Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 02, 1887, Image 4

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(THg MEW tVlftlff F-)
tiool> appet,te
* Sg St* sTBKSGTH.
qnrr sieves,
ntrn DITR.
| [ <|k SWKKT SLEEP.
Ait the most delicate stomach will Dear.
and all Germ Diseases.
BLOOD FUB4FIBB. Superior to quinine.
Iter yfm. Lucas. Hector Grace church. Ra
venna. 0.. writes: "I cordially endorse Ka-s
--kID« as being Just what you claim, an excel
lent eutetltute tor qatulne. is lih none of Its bad
SffecU. MrS. Lie as had a. serlcrai form of
CVifc*i« tni was confined to her bed for
tnontha Kaaklne luul her up and around la a
Saw days, and In a short ttme cure.Hie r."
J LtTtnz In the malarial districts of Maryland
I h«»«« a iWHimct worst forms of malarial
lever I drugged myself with quinine and
Sther remedies wttbout aTail. I was greatly
reduced when I hoard of Kasklne. Its curative
bowers were a medical revelation to me. It
mired me and I btre not had a return of the
mUMt , ,•'
i (Prof.) J. D. Htrd., It. A.. Asst. Chemist.
Letters from the above peMtms, giving full de
tail*. wffl be sent cm application.
I Kaeklne can Ue raktu without any spccl.il
iaealcal advice. TT.oe per txrttle. or six bottles
fir to. Bold by
J. C fiuler, IX
tar sent by mall on Wceipt «r price. »
| KASKINE (V.. 54 Warren St.. N'ew Yorlc.
Almost a« Palatable as Milk.
The only pnjmnHaa of COD LfTEB OIL tlut
aan »n sad toleratod for a iMgtlMe
A» 'li i sniEDr roK ro!wnrrnoir,
ifoiai&k AKJIBLL cat
HmwauM. wmfkvb \u$n* a.
iflHliiui a wSmm mmmm w
: SSSi
totbeeooaMcsof ttewedd.
The Reason
Wbjr yoq (diould send your onler for any kind of
Hye or Hour! mi 'Whisker. Brandy, din Wliies,
tic., to J. Srtiumaclier, No. OCA f4--erty St.. PlUs
tuug. Pit . bi ive*iu«e he keeps the tw*t and ptir
est eoods In that line, and sells them at loner
prices than m Ik>use In PlftsTmn?
TTrfee year Old Pure Bye. 00 per gallon.
Kour year old Pore irye, tic.6o perKftllon.
Five year «ld Pare K*fc, #a.ort per lyillon.
From s to * year old Pure Kye f.i M to *5.00 per
gallon. The purest imported Wines, liminne*
■pWflnKfrF, v 'sOflM ntilf»fW*f IO w! pfin* of f lies
country. Ko charge for uackaxe. Call or write
and gtseiHe Toa win after thai
deal with no other bouse. Send money Willi
order, tey registered letter or P. O. order.
Revenue law* prohibit shipping goods C. O. D.
Respectfully JmXIB SCH VBTAOCL CR,
m liberty Kt.. PlMsburg. Pa.
\3f More located two mfnute* walk from I'n
ton Depot
Oli WALpItOX. flradnate of the rhlla
• delpftta tVutal College, 1s prepared
loda anyUilu# Ui the line of his profession in a
aatMnctory maimer.
Ottce on Mailt street, Duller, Union Work
Ha* removed from Harmony u> Duller end
1 fctt omce*t No. a, Mam at... tun* doors Mow
Urwry I loose. apr-M-tf.
H jnbjraiclan an! Hargeon,
All wMSjiertaiulug to the profession' execut
ed in the neatest manner.
SipeeMitlea Cold Killing*, and Painless Kx-
KmOob at Teetb, VHallzedAir iidmiuisterod.
Ms* W leftnea doer Kant ef Low rt
■MM, BY Htalrs.
Office open tolly, except Wednesdays and
Thursdays. Communications by mail receive
prompt attention. .
V. Ik—The e«ly tatkt la Butler using the
HW b>IIII EF beet H.
Ofßoe No. SB Sodth Main Street,
Physician and Surgeon,
No. 10 WeetConsißghsm Ist.,
s ' - —mist.tM r*—- '
Bnr*Phystelans' ITofuaiption* carefully c 0...
povndeq, and orders answered wli.li euro una
Alepatch. Cfr stock of medicines IH complete
warranted ( •nulue, and of the best qunllty.
-.,45 South Main Street,
\ V JPJi
■ »*■■■** ?*■ . »»« .» .
• • . -l« •• * . .
' ' Iff' ! Itfl'lOlltl ftfl'fl itftV Jt'
Wv>tod linuiediau.'ly U more learning girls.
Thankitigcu*Wjio<-r» tO;- pant patroni\%n I um
still at tho old s'.unO.
House No. 48 Cunningham St.,
YYI. T rise in the CITIZKN.
Bits for the Beaux.
Every man "at eomo period of his
life is an egregious fool, but by a
wise dispensation of Providence
man knows exactly when that time
is. It's when he's in love.
—She—Are you going to the pic
nic on Tucoday, George? He—Ob.
yes. She (with feeble indifference)
—Alone George? lie—No; I shall
take an umbrella.
He— 6o you don't care to be
mine with ail that I have at my com
mand? She—That's just the trouble.
I doo't want to be under yonr com
—lf a young man wishes to know
all about a yoccg girl, he must see
her in evening dress at a winter ball
and in a bathing suit at the beacn in
—Why cannot a man whose ad
dresses are rejected by the lady of
his choice have her arrested for con
tempt of court?
—"Ethel, do you love me?" he in
quired in a hasty eager manner. "I
have often told you so," was the
reply. "Then prove it now" "How
can I!" "Change your face powder-
The kind yoa use now almost invari
bly makes me sick."
Titles of Semi-barbaric Kings.
From tbe Irish Weekly Mail.]*
The titles cf the King of Buiir.a
include: The King cf KiEgs; th
Can9e of tbe Preservation of all
Animals; the Regulator of the Sea
sons; the Absolute Master of the Ebb
and Flow of tbe Sea; Brother to the
Sun; and KiDg of the Four and
Twenty Umbrellas. In the matter
of titles, those of the royal house of
Barmah are not in the first rank, for
the titles of the kings of Achein are
far in advance. Ho is styled
•'Sovereign of th 3 Universe, whose
body is luminous as the Sun; whom
God created to be as accomplished as
the moon a* her plentitude; whose
eye glitters like the Northern star; a
king as spiritual as a ball is round—
who, when he rises, shades all his
people—from under whose feet a
sweet odor is wafted," etc , etc.
Labor Saving Machinery.
A striking instance of our labor
saving machinery is that which
makes tin cans, says the American
Exporter. One of the machit-eb
used in tbe process solders the longi
tudinal Beams of the cans at tbe rate
of fifty a minute, tbe cans rushing
along in a continuous stream; of
course a drop or two of the solder is
left on the can. The drop on the out
side is easily wiped off, but it is not
00 easy to secure the drop left on tfcc
inside. An ingenious workman has
patented an arrangement for wiping
the inside of the can without stopping
tbe mpcbioery. Result, several thou
sand dollars in royalties io his own
pocket, and a saving of sls worth of
solder per day to the firm tbat UPCS
it. Thirty thousand cans is a day's
work for this machine.
Rustless Iron.
Rustless iron is baing manufactur
ed in New York by a new process
which, it is claimed, converts tbe eur
face of the metal into magnetic oxide
of Iron. This is done by subjecting
it successively to tbe action of highly
heated air and carbonic oxide gas
from coal fires. The hot air convert*
tbe metallic surface into red oxide of
iron, which is tl.en reduced to black
or magnetic oxide by the gis. This
renders it rust proof when exposed -to
tbe air or to fresh or salt water. The
process can be applied with most sat
isfactory results to water pipes and
architectural work.
Difference Between Folks.
"There is as much difference b«-
tweeu some folks as there is between
other people." This remark fell up
on our ears as we wera passing a
email group standing together on tha
sidewalk. VVbat was tho occasion <;f
so wi&u a remark w« of course did Lot
know. If it be true anywhere, it ih
true of tho manner the Compound
Oxygen Treatment affects different
patients even with appa ently tho
same chronic affliction. Some receive
relief at once, and commence a com
plete restoration to health, which is
wonderful to themselves and Iriands.
Such was the experience of a lawyer
in Eaaton, Pa , when be wrote June
Btb, 1880: "I ain uot otily pleiiflcd, J
am delighted with the Treatment.
The third day alter beginning to uee
it, to my utter surpriwe and inex
pressible joy. that terrible 'sinking
feeling' in the pit of the stomach, and
a week later that twin curse, the pain
above the eyes, both of which con
stituted tho burden of my complaint
wberi I coneulted you, disappeared,
and I Lave not been troubled with
either since. It is wonderful!
Others may UKO the same Troat
ment two months before they receive
that hoprove-ment which satir.Des
them tbey are reully ou tho road to
If you wish to know more of this
remarkable remedy, write for
"Compound Oxygen, its mode of i*
tion and results," a treatise of t\\?o'
hundred pages, giving full and int«-r
--esting information. It fa mailed free
to every applicant by Drs. Star key &
Palcn, 1529 Arch street, Philailfl
phia, l'a.
—We understand tbat the red
beaded girls are organizing, with the
watchword, "Tbe white Lorte most
Chainwork collarettes are 00W
worn. They are no pretty that as
soon as a girl sees one she wants to
—There have been no cafes of
Asiatic cholera in this country yfct,
but the American Colorow has bro
ken out.
The Testimony Of Thousands
establishes beyond a doubt that Dr.
Tutt's Liver Pills, followed by (Jyi
nine, is n permanent cure for Chills
and Fever and all Bilious diseases.
For sale by all druggists. Price, 2 r >
cents per box.
—Now we know why Henry
George passcß the hat at bis unti
poverty meetings. He is about to
start a daily labor paper.
—lt Won't Bake Bread.—lD
other words; Hood's Sarsaparilln will
not do impossibilities. Its proprie
tors tell plainly wbut it La* done,
submit proofs from sources of unques
tioned reliability, and ask frankly
if you are suffering from aDy disease
or affection caused or promoted by
impure blood or low state of tbe sys
tem, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The
experience of others is sufficient us
nurance that you will not bo dis
appointed in tho result.
A Democratic Toboggan Slide.
From Louisville Commercial.]
A pyramid whose hieroglyphics
every mossbackcan read. Kentucky's
Democratic majorities for the past six
187t; t'2,510
I>7» 4.1,017
1*)J0 42,75-1
l«<:i 44,434
l.S>4 34.M9
18ft7.. .17,615
—As ret old Colorow can say,
' No pent up Ute taker con'racts my
powers "
Mrs. Cleveland ha 3
take an interest in forestry. She is
preparing a genealogical tree of ber
husband's family.
England is a great country for
claims at preeent. Gladstone claims
that he is K a i n ' n ff ground, and Salis
bury proclaims the Land League.
The Dublin people are roundly
denouncing tbe proclamation of the
Laud League. This is strange. It
was generally supposed they would
hail it as a long felt want.
—The fire in the Calumet and Hec
ia still rages. It ia not surprising
tbat a mine named after a tobacco
pipe and a vo'cano shonld do some
smoking occasionally.
—A new subject for the paragraph
er has appeared The venerable goat
whose favorite diet is overworked
tomato cans isn't a circumstance to
the German worm which eats iron
An American who has been
making love to an elderly woman of
fortune and is noted for his fulsome
compliment is called "The laxader
mist," because be has been "btutfing
a downy olu bird.
Hay Fever.
I have suffered greatly Irom peri
odical returus of hay fever. At tbe
Suggestion of Covert Cheeycr,
Druggists, 1 obtained Ely's Crbam
Balm, and used a portion of it during
a severe attack. I can cheerfully tes
tify as to the immediate and contin
ued rslief obtained by its use. 1
heartily recommend it to those suffer
ing from this or kindred ooaiplaiuts
—(Rev ) H. A. Smith, Clinton, Wis.
—England has about 30,000 bliu'l
—Nebraska claims a population of
—A failure to vaccinate is punish
ed at Phcenix, A. T. by S3OO line or
six mouthc in jail.
In General Debility, Emaciation,
Consumption and Wasting in Chil
| dren, Scott's Emulsion is a most val
j nable food and nudicine, it crea.es an
appetite, strengthens the nervous
system and builds up the body
' Have been highly pleased with it in
Consumption, Scrofula, and Wasting
Diseases, Bronchitis and Throa'
Troubles " —A Joue?, M D. Corner*-
ville, Tenn
—There was an increased area ol
no less than 7G/JBS acres under culti
vation in Ireland last year.
—A garter snake four feet long
contain.ng f)<> young snakes was kill
ed at Coxoatowo. i'a., iiy C.F. Green
a wai,.
—An Ohio girl in a breach of prom
ise suit showed up and had read 145
letters written to her within a court
ship of 120 days,
Give Them A Chance !
That is to say, your lungs Also
all your breathing machinery. Very
wonderful machinery it is. Not only
the larger air-passages, but the thou
sands of Ifttlo tubes and Cavities lead
iug from thorn. When these are
clogged and choked wiih matter
which ought not to be there, your
lutijrs cannot half do their work
And what tbey do, they cannot do
weil. Call it cold, cough, croup,
pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or
any of the family Of throat and nose
and head and lung obstructions, ali
are bad. All ought to be got rid of.
Thero is just one sure Way to get, :rd
of them. That is to take BorchoefS -
German Syrup, which any
will sell you at 75 setts a bottle.
Even If every-thing else has failed
you, you may deptud upon this for
A naturalist savrv tbat u mos
quito is very beautiful ifyou examine
him in a scientific spirit. The frame
of mind, however, witn which o|rt
usually exaniinef. a mosquito is nit/
conducive to tho cainices-i of deliber
ation uecesuury to scieiitiiic study.
—Georgia and New York ought to
make some ariangement whereby the
deep-dved criminal who teaches white
and colored children together, and
the black-hearted rtxcal who throw.-,
crumbs to tbt* sparrow:', can be incar- [
cerated in the a trne penitentiary, j
Their crimen are too heinous to per- j
mit of their being placed in the itme
pir-on with harmless murderers and
Drunkenness or the Liqour
Habit Positively Cured by ad
ministering Dr. Haines' Golden
It can b.» given in a cup of coffee
(Jt tea Without' the knowledge
'if tho priori taking ij; is I
ifltsOftitely harmless and Will «%»vt a 1
permanent and speedy cure, |
whether tho pr.tient is a moderate I
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. 1
ihitptin of uriuikaris ijavo bee. 11 1
matte temperate men who nave taken '
the Golden Specific in their coffee with-1
out their knowledge, and to-day be- |
lievc tliuy <|Uit drinking of their own
free-will. IT NJSVER FAILS The'
onto impregnated with tfcfc I
Sjn cifi'! it l.wotiies n u utter iioposM-'
Cility for trie liquor appetite to exist.
For full particulars, address G<»i,ii-
F.V SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St.,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
—Prince Ferdinand has closed thtn
Sobranje. We understand that'
Georgia wants him to operate on her |
Legislature now.
—The Democratic nominee for
Governor of dhu< is bald headed. 1
That explains how l.e got in the
row of aspirants Cor tb.-j nomination. '
—A contemporary has an article
oh Seal Pirates, But an we don't
think seal pie "would bo good, we
don't caro nnytluug about tbe rates
tney are eoid at..
County Auctioneer,
StWTI,i:JC, I'l .VVA.
IH i>Rß'|.U'c<l to »urvc th« pulilic ol tUU »e< tio:i
UI vuudiHia, etc. U lU'l many JMIU* ol
o*|jerleii(!e iie <»n K'i «i"Wit<* peif'-et tultaTui
tion »t that will ewlt all. )>«*<: word
at tin* office. 3,5,84.1 y
•>.' "I'l lit„i. 11,.f, vi-M'l|r.-'L I'! , mn'jrnliH.r(l|,ia
I *uag«wU»uUiy. (i,iy Miutf., 1; Uaiclu* SU..N. *.
18 m v IBBT
One of the largest and most complete lines of
.Ever offered to the trade. Anticipating an unusually large
trade this fall I bought accordingly and my
store is filled to its utmost capac
ity awaiting your
to make your pur
chases for fall and winter which
you should do as early as possible while the
selection is large and the htock lull and complete.
Mens' and Boys' Kip Boots.
I am happy to inform the trade that my stock of Boots is per
fect in every particular and cannot help being appreciat
ed for 1 took special care in selecting them, feeling that
this line of goods above* all others should be selected with
the most care possible. They are here and fully up to
my idea of a Boot for a man or boy who has to be out
in all kinds of weather in the winter. My Common Kip
"Boots' are all cut of the famous Walker Oakley Kips of
Chicago, and every pair warranted to turn water and stay
soft and pliable. I have the utmost confidence in these
Boots knowing so well the grade of stock they are made
from. I "feel perfectly safe in recommending them to my
trade. Prices on this particular line is Mens' Iland Peg,
Hand sided Kip Boots, Boys'sl.7s, Youths' $1.25,
Childrens' DO cts. My cheaper bocts are all cut from first
class stock, prices from 50 to 75 cts. lower than other grades.
liis', ngir (to ceuw sins.
This line of goods is thoroughly complete both in fine and
common shoes. Kvcry day shoes for p rsons that require a
good strong shoe I have thc-in made from Oak Kip, and the
very best tannery Calf every pair pefectly water
proof and servieable. The Childrens' School
Shoos are all made extra high cut of good Calf
skin and Oil <i.»at both being waterproof s■■cures
for them a very important thing and that is dry leet nt all
times in the winter. In Ladies and Misses Tine Shoes an in
spection will convince you that they are all that I claim for them
L Cood Goods, Corrpct Styles and Perfect Fitting
prices on all tliese j.4>ods are greatly reduced since last
year. Ladies and Misses Fine Shoes are fully 15 per cent,
below Inst, year's prices and Childrens High f.ut School Shoes
an; se'llir.p :>t sante iiric<\, the LIDW Cut goods sold at before. In
ofleiing this line oi goods ( feel ju tly proud that I am able
to place them on sale at the remarkable low price at which
they are to be sold. .
Mens' Fine Seamless Shoes,
l wish particularly to eall your attention to a lioe of fine seam
less .shoes in Button, Bal. or Congress, lip or I'lain loe. I
have Jinds llmt. are much cheaper and some that are higher
price, but this one line I consider a Special Bargain having
bought <»7 cases of these fine shoes at less th in first cost 1 have
; placed them on sale for SLoO a pair. I hey ar: worth con
siderable more money and you had bitter secure a pair before
they are a'l gone.
List of- Some of my Specialties
Ladies' spring heel Shoos and Slipper*, f'.'lt solo Shoe* and
Hlippere, Old Ladies' warm shoes and clipper*, L tdins' line Braver
cloth button ft hoe vvurm lined hand turned—«. perfect HUC.;O«H
MuOit' low iiintcp Boot* in Kip and Calf, Mens' Felt Boots, Menu'
Beaver Boots, Mens' Duck Boot*—warm and waterproof.
1 My capacity for 'making strictly hand made liootw and Shoes is
j the largest'in Western Pennsylvania. All work
warranted and lit guaranteed.
500 Pair Shop Hoots on hand which maws it very convenient
| lor any who cannot wait to have their Hoots made. 1 hey arc
i all made of French Kip, Box too and plain, three or four
! Holes, extra high in the leg. A full stock of shop made Shoes
' always on hand in ButUm, Bal. and Congress
| pairing both Rubber and Leather (foods. Lea t lire
j and Findings less tTian City prices.
As Boston Rubber Shoo f'o's goods art; the best goods
in the market expurience has taught mo that, there is nothing
| ♦.(, be made by handling those low priced Lubbers. So 1 have
concluded to handle Boston goods and the price I will sell
! them at puts them within the reach of all. Lvery pair of
j Eufciber Hoots and Shoes in my house have been made this
\ year and all plainly stamped Boston Rubber Shoe Co.
MENS' lIUBBKit BOOTS, Bostons, $2.35, including a
| pair of good heavy slippers. The above price cannot be dupli
cated. Hoys' Rubber Boots SI.KS, Bostons' Youths' $1.25,
| Womens' sois, Childrens'!M) cts., Misses' $1.15.
MK'NS' BUCKLB ARCTICS, Bostons, $1 00. A full
■ lin«* of Warm Over-shoes for Men, Boys, Ladies and Children.
' Prices guaranteed to be lower than than any othei house in
j Butler county. Goods warranted to be Boston Rubber Co.
I goods made this year. No limit to the supply.
When you come to the Fair or Reunion, or at any time
eall and see me, Yours Very lruly,
22 South Street,
While other merchants are singing their own praises, we cause our customers
to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, our gocds fecond o tcne,
in fact superior to many usually kept end sold as THE BEST. "Butler aud urrounding
couutry needed such a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and people will be
fast finding it out too." We keep good aud well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first
class thread, trimmed, lined and made up iu a substantial manner Our medium and better grades take rank with
any Custom-made in the way of fitting and make up. while our FIXE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre
ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of
Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing
of all styles and grades. Efery garment sold under a positive guarautee that it must be as represented or money
refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything
pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand.
We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give ns a fair trial. We have no doubt "of the ulti
mate result: We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere.
Remember, uo misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at
eisones K£iissa block.
JVlain Street, Out lei*' Pa.
IfifcSQ IBE3 1850 1«0 iiso IMP 1850
n ri n yvh THE
Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold ami Silver Watches
CAiUPV PI fHiPljfQ Paper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque'with Floral Ornament
!Ml* 0 H l ' on > MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks
liTf CkY*\lT Q Q Dou t t0 3ee line °* Goods, as it is the largest
kJXiYvX W Cwl v Cu VvAWil UjT • ™ most complete stock eyer shown in Butler.
rvTl y~TVJY Iso SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames,
U IV n scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System.
K«iuvuiber[we Warraut all Goods as Represented.
Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store.
No- 19. North. Main Street, - - - BUTLER, ~P.A,
Is O allecl to my Stock of
A (4.®Watches, Clocks, Jewelery,
.^fpßEj T £!.> All of which have been selected with great care for
/fflgf At the lowest cash prices possible.
AH voods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well
K. GRIEB S, No. 16.' Street.
iuLt) WATCH cASIj sign 01 ' electric BELL*' tA "
\V\y' -w-vV' - jr Artistic Oeilgns.
Houses, Quean Anne
Cottages, Huburban
KeKldenccs, Etc-.,
/ niaich shade* ot
V-A- latest and mod ef
icctlve combinations
W 1 iX "f colon In house
",«" UM painting.
•f «very If your dealer him not
ptnkaif | got our portfolio ask lilra
»'»«' 1 ato send to us for one. You
'ATLAS'I ?j«. enn then fee exactly liow
READY- \ I your house will anjiear
MIXED \ Jv j when finished.
PAINT \ jM\ j Do this <>n unc"Atlas"
to rU"m- «'M VliJ Rsadj-Mlxsd Paint sud »n
--i.ru0i1,,,,, \ t >.2 sure yourhelf satisfaction.
'S® *#»SecourKu»r«ntoo.
oifl f»*,u.,r \ f l ; LfieoD,WotkiliaCo.
iwlat i«ia * 1 t H White Lead and Psint
/ ii? ~ Manufacturers.
J. C. REDICK, Solo Agent,
riutlcr, - - l'a.
/iflgi jey OKKKKH, !KMS ri;SN AVK.
All forini of Drllr.-ito (iinl f 'oni-
V%r r '!v®' iillriili'il 111 i-:iHei ri <,nt:inK«'<>s
ii'' | I m.M IM.iiml hill.Vfll I" Mi'dl
ration «!■() trenail ut. UiN In pen ;iry Willi n i u«-
rt a ijin ly lai.i'ii 'd. I>r. S. K. I.:IUo Imi tui'mluT
of lln lln) 111 < "Hi';-if of I'liN Miliuniifl Mi' V.mi,
mi'l 11 tlionld. timl in" tf\|n'ilei I Si'li I u.-
ist In tl.i-flty. H|.i ril nlti 11111111 klm n •<> N' iv
-1,11,1 til l.il'.ty troin I .I'l-H Ho mciitnl <•> I'l'tlmi, In
lllhcii-fli'iiH of \ 1.11111, A'-., ram Intf I■'i>' I' lil mid
iiM iit.tlill c-nV,"I I' l. ofem-ivy, <!' 'I"""' ury, etn.;
n! < ;iiiH*iv, OM Sik I* Hh, IMI«m, Klicmiint)/HI
him! till(liM'uii << o£ tii<! bUn, I'.Nhml, IiIIIIL'w, I riji
nry < hyiuiH, £«*. < OMMIIII.IUOII I KM- IIIHI Htrir.tly
confMt III'MI. |OUIHI> lo 4 mid 7 loH p.m.;
SllliiUi) m - t>4» *f J).111. Ollly . * Jill lit Ollir({ Of nil'h < *4
H. K. I. A Hi.. M. t M.IC.( \I\K. or K..J.LAKK, M.l>,
LA N I),
i'liilictilar attonliiin >;ivi;ii to tlio Retracing ol
old linos. Adtlcivil,
si. r.
Co. Niis t ej or
North llojiy I'. ()., Holler (Jo., l'a.
mmim hotel.
No. 88 and DO, S. Main St.,
- - IJA.1 J A.
N< «'ir N«vv Court IIOIIM formerly Donaliltton
Mo.i«i' j{i»o«l 2M!(toiniiioilations for
(iood .t;ihlin|> <*,Miiii<*<'t<Ml.
[I •.) VI, |y| II l l'l KNJItUI LKlt. Prop'r.
For nrojiH.v. < ii:«v« l. l irltflll h, ilourt. i iiiiary
or 1.1 v* r In- ' Norvousiifs: , Ar. < nr«' <»u;ir- j
lint' :il. Oil let* Kil Anil Hhv« I riiUtfdnlpliln. |i 1
l#or bottle?,« lor $:». At Try It.
A. Troutman & Son.
We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry
.Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil
Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and
1 • ;i •<; ' t ' , t :>A(d
We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the
New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices
Table Linens, Table Napkins,
Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Muses,
New Kid Gloves,
New Lisle and Silk Gloves,
New Velvets,
New Hraid Trimmings.
Carpets, Carpets, Carpets,
We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car
pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices,
New Smyrna Mugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., cDc.
Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles,
Curtnin Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &e.
Spring Jackets and Wraps lor ladies and Misses.
Butler,, Pa-
Manufactured by James McNooa at UallHtoD, Butler CouDty, l'a.
The only I'ump that lcavod the wutor AIWOIiUTEI/lf PUHK.
They uro ibo most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT
ISFACTION in every respect.
KEIBTER I J . 0-» Co., Tr»a
A IIIKII linwle institution Willi facilltle.s In Mnslc anil Art secoml to no school In the country.
' Kniplovs only teacheix ol experience and eminent refutation. Khclil aepar.-itc courses HI Music
iiirliiilinu all' itraiK-in i Vocul ami Instrumental. I* alilllatod with Allegheny College winch accepts
Mimic as un elective slmly.
A thoroimh Art ( oiirHc. Sluilio,.e.|ui|.i» il with llnest CIWIH, IIIUI« r l imine of an artist of rare
iililllty. IM|i!oin.ii uranteil those c< TN I>II ilnn unv olie <>t the cmirtes. JCXITIICIII HOARDING
laeilltiw at very moderate rates. HI intents admitted to any unule. fall term heipim September
' Mil Kelul for ('ullilngm- 10.
The ouly brand of Laundry Soap
awarded a first class medal at the
New Orleans Exposition. Guaran
teed absolutely pure, aud for general
household purposes is the very best
»U£Ad'ei. Pa.
For Consumption, Asiimia, BronrhitiH, ihiixp
«!», Catarrh, Hay FV\, r. Uraduhr, Debility.
Kluynallvm, Neuralgia and all Chronic cuii
Nervous Disorders.
"The Omnpotind O.w.Tcn Treatment." Drs.
Starkey & palcu, No. lArch Street, PliU; i'«l
phla. have been ustua lor tlie last sever;ten
years. Is a scientific aiijiisiiaent of the element*
of Oxy;-.u auil KiJLroijtjii magnetized. and tho
compound Is so condensed mid made portable
that It Is acut all over the world.
Drs. Starkey £ I'alen have the liberty to refer
to tl:e following mimed well-known perxns
who liave tried tlie'.r treatment:
nON.WJI. 1). KELLEY, Member of tongieys,
UEV. VRTOIt L. I UNi.'AD, Editor Lutheran
Observer, Philadelphia,
HKV. t JIAKUUS W, u blilNG, D. 1).. Rochester
N. Y.
HON. \VAI. NIXON, Editor Inter-ocean,
ikUEY. A. \V. MOOKE. Editor Tho Centenary,
I.r.lieaster. S.
OiViii ll\ i.'K >N. Lullor New fc'outli.Piim-
jrPGKII. 1". viUJOMATf, Qnenemo, Kr.n.
JHiiS. jVIAJiV A. LiYEI \iQl>Ji'> Alelrosc, Mi fsa
JT'DOE li. s. VCORRKK*. New York City.
Mlt. K. C. KMGiUT. Phllautlphla.
Mli. I'ItANK SU>L).\LL, Aie:i:haiit, Philadel] lilil
lION. W. \V. SCHuY I.KK. Euston, Pa.
L. WILSON, Ki* liroadway. N. Y., i d.
I hlladclphla Pnotonrapher.
FIDELIA ?l. LYON, tViimea, Hi,wall Sand
wich Islands.
ALEXANDRIA lUTOHIK. Inverness. Scotland,
iilla. MANUEL V. OKTKCA, Kresnillo, Zac''e
cas. iloxieo.
MKS. EMMA CQOPKH. VI ilia , Spanish Hondu
ras, neutral America.
J. COB I'. I*. S. Vice Consul, Casablanca, Moroc
M. Y. VSII llltOOK, Red ItlulT ('al.
liKNKSI TURNER, Natttngenm. England.
JACOIi WAIUJ, Kowrnl, New South Wales.
And thousands ol otberi in every part or the
I'nited SUltes.
"Compound Oxygen—lts ?lode of Action and
ResulU," is the title 01. a new brochure of two
hundred published by Drs. Starkey
Palen. which jrlves to all inquirers full Inform.i
--• *lon as to this remarkable curative agent and a
record of several hundred surprising cures l.i a
wide range of chronlccasisi—many of tlietn al
, tor bci!i;, r abuaiioiicd to die by oilier physicians,
will l)e milled free to any address on applica
tion. Head the brochure!
So, i:»2l> Ardi StrcM, lMillndrlpiiln, Pa.
WEST m housil
Tills lintel, just acres, the street from the de
pot. has been refitted in the new, und i. :.tu
again prepared to accommodate the travelling
public, ,
nmm gf the m,
Good Rooms, good attention. good stabling:
rates moderate.
For further lu/<>m»iH|on enquire 011 tlio
■ . , ■ 1 prcini;. -s of
R. B. GILCHRIST, Propriotcr.
STORE in Butler, three doors west
of West Pt'un Depot.
Having opened a fresh ",!ock of GROCI'UH'.H
consisting of f'olTte, Tea*. Sinjar, Syrop. Spa • .1,
CHnneil (loods ol all kiuus. Ham.,,
Bacon, Lartl, Sc., &c.,
Tobacco unci Cigars,
KLOIJR of best brands and iow prices ; nlso, \
l ull line ol Rlinglcr's popuiar brands of iamily
Hour constantly on tlffmts.
HAY, OAT*, CORN and PEED of all kinds at
lowest figures.
i\« 1. SaU,l.owfi' any otlicr
lloiise an ftuller.
Country Produce wanted for which the lifgh -st
T-rlee will be paid. Oail mid examine our stock
and priei s
Woods delivered itee to ;iil parts of tow n.
■ J. J. KEABNS k CO.,
Enst JelTerson St., - - Butle Pd.
1 ~DfcALlill IN
Bookg and Periodicals,
Wall Paper,
Building, Main St.,
BTJTIjISK, - - 3r»A,
Bed Room Suits,
Dining Room Suits,
Fino Line of Curpet Soat Rockers, at
No. 40, NORTM MAW ST.,
The Cheapest Furniture Store
® Ready Mixed.
rm, on. T n lo 1.00 per sral. lIKsT
Bhipivsl Anywhere, all shades. Property eiwn
er» order direct. Also a end .1 ply l'Olt ltootln;f
wltii iH-st eoallnvalid Cenu.-pt, Agents want''J.
(kHiir card pricu list free. ATLAS 1 AINI ((•„
P.O. PlttsburK. Pa
Mutual Firo inaursr^^^|
Office Cor. Main & Cunninghal^H
.3. 0. ROKSBING, Puestdent.
il.mC. HKINKMAN, Skorbtaut.
.1 I. Purvis. ;a.muel Anders-n,
Wtlllani < ampbcfl ». W. Hiirkhart.
A. Ttoiitinaii, lldiderso" Oliver
(• (' ItoeHslnu, .lamesStephenson,
|)'r. W Irvlii. N- Well/el,
J. If. Taylor 1"■ f ■ Uelnuman.
IHV£DTICI»DCt ° ro,ht " t -* ho tooM.Yiin#
Mill tit I ivklld thit paper,of obUln «>tima(M
on tdforliilng when In Chicago, will iind it on Mo it