THE OITIZ EIsC. " FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 18S7. P UdLIC S O TICK ! The public it hereby notice 1 that hereafter all Rrsnfutions of Tle*p.'ct or C'ontioUnce adopt td by organization* and ordered published all notice* of Church Fair*, Fe*tirali and Lec turet; and all conihiunicated Obituarist trill be charged for at the tate of one-half cent a troy:/, tl mty to nrmnpany LOCAL AND GENERAL. LEGAL NEWS. THE BABY CASE. The -tilth bearing in tiie Monks-Harbison baby ca-e, on the writ of hab- >u corput, was bad b: lor.-Judge Ilazen, on Monday ruorn in". 1:• brought the matter up t*y reading the order of Court that the deten 1- an's pn lute the child in Court on the nsorn irc < f N-.v. H, at 9 o'clock. Jless-s Martin god William Monk*. Wendsll Hiikey and Mrs Deer, f'-ur of the defendants appea-ed in Court, a: d Mr. Galbrea'.n read their ai3 davit, s'-atin? tba? they could DotproJnee the child, as they did not have it in their poses m saio'u and never had, e:c., aad also read a letter from Mrs. Harbison, lu Kansas City, , to her br-ither Martin Monks, stating that' she bad h'r child and intended to keep it, that bcr husband had abased her, nn 1 that Fhc w.-til' n-.J eorue back for any person or , tnycau e,th tshe iatendeJ g in/toSouth-ra California, etc. Tl-.o.upijome scripture but got it wrong and Judge Uazen, w,io wss belter posted corrected him Religion is not Charley's forte, he should stick to the ' lurid liver and shining trail" line, in which be is so brilliant a suc cess. Tr.e prosecution asked that the four defendants present be cited to show cause why thty should uot De held for contempt of Coiut. Jndge Hazen took the papers,and at ti:is writing, has made no order. TBIAL LIST FOR THIS WEEK. All the in the list for thin week, ex cepting three, have been disposed of as fol lows; Hockeaberry v» Hindmans —continued at cost of (!-:"'ciidant. E'choltz vs Gardner-Verdict for defendant Thorn! *>a vs McLimea'a-case discontinu ed by p^ff. Erurick vs Edmunds—Verdict for plff for •SIW. Harpers vs Shaw and Black, adm'rs —case settled. Cubhison for use vs Sowers—coutinued. Duncan vs P & W II R Co —ulidum]. Ret'! : nJ wife vs Craig ami Wife—cane dts continaed. Mct'audlpss vs slcCandle*—continned. Schlerter vs Balfour —Compulsory noa-suit grtnttd. Dunbar vs Kvansburg—Verdict for plff for 00. iii.'er vs Smyers et al, on trial. KOTES. The excepti »n« to the s-ile of the H properly were Withdrawn aud sale confirm - el. Michael Wsloney was apdoiu'ed guardian of Calv i n Wright. Jlr. I! Leomtr resigned his position a« Constable of Jefferton twp , and recommend td the appointment ot Daniel VV'aliett. Mr. Ciiri.-f»pher Bergman was appoint d guardian cf Win., Lottie and Emma Ehlert. E. A lleider has had summons in ejectment it-sued Tl enefjt of residents or non-resident*,fin eluding niorrgtges on property outside the Slate, end blocks and bonds issued by corpor ations of other States, is liable to taxation in this State. _ Allen Ross Me-hliic Suniur.-. Pa. EaphfinU McCandless Saubury, Pa. Wtu. T. McCandless Mt. Pi. Martha Jane Reed Nit. Chestnut, Pa. —Mrs. Dr. Cartmchael ofGretvilie, is yi=- iting Mr.-;, Dr. Wiles of Peca St. —Mr. Amo3 Sea?on, treasurer-elect, has rented Mr. Dyerly's vacant n»j-i ja E. OJl nin 'ham —The cev? pip? line to the Saxoaburg Seld has b?en completed. —The roads betsreen Butler and Saxon'>.irg have been badly cu: up by the heavy haul ing, and are in poor COR lition. —The Town Council has secured a car load of Greenville stone for crossings, an J are Luring tuern pat down. —Cleveland west oat. There are ir,- dicati: us that the southeru (avcritc for next year is Davis. —lt is so odd that the anirchUts sboull think dca'h so bad a thing for ihem and so good for everybody else. —Tobogging will probibly ba popular throughout the courtly this winter. Woa der if anybody will build a slil; ia Ba.lsr. —Geibach, Zehner lives on tee same street —They "havea baby and two calves." —The married men of a neighboring town have organized a "spiritual circle," but the report that it is a temperance organization is not generally credited. —A inan aud wife on their way to Oil City were lately patoff the cars at Keister, aad j walked back to Gmve City, where a purst was raised to send them to their destina tion. —lt is stated that the S. &A.R. R. Co. will build a road from Greenville to Amasa crossing on the L. S. .i i-s credited to C. B. fjhrom, of G.-eeuvi!!*, w;:o rode 2,430 miles Some Kittanaing feilows who were over here, the other day, had only made SJO miles. The Pennsylvania Company are making an 1 distributing along their extensive liaes, neatly padded stretchers to be in <- .ier «ency in case of accident for carrying injured persons. —Tyrone, Blair county, has an ordinance requiring; ail boy* to b ; at their homes ti r -t later than 7 p.m , aud t!ie constable of the borough is enforcing it. How would this ordinance do for Llutler? —The exceedingly dry weather, this fail, rn-idi it nnpieasin'. to busk corn, on ace ;uat of the busks baint; so dry and h*rd, and some of our farm-ri let it (-tan 1, bat the rain «.f week and the fine weather of this, will enable them to it aii in. -Since (be Saxcnburg oil field has been developed the Jarecki Manufacturing Co's «:• te here lias been doing a business of about $2->OO a day. The Oil Well Supply Co. of Oil City covets a share of ihe bu*in».-!S, aud will iurt a branch store here. —We direct attention to the pro*pecti of Ihe illustrated publications of Harper ic Brothers of New York, which are conceded to be the finest published in the civilized world. —Some of our butchers arc bringing fat cattle from the Pittsburg market, a* this connty has bsen almost drained of heavy cattle. —St. Peter (to applicant)— What was your busine-r, when on earth? Applicant —Editor of a newspaper. St. Peter—Big circulation, of course? Applicant—Na, small; smallest iu the country. St. Peter —Pick out yonr harp. —A Catholic priest over in Etst Maucb Chu k. Pa., has forbidden the ladies of his congregation, old and to wear bus tles.—Ex. Uuules and pads ate deceptive but harmless inventions. If the Catholic priest* can prevent the Catholic wom. j n from wearing corsets they will give their church a big lift. —A gre*t many people have 1 itelv wrest led with the word bomb, giving it several different pronunciations, the most of tliem insisting on pronouncing the final b, This is unnecessary trouble. The fiutl bis silent, and the o has the same sound as in the word "done." It haH exactly the same pronuncia tion as the word '•bum," the slang term for a vagrmt. —At the Annual meeting ol the stockhold ers of the Petroleum Agricultural Association at Parker, lately. 11. 11. Say. was elected President; J, P. Parker,Vice President; Rob ert Ralph. Secretary; S. H. Manifold, Treas urer and H. 11. Say, A. Tippery,K. Robinson, Morgan Morgan, (i. A. Neelle, (J. K. Pol lock, I Latshaw, S. K. Smith and F. M- Sbira, directors for the ensain# year. —-f.ook out for the new two dollar silver certificates witti the Hancock vignette which are hein? rained and circulated as ten dollar cortifi.iated. A number of tiietn have been discovered in the We it. Th L-se notes will doubtless be shoved in all parts of the coun try. Link, carefully a: ail c-riiii'-.iun of tha ten dollar denomination before accepting thein. Rough on the School teacher. A citizen of Cranberry Twp. writ ing from 0«le, says: We. the patrons of the schools of this township, have been paying our taxes every Jf-ar. and we do not al ways receive the proper return for our money. We do not tfcink this b right. It is only about two years ogo that we paid about §l5O to a couple of girls, who iu actions, if not iu years, were babies. The people tolerated them until they could do so no long er, and fin illy the directors ask"d the parents of the girls to take them home. Now, although tho Semple schorl has only beeu in session a short time, only children belonging to families who are able to dress them nicely, receive any attention. Now we demand of tha directors of this township that they see to it that each child is taught alike, wheth er they be rich or poor. I also think the order in our schools could be im proved considerably, us pupils can uot study in a bedlam. If the teacher we have cannot control the pupils, give us one that can. I do not think it the best plan for directors to hire a teacher that was seated in the water bucket iu an ad joining township, especially when the pupils in tho district she has been hired in are all acquainted with the fact. 1 have paid my tax and I dou't care whether my child is dressed in velvet, silk or calico, wears a blue ribbon on her hair or a string, I waut her to get the same amount of teach ing as any other child, — Vallf.y News —The School at Kdioboro hai a fiuo libra ry of H,500 volumes. —"Christian character and Chris-1 tiau principles wrought into tho lives i of the young," is "the ideal in educa-! tion," which Grove City College seeks j to impress upon all students, More and more la done each term to lead young men and women to a higher and better life. —Stockinet, or stockings by the yard iu all colors at L. STEIN & SON'S. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. —Frank Raymond, a coal black neirru an'i Fir.rv Bcnsiger, a white •*ouiau, of Sut-qii! hanna township, Juniata ct>umy, applied to th» clerk of the Orpiiaa'o Court,ut Miifiatowu, ]a-t week, for a licence to marry. Tfc>■ c't-rk refused 'be I h«r ti >i so much on account of the difference in color as for tho reason thit both have been beretofoie marrie 1 aad bfve a wife aud husbaud i;vi re spectively. .When la9t h;?ard from M~. Ja? F Fills of L.*n he walked to the hjuie 200 feet away before falling. j —Tbe fuss ovtr tbe election in Lawrence Co. was settled by Judge McMichael who decided that tbe vo'es ; should staud for the meu tor wnom thty were intended. Tbe Republi can tickets were printed "For Au li • tor, Jaaie3 M Sterling," whereas ' should have b;*en "Joseph M " | Much argumt-ut and many allidivits ' were iutrodacal and the c >urt d -cid j ed that &!i the votes should be couut ;ed for Joseph M Sterling. Not one [correct vote cast for him in >be j county. Tbe judges of electious and ! the election boards ia the Third ward and in several outside precincts, it was proven, were not sworn accord ing to law. Such b"in * tbe lact, the law would holl that they were not sworn at all, and that consequently tbe !> »Il* wire ia charge of a in ;b. | The court over-looked this and hold j ing that the intention of ail concern •ed was all right, decided that the ! vote should bo couutea. It is not i probable that tha decision will be j contested. —S:x inches or snow fell at Clar ion last Friday. • —Tbe Diebi hotel ia Parker was badly damaged by fire a few days ago. A gaa explosion at New Brigh ton last week destroyed the fine resi dence of Cbas. Richards, aud blew a eixtetn months old baby out of tbe door and twenty feet into the yard, without seriously injuring it. i —The body ol Cbas. F. Washburn was lately found in tbe woods in in Jackson twp Clarion Co. a bnllet hole w. s found in bis bead about two iuch<-8 above tbe right ear, made by a 32 calibre revolver", wLicb was found lying at bis s'.de. He was 5 feet 8 inches high and weighed 140 puUDd.-\ bad da 1 k brown hair, a short mustache, and looked to be about 35 years old. His father came from Ti lu.ivilie and identified the mau as bis eoa. It is fcuppoetd to be £ case of suicide. —The health authorities ia New Castle say that there is no cause for alarm with regard to cholera from Italians who • recently arrived there, —Frank Lmgfriand a prominent grocer in Greenville, Mercer county, bns b;;ea arrested for false pretense ia obtaining CA sacks of flour from Thomas Moser, a Sharon miller. —A large hawk pounced down on a cat at lidison, Pa a few days ago, and after flying about 30 feet high the bird discovered that it bad tack led more than it could mauage and dropped its prey. —Last week Clarence Showers, I a well known citizen of Clarion twp. Clarion Co was gored to death by a vicious bull he was leading along the road. A neighbor who lived near spot where it occurred saw Mr.Show ers engaged in fighting off the bull. B»;ing iuGrm, the neigbor sent a little boy after Mr. Collett, another neigh bor. Collett mounted a horse and galloped to the rescue, but when he got to the spot he found Mr Show ers lying up in the grouud, horribly mangled and bis clothes almost torn from his body wbile the bull was down on his knees still goring bis j lifeless victim After a severe Strug- j y!e Mr. Collett succeeded in b»-ating off the infuriated animal with a piece of fence rail. The bull, known to stockraisers a3 ' Silver King," was shot next day. —lt is remarkable how generous some people are. Over at New Cas tle a boy at the risk of his life stop ped a runaway team hauling a load of turnips, and received a turnip from the farmer who owned tbe team. The depraved boy thought he should haye two turnips for the service. —James Mcllenry's great $20,000 000 case against the N. Y., P. it O R 11 ba- ju*t been settled in the Com mon Pleas Court, Cleveland, the de fendants paying the costs, atuountiug to $13,480 This probably settled Mr. Mc Henry's scheme to throw the road into a receivers' bands. Persons residing in the vicinity of East Brady Lave received letters from one C L James, of New York, in which hn agrees to furnish coun terfeit money of ail denomination** at low rates He cluima that the 'queer' is made from genuine plates stolen from the Treasury department by a former employe,and that there is no possible danger of detection, as the money cannot be told from the genuine until ihe notea are worked back to Washington. Peter Grove, one of tha pioneers of Venango county, died at his home in Plum township on Wednesday, November 2, 1887, in tha ninety eight year of his age. —ln the appeal for assistance made by Balientine Vaugbn, of Dar lington, to Poor Director Reed, of Beaver countv, the lact came out that Vaughn's wife was his neioc and his sister's daughter. The cou pie have been married 15 years Oi their 10 children 8 died in infancy and the two living are idiots. —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furniture iu our three ware rooms at No. ly Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. The best as well as the cheap est, but all-the best made for the price. All persons will hud it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certain our prices before purchasing. -M rr.LKK Biio'a. Use Double All O. K Horse and Cattle Powders,beat in the world. A aure and speedy cure for heaves, coughs, colds, iufltmed lungs, rough ness of skin, and all kidney diseases. For sale by J. C RKI>ICK, 218-iJm No. 5, N. Main St. Butler, Pa —A. G. Reed Post No.llor). r ) G A 11., regular meetings Island 2nd Fri day of each mouth at 730 Sharp. Let all comrades take notice. —That the yard-wide Brocade Cashmeres, in all colors, is the best bargain in fine dress goods ever offer ed in Butler county, at RITTER tes. Send : for circulars. J. Cooptr, E lin'ior i. Pa. —N ). 19 Jelfersoa .Sr is ?he place to buy cheap and good furniture. Every one who contpm; 1 ttes at i lendinar school away fro u bump, ; should send to Grove Ci'v Coliepe for a circular.entitle.i "A I'lain State ment of Expenses" Tbe ai-o caa be bad upon appliciinn, Address the President, Isaac C Ket ; ler The winter term begins Nov. j2D:b, —That you ebould ebut that door— —That the people have discovered that tbuy can always secure bargains at RITTER k RALS-TO.N'S. —Beautiful pictures at very low prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St. —All wool Tricots, checks and fan cy wove Dress Goods at 50 cents a yerd at L. STEIN A SON'S —lce Cream made to order at the City Bakery. —That tbe best liue of Silks in black and colors at RITTER & HAL-TON'S. —Write to tba Principal of Sun bury Academy fur catalogue and cir culars —20,000 Beef Hides wanted, for which highest Cash Price will be paid by J. IT B. KEMPER, No. 20 i Suutb Main St., IJutier, Pa. Bargain:* i:i libsiikiHn i«nd Flan- 1 neis, heavy all wool Gray Blankets at $3,50 a pair at L. STEIN it SON'S. —That next Thursday is Thanks-; giving day— —For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem j ons, Malaga Grapes and Crauberries, 1 go to Morrison's City Bakery. —That the prices on Underwear at ! RITTER and bologna in the manufacture of which he is quite au artist. Thirty pounds of his smoked sausages were shipped to Texas lately a fact thai he is very proud of. The very next time you want a juicy and tender steak, or supply of toothsome sausages, try 11. M CLARK'tJ. II 11 tf. SUNBURY ACADEMY. Tuesday, Nov. 20, the Winter Term opens, aud continues thirteen weeks. The outlook for the term is ; very promising. Buildings new and commodious, Instruction Thorough, Influence the Beat aud Expenses Low. Write to the Principal ior catalogue end circulirtj in regard to stmlie#, rooms, &c Address R. W. Principal, Coult'erbville, Pa. Absolutely Pure. This t\>« di-r hever vanes. A marvel 0! purity, slrentrtb and wholesoniencss. Vore jionoiun.Ml that the ordinary kinds, and cm not be -old in competition with the tnullilue ol low tests, short w.-iirhi.alumn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING FOWDEUCO,, 106 Wall Street N. Y. Estate of Ellen Kiskaddon. (LATE OK ALLEGHENY T'.VP.) Letters of ad/n'r having been granted to the under signed un the esiat>- of Ellen Kiskad don. late of Allegheny tp P.titler, ( o. Pa. dee'd. all persons knowing themselves indebted 10 said estate will please make payment, and any claims against said estate will present tliein dulv authenticated for settlement. J. C. KISKADDON. Adm'r. Foxburg, I'a. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Robe rt A Brown committee of James 11. Bartley, a lunatic, has hied his final account as c itnmit tee of said lunatic in the office of the Pro thonotary of the Court of Co amia Pleas ot Butler county at M's. D. No. 8, June Term, ISBO, aud that the same will he presented for continuation on Wednesday, December 7, j ISB7. ' WM. SHIEA, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, So v. 7, ISS7. Estate of Samuel MoClintock LATE OF ALLEGHENY TU"P., DKC'D. Letters of administration having been grant ed to the undersigned on he estate of Samuel .MoClintock, dee d, late of Allegheny twp., Kut ler county. Pa., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to the above estate will please make immediate payment, and any lwing claims against said estate will present them duiy au thenticated tor settlement. E. MCJCNKI.V, JAMKS H, MCMAHAN, Adinr. Att'y. Six Points, Butler Co., Pa. Notice in Divorce. Anna 1., Kerrero bv her . Com. Pleas of Butler next friend W T Mech -Co. A, 1). No6l .luneT ling vs Eugene Kerrero. ) 15»7,t0 Eugene Kerrero Respondent, take notice: Whereas a sub poena in divorce have been returned N :E .1. In the above case, the last of which was returned Sept. Term lw>7. You aie hereby notified ami required to appear before the said Court at But ler. on the Ist day of next term, being Dec. ">th, IS*7 to answer the Said complaint or show cause if any you have why the praver of the pe titioner should not be granted KRAMER. Sheriff of Butler Co. Administrator's Notice. Estate ol Geo.W.Carnahan dee'd. Where as letters of administration have been granted to me, the undersigned, in the above estate, notice is hereby given to all persous indebted to said estate to call and settle, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same duly authenti cated lor payment. S. F. BOWSEIT, Admr. of estate of G. W. Carnahan, dec'J., Bntler, Pa. Estate of H. T. Merkel, Dee'd. Letters testamentary on the estate of 11. T, Merkel, E.-q. late of Saxonburg, Butler county. Pa. having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said eslate will present thorn duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN E. MUDKH, EX'r. Saxonburg. Butler Co. Pa. Notice in Divorce. In the matter of the petition of Thomas Wil liams lor divorce from Ilarilett Williams. A. D., No. 62, June Term, 1837. Subpoena re turned N. E. I, Alias subpoena returned. De fendant cannot be found In my bailiwick. So answers Sheriff Kramar. . To THE RESPONDENT— Harriett Williams: Y'ou are hereby notllled to be and appear In your proper person before our Judges, at Butler, at a Court of Common Pleas, there to be held for the county of Butler, in December, 1887, to an swer the petition or libel of the said Thomas Williams, and to show cause. If any you have, wny the said Thos. Williams, your husband, should not be divorced from the bonds of matri mony, agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such cases made and provided. PETER KRAMER, Sheriff. Widows' Appraisements. The following appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart for the bene tlt of widows of decedents, have been Hied in the office or the clerk of the orphans' Court of Butler County, in accordance with the Act of Assembly, viz: Widow of Robert A. Patterson Moo 00 " Za- liarlah 11. Conn 167 00 .. ' McCall 134 95 H He*ry ;. Miller 298 50 t- ray lor (real estate) :ioo ou '■ Allison Thompson lao 00 " liernard McLaughlin :ioo 00 " Neal McDevitt :soo ou " Abner Kelly 298 00 Geo. W. Caruahan(realty) :sno ou All persons Interested In above appraisements will take notice that they will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Butler county, for confir mation, on Wednesday, the 7th day of Decem ber, 1887. REUBEN MCELVAIN, Clerk O.C. Road Reports. Notice Is hereby given that the following road reports have been confirmed nisi by thw Court and will be presented on the nrst Wed nesday of December, being the 7th day of the month, IKS 7. If no exceptions are tiled they will be continued absolutely. It. I). No 1. June Session, 188", Iu re petition for a over suulli brunch or .Slipperyrock creek. at the place where the public road from Cenirevllle to Sunbury crosses sai l creek,ln the township or i 'herry, In llutler county, August 31st, lss7. viewers report tin; bridge necessary and that the erection thereof will require more expense than Is reasonable the township of Cherry should bear, and dlu locate the site thereof, and that no change Is necessary In the course or bed of tin-public road to be connect ed with said bridge. Sept. 7. lxxv. approved, notice to be given according to to rules or court. 11Y THE COUBT, It. I). No. ■> June Sessions, i*s7, iu re petition to vat-ale a public load running Houlu from a road leading from the Pittsburg and Franklin to White oak Spring road. Aug 4. ls»7, viewers r«pori road not necessary for a public road and hav etherefore vacated the same. Sept 7 A.l> 1887. approved. Bv THK COUKT. R 1> No 3. June Sessions, 1887. In re petition for a county bridge In Adams township, over | Wolf creuk. In said township,at the place where the public highway toCallery Junction crosses the x.ild creek. July 11. 1887, viewers report the bridge prayed lor Is necessary, and that the erection or the same will require more expense than Is reasonable that the township of Adams should bear, and did locate the site thereor ror a county bridge and that no change Is necessa ry In the course or bed of the public road to be connected with .said bridge. Mcpt 7, iss7. ap proved, notice to be given according to rules of Court. 15Y TIIK ConiT. i HI)NoS, In re petition for public road to lead front a point on the TUree JJegree road at or near where the line of lands of James I'erry mid John Hart lug Intersects with said Tlireo lie groe road, In Adams towns nip, (o a point on Pittsburg and Uutlcr n>acl. at or near the dwell ing house of Win lluines, in Adams township, Sept o, i*s7, viewers report road prayed for Is necessary anil have therefore laid out the same tor public use anil report the probable cost of making said road tube tweuty-llve dollars and that said cost should be borne by the township, and thai the damages asses.ud should lie paid by the county and have assessed the following damages and none to an.v others, viz: To Win. ilUtnoS, tin. Sept. 7, |sa7, Approved, ujj'i iix Wit]ill of I'oad u\ ,xi f»M i. jiotl<;o to be irlven no curding to rules of court. „ ~ IJV TIIE COt'ltT, HLTI.KH COUNTY, WS: Certified from the Record this 3d dav of No vember. ls*7. K. MCELVAIN, Clerk, •: • A* _ L ; Tut«l for One Vear, 9157.10. TOTAL FOH THIKTEEN WKKKR, $52. 70 C'hainiieriain Institute, itamiilph, N. Y. Located on th« X. Y. P. & O. It'. It." Kfttuliliwhml 37 Yearn. A school for both sexes. Well endowed and equipped. Property $100,000.00. Steam heat, spring water, perfect drainage, [elev en teachers In addition to regular Acad emic Departments,possesses t jjin ■■■.ervial al lege and Musical Institute. \Vlnter teriu Opens Dec. j;;. and at>. Mprltu Tcru cy .ns Starch U0 and close* .(nnn u, lev'. A (111 reus for catalogue or information. 08. J. T. KOWAUDS, Randolph, N Y. WANTED —LADY Artlv ® m, i I'ltciiiMa, h iwirtw.' U.IY s iiflya-, 1888. HARPER'S MAGAZINE ILLUSTRATED. HAUPKU'S M ACIAZIKE IS an orjran o( lirosTeS!"- nv thought at.d movement in every depart ment or lire. Kesldeß will con tain. during !be coming rear. important -•« clt s. suporblj Illustrated. 111 the Great ;West: articles on American and foreign luuu i ,; beautifully Illustrate;! papers on -otlatid. N >'r way. Switzerland. Algers. an:l the We.-d In , dies; new levels by Wililum t'.luck and V> I. ; Hon ells; novelettes, each complete In a slimle l.umlei. ly Henry .tames. Lafcadlo Ileern. and I Ainelle Hives; sluit Merles in Miss Wools .n i ai.d ot ;er"| o ular wr tvr ;an Illustrate 1 pa;..- of special article und literary Interest. The IMi'oral Departments are conducted by (ieorge Wililom Curtis. William Dean llowells an; j Charles Dudiey Warner. I fIAEPEtt'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: I HARPER'S MAGAZINE SI 00 I HARP::ITB WEEKI.Y 4 W ] HARPER'S BAZAR 4 OA | HARl'r-lt'S YOCNU I'EO.'LE 2 0-) Postage Free lit all subscribers in the Unit ed States, Canada or Mexico. The volumes of the MAGAZINE begin with the Numbers ror June an I December of eael» year When no time is speeined. subscrlpi lons will be gin with the Number current at t:m; of receipt, ot order. Bound volum -s of IIAKPEB'S MAGAZINE, for three yea- s back, In neat cloth, will be seat by mail, post paid 011 receipt or f:i 01 per vol'itn C'loth Cases, for blLding, ao cents tacU—b, mall, post-paid. Index to HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 7.i Inclusive, from June. ls;o to June, ls*j, one vol, Bvo, Cloth. $4 00. Remittance should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise went without tke express order 0/ iiAKPtiK & ISKOTIIEKS. Address HARPER .£ BROTHERS, New York. 1888. HARPER'S WEEKLY. ILLUST RATED. HARPER'S WEEKLY has a well established p. ice as the leading Illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of its editorial com ments on current politics has earned lor It the respect and contldence of all impartial readers, and the variety and excellence of Its literan contents, which Include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, tit, it for the perusal of people of the widest range ot tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequent ly provided- arid no expense Is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of • he changerul p'hases of home and foreign history. la all Its features HAR PER'S WEEKLY IS admirably ADAPTED to be a welcome guest In every household, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: H ARPER S WEEKLY' $4 00 HAUPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPERS BAZAR 4 0 3 H ARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE GO Postage free to all s.tlscribt rs in the Un ited States, Canada, or Me* ,'eo. The volumes of the WEEKLY begin with the first Number for January of each vear. When 110 time is mentioned, subscription's will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Hound volumes of HAP.PEK'S WEEKLY, for 3 years back, in neat do: li binding, will lie sent by mail, post! ge paid, or by expi ess. free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume). lor $7 00 per volume. C'loth cases for each volume, suitable for bind ing, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of ti uo each. Remittances should be made by l'ost Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, Neuspaptrs are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of 11AKPKit ic llltOTll KKS. Address. JLAIIRZU 4 BROTHERS, New Y'ork 1888. HARPER'S BAZAR. ILLUSTRATE D, IIAKPEH'H UAXAK IS a home Journal. It coin bines choice literature and fine art Uustratlons with the latest Intelligence the .fash lons. Each number has clever serial and short stories, practical and timely essays, bright poems, humorous sketches, etc. Its pattern sheet ami fashion-plate supplements will alone help ladles to save many times the cost of the subscription, and papers on social etiquette, decorative art. house-seeping In all Its branches cookery, etc., make it useful in every house hold. and a true promoter of economy, Its edi torials are marked by good sense, and not, a line is admitted to its columns that could offend the most fastidious taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, Per Year: HARPER S BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United Stales, Canada, or Mexico: The volumes of the BAZAK begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Hound Volume" of HAKPKR'H RAZAK. for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided tlio freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for i~ oo per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for bind ing. will be seat by mall, post-paid, on receipt of *1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post Ofllce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of lIAItI'KK it BnOTHKKS. Address HAKI-EK & BROTHERS, New York. 1888. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE An Illustrated Weekly. HAKPER'H YOCNO PEOPI.F. interests all voting readers by lis carefully selected Variety or themes and their well-considered treatment. It con tains the best serial and ahort stories, valuable articles on scientific subjects and travel, histori cal anil biographical sketches, papers on athletic sports and games, stirring poems, etc., contrlb. uled by the brightest and most famous writers- Its Illustrations are numerous and excellent Occasional Supplements of especial Interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise llrty three weekly numbers- livery line In the paper Is subjected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order that nothing harmful may enters its eo.umus. An epitome of everything that. is attractive and desirable in Juvenile llteruture.—•Boston Courier.' A weekly feast of good tilings to the boya and girls in every family which It v|sttn.- Brooklyn Inlon. it is wonderful in Its wealth of pictures, infor mation, and Interest. "Christian Advocate,' TKBMS: Postage Prepaid, $2.00 Per Year. Vol. IX. begins Not cmbcr 1, ISS7. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of u two-cent stamp. single Numbers, rive Cents each. Kewlttanoes should be made by l«ost ofllce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chauce of loss. Newtpupers ure «iut to ropy this adrerlite merit without the exprttu order of MAlli'Klt Sadie B. Fowzer, intermarried wltU Newton Culhbert residing at lilairaviiie, Pa., and Henrietta r owzer. te.ulenoe unknown, the contents of tlitf within order of Court aud rule them and every of them to be aud appear before the Judges of the Orphans Court of Huller Co., Pa., ou the firm Mouday of December, 1887, being the filth day then)"!', to accept the within premises at the valuation or show cause why the *arii« hhould not be sold, and make ruiurn how you have served this writ. Witness the honorable \aron L. HKZHU, President Judge of our s«id Courl at Butler this l.'tb day of Octojper, 18RT. &ICfeV'4l>'. Ci«irk. (fine frdene getegenljeU SSicfcf'S 951 Sticfcl- unb Sdjulj-j^aus. ©enn fic uir gair fotntnen, fie nid)t ootjufpred&en bei unß, um bie grcfeen bargains racldie irtr geben in ©tiefeln unb ©d>uf)en ju priifen. 2Nan ben nidjt, 910. 22 ©iib 2Rain ©tr. Sutler, Tie grijfctc Stuerral)! in ©tiefeln, ©d&uljen unb ©umtni»€>c{>uf)en, fiit }>rcife bie ©ie überrafdjen toerben. 2Bir ftnb im 6ntft. ©efdjiifte mitflTen gemadjt roerben biefc§ ©patjaljr, bcjj[jalb ftnb bie 'iPreifen fo baft fie 9?iemanb uDertreffen !ann, ipenn fie cin genauer Aiiufcr ftnb fiir baar fo !auft -_oHar tttefyr in nteincm Sabctt ate in irgenb eincm aniberen in Sutler (bounty. Um biefco ju leiueifen £efe Die foil)end* lire is It fie Somen finopf ©c&ufje 90, SI.OO, $1.25, u. $1.60 | tfrauen jinopf ©djube 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 amber Sitopf ©cfiiiljc 10. 25, 50, u. 75 centi i Somen SBafferbit&te ©(§ulje mit ©cfcuiiren 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 tvrauen 23afierbic6te „ „ 60, 75, 90, u. SI.OO , fiinber 88afferbic§te „ „ „ 25, 50, 60, u. 75 unfc vide SBanner feine ©djulje SI.OO, $1.25 u. $1.50 : Snaben feine Scfntlje 75, $1 00 u. $1.25 Siiinner unb Sna&en 9Ultag3 s ©cf)u{)e 75, SI .00 u. $1.25 j sftanner Sip ©tiefe! $1.50, SI.BB, S2 00 u. $2.50 finaben Jhp ©ticfel SI.OO, $1.20, $1.40 u $1.75 j 3u*fllinge jtip ©ttefel 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 Ser 9iaum tnirb eo nidit geftaticn bie an alle 3Baa«n angubeuten, aber fonmtt ju ntir unb id) null Gudj berroeifen ba& i«b c(3 erfte ftlaffe 2£aaren uerFanfe tntb 311 sreifen »bllig s io niebriger, ate irgenb ein sau§ tn Sutler Goutttg. Dnujrtjiunitter fiir Pofion (summt=Sdjitlje. SJidnner <3ttmmi=Sliefel, Softon Jvabrif . $2.35 SMwner ©djnalien SirticS, " " 1.00 2llle anbere ©ummt:3s?aat en gerabe fo biHtg. ©djufjen unb ©tiefeln rcerbm auf 33efteHung gemast. Sine grofje Sluoroaljl uon felbftDcrfertigten Gcljutjen unb ©tiefeln imtner an sanb. 3leparirung ju majjigen sreifen. Seber uni sinbing«. 30I) n33 idte I, 22 sustain Sit., Sutler, Jin. j B. _& B. BARSAIBS EXTRAOBOIIABY —IX— Sty Goods end Winter Wraqs, Hayii>£ ?ilade recently a number of very ad vantapoous puchasrs—closing eu\, wo axe oflcrmff now, In our . iiil'.i- much valuable in formation as lo styli k, values, etc., lor j4T.itin— tons distribution, is now ready, and will he sent free ttpou request i i postal ;u>y :ul I -:, it Is gotten up for the benefit of oui- out-of-town pal i ons. Opened to-day—2no Kobe Patterns' line.ser vieealde. Imported clmii. li. all color . vards plain and ."> yards faucv stripes at ?8.:o for Hie complete Pattern Dress. These ltobes have been sold tills season at -*2 O. Another lot of Fancy lioba Patterns < r Habits goods of line Dnpoted Series, in foil iine of colors, with elegant Krai'led I'anel and Garoi tiite—Vest. C'nffs and Coil irs—i;riee ••s.r/j each. Contains it yds. double-width (foods. lieal value S-0 Both of above special offerings consist of about 100 Suit Patterns of ea it. and th"rc will be no more, as this closes the Importation. too pes. Fancy Scotch Skirtings :i;i inches in width, in large iis.-oitment .if Fancy strip*-s. at 50 cents, formerly and never sold for less before Elegant goods. 32 inch all-wool Fancy Suitings. :soe. 36 ln'-li all-wool Fancy Suitings, :;.">c. 38 inch all-wool Fancy Suitings, 15, 50c. 50 inch Serges. 45c. 50 inch Cloth Suitings, 45c. Kfl inch iloth Suiting, w. 50 inch Cloth Suitings, 50, 75.85 c, 51.t0. French Suitings. 10, 50, 75, two, -1 ir>. Sfi inch Tricots, 4".c. 50 inch Tricots, 50, use. 52 inch Tricots, 75c to $1.50. Winter Wraps, Cloaks, etc. Most complete nssort'iien of Laities', Misses' and children's Wraps, in all manlier of style-, from finest Seal Skins flown to common and cheap grides to suit all tastes and without question at lowest possible prices. Vour wants and itle:is will he fully met by emiuiiinx here for your Winter Wraps, and money .saved lor other purposes. We lieileve Hie interests of customers and merchants are identical, EObGS & BUHL, 115,117,119,121 Federal St, Allegheny Pa. I\ S.—Write our ?J ail Order Hcpartmeut for samples and information. Executor's Sale of REAL ESTATE My virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of (Sutler county, at O. C. No. .»7 Sept. term, 1887, Authorizing ujeso to do, I will expose to Public Sale, on the premises in Jacktiou tp., saiil uounty and Slate, a< Executor of the last will and testament of Andrew S. /ieirler. dee'd, on Thursday, Nov. IJ. 1887, At 11 o'clock a.m., the following described real estate, viz: Bounded on the noriii l>y lands of John llerr, Joseph Stault'er an.l James MeCurdy; 011 the ea;t by lands of James MeCnrdy, John (jioehring, John fore man and Win. Lulx; ou the youth by lan Is of C. A. Pahvant, Win. Luta and John 1 'ore man, urn) ou the west l»y lauds of Jai-ob Koeher, Henry Kocher and John Herr. CONTAINING 164 ACRES and 3{l perches as iier survey made l>y A Sitler. 3 Terms of Sale—One-half purchase money on continuation of kalo, and the balance in one therefrom seeured by bond and mort- K»J?e. WM. F. WlLD,Executor. J. IT. DOUGLASS, DEAbEII IN-- STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals^ CHEAP TABLETS, AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER. - - *\A. f 2-4-87-ly A J FRANK k CO, DKAI.RHS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY and TOILET AIITICES, 9PONGES, ISBUBHES, PEHFI'MEHY, &c. Wi'Uyslclans' Prescriptions carefully c 0...- pouudei!, anil orders answered with ea:e ana dispatch. OurstocK of liicillrlnes Is complete warranted !_»uulno, and of the host, quality. 45 S' nth Main Street, S CJTHjEJ £?/, ■ HOBOS;* 1 ' No oiieration or Imsini -■ ■ • Thou- ;it.d> of cures. At Kv;.sloiie ,v.-!!sf, .'<• irll. u. I'a . I'nJ sayinjaiy «lt «?ucb nioLfth. •■eU'l lor circulars. A'Jvlct free. 1887 1888 Fall and Winter GOODS NSW HEIDI! Read Hie Locals OF RIMS t MOT. IN THIS PAPER AND COME IN AND Secure Bargains. Fall and Winter. 1887 1888