KASKINE (THIS NEW QI'ISISE) GOOD APPETITE I Hi >KW STRENGTH, 1 J QIIET SERVES, 1 HAPPY DAYS. 2 I SWEET SLEEP, A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach will boar. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THK MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BbOOD PURIFIER, superior to quinine. Rev. Wm. Lucas. Rector Grace church, Ra venna, 0., writes: "I cordially endorse Kas klne as being Just what you claim, an excel lent substitute for quinine, with none of its bad effects. Mrs. Lucas had a serious form of malaria, and was con lined to her bed for months. Kasklne had her up and around in a few days, and In a short time cured her. living In the malarial districts of Maryland I became a victim of worst forms of malarial fever. I drugged myself with quinine and other remedies without avail. I was greatly reduced when I heard of Kasklne. Its curative powers were a medical revelation to Die. It cured me and I have not liad a return of the Tprot.) J. D. Hlrd„ B. A., Asst. Chemist Maryland Agricultural College. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any speela medical advice. SI.OO per bottle, or six bottles for 15. Sold by J. C. REDICK. Buler, Pa. or sent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. 54 Warren St., New \ork. •va-i'HoanffsxxM *oo* H J^OVW'V'O3O llkio pMniwjnn®B[ si dQJi Tavaa 9x u* wnmra *ol* IM3 oo raaqi 13 BIHX »sjtoiP°T dOJLIUVBd gHI HOJ HBV •amoiiao a six jo WflTpmb OKllsn #N«n«m9« »qt jprmi TT« Mill P«V iXON SUV JL3HX lIH dOI IHYM snonrajr otn SB poo 3 BB eras aoj peaego srav sianKiHo AXN ZUVTH SCOTTS mm of puke cod mm on. fy Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only preparation of COD LITER OIL thai can be Ulten readily and tolerated fur a lung time to delicate itomaehs. AMP AS A REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTIOH. aflUtfx'LolS AFFECTION'S, ANAEMIA, GE>- mL bEfilLrrf, coughs AND THROAT AY FKTI6.NB. an< all WABTIXW DISORDERS g? miiafßEW it U mmrellom In 1U rewrite. Prescribed and endorsed by the beat PHyaiclan* tD the countries of the world. Wmr Sato by nil Drnniata. The Reason Why you should send your order for any kind o Rye or Hour! on Whiskey. Brandy, Gin, Wines &c., to .1. Schumacher. No. 964 Liberty St., Pitts burg, Pa., is because he keeps the best and pur est goods in that line, and sells them at lowe prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Rye, 12 00 per gallon. Four year old Pure Rve, $2.50 per gallon. Five year old Pure Rye, $3.00 per gallon. From 5 to 8 vear old Pure Rye $3.00 to 55.00 pei gallon. The purest Imported Wines, Brandie and Gins prescribed by physicians for medica purposes, Goods sh/pped to all parte of tlx country. No charge for package. Call or write and give me a trial order and you will after that deal "with no otter house. Send money wttli order, by registered letter or P. O. order. 13. S Revenue laws prohibit shipping goods C. O. 1) Bespect/ully JACOB BCBVMACHEB 904 Liberty St., Ptttsburg, fa. BF~Btore located two minutes walk from Un ion Depot. JDJEJfTTISTJEI *. 0 1/ WALPRON, Graduate of the rhl'.a --« IV. delpWa, Devvtal College. Is \irciKvred Yo&o V.i W\e Vmc ol \\\s vtotasUiu \u v> satisfactory manner. O/llee on Main street, Butler, Union Blocl up stairs. J. S. LUSK, Warmouy U> YAIUct at-.d Vu\> his office at No. 9, Main St., throe doors liolov Lowiy Houae. a;>r-30-t£ D 8.8.. CX McCTJRDY, Physician and Surgeon, • Office on Main St., over Kemper*# store. Butler, - - i^eim'a. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA, All work pertaining to the profession" execut ed m the neatest manner. Specialties Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. OAs* em Jefferson Street, one door East ol Lo .trj House, Up Stairs. Office open daily, except Wednesdays anil Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention, H. B.—The only Dentist In Butler using the best makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office No. bC South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPtJS, Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunningham St., B'UTLER. FJSJsTISr'J^ A J FRANK & CO. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &e Btyphyslclans' Prescriptions carefully pounded, and orders answered with care anc dispatch. Oir stocK of medicines Is complete warranted ; inulne, and of the best quality. 45 South Main Street, B'CJTLEB, • PA. -BY HES. AMELIA EYTHE Wanted immediately 12 more learning girls. Thanking customers for past patronage 1 an still at the old s'.and. House No. 48 Cunningham St. BtJTLER, PA. ROOMS TO RENT. |gyAdvertise in the CITIZEN. THE OITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS Highly Recommended. For eight months the best natured creature ID the worid had undisputed sway in the kitchen and its environs; but toward spring the mistress began to take account of stock. "Bridget,"she asked, "where are the pots and frying pane?" "Pots, ma'am? and it's good for nothing they are! Every family as I live with always get new pots in the spring." "Bridget, I cannot find the kitchen dishes! "Dishes, ma'am? and it's in the ash cart they are. Every family as I lives with always gets new dishes in the spriDg." "Bridget, what have you done with the bed and table linen? It's positively in rage!" "Rags", ma'am? What would you be expecting after the cold weather? Everybody as I lives with always gets new things in the spring." "Bridget, when I walked through the kitchen last night, there were hundreds of roaches running over the floor and on the tables and shelves. How could you let so many bugs live in the house? "Roachs, is - it, ma,am? and you haven't any at all! Bogs always come out in the spring. Every fam ily as I lives with has many running in the daytime as there is here at night?" "Well, Bridget, I think you had better get a new home." "And I think so myself, ma'am. Every family as I lives with in the winter always gets a new girl in the spring." COMPARISON SOLICITED. A wise discrimination should be exer cised by all who take medicine. The proprietors of Hood's Sarsaparilla solicit a careful comparison of this medicine with other blood purifiers and medicines, being confident that the peculiar merits of Hood's Sarsap arilla pre so apparent that the people will unhesitatingly prefer it to any other preparation. Hood's Sarsapa rilla is not a mixture of molasses and a few inert roots and herbs, but it is a peculiar concentratsd extract of the best alterative and blood-purifying remedies of the vegetable kingdom. The enormous sales of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and the wonderful cures effected, prove even more than has been claimed for this medicine. If you are sick the best medicine is none too good. Therefore, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. An Ohio tame crow has lived to pass his 32d birthday. Hay Fever. For twenty-five years I have been severely afflicted with hay fever. While ! was suffering intensely 1 was induced, through Mr. Tichenor's testimonial, to try Ely's Cream Balm The effect was marvelous. It enabled me to perform my pastoral duties without the slightest inconvenience, and 1 have escaped a return attack. I pronounce Ely's Cream Balm a curefcr hay lever.—Wm. T. C'arr, Presbyterian Pastor, Elizabeth, Nr J. was invented in 1G35. A Prominent Merchant of Holly Springs, Miss., writes: "Tutt's Pills are doing wonders iu this State, and are becoming more popular every day. All our physic ians prescribe them in their practice." J. H. ATUEY. —Distributing hand bills is here after a jail offense in Washington. In General Debility, Emaciation, Consumption and Wasting in Chil dren, Scott's Emulsion is a most val-1 nable food and medicine, it creates an appetite, strengthens the nervous\ I system and builds up the body. "Have been highly pleased with it in , Consumption, Scrofula, and Waeting f Diseases, Bronchitis and Throat \ ) Troubles " —A. Jones, M. D. Coruera ville, Tenn • —A six foot nine husband and a 1 \ tour toot wit® anmse \3 pyer "isecV, "K. JJ. In Brief, And To The Point. I i "Dyspepsiais dreadiui. Disordered' ) liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. i The human digestive Apparatus is I one of the moat complicated and' wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. j Greasy food, toug'u food, sloppy' food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Grean's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember No happiness with out health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cents. —There are 72 colored preachers in the city of Raleigh, N. C. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specifiic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —A little boy's first pair of trous sers always fit if the pockets are deep enough. —A Paris genius has invented an "optometer" which will detect a wo man's age. —A peculiarity of Hood's Sarsap arilla is that while it purifies the blood, it imparts new vigor to every function of the body. —There is a white oak tree in Gil man, Pierce county, Wis, that is 21 feet in circumference. It is the lar gest tree in that part of the State. —A 4 months old child was bitten by a rat atDecatur, 111, and died from the effects. FOR sale A largo frame boarding house, good location and doing large business. Terms easy, tor further particmars inquire of 1,. S. MeJIJiKIJi, 17 E. Jeffi-rson St., 7-29,tf Butler, P». L. 8. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Eslate Fire, Life anil Accident Insurance written at this office. Also, Desirable Building Lots, Dwelling Houses and Farms for sale. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. FARM FOB SALE. I will seell ray farm, located in Franklin township, Butler county, Pa. It contains 220 ACRES of good, well watered land, both ridge and swamp; good grain land and good grass land about 30 acres of good chestnut timber, three orchards, GOOD BANK BARN, 50x60 feet, frame and log dwelling, ood spring and good spring house near house; well in kitchen, good corn crib, pig pen and, all necessary improvements. For terras, etc, inquire of mc on the prem ises. GEORGE 0. MCCANDLESS, Prospect, Pa. PI Oi fi& COB? ?• •■• i •-• r.• r. ji -y' 1 r\, . -"t! IS-i2o"1 : :vi ccrtaLicu.-3 fur Ur-uiit's ISisor.se, St- 10 in j;!;-.;.lcr, 1 igsK TT fi'-4 , sJ ci'-'l aU rf the tTHi '' L JEy .Kislr.oya auj I'riaor" Organs. JASIES E. MOaitri, «->!-• Asent,, CI IAMHi'iH-i 2>T,i iviiVi Vl'J"^'- FOK SALE BY J. C. REDICIv, Druggist, BUTLER, PKNN'A. AFFLICTED kw UNFORTUNATE After all others fail consult Dr. IJOBB 329 N. 15th St., belowCallowhill, Phila., Pa. 2© years experience in all SJ'ECI AI. diseases. Per manently restores those weakened by early indiscre tions,&c. Call or write. Advice free and strictly con fidential. Weurs : it a. a. till ?,and 7to 10 evenings. MACK mi AC. Summer Tours. Palace Stearaers. Low Rates. Four Tripe per Week Between DETROIT, MACIO.mC ISLAND fit. Ignaso, Cheboygan, Alpena, Harrisville, Onecda. Sand Beach, Port Huron, Gt. Clair, Oakland House, Marino City. E.ery Week Day Eotwecn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and Anguat. Cuss ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Hit co and Excursion Tickets will bo furaiafecd by your Ticket Acont, or address C. D. WHiTCOrJIB, Gen'l Pass. Agsn?, Detroit u Cleveland Steam Wav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. sun !sm m m: In Franklin twp., half way between Prospect and Wlittestown, on tin* Pittsburg and Franklin road, contains fourti en and a quarter acres, has good buildings— A Nev/ Frams House, Cood barn and all ether necessary outbuildings. Land ail level, and In gopd state of cultivation, good well v.ater, both hard and soft, and good orchaid of all kinds of fruit. For price and ten s apply to me at my furniture store In Pros pect. C. M. EDMUKDSON. 9 -2-3111 BAEGERTO WN, PA. T\\U already Famous Resort, though but a lit-' i Vie over three years old, has met wlthau unpar alleled patronage by tlie MI43ITS OF ITS WATERS— the cures performed. There is no other Ile.sort j on the continent where Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, | YvU\vtey Wvsea.se, Sctotula, Blood and SvUu IVIS- I eas>es," Diabetes, Female Troubles, et<\, ate so .successfully treated. A complete ore is the rale, where a cure is possible. It is :i rte liphtftillv cool itixl pleasant llesoit for THE PLfc'ASiIRE SKEKKK a.s well lis for tile afillctctt. I lloVe.V accommodations first, cirxss—rates reason- I a,Y>\e. rates o\\ a\\ \mu\vrr H. Yl. W - I lustrated pamiAAota contaVnmK \atoin\a low in regard' lo place and treatment sent tree 011 :i pplicatioii. A (hire.-:; liuitKKA MIXEKAL Srmxtis Co., LIMITED. 8-3-St SAKCEaiOWX, I'.l, j m m pip mm Y<rfhy it "is Superior to a\l Others. | c * ITS being enclosed it retains the high lot. temperature so necessary in removing the dirt from the goods, Ortr? THERE being no Friction on the £.ilu. clothing to wear It. QrH THK peculiar action of tlie water In the OI U. Machine (which cannot be understood unless one sees it) fr.reing a strong current ot water through the clothing at every vlrbratton 01' the Agitator, (which Id caused by the peculiar construction ol the top of the Machine. AiU AND best of all is that a child offouryears can do the work It being so light. that the operator sits down while doing It. Machines and County and Township Rights throughout tiic State of Pennsylvania. Sold by SHIIiAS & HAYS, BuLler, Pa. 8-10-ly OA L E S M EAT WANTED \ to canvass for the sale of ' serv Stock ! Steady employment guaranteed. SALARY AM) EXPENSES I'AII), Apply at once, stating age. (lleler to tals paper.) Chase Brothers Cc„ ,unil f. s " :i1 ' FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE 7 Two farms, one lias 112 acres fine, rich, level land,witli house, barn, &c., aiso 270 acres of good, rich land adapted to dairy, stoek or (.'rain has a good house and three bank barns. Both, near a prosoerouous Pennsyluania city. Good mortgages wanted on farms. J. 11. STKVENSOJf'S & GO'S Agency, 100 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa-_ FAR! FOR SALE In Sugarcreek township, Armstrong county, near Adams i'. 0., one anil one-fourth mile east of the new oil development in Sugarcreck twp. Farm contains 100 ACRES, with bank barn, ;j2x«o feet; BRIOK HO*Js3I2„ lsxHii feet, 2 stories, with cellar, frame kitchen, llxiu feet; good spring of water, farm well wa tered, good orchard of grafted fruit. Farm in a good state of cultivation. About 75 ACRES CLEARED, balance In good timber. W ill sell extremely low for cash. For particulars inquire of J. K. WICK, Rimersburg, Clarion Co., Pa, UUdSUiIK No operation or busiiic.-s.delav. Thou ands of cures. At Keystone House, 'Reading. Pa.. 2nd Saturday of each month. Send for circulars. Advice iree, YOU CAN FIND on Hie i.»: Pittsburgh :«t liio Ai|vcit*»iav v£ sassiss: REMINGTON BEDS. who will com ratt for advertising at lov. tii ruled. m Hammm fr'. V/. AVER It SON* our agent* WAIHTfI I ADY Active and Intelligent, tc 11 .» L fcU LflU ■ reprenent i: ler own locality an old firm. Reference*required. Permanient position and good salary. GAY & illfcoa., U Bafccla* fc u. , N. Y. issir FOR FILL AND nra YOU WILL FIND AT JO! Blffl/S, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, - - FJL., One of the largest and most complete lines of BOOTS, SHOES RUBBERS Ever offered to the trade. Anticipating an unusually large trade this fall I bought accordingly and my 'tore is filled to its utmost capac ity awaiting your arrival to make your pur chases for fall and winter which you should do as early as possible while the selection is large and the stock full and complete. Mens' and Boys' Kip Boots. I am happy to inform the trade that my stock of Boots is per fect in every particular and cannot help being appreciat ed for I took special care in selecting them, feeling that this line of goods above all others should be selected with the most care possible. They are here and fully up to my idea of a Boot for a man or boy who has to be out in all kinds of weather in the winter. My Common Kip Boots are all cut of the famous Walker Oakley Kips ot Chicago, and every pair warranted to turn water and stay soft and pliable. 1 have the utmost confidence in these Boots knowing so well the grade of stock they are made from. 1 feel perfectly safe in recommending them to my trade. Prices on this particular line is Mens' Hand Peg, lland sided Kip Boots, $2.25; Boys' $1.75, Youths'sl,2s, Glnldrens' 90 cts. My cheaper boots are all cut from first class stock, prices from 50 to 75 cts. lower than other grades. UMS', MISSES' US CHUMS' SHOES. This line of goods is thoroughly complete both in fine and common shoes. Every day shoes for persons that require a good strong shoe I have them made from Oak Kip, and the very best tannery Calf every pair pefectly water proof and servicable. The Childrens' School Shoes are all made extra high cut ot good Calf skin and Oil Goat both being waterproof secures for them a very important thing and that is dry feet at all times in the winter. In Ladies and Misses tine Shoes an in spection will convince you tYiattViey are all tUatl claim fox them Good Goads, Correct Styles and Perfect Fitting I And prices on all Uve.se goods are greatly reduced since last year. Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes are fully 15 per cent. below last year's prices and Childrens' High Cut School Shoes are selling at e.avwe \rtice Cut goods sold at before. In ) offering this line of goods 1 feel justly proud tliat 1 am a\Ae to place tliem on sale at the remarkable low price at which they are to be sold. 1 Mens' Fine Seamless 1 wish particularly to call your attention to a line ot fine seam- Jess shoes in Button, Bal. or Congress, Tip or Plain foe. I have lines that are much cheaper and some that are higher price, but this one line I consider a Special Bargain having bought 07 cases of these fine shoes at less than first cost I have placed thein on sale for $1,50 a pair. They are worth con siderable more money and you had better secure a pair before they are ail gone. List of Borne of my Specialties Ladies' spring beel Shoes and Slippers, Ladies' felt sole Shoes and Slippers, Old Ladies' warm shoes and slippers, Ladies' fiue Beaver cloth button shoe warm lined haDd turned—a perfect success MODS' low instep Boots in Kip and Calf, Mens' Felt Boots, Mens' Beaver Boots, Mens' Duck Boots—warm find waterproof. BOOTS and SHOES MADE to ORDER My capacity for making strictly hand made Boots and Shoes is the largest in Western Pennsylvania. All work warranted and lit guaranteed. 500 Pair Shop Boots on hand which mattes it very convenient for any who cannot wait to have their Boots made, i hey are all made of French Kip, Box toe and plain, three or four soles, extra high in the leg. A full stock ol shop made Shoes always on hand in Button, Bal. and Congress. pairing both Rubber and Leather Gooes. and Findings less than City prices. BOSTON RUBBER GOODS Oaly. As Boston Rubber Shoe Go's goods are the best goods in the market experience has taught me that there is nothing to be made by handling those low priced Rubbers. So I have concluded to handle Boston goods and the price I will sell them at puts them within the reach of all. Every pair of Rubber Boots and Shoes in my house have been made this vear and all plainly stamped Boston Rubber Shoe Co. MENS' RUBBER BOOTS, Bostons, $2.35, including a pair of good heavy slippers. The above price cannot be dupli cated. Boys' Rubber Boots $1.85, Bostons' Youths' $1.25, Womens' $1.05, Childrens' 90 cts,, Misses' $1.15. MENS' BUCKLE ARCTICS, Bostons, SI.OO. A full line of Warm Over-shoes for Men, Boys, Ladies and Children. Prices guaranteed to be lower than than any other house in Butler county. Goods warranted to be Boston Rubber Co. goods made this year. No limit to the supply. When you come to the Fair or Reunion, or at any time call and see me, Yours Very Truly, JOHN BICKEL, 22 South Miin Street. ASKS TOUR Attention! While other merchants are singing their own praises, we cause our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, our goods aocond to none, in fact superior to many u.-ually kept and sold as TIIE BEST. "Butler and surrounding country needed such a storo a3 this," is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and people will be fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is eewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner. Our medium and better grades tak-i rank with any Custom-made in the way of fitting and mako up. while our FINE DIIESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call OD us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE SEOUGE RElBEii BLOCK, JVlain Street, Butler* 3?a,. 188 o: 1850 ISSO 1850 1850 ESTABLISHED 1950 1850 1850 1850 =IBSO E. E BXEB, J E wWL E: R . No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, KRAI OPEING OF SPUING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches ""URSPV F* S TOME Paperweight. Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament rAllwl L> 0 I* 3 3 tion, MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks SHItTQY'YITQ Q SLyIQ/*! Q H"T7 Don't fail to see this line of Goods, as it is the largest rJIaVvX Wdi v (A) UpvUiuiUlj • gflnd most complete stoctfeyer shown in Butler. |~\T> 'Q SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, ia Gold, Silver and Steel frames, YJ JA< VJT O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Kememberjwe Warrant aIS Woods as Represented. free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTo- 19, IST or th. iVlain Street? - BUTLER) PA, YO UR ATTENTION Sis Oalled to my of , Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c., All of which have been selected with great care for OUR TRADE. A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated KNJVES,, FORKS, SPOONS, £C., &C., All ejoods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well J. R. GKIEB'S, so.irrmS"st,«,«- UULLLI WATCH CADLIJ SIAN OV ELECTRIC BELL. i WETHERILL'S ArtitHc Designs. Old-Fashioned Houses,Q,ueen Anno Cottages, Bntonxban Hesidences, Etc., / match shades ot Punt yjfc - »> £ latest and most ef xective combination* of colors in house ti<w; !k\V >4 P if your dealer has not pacing* k got our portfolio ask him •'«" f to send to us for one. You 'ATLAS'I SST *1 can then tee exactly how READY- \ §» 1 your house will appear MIXED \ ?» I when finished. PAINT \ JJ\ Dothisan use"Atlts" to (fire tat- «■ \»>3 Ready-Mixed Paint itndin iirutiun, \ 'iTM sure yourself satiEfacUon. »nd»greoto| <j*l ♦» flic See our guarantee. w2s»\lYLsaDSiteilllCii, t«iut|>i»niK \ I ( White Lead and Paint L?JPI Wsß NORTH FRONT SI. PHILADELPHIA. •'A. SOLD BY J. C. REDICK, Sole Agent, Butler, - - Pa. DOCTORS LAKE Ffo§ PRIVATE DISPENSARY MS --Jr OFFICES, OOfi PENN AVE. ( "t2§W«i j PITTSBURGH, PA. - All forma of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Cox fidkntial and Scikntific Medi cation arc treated atlliis with a suc cess rarely attained* Dr. S. K. Luke is a member of the Koyal < olleiro of Physicians a\ *\l Surgeons, and is the oldest and most experienced SrECIAL -IST in the city. Si>ce*al attention given to Nerv ous lability "from excessive mental exertion, in discretions of voutii, &c., causing physical and mental deeav. I:tek of energy, despondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, tthcumatism and all diseases ol thefckhi, llloocL Lungs, tJrin arv < Irgans. &c. Consultation fire and strictly confidential. Office hours i» lo 4 and 7to K p.m.; Sundays - to 4 p.m. only. Call at office or address S. Iy.LAKK, M. I). , M.E.C. P.S. or E.J. LAKE, M. B. SURVE Y I NG LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing of old lines. Address, R. F. 11l 1,1,14 HO. Vo. Surveyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 8,5,84.1y EITEHMULLER H6TEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - !PA.. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson •louse—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. [4-a-'s»;-lyJ H IiITENML'I-LEIt. l'rop'r. For Dropsy, Gravel, Blight's, Heart. Urinary or Liver Diseases, Nervousness, &c. Cure <;uar anteed. oniee 831 Arch street. Philadelphia. fi l>er bottle,« for $5. .ty, Druggists. Try it. A. Troutman <& Son.i I 1111111111 <ip> 1111111111 I "VJ E \IW\TE specVaY attenWou lo OUT vmiVvoVed. Stock o? * i Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. | SILKS and DEESS We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., c£c. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Butler, Fa- GET THE BEST! STONE PUMPS. Manufactured by .Jameß McXees at Hallston, Butler County, Pa. The only Pump that leaves the water ABSOLUTELY PUKE. They are the most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION in every respect. JAMES McNEBS, KEISTEB P. O; Kutler Go., fa County Auctioneer, JAMES E. KEABNS, BUTLER, PENN'A. Is prepared to 3erve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many years ol experience he caa guarantee perfect satisfac tion at rates that will suit ail- Leave word at this office. 3,1,84.1y NIXON'S HOME, No. 35 McKean Street, JSI Meals at all hours. Open all Nlyht. Breakfaa sc. Dinner 25c. Supper B;>c, Lodfflngr 23c, [IS-4-3m] SIMEON NIXON, Prop'r, ISP Advertise ia the CITIZEN. KIRKS white y\Wvtesui^\ RussiaN Tlie only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, aud for general household purposes is the very best SOAR Trr.lCE .V.ftRK .. RSCISTOWD. afe&xi -Cs' i-.-r \jfg-E%a«B^L t029 Art 1; Lit root. I'liiitid'a. Pa. A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. PTspep ula, Catarrh, llay Fever, Headache, Debility, Rheumatism. Neuralgia and all Clirosic and Nervous Disorder*. ••Tlie Compound Oxygen Treatment," Drs. Starker & Palen, No, 1529 Arch Street, Philadel phia. have been using for the last seventeen years. Is a scientific adjustment of the element* of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized, and th# compound is so condensed and made portable that it Is sent all over the world. Drs. St&rkey & Palen have the liberty to refer to the following named well-known persons who have tried their treatment: HON. WM. D. KELLEY, Member of Congress, Philadelphia. REV. VICTOR l. CONRAD. Editor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, REV. CHARLES W, CUSMNG, D. D„ Rochester N. Y. HON. WM. PENN NIXON, Editor Inter-Ocean, Chicago. REV. A. \V. MOORE. Editor The Centeiii-ry, Lancaster, S. C. Ingham, Ala. JUDGE H. P, YROOMAN, Quenemo, Kan. illiS. ITAIiY A. LIVEI-' MORE, Itlelrose, Mi Bsa chusetts. JUDGE U. S. VOORHEES. New York City. Mlt. E. C. KNIGHT, Philadelphia. MR. FRANK si I>I)ALL, Merchant. Philadelphia HON. W. W. SCHt YLER, Easton, Pa. EDW'AIfD L. WiI.SON, t-;j3 Broadway, N. Y., Ed. Philadelphia Photographer. FIDELIA M. LYON, Watmea, Hi .wall Sand wich Islands. ALEXANDRIA RITCHIE. Inverness, Scotland. MRs. MANI'EL V. ORTEGA. Fresnlllo, Zacate cas, Mexico. MRS. EMMA COOPER, Utilla , Spanish Hondu ras, Bentr.il America. J. COBB. U. S. Vice Consel, Casablanca, Moroc co. M. V. ASIIIJROOK. Red Bluff Cal. ERNEST TURNER. Nottlnjream, England. JACOB WARD, Bowral, New South Waleii. And thousands of others in every part or the United Suites. "Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Action and Results," Is the title of a new brochure of two hundred pages, published by Drs. Starkev .t Palen. which gives to all inquirers full Informa tion as to this remarkable curative agent and a record of several hundred surprising cures In a wide range of chronic cases—many of them af ter being abandoned to die by other physicians, will be mailed free to ahy address ou applica tion. Read the brochure! DRS. STARKLY & PALES. No. 1529 Arrli Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WSST mN HOUSs! This hotel, just across the street from the de pot, has been relit ted In the new, and I am again prepared to accommodate the travelling public. IUI9IKK ililtU, DAY OR WEEK. Good Rooms, good attention, good stabling: rates moderate. For further information enquire on the premises of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor. TIF CUM GROCERY STORE iu Butler, three doors west of West Pena Depot. Having opened a fresh stock of GROCERIES consisting of Coffee, Teis, Sugar, Syrup, Spices. Canned Goods of ali kinds. Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c. t &c,, Tobacco aud Cigai-s, j FLOUR of best brands and low prices ; also, a I full line of Klingler's popular brands of family Hour constantly on hands. HAY, GATS, CORN and FE£D of all kinds at lowest figures, I Xo. l.Salt.SLowcr any other House In ISufler. Country Produce wanted tor which the highest price w ill be paid. Call and examine our stock and prices. I Goods delivered tree to all parts ol town. I J. J. KE&ENS 116 "East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. 'J. E DOUGLASS, \ -DS\UI!,IB STATIONERY \ OY ALL KINTiS, Books and CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - 1?^, 2-1-ST-ly FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture Store IN" BUTLER. | W. F.MILLER. | Ready Mixed. Il>lfl»13> m 00. 75 to 1.0(1 per (ml. BEST LINSEED OIL PAINTS. Shipped anywhere, all shades. Property own era order direct. Also - and 3 ply Felt Rooflnj with best coating and Cement. Agents wanted Color card price list free. ATLAS PAINT to. P. O. BOX a>e, Pittsburg. Pa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts •X C. ROESSING, PBESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, Treasure* H. C. HEINEMAN, SECKKTAST DIRECTORS: J L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell J. W. linrkhart, A. Tt out man, Henderson Oliver, G. C. lioessine, lames Stephenson,. Dr. W. Irvin, X. Weltzel, J. F. Taylor. |H. C. Helnemau. LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen. A«T BUTLER, B fI'IfCQTIQCDS or others,who wish toexami* All VCIf I I® End this paper, or obtain estimate on advertising tpfci.' when in Chicago, will find it on fHe a tte Adver tieing Aftn "LORD&THOHASj
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