KASKINE (THE SEW «|I T IMIWE) j| HOOD APPETITE J SEW STRENGTH, •I / QI'IET SIEVES, | HAFP* DATS. 11 SWEET SLEEP, A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SITCESSFTL BLOOD PURIFIER, Superior to quinine. Rev Wm. Lucas. Rector Urace Church, Ra venna. 0.. writes: "I cordially endorse Kas fclne as being Just what you claim, an excel lent substitute for quinine, with none of Its bad effects. Mrs. Lucas had a serious form of malaria, and was conllned to htr bed for months. Kasklne hail her up and around In a few days, and In a short time cured her. Living: In the malarial districts of Maryland I tecame a victim of worst forms of malarial fever. I drugged myself with quinine and other remedies without avail. I was greatly reduced when I hesrd of Kasklne. Its curotlvc powers were a medical revelation to me. It cured me and I have not had a return of the troubles toe* (Prof.) .1. D. Illrd,, B. A., Asst. Chemist; Maryland Agricultural college. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. SI.OO per bottle, or six bottles - for (5. Sold by J. C. REDICK, Buler, Pa. or sent by maU on receipt of price. KASKIXE CO.. 54 Warren St.. New York. !& 15 M EXACT LABLE IS OH 'y\ C £ k K K CAOH CHIMNEY AS \\ g m GEoSSffeo. B)gSAI3»UiEALERS SCOTT'S EMULSION of fobe cod ronton. jy Hypopbosphltesof Lime&Si^B Almost asPalatable as Milk. Ik* only preparation of COD LITER OIL that out be taken readily and tolerated tor a long tine kr delicate lit— ***** ATO 48 A JtEIEDT FOR COffgrMPTlOjr, ■attuLfttlft AFKfccn6?.oo per gallon. The purest Imported Wines, Brandies and (tins prescribed by physicians for medical purpose*, Goods shipped to all parts of the country. No charge for package. Call or write and give me a trial order and you will after that deal with no other house. Send money with order, by registered letter or P. O. order. U.S. Revenue laws prohibit shipping goods C. O. 1). Respectfully JACOB SCIUMAOIKR, 901 Liberty St., Pittsburg. Pa. fir-Store located two minutes walk from Un ion Depot. jDEi>rrxsTß,*- OU WAI.DRON, Graduate of the Phila • IV. dclphia Dental College, is prepared to do anything iu the line of his profession in u satisfactory manner. Ofltce oil Main street, Butler, Union Block up stairs. J. S. LUSK, M, D„ Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his office at No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-tf. DB. R. C. McCURDY, Pbyslclau and Surgeon, Office on Main St., over Kemper's store. Butler, - - Penn'a. Dr. 8. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties : —Gold Fillings, and Painless In fraction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Oflee ob Jeffertoa Street, one door Ksst of Lowry House, Up Stairs. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, R. B.— The only Dentist In Butler using the best ntkes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ASD SURGEON Office No. 65 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTI.BR, PEJSTX'A A J FRANK & CO, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac. BWPhyslclans' Prescriptions carefully com pounded, and orders answered with care ana dispatch. Our stoct of medicines Is complete warranted t inulne, and of the best quality. 45 South Main Street, BTJTLEB, • IFA. DRESSMAKING -BY MRS. AMELIA EYTHE # Wanted Immediately 12 more learning girls- Thanking customers for past patronage I am still at the old s' and. House No. 48 Cunningham St., 13 CJTLER, IP-A.. _*jALSO BOOHS TO KF.ST. EaTAdyertiße in the Citizkn. TIEL2E CITIZEIvT. MISCELLANEOUS General Notes. The notion of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in making prepa rations to substitute steam heating Apparatus for coal stoves in passenger ears indicates a commendable readi ness to meet the jnst demands of the public for something that will insure safety. The experiments which hare already been made completely dis pose of the objection that a locomo tive boiler could not generate sufficient steam for both heating and driving purposes. Undoubtedly the adop tion oft* system of steam-heating would have mitigated the horrors of many railroad disasters; but preven tive measures should not be allowed to end here. The frequency of acci dents of late through the failure of air-brakes to work at a critical mo ment suggests the necessity of some provision to guard against such a contingency. That the air-brake is uncertain and can not be made sure and positive by any human agenc}' has been repeatedly proved, and the adoption of an additional brake is a matter that should claim the tiou of both legislators and railroad managers. If a law should be enact ed requiring that every freight «nd passenger car built after the passage of the act shnuld be thus equipped, leaving it to the railroad companies to decide what manner of brake they would use, within five years the ad vantageous results would be appar in a reduction of the number of acci dents, curtailment in the loss of life and a great saving of property; while the companies would probably be im pelled by prudential consideration s to carry out a similar measure of im provements with regard to all their rolling stock. A single Government inspector in New York State has witLin the last few weeks paid over SIO,OOO to the owners of cattle slain because suffering from pleuro-pncumonia It is an incurable disease and the on ly way to restrain it is to kill all the cattle which take it. Yet Dr. Me Lean, of the Bureau of Animal In dustry at Washington, says it re appears as fast as it is stamped out because of the lack of sufficient in spection aud quarantine. llow much that would cause no one ventures to state, but it may be guessed from Dr. McLean's statement that a mil lion might bo spent for that purpose alone Pleuro pneumonia among the cattle of the United States is almost as costly a thing as phylloxera amoug the vineyards of France. —Another airbrake accident. There is plenty of room for another Westinghousa in this county. —Not a drop of rain has fallen in portions of Michigan since .July 4. Forest fires are raging near ICoehler, where the people are lighting fire. Slow Work To Build Up. Stone upon stone, brick upon brick, slowly is the house built. To-day does not show much progress or ad- j vance in the work over yesterday. Surely it will be weeks and even ' months before the walls are fiuished, 1 and the plastering, the carpentering, i the plumbing and the painting. ; llow tedious, how slow each are. i They take their own time. But at j last each part of the work is done and ! the workers have left. Then comes ! the inspecting by the owner. How great the satisfaction if he can at its close say, "It is well done; I am sat- 1 isfied." It matters not, new, how discouraged and disheartened he had oft times become, while the workers were ploddinj* on. The result of their handicraft can now be enjoyed. So it is often with the invalid, who, after long years of suffering, having gone down lower and lower in the scale of chronic invalidism, has con cluded to give a trial of some really good and well-approved remedy. He may for a time see but little change, but little improvement. He may become impatient, and lose hop-.; because the preferred treatment does ; not rebuild in a day, or week, or j month, that which he had been years in tearing down. The following is a very common form of the commence ment of a letter received by this class of patients, by the proprietors of the justly celebrated Treatment, by Com pound Oxygen. It was from a lady in Michigan, who had suffered for years with a complication of diseases, some of them deep-seated aud chronic. After three weeks' use of the Treatment, she wrote: "Thus far I can see no benificial results My kid neys seem to be much disturbed; suffer much pain since using the Compound Oxygen so much so that I can scarcely get into a position whore I can feci comfortable." Your Com pound Oxygen broke up a hard cold in a day's use. It is worth all it costs if it does nothing more for me! !" She is now, as might be expected from this experience, a firm believer in Compound Oxygen. This Compound Oxygen has a his tory wonderful in its way, and worth reading by everybody whose life is worth preserving. That history is embodied in a very interesting two hundred page treatise, which is sent by mail free, on application. Please address Drs. Starkey o cts,, Misses' $1,15. MENS' BUCKLE ARCTICS, Bostons, SI.OO. A. full line of Warm Over-shoes for Men, Boys, Ladies and Children. Prices guaranteed to be lower than than any other house in Butler county. Goods warranted to be Boston Rubber Co. goods made this year. No limit to the supply. When you come to the Fair or Reunion, or at any time I call aud see me, Yours Very Truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 South Main Street. ASKS YOU MS Attention! While other merchants are singing their own praise?, we cau.«e our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealincr is the best, our gocds second to none, in fact superior to innny usually kept and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and surrounding country needed snch a store as this," is tie general encouraging words our customers gire us, "and people will be fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is tewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner. Our medium and better grades take rank with any Custom-made iu the way of titling and make up. while our FINE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grudes. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. IIATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The tru<> fitting white and fancy shirts alwavs on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. Wo have uo doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothey, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be be judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE 3EGEGE K.ESBK2I BLOCK. JVTairi Street, Butler* P;x. 1860 "" WW«nn ■» »» -<*. a» XOBC Er< wvti the « UItISi h , JEWELER. No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, Diamouds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches CAMPV PI flPtiW a P er Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament i Mil WI tion > MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks RiItTOVWQ T'A Q RnOPl €ll fir Do,),t fail t0 sce th ' 9 line of Goods, as it is the largest Vvi W Col vGt V vldl Ujf • and most complete stock oyer shown in Butler. ~T TVT( SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, I~J JLV X\_A_Ll U O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Kemombcriwe Warrant all Goods as Heprcsented. free of charge. Placß of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTc- 19, North. Main Street? - BTJTLiCR* f-A., YOUR ATTENTION Is Called to my JF'ine Btock of A Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, «c., >■ All of which have been selected with gFeat care for JPPga OUR TRADE. ffrrirlPi I A eoni P Je te line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, &C., SC., " ffoods Eograved FRK Eof charge. If jou wish to buy from ft well T T> nDTPB'C UNION p LOOK, ' WIJ L!) O, No. Ift Street. JIM WATCH CASIj sign 01 ' ELECTRIC bell*' pa " ,g|jg|j|^EFOߣ wltherill'l Artistic Designs. Old-Fashioned Cottages, Suburban Residences, Etc., f match shades of Paiat MjR -■'' latest a nd most ef lective combinations of colors in house lT"«r' P».-k«je ; yy- n got our portfolio ask him orour i to send to ue for one. You 'ATLAS' I can then see exactly how READY- \ §® ,|jf your house will api>car MIXED \ when finished. PAINT \ ?j\ Dothlsan. iwe"Atl«s" to Kir«nat- b"M \i j Ready-Mixed Pslnt and in i>f&aiion, sure yourself satisfaction. r°iil?t e * to | 'yl [ tS3i «-See our guarantee. SSA f vLg^D.WsMIICO, p.mtMuvcn. > it White Lead and Paint LsAPi >#s6 NORTH FRONT 31. PHILADELPHIA. VA. SOLD BY J. C. REDICK, Sole Agent, I3iitlei* 9 - - !*». r\ DOCTORS LAKE hmm PRIVATE DISPENSARY Jb£ -JP OFFICES, «» rENN AVE. '* P:T:SBURGH > PA - BSfc All forms cf Delicate and Com- JK7 plicated I»lsc:u>csn'Hiring C'os fidkntiai.nod SciKXTiKK: Medi cation are treated at this I>i -i)Ciisary with « HUC cess rarely attained. l>r. S. k. T.ake is a incnilier of the Koyal * •illctre of l'liyslciiins and burgeons, and is the oldest iuid mostexjKjiicnced M'i.t iU.- IST in the city. Special attention given to Nerv ous l>e!»llity from excessive mental exertion, !n --discn tioiwof v.mth, Ac., causing physical and mental devay,"lack of enei-gy, despondency, etc.; a".so < aneers, Old Sores, His. I'iles, lllieuniatism and all disea-e9 of the Skin, Blood, Urin ary Organs, &c. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours!»to 4 and 7to S p.m.; .Slim lay a 'J tot p.m. only. Call at office or address S.K.LAKE, M.D.,M.ILC.P.S. orE.J.LAXE,M.D. SURVE Y I NG LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing ol •>ld lines. Address, B. F. MILLIARD, Co. Surveyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,84.1y [ITEHMULLER HOTEL. No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BTTTLTCR, - " I J^V. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson House— good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. [l-y-'«C-!y] 11 KITENMCI.LEK. l'rop r. Kor Dropsy. (jravel. Blight's. Heart, I'rlnar,' or Liver Diseases, Nervousness, liiiiiini We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry I Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. | We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades, lilaek and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, Now Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., d'c. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Butler* Pa GET THE BEST! STONE PUMPS. Manufactured by James McXces at IlallstoD, Batler County, Pa. The only Pump that leaves the water ABSOLUTELY PUKE. They are the most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION in every respect. JLAJMES McNEEB, K.EIBTKR i>. O-, IRutler Go., J^a County Auctioneer, JAMES R. KBARHS, lIVTLEK, PEXJCA. Is prepared to serve the pulilic of thi* section at vendues, etc. Having had many yeats ot experience he can guarantee perfect satlsfac tlon at rates that will suit all. Leave word at this oilice. 8,5,54.1y II PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt > J, Arrasene AND OUTLINE iVOBK CONE, Alto lessons" iu sanr: given by A.MNIK M LOWM AN,"North i ireet, Butlc.-, Pa. n«2o'-ii Advertise in tlie Ciiizi.t / \\_Wlt \\ The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, awl for general household purposes is the very best v- • -!s tn.rciSTCREB. ; ' -■'■■■ • - :'v. .. i-'liiia.U'ii. PSJ, A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Coiisnmpliou, Asthma, lironrkitls. Mytippp xia. iuintrli. Hay I'r-.tr, Hradlrir, DrliSlltf Ultraisatisui. Neuralgia mil all ChroHic tai Nervous liiorttri. "The Compound C-.\, a 'i'reat merit," Drs Star key a l'.'Ku, No. wj Areli Street, Fhlladel pliia. have txfii uMn>; lur the last sevemeee years, is a sel> utliie aujusuueut of the e!cme;.U ofOx\;vn and Ntli t'v;- .. inaynetlzed, and the compound o < cnui i •.1 and made portable thai it Is sent all over tbe world. Drs. starl.cy & Pult n liave the lil< -rty to refer to tl:e foilowii:;, uaiiud well-kncvn pci ; c.ns who have tried tliflr ti'fiie.ent: HON. \» M. D. KELLKY, Member of coagTC£3, Philadelphia. REV. ViCTOjK L. CONI'AP, Editor Lutheran Observer. Philadelphia, RF.\ W, CI riisG, D. D., Rochester 110 H. \VM. PENN NIXON, Editor Inter-Ocean, Chicago. ItBY. A. \\. MGORE. Editor The Centenary, Lancaster. s. C. inpham, Ala. r. MicojiAN, Quern mo, Kan. UliS. MAi:\ A. LiVEIiSK I huseils. Jt"D(Jlilt,S. VCOHHEES. New York City. Mil. K C. KMtillT. Phihn - Ip'r.ia. Ml:. I'UANSi MDDALL. 51 ivlutct.Philadilrhia 1i0.,. \>. V.. SCIirVLEU. 'i.ston, IV. LDWARD L. WII.SON, . I'n.aiiway, N. Y„ Ed. Philadelphia Photo; i apher. FIDELIA M. LYON, \Yalinea, Hi .wall Sand wich islands. ALEXANDRIA KITCjjIK, Inverness, Scotland Mlts. AIANCE!. V. OBTJSOA. Eresnlllo, Zacate eas, M ". 'Co. MRS. EMMA ( OOI'ER. ft ilia, Spanish Hondu ras. Hentrul Ameri.M. J. COBB. V. S. Vice C'onsel. Ca-ablanea, Moroc co. M. V. ASiIIJIIOOK, tied Bluff Cal. EItNEST Tl'itNEß, England. JACOB WARD, Boo.Til, New South Wales. And thousands 01 others In every p.irt of tlio United states. "Comix,and Oxygen—lts Mode of Action and Result-'." Is the f.ttl • or a new brochure of t'.vo hundred pages, publish--;i by i>rs. Starkev « Palen. which gives to ali inquirers full infonna tion as to thl. remarkable curative agent an.' a record of several hundred surprising cure •; a wide range of chronic cases—Ktaay of them ter being abandoned tod:-■ »?v oilier plivsi.'la.\-i, will be mailed free to any ../[dress on ap;>U-\i tlou. Read the brjehuro DBS. STAHSEY & PALEX, Xo. 1323 Arrh Street, Pliilsihlji'.ik, Pa. WEST PaNN HOUSE" This hotel, just across the street from I lie de pot. has licen refilled in the new, and 1 :ii,' again prepared to accommodate the traveilin. public. DAY OR WEEK. (lood Rooms, good a!*( -lion, good stabling rates moderate. For further inforniaticn enqnire on tl : premises of R. B. GILCHRIST, Propriotc mtmm Deli STORE ia Butltr, three docra west of West Prnn Depot. Having opened a fresh steek of OEOCERSKS cons-sting ofCoifee.Teas. Sugar. Ky Canned tloods oi a'.i kinds. Hams, Bacon, L:irATS, CORN and i'EED of all kinds at lowest figures. So. I. Naif, f.oiver »»»y oilier Efodse * is Country Produce wanted for wiiich the highest price will be paid. Cull and examine our stock and prices. Goods delivered free to ail parts of town. J. J. KEARNS & CO., 76 East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. J. H, DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - l, 2-4-87-ly FURNITURE! FURNITURF! Bed Boom Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, nt No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture Store BUTLER. W. F.MILLHR. ® Ready Mixed. 50, 00. Tr» to !.Oo per qaL BEST LINSIiIiD OIL PAINTS. Shipped anywhere, allshrdes. Property own ers order direct. Also •• and :s ply Felt KiKdlng with best coating and C* inent . Atjents wanted. Color card price list free. ATLAS PAINT CO., P. o. BOX iiiin, I'lttsburg, l'a BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. <3. C. ROESSING, PRESIDXNT. WM. CAMPBELL. TKEAISUBEH. 11. C. HEI NEMAN, SECHKTAK*. DIRECTORS: J. L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .J. W. Itnrkhart. A. Ttoutman, lit mlersou Ollvt r. tI.C. Koessiin;, .lan es Stephenson, Dr. W. Irvin. N. Weitzel, J. !•'. Taylor. U. C. Ilehieman, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Cien. A^'t or ethers,who wish toexamind RUWCfI I Iwtliw this paper,or obtsin esti-nate« >n cdvcrtisir-g when in Chicago, will find it on filo at li i« Ad lUii >ti ' » LORD & THOMAS.