KASKINE (THE NEW QUINME) | <,OOW APrKT,TE I CUP & skw sTBK>,iTiI, liIPPI DAYS. A POWERFUL TONIC." that the most delicate stomach will boar. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION", and all Germ Diseases. TOE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD PURIFIER, Superior to quinine. Mr. K. A. Miller G3O East 157 th street. New York, was cured by Kasktne ot extreme malarl amrostratlon of seven years suffering, lit had run down from 175 pounds to yT. began on Kas klne In June, ixnt;, weut to work In one month, regained his full weight Inalx months. Quinine did him no g«v»l whatever. Mr lililcon Thompson, the oldest ■ and one of the most respected citizens of Bridgeport. Conn, gays: "I a n ninety years of ttge, and for the last three years have sufTered from malarial and the * effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kasklue which broke up the malaria and increased my weight 22 pounds." Mrs. T. A. Solomons, of 15'jHnlllday St...Terrey City, writes: "My son Harry, eleven years, was cured of malaria by Kasklne, after fllteen months' Illness, when we had given up all hope. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by J. C. REDICK. Butler, or sent by mall on receipt of price. „ „ , KASKINJS CO., Si Warren St., New \ork. jiAW^WEY |I Jr EXACT LABIE IS ON J I k e M' 1 EACH CHIMNEY A 8%. \ g m GO. PRSAtM^CgSALERS EVERYWHERE. , SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PDBE GOD LIVER OIL Und Hypophosphites of Lime & Soi!a Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only preparation of COD LITER OIL that can he taken readily and tolerated for a long time to delicate gtomarha. AH® AS A BESEDT FOR COKSTTTPTIOW, gHoEIMI'S AKt'K* TIOSS ANAEMIA, titl?- tkil btfULITY, COIIGIIB AJ'D TIUIOAtf A#- MlMi. and all W A&T ING D 1 jOKDI.tIS W CHIUTKEN it Is marvellous in Its results, Freecilbed and endorsed by tha best PhyrtcllWlß fa the countries of the world. For Male k; all Dragelila. ja»Sendfor Pwnphlet on Wastiuz Diseases. Ad dress. SCOTT <& BOWSE. Sew York. The Reason Why you should send your order for. any kind of Bye or llonr! on Whiskey, Brandy, (iln. Wines, &c.. to .1. Schumacher, No. 'MI Liberty St., I'itt.s- Durg. I'a ~ Is because he keeps the best and pur est goods In that line, and sells them at lower prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Rye, $2.00 per gallon. Four year old Pure ltye, 82.50 per gallon. Five year old Pure Rve, $.".00 per gallon. From 6 to K year old Pure Rye s:s.oo to *">.oo per gallon. The purest imported Wines, Brandies and nlns prescribed by physicians for medical purposes, lioods shipped to all parts of the country. No charge for package. Call or write and give me atrial orderaud you will after that deal with no other house. Seud money with order, by registered letter or P. O. order. U. S. Revenue laws prohibit shipping goods C. (). I). Respe' tfully JACOK Schcmachkh, 90* Liberty St., Pittsburg, Pa. J3S~Store located two minutes walk from Un ion Depot. DEXTTIST IRJ X . 0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the l'hila • IV. delphia Dental College, is prepared to do anything !;■ the line of his profession in a satisfactory- manner. Ofllce on Main street, Butler, Union Block up stairs. J. S. LUSH, M.0., Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his office at No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-lf. DR. R. C. McCURDY, Physician and Surgeon, Ofliceon Main St., over Kemper's store. Butler, - - Penn'a. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, " DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Gold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Olßee on Jefferson Street, one door East of Lowry House, tip Stain. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. •Communications by mail receive prompt attention, N. B.—The ouly Dentist in Butler using the best makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON Office No. 6"> South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunningham St., BXJTIJER, zpzEnsriisp^ A J FRANK & CO, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY ASD TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, 4c. f Prescriptions carefully co.i'.- Sounded, aud orders answered with care ana lspateh. o>ir stock of medicines Is complete warranted i .'nulne, aud ot the bCot 'luallty. 45 South Main Street, SUTLER, - PA. "DRESSMAKING -BV ' MRS. AMELIA EYTHE Wanted immediately 12 more learning girls. Thanking custouii-rs for past, patronage I am still at the olds*and. _ House No. 48 Cunningham St., BUTLER* IP-A.- fgTAdvertise in the CITIZIN. THE OITIZBIT. MISCELLANEOUS It Did Him Good. Side by side in Che waiting room of the Third street passenger station yesterday sat a nervous little woman aDd a tail, melancholy man. The woman had a boy about seven years of age who seemed to be possessed of an evil spirit. He would uot sit nor stand still. He didn't want apples or candy, He couldn't be coaxed or bribed to behave himself, and his kicking and whining seemed to wear the little mother out. The melan choly man stood it for a little while, but finally felt called upon to observe "Madam I know what that child is aching for." "Yes, so do I," she promptly an swered, "but I've a boil on my right arm." "I'll .take the job off your hands if you will say 30. It is sumthin' I've been in the habit of doing almost every day of my life, for I've had three wives and three sets of child ren." The boy set up an extra howl and began kicking her shins just then, and she looked around in a helpless way and said: "Well, you may try. Not too vigorous but vigorous enough." He reached over and picked the child up, laid him across his knee, and the spaDking machine started off at about forty revolutions a minute and worked to a charm. "There—you sit therel" said the old man as he straightened the boy up and set him down. "That's bet ter than all the candy and peanuts in the country, and you'll behave your self for the next three days." The boy blubbered softly and sat still, and when Ihe mother bowed her head in gratitude the old man repli ed: "Oh, don't mention it. It's the best medicine in the world. Besides I was a bit lonescme to day, and it has 6ort o' cheered me up." True Happiness. Fame and wealth bring on graye conditions of physical life. Jay Gould has been reported dead a half dozen times within a week. He seems to have burned out all the vital material with which he wa3 endowed by the fierce struggles for power. He is a desperate sufferer and often in public places his face shows all the anguish of physical pain. The otter day he cabled to Dr. Brown-Sequard, the I amous Parisan neuralagist for a pre scription and in a short time there came a reply which the great million aire had compounded and which is known in the New York drug stores as "Brown's Brain Tickler" so often as it has been prescibed befoTe. Mayor Hewitt is also a chronic sufferer. Bis ailment is insomnia. In Washington he hired the whole of an adjoining house to keep it empty and had every dog within a mile boy cotted in order that he might get a modicum of nature's sweet restorer. Since he has been elected mayor he hes tried tccres of places in New Yoik in the hope of finding a quiet retreat. Sometimes his condition is pitable. Mr. Powderly has talked so much lately and has been criticised so harshly that he is weary of public place and is anxious to drop out of sight. His throat is always sore, and sometimes it bleeds until he is almost convinced that his lungs are affected. The death of Sheridan, the tragedian was hastened by anxiety. Before he left for Australia ho asked his friends to pray for him. He wrote his let ters on blue paper, because the color indicated his mental and physical condition. He lost his health early in his desperate efforts to get to the top of the dramatic ladder. He was a great actor and his death will be generally regretted. Hundreds of similar cases can be quoted showing that as soon as men reach the fruition ef their worldly hopes they fall victims to all sorts of maladies. Really a peaceful life and a contented mind are after all the on ly means of real happiness in this vale of tears. Learning To Run His Own Engine. A locomotive engineer in San An tonio, Texas, fonad himself running by fast line to the consumptive sta tion, and it was necessary to shut off steam and put on the brakes. "For three months I had been hawking and spitting up pflegm to a limited extent. Since my trouble commenced have been able'to work about two-thirds of the time. Have had two back sets, one, by far the most severe, five weeks ago—a most severe hemorrhage, that left me so weak that I could not walk across the room. Had two very slight hemor rhages in the next two days. "I have been using Compound Oxygen two weeks and have improv ed a great deal; have gained much strength and can walk aronnd the block (about I.GOO feet) at a fair, slow walk,without panting, breathe freely and easily, feel no soreness in either of my lungs* My flesh is hard er and more serviceable. The quan tity of my expectorations is not more than half what it was two weeks ago. This Compound Oxygen has a his tory wonderful in its way, and worth reading by everybody whose life is worth preserving. That history is embodied in a very interesting two hundred page treatise, which is sent free by mail on application. Piease address Drs. Starkey & Palen, 1529 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa —There is a bill before the Geor gia Legislature requiring every wine rcom keeper to pay a liyense of $lO,- 000. Why not $1,000,000 and have done with it. Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people mis erable, and often leads to self-destruc tion. We know of no remedy for dyspepsia more successful than Hood's Sarsaparilla It acts gently, yet surely and efficiently, tones the stom ach and other organs, removes the faint feeling, creates a good appetite, cures headache, aud refreshes the bur dened mind. Give Hood's Sarsapa rilla a fair trial. It will do you good. —To be respected by others one must respect himself. —The power and prestige of trade's papers depend upon the quality of the reading matter. —The worst mistakes that can be made is the selection of a place of trust of a "good fellow." —Genius is a gift of God and should not cause pride, but an honest pnrsuit of duties is an exhibition of will power, and is something to' be proud of. v Well-directed, educated will-power is what every young man needs. Surnames. Did you ever notice how few sur names there are in the Bible? That is because they had not come into fashion then. Until the eleventh century after Christ, surnames were not used in Englrnd Some of them originated in tbi3 wise. They had plain John and Andrew and James. Bv and by, to distinguish Andrew, the son of John, they said Andrew, John's son, and then made the last two words one; so, in process of time, we have Andrew Johnson, John Anderson and Andrew Jameson. Others are named from their occupa tion. There were Matthew (the) Baker, and Timothy (the) Barber, and Tom (the) Smith, and James (the) Butler, and John (the) Carpen ter. By and by "the" was dropped. Important Questions. —Are you troubled with Dyspep sia or diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys or bladder? If so, Dr. Tutt's Pills will surely cure you. As a blood purifier they have no equal. Sold everywhere. —A great journalist gave the se cret of success in his profession as "Industry and Ugliness " Consumption Can be Cured ! Not by any secret remedy, but by proper, healthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites, which contains the healing and strength-giving virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Prescribed by Physician. Take no other. The man whose mind and hands are busy finds no time to weep and wa'l. Keep busy. 1 have been for several years a sufferer from hay fever and severe head colds, and have tried other rem edies in hope of getting relief but have found cone that can compare with Ely's Cream Balm. I would not be without it for any consider ation. It is simply wonderful in its effect on the nasal organs. S. A. Burtt, Wilmington, N. C. I can cheerfully recommend Ely's Cream Balm to the suffering public for hay fever and stoppage of the air passages. I have tried it and find it gives immediate relief.—J. E. Bector, 209 Bock St, Little Bock, Ark. We find as we stand and ponder trouble comes. We find as we work hard the trouble stone is roiled away. Give Them A Chance ! That is to say, your lungs. Also all your breathiug machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thou sands of little tubes and cavities lead ing frocn them. When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. Thero is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if every-thing else has failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. —"lf a man has any brains at all let him hold on to his calling, and in the grand sweep of thing 3 his turn will come at last. —A banner carried by one of Cromwell's men bore in latin across its front, "Let us not (or the sake of living,lose what men should live for." Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Speciftlc. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient, is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER PAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address Gobij en Specific Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —"The Boston Transcript" tells of a little school boy—a foreigner,— who was uuable to work a simple ex ercise that was given to the whole school. He was much chagrined at his inability to handle enough English to work tba exercise, and said that he could do it easily enough in his own language. The teacher told him, with a smile, that he could do it in bis own language if he preferred. Whereupon he proceeded to cover both sides of his elate with two alle ged solutions of the exercise, one be ing written on one side in Hebrew and the other on the other side in Russian ! The teacher marked him perfect—at a venture. —A man near Liondon recently made a bet that he oould kill, clean, cook, and eat a spring chicken in fif teen minutes. Pieparatory to the contest he secured, the chicken and provided himself svith a pot of boil ing water, a buck jt of cold water, a hot skillet, and a hot flat iron When time was tailed he jerked the chicken's head off 1 , doused it in a pot of boiling water, slipped the feathers off, cleaned it, and then laid the i'ry flat in the pan, with the flat-iron on top to cook the upper side. At the close of eleven aud a half minutes he had the chicken bones beautifully polished. —Business men seem to labor to make "the dull season" still duller by taking in their signs, or,what amounts to the same thing by withdrawing their advertisements from their home papers. "With the business man who advertises judiciously the year round there is uo dull season. He makes trade by inviting it. —Never scrub your floor against the grain. —"What is life insurance?" ' asked one boy of another. "Well, Is'pose," said his companion, "it's a concern that keens a man poor aU the time he's alive so that, he may die rich. —A man who had a scolding wife, being asked what he did for a liviifg, replied that ho "kept a hot house." —Doctor —And so you think Flor ida is the garden spot of America, do you? Returned tourist—l do. Near ly all my friem) who „have visited there, have beenplanted. by the friend ly native. - > .* ATTOKNEYS AT LAW. CHAIiLES A. McI'IIEKKIN, Atty at Law, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Dia mond, Butler, Pa. Collections a specialty. febs-!**>Ty JAMES B. MATES. Attorney! at Law. Office at No. 10 S. Main st opposite ileineman's Book Store. 11l A McJUN KIN, Attorney at Law ltoom 3. lleiber building But ler, Pa,' Entrance on Cunningham st. G EC KG EC. PILLOW, Atteirney at Law and SI KYEVOK, Main strctt Butler, Pa. Office with J. D. McJuukiu. F. M. EASTMAN, Office with Clarence Walker. S. F. BOWSER, Office in Brady's Law Building. ». H. ITF.ii.SOL, Office on N. E. corner Diamond, ltiddle Building A .M. Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. COITNELIUS & WELSH, Attorneys at Law—Office in Berg's buiidin second story. [l-lii- tt I, J. D. McJUNKIN, Ottice in lteibcr BlocK. T. C. CAMi'BELL, Office in Berg's new building, '-'d lioor, east side of Mam slie-et, a few eioois south ol l.oury Douse. A. T. BLACK. Office on Main street, one door south of Brady Blerck, Butter, I'a. AAKON E. KEIBEIt, Office in Keibei Block. C. G.CHKISTIE, Attomey at Law. Legal business carefully tiaijsacteu. Collectionsinae'.e and piomptly re mitted. Business correspondents promptly at tenueu to aud answered, J. T. DONLY, Office near Court House, W. D. BRANDON, Office in Beig's building. CLAKENCE ALICEK, South-east comer of Diamond. Butler, Pa. FEUD KEIBEIt, Office in lteiber's building.. Jefferson street. WM. If. LUSK, Office in ltiddle Building, Diamond. FRANCIS X. KOIILEK. Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Counsel given in German and English. Office South ol Court House, J. B. M'JUNKIN. J. >1- OAI.ItKKATH. MoJUNKIN & OALBKEAXII, Office opposite WUliard House, Butler, Pa. GEO. IT. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond. J. F. BIIITTAIN, Office on Diamond, THOMAS BOBIXSON. r.UTLKK, PA, JOHN 11. NEGLEY Gives particular attention lo transactions in Heal Estate throughout the county. Office on Diamond.uear Court House,in CITIZEN Building JOS C VANDEItLIN, Office Main St.. 1 door south of Court House LEV. McQ ITSTION. Office near Court House, South Main St. J. AL. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON & SON, Attorney at Law. Office on the west side of Main St. A few doors North of Troutman's dry goods store. L. S. McJUiNKIiV, Insurance and Real Estate Fire, Life and Accident Insurance written at this office. Also, Desirable Building Lots, Dwelling Douses and Farms for sale. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. NIXON'S HOME, No. 35 McKean Street, BTTTTLiZBIR,, ZPIETQ JN Meals at all hours. .Open all Nlglit. Breaklas 50. Dinner 23c, Supper '2.") C. Lodging 2>c, [l2-4-3inj SIMEON NIXON, Prop'r, MACMNAC. Summer Tours. Falaco Steamers. Low Rates. Pour Trips per Week Botween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Gt. Cheboygan, Alpena. ilaiTisville, Oscoda, Sand Beach, Port Huron, St. Clair, Oakland House, Marine City. Every Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and Aufpi*t. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Hates and Excursion Tickets will be furniaked by your Ticket Agent, or iddreas C. 0. WMITCOMB. Gen'l Pas 3. Agent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav.-Co. DETROIT, MICH. County Auctioneer, JAMES B. KEARNS, KIITI.F.IS, PEIVS'A. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had tnuny yeais oi experience he can guarantee perfect satisfac lion at rates that will suit all. Leave word at this otlice. i>,5,51.1y I M PRATT'S Arcmatio G-aneva Gia hgwlmlwMll 103 CiXAJUIIKftS tit., KJSW VOliJi. FOR SALE DY J. C. 11EDICK, ]>ruggist, BUTXEIt, rl N.N'A. AFFLICTED After oil otliers fail consult DR. L.OBB 329 N. 15th. St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa. 20 years experience in all SHE*'! AL diseases. Per manently restores those weakened by early indiscre tions, &c. Call or write. Advice free and strictly con fi-leftt9urs ;xxa. A, till and 7to xy evening. a MICXDMK ST T<» TtlK CONSTITUTION A proposed lo the citizens «»f tins Com JT\- nionwealth fur their approval or re jection l>y (in! tieneral Assembly of the ( oinmonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by outer or the Secretary ot . In- Commonwealth, in pnntuuiccw Artlclf \ \ I! I of UtpConJtltotloii. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the i".mstiiulion of the commonwealth : SK< riON 1. He it re» Iveii t>\ ili.' Senate ami lloi i-ot l{epn-.eiitat vt sof tluM ominonwealth of reni.svlvitiiia m Ceneral Assembly met. That the following is promised as an amend ment of the constitution nd not elsewnere : First He shall have been a citizen of the I'nited stales least tbirtv da\s. Second. He shall have resided in the state one year '.or if, having pre\ ionsty been a qitaii ticd.elector or native born citizen of the state. In shall have lemoved theretrorti and ieturned. then six months) immediately preceding the election. Thirtl, He shall have resided in the election di; trift wheie lie shall offer to vote at lea f tliiii* davs ininiedlately pveceding the elec liofi.' The legislature at the session thereof next after the adoption of this section, shall, and from time to time thereafter may. enact laws to p:opcilv enforce this provision. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one vears. who shall have been a citi zen for thirty dajs and an inhabitant of this stale one year next preceding an election, ex cept at municipal elections, and for" the last tliutv davs a resident of the election district 111 which he mav offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election in Hie election district of which he shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people: Pro vided. That m tune of war no elector in the actual military service of the State or of the I'nited States, ill the army or navy thereof, shall be deprived of his vote by reason of his absence from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the iiiiii r.tr 111 which and the time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of their votes in the election district in which they respectively re side. Fifth. For the purpose of voting, 110 person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a resi dence by reason of his presence or absence while emploved in the service of the I'nited States or the' state, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of the State or ol the high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary of learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who. for the purpose ot voting, shall be deemed to reside in tile election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, bv proper proofs,;he citizens who shall lie entitled to the of fill 11 rage hereby established. A true copy of the joint resolution. CHAIU.KS \V. STONF.. Secretary of the Cotemonwealth. Aug. 5, 14-t. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval or tion by the (ieneral Assembly of the Commonwealth o. Pennsylvania. Published In order of the Secretarv of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article Will of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this Commonwealth : SF< Tiox 1. lie it resolved by the Senate and House ot Representi.tiees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania i:i (leneral Assembly met, That the following amendment is proposed to tite Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, in accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall he an additional article to said Const uution to be designated as Article NIX, as follows; ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, t>r keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors, to be used as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be provided by law, _ The manufacture, sale, or keeping tor sale of intoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a l)t» er. farm' r. lioyer. ijovt, Lancaster tp. tartner, I5ai:!l. John. Sltei.aU ti'. lanuer. Pel!, .lame:!, Alt-;lieuy tp. blacksmith. Coulter, Alex, A!le;,'ii; By tp. " - Diclwv, J W, Worth t;'. i.inner, Doiti.le, P. Donegal tp: tarmer tilas.s. George .MilLeisto.vn. .Meiv.iant. litll'ard, TD- aaWiigton u, tanner. Xepnle, Isaac. Falrvieiv. Knpps, A W, MUU'istou n. Barber. L\ lie J D. Jackson w, farmer. McV.aiian. Daniel. Clearlh l.t tp, farmer. Miller, .le- sie !-. fonvar.t tp. i truor. Mcintosh, K. Fali'viev. ' ■ li'.'.'.ncr. M Noes, Isaac t . Ilrady t;i, 1..,-iiier. Montgomery John T. oauiand tp. tanner. McKee, T K. e oneord tp. laiTner. NelT, John. OaUlaUd t p. taiiu :r. s\\ a i t.'.lander, J A. F.urview w. farmer, shuiiz, tiioften, Peiin tp, shoemaker. Thomp son. Thomas, t'leartleld tp, farmer. Wilson. Lob", Jackson e, farni;'r. List of Traverse aurora drawn to serve in the Court; or (Quarter Ses lons. Sept. t< rm.ix.s7 com mencing tae second Monday being the 12th day. Ash, J P, Forward tp, tanner, All' xantltr. Uamiltoa. Franiciin tp, stonj ma- son. B u nliart. Simon. Donegal tp. farmer. Blaek, Win. Talker tp. laOorer. Blair. Hobivt. Von-tn-ro ip. f.irnior. Deck wit ii, 'l'lios, siippeiyroek tp. larmer, Hei-U. Falrvleiv tp, proJu-.-r. llollnger, John. Cherry s. t t.ma tr, Cltnei .1 M, JelferbOH tp. leeturer. Curry, Anson, lM 'reer ti>. earpe.iter. Clutton. .lonatiian, Krad.' cp. farmer, ttampli "11. 1-e.vls, T.iri;ei- tp. fanner. Cooper S 11. Pe in tp. farmer. Donahue, IMuard. clearlleld tp. fanner. Denny, .fanes, Dambr.ugii, Henry. Conivxi. s, tp, farmer. Evan::. .1 i:. Donegal ip. pumper, Elliott, w 1". Worth tp. farmer. I' re(l;ev. Daniel, llui'.ilo. tji. l.'»K'ivr. Feunel .losoph, Cle.ira -M tp. farmer. Fludlcv, .lolia. l'arkertp. te i -lier. (ialtreath. .1 A. M- rcertp. fa/wr. (ii'osoii. A B, I'.trker ip tarie-'r, Hamilton, Andrew. .Meieirtp. f irtu'-r. Hendrl' ::son. .Moses. t ranUeny tp. farmer. ll". uphill. Man: ll. l).iae;:;d to. farmer. Knox, lienry Jr. Clinton tp. larmar, *1 l ife. Uobert, Mttddyreek tp. l inner. MlieheU, John, Dittler boro -ad preelael, livery man. MeWililiui.i, 11. 13. Centre tp. f rin-r. McEliiany. Hobort, cnerry t p. lil.ieksmlth. Mel.ari'crty. W A. deurfi tld t p. fanner. MeCrew. HeuJ. l'rosp: et. geat. McCoy, Alex, slippery reek tp. fanner. Meclvinonds, T It. Hrad.v tp. fai.n .-. MrCollourrh. 1)«. I'aii view tanner. Nicholas, Vetor. Counoq. n tp. lanuer. Powers, Henry. Jacksoti e. farmer, liennlek. I'Cln-rry ip. fartevr: ltey nolds, A M. Venanyo tp. farm r. Studebaker. David. Worth tp. fanner, Shearer, .loaeph, Conno«i- n. t.irni"r. Trout man. Adam, liutl r boro tiuJ preclnet, merchant. Weiiand, John. Jefferson tp. carpenter, Wimer. Jeff. Worth tp. farmer. Weise, Cas. Duller boro Ist preelnt stone ma son. White. John, Franklin tp, farmer. Zei;;ler. Andrew. Jackson w. druggist. —AND— LIUINBER J. L. PUKVI3. L. O. 1-UKVI^, S.G. Purvis & Co. MANI FACT I'll KILS AM) DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EYEHY DESCKirTION, FRAffIJiS MOULDINGS, SA^II, DOOHS, FLCOitING, MDI]SG BATTENS, BRACKETS.GUSGSD COMICS BEARDS. SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD ('alhollcdmrcli |PW—II ure in atau'eed No operation or business delay. 'I housanils- of cures. At Keystone l ouse, Herding I'a.. Cnd Saturday of each mo: lb, Send lor cir> uli'is. Advice free, YOUBF JVK IJH IF 3 1 N,'JTJ 4# IJ SMS JL $ »L'A JLJL WL While other merchants are singing their own pra'&e9, we cause our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is tie b«st, our go«.ds second o none, in fact superior to mtny unntMy kept and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and urrounding country needed such a store as this," is tbc genera! encour iging words our customers give us, "and people will be fast finding it out too.'' We keep gooS and well made g >ods only. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner. Oar medium and better grades take rauk with any Custom-made in the way of littingand make up. while our b'iXK DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUR I'RICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of MENS', YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHIIDRENS' CLOTHING of all styles ar.d grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-class clothing storo always on hanci. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patrorized our stc.re to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he jucge or no judge of goods, at BA SKY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE 6EORCSE REIBER BLOCK, LVLA,IRI STREET, RUTLER* PA. 18SO >■» k-.0. .-«** B. IFF SXJSB, J IS WEL B: H . No. 10 NORTH MAIN STREET, GRAND OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches P V 8 HPIf €* Uaper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque* with Floral Ornament iAl? U I Uim IJ 9 t ' on > MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete lina of Clocks Rl "PITT Q Q Q I'j-TT Doa't fi.il to see this line of Goods, L as it is the largest kjfli v Kj!L W d)L \J (A) UACLI UJT S S t U( i most complete stock ever shown in Butler. r\p T7" 1 \T/ 15 "C SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, l_> JLV O scienufically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Warpaul all Goods a» Represented. of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SiaiS. ISTo- 19, ISTortli Main Streets - - - BUTLER, Y0 UHAT TE N T ION Oalled to my of A C A TCHES, CLOCKS, J EWELERY, SILVERWARE, SPECTi?.CI.ES, «£o„ . All of which have been selected with great tare fo: JFRNK OUR TRADE. A complete lice cf ROGER BROS' Celebrated M KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, SC., &C„ " BP' f-feT"*All goods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well I) RIBTIL'D'Q UNION BLOCK, V • -»*• ULVLJJD bi No. 16, S.. Main Street. [lll >. . « I'RIVA'IT. DISPENSARY ,<*■&£'. agg OFFICES, 90C PENS AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. All forms of T>elicnte anil Com pli>';it<*d I>i><-iist'srciniii on cation are Ircnled :it l'i-iien ry wi.li ;i MlC ci—S rarely atiiilns-il. I»r. S. K. L-iI.eU ii memher of the I'oyaK oil«;,v«>f r!iyM<-;aiisai:-l f !!i and is the o'dtot :i I ** '• i l.* 1.M.- IST in the i-itv. hi-orial attention riven to Nerv ous I >e!ii!itv lrox-i i., .• -i\e nn'Utrilexertion, in iliscrellonsof \oath, Ae. t can-ii>!?l>h;. i. aland ini'ntriltU'vav, l;« kofciu- 'j'i>nt*c-ar\ , , ■i* •> (' tiMvrs, < >!« l . w oivs, I ii . I'ilr-, Klioumatism itinl all diseases ol the M ill, j;i(iod,l.u.«s I'riii ■irv .,M.i:.C.r.i?. or E.J.LAKE, M.D. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. I'articalar attention given to the Retracing ol old lines. Address, IS. F. IBSrMAStS>. C!#. Surveyor North Hope I'. 0., llutler Co., Pa. H.r,,S+.ly [ITIILLLLER MILL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - :P^. Near New Court lions • formerly Donaldson | House—good accommodations for travelers. I (iood stabling connected, j [l-'J-'SG-ly] 11 EITENMCLLEII. l'rop'r. I l'.ir Dropsy, tsravnj, Ilright.'s, Heart. I'rlnary ;or Uver Diseas s. Nervousness. \e. cure (Juiir anv <«i A -eh st reel. I'liUadelphln. $1 p;r bottle,« lor K>. At Drugg bts. Try It. A. Troistman Son. 11l 1111111 1111111111 We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. We have a lavge assortment of £Jplored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table l inens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, Now Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, ; We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., (£*c. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK, BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Butler Pa- GET TOE BEST! STONE PUMPS. Manufactured by James McXees at Haliston, Butler County, Pa. The only Pump that leaves tho water ABSOLIITELIF PURE. They are the most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION in every respect. KEIBTER P. < )-. Butler Go., Pa !\ 1 E A 1) 11,1. E (] 0N ti El'. \'A T0 R Y 01' _ M usic. A tirade institution Willi facilities in Music ami Art second to no school In the country, i Kmiiloys onh teachers of experience and eminent reputation. higlu Heparate courses in MUSIC iiicludiuK all branches Yocai and Instrumental. Is adulated with Allegheny tollege which accepts Music as an elective study. ..... , , „_»• . \ thorouijii Vrt Course. Studio, e»i'npped with liucst cast*, under chatge ot an artist of rare ability. Diplomas granted those completing auj one of the courses. Excellent boardliiß lacilites at very moderate rates. Stude.it* admitted to any irrade. Kail term begins September lth V-'W-'u fortillalO " Ut l °" PBOF. f. A UEY.NOLDS, IMHKCTOB, JIEADVILLE, I'A. KIRKS WHITE „ SussiaH The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general household purposes is the very best SOAR 1629 -A.rc-U Street. Ftxilad'a, Pa. A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Consumption, Asthma, Bronrhitla, Djiipcp. sin. Catarrh, Ha) Fever. Ilrailarlie, IVfUillljr, Hlii-umatisni. Xiiiraliria anil all Chronic and Ncrvoits Disorder*. •The Compound Oxygen Treatment." Dm. Starkcy .v I'alen, No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadel phia. have been using for the last seventeen years, is a scientific adjustment of the elements of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized, and the compound Is so condensed and made portable that It Is sent all o\er the world. Drs. starkey s I'alen have the liberty to reier to the following named well-known persona wlio have tried tlielr treatment: lluN. \VM. I). K KLLEY, Member of Congress, Philadelphia. KKV. VUTOIt L. COHRAD, Editor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, KEY. CIIARLKS w, CUslilNC, D. D., Rochester N. V. HON. \VM. I'ENN NIXON, Editor inter-Occan, Chicago. KEY. A. W. MOOKE. Editor The Centenary, I ancaster, S. C. W.,1i.« l!];TII INC.TON,Editor New South.Biim ingham. Ala. .U'llGE 11. 1", YHOOMAN, Quenemo, Kan. JlliS. MARY A. LIYERMORK, Melrose, Massa chusetts. .H UGE R. s. VOORIIF.KS. New York City. MU. E C. KNIUHT, Philadelphia. MR. FIJANK SIDDALL, Merchant, Philadelphia HON. W. W. SCHUYLER, Kaston, Pa. BDWAISI) 1,. WILSON. 5.;3 Broadway, N. Y., Ed. Phi'iudelphla Photographer. FIDELIA M. LYON, Wairnea, Hf.wall Sand wich Islands. ALEXANDRIA RITCHIE, Inverness, Scotland. MKs. MANCELY. OKTEOA. FresnlUO, Zaeaie cas, Mexico. MRS. EMMA COOPER. rtllla , Spanish Hondu ras. lientral America. J. COBB. L*. S. Vice Oonsel, Casablanca, Moroc co. M. V. ASHBROOK, Ited Ulna Cal. ERNEST TI RNER. Nottlugeam, England. JACOB WARD, Uovvral, New South Wales. And thousands of others In every part of the United States. "Compound Oxygen—lts Mode of Action and Results," is the title of a new brochure of two hundred pages, published by lire, starkey x I'alen. which gives to all Inquirers full Informa tion as to this remarkable curative agent and a record of several hundred surprising cures lu a wide range of chronic coses—many of them al ter belns abandoned to die by other physicians, will be mailed free to any address on applica tion. Read the brochure! DltS. STABKEY & PALEN, So. 1529 Arcli Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WEST PENN HOUSE! This hotel, just across the street from the de pot. lias been refitted in the new, and I am again prepared to accommodate the travelling public. BQ&RDIHG BY THE iUL, DAY OR WEEK. Good Rooms, good attention, good stabling : rates moderate. For further Information cnrpiire on the premises of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor. W CHHPfSrG!RBCERY STORE in Butler, three doors west of West Perm Depot. Having opened a fresh stock of GROCERIES consisting of < lofi'ee, Teas, Sugar. Syrup, Spices, Canned Goods of all kinds. Ilams, Bacon, Lard, &c., &c„ Tobacco and Oigfai*s, FLOUR of best brands and low prices ; also, a full line of Klingler's popular brands of family flour constantly on hands. HAY, OATS, CORN and FEED of all kinds at lowest figures, Wo. 1. Halt, Lower any oilier House lu ISntler* Country Produce wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Call and examine our stock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. KEARHS & CO., 76 East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. J. H, DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN— STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - 2-1-87-ly FURNITURE! FURNITURE Bed Room Suits, Dining Boom Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture Store IN" BUTLER. W. F.MILLER. Ready Mixed. ifflQua ,7), GO, rr> to i.on per pal. BEST LINSEED OIL PAINTS. Shipped anywliere. all shades. Property own ers order direct. Also 2 and 3 ply Felt Rootlnj? with best coating and Cement. Agente wanted. Color card price list free. ATLAS 1 AlNr CO., P. O. POX 2UO, Pittsburg, Pa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. A. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WJM. CAMPBELL. TREASURER H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: .1. L Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. Bnrktiart, A. Ttoutman, Henderson Oliver, <: v iloesslni!, James Stephenson, l>r. W. Irvin. N. Weitzel, J. I'. Taylor. U. C. lleineman, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen. As't- JPJL ttfIUTCn I AflV Active and I<:tellicrent. tb fV All I CII LA V I iu her own locality an old (Inu. Rofei*ncwre