Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 18, 1887, Image 1

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    VO! . xxv
Have You Bought Them Yet. If Not
TMB Us€BH(3g€ is iti TittlC
It Is To Yoa Individual!Y.
WTLEB November, Ktth.
Visit my store any time duringJh\* m«th andll S
ter rent. ch.-i.jier tcan any other I to. •m ~n '•rwi.}. , ' - o . .
i will pay all your expen - ♦ UJ: coming ano v-r .. i.1..
Why Will You Not Come !
Where yoa I; -ve off- r» like the above *U. U is a. tpi ; V I ' •» "ifferlng
I;. :• r . >ou<at:t jxs-iWy a • ; ilti . V,;;' l „.V u ,«. ■„ ... i:l :>,• : ; .ur.. '
2£s - ■ ■ - • ■■ - ; ■
What More Can You A*U
ThegfKKlsareof the all roared
mr£ very n -mwm We- ftlW your children and have Uiem properly fitted with goodst-rvjeaWe
f lm-, that will wear thtin cmll .spring.
£■ .
Every pair warranted.
The ladies a
I have Use lar}?>t and line-fit lire of Indies" ever shown in BaUeru*
{SSoi* 1 A*ri«»e'
Sense shoes and many other styles to select frora.
Mens' and Boys' Fine Shoes.
or LaceKuoe Si.ou to $1.25,
In Mens Ladle#", Misuses* and ridldrens'. I took special care In selecting this line, and lam pre
pared to .sliow you a very large and attractive line ol line Slippers.
Specia hies! Specifi Hies!
LadP v Hprlag Heel Shoes and Slipper.. Udles' Felt tote Mi«*
and «!pp'-r/. ladl«-V High B Jtton over-sli «*, Men* I/>* !.».•> i» Kip anu an.
jioots. old Mens' Boots asid Shtx.-s etc., etc.
I have a lance >u»?k o.' Kip Boots of my own make on hands, Ion? leg. heavy sole, box toe, which I
will :vll i.i.- tf). All orders r,y mall promptly attended to.
oticmnd Findings. Idactounl'lis' Aprons, he.., ai I:«< Bolton prlcep.
The Rubber House of Butler
cotnne" ■» l- kn sßly when rhev try to compete with t •In Ku'<;-ei -. 11 »nd!» :.r.«l gii.tr.iii
»«•.. the i'o K'lbi-'-i < o*H wtO- hei'evl'iif t«»» ,:o w. tin-1) - : ru!il»er good» nrote. Jh.ta-U" ilie
t'and'-r hi will re jni.nen'l tin- ISo.toD ah 'I o<li'.-r-,. I i:l sell
Hi MS' BliHl Ui!' I BSOTS SI 5!.!5,
ntf i-n !>nirt«r »Ut .v i i*!p?-r«. 11 irn • prf< ■ lio-om. I !im".• he I •••»! el;. ' iff
ber lo i audi »•!«. Il.»». ;* VoT.'h. 41-:' IJCK<tHiI 00 tosl..V> and
jjUvK- Ilb r Ilj)t. *'.lo ti; .>». J>>.r so :ili I>l iar f.ir ituHbti i until you <>x«mi'ie m> dae*
au i
Would be glad to see you when iu Butler.
* Your?, Ac.,
22 s»ora*fi cVTas.ni
Sold by SHiRA, SHIRA & HAVS Butler, Pa,
New Drugstore
Where you will find a full lino of Fin - Drugs, 1 h<-ini<;iil.s, I'it
iuMK'd and i'oi!' t Ariicttia. Agents for
, mi Aim**
XVlonfrose *Jeal©2? >
s£ci2?>, and
U'-wt 5 .'tnd 10 cent ( in town.
I'reßcriptions carefully compounded by an experienced
iour patronage respectfully solicited.
DR. D. E. WILES, Prop'r.
IMHIJIIH t ' "Hl* 11 I»T "Hi ■HFTT I £»
All Aprovd ifirifly for CuiiMjiiipll'm and "ii»- !
I-XDH-S Of TllfflHl UD'I l.tllllfN. ,
\'t* w turl Vi*;or (oFlowfii It* use.
Auk lor liuiitt'n Oil aii'l Mult, or wrltn !•»
Ph ladelohia. |
>'u*Mcribe (or lb': Citizen.
WA> ri:i> \
! to '■ii|j* ;ik J i III". of N ur- -A- 1
►,<-ty Hl<<<•!. ! <-tii::!oyiil'-nr k'u.'il-.iUl'' I.
HAl.litV tSli f XI'L.W.H l»Al|> Aljlv iji
1 ((HiHitulliiK t'J lU!«i I'.iiM-r.i '
Chase Brothcis Cc.,
1 H. W. AYCK 6 bVM. ''Ut f 'bontad agi-nt*
wf iimi«»
STORE in Cutler, thiee doors we3t
of We?t Penn Depot-
Having opened a fr. -U ~i-Gi:«». KKIfcS
cons :ir. ;of < ■ V-.Tea -. si^ar.: > r Sp.'v-.
Canned (iocds of a!, kinds. Hams,
Bacon, ccc.,
Tobacco and Cigars,
FLOUBoI Mknrisudiwptoß; : N '\
lull liKeof Kliltgler's .::-r brands of fatu;.>
Outer coast utl) on hiunl*.
HA V. OATS, CO UN ai.d l-'Er.IJ Oi all Klli'.ii at
lowest figures.
,\o. S.J»a!«,5 c>♦ j" any "ih-. r
Illouhe m Bnller.
Country Produce wanted r.ir which the highest
price i;l I" p:,id. C»' and examine our stoea
aari pritp*.
{. iindelivered frto :ii! parts * i t'iwn.
7<; East Jefferson St, - - Butler P*
T'lie ir*eonle's Oreut
4. CBEML 4,
V.'e aar.'.-rdee to llr; people l-.t and wida that
are will exhibit oar collossal aggregation of
Startll ■ T wonders. to * .cure which al! parts of
the earth—K'trope, Asia, and portions of the C
-5. ii.i'. •; I SMi-ehed. a .id h«cli ia a:/.;.''','.ttl
ashas n'-vr 1 ■•■ en seen since tli«* day Noah eaier
etl the Ark'. Tii<- mighty Elephant.the great I:lil
noc -rOB, liif* liippopot.touius.the Chlriif»anzic,the
Ou-rang-iutang or run-o tl-and stick out your
tongue-out, the greatest living wonders of the
age will excite n j wonder v/ti in compared with j
the multitude of monster attractions on exhibi
tion at our great moral Circus and Menagerie.
The roars and howls of me would-be coinpeii
tor who Apes the method.:. but cries down the
attractions of our own and oaly Greatest Show
on earth win to drowned In the Joyful acclam
ations of a delighted poi»tJlace. Remember t hi
great show possesses no objectionable features
and la the delight of the cultured and refined. |
We show under one canopy four great shows,
the Largest Stock—Greatest variety—Best
Goods and styles—Lowest Prices. We have se
cured a magnifl' ;.t Brass Band which will be
a prominent feature of our great show. 3 rings
with a seperate and coutinuous performance
being enacted In each ring.
attractions. .'i Jolly Clowns. The greatest liv
ing, walking, breathing. talking curiosities of
the at:'-. 4'liuimy Pliellows sure to sell you
and ail ihi» people laugh when they see the bar- |
gaius i hev oiler. Otfn-r and greater attractions
grect'thfc delighted <ye on even ->i<le the Pro
prietor and Managers sv.■ngihg In the living
tra > / i attached to the highest pinaele of suc
cess, jjive such exhibitions id nerveand daring
in s.veepin;; reductions, gor/eous airl
uiiwlt riin bargains as to rail forth tie- plaudits
Of the most pnnl«*llt alio economical 1 lie mail
:ij4eni**tit beg leave to announce that in their u:i
t.rn.g zeal in tl: s arch tor tbe rare and curious.
asticiiAliing results ha.'- aiv.'ays followed and
•,v <>;.> J J'.r your I: spe' t:.,ii a CO 1 10 -
sai codcctlon of • and new Fall
Siyl"« in Mens' 110.-.' and Childrens'
< lOtlili'g, Hats, ( I nderwe .r. Shirts,
(■.,]!. is. < i.n "Im-.. Hosiery, llaudker
clit< MnfTler'. I,lo\'i' >ll!t< :.s, I'mUn l-
Im. Trtuiki. Valise*, Hatehels. straps,
Hiii- . •. t'oi'ib", .if.eiry. Cor ct.s. .!■ r
si .■ i. Hto.-kiugs witii a full line of Notions, &c,
iii'g l ail through the show,
Song by the Clown : -
.'•!i.*n and >o"it!i and boys aiid;all,
Short and .'.o'lil.l'an and tall.
Who lief d ■> -uit .1 clothes 'his fall,
We do Invite yon tio\V to call
l or we are roiling on th': hall,
And you ar-: situ- lo make a haul.
Whatever yon puteha.se,gieat or small.
Kong 2 : "What are the wild v.aves saying."
liny y nir fiotinng and I'urtii-hiug g inis of
U. A. I,'IXK.
Son" : "Her briirht Kiiiile haunts me '111."
i'he .nille oi s.i:isfij;iien tiiat be.inie'l ii-uu
tile face of Hi" i ■ y who «i»- I her little
boy ni one ot Heck s iiresi .luhle suits.
ff you waul to save nmiey and increase your
i i dripplii audi 111.'' !\, and he'll make you
all smile.
lie | jo.*, i-uses tin power to spread happiness
And his stoic is rite place where bargains ..re
Ko'ir, open at 7a. St. t 'lose at s i*. m. Ad
lu'ttaii'e,ill . 1." I flli and Children half
litiee. Keio' iulier the place.
13. tV. HECK'S,
No. 11, ?-'ortli Main St., l»uf?j*H Bl'iek,
All work pertaining to the profession oxecut
r-d in Hie neale -t manlier.
Spei-iallie, : Cold 1 illlttfr-. and Pathless I'x
Ira/ tii/n of leetli, Vitalized Air administered.
I)Aire 'I" Jefferson Street, mi'- door Kant of l.onrj
llonse, I |i Stairs.
Office open dally, exe. Pl Wednesdays and
filiirs la; < oiiimuiili alions by mail reeejve
prol»pt attenl lon,
11.—The only llcntlst in Ifuller using tlie
b(*l mak'-s of lecih.
ORice No. CS Mouth M.'Uii Street,
- PA.
Physician and Burgeon.
No. I') W< »t Cuniiiiifchtm Kt.,
J3~U' r V.Lj~R)~SRjs "JPE:InT3M"V^
JD -
0 1/ WtI.OIHi.V, Giailuate of 110 Phila
. »v. delj.l'.a .I'll. I College, Is prepared
toilo anytiniig l:i the line id his profe-sion in a
naitsfsw toiv in inner,
OflUe on Main street, Butler, I nion Hlneli
up stairs.
fsc. Us i.J ££ lil. 3
11.i.s lemo''d from 11. inmh.'i lo inillcr and ha
!,! o!l"' at. No. 'J, Main SI., three doo.s I. 101 V
1/jwry llouso. apr-20-if.
m. R. 0. McCUKDY,
y:ni (Surjjtoii,
Ollieeofi M •I. St., over Kemper', store.
Butler, " Pewi'a.
tiTlMHilllLß afiiil,
No. 88 and SO, S. Main St.,
BTJ r J JLEH, - - PA.
.War N«r.v (!ourt llo.; > fonrifriy Donaldson
'lou-'* :,"•<! urc:oinri»«d:tt|on»» for lraiv<;J«-f».
Ouud tHiilliiSi c'.»ur«<:'M< «1.
[i u H,-jyi i! 1:1 j KNMt'l'rop'r.
SHfll fiffl IDS Sill.
fo I ia luhltttp , hall between Pro 1.- «•!
an I Willi' -1> ' ii, on t«i<- l'ld >bu»g anil ! r.aiklln
in ad, cm! mis louneeli and a 'phuler icrts, lias
good bulldli es
A New Fiarno House,
Good burn and all iti er in • . iry outbiiildll.K'i.
I.ami all le !, ai i:u good 'ale <•} cuitivallou,
C<n,<l v eil wan i l oth liaro and soil, and good
orehaid of all kinds ol Itull l or |.rlee and
i ruis appl.r io im ai my furniliin lore n, Proi-
1-&" A»lv<Tiiwj in the CiTJZKM.
3V.'S i .?
Qif\Fiti<r, i ' .sure
SK V IN Trcufc/es v. \ cure for
**&; 4ir:M iU5 >
feruietf*?-) f iTC^t
Sf)av('/o6 ? ./ .. ; c>
' - "-^-
unriVa'ed. Ne»t>clean,nanif
and effacti/e. Beautifully )=tvt "»
box Send 6 for
fr> e beautiful ■ colored P'ciure, !fte
r^cris/lG^ "■ fib.hpnorQi Cc 1/2 W&llStM
Cream Ba!rrK®^ L Y'S MIJ td
».»■ Passa, -
p"'I n an/In.' FtVE «MS2
flamraati on Be* - /
Heals th. Bf /
11: e Senses ('
Try the cote tlj's Ce;m lialm,
\ paitiele is applied into paeli nostril and is
ngri-i-iiitle. Price .7) i-i nts at nruguists ;by mail,
1 W ds. 1 iretiiars free, EI.Y IJKOS,
235 (jreenwich St. New York.
Planing Mill
Ijiimber Yai'd
J. L. PUKVia. L. O. FUKVIh,
8. G. Purvis & Co,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Ofacke'StGuapd Cornice Boards,
\ *•>* mis f; 1
Country Gentleman
uoitrit 1 i/n UK 4imjTGitoivi.\(;.
W'liil" It :>i -:o ln''lutl" ; all mlir>r department •■'»/
IMral In ten >t, HU"h a-: tit': I'oultl'; Yard, Kuto
mol><K.v. li'-c-l 1 I'li'ti •.i• ••«• • ..n'l < ii'i cry,
Vet/ma. v lt»-pl!<- « 1 arid (j'li-llon* : III" An-
f■ 1 ■ . | 'ln"-i'li- !:• ullti; . D.iliic 'l( lv<:<-noMiy.
and a HMiiiinary ot ih>; N'ewsof il><; Week. its
Ma 11.1 KT iti-.i'OKi j . are tun .'i ill fmij.<li't'' and
much att'-Mion I* pad ti tin- tfw-ti <»f the |
Croins, as throwing lliflif. upon otic of the inOi t
UiijcrtatH of all que t.M..! When to liny and
When t'i H> 11. It H lit.' •ll' lllu: tralrd, and by
1,-1;. UNI" I'.NI AK'iKMI-.'.T. (( ..tiillih more
readin.7 niattir than everlj«ifore. Tin- HIII.»'-MJ»- !
tloti I't l'-i: lh ii.'M ix-r year, i».it w« MOW t/fl'.-r
;i rtj'i .1 1a 1. ituiti' no.s in our
rwo St ilt ItII'TIO.NS, ill otto K'luUt mi'- f 1
; .'"i'u ail Nr.tv Kuli rilicrs lor 1»*», paying In
idruee now, w,: will ukd THOTACKII wKKK-
I.V, iiom ori« IIKCKIIT of lli'j ri-iul:' ttw-. toJatt
ttary i >!, l'<c ~ wit ii'jft rtiAif. :.
OTHrKciuns copi'.h l'ui:t:. A i
LUTHtR TUtKtH &.bON, PuWlbhcrs.
AI.II.kNV, .N.J.
Tin* Large*!, Tin* A•>!«-•»t, Tim ll<*st
Religious and Lileiary Weekly
. in llie World,
"Oni. of tin* aliU-Mt wi- kll' i In <!xlHteri<'<-."—
•I'all Mall t.a/.' in-, Dilidon, EliKlatid.
••Thf IIIOM. In ft ti.- ii iin 1 r'dlifoiiM orsfiin In tin-
StaK-M," -TheH|S:Ctator,' l.ondon KliKland.
stands In tlm ior<-front HM a weekly
inaKa/lne. ' 'Sunday S> liool I'lttK -i'
fh.tadelphljt, I'a.
I'ronilnclit fealiir'M*of Tmk lsiii.i i-.siii-.sr dur
ing t in- coming yar will l.< pronn^t'd.
Heliglous urid Theological Arti
lilMiojt lliiritlnKtoii. Hlsliop t '.xc. Dr.'l'lieo
dor<-1.. < tiylcr, l)r. Win. It. Huntington. In - .
Jatnea rrettman Clarke, Dr. Geo. F, FmiuoMt,
and otltors:
Social and Political Articles.
I'rof. Win. <!. Stunner, I'rof. Kli'hutd 'l'. Kly.
I'l-c , ,|i/hu IliiMiow. I'rof. Al tliur T lladley.and
Monthly Literary Articles.
Tli'Ji'; \V«!iiUw»rlU III;/-;ii» *. )n iui'l o'h«r
n JU'-.i! ui'l imv 4 ,|si'iri r I U'mui
■ -ti, ' ;f;t!l< Ini«ii»-., VV;trn« r. .1 mn I'i.yii. -vr»t
(I|< \V l.aiij' K'lUtULll itij it. 11 Soldii'l. .M r
Hf'liu>h*r » HI u« i L" i", I.oul '■ iifiotfi ii (iUlfi
t*y, Ij. il. :iu<l olii« i
Poems and Stories.
1.. ( . 1.11/ A«» Hi SUjiift I*IJ«'1[» », I -«I -
V/. iil hVcitttl. 11JJarr.' I' I'M; .« Ot». rti>oit«il<l,
J'lll-t K -«• I't-ny <'oo:,. - l.inih \i
'l'lMiiii.ih Aiulr'-v/ l.Jiiitf, .1 oiln lkjylc* o'lc*;lli> uu«l
utht r; ana
A Short Serial Slot y.
Uy IS I', Jt'*. *
'i hr«*<' ifioiiinn .0.. ,|uir- y»«;ir ' ;.«0
l oin liihllUn I >rt I WI) , 'MI . Ml
Six lAtJlllU'i .... 1 .71 | mvt; _jr.il.-, IOM>
(all .iliy O/l' - llli '-.l I n 'JlUv ljilMlL of !'I
l<> i.'J lii u Oil': V. !ii [ ,1/
•)2 During the Year!
livery liit«llli,'i;iil family iiclJii u t;ood news
)i.i;.ei - . It In a U'.-eeltj |!>i parenti) and child-
A l W. - to fnalie tie: ii>-<{>i:tlial:>lice of 'l'll..
Isw.rl'■<!«. ,i Ji lo Willi! ■! cunts lot' a 'J rt..l
1 rip ot a inont li.
Sl'lit.Ult.M tOI'll.S Htl.J..
The Independent
Will liotli l><- i-.eiif, OIIM yt are i.;h, to any per
-1,-)U uot a liubv I'lllcl' lo' the JM'M 1.M.1.M T.ir
i 1.7.. 'Hi lentil,ir |.rlr«.Of bol.lt ! ■ I - ,U. Make
M:Ullt».a)i':e to'l ilt. I.Mit'.fl.Mil.M. I'. ». IUtX L'. iV,
New Vork.
No papers aro cent to suli 'irlimr* after i!i<-
time j'.il'l t-.r Uah expli< >l.
- i in. I. 1...1"1.mh..vi < iiii.tiinir ti i win i ■ tit.
lii.'fi to ah., pej -on aakltiK Jor It Anyone wihli
lliiT to ,'ii. i- illie I'h one 'it ii,' 4- patiets or luai;-
.i/ili'H 111 eliiiii. ' Hull Willi 'lll, l' .111.1-1 Mill' I.
> :i ii inoii'j Ic 'ii'ilerlllK Irnin our Cl'lh list.
till. I.MtM'IMiKM,
I'. 0. Ilox i7SJ, Vork
Aftor />)! tt\ 11 c- ii-.ult
Dr. 31 1088
»ai» n. tfith St., belowCallowbill, Phila., Va.
to c >l» r■ I rrlci" cin all Nl'Cfl.t la <)■>
naiißiiUy r' H'iio ill'/-'- w^-'kehc 1 l.y > ,rly Inrfkcr.-.
a'Hi»,4'-. Cull'ii write. A'lw" free an< | tin. lly inn-
JdrniiA *r»iu :it u. till Jto in cV«ning».
Of ali amustmenti of the mind.
From lo;»ic down to fishin?,
There i.-n-'t oue that you cau find
So wry cheap as "wishing!''
A very choica diversiofl, too,
If we but lightly use it,
And uot, as we are apt to do
Pervert it aud abuse it.
I wish—a cotnmon wish indeed
My [ urse was somewhat fatter,
That I might cheer the child of need,
And nt my pride to !ta;ter;
That I m:ght make oppression reel,
As only gold can ni tke it,
And bretk the tyrant's rod of steel,
As only gold can break it!
I wish that 5-yuipathy and love,
Ai.d every human passion
That h.s i!s origin ab'ive,
Would come aud keep in fashion
That '•corn, and jealously, aud hate,
And every base emotion,
Were buritd titty fjithou-S deep
Ikneitii the waves c f cceau.
I wi;h that friends were always true,
And motives always pure;
I wish the good were not so le^,
I wish the bad were fewer;
I wish that persons ne'er forgot
To heed their pious teachings;
I wish that practising >~as not
So different than } reachiug.
1 with that modern worth might be
Appraised with truth and candor;
I wish that innocence were free
From treachery and siauder.
I wish that men their vows would mind.
That women ne'er were rovers;
1 wish that wives were always kind,
Aud husbands always lovers,
I wish—in fi^e-that joy and mirth,
And every good ideal,
May come erewhile throughout the earth,
To be the glorious real;
Till God shall every creature bless
With his sppreuiest blessing.
And hope be lost in happiness,
And wishiug be poi»e»sing.
The Last Of The Anarchists.
One Kills himself, two are re
prieved, and four are
On Thursday morning of last week,
Louis Liugg, oue of tbe condemned
Anarchists in the Chicago jail, com
mitted suicide by exploding a email
bomb in hi? mouth
A lew minutes before 0 o'clock he
put a candle loaded with dyuamite la
his mouth and calmly lighted it with
a match It blew the lower part of
his face away aud mangled him go
terribly that he had little life loft in
him when his jailers got to his cell
His great bodily strength kept him
alive uutil o'clock, but he was a
ghabtly spectacle to look upon An
other candle, full of dynamite, was
found in Lingg's cell after he was
taken out. Tbe jail officials havo no
idea how the dyuamite was smuggled
into the prison They attempt no
explanation, for they have kept the
closest possible watch on tbe move
ments ol the Anarchists, and especial
ly on Lingg. His cell was so situ
ated that at least half a dozen depu
ties were always iu lull view of it,
and the death watch has been station
ed outside his door ever since last
Sunday, when he wu.4 thoroughly
Thursday evening Governor Ogles
by's communication commuting the
the sentence of Fieldeti and Schwab
to imprisonment (or life, was receiv
ed, as follows:
Richard .1 Oglesby, Governor of Il
linois, to the Sheriff of Cook coun
ty, greeting:
VV HTTTKAS, Samuel Fielden and
Michael Schwab were convicted at
the June term A. I) 1880, of Crimi
nal Court of Cook county, of the
crime ot murder, and were sentenced
therefor to be hanged, and
Whereas, It has been presented by
divers good citizens of said county
that said Samuel Fielden and Mich
ael Schwab are lit and proper sub
jects for executive clemency:
Now, know ye, that I, Richard J.
Oglesby, Governor of Illinois, by au
thority in me vested hy the constitu
tion of this State, do by these pres
ents commute the sentence of the
said Sa.i.uel Fielden and Michael
Schwab to imprisonment iu the peni
tentiary for life.
In testimony whereof I hereto set
my hand and CMUSI to be allixed the
great seal of State.
Done at the city of Springfield, this
10th day of November, in the year
of our Lord 1887, and of the inde
pendence of the United Slates the
o.io hundred and twelfth,
R .} OUI.KBHY, Governor.
Secretary of State.
Following close upon the tele
graph: report from Springfield that
Gov Oglesby had decided once for
all the deputies commenced, at 10:27
A M., distributing tickets to reporters
who were to watch the march to the
The greatest bustle and excitement
prevailed in the office, but Schwab
continued writing uninterrupted; the
others remained equally nonchaleut
notwithstanding the confusion that
marked the beginning of the end
The representatives of the press
were conducted to the north corridor
and seated within a few feet of the
scaffold At 10:55 fully 250 newspa
per men local politicians and other-",
among them the tw«-lve jurors who
were to view the bodies alter the exe
cution, had parsed through the dark
under the galluwsand began seating
themselves. The bailill said a few
words to the journalists, begging
them to make no rush when the drop
fell, but to wait decently and in order
I'arsooi* was giveu a cup of coffee a
few minutes before the march to the
scuffold was begun.
The rattling of chairs, tables and
benches continued for several minutes,
but by 11:05 there began to fall a
hush and conversation among the
crowd sunk almost to a whisper
The bare, whitewashed walls made a
painful contrast with the dark brown
gallows with its four noo»ed ropes
dropping ominously near the floor
A gleam of sunshine shooting
through the window at this instant
fell on a corner of the death machine
and in a slight degree relieved Its
Sombre hue.
Through the window could bo seen
a number of policemen, armed with
rifles, looking down from tbe roof of
the Dearborn street wing on the pro
ceedings The chief bailiff began at
11:1') calling out the names of the
persons summoned as jurors and
bringing them forward to row of
little stools d>rec v in f oat of the
ga lows No otf er sound-were heard
in the long, high corridor but the
solemn, monotonous voice of the bail
iff and the rustling of the jurors as
they tiptoed forward through the
At 11:23 the Sheriff commenced
reading the death warrant to Spies,
who listened without seviug a word.
Three minutes later the Sheriff shook
bands with him and bide him yrood
bye. Spies was strapped while the
warrant was being read to Fischer.
While the shroud was beiog put on
Spies he looked pale and haggard,
and asked to have the strap loosened
which was done
The warrant was then read to Ea
gel and Parsons, and in a few mo
ments ail were in their shrouds, stand
ing at the grated door, and saying
adieux to friends in the visitors'cage
The eyes of the crowd began to
center on the dark box upon the scaf
fold of the dangling ropes. This box
seemed to possess a fearful fascina
tion. and was absorbing the attention
of every person in the corridor, wheu
a frightful wail startled the crowd.
Some who had heard the horrible
graaning of Liogg yesterday, just be
fore his death, declared it sounded as
if he was still in agony. But this
was mere fancy. The black jail cat
was the cause of thj commotion, and
at intervals continued to emit her
her ghost-like mewing.
A commaud to the crow d fronting
the gallows thai ail must stop smok
ing was given at 11:35 The dozen
or two who were using the weed
quenched the fire, some rather reluc
tantly, and the ashes were slowly
strewn on the pavement. Whether
this command was giveu out of hu
manity to the doomed men, or a pre
caution against the appalling possi
bility of any treacherous bomb light
ing in the corridor when the fatal
moment came, no person seemed
aware, hut more than oue said a si
lent player down in their inmost
It was now 11:45, and the sus
pense of the crowd near the gallows
was like a slow torture There was
no relief, and the newspaper men
gazed at the gallows and noted the
four ropes swaying slightly to and
At, twelve minutes after eleven
o'clock the condemned partook of a
final lunch. At this point a report
gained currency that the Sheriff was
holding off until the last moment in
expectation that something would be
heard from Spriugfield. Suddenly
the face of Deputy Oleason was seen
at the entrance of the corridor lead
ing to the scaffold. His face was
white and he was trembling in ev
ery limb. He raised his hand iu to
ken that the moment had arrived.
The shuffling of feet wts heard in
the corridor It was 11:4!) to the
minute Sheriff Mats >n appeared,
his back to the gathering, facing the
procession Spies next came into
view, a broad shouldered bailiff on
his right side; then came Fischer,
and last, Engei.
As the three stepped 'rom the sec
ond lier of cells to the scaffold, the
spectators drew a long breath
"Parsons is saved" was the word
that went around, but it was not to
be. A second later and Parsons ap
peared, and the four men were placed
upon the trap All were ghastly pale
After the cap was placed over Par
son's head, he said: '"May I be al
lowed to speak? Ob, the shameful
ness of strangling free speech."
The trap was sprung at 11:54,
Fischer's last, works being, ' Hurrah
for Anarchy!" Fischer died very
hard, as did also Spies Parsons
struggled and kicked fearfully.
At 12:03 there was no pulse per
ceptible in any of tho men, and iu
thirteen and one-half minutes the
Anarchists' hearts were forever still
ed All of the men died of strangu
lation, none of their necks being
At 12:22 tho plain black colllus,
with but the silver screws for orua
ruents, were carried to the gallows.
Sheriff Mat son says the bodies will
be delivered to the relatives when
application is made.
Since the lapse of lime has wrought
such a wondrous change in sentiment
toward the convicted Anarchists, aud
the breasts of a number of citizens
seem surcharge! with pity, it might
not bo out ol place to reproduce some
stern truths regarding the market
place butchery. All the commisera
tion is expended on the men who
ruthlessly shot down and butchered
a whole column ol policemen, causing
unutterable woe iu family circles
where misery was an unknown quan
tity, but the victims—are they forgot
ten!!' Let the reader recall the murder
of the seven officers. Let those
whose pow r of retention are dimmed
revert to the evening of May 4, I MHO
A meeting of armed Anarchists anil
agitated laborers was in progress.
Turbulence, envenomed oratory and
heated passions were markedly ap
parent. Spies and Parsons bad ju-it
descended from the wagon wlntro, in
Sjory speeches, they had advocated
the use of arms aud violence as the
sole ways by which the "wage slaves"
couM procure emancipation from their
present "bondage." Hut four ami
twenty hours before, instigated by
similar oratory, the mob had assault
ed the uon union men at McCormick's
reaper works, and in a subsequent
encounter with the pol.ee one of their
number was killed and several
wounded They were not in a mood
for interference. Consequently, when
180 men from the Desplaiuc* street
station marched into the Haymarkct
square and Capt. Ward ordered the
meeting to disperse in tho name of
the law, it needed little more than
Pielden's remark, "Ilero come tho
bloodhounds; you do your duty, and
I'll do mine," to urge the malcontents
and Anarchists to open hostilities
A bomb was thrown aud falling
between two columns of policemen,
mowed them down like a cyclone
Not one of the front rank»was lefi
standing, This was followed in rapid
succession by a volley of fire arms,
and moro policemen hit the dost lip
to this time not a shot had been fired
by the officers, nut a club drawn
They were appalled by tile sudden
ness of the attack and wore on Urn
verge of disorder and f|ight, when
Capt. Uonlield stepped into the breach
an<l loudly called on his men to rally.
What was left of them responded,aud
grasping their revolvers liiey advanc
ed steadily, firing us they went.
When their ammunition gave out
they diew their batons and vigorous
|iy clubbed all withi'i th -ir r«jaci In
. the face of such determined bravery
the cowardly curs who composed tho
> jyob could not utaud, and after halt-
ing for but aa instsat, they turned
and fled precipitately from the scene
of danger. One of their number was
left dea I on the square, while eager
hands set to work in caring for the
dying and wound d. From every
foot of ground in the vicinity came
moans of anguish Here a police
man cried in tortured voice for help,
and there a wounded Anarchist gasp
ed out his life in framing some mal
ediction on the police.
It was horrible; blood, death, and
ali the horrors of a carnage were ev
erywhere manifested. One police
man was killed outright, Matthias J
Degan, while scores of others were
wounded, and several died at a later
period from their injuries. No au
thentic estimate of the number of
anarchists killed can be arrived at,
but their death loss was heavy,
and the care of the wounded gave
their Iriends work for many a long
day. The wounded officers were re
moved with care and gentleness to
the Couuty Hospital and the Des
plaines street station where skillful
surgeons soon wwre in attendance
At the station and hospitals the
scenes of woe aud suffering were ot
the most harrowing description.
Mangled limbs, torn and blood-stain
ed tunics, agonized writbiugs and
shrieks of paiu told but too plainly
of the deadly nature of the wholesale
destruction- The presence of the
physicians was hailed with unmista
kable delight by the wounded men,
and for long hours a'ter the police
men aud the anarchists were treated
side by side in the station house.
Here.Ptretcbed on a wooden table, lay
Officer Tim Klavin, above his heart a
dark red stain that told the cause of
his deathly stillness. Hia life was
rapidly oozing away, and by his side
stood a black-robed prelate. Ilis
gallant comrades lay all around him
gritting their teeth in silent pain, and
heroically endeavoriug to bar up
under their excruciating agonies as
the surgeons probed their wounds
and dressed them. Death would have
been a merciful relief to many, but
it did not come, and many were
doomed to drag out their burdensome
lives maiued, crippled, disfigured, a
prey to weakuesa and disease.
The Lady Retired.
Anent the visit of Chief Justice
Waite to St. Paul some years ago
aud a stag party which was given for
his benefit bv u prominent citizen I am
reminded of a little incident in connec
tion with the party which is very
good in its way. The host whore
wife was in the Fast thought it be
coming t? invite, to sit at the end of
the diuing-table, a well-known society
lady of- tho.ie days, now deceased
She came and did the honors grace
fully, bat when she should have re
tired and left the gentlemen to their
wine she manifested an intention to
stay. Tho bo.-a was perplexed, the
guests annoyed and an awkward
scene was promised, when one of the
gentlemen—a dignified judge in de
meanor and position—furnished the
key to the situation. He saw the
dilemma, cleared his throat and an
nounced the antidote: ''Years ago"said
he, "1 was waylaid with a party of
friends one stormy uight in a couutry
town. It was hot, our rooms dis
agreeable and the mosquitoes vexa
tious At midnight we all arose end
in our nightshirts went to tho bar
room There we shook dice, match
ed dollars, cut matches aud did every
thing else possible to pass away the
time. Finally we bit on a new
scheme. All of us stood up against
the bur with our backs to it The
barteudcr took the tad of each man's
shirt and tacked it to the top of tho
bar To each tail there was the same
number of taekd and each in the
same position. The idea then was
for all to pull away, and the man who
go', loose last was to pay for the
drinks. We started My shirt "
It was growing too hot iu that room
for the lady. She fled without an
adieu—St Paul Olobe.
Dishonesty Begins at Home.
The crying sin of the duy is dia
honesty. One hears so much of it iu
public Iifo; but uh wo have said bo
f<»r«, there is too much "f it altogeth
er in private life. And its cause is
to be found in the want of sell con
trol in the indulgence of tastes and
appetites. Reckless, extravagant
living is at the bottom of it all —lf
this living had any true foundation
in any beany desire for any desirable
things, there woulu be more hope of
amendment. But when one comes
to see what things ill gotten gains
are spent upon, the outlook is a sad
one.— Dress, display, amusement,
costly things bought just because they
are costly; wealth won evilly merely
that it may be wasted foolishly; these
are signs of a time which is not a
pleasant thing to contemplate If a
man loves any one thing, say rare
books, or pictures, or objects of art of
any kind, or music, or science, so
well that for the sake of one * bing in
which he would be rich, he is willing
to be poor in everything else, no mut
ter though his choice be an unwise
one according to the b.ist standards
of choice, ho will yet have a motive
which will help to keep him upright.
Hut for those who love none of these
things, but simply desire them be-
CiUse it is the habit of the time; be
cause like pampered children they
must needs cry for whatsoever they
see just out of their reach, for them
is needed the wiiolsome self-discipline
which shall teach them to let alone
whatever is not theirs.
And in the beginning of this self,
discipline is the home. Parents
must teach their boys and the
great lesson of doing without what
ever cannot be fitly theirs. There
need be no niggardly restraint, but iu
some way the first lesson for child
hood should be that of earning its
pleasures. To get whatever it craven
as soon as it asljs for it, is the worst
training a child can have—Church
Society In tho Proud West.
The fire in Colonel Doggcrty's
wagon factory, Wednesday evening,"
says a Colorado paper, "was largely
attended. Among the prominent so
ciety people present \ye noted Judge
anil Mrs. Wilherspoun, Senator and
Mrs Poindexter and daughter, (Jov
ernor Stamiinh and Mi*s Van Der
Horck. Mrs. Senator Poicdextor ad
ministered a neat and deserved re
buke to one of the firemen early in
j the proceeding*. Stepping up to the
hoseman she touched his shoulder
and said sharply; 'Play it. down, you
redheaded chump— get it down where
1 the fire is! You fellers ain't expected
to put out the North utar. —.Chicago
1 Tnb'ine,
Freepori Distillery.
Monday, Oct 24, 1887, we visited
the large and expensive brick distil
lery of Guckeahcimer A Bros, of
Freeport, Armstrong Co, Pa. la
doing so we were shown through the
premises by Mr. Robert Donaidson,
aa ex-soldier ot the Union army, who
has h<dd that position for the last
twenty years. This establishment
is devoted to the manufacture of rye
whiskey. In another part of Free
port, Messrs Gnckenheimer have an
other establishment for making curn
whirbvy. Our time was spent in
the first natui-d distillery, and as the
question of "whisky or no whisky"
is before the people it will interest
our readers to relate soma things we ;
noticed and were told by those em- ,
nloyed there. It is said the proprie-1
tors are Jews, rest their works on
the Sabbath and will employ no per
son of intemperate habits. About
sixty men fiad employment with
them and receive their pay regularly
and promptlv each Saturday night.
We saw no sign of intemperance
among those we conversed with
An argument for total abstinence ev
en among those who make and live
by the sale of "the vile stuff." Ev
erything in and about, the premises
is systematized and they are kept
quite neat and clean The distillery
is heated and its machiuery run by
steam, the boilers being immense
affairs in size.
The rye is bought in aad snipped
from the West, though we were told
that Butler Co. Pa. furnished the
best rye they used. Iu the distil
lery a roller-process mill grinds all
the grain that is consumed. The
very costly propetty is protected
from fire by apparatus that, on five
minutes notice, can be made to
drench any part thereof with abun
dance of water.
The proprietors feed and fatteu a
large uumber of beef cattl" frooi the
the grain afier it has gone through
the fermeutiug process aud the juice
is extracted. It is remerkable how
"fat and well favored" their cattle
look, tifter a few months feeding on
the still nlop T-i it not probable that
there is m<>re bloat than fat beef on
such beasts, and that such beef can
cot l e as wholesome as that made
frjni grain and grass as nature made
them, before man's art marred them
by distillation? We cannot wait to
to tell of the number of thiugs that
took our attention. The most amus
ing was the manner in which a little
silver tube bobbed Up and reeled like
adiuiskeu man in the air-excluded
glass jar into which the vapor from
the liquor was condensed about onro
an hour to test its quality. The
tube stands upright and s ill in the
vacuum, but as the liquor vapor as
ceuds und fills the vacuum aud be
comes more dense, the tube commen
ces to swing from side to side and
gradually descends, till pop it goes
out of sight in the d irk fluid boiling
aud bubbling at the bottom of the jar,
High aud low wines take their
names, we understand, from the den
sity of the vapor from them, indicated
by a graded scale on the air jar refer
red to. In the ware house of the
Freeport distillery, peihaps the
largest in Western l'ennsy Ivania,
there are stored no less than <50,000
barrels of this rye whisky, which will
average near 50 gallons each. On
this whinky the U. S. government
collects a revenue of !)0 cents a gallon
uot ono drop of which may leave the
premises till this revenue is paid,
(juckenheimar & Bros. are now man
ufacturing from 48 to 50 barrels of it
daily. So this great government,
whose starry flag pro'ects our people,
receives a daily reyenuo from this
liquor manufacturing firm of nearly
$2,250, or $704,250 per annum. Six
revenue inspectors, or employes of
the government, were present attend
ing to their duties of gauging the bar
rels, affixing the U. S. stamp, and
collecting tho revenue on the rye and
corn whisky manufactured, whioh
finds a market in all parts of the coun
try aud even across the seas. It is
said the manufacture of liquor at
Freeport has fallen from 124) to 50
barrels pe»* day, doubtless owing
largely to the diminishing demand
for this dangerous foe to our nations
peace aud prosperity. As we stood
in the bonded ware house filled in
three stories to tho ceiling with these
(>O,OOO barrel* of old rye, we could
not help thinking what a wicked per
version ol grain from its legitimate
use of feeding man and beast, to its
manufacture Into that which de
thrones reason,destroys the body,and
sends souls to destruction. As the
chief engineer said to us, "if men
would ouly use it iu the medicinal
and mechanical arts and let it alone
as a drink it would all be well." Hut
alas! men do not thus use it, anil
what are wo going to do about it?
Shall men and women end little chil
dren coutinue to suffer for their daily
bread, while that which (jo ' design
ed to feed them is perverted into that
which is so generally used as the
deadly and dangerous poison, which
is cutting off near a hundred thousand
lives every year in this country ?
,Su ndy Lake ( Merrer Co ) New* of
Nov 4, 1887.
How to Destroy Enemies.
To march through un enemy's
country, burning and destroying, is
not always the mark of a great gener
al. He is truly great who knows
how to obey Christ's command re
garding our enemies and those that
persecute us.
Nangfee, Emperor of China, being
told that bis enemies had raised un
insurrection in one of the distant
provinces, said, "Come, then, my
friends, follow me,and 1 promise you
that wo shall quickly destroy them "
lie marched forward, and tho rebels
submitted upon his approach. All
uow thought that ho would take the
most signal revenge, but were sur
prised to see the eaptivo treated with
"Mow!" cries his first minister, "is
this the manner in which you fulfil
your promise? Your royal word
was given that your enemies should
be destroyed, aud behold, you have
pardoned all, and have caressed
"I did promise," replied the Em
peror, with a generous air, "to de
stroy my enemies I have fulfilled
my word; for, see, tliny are enemies
no longer, J have ma le friends of
—There are eighteen natural gas
companies at llttabqrg, with 200
well-*, DQO miles of gas pipe, supply
in* 40,000 consumers in i'itinburg
and Tfio daily produe
i tfou is »iOO,yotJi l o'Uo uubi -• flet.
Mice in his Pocket.
Everybody has beard Daniel Web
ster's story of the New Hampshire
parson who put on a pair of pants in
which the wasps had built a nest and
did not make the discovery until he
was in the pulpit. He had just an
nounced the text, "The spirit of the
Lord is iu my mouth," when the
pesky little fellows got in their work,
oud the sentence was concluded with
the exclamation, "and the devil is in
my breeches !"
A St Paul clergyman found him
self in nearly as embarrassing a posi
tion as the New Hampshire clergy
man, when, last Sunday, he appear
ed in the pulpit wearing a pair of fall
trousers which had been hanging in
the wardrobe during the long sum
mer vacation, The wasps bad not
found them out, but a motherly old
mouse had. She had spread a nice
warm couch of seal-skin pluckings iu
the right-hand pocket of the trousers,
iuto which an even half-dozen of one
day old micelets, had been tucked
away. It is a favorite gesture of the
clergyman in question, when about
to approach a climax in the sermon,
to thrust his right hand iu bis trouser
pocket and elevate the left hand with
the forefinger extended. It so hap
pened ou this particular day that
Elijah's translation was the theme
The good prophet had been followed:
by the eloquent preacher until the cli
max of the ascension in a chariot of
fire was reached, when the clergy
man thrust his right haud into his
trouser pocket. The '.audience who
had been hanging on the burning
words of the orator, were no little
startled by the sudden collapse of the
uplifted left hand, the index finger of
which was in the act of pointing to
the gates that were being lifted up to
let the prophet in. The expression
of a momentary pang shot across the
preacher's face and with a conyulsive
jerk the other hand was
brought up from the pocket.
A glance at its contents,
a quick squeezing togother of the
band, thud of something dropping be
hind the pulpit, an amused smile on
the face for a second, and then the
glowing theme was resumed, Only
those who sat on the front row in the
amen corner heard what the preacher
said when he discovered the mice in
his hand. "Well, I'll be doggoned !"
was sufficient.
A Great Wonder.
There lived near Alexandria, in
Virginia, an old colored man and
woman, whom their acquaintances
called Daddy and Mammy Williams,
lie had educational advantages, and
could read in a fashion peculiarly his
own; but his wife, although lacking
as regards erudition, possessed great
force of character, which she often
displayed in a manner that was very
irritating to her husband. When she
became particularly fractious Daddy
would take the Bible and open to that
chapter iu Revelation beginning:
"And there appeared a great wonder
iu heaven, a woman clothed with the
sun, and tho moon under feet," etc.
With impressive solemnity he would
read as follows: "An' dere 'peared a
great wonder in hobon, a woman"
Slowly closing tho book, be would
gaze sternly at his uow subdued wife,
for the passage never failed to pro
duce tho desired effect, — Harper't
Only a Skull.
A young lady of El Paso, Texas,
has had the skull of a woman mount
ed and polished, and asks her friends
to write autographs on it. One of
them has written:
Where in tho patter?
Where is tlie clatter?
Where in the gray matter?
The vitalized spark?
Science erratic,
Religion dogmatic,
Are both quite emphatic
Ami both it) the dark.
Another asks:
limply xcabhard, where'* thy aword?
And below this another replies:
It hati soared.
An oarsman has writteD upon it:
1 have a weakues* tor sculls.
And a cynic declares:
"I'll wuger there is more on the
outside of your head than ever there
was in tho inside."
Lastly a woman-hater has iDSorib
ed on it the sentiment:
A chatter box minus the chatter.
How To Succeed.
A very successful business man in
New York attributes his success to
following closely these five rules;
1. Close attention to details.
Aud this meuns sometimes working
nights aud during hours usually de
voted to recreation.
2 Keeping out of debt. Regu
lating expenses so as to keep within
your income, and at al! times to
know just where you are financially.
8. Tho strictest integrity. It is
rare that a dishonest mau succeeds,
lie does sometimes, but not often.
4 lining temperate in habits.
5 Never getting into a lawsuit.
Business ought to be so conducted in
such a way that thoro will ba no
need of lawsuits, and it is hotter of
ten to suffer u wroug than to go to
court about it.
Two Recipes for getting Rich.
Showman Btrnum and General
Butler have giveu each a recipe for
getting rich Harnum's is to spend ICBS
than you earn. Says he: "It needs
no prophet to tell us that those who
live fully up to their meauß, without
any thought of a reverse in this life,
can never attain independence," To
this he adds good health bat
pally integrity. Butler's way is:
"Never do a mean thiug for money.
Be prudent and saving of your mon
ey. Ho careful to have no interest
accounts running against you, unless
you have an equal or greater interest
account running in your favor. Work
diligently, and marry a saving, pru
dent girl. And we would add, Keep
out of an Oil Exchange.
are C.'JO,OOO saleswomen in the U. S.
and 200,000 dressmakers,
—A California mechanic has in
vented a stemming machiue that
stems live full carloads of raisins dai
— Many people think a baby is
boru only to swallow nasty medicine
for months, until some thoughtful
friend tells them of Dr, Bull's Baby
Use Laxador for the distress and
discomfort resulting from Indigestion
und be at once relwvnd Thia won
i dcrlul remedy fa tfold by 1 tell dt'tfggUU.