Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 30, 1887, Image 3
* THE CTTIZE.KC. FfclPAfr. PECKIIBER 80. IM7. PUBLIC NOTICE.' The public it hereby motived that hereafter all Retolutiom of Retpect or Condolence adopt ed by organization* and ordered pmbheked all notices of Church Fain, FeetioaU and Lec tures; and ail communicated Obitumrie* will be charged /or at the rate of one-half cent a word, money to aajmpany each order. "lOCAITIW GENERAL —Ah, there! 8M you again next yaor. —Oar admtlMfi war* delighted with their holiday trade. —Some sheep ia vorioui porta of tlx ooaa ty hare lately been killed by doge. —The pwtofioe at Parker ia now a Presi dential rfflce. —A lot of Bailer boyeare ban tin,; in Am etroog Co. —lt »• now i ime fcr tbe weather prophet to get ia his work -on tbo •amuier of '6b. —Youag ladiee are painting pictiree of frogs. They are e» snggeetivoul "*!> -vear —On a>:d af'er Monday ot next week, the atorea w.il again close at 8 P M. —Sheriff Kranw-r h*a lost a valuable A!- derticy cow. See notice in another place. Sheriff K' as r g t W <rd froaa Uuahtll aa 1 Prowo"t'N«w (Jsrile, yestsrdoy, that two bey ma'ea stolen in that eiunty came in this direction. —')ld Mr* Duncan, who lived in the ima 1 hou»e back of MeCluug aid Kirkpv rick'i* and wno wai a *wter of Alex, j Wonderl v, ia dead. —S. F. Bowfer. E»q , hoe removed his of fiee to the M;C.>i)d xtory of the n%w Diaaiond Block, with entrance oa Main St. —The hern of Hiram Flick of If iddjeeex tp, waa consumed by fire last Snoday night, together with the crops, farming implements and harness. All the live fctock waa saved. —Thev have foand a new mammoth cave cn the shores of Lake Erie. It ia aaid to rival the one ia Kentaeky. —The Gendiah villiaa who eloses the doar in Maimer is now makiag his rnaads and leaving the door so wide opea that it strai as the binges. —Tbe coal miners of the northern part of ' this county, and also thoeeof aljiintn? conn- j tisL have demanded the adoption of the Col- I umbos scale. —Jaa. D. lfcCnne, of Dickens* Co.. Kan ui, same all the way to Batlor county, to get bis Chrtstmas gift. 8M marriage licen ses. —The yoang man has so far bees spared the pain of having his beat «iri suggMt to him the good eooditloa of tbe mads for alelgh riding. —The days have be*an to lengthen, and aaoordiag to the old proverb the oold should begin to strengths#. —A brakeman oa the 8 A A. E. B. named Waa Boger whoa* home was ia Meroer Co., fall between tbe flora of a gravel train at Bard station last Friday nsorning and was iae'ontly killed. —The Pittebarg papers of last Friday aa nonooed the grantiog of a diyoryby tbe Courts there lo Ifaoer J. Bei*fri«l from Henry C. Belgftaid, aud stated that Mrs. 8 altered that Henry alaepe with a rosor aader his pillow. —At B4lekhaa, near Baku, Russia, a new pntroleaui spring, which rose 150 yards, Bonded the country, impregnating werv thiag. Nobody ventures to light a ire, for * fear tke town will go off like ireworks. —Mr. Alexander Gilchrist, au old soldier of ladlana, Pa., who ia til yuan of S*e sod totally blind, got a lionise last Tuesday to marry Him Margaret Wise of Butler. Mr. Gilchrist's efes Were injured daring tbe War and ho receives a good pension. —A new ruling of tbo post J®ee depart ment prorldee that all aaeallad fcr postal cards shall be ictarood to tho writer after 3<) dare. Also that advertised letters will he held bnt two weeks, instead of four as hereto fore, before Seine seat bask to tbe dcul letM»' cffice, at Washington. —From the amount of floo moral sugges tion latelv eminatiog from the pen of U'icte Jake Zeiifler, of tbe Butler Herald, we bt lleve tha : he is on the highway to a genuine reform We can never believe it e>ni|»lit« however, until he forsake* the Dem tcranc party and other articles ofhia idolatry—Kit tanuiug Republican. 4 —The brisking or falling off of the valve of the gasometer at Millerstwwn late last Thursday night caasod aa unusual pressure in the supply pipes of the town and tne flames of natural gas fires that had been turned low for the night, suddenly began reaching for the eeiiing. Home one noticd the danger and had the fire alarm sounded, and a general conflagration was thus averted. —While two men named Eshenhsugh and Danlap w. re waiifog at tha depot for a train on the 8. A A R K , last Saturday afternoon, they quarrelled with esch other and during tbe fight the right side of Dunlap's nose rs! led the Alea— wss lorn off. Dunlap went to Dr. Moore and bad it sewed on, and told the Dr. that Eshenbnagh bad bitten it off Fshenbsogh disappeared after tbe fight and < tho police could not find him. —Tbe Courier of Brid*ton Cumberland Co., N. J , given Mr. Frederick Bowed of tbi* placet very complimentary notice in con nection with the Ute re union of the 24th New Jei *ey at that plaoe. Mr. Bi* now over 70 yeara of a(e ami yet travel led 400 mile* to attend the re-nnion and meet hit old comradei. The Coirier aava, "then wii no Inter patriot in the Union army than honeet , - «Fred' Bowen." —There were o fow ml hornet ia thin county on Cbrietraaa day, ood oat to West ern and South western Ku«u there were a great many, if tbe report* from that ae tion were authentic. The people (here ore cold to be raflerifl? from cold oa account of the icarcity of fuel and food, aad many are re ported to bave perished doriagthe lote storm. Coal iaacoreo oa account of tM rivers being to low aa to pravent ita ahipouot, and tbe corn erop this year waa o tallure oa account of the drouth. vn» P. * W. ft. ft. WW sot built in 1877, ■o engineer named Bill Kin* ever ran on the mad, and the alleged Boibold chant wt» « man who wan amnaiog Uaaaelf by playing (boat, bat atiH, theatorv in another column will be interesting read in* to people who in «i*t upon hel laving ia ghnet*. A hfnkeman on a coal train hit the "Baibold Ghoat" on the bea£ with a eoal-*tone one night, which made the "*hOat" an mad that he *wnrt Ten gaace, and Inid for that brakeman for day ■ after, bat never caught him'. —The Extension Oil Co. oumnlet*<i two good wellv on tbeir territory in the Saxon- Burg ftold thit week, aad now have 8 good pmdoeera, doing about 900 barrel* a day, and a propertv worth any where from one to two hundred tbooaand dollar*. Some of the heya hove told their internal in the company, leaving Jim McWarlin with,a fourth, Gihaon, Gabeirtn & Younkersa fourth, Mile* Covert five thirty-teconde O. K. Waldron one-eighth Geo. Krnirh and We*. Boeeainr one-Hixteenth each.Th- <• Gamble. Jno. Ekat and A. Wil ao« on* thirty-tfoond each. —Tho evening entertainment* in the Court-room. in eonneetion • with the Teach era' lutitote have been unutually good, an l hfive been very well patronised bv the peo ple ot tbii town. For inatance, on Tu'wiar evening the Mai**-Underbill Combination bad an andienoe of over 7uo for their eonhert, and aa the admi*emo tee for per»on*, other than -tonehcr* and thoee connected with the Institute, 50 cent* e«ch, that one enter tainment rau«t have netted the In*'l tote fnnd a handnoriie profit. The eonoert and rt eitn tion* were nil that could have l>een desired, and all wer* pletaed. Personal. Mr. J P. Smith, foreman of the caxiintr hall of the Plate Gl mm Worn* «i< preneuteil with a void watch by hi* fellow-workmen ]a*t^atur.l<y. Ilegikter anl Rvsori-tr 11. A. Ayer* aud f«mily have ni >ve i to Butler, aad re*ide on * N. McKean Sr. Sheriff Kramer ha* rented one of Lawall'* new houa«s >n Wnbiagton ft. Treaaurer Amu Set ton haa moved to town and reaide* on E. Cuuniugham St. . A lady named Mr*. Morooey went to the office of the Hociety for tbe Improvement of the Poor in PiUehur* la*t Friday to aee what atepa tbe bniboritir* there oould take toward* fiuding beroutia, Jennie Shitld*, or Meenan a* «be ot'vht now he known. The latter wa* adopted by a family in Philadelphia tweniy »ix yean ago, and a year ago, Mr*. Mr>oaey learne<i tbe ftmilv went lo Germiny •nd tbe girl waa afterward* iu Butler conctf, vear Freeport. Uer parent* are oow in Fitubarg and aoxion* to bear from bar Mra. Movoney live* at No. 8 Nineteenth St, •nd tf the society heart anything of UM girl they will cua uaaicate with her. Samuel B >yd, of Peon twp., left tonae time a*o for California, and wbtlt en rout* fell of a train at Ocdea aad wtt ktiled, lie waa t>6 yearn old aud unmarried. Chaa. J. Fraaier of Oil City, oil broker, waa aocidaatly killed while bunt ing, laat Monday. —Ml* Gage of Millontowa, ia vhritiog xi*a jflanle Go taper at Fulton et. LEGAL NEWS. KOTKS. Judge Hazen has fixed Wednesday, Jan. 4, 188S, at 10 o'clock as the time for the far ther hearing in the Monks-Harbison biby Jury Commissioners McMiohael and Iten ninger and Judge Haxen ore tue jury wheel this week. Tbe Hortenatsin aale waa again adjourned till Monday next. Asa B. Croll has made a deed of assign meat to Rob't Barron; and O. O. McChn ock to Dan'l L Dunbar. Letters of administration a ere granted to James Sower* on estate of Rebecca S-jwers of M irioa twp. raOPBBTT TRAXSFEa? J. F. T. Stehle has deeded property in But ler »o Annie Aland tor S3OOO. C. Aultman A Co. have deeded J. F. Scbaf fcr a lot in for $150). H 8. Bryan has deeded 14t acres in Cherry twp., to W. E Uockenherry for M> r? J Moore, et al, have deeded 23 acres ia Canre to Amos Michael for s7oo. Oiva M. Russell has deeded 67 acr-s >'ii Cunoord twp., to doinuel K Ros«ell fjr . Marriage Licenses. John Eichenauer„ t*p Mary St-hnsufer i.*nca«ter twp Jonas Ziegler Harmony Sophia Rigby Harmony Jas. f). ilcCnne Kansi9 Eva M. Armstrong Worth twp Andrew Thompson Trouimau Mi me A, Bryan Troutman Alfred Hermal Bntler, Pa Marie lltire Mitier, Pa David Th- naas Cherry twp Anna Jeukits- Cherry tap Frank B Mar-hall Lawrence Co EmmaM. Smith- Zelieuopie Harry M. Parks Middiesex twp' Caasie E Fu!mn MidJlesex twp Alexander Gilehriat Indiina, Pa Margaret Wise Batier, Pa Geo. K. Williams Pe -ra. Kaosas Ada Gardner Bradford, Pa Lewis H. Milleratown Lucy J. Hen-haw Millerstown Geo. H. Reeve Garden City, Kansas E. Gilfiilan Oaklund twp Levi Hartang Adams twp Sarah L. Sicholas Adams twp Wm. F.Scheidemantle Lancaster twp Eve Kolp Muddycreek twp Sanford E. Stonebreaker Butler, Pa Grace McQuistion Butler, Pa Geo. Smith Adams twp Sophia J. H. Bollhorst Adams twp Cnaa. B. J. Marshall -. Forward twp nary C. Miller Forward twp At Morcer—A. J. Donaldson of Mercer Co., and Mary E Harper of Butler Co. At Franklin—Mr. I. W. Likeu and Miss Lottie M. Brecic en ridge of Clinton ville. At Pittsburg-Jaa. A. Miller of and Jemima Duugan of Butler. John C Smith of Butler aud Ellen Hepworth ol Armstrong. Romantic Marriages. On Tuaaday afternoon of this week Clerk McElvaiu granted a marriage license to Alex aader Oilcbriatof ludiona l ;Po.. aud Margaret Wise, who has been in this town for several years, having lived with tbe families of Mr. Chaa. Bebhuua and Ciaranoe Walker, Eeq., but who ia a native of Indiana Co., Pa. Mr. Gilchriat, also lived in Butler thirty or forty years ago, and ia the uocle of John Gilcbrist formerly of Butler but now of Wheeling, and Christy Gilchrist now dee'd. He ia sixty one rears of age, ia totally blind, has a good borne in Indiana, and ia receiving a pension of about sloo a month for tbe loss o' his eyes which were burnt out by on explosion during tbe war. They were married by Rev, KM bit that evening. Shortly after this license waa granted, two deaf-ma tea—Goo E. Williams of Peoro, Kan sas, and Miss Ada Gardner of Petrolia, a sis ter of Geo. Gardner tbe policemen, and also ofthewifeof Mr Ireland, ol the firm ot Ire land A Hugbea, Petrolia—applied for a li cenae. Both are smart, intelligent, well ed ucated people, who became acquainted with each otlier at o deaf-uiute school some years ago. They bad a daughter of Mr. Ireland, who understands the sign language, with them oa interpreter, and with her aid, and their complete knowledge of reading and writing hart no trouble answering the necess ary questions, taking the oaths and aubscrib ing to the docket. They then went over to E«q. Walker's of fice, where tbey answered tbe qoee'iou* iu writing, joined hands, aud with th* aid ot' the little girl were married. Mr. Williams own* 0 farm of 2'X) acres uetr Peora and is a well to-do f.»rm«.-r, and Miss Garduer is a fine woman aud thorough housekeeper Both these strange marriage* will ia all probability be very happy ones. Another license worth mentioning was that taken out by a young French couple, a few divs ago, in which another French man, who *p?ke English, acted as interpreter. A Card of Thanks. In an appropriate way and with it lew well chosen word«, a was handed to the pastor of the Reformed Church at Pros pect, on chri«t(n vs, after divine services, by a voung lady member of the chnrch. ciut-itn ing a nice present for himself and wife as a token of ej-teem and lore, fr> m the female members of the Chnrch and the undersigned would hereby express t'> tb«s kin I donors their most hi-artfelt thanks, and assure theai that the precious and most nselul present was not only received as to the worth in dol lars and cents but as a token of love; and ) that the kind donors remember the word-i of | 1 Cor. IX, 11 It is aa encouragement for the Pastor in his work among tbem; and that the richest blessing of God may rest upon the kind donora is the prayer of C. A. LiMBEBQ, Pastor. Mas C. A. Li MBERO. —"Tremendous," was the answer of one of our store keepers to a q iestion regorJin{ his holldav trade, and tremindois it w as all ] around, hut it would hive been a ball' better with sleighing. The Soldiers' Monument. At a meeting of the County Mon anient Committee ia tbe Arbitration Room Wednesday afternoon, Mr. II C. Heineman waa elected President of tbe Association, Col John M Sulli van Vice President, Hon. Robt Storaj Treasurer, W. C." Thompson Secretary, and Mr. J on. Criawell Corresponding Secretary, Tbe Park frosting tbe Court House was designated as tbe location ef tbe monament. Tbe officers of tbe Association were appointed a Com mittee on Finance, with power to ap point a Collector for each district, but it was agreed that no contract for a monament should be irirea antil at least five tboosand dollars bad been collected. Stray Heifer. Strayed from tb<) John Manny farm in Bailer tp , about three weekn ago, a full bred shorthorn hei'er, tw» years old; red hair,with a large while star on forehead and a little white on flank. The peraon who has taken ber up is requested to return her im mediately to me in Butler, at niv livery-stitble or home, and I will pay all expenses. PETER KRAMER. Opening Announcement. The Limber? Bro's sotiounce the opening of their new grocery store in ibe Diamond Block. Their goods are new nod fresh, and will be sold at prices uh low ax uny In tho town. Their specialty is the tea line aud you will find all kind's of fresh teas All new crop tea*. Nothing old. CHRISTMAS TABI.E LfXt'RIES. RAISING 'rom Krf nee. Kills •• Ht'.'l y. Nt'l'S •' all p:irtn of the filobc, UHAPKH •• California. I) ATM •• Persia. Pkt'NKS •• Turkey und France. OHANUK3 •• Florida. LEMONS » Florida. TUN ANAS •• Florida and Mexico. CAN OIKS •• France and New York. CtIKG'TE •' York State B("ITKit •• Butler county. * CKANBEItHIKS " Cape cod. CANNfiO an J KVAIfKATED tfools tloUi Call forala. Also a full line of staple groceries. We propose to purchase nothiajr bnt first-class Butter, K/gs, etc., for which we will pay the highest market price. Farmers will tuk" uotioe. LIMDERO BRO'S, Diamond Block, Jfo. 71, S. Main St., Butler, Pi. —Hobby-horses, sleds und drams at J. F. T STEIILE'H. — L STEIN & BON, No. 8. N. Mala St., are offering special bargains in cloaks and dress goods io order to re< duce stock previous to takiog stock. Call and examine good*. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Dr. James J. Wallace, of New Castle, died Sabbath aiterno >n of ty phoid fever. was in fcis sixty iuarth year, and had practiced medi cine in that city since 1851 At Beaver Falls last Thursday a yonng man named Swank, a student at Geneva College, while cha.»ing a Koat out of the yard, rac st full spc-d into a clothes line. It caught him fair in the mouth, tearing out t»iup per teeth and splitting his tnoutn al most from ear to far He fell bick ingenfcibie and his i<jariea aie such th tt he will probably be d for life. The Adams aod Erie express com panies were in each othtrs wool Us: week. and express packages rapidly accumulated at Greenville. Tbe Adams has a contract with the S A A. R R., but the Erie desired to rer.ch its Pittsburg < fficc over this line. Tbe Adams did not object to this until tbe Erie commenced open ing offices at various places along the road Then the trouble commented. The Adams would take no goods from the Erie unless all charges were prepaid, and the Erie retaliated wi-h tbe same tactics at other places. The Kittanuiug Pre.<& says: "Mr, Jobu Moore, of Y\ h ; feshurg, was iu town last week Mr. Moore is large lv interested in the creamery at tua r place. He states that it is not run ning at the present time. "We were uuahle to get milk from the farmers without too icuch expense," said he, and we will shut down till next spring. We will open up then in a new way We will own our own cows, and furnish our own milk One of vhe company will keep 75 cows Then our milk cau be collected easily and without tbe expeose We have bad. We believe that creamtries will pay ran in this way. Of course wc bave bad some experience in this new industry, and while we did not make mouey, we are better prepared for carrying on a creamery success fully. We expect t J make it pay,and I believe that ouly by owning your own cows creameries will pay. We made an excellent quality of butter " An unknown individual has been going around town tho past two or three days selling gold (?) watch chains on the instalment plao. Tbe price of tbe chains were eight dollars, bnt be sold iheui on eight months time. Those who bought the chains paid one dollar down aud were to pay a dollar a month for seven mouths Those who bought tbe cbains.and we understand the fellow caught a num ber of Backers, will not be bothered tor tbe other 6even. Tbe cbaius are worth aboat fifteen cents. People will sometime learn lo quit reaching out for snaps. Tbey will sometime bay only of responsible dealers. Some time—Renovo Ntw*. Henry W. Eagle, of Lancaster Co , Pa , has succeeded in raising chest uuts as largo as walauts by grafting a choice variety ot the uut ou common trees. He believes that the culture of these nuts is only in its infancy, and that raisin/ them for tbe m rket will become a profitable industry* Last Friday morning about three o'clock Jonathan Andertoo, Superio tendaut of Aaderion's larg<j ale brew ery.Biaver Falls, awoke from a dream iu which he saw the brewery ran-ack ed by thieves and in Games Tfi-s vision was very vivid, but after a time Mr Audenon fell asleep ag.nn. Tbe dream was repeated and mud** such an impression upon him that be could not sleep Fiually he dress-a and weot to tbe brewery, a few squares distant. opening the door a bliuding cloud of smoke swept out against him He rushed into the buildiujf, found tbe watchman asleep and a large pile of hop* near thi fur nace under tbe brewing apparatus all iu flames aud tbe woodwork catching Ar.dertou soon tbe watch man and tbe twy.whb the bose.of ibi estabiiihment, after a severe ex linguished ihe fire Teu minutes longer and the fire would have baen beyond control Mr A oderton visit ed the bottling bouse connect, d with the establishment and found it broken opeu and a large quauii y of bottled ale stolen. There is a alight unpleasantness ho tween the boraugb Council of Kittan ning aad the gas company and in consequence the latter organization refuses to furnish gas for the streets and the people are allowed to plod along in darkness or Btay indoors at aigbt. There are 88 applicants from hotel keepers in Clearfield county for li cense to sell liquor. Twelve restau rant keepers want the same privilege Six brewers and one distiller also ask for license Clearfijld, it pbotild be remembered, is a Democratic couc t y. WANTED at the tannery—Beef hides, sheep skins, and all kinds of furs. I will pay in cash 5i to 0 cts. a pound for good hides and the high est market price for sheep skin 3 and furs. HENRY WAGNER, JR No. (14, North Washington street, Butler. Pa. —lco Cream made to order at the City Bakerjf. —Toy books of all kinds, scrap books and albums at J. F. T. STEIII.E'B Prize Competition. I make the following special ofTer open to all To the person pending me the best telling advertisement of mv business on or before January 15, 1888, I will give $4; 2nd best. $3; 3rd, s'2; 4th, $1; for Judges, name any three Editors in Butler at bottom ef your ad The ndvertisement to contain all such articles as I keep for sale, such as clothing, hats, cape, underw>nr. neckwear, gloves, handkerchief-", shirts, trunks, valises, satchels, uni j brellas, jewelry, combs, brushes, hos iery, Ac Here is a chance to try your hand at writing an advertisement and get paid for it. I reserve the rignt to publish one or all. D A HECK, Champion Clothier and Furnisher. No 11, N Main street, Butler, Pa Holiday Goods at J R. GHIEB'H NO. 16 8 Main St. A fine aid complete stock of- Dia monds and other precious stones. Watches of all makeu and an excep tionally large line of Silverware, nil will he sold at the lowest prices pos sible. Sign of E!< ctric Bell —Go to J BOWMAX'B for Books and Stationery. —Full line of caudles and nuts for the Holidays at Morrisou's City Bak ery. —Mixed candy by the barrel for the Holidays at Morrieon's City Bakery. —Chlldrens' Kobes und Dresses, Cheaper than you can make tbem at RTTTTSR & RAIWON'B A Haunted Road. The following ridiculous story re garding the Pittsburg «fc Western railroad has been published, aud as it makes interesting reading for people who believe in ghosts wi- reprint it "1 don't suppose there is another railroad in the c ountry that a train haod can get a job on so eisiiy a-i be cm on the little Pittsburg & West era out IU the Pennsylvania oU re gions," said a former employe of ihit roi.J, now on the Erie. ' There is a! ways a chance there for a rail roader, whether he's a brak**man, fireman, conductor or engineer, and there isn't a nicer road anywhere to woik on, and the wages are big/er than the biggest. But rn-ja ure quit ting it all the time, and among !he m« n who are hired in their places you never see one who ever wo~ked on the. road before, and the firnt thing you ko-'W ibey are calling f r their time and tbrowiug up their job?. The boys often run across others out of a jjb and say to them: 'Why don't you g> oi the Pittsburg & Western? want m-n bid Nino times out of 10 t*iey witi rep ; y: 'No Pitts burg & Western for u?,p,«ase, We've been there.' "What's the matter with the Pittrburg & Western?" the re porter. "Haunted," replied the railroader. "That's right, Laugh if you want to. I'm thinking you wouldn't laugh mucu, though, if you should ever tun au engine down Cranberry S vamp grade, between lt*mfrew aid Reibold stations, with old Bill K'a.g'* g l >s*, in theeib with you aud trying to stop tbe train to keep it f rom runcing down two otber ghosts Btandin-r on the track just ahead of your engine, and almost sto, ping it. to >, although the grade is steep and slippery, be tween Renfrew and lleibolds Take the map of Pennsylvania, look at Butler county, you'll find those two places there plain enouzh, and 1 know that if you ever took a run Uown Cranberry Swamp grade, on the little Pittsburg <fc Western, be tween Renfrew and Reibolds, with old Bill King's guost in tbe cab with yoa, you wouldn't laugh much. "The way tbe road got haunted in that spot was this: Not far from tbe railroad at tbe loot of tbe Cranberry Swamp grade about 10 years ago lived an old couple named Wilbelm. They had no family besides them selves, and they depended on a CJU ple of acres of garden aud their cow and poultry yard for their living. One of tbe first Jersey cows in that part of tbe country belonged to Mrs, Wilbelm, it barium been made a pres ent to her by a noted stock raiser in Crawford county. Mrs. Wilbelm thought the world of the cow, aDd when it strayed from its enclosure, got on the lit le P & W track and was run over and killed by tbo cart tbe old lady weot almost wild. "She sued the company for the val ue of ber co.v, but the suit went agaiust ber. She brooded so over ber trouble that she became insane on tbe subject of railroads ami ber c>w, aud tbe souud of a traiu passing her bouse ul ways sets her to mourning' over loss. She spent much of her tiniis in devising schemes to harass the company, and several times evading the watchfulness of her husbandsbe placed here-ilr on the tbe track when a train was approach iug and forced it to come to a stand stiil till she was removed by force from the rail (_) ie night late in the fall of 1577 old Mr Wilbelm woke up acd found that his wile was not in bed H" quiekiy arose, au i looking out of tbj window saw a white figure hurrying across the lot between the bouse aud tbe railroad track He at once knew that the ti_ure was that of bis wife in her nigh', clothes, and that she was undoubtedly on ber way to the railrdad to lorce so.no train to stop and lay still until she wis taken off tbo track, as sbe hid done sevenl times before. "Without waiting to put on his clothes, Wiiheliti rushed from the home and followed his wife. She disappeared in the little strip of woods lie twee a the lot aud the rail road, and by tha time he reached woods ho he-trd tbe souud of aa itp proachiug train and he k'lew it must be the fast express with old Bill King on tbo engine, and that meant thu this train was more than humming along. Wilbelm Hi# through the piece of woods, aud an he came out on the otner side be saw his wife standing on the track, waving her band up aud down, while tho head light of old Bill's locomotive was so near that it threw gUre full ou her. Old Biil bid seen the figure in white sumo distance hack, whistled for brakes and reversed his engine, hut the grade was so sharp and the rails so slippery that tho train came tearing right on "The white figure never moved, and just as Bill was ab tut shutting his eyes to hide the terror that was inevitable another while spraug on the rails jui?t abend of the eugine and threw itself agiiust the oue stauding there as if to force it off It was too late, and the piloi struck both figures and burled theui < U' iato the woods The train WAS utopyed as soon as possible uud bu.ck> d to the scene of the tragedy. aud the dead bodies of the old man aud tiis wife were picked up. The company had them buried, of course, aud their old homf was bought by u farmer, "Bill King never got over that night. lie made one or two tri[»s alter that and then resigned. Me said.he could not run that Cranberry grade, for he saw the old man and his wife every night. The thing worked on his mind till it ruined his health, and bj died a year afterward Not long afte/w-trd one of the engi neers on the road came into Renfrew otie ni/bt with the story that as he was coming down Cranb-rry swiirnp Krade two white figure, > appeared on the track 100 yard-or so uh-ad of hint, and at thesam-t tinn he felt the lever jerked from his hand and quick ly reverted, while the whistle aound ed sharply for bra ken. The train slowed but da-hed up m the two whiie figures, which disappeared At the same time tb" throttle was open ed again, aud the train in >voi on as before. "This story wii3 laughed at, but when other oijifio«<«rri wn > ran this same train, womb wa.s BiH KUIX'H old traiu, came in with the daunt ntory, with tbo addition tb it l>s 11 King biid Ht.uod iu the cab as plain us day aud reveraed tb.- In ver a i I wliis tied f.ir break-*, it began t<> belie/ed and men begun to le:iv« th« road. 1 touk the place of the fireman oo the train and *aid I'd Sik<> to aee tuch bluff an that a;b'irit »t >ry scare mo off Tan very »fir«t run I made the two ghost a appeared on the Cranberry grade, and old Bill Kin# fto.id in tbe cab, and handled tbe throttle and the whistle cord until tbe diaup ptared, aud thou be was goue. I stuck it uu', two trips, aad then 1 tufide a vacmcy for bjiuts otb-T brave uiaa That Wiis live yearn I have auVer baeu on tbe Vawblrg & I Western 6inee, but I hear from there once in a while. The boys say it is haunted bv the two ghosts still, ; end that Bill King's ghost is always on hand, trying to st»p the train Let Us Res jive. What we want to do at the begin i ning of the New Year i s to draw up a set of resolutions that we will m ua - tain the whole year through, Sicb res dutions must be toundfd on fact, Therefore—Resolved— J. R. Gi ieb No 1»> S Maiu St. Show 3 one of the finest lines of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silverware, Specta -1 cles etc to be seen Don.t forget him wh*»n purchasing Holiday gifts. Sign of Electric Bell. —Reduction in Wall Paper at J BOWMAN'S. I —Dolls, bisque, wax and washa ble, dressed and undressed at J. F. T STEHLE'S —Foot and bouse balls, large ' liae at J. F. T. STEHLE'S —Go to W. M. Rombach's and see his large stock of violins a~d all kinds of musical instruments. —Silk Neck Mufflers from $1 up. luff est assortment we hire ever had Pittersoa'a o;ie Price Clothing House. —That Butler needs a new Opera aua that seats in the Churches , sh (uid be free —We are selling furniture lower i than it has ever before been sold in I Butler, and after using it you will ; say that it is what we said it was, I otherwise no sale, at MILLER BRO'S, j No 19 Jefferson St. ■r —Nice line of trimmings for Christ inas trees at Morrison's City Bakery. Santa Claus has arrived at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —Silk mufflers aud silk handker chief's, in all colors at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —No. 19 Jtffersou St. is the place to buy cheap and good furuiture. Holiday goods at Patterson's ! Oae Price Clothing House, 29 Main St —Mouth organs, penknives, spy and opera glasses, and music boxes at J F. T STEHLE'S —Gloves, mittens, scarfs and fur caps at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. FOR HOLIDAY GOODS Go to J. R. Gi ieb. No 1G S Main St Ladies and Gents Scarf pius. Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Charms, Rings, Lace plus. Earrings, Collar Buttons, Watches, Silverware, Ac* Don't forget the place. Sign of Electric Bell. —That we are a mighty fine crowd, but that our neighbors are no better tbau they ought to be —Great reductioa ia cloaks to re i duce stock at L. STEIN A SON'S. —Silk and linen handkerchiefs, fine stock at low prices at Pattersou's ! Orje Price Clothing House. —Siik rnLiU rs, cashmere mufflers, large stvick and low prices at L, STEIN A SON'S. —Gents fiae cjp-s lowest prices in Butler at. Pat'erson's o'ia Price Clothing House, 29 Miin St. —G >to W. M R >oobach's ar.d see : his four dollar Guitars All k.nls of giru's, checkers ; d )minoes, back gammon, cribbige, i lotto's, at J. F T STEHLE'S. —Everybody will tiud it to their advmtatre to go to ibe City Bakery | for their bread, pies, cakes, etc. All kinds of puzzles, building | blocks aud cut-up pictures at J F T STEHLE'S. —Table luxuries at C K<ch A I Sonh'—orangen, bananas, Malaga ! grapes, dates, figs, fine candies, etc. | • —Splendid assortment of toboggan ! capb and Tam O'Sbanters at L, STEIN A SON'S. —Men'sNeck Wear full Stock, low I prices at Pattersou's One Price Cloth j ing House. —That we don't sco bow we can !be any better than we were last ! year, though we see groat room for improvement in others— ] —Linen handkerchiefs, lace hand i kerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs and mufflers at L. STEIN A SON'S. For the Holidays. —Grand display of china, glass ware and queens ware at C KOCH A SON'S. —A fine stock of bottled goods at C. KOCII A SONS'. Silk umbrellas a* low prices at j Patterson's One Price Clothing I House, 29 Mam St. Use Double All O K. Horse Lini : meut, best in the world For swell ings, bruises, stiffness of joiuts, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ring-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has DO equal. For sale by J. C REDICK, 2-18 3m. Mo, 5, N. Maiu St. Butler, Pa —Go to Morrison's City Bakery for fine cakes and ice cream. Home Made B. ead. From the beot family flour, and baked in an oven, can always be had i at Mrs. Armor's, at No 9>j N. Wasb i irigi.un St Butler Pa Special atteu ! tiou to regular customers. ! —That we wouldn't quarrel with | our ii' ighbors so muck if tbey ! wouldn't so persistently disagree with ( us wneu they kau*v we are right —Toilet sets and water founts at J F. T STKIILE'S. —Cull in and examine our im i mense stock, and our low prices aud we hive no doubt jrou will make A our purchases at RITTER A RALSTON'S, —Go to W M Rombach's for truns, revolvers and ammunition of all kind*. lie sells cheap as the cheapest —She—t\'hv Tom, where have | you been? You never stayed oat so | lute before Mo—l was arrested for disorderly ! conduct, tny dear, and oulv ju.->t re -1 least'd She—Good ilea vent-! He—Don't be alarmed I was i ouly looking in Chris Stock's show windows, and I nw the bargains in Etna Stoves snd it made me d zzv, ; aud thu p'licemtu tu ought 1 was ; drunk. -—Tbsit if ov«ryV.»dy as honoft art wo art), tbrt miliuauiu u would (xjiite durio'ty tbo yoar— —That the world is round but that most people are flat— Fresh Oysters. New York counts, and extra select tub oysters received daily at TATE S Restaurant. Did You Notice Those decorated, 121 p : e?es, dincer sets tor sl2 at C, KOCH A SON'S Christmas. A large assortment of all kiads of Fancy Goods suitable lor Christmas presents at RITTER A RALSTON'S. Come and buy your b'.\st girl a nice piece of Silverware, a Sue ring, a gold watch, or some other elegant gift,'of which I show you an endless variety, and at prices to please you J. It. (JKIEB, No. 1G S. Main St. Sign of Electric Bell, Fine silk umbrellas with gold and silver beads a: L. STEIN A SON'S. Silk Suspeuders, full sU>ck nt Patterson's One Price Clothing House. —Boxing gloves, fifes, and violin strings at J F T STEHLE'S. —That of the twelve months in th« year, we will devote f >ur to the world, four to the flesh and four to ourselyes, and will be good the rest of the time— — Don't forget yoar Father and Mother, nor Grandfather and Grand mother, during the coming Holidays, tbey surely would appreciate a nice pair of gold spectacles as a gift I have a complete stock and can suit all ages. J. R GKIEB No 1G S Main St. Sign of Electric Bell. —Toy pianos, toy drums, toy horses and wagons combined at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —Beautiful pictures at very low prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St. —Clearing out sale of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Druggetts, Rugs, &e , at RITTER A RALSTON'S. —For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries, go to Morrison's City Bakery. —Silk mufflers at Patterson's One Price Clothing House cheap. —That we will love ourselves as our neighbors love themselves, and will make it h*»t for them if tbey try to outdo us ia this labor of love— —lmported Carolinas aid Henrv Clays. Fried, stewed, broiled and raw oysters, and game of all kinds in season at George Smith's Square Meal Restaurant. Almost an Endless variety in Watches of all kinds from the cheap est, The Waterbury, to the finest Koid, both in ladies and cents for Holiday gifts call at J R GRIEII'S. NO 16 S. Main St. Sign of Electric Bell. Try ' Our own Special" the best, toby that can be mai!e, at No. 7, N Main St —Gents fine Gloves at low prices at. Pattersou's Oue Price Clothing House —New line of kid gloves, cashmere gloves, silk mittens, wool mittens, muffs, Ac. L. STEIN A SON'S —lf you want a (rood smoke go to W. M. ROMBACH'S. Buckwheat If you want, the highest price for your BUCKWHEAT go to George VVniter's Mill, Builer Pa, —That the poor we have always, but it isn't nu.' fault. We would glndlv get rid of him. if we could, and are filling to pay his fare one way At 25 Cents All woo! Country Flannels at RITTER & RALSTON'S At 25 Cenis Yard wide Cashmeres in HII Shades at RITTER A RALSTON'S. RYE WANTED. The highest cash price will be paid for from 5,000 to 10,000 bushels ol rye, to be delivered at the store of 7-29-tf JACOB BOOS, Butler, PH. For the Holidays. Buy your gifts at RITTER A RALSTON'S. Buckwheat Flour Go to George Walter's Mill if you want good buck wheat flour. Underwear, Ladies', Gents' and Childrens'. a splendid stock at extremely low prices at RITTKR IT RALSTON'S —That we will not discuss religion or politics witbernzv people aud that most people are that way Bargains' For the next sixty days, in order to reduce our stock, we will quote special low prices on all our stock. We have ou hands thirty bed room sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per set. Thirteen upholstered parlor suits nuitriaK from $35 to $l5O per suit. I'urlor stands from $2,50 to $lO. LouueeH from $2 50 to $25 11 »t racks from $8 to s.'lo Tabes from $1 25 to $lO Wash-stands from $2 to $lB, Bureaus from $!» to $25. Sets of chairs from $2 75 to $lO per set. Secretaries from $lO to S4O. Easy chairs, handsome pictures, room ornaments, etc , any of which would make both useful and appropri ate presents. MILLER BRO'S. No. 19, Jeflurson St,. Butler, Pa. Fancy cups and saucers, vases, mugs and mantel ornaments at J- F. T. STKHLE'S. Money safes, purses and tool cbests at J F. T. STEHLB'S. —That we will gee oil' no man's corns till he "hollers" three times— — For beautiful and useful Kilts tor father, moiher, sister, brother, son, dan/hter, b«au, Bweatheart, or friend, you need go nowhere else than to I> T PAPE'S Ruckwhcat Wanted ! TEN THOUSAND bushels of Buckwheat a:, George VValier's Mill Highest market price will be paid. UEOUUK WALTER, Butler, i'a. —That we will tell the doctor what's the matter with us, though it to> his butiiuCeU tu IfiHiW— —That we will lau*h at all men'* injuries and rejoice in their -roubles, beeau>-e they are getting just what tbey deserve.but will expect the sym pathv of all if we h-.ppen to be un fortunate ourselves— — A full stock of Kid Gloves for Gents' wear, at Patterson's One Price Clothing House —lf you want to make a nice Christmas present go to W. M Rom bach's for an Easty organ He will sell them less than city prices, —Full line of stamped linens, in tidies, splashers, scarfs, trav covers, pillow shams, aprons, Ac., at L. STEIN A SON'S. —You can have a chance on the famous toy—"The Rat Killer" for 10 ceuts at J F. T. STEIILE'S. Fine line of p f >cket books at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —Consult your own interests and examine our stock of furniture, uphol stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc., before purchasing. MILLER BRO'S., No. 19, Jefferson St. Wraps, Ladies', Misses' and cbildreus' in all styles, and prices from 50 cents to SSO 00 at RITTER A RALSTON'S —The bes' fresh and canned Cali fornia fruits for the Holidays, at Morrison's City Bakery. —Beautiful liu* of fine vases, air moisteaers for gas fires at J. F T STKIILE'S. Bradley's Blankets The best in the market at $4 75 per pair at RiTTER A RALSTON'S. —That we are the wisest family in Butler aud that people would appreci ate us if they were not so ignorant— — Remember we buy for cash and sell for cash, as a result we sell goods at lower prices than you can buy tbem elsewhere at HITTER A RALSTON'S. —Go to Morrison's City Bakery for fresh Oy6ters and Oyster Stews. —A. No. I. all husk mattress, guar anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a lower figure than can be had else where in Butler, at Miller Bros', furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St. —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furniture in our three ware rooms at Xo. 19 Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. The best as well as the cheap ast, but all the best made for the price. All persons will find it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certain pur prices before purchasing. MILLER BRO'S. —Use Double All O. K. Horse and Cattle Powders,best in the world. A sure and speedy cure for heaves, coujhs, olds, iulUined lungs, rough ness of skiu, aud all kiduey diseases. For sale by J. C. REDICK, 2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa —Combination tied and crad e at J. F. T. STEHLK'S. —That we are made of better clay than most pe >p!e, buve finer instincts, better impulses, nre more generous, fai bful, affeciiouatc and lovable. To all of which we most heartily sub scribe, and wish the rest of you as Happy a New Y**ar as your degener ate natures and miserable dispositions can possibly ellow of —AMEN CHINA HALL We have now on hand, ami are rec iv ing daily ad liti nal new goods for t lie Holiday so tson Our ii'so being very lar_ r e ami e >mplete, we can only draw your atten tion to the fact that no house in Hutler can show a larger t-tock. We have now a lull line of Fancy Vases, Smoke Sets, Cups and Saucers. IJisque Figures. liar hat ine Vases, Tea and Dinner Sets, Mush and Milk Sets, Water Sets, Lemon ade Sets, Liquor ets. Chamber Sets, Cut and Decorated Bo hemian and French Class in all kinds of Sets, Lamp* in all Styles at. all prices. Our stock of goods in China and Glass ware is unsurpassed in this or any neigh- Loring city, and prices, we guarantee as low as same qual ity goods can be bought at Decorated 44 pieces Tea Sets $3.75; Dec orated GO pieces Tea S< ts, £">.00; Decorat ed 121 piecs Dinner Sets $12.00; Decor ated 12 pieces Cham ber Sets, $0 00; Dec orated 10 pieces ( •hamher Sets. $3.25 No trouble to show goods, and we would appreciate a call Irom all, whether intend ing purchasing or not. C. KOCH'S & SONS. THE Ifflf PATENT WR Why it is Superior to all Others. 1.1 ITS Ix'lii'i enclosed II r«i»ln« the high 191. temperature ho nwnsaiy in removing tin- dirt from the Onri TIIKIIK lii'luif no Krtcl.lon ou the fcUU. etothlng to wear It. q rf < Till? |>e< -iillur ll< tton of the water In the O'U. M i-iiln'- wh|riicunn(ii lie underatood unless one w-'-s It) forcln# a strong current of water through the <•!•>»tiliiir at every vlrbratlon of Hi' 1 Agitator, (which IH caused liy the peculiar construction of the lop of the Machine. At h " 1 "' sl " r ;, 11 Is that itohlld <if fouryaar* H-111. Una do the work It being so light that Ihe operator KI'M down while doing It. Machines an I county aud Ttwnahlp Klghta throughout 111 ■ sitate of lciint\) lvanla. Sold by SHIKAS & HfIYS, Butler, Pa 8-l!>-ly rou CAN FIND £& tu iii i: ii r J Min t'lirwu of v.-lro will CbifftucC [uj ailVMi&nig ut Do Ygu Want a Christ mas Prsssnt !•" r a friend'.' I»o not wall .••nv lomrer but ron e univ t<> oir iitve and jmi \ .:!! '■ u - .•> trou .:E to pet Just WHA> ycu V.. V In- . i<|ii irter, for IMtdav lino.'. ;:d -.t at th:it line. We h»if lands -HI; ■' r »•!t' younj?, ;uid »let (r vmi have 1 r 1 tl • nioacv tu s.ieinl we c.n It Ip'tAi , i<- leiuof making It ro jm if • :d..o' Secure M r. You should see the hue display < f I" ' : Manetiirr S«;ts. CmmO Tr»H," V i»- ■ -r . Odor C.l-es. Cut til.i>s H-dtles. I'll■ a and ; h st ol others suitable lor ladles. But yo:i say I wanf acmethitK for;: man Writ, look Itera: ( nil . i> ',r Boxes In Brass and Pt'Hh. \W:i-k ?> 1 lers, >m<>kers Seta. Shaving Cases, Ti - ...vie! Scis. Mm .r«. Inkstand*. an J i a .■ ii: novel' i.-s that will prove iHeful :»> w«-l' - o ti .- menial. Our stock :s very Fall and Complete But we ask you to eail soon as ma y ; c.e ti. • slrab o Koods are 1 eing picki .1 i:e . ,':n.iv.!l ilml li to your ail vaiil.u:*" lociaii ' i i.u and »ee 'us. Yoa will tr • ; ; ~'!•■ * whether you \tlsli to .r uo:. No trouble to show tleods. PURE DRUGS and MEDICiTJES AND PHYSICIANS PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIAL! i. Respect tally, C, iBOKO, Omgai f, Hntler* - - - - I J a. Diamond Block Th.e t*eor>le's Gre.ll EXPOSITION! 4, GREAT SIMS II OIL 4, We annouuee to the people far and vUe that we will exhibit our collos*il t'ion ei startling wonders, to secure whl. 1; ::-l , arts of the earth—Europe. Asia, and portl ins or ft • C -8. have been searched. an 3 such in:e.-.-rtv.u!ou as has never been seeu sdnc# the d;,y Noah enter ed the Ark. The mighty Elephant,the sjr-.'at Khl noccros. the lllppopt.iuoiaa3.the Chltapati/.10.t1v Ou-r<in;»-outang or run-out-ands': ; • ui; lar tongrue-out, the greatest 11. Iny woaJors ol the age will excite no wonder wnen compare i with the multitude of monster attractiiv.ou -.iiibl tlon at our great moral Circus and Menagerie. The roars and howls of the would-be ci eapeti tor who Apes the methods, but cries dn.ii tli.- att ructions of our own and ouiy tire iiest fchov oa ejrth v.Hi be drowned la the J.iyf il a 1 im atlons of a delighted populace. Uet.'iemi.cr thl.i gnat show po&sesses no objectionable U'lturcs and is the delight of the culture.! and relinetl. We show under one canopy four great - how the Largest Slock—'.ir.-atest variety— Best WootU and styles—Lowest Prices. We have se cured * magnificent Brass Bund which will be a prominent feature of our great show. rings with a seperatc and continuous performance being enacted In sacli ring. NEW AND NOVEL i attractions. 3 Jolly Clowns. The greatt - t liv ing. walking. breathing. talking ctuL>.si;i s of tlii- age. I'hunny I'helloww—sure u> sell von and all the people laugh when they sec the bar gains they oiler. Oilier aud greater attractions greet the delighted eye on every side—the Pro prietor and Managers swinging'in the living trapeze attached to the highest pinac!.' of suc cess, give such exhibitions of nerve and daring In sweeping reductions, gorgeous illspt.i> ami woiulirliil bargains as to call forth tin: plaudits of the most prudent ami economical. T e man agement beg leave to announce that in their tin ! tiring zeal In the search for the rare and curi> us. astonishing results have alwaysfodowtd ami we open for your Inspection a colos sal collection ot bright auU i. '.v Kail Styles ia Mens' Boys' and Children*' Clothing. Hats, Caps Underwear. Ml.iris. Collars. Culls. Ties. Hosier)', liamlKcr chiefs.MiilHers. tiloves. .Mittens. I'mbrel las Trunks, Valises, Satchels Straps, Brushes, Combs, Jewelry, l.rsets. jer seys. Stockings with a full line of >oli"iis, &c. Big bargains all through the show. Song by Ihe Clown : - Men and youth and bovs uidlull, Short aiul Sa'ld.lean and tail. Wmi need a suit of clothes : Ins fall, We do Invite you now to call | For we are rolling en the hall. And jon are sure lo uiake a haul. Whatever you purchase,great or .small. Song 2 "What are the wild waves iyu>g." Buy ynnr <Mot!ilug and Furnishing goods of 1). A. HECK. Song 3 :—"Her lirlulit smile haunts n ■ still," Ihe siaile of satisfaction ih.it te ate.l fr<mi the face of the la-iy who dressed her little boy in o.ie ol Heck s irreslstaUlc suit s. If you want to save money and lucre;.*" votir pl'e .'.Mppin and C llKCK.'and he'll make you all smile. He possesses the power to spread happiness around. And his store Is tne place where bargains : re found. D.Mirs open at 7A. M. CLASP at s E. M. Nil mlttance. Cents Kree, Ladles and Children half price, lteineinber the place. D. A.. HECK'S, No. 11, North M«tn 8t„ llulTj's 810-k, BOTLER, - PA. - LOOK FOR STAMP tMgw , r W ON EVERY CASE."*" - " Your am ntlon Is called to ihe store or w. IC. Balstiin. the Jeweler No. 90, South Main trcel where you will llnd a cliolco selectl-m of W itches, flocks and Jewelry of even <!• r| t ,. Uon. Watch and Clock repairing a spe ci ally, W. E. RALSTON, No. (Hi, South Main street. Butler, Pa; MILLINERY In all the latest Novelties, French Felt Silk Hats, Figured Glasse and \\ atered Flllhes, Velvet* aud Silks FANCY PLUSHES, T!ie New Wide Ribb >ns, Corses, Shoul der Braces, Patti Sliirt Hands, il. -ier > are! Suspenders, Toilet Powders, WASHES, 1' in e Mild Cosmetics, "Letin Path" aud ' Sybcl's Secret," DRESS TBIMMINGS, I>res» Linings, Findings, Fur Truomii'ir. Newest Styles in Hangs, Hair (Jo.»U and Crimpers, Children's Knit and Flush C.i| sod Hoods, Toboggans, Silk ilaudker<'i> el's aud Mtilll. rs, MISS M, H, GILKEY, BUTLER. - - - PA Life Savad and Health Pe otnr-cH ''V using Usher'* Coil Lli : Oil ,>i-..1 SlUIt'U JIbU. A t'ertiilM retue I. 1.., ~ sumption, bronchitis. Aslbtni A. roiitl atnl .il throat and lung diseases. Preps re I :e <|u|te palatable. Ask r r linker t ( nil l.lvrr (ill sml M:i!t. !. Dot sold by Druggist..* I Pa to th" Vaii'i. . I J«»ll> < II W.KI; Io . 81 j Flliiirt hi., 1 J.i : Adrmite ia tbc Citiz&n. L.7: V L DV II .'ISSM EN TS, Estate of Ga : o Parker, dee'd. 11 > I i A.r.iCF t: TWJ» ) Let r in t iry . a the es-ate of Ojo. r,d • a ker twp, Has!er (!#, i' 1 i'.r;od, - .1; . • ivts in 1. !j(ed to ■ : c ltuniiiaiia e pay i ■ • . . _- c»: <» a/aia't :• :i i ea> t*'.': \ ;r,- ;» ;■«, u . u ! y ftti;!iratkut«J far (•" l'.\r.K : Oil < itv. Pa ' ,• . ■ J.t rs *' »- - - t: -rker. la. j Insolvent Notice. x o' . .i : •t a t s ...*v I wiil Eialc* nppU* ' " • t 1 ' •> : ' !■■:- ■ : IMiilef •'■■■ i"i:. ' :..y t-; Karc'a l. .in. : he t >. iveut - • ' ' " 1 !> i - 'i' - t'ourt . i . •" . li:-:: he.-triaa >.l the A. M'l.-.V AKT. , iv. ..1.1 'd ' ' t < i the i...»i: rs* ■ ■ - rauce AsMtHp ■ ' ( . f. !. !'• tsfl.i kt tnej i i:;t'e, ■ • ; I*i'" Ties ■!- <! i tk a a>., lor the imr : ■ ". , 'i "in-eiors to • -tve 0rt...: e. : r. A. I> Wrm. Prt *. , • ■ . 1.. : cj. 1 Biiil; i)' •*. iw:. r:ouce. ' A:! i f tli - V-'.srth .'f«*tal l-'ri- i !.-..i,. ... Xceca for the tn ; > .1. v..;l ! M i.i l'. I'. :!1 ;•„ at . ~i .Jan, j- . l.v'Ut vv. i: t.wi.ok, s.c. I'cLice. The Famers' Mutual Fire Itistiranco Cook l'-;.::;. ti . - . . : i: . will ljold j ..i if : I - ■... t I. .iLse <:L. A. I BttUnCo., Pa., t>» •satt. i. :l i t ti January. A I>., : -S. :■( ■■ ' . Ail !,.• ;.:wr iilT IllVl'.- tu to ..tt< i>. \\ ALLIvT, i'res't. iiKNtiV Ui-A ... Sct. j. ISAtt. t Eslato of Samuel Anderson, LATE OK C- 'SHM- DF.C D. !.t tiffs te.it wi... • e t.ite of Samnel Audi'r.se!!, uev .1. las o: Clinton iwp. ISuiier c .my, i'a ,1. ,:t ei»:lt'tl to tUo under ■i d «>t '■ win ;'I i■ - ■ iir'ke lnmedikM I ynieist. ... :,.i!y . v;ti; i-.aims s!|(aiu«t i-ald ot.i; wiil ; ; -cat c.t-i.i ily aatneutioated for st lit -II.:. V ( ANI»KIiSON, llx'x. Rti. les X ;io i'!* !,i. .-i t 0.. l a. Estate of Ellen Kiskaddon. (i. ,T ;• o: •.LUT.iTr::.'Y twt.) I.eiters «-i d u'r li \n,; been grailted to Hie umier don, lain hi Allegheny tp li'iiler. to. Pa. dee'd. all p r- os iinowi tin ' .. lv- < iiiilei>te<t i<isaid estate will picas" i.:. ke , aj luei.t and any claims ;<<:auisi Mtd t ■ will picsent them tittly auilienii . ti ii lor M-ttleim i.t. .1. KitjK AI>DOX. Adm'r. Fosburg, Pa. Ebtate of Samuel MoCllntock LATE Or Al.Ll'.iil"NY "WP., DUC'D. I.ei'crs e.' fid'iiiiiL.tratlon U iYin,, been granll c;l i,j tiic uat.i-,..!,. i. ■! -ja :c cm ite (it S..iauo- Ale.'l'ut* ..i:e. u. lit A.l ~ ny tvtp.. But* ler eo-ai'y. i'a.. a:! . ci-;i i, Kfciwlnj: th*Mist:>e9 lJuict !'• i ti' 'in- ,i!>..>e e- ■i e '.vlU t iv-fce make ua ajulf'.e I)..'.ii a;, aii l ally havintt ci: :tas Usi.il! t >i.;.it.l..i ' :.i p... .Nt them UUo uu iiicLtle..tcd for tcill.'a. r iit. i;. ;\itJcKK'N. ,1 mi;..; ii, v.cMAHAS, Atlmr. Att'y. six Points. Butler Co., Pa. Election Notice. The Annual Meetjuy; of the iiuller Coiinty Miiiual ! Innirarae Company will be held tU tli" rf ice ol the Secretary in Builcron the Sec tuc.l Tui'Sllkv of .human . lsi»a. tOtii ot tli inoiitli. "tietwcen the bams of 1 anil-'P.M.. tor the i lectiun of l) : v - ts for the ensntiig \ear. 11. O. Kot.ssiM'j, President, ii. ( Ill;lN'fmA\, ec'y. Jury List for Jan. Term, 1888. 1.1-t t-f Jurors driiv n t.i <eiv? in a special crm of court conjineneing the :;rtl Monday «f Jan. iww. being the iut.lt <la;'. ' Ash J>*i" ( >h. Forward tp, farmer. At~a« Sylvanus. (nd tp. farmer. ai well Win. »lart>n !,». f.'.r.H"i". Brown W I'; I'alrviiw. urodiuer. !'< Mill ..ti Wiii. .'ilikiu >-\ tp. shoemaker. Ci'iupbell O I', < li"rr.i ip, farmer, caiiipi.eii uivty. < mcotd iii. uiruior. ( l.eir Wr Butler lior.. iirucinet, laborer. Dalabia ii f s. Fo/v.:.rj IT». farmer. Dodds J.is <>. Prosp l boro, 111 mer. t>."i ay Artiiers. < ieariiel 1 tp. U.t^ier. lii trl 'b Jones, i'onv.a'.l tp. fariuer. iilmiln* Wm.Zelle mpie, mercUaut. )■;> i In- I 'ran i:. t • liter , iile, boartilng bouse, i- lemiiiii;.: i Imrie v, .mi id tp, farmer, i'r liii.-k cotleP). S": ,>iilt tp, farmer. tjtl"tirtst .lames. Cherry .s, farmer. Ilartlng John," Butler tp. r. raier. lieinl-olt John S xon' urg, merchant. Itltc nA. Petrolta. iperlnt ai.laat. ► II tut« i.lv.ard, Br.t 1/ tj), ft rmir. K; le Thompson Jr. r tp, farmer. Uijjar.n An new. sumuiit t.;». farmer. Krug Henry, i. s' l.tr boro im v.. bttiober. Ktaj{'.i>tl ■ I'O. < > ai. . iile, ii. .cUant. I,ii .'.iu 1 • .-.t'.is. l'enn tp. lan.ier. Miller DC, Centre ij>. ' inner. Miirp'iy'.i .liii, itnrr.!:■> r-i farmer. M iio''<;w u'n- :n, n s. tilaclcsmlth. .t' l til Jo "h, 11..1e 1;.; i;,. former. Me ilail* im I Vntil •••■. Cieartleld tp. farmer. M-N .; > e« n.Pr i. » 1 !•! irmer. a 'i.liei Aimer, 1 nei'i'y t(>. farin'T. N'orrl- lie'/cri B. Clinton tu, fanner. I :iitei!-i> Ictfus, i lay tp. firmer. !i;rvl ,;i eTh n ' iiiMifS farmer. lit < ■ 1\ !'. Bui!er boro 2<l w. 111.dertaker. iioiJi J ... Oakla id tp. farmer Ital ton i i .. ieiyrot k tp, farmer, sm:' h .le'in I' Brad ■ i:i 1 inner. .su .'.i.it. ivld Hale id ••'. boarding house, saltan Fi .uk. lionegrtl r ; i. contractor; > feilll ICtle.'.r.l 'i 1. at ,1 miller. Seitton mru 1 M* Ma : •11 tp. farmer, - '-. -1 ops 81 even. AUex'a ■> tp, tirmsr, Turk jii'i. M <rl ei tp. t i-iii t. \>lis ! ,li tlpll. I) lie' ;.l! 1 1 >. l irm )V. Wilson .!• tee .'.im. le* .• firmer. W. .oner In ni-y, 11 1 .e, ~-.j 21 vv. tanner. Wei: n1 1 "re. 1. " 's" ,v. (ewel 'r. w.'l; 11 I Wil'.l-lil tp. farmer. Walker Sani't 1. But: ■!' o 1 w. Zeiiner K'luioni, .V'llen ip'" t 11 iko:\ B, & B. M\M£ EXTRAORDIIART Dry Goods fi Winbr Wraq?, ! Ifuvl :r t. ' • rrei nt! ; tiMiiV-r of very ad :i•, pi; •' •• 1 I k-. ei ■ . v.e e'e Otli lie I I '. I.i i: :: u-v! i^'eiirillienw, i * il'tes \\ lueh 11:■ ve in ri" en • 'eii it. ."1.0 ,0 ACSOL'JTE DAHGAitiS, anil wtli ' e.voi.ri ;• 11 leclMn r :•"!■ oli nl", 01 t : ;!l" l> m r "'nil Oriler IV |iii 11 11 :1 1 \.i lei 111 la iii. I<l ; I:i.t yt.tT inier* •ft . v.iij '••• :-i.\!i!.. 1. 1 ' ,:\i ih i,1a,11 In-fore mak n'u 1 'i. ii' I-. .>1 y« ■r I II tu 'I Winter mip |ill« -.. ci..• 1m • !• •• 1 i 1 •" • > tin b.'rjtintis l;uu oil m • I'll I.• i> •. ... ' a Imitled space such iistM ' n! i'i i .i lllnnttiitf I t ii'.l iinii Winter titilomc, uiueli vnliial>le in— In 111 'tain as 111 •1\ 1 • ;. t lies, elfur gratui tous aistiitiui ,n. . a 1 . jily. Mid v.lll U * sent free upon ri' iue-1 i ii|i ti lto any adiire-.j. it is Kiilten up tor the iieneilt of lair oul of tmvn patrons. Opi-ia J to-ilas '- :i .be I" tteriis* line, see- Vie vhl ', |||l|»«l .eil cloth. 11l ||l| rnliirj. "> v iirds plain ; nil y lilts (■:" Ir.j >i sat rf lor the complete P:ii[era lie ■ ■ liobes have been «nlil tills y, ■ isuil ill 2- 1. Another lot • f i'-.uc-. I'- • Pa! teras or II ililtu ffoous 01 fine I j 111 rli I .In full llie of colors. \. Ilh <ll ml i.i it ii' . el and Gurni* Hue—Vesi. Ci.lis ai d Coilur. 1 rice 9K.Q3 etcll. Contalixll yd... tijuble v.MUI pools. Iti-ttl Value t.o Both i f above sp ' i . 1 offerings consist of abo.ll li.il Mult I'ailtn of cie-ii. and there Will lie no 11101 -. i.s tliii; el,, -if ie importation. iim p's fact S • ii skirt iii"-i : 1 inches in widtli. in laruc : .■ lit I.f J-'uiiey Strtpea. at ;o cents, tornicrly ■ t.: and nt vcrsolil for less befnr • 1 lenjitit "Is. •V UK Ii all w "'1 I' 1. ' nllngi. -irte.' hull all-Wi :.l f 11, V . i,nine.l.'e. .". - ineti all-- mll'.r , .Innas, lt>. t.u&li. ..a inch • Wi ill. h 1 loth Suit it!" ". I'l'. tl'l P.eii Chilli Sitiiiti'i. .'i'li'.. .'JI inch Cloth Si. ' . .VI. 75. ..V, SI.OO. Fr-'iieh >:iiii't;<«, »•• a;. r.». tu.',sl <K>, liii Inch *1 r!.' 'i s. 1 :•>> inch i rli'oN, .".I, . Itirli Tricot-.. ... • t > #1 :». Winter Wraps, ClonksTTtrr— Vu.tec.i |il ■" 1 ■ . .'iinei of I lilies'. Misen siicl ■ "le"' v.. 1 i .1 I-, inner of :. 1 • . from I•- tl ;' la un to 1 1 nunm iid clii ri Kris- ■i i i' »!t t :cs an i v.ith'ia:. ipii'sti 11 al i. 1 1.1 ■ rn'e. Voar vv nits iiii l el. .s w .'i incl ~ «'ii<|:lirliix hi're tor \our Wlnii r Wn )■ nd im ney saved f'»r ijiinrpurpi V.i' 1•• He nit"i-.-'t 1 of el mi ;iianti ir-1 leutlcal, JJftJip 1 Q WTfrji ItUbriY u iitluLi liS, 117,119,121 Federal St,, i Pa. P. S W'f it •oir\lt I 1 >. ItT I) p irtm -.it fur S vtu l lll<>l Ml 4' i«» 1. "fOfiUFORNIA Via. Missouri Pacific Rv.. afllron ronntam Boole. AH tboclilff rfiufMni «^TiUi tt»»* Htatcnun'l CNna»Jii will havcon <mifn i>:c< "r*lou p. U<Msai Rr«>Bt Jy r« lu.'l'll r.tittf» I nAii 1" om, ■*».•!n Dleiro. nr.cl v ao Frai»« I -co f"i " vun t»rjn f »ivluif s* I nuN \V' (Jnc»* .day, l>«c. l*i, lit I via Irnn Mouijtiiiii Route?