«MM ra oiTIZElsr. JOIN H. * V. C. NECLKY, PROPRIETORS. MMCKtFtIO* BATH-rosWn* PREPAID: I ONE YEAR .. Six months Three months 11l 11'1—! Entered at Po«togf<- mt Bitler u 8«l <•'«" »atUr FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1887. --"Grandmother," is a favorite name for wells in the Saxonburg field. CHRISTMAS coming upon Sunday this year will make the day of more th*n usual observance and interest. TH« Children's celebration of Christmas by the English Lutheran Church of this place, will be held in the church Saturday evening. MB CLSVBLASD'9 message meets with the exact approval of the En glish papers. Why wouldn't it ? It is exactly their kind of a message. NEXT week,as a kind "New Years Gift," we will endeavor to present our readers with a somewhat embellished paper, in the way of Bome illustrated reading apropnate to the date. BLAINE'S "message" from Paris was better reading in this country -~TEan Cleveland's from Washington. After next Presidential election the positions of these two men. may be somewhat changed. _We have received from Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bender, of Walla Walla, Washington Territory, an invitation to the wedding of their daughter, May, to Dr. O. J. Croup, formerly of Boder, which took place on Wednes day last, 21st inst. All the parties interested have our thanks and best wishes. "REPUBLICAN Clubs," seem to be numerous and strong, Last week about 300 of them assembled in New York City, from nearly all the States ot the Union. The object of the meeting had reference to the great Presidential election of the comiDg J*"- WK learn that word has been re ceived from the Chairman of the Armstrong County Republican Com mittee that a call has, or will be is sued for a meeting of their County Committee, to consider the action of this county looking towards a change in nominating candidates for the State Senate in this district. We hope to bear of Armstrong appoint ing a committee to meet the one ap pointed by this county. THB Chairman, Mr. T. M. Stewart, of the Lawrence County Republican Committee, has appointed Messrs. John Sword, Alexander Duff and Elmer J. Phillips, of that County to meet with the committees from the other counties to devise a new system of nominating candidates for Congress in this district. This action of Law rence County completas the prelimi nary work. Although the minority county of the district her Republicans are not afraid to trust to the fair deal log and honor of her sister countieß. The joint meeting of theOoromittees ifl to be held at New Castle, on January 10. Will Meet-January 10. The joint meeting of the Commit tees appointed in this Congressional district, Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver and Butler Counties, will meet in New Castle, Lawrence Co., on Tues day, Jan'y 10, next, to take action in regard to an alteration in the method of nominating Republican Congress ional candidates for the district. These gentlemen are charged with an important doty,which we have no doubt will receive their best care and attention, and from which a proper change from the old mode of nomina ting will be formed. That the Re publican party of the district desire a change is very clear, and the only question is,what shall the change be/ It may require a little time and labor on the part of the joint convention, but from which good results must fol low. Christmas. Again the season of mirth and gift giving 1B at hand. Next Sunday, Dec. 25, is another Christmas, «rid in almost every branch of business may be feen signs of its pppicacbing. The shop and store windows are gay - ly decorated, inviting by ibeir dis play ths purchase of au endless vari ety of articles, suitable to the 0311* aion. Men, women and children are are all equally attracted. The pro fessions and trades have to take no tice.and meet the demands of the day. The conductors of the ne wspapershave k*ep to up with the times and give their readers "Christmas stories," and Christmas songs. The CITIZEM this week baa endeavored to be equal to the occasion, by giving to its read era as good a selection of reading matter a» possible. Tease stories and vetees of poetry will all bo fuund to have a moral in them aud can be read by all, old and young,with prof it, and pleasure. IVe h*re only to add our custom ary greeting, of a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to All." —lf Mr. Robert Garrett, lato of the Baltimore ft Ohio, in going west •round the world on his proposed trip, should chance to meet Mr. Jay Gould, going east to get around the world the other way, which of them will get the-'odd day"which is gained io-tt;e aLd lo*t to the other feomu wbere in the Pacific Ocean near the one hundred and eighteenth meridian? —Philadelphia Ledger. Dame Rumor hath circulated the suspicion that this Mr. Gould,though a consistent supporter of many good iostiiutions, especially those devoted to the care of lambs, is tolerably smart in business dickerings. Perhaps it might be safe in wageriog a yearling sveer against a boe-handle that Mr. Goqld will not be left. Perhaps, also, it might be proper to adyise Old Sol to look sharp now that Mr. Gould is circumnavigating the earth,or be may lose several days himself. —Pittsburg jpom-Q*telte. His Victim's Widow Implaca- j ble. j ITABBISBCBI;, December I'.' —The Board of Pardons, at its meeting to morrow, will consider a number of important ca?es, amonj< tLem that of Miltou Weston, who desires anothsr hearing, which his counsel believes would result in the presentation of arguments causing bia release from the penitentiary. Weston is unfor tunate iu having the enmity of the ! widow of Obadiah Haymaker, for whose death the ex-millionare is sutf- , ering imprisonment. Several of her letters, against a parden are on flle, one of which arrived yesterday. In this letter she says: I come to you again, proving that you will not grant the pardon of Mr. Weston. I know you must be weary of this matter, but I never weary of pleading the casae of one so uear arid dear to me, and whose life was so cruelly taken at the instigation of this man, Milton Weston. I know what has been tbe action of the board in tbe past, and I thank you Kindly for it, yet I fell I have suffered no much from this man that I must do all I can to prevent his pardon, and that is wbv I plead that you will not grant his pardon. Mrs Jamison, of Chicago, has a letter on file in the pardon department even more emphatic against the favor able consideration of Weston s case. She talks as if tbe wife of the priso ner had caused great misery in a Chi cago family by provoking kindaess to the male head of it, and sbe is wearing sealskins and other Beery, while the family indicated is suffering for want of sufficient clothing. Tbera have been reports that tba refusal of the board to recommend Weston was due to the protests of a woman whom the prisoner had de frauded maDy years ago, but there does not seem to be any founda tion for them' The board has volu minous papers presented for its con sideration a deposition from a New York woman, who opposed the par don of Weston because of his treat ment of her, but her etorv of the wrongs &te is alleged to haye sutler-: ed at his hands can have had no ef j feet on the board, which has refused recommendation to executive clemen cv because of the failure to produce , testimony not submitted at tbe trial, tending to show the innocence ol the prisoner. The papers filed iu the Weston case constiute a bulk about three feet in circumference, and the letters and pe titions in favor of his pardon, in the number and character of the persons who wrote or signed them, have never been been approached. A Gov ernor, Judges, United States Sena tors and members of Congress are . among those who have atked that the j prisoner be liberated, in addition to ! nearly 1,500 people of Allegheny j county. This overwhemingly demand for j bis pardon has not bad the desired I effect,because of tbe absence of suflioi-1 ent proof as to bis innocence to justl- J fy the board in favorably considering his case. The board will to-morrow also hear arguments in thecaseof David L Kii g the Clarion county murderer, for the commutation of his death penalty t> imprisoment for life. The Coffey murder case will also be among those to be considered by j tbe Board of Pardons to morrow. ; Thomas M. Marshall is expected to j appear in it, as woll as the application j tor a re-hearing in tbe Weston case j Terrible Chinese Disaster. SAX FEANCISCO, Dec. 15.—Chinese advices received to-day state that the j Yellow River overflowed its banks in the province of Honau, Sept. 20, and completely inundated the city of | Cbingebow and ten other populous . cities. The whole area is now a rag- j ing sea, ten to thirty feet deep,where • it was once a densely populated an ing afear'ul loss of life. Th 3 country was covered with a fine Winter braid j which is gone arid implies complete . destruction to next year's crop. 'Bread tread' is the cry of thousands vvhoj are on the river baDk. "Benevolent people ijo in boats and throw bread among the masses here and there, bnt it is nothing compared with the requirements. The mass of people is still being increased by con tinual arrivals more hungry than the last. There they sit, stunned, hun gry and dejected, without a rag to wear or a morsel of food. Mat huts are being erected for them. VY bat it will be in two months I can not con ceive. The misery is increased owing to the bitter cold weather." Great Destruction of Holiday Goods. Shortly after J2 o'clock last Wed nesday night a private watchman dis covered fire in the second story ol FLisbmau hi Go's, store at 504 and 50G, Market street, Pittsburg, and in a few minutes the upper stories of that building and also those ot the adjoining building of C Yaager & Co., were in flames. The flimts spread as though they were running over a parched prairie,and when they were subdued, at a late hour Thurs day morning, the damage done was estimated at from $300,000 to s.']2o, 000, and three brave ti emen fciid re ceivtd serious, and perhaps one of them fatal, injuries, while battli g to prevent Pittsburg from being visited with what could easily have been one of the most disastrous fires in its his tory. The buildings 504 aud 50U, occupi ed by S. L. Fleishman &Co , aud 508 Market fctreet, occupied by C. Yeager, the three struct ires being filled with a choice variety of Christ mas and general goods, were com pletely gutted, and uotbiug of the valuable stock wus saved, while the buildiugs are rendered comparatively worthless. The most persistent fighting ou tbo p irt of th* firemen saved the Btoresand stocks of llosen baum &Co , and llugu* & Hacke from being seriously damaged. Both the buildings burned were tilled with light, inflammable articles, aud water i/;timed to Lave no effect on the flames. The fire, as fe* au e.iu be ascertain ed, originated in the ceiju? of the Fleishman building, ruu up the bl»>- vaior Bhaft, getting a firm hold iu the tecond story, where Watchman Opttrman discovered it, —The Butler County Fouliry As sociation will bold toeir firot annual exhibition at Butler, Pa.. January -if to 27, 188 S. Apply to W. T. Much ling, secretary, for circular. The Week Before Christmas. Tis the week l«ef<-re Christmas, Aud all in the house Are plotting and planning As sJr as a iuou>e. j Strange bundles are smuggled Inside, unaware, Ami hidden away with The greatest 01 care. The children, with secrets They're burning to tell, And in an excitement That nothing quell. Are hourly a&king i How many more dav« Before it is Christmas. , , With cheeks all ablaze. The old folks, a* eager. The fever have caught, And crowd in the places Where presents are bought. To tfcem Merry Christmas Is sweeter, we know, Tl.an when their own stockings We tilled long ago. 'Way up frota the kitchen Spiced odors arise Of genuine, home-made, Delicious miuce-pies. Just sin (fed full of raisins As big and as roua 1 As little Jack Iloruer So happily found. The long winter uight* All much longer nppear, For who c in sleep soundly With Christmas so near. And now, for the stockings! No tot's tiny hose Can hold half the treasures Kriss Kiogie bestows So mamma's great big ones Are got wjjth delight, All ready to'banc up On Santa Claus' ni^ht. Now, Christmas is near ! and St. Nick in his sleigh, Behind his switt reindeers, Is flyiug this way. He's now oil the snow-clouds, He'll be at your gate; Prepare for his coming— There's co time to wait. If. C. Dodge. A Christmas Meditation. ADAPTED 15V REV. J. E. WHITTEKEB. j>t us go with the to the manger of our Lord, the Church; and there we shall find the babe j wrapped in swaddling clothes, even in the Holy Scriptures Lei us wijh Mary, the blessed mother of our Lord, keep' tbe: words of so great a mystery, j and, with her, daily pouder them in our hearte. Let us write cur voices in soug with those of the angels aud, give befitting thanks to God for so great a blessing. Let us rejoice" aud be glad in one accord with all tbe host of heaven. For if angels do so greatly rejoiced for our sake, how much more should wo rejoice unto whom ifcU Child is born, unto whom this Sea is given? If the t hildren of Israel raised a shout of joy when the ark of the covenant was brought into their midst' bow much more should we rejoice to whom the Lord descended in our assumed Il Abraham rejoiced greatly when he paw the Lord.'who came to him in human guise put on for the moment, what should we do, since now lie bas united to himself •-•ur very uulure by an unchanging and unchangeable covenant ? Let us wonder at the infinite good ness of God, who, when we couid not ascend to him, was' himself constrain ed to come down to u->. Let us won der at the infinite power of God who was able to form a most intimate ut-i --ou between two completely distinct and widely differing natures —the di vine and 'the human—so that now one and the same person is God and man. Let us wonder at the infinite wisdom of God who knew bow to plan a way for our redemption which neither man nor augels could do. In finite goodness had been offended; infinite satisfaction was demanded. .Man had offended Gud; (satisfaction was required at the binds of man But neither infiuita satisfaction could be furnished by man, nor could divine justice be satisfied without an infinite price. Therefore God became man, PO thut both be who had ainned made satisfaction, and Ho who is infi nite paid the infinite price. Let us wonder at this marvellous tempering ofjastica and mere/", which no creature, before God became m ini fest in the flesh, cuuid suggest; mi ther after his manifestation could ful ly understand. L':t us wonder a: these thirngs. but not curiously pn into them. Let us desire to look in to .these things, even though we may not fully comprehend them. Let u confess our ignoranco, rathor than question the power of God. The Workman. 80 Cent Oil. Within the pa-t lew days oil to< k a ppurt, uoiug up to 81?,- eta. On Wednesday the market opened at this place ut 80£ and rose to Hi-?,-, and on this, Thursday, morning opened at 81.', All the signs nre that thin, is a stuLlo rise and that it will likolv con tinue to go up higher. Should it do so the fchutdown movement will have some difficulty in keeping shutdown The Saxonburg licld, this county, gives more alarm to the market than ad other fit-Ids. The daily news from this field is (l!ucLuating, and good j new wells are proving rare and uu- j certain things. Some of the best, ones obtaiued, t-ucb as tfco Snec No. j 1, continue thei flow, lint in a de creased amount, while dry holes have been got near good wills- The ti-rri tory there in fact appears of a rather irregular and uncertain character. For instance, the Hays and Alexan der well was drilled near one ol the best in the district and had some .SO feet i;f ta-jd, promising a good well and yet it resulted a i dry one. The whole daily produc titn of the field keeps about tli.; same average, being now about 1200 bar rels daily An Umbrella. Recorder Smyth of New York City ha?just sentenced a man to five years iu Sing Sing for grabbing au umbrel la from a pas-ier by, Now, stealing an umbrella quietly ; and unostentatious! v from the rack is j so coiumon that it is almost regard-d : as a virtue. Even those who are sur- j est of goiug to heaven have indulged themselves in the luxury of mistak ing the other man's silk umbrella lor their own, which was alpaca. In- j de civiiiiifd world who can put their j bunds on thoir hearts and honestly say, "1 tever stole an umbrella " 1 Wb at, never'{ Well, hardly ever." i» the universal admission. But grubbiug iu broad daylight thiit i-> worth five years any tiaii. —Mr Jordan Hyth of this place, who was so badly injured in Puts burg rep- ifily when getting uiT a rail road traiu, we are gi»re t v idence of awful punishment, and his jaw, which the Yankee had p.uudvd &o persistently, was knocked clear out of gear." What Ruined Grevy. PARIS. Dec. 15 —Now that Wilson has beeu acquitted, as everyone knew h<; would be, the explanation is given of the withdrawal of the two letters from the prefecture of police, which resulted in the overthrow of Grevy. It appears that when Madam Limous in's pnp' rs were seized, Gragnoti, pre feet ol police, found two letters from Wilson among then), iu the first let ter it was stated that the President of tbo Republic and he were doing their best to hive General Thibaudin pro moted and that, although they were not successful as yet, they were not discouraged This letter brought Grevy into the scandal The Prefect of PUI'CJ took these letters to the Klysee and showed them to the President. He WHS dis i aed humiliated at tha use tn.dj of his naiti'i by Wilson, and, in a fj" i f impa'-i'Mice, threw the letter* in*o the fire Afe v days later the name Prefect called at the Ely see to tell the P ■ .-.id nt tba* Limousin knew ibo.-e letters hy heart, and that their withdrawal could not be concealed. It wns tin a tl.n*. G'evy himself di rectf-d his son-in law to rewrite the letters, leaving out his name. If it, hid not been for the water mark in the p»p"r this substitution could not have been proved As the e.i-e stood, any pro.-ecqtion of Wilson would also havo involve I the pros ra tion of Grevy. There niv very few Frenchmen who could have wished to see ".he lis Pre»id«ut of the rep lb lie pr »secated on account of the indis cretions of his stupid Bon-in*'.aw, so the Case falls How many years will it lie be fore Christianity ha-i spread and Christmas be celebrated ovor ail the world and "by all nations?" Oil is gang up—probably be the production is coming down. The South end of to\vn needs now only a good dry goods store ll is fast filling up with all other kinds of stores aud shops; nnd a dry goods one sou! h of Court House, on Main sii'fcot, could not help but do a good feusia.esfi. —The house of Mr I). O Pis OV of C« ncord Twp. was consumed by fire Lit Tijetday night, wiih all the household goods, iio insartnee COMMUNICATIONS, Wintleld Township Institute. Ens CITIZEN':—The teachers of Win field Twp, hi'ld their eecom meeting on Saturday Dec. IT. 1887 at the llesselgesser school. Thev organized by electing -J. M Painter chairman and W. S Grot!', secretary Physiology was opjned by J liar vey Donnell, was followed ia discuss ion by Messrs W. C. Findley. M. N Greer, John Powell, J M. Paintei and J. F. Hutzler. Mr. 0. favor? thorough instruction ia this braueh Greer asked fur information as to th»- law concerning this branch, which was answered by Donnell, Findlev and Painter, W C Findley delivered an inter esting address on History. He WH followed in discussion by Msars. Hntz ler, Donnell, Powell. Painter ant Grofl* who favored combining the stud ies of History and Geography. A careiully prepared essay on o<* thography was read by YY. S. Groff He recommends the oral method for primary and the written for advanced pupils. He was followed in discuss ion by Ilutzler aud Findley. J F Hutzler spoke on Decimal* He dwelt pricipally on the writing of decimals Was followed ia discuss ion by Greer and Findley. How to secure attention during rec itation and intermission was opened by .1. M. Painter, he urges teachers to be thoroughly acquainted with th subject they arc presenting and at i;i termission would teach self-govern nu-ut as far as practicable. Followeo by Hutzler and Findley. This closed the programms of th day aud the institute adjourned t<> meet at S:ixou station, Jan. 14, 183$, at 12 M. The following progrmme was pre pared for the next .meeting. Reading, J. II Donnell. Discussion. E B. Mcßoberts. Syntax, VV. C. Findiey. Discussion, J M Oruikshaak. Fractious, J. M. Painter, Discussion, J B Criswell. Recess and Query box, Percentage, W S Groff. Discussion, John Powell, How to get pup.ls to study out of school hours, J. F. liutzler. Discus sioD, A. II Sarver. Ail teach j rs and friends of education are invited to at tend these institutes and take part in the discussions. SECRETARY. Prospect Items. Ens Ciri/.sx:—las. II Prin-jle & Bro have gone into the stave busi ness. Success, gentleman. J M. YVeigle has gone to YYest Liberty to work at his trade. Ford, take off that bjuquet, especially the "lily." Miss Niblock, Of Petersville, is still in town, doing line sewing for Mrs. S S. Forrester, Mrs. McLure, and others 'i ha Academy is agaia progressing finely. There are good prospects for a large spring school. The shotting matches are about done for this year. Moon, Garvey, Warren, llenshaw and Shannon seem to t.be winners. Now comas the time for Christmas "ilts, which, like governmeat offices, tecerally go where they are not need ed. Whats the dil? Casper's narrative of his first visit to choir practice is thrilling and ro mantic. lie tbouicbt a smile meant, "Its all rij!low itjg eve. Mrs. 11. W. v and Mrs Nathan Brown are Loth on ihe tick list. "A Merry Christmas and n happy New Years." to all the whole-souled readers ol the CITIZEN. J. 15 What ibe English Papers Say ol Message. That the message is locked upon as a free trade document we present the following extracts from English pa pers The Morviny Pop I, London, England, scy.-: "TLe Message will produce a pro found i-ensation in Europe, as well as in America and will strengthen the free trader's cause throughout the w >rld." The London Daily AViiw pay-: "Seldom has en American President La i a more important or impressive lesFon to teach. The fact is, that al though President Cleveland makes a pretense of shutting his eyes to it.the policy of protection his been reduced to a practical and theoretical absurd ity. The stone now set rolling will uot stop until the idol of protection is broken in pieces." Rheumatism TVC doubt if there is or can HE, a specific remedy for rheuinati:.M ; but thousands who have suffered its pains have been greatly ben efited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. IF you liavo failed to find relief, try this trreat remedy. '■ I was afflicted with rheumatism twenty vears. previous to V- A I found no relief, but itrew worse, and at one time was ALMOST help-, lens. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me more good than all the other medicine 1 ever had." 11. T. BAI.COM, Shirley Village, Mass. '• I had rheumatism three years, and got no relief till I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has done (.Teat things for me. I recommend It to others." J.KWIH BUUUANK, lliiideford. Ale. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is characterized by three peculiarities: Ist, the combination of remedial agents; 2d, the proportion; ad, the process of securing the active medicinal qualities. The result is a medicine of unusual strength, effecting cures hitherto unknown. Send for hook containing additional evidence. e Hood's Sarsaparilla tones up my system, jxinfles my blood, sharpens my appeiite. and {teems to make me over." J. I'. RNOMFSOJI'. itegister of needs, Lowell, Mass, "Hood's Sarsaparilla beats all others, and Is worth its weight in gold." I- U.viutiMi'ron, LOO Bank Street, New York City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by ail druggists. .?1 ; six for $5. Mai'a only by C. I. IKX)I> & CO., Lowi 11, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar | THENA TiOXALREMEDY J'Oil THESKI.V.| kmmmm « F 9 ALL FORR3S OF S fty Rcci P:tr>j)ly G'/.ln H ]->-.]> ■, t-iwl H "<"■ t.l'M K? /(t »t '*» \oll 0.. o tric4 you HI ■a / \w i oHvr.yi •..»'! 11. (■ y | } 1 ' 1 ' '" " v AI IIE3,,S T: SOI.I> BY crca V Lilt: . 1 IN Bl'TLtill. Dissolution IJolice. Tli: utiii ol J. .1, li' irmi «M.::r < •''s. eoa.pov ed of thy nclerilKii- •• ■ 'IN ;a.; • »» *eu '• i.i / irjiii th • tit lit. 11.** Mi. •!.•. v.lil U'lent -r b■ C )I| luote I liy ,1. !'-• irii.s ..lene tLe old Stan loa .lo.f rs a si. I'. i! T la. ili a o \it:, due ?1 e Li'iu < I J. Ke.iras ACO, Will l>o Col led l lr, J Kettins, W\LTKH K '-' ANti, 1)? C. LE. LB"?. J. J- '-I'' AIIXI jm ! 5 MMi-M ti't;i« Awpt/ of H. Wr it SGh". »'U r *" tiarintvi INfIL A JRJI. Ha ID- Marriaqe Xoficrs Published Fret. Itotp—BKSDKR —At Wull* Walla,! Wa-liirguin Territory, Dec. 21,15.57, l>r. ' O. .1. Croup, fornieriy of Butler, Pa., and Miss Mary Header, ot Wall* Walla. ■i IIA SoiI—CROFT —By Jler. f) 1.. lloth, Det'. Iv-r. Nt F.ngtihh Lutheran parson- i age, Butler, l'a., Mr Oriu I". Shanor and ( Miss Annie J. Croft, both ot" Lancaster twp., this county. OESTERLING—KRAMER—On Dec. 14th, 1887, at the Eiteuuiiiler House, by Hev. E Cronenvritt, Mr. Ered. L. Oesterling aud Miss Katie Kramer, both of Butier. •JPANG—PHI LIPS—Dec. 21, ISS7, at the residence ot tlie l>ridr ? s mother at Butler, by Rev. W. K. Oiler, Mr. Charles B. Spang and \da J. Pliiiips, both of Bntler, Pa. LEWIS—SOVVI'RS— Isi the Cour: House, Butler Pa., Dec. 21, by Robert C. Mj- Aboy, Esq., Mr. ltobert j. aud Miss Agnes Anu Sowers, both ot Mariou tW(>.. tnis County. The above is the first marriage performed by Squire McAbov, and, not knowing the otner partis#, we congratulate hua on its success aud wish him prosperity in that business. IDE AJIHS. Announcements of deaths published free, but all communicated obituaries trill be charged for at t/ie late of one-half rent for each word, money to accompany the order. RAY—On Tuesday, Oec. 13, I*B7, of paraly sis, Johnston J. Hay, of Slate ljiclc, Arm rtiong county, age.l about 53, years. WILSON—At Wilfcinsburg, on Thursday, Dec. 15, ISS7, Sauiautua. A., wile of James A. Wi .on, iu the 33d \ enrol her age. GKAIIAM —Inthis place, I)eu. 11, lat>7, Mrs. Kosannah Graham, wife of Mr. Jas. Gra ham, aged 57 years, ti months and 7 days. KING —Mrs. Nancy King, wife of Charles Kiii<_', of Cherry twp,, tiled of parulvsis Dec. 11, ISiST. CKEIGIITON- In West Philadelphia, Pa., * Deo. Is, 1 v S7, Mr. Beruard Uoessiog Creighton, eldest sou of the late Jaoics Mo. Creighton, aud grand sou of the late Ber nard Roessing of this place, iu the 27th year <;f his age. GRAHAM —In this piuce, Wednesday morn lug, Dec. 2i, ISS7, Miss Eiizabetn uraham, eldest daughter ot Mrs. Catharine Graham widow ot tue late John Graham, Esq., de ceased. The mother and relatives have the sympa thy ot the community iu their suttden be reavement. ■ NKYMAN —In this place, Thursday morn ing Dec, 22, liS7, Mrs. Eu,alme Neyman, wneot Dr. A. M. Neymau, iu tue 4:>'.h year of her age. WAGNER— In Lancaster twp.,Batler Co , Pa., on the 13th ot December, John VVaguer, aged 4u years, 2 mouths and i.5 days. WISE —In I'enn Twj»., Builer Co., ot diph theria on the lSth ol L)ec. lfeS7, Albert L >r ence, iou ot W i„. ai.d Ai.hie Wise, aged o year-, 11 months i;td 1 d#v. How we l. aad cm ■ iol he soM in eotupetilion with the inuliit to ol low tests, short wi-itrhl.a'utnn or {hosphalo powders. Sold only in amis. ItO VA f, BAK !NO HO VV f) ICR CO,, 100 Wall Street N. V. BUTLER MARK ETS. I lie followin l 'are the selling prices of mer chants of tins p!ai;e : Apples, per bushel, -V) to til Butter, per pound, 2o to 28 cts. Beans, per qt. 8 to 10ets. Cabbage, new, 7 to 12 cts. . Can He-, m old, 14 to 15. etc. Carbon oil, 10 to 13 cts. Ch-ese, 12 to 18 cts per lb. Crackers, 7 to 10 cts. par lb. Chickens, per piir, 10 to 50. cts. Coffee, Bio, 27 c;s. Coffee, Java. 3 » etc. C 'ffitoaste I, 2~> to .'SO els. C ffoe, ground, 20 to 2ti cts. Eggs, 28 cts. Fish, mackerel, 10 to 15 cts. Flour, per barrel, $4.50 to s! i . Shout ler-j, 10 cts. Bacon, I,'! cts. Dried beef, 1 "i to 2 ». Com mea!, per puiud, 2 cts. t'oti'oes, lie-?, 'lets Bushel. lliee, - t . I I cts. Sug lr, hard, 8 cts. eoti'ae, 7 cts. Sugar, r.i'.r, o'J cts. 5*., j, jo ct-s. Silt, ji.u-lure I. >l.' ten, iiys<-n, tin ijm> v ler, etc., r > : » 1;> D) I ts, .• :pau, -tc , >0 to •;'( cts. l ea, I'.rotk last, SO to 80 cts. Ta!.(.'.t, 8 ct-. Bucx-.viiO.it |-i cir, cts. pcrpjii'ul. Til nip-, /(let-, pi r ba. Svi-ct I'ot i' es, 1 lets. ;• ba Cr..u! •;ries, |.">uts. per pis. E.taioof George Parker, dec'J. (I \Ti: OK I'AKKklt T<\'l* ) l.eiier- test :-II liMrv oa Mi:- e • lie of Gn. l'rtrk- r. d.-«M, 11 •>'' 1* •.r'j cr i vp, Bn'ler ( ■>., I'll., h ivitiß btvu Li'.-.' i iu the UiidersigtU'il, >ll i«r< >i»> 1;0.»wi.-.4 thciiiselves i:id l.te lt ' said e»tn!-' Wiil p'e:».«H liial.e linnied iiile p-; • in.'i;t a'i I any having c'-min aga'.nst sa: I i-s --lat-' j will | : CM- it I thtiu daiy ail Kcat; .it - I i r se;ti> merit. o:o. \V. I'Aiiiirn, Oil Ciiy, Pi ( rM JAM: D. I'.VllKi:it. Purktr, I'a. j Vn'OMNiOVS AT LAW .!. v BKIT«V;X. Alt'y i.t Law—()ill< a! H. K. Cor. Mains', au. .".June, 'X7 Grt-or it Kulsion ■»«•« r:d .N Hfiuk vt hue Frtee. McCtmllrki & Thompson Win Starr, ndrn'r Johu Starr Fitter and Mitchell C. P :>.OS Mar. 1377 (irter »V U*l«tou l..iiu 1 IVr.lne t"r use H I, Taylor Walker A. D, 46 June !Si<2 rhomp & Son A; 1. /. Mitchell Wm MeGeary \V 11 Shrader et *1 lirantlon «i»\ Campbell, " 1 Sept, l. w s.S J«fcn II Thompson II tf.tian A I'arr \nn Stalker N BUek " 4 ' Slur ls-H E >!cJ am l T C CutupMl •'•*<> r W['A- S Conaeet'g i. fi C.* Thompson on J M C«ndi«M " 3 Sept 1 ss! '..melius & Welsh 'am , IViy Jew Slrt.lror Scott " 18 Sept ISS". VJctJ Uenrv I'l'tilw t' Tremble, et al Forqner " 36 Sept 1885 UcQ, Greer & TUUton. WuiFor»ie t'lara M Greenlee et ml Mcl'an'Hess " J»l Sept IS i> Uct\ Thompson Jfc Son Win Starr. a;liu'r Ihi Starr " !Mi Sept ISSS MrtJ. Grttrdi Ralston Win Forxie '' ».ra M Greenlee McCan'l! «; " 2SJune lssij Greer A" lialstm II I. 14 Sept 188r- Walker, Mce Greer & Ralston Nancy 1' Walters David Mcljuistion " 32 Dec lSSfi Sra iloa Brushu >o.I Jlcvaioping Co Henry Fisher Same " 3S Dec b?C (iretr A Ralston] V M Mci.'andless los Mci'amllei* et al Thompson Son " 39 Die lSSii Mitchell Wm !. e Geary \V li Shrader et al Rrandon aui Campbell " 46 Mar ISB7 Rnvr>-"r \n Wollr.rd W A Greea et al Thompson & S-n •' f>4 Var ISs7 E McJ, McJ A Galbreath .lobn I) Alvert \V H McCan lie*s et al G-eer A R.i " 2 June 18S7 Forqner & Bursar W ii D.i\ is Litura vVeUli Thompson i Son " l.SJunelSs? A T Black,Greer & Knlston iin a nA. I'on'ray W Crawrord et al Sua:' 'i 50 " 18S7 Scott 1 M "\'«pp !ohn l> 11 > 1 Forqner '• 54 " ISS7 I' McJ, McJ & Gal breath \W Rib .!•! IVter Sehmick Grt»r & Ualitnn " Co " ISS7 Robinson J X ('u'/ii.-n W.I Vincent et al Mc° a # nd N Sluck " TO " IRS" VlcCendless > • -_> II iir.tt.ioi . i.. McCaudleis et: 1 Riddle aui J . Robinson " 7S " IS$~ Same Sxni- 's.i je Same " 85 " 1885 Kasttinti Be«j iias=eth i); ,ni-B7 Forquer (jeo ! '.ei . r D Carapliell " 12 " 18S7 Mitchell 11. AC> Jet more McKinney \IaQ " 21 " ISS7 Krittnm A Curuminifs Ph:' ip ;■ A'e m r \.i Fis'ton- Itn'r :sreer A Rn'stnn " 33 " issr rhomp-ou A Sou and McC ;■ Mi -i- & Riddle j " 45 " 1887jScott (Ic>. v l{»plar Forquer " 51 " 1 !"-5-T A Son and Greer A Ral»t'n Pis • • 'h: :■' 'y, a l:n'r. Io- " 59 '• ISS7 McCanulefS K 'i' Moti '. n.l N Dainbach \IcQ " r.4 " 1887 McJ A Galhreath Fr< ' .rn Su aui. r A Sin 1 Wever Same " Dec IS»7 (ireeri; KaUton \mir .v l> ,\!11 'ier: S Kirkir et ; 1 McCand e » " 3D " 1887(8ame. Same Sim- Prothonotary's OHI.V, Dte. lOth, 1-.57. «• M. t: ;i * . Prothonotary. ■&"!' -U mm - hi ; y■, v r/J a 7 1887 1888 Fall and Winter GOODS HOW IBDY! Read the Locals OF llTffi) I HUTU THiS PAPEB AND COMH IN AND Secure Bargains. Fall and Winter. 1887 1888 r * *1 Organs! Organs! Organs! The Dyer & Hugh's lends, them nil, /{;">.0(M) in actual iif-e. The following are a few of the many lining thi*» organ in Huller county: Win. Sarver, ftarver.-villo; J as. Dougherty, Donegal; I) Lardin. Baldridge; I. '1 horn. Thorn Creek; Jneob fihoup, Thorn (.'reek; Baptist C'hurch. Butler; Presbyterian Church, M.iddvcrcek; St. John Church. Ilallston Station. These all recommend the Dyer & Hugh's Organ highly. 1 have contracted to sell a hundred of these organs (lining 188S, and will oiler them tit greatly reduced prices, organs from sl7 to £-a)0. Come to Butler and take one ol them home on trial A full line of violins.g'tilars, banjoes, horns and rill m i ical instruments. Don't foiget the name and place ALKX WILLIAMS. Next to Berg & Cypher, FOR A law fium** l»o:ir«liiiK lioum*. (jooii location (t.iliiK inly- business. Tonus r&s'. ror lurtlitrjiarllcnjirs iliqnlru or 1., s. Mr-It NKIN. I 7 E. J< nr>-r»mi St.. V vSMf Butler, I'j. AMERICAN • MAGAZINE tautifully lliustraU'H. 25 S ; i a Vcnr. ITS SCOPK.—TItE A";i:.tP \X MAOVZINU gives pretereuee to lyvtlonal topics and scenes, iiiitl its literature ;:nU :'.i t r.re cf the lilght st standii'tl. I'.iu: us A:a?rl.\;n wrltc-s till 113 j> i,' S with wide v; rleiy of interesting sketch, s ol travel fad advent u •. eii -.1 an short storlr-i. , tie- rip-.re .uvoaats of o't • i tin .: s coantryinen titid wonit-a. f i le; - ivs ea the toremost pro'o ! louts of the period.. ad, In short, this Magazine j Is ! IMstlnrtlrely B< |iri senlotlve of Amcriran 'ihvuslit and Progress. If Is acknowlctlgcd I v the and public to be tlie »;• -1 j.opui r .-ad ent-.vt.tinlng of the ; Ulgh-c!.;-: monthlies. Ifi3SfI3TAKT n Xutnbar with i r Rl« l»1 I nH " • til-t ir.it'-.l i'.ent'.um list. ' and Spot.; ;1 ! ",'.';comi nis In ! .'ash or Valuable Premiums to clul> ra'sei-s, wilt t..; oa rj celi'.l of 1.5 e., It this papaf Is lajatl >a»d. Rci.pansiblpaa;! cnprielic ji,T*">as naatelti K::1!.1I st:!:«<•:"!; liens. Write at OA V fdrf i-la live territory. i lIK A MIIiIH"AN MAGAZINE CO.. 74.' Broadway. Ketv Vork. the FITT3EUR2 TIMSS. A Low Priced Home Newspa per for Busy People. Aii the news of the day for I c. THE PITTSBUKiI TIMES is the leader of one cent dai!\ lieu papers .11 the I'mte.l states, and should be in eveiy ho;a:>. It presents all the news of the >lav iti bright coiic .se iorni; pa;.s social attenthm to tia* events in all llie towns of \Yt .ieru Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and West \ li^iitia; pl .es the most reliable and complete maiittt reports, deats editorially auli all live lo;v;c-ihoii " ear ! -ss tiill l:e tnc mosr i.t.c.ldr m the history of the country. THE lIMIS will be a f tiihftll chron icler ot all ev--nt». The ;.r'a'pole.i-al caiiveii tions will Oe attended by its own c:.; respondent* and during the jear in «ny new features ol in terest will he introduced. ALL FOB $3.00 THE TIMES will lu- srnt to a iv a«»r y .»i. uJ.%crip tii»!is it*) one hioM.ti will i»t* irceivetl torUo ceuix, Afl irt -j ull < t > Tliii PITTSDUUG TIMES, 10l 1"h i ii AVKNur, riTTsr.rui;, PA. TEH TIMES PHiLfeDiLPHiA. flu ajifst, Brightest, Fsvshesl and l>cst. Tlie MOST COMPLETE M'WSI'APEB Pnbllkhrd In Philal Ijihia. The Tim . Is th • mist wbl-ly rrad newspaper ptll,ii.-;l;e l 111 l'enus.. I'.: i:ia. Hs r"a erK. are anions the n:ore n! 11. . lit, an'l ty 1 eople of c\cr,v liUih. It Is t an in.' -pai'-er The New* of the' Vt'nri.! -I'he Tiwi.s has all the facilities of ; .l\aic t tl jonrnailsia for ifathci licr news frt.oi ;vll fpti.i'it r t>l the I■ 1 olvc. In aiMitlou to tha' > i the Asscetat I Press, now eoverla},' lite whole worhl in lis »:oy,i\ maklax it the per fet' llon or a n-c.'spaper, t.ltn even ililnif care fully edit' I to o •up;, i-.:.- smallest space. t in. retain- V**ar will I- ■ . nt* tt*. uitivci .-.al pub lic Interest la the fall. I States. Party oikiiiis will perform their ilut!".;aa party lntci. st«shall deinuiid. but the rapidly frroivl.tif iidelHtreitce and Int'.i peadeiicc of ilieasc calls for th" laden dent new-paper v.iica great politlccl connlcts arc to be met. i.rave proPl.'in-; ol rcwnue, of tlnaiicc. <>!' coniiucrec. of liirtwstry. < i' .'-■iei.ee, ol .nt :trid '•* everv piii.so of ciillKiaetied jnogress tire In c. u .lam' ccur-'c of solution by the people or llie I'iiioii. and the progressive newnpap.-T is e'. cr In ilic lea l in every ■ tor advance ment. Tlie TlniPi Is a one-ceat paper only In pr.ee. It alms ;o h.t.e 111.; lar>fest circulation by c.e scrvliisl! and claims tint ir. Is unsurpas vl in till the essentials or a ;;re it Metropatltan news. Sucrlipris Coplosof air. edition will b3 fit e in air, on. sendlns their addre s. Kumiay (aiilinn i.s pa ;cs llaii'isomely Ilius t.ated. a year. Wet Wly. 11. T-■■rins liaily r-"i per a'nuin; *l for four moi.liis;l -1- :"s =- ;■ .'lt: at i: tt ■ii V .vt :V ear ners ii.lt;: Is p-r v. Sunday edition, an linmen •~u t l.- i:.l • : a. et or i.m colunins. ele- L'anth .llr.n<• !. f.' per annum; ecnts per eopv.' Daht and Huntfav: fr. ]'•<■!' anmirti;. r iO cents pt r'liion'h.' w t'klv *. li't.iln. $! per aniiuni. A.ldr.-.1! 1 :i vs to TilK TIMES, cii.-stnut si:d Kt'rtith Mivet Plillmlelpiil i. Pa. N EW Clothing Store. CLOTHING. HATS, GKX I'S' FT UN fSITING i)>, UNDE 11W10 A H, NECIv- W KAl', 0\" 'A'i'S, 11UBI'Ell COA'i S, (< I/- )\ IC-\ Mis I'KNDKiIS. I'MiUiKLL \S, Sillll I'S, CATS, SilOh> FOrl MhN ;\ND BOYS, &O„ Vll at m.; ; L reasonable prices. 10uu T ••m Y •J ia i i i i *; . ■ y 09 S , Main » t., P. 0.) j\ ftcjr uii othoru full c" 132 T. 3Ljj€3lL~l> 320 IT. 10th St.. below Celhwhill, PhLla ; Pa. JO yean experience In all SPE<'I \ i> 01 1' ' nanentiy jeswret tho'.o wt Uenci" by early Indisoo. i,mt See. Call oi write. Advice free and yrictly. n i-lcn'iM*. twurs : u a.» *. till jto i j cveuingv Jury Lisi ior Jan. Term, 1888. List of Jurors drawn t.i scive in a spcc'.al term ot to irt c-oinnien i> ; the 3rd Monday at J-iu. :r»s, being the turn lay. Ash Joseph, Forward t;>. firmer. AKSTSIS S.\ lvanus». i.ouco -: ;p. r.nmer. At well Win. M irl jut of . rjur. llrov. n \v l'; Kalrview'w. productr. i edlUlon Wm. Middlesc . tp. sain maker, i'uinphell O I*. cherry t nirmer. i umptjeU tiatvey. C'unc. . d tp. ram cr. i'olben Wm. Butler boru id predict.laborer, Dambacli Fs. Fcrwr.ru p. lui mcr. Ootids Jas O. I inspect lu.ro, t inner. r>ouny Arthera, C'U-.irtii i.i rp. farmer. Detrick Jones. Forward tp, farmer. Utndlnzer Wm. Zcltonmerchant, Kythc Frank, (Vntt-i 3inj{ W P, Butler 1 <.io 2(1 w. uiiUertaLer. Itol b .1 N, Oakland tp, luitner ltalston Frank, bl'.pperj ro.-k tp, farmer, smith John It. Brady lp larraer. Stewart David Italdrldße. boarding house, .-sutton Frank. Donegal t ■, contractor, Sproull Edward Marlon tp. miller, seaton Samuel M' Marr ; . a tp. farmer. Spear Tatty, Marlon tp, ! rmer. stuojw Steven. AUesrhei tp. farmer. Turk John. Marlon tp, r.mier. VenbCl Joseph. Donegal farmer. Wilson James. Middles x tp. farmer. Wagoner llenry, Butler Lx.ro 2.1 w, tanner. Welgand Fred. •• Ist w. Jeweler. iieorge, WlnflelJ tp. farmer. Walker Samuel. Bu: ler bovo, »•!}' . ! J . YOU CAN FIND PSSS » a Al * !ji PiTf it II «t tho AdvertWhjr Burtaa REMINGTON.EI^ wl. j will oontmct for Raverlutof •( loVMf rtti