the citizen • JOHN H. * w. C. NEC LEY, PROPRIETORS. C 9CBIPTION RATR9--VOSTAGK PREPAID : One year „ Six months „ Three months K.Urad »t P—frf »t Batler ■» U t Ui^iUer FRIDAY^SEPTEMBER 2.^*87. Republican State Ticket. FOR SUPREME JUDGE. HENRY W. WILLIAMS. SOB STATE TREASURER. WILLIAM B. HART. Republican County Ticket, FOR SHERIFF, -—OLIVER C. REDIC. FOR PROTHOKOTARY, JOHN D. HARBISON. REGISTER dc RECORDER, H. ALFRED AYRES. FOR TREASURER. AMOS SEATON. COUNTY COM MISS IONEBS, A. J. HUTCHISON, B. M. DUNCAN. FOR €LEBK OF COURTS, REUBEN McELVAIN. FOR AIDITORf, ROBERT A, KINZER. ISAAC S. P. DEWOLFE. FOR COROXEB, ALEXANDER STOREY. Cot Fbkd Grant, son of Gen. Grant, has been nominated by the Republicans of the Stata of New York for the office of Secretary of State, the principal office to be filled this year, AT the first day of the Centennial st Philadelphia, Civil and Industrial Display day, there were in procession 21,029 people, 2106 musicians, 2099 hones and 497 floats and wagons drawn in many cases by six horses aod containing graphic descriptions of exhibits. At the General Council of the English Lutheran Chureh, held at Greenville, P*-, recently, the follow ing facts as to the growth of that Church were made known. The General Council of Lutherans number 993 ministers, 1,835 congre gations, and 258,408 communicant membeis. Tue whole Lutheran Chnrch in America numbers with its adherents, about 5,000.000 souls, their edncational and charitable insti tution? are as follows: Twenty-six Colleges, with 180 pro fessors, and 2,660 students. 36 acad emies, baring 130 professors, and 2, 430 students. 25 Theological semi naries, with 61 professors and 671 stndenta. 13 ladies' seminaries, with 97 professors and 1,004 students. Total higher institutions of learning, 99, with 468 professors, and 6,755 pu pils. There are 2,151 congregational schools; number of pupils not known. There are 35 orpbana' homes, with •bout 1,600 inmates: three homes for aged and infirm: number of in mates not known. Ten hospitals for sick aud wounded, with over 1,200 inmates. Six immigrant houses car ing for over thirty thousand a year. Total charitable institutions, 54, with over 32, 800 inmates. Its periodicals are 126 in the Eng lish, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, and Icelandic lan guages. The representatives extend from Nova Scotia to Texas. W. D. BRANDON, Esq , who recent ly returned home here from bis trip to Europe, states some thing* he ob served that (co to show that the old country is still behind the new one. For instance, in some parts visited he saw more women at work in the fields than men. The women not only help to gather the crops but to put them In. In small fields or lots of ground they are to be seen digging with some kind of a hoe, preparing the ground for the new crops. But little plowing is done, as herp. As re gards the crops taken off women gener ally market them in small carts, pushed by themselves with the aid of dogs attached. The marketing to the towns or cities is done in this way. Large numbers of these little carts are to be seen at market place s, the railroads being seldom used to con vey marketing as is done in this country. At the same time farms or fields are more highly improved than in this country, everything about them look ing clean and neat, and not a tillable foot of earth but what is worked No fences as a general thing exist One farmer or tiller will cut or work up to bis line and there stop. What looked a little strange to an Ameri can was to see a soldier pacing up and down in the farming or rural districts, apparently to guard tbem. This was the case especially near the borders of certain provinces. Through the coun try everything has an old or Qnibhed look and in this consists the great con trast between the old and this country, where everything looks new or as just begun. As to storms upon the ocean, of which bis vessel experienced some heavy ones on the returning trip, they are peculiar in that they come up suddenly. You have no signs of warning of their coming, as upon the land. Yon bear thunder and but seldom see lightning. The daily papers in Europe must geoerally be obtained at news stands upon the streets and are not carried about and sold by boys as here. Their papers are so filled with their own matters transpiring that they seem to give but litttle attention to anything transpiring in the United States, many of tbem apparently not jet knowing that there is such a place as the United States. These and many other interesting matters that Mr. Brandon states might be of interect to our readers did time and •paet permit giving tbem. About the Fair. Another Butler Fair has come and gone and all agree it was the largest and best yet had. More people were supposed to be in Butler on Thurs day, the third day of the Fair, last week, than on any former day in our history. To see the people coming and returning in their buggies, wag ons and other conveyances it was a wonder where they all camo from. While the success of the Fair was thus great this success itself brought to light some improvements much needed for the future. The first and most importaut of these brought out distinctly is the need ot more road ways for reaching the grounds. The only road now for vehicles to the grounds, from where the same con nects with or leaves the main, or New Castle road, is a narrow one and in some places is unsafe when crowded, especially to persons on foot. We are told that on several occasions last week persons walking to the Fair came near being run over. There is no side or foot walk, and fast drivers rush along and often so close to the fences as to endanger life. This road should not only be improv ed but enlarged if possible. Besides this, other roads to the ground might be opened which would facilitate the means of reaching it. A isitors from the whole southern end of the coun ty would be saved near a mile in travel if a short cut way was opened acrossthe valley of tbecreek from town. As it is they have to take a round of almost a circuit, to some of them. Another road needed would be one on the west of the ground so that persons from that part of the county could enter without traveling so far around as they now have to do. This could be accomplished by en larging the grounds which we are pleased to learn the managers of the Fair have in contemplation of doing. They should own the ground out to what is known as the Pearce road. It would put the ground in better shape and the Fair last week showed an enlargement is already demand ed. Some are also of the opinion that there should be more conveniences erected in the way of seats and shel ters. Many women with children aod aged persons were much fatigued last week io not finding a seat to set and rest upon. Then in case of a sudden storm or heavy rain coming up the want of sheltering places might be severely felt. Such an event on Thursday of the Fair might have created a panic among so large a crowd as might have resulted in personal injury to many. With the enlargement of the grounds these sheltering places and seats could be provided. More water and water closets it is said should alto be pro vided. These suggestions are made in the interest of the Fair, The one just had proves the growing interest tak en in it and the probable increase of numbers at it in the future. We presume a list of the premi ums granted will be published. Ibis should be done, that all exhibitors as well as the public may know the suc cessful ones. There were so many exhibitors and ao great a variety of articles on the ground that it would be impossible for us, or for any pa per, to give all of them by name. V\ e think it would pay the management to have them published. Visitors at the Re-union. N. P. Reed, Esq, of the Pittsburg Commercial Gazette came over to see the Re-union ceremonies. His many friends here were glad to see him. Addison J. Brinker, Esq of Alle gheny City, a former "Butler boy," was here to see the Re-nnion. He is now one ot the honored Aldermen of Allegheny City, which is another confirmation of the old saying '"that Butler is a good place to be born in, but to remove from a3 earlv in life as possible." Rcy. Dr. Loyal Young came from Little Washington to participate in the Re union exercises and mingle with his old friends of this place. He is always welcome here. His fervent blessing at the opening of the banquet was very appropriate and heard distinctly by all in the vast banquet hall. Capt. Charles B. Gillespie, of Freo port, was another of ''Butler's old boys" who all were glad to see and greet here on Wednesday. lie was always a patriot and is now a suc cessful physician at Freeport. Hon. George W. McCracken, edi tor of the New Castle Guardian, was among the neighbors of near counties present at the Re-union and was a welcome visitor. James Campbell, Esq. of Green ville, Pa. was another old Butler boy present. Many more old friends were here whose names we do not now recall. Mr. Robert McNair, youngest son of Ae late General Robert McNair of this county, came all the way from Olympia, Washington Territory, his present home, to attend the Reuuion of the llth Reserves. Mr. McNair was a member of D. and was born here in Butler about 45 years ago. He came all the way, about 3,500 miles, by rail and states you can go from Washington Territory to Pitts burgh with only two changes of car?. Mr. W J. Halderman, son of the late Samuel Halderman of Allegheny Twp., came from Nebraska, his preaant home, to attend the Reunion. He was a member of Co. "C." —Mr. William Lardin, of Clinton Tp, was one of the old citizens of the county present to witness the Reun ion. —William Black, of Marion Tp., wan among the old citizens of the county, who came to Butler to wit ness the Reunion ceremonies of the llth Reserves. Mr. Black has reach ed 77 years of age- The ceremonies at tho banquet eloped at about 12 o'clock aud when we left Reuben McElvain was re sponding to a toast, giving "reminis cences of the war" in the German language. Pennsylvania's Governors since the Constitution Was Adopted. Following the ratification of the National Constitution cametho Stata Constitution of 1700 Our Gover nors have been as follows: Thomas Mifllin 1700—1799 Thomas McKean 1799—1808 Simon Snyder 1808—1817 William Findlay ...... 1817—1820 Joseph I leister 1820—1823 John Andrew Shult/. 1823 1829 George Wolf 1829—1835 Joseph Ritner 1836—1839 David Rittenliouse Porter 1839—1845 Francis Rawn Bhunk 18-15—1813 Win. Freame Johnston 1848—1852 Wm. Biffler 1852—1855 James Pollock 1855—1858 Wm. Fisher Packer 185S—18<>l Andrew Gregg Curtin 18fil—18<>7 John White (Jeary 18C7—1873 John Ferd. Ilirtranft 1873—1879 Henry Martyn Hoyt 1879—188! Robert K.tPattison 1883—1887 Jamea A. Beayer 1887— COMMUNICATIONS. Allegheny Twp., News. EDS CITIZEN —Near the center of thi-j township is a village called Six Points— there are fix roads leading direct to it, thus torming Six Points. Saturday, September 10th 13.*<7, the Six lloads were thronged with citi zens of the surrounding community who were making a point to come to Six Points hotel which is the resi dence of .Mr. and Mrs. E E. Parks. This large concourse of neighbors and friends made it a point to meet at the Points, in honor of the 45th birthday of Mrs. E E. Parks, the landlady ot the Six Points Hotel. A half hour passed away pleasantly greeting and shaking hands with each other. Then a number of good men made it a point to erect a large table as near the center of the six points as possible, and a like number of good women made it a point to furnish the table with as good a din ner as has ever been given in this township. Dinner was soon in read iness, and the guests were invited to take their places at the table. Mr. and Mrs. Parks were escorted to the table, by Col. 0. C. Redio, Mr. Henry Kohlmeyer was called upon who ask ed a blessing; then every one appear ed to manage affairs to suit themsel ves. After dinner the meeting was organized choosing Mr. Henry Kohl mever president; and John Thomas, Esq , secretary. The meeting was opened with prayer by sec'y. followed with able speeches by Messrs. James McClintock, Col. O. C. Kedic and Hon. Henry Kohlmeyer. There was presented to the honored landlady a number of valuable presents, gifts by her neighbors and friends as a mem orial of 45th birthday. Col. Redic returned thenks on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. and family, to the donors of the presents and to all who participated in this pleasant affair. During the day and evening there were 215 per sons present. At the dinner table, and in all the exercises of the day, old and young, rich and poor shared equally alike. It was a scene of true friendship; every person was cheerful and happy. Mr. and Mrs. Parks and family ere worthy of all the honor that was conferred on them on this occasion.. J. T. Presbytery Meeting. The Butlor Presbytery met at Clin touville, Sept. 6tb, ordained Mr. Jao. A. Eakin as a Minister of the gospel He and his sister, Miss Belle Eakin, will go as Missionaries to Siam, in a few weeks, under appointment of the Board of Foreign Missions. Rev. J as. H. Wright accepted a call from the Church ofSunbury, and Rev. Messrs. McConkey and Oiler were appointed to install him. Rev. Jonathan Miller was released from the charge of the Portersville and Mt. Nebo Churches, and dismiss ed to Kittanning Presbytery, so that he may accept a call from the Church of Parker City. Five young men, viz J. P. Stoup3, W. S. McNees, J. G. Cunningham, 11. B. Hummel and W. E. Allen, were taken under caro of Presbytery, as Candidates for the Ministry. A committee reported a church of 70 members ns having organized at Prospect, Butler Co. A missionary convention will be held by the Pres bytery, at Concord, Tuesday, Nov. Ist. J R- COULTER, S. C. Harrisville Items. HAHIIISVILLE, Sept. 20. EDS CITIZEN:— The Presbyterian Church is all completed at last and we will hold our first service there next Sabbath, Sept. 25 The new school house is well un der way and will be ready for use in less than a mouth. Miss Lizzie Cooper who had been visiting relatives in this place has returned to the city again, it was with regrets ire saw lier leave us. In July last dogs belonging to A 1 Galbreath and John Elrick, got at a drove of turkeys belonging to Mrs. Clark and in spite of their being told of it repeatedly they let the dogs run 'intil they destroyed what would have brought her over forty dollar*. At present she has not received one cent for them and she is in sore need of it I am eure. Yours, A. B C. Birthday Honor. EDS. CITIZEN: —The friends and neighbors of Mrs. Mary Vandike Gib son, to the number of about 125, gathered at her home, near Farming ton, this county, Saturday, Sept. 10th. Mrs. Gibsou has reached the ripe age of seventy years, and the people came together to express con gratulations and Bhow respect. Some presents were made her, aB tok ens of friendship. A good dinner and good cheer were enjoyed by all present. Revs.Coulter k Merriet made short addresses and the latter led iu prayer May the Lord bless the one iu whose honor the meeting was held and make her last days her happiest ones. A FRIEND. Middlesex Items. MIDDLESEX Tl\, EDS CITIZEN: — Unusually large colonies ol black birds have done con siderable damage to corn fields. The corn crop is mostly cut and shocked, and is uot as good as was supposed when growing. The members of Middlesex M E. Church gave their buryiug grounds a thorongh grubbing-out., which was very much needed. George B. llays has been on the sick list sineo last spring with what is now pronounced by physicians to be typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea»Park and Miss Lizzie Love are contemplating a visit to Kansas about the first of the com ing month. Victor. Population of the United Stales The following are the populations of the United States for every census taken. 1790 3,'.(28,827 1800 5,308,937 1810 7,238,814 1820 !), <138,15)1 1830 12,800,702 1840 17,017,72:5 1850 23,151,876 1860 31,335,120 1870 38,784,597 1880 50,152,866 Comparing every ten yebrs'increase in the above, and particularly the last ten, from 1870 to 1880, the popu lation of these United States will be at the next Census, 1890, at least 02,- 000,000. Many indeed suppose it is at least 60,000,000 now, and that : figure cannot be far from the number ! now. Conclusion of the Constitution Centennial Anniversary Exercises. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Sept. 18. — The closing exercises attendant upon the celebration of the centennial anni versary of the American Constitution began yesterday with a public recep tion to tbr President in the Commis sioners' office at City Hall, followed by the memorial meeting in Indepen dence Hall. On the staud beside the Chief Magistrate of the Nation were the Justices of the highest courts, the foreign ministers, aud represent atives of the army and navy aud eyeiy department of civic, military and religious life. Two thousand children of the public schools sang the opening chorus. Prayer was offered by Bishop Potter, of the Epis copal Church, also by Cardinal Gib bons, of Baltimore. Patriotic songs were rendered, and the new National hymn was recited. The introduc tory address was delivered by Hon John A. Kasson, President of the Constitution Centennial Commission. At its conclusion, after the rendering of Schiller and Mendelsohn's "Ap peal to the Truth," by a male chorus of 200 voices, Mr. Kasson introduced President Cleveland, who made an address. He was followed by Sam'l F. Miller, senior Justice of the Su preme Court of the United States, who delivered an oration, occupying over an hour. Mrs. Cleveland sat in front ot the learned and eccentric Justice, but made little attempt to follow him. She wore a steel-gray bonnet, trim med with peach blossoms. Her dress was steel-gray and white plaid, trim med with gray velvet and relieved by a vest of peach color. When she appeared on the.front of the grand stand her beauty captured the mul titude. And as she and her husband, the President, standing hand in hand, smiled down upon them the multi tude awoke the echoes with uproar ious applause, which did not die away for several minutes after the distinguished pair bad been seated. While this welcome must have been very gratifying to the ' first lady of the land," still that given to her on her way to Independence Square was much more so. The President held a public recep tion in the new City Ilall in the morning and sLock hands with 5.763 people in an hour and a half. One of the shakers told him he hop id there would be a son born in the White House before the year was out. The greetings of the people and the responses of the President were of the most informal character and char acteristic of the American people's republicanism. One good-looking woman, with bright red hair, not satisfied with the ordinary greeting, made a quick movement, and before anyone realized it, had kissed the President unawares, as he was look ing out the window. Of course there was a laugh in which every body joined. At the conclusion of the memorial services, about 1 P. M , the Marine I'and rendered a march, daring which the President and Mrs. Cleveland retired, amid the prolonged cheeriug of the great crowd present, and were driven to their hotel, aud while the President went to dine with the Hi bernian Society at St George's Ilall. Mrs. Cleveland changed the dress she had worn in the morningifor a pretty dark-brown, with a delicate bonnet to match, and with Mr 3. Lamont and the other ladie3 who came with her from Washington proceeded on a special train to Wooton, tho hand some summer residence of George W. Child*. The party invited by Mr. and Mrs. Childs was very select, yet tbe spa cious lawq> surrounding the house and saloons in it were crowded with an ever-moving throng of brilliantly attired ladies aud gentlemen. All the Army aod Navy officers in town were present, as well as the distin guished men and dignitaries, with representatives of Philadelphia's best society. To Mrs. Cleveland, stand ing beside Mrs. Childs, the guests were presented upon their arrival, aud from 3 o'clock to G the bright procession passed by. Those pre sented paused but to exchange a word or so, and then went away to allow those who followed the same privi lege. It is unnecessry to say that the decorations at Wooton were ele gant. Words fail to describe the beautiful effects which Mr. and Mrs. Childs had managed to produce in their already beautiful place. It was a grand affair, a scene that will long fcs remembered. In tho afternoon the President ap peared at the closing feature of the celebration, a banquet given at the Academy of Music by the University of Pennsylvania, American Philo sophical Society, College of Physic ians, Law Academy, Historical So ciety, Franklin Institute, Academy of Fine Arts aud the Academy of Natural Sciences. Mrs. Cleveland, attired in a bril liant evening dress, upon which os trich feathers figured prominently, also attended this banquet. At this banquet, in the course of his speech, the President said: On such a day as this, and in the atmosphere that now surrounds him, I feel that the President of tbe U. S should 1)0 thoughtfully modest and humble. The great office he occupies stands to-day in the preaenco of its maker; and it is especially fitting for this servant of the people ami crea ture of the Constitution, amid tho im pressive scooes of this Centennial occasion, by a rigid self-examination to be assured concerning his loyalty and obedience to tbe law of his exis tence Ho will find that the rules prescribed for his guidance require for the performance of his duty, not the intellect or attainments which would raise him far above the feeling and sentiment of the plaiu people of tho land, but rather such a knowledge of their condition and sympathy with their wants and needs as will bring him near to them. —With tho Fair last week, and the Reception to the survivors of the 11th l'enn'a Reserves this week, our town has been crowded and our peo ple have seen much to interest and instruct them. —September secm3 to be the choice month for displays, public celebra tions aud ceremonies. This present one at least has been so all over the country. —During the past two weeks many of our subiribers in arrears called and settled up and took a new start. Put there are yet many ac counts that it is very dtsirable to have paid up, in order that needed improvements to the paper may be made and our debts paid. The ex penses of publishing a paper are heavy; machinery will wear out, and money is con3tautly needed. We again request the attention of all sub cribers to this matter. Dr. Roth Honored. From Greenville papers of Sept. 1«».] In view of the resignation of Rev. l>r 11. VV. Kotb, President of Tbiel College, and the acceptance of the same by the Board of Trustees, and, the subsequent possible removal of j the Dr. from our place, it was deem- , ed proper that he should not be per- j milted to go without some public no- j tice being taken of the event. A j meeting of citizens was called for last ' Friday evening, at Laird Opera House, and when the evening came the Opera House was well tilled in all parts by au intelligent audicace composed of representative gentle men and ladies of our town, in the audience, too, were quite a number of the Lutheran General Council, in session in this place at the time. J. T. Blair, General Manager of the S. A. It. It., presided, and iu taking the chair made a few pertinent remarks. Rev. C. B. Wakefield, pas tor of the Presbyterian church, led in prayer. A. F. Henleiu, Esq., chair man of the committee on resolutions, j presented the following, which were adopted: The citizens of the borough of Greenville, assembled in the Opera House on the Oth day of September, A. D. 1887, to tender a public recep tion to H. W. Roth, desirous of ex pressing their appreciation of the learning, high character, and integ rity of one of their number, and their love and esteem for him and their disappointment at the unexpected termination of his official connection with Thiel College, to which institu tion be has given the best part of his life and ability, have unanimously adopted the following resolutions. Resolved, That in Dr. Roth his fellow citizens and neighbors have always found a kind and generous friend, a wiso counselor and an up right man, one whose public and pri vate life have been a high example to the young men of the college and this community, and to whose efforts, largely, the preEent prosperity of the college is due. Resolved, That in the performance of the arduous duties of his position as President and preacher, I)r. Roth has filled the measure of duty, never refused to sacrifice his own interests to the welfare of the college or turn ing a deaf ear to the calls of charity, at once performing well the duties of President, and by his kindly words and unassuming life aud Christian character preaching a practical ser mon every day ofhis life for all of us. Resolved, That the citizens of the borough having contributed consid erable sums to the construction and support of Thiel College, and being interested for this and many other reasons in the continued prosperity of the institution, deeply deplore the acceptance of the resignation of Dr. Roth as President, and hope that the Board of Trustees may be able to find another man equal to him in charac ter, learning, and integrity, and who may occupy the fame position in the hearts of his neighbors that Dr. Roth always has. Resolved, That we extend to Dr Roth our best wishes for continued success in whatever po3itiou he may occupy, with the hope that he may go forward in his work of doing good with renewed effort, encouraged by a firm belief in Him who doeth all things well. Brief remarks were then made by Rev. S. 11. Eisenberg, of the ltaform ed church, Rev. C S. Tinker, of the Baptist church, J. C. Brown, Wm. Achre, E. S. Tcmpleton, Esq, and F. H. Keller, Esq. Rev. J. R. Brit tain, D D. of the U. P. church, then took the platform and in an admirable presentation speech, presented Dr. Roth with a valuable gold watch, ac companied by a list of the names of those who contributed towards pur chasing it. The whole affair was quite & suc cess, and nothing was said or done which ought to be offensive to any one. Dr. Roth made a strong appeal in behalf of Thiel College and for his successor, whoever ho may be, aud the sentiment was universal that the interests of Thiel College must al ways be kept in view and promoted by all honorable means. An Old Veteran Vindicated. HEADQ'RS LYSANDEU ROBB POST. ) No. DEPT. PA , G. A. R. BRUIN, Sept. 5, 1887 Y On account of a clerical error in the records in the Adjutant General's office at Harrisburg, and also in Bates' History of the War, the statement appears that James W. Orr, a pri vate of Company I, lt):> Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, enlisted at Harrisville, Butler county, now re siding at Bruin, Butler county, was a deserter from the United States ser vice. Now, how ibat error was made at Ilariisburg, or how Hates made tbo error, we do not kiiow, but we do know that tbo papers iu James W. Orr's posssession, and a statement wc have from the Adjutant General at Washington, I>. C., stute that James W. Oir, of Co, 1, 103 d Reg I'. V., was discharged from the Igni ted States service August 13, 1SI)2, for disability. Therefore, James VV Orr's record in the War Department at Washington. I). C., is without blot or gtvin. Further, we can, of our own po - sonal knowledge, prove Bates' His tory incorrect iu two or more instan ces, and the only authority wo recog oizo is*tho records in the War I)d --partment at Washington, I). C , and if some of the good citizens of Butler county will uso the same energy iu refuting this damaging report that they did iu circulating it, they will only (1J an act of justice to a worthy citizon. R. I). I'jMRiCK, Commauder. HENRY A. RITNER, Adj't. The Great Celebration. The celebration in Philadelphia last week, Sept. 15, 10, and 17, of the first century of the formation of the Constitution of the United States, wa3 the grandest affair yet wituessed in this country. Ou the first day was a parade il lustrating the industries of the Na tion and the great change in them from now and a hundred years ago. This was an immense exhibition of all the mechanical and other arts aud works. The second day was the military display, in which 15,000 men were in line, makiug tbo grandest parade of the militia of all the States. The Governors of the different States were present, riding at the head of their men. The third and closing day cere monies were of a literary and social character, in which addresses were made by tbo President of the United States, the President of tho Centen nial, aud other distinguished citizens. An address on the Constitution was made by Justice Miller of the United States Supreme Court. It would take a book to contain aud tell all said and done. Sullied for us to say the first Centennial celebration of constitutional government iu this [country was a grand success. A Gibbet 28 Feet Long. CHICAGO, Sept. 18.—Preparations were begun yesterday for the execu tion of the seven Anarchists in the county jail on Friday, November 11. Sheriff Matson will receive S7OO for that day's work, as the county allows him SIOO for every man hanged. Just how the big job will be accom plished has not been decided. The three Italian murders were hauapd to gether on the same scaffold, ana that bit of enterprise taxed to the utmost limit the hanging capacity of the jail. One scheme is to hang the men in pairs, leaving Albert it. Parsoc3 to the last as the seventh or odd man. The law says the men must be exe cuted between the hours of 10 in the morning and 4 iu tha afternoon, aud it is thought the intervening time wiir suffice for the worji on this plan If this mode is adopted the modern weights will be U9ed. Sheriff Mat son is opposed to the plan because of t-be long-drawn-out agony of a day's work at hanging, and favors the old. fashioned platform , trap and drop. There is just enough room in the jail corridor to erect an extension gib bet twenty-eight feet long, giving four feet space for the drop of each body. Seven ropes will hang from the cross-beam, which in turn will be supported by five iron arms. The traps will be arranged to drop from a long bar extending the length of the platform by which the seven traps can be released simultaneously and the seven Anarchists be all launched into eternity together. Tho exten sion gibbet will be erected privately in some secret place during the next fortnight, and experiments will be made until it works in a satisfactory manner. If tbe condemned Anarch | ists really hope for success in appeal ing to the Federal Supreme Court or to Gov. Oglesby, their hope is not shared by Sheriff Matson, Jailer Folz or State's Attorney Gricnell, and all necessary preparations for the execu | tion of the sentence will proceed rap i idlv. The Sheriff has tried hard to keep from the papers the feet that he is preparing to put away the doomed nieii and be will have succeeded until the publication of this. Spies, Schwab and Engel are confident tbat their execution will take place at the time fixed by the Supreme Court, aDd Parsons is the only one of the number who expresses confidence in the ability of their friends to save their lives. DEATHS. " CHATTY—In this place, Sunday, Sept. 18, 18u7,Mr». Nancy C ratty,formerly of Clinton twp., and daughter of Samuel and Helen Loye, aged about 40 years. SEFTON —At his home in Tarenlum, Sept. 10,18K7, of typhoid fever, John A, Sefton, aged 27 years, <> months and 5 days, He was a member, teacher in the S. S. and leader of the choir in the U. P. church of that place, but at his request was buried in Westminster graveyard, Clinton twp , Butler Co. We have reasons to believe him in the laud of rest; still that knowledge cannot re move the grief of his relatives. He leaves a wife and four small children. His .wily de sire to live was tor his little family. Friends may think to comfort the bereaved wife, feel ing that they can sympathize with her; but is it not true that when we, who have buried members of our own families, witness the sorrow of another, the tears we she.l are often the result of the rc-opecing of wounds, which our one-time sympathisers thought time had healed. Christ alone can comfort the sor rowing by that peace that glides into the heart, we know not where or ho - .v, still we feel its presecce. M. J. D. EICIIEXLIUU -On Thursday, the 15th inst., at his home in Summit t\v,>., Michael Eichciiinub, aged about 7o years. LIEULER—On Friday, the ISili, at her home in Summit twp., Mrs. Martin Lieber, aged BECKEIt—At her home near ( Belt, on Wednesday, the 14th icst., wile of Joseph Becker. DOVVLEIi— Aug. 4th, ISS7, Miss Myrtle J. Dowler, of Portersville, aged 18 years. We who were associated with Miss L) jwler, in t!ti c.\ -ircli an 1 Sil)b :'h .rehoo!, desire to txpur-s our high appreciation of her lovely I iiri-tian character. Her amiable disposi tion endeared her to all who knew her. Her UDcxptciei! death was a gl ief t>> many friends besides ihosi nearest a'id Sha pass ed from this li;o t'j ;!:« oiie beyoud lully trusting i:i the promises of Christ her Ite r. W'.; dtMie aiso to tcadei our sincere sympathy to her bereaved and sorrowing family. May t'uo cousolati'>n which ctinea only frota our Heaveuly Father by given ihem. LAIKA MOOIIE, ) Si'SIF. MCCOXKKLL, > C«m. Sn.siK GLENS, J ~ -WID. SIMI'SOX-LAI'KFF.II- At the residence of the bride's parents in Allegheny twp., by J lev. Ueo. 11. Tititel, Sept. - I. K->7, Mr. John 1!. Simps"n and Mi.-s Sai:ie E I.auf fer. SMITH-BROWN -On Sept. 12, 18*7, by the Itev. A. I>. C. &ieKailai;d, Mr. Ceo. M. Smith, of M illtislown, and Aii s Matilda J. Brovrn, of itueua Vista, thi; county J LOW —FEFVIiXG —Sept 21, by llev. W. E. Oiler, >!r. Jfsej-h Low and Miss Lizzie W. Fleming, both of Butler county. DYSPEPSIA Causes its victims to bo miserable, hopeless, confused, and depressed in mind, very irrita ble, languid, and drowsy. It Is a disease which does not get well oi itself. It requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy to throw off tho causes and tone up the dlges. tlve organs till they perform their duties willingly. Hood's Barsaparllla has proven just the required remedy in hundreds of eases. " I have taken Hood's Barsaparllla for dys pepsia, from which 1 have suffered two years. 1 tried many other medicines, but none proved so satisfactory as Hood's Sarsaparilla." THOMAS COOK, Brush Electric Light Co., >'ew York City, Sick Headache "For the past two years I have been afflicted with severe headaches and dyspop lil.a. l was induced lo try Hood's Haisapa rilla, and have found great relief. I cheer fully recommend it to all." MBS. E. F. A.NNAIILE, New Haven, Conn. Mrs. Alary C. Smith, Cam bridge port, Mass., w.'.s a sufferer from dyspepsia and siek head ache, Hie took Hood's Sarsapariila and found it the best remedy sho ever used. Hood's Sarsapariila Sold by all druggists. $1; sit for $5. Mado only by C. I. IIOOU Si CO., Lowell, Mass. tOO Doses On© Dollar. livermmS\ J" Biliousness, Indigestion, [ ALL < S Dizziness, [Positively Cured by< fUTTLE HOP PILLS The People's Favorite Liver Pills. W Tlioy act ■lowly but surely, do not grtpo and' (3D their effect la lasting, tho Jact la thoy have no UH equal. (Doctor 1 * formula.) Small, augarooat-, WL Ld lmcl CIL97 40 t ® ko ' Send for testimonials. | J£2fi eta. at all druggists, or mailed for prioe. jfi I'rcjurrfl by an old ApullMir;, Hii botllaa SI.OO M The HOP PILL CO.. New London,Ct' H HOP OINTMENT ourca mosquito and al.<j J| lnssct bites, plmploa, outs, burns, eto. aB&flOc. ) HOLD I: Y DBLCOIST IN BUTLER. FARM FOR SALE. I will seell my farm, located in Franklin township, Hutler comity. Pa. It contains J320 ACRES of good, well watered land, both ridge and swamp; good nr.iiu laud and good yrass land ihout ' acres of good ehestnut timber, three orchards, GOOD DANK BARN, 50x00 feet, frame and I<>K dwelling, ood spring and good spring house near house; well in kitchen, good corn crib, pig pen and, all necessary improvements. For ternii. etc, ini|uire ol'me on the prem ises. UI:«I:UK C. Mi ('AND?.I SF , Prospect, l'a. THIS PMB&KwSS N. W. ftYER & SON. uur av»,hun».d a*iuta. Til IA I* E.IST FOR NPECUL COl'ttT. €O!H«ESICI!VQ MONDAY, SEPT. 26,188' -V I 7 ,rm. Yr. J'iitiutijt''* Attornry. Plnintift. Defendants. ' Defendant» Attoiru AD. 10, Dec. 188® Scott A J Nicholson I. Haniond ' William* A Mitchell " 30. June 1881 Britlain <fc Cumuiing* C H Rartman 1! W Christy Bowser F. I. D. 1 June L Bolton et al Beuton Dick ,Scott " 4 June Greer Second National Hank of Erie. Fred P James Brandon " 2 Sept. 188' MeCandless John Kennedy T W Norton • McQuistion A. D. SO March 188' Thompson A Son John M Thompson for use G\V Crowe " " 7 Maich 1 s.s I Brand on A McQ Robert A Brown S P Painter et al Bowser and Fleeger " 84 June 1S S4 C McCandless John Balfour, Kx'r R Con ley K Mai shall " 7!> March 1885 Jag Bredin Douaghv and Bredin J S Smith et al A T Black et at " 4> Jane 1885 Greer Sol Dunbar Borough of Kvausburg Lu»k " 47 Juue ISSS Scott John M Arters John H Markham Sullivan " 8S Sept 188.") Ihompsou A Son I> •' McCandless et ux John Balfour, Et'r Forquer " f.t Sept 1 >BS liraudon et al G 1-' llane for use N Ilambach Marshall and Mate* " ti7 Dec 1885,Vanderlin B F Covert Michael Flinner Mctjuistion " 52 March 1880 Martin White and Wallace Everette Forsythe McCandless " HO June 188«'> Greer Elizabeth Rice Butler Borough MiQuistion " C 8 June 18M; McQuistion Nicholas Garvin John Buehler Bowser " 4(> Sept 1880 McC <i Scott Wm Con lev et al J M Panton et al McQuistion " 47 Sept 188ti " " " " " , " ?3 Dec 1886 Mitchell W E Reed et ox »V II Craig et ux Williams A Mitchell " 33 Dec 188te Vanderlin Fanny McNeal et al Elizabeth Wallace J B Bredin " t;4 Dec 188<> Conrad Schlerder Samuel !'.sifour Bredin " £5 Dec 1886 Greer Clinton twp Geo K Montgomery et al Scott " £7 March 188".McCandleas Wm Weller et al The County of Butler Bowser, " 28 March 1887' Same .W R McNight " " " Same " 4t5 March !Bs"'Bowser Ab Wolford W A Green et al Thompson A Son " 1 June 1887 McJ J: Galbreath V Hickman C G Christie et al Brandon " 17 June 1887 Brittain Gotleib Harrold Butler twp J B Bredin " 3!' Juue 1887 McJ & Galbreath A J .Jack Frank Morrison Forqui-r " 42 June 1887 Kohler S P Painter et al Mar,) - A Glenn et al I Greer Prothonotary's Office, August 28, 1887. WM. M. SHIRA, Prothonotary, JURY LIST FOR SEPT. 26, 'B7 of Jurors drawn to serve iu a special term si ( ourt commencing the 4th; .Monday of Sept., being the '-Villi day. I*B7. 1 >ra\vn Aug. 3d. 188.. Bovard W I). Cherry twp X, farmer, liarnliart Joseph, fc'alrvsew twp W, producer. lUllmgslv liobert. Slipperyrock twp, farmer. Cleelami 1» 1.. Butler boro. i»t precinct, jeweler. Croft Wm. Craliberty twp, laiaur. Cr.fchlow iJ.xYtd. Jetierson twp, farmer. . Crawford 1> 1". Eairview W. farmer. Christy Sim. Concord twp. farmer, Camerer.l I'. Franklin twp, farmer. < raig W il, liutler boro. Ist precinct, carpenter. Christy Newton, Concord twp, larater. I (odds \Y It, MuudycieeK twp, farmer. Ootids J t>. Connoquenessing twp X. farmer, lumbar I.alayette. Auams twp. farmer. Doian John, Jlillerstown, boarding house. Ellenberger Charles. Katrvb-w twp W, farmer, tret ling John G. Wlnllelil tp. farmer. Forrester l> W, Franklin tp, fanner, t;arrett David, .Millet-Mown, contractor. <iochril:g Edward E, Cranberry tp, farmer. Glenn Samuel, Clay tp. farmer Goehiittg John, Forward tp, farmer. Gctman J I*. Lancaster tp, farmer. Cray J W, Donegal tp,carpenter. Har'oisou Joseph, Buffalo tp, farmer, llaller Chiistian, Clinton tp, miller. Heckert Wm. Middlesex tp, laruicr. Ilarting George M. Adams tp, farmer, llilliard Abraham, ( lieny s, farmer. Ktrker.l N. Lancaster tp, farmer. Kaylor Feter, Donegal tp. laimer. Love Samuel T IHI ton ip, fanner. Martin Win, Evansbtirg, witgonniaker. McColiongh Matthew, A'orth tp, farmer. Mct'rea Hugh, liutler tp. farmer. .McCaflerty Win. I'arker tp. laruier. Meyer Jacob, Oakland tp. farmer. NeymanJS. Negley DC. Jelierson tp, farmer. Orbison Joseph, Donegal tp, farmer, l'arker Jonn S, Washington N. farmer, liamsey Nathan, Cranberry tp. farmer. Kelber Jacob. Butler boio Ja Preoluct.Merchant Step Michael, Middlesex tp, farmer. Stevenson David, Baldridge, farmer, shepard John, Middlesex tp, farmer. Stewart John, Evansburx. farmer. Trimbur George, Sammit tp. farmer. Vanderlin John, Venango tp, carpenter, Woods Thomas, Clinton tp, farmer. Wick John, Centerville, miner. Wiek J S, Butler boro 2d precinct, plumber. Walker Daniel, l'arlcer tp, farmer. Zeliner Edward, Jackson W. farmer, ESTATE OK MAKY A. MATES. LATE OK BUTLER BORO. DEC'L>. < Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Mrs. Marv A Mates, dee d, late of the borough of Hutler. Butler county. Pa., all persons knowing them selves Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment aud any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAS. B. MATEO, \ A. W. MATES, f Exr's. Butler, Pa. ESTATE 01' ff. W. XrCALL, LATE OF CLINTON TOWNSHIP, DKC'D. Letters testamentary on the estate of W. W. Met 'all. dee'd. late of Clinton township. Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing t hem-elves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. and anv having claims against said estate will present the same duly authenticated for settlement. KOBEKT MECALL, I ISAIAH MCCALL. (' RS " SAXONISURG, Butler county. Pa. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that application will l»e made to the Court of common Pleas, of Butler, Co,, on Saturday, the Ist day of October, IBs7. at 10 o'clock, for a charter of Incorporation of the " Butler Law Library Association," the purposes and objects of which are the establishment and maintenance of a Law Library to tic used as provided by the By-laws of said Association; and the place of locat ion of the same will be at or near the Court House In the boro. of Butler, Agreeably to an Act of Assembly, approved the 29th day of April. 1874. P. W. LOWRY. W. C. THOMPSON, Solicitors for Applicants. IJUTLER, PA., Sept. 10, ITS« 7. »-I0 3t Auditor's Notice. lathe matter of the assignment of James I', Uoblnson for the benetttof creditors. In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler coun ty M's D. No. 7, March T. IHBS. And now Sept. T. ls«7. on motion of Hon. Clias, MeCatidless. Attorney for accountant..!. M. Galbreath. Est), appointed to pass upon any exceptions that may he tiled to tlilsaccouut. re state the account necessary and make distribut ion of the fund to and among the cred itors. BY THE COURT. BUTLER Cou.srv, SS: Certified from the llciord lhts 9th Sept,, A, D. ISS7. W. M. SHIRA, Pro. All persons Interested in the above matter are hereby notified that I will attend to the du ties of auditor in the above stated case at the office of McJunkln & Galbreath, n liutler. Pa., on Monday the ike :id day of October. A.I), lssl, at 1" o'do k A. M.. AT which time and pluce all parties Interested may attend if they dealro so to do. J. M. GALUUBATH. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval or re jection t.y the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Aiticle .Will of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the commonwealth : SwHON 1. lie it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of I he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Generf.l Assembly met. That tin' following is proposed as an amend ment of the constitution it the commonwealth of Pennsylvania In accordance with the pro visions of the eighteenth artiele thereof; AMENDMENT. Strike out froni section one, of article eight, the lour ipial ill cat lons for voters winch leads as follows : "If twenty-two veaw of age or upwards, he shall have paid within two'years, a state or county tax. which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election," so that the section which reads as follows : "Every male citizen, twenty one years of age possessing the following iiualineations, shall be entitled to vote at all elections : First. He shall have been a cit/.en of the United States at least one month. Second. He shall have resided in the state one vear (or if. having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the state, lie shall have removed therefrom aud returned, then six mouths) Immediately preceding the election. Third. Ileshall liave resided iu the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the elec tion. Fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up wards, he shall have pt'io. within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been asstS-ted at least two months, and paid at least one month nefore the election,' shall be amended, so as io read as follows s Every male citizen twenty one years of age. possessing lln- following ijui'.litlcutlon.s. shall be entitled to vote at the polling place of the election district of which he shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere : First lie shall have been a citizen of the United States s>t least thirty days. Second. He shall have resided In the state one year (or if, having previously been a quail lied elector or native born citizen of the state, iie shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third, He shall have resided In the election district where he shall oiler to vote at least thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion.' The legislature at the session thereof next after the adoption of tills section, shall, and from time Io time thereafter may, enact law* to pioperly enforce tlnspro\ tslon. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twenty- one years, who shall have been a citi zen for thirty days and an inhabitant of this state one year next preceding an election, ex cept at municipal elections, and for the last thirty days a resident of the election district 111 which he may offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in the election district of which he shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people: Pro vided. That in time of war no elector iu the actual military service of the State or of the United States. In the army or uavy thereof, shall he deprived of his vote by reason of Ins absence from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the manner in which and the time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of their votes in the election district in which they respectively re side. Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no , person sliaii be deemed to have gamed or lost a resi dence by reason of his presence or absence while employed In the service of the United States or the state, nor while engaged ill the navigation of the waters of the State or of tbe high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or puhlic institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled auu indigent f.oldicrs ancfsailors, who. fir the ptupose of vol lie;. Hhnll lie deemed to rt si tie in tie* election ilistil"! where villi home h located. Laws suall I>.- made tor aseeitalniug. by proper proots. ihe citizens who shall l»' entitled to the right oi ..ullr.ige hereby established. A Sine copy of the I ilnt re-obitioii. < lIAHI.ES W. STONE. l-.i-cr< tary of the Co.i inonwealth. Au.;. li, 1 i t, HnUtittTiCEbQ Ofolhort.whowtih tor.-inlin# HUVEII I IwEilw thu piper, or ebum MtimatM on sdvodiiing when in Chicago, will lind It on fil« at LORD&THOMIS. FALL MILLINERY! ~ Our line of Ladies, Misses and Children's STRAW and FELT HATS and BONNETS, in all the newest fall and winter shapes, in now complete at the Leading JMillinery House. XX T. I'APE, !N"o. 18 South. Main St.* - - - - Butler. Pa ESTABLISHED IN 1867. 111111 By honest dealing we ha7e developed our present large business and our experience of twenty years enables us to offer purchasers advantages which cannot be bad elsewhere. Buying direct from the best woolen mills of this and foreign countries, not only reduces the cost of our garments, but also gives us positive knowl edge of the quality of the materials we use. Manufacturing our goods right at home, employing none but the best of tailors and overseeing eviry detail ourselves, makes our clothing stsnd unsurpassed in fit, workmanship, or durability. Our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats is a large one, and our knowledge of the wants of the people has assisted much in mak ing tLe assortment so complete. All goods are marked in plain figures, and one price only. Mail orders will have our best attention STHB JOSEPH Ho 161 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA. 11111 l TF"Store-keepers and Tailors furnished with samples on application. Cine feCtene ijpUpnljeU SDI a m m tt t $ Qticfel- una Stljnlj-fjans. 3?enn ftc ?nr %a\r fotnmen, nergeffen fie nist oorjufpredjen Set unS, um bic grofjen roeldje roit gebert in ©tiefeln unb ©<suben ju ! prtifen. SJfan nergeffe ben nidjt, 9to. 22 ©lib SRain Str. Sutler, 1 "T ie grc.jjte 3lusn>af)l in ©tiefeln, ©djufjen unb ©umim»©<sul)en, I fiir fotcfje bie ©te übertafd&en roerben. 58ir ftnb im (Srnft. Csefdjaf te miiflrm gnnadjt roer&cn biefee ©patjaljr, befjljalb ftnb bie sreifen fo Ijerabgefefct, bafj fie DJicmanb iibetfuffen Jann, trenn fte ein genautr jlaufer ftnb fiir boat fo fauft dollar mcljr in meincm 2aben aIS in irgenb etnem anberen in SButlct Gcuntp. llm biefc§ ju betueifen £efe Dif folgeniu JfreisUfte Tauten flnbpi Sdiulje 90, SI .OO, $1.25, u. $1.50 ffrauen Sli»6vf Sdjulje 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 i itinber Jutijpf Sdftulje 10, 25, 50, u. 75 ecttiS ; Tauten 2i.-«fftibi<f)te Sdjube mit Stfiniiren 75, 90, SI.OO u. $1.25 ftvaiten S3affcrbidite „ „ ~ 60,75, 90, u. SI.OO ftinber ssJafferbicTjte „ „ ~ 25, 50, 60, «. 75 itnb utelc nnfcrrc 2sar<s<iin#. ' ' ©iiiimcr feine Srfiurje SI.OO, $1.25 u. Knaben feine edjuije 75, SI.OO u. $1.2.j Scanner unb jtnaben 2llltnq3«od)ul)e 75, $1.(0 u. $1 A3 !W (inner Hip Cliefel 1...51.60, SI.BB, S-2 00 u. | flnafcen .flip StieFel SI.OO, 51.20, $1.40 u $1.75 £}fixgli;tge Jtip Stiefel Ro> 90, SIOO u. $1.25 Ter Slcnim roirb e8 nirf»t geftalfett an aHe JGaaren anjubeuien, aber fentntt ju mir uttb id) id iU Guc& fcciueifen baft id) nicf>t« a! 3 erfte Hlafie SUaaren Derfaufe unb ju sreifcn c&Uig 25 niebriger, al3 irgtnb ein s<uia in Sutler bounty. Dnujitqunrticr fiir XJcflon ©ummi=sdjulje. Wanner @ummi>Sttefcl, SJofton $2.85 i Scanner (sdjnallen SirtieS, " " !•**) Me anbcrc Qummi»SSaaren gerabe fo billig. €d)iisen unb ©tiefeln rociben auf BJeftc[Tung gemadjt. ! Cine grp&e HuSniatjl uon felbftuerfertifiten ©d&u&en ur.b 6tiefeln intmer an saub. Sieparirung ju itta&igen fieber unb JJinbingii. 3 o I) it 5 I ill f 1, 22 Siib=»llnin Sir., Putter, |)n. AMENDMKNTTO TIIK CONSTITUTION promised to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval or rejec tion by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article A VIII of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of tills Commonwealth : SKCTION 1. lie it resolved by the Seriate and ol Uepreseut&tlees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That the follow Inn amendment is proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, In accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Constitution to be designated as Article XIX, as follows; AKTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ol Intoxicating Honors, to be used as a beverage. Is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this prohibition shall he a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of intoxicating lluuor for other purposes than as a bever»ge may be allowed la such manner only as may be prescribed hv law. The General As sembly shall, at the lir*t session succeeding the adoption of this article of the Constitution, en act laws with adequate penalties for Its enforce ment. A true copy of the Joint Resolution. CHARLES W. STONE. 8-5-lit Secretary of the Commonwealth. BUTLER MARKETS. The following are the gelling prices of mer chvnts of this :>lace : Apples, per bushel, .T) to -10 Butter, per pound, 20 to '2~> cts. Beans, per <jt. 8 to lOcts. Cabbage, new, 7 to 10 cts. Caudles, mold, 14 to 15. cts. Carbon oil, 10 to 15cts. Cheese, 12 to 15 cts per lb. Crackers, 7 to 10 cts. per lb. Chickens, per pair, 40 to 50. cts. Coffee, Rio, 30 cts. Coffee, Java, 35 etc. Coff Roasted, 25 to 30 cts. Coffee, ground, 20 to 20 cts. Eggs, 18 cts. Fish, mackerel, 10 to 15 cts. Flour, per barrel, $4.50 to j>'i. Flour, per sack, $1.15 to $1.50.. Feed, ehop, per 100 pouinle, $1 10. Feed, bran, per 100 lW sl. Grain, wheat per bushel, DO* Grain, oats per bushel 30 to 35cts. Gram, corn per bushel 40 cts Lard, 10 cts. Hams, 15 cts. Honey, 15 to 20 cts. Shoulders, 10 cts. Bacon, 15 cts. Dried beef, 18 to 25. Corn meal, per pound, 2 cts. Potatoes, new, 25cts peck. Rice. 8 to 10 cts. Sugar, hard, 8 cts. Sugar coffee, 7 cts. Sugar, raw, cts. Sonp, 5 to 10 cts. Salt, per barrel, sl.lO. Tea, Hyson, Gunpowder, etc., 50 cts. to 80 Tea, Japan, etc., 60 to HO cts. Tea, Breakfast, 40 to SO cbi. Tallow, 8 ot*. Timothy seed. $2,90. Clover " *5,50 Washed wool 25 to 30 e.U>. Unwashed wool, 1G to 20 cts. THE CITIZEN I IS THE BEST IDHMG MEDIUM IN BUTLER . COUNTY. AL KINDS OF WO RK DONE AT LOWEST PRICES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers