T-FTTT. CITIZEN • JOHN BL M W. C. XEULEY, PROPRIETORS. SCBSCBIPTJOS RATES" FOBTAC.K FHEPAtD : faeyear Z3Z. Si-* Ms month* ' Three months bterod «t "at Bitlff » t* flm »att»r FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30. 18*7. How. Dakikl Mahmiwo, late Sec rotary of the Treasury of the United States, died at his home in Albany, New York, on the 24th inst. aged 50 years. When President Cleveland was elected he selected Mr. Manning as his Be<*retary lor the Treasury, which position he held until his health failed, a year or so ago It is said be contracted tbe disease of which be died within the walls of tbe Treasury Department. I LAMAR'S nomination, for a Judge of tbe Supreme Court of the United States, was not acted upon when the U. S. Senate adjourned. Tbe ques tion of confirming his appointment will come up after tbe Holidays, when Congress re-assembles. It is reported that two Republican Senators are go ing to vote lor bis confirmation, and tbatone of these two is Don Camer JO, one of Pennsylvania's Senators. We do aot know how tbis may be, but hope it is not true. Senator Quay we are pleased to. learn will vote against tbe confirmation. * Tbe funeral services last Satur day over tbe remains ol Mrs Emma Neymao, wile of Dr. A. M. Neymau of tbis"place, were very largely attend ed by onr citizens and were very im pressive. In appearance Mrs Ney mao bad been tbe picture of good health and hence the news of her death was a surprise to all No more forcible reminder of the saying, that "in tbe midst of life we are in death," conld have been given our people than was presented in ber death. Sbe was also in the midst of ber use fulness. Her bereaved husband and children bare the sincere sympathy of this entire community in their great loss. Mrs. Neyman was tbe youngeßt daughter of Gen'l John N. Puryiance deceased, and was forty-nine years of ago. Tbe funeral services at the bouse were conducted by tbe Rev. J. S. McKee of tbe U. P. church and tbe remains laid to rest in tbe north cemetery. —Tbe Christmas festivities in tbis place far exceeded those of any for mer occasion. Tbe Cbnrcbes gener ally, and many families, had their Christmas tree. We were not able to see but one ot these church trees; that 1b the English Lutheran Church, and it, when lighted np with tapers, presented a beautiful appearance. Speaking of Christmas, we see a sentimeat growing all over tbe country against Santa Claus playing tbe im portant part be does in its celebra tion. Many are of opinion that San ta Clans ought to be abolished—elim inated from tbe day. Tbe clergy of several places baye appeared in pro tests and say tbe deception on children should cease, and that it hw a bad tendency on the religions exercises-of tbe day. Apparently it baa been an innocent and harmless deception, but on tbe ground that any deception is wrong in itself, Santa Claus will like ly soon have to go. New Years day coming will afford all persons who gave no on gifts on Christmas, or did nogood on that day a chance to do something of the kind on New Years day, and there may be a good many of sncb. Congress, Congress adjourned last week to over the Holidays, near two weeks. This bas been tbe case for years back and strongly suggests that it is time to have a change in that matter. Better tbat Congress should not meet until after tbe Holidays than to meet and be in session but a week or two and then adjocrn for two weeks. One reason always given is, that the Speaker may have time to arrange tbe Committees. Tbis is tbe same reason given at the meeting of each Pennsylvania Legislature, with less reason in fact than the one for Con gress adjourning. Those committees instead of being arranged according to tbe merit of members, are always picfaed and'arranged according to the politics of members or with tbe view to some political action, The present Speaker of Congress, Carlisle, bas not as yet announce! the C >.umi t<*es of tbe Houm'. and will not do so no a* un til f'ongrcas reassemble* after the Holidays, Thus is a mouth lost be fore Congress is even organized. It is time tbe people eali a halt on this business, both in State and Nation. The Teacher's Institute. ID attending tbe Teachfr'A Insti-I tn'.M ia this place this week, we could not help hot note the great change in it* proceedings aud character from tbe first one held ia this county. Then, tbirty-ODe years ago we believe, the first one, tinder the directiou of Mr. Isaac Black,the first County Super-1 inteudent elected, WM what would now be added ' Grammar," aod how lust to teach tbeai, were tbe priucipai questions that engaged tbe tescl.ers' attention. Compared with tbe exercises now held under Superintendent Snyder there ban been a wonder fol progress made. Then, If we rec ollect rightly, there were but few la dies or female teachers present New they »ecm to prevail in num bers ID a word, everything in ev ery department shows an advance ment only equal to that which has taken place in our couotry generally within that time The progress ban been gradual, aud just bow much farther it in to go, and where atop, it \» difficult to now foretell or foresee tbe "Common School Sys- Uui" is away ahead uow from what it wag at tbe outatart is very plain to •11 old enough to kaow. Tbe even ing eiercUes now, lectures and re citals, perbap* indicate tbe greater departure and progresH from tbe ear ly Institutes The "Recltala" of the Meigs Sisters, aod Mr. Underbill, fur iostsoce, OD Tuesday evening last, .. were of a blgb order in that line and *cry different from tbe "Ktcitals" of tbe Ifrtt' Institutes of this county. But laws change as well as manners aud customs, aLd we have to change with them. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION. The Question Discussed by the Senate. A bill introduced «n the Senate by Mr. Reagan to regul&tß immigration authorize* the Secretary of tbe Ireas urv to appoint "Insfiectors of Immi gration," to be stationed at such ports of entry a3 he may deem proper, and to receive a saary of per day. The Secretary is directed to draft regulations for the lauding of passengers, and to protect tbern from imposition. Power is eonfcired ou the in-pectors of Immigrat : on to board vessels and remove immigrants tem porarily for the purpose of ascertain ing whether they be prohibited from landing by this act. Ail unfit per sons are to be kept under the surveil lance of fhe Collector of a Pom unvii they shall have been returned to tbe country whence they came, the ex pense of their return to be bo.-ne by the owners of the vessels bring iag them over. Before any immigraur shall be permitted to land the master of the vessel shall produce a certificate for each immigrant cerM fying that he is not deported for crime, is not a pauper, lunatic or id iot, not jn charge of blocd relation* or authorized guardians, is not an assisted immigraut, and not under contract to labor in the Unite State?. A bood sball be given as a guarantee of di»criminated issuing of certficues on tbe part of tbe steamship company It is made unhwful for auy perso i interdicted by the provisions of the ■act to enter tbe Uuiei States, or for any steamship company to bring him to this country. MB. MOBBILL'S BILL. The Seuite then took up the bill introduc-jd by Mr. Morrill to regu late immigration, and was addressed by that Senator in explanation aud advocacy of the bill Iw main ob ject, be ?aid, was to have the charac ter of foreign immigrants examined first by Uuited S'atea Consuls at the ports of departure, instead of by State Commissioners at the ports of arrival. The foreign idea, he said, was that the United States invited free immigration regardless of the j immigrants; but the American idea was that it never really offered an aeylnm to convicts, to irreconcilable enemies of law and order, or to the occupants of the Old World's insane asylums and workhouses. The doors were left open only to persons of good moral character. The fact that near ly 5,000,000 immigrants bad come to j this country within the last t n year* proved that the q lestian was ooe of very great importance. The great American principle of immigrants was not proposed to be abandoned; but that principle has always been on the condition that the immigrants | should be of good moral character and i able to support themselves. Tie re- ' ferred to the fact that recently the Mayor of the Athens of America hal presided at a banquet given in honor j of the champion slugger of the prize ring; and that, if not the will, at leant the political necessities of the Mayor had prompted that action. He said that, seventy per cent, of th? popula tion of Boston was composed of per sons of foreign parentage; eigbtv per cent, of the population of New York, aud ninety-one per cent, of the popu lation of Ch cago, and these figures might be aggravated by future immi gration. FOUEIUNERS IN TIIIB COUNTRY. By the census of 1880 the popula tion of foreign b rtb aud par*n;age was 15,000,000, aod the immi/r-ition since then hud been 4,334.00'), so that, without including the children born of foreign parents since ISSO, there was now in this country a for eign population 19,430,000, or nearly one-third of the entire populttion. This disclosed the enormous a..rac tive force exerted by this on thu in habitants of Europe. He had 1 itely visited Castle Garden, in the pot of New York, where a vessel h*d just arrived from Antwerp with 000 iiu migrants, and the sight he had wit nersed suggested the doubt whether this country possessed the trausc;rid eut power to t ansform all those im migrants into good and valuable A. u erican citizens. He qno'-ed the reply of Mr. Balfour to a question in the II >u-«o of Commons to the eflTe-t that the Government would apply no more money to that purpose during the re mainder of the year. This, ho said was a negativo pregnant with sugges tion. Mr. Balfour bad not said that parishes or ueigbbora should uot aid emigration. At the cud of the year emigration might be aided by the Brit ish Government again unlssfl the Fishery Commission should implore Mr. Balfour to refrain from putting briars in their path while cunning diplomacy was going on here. YOLNO AMERICA'S DEMAND. The paupers of Great Britain num bered very nearly a round million outside of uncounted vagrants and casual paupers, who tar exceeded the number of so-called paupers. There was too strong a tendency iu Eucope to regard the United States as a cess pool lor the violent products of tha Old World. Provident husbandry demanded that Young America should not be wholly deprived of his birthright The measure introduced by him was intended to regulate im migration by a scheme so moderate as to receive general approval. it would, of course, be referred to the Judiciary Committee He hoped that the committee would report a measure to checkmate the gross imposition from foreign nations to which ibi-t country has been so largely subjected He moved that the bill be referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Edmonds suggested that the j subject more prope ly belonged to the I Committee on Foreign Relations, and he moved that reference The latti.r I motion was agreed to Vindication of Kev. Dr. Hildreth. CI.EVEI.ANO, December '2' i —Four Weeks ago lit:V. ItllflHtll |{. Pop*, 1> D., pallor of the First M K Church, of this city, |»r«-f«;rr»*fl a of char go* of immoral conduct against a brother iniuistt-r, Rev. Dr. T E 1111 dreih Both of those gentlemen art' lending lightH anions the clergy of the Northern Ohio Conference or' th'- Methodist Church. Dr. 11 iMrotb in over 50 yeurii of age To day h" wan acquitted of all the charges Thin trial ban probably excited more attention than any similar o<: curence in tbo Methodist Church of thin country for years, In addition to g«neral charges of acts unbecom ing a gentleman and Christaio, dat iog for years back, the accused WK specifically charged witb criminal in timacy with one woman of bin co J gregatiou. immorality iu ndatious witb a colored girl, of Oraud Rapid*, Micb., aad witb buying a loatbaooii diteaw. Witoensea from different parts of tie country have beeu brought buro at great expense, aud for about weeks past a jury of ministers, with clerical counsel on eacb side, has been hearing evidence The arguments at the clo?e of tbe trial were prepared with great care, Dr. Ilildreib s ad dress to tbe jury in bis own behalf • 1 e ug a very touching piece of orato ry. His great popularity bad much to do with bis acqnittal. Costs in Criminal Gases. The follow iDg act of Assembly was pa. e 3ed at the last pe j s:oa of the I Legislature and approved May 11», ISBT. It is entitled: "An Act, Providing for the pay ment of costs in crimiuai cases I>y the . proper Couuty: • CECTIOX I, Be it enacted. That i the costs of prosecution accruing in everv case of misdemeanor iu any of Courts o! Quarter Sessions ol the ; ice of this Commonwealth sb ill.ou t th u termination of the prosecution bv the bill of iudictoaent being ignored by tba grand Jury, or by a verdict of a traverse jury and sentence of the Court, tbereon be immediately charge ; at»le to and paid by the proper County: Provided, That tbe County | shall be liable only for tbe costs of ; :-ueb witnesses as the District Attor ney sball certify were subpw can they compete with us if they do not?" There in the whole question. When Mr. Cleveland's Message .;ame over, the English papers, carried away by their delight, sp »ke out free ly. They have since been warned that British support is not precisely what the American President wants when attacking Americas interests So they are more cautious. But their j first deliverances are conclusive. Mr. Cleveland's policy." said the | Times, "tnr-y not establish Free Trade in the strict sense of tho term. But i it will to u great extent make trade , free ' The Spectator is plain spoken and emphatic: "The President's terse and telling Message has strti'-k a blow at American Protection as hard as by any Free Trade Lejigua." The Sat uY day Re men- 1 I need not remind you, is a bitter enemy of America. It is now the President's eulogist. "lie de clines cautiously,'' suvs our lifelong foe, "to dub himself a Free Trader; hut he takns up a Free Trade position without disguise 110 and the lu-i --ers of the Democratic party have tak en up ngain the old Free Trade policv of the South Carolina politicians " flits great provincial journals at Man* cbester, Ijiverpo >l, Birmingham, fjced.-t. Newcastle and elsewhere, all uuite in this lyrical celebration of Mr Cleveland in his new character of the Briiidb M iDufacturers' Host Friend. Good Lecture Promised. Ilev. Theophilus lloth, of IJtica, New Vork, will lecture in the Eng lish Lutheran church of liutler on Fri day evening next, January 0. Jli-< subject will be, "An Unfortunate Sub ject," And from this novel titlu or name we iijay expect some new or novel ideas From Itev. lloth's rep utation as a scholar we think it may bts relied upon, that while his subject is "Unfortunate" hy name, yet in fuct it will bo a fortunate treat to all who may hear hiiu. Ho is classed among the elo quent pulpit orators of the day. and this with the fact the proceeds of the lecture will go to the missionary work of the church shfluid b«cure bin a full house. Admission tickets at a low rate will be for sale at several of the stores of the t r )»vn. Remember, January A Blizzard. 0 i Sunday last it was iryiui? to Know, in t>o modest and feeble a way us to MUK" ouo think it WUH undecid ed whether to triow or not. Li«ht (I ik">, as much like frost as unow, came d/wutbe whole day very rbiuc tantly aud very slowly Every indi cation, however, was that there was goiu;; to be a change of weather. a:i i this change did c >mo ia the stiape of a considerable biiziard ou Wednes day morning. S > fir tbe • weather of this wiu'.er had been very mild, and it is not yet very severe, the opinion etill preyailiu/ that wo are to hive an open winter. But this is ouo of those question* th it ouly time can tell. THE INSTITUTE. The t* achers have taken possession of the town. They have filled the hotels to overflowing, thej are here there ind everywhere, and as usual 1 their fact s are all smiles over this, ' their only holidsy. They have a hard time of it usually and when they do get out for a recess, they let you understand they are having a good ; time. Of course they come to learn, and try bard to do jo and they have the best of instructors, yet this does prevent them from thoroughly enjoy ; ing themselves. The boys say that ; ihe lady teachers are especially sty j lish and handsome this vear, and the girN tli nk the voung men are nice looking and have given the town boys the cold shoulder since Monday. The lustiiute is a decided success, > lhe teachers are all more than satisfi . Ed and praise the iustrnctors highly. There is not a single weak man among them. Their talks are all teeming with new ideas and practi cal knowledge and are a'l ot the kind calculated to make the teachers entbu s:astic in their caliiug. Financially the liiß'.iiute is also a success The entertainments and lectures have bad i crowded houses, and on Tuesday nigbt there were mOre than seven i hundred people in the audience Supt Sayilerneeds no one to tell hia) j to whom this tuccess is owing The • sessions have been characterized by an energetic spirit which is most grat i ifying to bis friends, and Mr. Snyder bas the satisfaction of kaowing that I the beet iu.-tirute ever held in Hutler I county was held uudtr his supervis t ion Tbe thirty-tbird annual session of the Teacbera' Institute was opened l,y tbe address of welcome by Jos L Purvin. Tbe address was plain aud practical aud filled witb tbe best of advice to teachers, and was listen tened to witb attention by all. It responded to in an appropriate manner by Prof. Magee, of Prot-pect i Academy. From then until our time ot going to pre3B the Institute bas been addressed almost entirely by tbe foreign instructors and Butler county talent is to be listened to fiora now till tbe close. I)r. Jeffera, the lirst instructor on tbe program, is from Limcoln University. His firnt subject was "How to get the besiefit of an Institute," and it was most excellent. nis talks were maiolv directed at tbe teachers and catiuot tail to do good. Dr. McCal lister, of lt'"iver Falls, lectured en tirely on Civics. Ilis talks were full of information concerning affairs of •Slate and Government and many of bis ifleas were new. He is a torcible speaker who carries an air of convic tion with him and would have been greatly missed by tbe teachers had be not been here. It was noticed tbat bis name on the program was a sure for a gathering of the at torneys in the Court-room. 11. S Joues, of Krie, proves to be the fun ny man, aud it follows that he is tbe popular one, but bis stories all bare a moral and his jokes, a point. 0«e of bis talks was, "Business is Busi ness," in which he showed tbat a teacher had to make a regular "busi ness" of teaching, using every meth od to accomplish bis purpose. He tol l one story which onvulsed the audience with laughter It was ab >ut a young lady (we believe she was a school teacher) on tbe tra'n while coming to Butler. She came into the cars followed by sever al other girls, all bunting seats. In front of Mr. Jones wan an empty one nod wheu Ihe school teacher came to it nbf! said, "Hurry, girls, here's a setting place," and iu their vocabu lary they sot. Mr Jones had many comic stories. He read a paper on electricity out of a dtily newspaper and discovered, nt the close, that it wts a pitcat medicine ad. Pres II: II uld to apply for licenbe in Butler county. Prof. W VI. Gibson, of Meadville has charge of the music aud is giving muse lovers a treat. Tho songs sung are well selected and are participated in hv all the teachers. It is doubtful whether any class of people conld bo found who are better singers than tbe teachers. The voic es of nearly three hundred teachers united iu singing that grand song "My country, Tis of thee" filled one witb *>ucb a patriotic feeling that we wished for an opportunity to save the ! country. That was the last verse though and »'e did not do it. The singing was eertaiuly grand, far bet ter than that of any previous insti tute which wo remember. Tho organ and the piano, which were admired so ! much, were loaned by Mr. Alex, r Williams, the music deuler. W K !>ugan had tbe time table of bis school on a black board and ex plained it to tbe teachers on Tuesday morning. What be said was clear and practical aud was commended by several of our beat teachers. On Wednesday afternoon Jap. M Galbreath, Ks(| , of Butler made some clear and sensible remarks upon grad ing country schools. Wednesday evening, Hon. It. J. Horr of Michigan, a short, stout man with a big head and a big heart, en te.rtaiiicd und instructed a lurpe audi enco with a synop«i%of his researches into tho Capital and Labor problem. Mr. Horr has a poor opinion of these agitators who are trying to pull oth ers down to their own level He be lis vrs in pulling the weak up to bis levi 1 a principle that includes the whole of Christianjty. We will mukefu'thcr note of the Institute next week 1.1'.T or rKAI'lf Kits IV ATTKNIJANCK AI I In: liutltr Cn. Tt-nrlirr*' Institute of HB7• ADAMS TWP. J. K. Iteulson ollii* (iilltey .1. M. \Vnllaci VVelliiijftim 11 vi.ii; HaUie U 81 "it a 1.11 ** I* it Khmier SlttUio A uilt rniii ALLr.OIIKKV nvi". .f("'itiie llrnhstii S. Al. Meals A licit MclClvrtiu NVtliit MuCluitock A«!»» Merlllilt Alvin ll ill Miss Gilnou t K.S'THK TWI'. 8. L. Allen Me Kinney W. It. Stfevenstiu W. II Tnrncr John C.Muore i iituuv nvp. A'lh Tlioin['»:>a MUH IIiK-ki-iibi rry Kilin McKlvain M. 1. A ti< len ill I.IZ/.IU S Ml (111 M. .V ('.imph -11 Audy Hpn.ul CLAY TWP. Dora II fr ( I'trry How«"I i'aiutc.r M. I', i'orter Jennlu Tnnaipjou J. • M. N. (ircer Portbtt II noli id A. W. Hays G. P. Breunueman CLEARFIELD TWP. Josephine Lucas Jennie Donahue Manda Murrin Katie Black J. A. McDesvit Mary McMahao CONCORD TWP. M. D. McClelland W. M Campbell H. B. Russell A. F.Cochran Jennie Aggas J.F.Turner Thomas W. Blair W. F Campbell CONNOQUE MESSING TWP. G. P. Weigle Isaac W. Dyke H. R Dyke W.J. Rasely J. G. Cable L. M. Heyle Jna. C. Kelly DONEGAL TWP. Jennie Hardttan. Rose McXeever J. N. McLaughlin W. D. Brandon J. F. Tioimeney Ca lie MoFadden BUTLEB TWP. J. R. Marshall Alice Caldwell J. B. Caldwell Bryson Alviry P. noge S'iMe Kelly Alvinia P. Hayes. BRADY TWP. W B.Scott A. F. An tersou. J, W. Mc.lnukin. VV. R. Cowden BUFFALO TWP. J 'hn Powell Martha B. Shearer R M. McFarland A. H. Sarver FAIRVIKW TWI* C. n Earheart G. G. Mct'ollough S C. McGarvey K. E Mc< all A E. MeCollough J. L. Thompson. R. J. McCracken J, S. Spencer. W. G. Kusiell John Kamerer Pname McCollough CRANBERRY TWP. Janet Graham I-aura Brioemer Jesse Y. Little J. N. Kline Clara White Amy Cox FRANKLIN TWP. J. P. Wilson J. G- McCollou(-h E. E. Euglish L. McGowaa O. F, Keister FORWARD TWP. Venie Marshall Frank Kelley OliTe Matthews A. M. Douthett Sfcdie Hamilton Annie Brown Allie Bellas JACKSON TWP. J. H. Wilson Dora San doe J. H. Ramsey Clara Graham C. E. Fleming V. B. Ccokson G. P. Texter JEFFERSON TWP. S. E.Turner S. V. Heginlwlham T. E Knoch J..E. Zeigler LANCASTER TWP. Xettie McNees Lummer B ulger E. F. Boyer Sidney Sliiever M'dlie Martin Nettie McKee Enos McDonald MARION TWP, Kate Murrin Hattie <>. Tinker G. W. Black T. V. Dougan Hamanthu Scaton L. M. Campell MKRC'ER TWP. Will Me Bride Maggie Herd man Sailie MrOooegtl Annie Brown MUDDYCBKKK TWP. Sherman (iallagher R. B. Wilson Nettie McKee Lida Webber .1. 11 . Ralfton Nettie Heberling. MIDDLESEX TWP. G. M. Lesli« Muttie Graham W. A. Dmny K. E. Graham MoCurdy Bricker PARKER TWP. G, T. Robinson N:ui MuMa'i&n Mary A. Bunce M. A. Campbell Perry Daubenspeck G. 41. Gibson Matilda Hoover 8. II A 1 It-n J. 11. Pisor (Jura a hood I). R, Flick and E. E. Shiia PKNN TWP. W. F. fochran Stelia McMillain K E. (iallegher E 1.. Brown W, G. Wagoner L. It. Hazlett SLIPPKRY HOCK TWP. M. A. Dole L'zzie Mcßride Maud Binghaiit Eva Ofl'utt Lulu ilsmilUin W. E. Dugan H. H, Crilo'alow S. B. M ifllin J.M. Fell MKMIT TWP. J. H. Tlinhltn Miirv <;rcen Suriili McMahan W. K. ('aliiwell W. S. llranilon IJ ly Pierce vkmAKUO TWI'. .loll ii ('aliitilH'll I'. It. llllllitril BexslK P.rtjep AIIIP Mi-aIH Ona l'atteraon Itlcliurd KoUej WAMIItMOrON T#T. Melvln Portftr M H. Yoiinji Maggie Hhlra Mollle K' llny Austin Meals Laura .lack Oscar Eva ns Matxl Jack worth rwr. Veil.. |ln Moore Boyle 11. Ffiidetiaker <:. (iallaglier I' I', tile,,n .10-iepl' ll'unphrey .1 II I'lsor 1.1/.za I'lzor WISfIKLD TWF. .1. K llilt/.ler \V. <•. Kln'lley \V. L, (iroIT .1 ii Dimvll M. I'alnter oaki.vsd rwr c. c. Hlppua i . K llunter J. B. MrHlvltt All •• M -Dontel Maggie (.iallaglier KRvNKi.iN (In l"[K!uden: > W. K. Wtmer .'KFKKitHos (Independent.) Clara Llmlx-rg rKMTKKVILLK (Bort>.) Levi M. Wise i iiarlo t lli ( arrcivs farrl- llliiek r.v ans citv (lioro.) Al. Zei :l(jr 1.. H Wulte F.VJKVIKW (Boro.) (<• E. Flatter Minnie McKlwo* HAKaiHViLi.K (Uoru.) r i;. Mc ot ii ii •lennii' H'-'itt i'Jle llodh UAiiaoMY (Boro.) J. A. MiUliigli'-r Lli>l>l<- (lurvcy t CITY Jkiro ) W. f Mi l 'oUongU J. II K Ip-IH uii.LßnaTowM (Buro.j 11. 11. LIIIOII. lieitinde Me! s Maggie Byets Mary runnier Mary ll< j'k.lus ri.ruoi.iA iBoro) K. J. I.oii'.nuon I'ie.i. Juiiitb'jo f'WTisi.) J. 11. fihleWu 11 fU -rTY B'.l-O.) U' I :o Kclicy SJ*OKBVBO (Uojo ) A F. .V'fUtntifty rut r. iOFLK hobocu". J. 11. Telj.'iy tills Martin \\'eJ'lro7 rno«s»*«cT bohocoh. John Wlmer .Jennie Thompson BCTi-KK aoaorou. Annie B. cummtngs. Emily Brittain Ella Coulter A C. Knisr Carrie White A M. Dltfenbacher Bella Colbert Anna Graham Rose Kelly Maggie E. Roger* Zlna Snyder Annie \velshonee E, H. Coulter A. B. Anderson E. Mackey Geo K. Balph Emma Llmberg Lizzie Montgomery M. K. Kmerfck Sadie L. Cochran Emma owe Jennie Crlswell Ella Purvis COMMUNICATIONS, Fire in Middlesex Twp. Middlesex Twp., Dec, 26, 1887. Ed«. Citizen:— About 3 o'clock this morning Mr. Hiram Fiick wag aroused f rom his slumbers by * loud crackling noise Arising from his bed he touud himself surrounded by a glaring light. He gave the alarm of fire to his family, then throwing the door opeu fouud that it was his ba-n that was on tire. The roof was al ready caved in and he proceeded in haste to the barn, clad only in his night clothing, and succeeded in sav ing all his live stock. By daybreak tne barn witb its contents of hay, straw, cornfodder, wheat and rye.aud harness and many farming imple nients, together with one stack of hay standing by the barn were re duced to ashes. Mr. Flick is a hard working man, with not the best of health, and bas the sympathy of this neighborhood in this sad loss. It is believed that the bara was set on Dre, as there is no other way known by which it could have hap pened. Vict. North Washington. Dec. 26, 1887. Now that Xmas bas come, some of us have come home to spend our vaca tion, and gome have gone away to our County scat to eujoy the Insti tute, Were the distauce not so great more of ub would go p.s it bids fair to be excellent, but we could not all at tend the Institute,so we planned aud bad some thing of our own. 1 speak of the Entertainment in Academy Hall last Friday evening. The pro gram cousisted of Music, Recitations, and the reading of "the North Wash ington Echo." The two Choruses, '•The Heavens are Telling" and"The Carnovali" were particularly fine. Yesterday our Church services were well attended, and in the even ing the North Washington Bible Reading Circle held their monthly meeting in the Presbyterian Church. Among those taking part in the Exercises were Mr. Gibson of She nango, Prof. J. F, Reigart and Mr. Will Robertson, New Wilmington. It is now snowing which gives us continued hope of sleighing which if it comes we may pay you a visit For the preseut,goodbye. W. J. H. Resolutions on the Death of Geo. W. Mechling. Whereas, it hith pleased Al mighty (iod to remove from our ! midst Bro Gjo W. Mechling; as a [ tok'-u of our f»r tin deceased, and of our sympiihy for ihe bereaved friends, we off-r the following resolu tions: Resolved, thai in the death of Bro Mectiiing we recognize the hand Ol a Divine Being who in hi* otnni-cience doeih nil things well, and we humbly bow in "submission to tnis result of Lis perfectly reguUted material laws. /{ xol< < '.t, tliHt this community bus lost u good ClUZen, the couucil to which b«» belonged, a faithful and ac tive member and bis family a kind and affectionate husband, father, son and l>r thei; and as w», min_'lo our tears of sympathy with thet-e mourn ing friends may we rec.ill f>r our con solution the words of the Master, "Thy brother sbaii rise again " llexolved, that thes t resolutions be sent to the Butler papers for publica tion, aud a copy of them be given to the friends of deceased By order of the WoPt Sunbury Couucil No. 920 Royal Arcanum. P. W. Conway, ) It. L. Alison, [ Coiji- H. D. Hock en herry, ) School Report. Ens. Citizen : —Please publish the following of the Grst monthly report of Mile Hun Schocl, Franklin tp , ending Dec. 13, 1887. • Member of scholars 42—20 missed no dayifc— 8 were not tardy any morn ing. In orthography quite a number of scholars ranged from 82 to 100 In grammar there was a similar good scholarship, as was also in arithme tic, history,geography and physiolo gy—some 20 or more reached 100, in some of these branches of studv. E L. English. [For want of space we are unable to give the names in detail of the scholars in aboye school, with their grades in the several branches.— Eds | UMPOUNO EXTRACT W g|n The Importance of purifying tho blood can not Ihj overestimated, for without jrnro j Moo hfi»» »o ■ ■ClnqftoWt, Mnt tar UtUamdH,, ■ ■ _ T>v% KOI* IUw Ct> M ! (WLD #▼ tHWovm it Brn.|CP. TRIAL I.IBT FOB SPECIAL COURT COLHEFCIWO MONDAY, JAR.I«.IM§. ffo. Term. }>. j Plaintiff*' Attorney. j j _ Defendants. Defendant'! itomiy. F. 1. L). 3 June, 'B7 Grecr A tiaUton jSt-oond N Bank of Erie Fred F James Brandon " 3 Dec. l&C, Met'aodJeas A Thompson Wm Starr, adm'r John Starr Fle»ger and UltekaU C. P.S9B Mar. lS77:Greer A- KaUton John T Perdue for use fl L Taylor Walker A. D, 46 Jnne 1881' Thomp A Son A L 7. Mitchell Wm McGeary IW B Shruder et al Brandon and Campbell, " 1 Sept, lSß3;.lofcn H Thompson Hoffman & Parr Ann Sutlker 'N Black " 40 Mar IH!M E »JcJ and T C Campbell Geo Keiber WP A 8 R R Co,Tbompaon sad MoCandi— " 3 Sept I*B4 Cornelias A Welsh Jamu Tebay iJoe McElroy Scott " 18 Sepi 188J- SloQ Henrv Pfibe C Tremble et al Forqner " 36 Sept 1886 Mceth Deonison A TToyt N Black " S>4 " 18e7'FleeRer A Moore tJas L Chambers John Dcver adm'r E McJ, McJ A Gal " 95 " 1887m4 I* maar woman for iho varloua oumplalsta to wtalah tbaj as* sal>ia«t« taaU tr>*i tolta Taluo asa core fnraupproaaM.painfitl, a>fu.« and Irronlar un-nntruat lou. lla atlm lOt, lonlo, oiurctlo aud awlailro Bro|>«rllaa ay Irritation, rotaota ooaaaadon, aootUo • «rlta bllltf and oar* too pain. Takaa lnm»« «lt» fall portion*. tOK*tnar witb not foot or "i««m basba It will lo alt osaaaprodocstbodaalrad »l*»"t. A valnabf* trtallH on l iuin d Kldaara (bat •vary ona .hould rssd aud kaop, aiallad if upou application. JAME» E. IVRRM, Hole A rent. 1U CUAMBtIUt ST., KBW TOWL t ui. Hal . uv J. C. 11KD1CK, Druggißt, utit-Li;, I'e.n.n'a. SURVE Y I NQ LvUVD, COAL BANKS, AND LKVELI^U. fvtlculur uttentU'ti given lo tbv Bctnu.-iuif ol Old llut-s. Addrc-r*, B. I. HILLIAUI>. (o.ftumyor Nortb Uojk; P. 0., Hutlcr Co., Pa. 8,\H4.1j Iks RAILROAD TIMETAbLES WEST PKNN B. R. On and after Mocday, Nov. 14, 1887, train* will leave Butler as follows: MAKKET at 0:15 a. m., arriving atAlleghe nv at y:i KJ a. m.; connects ea»t for lliairsville. "EXPKESS at 8:25 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:20 a. tn.; does not connect for the east. MAIL at 2:40 p. and goes through tc Allegheny, arriving there at 4:50 p. m.; ion necth ease. ACCOMMODATIOS at 4:35 p, m., and vn nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Ailegbeuy at 7:2t> tu., and conuects east as luras Apollo. Trains connecting tor Butler leave Alleghe ny at 7:15 a.m., 3:15 p. m. and 5:30 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:20 a, m. and 5:05 and 7:45 p. m. 8. & A. B. B. On and after Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, trains will leave Butler as follows. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster thau schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 6:45 and 10:30 a. m. and 4:40 |>. m. Trams, leaving the P. A. W. depot in Allegheny city 8:20 a. ni. and 2:4u p. tn. fast time connect at fiutler with traius on the 8. & A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville,fas: time,lo:lo a. ID. and 12:40 2:35 and 0:25 p. ui., and connect with trains on the P. & W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. ca. and 2:55 5:00 p. m., fast time. The train arriving at 9:25 does not connect for Allegheny. Trains leave Billiards at 5:45, and 11:00 a. m., slow time, and arrive at 9:20 a. m. and 5:30 P. m. Both trains connect at Branch too for Butler and Greenville. p. & w. R. R. On and after Monday, Oct. 24, 1887, trains will leave Butler as follows: Corrected to fast time, one hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 6:15, 8:18, & 10:30 a. m. A 12:45 p. rn.A 2:50 A 6:20 p.m. A train oonnecting for New Castle aud the West leaves Butler at 12:45 p. in. and arrive* at Chicago at 6:00 a. m. next moraine. Trains arrive from Allegheny at 9:10 aud 10-21 a. m. and 12:30, 4:40, 7:55 and 9:30 p. m. Trains leave Butler for Foxburg and the North at 10:21 a. m. and 4:40 and p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the north at 8:18 and 10:30 a. ra. aud 6:20 p. m. On .Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 8:43 a. ra. nud 6:20 p. in., and fur the West at 1:45 p. m., aud arrive from Allegheny at 1'):21 and 3:35Jp m,aud from the West at 7.55. A train arrives- from the North at 8:43 a.m. and departs at 7:55. p.m Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:00, 8:20 and KK2O a. ui. und 2:40, 5:40 ami 6:40 p. iu., fast time. ' Trains leaving Butler at -8:18 a. m. and 12:4') p. ni. make close connections at Callery for the West, aud tho 2:.50 tram connects but not closely Train* arrive at Allegheuy at 8:10, 10:3u a.tn.aiiii 12:25, 2:55.5:00 aria 8:23 p.ui. J. 11. DOUGLASS, —DEAT.BR IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND iWall Paper, Eagle Building, Main Stw, BUTLER, - - JPA., loA" L ES M EAT FL WANTED I I to canvass for the sale of Nur- " « wry Stock t Htoivlv employment jfiiarsntefd. MAf.AUV ASM EXHKMHKS HAIII. Apply at once. Klatlnis' age. (Keler to this purer.) Chase Brothers Cc., IO, Ti" PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt > i, Arrasene AND OUT LINK WORK DONS Also lessons In sain i given by AN NIB M LOW MAN,. North itreet, Butler, Pa. ne9ol-ncl, Hutler. I'a. IUA McJl'N A IN, Attorney at t.av. onii.'ea' So. 11, lint .leflfer sou Ht , Hmier. I'a, MR R. J. LAMB Organist and Chuir Master, Ht. Peter's Herman Cli'ireh. Ilutlcr. Oa«i*», PI Ano count. VIOI.IN, MINKI.NU AMO II ak- M'INV, Pianofortes and Organs Tiiii»*«l an 1 Itegulrtt etl Tsrmson application, So West .IrlTerson street.. tire gti.iranta-ed 1 •] I I » >■ dllsl sHby Dr. > K. Mny Bll*| M,*M 1 ■ wj'-r. s3l Art'h st Ease OM». No operation or liuslne** delay. Thouniii'ids oi cures, »t Keystone House, Heading. I'a., '.lid Saturday of each mouth. Hand tot.ioreulars. Advice free. FOR SALE A larjie frame litmrdliif.' boij'w. gofxl l'H'iitlot) and doing Urg" l>usitio-s. Teiuis c.*ty. I'ot further Partlciilar* tininii'- of 1., b. *« 17 t cr« r»«i'i St.. Dltl'<>, I*4. AFFLICTED**. UNFORTUNATE A/uar alt other* fall c-n»u.jt Dr. XJOBB BSW V. 14th St., belovCaUowbUl, Ptila., Fa. U ywinfvltscilß id RFBtSAI dluant. Pvr> iMuaiuiy rsslorw thu>o weakened by sarly IndUcm tcifc ECTWS If 1887 1888 Fall and Winter mods mmen Uklncib OF s ♦ HITTER & RALSTON. -•-IN THIS PftPEK AND COME IN i-NJ Secnre Bargains, Fall and Winter. 1837 1888 IVKTV Clothing Store. CLOTHING, HATS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, UNDERWEAtt, NBCK WKAR. OVERCOATS, RUBBER COATS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, UM BRELLAS. SHIRTS, CA.PS, SHOE> FOR MEN AND BOYS, &C„ All at mo«t roat-onable prices, JOHN T. SELLY, 69 S., Miiin fcit • » (ri**t door to P. O.) BUTLEK MARKETS. I'll* following tk« selling prioM of mar "♦livnts of tills plane : Apples, per huslujl, 6(1 to 'lO thaife, new, 7 to 12 cts. I'smiles, mol.l, 14 to. 15. ets. t'urljou oil, 10 to 15 cts. Cheese, 12 to is ets pur |i>. Crackers, 7 to to ets. jwr I " . Cbiclcens, |>«r pair, 40 to *>t». cts. t'offee, Rio, 27 i ts. Coffee. Java, otc. Col)' R»ast« i. t'lour, per sack, $1.25 tJ ?l '15.. Ketsl, chop, per 100 U IUIKU. $1 25. Feed, bran, per 1(H) In*. $1.15. Grain, wheat per bushel, !•!>. (}raiu, oats p«r bushel 3<> to 42cts k Oram, ooru per bushel o>) cts. Lard, 10 cts. Hams, 150 is. Honey,2o cts. Hay, *l2 .• shoulders, 10 cts, Uacou, 13 cts. Dried vaof, 18 to •• Corn meal, per p.>uud. 2 cts. Potatoes, new, !M cts Bushel. lUc«. 0 to 10 cU. ' Su«ar, bard, 8 cts. ttugur coffee, 7 eta. hugar, raw, lit ots. Moup, 5 to to eta. Salt, per barrel, #1.35, . . Tea, uytoo, Ouuuowdar, etc., 00 eta. to 00 Tea, Japan, etc., V) to CO cts. Tea, Breakfast, 40 to «0 cts. Tallow 8 ots. Buokwbaal Flour, 3 eta. per pouo4. Turnips, 60 cts. per b«. ssSorsrw*"'