«==== THE crrizßjsr. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 83. 1887. New Advertisements. Executors' notice-estate of Geo. Parker. Trial and Jury lists tor Jan. 16.1888. Dissolution Notice—J. J. KwfM & Co. New jewelery store—W. E Ralston. New clothing atore—John T. Kelly. New grocery itore -Limberg Broe. Organs—Alex Williams. Fine fruita-G W. Miller & Bro. Douglas*' holiday good*. Bowman's Christmas gifts. Pi ire lompetition —D. A. Heck. Proa.-evli American Magazine, Pittsburg Times, Phil'a Times, N. Y. Mail and Ex prt». PUBLIC NOTICE! The public is hereby notified that hereafter all Resolutions of Respect or Condolence i.Jopt ed by organization* atul ordered published all notices of Church Fairs, Festivals and Lec tures; ctvl all communicated Obituaries icill be charged for at the rate of one-half cent a tcord, money to accompany each ordtr. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —Crr»ull oar advertising eolumus before yon J nrehaae your holiJjy goods. A son of Moses Dunbar shot a deer last week. on Lin father's tarm, in Middlesex tp f mar G'sde Mills. —Mr. J. L McCar.dle»« has purchased the Kirkpatrick farm from Mr. Mu»hru.-h for sti,ooo Tl.e Pnfk'is Fxprets records the death of Mrs. Annie Diihani of ihat place, whose par ent* re»ide at Fairview.this couuty. —Frar.k K«np'r is building a fine honse facing McKeanSt, on the lot purchased Jrom Mis Gilkey. -grmWv has hnnted np a new word for Chrl-tiins, and calls it the Altrnistic Holiday You'll find tbe word in ymr unabridged. —Now is tbe time when little children should be warmly drewed, properly housed and especially cared for by kind mothers. —A wave of premonition seemi to have rolled over the land. B*veral remarkable case* cf t-udden death have lately been lore told by dreams and signs. —Mr John T. Kellv now has his clothing *!ore next door to the P. <>., in complete order, ai d will be pleased to have his friends call in and examine his stock. The clothing house of Jacob Stein in Ze llcuople, nn 1 the Spring house of Mr. Ahe Ziegler near Harmony have lately been rub bed. —The Limberg brothers, sons of Rev. Lim berg, have opened a neat and complete gro cery in tbe central room of the new Diamond Block. —The President's free trade message had a bad effect on the grain market. Wheat was steadily rUing in price,'but no sooner bad the message been made public than the advance stopped. —Mr. William Wise of Penn Twp. is a Y«ry nnforfnoate man Tbe la*t member of his first fsroily, consisting of a wife and three children, died last Sunday, and his second wife is now dangerously ill. —lt has been ascertained that the numer ous deaths recently among the Berks County cattle have been caused by drinking impure water instead of pleuro pneumonia, as was anppoced. —While Charley Cowan of Brownsdale was spreading apple butter ou bis bread, at a hotel in Allegheny last Wednesday, he dip ped* very valuable gold ring out of tbe sanre bewf, and now has the ring in bis pos session. —Mr. James Duncan of Middlesex Twp., died suddenly of rhenmatism of the heart, last Saturday evening. He waa about f>s years of age. and a very much respected citizen of that Twp. A lady teacher of inunj.a ir fl'!-»I Jwith naphthi, which exrjpcd into then from a broken pip? line. The Judges of the Corn exhibit lately made by twenty farmers of the S mth western partof t!v> (,'onntv, awarded tin fir-it ore mium to Sid. Weihl, and the second to Phil lip Hi;>sr la!>:ls have the figures 'BB printed thereon, you msy know that such a family doej not owe tbe ptiuter. —Mr. W. E. Ralston has a uaat little Jew elry More at No. 3d, S. Main St. Mr. Rtl k'.ou h»a In-en iu thebiuiness for a nii'n'i->r of years, and ha? selected his goods with care and good judgment, displays tlitm hands im j ly, and makes a specialty of watch and clock repairirg. Bet his card iu another places. —Tbe dismissal of three Republicans—two of whom are in very poor health and poor rircumstanc-s —from their offices in the Court House, and Ibe appointment in their places, of three Democrats, —one of whom is rich and strong, and another of whom has not the best of reputations, was the occasion of some very forcible remarks being made about the Court pouse yesterday. —perrons desiring to hear the music in the Qeripan Catholic Cbqrch next Sunday morn ing— Cbrjitmas—should remember that the •erviaes begin at ti o'clock and 10:30 o'click A.M. The services will be similar, exoeptiug the addition of a short sermon to the 10:30 A. M. services, and will include Pustores erant vigilantes. L. Lambellotte, Hallelujah Chorus, the Adeste Fidelia, Haydn's ALus No. 2, and other fine selections. -We once heard of a young lady, living in the south-western part of this County, who was subjt et to epilept'C tits, and who was very liable to have one if the subject wa« mentioned in her preseuce. This peculiar feature of epilepsy was illustrated in the Court room last Monday afternoon. While the attorney for Morris Boyd, convicted of hor«e stedihg, were pleading fir clenaeinv °a the grounds that a lon/cmS i»-n in'. w iuld Up|ier|ni"e his on acc-mnt of his being ml.j.ct to epileclic fits, Boyd fell to the f) i>r in a vioUut fit and had to be carried from tbe tkmrt room. —Early lsst Wednesday morning thfeves broke into the barn of It. Marks, at Glade Mills, and stole a leana of h'irse«. They then proceeded to an adjscent farm and took a covered wagon and left for parts un known. Telfgrams of inquiry w«-rc sent to all sorinnndieg lowns They were last heard ot driving th'ough Hannahstown. on their wuy to Kittatinmg al>"ut 3 or 4 o'clock rhai morning Since the above was put iu type, we learn that one of the hors-*s belonged t i Robert & Wm. Vlsrk«, sod ihe other to K q Herman'Strirr, and that Sheriff Kranr->- In captured ihein a\j«}'n-jw ha« :h>*m in Boiler. The t(i{ev<.'S hive ijot been beard I r j(a Ansnnir ih<> can** h?*rd hy the Pardon T'onrd at IT(rrii»buri man timvd Jlacreriy committed the crime for which the Phlllipiea are uon imprisobid. TS»« Dis- Irict Attorney of Wuthiogton c« uatv opposed tbe pard< n*, sad r«»ifwtd tbe evidonco to show that I) >tl. were guilty. lie raid that it was runrred iu the penitentiary rbortly af ter tbi Pliiliipir* were eoufiue I, tba'tbe man who would confers lo buying nev, and intimated that Wilton wti a professional confo-.sor. IJe alto tlalrd that tbere were two robbcrie* «f ibe titiittfcit. and if Wil«>n did commit vua'of the crimes it wit not the ftne for wbicb tli« rbilljprfa art Lying puui»bed'. The bo»M adjourned at midnight without toktity action fl» iaf (|UM> LEGAL NEWS. TRIAL LIST THIS WE IK. Court has been in session this week with Judge McMichael presiding, und the follow ing sddditional cases on the trial list fcivc been disposed of np to Wednesday evening. Commonwealth versu —JOß. Duwell, lurniihing liquor to men of intemperate habits. Dec. lt>, iudictmeut quashed and defendant discharged —John Mtnan, Agg. AJtR, Dec. IC, ver dict gnilty. Dec. 17, defendant sentenced to pay a flue of $5 and be imprisoned in work honse for five months. —Andrew Bortmas, Mavhem and AAB. Dec. 21, defendant found guilty of A A B. Morris Boyd, horse stealing, Dec. 10, sentenced to th»- penitentiarv for 3 years and 10 months and fined SSO and costs. —John McCollough, forgery, etc. Die. 19, defeudanl found guilty cf forging signa ture of Jos. Br*»oker. Dec. 21, (jives bail in SISOO for appearance at next regular term. -M. M. Stillwagoa, attempting to shoot off a gun at a person, etc. Nolle pros allowed as per term? of aettlement. —Chas. Yonkers, FJiil. Prc<";3s awarded for defendant. —Ren. Cross, selling liquorwithout license Dec. 10, not guilty ami discbar^ei Chas. Reed, witii intent to sta'>. etc. Dec. 20, Tt-rdict uot guilty, but directed to give recognizance in SIOO, to keep the peece lor one \tar lowards A. \V. Bortuias. —John McConuell, A&I», settled. llarry Shoup, hori-e D*c. 10, sentenced to pay ii fine of soO, and sent io tile penitentiary lor three year* a>:d ten months. —VVro. Cot'k, keeping a gamblingjioune. etc Dec. 14, found guilty. Dec. 17, sti tenced to p.*y a tine of s.'■) auJ sent to th-i work hou-e for two months. -t'has Stewart, selling liquor without license. Dec 21, ve.d cr not gniity and that ibe county of Butler p.«y the ost.s, —Henry EUenmiller, iniuisbing liquor to men of known iuteinperaie habits. Dec. 21, jury tworn. Dec 22, veniict uot gui.ty but to pay COSTS —Andrew Bortmaa, was sentenced to pay a fine of 510, costs of prosecution, and bs C.JJ fined in the workouse lor three mouths. XOTF.S. Clerk Marshall and Janitor Brwa sent the Co. Commissioners to Dixmoiu, I'ueaday, on their annual visit, and Sheriffs Kramer aud went to the pjniteutiary, »V ed nesday, witu some prisoners. —M.J. Brown, tconyicied of Aiß was sen tenced by the Court to pay a fine of SSO, cos's of prosecution and be imjwisoued in the county jail for 30 days. —Matthias Au'tt was committed to jail ou au attachment for not obejinga suop-ieua, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $25, or oe imprisoned lor ten days. —The sale of the goods of llartenstein Satiith Elliott Butler, Pa Robert J. Lewis Minion tWji Agnes A. Sowers Marion twj> James Palmer Paiof-sville, ( ) Mary J. Beatty .Harrisville Oilicial Bonds, Trpa:'ur'r-i-lect Am n Seaton lias filed his <•Qioi.il bands for $o,ooo, and tor tin- State SIO,OOO. R*gi>ter & Recoriler-elect Alfred Ayers lies filed his bunds as follows; AH Itegislir of wills $2,500 f.ir collateral tax, an Recorder of deeds !.'{ to tne Slate, and 00.) pounds, equal to SI,OOO, for the safv* keeping ot' i'n books, and also bis geueral bor.d of $12,500. Prothonotary eleat J. W. Brown has filed his bond which calls for $20,010, Two of the Co. Commissioners-elect have filed t' eir binds which calls for $4,000 each, an 1 ('irouer elect Alexin ler Story has filed his w iich cv.lis for $0 250. Re.ilieu McElvain, Clerk ofCourts, file' bis binds yesterday. They a-ill for SSO-JO tor Cler !< of < )r;>haii»' Co>irt, SSOOO mare for Clerk of Qusrter Sessions, and $1 100 fir Clem of "yer and Terminer, making SIIOOO io all Sheriff Elect Redick's bond his uot yci been Qled. Friendly Advice. We desire to give a little friand'y advioc to those of our readers who are amazing the list of newspapers they want during 18SS. The PitUburg Daily Thru* is one of the best and brightest pap.tr< primed in the country. It is essentially a paper for husy people. AH the news of the day, careful market reports and able editorials, will be found in such form as is most acceptable, and nothing that can offend the BUM' refined hon»«i circle is ever found in its columns. Everybody sli iul 1 have a daily newspaper during the Presiden tial Campaign. The need during HS.S will be greater than ever, because the events are likely to be more stirring than those of any previous campaign. The low pricj of the Pithbury Daily Time* places it within reach of all. None of our readers will miss one cent a day and we count it us certain that all will thank lis for calling atteptiop to this cieans of spending it wisely A note enclosing s'i.oo will secure The Pil tilbury Daily Th,\f* (or one year, and 25 cents will pay lor a mouth's inscription. Address ail communications to THE PITTSBURG TIMES, 102 FIFTH AVE., prrrsßUitQ, PA. County Monument Committee. The member* from the several districts ot Butler county of the Soldier*' Monument Committee will meet :n Cnurt Room No. 2, iu the Court House at Builerat one o'clock on Wednesday, Dec. 28. Let every member of tbis committee attendthe meetiug fur it is important that all be pre»ertt. JOHN 11. JJI W. c. THOMPSON; F»r the Committee. Present for Anybody, SututUuintf at Uocor,A-*s'. —Snv-kn the bouquet eiifar. the finest in the market. maniifuctii r «il and for «ale, by \V. 11. Morris, at No. 7. N Main St —Choice Caadifs at 4. BOWMAN'S. —lce Cream m'tde to order at the City Bakery. —Toy ho ik-t of nil kindi, scrap b >oks and tilhqaiH tit •I P T STBIILE'S —Great B.irga'us io II ii'iav tronis at ,1 BOWMAN'S —lnlWli? B »teei, II ) >ds and Knit Stcqactt at M. P, & M MARK'S. BOWMAN'S Wish rcu a M«rry Christmas and a to JKt Happy New Ye ar arid invite you t<> call aod fee ibeir well evicted stock f"T tie Holidays. —Rean-wber wo k (, t'p sorni of the heat m&Jtes of corncta, ' Homoaa,'.' "t* aad D/'"Tuple?/"'Balk" & F i:rge. A peculiar epidemic is prevalent at Clyde, Ohio. T&e fingers and toe joint* «).' many people are mortifying and falling off. While a L»"lr a* Xenia, Ohio, was preparing feed for her chickens recent ly the diamond ic her engagement ring dropped iat<» the mixture, and the loss was not noticed uutil the feed had been eaten by the fowls. It be come necessary to massacre 10 chick en beiore the stone was found, but it waa found at last A sle«-k looking cgent was in Kit tanning a 'ew we»-ks ago to see the druggists, lie fc-aul he was selling a fotmula ! 'or a well kuown remedy,and they nearly all took it, paying ?2 50 down on it end the rest, was to be paid vi ben the- formula a-rived They have Mace learned that the agent- wis a fraud, aad that. they are out of pocket Tne pro, riet >r of the for mula has no'ified theru that the agent was not in bis employ Iu Indiana county there are 27 applicants for the position of Coromis sinners' clerk.wuli several back town chips yet to Lear f'rern. On account of a scarcity cf water tit Altoona the railroad shops in that city experience gnat diftieultv in keeping their machinery ia motion. Some days ugo ft yonng woman was in the grocery store of Mr. Llurry Gibson of New Castle, and just as •ihe was leaving, carelessly threw a piece ot apple peeling over ber shoul der. It happened to sirike Mr. Uib son'ts eye edgewise. It was painful at fifst, but not though l ; neriou«. As it got wor.se, Mr Gibson went to Pins burtf arid consulted an oculist. To his surprise he was iuf irmed the sight was destroyed aud there was no rem edy. A boy in Ccchrantou evades tbe anti-ferret law in a novel manner. Me catches a rat in a b>x trajt, ties a striDg around tbi; rat's ueck, takes the trap to the rabbit's bole, and lets the rat go, keeping hold of the string Tne rat generally chases out the rab bit into the young min's hands. Luck Stowe, a hostler in a livery stable at Sharon, was kicked in the head by au infuriated stallion, two weeks ago, aud received wounds pro nounced fatal: Tbe doctors took from the skull a section of bone 3£ by lA inches. Stowe grew lietter.and this week is out ou the streets,a little weak, but in a fair way to recover, Accidents. On Monday last while some men were engaged in hauling logs on tbe farm of Mr. Jacob Hurckart, near lieoople a log reli off the sled aud Gottlieb Rumbolt, a young man of 18 or 111 years was cangut and knocked down, tbe log striking him and crush ing his head in a frigh'ful manuer. His injury is of such a character that it may prove fatal. —On Saturday nv ning last as Dr. VVui. Irvine, of Evans City, was pass ing alouir the pav«mi?nt in front of Lewis residence, he slipped arid fell, striking on the ieft side of his bead. He wan rendered insensible and could not help himself. Mr. G*n:-z came to his aid and got him on his feet, but the • IT-cts of the bun were such that hi did not fully re cover till Sunday morning —On S tturd iy last while Mr. Ja cob Fogel, with others, was enga'ged in removing au old building he int't with a very seve'e accident. A log h-«d been cut iu two to which a t.-aaa had been hitched, one e >d resting on a pice of timber. When the horses started the log suddenly rolled over, striking Mr. Fogel on the let* and break'tig it below th * knee. li s was taken homo aud iho Iracturo reduce 1 and he is getting alor.g very nie«*ly. It is h'»ped that he will soon be around as usual — AV«M Prize Companion. I make the following special otTer open to all. To the person sending me the best telling advertisement o( mv business on or before January 15 1838,1 will give $4; 2'id best. $:3; 3rd, $2; 4th. $1; for Judges, name any three Editors in Butler at bottom of your ad The advertisement to ontaia all such articles as I k"«p lor sale, such as clothing, hats, caps, underwear, neckwear, gloves, handkerchiefs, shirts, truuks, valises, satchels, um brellas, jewelry, combs, brushes, hos iery, &<; Hero is a chance to try your hand at writing an adv«rtisem'jnt aud get paid for it. I reserve the right to publish one or all. 1) A HECK, Champion Clothier and Furnisher, No. 11, N. Main etreet, Butler, Pa. Opening Announcement. The L'mberg Bro's announce openiug of iheir new grocery store in the Diamond Block. Their goods are new and fresh, and will be sold at prices as low as any in the town. Tbeir specialty is the tea line and you will find all kmds of fresh teas. All new crop teas. Nothing old. CHRISTMAS TABLE LUXURIES. ItAISINS Iroin Fr. nco, !•' 1 1 IS - Sicily. NI'TS •• all parts of tl»e<;iob<\ WRATHS •' California. DATES '• I'ersla. PHL'NES Turkey and France. ORANGES •• Florida. LEMONS •' Florida. BANANAS " F'orld i and Mexico. CANDIES •• France and NFCW York. CIIHSHE •• York State Hl'TTKit •' Butler cquuiy. CRANBKIUUES •• dpo Co-l. (ANNUO AA'.t KVAHURATKDU.JOU fuin Call rorula. Alaoa full line of staple groceries We propodo to purc'iase nothing but first class Baiter, Eggs, etc, for which we will piy the highest market price. Farmers will take notice. LIM REIKI BRO'S, Diamond Block, No 71, S Vlain St, Butler, Ba > Christmas Cards. uf Christmas Cards wili be found in Douglass'. Evpry conceiv able fancy and dufign, with or plain, iK'uutiful picurea and aiattoas au», Books and Fancy G >ods, our Patrons and the Public are cordially invited D. T. PAI'E. Holiday Presents. Elegant line of vases, bisq'ie fig ures, china plates, cups and saucers, mustache cups. Stock now complete at C, Koctl <& SON'S. —Clearing out sale of Carpets, Oil Cloths. Mattings, Diuggetts, Huge, &e., at RLTTEB & I {ALSTON'S. —For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries, go to Morrison's City Bakery. —Children-*' R obes and Dresses, Cheaper than von can make 1 hem a* HITTER & RAI«STON'S Christmas Presents. Water sets, lemonade sets, m«»»h and milk sets, oat nici-il sets, wino sets, liquor sets, smoking sets, berry sets, ice cream sets at C. lv >C:I & PON'S. No. 1(] .V Main St —That there will be the usual hol iday entertainments in thechurcbcs— An Odor Case Makes an ornamental and useful pres ent to a ladv friend, our stock is com plete and will surely p!e;ise vou DOUJI.-V-H'. —Go to V\ illianis' for all kinds of musical instruments, pianos, organs sold as low as $5 a month Holiday Goods at J R. GIUBB'S NO 1(1 S. Main St. A fin« aid complete stock of Dia monds and other precious stones. Watches of nil makes and an exeop tionallv lari;e line of Silverware, all will he sold at the lowest prices pos sible. Sign of Electric Bell —Special Bargains for the Holi days at D. T. TAPE'S, —Go tp J. BOWMAN'S for Books and Stationery, —Foil lino of candies and nuts for the Holidays at Morrison's City Bak ery. For the Holidays. E. Giieb, the Jeweler, No. 19 N. Mnin St Butler, Pa., bus a full liue of holidav goods. DIAMONDS Uor.D CASES. FILLED CASES, SILVER CASES, SN'lB-T E AMERICAN WATCHES (JoLI) .JEWEIIIIY, . PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD SPECTACLES, 01 OLI) HEADED CANE-I, FINE SILVERWARE. FINE CLOCKS, ETC., Our stock for the holidays is com plete If ioteuiiai? pure'j nors will call and inspect our stock tiioy will tin'l nianv new novelties, at satis factory prices. Cull eurjy to avoid tba rush. No trouble to show troods. B." member iho pltoe of bqiinn-id, No. L'J NORTH MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA —That the Httto ones o!T r up pray ers to Snjty Hanging Lamps. You will find ihe 1 tteat styles and largest stock at, C KOCH & SON'S. Mixed c-iiJ'Jy by tho l>.»rrcl for th« Holidays at Morrisou's City Bakery. —o ( ae and nil are iunited tq call uud iuspeqt tLo supjrb stock of X'O'is Novelties et J. BOWMAN'S. —That shopkeepers are keepiw? si watch for thieves. They will go wnjjtbo vrowd —That gilt furniture is handsome but fragile— Your Photograph I j a beautiful holder makes a Cbrist | nias present which is always a source , of delight and may be kept a lifetime, j Bionze, Hammered Brass, Plush aid Carved Woods, can ba found at prices from 25 cents to §4. at DOUGLASS'. —Co to A L. Ilo': iuson's and see the parlor entertainment—a young mau courting a young lady who is | playing a piauo, a colored cook get ; ting dinner. All in A. L.ROBINSON'S i Window. Linen handkerchiefs, lac* hand kerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs aud 1 mufflers at L STEIN & SON'S. For the Holidays. Grand display of china, glass ware aud queensw are at C Keen & SON'S. —Silk umbrellas a', IJW prices at Patterson's One Price Clothiug House, 29 Main St. —The largest stock of pianos and organs ever brought to Butler can be found at ALEX WILLIAMS' Music Store, next to Berg Cypher's hard ware store. —Use Double All O K. Horse Lini ment, best in the world. For sweli iugs, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameuess, sore shoulders, ling-bone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sale by J. C REMCK, 2-18-3 m. Mo. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa —Go to Morrison's City Bakery for Sue cakes and ice cream. —That it is more blessed to give than to receive— Home Made B.ead. From the best family flour, and baked iu an oveD, can always be had at Mrs. Armor's, at No. 98 N. Wash ington St Butler Pa. Special atten tion to regular customers. —For a good brier pipe go to No. 7, N. Main St. Watches. * GENTS' GOLD WATCHES, LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, MISSES' COLD WATCHES, BOYS' WATCHES Watches for everybody, guaran teed tituo keepers, and at the yery closest figures. SPECIALTY or GOLD GLASSES. U. F. T, I'AI J IS Ac BRO , No. 18 South Maiu St Butler. —Great reduction ia cloaks to re duce stock at L. STEIN r at J BOWMAN'S. —Dolls, bisque, wax and washa ble, dressed aud undressed at J. F. T STEHLE'S. —Foot and house balls, large line at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. —Gum Dolls snd Pate&t Dolls in laryu variety and at lowest prices at 1) T. PAI'E'B. —That the Btreets are thronged with shoppers Present for a Business Man. A Wirt fountain pen, Gotta Pereha and Gold mounted ones §2 50 t.053.50 at DOUGLASS'. —Go to W. M. Bombach's and see his large stock of violins a-.d all kiuds of musical instruments. —S Ik Neck MulUers from §1 up, largest assortment w" hive ev«r had Patterson's One Price Clothing House, —We are selling furniture lo.ver j than it has ever before been sold in Butler, and after using it vou will say that it is what we said it was, otherwise no sale, at MILLER BRO'S, No 19 Jefferson St. Nice line of trimmings fnr Christ mas trees ar. Morrison's City Bukery. Santa Clays has p.rr\v< d at J. F. T. STEHLS'S. Silk niulfhrs and silk handker chiefs, iu all colors at J F. T. STEHLE'S. —No. 19 Jeffersou St. is the place j to buy cheap aud good furniture. Holiday goods at Patterson's j Orn Price Clothing II »u*e, 29 Vliia St L STEIN & SON. No 8. N Main St., are offering special bargains iu clonks and dress goods in order to re duee stock previous to taking stock j Call aud examine goods. Movjtb i>enk'iives, spy aud opera glasses, and music at J F. T STEHLE'S —Gloves, umten u , scarfs and fur caps at J F. T, STEULB'S —:Tbat the express Cjiupauy is a mat— —That XT.US decorations are p!en- I tiful aDd cheap Present for a Son or Daughter. an 1883 diary, 40 cents up at DOUGLASS' FOR FOLIDAY GOODS Go to J. R. Gi ieb. No If, S Main St Lidies and Gents Scarf pins Sleeve Buttons, ; Chains. Chirms, Rings. Lace pins. Earrngs, Coil ir Bu'tons, Watches, Silverware. kc~ Dou'c forget the place Sign of Electric Bell. —Toilet sets and water founts at J F. T STF.IILE'S Call in and examine our im mense stock, and get our low prices aud we have uo doubt you will make vour purchases p.t RITTER IT RALSTON'S. —Go to W M Bombach's for puns, revolvers and ammunition of all kiuds. He sells cheap as the cheapest. —Why not buy your wife or daughter an organ or piano at Alex. Williams' Music store at §5 s month. —She—Why Tom, where have you been? You never stayed out so late before He— l was arrested for disorderly conduct, my dear, and ouly just re leased She —Good Heavens! He—Don't be alarmed I was, only looking in Chris Stock's show i windows, aud I saw the bargains in 1 Etna Stoves sod it made me d>zzy, i and the policeman thought I was drunk. —That it will be turkey ai 1 . around, I Work is plenty Present for a Gentleman, A smoking set, a pencil charm, a : gold toothpick, or a gold pea. Great variety and low piices at DOUGLASS'. St. Nicholas' Dinner. Morrison's Bakery and Confection ery presents an attractive ap pearauce at present and is a good lor a hungry man to go to St Nicholas will take his dinner there ou Christmas aud ot course he knows where the good things are Many people take advantage of Morrison's facilities for baking pies and cakes and have ordered a bountiful supply for the holidays. As heretofore his cus tomers will tiud at his store every thing they need for a Christmas tree. Ol malagu grapes, orar.ges, bananas, nuts and caudies. He makes pure molasses candy and sells lots of it, and of course bo has all the commou candies aud the best Freuch cream caudies. Go arouud to Morrisoa's and get those little things in the shape of sweatmeats and cukes which make the Christmas stocking aud the Christmas tree so interesting to tbe children, and which when properly i made are as harmless as good bread aud butter. Presents at Gilliey's. II -re are a few of the beautiful things we have which make appro priate Holiday gifts. A nice hair ornament, 50 cents to sl. A set, of new style collars and j cuff-, 75 cents A silk muffl-T, 50 cents to §2 50. A nice veil, 10 to 50 cents. A box of Lelia Pith, 50 cents, A new hut, ail prices. A box ol linen handkerchiefs, 50 cents to $5. A pair of gloves. A Cfiinelle fasciniator. §lto $2 M H. GILKEY, The MiHim r. —That the clockwork oys in win- | dows attract large crowds Continued Patronage combined with the steadv increase of trade, is tbe b"st evidence that, our customers are satisfied with < ur man ner of doing business Ir, proves be vond a doubt that cur prices must be reasonable and our goods desirable We ire uow displaying a complete assortment of S.ik Muffl-ra, Silk Handkerchiefs, Crape Vlulll-rs, Linen Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Ji-rsey Gloves and Fine Mittens for the H 1- iday trade M F »v M MARKS Holiday Presents. Perfumes and Colognes in great variety iri Cfl' gla«* bot.tleß.To th and hair brushes at all pries, Dressing cases and work boxes at cheapest, prices at Jos. Drug Store. We are expecting daily a largn line of holiday goods and would be pleased to have you call and see our goods before purchasing your Christmas presents. Jos WULLER Fresh Oysters. New York counts, and extra select tub oysters received daily at TATE'S Restaurant. Did You Notice Those decorated, 121 p'eces, dinner sets for sl2 at C, KOCH it SON'S Cfiristmas. A large assortment of all kinds of Fancy Goods suitable for Christmas presents at BITTER k B ALSTON'S. Holiday Goods At D L CLEELAND'S at prices that must give entire satisfaction. Goods sold. Engraved Free Remember the place, 93 Stuih Maiu St., Builer, Pa. Special Noliee. We have the largest ai d best se lected stock of muffl -rs and silk hand kerchiefs at I) T. PAI-E'S. —That the person who doesu't ex peet much is uot disappointed Thanks, awfully Dome and buy your best girl a uice piece of Silverware, a fine ring, a gold watch, or some other elegant gift, of which I show you an endless variety, aud at prices to please you J B. (illlEß, No 1(J S. Main St. Sign of Electric Bell, Fine silk umbrellas wiih g »I.t Patterson's One Price Clothiug House. B ng gloves, fifes, and violin strings at J F T. STEHLE'S. —That the poor yo have always with you; remember your neighbor in d m't letanybadv suffer this X'uas, and what's the matter with you" filling a ba.-k- t with the good things of life and icuioiukc.iug the wil'jw uuXl OTphati? We're Gains to Fail. We regret exceedingly to make this anuouocemt ut, more bi.eau-« o the grtat disapp dntmeut to our mnrj friends ai.d cu?tomer», thau ior per so:ial reasons. The failure to whicb wo refer is cur inability vo answer ail the questions about the fire that oc curred in our place ibis week, how it | originated? niiu discovered ii? «fce But more particularly as to why aud | how we can afford to sell our goods at bueh ridiculously low prices. But I never uiiud the wh}s aud wherefores, \ we're 100 busy to stop and explain. The Holidays are last approaching and what are you going to have for dinner. Few tilings caaba imagin ed that are toucher than A BOILED OWL. We have never tried it for dessert al though we ouco beard of an English man who ate some hot claui soup raise a 80 1 LED HOWL and exclaim that American hiiis ol fare were very lough We continue to study the wants of the people and as a result we make it lor competition endeavoring to keep pace with us in supplying the trade. We call attention this week to our immense stock of usclul and ornameu tal ai tides lor the Holiday trade,such as Seal Caps, H its, Fine Silk Muff lers, Silkhandkeiehiefs, Siik, Mobair ana Alpaca Umbredas with Gold aud Silver haudies, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Shirts, Collars. Underwear, Knit Jackets, Jewelry, Neckwear in bows, pull's and tucks, the liuest iu the market, Satchels, Valines,Trunks, Brushes, Combs and 1407 other arti cles that will just oe me thiug to inuke so many friends happy. STILL BETTER We are prepared to excel 1 our last holiday ell >rt iu the shape of a haad some Holiday souvenir 10 every cus tomer during the Holiday season commencing Mouday, Dec. ID, 1887 and continuing until Jan. 1, 1888, Dou't be backward, but come rigbt along. You will never regret it, Remember the place. D A. HECK, No 11 N. Main St, Duffy Bluck Grand Wedding. The event of the season will be the wedding of Mr Johnny Loug to Miss Sadie Shorr,*it A L Robinson s, the resideuca of ihe bride. 'i'De happy affair will take place at 7 o'clock, Christmas eve, and will be a most splendid ceremony. Yourael! and lady are orduily invited to attend. A. L. ROBINSON. —A fine stock of b>t'l-*d goods tt C tvoca & SONS'. —GeDts fi'ie Gloves at low prices at Patterson's Ooe Price Clothing House —New liue of kid gloves. cashmere gloves, silk mittens, wool mittens, muffs, kc. L. STEIN CT SON'S —lf you waut a good smoke go to VV. M. BOMBACH'S. Buckwheat If you WHrsr. the highest price for your BUCKWHE AT go to George Walter's Mill, Butler, Pa, At 25 Cents All wool Country Flannels at BITTER k HAL-TON'S. Ai 25 Cents Yard wide Cashmeres in all Shades at BITTER k RALSTON'S. RYE WANTED. The highest cash price will be paid for from 5,000 to 10,000 bushels of rye, to be delivered at, the store of 7-29-tf JACOB BOOS. Butler, Pa. For the Holidays. Buy your gilts at BITTER & RALSTON'S. Buckwheat Flour Go to George Walter's Mill if you want good buckwheat flour. Underwear, Ladies', Gents' and Childrens'. a splendid stock at extremely low pi ices at BITTER & BAI.STON'S. Bargains" For the next sixty days, in order to reduce our stock, we will quote special low prices on all our stock. We have on hands thirty bed room sets ranging from SJB to $l5O per set Thirteen upholstered parlor suits ronu'i.'itr from $35 to §l5O per suit. Parlor stands from §2 50 to §lO. Lou litres from §2 50 to §25 Hat raeks from §8 to §.'3o Tabes from §1 25 to §lO Wash stauds from §2 to §lB, Bureaus from $0 to §25 Sets of chairs from §2 75 to sl6 per set. Secretaries from slf> to S4O. Easy chairs, haudsomu pictures, room ornaments, etc , auy of which would make both useful aad appropri ate presents. MILLER BBO'S. No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa. Fancy cups and saucers, vases, mugs and mantel ornaments at J- F. T. STEHLE'S. Money safes, purses aud tool chests at J F. T. STEHLE'S. For beautiful and useful gifts for father, mother, sister, brother, sou, daughter, beau, sweat heart, or friend, you need go nowhere else than to D. T. PAPE'S. —Violins at prices ranging froßi $1 to §IOO at WILLIAMS' Music Store, Buckwheat Wanted ! TEN THOUSAND bushels of Buckwheat at George Walter's Mill. Highest market price will be paid. GEORGE WALTER, Butler, I'd. Hides Wanted. 1 will pay the highest cash price for nil kinds of hides, delivered at my tannery ut the north end ol Wusbing tou street, Butler. Pa—No. <54. HENRY WAGNER, JR. Wraps, Ladies'. Misses' and childrens' in all srvles, aad prices from 50 cents to §SO 00 at HITTER & RALSTON'S. —The b"Bi fre-h and canned Cali fornia fruits for the Holidays, at Morrison's City Bakery. Beautiful line of One vases, air moisteaors for gas fires at J F T STKHLE'S. Bradley's Blankets The best in th<- market at §1 75 per pair at KITTEK & RAXFCTOK'TF. I CHRISTMAS AT PAPE'S Y.V ttiiok we hnvp tbi* b?9t c lccted t'.i.i kofli• »1 idt*.y (iocdd evei It-ought t > Br.tler We have tLe finest lines r>T mufti*r and bundk'-rchif fa t<> found in the ci:y Silks and hueos iu uil nljlet nnd price.-*. We have dolls of every siz», Fhape color at.J, what id beet, ui itie ver\ lowest, prices Wo havo d ills, Frenel Bisque dolls, r:i!»b* r dolls, wax dolls china dolls, dolls, u'i!jreak;i ble dolls, colored doils, crying dulls, patent doils uud coinni.to dolls ]l you want any o'Ler ktud we will ord«-r it for you We have tov boobs too, of all kindrJ, scrap book?, uitb scrap pic tures, aloimir, :i uisd 10 cetit story bojks, »:ie : ore ul'-Uius and poeket books, tbev are euiptv :h< ujrb We h ire hu nl at from 25 ct nis to sj 50 i!u.-h aud hand-ouie oues iu alligator t-kiu. Iu the same department ladies' work boXf S, from ibe chtapedi to tie best, aiid ibey are good Oentleoiens' cijrar holders, at various j rices We have a Gae stock of muff-t, ail kiud-i of ladi< s underwear, bosery, booties fi.r babies, gloves, milieus, shawls, toboggan caps, hoods for ladies and chiidreu. Ia fact, t very tbiug you wau: in the i:ot.:oD line, aud at the lowest {rices, to •, at _ i) T. PAPS'S. —A full stock ot Kid Uloves for Geuts' wear, at Pattersou's Oae Price Olottiia,' ilouss. —Go to AL, llobiason's aa i got your cbiidreu's supplies there. He has everything in the liae of toys, games and dolls. —lf you want to make nice Christoi is present go to W. M Rom bach's for an Ea>iy organ. Ho will sell them less man city prices, —Full liae of aUoapii liaeas, in tidies, spUihers, scirfs, trav covers, pillow sDaiiis, aproas, &c., at L. STEIN «V SON'S. —You caa have a cbanca on the famous toy—'l'tie lv*t Kiiler" tor lU cents ut J F. T. STEIILE'S. —Fine line of p :cket books at .1 F. T. STEIILE'S. Consult your own interests and examine our stock of furniture, uphol stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc., before purchasing. MILLEIV lino's., No. 19, Jefferson St. Remember we buy for cash and sell for cash, as a result we sell goods at lower prices than you can buv iheni elsewhere at I'IRTEA it RALSTON'S. —Go to Morrison's City Linkery for fresh Oysters and Oyster Stews. —A. No. I. all husk mattress,.guar anteed, uot mixed with excek-er at a lower tiguro than can be had else where iu Butler, at Miller Bros', furniture store. No. 19 Jefferson St —We have ton thousand dollars worth of furniture in our three ware rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. The best as well as the cheap est, but ali the best made for the price. All persons will liud it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certain our prices before purchasing. MILLER BRO'S. —Use Double All 0. K. Horse and Cattle Powders,best in the vvorid. A sure and speedy euro for heaves, coughs, colds, iullirned rough ness of fikiu, and all kidney diseases. For sale by J. 0 REDICIC, 2-18 3.n No. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa Combination sled and cradle at J. F. T. STEIILE'S. CHINA HALL. Wo have now oil hand, and arc rec iv iug daily ad iiti >nal iii' k v floods for the Holiday season Our line being very large and e wiplete we enn only draw your atten tion to the fact that no house in iiutler can show a larger btock. Wo have now a full line of Fancy Vases, Smoke Sets, ('ups and Saucers. I'isque Figures. Har baliue Vases, Tea and Dinner Sots. .Mu-h and Milk Sets, VV.iter Si-ts. Lemon ade Sets. Liquor ets. C/h unU'r Out and Decorated B> hemia' l and French Glass in all kinds of Sets, Lamps in all Styles at all prices. Our stock of floods in China an i Glass ware is unsurpassed in this or any iieigh boiing city, and prices, we guarantee as low as same qual ity goods can he bought at Decorated 41 pieces Tea Sets ■s">.< o; Dec orated 00 pieces Tea S<'ts. $5.00; Decorat ed 121 pieces Dinner Sets $12.00; Decor ated 12 pieces Cham her Sets. §0 00; Dec orated 10 piece* ('hamher Sets. $'J 2i> No trouble to show goods, and we would appreciate a call Iroin all. whether intend ing purchasing or not C. KOCH'S & so:*s. Q A L E S M EAT NVANTKD |\ IO ciiti\ : -•« f»«r Mio s«!o 'if Xnr- A 1 scrv Shn'k ! Ht«' i'h \ r u r iiii.'i tl. SAL Vlt V ANl> K \ i'KNMN >\!!> Ji« onrf. stu:lfijr t llei«»r to Hits T »np«»0 Chase Brothers Ci\, K,M 'T ™ R PERMANENT STAMPING For Kcnsingt )), Arrasene AND OUTLINE iVOHK DONE llfO If; -till> in Mill) i iVi 11 b) ANN IK V LOWWAN, North »ireo not wait any lonjc»r but coiua . f o To oe- store and you will have no ;rou! le to Ret jast what you want. We are I'f.ulqu vi'tci> lor Holiday Good* and le;«il In : i .ic. We have KOO.M suitable fur old «r yoiu>!», ami «lfet < r you nave much or i. tie MO i ••• s mmi' 1 WO enh lp you solve tbe pr-i»- leio of making U K<» 'is far as possible uud yet Sn-urc Somclliiug Mcc. Von should .see fie line display r,f Toilet Cv>e,i M .ncn.j. .vis Whisk Holders, : «klor( .i --S. • lit cil: i t lers suitable for ladies. i:;:t >m s i w.nt something for a grnllc ■iia'i Wt li. i.~'>k here : Cuff Oiliar ,n Brass an I IMnb. Wiilsk Hollers Sni"!.c-rs Sots, shavius t'ases. Travelers To.let •• :-i. '-iirr-irs (uKstuiMts, and uiaiv other littJ« novrltir- lb.it will |nove useful as Well as o.;m menia! nor stock U vefy Full and Complete. we you to call soon a> luany of Iht tie -Huh e _ ihls are ! elug picked tip, i'md you \vill li- il i. u> your advantage io com.* early. C< iu» ■ti!'*. s(• us. Yon ":ii in- ireated politely '.vin jtvr you v.lsli lo purehase or not. >»• tro .'V ti' show Uootis. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES AND FKYSICIAKS PEESCSIP i IONS A SPECIALTY. Kespect^'nlly, i C, li, BOKO, Biujpt, Hutler» - - - - X-'a. Diamond Block. ( iIIiISTMAS SLIPPERS "" In Mens' Boys' Youths' and ChiMrens\ suitable and appro priate Holiday presents at HU&ELTON'S The styles perfectly beau tiful, the variety as large to select from as all the Stores put together, the prices so low that all can be suited in the follow ing st\ les, iu Velvet Embroid ered Patent Leather trimmed, lilegant Maroon-Goat Slippers, (jeuuine Alligator Chamois lined. Fine Plush ' henille Em broidered Kid and Chamois lined iu Garnet plush and Old Gold. Ladies' F ne Shoes and Slip pers in endless variety. Spec ialty in Old Ladies Wide and Warm Shoes and Slippers, leather and felt soles, also for inva ids, Ladies fine Kid and Velvet Etnbro'dered Opera Slippers. If you don't want Slippers we have the largest -election,best goods and luwest prices in Butler in Ladies' Misses' and Child rens' fine Mioes, in heavy Shoes, and Mens' Boys' and Youths' Fine Shoes an i heavy B.iots. In li libber Goods and Arctics, no two prices, no auction truck, sample lots and all such stuft. Straight goods at Straight prices. Pretty Shoes and Slip pers for the little folks. Don't buy your Chrjstmas Slippers and until you have seen our stock and have heard our prices. B. C. HUSELTON. A Groat National Journal THE NEW YORK Mail and Express The Advocate of tho Rest Interacts of tha Homo—The Enemy ot the Saloon. The Friend of American Labor. The Favorite Newspaper of People of Refined Tastes Everywhere. For many rears tha dallT edition #f th# Kaw Yo« MAfC AND BXFlfebß haa nized c.B theioadinß afternoon paper of tropolls, while its weekly admcm haa been THS FAVORITE HOMB PAPKKtp families in every State in tha Union. Uhaaawairied it* (Treat popularity and lnflnejoe by Itj «•**• prise ia the collection of nawa, thapuTity otlta tone, ami the ablltty and oonrage of ftaartvocacy of tho Elsthton all quostloua ofjpahlio tataraat FOR l!SßWthe MAIL ASD IRTU be B heiterpauer than aver, and, aa a clean, lute real ing, inatructlvo Home Newspaper, It solicit* comparison with any other in the eomw trv. It Moneot tho UA KG EST PAPERS FOB- I.lsn . i> anywhere, and spares neither labor nor exponse to accure for IU readera tha very beat in all dopartmenta of newspaper llteratoxe. OUR POLITICS. of the American people; and holding that the honest enforcement of ita principles ia the beat guarantee of tho national welfare, we ahall anp port t horn with all our might; bnt we ilhall alwaja troat opposing parties with considerationaad lair pUy. AGAINST THE SALOON. Tlin AN. AICD rxpßEaa Is the recognlaed lead, inpr journal of the country in the .graat Antl siuoon itepubllean movement It belleveathaj tlielinnor traftloas It exists to-dey ln the United states Is the enemy of aoolety, m trnltfnl Mtes of corruption in politics, the ally ot anarchy, a echoolofcrime, and. with lta avowed pnrpweof PI citing to corruptly control elections and larlsla -1 luu, is n menace to the public welfare and oo ecrves the condemnation olallxood men. In brief. aU who wish liArtita their homes a iTfRST-t LAiSS KtWsPAPER of uatloual scope, broad views, olaan pana and coaragoons. yet kindly, utterancea on all qnes tions of general pulillo Interest will not be disappointed In th© MAIL AMD EIPBKBS. and TTO respect fully solicit tiicir Inflnwoe ftnd sop -I(HI'nsCRIPTION RATBRr—WMELT, par year, SI.OOi six months. OOcents; three months, AO cents. IIAILT. per year, 86.00 i air month». (>3.00; three months, 51.50| one uoatn, dO Crl PREMIUMS. EVFRY KCBTRTBKR to the WttXLT who sends ten cents to pay for paeklnc and postapo receives as a present from the~MAIL AMI> EXFRS6S A.Y TWO of our etopmt I'remlum Portralia ofLlnooln. Grant, OeHleldj I.oc.in and Bcieher, exact copies of the finest rruyou Ilkeiie«eß, % i inches In alae, aeatto hia address free and postpaid. . FCll 81.30 we send tho MAIL AKBEXPaJMa rnio year and a copy of Mnnltacsra great paliit. i;iapa mi tiio most liberal ttnns. They oannot ut Uoscrat>w d here, bond lor our circulaCa AGENTS \VJVNTEI>. V?o Trant a good agent in every town and vtl- Ue;' whoro we liavo nut ono no* at work, aend mi o;;r j.pcclnl Circuiur to A (route wad »eo our l.hcr»l i>n'orp. . . _ p I'IIST.IIASTERS nnd their ASSISTANTS, an I all ciheri who wtili t.» incr.-a* i their la cu no, will find Ihl.'aa oxoellont opportunity, f I'.II'!/.-. 1 (tl'lM eeu, lrri> lo «il appli e. the store of W. P. Ralston, the Jeweler So, <6. South Main stro t, wnere von will tin 1 u ouolce selection oi \V ilclii'-s. flocks und .Ipwelrj- of every ilt-s-r p. tmn. Watctt utiii Clriik repairing a specialty VV. E. BALSTON, Nd. rt», eguth