Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 23, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
Boot and Sh° e S a^e
—O F
Fall I Winter
A- T
B. C. Huselton's.
00000000 —J—oooooooo
Our f'reat fall and winter sale of Boots and Shoes lias
begun, the people of Butler county never saw such an im
mense stock of all kinds, shapes, f-izes and styles in any
one liouee in Butler county, as we are now showing they
can't be matched in Butler county. They are worth com
ing 25 miles to see and 50 miles to buy. Our trade in
creased largely last season and we intend to sell more
Boots and Shoes this season than last. This lias war
ranted us in placing the largest and greatest variety, the
best values for your careful inspection that has ever
been shown in any house in Butler county. Our Mens,
Boys'and Clnldrens' Boots have been speaking lor them
selves all over the county. Our boot trade is immense,
and why? Because we sell the best goods at the least
money, we sell to everybody alike, no three or four prices,
we don't say like some dealers do that a cheap loot will
re«ist water, or that an Oil Goat Shoe will do lor children
lo go to school, to catclftrade. There never was an Oil
Goat Shoe made that would resist snow water, it takes
the best of leather to do it—Calf-skin won t do it, hasn t
the bodv to resist. What will? Nothing but the very
best of K.p and that we have as you all know. v\ e have
the cheap goods too in Mens' at $1.40 and upwards.
Boys' $1.25 and upwards, \ outlis' 75 cts., and Childrens
50 cts , and upwards, will say these are the lest cheap
boots in the market—not auction goods either, but straight
goods. Our Kip Boots are the choicest makes in the
market, have tested their wearing qualities for years and
know what I am saying when I tell a customer they are
all we don't guarantee cheap boots as some dealers
do to C resist water, we think to much of our reputation as
a square dealing house and tco much of oui custornejs
to knowingly impose on them in this way. We eep
Wool Boots the best and warmest boot made for extreme
cold weather at low prices. Oil mens' high top boots
four soles with square box and without. Make a specia ty
of mens' best Kip and Calf Boots in low metep.
Our line of Ladies'Misses'and Childrens Fine Shoe*
contains the best styles in French Kid, G " r J coa
Dongolia, Pebble Goat all widths from AA to
Waukenphastj Common Sense .• nd Opera lasts. JNoone
should foil to see these goods. .Will especially call your
attention to our Ladies' fine Kid and Pebble Goat button
boot, a new thing with us at $1.50, best, style best value
you ever saw for the money, better than is sold else
wherd at $2 00, very stylish and will wear, selling won
derfully fast,one large lot sold already this fall and now
have a Jarge duplicate order in the factory. See out?
Grain Button at 85 cts, SI.OO and $1,25, our fine Kid
or Goat $125, our old Ladies' flannel lined Shoes and
Slippers, felt shoes with lelt soles, old Ladies' wide grain
and goat Shoes, all these styles kept in Misses and
Childrens' Shoes at prices in proportion. ?
We make a specialty in Misses and Childrens spring
heel shoes, high cut shoes in Calf, Goat and Grain.
MENS'AND BOYS' FINE SHOES—We b&ve these goods
made expressly for our trade, of French Calf, Kangaroo, Calf and J3ng
~3i«b Grain leather, hand, machine and standard, in wide, plain or nar
row toes, with tips, perfect Ct, ease and comfort guaranteed to the
wearer. See our mens' fine shoes at SI.OO, $1.20, $1,50 1
can't be duplicated in Butler. Our Calf Shoes at $2.00, $2 25, *2.50
$3.00 have no equals.
Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Calf and kip Shoes, every pa;r
warranted, Calf, Glove, Grain, Heavy Oil Grain Button, are excellent
aeiler* Goods made to order. Repairing all kinds done at reasonable
prices Large stock all kinds Leather and Findings—low prices.
A few words about Rubbers. We keep tbe largest stock of Rub
ber Goods in Butler. Have the following: Candees, Woonsoekets
and Boston makes. Mens' Rubber Boots as low as $2.00. Mens
Buckle Arctics at 95 cts. and will duplicate any price or any make of
Rubbers any little dealer may name. Have plenty of them, they are
all warranted fresh goods made this year Come and see us will save
you big money. B. tJ. lICiSEILi'ON
J b J Ko. 4, K. Main Street.
nrrnm CLOTHING 111111111
Of Fine and Medium Grades, at Closest Prices.
Every pair guaranted not to rip.
62S and 030 Broadway, New York.
A. Troutman & Son.
Leading Dry Goods Bttuse.
1111111111 <j> 1111111111
A Troutman & Son.
The leading Dry Goods and Car
pet Houße, Butler, Pa.
New Fall Dress Goods at prices
which will muke them move very
We have the largest stock ever
shown in Butler county, comprising
all the new goods in Checks, Stripes
and Plain Weaves in Foreign and
Black and Colored Silks,
Special Values
we have never had such a nice as
sortment and so many of them.
In Flannels, Blankets, Tickings,
Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls
Table Linens, Lace Curtains,
in fact everything which can be
found in a
First-Ciass Dry Goods Store.!
Tb<' subscriber will sell at public vendue, at
lils farm in Überty township. Mercer county.
I'll,, on Saturday, octolter. Ist, at 1» oclock, A.
M.. 2 brood mares, one 4 year old horse. one 4-
vear old mare with foal, two 2-year old Miles,
two 2-year old steers, two 2-year old belters. two
yearling steers, two yearling heifers, one, 2-
yeor old Durham bull and four calves.
Co Motions m ule known on day of mw, |
Cloaks and WraPs,
for Children and Ladies.
We carry the greatest variety of
styles, our stock never was as large,
prices never so low, goods never so
If you want to see the nice goods,
please call and examine our stock.
Ladies', Gents', and Children's
Underwear, every grade, all sizes,
best goods.
Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets,
Plushes, Yarns, etc.
Carpets and Oil Cloths,
never bad so many—never were car
pets so cheap.
Our stock is complete. Don't buy
a Carpet until yon have seen oar
stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap
estry, 3-Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot
ton and Rag Rugs.
Window Shades, largest assort
ment, lowest prices.
You will find on examination our
stcck of goods to be the Lowest
Priced in Butler county.
Butler, Pa-
NixoN's HOME,
No. 35 McKean Street,
Meals at all hours. Open all Nlplit. Breakfas
sc, Dinner 25c, Supper 25e, Lodging 25c,
li 2-4 2inj Simeon Nixon, Proj/r,
rhe Throbbing, Thrillinfl Drama, How to
Save Money.
By D. -A-HECK,
day and evening during the coming
season at D, A. 11E< 'K S
Xo. 11, North Msln St., Dsffy's Block,
trairival comedy, an J comical tragedi
and never lulls to bring down the house.
The actor* are all Stars. Ihe costuming
(rill be a strong feature, 'i'he following brießj
outlined Is tUe
joso- The happy man no more reUects.
Who buys his clothing at D. A. llicK s
},—SCENE l—Time 9 a.m: Enter young man
with friend. Young mau explains U) his
friend that the direct cause of kkeugagt
uieut to the wealthy termer s daughter
was his purchase of an ekipiD!
1). A. HhcK'S Ureat Clothing hiuj)ori',jn
l-'rlend tumbles to the Idea and is made
happy with a new suit. Hat, Shirts.
Ties, Underwear, i.loves, llose.
Valise, Imbrella. etc. scene closes with
song, joined in by the audience.
jOKQ—The day will be Intensely cola.
When 1). A. Lleck Is undeisold, &.C.
\cr II.— SCENE 2— Time 11 a.m. Enter throng of
people. old men, young men.
Ire)i, jijanaiflng matrons With niarrlai able
dauirhtars ~>v)10 V'ltli one accord rairlv
shriek wuh delight at tte
gains shown, 'the beauiliul jouiifc iUiIJ.
Cinderella nnds some Jeweiery.;a palr oi
Corsets u pair of Kidiiioves, an
pair or ilost* that set ncr oil so exquisitely
that a dude from I'nlonvllle and a young
inau from Greece City both
Greece City man lias on one oi D. A. iietk s
irreslstable suits, Cinderella decides to
patronize home industries and accepts
1,1111 The Vnionville dude talks of duel.*,,
suicides! ic., but (Ittiap,
world while he can get cMKUIujf in} -ai-ap
at V. A. HECK S Great Emporium,
Song by company. Joined bv audience:
"l'ls our experience, one and all.
And every one who tries It knows.
That D. A. lIECK lias got the call,
And takes the town in selling clothes.
\CT III.— SCENE 3. -Time ten yeans iateti
Ten years are supposed to have elapsed
I>. A. HECK'S Store quadrupled In sue.
Butler a metropolis. Arrival of several
excursions, electric trains and a number
of uaMuonS. J*'!!!. l crowds of people to buj
Clothing, Undet waa*.
HaW, Caps. Cotlam.
Neck Ties. Hosiery,
Suspenders, Handkerchiefs,
Umbrellas, Trunks
Valises, Satchels,
Bill and I'ocketbooks, , „
Cloth, llalr and Tooth Brushes
and Innumerable other articles which
Sriaue ujrb'.lsmention, scores of pros
perous tried a ltd p}!4i?P matrons gather
around the proprietor.' alt aSTCGjEK that
their rise in the world began from tnu mo
ment they began to buy their goods lroin
Cinderella ana nor iui#w>u +*<uui K'l [lm
part for Mt. Chestnut (this is uo uluslrw)
The Unlonvllle dude, a dude no longer but
a rich business man in the city of Butler.
Population lo.ouo, noted chiefly lor being
the most enterprising city in the county,
and for fair dealing and for the fact 1). A.
JIECK'S Emporium, Duffy's Block, Is the
tr;aii<iUtters for good goods, fair dealing
and ifiw p'rUuti,"
111 will now Join in singing:—
llow D. A. Heck Is selling clothes,
Wav down at bed rock—
Just watch the crowd that dally goes
To I>. A. Heck's In Huffy Block.
iHrtUdu fell§ ?° slow but sure muslc -
Tutt's fills
Habitual Costivenetfl
Jaiuei derangement of the entire system, and be
ret« ilutdM-t thftt are haxardous to life. Persons of
[ coetlv# habU «r« subject to Headache. Defective
temory, Oioomy
Jmwsine**, Irritable Temncr and otfie* »jr
rhlch uiiflu tli* sufferer tor business or agreeable
issooUUons. Regular habit of body alone can cor
net theao erlls, and nothing succeeds so well In
ichleTlng this condition a* Tutt's Pills. By their use
lot only Is the system renovated, but In conse
lueaco of the harmonious changes thus created,
.here pervade# a feelioe of sattsftetlon :
»l faculties perform their fuuutiow* wltb vivacity,
tnd there is an exhilaration of mind, freedom at
hought, and perfect heart's case that bespeftU the
lull enjoyment of health.
Ls health. The secret of health Is the
Ksrer to digest n. proper qaantitr of food.
!■ can uevcr be dune wh « ttio liver does
ISClfllVart. It Is the urlrln-; wheel In
the siecssjltn ffflSl?* 4 eo ltlseut
st order, thei wfcolo eyjteei Ide
ranged, and Fever, I)y»pep ,la, *lck Hrtjv
sehe, Coastlpatlon, Jsuud Billons C os.
Ic and General Debility ensoe. To restore
the funetloas of the I.lver and Impart that
beaaty which always attends a healthy
soustltntlon, l>r. Tutt's Liver Pills are
Escotuinended. They are not a cure-all,
St'SK designed solely lor the disordered
ilver aita (La diseases which it prodaces.
Tutt's Liver Pills
191,9 BY AU I»BUGUIBTS, a 5«.
Cream B a ' n, HP?tY ; i^H
Cleanses thel P®?aM bawl
Nasal Passag ■
es A 1 I a V T^PJ
J'm and In^FtVtßfl^i
flammatl o n.^K
sores, restores
the Senses of
T a ste a n uju.)
Try the cure Ely's Ceam Balm,
A partlele IK applied Into each nostril and Is
Agreeable. Price 80 cents at uruifulsU ;bv mail,
reuistered, W> els. Circulars free, KI.V UJtOS,
1!35 (ireenwlch St. New York.
"Bradford Restaurant,"
South Main Street,
In the fiisliop Building.
Served at all hours at reasonable rates.
And everything in season.
The patronage of the oil men and travelling
public respectfully solicited.
Fine Cigars and Tobacco always kept on
S. K. Eckelbergcr,
I will seel) my farm, located in Frauklin
township, Butler county, Pa. It contains
of good, well watered land, both ridge and
swamp; good grain land and good grans land
about 30 acres of good chestnut timber, three
50xG0 feet, frame and log dwelling, ood
spring and good spring house near house;
well in kitchen, good corn crib, pig pen and,
all neceasary»iluproveuients.
For terms, elu, inquire of CJe on the prem
ises, Ccom lK C. Mi <
Prospect, Pa.
I Wt I nl **" tiHinK Ktu-ncy ol Meanra.
N. W. AYCII * SON, uur autboruud syenU.
Judgment In the Anarchists 1
Case AlFirnied.
Unanimous opinion rendered, and
the Supreme Court orders sentence
of death.—Nina Van Zandt frantic
with grief, refused admittance to
Spies—Her father on guard at
home against reporters—Mrs, Par
sons raves and predicts rivers of
blood for Chicago streets.
CHICAGO, Sept. 14—Intense ex
citement was caused In this city by
the news of the Supreme Court decis
ion. The police guard at the juil was
doubled and Capt. Schaack marched
a squad of twenty five police to the
jail to do patrol duty in the surround
ing block. Mayor Roche promptly
called Superintendent of Police Eber
sold and all the precinct Captains
into a close and earnest consultaiiou
that lasted over an hour'.
"What extra precautions will be
taken by the Police Department now
that the Anarchist case has been de
cided?" was the question put to May
or Roche.
"In the matter of precaution we
will do opr duty. There will be no
reason for auy uneasiness on the
part of the people of Chicago. Wo
will take every precaution necessary
to insure the safety of the city. We
wiil protect the city;" and Jlis Hon
or's jaws shut with a snap.
Throughout the city the startling
news was the Sole subject of conver
sation ant] with scarcely on exception
everybody expressed hearty satisfac
tion at the result.
"It's a righteous verdict," declared
Phil D. Armour.
Joseph O. Rutter, President of the
Traders' Bank, said:—"l think it was
Erskine M. Phelps, of Phelps,
Dodge Palmer, one of the largest
boot and shoe houses west of New
York, said:—"lt's better that the
matter should be settled now after
the heat and excitement of the trial
are passed. At the time of the trial
the excitement va§ great, aufl gome
might urge that popular clamor had
a good deal to do with bringing
about the verdict, but that cannot be
said now. The excitement has long
since abated and the decision, which
i 3 according to law, will have a good
effect, because it can't bo 3ai<J the Su
preme Court were biased by preju
J. Frank Aldrich, President of the
Board of County Commissioners, in
dorsed the decisioa. "It was not un
expected," Jie B *!4- " an d the people
will abide by and have faith in the
ruling of the supreme Court. It is
compoeed of men of high character
and we have no disposition to ques
tion the justice of the verdict. It is
a ppriocß matter, but all such matters
are serious, it 13. in my ovinias}, 9
just result of the fearful massacre of
May 4, 1886."
OTTAWA, 111 , Sept. 14—At 9:30
Justice iiagrader bpga» the an
nouncement of the decision in the
Anarchist case. Just before the op
ening of court evferyone seemed to
have a feeling that something was
going to happen. Before the hour
for convening of court lawyers and
reporters seempd to haye that feeling
and conversed with e&cb other in
subdued tones. Even Barker, the
janitor, who has waited upon every
Justice of the Supreme Court that sat
upon the Bench in Ottawa, tip-toed
around in openipg and dusting the
court-room as if be was afraid of
breaking the deathly stillness that
prevaded the entire building. Depu
ty Smith faltered and his voice
trembled ai he pronounced the "Hear
ye." As the Justices filed into the
court-room beaded by Chief Justice
Sheldon they appeared more dignifi
ed than ever. The Chief Justice
waved his associates to their scats
even more stately than his wont, his
nod to the Sheriff was more stiff, and
his "Open court" less audible than
on previous days of the term Jus
tice Magruder appeared flushed and
nervous as he entered the court-room
the cause of which was evidenced a
few moments later, when Chief Jus
tice Sheldon turned to him and, in a
voice which would have been inaudi
ble save for the deathly stillness
which prevaded the room, said:—
"Justice Magruder, have you any
announcements to make? 11
The flushed appearance of the Jus
tice changed to that of pallor, and
his voice was husky as he respond
ed:—August Spies and othersjagainst
the people of the State of Illinois, No.
59, advisement docket."
The Chief Justice nervously turn
ed the leaves of the court docket to
the case indicated, when the Justice
read the decision of the Court in the
"Anarchist case." As he commen
ced reading be regained his compos
ure. His voice was clear and dis
tinct until the order fixing the death
penalty and date of execution was
reached, when his reading became
labored, his voice husky, and his
manner showed that it was with the
greatest emotion that he performed
the duty he had been delegated by
his associates to perform. Having
voiced the decision of the Court in
the most celebrated case it has ever
been called upon to decide, the Jus
tice who made the announcement at
once loft the bench and retired to his
The oral announcement was as
"Opinion by Magruder. In this
case thejudgment of tjje court below
is affirmed as to all and as to each
and every one of the defendants. An
opinion has been prepared setting
forth the reasons of tho affirmation of
thejudgment. The opinion is now
handed to the Clork to be filed."
Judge Sheldon announced that he
concurred in the opinion.
Judge Mulkey—lt is not my in
tention to offer a separate opinion as
I should have done. I desire to
avail myself of this occasion to say
that while I concur in the conclusions
reached, and also in the general
views aa entered in the opinion filed,
Ido uot wish to be understood as
holding that the record is free from
error, for Ido not think it is. lam
nevertheless of the opinion that none
of tbe errors complained of are of such
character as to require a reversal of
thejudgment. In view of the num
ber of defendants on trial, tbe great
length of time comsumed in the trial,
the vast amount of testimony offered
and passed upon by the Court, and
the almost numberless rulings the
Court was required to make, the
wonderment to me is that tbe errors
were not more numerous and of a
more serious character than they are.
In short, after bating fully examined
the record and giving the questions
arising on it my very best thought,
with an earnest and conscientious
desire to faithfully discharge my
whole duty, I am fuily satisfied that
the opinion reached vindicates the
law and does complete justice be
tween the people of the State and the
defendants, fully wart anted by the
law and the evidence.
Judge Sheldon—ln this case the
Court orders that the sentence of the
Superior Court of Cook county of the
defendants in the indictment—Au
gust Spies, Samuel Fielden, Michael
Schawb, R. Parsons, Adolph Fischer,
Engel, Louis Liugg—be carried into
effect by the Sheriff of Cook county
on the 11th day of November next,
on Friday, between the hours of 10
o : clock forenoon and 4 o'clock in the
afternoon on that day.
The judgement of the Court was
The opinion was written by Judge
Magruder, of the Chicago district,
is an able exposition of the law and
previous interpretation there,.f, by
eminent juristsin this county, as well
OS the courts bearing upon the alleg
ed and, perhaps, real errors in this
record. In his work he was ably
helped by each of the other six dis
tinguished Judges, who made him
their spokesman, and through him
expressed their unanimous decision.
The opinion covers 225 pages of
closely written manuscript and con
tains about yG,OQG worus. Ater re
viewing at length the facts in con
nection with the Haymarket riot, the
fatal bomb-throwing and the findings
of the lower court, the opinion says:
It is undisputed that the bomb was
tbiown and that it caused the death
of peagan. |t is conceded that pope
of the convicted threw the bomb with
his own hands. Plaintiffs in errors
are charged with being accessories to
the fact. Somi of the counts chirge
that the eight defendants being pres
ent aided, abetted and assisted in the
throwing of the bombs. Others,
though DO not being present aiding,
abetting or assisting, they advised,
encouraged, aided and abetted 6uch
The Illinois statute on this subject,
is as follows:
"An accessory is he who stands by
and aids, abets or assists, or who, not
being present aiding, abetting or as
sisting, that advised, encouraged,
aided or abetted the perpetration of
the crime. He who thus aids, abets,
assists, advises or encourage shall be
Considered as prinpipal and punished
accordingly, is very such accessory
when crime is committed within or
without this State by aid or procure
ment in this State may be indicted
and convicted at the same time as
the principal, or before or after the
conviction, and whether the principal
is convicted or amenable to justice
and is punished as principal."
This statute abolishes the distinc
tion between the accessories before
the fact and principals; by it all ac
cessories before the fact are ipade
principals. As the acts of the prin
cipal are thus made the acts of the ac
cessory the latter may be charged as
having done the act himself and may
be indicted and punished accordingly.
If therefore the defendants advised,
cncoiirageq or abetted {-bo lulling of
Degan, they are as guilty »»8 though
tbey took his life with their own
hands. If any of them stood by, aid
ed, abetted or assisted in the throw
ing of the bomb, those who did so are
as guiity though they threw it
It is charged that defendants form
ed a common purpose and were unit
ed in a common design to aid and en
courage the murder of the policemen
among whom the bomb was tnrowa.
If tbey combine to accomplish such
murder by concerted action, the or
dinary law of corjspirapy is applicable,
and the acts and declarations of one
of them, done in furtherance of com
mon design, are "'in contemplation of
law the acts and declaration of all
This prosecution, however, is not for
conspiracy a$ a substantive crime.
Proof of conspiracy is only proper so
far as it may tend to show a common
design to encourage the murder
charged against the prisoners. It
may be introduced for the purpose of
establishing the position of the mem
bers of the combination as accessories
to the crime of murder.
The questions which thus presents
themselves are these: Did the de
fendants have a common purpose or
design to advise, encourage, aid or
abet the murder of the police? Did
they combine together and with
others with a view to carry that pur
pose or design into eflect? Did they
or either or any of them do such acts
or make such declarations in further
once of the common purpose or de
sign as did actually have the effect of
encouraging, aiding or abetting the
crime in question? The solution of
the question involves an examination
of the evidence. The first inquiry
which naturally suggests itself is,
who made the bomb which kilied
Here the opinion goes into detail
upon various kinds of bombs showing
their construction, the fact that
bombs were made by Lingg, the con
nection and implication of Seliger,
Tbielen, Hemiann and other parties
in their construction, and finally
shows the positive guilt of Lingg by
comparison of make and bombs found
in his possession and pieces taken
from the bodies of Degan and other
murdered policemen, the chemical
analysis being tho same.
CHICAUO, Sept. 14.—The first of
ficial information that reached this
city was a telegram from the Court
Clerk at Ottawa to the State's At
torney's office hero, saying: "Anarch
ists' case affirmed; execution Nov.
11th." Mr. Pureell, of the State's
Attorney's office, ran at once to the
jail with the dispatch. Following
on his heels was a messenger carry
ing a telegram for August Spies that
had been sent from Ottawa by an
agent of the Anarchists. The turn
key who took the dispatch to cell 35
and shoved it through the bars linger
ed a moment to watch the effect it
would have on Spies The arch-An
archist took the message, glanced
firmly at the turnkey and then with
drew to the dark end ol his cell. In
two minutes or so he called gently
to the old man who sits as death
watch ontside his barred door and
asked him to hand the yellow tele
graph sheet to Parsons. From him
it went to all the others, and at last
I reached Neebe, who is only under
sentence of imprisonment. Newspa
per men had been rigorously shut out
from the condemned men, and all ob
servaiions had to be taken from the
outside of the cage, about ten yards
from the cell door It could be dimly
seen that each of the condemned men
made ostentatious efforts at coolness
and bravado. They took seats at
their cell doors, and read newspapers
and books, smoked cigars, and once
Lingg, the bomb-maker, whistled.
Their wives and friends had been
with them for an hour during the
morning, but about thirty minutes
before the news came they were all
excluded and the prisoners locked up,
each alone by himself.
Sheriff Matson had remained away
from the jail. By his orders during
the night the guards had all been
doubled. Including the court bailiffs
there were twenty of the Sheriff's
men on duty, ten turnkeys and
guards that are on regular duty at
the jail, and si>; policemen who pa
trolled the alleys on the outside.
Cap;. Schaack brought with him four
detectives this morning, who were
stationed in the jail courts. Upon
Capt. Schaack the protection of the
jaii devolves, lie professes to expe
rience no uneasiness from any at
tempts to break into the jail and says
he has taken every precaution.
A reporter was Capt. Black's first
informant of the decision. During
the moments occupied in giving the
Anarchists' senior counsel the dread
information his face was a study.
His under jaw dropped down, the
right hand went up to bis forehead
with a iightuing-iilo jerk, and the
Captain gasped:—"ls it possible?
Seven men to hang." Great as was
bis apparent surprise, his manifesta
tion of disappointment was greater.
"The only remaining course for us to
pursue," said he, "is to tajce the case
to the IJnited fetates Supreme Court.
I shall immediately go before the
Supreme Court at Ottawa and ask.
for reasonable time to secure a certi
fied transcript of the record.
CHICAGO, Sept. 14 —Nina Van
Zandt was onp of the first visitors at
the county jail to day. She came bo
fore the news of the Supreme Court
decision had reached the city and
hung about the jail for over an hour
whispering to August Spies, her
proxy husband, through the wire net
ting of the visitors' cage. She left
in ignorance of Spies' fate and went
shopping. Not long afterwards she
heard the newsboys crying out the
extra newspapers and turned pale as
she heard their shouts. Hastily call
ing a lad she bought a paper. A 8
sb? read the startling headlines her
lips quivered pitifully, her cheeks
blanched and her eyes filled with
tears she struggled bravely to sup
press. She clinched the paper in her
nerveless hands and tried to read it,
but her emotion was too great. S;hc
had to give it up. Sbo went swiitly
to the jail and pleaded for admission,
but it was denied her until the regu
lar afternoon visiting hours, nor
could her tears and entreaties move
the turnkey. Early in tha afternoo.n,
however, she returned and sobbed as
though her heart was breaking while
waiting for her lover, though she
was mora composed when he came
from his cell. They whispered to
gether for an hour and a half until he
was again lacked up, whjn she turn
e4 slo\yly avyay. and, nulling $ veil
hei* tear-stained face, leit the
"Were you surprised at the result,
Miss Van Zandt?" asked a repor
HINA "JAl.iiS.
"I'm never, never, never goiug to
say another word to a reporter," she
passionately declared, her eyes flash
ing indignantly through the veil,
"'fhey have all traduced me and ma
ligned me sio one has said a good
word for me." Then she repented
and added mournfully, "but what's
the use of getting mad? Yes, lam
surprised at the result. The lawyers
and many of my friends had led me
to believe the verdict would not be
sustained and my sorrow is all the
heavier because of my false hopes
But they will never dare to murder
them," she said with a half sob, and
then, annoyed at the crowd that had
gathered, she walked rapidly home
No one could gain admittance to
the house. Her father stood guard
at the door and summarily firad all
intrudes- " Is Mrs. August Spies
at home?" the reporter ventured to
ask the worthy old man. "Miss
Niua Van Zandt is not at home,"
hotly retorted Mr. Van Zandt.
"Who is it papa?" asked the youig
lady, who had evidently been listen
ing. Never mind," said her father
dicisively, and to cut matters short
he slammed the door \yith a vicioua
bang and locked it.
Mrs Parsons, the peppery wife of
A. 11. Parsons, one of the seven con
demned to hang, who has achieved
notoriety through hot Anarchist
speeches here and in the East refused
to believe tho news.
"Bah," she spit out spitefully at a
reporter who tried to interview her.
"Bah, you're talking nonsense.
You slayes to the dollars of the cap
italist dare not tell the truth. I'll
not believe it." When the news
confirmed later she shouted boast
fully to a knot of friends, "Let the
hell" hounds hang them if they dare.
I tell you a revolution is at hand,
and if they hang these men for speak
ing the truth this city will see more
blood than it ever saw in its streets
"Take care, Lucy," warned one of
her friends. "There may be a detec
tive around."
"Detective," scornfully retorted
the angry amazon, "what do I care if
there is a detective around? lam
not afraid to speak what I think, a
detective or no detective." And she
would have resumed her J harangue
had not cooler counsel prevailed and
led her away. "I'd like to see them
arrest me" was her parting taunt as
the door closed behind her.
Late this afternoon the condemned
men were allowed to take exercise in
the covered jail court and speak to
their friends who were freely admit
ted. The prisoners had agreed a
mong themselves to talk to no one
for publication and all attempts to
interview them were resolutely re
W. A. Foster, one of tho lawyers
for the'«defeuse at the timo of the trial,
said this afternoon that notwith
standing the talk of an appeal to the
United States Supremo Court, tho
only hope now was in tbe mercy of
Gov. Oglesby. Mr. Foster claimed
to have no doubt whatever that the
sentence of four of the seven would
be commuted.
"Upon what do you base that opin
ion !" was asked.
"I have reasons for believing that
officers representing the prosetution
will use their efforts to bring about
%ucb results. 1 have not only my
opinion that that will be the case, but
I have their word for it."
"Which of the Anarchists will
have their sentences commuted, if
any !"
"1 do not believe Samuel Fielden,
Michael Schwab or A. B. Parsons
will ever be hanged, and very much
doubt whether Adolph Fischer will.
As to the others, at present I must
confess it looks pretty blue.
"Why should those four be let off
easier than the others ?"
"The testimony as to them was so
different and their conduct and act
ions as proved was such as to war
rant a difference in the punishment."
Judge Garev, who presided at the
trial of the Anarchists, was surprised
out of his usual calm reserve when
the news of the decision reached him
oa the bench, where he was hearing
another case. When assured that
the report was true, he said :—"Well
all I have got to say is that the ver
dict is just one." The venerable ju
rist thoughtfully patsed his hand
across his forehead for a moment and
thin resumed his occupation.
Joseph R. Buchannan, the Social
ist editor, who has charge of the An
archist defense fund, saiii that should
the State Supreme Court refuse to
grant an appeal to the United States
Supreme Court, or not act on the
matter in time to have their decision
act as a supersedeas before the date
set for the execution of the sen
tence, application will be made to a
Justioe of the United States Supreme
Court for a supersedeas. If these pro
cesses fail.an appeal to Executive clem
ency will be made. The petetions
for clemency will be presented to
Gov. Oglesby.
Mayor Roche said this afternoon
that police had been direoted to per
mit no jaeetirig of Anarcists and to
allow no incendiary speeches to be
New Road Law.
The following act to enable road
commissioners and other officers hay
ing in charge the opening, construct
ion and repairing of public roads,
highways and bridges, to purchase
necessary and improved implements,
materials, el cetera, and to provide
means therefor, was passed at the last
stssipp of the Legislature:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted Ac.,
That and from and after the passage
of this act the road commissioners
and other officials having in charge the
opening,constructing and repairing of
public roads, highways and bridges
in any township, in this Common
wealth, are hereby authorized, at
their option, to purchase for the use
of their respective districts plows,
scrapers, road machines and such
other implements and materials as
may, from timo to time, be found
necessary in the opening, construct
ing and repairing of said roads, high
ways and bridges*
SECTION 2. If necessary for the
payment of the machinery, imple
ments and materials mentioned and
referred to jq tho first section of this
act| the supervisors, and road com
missioners or other proper officers
having in charge the opening, con
structing and repairing of public
roads, highways and bridges in the
several townships, of this Common
wealth, laay and are hereby author
ized to collect, annually, in cash, not
exceeding twenty-five per centum of
the rates or assessments by them re
spectively laid in each year for road
purposes, such c§sb tas to be collect
ed in tho BameJ manner that other
road taxes worked out are by law col
Approved : The 24th day of May,
Shaving Dead Men.
"I've been paid as high $lO. and
never Jess than $3, for shaving dead
men," said a Chicago barber to au
Inter-Ocean reporter. "That ia the
regular price and I won't take less.
"A funny thing happened once
when I was working in Pittsburg,
Pa. One night a rich iron man died
out Oakland avenue, and a colored
barber went to fix him up. When
be had shaved one side of the face it
was necessary to turn the corpse
over. I suppose there was some air
in the lungs, but, anyway, when he
turned him ovar, the corpse gave an
awful groan. The barber dropped
the razor and lot out a yell that
brought the whole household to the
spot on the run. Before anybody
got there the barber was out of the
house, and down the avenue as if the
'old boy' was after him, and at every
jump be let out a screech. When
one of men went into the room he
saw the razor and nearly half of the
left ear lying on the floor. The ra
zor had just happened to strike it
when the barber dropped it and ran.
A doctor was sent for, who sewed
the ear on, and then he Bent for me.
I finished shaving the man, and left
the house with a crisp $lO bill in
my pocket."
—Bystander— "Doctor, what do
you think of thi9 man's injuries ?"
Doctor —"Humph !Two of them are
undoubtly fatal, but as for the rest of
them, time alone can tell."
Guest (rising excitedly from the
table)—"lt's soorry I'd be to disturb
the hilarity of tho meeting, but I be
lieve some joker's been salting the
gooseberries 1"
—A bow-legged man was standing
before the fire warming himself. A
small boy watched him intently for
awhile and then broke out: "Say,
mister, you're standing too near the
tire, I guess, you're a-warpiug."
—A recent act of Congress gives
Gen. Sherman a Secretary. The
population of the United States is
growing so rapidly that old Tecum
seh found it impossible to kiss all
ladies in the laud without an assist
—"What a lovely cow, Uncle
James !" exclaimed a Boston girl,
the morning after her arrival, "and
how comically she moves her head."
"YGB, but don't you get too near
that cow," he's au ugly critter."
—Soon the autumn tinge will be
discernible iq the foliage.
People should not throw weeds
or rubbish on the public roads. It is
against the law.
The Post War Amendments.
It is interesting as well as timely
to note that the only part of the con
stitution which has been framed by
the generation which com mem
crated the signing of the original doc
ument is the last three amendments
adopted since the war. In fact, these
are the only changes made in the
constitution since 1801, when the
twelfth amendment was added.
Here are the three post war amend
SECTION I*—Neither slavery nor
involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the
party shall have been da!y convicted,
shall exist within the United States
or any place subject to their jurisdic
SEC. 2 shall have pow
er to enforce this article by appropri
ate legislation.
SECTION 1. —All persons born or
naturalized in the United States, and
6ubject to the jurisdiction thereof, are
citizens of the United States and of
the State wherein they reside. No
State shall make or enforce any law
which shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United
States, nor shall any State deprive
any person of life, liberty or property
without due process of law, nor deny
to any pereon within its jurisdiction
the equal protection of the laws.
SEC. 2.—The Congress shall have
power to enforce, by appropriate legis
lation, the provisions of this article.
SECTION I.—The right of citizens
of the United Slates to vote shall not
be denied or abridged by the United
States or any State on account of
race, color or previous condition of
SEC 2—The Congress shall have
power to enforce this article by appro
poiate legislation.
We have omittad from the four
teenth amendment three sections re
lating to special matters growing out
of the war. The thirteenth was
adopted in 1865, the fourteenth in
18C8 and the fifteenth in 1870.
They all relate primarily to the negro
Their first parpose was to elevato the
Southern blacks to citizenship. The
thirteenth rendered slavery forever
impossible in the United States.
But the black, though a free man,
was not yet a citizen. The Supreme
Court had declared in the Dred Scott
case that a negro was not and could
not become a citizen of the United
States under the constitution as it
then stood. The fourteenth amend
ment made every colored person a
citizen and gave him equal civil
rights with white citizens.
Though olothed with citizenship and
civil rights colored persons were still
without the political right to vote.
This was secured to them by the fif
teenth amendment.
These amendments carved a very
large slice out of State sovereignty.
For they stripped the States of ail
power to deny any right guaranteed
by the amendments. While their
primary purpose was to prevent the
re-enslavement of the Southern blacks
and to give them citizenship, they
have a far broader suope. They ap
ply equally to ail the States, aud to
all citizens, white as well as colored.
The thirteenth says that slavery shall
not exist in the United States. That
means that in this country there shall
be no form of slavery and that no
perßoq shall bo made a slave. The
lourteenth declares that no State
shall abridge the privileges or immu
nities of a citizen. That protects
every citizen, white or black, native
or foreign born, The fifteenth says
that the ri«ht of a citizen to vote
shall not be denied or abridged on ac
count ot race or color. That secures
the franchise to colored citizens, but
it would also prevent them from cur
tailing the franchise of white citizens
if the former should ever bo in the
ascendancy in any State.
The most comprehensive of these
amendments is the fourteenth It
imposes upon State sovereiguty far
more extensive and radical limita
tions than either or both of the other
two. or, in fact,all the rest of the con
stitution together. It brings the states
in their internal affairs under federal
control to an extent unknown prior
to its adoption. Before the war aud
when the war ended the sovereignty
of every State over the civil and po
litical rights of its own citizens and.
residents was practically supreme.
The control was but Jslightly limited
by the few special checks in the fed
eral constitution. Every State wa3
left free to legislate in favor of or dis
criminate against any class of its in
habitants. It might deny to any class
black or white, fereign born or native,
the right to vote or hold oflice, the
right to adopt any profession, the
right to engage in any occupation,
the right to enter any field of labor.
It might deny to any class, as some
of the Southern States once denied to
the negro, the right to make con
tracts, the right to testify in court,
the right to sit on a jury, &c. It
might punish one class of offenders
more severely than another for the
same crime. This vast power to dis
criminate agaiust classes of citizens
or persona in the matter of civil rights
was taken from the States by the
fourteenth amendment. It transfer
red control over the civil rights of
the people from tho State to the na
While it was framed primarily for
the benefit of colored persons it is
curious to note that it makes no men
tion of color or race. Its language is
general. The rights secured and the
protection guaranteed are secured to
all alike. It first makes every person
born in this country a citizen. A
child born here of Chinese parents is
a citizen, though one born in China
cannot become a citizen by naturali
zation. The amendment then pro
hibits a State from abridging the
privileges or immunities ot a citizen.
But it does not stop with protection
to citizens. It forbids a State to de
prive "any person" of life, liberty or
property without due process of law
or to deny to "any person" the equal
protection of the law. That protects
every person, citizen or not, man or
woman, old or young, native or alien.
It has protected the Chinese against
the oppressive legislation of the Pa
cific slope. It prohibits discrimina
tion State laws, civil or criminal,
against any class of persons. It
guarantee* equal protection under the
law to every class.
Congress is empowered to enforce
the provisions of the amendment, and
whether it does or not, tha judicial
power of the nation can be invoked
iby appeal to the federal courts,
j There is no article in the constitution
lof the United States more compre
hensive, more far reaching in impor
tance, lhau the fourteenth amend
Keunion of Cos. "C" and "E,"
100 Reg't P. V. V. (Roundhead,)
At a meeting of the citizens of
CeDtreville and vicinitv, held Au
gust 27, the following committees for
were appointed for the entertainment
of the surviving veterans of Compa
nies "C" and "E"' of the 100 th
(Roundheads) Reg't, P. V. V., who
wi'l hold their annual reunion at tbia
place on Thursday, September, 29,
1887 :
Committee on Eutt rtainment: C.
W. Coulter, J. H Muntz, J E. Bard,
T. L. Warmcastle.
Committee on Mu-ic: Neymaa
Chriotley, J. A. Kel y. W. H. " Wil
• son, T. S. Coulter, C. W. Coulter,
j Committee on Finance: W. H.
Wilson, John Iteed, Benjamin Pear
son, T. F. Patton aud C. W. Bard.
Commitee on Dfcorations : J. M.
! Covert, I). P. Vincent, J. A. Kelly,
; C. I). McC&rnes, John Buchanan,
Mis. W. 11. Wilson, Mrs. Henry Mc
Cornell, Miss Lizzie McCoy, Miss
Eyth and Miss Anna' Morrison,
C\mniittee on Speaker: John C.
Ivtrr, Robert Kissick and John Reed.
Committee on Transportation : L.
D. Kiester, S. G. Morrison, J. H.
Muntz, J. E. Bard, J. T. Bingham.
Committee on Reception: J, S.
Wilton, Hon. P. McKee, Alex. Black
C. W. Ford, John Campbell, Prof. J.
L. Snyder, Benjamin, Pearson, H. E.
Bard, Norman Patterson, J. A. Pe
ters, William Kaufman,
Crocker, William Bingham, John
Buchanan, Geo. Maxwell, J. May
bury, Geo. Forsythe, A. W. Christie,
J. P McQuistion, Esq, Robert
McCoy, W. Bingham and Robert
Committee on Invitation : George
At a subsequent meeting the chair
men of the several committees were
formed into an Executive Committee.
The Evecutive Committee at their
meeting adopted the following pro
gramme and made the following ap
pointments :
Chief Marshal : J. S. Wilson.
Aids: Wm. Fielding, Wm Mc
Members of Companies 'C' and 'E'
with their invited guests will meet at
headquarters of O. G . Bingham Post
No. 306, G. A R , at 10 A. M., and
march with the procession.
Address of Welcome, C. C. McCarnes,
Response by member of Reg't.
Adjournment for society business
meetings to Post rooms of G. A.
11. At 12 M., the procession will be
reformed by Marshal and marched to
U. P. church where dinner will be
served. After dinner will adjourn to
grove(if day be rainy to M. E.
church) for speeches, music and a
general good time.
It was unanimously voted that the
Cammittee on Invitation be instruct
ed to invite all surviving members of
the Roundhead Regiment, P. Y. V.,
to be present on this occasion and en
joy with the rest a general good time.
For those whose desire to be pres
ent and remain over night suitable
entertainment ./ill be provided. All
persons coming by rail will please come
to Kieater station, S. & A. R. R., as
transportation will be provided for
By order of Chief Marshal.
Death of Mrs. McFadden.
Mrs. Josephine McFadden, wife of
George McFadden, of Grove City,
died on Saturday evening of congest
ion of the stomach, aged 39years. She
had been in poor health for a number
of years. On Wednesday of last
week she was going up stairs in her
home and when about half way up,
gave out and sat down overcome
with weakness. She was removed
to her bed which she was never able
to leave. Mr- McFadden was work
ing at Glade Mills, Butler county,
and had been sent for, but through
somo error, the word did not reach
him as it should havo done, but he,
however, reached home on Saturday,
at noon. The funeral services were
held in tho Presbyterian church and
were conducted by Ilev. W, J. Mc
Conkey.' The remains were interred
in the Grove City Cemetery. She
leaves a husband and three small
boys to mourn their loss. They
have the sympathy of the entire com
munity. Mr. McFadden's sister will
remain and keep house for him.— T.cU
ephone. _
A Look Ahead.
The Rev. Joseph Cook in his re
cent lecture in Nashville threw out a
few points worth pondering over.
America, the lecturer said, has
prospects that will make her the
hope or the curse of the world.
We had 50,000,000 of people in
1880, and have been doubling in every
25 or 80 years. Some old men now
living will see a population of 100,
000.000. Some of our young men
will see in in 1950 a population of
250 000,000 and 50 years later there
will be 500,000,000 of Americans.
The greatest dangers threatening
our rapidly growing nation exist in
our large cities. An English states
man claims that under our system of
government no city of any size is
well governed or ever will be. Lord
Macauley predicted that Huns aud
Vandals would breed in our cities and
find uCii'sar orNapoleon to lead them.
With this view of our prospects,
oue thing looms up very distinctly, If
our millions are to ero on doubling in
each generation, the value of tho
land in the near future will reach a
high figure. The swindling deßigns
of speculators upon our public lands
must be checked. Our landlords
need not be too uuxious to sell.
Their children or grand children will
find a bonauza in the ladcis now
unmarketable. Tho pressure of in
creasing population will give us
a steady boom iu real estate all the
time, except iu localities where a
speculative fever has forced land up to
unreasonable prices. There is some
! thiug in all this that is worthy of all
> the consideration we can give it.
—They never call Mr. Cody ''BufT
nlo Bill'' ia Boston. They speak of
| him as "Bison Americanus Guillia
NO. 44