KASKINE (THIS HEW I/MSI! *iMtISBTBOSGI.Y J VOUCHED FOB 1 THAN am •| OTHKB DBVfl | \ MOREEN TIMES. A. POWERFUL TONIC. the most delicate stomach will bear. ▲ SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM,* NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE host SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD POKIFIER, Superior to quinine. Mr. John C. Scarborough. Sol ma, X. C„ "rltfs: "I cot malaria In the Southern army, and for a dozen years suffered from itsdebili:«tinK eftecti. I was temblv run down when I heard of Kas kine, the new quintae. It helped me at I gained 35 pounds. Have not bad such good health in SO years. Other letters of a similar character from prom inent Individuals, wnich stamp liaskine as a remedy cf undoubted merit, will be sent on ap- Pl Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. »i.oo per bottle, or six bottles for 15. Sold by J. C. REDICK. Butler, Pa. r sent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. 54 Warren St.. New \ork. SCOTT'S EMULSION . OF PURE GOD IMB OIL bd Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. only preparation of COD LITER OIL that can be taken readily and tolerated for a long time FOB COXSTHPTIOy, BflE&FlLotS AFFECTIONS, ANAEMIA, 6K.<- Hll. bthlLlTT. cbtOHS AND Til BO AT AF FKtM.nS. «nd »H WAA'tIXO IHSOCDFinnET CTIIAfcEW it in mtrrellou* In lt« rfsplts. Prescribed ftud endorsed by tUa PhysiciMM ta th« countries of the world. r« fcjr «U THE ALLEN PATENT WASHER Why it Is Superior to all Others. i-i. its being enclosed !t retains tlie high 151. temperature so necessary In removing the dirt from the goods, Omit THERE being no Friction on the £UU. clothing to wear it. a.j THE peculiar action of the water in the Oil!. Machine (which cannot be understood unless one sees It) forcing a strong current of water through the clothing at every vlrbration of the Agitator, (which Is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machln?. S; A it, AND best of all Is that achlld nf four years fill, can do the work It being so light that rthe operator sits down while doing It. Machines an \ County and Township Klghts throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Sold by SHIR AS & HAYS, Butler, Pa f 8-19-iy Humphreys* BB.SOKBEE73' EOol W Cloth & Cold Binding ■ 1M rata, with Bud Enjnwtaff, ■ ■ KAIUDFBEE. Id use SO ye«*.-Bp«cial Prescriptions of an eminent Fiiysicina. Simple, Safe feu re. aos. CURES. WUCE. ■ j Ferert. Concaetion, Inflammations.. .25 2 Worn, WonnFover, Worm Colic... .S3 t Crying Colic, or Teethin* of InluiU .25 4 PUrrtiea of Children or Adults *•> 5 Dysentery. Griping, Bilious Colic j Cooler* Morbus. Vomiting 23 7 Coagha, Cold, Bronchitis ?5 a Neuralgia, Toothache, 1-acenche 23 S Headache., Sick lieadacho. Vertigo.. ,23 | tO Dvaptpala. Bilious Momncb -23 11 Soppreaaed or Painful Periods. .« I White., too Profuse Period.... .So f 3 mw, fnngh, Piffi-r" Breathing — .23 4 gait KheomTErysipelas, Ejuptioa«.. .23 9 RneiUßJitisiiJa Rheumatic Pains...... .25 I :|8 j Orhmalmy^o^or^^^woaj^EyesL^gQ HOMEOPATHIC |Q WhooplnaCough. Violent Coughs.. .oO It Asthma, Opprosaed Breathing....... -ow |4 Bar Discharges. Impaired Hearing .SO S3 Scrofula, Enlarged felands. Swelling -SO H General Debility, Physical Weakness .50 35 Dropsy, and Scanty bocretoins ... .. .»» 16 Sea Sickness, Sickness from Riding .50 II jfe U &"lif.y. Sonnnai Weak nen. or In voluntary Discharge a 1.00 I Sore Mouth. IJrinary Weakness Wotting Bed... .50 Piilnfnf Periods, with Spaem..... - .50 Dlseanei of the heart. KlpiUtioo 1.00 Eviiepiv, Sp**m, St. Vita* • - -SJ? KNphtoerfo. Ulcerated Sore Throat *AO PE OIFICS. Bold by Dronriata, or sent poet paid on receipt of prtoe.— IICarMItKVS'iIKPICI.IBCO.IO9FaiIa»St. ».T. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC VETEEINAEY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. KllC& ] 500 PAOK BOOK on Treat. Ml went of Animals and y Chart Sent Pree. Hunm»r«y»' Bad. Co.. <O9 THIS is the top of the gen uine " Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. . . , This is the think he has a3 good, but he has not. Insist upon the exact label and top. GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. L & McJUNKIN, and Eeal Estate Agl 17 V.ViT JEFFERSON ST. HITLER, - PA. DOCTORS LAKE HMM PRIVATE DISPENSARY iS# OFFICES, 900 PESN AVE. igyßpi-," —PITTSBURGH, PA.— V.TX': All forma of Dcllcntc and Com \£S?!7 pliiuitod Di»o:is»'B rc<;ulriiig Cox- HDKNTTALaiHI ScitMiric Modi cation s.:v treated r.t tMa t»i.- pen;::ry with a BUC ec:-!i mrtly ;;:r,c<l. I>r. S. K. L:.kc is a mcniber of thu j£oyai C ulk j-c of rhyticL-.ua ami Surgeons, ttii l is the oHlcstuivl rH»i,tcxi>i'!icr.cc-<1 si'W-HL i»T In t!:« ri:y. 6i -attention given to Nerv ous UcUlllty ircm nicntalexertion, tn «Useretk>xMofv< :!«, Ac., causingphysiPolnuil wcnt.il ilt-cay ,'lr;h of energy, tlcsponUcncy, c-tc.; i Cancers, <.) ■■ 1 Fores, 1- :ts. Piles, Rheumatif m todsilrti cu-rsof tiiebtin, Jllood, Lunga, Uiin ory <;i'pan», iic. Couxultatlon frecanu strictly oonC(!cnl;al. Office hours oto 4 and 7to Bj>.m.; (■unt'uo'A • to4p.ia. only. Call at oflice or aa>lreea M.I».,M.U.C.P.S. or E.J.LAIiE, M.D. .. I•J I 9 9JS U all »1 W>y Dr. J. I',. Miv- Bta *ii *s" r ' !<;!l vroh St. Hnna < ntKlMUUufbv at tmof.. Wo operation or bmtae*a rtelay. Thonsan<ls of eures. At Keystone House, Heading, Pa.. 2nd BWtiri.ay of caeii moutb. Si.-u4 lor circulars. Advice frou. WASTED—LAuY Ar,,v,> n n<i ! !tcn!»nt. tc • TolM'rr, r,.- . n pic.^nt! 1 -roTwloc^lty I Actvlrii£« in tbo CITIZEN THE OITIZEISr. MISCELLANEOUS- i A Heroic Remedy. Mrs Archer is a very good woman and one who believes in keeping the household as free from the contami nation of the world as possible But she has a husband and three prowing boys,, and tbev art', to use their own words, "op to snufl " '■l do wish vou wouldn't use so much slang," the good woman would say in a tone of remonstrance. "Why, mother, we muul keep np with the times,'' the boy* would an swer; "you're away back " "Don't swear, John," she said to her husband one day. "That isn't swearing," he said; "everybody talks that way, Susan. No more was said just then, but a few days later Mrs. Archer suddenly remarked at the rapper tabic: "Great Scot! Kitty must bare a lot of cheek to think we can eat but ter as salt as this stuff." Mr. Archer lookod up in a startled manner, but before he could speak his wife resumed: Holy Motes! it makes me tired to drink tea as cold as ice water. ' The boys kept an uncomfortable silence. Preseutly Mrs. Archer said: "That condemned old crank of a Jones was here to see you agnia to day, John. I told the old chromo you bad no use for him, though " One of tbe boys swallowed a bis cuit the wrong way at that mouse it, and nearly chocked to death "Great Ca'sur!" observed Mrs Archer in a placid voice, totally op posed to the wild variety of her lan guage, "I nearly forgot that I have to see a feller down town this eve Going out on a little racket of my own Ta, ta, love; you see I'm not as fresh as I used to be. No flie3 on me so long," and, with an air that was the counterpart of John Archsr's own, tbe good woman swaggered from the table. The English language, pure and undetiled, is spoken in that family now, and the vocabulary of elang has fallen into welcome desuetude, —Da- troit Free Press. —The cattle industry of the U. S represents $1,200,000,000. English capitalists have juat in vested $3,000,000 in iron land prop erty near Dublin. The Patent Office records show that 1935 invention haye been grant ed to women. "Laws grinds the poor, and rich men rule the law." Bat let us be thankful that any poor sufferer can buy with only 25 cents a bottle of Salvation Oil. The enormous sale of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has developed many new remedies; but the people cling to the old reliable, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. A Pennsylvania syndicate h£>3 secured 40,000 acres of laud twelve mile 9 from Chattanooga, where it will work ore better than the Lake Super ior article. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Speciflic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and Bpeedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thocsands of drunknrds have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee wit h- i ont their knowledge, and to-day be- j lieve they quit drinking of their own j free-will. IT NhVER FAILS The! system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist For full particulars, address GOLD EM SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio. —There are fewer labors agitations in progress now than there have been for two years past What Am I To Do? The symptoms of Biliousness are unhappily but too well knoivu They differ in different individuals to gome extent. A Bilious man is tel dom a breakfast eater. Too frequent ly, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His toDttue will hardlv bear inspection at nny time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order aud Diarrhea or CoDsti pation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There arc often Hemerrhoids or even loss of blood There may be giddiness and often headache and '•acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stom ach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's Avguvt Flcuer costs but a triile and thousands attest its efficacy. —A Pittsburg fire-brick company is sending 50,000 bricks to Mexico, which will have to be hauled 100 miles in wagons. They are for a blast furuace. —I have not used all of one bottle yet. I suffered from catarrh for twelve years, experiencing the nau seating dropping in the throat pecu liar to that disease, and noae bleed al most daily, I tried various remedies without benefit u»til last April, when I saw Ely's Cream Balm advertised in the Boston Budget. I procured a bottle, and since tno first days' use have had no more bleeding—the sore ness is entirely pons—D. G. David son Boston Budget, former ly Witt) Boston Journal. —The National Convention of Cattle Growers was held at Kansas City recently, Over 100 delegates were present. The business was rep resented as depressed. One Fact Ts worl'u a column of rhetoric, said an Ainer'can statesman. It. is »• fact, established by tho testimony of thou sands of people, that Hood'd Satbap arilla dees cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases or .'iffectioD? aris ing from impure state or low «oudi tiuu of the blood. It also overcomes that, tired feeling, creates a f?oot ap petite, aud gives strength to twery part, of the system. Try it. —There are now 118.000 nautical miles of wire cable laid, The wire manufacturers throughout the U. S. and great Britain were never busier than at the present time. —The cotton milia of Great Britain work up an average of 71,000 bales of cotton, of 400 pcand? eacl, par week. The coajrttnptiou on the Cou ttoent is 17,000 I *les (it eat i'ritain is gradually losir-j he; 1 yarj>. trade. THE LAND BOOM. Prices Way up Among the Stars—The Dangers to be Avoided. Tbe wonde ful land boom of tbe pa3t year has excited very general attention. It bas not been confined to any one locality, for, as Cbauncey M. Depew said, after a visit to the west, "At nearly every one of the trade centres we visited, we found extrava gant and untenable views of pros pective real ebtate values " Of course the vast army of men engaged, in one way or another in these enterprises, were loth to be lieve their views either extravagant or untenable. Both they and Depew are right to a certain extent. Land values have rapidly aud per manently increased in this country in the last fifty years. Tnis is especial ly noticeable in the "jumping" west, along the lines of new railroads. Thousands of new cities bnve j sprung up with a growth perfectly ■ astonishing, and great fortunes have , been made in real estate. Land values must continue to in- : crease generally, because the avail able area of land in the country is now so small as to render inevitable its entire absorption in a few years One hundred years from now, at the present rate of increase, our popu lation will be 100 to the square mile twice as many asin the largest Euro pean cations. To be a safe speculator, it is neces sary to study cause aud effect, as the proprietors of Warner's s;ife care did in preparing their remedy. Its suc cess is great because it r ashes the eaure of disease Every drop of blood coursing through the system passing through tbe kidneys If they are in sound working order, the biood is purified; if deranged, poison, that should be eliminated, is cairied through the blood channels to every part of tbe evatem. The poison at | tacks the weak points, aud so come the long list of resulting ailments. Remedy the cause, put the purifying organs in health, aud the whole sys tem becomes healthy. Therß must be a solid basis for a land.boom, however, or it will iuevit ablv result in a crash, entailing great losses and subsequent injurious im pression. Two thousand dollars per front foot for land in some cities might be a judicious investment,in others very indiscreet. It is wise to make invest ments of a character indicating a permanent, if slower growth and in crease of value. When he was in Rome. He was tanned by tempest and for eign sun, and he was the centre of a group of young ladies who insisted on hearing of the countries h« had yisited,.so he started: "When I wa3 in Rome—" '•Oh, vou have been in Rome? j How delightful! Did you see the cata comb*?" "Did you see any gladiators? " "What does a forum look like?" "And the baths?" "And the temples?" "When I was in Rome—" "Do tell us all about it." "I always did love R juie." "It is too delightful for any thin?." "When I was in R >nae, Now York, I caught the typhoid fever, and near ly all my hair came out." For Twenty Five Years Tutt's Pills huve proven the friend of the invalid, and through all the changes of that period teas of thous ands still Btick to their old friend, and as many more are testing their vir tues. —A strong effort is to be made bv manufacturing and commercial inter ests of America to induce the Govern ment to encourage and develop Amer ican shipping* Interior cities are taking a hand in the agitation. Many People refuse to take Cod Liver Oil on account of its unpleasant ta«te. This difficulty has beeu over come in Scott's Emulsion of God Liv er Od with Llypophosphites. It be ing as palatable as milk, and the most valuable remedy known for the treat ment of Consumption, Scrofula and Bronchitis. Physicians report our little patients take it with pleasure. Try Scott ? s Emulsion aud be convin ced. —lf you know of a good lneal al ways send it to some out of town paper. If you have anythirg to fell always request your local paper to give you a free notice of it la short, do everything in your power to injure your home paper and at the same time "boom" some other near-by local paper which has no interest in your town or business. A great many Northern firms the chief business of which is in the South are considering the propriety of re moving their works near Nsishviile, Chattanooga or Birmingham. A tocl company of Lorain, 0., ha? already removed to Chattanooga. —The Marion Improvement Com pany, of McDowell, N T . C., began to bore for oil recently but struck a rich vein of gold instead Tue people are very much excited oyer the discovery and the land near the vein has already gone up to Wichita prices. Notice in Partition. In He Partition ol the Real E-Uate of Sica B. Fowzer, dee'd. O. C., No. 91, March Term, 18 8 7. Sept. 30, 1857, Inquisition filed in the office of Clerk of Orphans Court under the hand and seal of the Sheriffof Butler county, Penn'a. And now, to-wit: Sept. 26th, 3887, on mo tion of Williams & Mitchell, attorneys lor heirs of Sarah P>. Fowzer, dee'd, the Court is requested to grant a rule oa the heirs of Sarah B. Fowzer to appear on the first .Mon day of Dec. 1887, in Batter, Pa., at an Or phans Court then aud there to lie holden aiH accept or refuse the premises at tho valuation publication of this rule to lie made as to ileu rietta Fowz-r. WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Attorneys for Heirs. And now, Sept. 2<5, 1837, motion granted. BY THE COVKT. TUE COMMON" 'VRALTII OF PKNN'A, ) . BLTLEII C OUNTY, j : i To Pi ter Kramer, Sheriff of Cutler County,— Creeliii'j: We command you that you maVe known to Janus I) Fowzer, tlie petitioner; Robert B. Fowzer, re-i(!iutf at Butkr, P.i ; Charles I!. Fow/.t-r, residing at Bu'le/ Ha; Sadie :5. l'Yiw;:::r, intermarried with Xtwion l.'uthbevt re-id: ag at BlairsviUo, Pa., aud Henrietta Fowler, residence unknown, the contents ol , the wilhiu order of Court aud rule tuem uini every ot them to bu and appear before the Judges of the Orphans Court of Butler Co., I'a , ou the. first Monday of December, 1887, | being the fifth day thereof, tj accept the i withiu premises nt the valnatiou or show cause why the. same should not be sold, aud make return how you have served this writ. YViiucss the honorable Aaron L. Itazeu, President Judtfe of our s;iid Court at Butitr this llllh day ol October, 1887. Klii UE.s- MCELVAI.V, Clerk. FOR SALE A large frame hoarding house, good location aurt dotni! Urge business, Terms easy. For firtlier titrticiilarK Inquire of L. 8. H.-.irSKl>. I7E. JefTorson St.. ( iM.tf ifirtler, I'll. BUTLER'S LEADING BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. Is attracting great crowds of buyers oi good soli 1 Boots and Shoes from all parts of Butler county, from the ex treme North to South and from Hiast to \\ est they come to B. C. Huselton's. The inducements we are offering to all is to the ad vantage of every one wanting good honest Boots and Shoes to visit our store before they buy a pair of shoes. The immense Stock we are showing has never had its equal in Butler. Bear in mind all our Stock is made to order, our stock was bought right and will be so d light, our house is crowded full of fresh new stock in Boots and Shoes and if we can t fit or plt ase you with any pi ice Boot or Shue you want no other house in Butler can. Do von want a pair of good Kip Boots for yourself or the boys to go a long road to school, warranted to re-. sist water and wear soft and pliable, all hand maue at all prices from 50 cents up to <&o.i 5, in all widths, high leg, box toe, low iiutep, Grain Boots, Wool Boots, We have them and can do better for you than any o'her dealer in Butler, Men's Boots $1.40 and up. and up, Youths 75 cents and up, Childrens 50 cents and up, . 1 want to say to the parents who have boys and girls to go to school that there is no part of their clothing so important as their Boots and Mioes so that they are good solid Kip, as nothing short of that body ol leather will re ; sist water, besides see where you buy them. A good boot or shoe often saves a doctor's bill. Children s feet must be kept dry if you expect } our children to have good health and develop into sound men and women, i We have these celebrated Ivip Shoes for women, also Calf shoes in Button and Lace, prices from 05 cents and up. childrens high cut Button Shoes in Calf, Grain and i'ebble Goat, heel and spring heel all these made to our special order. j-ume little dealers blow about selling for less than | any other house can because they sell so much and buy 1 from factori s and all such bo>h when the truth is they buy two-thirds of their stock right out of jobbing houses and auction houses, from second hands, hence the pasteboard insoles, shoddy bottoms. Look well when you buy them, but the first time they get wet away they go. We have the goods that will stand the severest test at low preces, try them. OLD LADIES FLANNEL LINED WARM Shoes and Slippers with felt soles'*and leather soles. Wigwam Slippers, new and very *easy to the foot very durable. ONE OF THE IMPORTANT FEATURES in our trade is the immense Stock we carry in Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' fine Shoes, we offer an unequal ed variety, every ease and comfort, every grace and beauty and excellence of finish that can b'j put into shoes, you can hod in this stock and lor I<JSS money than same qualities can be purchased of any other dealer. _ 0 We have them in Cur, Kid, Pebble and Straight Goat Gondola New York, Common Sense and Opera last, widths from AA. to FF in Hand welt and McKay sewed Ladies' and Childrens' Spring Heels, soft fine shoes for infants. our Ladies Grain Button Shoes at §I.OO, Kid at $1 00, $1 25 and $l. J 'o, this 81.50 Shoe is the best bargain in the county and can't be duplicated lor less than $2.00 by other dealers. A FEW WORDS ABOUT RUBBER GOODS, We carry the largest stock of these goods, Woonsock ets, Candee, Boston and other m Kes. While some little dealers who cackle loud only carry one make. We will sell you Rubber Boots as low as $2.00 and will furnish you with any of the above makes as low as any of these small concerns may name. Recollect we ! sell to every body alik«. jN'o three or four prices on any oi' our goods. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. Reparing of ai! kinds done at Reasonable rates. "\\ ill save you money. Come and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. A. Troutman & Son. Leading Dry Goods Bouse. • BOTXjBR - IPIEJSI UST'A. .1 in Limii <t> liiiniiii A Trouiman & con. The lending Dry Gtods and Car- j pet Butler, Pa. New Full Dress Goods at prices j which will make tfcem move very fast. We have the largest stock ever shown in Butler county, comprising all the new fjouds iu Checks, Stripes and Plain Weaves in Foreign and Domestic Black and Colored Silks, i Special Values IN TRIMMINGS, . we have never had such a nice as- • , sortment and so many of them. BARGAINS i ila Flannels, Blankets, Tickings, i Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls Table Linens, Lace Curtains, in fact everything which can be j ft I You will find on examination oui Mass Cry Goods Store. "* towes ' ! A. TKOUTMAN & ICON'S, Biaflexy Fa ; J, KLEE & CO. ! MANUFACTURERS OF I MJDNS\ YOUTES'. BOYS, AND CHILDREN'S mfiTm CLOTHI-NG iiilHiH Gf Fine and Medium Grades, at Closest Prices. : Also, J. KLEE & CO.'S SUPERIOR WORKING PANTS 1 Every pair guaranted not to rip. 3Tos« *»2>S and 6SO Broadway, Xew ijsu LIBERTY STM pittsborsh. : CHOICE FRUIT. ! I Having taken Jibe »gt nc> lot the Choice Fruit frees, i Beautiful Shrubbery, Ornamental Trees, I Aue cr.: ivt3i%ip else in the Nursery line, of the I New England Nurseries. CJiase Bros. & < «•, >■ Y.. I ". in eali npou you In the near future aud ' soUoil your o filers for Spring delivery. A, H, FALLER, Agent, ; Bulleiv - Cloak 3 and WraPs. for Children aud Ladies. We carry the greatest variety o styles, our stock never was as large prices never so low, goods never sc nice If you want to see the nice goods please call and examine our Btock. Ladies', Gents', and Children's Underwear, every grade, all siaes best goods. Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, "\ elvets Plushes, Yarns, etc. —OUR— Carpets and Oil Cloths, never had so many—never were car pets PO cheap. Otir stock is complete. Don't buj a Carpet until you have seen oui stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap estrv, 3 Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot ton and Rag Rugs. Wiudow Shades, largest assort ment, lowest prices. CURTAIN POLES IM.F.&M, Marks . Invite your inspection ol their 'stock of FALL and WINTER Millinery Goods. Receiving goods every week their stock is always FRESH AND COMPLETE. BAHNY ASKS YOUR Attention! While other merchants are singing their own praise?, we cause oor customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, cur goods second to none, in fact superior to many usually b<pt and sold as THE BEST. '"Butler and surrounding couutry needed such a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and people will be fast findin cit out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner Our medium and better grades take rank with anv Custom made in the way of fitting and make up. while our FIXE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre> ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it mu3t be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR. HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The lateßt styles of everything pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on baud. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE GEORGE REIBBR BLOCK, Aiaiii Htreet, T3utlei*» Pa. ESTABLISHED 1860 -1850 E. E HXEB, JE W T JtC E L. ER . No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, GRID OPINING OF SPRING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches f* ft S»S f 1 V PI IIP Paper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Omament !' A S* t* i tion > MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks YTA Q Doo't fail to see this line of Goods, as it is the largest OilVtJl VY U)I U CL OUvvldluY* and most complete stock eyer shown in Butler. SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, I_yjLV jA-XJLN vJT O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Remember we Warrant all C*oo<ls as Represented. Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTo- 19. North Main Street* ... BUTLER» PA» YOUR ATTENTION Sis Called to my Fine Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, 1 .SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, Ac., All of which have been selected with great care for OUR TRADE. A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated JNIV£S, h FORKS, SPOONS. &C. f &C.. JjgT""All aroods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to boy from a well IR GRIEB'S, UUlilJ WATCH CA&JJU SIGN OV ELECTRIC BELL. THE CITIZEN, A weekly newspaper, pnbliahed every Fri day morning at Butler, Pa., by JOHN H. & i W. C. NEGLEY. Subscript ion Rate. Per year, in advance #1 50 Otherwise $2 00 • No subscription will bo discontinued until ' all arrearages arc paid. All communications intended for publication j in this paper mu»'be accompanied by the real I name of the writer, not for publication but aa a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and dtath notices must be accom j- panied by a responsible name. Advertising I titles. One 6<iuare. one insertion, $1; each subset j 3 qtieut iuxertion, 50 eouts. Yearly advertise- | ments exceeding one-fourth of a column, }5 ; per inch. Figure work double these ratot; | ' additional charges whore weekly or monthly changes an made. Local advertisements 10 i £ cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents : per lino for each additional insertion. Mar- ; '» riii;ea and deaths published tree of charge, j Obituary notices charged as local advertise- ' nunto and payable when handed iu. Auditors' ' Notices. $4;" Executors, and Administrators' j Notices, .43 each; Est:ay, Caution and Dis- : solution Notices, not exceeding ten linus, $2. j Address THE CITIZEN, Builer. Pa. j WONDERFUL SUCCESS. j ECONOMY IS WEALTH. - All the PATTERNS you wish to use during the r year for nothing (a saving of from $3.00 to $-1.00) by i- subscribing for TEE BUTLER CITIZEN —AND— [)emorest's 7V\,ontbty Magazine t With Twelve Order! for Cut Paper Patterns of your awn selection and of any size. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, —FOR $3.00 (THREE DOLLARS). DEMOREST'S rn -» THE BESJr Of* n.ll the Slagazlnes. CONTAINING STORIES, POEMS, AND OTHER LITERART ATTIIACTIONS, COMBINING AUTISTIC, SfUSK- Tinc, AND HOUSEHOLD MATTERS. Tllutt rated tcith Original Steel Engrav- I inr/x. Photogravure*, Oil Picture* and, I flue Woodcuts, making it th» ModelMaga ) nine of America. ; Each Magazine contains a coupon order entitling the holder to the selection of any pattern illustrated i iu the fashion department in that number, and in any of the si7.es manufactured, making patterns during the year of the value of over three dollars, j DEMOHBST'S MONTHLY is justly entitled the I World's Model Magazine. The Largest in Form, the ■ Largest in Circulation, and the best TWO Dollar ( Family Magazine issued. 18ST will be the Twenty third year of its publication. It is continually im , proved and so extensively as to place It at the head , of Family Periodicals. It contains 72 pages, large 1 quarto, BVsllW Inches, elegantly printed and fully ! illustrated. Published by W. Jennings Demorest, j New York, I AND BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE :; BDTLER CITIZEN at $3,00 Per Tear. I !W • vryirnv^^niiTiaßi ' IWil kS i? For Dropsy. Grovel, Brlght's, Heart. Urinary ■> or Liver Diseases. Nervousness, t.c. cure (;uar an teed. office sal Arch stiei t. Philadelphia. II per bottle. 6 for $5. At Druggists. Try it. GALESMEAT WANTED I \ k io canvass for the snl» of Nur- * serv Btoek! Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY A Jill EXi'KXSKK PAID, Apply at once, stating age. (Kefer to this pap» r ) ; Chase Brothers Cc., j ESTABLISHED IN 1867. 111111 By honest dealing we ba?e developed our present large business and our experience of twenty years enables us to offer purchasers advantages which cannot be had elpewhere. Baying direct from the best woolen mills of this and foreign countries, i not only reduces the cost of our garments, but also gives us positive knowl | edge of the quality of the materials we use. Manufacturing our goods right at home, employing none but the best of tailors and overseeing every detail ourselves, makes our clothing stand ■ unsurpassed in fit, workmanship, or durability. Our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats is a large j one, and our knowledge of the wants of the people has assisted much in mak ; in ' he assortment so complete. All goods are marked in plain figures, and one price only. Mail orders will have our best attention, S TBASSIRGER&. JDSEFB No ISI Federal Street, ALL 32 HKNY, PA. 11111 l j TfStore-keepers and Tailors furnished with samples on application. FA LI, MILLINERY! Our line of Ladies, Misses and Children's STRAW and FELT HATS -Vid BONNETS, in all the newest tal nd winter shapes, in now complete at the ; Leading Millinery House. I). T. PAPE, iSTo. 18 South. Main St.* - - - - Butlei% "P«* / ' ' - R ' '>V. Total Expense for One Year, $137.10. TOTAL I'OK THIRTEEN WEEKS, $."52. 70 Chamberlain Institute, Randolph, N. V. Located on tho N. Y. P. & O. R. R. Established 37 Years. A school for both sexe«. well endowed and equipped. Property $100,000.00. Steam heat, spring water, perfect drainage. Elev en teaehera. In addition t.o regular Acad emic Departments,possesses Commercial Col lege and Musical Institute. Winter term opens Dec. 13. and closes March, 20. Spring Term opeus March 20 and clones Jnne 14, 1888. Address for catalogue or information. J DR. J. T. EIHVABDS, Randolph, N. Y. B ntICBTIC CDC or othaw,who wi»h to I MWIUI I IwCllO this pap*', or obtain I on advertning ifC when In Chicago, will find it on lit* at I , SS&ESSS! LORD'S THOMAS. 1 ■J. H. DOUGLASS, I i ! —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ; Books and Periodicals,, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— •WaII Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BXJTLER, - - 3P.A., 2-4-87-ly I YOU CAN FIND^.% I «>n 11j In I'ITTKBVIi -H >'» »•'«> Ad'-erliMUi; dureau ■»< 1 3 REMINGTON 'JItOS., I who will cuulract for advertising at luw»t rates. I fcgfAdrertiw is tb» CITIZES. KIRKS white HUSSIAR The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, aud for general household purposes is the very best SOAR ! Wanted. We want a few live men to take orders for a full line of choice nursery stock. Our stock is all selected and guar anteed first class. We fur nish a handsome Outfit Fbee, also fruit SAMPLES in REASON. A WORKER never fails with us. Don't delay but write at once for terms, &c. to EDW. O. Gbaham, NURSERYMAN. Rochester, N. Y. FARM FOR SALE In Sugarcreek township. Armstrong county, near Adams P. 0.. one one-fourth mile east of the new oil development In Sugarcreek twp. Farm contains 100 ACRES, with bank barn. 32x00 feet; BRICK HOUSE. 18x36 feet, 1 stories, with cellar, frame kitchen, 14x10 feet; good spring of water, farm well wa tered. good orchard of grafted fruit. Fann In a gooi state of cultivation. About 75 ACRES CLEARED, balance in good timber. Will sell extremely low for cash. For particulars inquire of J. H. WICK, Rimers burg. Clarion Co.. Pa, UNPARALLELED OFFER. $4.00 FOR $1,751 THE HARRIBBURO WEEKLY TELEGRAPH IS THR LARGEST AND BEST Newspaper published in the Capitol of Pennsyl vania. Kac h numtwr contains SIXTY FOUR COLUMNS filled with THE LATEST NEWS, STORIES, MARKET REPORTS, MISCELLANEOUS READING Will be furnished to Subscribers for the ensuln g year, together with a copy of ■ OUR FAMILY PHYSICIAN." (New Edition,) For ?1.75 payable in advance, Tk» rrireorthU Book In all Bookttore* Is $3. The Price of th* "T is sl. We give both far $1.74. THE BEST PREMIUM OFFERED By any Paper in the United States. This book contains 480 pases; Is eteht and out half Inches long.six Inches wide, ana two Inches thick, it Is printed on extra heavy paper, ana Is handsomely bound, with embossed cover and gilt lettered back. It Ls different from all other works ot the kind KVEH PUBLISRKD. It teaches those who have It how to tell what the matter ls when a person gets sick. All similar books tell what to do If you know what the disease Is. This book tells yon how t® detect the diseases, and the proper rernedl -a yr© given for Allopathic. Homeopathlc.Eclectlc, Hydropathic, and Herbal t eatments. Don't fall to avail yourself of this offer, which holds good until January is 1889. When the book ls sent by mall. 20 cents must accompany the order for postage. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED In every School District In this and adjoining counties. Bally Telegraph, $6 per year. Dally Telegraph and Our Family Physician, $6 per year. Postage on Hook. 20 cent* extra If seat by Mall. Enclose cash with all or -lers, and address M. W. McALABNEY, Manager. Harrtsburg, Penn'a. "MILLINERY In all the latest Novelties, French Felt Silk Hats, Figured Gtosse and Watered Pluhes, Velvets and Silks. FANCY PLUSHES, The New Wide Ribbons, Corsets, Shoul der Braces,,Patti Shirt Bands, Hosiery and Suspenders, Toilet Powilers, Washes, Rouge and Cosmetics, "Letia Peth" and "Sybel's Secret," DRESS MRAMINQS, Dress Linings, Findings, Fnr Trimmings, Newest Styles in Banes, fclair Goods and Crimpers, Children's Knit and Plush Cape md Hoods, Toboggans, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. MISS M, H, 6ILIEY, BUTLEH> - - - PA ({Mi Arcm:. '.3 <isne?a C-ia CUKES DISEASED VThcr. .• • tak.-n Into c«u!'S rrxiion '■ t fcfci In the only £T . wffiu uairit py win? a medicinal r qaaltty <.th. rthuua *"unrJiu-t, i{ pure a •.li.lt 1. rc-QUIA J. Aromatic Gtaeva Sin nnjir<VM is a. pur 1 ncvji(3wi4g)Qin,r3- dilluio'. >v.-:i MlcCttd buciiu Kr 1 !!! leaves.fr. J.uiiprr bcr^ VwflL tnKB rep. pfii r l' ■ro in. It will fcW*J. Bftjg Ihj found jv lnvaluolilo remedy EmM find cort• tor llrlght'a irJStr* wffgl l>lner»o. tone in BLiddcr, i and nit i .iamrantlnn ot the aiul Urinary JAMES K. WORK IS, Sole Agent,, . 105 <-tt.lTTirn.K sr., NEW TOBK. FOB SAI.E BY J. C. REDICK, Druggist, *BCTLER, PES5 f A. The Reason Whv voo should your order for ftny Kye y o y r BotTri on WhlsU. jtrn tn -T Schumacher. No. LLfrty ot., nns bun? Pa* 1* becaune the best and pur that line, aiul Vlls thein at lower prices than any house in Pittsburg. ?liree year old Pure Rye, %■— 00 per gallon. Four year old Pure Rye, s2.fio per gallon. Five vear old Pure Rye, 53.00 per From" 5 to 8 year old Pure I've >3 00 to So.oo per gallon. The purest Imported Wtoej. 'HSSifini and Gins prescribed toy physicians lor murposes. Goods shipped to all parts ot the country. No charge for package. Call orwrite and give me a trial order ftuJ ,J" OU . W, 'J *''t. deal with no other house, "end monej with order, by registered letter .>r P. O. order, u. ». Revenue laws prohibit fluting tf*"} 9 J" C h*k" KMnMHfilllv JACOH SCHI'MACHEBi Respectl > j«l Liberty St .. Pittsburg, Pa. store located two minutes walk from i n lon Depot. SLJR~V E Y I NQ Wbo* BANKS, and leveling. P» rUcular attention given to the Retracing ol oUI lines. Address, B.F.HILLURD. C». h«rvey««* North Hope P. 0., Butler Co, Pa. >,\B4J.T STAMPING For Kensingt yi, Arrasene AKP OUTLINiI #OBK DONE lesson* la san i glvea by AMBIR M VOWMAN, NorUi ctreei, BaUcr, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers