Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 11, 1887, Image 4

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(THE SF.H <|n»ME)
■| / OTHER DRt'tt
Uiat the most delicate stomach wiu boar.
and all Oerra Diseases.
BLOOD PURIFIER. Superior to quinine.
Mr. John C. Scarborough. Selma, \. C„ writes :
"I got malaria in the Southern army, and for a
dozen year, «uftered from its debiliiiting effects.
I was t*-mbly run down when I heard of Kas
k!ne, the new quinine. It helped me at once.
I issued 35 pounds. Have not had such good
health in ao years.
Otl.er letters of a similar character from prom
inent Individuals, wnieh stamn Kaskine as a
remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent on ap
, plication. ,
Kaskine can be taken without anv special
medical advice. 11.00 per bottle, or six bottles
for tr>. Sold by
J. C. REDICK. Sutler. Pa.
or .v-nt bv mail on receipt of price.
KASKINE < 0.. 54 Warren St.. New York.
fed Hypopfiosphites of Lime & Soda
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
The only preparation of COD I.IVEB OIL that
on be taken readily tad tolerated (or a lung tune
fey delicate stoiasrhs.
tR*f. RBEKT! couiHs 155 THROAT AF-
Kttlfofi. «»d n H'ASTI><« PISORW its Of
CHILDBE-V it U Barrelloas In Its res»lto.
"Tracrfbed and endorsed by the bc*» itijsiciaM
fa tbe conn tries of the world!
For Mate k, all Dn n l>l<.
|^S»ndforPamphletcn W*«rng DiieaiM. Ad-
Tutt's Pills
ftlnmlate the torpid liver, Mrentflh
en tteecligewtive organs, regulate the
bowels, and are uncqnaled a» an
anli-blllouM medicine. In
Malarial Districts
their virtue* are widely reeoiftiiwd,
aa I hey po»»e*» peculiar propertied
In freeing tbe system from that poi
son. Thin popular remedy rarely
falls to effectually cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
Headache, Biliousness
and all disorders arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
A Proclamation!
Dr. I. tiny Lev in. Fulton. Ark.. »ayat
'■A year a(o I had bllloun fever;
Tntt'a Pill* were «M> highly reeeom
mended that I used them. Xeverdld
medielnc have it happier effect. Af
ter a praetlce of a quarter of a feu
tury, i proclaim them tbe bent
medicine ever n*rd. I ninny* pre
scribe them in my practice.'''
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St. New York.
Tuff a Mar, up of Useful Receipts sent Free.
Cloth & Cold Binding
114 Ptfta. witb fclwl tcj.-Hloj,
In tine SO r*»n— Sp«d»l Prencriptioiw cf
an eminent Pliyntcian. Simple, late and Mure,
jinn. CVJtt*. PBirr.
Pevet*. Conception, Inflammation*.. .35
1 W oritiw, Worm £ ever. Worm Colic .1i
3 Crying Colic, or 'leetlun# of latacu .S3
4 Diarrhea of Children or AdulU. .£.}
A (lytenlerv. Griping, Biliotui Ooiic 23
f Cholera Morbu«, \oti.>ting ••}
<)»U£h», Coi'l, lirunchiliK
5 Neuralgia. TootttMlie, t 25
# Headaeiiee, hx-k Headachf. VettiKo.. .25
110 Uvipepslo. limty-.i Stomach .25
1 fcitppreau»eil or PnlnTul Period* ■ .25
2 White., too Prcfuiie I'eriodn 25
3 Croup, t.'oiiKh, Difficult Breathing.... .25
14 Salt Itheiim, Eri»ip»la«. Ernntiona.. .23
Ift (tbenmatlxin. ltix-tiinotic Fails, .25
10 Fe*er and Aauc, < bilm. Maiarja HO
||T Pile*. Blind ur lileedin* ftO
0 Wnooplus Conch. Violent
1 Aethnia. 7>ppr*aw.'d Krf-uthinij •#Q
i Ear Di-cliarce*. Imtiaired Ifearinc .JO
t! Heroluln, Kuiarced Oland. Hwellmc •JIJ
t General Urbllltv. Phwlcal W'eakum .30
25 llrop.v, anl hcan'y ,3U
2« Hen Slcbnine, hii-Uneea »rom Kidiiuc .JO
n Hldccy Dlannee • .30
28 %crvou» Ilrtillllv. Krminal W«-ak
ne.l, or Ineoloiitiiry l)uekar|(«> ...IMO
29 Sore Month, (anker... ..•••■• ■••• -JS
SO I rlnory VVrnhneaa, Wettinc B*d... .40
3 I Painful P.-rlod., with Up.uim .SO
32 llmauai/ the iieart. Palritution I.WJ
S3 Epilepsy. Hpami. Mt Vitn ' Banc* 1.04J
HI Otphtherln. t lcoratert Hot" Throat .30
•j.la ( lirotilc Conceatlon* . A_rnixijjorm__ 1 3<>
Sold b7 nniffffiKta. or Mint pool paid ->a recmpt of
For Hortes, Cattle, Sheep,
Dog», Hog*, Poultry.
.100 VAOR BOOK on Treat.
Uf|k *J nest of Anlannla anil
>jl y/ -Chart Ment Pree.
Humphreys' Uti. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y.
THIS is the top of the gen
• uine "Pearl Top" Lamp
Chimney, all others similar
are imitations. t,. . .
1 his is the
tli'ink id' iuis as
good, but he has not.
Insist upon the exact label
% and top.
GEO. A. MAC BET 11 8c CO.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Tueftltiy, Nov. 2!>, the Winter
Term < ai;r] cor,tinii< H tb : rti «:n
wtrkp. The outlook f>r the t«rtu i«
very f>romiHinir.
Buildingß new unci consino'Jiou. j ,
Instruction Thorough,
Influence the IJeht and
Expeti.'OH Low.
Write to tbn I'riot if>.i! for catalopjue
*nd circuLfri in regard to studies,
ronfn: j , tt't. Address
K W. McOUANAIIAN, Principal,
Coulttr-.villo, I'a.
~ L a McJUa\KLV f
lasiir;:;: e i!iid Real Estate
• y
K.WrAVEa'A SOli. our '»• "tn.rlad J
Felt His Confidence betrayed.
"See here!" said a Wayne county
farmer ns he entered a Griswold street
restaurant the other day. "I don t
like the wav 1 have been used "
"What's wrong?" asked the restau
"Last fall I bought a can of oysters
"Yes, I remember."'
"When I took it home my wife sug
gested that we put it away down
cellar (or Forth of July. When we
opeced it on the glorious Fourth—
"Great Scots!"
"Yes, you'd have said great Scots
and little Scots and all the other sorts
of Scots. You said they were fresh
oysters, and 1 took your word for it
and paid forty cents in cash ''
The restaurateur counted out for
ty cents, placed the change in the
man's hand, and motioned him to
go out.
"Thankee,'' said the farmer, as he
backed out; "you are a square man,
and I told my wife that you were
probably deceived in the oyster?
yourself One of my neighbors said
he smelt 'em seven miles dowa the
road. Thankee—this is k'rect. '
A Michigan Girl's Mishap.
A Michigan girl, while picking
blackberries, met a black bear among
the briers. She turned to run, and
tore her dress on a briar so as to ex
pose her patent wire bustle. The
bear, mistaking the bustle for a circus
cage, struck for tail timber, leaving
the girl to go without hugging until
a dry goods clerk closed his store at
nine o'clock the next evening.
The Weather.
f Nutting,
| Gathering pumpkins,'
j Husking corn,
1 Pruning grape yines,
j Lajing in coal,
I Burning leaves,
| Hunting mushrooms,
This is beautiful ; Bicycling,
Weather for | Talking about black
| bass,
j Preparing for duck
j hunting,
j Eating paw-paws, chest
! nuts and persimmons,
j Woulding you were a
I boy again.
tor, a widower, proposed to a young
lady recently, but was rejected
His feelicg bsd a severe test when a
widow neighbor sent him the follow
ing text to preach from: cu ask
and receive not, because you ask a
The components of Laxador are
prescribed by the ablest physicians of
the land. It is nonpareil for loss of
appetite and debility. Price 25 cents
Perfect health can lie assured to the
baby by judiciously using Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup. Sold everywhere for
25 cents a bottle.
—One of Germany's famous mili
tary bands will soon uiake a tour of
100,000 Witnesses
will testify to the virtues of Tutt's
Pills. Wherever Chills and Fever,
Bilious Diseases or Liver Affections
prevail thev have proven a great
blessing. 25 years' test has estab
lished their merits,
—ln one week in New York thirty
two dry goods clerks lost their sit
uations because it was ascertained
that they frequented pool rooms.
—A cold of unusual severity which
I took last autumn developed into a
difficulty, decidedly catarrh in all its
characteristics, threatening a return of
my old chronic malady, catarrh.
One bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
completely eradicated every symp
tom of that painful and prevailing
disorder.—PL W. Warner, 165 Hud
son St, Rochester, N. Y.
CATARRH. —For twenty years I
was asuffercr from catarrh of the head
and throat. By a few applications of
Ely's Cream Balm I received decided
benefit—was cured by one bottle.—
Charlotte Parker, Waverly, N. Y.
—To be free-minded and cheerful
ly disposed at hours of sleep
and exercise, is one of the best pre
cepts of long lasting.
Drunkenness or the Liqotir
Habil Positively Cured by ad
ministering Dr. Haines' Golden
It can be given in a cup ot coffee
or tea without the knowledge
of tbe person taking it; is
absolutely harmless and will effect a
permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck.
Thousands of drunkards have been
made temperate men who have taken
tbe Golden Specific iu their coffee with
out their knowledge, and to-day be
lieve they quit drinking of their own
free-will. IT NhVKIt FAILS The
system once impregnated with the
Specific it becomes an utter impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exint
For full address GOLD
EN SPECIFIC Co., 185 I lace St,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
—Let us live like those who ex
pect to die, aud then we shall find
that we feared death only because we
wire unacquainted with it.
W hat Ain I To Do ?
'I he symptoms of Hiliousness are
I unhappily but too well known.
1 They differ in different individual to
i some extent. A Bilious man is sel
i dom a breakfast eater. Too frequent
' ly, alas, he has an excellent appetite
for liquids but none for solids of a
morning. His tongue will hardly
bear inspection at auy time; if it is
not white aud furred, it is rough, at
all events.
The digestive system is wholly
out of order aud Diarrhea or Consti
pation may be a symptom or the two
may alternate. There are often
Hemerrhoids cr even loss of blood.
There may bo giddiness and often
headache and acidity or flatulence
and tenderness in the pit of the atom
; ach. To correct all this if not effect
| a cure try Green' h Aurjunl Flower, it
j costs but a trille and thousands attest
| itstllioacy.
I —lnquisitive people are the funnels
! of conversation; they do not take any
thing in for their own use, but mere
j ly pufe.i it to another.
Delicate Children, Nursing
Mothers, Overworked Men and for
all diseases where the tissues are
I wasting away from the inability to
1 digest food, or from overwork, should
take Scott's Emulsion of I'ure Cod
Liver Oil with Hypopbotphites. "I
used tbe Emulsion on a lady who
was delicate. It put her in such good
health and fiebh, that I nuust say it
is tbe best Emulsion."—L. P. Wad
dell, M. I)., Hugh's Mills, S. C.
Five Hundred Dollars Thrown
Avvav—His Aim Was Suc
A good healthy body is almost
sure to be found associated with a
good conscience.
A clo?e student of human nature is
rarely willing to place large matters
of trust in the hands of another, untii
he has seen the one whom he is to
trust. Ha looks for the fresh health
and vigor, the honest frank counte
nance and manly form, and in fact
all that is attractive in moo. Ue
doubts the dyspeptic with sallow skin
drawn out features, the evident weak
and irritable nature. He feel j as
Shakesj-ea e m kes Julius Ca-'sar
••Let me have men about rue t' at ;ire f= t
Sleek beaded m-n. and sucli as s;<-ep o'm.rlits;
Von Cjisilus bat!i a le.in and hungry lxjk;
lie think's to mueh; sucli men are dangerous.
He does not doubt the honesty of
the poor uniortuDate, but he fears dis
ease of the body will affect the mind
and bring misfortune upon the indi
vidual, and loss to himself.
It may be injustice to the weak,but
if the "man has not the meutal
strength, or if he is wrapped up in
his misery, he cannot take in the sit
uation of the world, does not see that
ideas are broadening, and that
and teachings are advancing! How
can an employer hope for success
from such a man? The dyspeptic
look, the wax-like complexion and
sallow features show disease. The
farseeicg man notes ail these signs,
and knows that the great light of man
the brain, is affected, or will be. at no
distant day.
He discards the poor victim of dis
ease who goes wearily out into the
world. Discouraged at last he takes
to his sick bed. He seeks medical
aid. Lacking the broad ideas of the
successful man of the world, he tries
the same medical treatment- that be
has tried many limes before. The
same bigoted counsel is sought, the
same drugs are administered by the
same old family ftiend that treated
him months and years before, and his
parents before- him,and in such a way
he drags out his miserable,unsuccess
ful existence.
Is he to blanie? Why not? When
be eecs daily, and hears from every
tide, prtclairiations of a remedy
kuown as Warner's tafe cure, which
is becoming more popular daily, hour
ly, while he is becoming weaker.
J. A. Geitys, insurance agent of
Chillicothe, Ohio, suffered for nearly
three years with dyt-pepsia iu its
worst forms, having periodical spei's
of vertigo, fainting aud chills. lie
wrote over bis own signature: "i
siient abuut SSOO, had tbe bent medi
cal attendance, tried ail the remedies
recommended without success, until
I was induced to try Warner's safe
cure. I uhed three bottles, have
gained twenty pounds and feel like a
new man.
Such a man as we have described,
nine times out, of ten,
t" himself or to his pbysiciaD, has a
kidney disorder,which is fast wasting
bis body and li!e He eees the merits of
Warner's Bafe cure at every turn, and
hears it proclaimed from the house
tops, and yet he does not use ic, be
cause it is said by his illiberal phjsi
ci-iti that it is not professional, and
not admitted by the code. Mean
while the man of the world proafHH
forward, cares not a (i# for this or
that school; his aim in life is success,
and he looks hopefully forward to the
world beyond, believing aod trustiug
in maa in this world, and to his
faith for the world beyond.
Kinging Noises
lu the ears, sometitn«3 a roaring,buzz
ing sound. are caused by catarrh,thit
exceedingly disagreeable aa'J v:cy
common disease. Loss of smell or
Lea ing also result from catarrh
Ilood'a Sarsaparilla, tho great blood
purifier, is a peculiarly successful
runiedy for this disease, which it
cures by purity ing th ; blood. If you
suffer from catarrh, try Hood's Sar
hftparilia, the peculiar medicine.
Oh, These Women.
A brak;maa on a railway existed
from his wife that sh'! would always
signal from a particular window of
their little hou ;;j as his train went l>y
and eyer since he has lias always
seen the fluttering kerchief. But the
other day the tram happjne! to ruu
by slowly, aud ho saw—a dummy in
a familiar gown, leaning ngainst the
window casing, with a dishcloth piu
ned to its sleeve.
Common Sense
Should he used in attempting toccuer e
that very disagreeable d.s.'-ase,catarrh
AH catarrh originates in impurities in'
the blood, local application can do no
permanent good. The common serine
method of treat 'i.orit is to purify the
blood, and for this purpose there in no
preparation superior to Hood's Sdr
saparilla That this peculiar medi
cine does cure catarrh is shown bv
the many testimonials from people
who have found relief upon usiog it
when ull others hail failed, A book
containing statements of cures sent
on receipt of of two cent stamp, by ('.
1. Hoot> it Co., Lowell, Mass.
—The New Knglantl electric light
companies are crowded with orders
for factory lighting.
—"You have uo piano, I see"
"No, hir, I haven't." "Mint, don't
you think you ought to have one ?"
"Not any." "15ut, consider, if you
had one your daughter would plav it,
and—" "Yes, that's what I'm afraid
of »
Notice in Partition.
Re Partition ol the Real Kiitate of Sarah
I'. Fowzer, <Je«;'<l.
No. !i|, March Term, I v '-7.
H<-pt. llrijui'.ilion tiled in the
ofliw ol Olcrk of Orphans Court tintlit the
hand iii.«! seal of the Sheriffof liulltr county,
Ami now, to-wit: Sept. 2<sth, IHH7, on mo
tion o I W ill in VV)H & Mitchell, attorney** tor
In ira ol Sarah B. Fowzer, dee'd, tin- Court i
requeued to j,;rnnt a rule on the heirs of
Sarah 15. Fow/.er to appear on the first. Mon
day of Dee. IHH7, in iSutier, at an Or
pliann Court then ami there to be holder) and
i ueccj t or refn■ «• the premi > 1 at the valuation
! publication of thin rule to b.-mwle as to Hen
rietta Fowzer.
Attorneys for Ileirn.
Arid now, Sept. 26, IW, motion grant)"!.
It V 'I 111. Col.'KT,
Itt; ri.i.u i OIVI y, ( :
To J'rlrr Krun" r, Sheriff of linlh r (Jouiily,—
dri'i iiiitj:
We command you that you make known to
.tnuicH I), Fowzer, the p litloi.cr; Robert. 11.
Fowzer, r filling al Itutlcr, I'I.; ( narirs U.
Fowzer, renidini; at IJuiler, I'.i ; Hadi : il.
Fouzer, intermarried v.ith Newton < uinln rt
reM<liri(f at Itlairnville, l'.i., aud Ilenrieita
FOIVZ Y, remileuce unknown, the couteuts of
the within order of Court and rule them and
every of thcru to be tiud appear before the
Judged of tin: i )r;biuis Com i ol [iutler <,'o.,
l'.i , <>u H i lint Monday of l>c«:cmher, IHS7,
t»«;i r*tf the tilth day thereof, to accept the
within premises at the valuation oi r-how
cimm; why the name should not he mid, and
make return how you have •lervcrt thi< writ.
VVi iuc> s the honorable Aaron L. IIU/.KII,
I'rn-ideot Ju'lge of our siid Court at liutlcr i
this 12th day of October, D >7.
RKI liiijf Ml .KI.VAIX, < Icrlj.
WAITED —Litiy ' I ■■ 1 '' VT.t, m.
anoMilrm. IN-f.-i vrni I>,
MIU gout! »*Ury. u\ Y & htu ,f: |J«i . j ß# J t M £ |
Utr/bui had'
cents fcr "■' ffi S&L ;
tfiP beau.- Keng c; Rip's A T H'.3"HC?^St
tif U! colored . HOW he'll BE.tSJi«)BT».
Cirt". fll r iobhorcseSF\
iizvvail Sr. NewVorH, A
B. I B.
Dry Goods and Wink Wraqs,
Having made recently a number of very ad
vantageous puchases—closing stoek<. etc.. we
are ottering now. In our different departments,
values which have never been excelled. These
and will repay your oxmnin'Uicn. either person
ell v or bv samples our Mail < Tier De
partment. . V. t feel convinced that your inti-r
--i sts " in lie advanced IJV an invest ijra'toi; 1.-ffore
,i etas potetaßnof yohr rail and Winter sup
plies. ' >nlv av( rv few of iliese extra i>. ravins
now on «»!'■ rati !>"e mentioned in a limited spare
sii li as this eard. lint our IlluKtrstrd Fall ami
\\ inter Cataltzur, containing much valuable in
lo'inatio!) as to styles values, ete.. for gratui
tous distribution. Ls now ready, and will he sent
frei' upon reque-t on postal to any address, it
is gotten up lor the benefit of our out-of-town
Opened to-day—2oO liote Patterns' fine, ser
vicei'iiie. Imported < lotli. in all colors. "> vards
plain arid "• ..irds fancy triin-s at 88..V* for tlie
eomplfci- l'attern Drr »s. These Kobes iiave
beet, sold tins season at .?20.
Another lot of Kancy Robe Patterns or Habits
genus of fine Imported Serge;. In fuil line of
colors, with elegant Braided Panel ami (>;'.rni
ture—Vest. ( iiHs and Collars—juice s<a> each.
Contains 11 yds. double-width foods. Heal
value .fjo
Both of above special offerings consist of
about 100 Suit Patterns of eaeh there will
t>v no more, as this closes the importation.
100 pes. Fancy Scotch Skirtings inches in
width, in large assortment of Fancy Stripes, at
"0 cents, lormerly ?!.50, and never sold for less
la-lore Elegant "goo, is.
::j inch all-wool Fancy Suitings. :ioc.
36 inch all-wool Fancv Suitings. .';" c.
inch all-wool Fancy Suitings, ■!«, 45, vie.
50 inch Serges. 4"c.
50 inch ( lo'.li SuitingS. 45c.
33 inch Cloth Suiting..'ise.
■ 50 irr il c;«.tll Suitil'! . iV». 75.850, $1.01).
French Suitings. t i. G5, 15, s»e, si 00,
so ineii Tricots, 45c.
50 I::11 Tricots, 50. GSc.
52 inch '1 ricOLs, 75c to $1 50.
Winter Wraps, Cloaks, etc.
Most complete assort'lieu ol Lailie.-T. Misses'
and ' hildien's Wraps, in :• ] 1 manner of style-'.
Iron. ;,iiCr' Seal skins down to common and
cheap grade-to suit all If/tes ami without
question at lowest pocsibto prim Vour wants
and ideas will l>e fully met by enquiring here
lor your Winter W'r:.jih. and money saved f.,r
other purposes. We believe Hie interests of
customers and merchants are identical,
115) li/,i10,12! Federal St.,
M. II g H Ssl a Pii* '
JJP. s.~\vri'c i.or <)r iT Department for
samples an A Informal io!i.
54.00 FOR $1,75!
is Tim
N'c .v-,1 tj>! r |>lt>>:: - !l>:.l 01 Ili t < !a| i:'*l ol I'eiinsyl
vaauk Eneli nuinlter contains SIXTY
i ot'i:c(>i,FM::siii;; ii wuh
Till-: i.A'i ;:s r Ni-:ws. .sroidEH,
M A K!< I.i KKi'Oit'rs.
Will be furnished t<> Subscribers for the ensuing
year, together with a copy of
(New K lltlon.)
For?l 75 pa>aole IN advance.
The Price of t!iU la .ill Itriokst ares is ft'!.
'Jlic Price ol l!i-* ' * 1 i ;npV N Si.
Vic (five both i'.«r ?!.<•».
I'.j an; Paper in the i nlt.eU State,.
Th!i b »*••; contains l* »pa'; -S; Weight ari l one
iinii in •:i'*s lonqf.s' • III ! nes u lilv.au I Iwo In lies
thick. 11. is pi • 11«-'l on • xtr.t h' ivy paper, anil
Is hin I vine-iv bound, ii ii ernbo.i.vM cover and
gilt lettered rack.
ii I:*flirr<*."i nt from all other works of la" Kind
kvi:': pfiiLlsii i;ij.
Ii l< .i le • 111 i," who Slave II ho'.v to tell what
lb'- ni.iliiT !. when a person g I-. l-.lck.
Ali : : iili'tr b iks I 'll "vh »i. io 'hi II ,ou know
v. a.., tic .;i , • is. T.il i bool: h-li, •, ci ~.vto
dele i ilie (hi. i m. and lb - pro;.' rem*'!! h
I re ftp en I'll* ,\|| ~i itliJc, Horn 'o;i ithle.ii le lic,
Ii;. Ir i;i..' in-, and I trei .1 tri-ri: ■
limi Piii l > av ill yo'ii , II of this olfer, v.hlch
ic il Is gio I mil ii .January 1, . . I t-i.
When t !r* bo >i: Is nut by mall. 20 eeal h mast
accompany the order for post ig •.
ItKI.IABLB A<• KN i'.-i WA M'l'.i)
In every School District in I 111 s ami adjoining
Daily Telegraph, $5 |.< r jei.r.
Hail/ Teli*i(raji!i nitil Our Family Pli\slrlnii,
V- per year. poslna" »a liool. ill renin extra
ifm>lll lit' mull.
KnclO ic ca-.il with till itu I .idclre. 4
M. W. 41 c VLAUN*BY. Mana/. r.
liaii Pemi'a.
In a!I the I;:ie»t Xovcltks, Frencli Kelt
Milk ll.it-.. I'i; ind Oi.iise nuil W'ate red
I'luiihts, Velvet and Si !. .
The New \\ id ■ iiibhniM, I'urM:!.!, S'liofii
(i'-r Ur»ce* ( J'atli Sliirl. Hand-, l!o icrv : ud
Suipi'iidecs, Toilet Pow iers, W i dieJ, RoU( e
and f'u..luetic, "Lsiia I' ■ th" ui.d "rtyhci's
Sec ret,"
r>r«* s Lining'!, !■ ii:<liny»i, I ;ii* Trimming,
| Nt;W" t fcjtyl- i jij 11-ihi!*, JJair <<<».>< in 11 ri«l
| < tiwjur*, < hiMivn'i Knit find J'lush f'upn
I *ui«l Jfoo'Jtt, Tob<w/,'iuSilk liivrnikef lii^fh
: iJfljJ M ,»|)1( ,M.
h CJTLIOIi* - - - PA.
Executor's Sale of
liy virtue of it e of the < irphuos' (lourt
of Itullur county, at '>. ('. No. f»7 Sept. term,
JM7, authorizing in.- i> to do, I will expo e
to Public Nile, on lie; premi • * i:i Jaci-.FiMi
l|> , wiid Niumy and Mt.ill-, iih Kxeeiit'>r of tlie
la»t wiil ftti'l testament 'it Andre.? !S Zicgler,
dee'd, on
Thursday, Nov. 21. 1887,
At II o'clock a.m., tin? lot lowing described
real .■ it itc, viz: |{ miide I on the north Ijy
laud* of John llerr, Joseph Htuulfer and
.lame* Met.'nrdy; on the c.t t liy land* of
J#iiii"i> Mc< urdy, John Ooclirin;;, ./■>!>:i Fore
man imhl Win l/Utz; o i the -outli l<y land. of
<A. Pai uvunt, Win. Ltitg and John Fore
man, and on the w> st liy lands of Jacob
Koch'-r, Henry Kooher mid John I f •-rr.
and .'ill j er'.lr: iih j-; r nurvey made l>y A.
Tcrnia of H.ilc <in•--fiu.l f purcha"o money
on cniiliriN ttii.il of tie, no I the balance i:■
one ><-.tr therefrom tiecurcd liy bondand uijrt-
Il l it WM. I". WILD, Executor.
■A I U»r ull otliyi i l/.1l < '.fictile
Or. LO33E
H. !flth Bt., below Oullowliill, Phila., Pa.
lit y.tr ■ 111* i„ ail NIMM'I AI, .Ii I'- .
ft mciitly |liw ■ '.•ii"'' ! y • ir 1•/ Inr'i « r«
.ion ~ft- orwriir AiJvkr fr'-' .iti l Rirlctly <"ti
. cnti«t l«'»r .j 11 a «t .1 .... I.fi 710 I'. I
' h.. .!! • ' I«• I " I
Al Ki'V I'ifif IfoUM', I'U i
SaturO;!vat !, iii<Hllii. :4f*ti'l im rir'tiinr*
A«lvir#» tin-.
Advntke in the CITIZEN.
Is attracting jrrcat crowds of buyers o! good solid Boots
and Alices lroin all parts of Butler county, from the ex
treme North to South and from .fciast to \\ est they come
The inducements we are offering to all is to the ad
vantage of every one wanting good honest Boots and
Si iocs to visit our store be tore they buy a pair of shoes.
The immense Stock we are showing has never had its
equal in Butler. Bear in mind all our Stock is made to
order, our stock was bought right and will be so d right,
our house is crowded full of fresh new stock in Boots and
Shoes and if we can't lit or please you with any price
Boot or Shoe you want 110 other house in Butler can.
Do you want a pair of good Kip Boots for yourself
or the boys to go a long road to school, warranted to re
sist water and wear soft and pliable, all hand made at
all prices from 50 cents up to $3.75, in all widths, high
leg, box toe, low in>tep, Grain Hoots, Wool Boots, We
have them and can do Letter fur you than any oilier
dealer in Butler. Men's Boots $1,40 and up, Boys SI.OO
and up, Youths 75 cents and up, Chiidrens 50 cents and
I want to say to the parents who have boys and girls
to go to school that there is no part of their clothing so
important as their Boots and Hioes so that they are good
solid Kip, as nothing short of that body of leather will re
sist water, besides see where you buy them. A good
boot or shoe often saves a doctor's bill. Children's feet
must be kept dry if you expect jour children to have
good health and develop into sound men and women.
AVe have iliese celebrated Kip Shoes for women, also
I Calf shoes in Button and Lace, prices irom 65 cents
and up, chiidrens high cut Button Shoes in Calf, Grain
and Pebble Goal, heel and spring heel all these made
to our special order.
> ome little dealers blow about selling for less than
any other house can because they sell so much and buy
from factori s and all such bo-h when the truth is
they buy two-thirds of their stock right out of jobbing
houses and auction houses, from second hands, hence
the pasteboard insoles, shoddy bottoms. Look well
when you buy them but the first time they git wet
away they go. We have the goods that will stand
the severest test at low preces, try them.
Shoes and Slippers with felt s >les and leather soles.
Wigwam Slippers, new and very easy to the foot very
in our trade is the immense Stock we carry in Ladies',
Misses' and Chiidrens' fine Shoes, we offer an unequal
! Ed variety, every ease and comfort, every grace and
beauty and excellence of finish that can be put into
shoes, you can fird in this stock and for L*ss money
i than same qualities can lie purchased of any other
We have them in Cur, Kid, Pebble and Straight
| Coat Gondola New York, Common Sense and Opera
last, widths from A A to FK in Hand welt and McKay
sewed Ladies' and Chiidrens' Spring Heels, solt fine
shoes for infants.
See our Ladies Grain Button Shoes at SI.OO, Kid
at *I.OO, $1 25 and sl.-"0, this $1.5.0 Shoe is the best
bargain in the county and can't be duplicated for less
! than $-.00 by other dealers.
We carry the largest stock of these goods, Woonsock
ets, Candee, Boston and other m KCS. While some
little dealers who cackle loud only carry one make.
We will sell you Rubber Boots as low as $2.00 and will
furnish you with any of the above makes as low as
any of these small concerns may name. Recollect we
sell to every body alike. No three or four prices on
any of our goods.
Heparing of all kinds done at Reasonable rates. Will
save you money. Come and see us.
A. Troutman & Son.
Lead rig Dry Goods Uouse.
I 1 II i I I I I I <iv 1 1111 11 1 I 1
.... n r* . r»l 1 - J TXT n_
A Troutman & Son.
The leading Dry (jut/tin and Car
pet Uou.se, iiutler, I'u.
New Full I>res*H (toodrf nt prices
which will rntike the in move very
We have the largest Muck ever
shown in liutler county, compri.-ing
;ill lhe new goods in Cheeks, Stripes
nrifl I'lnin Weaves i:i Foreign and
Black and Colored Silks,
Special Values
we have never had such it nice as
sortment and so many of them.
HA ltd A INS
In Flannels, Blankel:-", Tickings,
(.iiif.'hiuiiH, VV hite (guilts, Shawls
Tolde Linens, l.neo C'urtoiriH,
iu litet everything which cau be
found in a
Fiisl-Class Oiy Goods Store,
ISutlerp Fa-
Why it i« Huperior to all othern iu
thu market.
y] ' 9t * I'- >" worlK-d and docs
1 the work fnnter thau auy other ma-
' fifi 2.1. INdng incloM-d prcTootP all
1' " 1 i|f |:lat-bing «'> water and inhaling »»f
" i I nH-arn. >5 injurious to health and
011 '**" wufeb-board.
fk~,.'.. '* W\ 3d, li dM'Htho washing complete
JjK ja W\ aud without friction or perceptible
wear on tbo clothcß.
*£ The New Chuniplon Wringer in
\ ulso a grand feuecewH.
Sold by SHIPA, SHIRA £ HAYS Butler, Pa,
Cloaks and WraPs.
for Childrrn and Ladiep.
Wo carry the greatest variety of
| styles, our stock never was as larpe,
I prices never so low, goods neve'r bo
if you want, to see the nice goods, t
plenso call and examine fitir stock.
Ijadiea', (Jentfc', and Children's
Underwear, every grade, all sizes,
best goods.
(Moves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
Plushes, Yarns, etc.
darpsts and Oil Cloths,
1 never had so many—never were ear
pets ho cheap.
Our stock is complete. Don't buy
a Carpet until you have seen our
,'t.ock. Mody Ilrusßels, Velvets, Tup
ettry, •'! l'ly l.x'ra Su[>er, Heuip, Cot
ton and Hag Huys.
W'indt.w Shades, largest assort
ment, lowest prices.
You will find on examination our
1 sleek of goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Huiler county.
Uj Jlsbllk W-> eUa bJkclL £J
While other merckauts arc singing the r iwn praises, we cause our customers
to acknowledge that our method ot dealine: is the b«sr, our goods secrnd to nrne,
in fact superior to luanv usually kept end sold cs THE BEST. "Butler cud furronnding
country ueeded such a store us this,'' is the general encourtgiug words our customers pive ua, "ami people will be
fast findin.f it out too." We keep good and w. il made gods only. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first
class thread, trimmed, liued aud made up in a substantial manner ' OIK medium and better grades take rank with
any Custom made iu the way of fitting ami m.ike up. while our FIXE DRESS SUITS must be *een to be appre
ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of
Mens', Youths', Beys' and Chiidrens' Clothing
of all styles and tjrf.des. Every trarment so'd under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money
refunded. HATS, CA PS, L NDERYVEA R. HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything
pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on band.
We ask those who have not as yet patrorized our store to givu us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti
mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Huts elsewhere.
Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at
JViaiiL Street, "Butler* Pn.
1850 !®E m
Diamonds, Ladies' and Cents' Gold and Silver Watches
n\ [pl Hf* U, C I>a P er Vv * ei ~ : ' !t > Giit Class Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament
4ri U 3 bLUufla, tion, MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete liu.- of Clocks
RiIuPTOQTfD Ci Rlfl Q UtT Don>t fasl t0 - sce thi * line of Qood - a . ay it is the largest
UA4 V Ifl VV CZll \) Cll Ul/vVlwilUjf e and most complete stock ever shown in Builer.
11"P 'Q SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, in Cold, Silver and Steel frames,
U I\ D scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System.
iiieineistllisr we alS as itepmnitad.
jjgir 0 Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Ooods Store.
NTo- 19, North. IS'lairi fc?troet» * BTJTLIIIR*
ix> Fine Stock of
•x ,Watches, Clocks, Jewelery,
iHtVEaWdES, iiP£OT4CL3S, Ao.,
i ' mvo l>een suited with great eare for
A complete line (f ROGER BROS' Celebrated
All goods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well
[MK Til GBIEB'S, No. l^V^Street.
Illllill Watch CASLj sIGN ov eleg 'iuhic bell
FBEE BIPE „ I to Butler i
antl " lost enterprising Clothing, Shoe, Hat Wiitojag
and Furnialung Cioods House, Hfth Avenue \STOKK
a,:il s »" , '" ,a<!ld tr, ' et ' Pittsburg, will pay Mfm
tne lull Railroad Fare to every tesidtnt of M
' SXJa'Oi»X3jR or vicinity. Making •
a purchase of m* I»r» th«»i rt 1 5.
// lo p'-o;ift wishing to order fieodsbv nnil, !
/C. : -—Kaui'iaann's beaHtitully Illustrated Fashion y ■
itrf-rf ''" '1 Book, will be iiiuiiuj gruli«, on applicalion.
■'' - - -
S;&! F
If'iiU-J 3 Übd OK Liu .
I w ill hi ill my f ;m, Im-Htod in I 'Kiiiklin
toaiihliifi, lititlcr county, I'n. Ii coul:iius
of Rood, well watered land, liolli riih-c sihl
swamp; erain la.:d juel * >■ ? 1 -;:e i i; I•!
iliout ."it ucrcH of (jood i-hc-ilnut timber, three
s(ix'io feel, fiatiK! and !oj; (fwellin;;, Old
spring and K°od i»ptiii;r liotec iter.r lnu>c;
well in kitchen, good fii'rn crib, | pen and,
all necehiary improvements.
For teriu:;. etc, inipiirc of inc on the prein
isefi. (il'• >i:«;i: C. M< • - ANin i-.ss,
l'r< sj i ct, Pa.
A wcoHy nowfpapcr, published every Kri
day morning at liutler, I'a., by JOHN 11. «V
•Subscript 101 l Itutr.
Por year, in advance 4>l 50
OtlierwiHO.. H Co
No Bubccriplion will bo diwoontinned until
all arrearage:) are paid.
All I'OinmuulcatioiiM inleudcd for publication
in tl<i.'> i it| < r iiiueibo iuei ii.paiiii dby tlio leal
u&we of tli« writer, not I 'if publication but a»
a unai'Eiit! o' of «ood failb,
.M; rrrigo and (i< aih uotifea tuu-t bo accoiu-
I anied by a rehpoimiblc nanio.
Advertising Hale:.
On., orjuaro, one innertiou, i I ; eaeli auliuc-.
ipiont Inui.-rtion, 60 ceutd. Vo.uiy ailvortWe
inent# exctodinx one-fourth "f a eoluran, *5
per inch, Figure work double theie raten;
udd|tioii>i cbar«aa whore weekly or monthly
cbaiiKC'h on made- l.ocal nlvcitiwwdiitl 10
t'co'.K per line for llitt iiiMeiti'in and 5 centa
per line foi cadi additional inaoili m. Mar-
and dtatliM puMirthed free of charge.
Obituaiy iiotici h charged an bn-al adverlim
lucnta and | ay&ble when bandvd iu. Atidil jru'
Notieef, i 1;' F.xcuutora. nod AdmibiHtratoia'
Noticea, -t-'l cachi F»t-ay, Oantton and I'ih-
HOlutlou Noticcn, not exceeding ten liut'H, i' 2.
AddioHH Tuk t'nizi n, Butler, Pa.
For lironay. (.ravel, tirlghi'H, Heart, t rlnary
or I.lver IMi i- ih.-m, Nervounn<v». at cure (liiar
iiiteed. <UTIeeN.II Areli street I'litlaili -11.1. In. ||
per iKitll.*, fi lor At nniggHt*. Tr) it.
For Kcnslngt > i, Arrnscno
1 IM> lw M.uii iii rami (:lvtu t>y ANNIE M
LOWMAN t *Norlli Itrcet, Uull r, IV.
in L'Oi-Ji
Convertible Wire Basket
r ' 4fl '' ,ant '' '' •••♦? t«• I
A'[/\ A' .A ""«* Ol MJUIH'Utttl -v
Vy' ~,!l hy
jj£ .*li foi ' -
4 AHH4;tii:W <0„
1428 rival. .sr., C*l I.VJ.I.ANU. O.
Tlio Reason
Why ><M HIKIIIUI send ymir order fur any kind of
I!)(i or liouri mi Wln.skey. ilinntly, lili'i, Wines.
&e., IN.I. Srlituiiiicht'r, \ii. !»;t 1.1 erl> St., I'ltts
tmrtf. I'n . I.s liri uuM' In' keeps the I>est unit pur
< m In tliut liiic, mid m lli llii'in iii lower
iiriecH ilian any house in I'lttnlHirK.
lliree year old I'ure liye, t'tu per uulloii.
Four year ol'l I'ure ItyV*. s - Mi per pillon.*
Five year old I'ure live, iS'i.iMi per
From .1 In yi'iirolil I'ure Ityi- #;i on to 95.00 tier
Kullou. 'I lie purest luiiiiirli'tl Wines, I'.rHiiillit
and (iliis prt'si'illit'il l»v physicians fur iiietlirid
purpose*. Cowls nllijip'Ml In all purls nl the
country. N'lflianjr fur puck a km. t all or write
and Kixi! mi' a irl.il nrili r and von will nfler that
ileal Willi no other LUM-sc. Send IIIOIK'.N wlili
order, hy registered letter or I' O, outer.' I'.s.
lt*Vouue laws prohibit di.ppl u« |>ootls I'. (). 11.
Itespert fully .1 \< mi si'iii'M.vc'ilKlt,
9«l Liberty Nl., rittsinirc, I'n.
( iv-.-itorr loeati d two minutes walk Irorn I'll
ton D.ipot.
Oi l U I.s, tM I'KNN AVE.
*«w r ■/' PITTSBURGH, PA.--
■ AH found of Oeltcato and C'oni-
I*;y pllniti 'l in I'HM'H I««Jl|||'lTlK < O*.
V™ HIU NI nl.lllid Htir.sUl it; Mcdl
cation ai f treated at Uil* l»l-i«'n .ny with a mo
rarely uttnlmd. In . S. K. I .1.0 Wit inciiilier
nl Hit! If I.j al < ollr, !• of I'liyiliimisuii'l Stnp'oni,
and I j 1 lio old. nl mid ui<> t experienced M'i;t 111,
DTtallwclty, Hjicetal BMCBUOB fffven to NUT*
nun I »t-1 lllty Imm cue •Ho niintnt e.Millon, In
illxeri'Uoiiit nf m Hi, A' ~ cniu-lngpliyMcnlnnd
mentfl I < 1... 1 •. , lie i. ofcm-nyy, riet|>onUctiry, etc,;
a ••> ( am r: i, OM hiirc*. I lii, riled, Klil'liilllitlt 11l
and nil 11;n-• it tii the Skin, HIOIKI, LiiniH, t'rln*
11 ry Organs, &e. (ttnitultiillnn liisniml utrlctly
confide nllni. < Mice hours It to 4 nnd 7 tft H p.in.;
N|inlu)n H 104 p.m. only. < nil at ofllcp 01 addreiia
, M 1' ,M II ' r,", ort..T VAKr.M.D.
A/'i " i r s S
M ■ 1 &33CV., ffit
I l-ii CUI- - ! )>IH£AMSD
Ai • ■ f>K :.VK.
r ,. vv ' 7 t3 '','-i'"'iho'oi'y
i -BlS®®
-;V >[. •> ' t . ATT'B
-i' C'".' •• ttenwa 21a.
J ;•• ••• r. ■ ■ i," n'nifi
i •|; , v-j '■ 1 • ] ( nif*iiy
, -~X % ram if."
I fcf ir?«TT' 'io 1:1 m..<HI«T„
I iJVv'; ri-Ui3 •' ni.nriM nof tlioi
W&r Orr'art" ' " , ' r ' u <» < K
J A KH l'i, H(-UK '•, So If A punt.
itid CI IA MJJEIi-i
J. 0. 11KDICK, Druggist,
I'm iiciilsir attention givou to tbo Retracing ol
old lino*. Addre-8,
11. l\ IIILLIIRI).
10. Surveyor-
North Hope l'. 0., Miuler Co., P».
'lo rnuvaHU l<«r flic of Nm--A_ 1
;<•'!> s:r>( k ! Ktc:«!v cmrl.ivmont ui in ran teed.
H.II.AIJV AMI IXl'l>sU KAI1». Apply at.
o»n-i«, htntinK »K'' (Uel«>r to this paper.Y
Chase Brothers Cc.,
A Inruo frame lioardinc limim. good location
and doing J:irtro Imsiue*. Term* e«*y. For
lurtlier particular* inquire nf
, t. H. HrJI JIKln, 4J*.