Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, December 16, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. XXV.
Why it is Superior to All Others in the Market!
. • Beinjr easilv worked, and does the
work more rapidly than acy other machine
2nd Being enclosed prevents all-plashing
of water and inhaling of steam, so injurious
to health and unavoidable in the use of all
j open macbiues or the wabhlxiard. Thou
\T\ health by the laborof the washboard and iu
haling of the
ul- from clothes worn on the person or bed
of both sick well. Tbis
in using (he A Hen washer; being enclosed
retains the hi«.h temperature
removing from.the goods;
Si material point is that there no friction
clothing to rlam.'ge them. Persons who have
WESiSr used the Allen washer say they believe that
it will save the price it in less than a
The peculiar action of the water 111 the
AKHK# machine (which cannot be understood unless
m t ee ,, a
m throngh the clothing every vibration
the * he P. e< ' ull i"
construction the top of the uiach're.
connection with the New Champion Wring
« er, mahes the Allen Washer a household
: • • SHtRA, SHIRA & HAYS BuletPa,
lew Drugstore
Where you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals, Per
fumes and Toilet Articles. Agents for
Mi Alma,
, Montrose Dealer.
Keno, and
Scissors Cigars.
Best 5 and 10 cent Cigars in town.
Prescriptions carefully compounded by an exp3rienced
jfour patronage respectfully solicited.
DR. D. E. WILES, Prop'r.
A. Trdutman & Son.
Leading Dry Goods Bouse.
BOTLER - - - - F."E_Csl nST'A..
1111111111 <>llllllllll
A Trcuiman & Son.
The leading Dry Goods and Car
pet House, Butler, Pa.
New Fall Dress Goods at prices
which will make them move very
We have the largest stock ever
shown in Butler couqty, comprising
all the new goods in Checks, Stripes
and Plain Weaves in Foreign and
Black and Colored Silks,
Special Values
we have .never had snch a nice as
sortment and so many of them.
ID Flannels, Blankets, Tickings,
Ginghams, White Qnilts, Shawls
Table Linens, Lace Curtains,
in fact everything which can be
found in a
fitst-Class Of] Goods Store,
Our line of Dhdies, Misses and Children's and FELT HATS aud
BONNETS, in all the uewest fal nd winter shapes,
in now complete at the
Leading Millinery House,
N"o. 18 South Main St.* - - - - I*utler,
Executor's Sale.
Tlie undersigned executor of the cstntfl of
I).ivl(l Birch, dee'd, ate of Csntre tp.4Sutler
county, Pa. will offer at Public sale on the prem
ises oil
Thursday, Dec. 29. 1887,
the coal pit nnd property of the 4®ce«sed.known
as the lurch lb Lei hold co.l hank, located in
Ceatte to., and opening on the Greece ( ity
rottd f together with a clear title to over live
acres of j. round all underlaid hv a three fop.,
vein oC coal. The property Isbound.-d on the
north by Henry Lelbold. on the east by 1-eiboKl
heirs, oil the south by iit'O. Soliod ami 011 the
west by the Moore farm, ts parity Rood farming
land and partly in timber, no buildings.
Terms Made Known on Day of
• < WANTED. . ' .
Canvassers lu tverr ward and township' Ui
Western K*nu*vlvania to. sell •'Corporal rti
Klecnard.'Hw y-ard," the best aud f-tstcst sell
ing hook-put; good pay from the start; boutis
read>••• CnH evorv \Veduthday aud Saturduj
iroin 'i to ij"p. in. or addres* James S. Wilson,
Tweuty-Bist St. I'lftsburg, l'a.
IftUCBTJCCpC orolhm.whowish to««amin» '
i IwCllw this paper, or obtain cttwrwte*
on advwtuing i>C whan in Chicago, will find it on file at
•wMxhaing Ago. :y et LORD & THOMAS.
Cloaks and WraPs,
for Children and Ladies.
We carry the greatest variety of
styles, our stock never was as large,
prices never so low, goods never so
If you want to see the nice goods,
.please call and examine our stock.
Ladies', Gents', and Children's
Underwear, every K r& de, all sizes,
best goods.
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
Plushes, Yarns, etc.
Carpets and Oil Cloths,
never bad so many—never were car
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete. Don't buy
a Carpet until you have seen onr
Btock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap
estry, 3-Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
ton and Rag Rugs.
Window Shades, largest assort
ment, lowest prices.
You will find on examination our
' stock ot goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Butler county.
In Sutraicrei'k towofclilp, Armstrong couc'.y,
near Adams l\ 0., one and on*-z<iurUi mile east
of tie new oil development in Sug-uivieeu tai.v
Farm contains
. 100 ACRES,
with bank barn, 32xi>D f"2t;
is*?*; feet, 2 Ktfirlos, with cellar, frame kitchen,
Hxlii feetj irood spring of water, farm well wa
tered, good orchard O, grafted lrult. Farm In a
gool state of cultivation. Axotjl
balance In good timber. Will sell extremely
low for cash. Kor particulars Inquire of
Clarion Co.. Pa.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't,
DZAUnw J.N —
i'rebcrlptiona carefully com
45 S Main Street, Butler, Pa.
ITe stood
* n the
___ JLW yA< one niorn
from the
rt//V/ ' broad high
road, and he
came in
search of daisies for a "bouquet a la mode. He
h id promised a youthful maiden to gather
t iem sweet and full, and perchance he
might have done so except for a farmer's
bull, which suddenly came upon him
while he warbled a lovelorn lay, and with
out so much as a single thought he made
for the broad highway; he did his best as
a runner, and jumped with a quicken'd
seuse, but in spite of speed or agility, he
was hoisted over the fence. He was torn
by briar and bramble, he was lamed and
bruised and sprained; then St. Jacobs Oil
was well rubbed on, and his former self
regained. He betook himself to his lady
fair to offer a ready plea. She heard
the joke and simply said, "You're daisy
enough for me." And so they all say
of this celebrated remedy when it cure|
pains and bruises. "Beaver, Beaver county,
Pa., Oct. 29, 18S6. —Seven years ago I fell
from a wagon and sprained my wrist very
badly. Tried many remedies without
success, and then finally tried St. Jacobs
Oil. I enjoyed good rest, the first in three
nights, and it cured me. C. C. Atkins."
"Worcester, Mass., 15 Hawley St., June 8,
1887. —Sprained my ankle and was unable
to move without crutches. Used two
bottles of St. Jacobs Oil. It effected a
perfect cure. No return of pain. L. W.
Briggs." "Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 5.1887. —
Ten years ago sprained niy ankle and
could not walk for ten weeks. Sprained
it three times since. Last time tried St.
Jacobs Oil, and It not only cured it but
strengthened it. The ankle is just as
strong now as the other, and have had no
trouble since. Otto L. Kehrweider, 109
Queen St., Germantown." "Corydon, Ind.,
June, 1887. —Had my collar-bone broken,
and it was very painful. I applied St.
Jacobs Oil and it got entirely well. I used
two bottles —only remedy used —it worked
like a charm. No return of pain. Levi
Hottel." "Nothing I can say in regard to
St. Jacobs Oil," says Mr. Arthur G. Lewis,
editor Southern Society, Norfolk, Va., June
27,1887, "will do it justice. Have used it
for aches and pains for a number of years.
And we want e\(rjb«t!y vtl.r e\| e<ts make a
tbiistnias present tu be sure and see our
Elegant Holiday Attractions!
We offer at very close prices the newest ami
and most desirable goods of the season, consist
ing of
Rubber, Ivors'. Celluloid, Horn and
Xylonite Combs and r.rnslies.
Cuff and Collar Boxesiu I'lush and Leather,
Vases. Toilet Sets.
Odor Cases in F lush and Leather,
Whisk lirooms, Dressing Cases,
Manicure Sets.
Shaving Sets in Leather, I'lush and Wood,
Smokers' Sfts.
Jewel Cases.
Whisk Holders,
Tooth Brushes.
Handkerchief Extracts,
Toilet Waters. Colognes,
And many ether attractions too numerous to
It will do y;u good to see this Brilliant Dis
play which includes hundreds of gifts suitable
for old and young.
Come one and all, our goods and
our prices are bound to please you.
Redick's Erug Store,
No. 5, Nofth Main St.
Cream Ba(n ■eng» c . LY^MB
Cleanses tb< WSJ*mbmmS |
Nasal Passag ■ S H *1
flammaU o n.Bfe*- y
s ores, rest ore- r*. 'JB
the Senses
Taste in r u.s*.|
Try the cure Ely's Ceam Balm.
\. particle is applied into eaeli nostril and is
agreeable. Price so cents at Druggists ;by mall,
registered, <lO cts. Circulars free. ELY BIJOS,
2:55 Greenwich St. New York.
* *v*r*»*****
1 1 Ok ! Clii-b. Sprains,Wrcncaca.lt.heu.
Ha\ :nM!sm, Ni-uralfc-ia, Sciatica,
~" Pleurisy ltun*. Btitch In the
D B |y , S.de, liackacbc, Swollen Joints,
■ I WP | Heart Disease, Sore Muscle*,
Pain In the Cheat, and all pain* and m bee either local or
iloep-ieated arc Instantly rtliored and speedily cored by
tho woll-known Hup P:aster. (Jompouudud, as it la. of
the medicinal virtues of fi esh Hups, Oums, Balsams an!
Extracts, it ia indeed the best pain-killins. stimulating,
aootlilng and strengthening I'orous Plaster erer made.
B'tp riasters aro sold by all drugffl taind country Btorca.
35centeorflvefor$100.1 LI Cfe
Mailed on receipt of I J"'
price. Bop Plaster Co., \ m __
Proprietors and Hanu- F. X? ■ d* ■ £■ S3
facturers, Bost.>n,Ma£s. ] ■ I
»*»•»*»*»*»*******»'**» ******
HTCoated tongue, iwl breath, sour stomach and liver
All work pertaining to the profession execut
ed 111 the neatest manner.
Specialties :—Hold Killings, and Painless Ex
traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.
Office on Jefferson Street, one door East of Lowrj
House, Dp Stairs.
Office open daily, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mail receive
prompt attention,
N. B.—The only Dentist iu Butler using the
best makes of teeth.
Office No. 65 South Main Street,
Physician and Surgeon,
No. 10 West Cunningham *t.,
03N X .
0 1/ WALPROX, Graduate of the. Phila
• delphia Cental College. Is prepared
to do anything 1:1 the line of his profession 111 a
satisfactory manner.
Oillce oil Main street, ISutler, Union ISloek
up stairs.
J. S. LUSK, M.D-,
Has removed from Harmony to Butler and lias
Ills office at No. 9, Muiu St., tt»ree doorw below
Lowry House. apr-80-tf.
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St.,
Vbiu NfiW Court House—formerly Donaldson
House—good accommodations for travelers.
Good stabling conneeteii.
[t-a-'su-lyl H KITF.NMUI-LEU, Prop'r.
"butler county""
Mutual Fire Insurance Go.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
•3L.C. ROESSING, PiiiGisiDfcWT.
WM. CAMPBELL, Treasurer
J. f. Purvis, Samuel Anderson,
William Campbell J. W. Unrkhurt.
A. TtouMjjan, Henderson Oliver,
(i.C. iiur.ts'iiu. Janies Btephensou,
l>i. W. Xr-.in. H.'Weityii,
. J. K. Taylor. IT, C. Heineman,
He Deals Only With the Finan
cial Questions, Recommend
ing the Reduction of the
Treasury Surplus by Cutting
Down TarilT Taxation.
annual message of the President of
the United State 9 was submitted to
CoDgress to-day. Following is the
full text of the dccument:
To tilt Congress of the United States.
You are confronted at the threshold
of your legislative duties with a con
dition of the National finances which
imperatively demands immediate and
carelul consideration.
The amount of money annually ex
acted, through the operation of pros
ent laws, from the industries and ne
cessities of the people largely exceeds
the sum necessary to meet the expen
ses of the Government.
When we consider that the theory
of our institutions guarantees to every
citizeD the tull enjoyment ot all the
fruits ot bis industry aud enterprise,
with only such deduction as may be
his shaie towards the careful and
economical maintenance of the Gov
ernment which protects him, it is
plain that the exaction ot more than
tbis is indefensible extortion, and a
culpable betrayal of American fairness
and justice. Tbis wrong iu dieted up
on those who bear the burden of Na
tional taxatiou, like other wrongs,
multiplies a brood of evil consequen
ces. The public Treasury, which
should oniy exist as a conduit convey
ing the people's tribute to its legiti
mate objects ot expenditure, becomes
a hoarding-place for money needless
ly withdrawn from trade and the peo
ple's use. thus crippling our National
energies, suspending our country's
development, preventing investment
in productive enterprise, threatening
financial disturbance and inviting
schemes of public plunder.
This condition of our Treasury is
not altogether new; and it has more
than once of late been submitted to
the people's representatives in the
Congrefcs.who alone can apply a rem
edy. And jet the situation still con
tinues with aggravated incidents,
more thun ever presaging financial
convulsion and widespread disaster.
It. will not do to neglect this situation
because its dangers are not pplpa
bly imminent and apparent. They
exist none the less certainly, and
await the unforseen and unexpected
occasion when suddenly they will be
precipitated upon us.
On the 30th day of June, 1885, the
excess of revenues over public expen
ditures, after complying with the an
nual requirement of the sinking-fund
act, was $17,859,735.84; during the
year ended June 30, 1886, euch ex
cess amounted to $49,405,545.20. and
during the year ended June 30, 1887,
it reached the sura ot $55,567,849 54
The annual contributions to the
sinking fund during the three years
aboye specified, amounting in the
aggregate to $138,058,320 94, and
deducted from the burplus as stated,
were made by calling in for that pur
pose outstanding 3 per cent, bonds of
the Government During the six
months prior to Juue 30, 1887, the
surplus revenue had grown so large
by repeated accumulations, and it
was feared the withdrawal of this
great sum of money needed by the
people wonld so affect the business of
the country, that the sum of $79,864,-
100 of such surplus was applied to
the payment of the principal and in
terest of the 3 per cent, bonds still
outstanding, and which were then
payable at the uption of the Govern
ment, The precarious condition of
financial affairs among the people
still needing relief, immediately after
the3orh day of June, 1887, the re
mainder of the 3 per cent, bonds then
outstanding, amountiog with princi
pal and interest to the sum of $lB,-
877,500, were called in and applied to
the sinking-luud contribution for the
current fiscal year. Notwithstand
ing these operations of the Treasury
Department representations of dis
tress in business circles not only con
tinued but increased, and absolute
peril seemed at hand. In these cir
cumstances the contribution to the
sinking fund for the current fiscal
year was at once completed by the
expenditure of $27,684,283 55 in the
purchase of Government bonds not
yet due bearing 4 and 4V percent, in
terest, the premium paid thereon av
eraging about 24 per cent forthe for
mer and 8 per cent- on the latter. In
addition to tbis the interest accruing
during the current year upon the out
standing bonded indebtedness of the
Government was to some extent an
ticipated, and banks selected as de
positories of public money were per
mitted to somewhat increase their de
While the expedients thus employ
ed to release to the people the money
lying idle in the Treasury served to
avert immediate danger, our surplus
revenues have continued to accumu
late, the excess for the present year
amounting on the first day of Decem
ber to §55,258,701 19 and estimated
to reach the sum of $113,000.000 on
the 30th of June next, at which date
it is expected that this sum, added to
prior accumulations, will swell the
surplus in the Treasury to $140,000,-
000. There appears to be no assur
ance that, with such a withdrawal
from use of the people's circulating
medium, our business community
may not in the near future be subject
ed to the same distress which was
quite lately produced from the same
cause Aud while the functions of
our National Treasury should be few
and simple, and while its best condi
tion would be reached. I believe, by
its entire disconnection with private
business interests, yet, when by a
perversion of its purposes it idly holds
money uselessly subtracted Irom the
channels of trade, there seem to be
reason for the claim that some legiti
mate means should be devised by the
OJovernment to restore in an emer
gency,without waste or extravagance,
such money to its place among ihe
If such a emergency arises there
now exists no clear and undoubted
Executive power ot relief. Hereto
fore the redemption of 3 per cent,
bonds, which were payable a.t the op
tion of the Government, has all'orded
a means for the disbursement of the
excess of our revenues; but these
bonds have alt been retired, aud there
are no bonds outstanding the pay
ment of which we have the right to
insist upon. The contribution to the
sinking fund which furnishes the oc
casion for expenditure iu the pur-
I chase of bonds has been already
made for the current year, so that
there is no outlet in that direction
In the present state of legislation the
only pretense of any existing Execu
tive power to restore, at this time,
any part of our surplus reveues to the
people by its expenditure, consists in
the supposition that the Secretary of
the Treasury may enter the market
and purchase the bonds of the Gov
ernment not yet due at a rate of pre
mium to be agreed upon. The oaly
provision from which such a power
could be derived is found in an appro
priation bill passed a number of years
ago; and it is tubj ct to the suspicion
that it was intended as temporary
and limited to its application, instead
of conferring a continuing discre
tion authority. No condition ought
to exigt which would justify the
grant of power to a single official, up
on whose judgment of its necessity,
to withhold from or release to the
buskess of the paople, in an uon3ual
manner, money held in the Treasury,
and thus afftct, at his will, the finan
cial situation of the country; and if
it is deemed wise to lodge in the Sec
tary of the Treasury the authority in
the present juncture to purchase
bonds, it should be plainly vested and
provided as tar as possible, with sucji
checks aud limitations as will defiue
this official's right and discretion, and
at the same time relieve (torn uudu<#
In cousideriug the question of pur
chasing bonds as a tneaus ot testoring
to circulation the surplus money ac
cumulating in the Treasury, it should
bj burnt) in mind that premiums
must, of course, be paid upon such
purchase, that there may be a large
part ot these bonds held as invest
ments which cannot be purchased at
any period, and that combinations
among holders who are willing to
sell may unreasonably enhance the
cost of such bonds to the Government
It has been suggested that the pres
ent bonded debt might be refunded at
ale3s rate of interest,and the difference
between the old and new security paid
in cash, thus findiug use for the sur
plus in the Treasury. The success
of tbis plan, it is apparent, must de
pend upon the volition of the holders
of the present bonds; and it is not en
tirely certain that the * inducement
which mud be offered them would re
sult in more financial benefit to the
Government than the purchase of
bonds, while the latter proposition
would reduce the principal of the
of debt by actual payment, instead of
extending it:
The proposition to deposit the
money held by the Government in
banks throughout the country, for
use by the people, is, it aeem3 to me,
exceedingly objectionable in princi
ple, as establishing too c!ose a rela
tionship between the operations of
the Government Treasury and the
business of the country, and too ex
pensivca commingling of their money,
thus fostering an unnatural reliance
in private business upon public funds.
If this scheme should be adopted it
should only be done as a temporary
expedient to meet an nrgeut necessi
ty. Legislative and executive effort
should generally be in the opposite
direction and should have a tendency
to diyorce, as much and as fast as can
safely be done, the Treasury Depart
ment from private enterprise
Of course it is not expected that
unnecessary and extravagant appro
ations will be made for the purpose
of avoiding the accumulation of an
excess ot revenue. Such expendi
ture, beside the demoralization of all
just conceptions of public duty which
it entails, stimulates a habit of reckless
improvidence not in the least consist
ent with the mission of our people or
the high and beneficent purposes of
our Government.
I have deemed it my duty to thus
bring to the knowledge of my coun
trvmen, as well as to the attention of
their representatives charged with the
responsibility of legislative relief, the
gravity of our financial situation.
The failure of the Congress hereto
fore to provide against the dansrers
whicd it was quite evident the very
nature of the difficulty must necessari
ly produce.caused a condition of finan
cial distress and apphrehension since
your last adjourment which taxed to 1
the utmost all the authority and ex
pedients withiu Executive control;
and these appear now to be exhausted.
If disaster results from the continued
inaction of Congress, the responsibil
ity must rest where it belongs
Though the situation thus far con
eidered is fraught with danger which
should be fully realized, and though
it presents features of wrong to the
people as well as peril to the country,
it is but a result growing out of a
perfctly palpable and apparant cause
constantly reproducing the same
alarming circumstances—a congested
National Treasury and a depleted
monetary condition in the business of
the country. It need hardly be stat
ed that, while the present situation
demands a remedy, we can only be
saved from a like predicament in the
future by the removal of its cautse.
Our scheme of taxation, by means
of which this needless surplus is ta
ken from the people and put into
the public treasury, consists
of a tariff or duty levied upon
importations from abroad, and inter
nal-revenue taxes levied upon the
consumption of tobacco and spiritu
ous and malt liquors. It must be
conceded that none of the things sub
jected to interval-reveuue taxation
are, strictly speaking, necessaries;
there appears to be no just complaint
of this taxation by the consumers of
these articles, and there seems to be
nothing so well able to bear the burden
without hardship to any
of the people.
But our present tariff laws, the
' vicious, inequitable and illogical
source of unnecessary taxation, ought
to be at once revised aud amended
| These laws, as tbeir primary aud
j plain effect, raise the price to consum
j ers of all articles imported and sub
'ject to duty by precisely the sum
paid for such dutieß. Thu* the
! amount of the duty measures the tax
! paid by those who purchase for use
these imported articles. Many of
these things, however, a.e raised or
manufactured in our own country,
aud the duties now levied upon for
eign goods aud products are palled
protection to these home manulactur
| ers, because they render it possible
: for those of our people who are man
ufacturers to make these taxed articles
and sell them for a price equal to that
demanded for the imported goods
that have paid cijstonj d4ty. So it,
happens that while comparatively a
j few use the imported article, millions
of our people, who never use and
never saw any of the foreign-pro- I
dncts, purchase and u>e things of the |
same kind made in this country, and
pay therefor nearly or quite the
same enhanced pries which the
duty adds to the imported a-ticles.
Those who buy imports pav the duty
charged thereon into the public treas
ury; but the great majority ot our
citizers who buy domestic articles of
the same class pay a earn at least ap
proximately equal to this duty to the
home manufacturer.
Tbis reference to the operation of
our tariff laws is not made by way of
instruction, but in order that we may
be constantly reminded of the manner
in which tb9y impi.a? a burden npon
those who consume domestic products
well as those who consume im
ported articles, and thus create a tax
upon all our people
It is not proposed to entirely re
lieve the country of this taxation. It
must be extensively continued as the
the source of the Government's in
come; and in a readjustment of our
tariff the interests of American labor
engaged iu manufacture should be
carefully considered, as well as the
preservation of our manufacturers. It
may be called protection, or by any
other name, but relief from the hard
ships and dangers of our present tariff
laws should be devised with especial
precaution against imperiling the ex
istence of our manufact iring interests.
But this existence should not mean a
condition which, without regard to
the public welfare or a National exi
gency, must always insure the realiza
tion of immense profits instead ot
moderately profitable returns. As
the volume aud diversity of our Na
tional activities increase, new recruits
are added to those who desire a con-
tinuation of the advantages which
they couceive the present system of
tariff taxation directly affords them.
So stubbornly have all efforts to reform
the present condition been resisted
by those of our fellow-citizens thus
engaged, that they can hardly com
plain of the suspicion, entertained to
a certaiD extent, that there exists an
organized combination all along the
line to maintain their advantage.
We are in the midst of centennial
celebrations, and with becoming pride
we rejoice in American skill and in
genuity, in American energy and en
terprise, and in the wonderful natural
advantages and resources developed
by a century's National growth. Yet
when an attempt is made to justify a
scheme which permits a tax to be
laid upon every consumer in the land
for the benefit of our manufacturers,
quite beyond a reasonable demand for
Governmental regard, it suits the pur
poses of advocacy to call our manu
factures infant industries, still need
ing the highest and greatest degree
of favor and fostering care that cau
be wrung from Federal legislation.
It is also said that the increase in
the price of domestic manufactures
resulting from the present tariff is ne
cessary in order that higher wages
may be paid to our workingmen em
ployed in manufactories than are paid
for what is called the pauper labor of
Europe. All will acknowledge the
force of an argument which involves
the welfare and liberal compensation
of our laboring people. Our labor is
honorable in the eyes of every Ameri
can citizen; and as it lies at the foun
dation of our development and pro
gress, it is entitled without affectation
or hypocrisy to the utmost regard.
The standard of our laborer's life
should not be measured by that of
any other country less favored, and
they are entitled to their full share of
all our advantages.
Bv the last census it is made to ap
pear that of the 17 392 099 of our
population eniraifd in all kinds of in
dustries, 7.670.493 are employed in
agriculture, 4,074,238 in professional
and personal service (2,934.876 of
whom are domestic servants aod la
borers), while 1,810,256 are employ
ed in trade and transportation, and
3,837.112 are classed as employed in
manufacturing and mining. For pres
ent purposes, however, the last num
ber given should be considerably re
duced. Without attempting toenum
erateall, it will be conceded that there
' should be deducted from those which
it includes 375.143 carpenters and
joiners, 285,401 milliners, mak
ers f\nd seamstresses. 162 726 black
smiths, 133,756 tailors and tailoresses,
102.473 masons, 76,241 butchers,
41,309 bakers, 22,083 plasterers, and
4,891 engaged in manufacturing agri
cultural implements, amounting in the
aggregate to 1,234,023, leaving 2,
623,089 persons employed in such
manufacturing industries as are
claimed to be benefited by a high tariff.
To these the appeal is made to Bave
their employment and maiutain their
wages by resisting a change. There
should be no disposition to answer
such suggestions by the allegation
that they are in a minority among
those who labor, and therefore should
forego an advantage, in the interest
of low prices for the'majority. Their
compensation, as it may be affected
by the operation of tariff laws, should
at all times be scrupulously kept in
view; and yet with slight reflection
they will not overlook the faot that
they are consumers with the rest;
that they, too, have their own wants
and those of their families to supply
from their earnings, and that the
price of the necessaries of life as well
as the amount of their wages, will
regulate the measure of their welfare
and comfort.
But the reduction of taxation de
manded should be so measured as
not to necessitate or justify either the
loss of employment by the working
man or the lessening of his wages;
and the profits still remaining to the
manufacturer, after a necessary re
adjustment, should furnish no excuse
for the sacrifice of the interests of his
employes either in their opportunity
to work or in the diminution of their
Nor can the worker in manufac
! tures fail to understand that while a
i high tariff is claimed to be necessary
i to allow the payment of remunerative
wages, it certainly results in a very
large increase in the price of nearly
all sorts of manufactures, which, in
almost countless forms, he needs for
the use of himself and family. I(e
receives at the of his employer
his wages, and perhaps before he
reaches home is obliged,in a purchase,
forsooth, of an article which embraces
his own labor, to return in the pay
! meut of the price which the tariff per
mits the hard-earned cotcpensqtjot} of
maqy days pf tail
The farmer »nd the agriculturist
who ummjfatturo Qoihioj, but
pay the increased price which the
I tariff imposes upon every agricultural '
| implement, and upon all he uses and |
owns, except the increase ot bis flocks
and h>-rds and such things as his hus
bandry produces from the soil, is in
vited to aid in maintaining the pres
ent BitaatioD, and he is told that a
high duty on imported wool is neces
sary for the benefit of those who have
sheep to shear in order that the price
iof wool may be increased. They, of
coarse, are not reminded that the
farmer who has no sheep is by this
scheme obliged, in his purchases of
clothing and woolen goods, to pay a
tribute to his fellow farmer as well
as to the manufacturer and merchant;
nor is any mention made of the fact
that the sheep-owners themselves and
their households must wear clothing
and use other articles manufactured
from the wool they sell at tariff
prices, and thus, as consumers, must
return their share of this increased
price to the tradesman. I think it
may be fairly assumed that a large
proportion of the sheep owned by the
farmers throughout the country are
found in small flocks nu bering r rom
tweuty.five to fifty. The duty on
the grade ot imported wool which
these sheep yield is 10 per cent for
each pound if of the value of 30 cents
or less, and 12 cents if of the value of
more than 30 cents. If the liberal
estimate of six pounds be allowed for
each fleece, the duty thereon would
be 60 or 72 cents, and this may be
takeu as the utmost enhancement of
its price to the farmer by reason of
tbis duty Eighteen dollars would
thus represent the increased price of
the wool from twenty-five sheep and
$36 that from the wool of fifty sheep;
and at present values this addition
would amount to about one-third of
its price. If upon its sale the farmer
receives this or a less tariff profit, the
wool leaves his hands charged with
precisely that sum, which in all its
changes will adhere to it, until it
reaches the consumer. When manu
factured into cloth aud other goods
and material for use, its cost is not
only increased to the extent of the
farmer's tariff profit, but a further
sum has been added for the benefit of
the manufacturer under the operation
of other tariff laws. In the mean
time the day arrives when the farmer
finds it necessary to purchase woolen
goods and material to clothe himself
and family for the winter. When he
faces the tradesman for that purpose
he discovers that be is obliged not
only to return in the way of increas
ed prices his tariff profit on the wool
Le sold, and which then perhaps lies
before him in manufactured form, but
that he must add a considerable sum
thereto to meet a further increase in
cost caused by a tariff duty on the
manufacture. Thus in the end he is
aroused to the fact that be has paid
upou a moderate purchase, as a result
of the tariff scheme, which, when he
sold his wool seemed so profitable, an
increase in price more than sufficient
to sweep away all the tariff profit be
received upon the wool he produced
and sold.
When the number of farmers en
gaged in wool-raising is compared
with all the fat mers in the country,
and the small proportion they bear to
our population is considered; when it
is made apparant that in the case of a
large part of these who own sheep
the benefit of the present tariff on
wool is illusory, and, above all, when
it must be conceded that the increase
of the cost of living caused by such
tariff become a burden upon those
with moderate means, and the poor,
the unemployed and employed, the
sick and well, and the young and old,
and that it constitutes a tax which
with relentless grasp is fastened up
on the clothing of every man, woman
and child in the land, reasons are
suggested why the removal of or re
duction o* tbis duty should be includ
ed in a revision ot our tariff laws.
In speaking of the increased cost to
the consumer of our borne manufac
tures, resulting from a duty laid upon
imported articles of the same descrip
tion, the fact is not overlooked that
competition among our domestic pro
ducers sometimes has the effect of
keeping the price of their products
below the highest limit allowed by
such duty. But it is notorious that
this competition is too often strangled
by combinations quite preyalent at
this time,aud frequently called trusts,
which have for their object the regu
lation of the supply and price of com
modities made and sold by members
of the combination. The people can
hardly hope for any consideration in
the operation of these selfish schemes.
If, however, in the absence of such
combination, a healthy and free com
petition reduces the price of any par
ticular dutiable article of home pro
duction below the limit which it
might otherwise reach under our
tariff laws, and if with such reduced
price its manufacturers continue to
thrive, it is entirely evident that one
thing has been discovered which
should be carefully scrutinized in an
effort to reduce taxation.
The necessity of combination to
maintain the price of any commodity
to the tariff point furnishes proof that
some one is willing to accept lower
prices for such commodity, and that
such prices are remunerative; and
lower prices produced by competition
prove the same thing. Thus, where
either of these conditions exist, a case
would seem to be presented tor an
easy reduction of taxation.
The considerations which have been
presented touching our tariff laws are
intended only to enforce an earnest
recommendation that the surplus rev<
enues of the Government be prevented
by the reduction of our country du
ties, and at the same time to empha
size a suggestion that in accomplish
ing this purpose we may discharge a
double duty to our people by grant
ing to them a measure of relief from
taxation in quarters where it is moat
needed and trom sources where it can
be most fairly and ]ustly accorded.
Nor can the presentation made of such
considerations be, with any degree of
fairness, regarded as evidence of un
friendliness toward our manufactur
ing interests, or «f any lack of appre
ciation of their value and importance.
These interests constitute a leading
and raost substantial element of our
National greatness and furnish the
proud proof of our country's progress
But if, in the emergency that presses
upon ns, our manufacturers are asked
to surrender something for the public
good and to avert disaster, their pa
triotism, as well as a grateful recogni
tion of advantages already afforded,
should lead them to willing co-opera
tion. No demand is made that they
. shall forego all the benefit* of goVerfl
mental regard; but they cannot fail to
he admonished of their duty, a3 well
B8 heir enlighten' d self-interest and
safety, when they are reminded of the
fact that financial panic and collapse,
to which the present condition tends,
afiord no greater shelter or protection
to our manufacturers than to our oth
er important enterprises. Opportun
ity for safe, careful and deliberate re
form is now offered, and none of us
should be unmindful of a time when
an abused and irritated people, hped
less of these who have resisted timoly
and reasonable relief, may iusist upon
a radical and sweeping reflection of
their wrongs.
The difficulty attendiug a wise and
fair revision of our tariff laws is not
under estimated. It will require on
the part of the Congress ifreut labor
and care, and especially a broad and
a National contemplation of tbe sub
ject. and a patriotic disregard of such
local and selfish claims as are unreas
onable and reckless of the welfare of
the entire country.
Uuder our present laws more than
4,000 articles are subject to duty
Many of these do not in any way
compete with our own manufactures,
aud mauy are bar<lly worth attention
as subjects of revenue. A consider
able reduction can be made in the ag
gregate by adding them to the free
list. The taxation of luxuries pre
sents no features of hardship; but
the necessities of life used aud con
sumed by all the people, the duty up
on which adds to the cost of living in
every home, should be greatly cheap
The radical reduction of 'he duties
imposed upon raw material used iu
manufactures, or free importation,is of
course, an important one in any effort
to reduce the price of these necessi
ties; it would not only relieve them
from the increased cost caused by the
tariff on such material, but the man
ufactured product being thus cheap
ened that part of the tariff now laid
upon such product, as a compensa
tion to our manufacturers for the pre
sent price of raw material could be
accordingly modified. Such reduction
or free importation, would serve be
sides to largely reduce the revenue.
It is not apparent how such a change
can have any injurious effect upon
oar manufacturers. On the contrary,
it would appear to give them a better
chance in the foreign markets with
the manufacturers of other countries,
who cheapen their wares by free ma
terial. Thus our people might have
the opportunity of extending their
sales beyond the limits of home con
sumption—saving them from the de
pression, interruption in business,
and loss caused by a glutted domestic
market, and affording their employes
more certain ank steady labor, wiih
resulting quiet and contentment.
The question thus imperatively
presented for solution should be ap
proached in a spirit higher than par
tisanship and considered in the light
of that rpgard for patriotic duty which
should characterize the action of those
intrusted with the weal of a confiding
people. But the obligation to declared
party policy and principle is not
wanting to urge prompt and effective
action. Both of the great political
parties now,represented in the Gov
ernment have, by repeated and au
thoritive declarations, condemned the
condition of our laws which permit
the collection from the people of un
necessary revenue and have, in the
most solemn manner, promised cor
rection, and neither as citizens or
partisans are our countrymen in a
mood to condoue the deliberate
violation of these pledges.
Our progress toward a wise con
clasion will not be improved by
dwelling upon the theories of protec
tion and free trade. This savors too
much of bandying epithets. It is a
condition which confronts us—not a
theory. Relief from this condition
may involve a slight reduction of the
advantages which award our home
productions, but the entire with
drawal of such advantages should
not be contemplated. The question
of free trade is absolutely irrelevant,
and the persistent claim made in cer
tain quarters that all efforts to relieve
the people from unjust and unneces
sary taxation are schemes of so-called
free traders is mischievous and far re
moved from any consideration for the
public good.
The simple and plain duty which
we owe the people is to reduce the
taxation to the necessary expense of
an economical operation of the Gov
ernment, and to restore to the busi
ness of the country the money which
we hold in the Treasury through the
perversion of governmental powers.
These things can and should be done
with safety to all our industries,
without danger to the opportunity
for remunerative labor which our
workingmen need, and with benefit to
them and all our people, by cheapen
ing their means of subsistence and
increasing the measure of their com
The Constitution provides that the
President "shall, from time to time,
give to the Congress information of
the state of the Union." It has been
the custom of the Executive, in com
pliance with this provision, to anna
ally exhibit to the Congress, at the
opening of its session, the general
condition of the country, and to detail,
with some particularity, the opera
tions of the different executive depart
ments. It would be especially agree
able to follow this course at the
present time, and to call attention to
the valuable accomplishments of these
departments daring the last fiscal
year. But lam so much impressed
with the paramount importance of
the subject to which this communica
tion has so far been devoted, that I
shall forego the addition of any other
topic, and only urge upon your im
mediate consideration the "state of
the Union," as shown in the present
ooudition of our Treasury and our
general fiscal situation, upon which
every element of our safety aud pros
perity depends.
The reports of the heads of depart
ments, which will be submitted, con
tain full aud explicit information
touching the transactions ot the busi
ness intrusted to them, aud such rec
ommendations relating to legislation
in the public interest as they deem
advisable. I ask tor these reports
and recommendations the deliberate
examination and action ot the legis
lative branch of the Government.
There are other subjects not em
braced in the departmental reports
demanding legislative consideration
and which I should triad to pub
mlt. S >me of them, however, have
been raruestly presented in previous
bud as to tbem 1 beg
have to repeat prior recommenda
As tbe law makes no provision for
ajv report from the Department or
State, a brief history of the transact
tions of that importamt department,
tngetbef with other matters which
it may hereafter be deemed essential
to commend to the attention of the
Congress, may furnish the occasion
for a future communication.
Washington, Dec. 6. 1887.
A Child's Laugh.
AH the Ivlls of heaven may ring,
All the birds of heaven may sing,
All the wells nu ™rh nav spring
A:1 the w n is on earth may bring
All sweet sounds togeitier,
Sweeter far tbaa all things heard,
1 laud of harper, tone of bird.
Sound of woods at Sundown stirred
Welling waters' winsome word,
Wind in warm, waa weather.
Oue thiug yet there is, that noue
Hearing ere its chime be done.
Knows not well the sweetest one
Heard of man beneath the sun,
Hoped iu heaven hereafter,
Soft and stroug and loud and light,
Very sound of very light,
Heard from morning's rosiest height,
When the soal of all delight
Fills a child's dear laughter.
Edison on the Labor Question.
Tnomas Edison, the electrician,
was asked by a newspaper inter
viewer what he thonght of the Kee
ly motor, ieplied : "I haye never seen
it, so I have no opinion abont it.
But all tbe results he is said to have
attained can be got from compressed
air. All tbe air in this room can be
be condensed into a liqnid that could
be carried in a filbert Bheil, and its
explosive force would be tremendous.
Skillfully released and reconstructed,
it would move a great machine." In
reply to the question, "When motive
power gets to be fonr times as cheap
as it is, Mr. Edison, what will become
of the laboring mau?" "He will be
enriched by it. Machinery will be
hia slave. See how machinery has
multiplied in the la9t fifty years. As
a direct result, workingmen get dou
ble the wages they did then, and the
necessities of life cost only half as
much. In other words, a hand
worker can to-day buy four times as
much with ten hours of work as he did
fifty years ago. For the first time in
world's history,a skilled mechanic cau
buy a barrel of floor with a single days
work. The machinery in the United
States represents the labor of a thou
sand million men, or fifty times as
times as much labor as that of all tbe
men in tbe country. When motive
power is still further cheapened—say
in another generation—l believe that
the unskilled laborer, if sober and in
dustrious, can have a house of his
own and a horse and carriage and a
library and a piano. It is terrible
stupidity that leads some laboring
men to suppose that machinery is
their foe. It is the thing that gives
them independence and even freedom.
Without machinery society would
drift into the condition of master and
slave. The multiplication of machin
ery means for every worker more
food, better clothes, better house, iess
work In fact, I balieye that the in
definite increase of machinery is going
to solve what folks call 'the labor
question'—that is the desire of hand
workers to get a bigger slice of the
margin of profit."
She Took It.
The grocer had pat np her tea,
sugar and starch, and to his qaery of
•'Anything else to-day?" she repli
"Yes, I want a pumpkin."
"Right this way, ma'am. Here is
a very niece one."
"Is it ripe?"
"I want to be sure about that.
Please plug it."
"Oh, certainly. See there?"
"Its not a red core."
"No, madam; it's a yellow core.
All my pumpkins have been that way
this fall, and every one has given
Curing Hams.
The following is the method of
curing bams that received tbe prize at
a New Eugland fair: To every hun
dred pounds of meat take eight
poundß of salt, two ounces of saltpe
tre, two pounds of brown sugar, one
and a quarter ounce of potash, and
four gallons of water. Mix them and
pour the liquid over the bams after
they have been in the tub two days,
they having been robbed with fine
salt when put in the tub. They
should remain in the pickle six weeks,
then taken out, hung up three days
to dry, and smoked.
—Natural gas has thrown 5,000
men out of employment in Pittsburg
alone. Its one great benefit is that
it does away with the necessity for
tbe servant girl. Parlor cooking is
the fashionable craze in houses that
have natural gas.
—The most extraordinary suit
ever brought against a railroad is
that of Mrs Seymour, a Chicago
widow, who.while attempting to pass
from one car to another, wa9 blown
off the train by the gale then raging.
She wants $25,000 for that little
—To avoid rasing a dust and the
wear and tear to carpet from sweep
ing, a lady writer, from practical ex
perience, suggests the following.
" Put a spoonful of ammonia in a half
pail of warm water,and wipe the car
pet with a cloth wrung out of this
water. The dust is removed, the
colors freshenad, and moths destroy
—Many preparations professedly
harmless, prove exceedingly danger
ous, but Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is
perfectly safe at all times. Price 25
A yellowish complexiou is not at
all desirable; to banish it, use Laxa
dor, tbe golden remedy for all liver
diseases. It only costs 25 cents.
—A pastor down east has been
tried by tbe trustees of the church for
hugging the pretty girls in his con
gregation After a hearing in which
the minister admitted the charge, but
said bis intentions were good, he was
exoueiated from all blame. It is safe
to sav that cougregation will not have
to advertise for a pastor when their
church is vacant.
The Hand that Rules.
Regarding man's supremacy,
The youth aud maiden quarreled.
"The hHnd tint wields the pen," said he,
Is the haud that rules the world."
Then quoth the maideu chipper,
While her red hps she ourled:
"Sir, the haud that wields the clipper
Is tbe hand-that rules thje .w.^M.'
—Baito* CMricr
NO. 6