KASKINE (THE MEW dUIWIME) THE HOPKS OF PKOPLE WHO I I SK KASKINE | J ARE ALWAYS BE ALIZE D A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach wiU bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM,' NERVOUS PROSTRATION, THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SITf'ESSFUL BLOOD PI RIFIEK, Superior to quinine. Mr. ixxie Hoornbeck. of the I*. S. Ship s.irato ga, now lying in Newport Harbor, writes that he meets with people almost dally who have used, or nre using Kaskine, and who atllrm from experience that it la superior to quinine In tonic and curative properties, and produce no subsequent bad effects. Other letters of a similar character from prom inent Individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedv of undoubted merit, will be sent on ap plication. Kaskine can be taken without any special medical advice, ii.oo per botUe, or six bottles for Sold by J. C. REDICK. Butler. Pa, or sent bv mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO., 54 Warren St.. New York. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PDBE COD LIVER OIL And Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. Ibi only preparation of COD I.IYEB OIL that can ba taken readily and tolerated for a lung ll— kr delicate stomachs. Uf® AS A REMEDY FOR CONSE*PTIOir, nfltoFlldlA INFECTIONS, ANAEMIA, 6EN fIiL bkblLiVY. M6HSA> 1 D MN6AF AF FEcflflsS. and all WASTIXU DISORDERS oT CHILDREN It h marvfllons la Its results. « Prescribed and endorsed by the beat Phyeiciana in the conn tries of the world. Wmr Male bj all Drafflatff. »"Bend for Pamphlet on Wasting Disease. A - dw SCOTT Jtc HUW.VC.New York. HUMPHREYS' m ES. mncHSEYS' BOOS W WiSySa Cloth & Cold Binding ■ 144 PafW, wilk SIMI EajroUsfe ■ ■ BAILED FREE. '_*""**• r - °- B " 181 *• T - In use SB jsarr—Special Prescription! of an eminent Physician. Simple. Safe and Sure, ■og. com. raic-E. 1 Fever*. Conception, Inflamm»tiona.. .25 % Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Udic. .. .23 3 frying Colic, or Teething of Inl&uW .25 4 IHarrhea of Children or Adults 25 5 Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic 25 3 Cholera Morbus. Vomiting -5 7 Coughs, Cold, Bronchitis <£.> H Neuralgia. Toothache, laceache. .25 S Headaenea, Sick Headache, \ ertigo.. ,25 I**" Uyspepeia. Bilious htomach .25 i :|| I Croap, Cosgh, Difficult Breathing •35 I Sail Rhenm. ErysipelM, Ernptiou*. .|5 I Rhemnatiaiii. Klieumatic Pains...... .Sa fe 'B^oTril^lng'. "T^ :: 15 OMEOPATHIC M Whooping Cough. Violent Coughs.. .oO 31 Asthma, Opprsised Brosthing....... -JO 12 Bar Dlaebargea. Impaired Hearing .SO U Scrofula. Knlarg«d Ulands. Swelling .50 S4 General DeUUtr. Physical Weakness .50 is Dropsy, and Scanty becretoins .. .50 M Kea Sickness. Sickness from Biding .50 PeMlty. Keniinni Weak- BMC. or Involuntary Discharges—l.OJJ 50 Wetting Bed... ISO 51 Diseasesof'the'lleart, Pffitation li|o S3 Knllensv. Spasm. St. Vltuk' Dance. 1 .OO 34 Ulcerated Sore Throat .50 35s <'branle Conseattons A KrnptionS .50 5 PECIF ICS: Sold by Dnunrista, or sent port paid on receipt of price.— manretytt'MtpiciMtco-ioa i«iio°ai, >.v. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC VETEEINABY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, \ Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. (OO PAGE BOOKonTreat. UfS aient of Animals and y Chart Sent Free. Huiaphrays' Mad. Co., 109 Fulton St.. H. Y. THIS is the top of the gen nine "Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. , 1 his is the • exact label on Chimeys. think he has as good, but he has not. Insist upon the exact label and top. GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. , DOCTORS LAKE ML PEIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 906 PF.NN AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. vjCwRIKL- All forms of Delicate and Com- Vrw plicatedDiseasesrequiring< 'ON FFDESTIAI. and SCIKSXIFIC Medi cation arc treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the Koyal C o!lej«j of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oUKut ::nd mort exjierienced SVECIAL IST In the city. Special attention given to Nerv ous Del ilttyfrom excessive mental exertion, ln discrvik>i»'of youth, &<:., causing physical aud i.lentil decay, lack of enerjry, despondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Kit.*, Files, Rheumatism iiwl nlldisc:.scs of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, t riiv ary < innins, <!tc. Consultation free and strictly eoiifid'. I'.'.ku. Office hours oto 4 and 7to 8 p.m.; p.m. only. CallatoOice or address S.K.T.AKI:. M.D..M.8.C.P.5. or E.J.LAKE, M.D. Tiitt's Pills REGULATE THE BOWELS. Habitual Costiveness hM of the entire system, and bo fti: , .. m-fit lilt are hazardous to life. Pe.nons of •co !ve » auitarc schject lo Heartache, Defectivo Set;; >ry. Gloomy Nervousness,Fevers, IH.nstiscvw. Irritable Temper and other symptoms. T hk'a v.:iiits the sufferer for business or agreeable 1.5 uctatlons. Regular habit of body alone can cor rect the-e eviu, snd nothing succeeds so well In achieving this condition t* Tuft's Pills. By Ihelruso s-ol oal j Is tha system rencvated, but In conoe queacs of the harmonious changes thus created, Cicre |* n-sdeg a feeling of satisfaction; the men tal faculties perform their fuuctlons with vivacity, and Ciere is an exhilaration of mind, freedom or thoujr.r, and per feci hoart's etue that bespeaks the Coll eojoymcut of health. SECRET OF BEATTTY la health. The secret of fceei'Si h the Mwer to d'aeKi n proper qunr.- of fnod. Tatacau never be done when i - iverdues not act iu> part. It Is the drii • : wheel In t!io cieebiiiiiiiui of man, nud ea it is out •i order, the w iinlc sysicr ' econies de mised, aud Fever, Dyapcp . »i..k Ilend ache. Const i pa lion, J aund liillous Col ic and General Debility ensue. To restore the luiicilncn of the Urtr aud impart tlint beamy which niwnys attends a healthy caiiatSfucoii, Dr. Tint's Idver Pills are recommended. They nre not a cnre-nll, but nre de-icned solely Inr tlic disordered Liver au-.. the discuses which It produces* Tnti's Liver Pills STIR UP THE TORPID LIVER. BOLD BI" ALL imCGG.ISTS, 25c. For DIIOT*,' Gravel, Bri(rht>, Heart. Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nervousness. <4c e'ure Guar an teed. Offlee s;u A rr i, Ht jvt t. PhlMdelphla. tl per boltic.fi foi ts. At Try It. FOB SALE A large frrtme houw, ROO<I location aud doins laijre btrtnem, Terms easy. For further particulars inmiir* of L. K. MrJO'KI.N, 17 E. Jfirprunn Bt.* . • Atl .. Batter, J?a. THE CITIZEN". MISCELLANEOUS That Settled It. A Denrborn farmer was trjiDg to hire some of the numerous loafers arouud the Central Market to go out to his place and h isk corn, and he fi nally fouud one who had interest enough to ask: "W"hat wages ?" "I'll give ytu $2 per week and board." "Is the corn in the barn or out in field ?" "Out in the field, but I'll set up a tent and stove and lav down a new BrnsseU carpet for you." "Do you have pie and pudding every meal?" "Oh, yes." "Can I sleep in the parlor bed room ?" •'Certainly." "Any cider to drink ?" "Plentyof it. Will you come? "V-e-s, I guess so. Say, how far is it to the church ?" "Three miles, but. I'll take you in the buggy." "No, you wont! That settles it! I've got a lame back and it hurts m 8 to ride. I've got to be where I can find a church by walking a couple of blocks Might hand me ten cents for consuming my valuable time." The opinion of the people is that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best and cheapest remedy for coughs,colds sore throat, asthma,etc. The healing and purifying qualities of Sanation Oil render iUbe best j article for the speedy and safe cure of ulcerated sore 9. Price only 25 cents. Chicago policemen are now hav ing what they call "Anarchist drill." They meet in squads every other day, and are instjucted in the use of Win chester rifles, with which every po liceman on the force is said to be supp lied. —Hood's Sarsaparilla cures ca tarrh by expelling impurity from the blood, which is the cause of the com plaint. Give it a trial. —Nearly every city in this country is more or less agitated on the sub ject of grade railway crossings. —After using Ely's Cream Balm two months I was surprised and de lighted to find that the right nostril which was closed up entirely for over twenty years, was open and free as the other, and can use it now as I could not do for many years. I feel very thankful.—li. H. Cressengham, 215 18th St. Brooklyn. From the Pastor of the Olivet Bap tist Church Philadelphia, Pa.* I was so much troubled with catarrh it seriously affected my voice. One bottle of Ely's Cream Balm did the work. My voice is fully restored.— B. P. Liepsner. —The man in Europe who contin ues uninterruptedly strong is Bis marck. He refuses to be sick, and leaves bad health to others. Dyspepsia Mastered. I. W. Tibitts, Dakota, Minn., says: "I am using Tutt's Pills and have better health than I have in thirty years. I suffered much with dyspep sia, but your pills have mastered it. —"Who and what is the true man ?" asks an orator. He is the fellow who works for his living, and subscribes for the paper. Many JPeople refuse to take Cod Liver Oil on account of its unpleasant taste. This difficulty has been over come in Scott.'s Emulsion of Cod Liv er Oil with Hypophosphites. It be ing as palatable as milk, and the most valuable remedy known for the treat ment of Consumption, Scrofula and .Bronchitis. Physicians report our little patients take it with pleasure. Try Scott's Emulsion and be convin ced. —The following sentiment was given at an agricultural banquet more thau 50 years ago: "The plough Its one share in a bank of earth is worth ten in a bank of paper." Its suggestivness has not been much im proved on since that time. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumon ia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstruc tions and offensive matter. Other wise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of the parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entire ly cured by the use of Boschee's Ger man Syrup. If you dont know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you. They have cur ed by it, and "know bow it is, them selves." Bottle onJy 15 cents. Aj-k any druggist. —lt seems that wo are boycottiDg the American h»n and are . using about 15,000,000 foreign eggs ever T season. This is something for alien poultry to crow over. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specifiic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and spe«dy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have beeu made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coff«e with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit diinkiutr of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes no utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC CO., 18a Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio. —Ex Congressman Thorington was examined once for promotion in the army. To the question "How many liritish soldiers caoie to this country in the revolutionary war?" he answered: ,; A more than ever went back." lie got, his promo tion —The Pennsylvania Hail road is preparing to construct the third and fourth tracks and additional facilities The work has been progressing all summer, and the company is now about completing the construction of what is practicably a new railroad,and whieb will give it. four trn.->kn between Philadelphia and Jersey City. ! tifuj'Naw ho'ii til Wafl h St. THE^\UEN PATENT WASHER Why it is Superior to all Others. I_x ITS beta'.' encloseil it retains the lilph lot. temperature so necessary in removing the dirt from t he goods, n.j THERE being no Friction on the IIIU. clothing to wear It. Orrl THE peculiar action of the water In the OIU. Machine (which cannot be understood unless one sees It) forcing a strong current of water through the clothing at every vlrbratlon of the Agitator, (which is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machine. a XL, AND best of all Is that a child of four years / +lll. can do the work It being so light that the operator sits down while doing It. Machines an 1 County and Township Klglits throughout th J State of Pennsylvania. Sold by SHIRA.S & HAYS, Butler, Pa s-ift-iy LEGAL ADV.hRTISJEMENTS. ~~ Insolvent Notice. Notice is hereby given that T will make appli cation to the court of Common I'leas of il'ttler Co.. Pi;., on the first Monday of March Term, lSxs. for my linal discharge under the insolvent laws, of the Stare of Pennsylvania, the court having fixed said date lor a final hearing of the c:use. J. A. STEWART. I Dec. 5, "57.-3t.p d Notice, • The regular Annual meeting of the Farmers' and Breeders' I.!vSt>ek Insurance Associa tion of the I', S. A. Will be held at their office. No. ti"> Sunt li Main street. Butler. Pa., oil Tues day, .Ta.ii. 2i. lsss. at to o'clock a.m., lor the pur pose of electing a Hoard of Directors to serve lor tiie ensuing vear. A. D. WEIR. Pres. JOHS E. BVEHS, Sec. P.utler, Dec. 5, 18ST. Notice. The Annual Meeting of the Worth Mutual Fire Insurance Co., to elect officers for the en suing war. will lie held in l". I'. Church at West Liberty the M Tuesday of .lan, is.-*, bcin« tiie 10th day of the month, W. E. TAYLOR, Sec. Notice. The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany of Hannaiistown and vicinity will hold their general meeting at the house of L. A. Krausle's heirs in Hannahs town, Butler Co., Pa., on Saturday, the utii day or January. A. D.. IKSS, at one'o'clock P.M. All members are lnvl'.- ed to attend. D. WALLET. Brest. IIF.NRY HECK, Sec'y. 12.9. H. Public Notice. Is hereby given that application will be made to the lion, the Board of I unions at their next session, in December lssT, in the matter of the Commonwealth vs John Smith. No. si. Dec Ses. ISM', of (lie Court of Quarter Sessions or Butler county, same being an Indictment for perjury, and of wnieh offence said defendant was con victed at tlie April Special Term, l.sss. and sen tenced lo pay a tine of live hundred dollars and costs of the prosecution, to undergo an impris onment at labor lu the Western Penitentiary for one vear, and that he be forever disqualified a- a witness In any matter in controversy, said application will lie to obtain a recommendation by oil-.! Hoard to the Governor that a full and unconditional pardon lie granted, remitting to said SmStli the offence of which he was convict ed as aforesaid.with a further recommendation, the imprisonment having been fully undergone, that the remainder of said sentence, except the costs of prosecution, be also remitted to him; and said application is not for a re-hearing of any former one. but is intended for and Is a new one ab initio. ■I.l). Sullivan t JOHN SMITH, S. 1-'. Bowser) Sjlicitors, Applicant. Estate of Samuel Anderson, I.ATF. OK CLINTON TWI'., DKC'U. Letters testimentary on tiie estate of Samuel Anderson, dee'd, late of Clinton twp.. Butler county, l*a., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves iiHebt ed to said estate will plaese in ike immediate payment, ami any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. DUiTSILL V C. ANDERSON, ICx'x. Riddles X Roads, Butler Co., Fa. Estate of Ellen Kiskaddon. (LATE OF ALLEGHENY TWP.) Letters of adoi'r having been granted to the under signed on tlie estate of Elien Kiskad don, late of Aliegh ;ny tp Butler, to. Pa. dee'd. ail persons knowing themselves indebted tosaid estate will plexse make payment, and any claims against said estate will present them duly ifi.tiienticated for settlement. J. C. KISKADDON, Adm'r. Foxburg, Pa. Estate of Samuel MoGlintock LATE OF ALLEGHENY TWP., DEC'O. Letters of administration having been grantl ed to the undersigned oa I he estate of Samue- McL'llntock, dee'd, late of Allegheny twp., But ler county. Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to the above estate will please make immediate p •yineni. and any iiavlm; claims against said estate will present them duiy au thenticated for settlement. I*. McJfNKtx, JAMES H, MCMAHAN, Adinr. Att'y. Six Points, Butler Co., Pa. MR R7 J. LAMB~ Organist and Choir Master, St. Peter's German Church, Butier. ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, ST NO INO AND HAR MONY. Pianofortes and Organs Tuned and Regulat ed. Tirmson application. 50 West Jefferson street. Advertise in the CITIZEN. 1831 {gas Country Gentleman THE BEST OF TIIE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. DEVOTED TO FARM CROPS AND PROCESSES. HORTICULTURE & Kltl'lT fiROWIXIi. LIVE STOCK utiil KAMtYIMi Willie u, also Includes nil minor departments of Rural latere--:, su-Vi as the Poultry Yard. inoltigy, iio '-Keeping oreenhouse and tjrapery, Vet-rnary Replies, I'arm Ouesiious and' An swers, Fireside Reading. Domestic Kconomy. and a summary of the News if tiie Week. Its 'IiAKSi r KK"'OHrs a: ■ unusually I'Oiiipicie, aji< much attention is paid to the Prospects of the Crops, as throw n:g light upon one ol tiie most important of ail questions—When to Ri;y auil When to Sell. I: is liberally illustrated, and bv TtKCHNT ENLARGBMKNT, contains more reading matter than everhefcre. Tiie subscrip tion I 'rice Is fa.sn per year, but we now offer a SPtiCIAL KKDUCTION In our NEW CLUB RATES FOR 1888 ! TWO SUBi'Hii'TIONS, in one remittance $ 4 SIX SUBSCRIPTIONS, do. do 11) TWELVE SUBSCRIPTIONS, do 18 :.""To all New subscribers for ltuw, pay in',- in advance how, we wiu. sk.xi> tiik i-apk;; WKKIv- I.V, from our Kf t aiiT or the remittance, to Jan uary Ist, lti-.. WITHOUT CHARGE. rr-dPEcxiiES Copies Fkke. Address, LUTHER TUCKER &. SON, Publishers, ALBANY, N. Y. ■ Rf tban One Hundred M rH I Thousand apt»licatirns for pu'entsin Si lN ■ tho United States and Foreign coun- Br l/i B tries, the publishers of the Scientific ■ 1 American continue to act as solicitors B g for pntents, caveats, tr/ide-marks. copy ■mbbbil rights, etc., for the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and ail ether countries Their experi ence is une<itialcd and their facilities are unsur passed. Drawings and specifications prepared and filed in tiie Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No ch/irge for examination of models or drawings Advice by mail free Patents obtained through MunnACo.are not iced inthe SCIEXTIW has the largest circulat ion and it the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a ye*r. sad is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and tit'.n of every invention patented r * v four months for oue dollar, oold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific American, HI Broadway, New York Handbook about patents mailed free. THIS PAPERM-WiS'Ks ALMOST HERE! Christmas is Coming 1887-ISS7 1888-1888 HOMES TO BE MADE HAPPY By Family Re-unions HEARTS TO BE MADE GLAD By Kindly Remembrances. WILL YOU HELP BRIGHTEN THE DAY ? While out shopping and selecting your Xmas presents don't lose slglir o( the Important fact that a uselul present will be more appreciated than any other. There are a great many useful things that can be had that would be appreciated, but none more so than IL Nice Comfortable Slipper. The line of Holiday Slippers In Mens - . Womens'. Misses' and Childrens' that lam offering this year is very nice and I want to Insist on you to call and examine them before you make your pur chases. I don't know of anythlns that would be more appropriate to give than a handsome pair of Slippers. Just think of the hours of comfort they would enjoy with them. Your Mother. Father. Wife, Husband or Sweetheart would certainly appreciate such a gift and give you credit for your good sense In selecting such a useful present. While the market is flooded with trifling expensive presents that are of no benefit at all to anyone; think of this matter, decide to spend your money where It will do the most good. You cannot do better than visit John Bickel's Great Bargain Store Where vou can alwavs find just what vou want. Leaving the subject of Slippers for Xmas pres ents for your careful consideration. I wish to call your attention to the fact that my entire line of Fall and' Winter (inc.ls must be closed out at once, the goods must be sold and If you are in need of any Mens" Kip Hoots now is vour time; If your Boys are in need of boots, never was there a better opportunity offered you for they have got to go no matter what they bring. Not only a few BUT MY ENTIRE LINE Of Winter Goods are to be sold. My vast stock of Childrens' School Shoes are placed on sale and are to be slaughtered along with the rest of my WintA stock. LADIES' WARM SHOES & SLIPPERS This line of goods are going to be sold this month. I have a large stock of them and you can buy tiicm at your own price; I will not carry tliem over they must go now. Drop in and see tlieiu go ing and i know you will not let the opportunlt ( pass to secure a suitable Christmas present at a mere ty'lfle. Close Buyers and Bargain Seekers Your special attention is called to mv immense stock of Sample Shoes, hundreds or pairs sold dally at less than half price. The goods not damaged in the least, only slightly soiled from hand ling" You are missing some Wonderful Bargains if you don't call during this Sample Sale. Mens' Duck Boots, Warranted snag-proof. The only Boot made that can't be snagged or torn. Try a pair, there Is nothing better made. $2,35 My Staying Qualities are Evident, $2,35 I have sold more Rubber Boots than all my would-be ccmpetltois combined and have more on hand than any other house in Butler and am selling THE BOSTON RUBBER 8801$ IT $2.35, Anil will continue to do so according to promise until .Jan. Ist. 1«8S. If you want a good Rubber Boot ask for the Bostons. MISSES' RUBBER BOOTS, ONE DOLLAR. All kinds Rubber Boots and Shoes at rock bottom prices. BOOTS and SHOES MADE to ORDER EmiiG, BOTH LUTHER m RUBBER WITH NEATNESS ANI) DISPATCH. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. jjjgf" Money cheerfully Refunded for Goods Returned. Yours, Ac., JOHN BICKEL, 22 South Main Street, '*** minitm To Keep Posted on Politics SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEW YOIK WEEKLY HEBALD ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal In the United States. AX IMPARTtAL EPITOME EVERY WEEK OF EACH STATE'S POLITICAL MOVEMENTS The Foreign Department Is unequalled. Latest and most accurate Cable Specials by THE COMMERCIAL CABLES, Fullest Telegraphic Reports of nil Current Events. SPECIAL FEATURES. PRACTICAL FARMING, THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE, WOMAN'S WORK, NOTABLE SERMONS, THE WORLD OF LITERATURE AND ART, SHORT Infoi •mation on all subjects. Address: JAKES OORDOW I5KJf.\ ETT, NEW YORK HERALD, New York City. ■ jSCRIBNERJ 1 Hjl IfULii 'f If a'fl-31 I >" ACA2INE ' Mi'i-MwaanJ 3 iisgte Itfi ![sCRIBNERS MAGAZINE UlifM ives its readers literature of lasting inter lij-est and value, it is fully and beautifully®©/ WWOM illustrated and has already g-ained a more :t>an national circulation exceeding* 125.000 copies monthly. </%, A v »i j jfP'RICE 25 CENTS A NUMBER- s3°° A YEAR-\ I tM gffilra tw^ :F-1 [ f i 3^^fr sßfwith lG\arles .ScribnerS Jons the Publishers enable u$ 1 L_ to offer SCRIBNER , S MAGAZINE with the J Butler Citizen A t roe combination rite of fonr do lars for b>th. ono year. MF.&M, Marks Invito your inspection ol their STCRK .Jf FALL and WINTER Millinery Goods. j Receiving gnods every >veek • their stock is always FRESH AND COMPLETE. OA L E S M EAT WANTED !\ to '.'anvris-; for the s;ile of Nur- ' scrv s.ock i Ste.uiv eui'.>loyaieiit guaranteed. S\LARY \>l> I*AU>. Apply at elite, htatlic; (Ueier to tbl* paper.} Chass Brothers Cc., ""v"'" No operation <>r btisiiiora rtelay. currs. A! Keystone House. Keiuling, i'a.. rnii Saturday of t-itoh month. Send tor etreiri r-«. AJvice free. 1850= IWSO _ 1850 _ IX6O I*so : ESTABLISHED 1830 IX3O IMP 1850 11850 | E. E RIEB, JE w t E e L EI? . No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, GRAND OPENING OF IMS GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches RiItTAT*TT7O Y*Q G SLtIQ/*! Q 1 "f"T7 Don't fail to see this line of Good.", as it is the largest UIIVUJL W Cvx V/ Cu vVlCul UJf • and most complete stock ever shown in Butler. 184-7. Rodger Bros. Knives and Forks, Warranted Triple Plate. The Best Qoods in the Market. T\7l "kTTIVIY SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, L/_LV VjT scientifically adjnsted nnder Dr. King's System. Agent for the Celebrated Rockford Quick Train Railroad Watches. j£3g|r°Engraving free of charge. Place of tyisiness opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTo- 19. North. jVlain Street* ... I3UTLER* PA, BAHNY ASKS VOL It Attention! While other merchants are singing their own praises, we cause our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is tbe best, our gocds second to Done, in fact superior to many uenally kept and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and surrounding country needed such a store as this," is the general encoaragiag words our customers give U3, "and people will be fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner. Oar medium and better grades take rank with any Custom-made in the way of fitting and make up. while our FINE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on band. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have uo doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE GEORGE REIBER BLOCK. IVEain Street, Butler* Pa. YOUR ATTENTION Is Called to my Fine Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, AC'., All of which have been selected with great care for /msm.. OUR TRADE. A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated mmmmk wipes., raws, SPOONS, SC.. SC., ISf* All «?oods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well jMflßd IRGKIEB'S, *. IUIIIIWATCH CASIIJ sign 01 ' ELECTRIC BELL. THE CITIZEN, A weekly newspaper, published every Fri day morning at Butler, l'a., by JOHN U. <i W. C. NEGLEY. Subscription Rate. Per year, in advance II 60 Otherwise $2 00 No subscription will be discontinued until all arrearages arc paid. All communications intended for publication in this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith, Marriage and death notices must be accom panied by a responsible name. Advertising Rates. One square, one insertion, $1; each subse quent insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertise ments exceeding one-fourth of a column, t5 per inch, Figure work double these rates; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes art made. Local advertisements lb cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per lino for each additional insertion. Mar riages and deaths published free of charge. Obituary notices charged as local advertise ments and payable when banded in. Auditors' Notices. s4;' Exocritora. and Administrators' Notices, $3 each; Estray, Caution and Dis solution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, f2. Address THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. THE WEEKLY PRESS OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. $1 00 Subscription per Year $1 00 THE BEST HOME PAI'EB IN AMERICA. This is not brag. It is a plain statement of an honest fact. Ordinarily the weekly issue of a daily paper is esteemed to be mtrily a dige.-t <.f the week's news, suitid aioae rural readers. This is not true ia reference to tfce WELK.LV PRESS. Jt is specially edited by a trained corps of writers selected for the pur [ ose of making the bent pap -r. It is adapted to the improve merit and enjoyment of both f-exes, of all > - ges, of every family whether a resi dent of the city, village or country Not a word of criran or impure suggestion in any part of the paper. It. is an old paper and carried its ape and reputation equally well Now we are seeking a new and larger circle el readers As an in ducement to T hi.-s end the WEEKLY PRESS in connection with any four I dollar magazine in America will be sent for the single subscription price of such magazine. Or, on application, we will make a special combination of any two or more periodical* publisted in Ameri ca, either weekly or monthly, in con junction with the WEEKLY PRESS at such low rate as will be equivalent to a year's subscription to the WEEK LY PRESS free for one year. We make this exceptional proposi tion in order that the WEEKLY PRE»>S may go on trial iu a million house holds for an entire ytar, Sample copies iurished free on ap plication. Address, THE PRESS COMPANY, Limited, Philadelphia, Pa WANTED LiDY A, * tlvo ""J iitoiii«rot, u """ 1 tt f, „ tHU I npiesent L K-r cun locality an old Ami. Refcn-niv* l-W|iilreU. J'erma ii-nt l».«illoo tail ift'td salary, u W .li IsBOS., IS Hard** *i., N. Y. J. H.DOUGLASB, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - 2-HJT-ly Hotel Brady T. W. TAIT, Prop'r. New Hotel and Restaurant 011 the Diamond. Butler, Pa. Mr. T. W. Tait has refitted and furnished the Brady House, and is now prepared lo accommo date the public. His Restaurant, In connection with the hotel will ne o«en day and night The tables will b furnished with everything 'lie market affords, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. Your patronage respectfully solicited. The oldest and best Institution for obtaining a Business Education. We have successfully prepared thousands of young men for the active duties of life. For Circulars address. aw; Ifftf- P. DIKE A NO.NB, IMttthnrv. Pa. Flace to f>ci;re a thorough Buslnesa Education. or becune an Kip> rt shorthand and Type Writer, or prepare to teach Spenceriaa Penmaninlp, la at tha KpcntFrtaa Hualneaa College, CleTilaad, O. Illustrated Catalogue frea. ISMp'ifß i An A proved remedy for Consumption and dLs- ' eases of Throat and Lungs. New I.ife and Vigor follows its use. Ask for Baker's Oil and Malt, or write to JNO C. BAK6R & CO., Philadelohia. UNFORTUNATE After all otliera fo.il consult Dr. LOBB 33017.15 th St., below Cailowhill, Phila., Fa. JO years experience lr. al! KPIK'IAL diseases Pi r naneutly restores those weakened by early indiscre "ions.&c. Call or write. Advice free and strictly coa< tiwurs ; xi a. v*. till r # tßi 7 to i - evenagb YOU CAN FIND P™'er OD ftlo In PITTSBU K«' ii nt tb« Ad*ert;*iDff I'urtau vt a SSS: REMINGTON BEOS, j wLo will contract fur advertising at luwctt utw, Sfnbßcribe for the Citizen. i Santa Claus Headquarters! AT A. L. ROBINSON'S Bargain Store, where you will find a large variety of all kinds 01 goods suitable for Christmas presents to se lect from. Everything New and Fresh, at prices that will astonish you. Silk-plush albums and toilet cases, very cheap. Centre Room,Geo. Reiber Block, lO.ISJIIIST.MM S U R VE Y I NO LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING Particular attention given to the Retracing ol Old lines. Addrese, B. F. MILLIARD, Co. Surveyor North Rope P. 0., Butler Co.. Pa. 8,5,84. ly Planing Mill VNi>— Ijionber Yard J. L. PL'RVIb. L. O. PURVIt- S. 6. Purvis & Co. MAXI FACTI'UKKij AND DEALERS IS Rough and Planed Lumber ft iV<R¥ DffSCRJITION. FRANKS, MOULDINGS, • SASH. DOOU Fir V'jtiNG, HIDING BATTEN^ fhacWuapd Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATE PLANING MILL AND YARD NcurtiermHß C« tbollc (llinr^ CHOICE FRUIT. Having hikcu the agency for the Ofc*>ie<: 'Fruit" iKlf, Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Tre«s, AUH eveiylhlne else In the Nursery line, of the New Kngland Nurseries. ( liase Bros. & CV., .V. Y.. I will call upon you lu the near future and solicit your oiders lor Spring delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Butler, - Pa. KIRKS white V yßX»a«aft\ RijssiaN The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded si first class medal at the New Orleans Exjwsition. Guarnrv teed absolutely pure, and for general houaeliold purposes is the very best "MILLINERY In all the latest Novelties, French Felt Silk Hats, Figured < ji«sse and Watered Pluhes, Velvets and Si'ks. FANCY PLUSHES, Tlio New Wide Rii hons, Cori*ts, Shoul der Braces, Patti Shirt Bands, Hosiery and Suspenders, Toilet Powders, Washes, Rouge and Cosmetics, "Lctin Peth" and "SybeP* Secret," DRESS TBIMMINQS, Press Linings, i icdiogs, Fur Trimming*, Newest Styles in Bangs, Hair Goods and Crimpers, Children's Ki.it and Plush Cap* and Hoods, Toboggans, Silk Handkerchief* and Mtifilers. MISS M. H. GILKEY, BUTLEK, PA Ar -1- fTS Are. :1c (&pzr& CUI 3 H IHE J.I. ja Win" :st;iVenivto consid er:. -V.t ->fr. u tl.o on'jr ■pirn -cKcn! s - a r.MJIjJarl i • aa rt Arcr> ? do Geneva Sin c-h Itaii J ,:ulper ber !*nSiJ3 "PuSH £•*» e ' "Ji n rcrt, tc. it wui i ?ai| co • ><>. NHM ftndca.-. a cure Tor Ht-iclit'ia l i iu,no 1 ifiiv£LPalffi( fi' ifl—nroatioii of the bap Judnoi and tribarr Orjai.i. JAJHBB E. MOKi;:s, Sole Agent,. XO4 CHAHBJSBS ?T., NEW YORK. FOB SALE BY J. C. REDICK, Druggist, BI'TLER, I'E.NX'A. The Great EXPOSITION! 4, GREATSHGWSINONE, 4, We annuuuee to the people far and wide that we will exhibit our cell -ssal aggregation of startling wouders, to h..arc wlilch all parts of the earth—Europe. AMa. and portions or tlie C* 8. have been searched, and such m aggregation as has never fceenst-ei: s.,\. e the day Noah enter ed the Ark. The mighty great. Rhi noceros. the Hliipopottoaias-the Ciilmpanzlc.the Ou-rang-ou&uig or run-oat-and-stAck-out-your tongue-out. the greatest iivlng wonders of the age will excite no wonder wnen compared with the multitude of monster attractions on exhibi tion at our great moral Circus aud Menagerie. Tlic roars and howls of the would-be competi tor who Apes the methods, but cries down the attractions of our own and ouly Greatest Show on earth will be drowned la the Joyful acclam ations or a delighted populace. Remember this great show possesses no objectionable features and Is the delight of the cultured and refined. We show under one canopy four great shows, the Largest Stock—Greatest variety—Beat Goods and styles—Lowest Prices. We liave se cured a magnificent brass Band which will be a prominent feature of our show. 3 rings with a separate and continuous performance being enacted in each ring. NEW AND NOVEL attractions. .1 Jolly Clowns. The greatest liv ing. walning. breathing, talking curiosities of the age. rhunny l'hellows—sure to sell you and all the people laugh when they see the bar gains they oiler. Other and greater attractions greet the delighted eye on every side—the Pro prietor and Managers sv.-lifting in the living trapeze attached to the highest pinacle of suc cess, give such exhibitions of nerve and daring in sweeping reductions, gorgeous displays ana wondt rful buigains as to coil forth the plaudits of the most prudent and economical. The man agement beg leave to announce that in their un tiring zeal In the search for the rare and curious, astonishing results have always followed aud we open for your Inspection a colios sal collection of bright and new Kail Styles in Mens' Boys and Childrens' Clothing, Hats, Caps Underwear. Shirts, Collars. Cuffs, Ties. Hosiery, Handker chiefs. Mufflers.Gloves. Mittens, Umbre llas. Trunks, Valise?, satchels. Straps; Brushes, Combs. Jewelry, Corsets. Jer seys, Stockings with a full l:'ne of Notions, &c. Big bargains all through the show. Song by the Clown : - .Men and youth and boys andjail, Short ami So'ld.leau ;.iid tall. Who med a suit of clothes this fall, We do Invite you now to call For we are rolling ui the ball. And you are sure to nuke a haul. Whatever you purch.ue, great or small. Song 2:— "What are the wild waves sayipg." Buy your clothing and 1 urnishing goods of 1). A. HECK. Song S:—**Her bright smile haunts me stUl," The smile ot satisfaction that beamed from the face of the la.lv v.ho dressed lier little boy in one ol Heck's irri-istable suits. If you waut to save money and increase your plledroppin and C HKCI\ ,'and he'll make you all smile. He possesses the power to spread happiness around. And his store is the place where bargains are found. Moors open at 7A. m. C!< at R 'r. m. Ad mittance. Gents Free, Lad:'- and Children half price, ltetnember the place. D. A.. HECK'S, Xo. 11, Xortli Jlalu St., Dairy's Blork, BDTJLI2R, - PA. il mm srocer* STORE iu Butler, throe doors west of West Peotj Depot. Having opened a fresli st< kof OKOCEKIES cons sling of Coffee, Teas. Si i ar. Syrup, Spices, Canned Goods of nil hinds. Hams, Bacon, Lard, *vc.,&c,, Tobacco find Cigai-s, IT.OUB O! best brands and iow prices ; also, nil I.ne of Kluigler's popular brands of family •lour cousiaiitiv on hands. HAY. OATS, "COKN and FKSD of all kinds at lowest figures, \o. I. Salt,l ower any oiher House tn (Sutler, Country Produce wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Call aud examine our stock iunl prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. KBABNS & CO., 76 East Jeffersftu St, - - Butler Pa PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt yi, Arrasene AND OUTLINE DONE Also levona in aaio s tlvea by AJiNIB M LOWMAN,.North itrset, Butler, Pa.'', neMg<4|
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers