KASKINE "iSVWftx Jimwiv KV* NMAM4U MMWMtttt* ' KtftWV* NMWMIWMt d&WhrV V:iV V ' M '' %, %*,%»* \ V \« , ' V •I M W V FFJL WJ.JW V - •M,V* + T" jA\. ,ii* »«•> i>4 »«*• .£*, l-"fc* *n ««tV£D>)fc uh <m*«i *'* V Vw, <4 aw*. U># i* * . T . » 53fi "■ r \!I VJJNM « I»l« «• V*m M *hrf*FC. »»;« HMM W« W '»• lihftiafc. *•*'", * *>' k> * ■jjuß *4 Iddm VMI «K *w W .-. MMkail «J»• >s, %>■<*• t»l %»«*'• W »\ »uiw» Mls MIW 4k V Kkt*HK M»u»*. K M <» »t «U HkOl yn WNfM m! IMM> *\4.»\s\v H »•••.«»*' v SCOTT'S ip.sio| or PURE COD LITER oil W Sprite of Lie 4 Sail Almost es Falatable ae Milk.. <WML, MMTK* O<RO» U»TT«T<TEI **l "I»M RT>K WWWTIW, JVftTußk AUUIWSv UU «u, «»J --■BAiillUlY. Muits TFF&'L" •RI^RSRC..,^ The Reason M h\ IT« %t*MiWt *-iirt \.MU «wdrr t«r »n> kiwi of K«.• .if IUMM* *>>' WH«kn. Brandy. «.lt>, Wlw* £ . *J vbui,urlr», N '«. m u «•«> n.. rw* titirr IH , t* brrsit** Iw krvpMhe IwM amil pur rM n>"(l<ln ittJkf !(«>«•. ami sells Umiii ht lower MIIT< «H*N anv houwin mtolxirv Thrrv \i«r «>W ran* »C\>- It - <»' i**r gallon. K»ur \V*r »I<l l"Brr U>*. f- "« purgation. Fl*» vrat oM Pure Rve. ?•• <>' l*r gallon kvu u ' 5 (<> v \ear old i*nr«- K\r # •'" to vYfti per nli,«. The pwrst lnu«»rted Wl»f«. Brandies MiynM by |»by*lrtai»s t«>r medical (anaws lioods shipped '« «•" PWI* (vmnin- No chars*' f«*r |<K*k®jr*. i all or write mad giTf mf a tt4.il order and v»m will fcllpf twl leal Tilth thi ho iM-. St-nd iwoufy Willi «t%W. tn Ke\f«ur laws i»n»hil»U Alpplnx Bwpultult) J WOB St'HJ M \CH¥.H % *;i Uherty St.. littsbunt. Pi flTittoivlOeiN twoMttntei walk from I n- JDEINTTIST X . Oy WALDBON. <.nvlii;;ic «( llic riiila « IV. ■;• °,|>ir.a CMlrjcr. Is prepared t.nki aii\thuiu Ui line <»I lil* rr»f<*»i<»« i» a aiW»rti>r> nuiuiier. «MKce on Main Mrevt. lUitler, lliion Itlock WiUin. J« S* laUSKi MID»I ll** remr-rrd from Harmony to Butler and has his onto- ut Na », M.tlu St.. three doors lielow Lawrj" House. apr-so-tf. Dr. 8. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertainkis to the profession execut ed in the neatiM manner. Si*ci*liiM :Killiiigv. and Painless r.x trartHHi of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. (Hirf «B JrfriMa Street, our door East of Lowry Uonw, l'|i Stain, f(fllce open daily, except We«inesila>"s and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention. K. B.—The only Dentist in Butler using the knt aakes of teeth. JOHN E. BYER3, PHYSICIAN ANn SURGEON Office No. GT> South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL MJBIPPt) S. Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunninghiin St., BUTLEE« FEIN-UST'J± AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval or re jection by the (Jeneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the commonwealth : SECTION l. Be it resolved bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly mot. That the following is proposed as an amend ment of the constitution if the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the pro visions of the eighteenth article thereof: AMENDMENT. Strike out from section one, of article eight, the four qualifications for voters which reads as follows: "If twenty-two years of age or upwards, he •hall have paid within two years, a state or County tax. which shall have'been assessed at laast two months, and paid at least one month before the election," so that the section which reads as follows: "Every male citizen, twentv-one years of ace. possessing the following oualilications, ■ball be entitled to vote at all elections : First. He shall have been a citzeu of the United States at least one mouth. Second. lle.shall liave resided in the state ooe year (or if. having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of Ihe state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third, He shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two mouths immediately preceding the elec tion. fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up wards, he shall have paid, within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one mouth oefore the election, shall be amended, so as to read as follows : Every male citizen twentv-one years of age. possessing the following qualification*, shall be entitled to vote at the (Killing place of the election district of which he shall at the time be a resident and not elsewnere : First lie shall have been a citizen of the United States at least thirty days. Second. He shall have resided In the state one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third, He shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at le;ust thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion. The legislature at the session thfreof next after the adoption of this section, shall, and from time to time thereafter may, enact laws to pioperly enforce tins provision. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of tweuty-one years, who shall have been a citi leni for thirty days and an inhabitant of this state one year next preceding an election, ex cept at inuuiclpal elections, and for the last thirty days a resident of the election district in which he may offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the election district of which be shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people : Pro vided. 1 hat in time or war no elector in the actual military serviee of the State or of the United States, in the army or navy thereof, shall be deprived of his vote bv reason of Ins atoeuce from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the maimer in which and the time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of their votes in the election district In which they respectively re side. FjJtli- For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gaiued or lost a resi dence by reason of his presence or absence while employed In the service of the United Stales or the State, nor while engaged in Hie navigation of the waters of the State or ot the high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent foldiers aud sailors, who, fur the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election dlstrlcc where said home is located. I,aws snail be made for ascertaining, by proper Proofs, ihe citizens who shall lie entitled to le right of .suffrage hereby established. A true copy of the Joint resolution. CHARLES \V. STONE. Secretary of the Com monweal'.h. Aug. 5, H-t. AFFLICTED^UNFORTUNATE After all others fail consult Dr. LiOBB *■ Wth St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa. *• years experience in all SPECIAL diseases. Pvr manently restores those weakened by early indiscre tions, ftc. Cdlorwrite. Advice free and strictly con fidential tours :iz A.M. till and 7to JO evenings. TT=l 'E OITIZB'N'. fhiyfnir X TRonn<*t. "tfc mN bfct " inti'iitvd h (Mid InoVnv htftv ht h miHim'iVry IMrmvm <vtiV rtfcS tost %ivV \V*, -pfllrtplV t*o«»f>nft'h , d 'ft ft I **) fti Vn»ti if*rt VW> ffrVrytWmr %%% S'lifklfwh 'tb 'bHittfo'. * jf* \<*h "fh ¥W**|% V " if-. t •ft f*. 4**. ytth >ft> " 1^,1,4; vW VK MHf "wWi ' \v«i : *n. <»»* H ytHM**," «<M 1.4K «#!%***•. jj \\V.i, VNVS* tesMlV Mf VW *VW *-v i IWFv .v l>. Ms * iiW | h< Ui vbv v s>*Vt %l*4 vistvivU Up Vs> Viv «WM vUv VUV, aui aVviv sukiuMU W au *<svJU»pAum^ ' Uu> »l l*v»4vvlMf ' " • \va, abv | um cvulU wu Vailt, »V> to WVHMV* 4 " r«uk V tXvlakUWMl ai»V vf bal, • wbjf. if I Wl b#ckttv»w kv# uiovh I ltV«4 tbal bat >b« wouU cW- Ulttiv haw U»» abilaug. l»ut uww, you mt*, I'vv it tor that'll sbilliu^.s." Ibf otbvr wuuiau *mi*X »b« bad uut of lb*t. but would profit bjr her Irtvuda expwiwuw, aud u»v vt hko au arucU* until hftor »b» i bad boU)(bt it Mauv * IMIW it burrivd out of th» world by powerful opiate*. ' Motbvr*. use I»r. Bull'* Baby Syrup l be aateat and be«»t baby mediciue iu lbo world. Many disease* arise Iroui vitiated or impure blood, therefore keep the aytitem btaltby and proof tbe iuroad* of disease by usiug Laxador. Tbe tuau who wouldn't take "no" for au answer has gone into aiuateur photography aud ia taking negatives right and left, whenever he gets the chance. —lmpurities of the blood often cause great annoyance at this season. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and cures all such affect'one. Lilybud "to rue* over a man?" ••Yes, indeed, mum" replied the sto ker of the express, "It jolts the en gine wuss nor a cow." I have been a sufferer from ca tarrh for the past eight years. Hav ing tried a number of remedies adver iieed as "sure cures" without obtain ing any relief, I had resolved never to take aov other patent medicines, when a frieud advised me to try Ely's Cream Balm. I did so with great reluctance, but can now testify with pleasure that alter using it for six weeks I believe myself cured. It is a moot agreeable remedy—an invalu ble Balm. —Joseph Stewart, 624 Grand Ave., Brooklyn. —Tommy (aside) —Columbns was by birth an Italian. Teacher (to test pupil's intelligence)— And what is an Italian? Tommy—An organ grinder. For Old And Young. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills atet as kind ly on the tender infant and infirm old age, as upon the the vigorous sys tem, eradicating every morbiOc agent and invigorating the debilitated or gans. —"lf all tLe world were blind," said an Ii ishman, who had just been inspecting a 6chool for the blind, "what a melancholy sight it would be !" —lt is a singular phase of human nature that, when a man gives bis wife a dime to buy a box of hairpins or a gum ring for tbe baby, it looks about seven times as big as when be planks it down for bitters. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Speciflic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with tbe Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —Tbe Spaniards have this proverb: "When mothers-in-law fall out we get at the family facts." Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, For Lung Troubles and Wasting Diseases. Dr. J. Simonaud, New Orleans, La., says: "Scott's Emul sion is tbe finest preparation of the kind. In affections of the lungs and other wasting diseases, we may con sider it our moßt reliable agent. In a perfectly elegant and agreeable form." —Five Cincinnati belles formed a pool ot SIOOO, bought tobacco on margins, and cleared §16,000. —Speaking of thejnumber thirteen, England found it unlucky wbeu that number of States rebelled against her, f \ DOCTORS "LAKE hm 1 PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, SJOG PENN AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. All forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring C'OK HDtNTiALand SCIENTIFIC Medi cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the ltoyal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and most experienced SPECIAI-r IST in the city: Siiccial attcutiou given to Nerv ous Debility lroni excessive mental exertion, in discretions of vouth, Ac., causing physical and mental decay,lack of energy, despondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, F its, l'iles, ltliciimatism and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Lungs, Urin ary Organs, Ac. Consultation free and strictly eoiiiM. nt.lnf. Office hours oto 4 and 7 toSp.m.; SuiMlays3to4p.ni. only. Call at office or uourcss S.K.LAKE. M.D..M.U.C.P.S. or E.J.LAKE, M.D. ; guaranteed 1 1 *lll ■ll*l W>v I>r. -J. B. May- B —M. 'lll at Once, jj .«o operation or business delav. Thousands of J cures. At Keystone House, "Heading, Pa., .'ud i Saturday of each mouth. Send for circulars. 5 Advice free. " THIS ! N. W. AYER At SON. our ag,ut«. ! 23T" Advertise in the CITIZEN. ] HUMPHREYS* TB. MMEVS' BOOK A 1 Cloth & Cold Binding m m f>*». *i,v s<„i t. t r..fa r , I linwrnrt. r. o. IU« I*lo. ». T. In u*» Sl> t*»rs triji" •'»! »a tmftivnt Hn-Vrsi. Mmide. WXT> in,! Cure. 1 Zhbrrut'k «( thiidiT#i' i AiUiHi" 'ljr I l ... —■ - - -- ~■■ ■ * II vvVul< *■ V >*' UXIOJAIAIC VSTSA:XAX\' SPICINOS Fof Horn*. CA«'». MOJ* PV« I'l UV|L wcul wl \ul«uul» aa<l ,/' | hart •*■«< »»*• >(> * X ATTOUNKVS AT LAW. I; P m t»n. intkvtui DUUHMUI liutlvr j. \i. ia ssM.t, al l-'» x.'liW IU Ktdtllo buildiius, s. K corner ol Dlani«>ud CItAKLKd A. MtPIIKKKIN. Ally at Law. t'liiei- aiili I. Z. MlUbeil, i»ia tumid, liutK-r, P«. CuSla'lieu a cj ec.uUy. febVM.ly JAMI.SU. MATES AHorue> at lj»w. Ollltc ul No h> S, Vnlll s' opposite Ilelneiuan's llook Store, llt A Mt Jl'NtvlN. Attorney al IJIW. Itoi ni l. Briber building But ler. Pa, Entrance on t unnU«tfhalu St. ewaoia PILLOW, Attorney at Ijtw and si BYKYOR, Main strut Butler, Pa. Office with J. I>. McJuukiii. K. M. EASTMAN, Office with Clarence Walker. s. F. BOWSER, Office iu Bradj 's Law Building. S. H. PIEKSOL. Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Kiddle Building A. M. Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. COKNEUUS & WELSH, Attorneys at IJlW— Office in Berg's buildin second story. [4-lfr tl I, J. D. McJUNKIN. Office in Iteiber Block. T. C. CAMPBELL. Office in Berg's new building, 'Jd floor, east side of Main street, a few doots south ol Lowry House. A. T. BLACK. Office on Main street, one door south of Brady Block. Butler, l'a. AARON E. REIBER, Office in lieiber Block. 0.0. CHRISTIE, Attorney at 1-av,. Legal business carefully uansacted. Collections made and promptly re mitted. Business correspondents promptly at tended to aud answered, J. T. DOM A', Office near Court House, W. D. IiKANDON, Office in Berg's building. CLAKKNOK WALKER. South-east corner of Diamond. Butler, Pa. FEUD IT EL BE B, Office in lteiber's building. Jefferson street. \VM. H. LLJSK, Office in \tiddle Buildiiii;, Diamond. FRANCIS X. KOIILEK. Attoniey-at-Law and Notary Public Counsel given in German anil English. Office South of Court House, J. B. M'JUNKIN. J. M. GALBKEATH. McJUNKIN & GALBREATH, Office opposite VVilliard House, Butler, Pa. GEO. It. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond. J. F. BKITTAIN, Office on Diamond, THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA, JOHN H. NEC. LEY Gives particular attention to transactions in lteal Estate throughout the county. Office oil Diamond,nearCourt House,in CITIZEN Building JOSC VANDEHLIN, Office Main St., 1 door south of Court House LEV. MOQUISTION. Office near Court House, South Main St. J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON & SON, Attorney at Law. Office oil the west side of Main St. A few doors North of Troutman's drygooi:s store. AMENDMENT TO THK CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval orrejee lion by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, iii pursuance of Article' Will of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this Commonwealth : SECTION 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of ltepresentatiees of tin," Common wealth of Pennsylvania ill General Assembly niel, That the following amendment is proposed to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsyl vania, in accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof : AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Constitution to be designated as Article XIX, as follows; ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping lor sale of iutoxicating liquors, to be used as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, aud any violation of this prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of iutoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a beverage may be allowed in such manner only as may be prescribed bv law. The General As sembly shall, at the first session succeeding the adoption of this article of the Constitution, en act laws with adequate penalties for its enforce ment. A true copy of the Joint Hesolutlon. CHARLES W. STONE, 8-5-llt Secretary of the Commonwealth. A Aicaiatlo Q-& I i ■» i alr HI«l noy s uud I riunry Ortfunu. '' JAiIiES E. MOKKIS, Solo Aarorc, 105 CHAMBEIW nr.. KLW VR.BIF FOIL KALE BY J. C. REDICK, Druggist, BUTLER, PENN'A. L 4 Advertise in the CITIZEN. and Stow xy xs— l)tff tf inivv H.C, 11 usoltons, WIMViMM 'i~- 1 iWVtMftW m \V'HV*S 1 <NV MiN \ % \\:>* s* ww x l\H* \w *s\\ ssv»s\ \\s WV\\ U l ' \\\ mva \\ssMh wwi* v»<t >vv \SS W fov» mv*H* \\Y v\vv*v>v\J \vn\ s\\ u\sW iMsl <!*(' Uv-I- IV"> U»S> \v*v vm»UvJ W W M<N» U*.v->< WmA ;hmlOl\^..'| i Uv»| M' \\*uv vHVUII \l»\< Im* U,I Uh'l* »WV\u iu U\m v W Umlvv |K»\>' mul v U*Mivu>« liiw Uvm *|a hMN£ l<*v Uww >vl\\» ill v \oV ||w C>»UUl\ i I VH iIWW »' iihUU'lim', j ami wh\• JUvuvuk* >^, U vh.* Ia- * *»■, tl» .il lUv KmM UUMU'V ,WO H 1 !! aUkvS ** l ' I'llvV Ml' t* u» }l» It'l V \v*> Ut'ii t »uv liko ?*v»mo iKsiU \» *h> 11«*t i t*! v i|» io>t\\iU twitft wuu-r, \>v lUwl jui Pil iu>. t >l»\»* will *!»» I rvhilihvu lo tv» m Ihk>l, to Clilvlt tlAtlo, J llt'lo lU'Vl'f WiW Ull Oil (uml Sluk* uuuK- llial would iv>i-l -uow wuUr, it tak* ■> tlu v Ih'M ul U-atliiv to do it—t all-xkiu \\< u I Jo it, I* ti 11 1 the Imhlv t\> resist. What will? Nothing hut tl»o wiv bi>t ol kip anil that \\»' hnvi' as yo all know. u luiv« tlit* rlicu|> j;»khlj* I»hj in at sl.4 :> ninl UJ»WiH'<ls, Hoys' $1,2-» anil m»wttii!s. Youths' ••> cts, ui«l ( hildrons , •*»t> etn . and u|iwauls, w ill >»\ th*->o in tlr tluaj> Ihh)(s in the market—not unction jrootls «ithvi, hut straight «:*hhls. Our Kip 1 toots aiv tho rlioi t*o;«t nrtkos in tin* market, ha\c tested their wearing qualities for years ami 1 know what lam wijinjr when I ti'll :> custmer they aie all lijiht, we don't guarantee eheap )m ots as tine ilealera do to n sist water, we think to mueh of our re(>utatien as a square dealing house and ti o much (>l' oi:r customers to know ingly impose on them in this w ay. \\ e Keep Wool itoots the best and wannest hoot made for extreme eold weather at low prices. Oil mens high top boots j four soles with square box and without. Make a specialty of mens' bett Kip and fr'all Boots in low instep. Our lineof Ladies' Misses and Childreiis Fine Shoes contains the best styles in Fruneh Kid, Curacoa Kid, Dongolia, Pebble Coat all widths from AA t«» ItiL, Waukenphast, Common Sense nd Opera lasts. No one should fail to see these goods. ill especially call your , attention to our Ladies' fine Kid and Pebble (Joat button '• boot, a new thing with us at best, style best value you ever saw for the money, better than is sold else wherd at $- 00, very stylish and will wear, selling won derfully fast,one large lot sold already this iall and now e have a 'arge duplicate order in the factory. See our y Grain Button at 80 cts, SI,OO and 81.25, our fine Kid or Goat 2-"i, our old Ladies' ilanuel lined Shoos and j. Slippers, felt shoes with lelt soles, old Ladies' wide grain and goat Shoes, all these styles kept in Misses and Childrens' Shoes at prices in proportion. We make a specialty in Misses and Childrens' spring heel shoes, high cut shoes in Calf, Goat and Grain. MENS' A XL) BOYS' FIXE SHOES.—We have these goods * made expressly for our trade, of Freuch Calf, Kangaroo, Calf and Eng lish Grain leather, hand, machine and standard, in wide, piaiu or nar row tees, with tips, perfect fit, ease and comfort guaranteed to the wearer. See our mens' lino shoes at SI.OO, $1.25, $1,50 and $1 75, can't be duplicated in Butler. Our Calf Shoes at $2.00, $2 25, $2.50 $3.00 have no equals. Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Calf and Kip Shoes, every p*ir warranted, Calf, Glove, Grain, Ileavy Oil Grain Button, arc excellent sellers. Goods made to order. Repairing all kinds done at reasonable prices. Large stock all kinds Leather and Findings— -low prices. A few words about Rubbers. We keep the largest stock of Rub ber Goods in Butler. Have the following: Candees. \Voonsockets, and Boston makes. Mens' Itubber Boots as low as $2.00. Mens' Buckle Arctics at 95 cts ard will duplicate any price or any make of Rubbers any little dealer may name. Have plenty of them, they are all warranted fresh goods made this yenr. Come and se us will save you big money. IS. C. 1H BJSK2/I'4>>V ]so. I, lain Street. MANUFACTURERS OF MENS', YOUTHS'. BOYS, AND CHILDREN'S 111111111 CLOTHING, 111111111 , Of Fine and Medium Grades, at Closest Prices. Also, J. KLEE & CO.'S SUPERIOR WORKING PANTS, Every pair guarantee! not to rip. Kos. <»2S HIS<I GliO Rreadway, X*. w »ovk. ! 811 LIBERTY ST.. PITTSBURGH. A. Troutman & Son. Leading Dry Goods Souse. ' B UTLSR ZPIE-N InT'A-. s iiiiiiiin<i> liiiiinii A Trouiman & Son. Cioaka and Wraps. The leading Dry Goods and Car- for Children and Ladies. . pet. House, Butler, I'a. We carry the greatest variety of ; New Full Dress Goods at prices styles, our stock never was as large, ' which will make them move very Vices never so low, goods never so ' fast uice - I We have the largest stock ever If you want to see the nice poods, shown in Butler countv, comprising please call and examine cur stock, all the new goods in Checks, Stripes Ladies , Gents , and Children s and Plain Weaves in Foreign and ; Underwear, every grade, a.l sizes, Domestic , best goods. Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, \ elvets, ! Black and Colored Silks. Vl^be? - Yarns, < etc OUR— special Carpets and Oil Cloths, ! IN TRIMMINGS, never had so many — never were car ( .it- i pets so cheap, twe have never had such a nice as- our 6tcc k is complete. Don't buy sortment and so many of them. a Carpet ontil yoU have seen our BARGAINS stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap ! estry, 3-Piy Extra Super, Hemp, Cot- In Flannels. Blankets, lickings, : Uag Ruga. Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls Window Shades, largest assort- Table Linens, Lace Curtains, ment, lowest prices, in fact evervthing which can be ai inTA iki n/M r~ e> found in a CURTAINPOLES | i You will find on examination our j Fitsl-Ciass Di) Goods », , |. ,^;! D Ci«IX. ,he Lowe6 ' A. TKOXjTMAK & PON'S, Butler,, Pa__ FALL MILLINERY! ■ Our line of Ladies, Misses and Children's STRAW and FF.LT HATS and BONNETS, in all the newest fall and winter shapes, in uow complete at the Leadinji: JVlillinei-y House. T. PAPE, ISTo. 18 South. Main St.» - - - - I*utler, f«. | AHUH VOUIt Attentions WVlrc fiVv* Mt eliSp \livH j «i ! n . , t\\ h* ' W bV 1* ir> '> t. .nf p-irts Id fit.«** IVI toW \rt yi* tt-rt mid i Ml "UllM'tf Hu<l ft M i\% \Vll 'MI (h . \VMM' 1 - •» n (• • »»tH> tc |>*BM U \'\<\ " Mv i«- nitfl b. j> ..p, , >i\ Hnt jv r ». <ft M. d Hfffi ! V'Uf-l VlfiNW*, ftfM \lii 111 i I" bi 1 H'l!' bi-iM'itii ;I'M • IfH- pfM Mh* MHI Ifttf aVlV WAW \<\ I) ■V- AV \ u msh "iv I IVli HUM* sr! ' ' :nM W- <W r|* fl (in ill -<fi VI .Tin \if »• ;»»( v;t Mhus', Youths, Hoys' aud Childrenn' Clothing' j «\| \ Wm ." m «i< 'if'M f»-ftl H ww»i h n, .» vf |ir.»r) vvH»Vi>|v\J Ihh \ M'" | VII Ih»-|l |i\ 1 . «at 1,1 i} it, ; .i. , | t mw, 1\ i « 0 >l|*«| 4 hl>! «vM I «l«M. tittlim wl(|t(i b; i fhifii-In 4> wU fct»«vi \\v W|» > |t.»v »vl Mff m- I \ \\~ . .V i ■ || . i * r .. Mfi i.. • ..t . . i lii will 4iMv M >-H W vim lb "In i uil i|l| (f (x'i ■Ha U i |u. 11 • • if I ii I 4.11; «\ r»I li-it* ti>i» t« t»; I UMuvw>b>r i,4t u, W U (Mdgi vir um iik «t . u » \ EAUNV'S ONE-PEIOE OLOTHINB STORE liiionoi: it: un-u ulook, Main Htreet, Hutl®r» Pfi, I .<BBO • 1 ESTABIISHKD ■ ' • 1860 11. i, : B, ■ ■ v\* t .VL Kli . No. Ul NO I, Til MAIN STKKKT, fiHAHD OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. Diamond-, Ladien' and Gents Gold and Silver Watches Irr iJ P V S* S ' !< l H>r h eight. <»ilt with GlflfS Shade, I'lash Lo< k, Pl ».jiic with l'loral Oronmrbt !I*hiif il 5 Ul_U L" vT" a l ' o n. M A RBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete liu«» of Clock* VTVin Q O 1 OliVt/1 \y till \J cl» UJf • and most complete st k ever Lwu in Butler. m> I " | XT/ i *VJ SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, in Gold. Silver end Steel frames, 4 1!\. 1 1.1 Vl seientificallj ailjiisted under I>r. Kiug'd Sjstru. Keitii'iiiher hp WisrraiH :i!l (ioods as ff«*|>rf«' 11 }»•«!. Engraving fne of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTo- 19, North Main Street* - - - BUTLERj YOUR ATTE NT ION Is Called to my Fine Stock of •x cV 9$))R/> Clocks, Jeweleiy, SILVERWARE, 3PEOTAGLBS, Sc., Aii 4 : V'J i •'.! .-ebvteil wi: -ri-i' < i:-;> f.-.r rftf FfJpif s SP 5f |fM iiWHi.u, i wiiH',l, ji t'UtNj tso., few , I sroods Engraved FREE of eh arge. If jou w:sb to buy from a well 3 ?) nT)TT?T)'fI 0«IC» aOCK. Ulllh l> O, No. Ift S,. Main Street. H ItBWATCHtAoLU SIGN Oi' ELECTRIC BELL ' JO?JL . fREE - R1 fe BUTLER Ij Httshrf. M if -- pa (j ■. \ /> j feM ./>' , . . \ KAUFHAfiN'S GHAKO DEPOT, the largest // . ' '. / . •/' >T% : \ ani most enterprising Clothing. Shoe, bat v .5< 1 '• - ?, ') anti Furnishing Goods House, fifth Avenue l - r^3X7 a? ZL,E Zi cr vicinity, making \t'(|j|l| <ST-. ** s -- -r v- a purchase of not less than i *">. vMHHHA j] To poople wishing to order goods by maif, rTWTOHP - —-• S —' V Kaufuiann's beautifully illustrated Fashion ivv£||| Wm FARM FOR SALE. I will set! Imy f:rm, located in Franklin township, I>atler cuunty, I'a. Ii contains '220 ACHEri ofp/y.il, will w;>tared both ri-ij" ntul tw.i'iij : il u:":iin la::d Hllil tfoixl aru»s !f;i il 30 acres ofgoo't timber, three orchani.-', GOOD BANK BARN, 50xC0 feet, frame and log owc-ll ns, ocd spiinijHiJil gced f; rinj; l.i ute near h >u;.t; well in kitchen, good corn crib, jien and, all iitceEKary iuiprovcmcut?. For terras, etc, iii(|uire of mc on the prem ises. GeokokC. Mi I'.\m>|.i:hs, Frof j tct, I'a. TilK CITIZEN, A weekly new spaper, j übliehed every Fri ilay zaoiuinjf at Butler, I'a., by JOilN H. & W." C. KFGLEY. Hubserijitlon Rate. r»;r y< ar, in advance il 50 Otherwise 42 00 No Bcbbciipliou will be disoowtiaaed until all aireat ageu are paid. All communications iL.tea.ied for publication in this paper must bo atci mi anied by tho real I name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faiib, Mrrriage and death notices nia-t be accom patiicd by a responsible name. Advertising Itatrs. One square, one intertion, -il ; each <ubse ((ueut inuerlion, 50 oonts. Yearly advartisc menta exceeding one-fourth t f a column, j'a per icch. I igrrc wrik double (hero laitiß; additional charges where v.eekly or monthly chai.'gis a>« made. I.iical a*!veit>Heu:ents 10 cents per lino for llrat iusottion and 5 eeiita per iii:o for earh additional insertion. Mar- r.iid dealhs puLhshed tree of charge. Obituaiy notices charged as local advertitc mtiits a -.d payable when jiai:-Icd ii;. Auditors' Notices, it; Kxccutoi*. ami Adiuinit~tratorb' Notices, eacij; Caution a'-il Jj;s eolution Notici s, not exciu'ilnti: ten Ijiius, >2. Addittib Tkl < nizi.s, liutlor, l a. r.ropsy. I .ravel, blight's. Hi art. l*ll!!::»y lor f.lvor 1 Useaws. Ni rvousiicj. . .\c. <--ire i.ia.r anteeU. Otllce Sal Arch .street. I'litl;;.bla. jl I per bottle.6 lot f.i. At Druggists, fry il. GET THE BEST! STONE PUMPS. a 1 Manufactured by James MeXees at llall&ton, Butler Couuty, Pa. e The only Pump that leaves tho water AIiSOIjUTEIjIf s : I"HK. They are the most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT (I ISFACTION in every respect. i; JAMES McNEES, KEISTJGR 3r*. 0"» J-?ntler Co.? Pa - FERNIANENT 3TAMPING [. 1 For Kensingt ).), Arrasene 1 AND OUTLINIi WORK DONE, ilso lessons iu sati) : M' vtn by AA'NIE M 0 . street, Butler, I'a. 'SURVEYING 1 LAND, s COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING.! : Particular attention £iven to the Retracing ol old lines. Address, li.E'. UiLLiilti), 3j Co. Surveyor y i North llope I*. 0., Uutler Co., I'a. u W-»-iy ; - r. i- v • i /' „'X " '• I : . . - j f n icj < <».. | fip null bt. v Cum bukb, o. WITFtt I lftY A ' 1 < r, u VIHiM Itu LHU I re| ic«ent I orov I«k »:ity anoldilrm. References required. I'erma.icnt poidtkNi 1 j «ud 4f«>wd balary. GAY lillu.S., Baxxtax Sri., N. Y. BUTLER COUNTY 'Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor, Main & Cunningham Sts. -3. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. YVM. CAMPBELL, Treasurer I 11. C. HHINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: ■ .1. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, ■ W illiam Campbell .1. W. Unrkliart. 1 A. Ttoutiaan, lleiuler-ou Oliver, : <!. (' lNieviim;, lames Stephenson, ! l»r. \Y. In in. N. W.-it/el, | J. F. Taylor. I. C. Ileiueman, \LOYAL M'JUNKIN, (Jen, j' BUTL.EB, FA. QALEBME\T : M A> E1) jl : —to cati\ ;ks (or tin -.il<* of Nur -JL. 1 I ; .<■ h-\ : Stea.!\ ■ -ii -a: ..:i.ir.»ntefiil. | SU.AHI IMI KXPKNMis I'MII I .ill.-.-. >t t»lii.'-r (.I£»-I«-r lo tills paper.) Chase Brothers Cc., YOU CAN r '.i ! • ;»» I .Ti.-if : i 'mo : mii ■ I i : •! &,. REMIHGTOIT BEOS. < V. !.u will contract l .r advcilialli. luaft-t rates. KIRKS white ' ' ap \v\ .it't JiX A' cli ■ lifMraOf 'Jw N< w CTfeWl s'<} ■ Itfar. ui!.irlt» I aiß ring h J.ifu .. a IKt k |iJ SOAR was? fimj HQUB3. : ' 'i' . '' i. V» » !':k ByUOIMBUiIUIuI, l»A\ lift U U li. t -4 I. I t •*1 »;«w >| • « l< .1 ■ i ■ .-K « 4 1 K. U. liii-t HBlst, Pruprtti".* 111. hhlttul li t till K it I wt!.i r. p <l. mtfti vl \\ irl 1\ Ml |>< J.t I. j < " k . i t.M* HH «»** i< IM<. J. », lt.h(H&|U| i mwij t «i -c kind* »ui».%, I «|t|. Ac., Ar , Tobacco inul Clgnix, II l lil :j nMlrsi< l» u 4 <•>« |«*w-.-- ; • • "in • t * *r i.miit i I . 1,-1. IiII) I' ...... I H.*V. it A : ■ i.i .«.i j i ,:i» un y.. d« m I .• v. M ft, t;i« «, \O I. %;»!».5 «VJ i r any oilier lloux? ii: iluili r. I « „,iii|r) Prodi!"*. V. ,11 • .51 >r «bi-'li tlir hi-,t. -4 it'' •» I I ; .««! 1 ill ;,!>.( r\.«i:ilti.-.Ltr-k 1 ui'l j>r - I dim!. (rt-r l«. 1 par'sof town. J.J. KZARNS & CO., j 7«"> Kant Jefferson S: , - - I'utU-r I'*. FURNITURE! FUKNITUH L! 6cd rToom Suits, Dinir.g Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fiue Line of Carpet Seat Rock<rs«, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Fn rait are Slore IN BUTLER. W. F.MILLER. Planing Mill \n;— Liimbei* Y ai a <l J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PIK\ !P, 8.6. Pur vis & Co. siAxrr.uti BEES asv DEALEES IN Rough and Placed Lumber « F BVi K t I'.V.i'CitllTiOS. FRAMES, XOV I. L>ll 13.5, sA.^ir, rooits, FL.OiUNO, SIDING. RATI ENS, Br3ckets,Gaagßil Cornice Boards SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD V t-f r CJer man Cm !>•! !«■ t'h n refe A J FRANK k 10. —nuiiKs «*— DRUGS, MEDICINES, and CHEMICALS, FANCY AM. TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, RRUBHES, PERFUMERY, Jce. rJ"fliysli i.ins" l"r <.TI; !i .j.s carefully pounrto i. ;»ud ! r»l.-ns msviml with cure .iimi dispatch. c>ir afoeK <if ine'll.tcrs Is r. mpieU warranted ; •nutue. and «I the best .putin. 45 South Main Street, BUTLER, - J. ft DOUGLASS, —DEALER IX STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER. - - !PA, 2-4-87-IJ —TllE— ''Bradford Restaurant," South '"Tata Street, In the Bishop Buihliiis. MEALS AND LUNCHES Served at .11 hours af re '-■■nable rat OYSTERS, C^A^IE, And ev. rytl»l!:<T In vson. Tlie pat i< .nape < t ; ii.* • >ll men and tr.m il n;r pui.li>' n sj>ectlull< !'■ I. Flue Ojfiil.S ali'l Tol : .11 alwu.vs kept on hand, S. K. Erkelbersrr. Proprietor. mmm hotil, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Xear New Court House-—formerly DeonMson • louse—ipxid accoiuniodatious for traviiirs. CIMKI staiilinK connected. [4-8-UC lyl II KITKNMI LLKR. Prop'r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers