KASKINE (THE SEW «|FIWIWE) ktfCESTBOSULY TortiiKD FOB •| OTBKB lIRHi l| MODKBN TIMES. A POWERFUL TONIC. tbat the most delicate stomach will bear. ▲ SPECIFIC FOB MALARIA, RHEUMATISM," NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all G<Tin Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD PUHIFIEH. Sup- rlor to quinine. Mr John C. Scarborough. Bel ma, N. <\. writes : "I got malaria in tbe Southern army, anil tor a dozen-years -uttered from its deb!lifting effects. I was'ternhlv mn down wli«n I heard ot \as kine, the new quinine, it helped no- at once. I gained pounds. Have not had sueli good health In 20 years. Other letters ol a similar character from prom inent Individuals, which stamo Kaskine as a remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent on ap plication. , , Kaskliie can be taken without anv Kpeci.il medical advice. SI.OO per bottle, or nix bottles for V>. Sold by .1, C. BEDICK. Butler. Pa. or »ent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. V 4 Warren St., New \ ork. SCOTT'S MULSIBI OF PURE COD LIM OIL Inllljpopliosphitesof Ume&Soih Almost as Palatable as Milk. Tfc* only preparation of COD LIVES OIL that caa b« taken readily and tolerated for a lung time hv delicate stomach*. m AS A BEMEPT FOR afltAPmk'S AFbXTIO.Vv ANAEMIA, GEN. nil. hkftliiri. CUtWIIS AND 'i lIKOAT AF~ WMA .nA »ll hAknxa pisOKPEETgP «iLl>fctefl It Is »arreUo» ta its rr^ltS and endorsed by tUu Lieut i'Lyalclaaa l» the countries of the world. Far H.le ' J >ll Mtntaslnln. ■■i Html for Pamphiot on W»»i ingiliseMes. Ad <l»M Mill-IT Jk BOWSE. Sew York. Ms Pills REGULATE THE BOWELS. Habitual Costiveness DrowrineM. lrntabie Teaper and other symptoms, wfelch unfit* the suiTerer for business or agreeable Msoetattcms. Regular haMt of body alone can cor mjt Uieu frlli, and nothing BUt cee<lg ro well in acbtaring tliteiondltlon as Tntt"» PIU»- By their uso not only la the cjstem renovated, but In corjie aucueeof the harmonious change. thu» created, (cere pervades a feeling of .atuiftctlon: the nien tal facnltle* perform their functions with vivacity, and there U an exhilaration of of •bought, tad perfect heart * ease that betpeak* the fallanjoyiaent of health. SECRET OF BEATJXY la health. The eecret of hepoti le the Nver le digeot'a properqna;" -of food. Tklaeag never be oonewbtn '.'.c lverdoea ■•t act Ita part. Itla the drivi - : wheel in (h* aiechanlam efninn, and . cu it la oat •t erdrr, ifce whole »y«er tj ontej ranced, and Fever, Dyepen ir , «lck Head ache, Ceneltpatlon, Jnand Bi leaaCol tcaud General nebiUi r ensue. To re.toro the faactlene or the Liver and impart that keaatr wUck at war a attend, a healthy eaaatltatlon. Dr. Tntt'a Liver PilUnre MMOMaended. They are t>nt a cure-all. bat are de.lancd solely tor the; disordered Liver aidthe disease* which it produces. Tutt's Liver Pills tns UP THE TOBFID LIVES. COLD BY ir.T. DBUCJG.ISTS, 35c. Notice in Divorce. In the matter of the petition of Thomas Wil liams tor divorce from Harriett Williams. A. D-. No. <;■>, June Tc-rtn, 18H7. subpoena re tained N. E. I, A 11x4 subpoena returned. De fendant cannot IK; found In my bailiwick. So answers Sheriff !<rawer. To THE BitsroNnKXT—KarrU.it Williams: You are hereby notliled to be and appear in your proper person before otir Judges. at P.utler, at a Court of Common Pleas, there lo lie held for the county of liutler. In December, issT, to an swer the petition or libel of the said Thomas Williams. and to show cause, if any you have, wny the f.aid Thos. Wimams, your husband, should not Ixs divorced from the b' i/li of uiuiri mony, nwnihy to the Act of Asfcimbly In such cases made and provided. PETER KHAMKR, Sheriff. Nolice. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Petroleum Asrrtcuitural Association will be be id In the oil Exchange at Parker, l*a.. on sut urday, Nov. sth. tsi7. at z P.M., according to the amendment to Article 10 of the By-Laws of said A—net at lon H. U. KAY, President. Bo»T BALPIT, Hcc'r. Parker. Oct. 4. IW7, «V7-2t AMENDMENT TO THE CONHTITCTION prop'/tsed to the eltizctis of litis Com monwealth for their approval or re jection by the Ceneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. l*ublii<li*d by Older of the Secretary of the <'omtuonv.cj.ltli. m pursuatice of Article XVIII of theConsiiiution. Joint resolution an attieuUmeiii io tbe constitution of the commonwealth : HKCTIO.V 1. Be It resolved by the .Senate and House of Representatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania In <iener«l Asteiublv met. That the following is proposed t.s an amend ment of the wmstitulloii '.f the cou>it>otiweiUth of Pennsjlvanla In accordance with the pro vlslous ot the eighieeuth arti'-le thereof : ' AMENDMENT. • Strike Out from section one, of article eight, the four <lualiilcatlon» lor voters which leads as follows: "If twenty-two veawof age or upwards, he shall have paid within two years, a slate or eountv tax. which shall have been assessed at least two muutli.i. and paid at least oim month before the eviction," so that the section which reads as follows : "Every male citizen, twenty-one years of ace. possessing the following oualllkatloin, snail be entitled to vote at all elections : Plrst. He shall have been a dtzen or the United States at leant one month. Second. He shall have resided in the stale one year (or If, having previously been a quali fied eleetor or native nom citizen ofihe slate, be shall have removed therefrom end returned, then six motitlis) immediately preceding the election. Third. Hesliallhave resided in the election district where he shall offer U> vote at least two mouths immediately preceding the elec tion. Kourth. If twenty-two yeats of age or up wards, he shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall liave been assessed at least two mouths, and paid at least one mouth neforc the election,' shall he amended, so as to read as follow <: Every male citizen twenty one ears of age, possessing the' following iiualili''niln:is. shall be entitled to vote at the pollinn plate or the election district of which lie shall at the time be a resident and not elseu here : Plrst Hesliallhave been a citizen of the United States at least thirty days. Second, lie shull iiave resided in the state one year (or if, having previously been {Kiuali fted elector or native born citizen of the state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, tben six months; Immediately preceding the election. Third, He shall have resided In Ihe election district where lie shall oiler to vote at h thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion. The legislature at the session tin reof next after the adoption of this section, shall, asd from time to time thereafter msy, enacl laws to properly enforce this provision. Foartn. Every male citizen of the nge of tweuty-otlu years, who shall have been a citi zen for thirty days and an Inhabit'int or this state one year next preceding au election, ox eept at municipal elections, atid for the last thirty days a resident of the elccilon dwirict in which be may offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the election district of Which be snail at the time be a resident and not elsewhere for all oftlcerii that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people : pro vided, Thst In time of war no elector in the | actual military service of the State or ol the United States, In the army or nwy thereof, slmil be deprived of his vote by reason or ins absence from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the | manner in which and the time and place a! which such absent electors may vote. i.nd for I tbe return and canvas of their votes ill the I ejection district In which they respectively re J Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no person . Shall be deemed to have gained or |„,t u resi dence by reason of his presence oi absence while empluyeu In U>u tcrvlee of the l ulled States or the Htate. nor while fuelled in the Mvlffationof tbe wsters or the State or of the nigh seas, nor while a student of any n.liege or seminary of learning, nor while kept at anv almshouse or public luntltution. except the In mates of any home for disabled slid tmlI; <nt | soldiers and sailors, who, for th< of voting. Mi nil be deemed to reside m the < let en j dMrlcc win re said b«n»e I; loeided. I :us (ball be made lor aseertulidiig. Tv fioprl proofs, the citizens who shall l e e'ntith d |>> I the right of fiutlrsuc hereby i-.tal lirhcd. A true copy of the Joint lesolntioio f IIAIM i:A • HTOM Secretary of the Con mouwchlth. n .AM. 8. l*-t. AFFLICTED Alter all othera fall consult Dr. LOBB 4M *.lfthSt., belowCaUowhill, Phila., Pa. ' 9# year* experience tn afiyPKCIAIj Kr- j wanemly restores ihotc weakened by early iu.li frr ; Call or write. Advice (rtc and *trictly iiientidL amm%: »» I.#. UM 9 t mnd yto io evenings, j io tbe CITIZEN TIEiZE OXTIZEHST. MISCELLANEOUS A Terrible Danger in Natural Gas. Two hundred jears ago in China there wa3 just such a craze about na tural gas a? we bave in this country to-day. Gas wells were sunk with as much vim and vigor as the Celestials were capable of, but owing to a gas explosion that killed several millions of people and tore Dp and destroyed a large district of country, leaving a large inland sea, known on the maps asLakeFoo Chang, the boring of any more gas wells was tben and there prohibited by law. It seems, according to Chinese history, that many largo and heavy-preasure wells were struck, and in some districts wells were sunk quite near to each other Gas was lighted as soon as struck, us in this county. It is stated that one well, with its un usual pressure, by induction or, back draught, pulled down into the ground the burning gas of a smaller well, re sulting in a dreadful explosion of a large district, destroying the inhabi tants thereof. Lake Foo Chang rests on this district. The same ca tastrophe is imminent in this country unless the laws restict further devel opments in boring so many wells Should a similar explosion occur there will be such a upheaval as will dwarf the most terrible earthquake ever known The country along the gas belt from Toledo, through Ohio, Ind iana and Kentucky, will be ripped up to tbe depth of 1,200 to 1.500 feet and flopped over like a pancake, leav ing a chasm through which the wa ters of Lake Erie will come howling down, tilling the Ohio and Mississip pi Valleys and blotting them out for ever.—Fireman's Herald. When a child, by any unueual symptoms, shows that it is suffering great pain, use Dr. Bull's Baby Syr up. It will soothe tbe little sufferer. The simplest means are generally the safest and surest. Hence the great demand for Laxador, for liver disease, dyspepsia, headache, etc Price 25 cents. Ten counties in lowa have wo men school Superintendents. Do you suffer from catarrh? You can be cured if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Sold by all druggists. —Canvas-back ducks are scarce at $3 50 a brace in New York ilarkets. Marked Success. J. P. Carr, a prominent lawyer of Augusta, Ga., says: "I have ueed Tutt's Pills for Torpor of the Liver with marked success. I believe them superior in all biliary derangements to any pili made." E B. Wathburne's mental facul ties were unimpaired by bis recent stroke o! paralysis. Drunkenness or tbe Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines 1 Golden Specifiic. It ean fie given in a cap of coffee or tea without the knowledge of tbe person tukiog it; is absolutely Larinlefcs at'l will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken tbe Golden Specific in tbeircoffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve thuy quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVEIt FAILS. The system once impregnated with tbe Specific it becomes at: utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —Chicago has over seventy Bhoo factories, employing 13,009 people, to make girls' shoes. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, For Lung Troubleh and Wasting I)ie.ea*ei{. Dr. J. Simonaud, New Orleans, Lo., 6ays: "Scott's Emul sion is the finest preparation of the kind, la affections of the lungs and other wasting diseases, we may con sider it our most reliable agent, in a perfectly elegant and agreeable form." " —Berlin is tbe only large German city that refuses velocipedists the free dom oi the streets. Don't let that cold of yonrs run on. You think it is a light thiug. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumon ia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and of all obstruc tion>t and offensive matter. Other wise there ia trouble ahead. All tbe diseases of tbo parts, head, nose, throat, brotiebial tubes and lungs, tan be delightfully and entire ly cured by the use of Boschee's Ger man Syrup. Ifyoudout know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you. They have cur ed by it, and "know how it is, them selves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. —Worcester, Mass, keeps upon her poor far ir about 500 hogs, of which about one lourtb have lately died of cholera. Try, Try Again. After trying many advertised rem edies for catarrh during the past twelve years I tried Ely's Cream Halm, and with complete suecen». It is over one year i stopped using it and have hud no return of the catarrh, j I recommend it to all my friends in i ibis vicinity.—Milton T. I'alui, Read- j ing, Pa. My daughter and myself, great j sofferei'H from catarrh, were cured by j Ely's Cream Balm. My sense of I f-niell is restored —C. M. Stanley, Shoe i)eal<-r. Ithaca, F. V. —Tbe youuge»t daughter of Mr. Gladstone in principal ol tbe college for young women at Xewnham, near Cambridge. —The "married persons' property j act," passed by the Legislature last i Juuc, is giviug tbe banks consider able trouble. Under the acta mar-j rled woman owning property may '' make notes, and several of them have 'j been already offered to the hanks in |j the course of bii-inirM. The latter, f however are afruid of this elans of paper and have referred the matter j to tbeir solicitors. The latter refuse I, to state what their opinions are, but!' several well posted on bankiug lnws !j state that they would liko to see tbe ;j matter tested in the Supreme Court \\ In the meantime, it is underatood, |i banks are not handling married wo meiiV notes. Vfhf | can be cured of yoop OTWEH/OUS}|WO/ICH£ ibat we for the MJPx.KenYark. HIIBVS P HREYS* W HSEYS'ECCS B JSMSkW Cloth & Cold Binding iJQMn 1 111 r<s*c.* itk StMl 5 WtlBS/nf B HAILED FREE. In use 3C ycare.-Special Prescription! of en eminent Fb)sici*n. (.itiiple. Safe *nd Kure. *OB. cvats. r^E. 1 Pevere, Congestion, Inflammations.. *Z Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic .. •••> 3 Cr»iß« Colic, or leethmK of Isliuw .25 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 5 Dy»enterv. Griping, Bilious Colic 2» 6 Cnolera Morbus. \omitinK -•> 7 t'ougba. Cold. UrocckitiJ ■■■■■■ H Neuralgia, Toothache, laceache— ■- * 9 Headaches. Kick Headache, \ertigo.. ..1 IO Dyspepsia. Bilious .btomach . t| Suppressed or Painful Periods .» 12 Whites, too Profuie Fcrioas.. 13 Croup, Couch, Difficialt BKattuug .2* 14 Halt ftheuin. Erysipcla", Eruptions , 15 Itheamatiam, Kncumatic 18 t'erer and Aaue. Cbills. Malaria a» 17 Plies, Blind or Bleeding ■ •»» Jg OghthaliTi^w^^^y^J^igi^aSf HOMEOPATHIC 21 \sthma, Oppressed Breathing....... •»'{ 12 Ear DUchnrges, Impaired Heinne .30 99 kicrofula Enlarged Gland? Swelling 24 Geinersj'Debllity. Physical VVeakne»a .50 25 Dropsy, *nd bcanty Sccretoms . -au 26 Hen Sickness <rom Hiding .5« 27 Kidney DUCBS«* • *{ * 2H Nervom Debility. Seniinel Weak nese or Involuntary Discharges 1.0 29 Sore Month. 30 I rlnary Weakness. Wetting 3 I Fa in fill Period*, with Spasm. ih ofsensesoMhS heart .Sum *•s » ESSSailsJii SPEOIF c S ~ Sold bv Drag Bills, or rent po' f re S?'? l PRICE L!L ■apiIBKV.VSEWC!XECO^ICB^ATT«»AIT^»/»^ HOMEOPATHIC VETEEDTASY SPECIFICS /TN For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, tjd&Rj \ Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. PA<iE lIOOIi on Treat. W'lA ineut of AUIIUUIH and Chart f*eut Free. Hußiphreyi' Me.l. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JKO. M. OBEKIt. EVEKETT 1.. RALSTOK. GREEK ki RALSTON, Attorneys at Law. onico In Brady Law Iltilld " ou Diamond, liutler, I'a. It. P. SCOTT, Office on Diamond. Butler. Pa. J. 31. BUS.SICI.L, Attorney at Law, office ru ltlddle S. E. corner ol Diamond. CHAKLEi A. McPHERKIN, Atlv tit Lr.w, t;fllce with L. Mitchell, Dia mond, tutiir, Pa. Collections a f>ijec:altj. febS-bO-ly J AllliS B. MATES. Attorney at Law. Oftlce at No. 10 S. Main fc l opposite Ileineiiiau's Book Store. lUA McJUNIvIN, Attorney at Law, Room Ueiber htnldiiiK liut ler. Pa. Li;trance on < uunlnsfhutu OtCRtiE C. PILLOW, Attorney at I-uw and SUIIVKV Oil, Main ttri:*-t Butler, Pa. otte v/itli J. D. ilcJunkln. P. M. Eastman, Office v.itli Clarence Walker. S. F. BOWSER, Office In Brady's l-a'.v Building. S. 11. PIERSOL, Office on N. 15. corner Diataoud, Riddle Building A. M. Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. CORNELIUS fit WELSH, Attorneys at Law -Office in Berg's fouildlu second story. [4-1(1-111, J. 11. Mc'JUNKIN, Ofliee in Reilier Block. T. C. CAMI'BLLL, Office in BeiK's tit-.v,' hulldini;, »l ll«>or, e;u>t side ol Alain street, a few lioois south ol Lowry House. A. T. BLACK. Office on Main street, one door south of Brady Block, Butler, Pa. AARON E. REIBKR Office in Belber Block. C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. I.enal business carefully transacted. Collections made ami promptly te iiiitted. Busliie.,.-, coircspotideiiUi promptly at tended to and answered, J. T. HONLY, tlfficc nei.r Court House, W. I>. BRANDON, Office in Berg's butldln^. CLARENCE WALKER, South-east corner of Diamond. Butler, Pa. PERI) KEIBUK, Office In lteiber's building JellcTSOti street. WM. 11. LIiSK. Office in Riddle Building, Hianioud. FRANCIS X. KOHLER. Attoriicj-at-Law and Notary Public ('• >ll iis<-1 tjourt House, J. 11. M'JUNKIN. M. U.M.BKEATII. McJt'NKIN & OALBREATII, onirfb opposite Willb.rd House, Butler, Pa. CEO. R. Willi i-:. Office N. E. comer of Bliimotid. J K. BP.ITTAIN, Office on Dlainoml, THOMAS ROBINSON. llU'fl.lClt, I'A, JOHN 11. NEOI.EY Clves particular tittentiuii to trausaetions in Real Estate ttiroi«lio'it the county. Olllen on 01anioii(t,uearCourt House,in cri I/.K.N Bullillni; .lOSf) VANDERLIN, Office Mailt St.. 1 dour south of Court House LEV. MrQ t ISTION'. Office near Court House, Ho'lth Main St. |.r. M. TUMMI'HON. W. TltlJit fSOK ! THOMPSON & SON, ' Attorney at Law. < Mllee ou the west side of Main •St. A few doors North ol Troutman's dry KoodH | -J hi AMENDME NT TO THE roNHirrt rio.v pro|M>sed Id the eitl/.eus of this CUlll tiioiiwealtli lor their approval or i> |i e t lou l>v the (iencral Av.cnildy "f th>- <V>miii>Miwe:ilt!i nt I'eiiniylvaiiia. l'uhil.' bed h.v order of tne See ret :n , <. I 11: e, i 'uijimoiiw«taUh, in punuaiiee of Article Will Hi the ('uii.itilutloii. •lolnt resolution propositi;; an amendment to the Constitution of this t omuionwealtli : SKI'TIOM 1. Be It resolved by the Senate and House o| Representatlees of tile Couiinonweaitli of Pennsylvania In tiencral Assembly met, That the following amendment In propped to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, In accordance with the Eighteenth Artli-le thereof : AMENDMENT. There shall he au additional article in -mil •constitution to be deslguate'l ;is itlcle XIX, as lollov, ,4 ; ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ot 'lntoxtcutlng Honors, to be uv l ir. .i iieveiuke, is hereby prohibited, ami any violation ol tills prohibition «hall I"- a mlsileiiieuiior, puulshalde •is shall be provided by law. The iiiaiiulaeliire, sab-, or keeping for sale of lutoxleallng liquor for other p'trpov , tiiau as a bever»ge may be allowed in »o< n uianner only as in.iv be prescrltH dbv law. 'The Oeneial A.t «einbly shall, ut the ilr*,r *■ .»1011 suceeeiling the adoption of this article ot t!.e CosisWiutlou. en act I'uvs with ade(|uate penalties lorltsenforcc inent. A true coiiy oi the .lou:! I!' s' l^ith.n. CIIAIM.I.;-; \V. STONE, 's-5-Jlt Heefetary ol the Cofiimomvcallll. Boot and j§hoe B a^° O F Fall I If inter —T— (if)00000() X —UUOC )00( )0 Our great fall and winter sale of Boots and Shoes has begun, the people of Butler county never saw such an im mense stock ol all kinds, shapes, t-izea and st3'les in any one house in Butler county, as we are now showing they can't be matched in Butler county. They are worth com ing 25 miles to see and of) ni'.les to buy. Our trade in creased largely last season and we intend to sell more Boots and Shoes this season than last. This has war ranted us in placing the largest and greatest variety, the best values for your careful inspection that has ever been shown in any house in Butler county. Our Mens', Boys'and Childrens' Boots have been speaking for them selves all over the county. Our boot trade is immense, and why? Because we sell the best goods at the least money, we sell to everybody alike, no three or four prices, we "don't say like some dealers do that a cheap boot will lesist water, or that an Oil Gout Shoe will do fir children to go to school, to catch trade. There never was an Oil Goat Shoe made that would resist snow water, it takes the best of leather to doit—C'alf-skin won't do it, hasn't the body to resist. What will? Nothing but the very best of Kip and that we have as you all know. We have the cheap goods too in Mens' at si.4o and upwards, Boys' $1.25 and upwards. Youths'7s cts., and Childrens' 50 els., and upwards, will say these are lie l est cheap boots in the market—not auction goods either, but straight goods. Our Kip Boots are the choicest makes in the market, have tested their wearing qualities for years and know what I am saying when I tell a customer they are all light, Ave don't guarantee cheap boots as some dealers do to resist water, we think to much of our reputation as a square dealing house and tco much oi our customers to knowingly impose cn them in this way. Wo keep Wool Boots the best and warmest boot made lor extreme cold weather at low prices. Oil mens' high top boots four soles with square box and without. Make a specialty of mens' best Kip and Calf Boots in low instep. Our line of Ladies'Misses'and Childrens' Fine Shoes contains the best styles in French Kid, Curacoa Kid, Dongolia, Pebble Coat all widths from AA to J£E, Waukenphast, Common Sense •nd Opera lasts. No one should fail to see these goods. Will especially call your attention to our Ladies' iine Kid and Pebble Goat button boot, a new thing with us at $1 50, best, style best value you ever saw for the money, better '.ban is sold el.se wherd at £2 00, very stylish and will wear, selling won derfully faf-t,one large lot sold already this fall and now have a ,'arge duplicate order in the factory. See our Grain Button at 85 cts, SI,OO and $1.25, our fine Kid or Goat $1 25, our old Ladies' flannel lined Shoes and Slippers, felt shoes with felt soles, old Ladies' wide grain and goat Shoes, all these styles kept in Misses and Childrens' Shoes at prices in proportion. We make a specialty in Misses and Childrens' spring heel shoes, high cut shoes in Calf, Goat «n<l Grain. MENS'AND BOYS' FINE SHOES.—We have theeepoods made expressly for our trade, of French Calf, Kangaroo, Calf ar.nl Eng libh Grain leather, hand, machine and standard, in wide, plain or nar row toe?, with tip?, perfect fit, and eomfort guaranteed to the wearer. See our mens' fine shoes at SI.OO, $1.25, $1,50 and $1 75, cau't be duplicated in Butler. Our Calf Shoes at $2.00, $2 25, $2.50 $3.00 have no equals. Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Ci!f ar.d Kip Shoes, every pair warranted, Calf, Glove, (Jraiu, Heavy Oil drain Button, are excellent sellers. Goods made to order. He;>airing all kinds done at reasouajjle price 3. Large stock ell kind.-. L-'-atL-'f and Findings—low prices. A few words about Rubbers. Wo keep t.1.;; largest stock 'if Rub ber Goods in Butler. Ilrtve tie following: (Viudees, Woonsockets, and Boston makes. Mont,' Kubber Boots as low as $2.00. Mens' Buckle Arctics ut I*s els. and will duplicate any price or any make of Rubbers any liule dealer may name. Have plenty of them, they ure all warranted freth goods made this year Come and se-.: us will save you big money. Hi. <T. £E §L vSJi'i.fij'fi ft'o. -5, 21. 3£aiu &trce<. J M'i S 'a ■* BKHI SZsa -Jp a MANUFACTURERS OF MENa\ YOUTHS', BOYS, AND CHILDREN'S mmm CLOTHING Tumm Of Fine and Medium Grades, at Closest Prices. Also, J. KLEE & CQ.'S SUPERIOR WORKING PANTS, Every pair guaranted not to rip. Xo*, «!2S «a;<3 ii'.iO Js?r©tt*l w ay, Sctv York. 811 LIBERTY ST., PITTSBURGH. A. Trout man Si Son. Leading Dry Goods licusa. BuriLj'iiirL jPEJMIN'A.. A Tioutman & Son. \ Cloaks ant 1 WraPs, The leading Dry Goods ai d Car- for Child.en and Ladies, pet House, Butler, I'a. W <! curr y l, '«; fittest variety of New Fall (J«;ods at. prie< s our htoek never was as lar^e, which will mi.ke them move very prict-u uever BO low, gooda never so fast We have the largest Btoek ever If you want to see the nice goods, shown in Butkr county, eompri.ing pin - cull r,»,d onr stock, all the uew goods iu Checks, Stripes Liioies, lentf , eiio ( lnl lreu s and I'lain Weaves in Foreign und Underwear, every grade, nil si/.os, Domestic be-t,roods. (.1 loves, ('orsets, llossery, \ elvets, Black and Colored Silks, , Flushes, Yarns, etc. Sl ' ec,,lM Carpets and Oil Cloths, IN TRIMMINGS, never had : o many—never were car we have never had such a oico an- oui - Htr-o)!'Don't buy sortment and so many of tbern. ;i Ufltil V o.] have seen our BARGAINS Ktoc!;. Body Brus. ebi, VelvotD, Tup ♦»-11 , Fly Fxtra Super, Hemp, Cot- In Flannels, Blankets, Tickings, ton und Rag Ku^'H. Ginßhams, WlTite Quilts, Shawls | Window ' Shades, largest af-.sort- Table Linens, Luce CurUinn, went, lowest prices, in fact everything v\ i.icii e,in be —w ■ ■ ««<. •. . . La<im a CURfAINPOLES _ _ n I oi Vou will find on examination our Fiist-Cla'iS Oiy Guous Store, A. TKOUTMAN & SON'S, Butler,, Pa. FALL MILLINERY! Our line ol Ladies, Misses and Children's STRAW and KELT HATS and BONNETS, in all the new«st fall and winter thapes, in now complete at the Leading; MiHiiiery filoiiMe. D. r r. PAi^E, No. 18 South Main Ht.» - - - - I Sutler, I? 14 ASKS YOUII While other merchauts are singing their own praise?, we cause our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, our poods second to none, in fact superior to many usually kept and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and surrounding country needed such a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and people will be fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made goods ouly. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner. Oar medium and better grades take rank with any Custom-made in the way of fitting and make up. while our PINE DRESS S UITS must be seen to appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CA PS, UNDER WE AR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-clu3B clothing store always on hauci. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have uo doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, uo misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE GI3OKG-S RSSBSSR BLOCK. IVTaiii Street, Butler* Pa. i -" y 1868 .3E2STi^^ICcSSSiJa2>— T^"ISSO Em w m tee* « lir It A JEiJQ , J 111 WEL K K . No. 19 NOKTH MAIN STREET, GRAND OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches f*l HPfcfC Paper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament iMriof b L"Jwus; ti oll . MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks ftllTr£i"B r «T7€i G SLyIDPI Q I'i'TT Don t fail t0 ,see tbis lme °* Goods, as it is the largest Oil Vvl W U)X V (X) llJr • and most complete stock eyer shown in Butler. TATJ T7^T"]Vr/^ N i SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, YJ IV M vJT O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Item ember, we Warrant sill SJoodw as Eeprcsmied. JjgT'Engraving i free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGIM. No- 19. North Main Street, - - - BUTLEE, PA, TOUR AT TE NT ION Is Called. to my Fine Ntock of -x Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPHOTACX.KS, «Sc„ All of which have been selected with great care for JpPSlk OUR TRADE. |^ 1 /™* All > govds Engraved FREE of charge. IT you wish to buy from a well wggpr j- jj* ( , j,j EB>S) Ko It) Watch CASIJ sign ov electric bell. 0\ I KAUFKANN'S GRAND BEPOT, the largest'^j^J^ Jj and most enterprising Clothing. Shoe, Hat and Furitisiiiny Goous House, Fifth Avenue and Smithfceld Street, Pittsburg, will pay vßa®Msk the lull Railroad Fare to every resident of Iflßfc BtrTLEK or vicinity, raakioij WmM, — *" ~ a purchase of p.ot less than X 1 «. /j i^ To people wishing to crdsr Qoods by m-il, veMmkm Kaufmann's beautifully illustrated Fashion Wwftmm F mFOB SALE. 1 V ill si« II my r->rin, lofa'. J in i r. nl.liii tu.*.i< L I:ij>, llutli r ci.nnly, I'ti. Ii <'ont:i:iin AOl 110S • "II ".v.tt«:rl l.tu<l, l.nili r>!_;• • iinil hivatitfi; nf'iia Itunl ami K""' tirten ilifuil .'id i-.ori . ui gu id r!u-:..luiit li:iit/i.-r, lliruc ort hanl.i, CIOOD DANK BARN, 60*00 IVt-l, frame arnl ln;» cwelloig, o«il ,|irlii'' mill ;;iii•<! in>» (inure »< ::r Ii mim ; well in I.ili'iicn, tnioil corn <-ri!>, j'i j p-'ii au l, ul I in ivi sury imjiroveriiHiit!'. For ti riu.i. i re, imjuiro «>f me on thf i rcia ii.il. (ii.onoi: M( OA.NJM.I.'. , I'K I-J II !, I'a. Tilt: c!Tim\ A weekly i:e«f| a|,« r, pnbl>lie«l every Krl iJ.iy tiiciuiiiK at lititlor, I'a., liy JUiIN H. A W. V. NEOI.KY. Kuliserliilioii Hale. I'fir yiar, in advanco 41 fi'l Otlmi-wiue U 00 No Bubwriptiou will bo diwontiniiod until 0.11 arrftara;;cn are jiaxl. All coiumiuiic.ilioim iutouileil fur puldioution in tlu.t palter li.imilio aceoiupaniiid '•> <lm real uamo of the writer, not for publication but an a guarantee of good faitli, M.irriiino and dtetli uotu c» luyit be accom panied by a rei<|>ouHible nuaiu. AdvertlhiiiK ItaleK. One nipiuie, onu liiHortjou, $1 ; t,ach aubuo» queut iuHertloa, 50 couU. Yearly advertiMe iutntM exeeeiling one fourth of a column, *5 per in. li, l''i('«iro wyi U doablo tbci.e rate**; additionui cliurgen whole >veekly or monthly cliHi gtH tu niHiie. 1.uc..l iMlvcrtmewenta 10 centM pel liui*. for iibvrtfoti and ii ouutb poi In i. for eai'li additional inxeitioii. Mar iiai;cu and deailia pobliulied free ol' ■ Obituaiy uotioeM charged an local advertise ment" and iay able when hainn.il in. Auditor*' Notice*, j1; Executor,, and Admini tratorit' Noli' im, i?..t each; Katiuy, Oautlou and l>w aolution Ni.tU '■», not i xceediug ten IIIIMM, AddicßK TUB CITIZKN, liutlor, I'a. Bxoarasii K.,r Dropsy. CJravel. ]lrl»{lit.'M. Itenrt. I'iiuury or l.lvi r filxeiLKeH. NervoiisneMH, .ve <'« re <iuur anl.i i il. Ofllee Ml An il Street. I'hll.uti liihlii. $1 per hot lie, C for »'>. At Dru if (fist*. Try It. j PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt ) 3, Arrascno AND OUTLINE WOBK DONE, MHO lessotift In rnui : given ANN IK M IOWMAN, JNortli its-set, Buller, I*a. n«SOi-<I {fjk Convertible Wire Basket cun into iiH) iiniT^l /fy*\t\ A'W\ aw<L T- > »HIUII% SIMII hy V Yf mull for 'S, UK. Vpi ittuki* * *■:«• ['it/ NVomliTful M \> UIKI bl»c < wr« CO.. i-l'iH I'K.AJtL NT., C'LKVi:i.A.NIi f O. The Reason Why you should send your order fur imy kind of Ky« .ir liourl on Whiskey, Itramly, (iln. Wine*, itir., ID .1. Schumacher, No. ?«>l LI Vert V St., I'llls est goodl 111 Unit llni', and sells them at lower prices limn any house In Pittsburg. I'lircn yeur old I'urc lt>c, Jt! no per gallon. I'oiir year old Pure liye, fJ.Mt per gallon. I'lvu yea* old Pure llye, .Ja.lwi per gallon. I 'roni' fi to k year old rare Kye <*> to .#."..00 per gallon. The pur«(t Imported Wines, r.randlcs and Clus prescribed by physicians Tor medical pnrpoi.cu, Hoods shipped to all parts of the country. No churxo lor package. Call or w rite and give uie a trial order and von will after that deal with no other house. Send money with order, hy registered letter or I". <>. order. I'. S. Itcveuuo laWs prohibit shipping (foods <'. O. I>. WespCcKullv J.ICOII Sl HI'MAOIKK, tw;l l.lherty St., Pittsburg, l'a. {tr~store located two minutes walk Iroiu Un lon On pot. f \ DOCTORS LAKE hm§ PRIVATE DISPENSARY /■■fc.jß' OKKK'KS, WW I'ENN AVE. ■ TMpT- r.BuK'.M, PA n&mj " fonim of IK llcotc ini'l«Vmi- fSr plicated I>I.»C;IMS reipiliing < • .V --flf | |i,j , . |\i. n; ,,| m|| -.1 H li' Mrdl ratlon at e li'*.jtt«.t| at lids 111-pen ry w It It a suc iem rarely ittr;: ' <l. I*:". *. K. I.:iKo Is a iiiemlier of the l.'oyal < ••It. -oof Phyidclaii* in id Hurg, OIIH, andlsthoi 'Lul• :i I ino-t»•:.perlcn -d M"l.i i.M,- IST In tl.c rily. Special littelitli.il gluil to Nli V OIIS |)< ' ' ;y lioiu cv*-<ilvo iiietits,le\crt!oii, 111- ;<■(.. .. .of \ o "i, A<-, <a' higplij leal and iiient.ildecay, I. < fct.e ry, il <| olid, ncy, elc.; < lUicers, <: :< Ih • • ,1 i. I*i !■ \ Kheui.tnt in and all IIIM-HM * o£ tlio SI.LN, lllood, lame*, t'rlu nry Organs, &r. Consultation free and strictly confidential. 'Office hours t( to 4 and 7 to Kji.m.; hundays "i U>i p.m. only, t nil lit KK I.AKh, ps*A! i : n m &■: Cii m <•. J t h V. V.' i • xrilJJ:-.ni , <•• • ! <& • —-k '■&■": , '"'• 11 • <■••• :>w«jU'» : .1- ■ .V ■ i t J I T, (Alt . TT |- 1 • "'••• I - .'•• .: i-t tint fw K i-t i> I' > M I'll. l I I'fniii y I o-.i-i. - J A.'IKS v.. nn.l'iVlH, i.lr /.tnt,, 105 CUAiiUJiiiyi i KJi.V vulUfc roil sa i f iiy J. C. Hi:DICK, Druggist, 111 TI.KI!, I I.NN'A. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular utl<-utlon given to itic Ki-'lraclutf oi olu liuew. Addrcsa, It. F. Ill(.1,1 Altl>. to. Surveyor North Hope P. 0., butler Co., l'n. 8,5,8*.1y GALES MEAT WAINTED I \ (ocanvHHa for the null! of \in --A_ 1 MTV st'K-k! Hi' :idv employmrut Kuur.mto-d. KAI.AIIV AMI KXi'ENsks I'AIII. Apply ill once. Ktutlnx iihi". (Itelcr to till* paiH-r.) Chase Brothers Cc., Uo,,, £*™ B ' FOE SALJi liircr Ir.'illlf ICE UK'S WHITE A V&b.^VSKSOiSL'SsX The only brand of Laundry Son awarded a first medal at tho New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general household purposes 1B the very bail WEST PENS HOUSE. This hotel, just arros. Hi.' street from th • de pot, has been refitted 'n Hi.- new, and I an again prepared to accommodate the travillns public. B0480I86B! iHEBIaU DAY OK WF.Erv. Good liooms, good at f enttsa, good staM'iig rates inod< rate. For further information enquire on rki premises of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor iiliHsilEOci STORE iu ButHr, three doors west of West Pt un Depot. Having opened a fresh stock of GKOCEI'.IES COlis.stinK of Coffee, Tens, Sugar. Syrup, Spires, Canned Goods ot all kinds. Hams, Bacon, Laid, &e., &c„ Tobacco and. Oisrai*^ I'LOl'K of best brands r.rul iow prices; also, lull line of Klingler's popular brands of family flour constantly on hands. HAY. OATS, CORN and i'i r r. 1) of all kinds at lowest figures. So I. KssSl.JLowcs* aity cllier £2«>si»c £is SSuEler, Country Produce wanted for which the iiithest price will be paid. Call and examine aur stock ami prices. Goods delivered free to all putts of tov/u. J. J. KEABNS & CO., 76 East .Teflereon St., • - Uutler I'a A J FRAjN'k' & CO. DZALEitS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET AIITICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &o. ffr-physlclnns' Prescriptions carefully coJ.■ pounded, and orders answered with care an<l dispatch. Our st.ocK of tr.edlclr.es i« complete warranted ( inutno, and of the best quality. 4-5 S< utli Main Street, B'OTLER., • IP.A_. The .Peonle's Great EXPOSITION! 4 HITSMSM 4, We announce to tlio r- far and wide that, wc will exhibit our coilo .ial aggrbg.itlon of startling wonders, to secure which all parts of tin; earth—Kuroac. Asia. a.:d portions or t'i t U* S. have been searched, a:i.l .va-li in ai has never been sc.en since tliedayrjouh enter ed the Ark. The mighty KlepUant.tho great Rhi noceros, the Hlppopottomav.the C'Ulnipan/.l'.tliH Ou rang-outans' or run-out and sue;: ou:, your tongue out. the greatest living wonders of the age will excite no lender wneu compared with the multitude of ni jiist.'r t,tractions ou exhibi tion ut our great moral Circus and Meungcrle. The roars and howls of the would-be competi tor who Apes tlie methods, but cries down the attractions of our own and ouly Greatest Show on earth will be drowned In the Joyful acclam ations of a delighted populace. Itemcmber this great show possesses no otijectlonable features and Is the delight of the cultured and re.'lucd. We show under one canopy four great shows, the Largest Stock—Greatest variety—Best Goods and styles—Lowest Prices. We have se cured a inagnltlcent Brass Hand wlileh will be a prominent feature or our great show. :i with n seperato and eoutlnuous performance being enacted In each rlny. NEW AND NOVEL attractions. ,*i Jolly Clowns. The greatest liv ing, walking. breathing. talking curiosities of the age. Miunny I*hell':ws—sure to sell you and all the people laugh wI "ii they see the bar gains, they otter. Other and greater uttraetions greet the delighted eye on every side—the Pro prietor and Managers swcgliig in the living trapeze attached to the highest pinaele of suc eess, give such exhibitions of nerve and daring In sweeping reductions. gor/eous displays anu wondi rlnl bargains as to call foilli ilie plaudits of the most prudent aim economical. Tlie nian ageilient beg leave to announce that in their un tiring zeal In the search for the rare and curious, astonishing results have Always followed anu we open r«>r your Inspection a collos sal collection of bright and new Kali Styles In Mens' Boys' and Child reus' Clothing, Hats, Tups I nderwenr. Shirts, Collars, i lifts. Ties, Hosiery, Handker chiefs.Mulders. Glovev Mittens, I'niliri'l lus. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Straps, Brushes, fombx, Jeweliy, Corsets, Jer seys, Stockings with a fill! line of Notions, &c, Big bargains all through the show, Song 1-y the Clown : - Men and joiilh and boys and all. Short itnd So'td.leau and tall. Who need il sunt of cloth' s this fall, Wc do Invite you now to call For we are tolling on the ball, And you are sure to make a haul, V, liatcver you purch::. e,great or small. Song 2: '•What are Ihe wild waves sayag." l.ny . oar Clothing and Furnishing giHeb of I). A. IIKCK. Song :i:--"Hrr bright Mnile haunts me villi," l'he smile of satisf.ietloii that Ueumeil from the face o| the lady who dressed her little boy in one ol lleek's tricslslable suits. If you want to save mone\ an.l itterease your pile dropplu and C JlM'K.and he'll make you all smile. lie possesses the power to spread happiness around. And his stoni Is iiu- place where bargain l ; are louml. Honrs opt oat 7.\. M. Close at s r. si. Ail inliliiiK'e, licuts Kii'c. I.iii'i. . and Children half price. Kemeiulicr the place. D. A.. MJiOK'ff, >o. 11, North Until K»., Huffy'* Block, BUT LISA, PA. Ae proved remedy for Consumption in d dis uses of Throat and lamps New Life and Vigor follows Its t *e. Ask tor Baker's Oil and Malt, or write to JNO 0. BAKfR it CO,, t hilrdelohia. ■CAINI I<.4M»| HI 3U|SRIIA*N* JI.J JOB-UHOO ||T* OQJI ■sons KoiMimvx-zxw j.) nt'.utif| su|K|)ia*|>v sqi !•: ii-.a.iuuxii.i ti| S|g uo QMIJ M V2MM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers