Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 16, 1887, Image 3

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FRIDAY. DECEMBER 16. 1887. _
New Advertisements.
Tteoglaas Holiday Goods,
Koch * Sobs' "
Stetn & Son's ••
E. Gneb-S
Partcrs<-«! - s "
Milter A Pro's
*ol» , 'iao»i'> " "
Ron t«*cli> *■ "
Jos. Wuller's " "
Nc* nothtng Store.
New .lewlry Store.
TateV Brxitauram.
Smith s Bcstmnrsnt
St. ■Nu ltolas' lMnn»r
Butler M„tt»» Klcctton Notice.
Holiday INcutsons
rrnuc SOTTCK/
TV jrnhKc is hrrebf NETFFM thnl hrrnt ffrr
ml! ft MORONS of RMP*CT or CONMIFR nfiopt
erf KV HI j/WaWtlll 1 anri nntrrrri fmhtiihrri nil
«of,Vr.s nf rh*rrh FAIN I, Fntirah ami Lrc
turrs. rnri nil rmmmyrnicntrd Ohifwiri trill
HR cfiar. •</ tor l it THE MTR OF rmc HTITF rent T>
ir<rra. wi'wtey to nemmptmy rnrh or/frr.
—H<«d S»eht>i new lo«*l notices. Their
wfre k fViM oft»olWI«y presents.
- TWr T,-oH R'M-s'ng.the P.* W l'tpw
*cemtw»-V!sf*!»c ,I.W, Brown,
—ATf. T*trt>*w\ ston ta Ihwuv wa*
slHflnh stored >y %re Is* TttfaAav n»c*»t
-*Pwr Vmm wlwdnwarti*are creating*
sen*Ti«r nt tTtv
«T»te*n cei MR at NwttiM
Vai eentr- IMTWIMMP
-J(W af yajwaa
-ffcr Niyfcjft Veil
l j»at»Bi
4rW>| 1 >^faH.Mr tWWf
»iw— M»B'»
iMiik !*%♦- ** j
-» 4 aMHf
. s>mh< r*v*r
4m» M >"•, CaM*aJ
iMkl gta* W «M,
vsr <mn Mws •« hHM
t«i« W »■»'■» attKytaw*- !
w '.I J t fT 1
WttkaessiiMM M a*a»»M*..H. %MD *»
ihaaaw »af wda«»i n*—
-Aeji walwwwaa I
akmmt* "»»«• «*• «*ae« «f «H. X *.
«lXs. H., «M«t Uaa,, »aJai»k««.
nkM *'s «««y. a»i W kw a ••
kawA W"sc*a s^<9Vi4af.
—W% kit* iAm kaae4 <rf a walaa A*l
«MM a atcaMMM* to* »»w s*w OM
Mai «a* SM< AM.M »«<Sw«4aN
MtHWa watoa»«w»lUl e*^?
Wmw< atUi iw*s«mll pimomot >a»»r. Ik*
ittrii ' t aa
iMjiin tfcaatW
-|W* to m* •«** «f »»W t»ra»*« ia \
Caw t*R . M* »aefca»a wa It ta» • ,
ta <%■< e* Ky*r« Am t>aa«»e'*
ifHwe Mai *m Cr—aaar *toa
Bw»' wt W« m 4 if ttot M— ««• atoUae I
>■' KM* to paaatiac kis wim
mw Mm a iiliir a»4 arill aa4e* ito
—K. Cnrfc make* u eWaat .lisplar of
•a* a*M aad ailawr rnatoajaarelry awl ail
maaii for la* tolitora tito I* Mm »I'M
jewelry at.see <a Bailer a*4 tfcair |»*icaa will
alwara W F<aa4 K eiMpare faroraaly with
Hkirt. Y«a trill tad it M war iaaml lo
maiw tawr aiK* aa l hear tiwir pneaa W
tN« part a ass a< war Ckrtotaaas Rifta.
—At the aatatoag OT the Spnirlate Fir*
I'naratT las* Fnda* evaaiag Mr. <V»r*»
Milatrats eleaaad Praai+eat. k.L Rsel
V. P, Oa*. Rokaaaaa Sae'f. Dr. H**» Tr*«».
R S. McCWlaa, f.*s>m%a: J McKaicht. Ist
awt tovnu aal J. M Mai well *1 aaa't fore-
Maa. The will anw faraiah a h»a
aad eart, aa l |urt of Soriacdale, at toaat, will
to piaatiei acaiaat Irt.
—Dr. IMidt aas lately hi* store
naa aad pat ia aew ahow-oaaea aad he now
aatw a bnt I mat diaplav af Holiday attrae
twaa Mr. Redick ia the oldeat dragciat ia
liattor. he caftet a coaaplete atoek of pare
diata. aa l a«s aaear bfwa kaoara to oaak* a
Mistake ia paUiag ap a prescription. Ha
arill to pleased la have yon etaaiine hia
Mick af holiday g>o-ls. aad aak hia prices,
before pareaasiag elsewhere.
—The ea«e af tbe OoMMoow*alth n. Jas.
L Onaa waa called apia Coart Wedoe»lay
Moraiat. aad aa he did aot appear hta rceog
aiaaaea—sSoo—waa forfeited. Tke Coart ro
faaeJ a M»uoa to reapite the aaaie and Mr.
Baaith will have to pay it. C-oaa'a where
ahnata are vet a Coaa and rum, aad tha aama
aaighthe said ol the diminutive hail required
of hiM. He ia aappoaed to he ia the upper
ail coaalry or ia CaiMda. Mr Smith aay* he
waa deceived ia the matter from the begin
tbe mfHiit of the Children'* AM
Society is tbe V. P. Church last Friday af
htMN, Un. Rolard *u elected President;
Mr*. JM. Pirtw, IM V. P; Mr*. Greenlee,
31 V. P; dtn. Temple too, Sec'r; Mr*. Hm
el too, An'l Sec'y, ud Mia Bell* Purvis,
Tim The Coaamittee oo the derision of
«m eMHHU of Mn. Stfau, Mr*. BnliH,
ltd Mr*. Choi. Campbell, tad the old Ad-
Viewy Board *»• retained. The Society ha*
done ion* good work in Bailer and vicinity
during the pat year, and the Annual Report
ot its Secretary will appear in oar next iaene.
—Young Will Beighlev of Connoqueneei
ing i*p„ whose endden death at a danoe we
Bnde a note ot last week, vat buried lent Sat
urday Thin «M a very md affair, and from
all we can learn of it we judge that the cal
amity w*« csuaed by a mixture of whisky
nod cider. We are inlormed that quite a
number of thorn who attended the dance
drank anme cider before going, and that two
yonne men wbo had been to Zelienopie,
brought whuky b.ick with them, and left it
near the h»u*e and where the other* found it
and drank nf it. Young Beighley Hal nev-jr
drank wV i-key before and the effect of the
■irlarr wt* fatal to him. and made several
other* vc-y *irk. A i moat all tfce crowd of
yoang URn ,t the dance including those wao
went far rn* whiskey areaaid to os minors.
—The rain* of laat week made water plenty
ia thia erctioo. but the rivera are yet too low
to float th* large coal rafts yet tied up in the
l<>aki of the Moaongahala, and mo; of the
citie* do«u tvtar are suffering for coal. Tna
m<«t cnri<>u« phenomenon in connection with
tbedroutn of last Fall happeued in Central
Illisoii. Alter wneka of brought, tbe stream*
and well# becoming exhausted, abuodant
water suddenly appeared, without rain or
other visible source ot tupply. Water flow
ed frrelv in the streams, and even the ahal
l<>we*t welU were replenished. Where thin
water came from and the caute of ita itudoen
sppetraiio* are myateriei which no tnau can
find out. Some religious people oeiieve it
was an answer to prayer. It is probable that
the t-ffeet w*« produced l>v a subterranean
disturbance similar to that of an earthquake
—Hinting incident* are unusually miner
• •an this Ktmoa, those the ease of
Dr. UcCnnsell of Whitestnwn hetgf; the
wor*t. Tw.. Arm*tron)f ounty men named
Noah Boyer and John Cessna went huuiiui;
two week* ago, in Wwt Virginia, ami met
with fair mcwn killing deer. On W<?duei
day morning ot but week the two hnnterx en
tered the wood* near Wil*>ui.», Gr.tut Co ,
and took different directions, \bout the
middle of the forenoon Cessna detected a stir
in the dense lanral forty or fifty yards away.
He wa cbed the spot intently, "aud felt *nre
a deer was grasiug. lie raited bis Winches
ter tad taking carrta! aim fired. To hi* hor
ror •terrible human cry followed the shot,
aod, feaiing the worit, Cessna ran quickly to
tba spot and found bis domrade Boyer lying
writhing on the ground wltb a gaping wound
through bia stomach. The bill pasted en
tirely throne b Boyer'a body. Tbey were two
miles away from any habitation, and alone
in tbe woods. Boyer did sot seem to suffer
moch pain, and regained conscious,
r sssni. after covering Boyer with his over
coat, hastened off for assistance and returning
in a little over an boar, Boyer was placed in
blaaketa and carried to Wilaonia, a small
railway station. Two physicians were suui
■oaad. bat their act tinea were in vain.
Boyer lingered for twelve boars when death
Conrt m«t Monday noon at t r.M.—Jodge
lfcMichael. preaiding.
The jury list w«* catle<t over, some peti •
tions were presented and Iwpnaed 01 and two
men plead guilty to the ehanceof FA Baud re
ceived their sentence*.
A jury wan called into the hox and the case
of the Commonwealth vs Hnrry Shonpe wa'
first t»ken up.
I The followiug eases on the trial list have
been diaposed of op to Wednesday evening
Ooramonwealth ver«n»:
—J. C. Miller, sorely of the peare, Ohas.
Hinds pros Dec. », each party sentenced to
pay one-half the coats, and committed to the
custody of the Sheriff until .sentence is com
plied with,
Jas. P. rannon, FAR, Mary K. Leigh too,
pros'*. Dec. IS, nolle pros, allowed in com
pliance by defendant with terms of settle
—Newton Marshall, FAB. data Scheide
mantle, pros'x. Deiv S, defendant pleads
nolle contcridre and is sentenced to nay c ists
of prosecntitm, a fine of $lO, pay plaintiff i-ti,
and sl3 every three months until child is five
years old and give b >nd approved by th«
Coort and Poor Director* ot Pofteraville in
—M. .1 Brown, agp. AAB nnd AAB. TV*,
IS, verdict »t gniltf ot A << K, and not guilty
ofagg. AAB.
—Frank Graham, horsestealing. Pi'O. IS.
verdict not guilty, and dcfenlant disch trged
J --Morris B.»yd, hor«e stealing. Pec.lS,
pleads nolle contendrc.
—J l **. L. t'onn, burglsry, etc. Pi c.
defendant called and not ansa-ering, his re-
—Harry Shonp, horae atcaling. Dec. 12,
' verdict giiilty,
- M'm. <Nw>V horae stcalin*, Oec. 14, ver
diet uuitty.
—Xrtbur Keller, FAB. Dec. tB, plead>.
nolle contend re and sentcneed to pay a Tlite ol
sl(i, cntb> of projccniion, and paj Mary An
demon fr.\ linil sl3 t ver'y threi nmnihs nmtl
ft»it<l ts tlv. vears old, and gt\> hoiid lit W.ll
l„s *pnr.-ved Hy the t'otiri and P.w IMM'
| i oTv el Bnltert>ore>»i;h.
Tt),*. atlil tlrarhs Henry tarceay.
AVrdict not \wtlCy
. Ffawv Da-vis, hireenv, veHlct galby.
VfWmer waitr the IWV*ri <v IW^i
fttiVeA . . >
*ti tilt rWbr, ttfte, hitcresi War 5 . oMlti ef •
. o,v\ V<v. te"s HtIKWKN MWW tmih BtWer
V % wr<saoM%.
-,htb f>i twfr >rat'>ch- hi FhifVt tb'V
■famne HiKW-WkHi fittWr fWp .'tb *a f
-H«h.VVtWfN>li hi WfA th Xvtvmnf.
w r
- ■% > <#R+- HiS'W* %
tvnir V rf«t
™ jl % ■¥>
ifKr V
4 % * V 'Hi
XaesvV S*«wf
«Jt »> HwwMwl'
Jh s v '*i >'V wa %
•» ¥. FT
wism. >», W t
to ««. Wx 4*».
% lirttM <H awssw tfax*
iiwtw -V k i,tw wa>.
V. Mil %H«a I* VllMlfl W
Mm Hftio.
- Jm. Mlywia 'V u» Vaww
H, IfceJewkw In taxi.
- K MM. I IN I V MM* a us IWNKJ
wvA U fin *U.
fs-rn u U *.<•» ut to to*
I*" <*4 >• U W* >
to Jt rww tor i <
t»l Am ICyiMt >• TO «w» to
ItoMg*! to K ML Tv'w tof tWD.
All «rih «««• UV>«J im
TM will MMJUM al tVrto
»w*., «•*» prufcMwl •» i Mwra nW. V. :*•*-
MB, »to» will "J J XL !*eh»ll of Huntttttl iwp .
MJ Mhn to Fraak
(Vrr<r C. KefUr for
fhMl Kvpler
rtortint' T«A*sntK*.
». K 04*1. •* al. owes i* \Va»h
to J K "*•**
S.**\ killt\.rxl a Mit Kaetii to N
C. Sto«Ort tor P*)
Marriage Licenses.
T wk 'teuton FeilUr J«ok«M twt>
Mr*. Sch*SVr Jackson twp
Ctirwtiu Vlarhvrittr Jaoa«m twp
Uooh'iog K»r**f I twp
F. (Viwriiaj Butler, P»
Katie L. Kninirr Ra'ler. Pa
J-s. H. Sower* Itutler, Pa
StMh M. C««rl Butler. PA
At M. Barrow and Vint Har
per ot° Butler county.
Rev. Ketler write* u< that the Winter term
of Grove City College opeoetl with the Ur#-
eat »it*n<l»nce in the hi*»ory of the institu
ting—two hundred and forty students enroll
ed and osore to come.
Mr. R. C. Mc\bor h.iß heen sppointed H
Ja'tiee of the P«»ne for Ratler, hr Ooy
Bearer, vice J. W. Brown, resigned.
Rev. M««heini Rhode* filled Rey. Wright's
pulpit ia Sunbury last Sunday.
Rev J Hall Rreaden will assist Rev. Mc
Kee, thi* week.
Miss Low MeKee of riintonville is twins
entertained by Mrs. W. V. (lanliuan of West
Pearl St.
New Jewelry Store.
Mr. W. E. Ralstoq, formerly of Grove City,
h*s opened a new jewelry store at No, 36, 8.
Main St.—the old Stehle store room,
south of the Diamond—where he will keep a
fine line of jewelry, watches, clocks, specta
cles, musical instrument*, etc., and will also
do all kinds of repairing. Mr. Ralstoa comes
hare well recommended as a careful work
man and an upright man.
Ia connection with the jewelry store Mr.
Jno. R. Drier, will keep a stock of fine con
fectionery in the same room.
Holiday Excursions.
g. £ A. a. H.
All local full-tare tickets to any station on the
s * A. K K . sold Deo 24th to »tst, ISST. inclu
sive. will be good for round trip If presented for
return on or before .lan. .td. lfei.
r. & w. R. K.
On Dec. '.<4. 2\ 26 aud 31. ISB7. and on Jan. Ist
and id. I*n. the Pittsburg & Western Railway
<V>. will seU round trip tickets at all ticket WR-
Uons to any station on the line at excursion
rates. Uotn? coupons srood only on date of sale
Return coupons good until Jan. 3d. Inclusive.
No excursion rate less tban 23 cents.
PENS'A R. a.
In pursuance of the usual custom, the Penn'a
R. R. Co.. will sell Christmas and New Year ex
cursion tickets between all ticket station on Its.
main ttne and branches at reduced rates. The
tickets will sold cn Dec. 23. 21, 25. 2C. 30 and 31
tss*. and Jan. lsr and 2d. isss. good for return
trip until Jan. 3d. iws. Inclusive.
These tickets will enable the public to visit
frieud* aU'l enjoy the social pleasures of the
glad season at a trilling cxense for raUwav fare
K popcl&r vote of this town would be in
favor of the red postage stamp,
—ln alt town* of the size of Butler and up
wards, the National Government should own
its own po*toffice building. The rents of
ihe upper stories of a good and well located
bnildin* would pay the interest on the money
invented. I f Congress would pass an act to
that effect, the surplus thit is such a bugbear
ta Cleveland, Carlisle & Co., would rapidly
—The Town Council has latelv ordered
the police to enforce Se'! 7, of the Ordiuan e
passed last April, which provides that nine
feet of all twelve foot sidewalks, seven fee.tot
■line foot walks, five feut of six font walks,
and atl of the walks of le«s width b<i kept
clear of obstructions. Our Main St. side
walks are twelve feet in width and this will
require the nine feet -measuring from the
curb—to hereafter be kept clear, excepting
that a reasonable time will be allowed for
the loading and unloading of goods. The
Secretary of the Council was also directed to
draft an Ordinance prohibiting the further
erection of awtiugs and signs over the side
walks, and requiring the removal of all awn
ings, sigus and porches now up. The penal
ty for not promptly removing obstructions
from the sidewalks, when notified, is lor
each offeuse.
Holiday Goods
at J. R. GRTEB'S NO 16 S. Main St.
A fine and complete stock ot Dia
monds and other precious stuues,
Watches of all makes and an excop
tionally large line of Silverware, all
will be sold at the lowest prices pos
Sign of Electric Bell
—Special Bargains for the Holi
days at D. T. P APE'S,
—Go to J. BOWMAN'S for Books
and Stationery.
—Full line of candies and nuts for
the Holidays at Morrison's City Bak
The new ptore room of Mr. C N.
I Boyd in tbe Diamond Block aud the
tlinplnv of Roods' made bj him are ho
very handsome that they roußt be
neen to be appreciated. Tbe Btore
rootu itself ia the handsomest in the
I town and Mr Bo»d'a selection and
ariintic display of the goods usually
found in a first-clana drug store is a
revelation to our citizens. The gran
ulated maiden of alum and blue vit
riol in his show windows are novelties
here, and were made expressly tor
him by the leading manufacturing
chemists of the eouutry. The crys
tals are very handaome aud very
His store is full of show capes filled
with peilumery, toilet article* and
special Holiday goods, but the case
which attracts the most attention is a
plate glues one which cost more
than all the rest together At a dis
tance of ten feet you would say there
was no plans in it, it i* so Gne and
! clear. The prescription desk at t%w
end of the store is what attracts most
people's attention. It is of solid
cherrv. carved from Mr. Boyd's own
; designs and ia ce'tainly a work of
nrt. A large lw»Vfl*<l plate glass ftiir
j ror is placed In the centre ol it and
linds a ready iho among the ladies
Hchinri, the scene is changed, poison
i ensea, shrive* filled with drugs for
prescriptions, drawers full of bibcls,
■ etc., nte<-t the eve The principal
j sight though Is his prescription rcales
which are the finest in town by far
They at e Sensible to a Weight of the
.-ne sivtretith of a irrnln Of e< tirse
vou c%t '« Imagine what that is any
rndfe than wi> did, «>«it here is an tl
lustration Mr R >yd toi»i two
pbtvs ol pupcr of the same sire onri
pla>vd one tn each bfclancv.pah, Tin
wenfe* hntantvri precisely. \\N> th« n
wroft»fmi initial* with •Bnth-r, "
'n kttfl th* pwper "
ft Wttn d«>wn liV> a vhot. not quite
fh»i bm JtiM ** witvlv.
%r *rtU itif.'VfnWi tt* rb%t 'fm'ttn*
K-wjwvtaKy Wt tiflifnrT'ivsertp
tie*** W ftfk
VNMc. V* ihrfA Vrfl
w*. MM+
vvt* 'ft yfyiw* Vr> }
M y»t
KMR%, VllMftft WS V* *4
w»,v, *«t 1
****<> IT*T4 i iVM**
% <#M* K* INrt'fW
«Niy MiVWt • !
wWv mp» VW •
<K *N W-'Wiwn* M Wk»Ji vv*» ,
*lkf» W VaW * j
%u4 % W<» W»
ywvW*J prvyvf yi k#
t,W I>*»4nsN*w.!, *w#* u» vW WHU at*4 i
k« *iH tK> dMtkJi r«<Hfttr« * om4wU w«t
i.V«m »TU p#v^v.
Silk utu INKT* Ouv
PTM* i'loikiug kl.'U.w cWap
—ll lid»v good* at Pattvr«oa'»
Om Ptk-# H 'Uto, Maiu
lmported CtroliuM *nd lleurv
Claya. KrieJ, atewed, broiled and
raw ovatvra, and gatuw of all kind*
iu aea«ou at George Smith'a Square
.Meal Keatauraat
The Rarest U. S. Coin.
An attoruny of thia town baa a V
S ailver dollar of th. date of 1804, in
bia potMeasioo, of wbit-b but eight are
kuown to be in existeuce Any per
aon wishing to purchase it, can ad
dress, LOCK. 8JX721, Butler, Pa
—llobby-borae*. sleds and drums
Almost an Endless variety in
Watches of all kinds from the obeap
eat. The Waterbury, to the fyiest
gold, both in ladies and cents sizes
frr Holiday gifts call at J. 11
GRl Kit's. No lti S. Main St. Sign
of Electric Bell.
—Christmas gifts at
—Plush and fancy jroods at
Try ''Our own Special" the best
toby that can be made, at No. 7, N
Main St.
Don't forget your Father and
Mother, nor Grandfather and Grand
mother, during the coming Holidays,
they surely would appreciate a nice
pair of gold spectacles as a gift. T
have a complete stock and can suit all
ages. J. R. GRIEB
No 1C S Main St.
Sign of Electric Bell.
—Make your Holiday purchases at
—Extraordinary Display of Holi
day Novelties, and more arriving
daily at
—Toy pianos, toy drums, toy
horses and wagons combined at
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store,
No. 19 Jefferson St.
Holiday Opening
of Dolls, Toys, Games, Books and
Fancy Goods, our Patrons and the
Public are cordially invited
—Smoke the bouquet cigar, the
finest in the market, manufactured
and for sale, by W. H. Morris, at No.
7, N. Main St.
—Choice Candies at
—lce Cream made to order at the
City Bakery.
—Toy books of all kinds, scrap
books aud albums at
—Great Bargains iu Holiday goods
—lnfants Bootees, Hoods aud Knit
Sacques at
M. F, <fc M. MARK'S
Holiday Presents.
Elegant line of vases, bisque fig
ures, china plates, cups and saucers,
mustache cups. Stock now complete
—Remember we keep some of the
beet makes of corsets, "Romona,"
"P and D," "Tuplex," "Balls," &c ,
M. F. & M. MARKS.
—Clearing out sale of Carpets, Oil
Cloths, Mattings, Druggetts, Rugs,
&c., at
—For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem
ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries,
go to Morrison's City Bakery.
—Cbildrens' Robes and Dresses,
Cheaper tban you can make them at
Christmas Presents.
Water sets, lemonade sets, mush
and milk sets, oat meal sets, wine
sets, liquor sets, smoking sets, berry
sets, ice cream sets at
Xo. 16 jr. Main 81
"Olad Chri'tmss comes and every hearth
{ Makes readj' to (five him welcome room."
CbrlstmaM drawetb on apace and
I the time for selecting tokens of love
! and gills of friendship is at hand It
i may be sa'elv said that Butler people
1 are getting fully one half more pres-
I euts lor their friends than they did in
any previous |vear, aud this is ex
plaited only by lower prices aud
better goods.
We nre n.ucb better prepared for
tbe Holiday trade than we were last
year, as a visit to our store will
Tbe useful, and practical and orna
mental iu the way of Christmas pres
ents are all to be lound here.
It's a larger collection of well se
lected, wiedly varied aud appropriate
Holiday gifts than you can realize
without visiting our store.
Now, what to buy is just as big n
question for a great many people as
the cost . If you area youmt ttiati
with the nicest urirl in the world, you
certainly want a nice present for her
Nelcct Irom these—a book, an album,
a toilet case, a writing desk, a ttiani
cure case, a work box Books are
becoming more and more desirable
gifts, because they nre so cheap nnO
are put up in such attractive styles,
and may be kept a life time in memo
ry of the giver—all the time being an
inspiration to the possessor. Our
stock ol Oxloitt stcl family bibles,
finely bound aud handsomely illus
trated gift books, standard authors
tti doth, ami juvenilis Is full and com
plete. In morocco with bronlt>! and
ivllttlold ornaments, and models of
the prtti'ers art, We have Nhnkcs
iii'lfi, Bvron, iiongfelloV, Btirna,
Milton, hittler, Browning and
Meredith's l.uothv The) 1 range in
price from and make a love
ty present, fit for the OtlfiH. We
have the fHmoua
tn cloth tov Tft *nd in Japan
iw vaii h»t f,S M>. It fa evpenaivr
bnt Von tfonV t htnV Of coat % hen
yoti sev ft xVrv N«mi bai-gain ta the
Ht to veil "Wt and banfe*
in ft
X-Ol* YfWtVrVfcfM, f v H
I'N, >fc*rvayrfk,\ «a
VW I- n
YK V*M *WvA w.\. "Wi
«<• v*
«v M WV IviW
WvM I« 4^Vv4
VV*r jixk'v* Kx W>.<44 t«*vi<c
lirvMM » K*l>U Vvk It IVWyl V Wy W*
i>4v W4
Wv H*%>A Vs» VMvttlKm sxiat
gUt hwi* auj h±WvA Uwv
ttK'uiiott *.vuhi ada W Vhett aViravUve
WvH. that will do lor book* !
TO« A *UV « pfcoUWapb album* W* ;
b*v* vbviu iu all Kl«W«k aud at pric**
froiu M> eeuls to sl4 Silk pluah ouw«.
l.vaihttr ou»it, I'luab and
Itroiue. OU slauds aud Ibo Uleat, au
album spread
Toilet comm make uioe prem-nt*
They are iu p!u*b and leather. .\iaa
icur* wu are all the rag*'. $1 to $lO
We have a full hue. tup, of »bariu<
aets, work boxes, writing cases, ink
o(undi* and mantel ornament*. Beau
liful carved oak aud cherry photo
tfrapb frame* and stands, 75 i*uu to
• I.
For the children we have bnildtng
blocks, picture blocks, dixsected ani
m»ll, directed maps, dishes, wooden
and china and humming topi* For
the boys and girls,all kind* of games,
checkers, back Kara nion, dominoes,
lotto, geographical cards, historical
cards,the (ia? game, our country, rid
dles, Sunday game, snap authors,
old maid*, perchesi and Egypt.
There now, you can make up your
mind what to gel and where to get it.
Come around and we will giye you
the lowest prices We like to show
goods. Everybody admires them so
much. A bright aud a cheerful
place, our Christmas bargain Head
Not Neglected.
Every branch of industry has been
talked of and all classes of goods
baye been advertit-ed especially for
the Holidays G Wilson Miller
Bro , wish to call the attention of
their patrons and the public to the
glass and queenswaro department of
their business. We have the largest
and finest stock we ever offered and
at prices that will sell them See
our decorated tea Rets, ss to $7; Plain
white tea sets, $2 50. Dinner sets of
105 to 127 pieces from $lO to sls
Do you need a nice hanging lamp, see
our Hall lamp, a perfect beauty for
$4 50, cheape: grade at 75 cents to
$2 50. Hanging library lamps $2.50,
$3 50 and $4, finest hanging lamps
$6. Hand and stand lamps from 25
centß to $1 50; take a loot' at our fan
cy stand lamps as you pass our win
dow. Duplex burners with decorated
shade for $3 When you are looking
at these lamps you will see a five
piece water set, brass trav, marked
SI 50.
We would like to have you call
and examine our goods and prices
We take pleasure in showing our fine
For the Holidays.
E. Grieb, the Jeweler, No. 19 N.
Main St. Butler, Pa., has a full line
of holiday goods.
Our stock for the holidays is com
plere If intending purebtt-era will
call and inspect our stock ttiey will
find many uew novelties, at satis
factory prices.
Call early to avoid the rush. No
trouble to show goods.
Remember the place of business,
New Clothing Store.
Mr John T. Kellev has removed
his clothing store to the north room
in the new Diamond Block, next
door to the Postoffiee, and is receiv
ing and putting in place, a large and
well selected stock of clothing, bats
and caps, and gents furnishing goods
His new room is large, commodious,
well lighted and well located, and he
will carry a stock that it will be to
your interest to inspect and price be
fore purchasing*
—Go to Williams' for all kinds of
musical ioßtruments, pianos, organs
sold as jow as £5 a ujotitl).
—That "Crazy Teas" are fashiona
—Go to A. L. Robinson's and see
the parlor entertainment—a young
man courting a young lady who is
playing a piano, a colored conk jot
ting dinner. All in A. L.ROBINSON'S
Linen handkerchiefs, lace hand
kerchiefs, silk handkerchiefs and
mufflers at
For the Holidays.
—Grand display of china, glass
ware and queensware at
—Silk umbrellas a». I>w prices at
Patterson's One Price Clothing
House, 20 Main St.
—The largest stork of pianos and
organs evtr brought to Butler can be
found at Ai.EX WILLIAMS' Music
Store, next to Berg A Cypher's hard
ware store.
—Use Double All O. K Horse Lini
ment, best in the For swell
ings, bruises, stitfuess of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring bone, sweeny and spavin; it has
t)0 equal. For sale by .I. C RfcDtcß,
2-I*.Mm, No, ft, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
—Go to Morrison's City Bakery
for fine cakes and ice cream.
Home Made R r»ad.
From the best family flour, and
hnfc&ri in an oven, can always be had
at Mrs. Armor's, at No Ox N. Wash
ington St Butler Pa Special atten
don to regular ctistomers.
—That the way to niak* hunlm***
boom la to spenft Vonr monay at
i— For * good brfer pipe go to No
Y, N. Main St.
HyvY*' Got \V \ivn*c*,
1 yoi**' Got r* \\ \\vftV:*
w \Hvnva,
»«. \ ' \\ \Y< "V
for frfttlHtft
Vf»eA ViftYr* *nA It w VYH
m*.-. o . t . I 1
WtrftkWN V* ftVA****
V i' V. vst* \ *** i
H vVftka VFC H
V, A
—JfcNt to** If#
—?* a» ah wt W)«
•WM W MftW4 **ad
pap*f* —
—H»'k uiufe**. V'*«bluer* luufttf*.
large *WkA aud low prw*aat
L. Siw»\ A Son'*
—GvaU tin* cap* lawe*t pri<>*« in
Butkr at Paiieraou'* Oaa Pfioa
CktlkilK H»u*\ 49 Maiu St.
—Go to A L Robinaou'* and iw
Ibe grw«t fi*hiug uiatcb between
Mrs Grover Cleveland aud her bus
baud. tbe Pre*ideut
—Qo to W M. Koiubach'a acd aee
his four dollar Guitar*.
—All kind* of g*iu»a, checkers
dominoes, back gammon, cribbage,
lotto's, at
—EvcryWdy will Hod St to their
advantage to go to the City Bakery
for their bread, pies, cakea, etc.
—A. G. Reed Post No. 105 G A
R., regular meetings Ist and 2nd Fri
dnf of each month at 730 Sharp.
Let all comrades take notice.
—All kinds of puzzles, building
blocks and cut-up picture* at
—That poultry is so cheap thin
year that it Is cheaper to buy it than
to steal it—
—Table luxuries at C K<n;h A
Sons'—oranges. bananas. Malaga
grapes, dates, figs, fine candies, etc
—Splendid assortment of toboggan
caps and Tam O'Shautera at
—Men'sNeck Wear full Stock, low
prices at Patterson's One Price Cloth
ing House.
—We make A specialty of keeping
our Millinery Stock full until the end
of the season,
J. R. Grieb
No. 16 S Main St. Shows one of
tbe Gnest lines of Diamonds, Watches,
Clpcks. Jewelry, Silverware, Specta
cles etc. to be seen Don.t forget
him when purchasing Holiday gifts.
Sign of Electric Bell.
—That the country lads are won
dering if there is such a thing as an
easy cutting cutting-box—
Hanging Lamps.
You will find tbe latest styles and
largest stock at
—Mixed candy by the barrel for
the Holidays at Morrison's City
—One and all are invited to call
and inspect the superb f-tock of Xmas
Novelties at
—See the full line of 5 and 10 cent
goods for the Holidays at
—Reduction in Wall Paper at
—Dolls, bisque, wax and washa
ble, dressed and undressed at
—Foot and house balls, large
line at
—Gum Dolls and Patent Dolls in
large variety and at lowest prices at
—Goto W. M. Rombach's and see
bis large stock of violins aud all
kiuds of musical instruments.
—That a new and complete direc
tory of Butler would "fill a long felt
—Silk Neck Mufflers from $1 up,
largest assortment we have ever bad
Patterson's Oae Price Clothing
—We are selling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
Butler, and after using it you will
say that it is what we said it was,
otherwise no sale, at MILLER BRO'S,
No 19 Jefferson St.
—Nice line of trimmings for Christ
mas trees at Morrison's City Bakery.
Santa Claus has arrived at
Silk mufflers and silk handker
chiefs, in all colors at
—No. 19 Jefferson St is the place
to buy cheap and good furuiture.
—That tbe dude bang is a rarity
Santa Claus' Headquarters.
Are you thinking of ouving a pres
ent for any of your frieuds? If you
are go to Bowman's aud save money
by buying at tbe cheap place Are
you vainly trying to think of some
thing appropriate lor your best girl ?
If you are go, to Bowman's and see
their beautiful stock They have
made special efforts to present the
finest stock of Holiday goods obtain
able and have every reason to feel
gratified at their success Their
uovelties in albums, books, candies,
etc have never been seen in Butler
before and their prices are charmingly
low, too.
Try these prieeß. A nice photo
graph album, $1.50 cat put the finest
"photo" in the world in it Some
thing nicer at $2 00, $2 f>o and $3 00
Beautiful albums at $3 ">0 osß For
$lO 50 you can get the finest album
ever brought to Butler, bouud in
bronze and plush and mounted on a
stand. Plush work boxes and toilet
sets in bewildering variety and at
amazingly cheap prices, too. Mani
cure sets, steel and nickle plated in
handsome plush boxes at 11 hO to $7
Cufl and collar boxes, beauties, make
a nice present for a gentleman $2 to
Fairy and nnrs»ry books, fully Il
lustrated and in large type ft to 2ft
cents Something really fine for $1
to $1 ftO A lurfce stock of standard
authors and poets at various prices
Ofcford bibles, with pllnble backs
from to |ft, Family bible* to
»7. A fttll line of pocket books at
prices to unit Jroft
rttttiaVM A* r ARD*
oi all kinds and at all price*, cheap
one* IVn: ft cent* and cheap one* for
X'heap ont* at all intt vmcdiate
vo\ wntv*
Ml the lateM niVelWWt in *M*,
VtoHy efwMtvnl j
W.\hy Mia, Vo* and Itttfe
and iftvsornaiv*, ftvnm* deMtaTftvt*
\vn ink*vanA» ft V tHvat
vandtv* ftt
\ Yftthyia l ! v», *nd in M
Mwa Mw ftnvM
* tv s* ftft
Mftfca aowwifctn# a U,
ft* IftftftMW
♦ft* ft*ft
w* Gtvav Uta all j
iVv IVVWA. Vki*
aW a \y* v
|( ]|v»ft awm anxlMHtf uva, M.»a
vw*u'» U t>* U tta
tU%rv auvl t»w.v y vut pfK
Sl NtohuUV l»tuuor.
Morti*v»ttV Bakery aud t'onfectiou
vrv «tor« pr«»wuu au »ur*cu>e ap
(>««rauc« at prraeut and u a good
tor a hungry unu to g«i to St
Nichol»a will take hi* diuuer tbere
on Chriatoi** and ol course be knows
*h«f« the good thiug* are Many
people take advaulage of Morriaou's
facilhie* for t>«kiug pies and cake* aud
have ordered a bouulilul supply lor
tbe holiday*. As heretofore IN* cm
toioers will find at bis *t ire every
ibiug they need for a Christ ma* tree.
Of malaga grapes, orauges, Italian**,
nut* and candle* He make* pure
molasae* candy and sell* lots of it,
aud ol course be bas all the common
candies and the best French cream
candies. Go around to Morrison's
and get tboae little things iu the
Hhspeof HWestmeats and cakes which
uiake the Christmas stocking and the
Christmas tree so interesting to the
children, and which when properly
made arc as harmless as good bread
uud butter.
Presents at Gilkey's.
H'l* are a few of the beautiful
things we have which make appro
priate Holiday gifts.
A nice hair ornament, 50 cents to
A set of new style collars and
cuffs, 75 cents
A silk muffler, 50 cents to $2 50.
A nice veil, 10 to 50 cents.
A box of Lelia Pith, 50 cents,
A new hat, all prices
A box of linen handkerchiefs, 50
cents to $5.
A pair of gloves.
A chtnelle faaciniafor, slto $2
The Milliuer.
Continued Patronage
combined with tbe steady increase
of trade, is tbe bent evidence that our
customers are satisfied with our man
ner of doing business It proves he
vond a doubt that our prices must be
reasonable and our goods desirable
We are now displaying a complete
assortment of Silk .Mufflers, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Crape Mufflers, Linen
Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves. Jersey
Gloves aud Fiue Mittens for the H<>i
iday trade
Holiday Presents.
Perfumes and Colognes in great
variety in Cut glass bottles.Tooth and
hair brushes at all prices, Dressing
cases and work boxes at cheapest
prices at .Jos. Wulle''s Drug Store.
We are expecting dailv a large line of
holiday goods and would be pleased
to have you call and aee our girods
before purchasing your Christmas
An Oil Deal.
H. L Tavlor, of Ruffilo, a promi-
Stsndard Oil man; David Kirk, of
Bradford, aud John L McKinney, of
Titusville, members of the Executive
Committee of the Producers' Associa
tion, were in Pittsburgh last week on
business connected with the propos
ed purchase of leases in the Saxon
b irg oil geld held by S. S. Snee.
Fresh Oysters.
New York counts, and extra select
tub oysters received daily at
TATE'S Restaurant.
Did You Notice
Those decorated, 121 pieces, dinner
sets lor sl2 at
A large assortment of all kinds of
Fancy Goods suitable for Christmas
presents at
Holiday Goods
At D L CLEELAND'S at prices that
must give entire satisfaction. Goods
sold, Engraved Free Remember
the place, 93 South Main St., Butler,
Special Notice.
We have tbe larg.*i-t aud best go
lected stock of mufflers and Bilk ht>nd
kerchiefs at
D. T. PAPj'ii.
We're Going to Fail.
We regret exceedingly to make
this anuouueemeut, more b»eau-e of
the great disappointment to our many
friends and customers, thau for per
sonal reasons. The failure to which
we reler is uur inubility to answer all
the questions about the fire that oc
curred in our place this week, how it
originated? who discovered it? Ac.
But more particularly as to why and
how we can afford to sell onr goods
at such ridiculously low prices. But
never miud tbe whys and wherefores,
we're too busy to s op and explain.
Tbe Holiday s are fast approaching
aud what are you going to have for
dinner. Few things cau be imagin
ed that are tougher than
We Lave never tried it for dessert al
though we once heard of an English
man who ate some hot clam soup
raise a Bot LED HOWL and exclaim
that American bills of fare were very
We continue to study the wants of
the people and as a result we make it
tough for competition endeavoring
to keep pace witb us in supplyiug
tbe trsde.
We call attention this week to otir
immense stock of useful and ornamen
tal articles for the Holiday trade,such
as Seal Caps, lints, Fine Silk Muff
lers, Silkhaudketcbiefs, Silk, Mohair
and Alpaca Umbrellas with Gold and
Silver handles. Gloves, Suspenders,
Hosiery, Shirts, Collars Underwear,
Knit Jackets, Jewelry, Neckwear in
bows, puffs and tucks, the finest lu
the msiket, Satchels, Valtses,Tronks,
Brushes, Colnbo and 110* other attl
cles that will Just to the thing to
make so many ft lends happy
We are prepared to e*cell onr la*t
holiday eff >rt in the shape of a hand
some Holiday souvenir to every en*
tomer during the Holiday i®a*oo
eomwewing M >pday, Dee. 10, I**7
and eondtmlttg until Jan. I, !***,
Don't be backward, bm eome tight
aloft* Voft Will ne*et regret It,
Remetvbet the tdnee
D A. Nfcrt,
Vvn h'*id» nt Had
HUM W iVR ft 111 Vsft
Mlll* frtoon a* S It MM *
ft 'M «o*e* !
ft'yWl v^Mtrtwaitift\ftftft ft|M N* ft
Wi>%\ wit# Mt \ oftWW
V lap »Vv> * <»• <vdi» I m i.«d« «t
P H A So**'
—GEWU »Ue ML«*E» at prt»fi»
New ltu« of kid glovoa > a»ttmsr«
uliivtia. silk mlttvu*. * »MI Hitttaua.
tuuffa, Ac
L. ririiN M DON'*.
—lf you want a *»»oJ smoke go to
—That when sonieb.idy rvmarkfd
"an booest Mtao'a the nobleat work ol
God" he didu't think of lh( honust
If ynu want th«* highest price for
your BUCKWHEAT go to George
Walter'* Mill, Butler, Pa,
At 25 Cents
All wool Country Flannels at
At 25 Cents
Yard wide Ca«hmeres in all Sbadts
The highest cash price will be paid
for from 5.000 to 10,000 bushels of
rye, to be delivered at tbe store of
7-29-tf JACOB BOOS, Butler, Pa.
For the Holidays.
Buy your gifts at
Buckwheat Flour
Go to George Walter's Mill if you
want good buckwheat flour.
Ladies', Gents' and Cbildrena'. a
spleudid stuck at extremely low
prices at
—That tbe true reason of a man's
baldness is because he bas no bair on
tbe top of bis head
For tbe next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices on all our stock.
We have on bauds thirty bed room
sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2.50 to $lO.
Lounires from $2.50 to $25.
Hat racks from $8 to S3O
Tabes from $1 25 to $lO
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB.
Bureaus from $9 to $25.
Sets of chairs from $2 75 to sl6 per
Secretaries from $lO to S4O.
Easy chairs, handsome pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both useful and appropri
ate presents.
No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa.
—Fancy cups and saucers, vases,
mugs and mantel ornaments at
Money safes, purses aud tool
chests at
—For beautiful and useful gifts
for father, mother, sister, brother,
son, daughter, beau, sweatbeart, or
friend, you need go nowhere else
than to
Come and buy your best girl a
nice piece of Silverware, a fine ring,
a gold watch, or some other elegant
gift, of which I show you an endless
variety, and at prices to please you.
No 1G S. Main St.
Sign of Electric Bell,
—That she wants a sleigh ride
—Violins at prices ranging from
$1 to SIOO at WILLIAMS' Music
Fine silk umbrellas with gold
and silver heads at
—Silk Suspeuders, full stock at
Patterson's One Price Clothing
—Boxing gloves, fifes, and violin
strings at
—That the swell youth wiears a
ring oo bistbumb—
—We think we have the beat se
lected etork of Holiday Goods ever
brought to Bii'ler
We huve tLe finest lines of mufflers
and handkerchiefs to be found in the
city Silks and linens in all styles
and prices.
We have dolls of every size, shape,
color and, wbut is best, ai the very
lowest prices
We have penny dolls, French
Risque dolls, rubber dolls, wax dolls,
china dolls, washable dolls, unbreaka
ble dolls, colored dolls, cninjr dolls,
patent dolls and common dolls. If
you want any other kiud we will
order it for you
We have toy books too, of all
kinds, scrap books, with scrap pic
tures, autograph albums, eud 10
cent story books, picture albums and
pocket books, thev areeinptv though
We h :»ve hand satcbe •<, at from 25
cents to $3 50 in morrocco, plush aud
handsome ones in alligator i-kio. In
the same department ladies' work
boxes, from the cheapest to the best,
and they are good Gentlemens'
cigar holders, at various prices
We have a fine stock of muffj, all
kinds of ladies underwear, hosery,
bootees for babies, gloves, mittens,
shawls, toboggan caps, hoods for
ladies and childien. In fact, every
thing you want iu the notion line,
and at the lowest prices, too. at
—That newspaper space is limited,
Christmas ads—
—A full stock of Kid Gloves for
Gents' wear, at Patterson's One
Price Clothing Mouse
—Go to A I/, Robinson's and get
♦ottr children's supplies there. lie
has everything in the line of toys,
names and dolls,
—lf tott want to make it nice
Christmas present go to \V M Rom
bitch's for nn Pasty ori?an If# tfclll
sell them less than city prices,
—Pull lino of linen*, in
tittles, #pUsher-> •I'trfs, tnu po»er*.
pnioft shorn*, Aprons, . It
b Srtt* .* So*'*
a. \ hi\te ft chfttifo on the
fitwon* THI IUI RillH" for
P t Stfrnt,*'*
~ llrt* rtl H frfcHt bijnll It
.1 r V
ISfltwH IfpufMM Unfl
tv-W Hi iMfnbtit-h
M»t t twirl
Srt- |* I*^. a»
*t HHf fXf
WM ffff fit) ft ff«W W* »*M f <*f|«
i»<* i( yum* ItotH )HH HHt WHJ
ki»> •« i(« * r». at
iIIMM 4 H »l»tx»i : «
—IM I>l VL,.M«»* • I'M MSIM •) H4I
ITWLI LLl»trt« »h4 UJ at«f »!«»•
4 Sv» I all tu«ur«M tfuar
aaliwl, uol ui<«ml wilh Mtwlowr «i a
| Ui«*f Ituwr* titan can Iw l.a>l *l«i
I *k«r« ih U.Klrr at Miller ItrW.
furniture alum, No. IM Jelfaraua tit
— That ili«r« ii FOIA* to lia Una of
datu iitif ilk* a«aaun—
—\N e have ten THOUSAND dollars
1 worth of furniture hi nur ihrrr war*-
; moras AT No. IF Jefferson Hi.. Ilmler,
Pa. Th* l«eat aa *»HI aa th* chmip
j «it, but all the Iw<m made fir the pricv.
All perm»ii* will Bad it to th«tr ad
vantage to examine our stork and aa
certwin our prices before purehaainf,
.Mii.i.kh Han's.
USE Double All O. K llorae and
Cattle l*owdcra,br«t ill the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heavea,
eou.rhs. Colds, intUmed lung-', tough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases
For sale bv J 0 BMM,
2 18 3m No. 5, X Main St.
Butler, Pa
—Combination sled and cradle at
Bradley's Blankets
The best io the market at $4 75 per
| pair at
HITTER A Ralstos'S.
Buckwheat Wanted I
TEN THOUSAND bu-hels of
Buckwheat a: George Walter's Mill
Highest market price will be paid.
Butler, Pa.
— That the masquerade ball is not
popular. People wont mask —
Hides Wanted.
1 will pay the highest cash price
for all kinds of hide*, delivered at my
tannery at the north end of Webbing
ton street, Butler. PA —No. 1)4.
HENRY Wagner, JR.
Ladies'. Misses' and childrms' in all
styles, and prices from 50 cents to
SSO 00 at
—That the Christmas goods are
pretty; ditto reasonable in price; the
day of expensive presents has gone
out, aud you now get the worth of
yoar money in Butler
Man's bfst and choicest provender
is the subject of our story: —Aud it is
an article tor the production of which
Butler County has as fair a reputa
tion as any county in the State. It
is raised by the farmers of the county,
and it is selected, killed, dressed and
manufactured bv the butchers Good
judgment is required in its selection,
and the greatest of care aod cleanli
ness in its preparation for the market,
and of all the men iu the business in
Butler, none so excel in these particu
lars as does our friend, Mr. H M.
Clark, whose market is at No 25 S
Maiu St. He buys none but the best
of live stock, be has it prepared for
the market bv the best of butchers,
bis murket is always neat and clean,
and his prices are as low as good
meats cau be profitably sold at aud
as low as those of any other firm in
His slaughter honse is in charge of
Mr. George Kuriiine*", than whom
there is uo better, cleaner or more
particular butcher in the town Geo
takes a great pride in bis work, and
is an exceptionally capable butcher,
as is well attested by the condition of
the meat he sends to the market, and
also by the quality of his smoked aud
plain sausage, his pudding, head
chees°and bologna in the manufacture
of which he is quite an artist. Thirty
pounds of bis smoked sausages were
shipped to Texas lately a fact
tba'„ he is very proud of.
The very next time you want a
juicy and tender steuk, or supply of
toothsome sausages, try
11-11 tf.
The bos* fresh and canned Cali
fornia fruits for the Holidays, at
Morrison's City Bakery.
Beautiful line of fine vases, air
moisteaers for gas fires at
J. F X- Sjeuix'a.
Go to J. R. Grieb.
No 10 S Main St. Ladies aod
Gents Scarf pins. Sleeve Buttons,
Chains, Charms, Rings, Lace plus,
Earrings, Collar Buttons, Watches,
Silverware. Ac- Don't forget the
Sign of Electric Bell.
—Toilet sets and water founts at
—Call in and examine oar im
mense stock, and get onr low prices
and we have no donbtyon will make
your purchases at
RYRTER & Ralston's,
—Go to W. M. Rombach's for
guns, revolvers and ammunition of
all kinds. Ho sells cheap as tb«
—Why not bay your wife or
daughter an organ or piano at Ale*.
Williams' Music store at $5 •
— L Stein & Son, NO. 8. N. Main
St., are offering special bargains in
cloaks and dress goods in order to rs
duce stock previous to taking stock.
Call and examine goods.
Mouth organs, penknives, spy
and opera glasses, aod music boxes at
—Gloves, mittens, scarfs and for
caps at
J. F. T. Stehls'S.
—She—Why Torn, where bavs
vou been? You never stayed oat so
late before
He—l was arrested for disorderly
conduct, my dear, and only jast re
She—Good Heavens!
He—Don't be alarmed. I was
only looking in Chris Stoclt's sbo#
windows, and f saw the bargains it!
Kin* Stoves snd It made me d! t.tf,
*nd the polfesman thotlfht ! #As
Wo no# mi
Mnrl, itir! fhpr-Hi
intr rMlf fMrtWriti*!
tie# crrtHrf* fhf fhf»
flrtlMiH Mttf
♦ltii* h»iH»
rtHrf ftllllSfr-Hh IM
4M* #MIM»
»t«MW ft
lt»v« »♦•♦•» »
hill lll»S Pltttijr
Vi Mass, nmxfcti Dels,
till)** mot
ilifejot- Kinttrua Hnr
Itrtium VaefN, TM
•tut Dinner tiats,
Vluali mitl Milk Hull,
Water Set*, Lnnion*
mle Hets, Li<|uar • sis.
Cliitmlwr Sets, Cut
•ml Decorated Bo
hemian •ml French
Gl<t»» in all kinds of
Set*, Lampi in all
Styles at all pricea.
< >ur stock of goods
in China and GUsm*
ware is unsurpnased
in this or any neigh*
boring city, and
{trices, we guarantee
as low as same qual
ity goods can be
bought at.
Decorated 44 pieces
Tea Set« $3.7-V, Dec
orated ~j& pieces Tea
Sets, $5 0°; Decorat
ed 121 pieces Dinner
Sets $ 12.00; Decor
ated 12 pieces Cham
l»er Sets, $0 00; Dec
orated 10 piecea
Chamber Sets. $ 1.25.
No trouble to show
poods, and we would
appreciate a call from
nil. whether intend
ing purchasing or
In Mem Boys' Youths' and
Chi Idrens*. suit ble and appro
priate Holiday presents at
The styles perfect!) - beau
tiful. the variety as large to
sele< t from as all the Stores put
together, the prices so low that
all can be suited in the follow
ing styles, in Velvet Embroid
ered Patent Leather trimmed,
Klegant Maroon-Goat Slippers,
yenuine Allijutur Chamois
liued. Fine Plush Chenille Em
broidered Kid and Chamoia
lined in Garnet plush and Old
Ladies' F ne Shoes and Slip
pers in endless variety. Spec
ialty in Old Ladies Wide and
Warm Shoes and Slippers,
leather and felt soles, also for
inva ids, Ladies fine Kid and
Velvet Embroidered Opera
Slippers. II you don t want
Slippers we have the largest
select ion, best goods and lowest
prices in Butler in Ladies
Misses' and Childrens' fine
Shoes, in heavy Shoes, and
Mens' Boys' and ouths Fine
Shoes an-1 heavy Boots. In
Rubber Goods and Arctics, no
two prices, no auction .«*uck,
sample lots and all such stufi.
Straight goods at Straight
prices. Pretty Shoes and Slip
pers for the little folks. Don t
buy your Christmas Slippers
and Shoes until you have seen
our stock and have heard our
Election Notice.
The Annual Meeting of the Butler County
Mutual Fire Insurance Compauy will be bekl at
the uffl 'w of the Secretary Iu Butler on tbe Sec
ond Tuesday of January. I*BB. being the lOtb of
tlie month. u-twe«n tbe hours of l aud'J r.M.,
tor the election of Directors for tbe ensuing
year. G C Bokmlxg, President.
U. C. UumkxAn-, Seo~y.
SuWcribd fot tbe Cit&o-