Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 13, 1888, Image 4

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I jMI ,hi " o,k " f
that tbe most delicate «omaeli will bear.
BLOOD PIKIFIER, Superior to quinine.
Mr. Lode Hoornbeck. of the l*. S. Ship Sarato
tra now lvlnsf In Newport Harbor, write* that
he meets" with people almost dally who have
used or are uslnsr Ka>klne. and who affirm
from experlfnre that It Is superior to quinine In
tonic and curative properties, and produce no
subsequent bad effects.
Other letters of a similar character from prom
inent Individuals, wnich stamp Kaskine as a
remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent on ap
plication. , ,
Kaskine can be taken without any special
medical advice. Si.cut per bottle, or six bottles
for to. Sold by
J. C. REDICK. Butler. Pa.
or sent by mall on receipt of price.
KASKINE CO.. 54 Warren St.. New York.
m JBaftl Cloth & Cold Binding
■ lUh|H>U Steel lajrwlaf,
I uiud ran.
I P. 0. E"i 18' Q. *■ Ty-
In m 30 years.—Special Preoptions of
an eminent Physician. Simple. Safe and Sure.
Koa cents. r&irz.
1 Fe»«r», Condition, Inflammstiona.. .23
2 Worme, Worm fever. Worm,<;Ol>c... .£»
i :||
5 Dysentery. Griping, Bilious Colic
« Cholera Morbus. Vomiting
7 Cough 8. Cokl, Bronchitis
6 Neuralgia. Toothache, J-aceache 29
a Headaches. Sick Headache. Vertigo.. ,25
AO Dyspepsia. Bilious btomach . - _ - •»
II Suppressed or Painful Period*.
13 White., too Profuse Penods...
13 troup. Cough, Difficult Breatbinif.... .25
14 Sail Rheum, Erynpelas. Eruptions.. ,|5
Ift Rheumatism. Khsnmstic Pains
16 Fever and Ague..(£>"»• Malaria. &Q
SI PI lea. Blind or Bloedinit ■
c e»hibaiw^|y|jyyissjJlS^B
a feifflrt'&'SKS S3S :|S
34 Oeaeral Debility. Physical Weakness .SO
ii "r Kiding :|S
32 glaeaaes of the Heart. Palpit»tif>a 1.00
33 Epilepsy. Spasm. St. \ itn«" Dance.
»ife&rfeJßaaa 1 MsJSa .31
Sold t.y Droeei'ta. or rent poet paid on receipt of
pni-e —|HllPHEliVS'akDHl!lKtaiO»rnll»aSi^T.
X~Z>v For Horses, Cattle, Sh«ep,
\ Dogs, Hogs, Poultry.
BTfclSjik ] .100 PAGE BOOK, on Treat.
Lfjpe/ meat of Animals and
* Chart Seat Fres.
# Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St^JLY.
THIS is the top of the gen
uine "Pearl Top" Lamp
Chimney, all others similar
are imitations. This . the
think he
good, but he has not.
Insist upon the exact label
and top.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
All forms of Delicate and Com
plicated Diseases re<i iilrlng CoK
" fidextialand KcltMiPic Medi
cation are treated at this Dispensary wllli a suc
cess rarely attained. Dr. S. k. 1-nke is a mcmlier
©f the Koyal College of Physicians and Surgeons,
and Is tin} oldest and moat experienced SIurIAL
»ST In the city. Special attention given to Nerv
ous Debility Imm exce-Uve mental exertion, In
discretions of youth, Ac.., causing physical and
mental decay, hi kof energy, despondency, etc.;
also Cancers, Old Korea, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism
mid nlldiecaw ft of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin
ary < )rw»ns, &<•.. Consultation free and strictly
roufldeiitlal. Office hours It to 4 and 7to Bp.m.;
Kuudays ii to t p.m. only. Call at oftice or addresa
Habitual Costiveness
Causes i! .rang.meut of th« nut ire oycteni, ami b«-
acU illwa. '-s tliac are hajarilous to life. Persons of
a roxUvs habit arc subject to Heartache, Defective
Il.ir.ory, liloomy PnretKxlltKts, Nervousness.Fever®,
Drowsliicsi, Irritable Temper and other hymptomi,
Which unfits tius sufferer for business or agre»ahle
Woelatlona. Kegular habit oX body alone can cor
rect thoie evils, and no third puccceds so well In
achlevlnstlilscondlllon ai Tuft's PiUs. By their usa
not only is the system renovated, but In cons*,
•uenco of the harmonious changes thus created,
Cliero pervades a feeling of satisfaction: the iucq
tal facjltk-s perforin their fuuctlons with vivacity,
and th -ro U an exhilaration of mind, freedom of
thought, and jierfcct heart'• case that bespeaks tha
fml enjoyment of health.
Is liealtb. The acerat of har/.h Is the
power to ulfest n proper qnu ir of rood.
Thlacan uever be (lone when t' . iverdoea
not net lt» part, it Is the drh t wheel in
tho mechanism of man, and ~n It la oat
ot order, tbo whole ifstcr ecoiiies de«
ranaed, nnd Fever, Dyapc:• , Kick Hand>
ache, Cnnstlnntlon, Jannd . BillonaCal
te nud (General Debility ensue. To restore
the functions of the Liver and Impart that
fccnuty which n'wnys attends a healthy
constitution. Dr. Tint's Liver Pills are
Crconiinended. They nte not a enre-utl.
ut nrr ilcKinned nolely for tbe disordered
J,i ver uid the diueases which It produces*
Tutt's Liver Pills
9OLD or ALL imccitasTs, aoo.
Aromatic Ceneva Cin
ft Is iporeG«nova(Swlss) Oln.rs-<NsWltod wtth
selected buchn Issvea.fresh ItsßaaJunip«rlierrnM
gentian root, 40. It tvill b» found sn mvnlnsbla
remedy and certain cure for Mrlglit's Disease,
Stone In bladder, and all inflammation of the
Kidneys and trlaary Organs.
Tbe utility ol Pratt's Aromatic Geneva Gin
Is not confined to diseased Kidneys alons. bat is
need by many women for 'he various complaints
to which they are subjected. Wo have received
many letters from all parts of the conntry testi
fying to its value aaa cure for nuppreaeed.painful,
profuse and irroguiar menstruation. Its stim
ulant, tonic, diuretic and sedative properties
allay irritation, remove concfstion, eootbs excita
bility and cure tbe pain. Taken in wino-RlaiM
full portions, together with hot foot or steam
baths it will in all cases produce the desired effect.
A valuable treatise on I'iseased Kidneys that
every one should read sad keep, mailed free upon
JAMES E. XOBBVS, Sole Anent.
J. C. REDICK, Druggist^
ninil! llßewarded are who read ill Is
Ull 111 f ou(1 they win tiud haa
nil.lt I I orstOle eniDJojTneut tUut will rot
. Uik- tlioia fiuai their liomes aiud
fatallli'K. Tb« proOts are tor pre and sura for
every Industrious porsou. uuuiy huvo uaadoand
ar« now maklny.eevejal hundred dollar* a
month. Jt la easy for any one makn Sb and
upwards per day. who Is WUIIok to work. Either
s«x, joußir or old; capltAl not Deeded; ttart
you. Ev. rythinif new. No speolsl atdiity re
4nlredt yotr. reader can do It as well an any one.
r ?V. ,nc * for ,uU Pnnicular*, »hicU we
mall from. Address Btlnson Jk Co., J'ortfciud. Me.
Adreriise in the CITIZEN.
The Panama Canal.
The Panama Canal, or rather "The
Inter-oceamque," will be, when com
pleted, about 55 miles long. So far
about 18 miles baye been dredged
out on the Cbagres, and a portion of
the mountain at Culebra baa been
blasted out. This is all the work of
contractors, not of the French. The
American Dredging Co. done
their work nobly, while the French
dredges have lain idle and runted
along the shores of the Chagres Tbe
chief aim of a French employe seems
to be to drink absinthe, cognac aud
claret, and wear a cork hat and top
boots. They are extremely clannish,
and view Americans as an inferior
race of animals Tbe canal company
purpose building a dam across be
tween two mountains near Gamboa
This they calculate will give tbem a
lake of some marvelous capacity, so
if the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
ever dry up they can turn on a faucet
and fill the canal without soiling their
kid gloves. This is all very fine in
theorv (De Lessep3), but the Cha
gres river rises sometimes 27 feet in
24 hours, and should it take a notion
to do so after this mythical lake is
completed, it would soon show that
Qamboa was not worth a dam. Xo
profanity intended. M. de Lesseps
is an imaginative man; he is a man
of great ideas, but he did not "look
before be leaped." Judging by pres
ent prospects the canal may be com
pleted by the year 1976, when the
second centennial of this grand re
public will be celebrated. Supposing,
for example only, that the canal
conld be completed by the French
companv in ten years, an investor in
its bonds would be a centenarian be
fore he received a decent return on
his investment, provided he was 21
years of age to-day. By cooking up
favorable reports on a gas sto?e the
French management have bagged
millions of dollars, but the game is
nearly played out.
M. de Lesseps has built a town on
a negro graveyard at Colon, which
he calls Cristoval Colon. He has
taken possesion of the bronze statue
of Christopher Columbus, which was |
presented by Empress Eugenie, of
France, to Colon itself as being one
of the first places visited in tbe new
world by the great discoverer. This
he has erected in front of bis palace,
facing seaward, so as to welcome him
when he sees fit to cross the water 6
Here at Christoval Colon, are collect
ed his faithful satellites. Most of
them are like the lillies as they grow:
"they neither toil, nor do they spin,"
yet they use op lots of brandy, ver
mouth and gin. As an old resident
on the Isthmus of Panama, and a
looker on at all the doings of the BO
called canal. I do not hesitate to stig
matize the thing itself, so far, as a de
ceit and a snare. Doubtless the com
pany hope to complete the canal at
some future day by aid of the "rainy
seasons," but that will take some cen
turies. What is required is cool
American brains, American energy.
American capital and the thing will
be a success, a thing of to-day, not at*
it promises now, to be regarded in
years to come as a failure and a fossil
enterprise.—Colon Cor. New Orleane
Time«• Democrat.
Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
A Boston telegram Rays : Laura
Dewef Bridgman, who can neither
see, hear or speak, recently held a re
ception in commemoration of the 50th
anoiversary of her eutrance into the
Perkins Institution for the Blind, in
Sooth Boston. Miss Bridgman en
tered the institution when she wat>
8 years old. Dr. Samael G. Howe,
now dead, the hußband of Mrs Julia
Ward Howe, took charge of the girl
when she came to Boston. She was
i taught, after indomitable and paios
taking efforts, to write, read, spell,
knit and to converse with her teach
ers and with those who knew tbe
mysterious language of the blind and
mute. The one sense left her, thai
of touch, enabled her to do this Talk
ing is carried on with the fingers
She places her bunds in those of a
person acquainted with the language
and conversation iB successfully car
ried on by meann of a finger alphabet.
As her studies progressed this child
of an unknowable world was taught
arithmetic, algebra, geom
etry, history and philosophy, until
now she is as proficient in the ordin
ary branches of learning as the aver
age person noi handicapped by the
loss of natural powers Mrs. Julia
Ward Howe presided, and her re
marks, as well as those of Dr. Ed
ward Everett Hale, Ilev. Dr. A A
Miner, Rev. Dr. Phillip Brooks and
the aged Captain R B Forbes, were
communicated to the blind, deaf aod
dumb women in the same way as to
Miss Bridgman
It is Well to Remember
That economy is a great revenue.
That not every one who danceß is
That it is as natural to die as to be
That the road is never long to a
frifeud'rt houfco.
That wo have all forgotten more
than we remember,
That busy lives, like busy waters,
are generally pure.
That labor disgraces no man, while
man disgraces labor.
That the strongest men are often
the most lender-hearted.
That life is too short to be spent in
mindtDg other people's business.
That he who buys hath need of a
hundred eyes, and he who sells hath
enough of one.
That inclination never wants an
excuse, and if one won't do, thero ar«
a dozen others ready at hand.— Good
Int that cold of your* run on. You
think it in a, light thing. But it may
run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia.
Or compumption.
Catf rrh is disgusting. Pneumon
ia is dangerous. Consumption is
deat'fl itself.
The breathing apparatus must be
"kept healthy and clear of all obstruc
tions and offensive matter Other
wise there is trouble ahead.
All the diseases of the parts, head,
nose, throat, broucbial tubes and
lungs, can be delightfully and entire
ly cured by the use of Boschee's Ger
man Byrup. If you. dont know this
already, thousands wpd thousands of
people can tell you. They have cur
ed by it, and "know bow it is, them
selves." Bottle
any druggist.
—At ParkersburgpPa., two bouses
are being erected which will have pa
per walls, paper partit ions and paper
The Far Seeing Take Advant
age of Them in Time.
Is this conntry unconsciously un
dergoing a wonderful change,to take
place before we are aware of the fact,
and when it has taken place will we
wonder why we did not see it before
it was too late ?
Those tb'at see tbe changes early
avail themselves early, and thereby
receive benefit.
The shrewd iron man sees the iron
interest transferred lrom Pittsburg
and Pennsylvania to Birmingham,
Alabama, and in his farsightedness
sees the furnacefi in Pennsjlania torn
down and deserted for this new and
prolific field.
V\ e have seen tbe grain growing
centers of thi3 country shifted to the
West. We have seen the pork-pack
iog industry flit from Cincinnati to
Chicago, and from thence to Kausan
City and Omaha Southern cottoc
mills undert-ell New England and
American markets, and challenge tbe
We have seen and are seeing all
this take place before our eyes, and
know that other changes ore taking
place equally as prominent, and we
wonder as we behold them. Ten
years ago tbe insurance companies
required an analysis of the fluids on
ly when tbey were taking insurance
for very large amounts. To-day no
first-class company will insure any
amount unless a rigid analysis is had
of the fluids passed, and if any tratea
of certain disorders are apparent, the
application is rejected. In their re
ports they show that the death of
sixty of every luO people in thin
country, is due either directly or indi
rectly to such disorders. The Bromp
ton Hospital for Consumptives, Lon
don, England, reports that sixty of
every 100 victims of consumption
also have serious disorders of the kid
Among scientists for the treatment
of this dread malady the question is
being discussed :
"Is not this disorder the real cause
of consumption V
Ten years ago the microscope was
something seldom found in a physic
ian's office; now every physician of
otanding has one and seldom visits
hie patients without calling for a sam
ple of fluids for examination.
Wby is all this ? Is it possible
that we of the present generation are
to die of diseases caused by kidney
disorder ? or shall we master tbt
cause by Warner's safe cure, the only
recognized specific, and thus removi
tbe effects ? It is established beyono
a doubt that a very large percentage
of deaths in this country are traceable
to diseased kidneys. For years the
proprietors of Warner's safe curt
have been insisting that thero is no
sound health when the kidneys art
diseased, and they enthusiastically
press t&eir specific for this, terrible
disorder upon public attention.
This means wonders !
Caunotthe proprietors of this great
remedy, who hare been warning m
of the danger, tell us how to avoid a
disease that at first is so unimportant
and is so fatal in its termiuatiou ?
Are we to hope against hope, aud
wait without reward ?
It was formerly thought that tht
kidnevs were of very small importance
to-day, we believe, it is generally ad
mitted that there can be no suet
thing as sound health in any oriran
if they are in the least degree derang
—ln the town of Newport, Neb ,
men, women and children turned ou'
the other day to help arrest a salooi.
keeper for selling liquor to a minor
The man produced a guu and stoofi
off the crowd for a short time, but fi
nally surrendered his person anc
—The are fully 50 centenariarif
known to be living in New England
at the present time - Of this uumbei
II live in Connecticut, 4 in Rhode la
laud, 10 in Massachusetts, 1C in Me.,
sin New Hampshire, and 5 in Ver
mont. The oldest of all is Giles Ben
son, of Castleton, Vt , 115 years ot
Drunkenness or the Liqour
Habit Positively Cured by ad
ministering Dr. Haines' Golden
It can be given in a cup ot coffe»
or tea without the knowledgi
of the person taking it; it
absolutely harmless and will effect »
permauent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderat<
driuker or an alcoholic wreck
Thousands of drunkards have been
made temperate men who have
the Golden Specific in their coffee with
ont their knowledge, aud to-day be
lieve they quit drinkiug of their owu
free-will. IT NEVER FAILS The
system once impregnated with the
Specific it becomes au utter impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist.
For full particulars, address GULD
EN- SPECIFIC CO., 185 Itaco St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
—Mitchell Stone,who was arreted
at White Plains the other day for
stealing horses in Massachusetts,may
very properly bo called the king ot
horse thieves. By his owu confession
he has stolen more than a thousand
horses in New England and in East
ern New York during the pa3t 20
Effect of Drinks on the Throat.
Tea, coffee and cocoa are three ad
missible drinks, but none in excess.
For the voice cocoa is the most bene
ficial. It should never ba made to>>
strong, and those cocoas are the bt»ac
that have been deprived of their oil
A cup of thin cocoa just warm is more
to be reccommended between the ex
ertions of singing than any alcoholic
beverage. Tea must not be taken too
strong" nor when it had drawn too
loug, for tea then becomes acid and
has has a bad influence upon the
mucous membrane of the throat.
There is always a dry sensation
after having taken a cup of tea that
has been allowed to draw too loug
A vocalist had better do without
su/ar in tea aud only take mil k with
it.—American Druggixt.
Leap Year.
Leap till the last aroied male expires;
Leap for your huHbauiln and for sires;
Lctip for a chanoa to build the fires,
Fairoueu throughout the land.
—Part of the keel of the first ship
ever built at Duluth was laid on Mou
day. She will bo 180 foot lon#, built
entirely of ateel.
—A Nevada ranchman, to protect'
his cuttle from the effects of blizzards, '
has painted them all with a mixture
of tar, red clay aud linseed oil.
—A negro thief was found lyiug
dead, near Wilmington, N. G'.,by the
body of a bog he had stolen and kill
ed. It was enident that while trying
to carry the hog away he bad strum-,
ed himself and apparently died in
stantly oi heart disease.
Send f medicinal
IfcVaiue bep.ru
besut!fa\ mmftTHLOPHORO*
?9l ored „ IfMtI>ASURS: %
picture,U)t—rr —: f .
rrMn**,<h W?W™> r Strains, barn
Girl" bac/f,s»de orcfati
4TL~^incmM f ° rW< ' a b te£ S> CO!dS fy.
ftTHLOPHORQS I3f fogy are fhe; r witft
/«.'wil 9°!s'/sKour.
The Jews,
In connection with various other ;
grounds of prejudice against the j
Jews, such as the concentration of l
capital in their Lands, Dr. A. W. Mil-,
ler men-ions in the Presbyterian 1
Quarterly their extensive control of '
the European press He says:
"In London, the paper having the
largest circulation is owned by a Jew.
In Spain, where there are not four
thousand Jews, a Jew leads the radi
cal party, and a Jew edits the tuost
influential paper. In Italy, the pres-B
is greatly indebted for its vigor aud
brilliancy to Jewish pens. With the
memories of the Mortara outrage, and
the merciless cruelties of the Inquisi
tion fresh in their minds, the Jaws in
Italy, as elsewhere, are the most un
sparing enemies ot papal pretentions,
and, by their influence thus exerted
through the preßS, powerfully contri
buted to that change in Italy which
culminated in the fiual overthrow at
the temporal power of the Pope.
And herein may they have done ad
mirable service both to God and
man Out of the twenty-three Liber
al papers of Berlin, there are only
two which are not in the hands of
the Jews. In lower Austria,of three
hundred and seventy authors, two
nuudred aud twenty-live are Jews."
The Dog Tax.
Below is a law passed at the last
session ol the legislature that may
interest some of our borough read
Be it enacted, &c , That, from and
after the passage of this act, all taxes
on dogs, levied and collected under
existing laws for borough purposes
within this Commonwealth, may be
appropriated for the support and
tnain'enance of public libraries now
organized, or that may hereafter be
organized,in said boroughs respective
ly: Provided, That such library
companies shall provide aud maintain
a free reading foom for the use of all
inhabitants of said boroughs: Provid
ed further, That this act shall not ap
ply to any borough until such public
library has been established
Approved the 23d day of May, A.
D. 1887,
—We have never been abls to un
darstand why every newspaper and
everybody efse denounces the ''Paw
dust" swindlers as moo who deserve
hanging yet never have a word of
condemnation for the men who get
swindled in attempting to patronize
• hem. What is the difference be
tween the man who sells $5,000 in
counterfeit moDey to another who
knows exactly what he is buying.and
ihe man who dupes a hundred per
sons. by passing off u sing-le bill on
every oue of them? Isn't the last
named mau the biggest rascal of the
two, inauy times over ? No attempt
is ever made to punish the rascal wh"
fries to buy the counterfeit stuff, al
though the seller is denounced beyond
measure. Between the two we eep
no difference; the methods are some
dissimilar but the scoundrelism is
—Thousands of cbildten who die
annually of those diseases incident
to earlv childhood, could have been
saved by Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.
The painful consequences of impru
dene-; in eating is speedily removed
and the depression is quickly banish
ed by the use of Laxador, 25 ceuts.
—This i-< an advertising and adver
tised age If yon do not keep your
Ousiuess constantly b<*f >re the public
some one more enterprising wiil step
in front of you and crowd you back
into obscurity.
—My boy (three years old; was
recently t*ken with cold in the head.
It seemed finally to settle in his nose,
which was stopped up for days and
nights so that it was difficult t >r him
to breathe and sleep. I called a
physician who prescribed, but did
tiim no good. Finally I went to the
drug store and got, a bottle of Ely's
Cream Balm It seemed to work
like magic. The boy's nose was clear
in two days, ar.d he has been all right
ever since.—E. J Hazzard, N. Y.
—Don't lick postage stamps,girlies.
A. youug lady at Etna had her tongue
poisoned doing it. .Ylako the hired
girl do it it your beau isn't about.
Important Questions.
Are yon troubled with Dyspepsia
or di?ea.ses of the Blood, Liver, Kid
neys or Bladder ? If 80, Dr. Tutt's
I'iils will hurely cure you. As a blood
purifier they have no equal. Sold
—The gum surface of a postage
stamp should never be placed on the
tongue. Moisten the other side ol
the stamp and lhe corner of the en
velope, or the latter only, and the
stamp will stick for all its worth.
What "Peculiar" Moans,
Applied to flood's Sarsaparilla,the
word Peculiar is ol great importance.
It seems that Hood's Sarsaparilla is
different from other preparations in
many vital points, which m'-ke it a
thoroughly honest and reliable medi
cine. It is Peculiar, iu a strictly me
dicinal sense; first, in the combina
tion of remedial agents used; second,
in the proportion in which they are
prepared; third, in the process by
which the ective curative properties
of the medicine are secured. Study
these points well. They mean vol
nmes They make Hood's Sarsnpa
rilla Peculiar in i»s curative powers,
as it accomplishes wonde.ful cures
hitherto unknown, nnd which give to
lloou's Sarsaparilla a clear right to
title of "The greatest blood purifier
ever discovered."
—These long evenings should bo
employed in laying up stores of use
fui knowledge. Yet, how mournful
the spectacle;many of our young boys
and girls are on the streets until late
at night. This is not as it should be.
—Over 5,000 acres of good timber
laud near Ilawkiusville, Ga., sold at
auctiou recently for SSB. Some of
the land went for less than A a cunt
an acre.
—A party of 58 Russiaus, Finns,
Italians, Swedes and Greeks became
inmates of tbe poor house at Bangor,
Me-, last week. They walked there
from the line of the Cauadian Pacilic
Why it is Superior to All Others in the Market!
SHIRA, SHI & HAYS, Butler, Pa,
Rew Drug Store
1 28, i. JEFFESSBN ST.,
Where you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals, Per
fumes and Toilet Articles. Agents for
Mi Almsj
Montrose Dealer.
Keno, and
Scissors Cigars.
Best 5 and 10 cent Cigars in town.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an experienced
Your patronage respectfully solicited.
DR. D. E. WILES, Prop'r.
A. Troutman Sl Son.
Leading Dry Goods Dous^.
ll 1 1111 111
A Ti'ouiman & SOD.
The leading Drv Goods and Car
lie* Mouse, Butler, Pa
New Fall Dress Goods at prices
which will make th<-ru move v< ry
We have the largest stock ever
-hown in Butler county, comprising
fill the Dew goods in Cli'."k-, Stripes
and flitio Weaves in Foreign and
Silack and Colored Silks,
Special Values
we have never hud such a nice as
sortment and so many of them.
In Flannels, Blankets, Tickii ga,
Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls
Table Linens, Lace Curtains,
in fact everything which can be
found in a
First-Class Dry Goods Store,
Builer, Pa
Why it is Superior to all
let ' ' -S enclosed It retains the hitfli
lot. temperature so necessary iu removing
the dirt frnsn Iho poods.
OnH TIIKKE lieiutf no Friction on the
£llll. clothing to wear It.
O.rj THIS peculiar action or the water In the
OI 11. Machine nvhleh cannot be undersiood
unless one sc. i It) foivln:? a strong current, or
watertbrouvli tin* <•!•.' iIIIK :ii e.er} \lrbr.i'lon
or tlir- Agitator. ■ tvhii'li Is i aiiM" l lr- the pceuliiir
construction ol the top or the Machine.
Al'n AND best of all Isthutai'UlUl or tour years
H-111. can <lo the work It bulnir so llsf!it that
the operator sits down while dolus? iu
Machines aiel county and Township it:'. r hi*;
throughout til Slate of Pennsylvania. Sold l>j
Butlor, Pa
MF.&M, Marks,
Invite your inspection ol their
stock of FALL ;ind WJNTKK
Millinery Goods.
Receiving goods every wvek
their stock is always
Life Saved and Haalth Ke
otrtrafl ~v ""Usi' H«k<r*s Cod Lit«r Oil and
olul CU m«it. Certain remedy in*' < mi
sumption. Hronchitis, Asthma, seroiulu tuid all
throat an 1 lung diseases, rrep red to us <o be
((Ulte palatable. ,
Vh'; for Huk'r't I fti! I,lvor Oil ntnl Mull. II
not soi l by Drufi-lst.write p i the MaiiuiactMrere
JOH.N <:» lllKtU i lit.,
Sli FUln-rt St., I'hlla.
For Kensiogt >•), Arrasene
Also lessons iu Huixi i f>iven by Ar'NIK M
LOWM AN,.North, itruet, butler, I'a. |
nc'JOJ-i i
Ist. Being: easily worked, and does the
wc ik more raj idly than any other machine.
•Jrd. Beinjr enclosed prevents all «pln*hin?
of vatcrar.d inhalir p of steam, so injurious
to health, and unavoidable in the use of all
rpfr machines or the washboard. Thou
mi ds ol women are yearly broken down in
health by lhe laltorof the wa>bboard and in
-1 aline of the sickening fumes of the wn*h
uib, frcm clothes worn on the person or bed
i f both tick and well. This is not the case
in usii e the AlleD washer; being enclosed it
retains the high temperature so necessaryin
removing the dirt from the goods; another
material point is that there is no friction on
clothir.g to dam. ge them. Persons who have
used the Allen washer say they believe that
it will save the price of it in less than a
year's time.
The peculiar action of the water in the
zrschine (which cannot be understood unless
ore sees it) forcirg a strong current of water
through the clothing at every vibration of
the sgitator, which i« caused by <he peculiar
construction of the top of the machine, in
crxnectinn with the New Champion Wring
tr, makes the Allen Washer a household
Cloaks and WraPs.
j for Children and Ladies,
j We carry the greatest variety of
I stylcf, our stock never was as large,
! prices never so low, goods never so
j nice.
Jf you want to see the nice goods,
p!< iif-e call uiid examine our t-:t ck.
Ladies', Gents', aud Children's
Underwear, every grade, all sizes,
be.-l goods.
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
Flushes, Yarns, etc.
' Carpets .and Cil Cloths,
| never had so uiauy—never were car
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete Don't buy
a Carpet until you have seen our
J stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap
' ef-try, 3 Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
| ton aud Hag Rugs.
I Window Shades, largest a?sort
' meDt, lowest prices.
i You will find on examination our
' stock of goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Butler county.
'Planing Mill
j JLimiber Yai'd
! J. L. i'UKVIS. L. O. PUKVIb
S.G. Purvis & Co.
Hough and Planed Lumber
i VP
j FlvAijj ES,
j - Ui» «N (y,
' Brackeh,Guaged Cornice Boards.
-.eAriijleruiiiii «)tttli«!!eii;Siarrii
i Mutual fire insurance Co.
i OfTico Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
R. L Purvis, ;Samuel All'lenton,
WJ Ilium Campbell W. liurkhart.
A. Ttoutiaan, Uenderaon Oliver.
<; <• Uocssliii;, .Jainee Stephenson,
J>r. W.lrvln. N. Weltzjrt,
.1 P Taylor. 11. C. llelnemau,
LOYAL M'JUNKIN, (le D . Ag't-
A'«. Term, ». piaintifff Attorney. flmntijj. Dtfmdant*. DrU ttU's Attorney.
F. 1. i>. 3 June, 'S7 Ure*r & Kalstou Second N. Bank of Erie Fred F Jatuts Rroiidou
" .'1 Dec. 18*7 McC«mll«w< A. Thomjuon Wm Starr, adin'r John Starr Fle?ger aod Mitchell
C. P S l *? Mar. 1877 Greer «i- Ralston John T Ferdne for use II L Taylor Walker
A. I), 40 June I*K! Tbonio A Son & L Z Mitchell Wui McGeary W B ijhmder et >1 Brandon au'l Campbell,
" 1 Sept, 188.1 John II Thoniiw-on Hotfui.in A Parr Ann Stalker N Black
" 40 Mar IK&4 F. McJ and T C Campbell Geo Hotter WF 4 S RK Co Thompson aud McCandiess
" 3 Sept lv>4 Cornelius & Welsh .lames Tebay Jos McKlroy Scott
" 18 Sept ljS) McQ ll«-nrr Ptibe ('Tremble et al Forqner
" 36 Sept 18Jv> McQ, Greer <fc Ralston. Wm Forifie Clara M Greenlee et al McCandlp
" yi Sept 18 5 Mel", Thomp>on Jc Son Wm Starr, adin'r John Starr Fleager a- 1 Mitchell
" 96 Sept 1*8." McQ. Gre< r«V Ralston Wm Forj(ie Clara M Greenlee McCandlt—,
" 2S June 1886 Greer & Ralston 81. Uocke cbi-rry J R Hindman et n* McC, VV «fc M
•' 14 Sept 188fc Walker, McQ A Forquer The Bore of liutler Henry Bickel et al Same
" 15 Sept 1886 " " Same Same 9anie
" 65 Sept IBBt> Greer A Ralston N'ancy K Walters David Locan McQuiitinn
" 32 Dec ISB6 Bra don Brushwood Developing Co Henry Fisher Sauie
" 38 Dec 18.M> Gret-r A Ralston] A M McCaudless Jos et al Thompson A Son
" 39 Dec 18St> Mitchell Wm L McGeary W B shraiier et al Brandou a;. ' Campbell
" 4ri Mar 1887 Bowser AO Woitord W A Green et al Thompson IV: Sou
•' 54 Mar 1887 E McJ, McJ «fc Galbreath John D Albert W H McCandiess et al Greer A!: 'on
" 2 June 1887 Forquer A Bi;\vs«>r W II Davis Lcnra Welsh Thompson A Son
" 18 June ISB7 A T Black, Creer A Ralston Brca.ieu A Conway G W CrawN.rd et al S.tmd
'J 50 " 1887 Scott O G Kapp Jnhn D Hill Forqner
'• 54 " 1887 F. McJ, McJ A Galbreath A W KiboM Peter Schmick Greer A L'.v ton
" (i 5 " 1887 Robinson J X Cubbison WJ Vincent et al Mc 0 and N 'Slack
" 70 " I*S7 McCwndless Geo H Graham W C McCandiess et al Kiddle at.! Robinson
" 78 " 1887 Same Same Same Same
" 85 " 1885 Eastman Beni Masseth Der.uison A Hoyt X Blr.ck
" f»4 " ISB7 Kleeger A Jas L t hambers John Deveradm'r K McJ, McJ A Gal
" p.) " 1887 McJ, Corueliu-. A Welsh Rachael E Duncan Wm Humphrey adm'r Marshall, v'.eer A Ralston
" 1 Sept 1887 Forquer Geo Keiber D Campbell Scott
" ]2 " 1887 Mitchell T L Hijnii}' £Co Detmore Mclvinuey McQ
" 21 " 1887 Brittaiu A Cnmtnincs PbUlipS Weituer A J Patton a Im'r Greer A R iiston
" 33 " 1887 Thompson A S.<n aud McC Mercer Mining A M'f'g Co A B Walker A T Ba!c» Riddle
" 45 " 1887 Scott Geo Scott O llepler Forquer
" 51 " 1885;T A Son and Greer A Ralst'n Thos Christey, adin'r. Jos Kennehan McC., Masd Bredin
" 5!) 1887 McCandiess E T Mort-land X D?mbach VicQ
" 64 " 18S7 McJ A Galbreath Freeborn Summer A Son Fred Wever Same
" 38 Dec 1887 Greer A Ralston Andrtw B Metz Robert S Kirker et al McCandle >
" 39 " 1887 Same. Same Same
Prothonotary's Olflce, Dec. 19th, 1887. WM. -M. SIIIRA, Prothonotar/.
850 ss? M ZMZ 185 D
Diamonds, Ludies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches
QiIttAVTTTO Y»n Q D° n t t0 see this line of Goods, aa it is the largest
UIIVUI V* CLJL V d OjjUvlCllu V • and most complete stock ever shown in Butler.
1847. Eodgsr Bros. Knives and Forks, Warranted Triple Plate. The
Best Goods in the Market.
SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel fremta,
I / I adjusted under Dr. King's Systi ru.
Agent for the Celebrated Rockford Quick Train Bailroad Watcht s
free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
N"o- 19. North. Main
While other merchants are singing their own praises, we our customers
to acknowledge thit our method of dfalin? is the hest, our go<.ds seco d to none,
in fnct superior to mhr.v usually kept and eold as THE BEST. "Butler and mrronpding
country needed such a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers ffive us, "and peopl;: will be
fast findior it out too." We Wp good and well made poods only. Our cheapest garmeot is fewred with first
class thread trimmed, lined and made up iu a substantial manner. Our medium and better grades take rank with
any Custom made iu the way of fitting and make up. while our FTNK DRESS SUITS must be soeu to be appre
ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of
Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Ciothing
of all style o and erudes. Every irarment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as nted or money
refunded. HATS, CAPS. INDERWEAR. HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styWs of everything
pertaining to a first class clothing store always tm hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand.
We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti
mate result. We invite one nnd all to call ot- us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Huts elsewhere.
Remember, no mitrepreeeu.atioti. be he judge or no judge of goods, at
Main Street, Hutler* Pa.
a Is Oalle<l to my Fine Stools of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelery,
'jILVERWARE, 3P£CTfiGS,J3, &c„
All of which have been selected with great caro for
A complete line of ROGKR BROS' Celchrattd
goods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well
Our line of Ladies, Misses and Children's STKAW and FEIiT IIATS and
BONNETS, in all the newest fal nd winter shapes,
in now complete at the
Leading Millinery Uon»e.
1). T. PAiM^
No. 18 South Main St.- - - - - Uutler, P" !
= .
In all the latest Novelties, French Felt
Si!lc tints. Figured (ilasse and Watered J
I'luhes, Velvets and Silks.
The New Wide Ribbon*, OorsetH, Shoul
der Unices, Patti Shirt Hands, H<isi«rv and
Suspeuders, Toilet Washes, Rouge
and Cosmetics, "Letia Peth" aud "Sybel a
Dress I.ininrs, Findings, Fur Trimmings,
Newest Styles iu Binus, Hair Goods and
Crimpers, Children's Knit and Flush Caps
aud Hoods, Toboggsns, Silk Handkerchiefs
.lud M jUlcrs.
BUTLER. - - - f-A-1
ua flla in I'ITTSBi'» -II «t 'h« AdTurtJslaK bureau of
Having taken the agency tor the Ckoleo Fruit !
I Trees,
1 Beautiful Shrubbery,
Ornamental Trees,
Ane everything elese In the Nursery line, of the
New Kngliuid Nurseries.These Bros. & C •)., N.
Y.. 1 will i all upon yon In the near future aud
solicit your orders for spring delivery.
A. H, FALLER, Agent;
TOntlei* - - - Pa.
WVRVKnWVVfHVaawnqi lire iji:.Tßii»eert
11 1 J 8 9 IJH M9H U k r Sl>y 1 >i. <J 1). May
uit 11 vOfl PSIBS ft 13 Mrr. M! Arell St.
No operation or busluefa delav. Thousands of
cures. At Ke\Wtone HOUM', Reading. I'a-. 2nd
Saturdav oi euuli tnonth. Send lor circulars.
Advice free.
A large frame boarding house. goo 4 location
and doing larg« business. Terms easy. For
further particulars Inquire of
L K. McJlKkl*. 17K. Jeffw>yw Bt.,
7 a?,lf Briflw. r«.
• —————
A wceklv newspaper. |-. lilisted erory Fri
day morning •' Bntler, l'a., by JOHN H. A
Subscript io< late.
Por vcar, in advance il 50
Othorwiae 00
No subscription will bo li#oontinned until
all arrearages are paid.
All communications i:i'( mled for publication
I in this paper must be ac> > : ipaniod by the real
namo of the writer, not f e publication but an
j n guarantee of pood faith.
Marriage and death noti ,- ?s must be accom-
I pauiud by a rosponsiblo ; >O.
Advert lain?; iUtes.
One square, ono ins«i f i<m, ill; each subset
ipiunt insertion, 50 contr Yoarly advertise
ment? exCtH>-lii>o one-fourth of a column. 55
per inch. Figure work 1. mble tliete rr.t<v<;
additional charges wboro weekly or monthly
chitigeH art made* I.oc* advertisements 10
oeiitn per liro for flr-«t 1 1 ' rtion and a ceuts
per lino for cacli additi- : iiiHortion. Mar
rUijcs and <lna;in. pat.':- I freo of (huso.
Obituary nolle chargn.l ■>> U* :al advertlHO
niciits and 1 »w<!-le wl.cn I. ! ed in. Auditors
Notices. *4;' Kswntcm d Administrators*
Noticex, *3 each; But 1 av, Caution and Dis
solution Notices, not exec-~ in;* ten liuw, £2
AdJnus THE i n /EN, Butler, l'a.
Plicn to secure ft thorough Muslatii or
IlTuat rated uulcfu tl*
Thu oldest and l>eat Instittition for obtaining
' a Business Kducatlon. .We have Buctwfully
! prepared thousands of youufr men for the actl\ e