VOL. XXV KIRKS white iiiiP Tlie ouly brand of Laundry Soap awaukd a first class medal at tho New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teci'. absolutely pure, and for general household purposua l» the very best SOAR TIE TIMES PHILADELPHIA. Cheapest, Brightest, Freshest and Best The XOST COMPLETE HFWBPAPKR PaMl»he4 la n)M»l(hli. Tkt Tiara Is the mo» t widely read newspapfr published In Pennsylvania. Us rea ere are among the more Intelligent, progressive and thrifty people of every faith. It In emphatically an ladepeadrst newspal*r-"I ■£ everything; neutral in nothing. - It* discussion of public men sod public measures Is always fexrleu and In the interest or public integrity, honest government ana prosprious Industry, and It Vn»ws no party of personal allegiance' In treating public Issues. In the broadest ana best sense a family and general newspaper Tfca Saw* of Ihe Warld-The Tints Li* all the facilities of iidvanced Journalism for gathering new* from all quarters of toe Olobe. In addition to that of the AMOdated'l'ress. now covering the » hole world In Its sWjJe. maklug it the per fection of a newspaper, with everything care fully edited to occupy the amplest space. The COB lag Taar will be one of universal pub lic interest lu the United States Party organs and Independence ot lb# age calls for the inden dent newspaper when great political conflicts are to be met, Grave problems of revenue, of finance, of commerce, of industry, of science, of art and of every phase of enlightened progress are la coostant course of solution by the people of the Union. and the progressive newspaper Is ever Iri the lead in every straggle for advanoe "stt Ttaias Is a one-cent paper only lnpriee. It alms to have the largest circulation by de serving It and claims t£at it Is unsurpassed In all the essentials of a great Metropolitan news- Capias of any edMon will be sent free to any one sending tneir address. Maaday Ulttoa-is pages— Handsomely Illus t.ated. ti a year. Weakly, tl. Terau-Daily *3 p«r .aunum, II for four months; 3J cents per month; delivered by car riers for • cent* per week; Sunday edition, an Imuteose q i*Jruplo sheet of im columns, ele gantly Ulnsi rated. 82 per annum; 5 cents per copy, Dnlty and Sunday; 85 per cent* iter month. Weekly edltoln. *1 per annum. Address ull letters to TRK THIS, Chestnut and Eighth Street Philadelphia, Pa. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE Beautifully Illustrated. 15 Cents, $3 a Year. ITS BCOPX.-TRK AMERICAN MAGAZINE gives preii-rcnce to national toples and scenes, mid its literature and art ere of the highest standard. Famous American writers nil its pages with a * lde virlety of interesting sketcheH of travel and udventui e.serlal a ail short stories, descriptive accounts of our famjun countrymen and wAmi'n. brief essays on the foremast prob lems 0 t the period, and. In sho.t. this Magazine Is * IMatlaetlvelj lUprnpntatlra of Aarrirsa Thusgkt and Pro*r»«. It is acknowledged l.y the press and public to be the must popular an?l entertaining of the high-clasti monthlies. ■ IIDADTAUT A Specimen Number with INrUil I All I. liliiotruted premium list, and Special Inducements in Cash or Valuable Premiums tJclub misers, will be SIM on re ceipt of 15 c., if tills paper Is mentioned. K<*pon«n>loaa4 aaargatie prw»i waatnl to Mlldt ssku-rlptlens. Wrlta at a«a feretcia- Uva territory. Address iaKUCAI XAG AZIXK CO., T4S Broadway, Sew York. —i THE PITT3BUB2 TIM2S A Low Priced Home Newspa per for Busy People. All the Daws of tha day for I c. THK PITT* P. C KG TIMES Is tlie leader of on« cent dally newspapers ■!> the United State*, and should be in every home. It presents all the news of the day lu bright concise form ; pat* special attention to the events in all the town* of Western Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio anil West Virginia; gives the mo*t reliable and complete market reports, dean editorially Willi ail Uve teptci honestly and fearlessly. and excludes everything offensive to the most retln ed from Its columns. The Most Important year With Congress in session and a Presidential Campaign in progress, the year 1888 will be aaaomt the most notable In the history of the country, THE TIMES will be a faithful ehron Icier of all events. The great political conven tions will be attended by its own correspondents and daring the year m «ny new features of in terest will oe introduced. ALL FOR $3.00 THE TIMES will be sent ttf any address, post see prepaid for 98.n0 per yar Mail subscrip tions for one month will be received for 25 cents. Address all couimunleatlouj te THE PITTSBURfip TIMES, 102 FIFTH Avctrs. f y PITTSBURG, PA. Country Geiitleman THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DKVOTED TO FAR! CHOI'S AMI PBOCKFTSES BOBUCCLTVRK A FRUIT UROWISG. LITE STOCK sad DAIRYIS«. While It ul-.o includes all minor departments oI Kural interest, such as the Poultry Yard. Krito mology. Bee-Keeplng i Jrecrihim.se and Oraiiery, Veternary Heplies. Farm Questions an l An swers. Fireside Reading. Domestic Econoinv, and a summary of the News of tlie Week. It* MARKET KK:'UKTH are uulisually complete, and m-icli attention Is puid to the Prospects of the ('rope, as throwing light, upon one of the must li:i]>orbuit or all questions—When to Kuv and When to Sell. It w liberally Illustrated. aud lij ItKCRNT KNLAKUKMENT. contains mori reading matter t ban ever before. The Subscrip tion Price la (2.-V) p»-r year, but we now ottei a SPECIAL lU,DICTION la our NEW CLUB KATES FOR 1888 1 TWO SB Di'BIPTIOSS. In one remittance....* 4 MX SUBSCRIPTION, do. do Jli TWELVE SUBSCRIPTIONS, do It t»"To all NEW Subscribers for 1888. paving It advuiee now. WE WIU. FSNI> THE MRU W KRK IY, from OVH RECEIPT of the remittance, to Jan uary ISt. 184*, WITBOVT CHAKUB. ursrrctMs.v Conn Fagjc. Address. LUTNER TUCKER 4 SON. Publishers. ALRAXT, K. T. iKPSEBiH&SH THE BUTLER CITIZEN. t fr\\ I can be cured of Vour j orWin/Ou«f{WDflCH£ by usi"3 for I(iebe^^^^c^P®p'cfiJre teiK2^«Pr. L K«fo* CHRISTMAS IH COMING we wsnf"everybody *ho expert* ni:,ke a Christmas present lo be sure ami sec our Elegant Holiday Attractions! Ve offer at very close prices the u.west an t iml most t!t*lr»!jl<* jjoihls of the Season. coiisist of Rubber. Ivorv. Celluloid, TJoro ami /vlo'itie <'(.mtis anil Brushes. Cuff awl Collar lioxesin Plush and Le.ulier, rases. Toilet Seis. Odor Cases in r lu.-h and Leather. Whisk Brooms, Dressing <;ises, ianlcure Sets. , ShKTintr Sets In leather, I'lush and Y\ nod, iinoKers' Sets. Jewel Cases. Whisk Holders. Toniii Enwhts. Handkerchief Extract*, Toilet Waters. Colognes, \nd many other attractions too numerous to raentl'n. It will do y;u good lo see this Brilliant Ills tlav which includes hundreds of sifts suitable or olur prices are bound to please you. I Redick's Drug Store, No. 5, North MaiD St. ei's catarrh Dream Balrcappp^pug^jlH Cleanses tht wMMA Nasal passa P sores, restore .he Senses o Taste an c vsx.) smell, HAY-FEVER Try the cure tlj's Ceem Balm, 1 particle I* applied Into each nostril ai d Is urreeable Price SO cents at uruKcisis; b\ mall, rejitotered. CO et*. Circulars free, KIA DUOS, i 35 Greenwich St. New York. >•T'tvTCvT* »*•*«*** fm. ■ ■ fk ■"> I Ci-fie-Sutalnik'-Vreuaiif, lUic»- H llh W* I cii'.iiui, N.'Ur V sci-tica, ** " _ I riouriay Pair. . S.ltnh la tho DML I f%l G s.tjj, lix-ka-'hc, Swollen Joiata, I U.art Ui'&ut, 8 ro Muscles, Pain in th» Ckert, and all paiiw and iu:he» either local or iMIMWUd are iMtantty r uered and «-Wiiten ar-; eold by ail dru«ir Pills, DtT S.A7 JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. AU work pert unlti? to the profession esccut ed iutbe neatest manner. _ Si>eei:ilti' , s .—(ioM Killmirs. and Painle« F.x trartion ot Teeth. V'.tnlized Air sidinlnistered. IIIBr# on JfffKrv»n Streot. o*II. il»«r K.isl ori.owrj lloiiKt*. I'p Stair*, omee open dally, except Wednesday* and Thursday*. Communication;* l>y mail receive prompt attention. N. B.—Tlie only Dentist In llutler using the best make* of teeth. JOHN E. RYEItS, PHYSTCIAN AN "SURGEON Office No. C 5 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEITm. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 We»t Cncninphum St., BUTLER DENTI3L'H, k 0 1/ WALDKON. (iraduate of the Phlla.- . delphia Dental t'ollcne, t* prepared to do anything );< the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street. Butler. Vnion Block up stair*. j. s. LUSK,m.b~, Han removed from Harmony to Butler and has his office at No. ». Main St., three doors helow Ixjwry House. _ _ a;ir-30-tf._ IITEIMBIIIRI BIEt, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLim, - - PA Near New Court House—fonnerly l>onald.*thii.« the market affords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAHfY. VtAtt frlly v>Wuiftvt. BROWN'S NEW YEAR'S VOW. >• God-by.'!' exclaimed his help-mate, "now, Rrniember, dear, your New Year's vow." " This t'me I'll l:?ep it, sure as life," He smiled, und kissed his happy wife. P.ach time lie ra^' 1 a tsquor shop He looked away, and wouldn't stop. He met three eron'es on the street: n •' Come in." they urged, " we want to treat. "No! I've sworn off,"' Brown nobly said, •' My nose shall not be painted red." "Huirahl" they cried. " we'll swar off, too." (This shows what good examples do.) "There's nothing now can make rne fall," Brown thought, as he went in to "call." . '• A happy New Year's, ladies!" cried Br.r hero, bowing, when ins de. ••The samo to you, and many moTO," Tue ladies answered, us of yore. For just five minutea altogether The angels talked about the weather, Then led Brown 1o the tnb'.e, where They heaped his plate w.ta New Year's fara Poor Br .w r.! He balanced on his kneei That pi ate. and tried to hold a sneeze, ■Which, burst'ng like a thunder clap, Shot plite and all from oif h.s lap. "O! Mr. Brov.n, you've taken c:>lu," Cried out the ladies, young and old. Alas! upon that table stood Decanter* filled with no one's good. And dain'y hands commenced t-> till The glasses, to allay Brown's chill. '• Ahem'." Brown blu.hed, and ijavc a cough *• Excuo" me, la<''es' I've sworn off." " O, New Year's day don't count," they smiled, Ac, Eve-like, they poor Brown beguiled And. Adam-lit:?. Brmtn foil ar.ew. Because the ladies asked him to. A soft white hand presented brandy: Brown drank —then felt quite like a dandy Another offered h'rn some sherry; He drank it, and grew very merry. A wife and mother gave him whisky; Another pert; Brown now was frisky. "(Hie). Happy New Year! (hie) I shay- Lot* of 'em. ladies(hie) Hooray! And then—the truth shall here t* told. He kissed each female, young and old. "Help! Murder 1 Thieves! Police!" tdey shrieked, While husbands mad, rushed in and wreaked On Brown their vengeance, till, most dead, With shattered vows and broken head, He, In an ambulance was sent To face his wife, and there repent. • MORAL. Now. ladies near, aiwl ladies far. Don't keep on New Year s Day a bar. For many a man slips off the brink When womea tempt him thus to drink. Another's husband, son-perhaps Your own —may from these New Year trap.. His run And. O, ladies, all. Care for the Browns, who 11 on you call. H. C. DODGE. A PAIR OF SKATES. A True Christmas Story for Boys and Girls. 4/ DON'T care! There! Sa nt a f/f f m Claus v.'a« real mean V J'" auc l Btingy not to / p:'~. lSt' give mo a pair of I i'J i lis flutes,'' exchii ni e d J ifmji'HP Hltte Pw.rl Temple t[. i \ui ( w ton, na she threw a |f| V j .1 pair of bracelets on *\ ) ) \ ' l Y's, the floor in a pet ami •/£■> I gave them a con temptuous kick. 'Why, sister, dear: it. is very wrong for you to complain," said her brothar Frank, as he g.iz?J on tin array of pressnts that covered the tuble top and half hid tho sofa ou which she wan sitting'. "You have four times as many gifts as I have, and, 1 tell you, I m quite woll satisfied to get what I did." '•Well, you have just what you asked for, and I haven't. You wanted a watch, a ring, a knife, a fur-cap and a double-run ner; and you've got every oue of them. I asked for a pair of skates only, and I have every thing 1 did u»t want and no skates. 1 don't care; I think it's real mean," and she buried her face in the sofa and began to sob. Her brother watched h?r for a few min utes with an expression of sympathy on his open countenance; then ho took out his pocket-book and counted its contents. "Here, sister, take this. dear. It is only five dollars; but it s all I have. It is just tho price of the pair of skates you saw in Choapuian's window last week. I wanted to buy them for yon. and w.is afraid mother would feci displeased; but you may buy them yourself, and she will not scold me then." "O, Frank, what a dear, good brother you are!" exclaimed -Pearl, looking at him through her tears. "1 would rather have the skates than all the rest of my presents. I wish 1 had theiu now. Won't you put on your coat and come with me while I buy them. It won't tako long and I'd rather not go alone," she said, coaxmgly, as she placed her smooth velvety chcelt against his. "Yes, if you will hurry. 1 wish to t>e here when Uncle Eph cones; I wouldn't miss •eeing him for any thing." Puarl disappeared from the room and soon returned wreathed lu smiles at the prospect of having her long longed-for skates soon in her possession. *'Keady in a minute," she said, as she quickly tied on her hood and felt in her pocket for her mittens. Frank put on his overcoat and hat and took his sister's hand as they stepped out-, aide the door; and their mother, who heard the door shut, watched them from the win dow above, and she felt thankful that God had blessed her with the jwssession of two rare jewels. Mrs. Teinpleton was a widow who en joyed a good income and lived in comforta ble surroundings. Her husband died when Pearl was loss than a year old, and, as tho baby of the family. Pearl had been petted and wade-of until she was a spoiled child. Frank was a manly little fellow of ten years, who thought his little eight-year old sister was a marvol of sweetness and perfection, although she often vCxed him isorelv. He had an indistinct idea that he had not done quite right in giving to his sister the money with which to buy the skates; but he had been unable to withstand her grief and disappointment. As they merrily pursued their way, taking a short slide wherever the frozen sleet af forded an opportunity, their faces became a glow with the healthful exercise and many pedestrians stopped to watch tho handsome pair indulging their glee. Suddenly, Pearl discovered a long, smooth slide, and with a cheery shout, she made a short run and shd to the corner of the sidewalk, just in time to collide with a man who was about to turn up tho street. "Aha! Merry Christmas, my little dears!" said he, as he took Pearl on his arm wid kissed her, while he bnlauoed him self with his cane to meet tho ehock of an bther collision with Frank, who hod fol lowed close behind Pearl. "Wish you the same, Uncle Eph," replied the lad, as he stopped 6hort and grasped his uncle's baud. "Well, where are you two rogues bound so early i" asked their uncle, pinchiug Pearl's ro4y cheeks and Frank's ruddy chiu. " Down to he hardware store to buy a pair of skates, sir," replied Frank; •i A pair of skates !" repeated their uu- I cle, with au air of sadness. " Nonsense! ; You don't need a pair of skates. Why, I you'll only skiu your nose, crack your elbow and bump yourself black and blt;o If ' you had a pair." " They are not for ine, sir. Thoy are for Pearl, and she wants the® tsomuoh," plead ed the boy. ; 44 Yes; Frauk gave nys Christmas money Ito buy them wtyh. I «ver so many aucftll I wanted was a pair 'of My dear little girl. I want you to come liome with me. You see. lam lame. aad I - s . ' IN mluki^S w l V\<^C^Mpk' ; < /A imW I /I - _— yj/ IJ tUpid«ir M&s£. "AHA! MERKT CHIU>TMAr.ARS." can t v.'.ilk on the iee with my wooden log, unless 1 have my little dears to kc*cp nio from falling. Yon saw how nearly I c.ime to falling this minute, you rogue, if you had not helped ne. - ' " Oh, but uncle— "Never raiud the skates to-day, IVar!: 1 do not thiak your m > U?r wo-v.l \ like to have you buy theai 0:1 CUriotm is Day, ami you do n<-i. wish to do any thing ihut would pain her, do you;"' "No. indeed," she repliel, quickly. But the tears camo to her eyes i:i r.nite of her attempt to ap;>caras though rlie was not dis api*>iiited. "O, dear, I did want them so badly," and t-he brolte down with a sob and smothered her face in bis sleeve. "You shall have them, puss, if you want them, after you have been home and listened to a story I will tell you. You don't know what I have nr. pocket for you." " 'Vaint skates. is itsaid Pearl, bright ening up. "liive aao ter guess." "I don't want it if it isn't skates.'" Bhe re plied, with a pout. ••I guess 1 11 have to give it to that little girl who is walking ahead oi us," said Uncle Eph, as ho opened a morr jcco case and held it away from Pearl. "What is it'!"' she asked, as she saw a glitter on the crimson satin, with which it was lined. "O, but you don't want it, so you must not know what it is,"' ho said, in a tantalizing way, still holding it afar "Yes, I do." an 1 she hugged his arm that, she might stand on tiptoe to get a better peep. "Well, you shall have it. and we will go home to wish mother a merry Christmas. And he fastened a pretty locket and chain about her throat and placed its case back in his pocket. "O, and I was so naughty; but I'll be r-e-a-1 good now," and she took his hand and tried to keep step with him as he stumped along on liia wooden leg. It was evening, after they had gathered around the open grate, when Uncle Eph commenced his story. Pearl sat on a low footstool on one siue, using his cane to push stray dead coals back beneath the grate, and Frank sat on the other side, trying his new knife on hii uuele's timber toe. ••I suppose you young lamkins ere sitting up past your bed-time to hear a little story, are you not!" said Uncle Eph. as he passed the corn-popper to Mrs. Templetou for her to empty. ••Yes, sir, if you please," replied Pearl. "Well, I suppose I must keep my promise. But you must uot ask me any questions un til I have finished the story."' "I'll try not to do so," spoke Frank. "So will I," said his sister. "Very good. Now, masVer Frank, if you will try your new knife on this corn-cob in stead of my stump. I think you can make more nicks in it." "When I ■fta.i ten years old." began Uncle Eph, "I was acquainted with a boy who had a very wilful disposition. lie wanted every thing his own way, and was obstinate and vf , mm iHfP' HIS FATHEK SOON REACHED THE SPOT. disobedient to his parents. If his father Asked him not to do something that dis pleased hitn, the boy would do it exactly the same, providing ho chose to do so, as though Ins father had said nothing to him. He was not a bail boy at heart; but he was heedless and easily led by his tompauious. who, for the most part, were older than himself. Ho was a merry, rollicking fellow and was ilways into mischief that nine .out of ten boys would shun as too risky. " On Christmas day, when he was eleven years old, his father gave him u nice pair ;>t bright, now. shiny skates—a present the boy had long pleaded for, and which gave him exquisite delight through tUeir posses sion. Now, his father gave them to him with the admonition uot to put them ou or go to the river with them unless he was with him. But the skates were too great A temptation for the boy to stand, and, as be watched his companions go by his house with their skates and thought of the fun bo was missing, he was tempted to disobey his father's commands and slip away him self. 80, when he was asked by an older boy why he did not go with the rest of them, he said his father hail requested him not to go unless he was with him. His com panion tempted him nnd said his father woukl not find it out. And so the lK»y slipped into the house and got his skates aud went away to try them without his fa ther's knowledge. But (rod tormented the boy while bo was skating, and made him feel that he was doing very wrong in diso beying his parent, and that it was p. poor way to show his appreciation of the Christ mas gift. "He did not enjoy himself; he felt exceed ingly uncomfortable. When night came he did not dure to go home, and he remained out so late that Ids father started to hunt for him. The afternoon had been warm and the Ice near the channel had broken into Bmall cakes that floated down the stream with the tide. At the time the boy's father was hunting for him, he was following the lead of some reckless companions in jump ing from one floe'to another. He heard his father's voice calling him from the shore and started to meet him. In his excite ment he missed his looting and disappeared beneath the ice. His father soon reached the spot and rescued his son: but, as he put his boy on an ice-cake, another heavy sheet of ice cut the boy in the knee and caused his father to lose his hold on the ice and sink back in the water." A half-stifled sob from Mrs. Templetou in terrupted Uncle Eph's story and her chil dren saw that she was weeping. "He never rose again," continued Uncle Eph, in tremulous tones after a short pause. "Did —did that boy have -have hiu leg cut off!" asked Frank, in a hesitating manner, as he quietly placed his hand on his uncle's knee übove the wooden stump. "Yes," replied his uncle, in a husky voice. "Don't tell any more, Uncle. I know now why mamma did not waut u:o to have the skates," said Pearl, and sho wound her little arms around bis neck while he gave, vent to the tears ho had choked down un'il ho hud fini shed. "Dou't cry, undo, I am going to buy you a new cane with tho mouey. 1 do not want the skates now." .So Pearl went without her skates and Uncle Eph had a eiuio thiittUe wealth of tho Indies could uot purchase from him; for it ia tho silent tcstitaooial of little Pearl's sympathy toward his lonely heart end her seli-dcniul in giviu<; up her Christ mas skates. Bnrr AKSOLD. —A citizen <>f Dallas, Tex., has in vented i'U el< < trie line which kills a fish* the instant it seizes the hook aud at the same time a hell oil shore to warn the urn boring Usher man. BUTLKR. PA., FRIDAY. DKCKVIB H 30. DEATH OF THE OLD YEAR. Oh: the dear Old Year is dying! His children. th? months, dropped oce by one. And the last week died as the first had done. And the days all went with the setting sun; And i he Olfl. Old Year. Grand, hoary and lirenr, On h's deathbed lone is lyinsf | Oh! the dear Old Year is dying! ITis iscoU -with the chill of the tomb. An 1 his eyes are dark with a do ully (floo.n. And the hours are weaving oa ghostly looia His burial shroud. Where silent and proud. On his deathbed lone he i-> lying. Oil! save the Year that Is dyinjr! Oh! s;r:; the sands -3 cruelly flowing! Oh ! t.iy the minutes so steathiiy (?r>in •! On' quicken the pulses so tremulous t' ic re it be too late.' Era while we wait. The Year oa his deathbed is lying! 0:1: the Year, the Year i* dying! ' And th : shifting seen* of sunshine and rain. The dear 1 igaf- aa 1 the dearer pain. The ho;ie that fell, bet to blostoai a-tain, Tae Ureatus and the fears, iT lie im:li'i and the tears. All. all on the deathbed are lying! Oh ! help is none for the dying! Th" have woven a winding she<»t O' ih • pale, whif mist, nnd the falling sleet. And the midnL'ht eomes oa its errand fleet. One word of command, One touch of its hand— And the year in the grave is lying! Oh! weep for the Year that is fled! The dear, Old vear that is ours no more. Th it stands aloof on the phantom shore With the ghost of the years that liave gone bo fore. , Yet we weep iu vain, Fjr never again. Shall live the ohl year that is deau Grace />. L-t.-hft /•!. in .V. }'. Jn Itpen Unt. "INTERVENTIONS," And the Happiness Which Fol lowed Their Removal. I The little dinner in the little dlning : room was over at last. The m lid-of all-work, who had burned the gravy, and taken up the boiled pudding too soon, h;ul now. with some clatter and stumbling, cleared the room, nnd ar ranged it for the evening. The chil dren. who ha 1 not minded her failures, nnd were merry and talkative because there was a guest who smiled upon them, hail been coaxed and command ed away to bed. i At last little Mis. Worden was free to sit down bv her friend for a confi dential talk, a id her husband was free to withdraw from his newspaper, not to the library, but to the other side of the table. Mrs. Worden had her work basket in 1 e.* hand, but she put it aside as she looked into her friend's face— the heart was in her eyes. | "Oh. Margaret, lam so glad to see you!" she said. "It was so selfish of lue to ask you to come now, but I never wanted yon so before." "And I never was so glad to come." "Do you mean it? I used to take • such pleasure in making your vaca tions pleasant, but every thing is so different now. Every thing is gone that yon used to enjoy; the nice large i ro >m I kept for you, nnd the library, • and the pictures, and the carriage, and even the piano." "But, dear H -len, I didn't come to visit you for those." "No; lut 1 loved to think yon en joyed them. Now I have brought you to this little, stuffy house, with the children all over it. You can hear their noise from morning till night. There is no Eiise to keep them in the nursery, or take them oft'for an airing. They'll torment the life out of you." "No," said Margaret, "My life never I will go that way." J "But every thing is so different You I saw Bridget. It's so different keeping house with her from what it used to be with the three nice maids I had. In deed, I do my best. Margaret, but you saw how it was at dinner. We gave up all our real silver. John would, you know; and we kept only a partly broken set of china. The table doesn't look as it used to." "Never mind, dear. Indeed, I don't think of that." "No," said Mrs. Worden, mournful ly. "But I can't even give you much of myself this time. I have to be busy ev ery minute till ihe children are in bed. 1 to be sewing now. We can't have any more nice talks over books and questions, you know. I- hardly know such things exist. My mind is ' full of nothing but housewon ami '■ children. I've given up the Literary Club and the Charity Union, and I can . not make calls. Those nice people you i used to like to meet I seldom see now. • I've just dropped out of their way. I i can't give any such nice little recep tion for you as we had last year." "I don't want it; you know I don't" "When 1 sent for yon last week I was ' feeling as if I could not face New | Year's without you. When 1 think of the change one little year has brought it seems like a nightmare. Every i thing pleasant went at once. It was hardest to loos « our country house. We both loved it; it was so sweet and airy ; out there, and we had such lovely ' neighbors. When I looked forward t > spending the whole summer in the city With the children it seemed awful." "And has it proved as bad as you feared?" | "Well, no; I've really been so busy : 1 hardly knew how the days passed. 1 And we have been remarkably well, j and .John has been so thoughtful for | me and the children. Poor John! think what a year this has been for him! lie was so used to the sense of having a fortune t) fall back upon. And now 1 know it fairly frightens him some times to think there is only his slender salary between us and want." "There is more than that," said ! Margaret. "There's God's large, kind I providence." "Yes," said Helen, humbly. "I I know, but i f irget some times." "I want to tell you some thing." said Margaret "I mourned over your losses, dear Helen, but since I've been here 1 haven't been realizing them as you might think, I've been so happy over the gains." •"What gains?" "Oh. my dear, you have got rid of the interventions!" "What do you nn*an by interven tions?" "Lot mo try to tell you. Helen, I was a hypocrite often in lie- days when i you were rich, and I visited you. I 1 pretended to be happy, and 1 did enjoy j a great deal that 1 knew you wanted me to enjoy. But all the while there was such uneasy fears in ray heart! Some times 1 thought I would tell you of them; then I blamed myself for worry ing, silly old maid, and was ashamed . of them." j "l!nt what was it all about, Mar garet?" | "About the interventions; the inter ventions between you and your chil dren, first of all. The big house with the big rooms seemed one of them. The nursery was so far from your sit ting-room. How could you know the children as you do now they are thrown right about you here? Au 1 FJiso was another. She marshaled them to ar iugs and meals and bed so irreproach ably there seemed hardly a chance for them to get at Von. And she was jeal ous when the Uubv cried for 'dear lill, mh'mma.' ib/n't Vo\t iVnnjuiWV? Mal>el fidgeted under lier rule, and wanted to play in the veranda near you instead of walking out with the baby carriage. And when Maurice hail those dreadful outbreaks of temper, and none of you knew what to do with hint —forgive mo. Helen —it seemed to me sometimes just a protest of his nature against uncongenial companionship. Would not you or I i-e cross, perhaps, if we had to spend six or eight solid hours of the day with people who did not satisfy our hearts and minds at all? And your children have natures like your own, sensitive to society, and minds like yours, bright and demand ing." "Oh, Margaret! why did you not speak of this?'' "I could not. It seemed meddle some. I was not even sure I was right. But all that is gone now, and 1 am so glad." "Maurice," said Mrs. Worden, thoughtfully, "has been the sweetest, best boy this last six months (hat a mother could ask for." "And the Literary Club," Margaret resumed, "and the Charity Union, and the calls, and the shopping—yes, and the new books, and the 'questions'—l was half jealous of them all the time, though thej T were so good and pleas ant. They did intervene. They kept you hours and hours away from home, or took up so much time when you were there. All ttaa* time the children were among servants —young children, that have such active minds. My dear, I know I'm only a foreboding, anxious old maid; but when I read in the paper the stories that shock us so, about girls who have been reared in wealth and position, and elope with their father's servants, I bethink me that there is a simple reason back of every wonder. If a girl through many hours of her early Ife has found her best comfort and entertainment from some good natured cook, or coachman, or gar dener, why should we think like asso ciations would prove repulsive to her afterward? Don't you remember what a fascination for your Jessie that slim, handsome mulatto. Jim, had?" "Margaret, oh. Margaret!" "I know; but I shivered to see her hovering about the butler's pantry whenever she could escape Elise. He had some monkey tricks and little songs and stories that appealed to her imagina tion and delighted her. You yourself told me, laughing, how when John was to be away one evening, and Jessie heard you say you would be lonely, she replied: 'Send for Jim, mamma; he's real good company. I love him.' "But she was only six years old; a little child!" "Yes, but it seems to me even a child of six who had always been hei mother's companion would have felt relationships better than that." "Why did not you speak, Margaret?" "I could not then. I can now. The danger is over now. Helen, be thankful with me that your work is right here at home, where your little girls are, where they may learn to help you in it and be close to you." Helen drew a long breath, but she did not speak. "Ami there are some other suspected interventions that I miss," continued Margaret. "Those two pretty house maids, with the white caps and the pink cheeks and bright eyes, who swept and dusted and waited so beauti fully; and the coachman, with the shin ing carriage and horses, that came so punctually to your door every morn ing—they stood between you and your health. I felt almost sure of it. Don't von remember the headache and lan guor you used to suffer from? And the 'rubbists' that used to visit you, and the doctor's electrical treatments?" "I couldn't aff'or I tlieiu now," said Mrs. Worden. "Such bills would ruin "And nou-youdo not need them. You look so firm :uul ae'ive, and yon h:tve siffch color in your checks. Forgive me, dear, but I noticed t lie mouthful A you took between spreading the baby's bread and cutting Mabel's meat and helping me, and I saw that you were hungry." •'1 hardly have time to know it, but 1 am really hungry at meat-times. And I have wondered to liud how many hours at a time I could be on my feet. Indeed, I am thankful for belter health. What should I have done without it!'" "And, my dear, where is John's ci gar?" "Oh, he gave it up. Wasn't it good of him? Right in the midst of the trou ble, too. I was frightened to have him do it, and yet I was glad. W hen 1 married him ] thought I liked the odor of a good cigar; but it was getting to be always in his mouth. 1 was jeal ous of it. It seemed to make him in different even to me. Ye.', I will own that was an intervention between us, Mar garet. And oh! how good and kind he is! If you were not here he would be reading his paper to me. and talk ing about it, too." "Then I am an intervention now?" "No, no; it's far better to talk with you than to hear any newspaper. But, indeed, our trouble has brought us nearer to one another. He has been my great, great comfort." "And you have been his. Dear Hel en. I think you have taken it all so nobly!" The tears came to Helen's eyes, and tdio wept a little with her head upon her friend's shoulder. Presently she said: "We have horned to say, 'Give us this day our daily bread' with some real asking in the prayer." "There were interventions between you and God swept away in that loss?" "Yes; we had to come near to Him, asking for com mo if things—shelter and work, and strength and sen-e to know liow to live this new life." "Then, if God has put you in better possession of your health, and your children, and your husband, and Him self this year, don't you think we ought to have a growing, happy year?" "Does lie always leave the best?" said Helen. "Always; Ho only takes what inter venes between us and that." And there was a very happy New Year's next day, when Mr. and Mrs. Worden, with Maurice, went peacefully to church, and Margaret took Jessie into the kitchen with her and allowed her to help dress the tur key, and make the cranberry sauce, and "snow" the potatoes—yes, and even let her make a 1 luon pudding with her own hands. Over that pud ding was more pride and rejoicing than over the tinest "royal diploma i<|ue' that ever a French cook manufactured. It is true there were only two courses at that dinner, instead of seven as at last year's, anil there was no company except Margaret. But there were some flowers, which she had secretly sent Bridget an I Mabel and the baby to buj"; and there were four good chil dren, who diil not come and go with the dessort, but sat all through the din ner like little gentlemen and Indies, and were unspeakably happy playing games afterward. when Jhey werp iu led their fcOiliVr .-'aid, 'thbVght'fufly: '•II •Ten, I b<*l7eve there :iiv smi ways in which this home is a letter om for <>ur children than the oM ore." "Please WO will make it so." s ilil humbly.— Jiiiza!>-t'l (ilocir, in Christian Unpin. I XDER THE 31ISTLET0E. A Search for a Fairy That Proved Fruitless r fnaf RArF ELLERTON 9 sut with busy fingers and aching head '■ „ ij* jin| an d he art i n -"V Ma da m Moor e's ojwp gers were busy with an tume for Miss Con <\y T stance Bultou. the belle of the season. |K(X Her head and heart v " wore filled wit h memories of other Christmas Eves, when she, too, had been a belle, aud queened it royally iu her set. Her father had been wealthy, and the close of her first- season iu society was marked by her eugagment to Walter Hareourt, •' a splendid match," the wise ones said. Soon after the be trothal. Mr. Hareourt was obliged to go to Europe. He was detained longer than he expected, but letters were frequent, and Grace was happy in anticipating his return. The great fire of ltd awept over her na tive city, ana not only left he,- ,'aniily home wbmk Mswm -- te^a^Vv^SSTcl, "OH, MISS ELLEHTON !"' less, but well-nigh penniless. Mr. Ellertoa made aimoit superhuman efforts X t rescue his dear ones from the devouring Haines, and, thouga he succeeded, it was at the ex pense of his own life. Kind friends shel tered the homeless ones l'or the lime, and Grace wrote to her lover, telling him of their great loss, and anxiously awaited his reply and speedy return. But no letter came, her heart grew sick with hope deferred,and then her pride rose; she was no longer the petted daughter of a millionaire, but a poor girl and if she had been mistaken in her lover's fidelity, she would not l>e the object of his pity. So she determined to be independent of all friends, and after securing th" pittance which was all that these helpless women could claim, she took her mother and hid away from her fashionable friends, and tried t,i earn their living. How many lime:-, she longed for the quick business mind which could have evoked system from this chaos, and have rescued a competence from the unscrupu lous partners who ussured her there was nothing more for them in the wreck of the great business which her father had built up. What could she dot She had always been distinguished for her taste i'i dress, and her exquisite toilettes were the envy of many of her friends. This seemed to be her most available talent and she sought and obtained a situation in Madam Moore's fash; ne.ble establishment, and was soon intrusted with the designing of the most elaborate ar.d particular parti of the elegant costumes sent out from those rooms. And thus h was that Grace llilertoji was busy making the garment that her former friend Constance Bolton expected to wear at th; grand fancy ball she was to give on ! Christmas eve, five years after her own I disappearance from society. She never | was seen by madam"'s patrons; her work was to elaborate and complete the garniture , of the costumes ordered. In this case it j was likewise a labor of love, for pretty I Constance had been very dear to her in : former days, and only her own pride had j prevented r. continuance of their friend ! ship, for she had so effectually concealed herself from all her friends, thut even Constance hail no idea of her pjsition. The costumi w.is f>r a fairy and Grace had allowed her fancy and taste full play in the design and execution of the dainty fabric. It would suit her sweet face, and petite form well, dear little Constance; she thought of the many t : mes her own stately i beauty had been seen in contrast with her friends, and the s'n a-pcontrast now brought a sigh to lite proud hps which seldom murmured. But the costume was complete and must ba delivered at onco, for it was almost umo for the dainty hostess to begin her toilette. Hastily ringing a bell for a messenger, sh" waited impatie.. ! y. Madam Moore her self entered, in dismay. "Oh, Miss Ellerton. the. messengers have all g' > ic home, and Miss Bolton's costume not yet delivered; what shall 1 do! ' and she wrung her hands in despair. "That idle Jane, 1 bade her await mv orders and I find her not here; the robe must go, it will cost me Miss Helton's patronage if it is not de livered in season.'' •'Do not distress yourself, Madam I my self will deliver the garment at Miss Bol ton's residence." "Uli, thank you, but it Is a long distance, do you know where it is!" '•I know." she replied, bitterly thinking of the many times she had gone as a guest where she now proposed to go ns a servant, but she would leave the box at the door, and not see any of the family. She stopped at her own humble homo to tell her mother where she was going, and then started oil her errand. The house she sought was miles away, on the west side of the great city, and when she left the street-cars she was still some distance away, aud to her dismay she found the hour much later than she thought, and a driving snow-storm blowing from the boundless prairies, joined to many changes iu the city, completely bewildered her. Meantime the maid had finished the ar rangement of Miss Bolton's hair, and only awaited the arrival of the robe to complete the picture of as beautiful a sprite as ev«r left fairy land. "It .grows late, Miss Constance—what shall I do?" "I can't understand it. Madam Moore said she would submit my idea to the de signer, and she promised a complete suc cess—something unique. She never disap "EXCUSE ME," S.Ul> TUE I'OLJCEMAN'. pointed me before; but there, it will never do for me to sit here all evening." Besting her dimpled chin on her hand she consid ered a moment, then brightly said: "I have an idea. Finctte, get me up as a sister of charity, we cau easily manage it, and it will bo a surprise to every one," aud she laughed merrily as she thought of ono who had expected to meet her us queen of the fairies. A few hours later a demure nun mingled with the gay throng. "Sweet sister," said one in the garb of a hunter, "I am in trouble, can you help me I" "Sir knight of the rueful countenance It Is my mission to comfort those in distress, how can I assist you?" "I came hero to-night in search of the fairest sprite on earth, but either she has returned to htr nativo ftyry land, or has j louddiVd lAVsVIf u/vjmV7c to 'myji/SK'rial eyes, for I find her uot. ami then-lore am i sad. sweet sister. "* "Faithfulness will meet its ow u reward, and perseverance c-ie.juurs all things." ••Thanhs, eentle sister." Into this and similar li room | 'A v M Fo -Christ, itaclleuv- I :;,vj Hi . n'y child— ! Oal.v a iua.:gc." loft - O men! v.ilh sin Could you aconra unto your Lord !."o te'.tor r-laco than this V."'a n all fi.r yiu 1 e w:l:in:jly Gave up tho realms of bllsst Professed followers of Illm. Ob: .s it si to-day? Are you, who boast an a: dent love, /.'.ways u.orc '.rue li.au ibey? I) es the bes.t part of your poor heart II 11 t!.e Redeemer's fac, O.- <'o you only giant to Him Some me in a.id lowly i>liwe? S ; erli', "the glad surpris The olden p ace I bri lg. For unt i you again is bora Your Saviour and your K :ig." Just as of yore in mldn'glit skies Appears the angel tliroug, Anil a'l the starry worlds resound W.tli bursts of Heuvonly song. What tidings l lost of joy and rest Shall any tura away. Refusing stiil the high command To dud the Chr st to-day? The truly wise, bohold they come Obed.eat to His star! O'er Ulll and plain and raging sea They gather from afar. And at His feet pour treasures sweet Tiiat never can grow old. The bi;st frankincense of the heart, Its precious myrrh and gold. —JULIA 11. THAYER. Coniferin and Vanillin. As the planting of waste land with trees is one of the very few Inane es I of agricultural industry which have some appearance of being slid remun erative, it is satisfactory to note a chemical discovery which, in the opin ion of sonic very competent judges, should add materially to th ) advan tages of growing pines and fir-trees. Tho i substance "coniferin" w is chemically • discovered twenty-six years a consumption, ii acts like a charm, and serves all the purpose in tended to la; served by cod-liver oil ■ with mnc'.i greater certainty and effect. Where sweet cream can bo had, cod liver oil is never needed. The volatile aud easily appropriated unctuous mat ter in cream, besides contributing di rectly to warmths and vigor, aids in directly Ly promoting digc.-tion for tho same reason and in the same way that otbtr annual Ic ami ntfc'iinatiHl oils aid the ■Jturm'- i CHRISTMAS BELLS. Th:' cbiucj r ng throu-t: t>.e » leat ait: "Good-wil", iiood-w.ll, c00.,-will. L ev.l thr. a h tth* wlsol«* earth eease. Lit k » ;1 ntfss prevail. . nil A*>d hatred's toi ga--» cf strif* stui." Tar our aero*»th ■ ri .j * ros's Tiie *\«eetstrain floais frvtn spire to sp!r«. Bloat w.th tU'j *w;ll n ; psal ■ , The voice of vliiu'.iM < ri>'»t uuJ uiioir. A little chil l wut.'i out of iUvj. Tue ft. o upjn th • h uirLh burns low, SI. to he ir the cruel w a H Th it l>i:ntf Llic jitter front aai sno^r. H-?r rfcrr.nkoa fxe is*ruu \' itcfi pule, Ker l.ti.c la d, v i:h t j!1 arc seame-l: £>!!<• whimpers: "T.s Ihf Cfcr »iuiu« be U, t h-aul rivtn ovju wa I- I tircauae-J. "3ai liuppy ch Idreu hour t Cia not. lu th.'ir Wi> t- hoJs so sjund tlioy sleep. Tl-os; uao urc nevar Ur :.U a.jd wh> For pain and hun B "ir ne/«r w.'ep. "And 't.s to them the Christ Child com*>s, Tj t'icm tvho will wcteto ijo The gifts he bring-. fjr all— I wonder. w,U he ta.nU of ins? "P. iuios he cl 3 not £nd me bcr». Or u II not climb the crook xl sta'r. So long an j steep, &i.d yet they say Those whom he loves ore everywhere.' 1 Those whom He lives arc every vhere; An 3 wh le s ie slept tgalu tli=ro came One with a who ft?ars not To seeli the hauuts ot want and shame. - Mary h. xro.t THE NEW YEAR. Ami Koiue Hcflcctlons Sujfgeited by It— How It Aifecti tae Uaiaoa Family <.c»- e rally. . As is usual, at or about thij season, a new year is about to dawn upon the earth. As the bells "ring out the old and ring in the new," we sigh over the "Has Boen," and turn with a smile of hope and anticipation towards the "To be," fin - - - '• The yoars have lining;, Jast as goblets do; T::e old yo;r is the liniag of th? now; Filled with the w.n > of precious memories, gold jn Was doth line tire silver Is.** We, also, sigh to think that the collectors will also make calls as usual on New Year's Day. and that instead of cards they wiil leave bills. New Years is the season of resolves and swear offs, but it is a sad and undeniable fact that New Year's resolutions soon ercasa in the back and bulge at the knees. The New Year's resolve has something of the divinity in it, early and often as it is broken. The resolves that abound on New Year's Day arc wise and well, but it is to be regretted that there is no method by which the new leavea that are turned con be pasted down and rivited. An unidentified poet beautifully expresses tho same idea in the following liuej: List to that gentle rustling sound, S j slight It scarce is hoard I No louder does it seem than it A leaf we.e zephyr stirred, A loaf! A hundred thousand leaves. But few days turned anew, Are slowly turning back again. As every year tney do. Even a mere resolve to break off some old habit is a stride forward, a step upward. Unfortunately it is usually followed by sev eral steps backward. To again utilise the words of the poet : And cow bad habits tome to rrlef, As we turn again tbe loaf That's new; I And for ten or fifteen day-. We bid our former ways Adtou 1 In making new resolve*, nothing is more necessary than to cultivate the art of for feiting instead of remembering affection ately the bad habits of the past. If this were done there would not so many see und-haml, damaged fwe»r-o(ts that can be bought for the price of a schooner of beer. There are so many of these second-hand resolutions on tho market that it is very evident that the place that is paved with good intentions must have a lofty ceiling, other wise the pavement would have touched the ceiling long ago, as il get* a new layer every January. Of course, there are some men who are perfectly sincere in turning a new leaf on New Year's Day. They mean what they say.. I know such a man personally. He made a vow not to euter a bar-room after January 1, and he didn't, as he had already laid in a wholesale supply of liquor, and had his clothes altered to carry a pint Bosk. This is also the time of the year when merchants take inventories of their goods. Tho newly-married woman is easily de ceived, but she learns wisdom in time* When she has been married several years,, and her husband comes home at midnight and talks about "taking inventory," she re plies : "Yes, I knew it as soon as I smelt your breath that you had been taking sev eral inventories, and you will keep on tak ing inventories until you land in jail and bring disgrace on y° ur family." It is only the younir wife, who has no mother to post hor about tho wicked ways, of men, that takes stock in the inventory, yarn. Smoking is another one of those bad hab its from which men attempt to swear off. I know a gentleman who made up his mind to abstain entirely from the use of to bacco. Ho informed his wife of his good intention. She txpressod some regret, as she would have to change her Now Year's present, she having bjug'at for him a box of very line cigars. I lather than disappoint the poor woman, this self-aacriflcing hus band said magnanimously: "O, well, rather than disappoint you I'll postpone my good resolution until next Thanksgiving Day." This is also the season when about six or eight million diaries are started, and before Washington's birthday rolls around thore are juat five or sue diaries being kept up. By all means keep up the good old cus tom of calling, but do not overdo it Do not call as much as did the gentleman of whom was written: He calloJ and he called on New Year's; Ho tacUloU many a flagon. He called and h i called on New Year's Until he called the patrol wagon. ALEX. E. Swurr. Too Old to Lean. "There arc some man who never will learn by experience,'' said tho District Mes ' senger Bay in disgusted tones. ' '• What's the trouble!" I "That old follow acro3s the street," was the reply. "It wojld btfa wa*t« of time to try to teach him any thing." i "What you been trying to teach him I" I "Sense; but it's no use. Every time I answer his call ho says, 'now bo sure and hurry back' just the sain 3 as he did the first day I went to his office." — Merchant Trmt t'tr. Tho Editor'* Whereabouts. "Is the editor it?" * -That depends upon circumstanoes." ••Hoivf" "Do you want to whip him!'" "No." "Do you want to collect a bUll" "No." "Do you Intend roading an original poem aloud I" i "No." ' "Are you thinking of subscribing for the paper!" "Yes." "Well, the editor is la."— Xtbiwka 6UU Jaurnal. Horr'n Your Chance. Mr. J. Fraud W. Humbug, test and ma terializing medium, announces to the public that he is going ou* of business, having grown rich, and offers for sale, at half thoir value, the following namod articles: Six gauze robes, three short and two long-haired wigs, ton beautiful false faces of white wax, one cabinet with a false bock and concealed jwrliiion, one mamml on "Slate Writing." Riviajruew and important points on the same, and one treatise on "Tricks of Mediumship," giving much in formation that no medium can afford to bo without. Simple as this outfit is, thero is a fortune in it for some clever man or woman of spiritual mind combined with unlimited gall. Jtrak:'* itnj- zinc. I C'nKi«TMA» stockings are very expensive affairs with a mau of large family. —We are astonished at parties who introduce new remedieß for coughs when tbey should know the people will have Dr Bull's Syyip. ' Kintrs are like stars,they Hue and set " They bate headache, cote, and hurts like meaner men, and are lust as sure to call for BalvatloD Oil. —Some minlstora are complaining against th« facetious newspaper para graph. which is seriously intarferlug with their annual supply of slippers. When this paragrepHc joking be comes so pointed as to necessitate * jninjstefte buying hj* rflppgfftr «oWe- tiling sboVfd be "tfuard.'ro dyoip. NO.B