KASKINE (THE If EW QFIWIWE) | VOOD iPralTB J £J&> Ki:w HTKKSOTM, I HIPPY UA\s" £ I SWEET SLEEP ' A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION", and all (Jcrm Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD PCKIKIEH, Superior to quinine. Rev Win. Lucas, Rector Orace C hurch, Ra »enna. 0.. writes: "I cordially endorse Kas klne as being Just what you claim, an excel lent substitute for quinine, with none of Its bad effects. Mrs. Lucas had a serious form of malaria, and was confined to her bed for months. Kasklne had her up and around in a lew days, and In a short time cure* her. Living In the malarial districts of Mary land I became a victim of worst forms of malarial lever. I drugged myself with quinine and other remedies without avail. I was greatlj reduced when I heard of Kasklne. Its curative powers were a medical revelation to me. It cured me and I have not had a return of the tr ?Pron J. D. Hlrd,, B. A.. Asst. Chemist. Man land Agricultural College. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails. will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice, tl.oo per bottle, or six bottles lor 18. Sold by J. C. BEDICK, Buler, Pa, or seat by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. 54 Warren St.. Xew York. iiAWpWY 5O Mf exact LAW- 6 '• OM 1 1 | ; mJ EEa W^S E DI 'Mm Ga IPB SCOTT'S EMULSIOII OF PDBE GOD LEVER OIL Jlnd HypofihosphHes of f Jme & SoAi Almost ae Palatable as Milk. m on)j prqitntioQ of COD LIVER OIL that «ea betaken readily and tolerated for ft loaf Um h] jjn» r kk FOB CONCTTIPTIOW, mSSIL SHT ■TI IHILirY. co& aVd if. VUMH. ls\ WiHiSu in-Wubtfci W flmßl Uto ■arrellot* I. lu n^itl MalM and endorsed by the ie«» Fhyiiclaa* fa thaaovntries of the world. f«rttmtm *7 all Prafflvta. W#iodfor Pamphlet on Waatin* DtneMen. Ad iSsSm A BOWK£.Sew York. The Reason Why you should send your order for any kind of Bye Or Bourt on Whiskey. Brandy, Oin. Wines. he., to J. Schumacher, No. uoi Li -erty SL, l'itt.s burg. Pa , Is because he keepsfhe l>est and pur est goods lu that line, and sells them at lower prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Rye, » W> per gallon. Four year old Pure Rye. SJ.W) per gallon. Five year old Pure Rve, $3.00 per gallon. From oto 8 year old Pure ltve *.'j.uo to *,"..00 per gallon. The purest Imported Wines, Brandies and Gins prescribed by physicians for medical purpose*. Goods shipped to ail purts of the country. No charge for package, call or write and five me a trial order ami you will after that deal with no other house. Send money with order, by registered letter or I*. '>. orlentia£ iHMun: n a .Mt. till ?,and 7to neveuiu^a. npfMpssfMiWa lirf guaranteed I'llliaßl I'l " r B May ■ am.*M M.w Itl sßrr. s.ll Arch St. base No operat;on or business delay. Thousand* of cures. At Keystone House, Reading. Pa.. 2nd Saturday month. Send lor circulars. Adv.ce free. 4.W!I%V<*TRW7Si« aSSSStim I U,uu THE CITIZEN• MISCELLANEOUS- Measuring by the Eye. There is a wonderful difference in the power which different persons possess of estimating sizes and dis tances by the eye alone. The facul ty of estimating sizes and distances by the eye is susceptible of wonder ful cultivation. It is very valuable when one wants to pick out quickiy an article of proper size. There are, however, certain influ ences which, unless guarded against, will often lead one astray as to the real size of an object. The presenc of a series of lines upon an object his a great influence upon the appearance as regards size. To illustrate this fact is given ihe cut,showing a Equate space, divided horizontally by a seris of lines. The height and width of this space are exactly equal, as may be proven by measurement, but to the eye they appear very un equal. SQUARE DIVIDED BY" LINES. Much amusement may be gained by asking a number of persons to mark on a wall, measuring from the floor up, the height of an ordinary block Bilk hat, and then placing the hat on the floor and observing the wide diversity of opinions in the mat ter, as shown by the marks. It is safe to affirm that not one of a party of twelve who has never experiment ed in the matter will designate on the wall the true height of the hat. In Brief, And To The Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus it one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It it easily put cut of order. Greasy for.d, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and man} other things which ought rot to he, have made the American people u nation of dyspeptics. But Gre an'a August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American people BO healthy that thej can enjoy their meals aHd be happy Remember :—No happiness with out health. But Green's August Flower brings health and hoppiuess to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cents. —Teacher: "Miss Sinnico, please parse the sentence, 'Adolphus mar ried Caroline'" Miss S: 'Weil, 'Adolphus' is a noun, because it ie the name of a thing; 'married' is a conjunction because it joins Adolphus and Caroline, and' Caroline' is a verb, 'cause it governs the noun." Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Speciflic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, aud to-day be lievc they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NhVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter iiupossi bility for the liquor appetite to exi.-t For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC CO., 18U llace St, Cincinnati, Ohio. —ln the six New England Stated there are now living 3,500 people over 80 years of age. 111 the aggre gale these lung-lived "Down Easters" have lived ov«r "f)0,000 years Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver OH, with Hypo phosphites, For Lung Troubles and Wanting Diaeanes. Dr. J. SUnonaud, New Orleans, La., says: "Scott's Emul sion is the finest preparation of the kind. In affections of the lungs aud other wasting diseases, we may con sider it our most reliable agent. In a perfectly elegant aud agreeable form." —The cell in which Editor O'Brien has been confined is only nine feet by four. People who have occupied rooms in fiea-side hotels will sympa thize with him. —I have been a great sufferer from catarrh for over ten years; had it very bad, could hardly breathe. Some nights I could not sleep—had to walk the floor I purchased Ely's Cream Balm aud om using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and with happy results in every case. It is the one medicine above all others made to cure catarrh, and it i.s worth its weight in gold. I thank God I have found a remedy I can use with safety and that docs all that is claim ed for it. It is curing my deafness — B. W. Sperry, Hartford, Conn. —General Ben Butler heads the list of money making lawyers of the country. Ilis fortuue is estimated at $3,500,000 and his annual practice nets him SIOO,OOO. An Important Element Of the success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is the fact that every purchaser re ceives a fair equivalent for his money. The familiar headline "100 Doses One Dollar," stolen by imitators, is original with and true only of Hood's Sarsaparilla. This can easily be proven by any one who desires to test the matter. For real economy, buy only Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. —Marshall P. Wilder tells of a small boy walking down a country lane with a basket of apples on his arm, hinging "Nearer, My God to Ttce.', In Love. Caroline of Columbia, Pa , .ayfe: ' Tutt's I'ills is the best tued - tine for Sick Henkche «r,d Indite - tion I evt r used. My ftiends have falleu in love with them. They are a gnat blessiig." Mistress to s.t rvunt : 'Did you tell these ladies at the door ihat I was not at home?" Servant :"Yis, mum." MiMrees :"What d d they ea)?" Servtm : "How fort:nit!" HUMPHREYS" If DB - HUMPHSE7S' EGOS' r l4l ****•' witk blMl £n t r,,u f» In use 30 y e»n.-*Special Prescriptions of en eminent Physician. Simple, Bafe "J Sure. »•3 CURES- 'MCE. 1 Pevtrii Congestion. Inflammations.. .♦.» \\ oriiiß, Worm I'ever. Wonu ulic ..o 3 ('r)lng Colic, or Tectinnaof Inland .25 ■I Diarrhea of Children or Adiuu ...» 5 Dysentery, Griping, Kliious Colic .-> 6 Cholera Morbus. \ oniiting ;» 7 Coaeha. Coid. bronchitis ■ •*'* 8 Neuralgia, i'oothacne. Faocactae 9 Heada&es, *ick iitamcbe. \ertigo.. ~5 IU Dyapepala. li: lions . St r o ™ o< S„ i „ H « "«? 11 frutwreaaed or I nlnful 1 crlod* • ;£• 12 Whiles, too Profu'C Feriods. •-» 13 C roup, Lo-jgh, Difficult Br-a-.Linn... .-3 14 Salt Rheum. I.rysipelaa. kruytwaa. .25 15 Kheumati.m. Hhßoin«t , c »*«iM- 16 He»er and Axue. lb.l Jli.aria 50 17 File*. Blind or lJieedinK . •••;■••■ -oW ■ or E>ea .30 HOMEOPATHIC fjsT*atarrS^!cut^^hrenic^niulenz^Ts« 20 Whooping Conah. \ io!ent '.ougns.. 21 Aathnia. Opprenoe.i Breathing....... 2-J Ear Discharges. Impiired Heance .3W 23 Scrofula, Knlarged Olandf Swelling .50 24 lieneral Debility, Physical Weakness .5« 25 Ilrop-v. and Scanty Secretins>-■■■• 26 e*a BicWaa. Sickuew from Riding .5« 27 Kidney Disease —■ 28 ,\mou< Debility, kern.n-1 Weak ceae.or Involuntary Discharges... 1. 29 Sore Mouth. Canker... -Qg 3D rri nary W raknew. Wetting Bed 31 Painful Periods, with Bgasrn.. . •• 32 Diseases of the Heart. Palpitation I.MO 33 Epilepsy. Spajm. St \"2\?r. -r,.t "(! 34 Uiphiherin. Llcerated Sore Throat ••>« 35 Chronic rongesiJ<^_*^2j!ll!22^—- §PE OIF I C S. RoM bv Dniffcrists, or *ent post paid on receipt of price lll -M I'll Kfc VS' a fcDI U >' E <'O.IOOTpUopSt^VTN HUMPHREYS' SOIiEOPATHIC VETESHTABY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Agg*L X Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. #TfSxi ) 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat. ment of Aniuinl* and \j| y Chart sjent Free. Humphreys' Med.Jo., 109 Fuiton St., N. V. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. .J. M, KCSSELL, Attorney at Law, oflice in ltiddle building, S. E. corner "of Diamond. CHARLES A. McPHERRIN, Atty at Law, Office with L. 7.. Mitchell, Dia mond, Butler, I'a. Collections a tpeciaity. febs-Sti-ly JAMES B. MATES. Attorney ;:t I aw. Office :it No. 10 S. Main s ; opposite Helm-man's Book Store. llt A MCJLNAI.V Attorney at Law, Kocni 3. Keibcr building But ler, i'a. Entrance on Cunningham St. (.LCIJUE C. PILLOW, Attorney at I-uw Si'ltVl-.\' >K, >*: tit; ■ r»< l B>:t.• r, I' it. U.nee with J. i>. Aic.Juuiiiu. 1". il. KAS I'M AN, Cilice with C'!.-r»:.ee Walker. S. P. BOWiElt, Office in Brady's Law BuiWing. S. II PIEKSOL, Ofiiee on N. E. coiner Diamond, Kiddle BuiMiu.: A. M.Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. CORNELI t'S & WELSH, Attorneys at Law—Office in Berg's bui!di!i second story. [l-10- til, J. D. McJL'NKIM. Office i:i Keiber Block. T. C. CAMPBELL, Office ill Bern's new building, 2d floor, east side ol Mam sUtet, a lew cloois south ol Lowrj House. A. T. BLACK. Office tn Main stieet, one door south of Brad) Block, Butler, l'a. AAKON K. KEIIJEK, Office in Kelbei Block. C. tunisjiK, Attorney at Law. business carefully Itai.-ucieU. Collections made and proinptly re luitted. Busluer.s corus|>ontlents l-ioiuptly at lei.deit to anil; nswcretl, J. T. IJONLY, Office near Court House, W. I>. BKANHON, Office in Btig's building. CLAKEM E \\ ALKEK, South-eat,t corner of Diamond. Butler, Pa. PEKO KEIBEH, onice in Ki iter's Jelierton strt-1. WM. 11. LLr>X, Ollict in Kiddle Building, Diamond. PKAXC'IS X. KOHLEIt. Altorney-al-I.aw and Xotary Public Counv i jjiven i.'i tiermau and i.:i.;i:-.i. u.uce Soiiih oi Court House, J. B. 31'jUMilM. J. M. OAL«lti:.'. l 11, Mtx'CXlvlN OAEBBEaMI, Office opjiositc Williar.l llou- Butler, l'a. <;i;u. B. WHITE, Office N. E. earner of Diamond. J. P. BKI'fTAiX. Office on Diamond, THOMAS KOBINSOX. UUTLKIt, l'A, JOHN H. NEOLKY THOMPSON & SOX, Attorney at Law. Office on the west side of Main St. A few doors North of Troutinan's dry gooOi store. Planing Mil! INL>— Yard J. L. PURVXa. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co. 51 AN U KAC'TI' it MILS AND DMA LEEK IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY uaSUKiPITOW, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SA^li, DOOIiS, Fi^OitiNy, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets,Buageß Comics Boards. SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD Catholl(*€hur«ti f \ DOCTORS LAKE ht* 1 PRIVATE DISPENSARY 'Mm .J& OKKICI-.S, 'OKI PKNV AVE. _ PITISBURUH, PA. - All forma of Dtdlcato and Com- WW pin uli d lii.-iM'i ri rt'|u!ring< o:.- cation are treated at this Dl -j>"n i y wilii u ><:>:- <••■ i ran ly ar ••I. li. K. I .ate la a member of the ltoyaK , of I'll- i'-::-.ii-. ai.d and ill tliC oWcbtltl- I «' \ |«"!'U'IK'Cr;:;in , < onnnltutton free aim wtiictly confidential. Office hour-i oto 4 and 7to ft ii.in.; Mmda) >* - to 4 p.m. only. ( allatolliceoraddrcHS 6.K.LAKK, M.D., M.1t.C.1'.8. oi K. J.LAKK, M.D. P. T B. W.\UMS GRSATSST SHOW OH EARTH. Combined with the Great London 3 Ring Circus AND MONSTER ROMAN HIPPODROME, Making Ten United Monster Sbows. Anotliei* Show Added r l""his Season. Capital, $4,000,000. Daily Expsnsss, $7,000 Largest and Richest Amusement Eaterpri-e on t'ie Pace of the Globe. KILO M§lFs mmrn RMILY, The most Marvelous Human Being known to exist. Revered and Honored as Sacred Mascots, or Luck-Bringera, to the Burmese Empire. Se cured at an expense of SIOO,OOO in gold. F'ir.-jt time in a Christian Country. Triple Circus Company in Three B'g Rings. Huge Elevated Stage for Olympian Gamea. Two Immense Double Menageries of Wild and Trained Beasts. Mammoth Museum of Living Human Wonders. Grand Roman Hippodrome, with Glorious Races. off "5J MIS# As Large as Life and quite a.s Natural. And his big Polished Ivory Boned Articulated Only Elephant Skeleton on Exhibition Anywhere. A "H" r^ie Afleetionate and Distressed Com * •* panion cl" Jumbo. Clfi6inGTllE ARTIFICIAL LAKE TCfl' f & . '!s' '%i. \ roRCIHt THf. WAilf* CAPT. BOTTOM . K0 i&jg A' £\\. * ' FROM CITY RESERVCCA - . ,'V; : t"- MHOWWnWB Si ' ttttt JtA I 1 • ei.'H, Two exhibitions daily, at 2 and BP. M. It. is < pen at 1 :J0 and 7P. M For the accommodation of those wishing to avo '1 he cr .v; y While other mercbauts are singing their own praises, we cause our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is fhe best, our gocds second to Done, in fact superior to many utually kept and sold as TIIE BEST. "Butler and surrounding country needed such a store as this," is the general eneouragi.ig words our customers give as, "and people will be fast finding it out too." Wc keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is tewed with first-, class thread, trimmed, liued and made up iu a substantial manner Our medium and better grades take rank with any Custopj-made in the way of fittiutr and make up. while our FIXE DRESS Si T ITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUll PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state tLat we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEA R, HOSIERY, etc ,in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-class cloihing store always on hac<;. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one auu all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BARM'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE. R£iIBESI& BLOOK, jVXai.ii Street, Butler* Pa. :i®BO m m h* W ESTABLISHED «• ■ ■ « IBSO ]m m n w w TH E Ui a uJIA «m § *J lii W iC Hj .hi R . : Mepr^iienii'd. Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. No- 19. North Main Street, - - - BUTLER, YOUR ATTE NT ION Is Called to nay Fine S ' °f t'lja-g"'.' 1 l! ;• s buy from ft well J. 11. G1 ll E i >'S, Ho* 13.' ajmain Street. V I K f*L \ BUTuES, PA. IliD Watch CASIS) sign oy electric bell. FREE _ RIDE / FAI BUTLER to R% 4r?i) . jl m/* " • i '*« 4 KAUFMANK'S GRAiJO DEPOT, the largest \v V :';X (J /■ and most enter|jris.ing Clothiey. Shee, Hat \ '"v" ' "■ >\ and Furnishing Goods House, Fifth Avenue ■; anJ Stfiiihficli! Strte;. i ittsburg. will pay _ v/t'v-VC**';' . :.••• the full Railroad Fare to every resident of wtfffimtk 'V ?'*"■ \ - - 33T7TLEn or vicinity, making \^^Pl vr— 1 ~ - 3';? :. a purchase of not less than iS 1 ifißHi jf / ;jl To people wishing to order goods by mail, / - ---—Kaufmann's beautifuily illustrated Fashion \ ' • • i •" I bciik v.ill be liinile.! fjrutiS; on application. . V>'\ FARM FOR SALE. I v.ill M <-11 my JV.riu, located iri l*'rnl;3ju toAi.ishiji, [Sutler county, l':i. !t contains 220 ACI IKS of j'!".'l, w« " watered lain!, bMh rii.'.'c K: >d .t\van:| ; •_"»< i (>• nn ! and and jfood i;ws 'i I i| IIIIIUL a:•««.•»U yood el;e-ti;ut timber, time orchard*, GOOD BANK BARN, -,Oxi;o feet, frj'r.ia aril dwell rsg, ood sprint.' MM! t" «l >-1 •> iri>j IK use near li IUK ; well ia kitchen, good ve»n> i.w. For terru .. Me, ii >| tire of use < n the prem ises. CIICOKUK C. MCCA.NIU.KS.-, I'roj cct, I'a. TilK CITIZEN, A weekly newppaper, publiiebcsd every Fri -liv mo!iiiiu» at Butler, I'a., by JOHN 11. A W. C. NKGI.KY. Subscription Itnto. Per year, in advance il GO Otherwise 00 No Htibteriplion will bo diHOOiitinucd until ill arrearages an: paid. Al! commuiiicatioiiH intended for publication iti tbiß paper iimntl.e a< companicd by the real uaiao "I tbc writer, not for publication but an a guarantee of yitnC, faith. Marriage and d< nth nnticen miiat bo accom panied by a rcHpoiiaiUe name. Ail vei l l-.iii}* Hates. (tin. cpjaro, one in- rtion, .*1 ; ea, 80 • ,'.i. V i ;rly a iv.-rl! ii nipnli i • ■ -tin;; oi.o ''niirili of a cukuun per j: U. l'ig::ro woik doable tl.ero lvt.'i; add.!, i.j.i eliarjj'jH •■'.! ro nv« I;ly or liionlily cliki ;;c it an made. I ocal orif nCneuiuntii 10 cer.'rt pi i' iiti : f ■ Ci'-t iiMi rtnui Mi 1 5 c. i.tu |. r 1.i.0 fur ea> addition;:! irmeitiou. .II.: - - ti i - iiid jgtlbi put Lx'.n .1 fnt <•' ObitUEty not ■■ - elui.pid as I . -.I al.e.'tisc l'.ii'i:tc ai I |i. ■;.!:< w).( n ban « d in. Au lil jIV. J-otiM-K. I•; I' ci.tf . . tul Ad Hl. i ti ■li.'n' Notion, f:) tiuli. 11. t ay, < tiou Mil !»•*• fcoltitloii N.'l 'i Hi coo tin to I ««, AdJ»o-r lui.Cin/i. , 't'ltkr, i'a. on acj'/ciiji. g *;*.». v/h-jn in Chicaj<>. vv;i| f oAS, P. 0., j Sutler Co., P;i i PERMANENT STAMPING i i For Kensingt>), Arrasene AND OUTLINK WORK DONE, ?. ltd lessons In Bam : given by ANNIE M LOWMAN,.NOIUI itrect, Butler, l'u. i I n 20i.it SURVEYING' LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. i'uriicul ir utti.'titluu v«-.n to the Kcincing ol old iiuua, AddrnjH, It. t\ ICMJ IKK. «'«. Siun'jor North Ilojic I'. <»., Uiitlcr Cf) , I':.. **** t Convertible Wire Basket can be i'Uaii|;i'• - .iiiu. .lames Stephenson, Mr. W. In in. V Wellzel, J. I'°. Taylor. 11. C. tlelneiuail, 1 LOYAL M'JUNKIN. Gen, As'i .BTXTXjIEJIR., 3P.A. QA L B S M EAT w .vrvri:! > \ I .1.1 .! • ..R N U -A- 1 I •s; •• si. h 'tii'il•»» in -lit <*•!. *.\i» I « ITNnI . Aj.p!;. ut : Ol|t « . fif 1.1. C • *'• i «»• '<» I' J' ■ I '* • Chase 3rot(icrs Co., I ' 0, "; v {" : tin- street from Hi de list. h;t-s hoi' 1 refitted i:i (!.<■ li-w, an i I au again prepare 1 to aeeoi!,.so;lat'j the tr-vc linw public. nv tor pui Dullnbtofl 5jJ ila SB* aI, DAY OK WEEK. i>ood itooms, g.atiX at'ention. good stabling rau-s H i.,;, rate. For further information enquire on ti j prei:i?M-s of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor Ifii triiptSl fißSSttisl STORE in Butler, three doors west of West I'enn Depot. Having opened a Iresh slock ol (JHOCI.KI ICS cons.sting orcolici'.Te&s. Sugar. Syrim, Spices, Canned Goods of kinds. Ilains, liacon. Laid, &C., £.c,, ' Tobacco and Cigars, i f or:; o' test brands ;r.d low prices ; aiso. full line of Kbngler's popular brands of family lli iir cor-sl:.litij on h<:i:sls. HA i . OA'I s, CO UN M:d FE2U cf all kinds at lov.ist liKUifs, Xo. f. Kalt.E.owcr any other Wonsc its fiisilip. Country Produce v.at.lcd : r *liie!i tbe pri- o will be paid. C;d! ;: :i! examine :»ur s;.. t k ;a:d prices. Goods delivered free to pnits of town. J. J. HHABHS k CO., 70 East Jefferson St , - - Butler Pi. J. H. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IX STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BXJTLER, - - l^Y, 2-4-87-Jy PUBNITURIi! FUBNITUjSt U Scd Room Suits, Dining Boom Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CAHPET-SEAT RO OKEP.S, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40. EGRTH KAIN ST., The C!rst Fnrtiilare Store IIST H UTLER. W. F.MIIiLBB. p ~q~ t> Ik SL We IK I . annuity •<; ntng of our fall and Winter Importation of French and German DRESS GOODS, HIGII ART NOVELTIES, ROBINS, HABIT CLOTHS, COSTUME CLOTHS, Fancy Silks, Wlvet Plushes, etc. Also, in Cloak and Suit Department most com plete lino In endless assortment of Ladles', Misses' ami Children's Wriipu, Fall luckcln, XcvuiarkctN. ESasluiiH. Pitisli Kneqiico, and Best Stnnd&nl Mala-, of London-Dyed Seal Sacques, Sea! Jackets, WKAI'S and NEW 31AUKKTS. Tills stock of Kull Dry s ets.. als j :l Review and Des criptive I'rice list of Or. 1 cood.s, l'urnlslilntrs, etc.. Which -A 111 I." ValU::!>! 11l yutl 111 making purchases of your fall : .'lies. Send us on Postal fan! your name • i 11*. o. Address for copy of this lllusira <■< aUfrue. Sept. £llO (Hit. r>, b" ' Mute l'"olr will bo lield at, KxposHlou r.-rk. Allegheny. Oct. lls (irand Ann,' Day, e nat ii,:s season numerous clieupexcuraloii.iWii.be ri::i tc Htt.sburg and Allegheny. We in*. Ho our patrons ■■•■ d pitljl.c generally, when In Hat city at tin- ' Hue or ol'ier times, to feel perfectly free to make ,mr store room their headquarters fir maetlnif of friends, appoint uients, etc. Thoroughly organized IV* 11 Order Deportment for benefit of our in my citslomers living at a distance. Will send smi'il. 4 new Full Hoods In any address. I. nve-,1 prices marked on ovcrj thing. BOSGS & BOHL, 115, 11/, 119,121 Fatal SI, ii.lSsgliGisa.j. Ps:» BrSiluti lira. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER. - - Near New Court House formerly Donaldson Mouse u o, -d aecouitii 'lal lons for li.t\ tiers. I staollut; c* unecli 'l. H-y-Vi; lyj II I.1TI.XMI ! I LER. I'rop'r. For Droirsj, (iravel, right's, Heart, liin.ry or Uver l'ls' afes. Nervo'X o. -s. Kv. I'ure (illur ante •I. Olllce s:tl Arch sire. t. I'hlliidelpblii. ci per bort.le.« for ».i. Ai l>ru ;i,isis. rry n. |g|r"A(lvcrtißo in the Citizen.