THE onTZEJSL. f FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1887. New Advertisements. Jury Lists. Rr>id Reports, Widow's Appraise ments, Final Accounts of Executors, Ad niinKrators and Com n> it tees for Decem ber Term. New Drug Store—Dr. Wiles. New Incals—Walter's Buckwheat flour, En tertainment at Suobury. PUBLIC NOTICE! T.H- public is hereby notified that hercaf ler all Resolutions of Respect or Condolence peopl ed by organizationJ and ordered published, all notices of Church Fairs, Festivals - turrs; and all communicated Obituaries will be charged for at the rate of one-half cent a tcord, money to accompany each order. ' LOCAL AND GENERAL AUTUMN' WISDOM. When twittering swallows leave the eaves, And songsters leave the rural grove, And harvested are all the sheavw, Put up the stove. When weather prophet* do begin To prophesy with all their soul A winter mild and warm, put in Ten tuns of coal. —The Hirrisvilie Dramitic Society is flourishing. —Calendars for 188-3 are out. Just think of writing it wiih a down stroke aad three whirligigs. —Christmas is coming. Read the stver iUements aad make up your mind what you kill get your friend for a presents. —Any of our clothing advertisers will sell you something suitable for thu weather at a fair price. —A physician has discovered that the older a man grown, the smaller his brain b?cornet. This explains why the young men know ev erything atd old men knoir nothing. —That was a brilliant idea of a Washing lon, D. C., newspaper reporter who seut Chief Ja»lice Waite a humbug infernal mi chine, asd then sold tne startling news to all tbe papers. —At a meeting of the Council of Bu'ler, Tuesday evening it was resolved that Mr. Ketterer aud Mrs. Gilkev be notified to build brick *al!s between their houses and brick fronts, or be subject to the fines imposed iu tbe Ordinance. » . If ail the election boards would hand in (per. correct, and complete returns to the Proifcoi otarjr. a* tbey arc required by law to do, our election table, this week, would be complete end correct. As it i*,the faulty re turn prevent our having a complete aud comet table. —A Philadelphia coroner's jury held an inquest on the body of a young wotnan, a tew days ag", and brought in a veidict that the had died f heart di-eo»e brought on by tight lacing. Heart trouble a but one tf the evils of tiiht lacing, there are many other*, asd hull Hie women of this natiou seem to be invalids from the same cause. —Ladies who take pride in a good complex ion shon'd be cartl'ul how tLey come about it. A lady of Erie applied carbolic acid to her lace in mistake for glycerine, and thus disfigu'-d herself. A Warren lady lost her tight l.y appliying ni.rate of silver to her fece instead of sugar of lead. —A urw c r 'U.iterPeit silver dollar has apptared in circulation. It is very well executed, u.-'d the workmanship Fbow.4 that the makers are novices. The coin is a little tl.-.cicor than the genuine, is tighter in weight, and the milling is rough and irreg ular. Tbe ring is flit while that of the gen uine is ulear and metallic. —The ih-rd and fi'ttrth-claro postmasters of tbe Uni'v ssveinbliag in natioral con vention io Wai-hingtou ou December l'Jth next, e.r.d presenting e petition to Congress to glye 11.tin an increase of pay commensurate with the labor irapc-.ed on them. —The terrible accident at tho Federal St. erossing of the P. A Ft. W. R. R., io Alle gheny week, may In the cause of an ele vated crossing being built there; and that is what it will come r> in the courae of time al I over the country. If the railroads were al ways built a few feet below tbe sarface level, there would be no trouble in having all the streets and roads pass over them, —At the State Convention of the Retail Merchant'* Protective Association, held at Philadelphia, the Golden huckstering case from Mercer Co was discussed io its entirety aud it wa- decided that the Sharon Associa tion should apjieal fr< m decision rendered to the Supreme Court. Tbe State Association will furnish the tbe legal talent and money necessary to push tbe case to the higher court. Personal. lion. J. M. Lelrhnerof Prospect is build ing a residence on tbe Pillow property, west of town. Mr. W. J. McKee of Butler, has purchased the Martinsburg Natural Gas plant, and will furnish the people of that town with from bis wells in that vicinity. F>q. Jnhn Hu»elton and bis excellent wife nelebratid the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day, latt Saturday, tbey having been married Nov. 5, 1x37, in the towo ot Wilkes-barre, this State. Nine of iheir ten children—Drs. W. S. and E. C. Huselton of Allegheny, John F. Huseiton of Phit'a, Geo. lluMdton and sirs. Henxhcw of Millerstowo, and Mrs. Miller, S. II lluselton, Esq., Ada Huseltou aud Mrs. Gibson of Butler—were present. Little "Toots" Weisner, a three-year-old dsujihter of Philip Weisner, was badly horn ed last Sunday. While stooping oyer to look into air inoistener hanging in front of a grate having a gas fire, her apron was ignited, and was burned almost cotiipleltly from her person. Mr. Geo. N.liT; of tbe Pittsburg Com-Q-izetle, came h>-ni:i last Saturday on a visit to his mother. He is looking well, anl u rapidly becoiuiug a thorough journalist. Mr. S. P Meals has moved to the Keibold oil field, and Mr. Tate baa moved into tbe Brady building. Mr John McC'une, Hnp't of construction for the Northern Division ot ihe P. A W R K., was presented by bi« employee* with n bandsonii' gidd wateb la»t Fridav evening It is a fn.t IK caret sold watch, aud was pur chased lt< m J. R. Grieb ot liutler. Mr. George Ifft who went to California d uring the excitement of '49, and who Las lived ihero since, bas returned to this section, with bis fa mily• Rnd intends locating here He, at pti rent, is stopping with his brother in-law, i;r. Isaac Brandon of Franklin twp, Mr. Jiilt fubbison, a brotber-iu-law of D> L Cleelsi.d, has moved to Butler. Mrs. A. MrCullongh, who has been for several y«.ais and is still corresponding sec retary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary fcrciety of Butler Prei-byterian Presbytery, was very pieetsutly surprised u few evenings after h«r arrival at Ler Lew resideuoe io Grove City, by the Indies of the Missionary Society of ihe Presbyterian Church theie calling upon her, scd prtsenting her with a very nice hanging lamp, as a token of their appreciation of her labors in the cause ol missions. J. K. ('ohbison, EMJ , of Eldorado, Kan., and icriueny of Ilairisville, lecently con ducted the dtfente iu a murder trial aud sue cttded in clearing bis client, for tqfcich be re ceived .fIT/jOO. Mr. S W. Downs, a brak< man on the P. &l W. R. U , met with a agonizing death iu tbe yards at Cujahoga Fulls, lately. He bad set r switch, and was coming toward several cars of tbe train to set a switch toward wbiuh they were moving. When very near the moving train his foot caught in a frog or guard rail, and he was unable to extricate it. Tba other brakeroan wbo was on one of the cars saw Downs'predicament and tried hard to stop the train, hut it was no use. Downs was struck, knocked do«ru ( and thu traiii passed over bini, cutting his body in two. Death wan itstantaneous. Tbe remains wera taken to Warren, Ohio, where the uufortuu at» young man's parents live, for burial. Mr. George of Sunbury borough, bas been bedfast for the past six months, by reason of mmcular rheumatism, and is not improving. Marriage Licenses. Frederick M. Kuau.f. Marion twp Margaret E. Wolf. Zelienople Henry W. Funk Tareutum, Pa Caroline Holder Tarenlum, Pa J. Chas. Truver Middlesex twp Bella Gocowtu Middlesex twp Win. Radcr Forward twp Emma C. Goebnng Forward twp Frederick Millem&n Prospect, Pa AmeliaSpithakr Coonoqueueaaiog twp Frank McCiimaos .....Greenville, Pa Diua Hughes Greenville, Pa Walter Hays Adams twp Anna Duuiup Adams twp WUlikin J. Mayer Brady twp Mr*, t (amis Douglass Worth twp John A. hloops Cl*aiJield twp Julia A. Morrow Douegal twp Pbilib Wtil.i Beaver tails, Pa Cvra E Dt uica O tiuoqueneasing i wp At F'Hiikliu, Pa-Geo. t . Uovia of lie chaiiictviiie BLd Mary Ellen lluselton of LEGAL NEWS. XOTES. "Kid" Mitchell, a sporting character, who held forth in Butler soma ago, is iu hoc in Yonngstown for stabbiug a man. James Marvin has b?e returned to Court for assault and battery oa oath of Andrew Bortmass, this. Reed for attempt to cut, stab end wound with intent to eommit murder, assault and ba'tery, conspiring *i:h others to commit assault and bittery, and *ur:iisu iug intoxicating liquor to minors on oa'h of A. \V. Bortmaas; Andrew Bortmass for may hem on oatii of Ch is. Itsed; Ad. Adri'esian fur F deaths from that disease lately. Mr. iieory Miller' a^ei 4i years, died a few days *g>>, and Mias Mary Dut,b«r, aged lo years, danghur of Isruei Dunbar, dee'd, died on Friday rooming the 28th ult. Mr. Rob't Thorapson, Mrs. Laura Logan, and Mr». John Stoaghton and tier daughter are down with the disease. —We direct attention to the advertisement of the new ."store «n JttTers-'ti fit. w.-.ica bat just been cpeued by Dr. D. E. Wilts, and which wiil be found to be completely equipped in every respect. Dr. Wilti is a sou ot Mr. Simon Wilts, of Kaylcr, Arm strong Co., who is well known _ through out the nothPftMern section of this county, lie is a of one <>f the best medical schools of the conntrv, has h:id tour years experience in :l:e practice of his prufcssiou. will, we beiisve, he f;und to be a capa ble and reliable physician. A New England miser, who worked bard for many years, went skimp of clothe* and food for ueariy all bis lite to lay u;> money for which he seemed t > have no n-.e, put $-3000, in greenbaoks, in a box wbich he nailed toa limb high up in an apple tree. He i 4 ied six weeks ago. Ilis heirs mi!e a search for his money. They found tint a large grey fquirrel hud irnawed a hole ir, ihe box, crawle! into if, chewed up all tbe bank notes and made himself a ne»t of them. The miser owed eleven years subscription to his county paper, which fact clearly indicates his presea: addresj. —The Snnday Leader, has an account of the robbery of a Butler county woman as fol lows: Yesterday morning a lady named Mrs May Miller, who lives in the vicinity of But ler, Butler Co , came to Pittsburg to collect some rents for property on the Sou'h Side Haviog finished her business, the lady took the afternoon traiu on the West Peun road for home. After she had taken her seat in the car three young men came in and tol.l her she was in "the wrong car; that she would have to go in the front car. She got up and they surrounded her aud hustled around anil after she bad taken her seat she felt in her pocket and her puiee was gone containing £l2o. She at once notified the railroad offici als, who, in turn, notified the police, hut lh>- thieves had g-tteu away with her boodle. She could uot eveu give an accurate descrip tion of the parties. —The School at Edinboro has 10,000 speci mens in its cabinets. Another Gusher at Saxonburg. What is known as the Snee well, in the Seibert tract, west of Saxon bnrg, wag drilled deeper last Monday afternoon, when she begat; fl awing ut from 150 to 200 barrels art hour—H stream of pure oil, with no water and very little of gas—making it one of the largest "natural' r wells ever struck iu the county. The new pipe line was not yet completed to that field, a 1200 barrel tank at the well was soon filled, and new tankrge was put up that night The well and lease is own by Connors,Fisbel and others of But ler, and by Soee and others of Pitts buv, amonz tbem a mau named Rost ly who has lately been burned out three times, and also Sberiffed, hat wbo, fortunately, got an eighth interext in this well and lease ot about fifty acre*, a few weeks ago for $250, something that he can uow sell lor ten thousand The striking of this well makes the leases of the Extension Oil Co. which lie between this well aud the Bolard & Greenlee gushur, very valuable. They have about 50 acres there, have located eight wellj, and will have five drilling by the first of next week. The Co consists of Gibson, egan & Youukins who have u quarter between them. James McMarlin who has a fourth, Miies Covert of Adams Twp. who has seven-thirty-seconds —three sixteenths of which he pur chased from Contractor Taylor lam. Saturday for S4OOO, George Krug who has a sixteenth, Wee. Roessing a sixteenth, O K Waldron a six teenth, and Tom Gamble and John Kkas who have a sixteenth between them. They could likely get over SIOO,OOO lor their leases between the two wells to-day. This well is about GO rods North of Bolard Si Ureen lee'ogusher, aud ehowa that the riax onburg field id much larger than at first supposed. Militia Enrollment. The Tax Duplicates for this county are now ready, aud the Assessors of the county are requested vo call for them at the office of the County Com misaioners. There are no übanges in the make up of the book* for this year.exeepting that pleasure carriages, watches and furniture are omitted, as tbey are not now taxable. Livery stock, backs, cabs, etc., are taxable and are retained. The new feature of this year's assessment will be the militia enrollment, instructions for which have been printed and will bo given to each Assessor In accord ance with an act of the Legislature of April 13. 1887, the assessors of the different precmctß are required to make out a list of all persons in their bailiwicks between the ages of 21 aud 45 years, and deposit a copy thereof in tLe office of the county commission ers and a time and date will bo fixed when the assessors and commission ers will meet to view such enroll ment aud bear all claims for exemp tions. —A. Q. Reed Post No. 105 G. A. K , regular meetings Jut and 2ad fcVi day of each month at 730 Sharp. Let all coutrade* take notice. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. —The Court House in Indiana, Pa. must he in a fearful conation, as tbe papers ttiero are recommending ail sorts of changes, and among them that "the obscene writings should be effaced from the walls." —The residence of Georgp Camp beli, two miles south of Grove City was destroyed by fire last Wednesday evening Mr. antl Mrs. C. were away from home at th«? time, and the neigh bors gathered and saved the goods in the lower story. The building was insured. —Some bear storie3 are coming from the Mountain Counties. A 300 pjcad beir wa3 killed, one day last week, about two south of Bellelonte, Centre Co., by two farmer brothers nam<-d Geniz jll, after a hard fight and the people of Miiest urg in the same C>. were astonisned to see a bear leasurely walking down its Main St, on Saturday. —Some horsos lately stolen in Mer cer Co were recovered near Randolf, N. Y. between Jamestown and Sala manca. Matthew Rogers, of Sugarcreek township, Armstrong Co., a young man about 27 years old, committed suicide last Monday a week while re turning to his home at Last Brady He was found in tbe woods near his home on Tuesday with a bullet hole in his head. A little over two years ago he went to Kansas and bought a farm. After a few months he show ed signs of mentai weakness, and bis friends persuaded him to Beli out and go back to Armstrong county. He did this three months ago. After he returned his condition began to grow worse. —Blairsville ha 3 organized a bate boll association lor the season of 1888. Some forty members are ttlreadp se cured aud some of the most enterpris ing men io the town are among its officers. —An ingenions gentleman who bas no fondness for bard work is trav eling through Fulton county selling a ''valuable preparation" warranted to polish tinware. It is simply wood aches which he begs at tbe farm hous es along diet route. All he does is to silt it aud put it in tiu boxes. —Bedford Oizelte: "Lut winter diphtheria attacked a family iu Mon roe township. The heavier covers med on the patients' bed were not washed or fumigated alter tbe dis appearence of the disease. In tbe cpring these covers were packed away, and a few wee ks ago were tak en out and put ou tbe beds. There are now three cases of diphtheria in that family and no other cases in the neighborhood. Aud yet some people will say that diphtheria is not conta gious " —Judge Taylor created a sensation in the Venango Co. Court room last A'eek, by announcing that be bad t>een ' approached" in the Keystone it< fining Co case. —Mr. James F. Falls, a prominent fartntr of Lawrence Co committed suicide by shooting himself last Mon day, while suffering from dyspepsia and asthma —lt has been learned that Maj. Il)biuson, of >"ew Castle, Singer agent, wbo bas skip ped out with several hundred dollars of the company's money, on last Wed nesday took a steamer at New York for Liverpool, England, lie left a wile and three children here aitnoat destitute. —The residence B. M. Montgom ery iu Pine Twp , Mercer Co was de stroyed by fire last Monday, and Jas Crawford's bousn aud barn in the ad joining Twp of Fiudlay were burned Monday night. —The ministers of Beaver are waging a war on dancing Horse Thieves in Hoc. Sheriff Kramer is now boarding three gentlemen who will have to answer to ihe charge of botse steal ing at next term of court. They are Harry Shoup whose case has 'totei, Frank Graham and Morris Boyd. Bovd was arrested somn days ago, and bo gave tha Soerilf Hiicb information as led t > tb>* arrest of Frank aud William Graham, on Monday of this week. These two had a hearing before E-q. Walker Monday evening, when William was discharged and Frank held, on Boyd'n evidence. The horse was ta ken from Gottlieb Harold and the harness and buggy from Mr Hender son on the same night th it Humph rey's store in Portersville was rob bed and there may be a connection be tween the circumstances. —A case of faith cure was reported from Wick, this County I a.-it week as follows: "It will be remembered about two months ago Miss Lis*ie Sin key, of that place, was suddenly taken ill with brain dicease while stepping Irom the train at the depot, on her return from a picnic at Slip peryrock park. It was a peculiar case as >-he was immediately previous in the beat of health. She lay poor ly for sometime, when she partially recovered, but was agaiu stricken quickly as before. She has been in a very critical condition aud her cane has puzz'ed her physician, Dr. Elrick, nnd many of tbe most prominent medical men of tbe Sta'e with whom he counseled. During her entire sickness she has exhibited a most abiding child-like faith and was per fectly resigned to die. On Tuesday uight when she was very ill she said she had prayed the Lord to either give her perfect health or take her aoul home and that he would do one of theno on Wednesday morning at 4 o'clock and told her attendants to wa ken her at that hour. She fell asleep after midnight aud was awakened as she requested at 4 iu the morning when BIH arose, dressed herself and went lo the breakfast table and ate a hearty meal. She has since been go ing around all the time and her phy sician pronounces her recovery com plete. She was a well known and highly esteemed young lady and the people of Wick and vicinity are pleas ed that she Is well. Although this is tbe firnt case of faith cure under their actual observation tbe fact that i v is a cure by faith is received with both lavor and incredulity." -—While Grove City College main tains all the work of the regular col lege classes and courses, yet the com mon brmcbes are not neglected. Students are received from the com mon schools, and are provided with work adapted to their needs. The next term will open November 20tb. —We have ten thousand dollars worth of furniture in our three ware rooms at No. 19 Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. Tbe best as well as tbe cheap est, but all the best made for tbe price. All persons will find it to their ad vantage to examine our stock and as certain our prices before purchasing. Milieu BRO'S. —Keid iLe nlvcrthi.-mea'. of Su i l/ory Ac«d«m»7 iu another uolouto. IT IS OBSERVED —'That election is over.— —That tbe largest assortment and ; best styles in Wraps are at RITTEB & RAL6TON'S. —No. 19 Jefferson St is the place ' to buy cheap and good furniture. I —That tbe people have discovered ! that they can always secure bargains i at RITTEB & RALSTON'S. —lf von are preparing yourself to ; teach consider the advantages of Sun | bury Academy. —Beautiful pictures at very low prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St. —All wool Tricots, checks and fan cy wove Dress Goods at 50 cents a yard at L. STEIN -r tiever varies. A tuaivei ol purity, stieturth and wholesomenei-a. Wore eeonoinical that the ordinary kinds, and nn not be-old in competition with the multitue ol low tests, short weisrht.alumn or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING HO'.VDER CO,, 106 Wall Street N. Y. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Robert A. Brown committee of Jamta 11. Hartley, a lunatic, has tiled his final account as commit tee of said lunatic in the office of the Pro thonotary of the Court of Co nmon Pleas ot Butler county at M's. I). No. 8, June Term. 1885, and that the same wiil he presented for confirmation on Wednesday. December ", 1887. WM. SHIRA, Proth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Nov. 7, 1887. Estate of Ellen Kiskaddon. Letters of ailmin'r having been granted to the undersigned on the i-sute ol Kllen Kiskad don, late of Allegheny tp iiutler.«. o. Pa. die'd. all penonskno-.ving themselves indebted tosaid estate will please iii::ke l ajraeiit. and any claims against said estate w ill present tliem duly authanticated for settieiiient. J. C. KISKADDON, Adni'r. Estate of Samuel McClintock LATK OF ALLEGHENY TWP., PEC'P. letters of administration having been grant ed to the undersigned on lie estate of Samuel McClintock. dec'ii, late of Allegheny twp., iiut ler county. Pa., all persons know lug themselves Indebted to tlie abo\« estate will please make Immediate p.tjment, and uny having claims against salu estate will present them duiv an. theutlcated lor settlement. E. MCJCNKIJT, JAMKS 11. MCMAHAN, Adinr. Att'y. six Points', butler Co., Pa. Notice in Divorce. Anna I. Ferrero I>> her i Com. PU as of Butler next iiieiid W T Meeli- >Co. A, 1). No t-e.j granted to me, the uudersi/uwl, in ihecbo ( estate, notice is hereby giv.-n io ail p rs m iu and all persons having claims against said estate will present ttie sa.-rie dul au'henu cated for payment S F liOWSKIt, Adiur. of estate of (J. W. deu'd., Bntier, Pa. • EslaleofH. T. Merkel, Dec'd. Letters testamentary on the estate of H. T, Merkel, K«q. late of S.txonburg, Butler county. Pa. having been granted to the uu- ail persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and uny having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor st-uleiuent. JOHN 12. MUDKR, Ex'r. Saxouburg. Baiter Co. Pa. Notice in Divorce. In the matter of the petition of Thomas Wil liams tor divorce from Harriett Williams. A. !>.. No. OJ. June tvnn. iss". subpoena re turned N. K. I, Alias subpoena returned. De fendant cannot be found In my bailiwick, bo answers Sheriff Kramer. To THE ltnroNUKNT—Harriett Williams: You are hereby notltleJ to be anil appear In youi proper person before our Judges, at ilutler, ai a Court ot Common Plena. there to be licit! f. r the county or iiutler, in December. IHBT, to an swer tUo petition or libel of the said Thomas Williams, and to show cause. If any you have, wny the said Thos. Williams, your husband, should not be divorced from the bonds of matri mony. agreeably to the Act of Assembly In such cases made and provided. PETER KRAMER, Sheriff. Widows' Appraisements. The following appraisements of personal property and real estati set apart for the bene -111 or widows of decedents, have been fllcd h> tlie office of the Clerk of the orphans' Court ol Ilutler county, in accordance with the Act ol Assembly, viz: Widow of Robert A. Patterson $-» i on Zn 'iarlah 11. Conn loi'on lecall 1.4 35 I. Ueery .. Miller L-OH r, i .a>lor (real estate) ::•»» 0 AIIOJU Thompson 100 to " Bernard McLaughlin 3-0 (.0 " Neal McDevllt 300 u '• Abner Kelly ou *' Geo. W. Carnahan(realty) yoo u< All persons Interested In above appraisements will take notice that they will be presented to the orphans' ('ourt of ISutler county, for conflr inatlon. on Wednesday, the 7th day of Decem ber. IW. Reruns* MCEi-VAIN. Clerk o.C. Road Reports. Notice Is hereby given thai the following road reports have oeen continued nisi by th. Court and will be presented on the first Wed nesday of December, being the Tth day of the month. IHS7. If no exceptions are Died they will be continued absolutely. R. 1). No 1, June Session. Jss7, In re petition for a bridge over soui ii branch or HUpperyrock creek, at the place Where the public road from Centrevllle to Siuibury crop's sal I creek.ln the township of Cherry. In Ilutler county, August 3lst, lss;. viewers report the bridge necessary and that the erection thereof will require more expense than Is reasonable the township ol Chorry should lieir. and dlu locate the site thereof, and that no change Is necessary In the course or bed ot the public road to be connect ed with said bridge. Sept.. 7. lssi*. approved, notice to be given according to to rules ot i 'ourt. Uv THK < OL'ltr. R. I), No. 2 June Sessions. Wl, In re petition to vacate a public road running soul i from a road leading from the Pittsburg and I'rauicllu to White Oak Spring road. Aug 4. issV, viewers report road not necessary for a public road and havcthercfore vacated the i. Sept V A.D., ls»7. approved. BY TIIE Cot'RT. R DNo 3, June Sessions, IW, In re petition for a county bridge In Adams township, ovei Wolf creek. In said township, at the place where the public highway toCallery Junction crosses the said creek. July it. issV, viewers report the bridge prayed for Is necessary, and that thi erection of the same will require more' expense than Is reasonable that the lownshlp of Adams should bear, and did locate the site thereof for a county bridge ami that no change Is necessa ry In the course or bed of I lie public road to be connected Willi said bridge. Sept 7, lss7. ap proved, notice to be given according to rues ot court. 11V TIIK COI'HT. R D No 5. in re petition for public road to lead from a point on the i hre« Degree road at or near where lite line of land i of James Perry and Johu Uarting Intersects with said Thrc • De gree road. In Adams town* > lp. to a point on Pittsburg and Duller road, al or near the dwell ing house of Win Humes, in Adams lownshlp. Sept a. lss7. viewers report road prayed lor Is necessary and have therefore laid out' the nunc for public use and report the probable cost I making said road to be twenty-live dollars and that said cost should be borne by the township, and that the damages assessed should be paid by the county and have assessed Ihe folio,* Ing damages and none to any others, vl/.: To Win. Humes, *75. Sept. 7, |ss". Approved, and tlx width of road at 33 feet, notice to be given ac cording to rules of court. BY THE COURT. IJtrri.Ell Coi.'NTY s-t: certified irom the Record this :id day or No vember. issv. it. lie Ely AIM. clerk. SUNBURY ACADEMY. Tuesdny, Nov. 20. tho Winter Term opens, and continues thirteen weeks. The outlook for the term is very promising. Buildings new and commodious, Instruction Thorough, Influence the Hest aud Expenses Low. Write to the Principal for catalogue ami circulars in regard to studies, rooms. rid. & Walker K Shook jFleeWr"and Moore - ™ F. 1. P. 3, June I'--7 fir. -r i: ]' i .IX 'i ir, ! t 1-v vt««' and N. Llack iatildt Via* !et al I March i: MoJ ccd Caap'r-cl; ; :: r Vv' P nnVM Sli v.! for u-e \ Porter (ilenu et al IThoinpson and Bowser " tl:) Pes 1' 4 Iti.wv :md I.u-U ,K. --licN Lynn II O (Viwhlo* et al .(Ireer & Balaton '• 2:' June l.">"> ilc.l r<-atu Win .1 >:muel Anderson Brandon 4."> June IS-5 Gr«* r& U S Pr.i li ret ux if .MBjh of Kvansburg McJ and Lnsk " 4t! June IS'So i:rand->a Wli Kmrv (> 8 MnElroy Scott " 17 Sept Met 'fit. •Mess & Kiddle •'-l L Uid.ile V S Fnrviance et al Camphell " fv-pt lS.v" MeJ . Greer A ll.:l>it.n Win F '!: ira M Greenlee et al McCandlesa " s.:; St j»t. ISS.'< t'aci' Neil .od Braa-.ion ■F Il ii.-i f. r ti«e N" Ditahieh McQ " "K Pie Greer and l'sUton ( .1..• t>er Lask " -in June 18">d Thompson n J A MeLitnen* Scott " SI June 188< : X P.lack i. dia Eiii riek Wli E lmunds McC " o'l Sept 3SJSti L 7. Mitchell Wiu ti: tt al Knuh Shaw et al Brandon " 65 Sept ISeo »c lfSt- Britttd'-n IX 1 u'iM ■ t'.r sis-» S- weraet al Same 21 Dec 1— K McJ.. MeJ & Galb'h L«cin r.» !> WK R Seott " 22 n. c ISV. Brandon !'. u~ .- v d Oereloptn-nt Co M Fioher et al McQoi ion 2". 38 Dec ' 04 Dt-c lihiu.McQ ( .>r.r I >. derJer 1 Bat'onr Brcdiu " 23 March l->. K MeJ., MeJ & Galb'L I ;:ues ; ;i'. : r I") L Srr,>er» et f.l Greer & Knlstou gj March I SS7 Thorn | -.'i- .v Son Divid I Allen «ttl Me i 4 Gal&J B Bredin Pr..tii':i".!:;ry's ' ■ V .'..-r 17. I,SS\ WM. M. SHIRA, ProthonotaiyT" ESTABLISHED IN 1867. linn By h' nest dealing we hare developed nur prereat large business and our experience of twetitv years enables us to tifi'ti- purchasers advantages which cannot be bad eleewhere. Buying direct frcci the best woolen mill* of this aud foreign countries, not only reduces the cost ol cur garments, but also gives us positive knowl edge of the quality of the materials we u.-e. Manufacturing cur goods right at borne, emploving nono but the best of tailors and overseeing every tietuil ourselves, makes our clothing sti.nd unsurpassed iu fit, workmanship, or durability. Our slock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits aod Overcoats is a large one, and our knowledge of the wants of the people has assisted much in mak iu* be assortment so complete. Ali goods are marked in plain figures, and one price ooly. Mail orders will have our best attention. HRIWRIIRPIiIIi !INf!PH U I ilAodllt ik d'lkiili £l Ho. lEI Federal Street, AL'JEQHSNY, FA. 111111 TJ'Slore-keepers a.'.d Ta.lors furni3hoj with s mples on applicator. (fine fetlene ije(rnen()cil 3*1)11 SBieW# I SJi a tit nt u t Sticfcl- unD Sd)ul)-i)atts. So?enit ftc uir %aiv fommcn, tjcrgeffen fie nidjt tet un§, um bie grcfeen 53orflain§ roeldie rcir geben in Slicfcln unb Sd;uben *u priifen. SDJatt cerflcffe ben nidjt, 9io. 22 Siib 9Jtain Sir. ?Pa. Tie flrofete 2luercal)l in Sliefeln, £d;ut)en unb ®tunmi:Sd)ut)en, fiir bie ©ie tuerben. SBir fiitb im (irnft. ©cfdjiiftc miiffen gemadjt lucrbeu btefcS bcfeljalb ftnbbie fo bafe He Sftemanb iiberlrtffen !ann, roenn fte ein genautr Slcinfer finb fur fcctar fo lauft 2>ooar in meincm Soben als in irgenb eiitcm anberen in 93utlcr Gounlt). Um biefcS flu fccrueifen i?cfc bie folgcitiie JJrfislifle lamen finopr 90, £I.OO. $1.25, tt. $1.60 ftrauen Rnopf £d)ufie 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 j ftinber Slnopf Tamen SS?afferbid)te Sdjuf)? Mit Sd)ttitren 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 ftrauen SLCafferbictite „ ~ ~ 60, 75, 90, u. SI.OO Hinber SKsafferbid)te ~ „ ~ 25, 50, 60, u. 75 unb tiicle aitbcvc S3nrtinfllt:tge Jtip Sttefel 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 Tier 3launt roirb e8 nidit bie ipreifcn nn alle ffianren anutbeutcn, n6er fomnit ju nttr unb icf> mtU Cncf) beuii'iifn baft ic& nidjtS obS erfle Ataffe SEBaaren oerratife unb ju uollig 25 ntebitgtr, irflenb em £>aud in Sutler Goutthj. Dfliiptqiinrtifr fiir 13ollou (o«mmi=^djul)f. 3JJiinner Ountnti«©tiefel, Softon Jabrif $2.35 SDltimter ©djnollen SrticS, " " 1.00 Sllle anbere ©untmi=2Baureu gerabe io billig. unb ©tiefeln tuerben anf SBefiellunq flemndjt. (Sine Sleparirung 3U tncißiflen £ebf' unb 3 o Ij it |5 i A c I, 22 SiiD Blflin Sir., £uUcr, JUi. Executor's Sale of REAL ESTATE By virtue of a decree of the Orphans' Court of liutler county, at O. C. No. f»7 Sept. term, 1887, authorizing me so to do, I w ill expose to Public Sale, on the premise in JKCUNIIII tp , hhill county and State, as Kxecutor of tlie last will and testament of Andrew S. Ziejjler, dee'd. on Thursday, Nov. 21. 1887, At 11 o'eloel: a.m., the following described real estate, viz: Rounded on the north hy lands of John llerr, Joseph Staull. r and James McCurdy; on the east by lauds of James McCurdy, John Oochrinp, John Fore man anil \Vm Luiz; on the south by lands o! (\ A. l'assavant, Wtu. J.uiz and John Fou mart, and on the west by lands of Jacob Koeher, Henry Kocher and John Ilcrr. CONTAINING 164 ACfiES and ,VJ perchcu, as per Nurvey made by A. Sttler. TITIIIK of Sab—Oae-half ptiroha-e money on confirmalion of sale, and the balance in one year therefrom secured by bond and mort ifatfe. U-i ;!t WM. F. WILD, Executor. UNPARALLELED OFFEIt 54.00 FOR $1,751 TIIB iIA ltll I BBUKG WEEKLY TELEUIIAI'II IS Til R LARCKS I AND BEST Newspaper published in tin* I'apltol ot ''elms, 1- vatiia. Eic li niiinUer contains SIXTY KOI'HC(• I.l'MNSldled with THE I.ATKST NKWS, SIOItIKS. MAHKKI HKroltTS. MIbL'EM.ANKOI'K ItI'ADINO Will tie furnished to Sule crdiers for the etisuluK your, together Willi a copy of "Ot It FAMILY riIYSICIAN," (New Edition.) For II < "> pa) aide In advance. The Print of this Honk In ill llnidistori ■< It £3. The* I'rlcT of lli" •• IVli>i:rii|»lt" Is St, We klvii liotli t'.>. THK BF.HT I'UFMIUM OFFICII 111) By any I'aper in tlw Fulled Slates. This in .ok contains Mn pa»'es; I > el-flit and one half Inches lon r ••• I ion r anil Kill lettered hack. II iHdtlTercui from all other work or tie- Mini EV H 1 I'l ItI.ISIIKK. It teaches thoso who liavo It how to '1 what the mutter Is when it person tr- I * :.!• ■». All similar hooks toll what, toitolf \'U know what the disease Is. This hook tells you how to detect the disease,, nrid the pro'i. r p in"II a ere given for Allop.iihie 11•.m-' :il i: ■te l ie, llvdropnthlc. ami llcrlial trcnt'ie-nt Don't fall to avail yourself of tlil i olfer. v. hlcli holds g md until January is . i-s->. When lit''hook Is sen I h, m ill, jo cents initit accotupiiny the order for po it.i;' •. RELIABLE AO EN M WANTED In every School District In this an I adjiiliiltiif counties. ■hilly Telrgrapli. ft.'» pi r jcar. B*ll> Tele#rH|ili m il Our Finally I'IIVNII bin, |n pur r»r. Pontage o i lioo!i. SO tents If scut l.y m ill. Eiielosccnh w.tu all or-'er:-, and add:<• s M. W. Mi ALAR :i:v. M-a-er. ifprrlHbtitY I'etu.'a. FOII'NALS: \ la-'/e frame I I■nutii.i' hou C 1 I'l. atlon all' 1 ddllK l-'rjr* 1>II"II|. 17 L r.'ff tMiu St.. | V ! ifv/ffy, \\ i B. & B. BARGAINS EXTRAORDINARY —IN Diy Goods and Winter Wraqs, (laving msultt rcorutly n number of very ad vantan#*oti» puch:is»?s <'l*»siu(T storks, etc., \vc* an* oih'Miitf now. In «»:r «lopari nients, values wluch have iKvrr heen excelled. these are ABSOLUTE BARGAINS, :i;nl will repnv \oiir examination. either person - aHv <•: l\ samples I our Mull Order I>o pu i! mem. We feel convinced I hut your lnlcr i '.vll! !«• mivmirril I'V :m Invc -aljriitlon before making purchases of vour lull and W I nf• r mip iil!< i. onlv ii v crv few of llu-si- extra bargains lion "II >:il« fllll I'V mentioned 1111 l limited s|wm ..n il ill Mils <• iril. Imt otir lilu»tr«te»l lull mul Vf Ii 11 <*r «'ulHlniru>>, coutnming much \alur.Mc in - fti iiiiilloli as 111 sl.Vlcti, VillUr.H. etc.. for Kriitut tnlls dislrll>u!l■;».. vi lor the complete I'atli ill l»ri-h. 111" .' Kobei have lieen sold Hits Sr.e on lit s'JO. Aii< I'ier lot ot i Kobe Patterns i r Habits (,'OH! s olllne Imported seines. In lull lino of colors, uMi llralt'ed I'niiel uml (lurnl llile Vest. t 'tills Uhd foil ir' pt'leo sS.,V) e'lf'li, font alii il ils. double-width foods. Ileal value v'jo Hoth of above ■ peelttl nllel'lnus consist of nbout loii Siut I'atli ins of each, and lle-ri) will be no more. i'S iill., closes the Imtiorlatlon. in.) pes l'an: \ Scotch Skirt liiys :«i Inched In wiutli in lart'C n ■ oiliiient of l nncj Slrljies. jit r.ll cents, toriueily .?l .'»n. and never sold for lens before l'.l< Katil tfoods. aj inch all wool fancy Suiting*, .'me. I'.li in' li all-wool Kflncj Suitings, :i'.e. :*s inch all-wool I alicj Suitings, 10. ■!.%. fiOe. Do Inch Serge . -Me. r,n inch ( lo'h Suitings. inc. in; inch cloth Suiting. :*.*>e. no in li Cloth Millings, mi. SI tin. I rem It Suitings. m. 00, >•'>■ 'iJ *, $1 na, Jin Inch 'i rleotH I. e. Mr in- h Tricots, no. itf.c. W Inch 'I I'lCOts, 7Be to ?l U). Winter Wni|»s, Cloaks, etc. Most complete assottMien ol l.iidlcs', Mi'-se.i' ji d i luhiien's U laps, in ell manner of i.tjle , skins down lo common and cheap gi. dr .to -all all tii-lcs and wtthoul ipii'sl it in v t lo tve ■! po sl nlc irl I't'v. \ our wants anil tile. ' will b.- fully ittel b> cim,Hiring here lor Mu'r Winter Wi ps and money saved tor other i nrpii iS. \\o I I'lieve the intcu sIS ol eustoiiieis and merchant)! are Identical, mm & buhl, 115,117,119,121 Federal Sl„ ill Fa. J». s Write our M ill Order Department for samples and ion. OA LI3SM i \ I * ' ' i . ,fr t' • • Stir-jL. " ». . - s •; • ••*. «.!• Mt tC'iar. i!iee.|. hi I.Alt i > N|# I Kt'KY at 1,. .. .-1 'lll,' ..!; . iH •to ' |f,l Ol naa Ul UJKftTEB, L. «iC3 u cut, - -». Y. 1 * 1387 1888 Fall and Winter 600BS NOW READY 1 Read the Locals —of — BITTER & RALSTON. IN THIS PAPER AND COME IN AND Secure Bargains. Fall and Winter. 1887 1888