KASKINE (THE NEW QrHfWE) | <ioou AprETiTK 1 SKW STBK!iUTH ' ■I J (JI'IKT XIRVEK, I HAPPY WATS. I V' SWEET SI.EEP, A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach will bear. A BPECIFIC FOB MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD PUIUFIER. Superior to quinine. Kftv. Wra. Lucas, Hector Grace ( hurch, Ra venna. 0. . writes : "I cordially endorse Kas klne as being Just what you claim, an excel lent substitute for (inlnliie, with none of Its bad effects. Mrs. Lucas had a serious form or malaria, and was conllned to her bed for months. Kasklne h:ul her up and around In a few days, and In a short time cured her. Living In the malarial districts of Maryland I became a victim of worst forms of malarial fever. I drugged myself with quinine and other remedies without avail. I was greatly reduced when I be&rd of Kasklut. Its curative Dowers a medical revelation to inc. It cured me and I have not liad a return of the tF (PTOf!? J. D. Hird,, I!. A., Asst. Chemist. Maryland Agricultural College. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. li.oo per bottle, or six bottles tor 15. Sold by J. C. BEDICK, Buler, Pa, or sent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. 54 Warren St.. New York. many lamp chimneys are oflered for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARLTOP BIT THEY ARE NOT! And like all Ccnaterfelti lack the Remarkable LASTING Qualities OF THE GENtINE. AOIC FOR THE PEARLTOP Andlisist THIS with CHIMHEI Pat-Oct. 30,1883. The PEARL TOP is naanfacturcd ONLY by G£O,A,MACPEfH&CO„ PITTSBUIIGHrPA. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LITER OIL And HypopliospFiites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatable as Millc. TKm only preparation of COD IJTEB OIL that CM betaken readily and tolerated for a long time by 4. Ilea te atoanrhi. AMD AS A REMEDY FOR COXSUUPTfOIT, ANAEMIA, CKJT tIiL HftlLhf. BWFFLB ASD TIIHOAT TF. VH9MMH. and ail WAMislo bisrtubEiis OP mu>m It 1h niarrcllou. In If O.MZ Freccribed and endorsed by tUelioat lliyelclana Hi the countries of the worldL For ky «l| Drscfl«(«* SMmd for Pamphlet on Want ins Disease*. Ad 6nm> SCOTT Jb BOWSE. New York. The Reason Why you should send your order for any kind of Kye or Bourl on Whiskey, Brandy, (iln. Wines, &c.. to J. Schumacher, No. »u Liberty St., Pitts burg, Pa ~ is because he keeps the best and pur est goods in that line, and sells them at lower prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Kye. 82.00 per gallon. Four year old Pure Rve, 82.n0 per gallon. Five year old Pure Itye, 63.00 per gallon. From 6 to 8 year old Pure Rye *!.<» to $5.00 per gallon. The purest imported Wines. Brandies and Gins prescribed by physicians for medical purpose*. Goods shipped to all parts of the country. No charge for package. Call or write aud give me a trial order and you will after that deal with no other house. Send money with order, by registered letter or P. O. order. U.S. Revenue laws prohibit shipping goods C, O. 1). Respectfully JACOB SCHUMACHKB, 9G4 Liberty St.. Pittsburg, Pa. Cystore located two minutes walk from Un ton Depot. JDZEZtTTISTIR, *. 0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the Phila • delphla Dental College, Is prepared to do anything r.i the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Ofllce on Main street, Butler, Union Block up stairs. J. S. LUSKj M.O.j Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his offlce at No. », Main St.. three doors t>elow Lowry House. apr-30-tf. DR. E, C. McCURDY, l*byslclan and Surgeon, Ofllccon Main St., over Kemper's store. Butler, - - Penn'a. Dr. 8. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession' execut ed 111 the neatest manner. Specialties :—Gold Killings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Ofllce oa Jeffcrhon Street, one ilonr East of Lowry House, l'|i Stairs. Office open dally, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, K. B.—The only Dentist in Dutier using the best makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYER3, PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON Office No. 05 South Main Street, BUTLER, - l'A. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLER, ZPEINTZSr'^ A J FRANK k CO, DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ART ICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac. £pr-physicians' Prescriptions carefully com pounded, and orders answered with cure ana dispatch. ("lrstocK of medicines Is complete warranted f suuine, and ol the best quality. 45 South Main Street, .B'UTJLE'R,, ■ IPA. FOR SALE A large frame boarding house, good location and doing large business. Terms easy. Tor further particulars Inquire of L. S. Mt JI NKIN, IJE. Je.Tirsoii S»., Butler, Pa. AFFLICTED woUNFORTUN&Tf After till otliers fall oorisult Dr. LOBB N. 16th St., belowC&llov/hill, Phiia., Pa. 30 years experience in all HPEC'I AL diseases. Per manently restores those weakened by early indiscre tions,&c. Call or write. Advice free and strictly con fidential. IMurs: n a.®, till?,and 7to 10evening*. iirr puarnnteed ■ » J 11||| dll.J «Ahv Dr. .1. B. May lillljallJll Hi Kll Arch Sr. ImmUHUMUIM I'^ise No operation or business delay. Thousands 01 cures. At Keystone House, Reading. Pa.. 2nd Saturday of each month. Send lor circulars. Advice free. TELE OITTZEIST. MISCELLANEOUS G&s. In 1827 there lived in Washington County, Pa., a farmer by the name of McCook, an uncle, pays the Pitts burg Times, of the famous General Anson O. McCook, the present Sec retary of the United States Senate. McCook's farm was situated on the old national pike, eight or ten miles out of Brownsville. In attempting to dig a well a short distance back from the pike he struck a large flow of natural gas. This by accident became ignited, and the flame it gave forth scared the horses passing on the pike, and many runaways occur red. This weni on for some time, until the authorities in that section parsed an ordinance stigmatizing It as a nuisance, and compelling Mc- Cook to suppress it as such, which he did. Thus what we now con sider the greatest discovery of the nineteenth century, just half a cen tury ago the citizens of Washington County considered the greatest nui sance. Ex-Senator Ferry, of Michigan, who failed in 1882 for $1,500,000, has since worked hard and paid off $1,200,000 of his ddbt. A Dakota Hotel Card. A Dakota hotel card is reproduced bj the Dakota Bell: Cady House, Mayville, Dakota. Accommodations for 730 guests (during the year—two at a time). Three elevators (can be seen from the front doori. Hot and cold water (cold water for guests- -proprietor always in hot water). Bells throughout the house (they were threw out last year. Music at all meal* (Chin music). Give Them A Chance ! That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breatbiog Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thou sands of little tubes and cavities lead ing from them, When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. Tbere is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrop, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if every-thing else has failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. —lt is stated that the Episcopal Church of Ireland has 640,000 mem bers, while the Presbyterian has 471- 000 members, and the Methodist 49- 000. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specifiic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person tuking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio. —Herman Strieker, of Reading, Pa , has refused an offer of $13,000 for his collection of butterflies, said to be the largest and most varied in existence. Fortify The Body agaiust disease. This is readily done by purifying the system with Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills. Theu there need be no fear of Chills and Fever, Bil ious Attacks, Rheumatism or Ner vous Debility. —Early morning loungers now seek the sunny spots. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, For Lung Troubles and Wasting Diseases. Dr. J. Simonaud, New Orleans, La., says: "Scott's Emul sion is the finest preparation of the kind. In affections of the lungs and other wasting diseases, we may con sider it our most reliable agent. In a perfectly elegant and agreeable form." —Men may be fussy, but women fihow more bustle. —I bavo been a great sufferer from catarrh for over ten years; bad It very bad, could hardly breathe. Some nights I could not Bleep— bad to walk tho floor I purchased Ely's Cream Balm and am using it freely, it is working a cure surely. I have advised several friends to use it, and with happy results in every case. It is the one medicine above all others made to cure catarrh, and it is worth its weight in gold. I thank God I have found a remedy I can use with safety and that does all that is claim ed for it. It i 3 curing my deafness— B. W. Sperry, Hartford, Conn. —Farmers say that cider will be a scarce article this fall. —Do you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or other bumorß? Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. 100 doses one dollar. —Customer—"lwould like to look at a fat goose." Shop boy —"If "you wait a minute missus will be here." —Scene: Grammar class. Dialo gue between teacher and Johnuie. Teacher What is the future of 'be drinks?' Johnnie: "He is drunk." —lt is an old story, but worth re membering—the Quaker's considera tion for his better-half: "All the world is queer except thee and me, and ttee is a little queer." —"Paul," said bis mamma, "will you go in tho parlor aud see if grand pa is asleep?" "Yss, mamma, whis pered Puul on his return, '• be is a eleep all but his nose." —"Have jou read 'Half Hours with insects?' linked Bromley. 'No," sadly n plied PompaDo, with a retro spective glenm in his eye, "but I know what it means." —A young humanitarian (hearing bagpipes for the first time) : "O ma ma, couldn't you interfere? There's a horrid man equeeezing something under his arm ar.d ho is hurting it BO!" HUMPHREYS' W D 2. ETJMPHEETS' ECOS VJfiAl Cloth & Cold Binding m JMaIH ■ l*i wiU Sud bpsilan ■(■■H I bailed rui. B«ißi<».av.. In us® 30 T<-»rs.-Special Prywription. of an eminent PhJ*icuui. telmple. Sato ana Pure. »OS. CCBKB. 1 Fever*. Congestion. Inflammation*.. .a» M Worm*. Worm lever. VVorni C'olie... 3 trying Colic, or Teething of Infanta .25 4 Diarrhea of Children or Adulw I SGSZIiZiS:? : - :|| I Toot^.' Jaee,acb. /. *.§» 9 Headaches. Sick Ueadadie." "|f 10 DvaDepsla. Bilioua Stomach • II Supp?e«el or Painful Period.. .« 12 Whites, too Profuse periods... 13 C'rmip. C'ouKh, Difficult Brer-tbinir.... *25 14 LTftheum. E ? .ipel-• " 15 ltheumatl.nl. Rheumatic P««- 16 Fever and Ague. Chills. Jlalaria .ou 17 Pile.. Blind or HOMEOPATHIC IRTa»ar3raSltSTJThn!si7rTi3^^ ao Whooping Cough. Violent Co««h».. SI Asthma. Oppreswd Breathing...... •»« as Ear Dixchargea, Impaired Hearing .»» 33 Hcrofula. tnlarftsd OUudf- Swelling '[j 24 UeneralVlebllltv, Physical Weakness .SO 25 Dropsy, and Scanty 30 36 Bea glcVneas. Sickness tram Biding .» ST Hidaey Dlaeaae - • • 2M \erroua Debility. 1 OO D6M, or Involuntary Discharges... 12 KM.KMjj.Bed;:: :Jo 35 i'tornnir tf'ongfillonw AKru^timiß^ S P E OIF I cW. 6nld by Druggists, or sent post paid_an price -lUMPHBEVS'BEDinXKCOIWFiiJtMSt^II HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC VETEBINABY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 1.500 PAGE BOOK on Treat. eBHi / went of Anlmala and \|| y Chart Went Frea. "forsale OR EXCHANGE. Two farms, one lias 112 acres fine, rich, level land,with house, barn, &e., also 270 acres of K<xxl, rich land adapted to dairy, stoek or jirain has a Kood house and three bank bams. Both, near a prosperouous Peunsyluania city. Good mortgages wanted on farms. J. H. STEVENSON'S &Co's Agency, 100 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. FARM FOR SALE In sugarcreek township, Armstrong countj. near Adams P. 0., one and one-fourth mile east of the new oil development in Sugarcreek twp. Farm contains 100 ACRES, with bank barn, 32xco feet; BRICK HOUSE, 18x3c feet, 2 stories, with cellar, frame kitchen, 14x16 feet; good spring of water, farm well wa tered. good orchard of grafted fruit. Farm In a good state of cultivation. About 75 ACRES CLEARED, balance In good timber. Will sell extremely low for cash. For particulars Inquire of J. It. WICK, Klmersburg, Clarion Co., Pa, THEALLENP/ITENTWASHER Why it is Superior to all Others. 1.1 ITS being enclosed It retains the high 101. temperature so necessary In removing the dirt from the goods, o.j THERE being no Friction on the £IIU. clothing to wear It. q p H THE peculiar action of the water In the OrU. Machine (which cannot be understood unless one sees It) forcing a strong current of water through the clothing at every vlrbratlon of the Agitator, (which Is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machine. AIL AND best of all Is that a child of four years *rlll. can do the work It being so light that the operator sits down while doing It. Machines and county and Township Rights throughout the State of Pennsylvania, sold by SHIR AS & HAYS, Butler, Pa s-19-ly EUREKA SPRINGS SAEGERTOWN, PA. This already Famous llesort, llioujjli but ;i lit tle over tliree years old, lias met with an unpar alleled patronage bv tin; MfcBITS OF ITS WATERS— tIie cures performed. There is 110 other Resort 011 the continent where Itheciriatism, Dyspepsia, Kidney Disease, Scrofula, Blood and skin Dis eases, Diabetes, Female Troubles, et«„ are so successfully treated. A complete cjre is the rule, where a cure is possible. It is a de lightfully cool and pleasant Kesott for TIIB PI.KASCBK SKKKKH as well as for tile afflicted. Hotel accommodations first class—rales reason able. Excursions rates on all leading It. It. II lustrated pamphlets coiitnininj; full informaion in noitl to place and treatment sens bee on application. Address KL'ICKKA MIMKIIAL SPRI.NCS CO., LlMirjED. 8-5-8t SAECKRTOWN, PA, m FARM FOB m. lii Franklin twp., half way between I'rospect and Wliitestown. on the Pittsburg and Franklin road, contains fourteen aud a quarter acres, has Kood buildings— A New Frame House 1 (iooil barn and all other necessary outbuildings. Land all level, and in good state of cultivation, good well water, both hard and soft, anil good orchard of alt kinds of fruit. For price and terms apply to me at my furniture store in I'ros pect. c. M. EDMUNDSON. 9-2-3 m Wanted. We want a few live men to take orders for a full line of choice nursery stock. Our stock is all selected and guar anteed first class. We ,fur nish a handsome Outfit FBEE, also l'ruit SAMPLES in SEASON. A WORKER never fails witli us. Don't delay but write at once for terms, (f*c. to EDW. O. GRAHAM, NURSERYMAN, Rochester, N. Y. ~LK McJUiNKIN," Insurance and Real Estate A«l Fire, Life and Accident Insurance written at this cilice. AIHO, Desirable Building Lots, Dwelling Houses and Farms for sale. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. Planing Mill YND— Lumber "V" ard J. L. PCRVI3. L. O. PUKVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co. MANUFACTIIIEKS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Flaned Lumber OF KVICKY DESUIUFTION. FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SAfcjH, DOOIiS, KLLOItINO, SIDJNG, BATTENS, ; BrackGts,Guag6d Cornice Boards. | SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YAKD Cath «fic(!laur(tii AHVKiDTICFDC or others,who wish to examine Air Vfell I lOEIIw this paper, or obtain estimates on advertising whon in Chicago, will find it on file at tie Advertising ;LORD& THOMAS. 188"? % 188T FOR FALL AND WINTER YOU WILL FIND AT JOHN BICKEL'S, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, - - IW., One of the largest and most complete lines of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS Ever offered to the trade. Anticipating an unusually large trade this fall I bought accordingly and my store is filled to its utmost capac ity awaiting your arrival to make your pur chases for fall and winter which you should do as early as possible while the selection is large and the stock full and complete. Mens' and Boys' Kip Boots. I am happy to inform the trade that my stock of Boots is per fect in every particular and cannot help being appreciat ed for I took special care in selecting them, feeling that this line of goods above all others should be selected with the most care possible. They are here and fully up to my idea of a Boot for a man or boy who has to be out in all kinds of weather in the winter. My Common Kip Boots are all cut of the famous Walker Oakley Kips of Chicago, and every pair warranted to turn water and stay soft and pliable. I have the utmost confidence in these Boots knowing so well the grade of stock they are made from. I feel perfectly safe in recommending them to my trade. Prices on this particular line is Mens' Hand Peg, Hand sided Kip Boots, $2.25; Boys' $1.75, Youths' $1.2-3, Clnldrens' 90 cts. My cheaper boots arc all cut from first class stock, prices lroin 50 to 75 cts, lower than other grades. LIOILS', MISSES' AND CBILDMS' SHOES. This line of goods is thoroughly complete both in fine and common shoes. Every day shoes for pvrsous that require a good strong shoe I have them made from Oak Kip, and the very best tannery Calf every pair pefectly water proof and servicable. The Childrens' School bhoes are all made extra high cut ot good Calf skin and Oil Goat both being waterproof secures for them a very important thing and that is dry feet, at all times in the winter. In Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes an in spection will convince you that they are all that I claim for them □food Goods, Correct Styles and Perfect Fitting And prices on all these goods are greatly reduced since last year. Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes are fully 15 per cent, below last year's prices and Childrens' High Cut School Shoes are selling at same price the Low Cut goods sold at belbre. In oflering this line of goods I feel justly proud that I am able to place them on sale at the remarkable low price at which they arc to be sold. Mens' Fine Seamless Shoes, I wish particularly to call your attention to a line ol fine seam less shoes in Button, Bal. or Congress, Tip or Plain Toe. I have lines that are much cheaper and some that are higher price, but this one line I consider a Special Bargain having bought 07 cases of these fine shoes at less than first cost I have placed them on sale for $1.50 a pair. They are worth con siderable more money and you had better secure a pair before they are all gone. List of Some of my Specialties Ladies' nprinj? heel Shoes and Slippers. Ladies' felt sole Slioe.s and Slippers, Old Ladies' warm shoes and slippers, Ladies' line Beaver cloth button shoe warm lined hand turned—a perfect success. Mens' low instep Boots in Kip and Calf, Mens' Felt Boots, Mens' Beaver Boots, Mens' Duck Boots—warm and waterproof. BOOTS and SHOES MADE to ORDER My capacity for making strictly hand made Boots and Shoes is the largest in Western Pennsylvania. All work warranted and fit guaranteed. 500 Pair Shop Boots on hand which maites it very convenient for any who cannot wait to have their Boots m;idc. 1 hey are all made of French Kip, Box toe and plain, three or four soles, extra high in the leg. A full stock of shop made Shoes always on hand in Button, Bal. and Congress. pairing both Rubber and Leather (JJOOGS. stSr*Leathre and Findings less than City prices. BOSTON RUBBER GOODS Only. As Boston Rubber Shoe Go's goods are the best goods in the market experience has taught me that there is nothing to be made by handling those low priced Rubbers. So 1 have concluded to handle Boston goods and the juice I will sell them at puts them within the reach of all. Every pair oi Rubber Boots and Shoes in my house have been made this vear and all plainly stamped Boston Rubber Shoe Co. MENS' RUBBER BOOTS, Bostons, $2.35, including a pair of good heavy slippers. The above price cannot be dupli cated. Boys' Rubber Boots $1.85, Bostons' Youths' $1.25, Womens' $1.35, Childrens'DO cts,, Misses $1,15. MENS' BUCKLE ARCTICS, Bostons, SI.OO. A full line of Warm Over-shoes for Men, Boys, Ladies and Children. Prices guaranteed to be lower than than any other house in Butler county. Goods warranted to be Boston Rubber Co. goods made this year. No limit to the supply. When you come to the Fair or Reunion, or at any time call and see me, Yours Very Uruly, JOHN BICKEL. 22 Soutb Main Street. ASKS YOU IS While other merchants are einping their own praises, we cause our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, <ur go«.d» second to none, in fact superior to many utually kept atd sold as THE BEST. "l?utler aad surrounding country needed such a store as this," is the general eucourngiag words nur customers srive us, "and people will be fast findinjr it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest gar meat is sewed with, first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up ia a substantial manner Our medium and better grades taku rank with any Custom-made in the way of fitting and make up. while our FIXE DIIESS SiJITS must be i-een to he appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state tfcut we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everythicg pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on haud. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Ilats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE GEOR6B REIBES 3LOGE, Miaiii Htreet, Ha tier* IPa. 1830 m ESTABUSEJSD ' m 'IB6O En n wn THE > li It AXjJQ , J EW E L JE It . Ko. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, GBAND OPEBING OF SPED SB. Diamonds, Ladies'aud Gents' Gold and Silver Watches O&JPV I >o P er Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque'with Floral Ornament fi Mfs W 6 L? Uliia 3 g tion, MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks CJ-|I*7£V"WTITO G Rnarn Qlf T7 DoQ,t fftil t0 sec 3 *' ne °' Goods, as it is the largest UllVul W dil v 3 (\i VaCLI Ujr t and most complete stock eycr shown in Butler. pvT) SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, ia Gold, Silver and Steel frames, UiX vJT O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Remember .we Warrant all €2oo<l* as Kepresenlcd. > free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. No- 19. North Main Street, - - - BUTLER, tVA., YOUR ATTE XT ION Called to my of c belies, Clocks, Jewelery, SIL¥SRWaaB, 45P22C€51«i33, &c„ All of which have been selected with great care for JpSSk • OUR TRADE. lllaßyil jtMIVES,. FORKS, SPOONS," SC., SC.. JmJj&xM |Sar All goods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well I T T> r*DTT?T)'C3 union lock, ii, UiILU) O, No. 16, S.. Main Street. lUlill Watch cASiJ sigw electric bell 1 ' tA ' a F, ' EE —K BUTLER to B\ ll r KAUFUANN'S GHAKODEPOT,thelargest^^Vf^^ Jf '"'¥s> Vj'A and most enterprising Clothing. Shoe, Hat v|Wßfm? •''w ; and Furnishing Goods House, Fifth Aver.ua iWtfO' Z'W'H'.A and Sinithlield Street. Pittsburg, will pay the full Railroad Fare to every resident of xi&K'A J* \-/'y*WW S \ BUTLER or vicinity, making V, a purchase of not less than *•» 1 fj To people wishing to order goods by mail, w ' —•-"" Kaufmann's beautifully illustrated Fashion " ■ a""'-'"'- *4 Book v*iil be mailed gratis, on application. .gg§B|j^BEFORE WETHERILL'S *jr Artistic Designs. L Houses, I Queen Anno Cottages, Suburban Residences, Ktc. t recti vc combinations ?n*'r a th<> °f oolorH iu bouse iftMrf I f your dealer lias not p>ck»(a \S>~"i;otour portfolio ask him • to send to uaforone. You 'ATLAS' 1 -5F NJ CHU then FEE exactly liow READY- \ g your house will appear MIXED \ " ■l' J when finished. PAINT \ J\ I Dolhls an usc"Atlas" tO RlTft l»t- ' V* 4 Ready-Mixed Paint and !n --jafamion, \ sure yourself satisfaction. ••dfturMtoS t.m our guarantee. S«is»\ f ylLliet.t,Merill4Co, P«ißii'iu»ea j | i WhHa Lead and Paint (CJPI 66 NORTH FRONT SI. PHILADELPHIA, VA. SOLD BY J. C. REDICK, Sole Agent, BuJler, - - l'a. f \ DOCTORS LAKE mm I PRIVATE DISPENSARY /§MH.JLY OFFICES, !««; PENN AVE. ' PITTSBURGH, PA. - H All fornmof TVlleatonnd Com plicated Diseases reipiii inf? CoN cutlon are treated AT tlii > I'i )M II :TI v witbiihUC CCAS nnlj attained. Dr.B. K. Lake Is a member of the Itoval < • >!!. : •• ol rhVfleliiii < and .Mir; eoiui, and i the o'd- »U:':.d niwt e\|«i iem i• I M'l < 111.- IST 111 the ritv. t»l • <i;i 1 lit tent ion jrn' ■> t" N'lv our. lii'l.ility trnm c\ce Mvc mental cvri inn, hi dlM-retiainsof \o-.it>>. A'-., eaminK pin K :il mid ti I ill t: 11 <!<<:■ V,'|:M !. of eiurt'V, «!■■' P'»"i. in y, etc.; ■i' I ann-is,«>'.d (-«'! >s, • il-. I'ili s. Itlii uiu.il, m and ail ili-ra.n ol theSktn, Wood, I.IIUKS, T rin arv Organs, Ac. Consultation free and utrlrtty confidential. Office hours !> to 4 and 7to K p.m.; Sundays St t<> 4 p.m. only. < all at office or address S.K.Lakk,M.I>. I M.R.C.P.s. or K.J.l.akk, M.D. GET THE BEST! STONE PUMPS. Manufactured by .J nines MeXccs at Ilallston, Butler County, Pa. The ouly Pump that leaves the water AJiSOIiUTEIjY fe"l T ISIO. They arc the most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION in every respect". JAMKS 3ioi\l£:EN, KEIBTEK Jr*. Q., Sutler Co., Fa PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensin{, r l) J, Arrasene AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, lleo lessons in «im ) given by ANNIE M W)WMAN,„Nor«i iticet, Butler, I'a. ihSOJ-i! SURVE Y I NG LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing ol old litict). Address, 11. F. lIIMJARD, Co. hnru'jor North Hope V. <)., Butler C<>., Pa. Myu>l* t Convertible Wire Basket can be cbauged into lfto ti«rfiil t'AKMIREEN ME'U ««-. H2B I'KAIIL (ST., CLEVELAND, O. WANTED-LADY, , 1 , an <»1«1 llnit. Itefcrrti<H*«i rvMtiJivtl. I'ernui j« nt |> • itlon tui<l 4f ovti tfulurj-. OAY LiCUJi., 14 Dure la* fct., S. V. BUTLER COUNTY Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •?. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TUKAUUKKU 11. C. IIEINEM AN, SECKETARY. DIRECTORS: J. I, Purvis, SNNIIWL Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. linrkliart. A. Ttnutnian, Henderson Oliver, <i. C. LJIH-SSIINF, .1 :imes StcpIU'IINON, Dr. W. Irvln. X. Weil/el, J. 1". Taylor. 11. 0. ilelncman, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen. Az'i BTJTIjIiIR, PA. Q'A L E S M E\T i 1 \v>v:\ r ri«:i > l\ ' It) r.l!i - I iHi • J!< «>f \ur- ' m*rv S'<>< »< ! Sti».| < % m; !oVin»ml !. SAI.\BV AM) i:\I»KN Is '»\ll» \;il uim*; 1 . stii'lna?<\ < K'irr fo tMs p.ijV i Chase Brothers Co., you can find s :i li! • in I'm • k ii ; I '!•«• I -m :ni of aREMIHGTOIT BROS. who wi'i contract tor UIIYCJ tiaiu£ 1 !• ititii. tames WHITE The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans E:.; ition. Guaran teed absolutely pup-, and for general household purposes is the very best WEST PS Mil HOUSE. This hotel, just :t! 1;. sir. et from the de pot. lias bee.' n lilted i the new, ami I alt prepared to a.eooniiaoua.te the tr.-.\> uiv public. NUDIBfiBT TIE M ( DAY OR WEEK. Good Ilooms, good atu-uiion. good stabling rates moderate. For further Informal i.'-n enquire on tt l prclllis' S Of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor ni tißmfiwßii STOKE in Butler, three doors west of West Fenn Depot. Having opened a fresh stock oi (JIiOCEKI KS consist in;; of Cotree, Teas. Sugar. Syrup, Spit es. Canned Goods of ;.!! kinds. Hams, Isaci.ii, Lard, &c., &c„ Tobacco and Ci^ai'.s, FLOt'ii of best brands sir.d iow prices ; also, full line of lvllngler's popular brands of family llmir constautlj on hands. HAY. OATS, t'OKN and FEUD of all kinds at lowest figures, So. I. Salt, B.otvcr any other House in fiuikr. Country Produce wanted for which the highest l<ri> e wiil be paid. Call and examine our slock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. KSARHS & CO., 70 East Jefferson St, - - Butler Pa. J. 11. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BXJTLEK, - - I^, 2-4-87-ly FURNITURE! FUHNITURL! Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKEKS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at Ho. 40. NCRTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Fnrnitofe Store 11ST BUTLER, W. F.MILLSR. B. & B. Wo bog to announce opening of our Fall and Winter Importation oi French and German DRESS GOODS, HIGH ART NOVELTIES, KO BESj HABIT CLOTHS, COSTUME CLOTHS, Fancy Silks, Velvot Plushes, etc. Also. In Cloak ami Suit. V partinent inostcom nioto line in ( M.II«V< assortment of Ladles', Misses' and Children's Wraps, Fall Jarkoln, IVeniiiarkelM. Knclnns, Phi Mli Sacqnos, and Best Standard Makes of London-Dyed Seal Sacques, Sea! Jackets, WUAI'S and NEW SABKKTS. Tills slock of Fall Dry Goods. both Fancy and fctaple, for i legance 111 :.t> !-• and quality, Corn ell it ae.v hi assort ni'ni., and best values as to pi ie"s. will in-excelled by ncne In the country— Kast or West. Our Illustrated Fall and Winior Catalogue, Season of lssi-s. for gratuitous dlstrlbut ion, will b'reaib aiioul Oct. l. ai> 1 will contain BO to w pa':"S. "s\l'J Inches, Willi complete? line of cuts, representing the Leadin;: Fashionable .styles In Garments. Wrai eta.. a IJevlew and Des criptive i'rlce of Pi;. <;"ods. Furnishings, etc., which will be vubia'ilc to you In making purchases of your f;.!l s i ; >;>lles. send us on I'■ e l iil i aid vour name i P. o. Address for coir,- of tills llliistra < • C;.i: iogue. Sept. J.I to Oct. I' I < R state Fa!:' will lo held at i;.v's,.sitli.n ,»„r: Mfeghrny. <m. lis Grand Arm> l>a.<. c , t MHHIII numerous cheap esc if-lons w il. tie run to I'iltsbuig and Alhrlieny. We invite our p./rou- .n:l public generally. « iien !II lie cltv :f i In.- ii: t or other times, to led perils 11y free to inak" our store room their headquarters for meeting of friends, appoint ments, etc. Thor.mgHy organlwd M. ,1 Order Department for benellt oi our manv customers living at a ills'aiiee. Will seud .-am >!• - »r now Falltioods to any ad.lie. I/n.e,;. prices marked on ev, ry thing. BOGUS £ BUHL, 115, 11/, 119,121 Fatal SI, Alleghcujfi Fa n iinaasii. ii bsteT, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - PA. Near New Court House formerly lioualdmn ilnnsc >ed aeconiiiiod.itions lor traxclc/s. Good stabling connected. [I-'J- VG I> j II I ITKNMI I-M'-lt. Prop r. For Drot Gravel, Blight's, Heart. I rlnf rv o. U\er Disea es, N' rvou? in S AC. cure tiuar aiiteeil. onieefctl Arch sir. I. I bll icb Ipliln. ft per lioltle. I'l for $5. At. liriuckftKl.s. rry It. rtise in the CITIZEN
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