella Moatf"w«T of thia plaoe ia
taaxk (war to Ba«h Carollaa, to teach the
lieaura «ehool there lately taafht by Miaa
— l Thoach tbe aaerear* waa bat 10* ab-ire
aero PatnHav 'here were awre alei*h* on oar
■treat than that* haa been for yearn, aod
Main Bt., nraa aaed to a»ae exteat aa a raw
_Jabn T. Martin of Sarwvrille received
adirpatco fr»a) the We#ine>eniln* him that
hi* aaother ia lvlo« *U .•* her hotaa in
Mi*«*m. Mr. MarUa atartod oat to aee her
•a Wednesday of laat weak.-£r.
-Ceagreieean Hall, of thia Uiatrict.-ha*
been plami oo the fdlowin* c ommittee*:
C •inmjf. Writhu and Meaaurr*. L-veea and
of the Mia-iauppi riv»-. *o<l
—Tb* Aharon e.irre>itK»i»'lent of the Pit'n
bara Lei l'r is antboritv for the statemeot
that tbe 9. * 1. R R- *•'! throw off iu old
aa-ne ««d be reeplmrl-nt in a now aiid tar<er
one. The .«*w name i« to be the Erie, Sbe
aangoA Pitt»bur* Railroad.
Mr. John N. Huaeltine now h*« the
acencv ht-re for P-o Initial I o«aranee Co , a
eotap«nv thar haa been in bnaia-na f»r tei
yean. i««ail to r-slitblfl nil
which in-u-na old or ft ing fit A vary i'«»! I
earn, payable week:y.
—T«' k iW m*en»Tr o-opV b in? dupe'i '
by •ba»ow—l>-»WIJ iu Pitubur* the olh<-r
day an -id t»n i»e«a m to wti in-i iced bv *wo
bunko ns-o t>» f» to their oUce (?l ou G'tn:
St.. and woil<- there wi< fl jeae l ! of fl i 'JM.
ani in P i !*letpiii latetr, a hmtrt c» iS
d»t.v w.nt-i -ai::ss"ied in bH*r»#iii noirly
«d(l0 'W*.
—lf the )IM»I« who rtJinr nt evnin 'i
aboat rt"rr<i a >d nthev place* and te'l whit'
tbev kn >w ah .at w-.aid atop an i telt
what th-v know tnem<elve*, «uch aa
'i human 'l-pravity aroold <ii*-
c'oend to ' toe 'xii<fc-aci of per»-»aal ievi:»
mid no l inger be diapotod.
-The f-mrt ha* d»«i<uate-i the W*laes
daw aeit foiloariac the third M-m lty »t
March. w!»icb tbi« -rear f*ll» on t«* 2l<t of
that ntoi.'h, a* the tiaw for h«-«riog »»>plic i
tie** for li<--4>-e. The petiuom aauat he on
He tbrn- week* previon* to that date, and
the iw.n.trannee by tbe preceding Friday.
—The liw state* that the oonatable* of
kmMbi aad township* moat pre 20 davs
entice for the election of 1 Juatice of the
rsrnir. i-' 10 daya notice at aa election
where no JnOice ia to be chosen. Constable*
will da well t> remember this.
—For tbe balance of tbe winter we predict
light, beavy aad variable winds, veeria*
from aoriti-uor'weat all amaad aad back
ania, wi.h looal, iteaeral aod miaoellaneou*
■or, ice, sleet and rainfalls and mora or lew
•all aad me in tbe mereary. Wa think we
hare eaaeht oa to the weather at laat.
—Mr. Will Ka«ibal. of this place, name into
t>* poor** ion tb* atberoay of a velnsbto
kttrUa. by ibe daath of hia rraadlather.
It to a gold modal which was *iveu to h'w
yraattfa- b«r lor meritartoas service in tbe
f*l ias a arm v, and waa woa ia IMS. His
fraadtait.er died ia Butler eoaaty bat week
ia the Kd year of hia agaid.—Kittanainjj
Jht as.
—Mr. LJ. McCaadloas haa ranted the 2d
saarr fr»wt rooms «f hi* baildinf to the Na
tua l Transit Co. Hi* atom room waa rent
ad te Mr. Rosenberg of Petrotia, same weens
aga. TV finish ot the boilding is in the na-
Uarnl color of tbe wood aad looka very pretty
Tbe aaamail story eontaiaa two doable aad
•aeriqgiedßce, with oomplete toilet ooa
—"Thirteen months ia the peaiiaatiary for
st*«H*w aa ordinary gold riag, while aader
tha laCarsee af lig—r. waa a sentence calco-
M*d to ski* all KM ling ia thia coaaty, out
arie at thr law. for the aest earaa yean at
km Hockley ia the fommg I*l low who
lately marked w Mike Burhele, aad he i* a
good barb-r, bat he mm oamiy food of his
teddy, a weakaom that finally gat him into
—A foooe man of tbe son them part of th is
aoaaty wa- lately nailed npm to realiM the
lUI force of l«ap year. A apiniauir of nurer
teia ngr c >rnrred him aod craved hi* heart
tad hand then aad there lie was bewilder
ad, be wa* O'litneed. and so be (ive her the
answer that waa yet ringiag in hi* ears -tbe
one that hi* adored one na-l giveu him, a few
daya prcvioas —"So, but 1 will be a sister to
—There will be a Mai ee'ip>e ot the moon
baern.* rr.nine.ruible generally thronKU
TOl the au>l w«#t<-ri» ooutineuU. fh»
asooa will enter the rarth's shadow at 4:9<1;
tbe total fclipse will be/in at and t'nl
at "*•'»; at«) the moon will leave the .earth's
ahal .w at »: i"J. On the same d*y, tue planet
Saturn will be in coiijnociioa witn the UI-M>U,
at B:2s A SI., and duriex the eclipae will b« a
little we»t ot ibe mw», suining bri^nily.
—Artl:nr Keller the mao ia jail who was
firrt strii-km with typhoid frver wu released
t'rom jail M<m4ar. aa-l-r primliar citoatu-
Manm. In the gr»t p *£**• a trn> nill fir F
and B w»* loii id aiciiii«l him at March tonn
IS*7, • o ••■•tli •»! Mary E Vn leraoti, a, dt
ter of Mr.. O irrr ot N MeKein strtset. Il<!
wae arr*»tr I <»n Dee AI, pletd unllj conie.i
dre and r»c-ii»il ibe n«ual sentruce On;. 12
nod uot I>-me able t« p«y wa* put iu j*ii
f me da?- »lt<» tie wa« 'trickett with tyi>iioi'l
brer, ai.d hi« girl wrul to te« htiu, aii'l tie
agr».»d t« marry tier. S>» on Monday ot' ihia
wrrh shr iweipted tb» d--cket tor the tine#
imposed, ti.a t oaoif ComtalmioDer* to>k the
aiaa'a twite f»r tbe CVMU, the girl got a mar
riage license, alau a out and aod tink
tha man Lowe, bat whether tbe marring*
coram m>> uai UOJU perf>r<o«d <rd have not
Marriage Licenses.
Ladca Gerard Butler
Caiiae bobort Builer
W H. Pennington- Bearer Fall*
Mary J. F itM. Prospect
Joha H. UcLaaghlin Allegheny City
Mary E. Basso .......WinDrld tp
William A. Denny ....Middlesex tp
JtaaM E Trimble '<
Thomas M. Marshall —Adams tp
Sophia Tbir1maa......... "
Jaaaa Doooraa Butler, Pa
AMI« { «
A. fwmm Eakina Patrol la
Matte* J. Hay* "
Darjd Plttobarg, Pa
Arthar Kailar Oreenrilla, Pa
Mary B. Aadaraan. Butler, Pa
Ma A. Caffhiaa ....Armstroag Co
Masgte E. Collar Wiafield tp
Oaaifa Morris. Washington tp
S. J. Gay ley Warren Co, Pa
At M*rMr-P. E Stoarua of HUliard, and
9mm Üb**grerfFVd«r.
Win. For*i« v» Greenlee, Mclntmh and ;
Campbell, Jan 20. verdict f.»r defendauts
bat allow no d^ma^es.
1 F< r«ie T* Greeulee. Jan. 20, Vrrdict for J
plaintiff f'»r ftJS JV
A. M MeCandlesa TH Jovph L. and Porter
MeCau'lle-s. Jtu. 23 verdict for defendant*.
Woiforct vsCJrwn an! wile. Jan. 19, vtr- 1
diet f-«r jlaiutiD fir and question »f
la«r rrijardiiiij recovering from a married wo
man reserved.
Pavia va Welsli. Jan. 20. verdic-t for de
Geo II Giahain VR Piinhach, Riddle an ) j
o'l> one I Ji<n 24. jury by directi'-n of
I'• u r t find f«<r |.'aiuuli motll n t'«>r de* trial
entertained T«» cases tb» same.
Bf.j Maw-rth vs ll"Tt and Pennison. j
Jan 24, v die t'<>- plai.-ittil lor #121.!>3.
Duricati vs Humphrey adtn'r of Levis. !
J.tn J•"> vrrdict tor piniutifi lor $20 I 'O.
Geo Reib«r v* David Oniniibsll. Jan 25. j
vermct fir |>iiißtifi fi'r £-4J 40.
Weitner v. P-itmn, ad:n'r —settled,
fooir vs Hepler—settled.
( hri.tly, adm'r tf H<-nii!ton vs Kem-hans .
and Grub«. Jan 20, p'a'ntitl- talte * V.HU.I
tarv tii u-mil, and moiiun euierteinrd to i
take same iff.
Morelaud »► Jan 25, vcrdii t j
fir piaiLtili for i-1dc,30.
Summer ard son « - \\ eber—settled.
K iletz v* Kirt-f- and wife, ejeotinent i
J»n 23. Defendant* e-nfeas jadgmeot f«* r land !
desctittsi in writ of ejectment with C ceuU ;
daxa?e R''d C"sts. No writ ol h, f. to i»cue
ju thi* judgment.
\ltti vs Kirk°r, replevin—settled.
Mercer Mining an-J Manufa lurinj; C>. vs ;
Walker —continued.
On Monday of this week Judge Mcifichael J
made the (showing order, tix>ng lime lor i
boiiliug License Court, and appii- j
citiooN for liceuse:
SEC. 1. Applications for license to *ell in- j
liqu »r!. sbali be bf pentioua wincb j
shall c=»a(orro M tbe requirements contained j
in the fifth ana -utii sectiuus of the Act of j
13tn of May, I»S7, (Pamphlet Lnws of 1887,
pages 11*9 and 110;, aud tu additi >a tbvreto
petitious for license for hiteW, inn or tav
erns, »hall set forth the actual number of
beds and bed-rooms kept for tbe exclusive
use of stranger!) and travelers.
SEC. 2. L'util oQterwise ordered the time
for hearing such applications shall be tbe
Wednesday next following the third Monday
in March ot each year and such hearings
shall continue from time to time until ail ap
plications shall hare been heard.
SEC. 3. The petitions of applicants fo." li
cense shall be filed with the Clerk of the
Conn not less than three weeks before the
day llzad for the hearing thereof, and until
otherwise ordered shall b<9 published by him
three times iu three su<ice!i->ive weekly edi
tions of the Demtcralic Herald and Builer
CITIZEN as require l by the 4ih section of the
said Act of 13it> of May, 1887.
6BC. 4. AD remonstrance* or petitions or
objections against tbe granting of auy license,
shall be ia writing, and all facts therein
stated, aad not appearing on the face of tne
application objected to, sUali be verified by
tbe oath or affirmation of at least oue of the
pernios jointn; therein; and such remon
strances, petitions or -ibjecti HIS shall be tiled
wi.h the Clerk of the Court on or before the
Friday next proceeding the day fixed for the
hearing of the application.
sjEC. 5. All license* granted b/ the Court
snail o« for one year trona in - first day or
April next loiiojriug tue day lixel for hear
ing ot sucu applications in »uch year.
Al.kUe aud aaopted Una Jari 23, 1483.
Wo. Buokley plead guilty to the charge
of th- larceny of a sold ring from a boarder
at the Nixon House, and was sentfneed on
Mondav of this wneK to p»y a fi;je ot ST,, com
of prosecution, restore properly, aud b- im
pris'inrd in th* |>eniteiitiary for thirteen
m 'iiths.
Wra. Seibert. Dick fleenan and Patrick
Kellv were appointed ins|H-ctoi* to inspect
the new over the Jluid--creek io
Franklin iwp.
Herb Ron! has he*o returned to Court on a
charge of snretv peace preferred by John L.
Groover; Henry W. G »ld f r d»sertio-i on
oath of Catharine Gold; W. P Crawford for
false pret-.-nse an oatti of Arc ite !s!*;<.
The petiti'i-i of Adeline L Ki>kcr for ben
>-fi: ot',ict ot April 3, 1872 -scparaie etr-iiugH
act w:i» grimed
C. L. Eberhart, E«q. of Beaver was admit
ted to practice h»-re
Let'ers of adro'n. were »rante<l t j John D.
Miller ou eitaie of IHJ • Mdierof .'did liejex
Wash B'icha'ina:i deeded 21 acras in Mer
cer to M*r> Jaue Buonanua-i for £i.
Jobti D. Hill deedrd a lot iu Adams twp.
to Jas McCormicU for ios.
P Daubenspeui defied Mary Jane Story
a lot in Butler f.r SSJO, also one to Auna
J. Uardiuao for $263.
The Poultry Show.
Whether or no tbe exhibition of the But
ler County Poultry and i'et Stock Associa
tion was a success financially, we ha -a not
yet learned, but so tar as tbe exhibition of
Poultry, etc., is concernel it was a success.
There were twenty-ttirae virieties of chick
ens on exhibitiou, viz—Light aid Dar-t
iirahmas, the preui«<it aud s.tid to be the
best of the big chickens; Ltngshans, Ply- !
otouth Roc&s, Biff Cochins, Light and Dirk j
Wyaadottes, Hoadaus, Wnite Leghorns, said
to be the belt of tne smtiler chiekaus,
Brown Leghorns, BJaclc Mlunrcu, Games,
Gold and Silver Seabrights, BauUuis, F> iz
zlers. S. C. B. Leghorns, l'ekin Bruhinas,
Black Africans, Japanese; Pet Games, B. B
Games and Black Polish.
1 bree varieties of turkeys were there,
Bronze, White and ordinary —the m<ait no
ticeable of which was Starr's 38 poaud
hrunxe turkey cock; aud thera were two or
three varieties of ducks and geese.
Low Rates to the National Cap
ital via Peon'a Railroad.
In order to afford tin people of Western
Pennsylvania an opportunity of visiting the
National Capiat at its most attractive season,
the Pennsylvania 1 tail rot! Company has ar
ranged a special excursion for that poiut to
be run on February 2d. IW. The party
will be carried to Washington by a special
train leaving Pittsburg atß:>» A.M. Round
trip tickets, good for ten 4ays, going by spe
cial train only and returning by auy regular
train within the limit, will he sold from
Pittsburg at $7 60, end at proportionately low
rates from other points.
No belter seasou than tha could be chosen
for a visit to the seal of gofernment. B >th
Houses of Congretu are in tension, aud erery
day important matters arediscussed by the
leading statesmen of the coamry. The gal
leries ot both the Senate aud the flouse of
Representatives are open to the public. The
Suprt-ma Court, all the variuus dfpartmetm
ot the Government, and tbe Executive Man
sion are uls > open during certain hours of tha
dav. The city is certaiuly tie handsomest
aud by far the utit intere-liuf point iu the
country, and oue pno visits it now, see* it at
its I»est.
There will be arable tiine to« for pleasant
side trips to Ml. Vernou, the iiomestead of
Washington, aud Richmond, ft* capital of
the Old Domiuiou. A r<.uud-njp rate of 75
ceuts to Mt Vernon, and H to Richmond, to
be uxe-S within the teu-day limit, will t>e
granted the excursionists.
For detaile-i ml >r>nation us to the excurs
ion apply to the ucirt'.i tijitut t, or ad
dre-s i'hos. te. Watt, r Ajfent, West
ern District, X I>J Fifta Ave., Pittsturg.
—The strikn of tbe coal ratoiTK at
KLarori City continued, and tut P. &
vV. IK lienijf supplied witD co-4 fruai
tbe lv»»jrtiuue uiiueu.
—Thorf will b" a l>««kut fentiral at |
New Hope Pr^nbyw»riAn in
Ctifirry twp , iihgt Wednesday «ven
iriff, for the purpose of raieiug fj-idrf
for ih« church.
—Mr. Wm Couridlly of Shipp-n
--vilie, Clarion Co, wfco wa« buried
by the ex plosion at an oil w«ll in
the S'xori Sold, died at Saxouburf,
—Ten at the Hot«|
iu Pittaburg "utruck" IMHI
Wfduepday—not for higher
but bec&UMH they wanted aom«thing
better to eat thau tripe aud liver.
—Mr Jaß A. Carson received
word from hia father, Wednesday,
that he was better and would be able
to go to his home in Marioa twp , to
day. While driving from New Cas
tle to bis homo some days be
was stricken with apoplexy, md was
carried into tbe borne of Abner Bea
ton ia Mercer twp, wbere be bas lain
—D. A. Heck's Great Prise Con
test for advertisements closed last
week and prizes were awarded as fol
To O. W. Sbierer Ist prise. s•*.
To Harry Stauffer 2d prize, $3.
To Niek Johnston 3d priz*. $2.
To J, A. Crawford 4tb pri»e, >l.
Uuicntown, Fayette county, bag a
strange sensation on bauds A
young niau «.f that town disappeared
ou the eve of his marriage, no trace
of huu can be diseovend. and he is
supposed to have been murdered and
body bidden.
Suuib Buffalo township, Arm-
Ptr ng c u':'**, is e.vriud oier an al
ifjrtd chw of cm* !iy and neglect.
Tn»- victim is a rit-meaud gi:l who
liv>.s v- i;L a married broilw It it*
s'nd that she ban been penned up in
a room without tire a;»d ti;at it i»
terribly filth v. The alleged cruelty
ease will b-* investigated bv the pro
per authorities. aud it' it proves true
aome one will suffer by it.
A tbi-f at Wwt Newton, after a
funeral the other day, stole from tbe
grave (he rope bv which the body
b»d been lowt-red to the tomb and
also the crupe vvjru by tho pall
Tfie soldiers of Lawrence county
meet at New tomorrow to take
Rciiuu on the "rated service peusiou
A eJet-U swindling game was work
ed upon Frai.k a farmer of
three Bcoie aud ten years, at Erie,
.Vloadav. lie w.n into
their under tfce pretext of
iuK hiai a local history as as a gift,
and v/hile there he b«catue confused
$2 oOU to $4,000 Legal measures
nave beeo taKt-n :o thwart tbe pay
ment of the Holes.
A female agent for a fsHbionable
magazine has Buc-jesfcfully svtindled
muay ladies of West Mer
cer couuty, who paid ibeir doiiars
expecting to receive the magazine,
some chr»mos and many ex;ras lor
their contributions
W. H Johnson, an oil broker,from
erly ?. ell-kuowa iu this region, but
lately operating in New York, shot
himself iu his room at the Rathbuu
Uouse, Elmira, N. Y , last Friday,
and was fouod by the chambermaid
when she entered his apartment to
to make the bed. Finaucial reverses
are supposed to have caused him to
end his life.
A very important question was re
cently decided by tbe court in Jeffer
son euuuty. A defect in the pave
ment in tront of the Central Hotel, in
Brookville, led to au accident to Mrs
H. tl. lirosius aad injured b'ir se
verely. She brought suit against
the borough claiming s;> 000 dam
ages. The borough endeavored to
Gx the liaoility upon Richard Ar
thurs, the owner of the hotel. Tbe
questiou to t e decided whether the
property holder could be held lin'jle
fur injuries caused by u delicti ve side
walk after be had been to re
pair the same. The court decided in
tho affirmative, aud a verdict for tbe
full aniou it of the claim, with inter
turned against Arthurs The case
will be takeu to tbe ru|jrem t court.
General Notes.
Grandma Garfi Id, mother of the
late President, di«d at homo ac
Mentor, Ohio, lasc Saturday.
Forty-four persons were hanged iu
Pennsylvania lant y«-ar.
The public scbo ils of the Uuited
Stales employ 320,090 teachers.
Tne present population of Penn
sylvania is placed at nearly 6,000,-
Tbe ice bridge at Niagara Falls is
tho oeit in miuy ytjars. It extends
about 400 fe*t below tbe su&peusiou
bridge and up to the center of tbe
American fails.
A ltrge area of country iu Chin*
has been overflowed, and the report
of the loss of lite and suffering conse
quent ou the disaster are appalling.
Originally a beautiful aud populous
district of 10,000 square miles, tbe
afflicled area is now covered with a
sea of waters The reports state that
at least 3 000 000 of people are home
less and deprived of everything. The
loss ol life is estimated at three
quarters of a million souls. Tbe
Chinese business centers aud govern
ment circles are greatly disturbed,
und are endeavoring to do some
thing to mitigate the evils conse
quent on tbe disaster. Tbe reports
aa regards figures are hitherto little
more than conjectural, aud the ex
teut of harm may be either over or
under estimated.
A Stricken Home.
At about 4 o'clock of Tuesday af
ternoon of ibis week, tbe only per
sons in the home of J D McJunkin,
Esq., on North St. were his little
three-year-old girl and her nurse. A
bucket of water was needed,tbe nurse
went arouud tbe bouse to tbe spriug,
and wbeu she returned tbe child was
standing in the doorway with ber
clothes in flainea. Those were has
lily extinguished, aud pbysiciaus
cailed, who pronounced tbe bufns ou
the child's breast, neck and face to be
serious but not necessarily fatal but
tbe child had inhaled tbe flames, in
ternal inflammation HH*, in, and she
died next evening. Little Cathleeu
was a b»,iutitul child, admired and
loved by ali who knew her, and her
parents have the sympathy of the
community in their severe afflictiou
It is supposed that iu running across
the room from window to window to
keep sight of her nurse she fell into
the coal fire iu the Kr ,l te.
The Monks Case.
Martin and William Monks, and
Wendell Flickey were released from
jiil on Wednesday afternoon of this
we«k, upon i;ivin< hail iu SSOO for
their uppearaune oa the lOtn ol
March n«'X r -. Wiu Monks and Wen
del Hickey were sick with symptoms
of typhoid fever, and were bundled
up uud taken home iu sleds.
—Oo to W. M Roinbach's, if you
want bargains, lie is selling out his
stock of mu.-lcril instruments, guns,
revolvers, tobacco a.id cigars at
Home Made Bead.
From the best family flour, and
baked io an oven, can alwavs be bad
at Mrs. Armor's, at N) SH N. Wash
ington St. Butler Pa. Special atten
tion to regular customers.
Fresh Oysters.
New York counts, aad extra select
tab oysters received daily at
Tat £ s Restaurant
—Fine silk u nbrellas wth gold
atrf silver heads at
L. STnir & SoK*g.
—Beautiful picture* at very low
priots at Miller Bros.' furniture store,
No. 19 Jefferson Bt.
—Go to Morrison's Oily Bakery
for floe cakes aud toe eream.
-—Linen handkerchiefs, lac* hand
kerchefs, silk handkerchiefs and
muffltrs at
]>. Bww 4 Bow'*.
Shortly after 5 o'clock of the morn
ing ol Tuesday of this week, tho old
lt'-ib'r building at the corner of Maiu
and JelTers. n Si- 5 was discovered to
be ou tiro .Mr. Waikins, the car|>en
ter, aud wife, live in the rooms in
the building over Hahnev's olotbiug
storr*, and when Mrs. W got up to
fix their kitchen fire. she found tha
floor FO hi t thftt it bu R L<-d her feet
Btie inf irnied her husband o? tue faet
who made an investigation an I then
ran acr >?s the s'reet and rang the
lire beil Mr. R »mbacb and his fam
ily noticed the fi:e about the same
time aud also gave an alarm The
hose c.-mpanit s responded promptly,
aud notwithstanding the faci that one
or two of the neighboring fire plugs
were fouud t;> be frozen, tbev soon
bid two streams of .vuter playing on
the. fire one through the frout en
trance of tbe B ihov store-room and
the other oa tho ie-ir ead of tha An
drew Miller buildiug, adjoining,winch
is built of and whicu was also
burning. The flames were extin
guished in a few minutes, but they
ir,URt tuve been i'ugiuif for some time
pn vious to the a'arm bei;ig tjiveu for
Ba'.ny's store-room was found to be
a complete wreck and his stock of
clothing, etc , a tola! loss. All the
fehelviig, lablt-s, doks. and clothing
in the rear eud of tne ru.ua were re
duced to ashes, the plaster had drop
ped from the waits of the rear end and
also from the ceiling of the entire
room, the joists were b.»d!y charred,as
were also the balance of the shelving
and tables, lbs show cases were de
stroyed, and the otoc-k of clothing and
g *uts furnirbiug goods so ruiued by
fire and water as to be deemed a to
tal loss, Mr. Babny says that tbe
value of bis stock was about $7 000,
and that be c»rried $4,000 insurance
in tbe McJunkin agency. He says
that tbe plaster cf the ceiling has
been tumbling down upou ibem in
small pieces all winter and thinks
that the fire was caused by a piece of
plaster bitting a glass lamp, which
bung near the stove, and knocking it
against the stove, iu which a gas fire
was burning.
The damage to tho Reiber building
will amount to several hundred dol
lars, and that to the Miller buildiug
one or two hundred.
There are two windows in tbe rear
eud of the store-room, with shutters,
which were closed every night, but
yet tbe buildiug may baye been set
afire from the outside, as two at
tempts have lately been made to fire
tbe Robiuson stole room, next door,
f.-orn the outside—oue by throwing
lighted paper through tbe rear win
dow, now closed up, aud the other by
attaching a fu-e made of lamp wicks
to a box of matches, pushing it uuder
the door to some waste paper and
wood, and then firing the fuse, but
the fuse went out after burning past
the door.
Mr D tvid Swwtirt of Renfrew w»a
ia Butler last Monday, aud wtien bo
wt-nt honiij he found hi*
hotel io a>~b"*, us iv<-re also the ad
neily Johnston and fl A. \lcKincev.
Mr, Jthnston'ts house Brn
about 5 o'clock that evening while
nobody WUH at home, from a (fas lire
left burning, and th«* flani'H c mimu
uicated to the Stewart und McKinney
on either wide of it The
hou'w w»a tot-illy destroyed
with everything in it, a little furni
Hire and bidding was Haved from the
Stewart house and almost all from
tbe M' Kiuney The adjoining build
were caved by a hard fii?ht. Mr
Stewart will rebuild immediately.
The total IOSB was about SSOOO, and
there was no insurance on auy of tbe
buildings or goodn.
An Ohio Romance.
A crime of thirty yeara ai»o has
jueit been brought to public attention
again in southern Ohio by the discov
ery aad arrest of the principil of the
affair, win for yearn bas been an uu-
Buspected, but shiftless*, Ross couuty
farmer. There is a good deal of ro
mance in tbe story, and altogether it
is an unn«ually interesting one Iu
1855, when tho canals were still mar
vels in Ohio, the Helen R. was oue
of tbe neatest boats on tbe Muskin
gum. Sbe was captained by* Rich
ard Cassiboon, a jolly fellow, and a
man who apparently made more mon
ey out of his calling tbau any other
captaiu between the lake aud tbe
river. But be drank, and when in
bis cups was quarrelsome, seeming
to fiud his chief amusement in abus
ing his wife, a comely, kiud-hearted
woman whom everybody liked.
In the fall of '55, while the Helen
R was lying idle at Dresden Junc
tion. Casiboon one day quarreled
with his wife and attempted to strike
ber. William Hyde, who happened
to be uer.r, iuterfered, and in tbe
quarrel that followed Hyde was kill
Casiboon was promptly arrested,
and so strong waa the feeling against
him that, had an immedia'e trial fol
lowed, he would have doubtless paid
the death penalty; but the' beariug
was deferred e-ud the got off
with a sentence of 6 years in the peni
tentiary on a verdict of manslaugh
ter. Between 'be time of his convic
tion and sentence aud the day fixed
for his removal to the penitentiary
Casiboon effected his escape from the
Mu.-kinguin County Jail. Four other
prisoners accompanied him, but were
afterward apprehendeded Casiboon,
however, evaded tho detectives, and
from that time until his arrest b"re
a few davs ago wua never heard of.
From Z-meßville bu fled to Ham
deo, whure, fanoyfnir hira-Wf secure
from capture, be ob ained employ
ment in aum ill coal bank. Laier be
trrew suspicious and lift llvnlri,
going to McArtbur. Again b<» b«-
mm« apprehensive and fl-d to the
hill? of lioHx county county, where
be remained until the war broke out.
lie eulibted in thu Eighteenth Olio
under nn assumed name,and fought for
his couuiry uut.il near the close of the
war, when bo wounded, and has
ever nine drawn a peiiaiou of $24
per mouth.
During the first year of the war
Casiboorj met no one in the army
whom he knew, bin afrcr that tbere
recruits from Mu-kingum county, and
tbey mcogniz"d their comrade an
Dick Caartiboon, the fugitive from
justice. iJui men were not so partic
ular just theu, and soldiers were
needed uud tbe crime of the canal
boatmau was condoned.
When tbe war ended some of tbo6e
who recognized tbe criminal bad been
laid away in Southern toil, and those
who were spared told no taleß because
Caaniboon bad fongbt well in a cause
dear to tbem. But years of peaoe
dimmed tbe memories of war, and as
the brother of tbe reordered man,
wbo bad never ceased to search for
tbe slayer of bis kinsman, was living,
it was decided to mike tbe facts
known. One afternoon last week two
gentleman with an official appearance
arrived at ChilHcotbH. The one was
Itafi* Ifrrttol, Sheriff oT MuskUrgum
county, and the other G. R. Warner,
Chitf of Police of Zacesville. They
inquired for Isaac, of whom they only
knew that he received his mail at
VV slier.
The two men drove to Massieville,
whence they were directed IO the
hills back ot Franklin, and there, a
what is kuovvn as Snake Hollow,
they found their mau.
Brown's home was a cabin on the
hillside, his faroi a 100 acre tract so
unproductive that its tnle is still in
the Government Isaac Brown was
l>iek Cassiboon His poverty was
shared by a wife, said to be bis third,
and three children, the eldest grown,
the youngest but 5. Brown was
f-vund gray, old and sick. The family
wus half-starved in the miserable
home benide which the Penitentiary
is a palace.
Uuder pretense of business connect
ed with his pension Brown was coax
ed Ma-sieville, where he was told be
was under arrest, and his identity
rtood reyealed. He made no demon
stration, 8 id atter H good supper ex
pressed bis willinguess to go at once
to Z iuesviiU aud receive his punish
meut for a crime committed 33 years
a«o. Hyde's brother, who still re
tides at Dresden, iutends to push the
CdSe, but there is a pretty general
feeliug that Dick Cassiboou as Isaac
Browu atoued by his war record for
an unintentional crime, and Gov.
Foraker will be asked to pardon him,
and will doubtless do so.
—The coQifregatiou ol eightj thoa-
Band peoplo who crowdud St. Peter's
in Rome OD Sunday, Jan. Ist, when
the Pope celebrated his jubilee, open
ed their parses widelj when the con
tribution buckets were passed around.
The collection of Peter's peace gath
ered ou the occasion reached the
enormous sum oi four hundred thou
sand dollars—just five dollars for
each man, woman and child in that
enormous throng. [That almost
(-quals the amount generally raised
at oar Sunday Schools when the
candy stores are closed.]— Ex.
—For fresh Fruits, Oraages, Lem
ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries,
go to Morrison's City Bakery.
Try ' Our own Special" the beßt
toby that can be made, at No. 7, N.
Main St.
—New lice of kid gloves, cashmere
gloves, silk mittens, wool mittens,
muffs, &e.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini
ment, best in the world. For swell
ing*, braises, stitfaess of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
riug-boue, sweeny and spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J. C REDICK,
2-18-3 m. No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
—Splendid assortment of toboggan
caps and Tarn O'Shautert at
—Full line of stamped liaens, in
tidios, splashers, scarfs, tray covers,
pillow shams, aprons, &«., at
—Consult your own interests and
examine our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. MILLKK BRO'S.,
No. 19, Jefferson St.
—The tast fre«h and canned Cali
fornia fruit* for the Holidays, at
Morrison's Cit)*Bakerj.
—Go to Morrison's City Bafcerj for
fresh Oysters and Oyster Stews.
—A. No. I. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a
lower figure than can be had else
where in Butler, at Miller Bros',
furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St.
—We have ten thousaod dollars
worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Bntler,
Pa. The best as well as the cheap
est, but all the best made for the price.
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine oar stock and as
certain our prices before purchasing.
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coujbs, colds, inflamed longs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C REDICK,
2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St.
Botler, Pa.
—lce Cream made to order at the
City Bakery.
—Full lioe of c&ndiea and nuts for
the Holidays at Morrisou's City Bak
—Mixed enndy by the barrel for
the Holidays at Morrison's City
—We are selling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
Butler, and after using it you will
say that it is what we said it was.
otherwise no sale, at MILLKB BHO'B,
No 19 Jefferson St.
—Nice line of trimmings for Christ
mas trees at Morrisou's City Bakery.
—No. 19 Jefferson St. is the - place
to buy cheap aud good furuiture.
—Great reduction io cloaks to re
duce stock at
—Silk mufflers, cashmere mufflers,
stock aud low prices at
—Everybody will find it to their
ad vintage to go to the City Bakery
for their bread, pies, cakes, etc.
—L STBIN & SON, NO 8. N. Main
St., are offering special bargains in
cloaks aud dress goods in order to re
(lue« stock previous to takiug stuck.
Call aud exituiue goods.
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices ou all our stock.
We have on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ratiiriajr from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2,50 to $lO.
Louu?es from $2.50 to $25.
Hat racks from $g to S3O.
Tabes from $1 25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB,
Bureaus from $9 to $25.
Seta of chairs from $2.75 to sl6 per
Secretaries from sl6 to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both useful aud appropri
ate presents.
No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Fa.
Monument Association.
The Kxeoutlvu Committee of tow Hutler Coun
ty Soldier* Monument Association Lnviten ArchJ
toc-'« and Dratgoerg of tuouuuinnte U)st*»n.l tbona
destsrna of m>nmuenr«. alalia/ dimensions,
material* and uatlunte of rout.
All diMlirus aboul'lbe »eut to Iba Secretary
before Feb, 22.1«88.
11. C. LLETNEXAN. Pree.
W. V. TUCIJOUO*. Sec*y.
Drugs unless you need them,
but when you do need them
you want them pure and freeli
TliisJ we can do, our stick is
all new. nice and c!ean. We
will give you the best goods at
prices that you may ha\e been
pay ng for impure ones. Any
thing bearing the name of C
N. Boyd will be guaranteed
strictly pure. Our efforts in
this direction seem to be ap
preciated and we mv detei min
ed to b i ad all others in our
line of goods. None but the
best and that at reasonable
prices, Physit ians' Prescrip
tions and lunily recipes will
receive special attention,
matter what you want, come to
us, if we d> not have it we
will get it fur you or tell you
where it can be hud. This is
the time ol year new resolu
tions are being made and we
would suggest that \ou resolve
to buy your Duigs and Med
icines at our store lor tlio com
itig year, it will p*«y you.
Coine and see us whether you
wish to buy or not. iiespect
fully, <J N Boyd, Diuggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa,
&c., &c.
For the next sixty GO da\s,
that is. until March IM, the
time we take our inventory,
during all that time we will
offer our stock at way down
prices. If you need dress
goods, if 3'ou need domestic
goods, if you need carpets, il
you need furnishing goo Is, il
you need wraps, call in and
we will give you surprising
have a very large line of Plush
Sacques and Dolmans, Ladies'
Newmarkets and Jackets,
Misses' and Children's U raps,
all in new goods, and no rea
sonable offer will be refused
BITfEB &U)0.
In all the Utf«t No»t*'ii«-s, Frt-nrh F«H
Silk Hats. Fijjur-il (Jh«-e uu-J Wmertil
I'luhrK, Wlveti a>iJ Srk*.
The Nhw Wi )t» Ritibou*. »ET>< M lll
iler BmiM, I'alii Sniil Hn.nl-, II..«.:•• • v »titl
Sutpfiiileri, Toilt*t Piiwilnra, VVinln-". !it.|])!P
miti O'Mueiieii PtslU" ami "Svixj'a
I>re»H Lining*. Fii<d'ti<<, Fur Tr
SivliN u l!ani;s, llnir (j.i.i.U ami
I lnliiri«u'« Kni aid I'lii.h t"au«
HOtl tliMiiin,
aud MUIU.IM.
BUTLER, - - - PA
Hotel Brady
T. W. TAIT, Prop'r.
>'«w Uutnl aud B-Mtaurmit ou tliu Diamond,
Bailer, ni
M/ T. W. Tiilt bim rfOttfil and furnished tlie
Hrmly Houm-. and la now i>r»'j>ar«l to afconiiiio
dutf iUi! putilic,
Hla R«f!tt4itir«iit. In nmnootl'/ti with th«» hotel
will i>e open and tilicht The ui'ili-i uill l>
fumlabed witb everylhinu the m.-irkct iiflorda,
Voui »«iv>f>ctbiUy SoTlcltfcT.
Auditor's Notice.
M. J, Mcßrlde. vs. i K IV. No ?7. Mstvh
H irtenstelu iic ON-11 ) Tim. l<
Anil now to wit : .lan'i jiMi. is*-;. Xewlcn
R!:;ck. E>q.. upp< ln:e 1 Auditor to make i istrlb
niloii i.r tti-tuh.l in II iv" case to ta>J anion?
those t milled laereto as praje.t tor
Notice 13 hereby given thai I will utt'-ntl to
the duties ot tlu* :ippo»n»rn<vii lu übiiv I".« at
ISi. alee ill OU !• r I'x. On T.:.'. 5.. .. ta • Till daj
or Feb'y at 10 o'clock *. m. ofH.il 1 iliy.
Application for Charier.
Notice is liertiiv giwu that an application
will l>e made to the tiovernor ot the State of
t'em>a> ivama, uuder ihe act ot av> of
the Ct niuiouwealth of IVuu'a euiitled "an
act to provide lor the incorporation aud re*u
lai !■>■■ of natural tas couipaiiies," approved
May ISS.S, Rod Mii pVnit nis thereto, tor
the ( h irti-r iif uu iult»nH«l G rjioration, to be
called "The Independent NatU'ttl Gas Com
pany," ;t,e character and object whereof iu to
I rt ileal in, transport, furnish and sup
ply uaiural to the citizens of the b rough
in F.uiler, Butier Co , Pa., fur li>;lit ami fuel,
and t.»r these purpose* to have pov-tss and
ei j"V all ih rights, Heuefits and privileges ot
the sanl Act ot Asu tnt'ly anil its snppl< nimK
The business is to 1-e ci-ti"h:cled in liuiler
Co.. Petiu'a, its princip.tl u.'iiett to be in tne
horoutii ot Buiitr.
l-iO-2t Solicitor.
Executor's Notice.
Le t°rs testamentary havln? been grantej, by
t at- !:■ er. to Ine u:i Ir/.-U'ne .1 o.i tile estate
ol S..in"aW Snyder, dee'd. laieof Wlniit-ld twj>..
lint i e i inty. } a., [i.eienne all persons hiving
a^..nisi sjid estate will present mem
<l*il autu inii n:e l lor settli'in.-iit and all uer-
Soin I ii'-inseli-e-s luaebt ' I 10 tlie Said
esiate wi.l uiake iinni'dial* payment of the
same. N. M. KIKKLANU, i.:;'r
Deo. 30. ISS7, llutler Co., Fa.
Estate of George Parker, dee'd.
Letters testamentary ou the estate of Geo.
Parker, tlec'd, iale ot Parser iwp, liuiler Co.,
Pa., having betu granted lo the undersigned,
all persons Knowug themselves indebted to
said estate will please indue immediate pay
ment and any having Claims against said es
tate will present them du. v authenticated for
GEO. W. PAKKEK, Oil City, Pa. I ,
JANEI). PAKKEK, Parker, Pa. J
Insolvent Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that 1 will make appli
cation to tlie Court ol Common I'le .s oi liatler
Co.. I'M., on tlie tlr.it Aloaday of .\larru Term.
INSS. lor my ilnal under tne insolvent
laws, ol ilie Stare of I'eun-Sj Iv.iuia. the Court
having tixed said date tor a uual hearing oi the
case. J. A. Sl'ivW AitT.
Dec. 5, 'S7.-St.p'd
Estate of Samuel Anderson,
LATiC OK CLl.vrOX [Wf., I>KC't>.
Letters testirnent.ir> o.i the e.s.a*. ? of .Samuel
Andetsou,deed, late oi Clinton Iwp. liutier
county, fa., having ueeu gianieU to the iiniler-
Mgniu, ah persons knotting themselves M iebt-
EU 10 said estate will plae.se IIMKH lliiuiedluie
p. jment. and any having ciauus against said
estate will present Uietn only untiieniH'aleu lor
Uitl'Sll.L V c. ANDEKSON, llx'x.
Kldoles X Uoads. mulct to., l a.
Estate of Ellen Kiskaddon.
Letters of ad n'r having been granted to
the unuer signed uu tile estate of Elleu iiiskad
don, laie of Allegheny lp llutler. to. i'a. ilec'd,
all persons knowing tnc.u->elv'os ludeoted in said
esiate Will please make |a>meul. ..nil any
claims aitainsL said estate will preseut theiu duly
auiheiilicalcd for seti leuieni.
J. C. tvl.-sK AUUON, Adm'r.
Poxuurg. i'a.
Estate of Samuel McClintock
Letters of administration havlug been grant 1
ed to the undersigned on I he estate oi Siimue
.Mccilntock, tlet d, litre oi twp., ism
ler county. I'a., all persons knowlnn lin iuselves
Indebted to the utxive estate will please make
luiiiieniate p/i.\mcnt. and any haunt; claims
against said estate v. 11l present them diiij uu
tnentieated lor scltfiun at.
li. A 1 I JUNKIN. J AMLO 11, MCMAHAK, Ad lU r.
Atty. fclx I'oUits. liutlt'i Co., I'a.
Dissolution Notice.
Tin- arm oi J. .1. Ke-irns .t Co. irooersi compos
ed of the undersigned, hits thlsuay been dissolv
ed by mutual consent, Walter Evans with nraw
lng irom the tlrm. Th" business will nereafter
be eondiiece Iby ,1, Kearns alone itt tne old
staud on leiltirs jii St. Itatier im. rii.i a?eoUnts
due the tlrm of .1. X, Ke.inn £ Co., will ub col
lected by .1. liearns,
Dee. 1">. 1537. J, J. '.VKAUNS
Stray Horse.
Came to the promises of the subscriber in I'enn
twp., on .Monday, Jiin, -J. ISSS. a black horse
with white star on forehead and shoes on front
leet. and ahout twenty years of a The own -r
is requested to come forewitpl, prove property
pay euurges and tak i him away, otherivise he
will be disposed of accor lln? to'lmv.
Discharge from the Ear 25
Years Cured and Hearing
Mr. \V. A. i'.eck, of Knox, cinrlon count v. Pa..
hail senr et le\er when a child, and ever" since
had 11 laird dls' lii'.rge frtm one ear arid could
not bear a watch on pressure. For years he
had Kim|.Mtf relief, but found none anil had giv
en i., us Incurable, until lie read of the ease of
Mr i amford. a similar ct.se, at Candor. Waah
higlon i oiiid.v. I'u. by Dr. Sadler, sol l'enn ave
nue. 11 tshiirg. when lie at once put his case
under the doctor's care, lie now congratulates
himself upon a perfect cure of the discharge,
and savs lie can hear conversations with that
ear as well us the sound one. Mr. Fred Hroek
awny the noted candy man. of Young-town. 0..
and Mr. I'eter Young, the well-known picture
dealer, of Wood street, Pittsburg, are equally
noted eases.
On anil after Monday, Nov. 14, 1887, trains
will leave Butler as follows:
MARKET at 6:15 a. in., arriving ntAtleghe
ny »t f):tKl a. in.; connects east lor Blairsville.
EXPRESS at 8:25 a. m , arriving at Alleghe.
Ny at 10:20 a. ui.; does not connect for the
MAtLat2:4rt p. w., ami goes through tr
Allegheny, arriving there at 1:50 p. m.; tou
neets east.
ACCOMMODATION at 4:35 p, m., and t n
necls «t the Junction with Freeport Accom
modsiiioii, arriving at Allegheny at 7:20
ui., anil connects east as far as Apollo.
Traiusconnecting lor Butler letve Alleghe
ny at 7:15 a.m , 3:15 p. m. and . r >:'ln p. in.
Trams arrive at Butler at 10:20 a. in. and
5:05 aud 7:15 p. in.
S. & A. R. P..
On and after Monday. Oct. 24, ISS7, trains
will leave Butler as follows.
Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than
schedule time.
Trams leave Butler for Greenville from
the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 0:45
nii.l 10:30 a. u. ami -1:10 p. ill. Trains
leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny
city 8:20 a. m. anil 2:40 p. in. last time
connect at Butler with traius on the S.
& A.
Traius arrive at Butler from Greenville,fast
time 10:10 a. IU and 12:40 2:35 aud 'J:2S p. ui.,
aud connect with trams on the P. iic W.
arriving at Allegheny ai 12:20 a. in. and 2:55
5:00 p. in., fast time. The traiu arriving at
9:25 does not connect for Allegheny.
Trains leave liiliiards at 5:4.i, arid 11:00 a.
m., slow time, and arrive at !>:2O a. m. and
5:30 p. m. Both trains eon net, tat Br&uohton
for Butler aud Gieeuville.
F. A w. u. K.
On and after Monday. Oct. 21, 188", trains
will leave Butler its loilnws:
Corrected to fast lime, one hour faster
than schedule time.
Trains leave Hutler lor Allegheny City at
(1:15, *:IX, i I0::j'.l a m. «fe 12:15 p in.A. 2:50
& 15:20 p.m. A train connecting for Nt w t'astle
and ihe West leaves Butler at. 12:45 p. m.
aud arrives at Chicago at (i.'OO a. m. next
Trains arrive from Allegheny lit 0:10 and
10*21 a. in. and 12:30, J:4O , 7:55 aud 9:30 p.
Trains leßTe Butler for l'oxhurg and the
Nortli at 1(1:21 a. m. aud 4:10 and 7:">5 p. m.
Trains arriva at Butler from the uorlh at 8:18
aud 10:30 a. m. and <i:2o p. in.
Ou Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle
gheny at 8:13 a. m. and ti:2o p- ia v au.l fer
the West at 1:45 |>. in., aud arrive from
Allegheny at 1<):21 uud 3:35 p in,and from the
West at 7.65. A truin arrives from the
North at 8:43 a.m. aud departs at 7:55. p.m
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:00,
8:20 aud 10:211 a. m. uud 2:10, 5:40 aud
0:40 p. in., fast time.
Trains leaving Butler at 8:1$ a. m mi l
12:4') p. to. make close connections at Calleiy
for the Wist, and the train connect*, but
not cio^elr-
Trains arrive at .Vllegheuy at 8:10, 10:3)
a.m. aud 12:25, 2:55. 5:00 and 8:23 p.m.
*ns«s PAP£Rt
A. Troutman & Son.
lead'ng Dry Goods Bouse.
BUTLSH - 3?."Ej JSJ ."N" 7 A..
1111111111 <£> 1111111111
A Trouiican & £oc.
The leading Dry 0 ods and Car
pot House, Butler, IV.
New Fall Dress G*>od* at prices
which will uiukr? tbera move very
We have the target stock over
shown iu Butler c- untr, comprising
all ibr new ponds io Check*, Stripes
and Plain Weaves i<j Foreign and
Biack and Cciorad Silks,
Special Values
we have never bad such a nice as
sortment aud so many or ihtrn.
Tn Flannels, Blankets, Tickings,
Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls
Table Linens, Lace Curtains,
in fact everything which Can be
fuund iu a
« « , 0I I You will fiud on examination our
Fiia-Claa Cry Gssos a- Lowest
\ e
L ioks like o'd-fitsliinned ,
Winter to-day—skating and
sleighing. The weather sharps
predict blizzards.
Well, we're ready in our
overcoat department for the
coldest of hlizztrds.
This is (he time of the .year
t>» buy overcoats The weath< r
demands them and we must
sell them. Spring stock 1 .-
coming, you know.
Of course we have "marked
the prices down Som times
sl, sometimes $2 and some
times §•'], $1 or $5. Depend
ed on the value of the arti
Come around and tee what
we have.
We re selling lots of agiods
every d iy to p*op!e who 4 'just
want to look around."
j. h. rnimi
Ills Cloliiief,
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
S. 6. Purvis & Co.
Rough and Planed Lumber
V«>*T(i«rinMn €)H*Jiotio<!siurtO,
M F.&M, Marks
Invite your inspection ol their
stock of FALL and WIKTER
Millinery Goods.
Receiving goods every week
their stock is always
United Security Lire Insurance) and Trust Co..
or l'a.
Money to Buy Homes.
Moi tbly dues not more than a f.iir rent. Pay
men !i decrease yearly. In event of deatli
l>ri-»r to 11 mplt-tlon if j ajuHr.ts, l.nlunci of en
cutnbranoe canceled.
Money to Loin.
Ke il estate bought and sold oa ommliUon.
Wanted houisos to rent and rents coUe.-teL
No. 38 Suuih Main St.,
Butler, Pa.
Over Uuu's Drug
r-PARKIR'S O"WO2R TCiilO.'rtUwAdrtyg
A rarv c<>ui|"miu tlxnfcu.* i * lies aiJ©U<ofal.jfc
ouil L«irqr*.
lr><ltrv*Uon, lawaid I ui,!' . l)«huii. • lot!, Tiitoluubja for
VfiiuJc Wi-i.KniM, ativl All 'xi.ius Oi d at*-
ordci'i vt iht Stouiacli an J Low 6Jc. Druj^yUtt*
Tho ufflft. aunwit and boat euro forCoro«, Bunion*, Ao.
St.M.N *ll na»n. Ku.«uit*«comfort to i!i<' r« « u h'wtr faii#
to cum 16 cvat» at Hj»COX & Co., N. Y.
AVlfoTiitje lo tfc<? OITIZEK.
Cloaks asc! WraPs»
| for Children and Ladies.
We carry the greatest variety of
j styles, our stock never wap as larg®,
, prices never so low, goods never so
j nice.
If you want to see the nice ffooda,
please call and examine our stock.
• Ladies', Gents', and Children'®
Underwear, every grade, all Bi ibn,
best goods.
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
Plushes, Yarns, etc.
Carpets and Oil Cloths,
never bad so many—never were car*
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete. Don't buy
a Carpet uutil you have seen our
stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap* *
ettry, 3-Piy Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
ton aud Rag Rugs.
Window Shades, largest assort
meut, lowest prices.
Orphans' Court Sals.
Ry virtue of an order of the Orphan*'
Court of Butler county, the undersigned,
executors ot the last will aid tegument of
John Wyke, dee'd, late of Washington twp.,
Builer county. Pa., will offer at miblic nut
cry ou the premises in Washington twp.,
said conuty, on
Monday, February 20, 1888.
at 10 o'clock, A M., the described
real estate: One hundred and fifty acres of
land, more or lass, in said twp, bounJed and
described as follows, north by lituds of Mrs.
K. Hutchison,east by lands ol George Moirii
south by lands ot P. Emery et at and west
by lands ot Knoch Varnum et al, mostly
cleared and in a good *tale of cluuration,
well improved and well watered.
Teiuis of Sale—Oue-third purchase money
in hand on confirmation ot sale by the Court
| and toe balance in two equal annual in
stallments with interest. Deferred install'
menis to be secured by bond and mortgage.
I. N. MEALS, I F .
I P. O. North Hops, Pa.
W. D. Brandon, Att'y.
Annual Statement.
KNDI.NO DEC. 31, 1447.
Cash on hand Dec. 31,1886 J SI
Income during the year IS87:
Bv asessment on Chas. Pfeltor and
Wic Sehroth Ure IIUG &3
By new policies el
slßsl 41
Paid to Wm Schrotli. damage bv tire t 155 00
Attachment on Chaa Ifelfer Dy ('lias
Wetzel, Henry Horn and John O.
Lensner 70U 25
Paid to O H Kaufold heirs, dam. by lire.. 4 75
Jacob Klrker " lo oo
• KUzabeth Tyson •• 8 oo
HJ Oat tins •• - " 3 uo
" John Fredley •• 2j to
Jacob uieichner •• 5 oo
Paid for salaries and commissions of
ofilcers 8~<; 00
raid tor printing, paper, postage, postal
cards and rent 3S 15
—J1421 15
Balance on hand Dec. 31.1887 430 2»
Insurance sum Dec. 31. 1837, according
to 3 CI $945,372 00
Insurance effected durlrg the year
1887, 3 CI 79,775 SO
1.023,147 00
Redacted resp. marked off during the
year 1887,3 CI 31.07103
Whole Ins. sum Dec. 31. I&S7, accord
ing to3Cl ••••....$393.47<i 00
Why it is Superior to all
| * 'T« liP'nr Pui'lnseil it ret : : vs the
l&l. icmner.i. n* necessary la remoi.ig
the tllu tioiu iue vooas.
o n ,i THtitK ijeiu-f no Krlcron oa Hie
tllU. tlotuliig to wear it.
Qrrl THE peculiar act ')j of the AaU-rlu 'so
O'u. Machine iwlilcli f iaaot be un'ie.i. oJ
unless one to forclu* a scro„s ui :-enr ot
water through clotulaif at eve.. v.. 0.. oa
of the Agitator. v »lilch Is c.Mised bv :!io .i. ir
construction of tbe top oi t.ie Mac.ilue.
ytii. A N'D best of all Is tii i! a child W. four years
fill, can do the work tr belnir so larlit ... t;
tno operator v s down wulle (ioln? t.
Macnines »nt imintv and Town-i!p l i■»
Euiler, Pa
S I:My
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson,
William Campbell J. W. linrklmrt.
A. I'l nut man, . Henderson Oliver,
O. <!. Knesslni;, James Stephenson,
l>r. W. Irvln. N. Weltzet,
J. F. Taylor. H. C. llelneman,
Clothing Store.
All at most reasonable prices,
69 S., Main St., (next door to P. 0.)
to cunvaas for the salo of Nur
»»:rv stock ! Steady employawsut gi.ara4JU.ed.
on re. h rat lug ago. (Keler ro
Chase Brothsrs Co.,
After all othsrs fail c- <ißult
329 N. lfttb St., belowCallowhill, Phils., Pa.
I IO y.-ar»cxpeH«nc«ln all RPRCIAL P*r-
I nancnily r«Mor«a tho« wemkencd by earlv IndUcro-