KASKINE (THE NEW QUININE) 1 UOOD APPETITE | FJGP SEW STRENGTH, ■ i J qiIET NLBVEB, I HAPPY DAYS. I [ SWEET SLEEP, A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach win bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALAEIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD PURIFIER. Superior to quinine. Mr. F. A. Miller 630 East 157 th street, New York, was cuml by Kasklne ot extreme malari al prostration ot seven years suffering'. He had run down from 175 pounds to 'J7, began on Kas klne in June, 188 C, went to work in one month, regained his full weight in six months. Quinine did him no good whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the most respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn, says: "I am ninety years of age, and for the last three years have suffered from malarial and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kasklne which broke up the malaria and Increased my weight 22 pounds." Mrs. T. A. Solomons, of 159Halliday St., Jersey City, writes: -My son Harry , eleven years, was cured of malaria by Kasklne, after lifteen months' illness, when we had given up all hope. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails, will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice, fl.oo per bottle. Sold by J. C. REDICK, Butler, or sent by mall on receipt of price. .. . KASKINE CO., 54 Warren St., New York. XAHT LAMP CHIMNEYS ABE offered for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARLTOP BUT THEY ARE NOT! An* like all Counterfeit* lack the Bemmrkable LASTING Qualities OF THE GENUINE. ask for the PEARLTOP Asdlagist them 'nSUSjfISKr on with CHWHEI PfttOct* 80,1888. The PEARL TOP is Blanmfactured ONI. V by GEO, A. MACBETH & CO., PITTSBURGH,.PA. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF FUSE COD LITER OIL Ural Hypopliasphltes of Lime & Sods Almost as Palatable as Milk. Tbe only preparation of COD LITER Oil thai caa taken readily and tolerated for a lung tlm fcr delicate stomach*. ill AS A BEJIEDY FOB COXSTXPTION, AFFECTIOKS, ANAEMIA, GEJ SCIL btMLXTY. COUUHB AM) TIIKOAT AF MWHHH ami all W.t*fi*o Disomies fIP CHI LUKES it In niirvdlon In Itw rreulta. Prescribed and endorsed by tiie bfcsl thysici&nJ 18 the countries of the world. For Male toy all Dra^flat*. for Psinphluton Wulimc DiwjauM. Ad 4na SCOTT Jk BVWS£. Sew York. The Reason Why you should send your order for any kind of Bye or lionrl on Whiskey. Brandy, <;in. Wines, &c.. to ,1. .Schumacher, .No. 9Ct Liberty St., Pttt.s burK. Pa , Is because lie keeps the bent and pur eat goods in that line, and sells them at lower prices than any house In Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Itye, 82 oo per cnllon. Four year old Pure Bye, ft;.so per gallon. Five year old Pure Bye, 83.n0 per gallon. From 8 to 8 year old Pure Kye $3.00 to 55.00 per gallon. The purest Imported Wines, Itrandles and Gins prescribed by physicians for medical purpose*, floods shipped to all parts of the eountry. No charge for package. Call or write and give me a trial order and you will after that deal with no oilier house. Send money with order, by registered letter or P. O. order. U.S. Bevenue laws prohibit shipping goods ('. (>. 1). Bespectfully JACOII STIIUMACII KK, 961 Liberty St., Pittsburg. Pa. OT~Rtore located two minutes walk from Un ion Depot. I JFPW AGEHTS WASTED ron THE , AUTHORIZED JaUi-IFE OF LO6AN with introduction by This Biography has been more than two years in prep aration. (Ten. Logan himself furnished the data to the author. See. Wrmmmim Dawaea, his intimate friend and associate; and before his death he read all but the dosing chapters of the work, and gave it his unqualified endorsement. Mrs. states this in the introduction. A ■affiles edbßtrersof the dead Chieftain waai tfcle Ihrilltsf sleir of lifts grest career in Cce and war. Splendidly illustrated with portraits and tie scenes. Send quick $i for outfit and get choice of territory. Address HILL A HARVEY, PUBLISHERS, 111 X. Cluul«« Btrwt, Baltimore. , DENTISTRY . o|/ WAIJJItON, Graduate of the Pliila « dclplila Dental College, Is prepared to do anything l;i the line of his profession In a satisfactory manner. Olliee on Main street, Cutler, Union Block up staiis. J. S LUSKj XVI. D,, Has removed from Harmony to But ler and has Ms oltlce at No. y, Main at., three doom below Lowry Uouae. u;>r-30-tr. DR. B. C. McCUItDY, Physician and Surgeon, Ofllccon Main St.. over Kemper's store. Butler, - - Penn'a. Br. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertatulne to the profession cxecut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Hold Killings, and Painless Kx traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. 081 re ob Jefferson Street, one door Kast of Lo» rj House, I'p Stairs. Office open dally, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention. If. B.—The only Dentist in Butler using the beat makes of teeth. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AN,) SURGEON Office No. G3 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunninghtm St., BUTLER. HPZECZNTZbT'-A. A J FRANK k CO, DIALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, an*l» CHI MICALB, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac. f llf Physicians' Prescriptions carefully C 0...- pouriflwi, HIMI ordiTM auM\v<*r<r<l wltli can' fllMl ol»ptttx:h. u*ir Ht.ocK of medicines la coinplet© warranted { mulne, and of the foc&t quality. 45 South Main Street, B'UTLE"R, - Advertise in tho Ciiizx*. THE OITIZBH. MISCELLANEOUS Fowls in Confinement. From the American Agriculturist When bens seem drooping, give a pill made of sulphur, lard and black pepper till they are better. Keep a horseshoe or a few rusty nails in the water, or boil white oak bark and cherry-tree bark together- Make a syrup, and when it is cold, give it in the drinking water twice a week as a tonic. Take ground toustard, one table spoonful, to two quarts of com meal, and enough sour milk to mix well. In case of sick fowls feed this three times a week; as a preventitive, twice a month. It is a grand tonic, and should be used occasionally through the summer season. Beware of overfeeding. It is va riety of feed and shell- producing ar ticles that bring the best results. Experience will teach how to regu late the quantity. Pound up broken crockery and glassware in pieces the size of small peas and put in the gravel box. The fowls will select the hard flints with sharp edges to "grind in their mill." Clean off all the runs in poultry yards as well as the nouses. Don't allow fowls on the same ground for months or years without stirring it up. Sweep off or Bpade under the litter that accumulates. If the in closure is small, spade up a portion each day If large, plow up the yard frequently, so that the birds can have exercise in hunting in the fresh earth for worms. It is said a hen will consume a bufchel of corn a year. We would be generous and allow five pecks of grain per head when they are con fined to the hen jard. It requires more feed to keep some breeds than others. The Plymouth Rocks are small eaters and industrious foragers, and so can be kept with 20 per cent, less expense than some others. Sun flower seed, fed in small quantities, imparts a beautiful gloss to the plumage. Whether with old or youDg fowls, give them freedom, cleanliness, proper and sufficient food during the year, and change of male birds every spring- Always provide a dust box. The best article for the use of fowls is road dust. Gather a barrel full in summer, cover it close and keep for winter use. Or U3e finely sifted bard coal ashes with a table-spoontul of sulphur added. If litter is want ed for the fowl'B scratching place in winter, ga/her the fallen forest leaves and store them away in a dry place. When needed throw a good supply into the hen houses. Scatter broad cast one feed of grain (in the even ing) among them and let hens work for their supper. Renew the leaves every week or two, or alternate with straw. Either will be good for the birds. Then it can be removed to tbe com poßt heap or scattered about your small fruits and grapevines. In these last suggestions there is plenty for the children to do. Let them gather road dust, leaves, etc., in the season, doing something each day to provide lor the comfort of the fowls. They will love the work and take an interest in the business. It will give them needed exercise and pleas ure. PERCHES IN THE POULTUV HOUSE. Have the perches made wide enough to allow the chickens to cover tfceir feet entirely with their feathers, and prevent freezing in the coldest nights. A foot or two below the perches have a scaffold of boards to fit closely, and spriuk'e with plaster or dry earth from time to time, which, with the droppings of the hens, can be swept up and put in barrels for corn land. Below these platforms, boxes or nail kegs can ba arranged for nests. Never have roosts over three feet from the ground. Even then have a stepping box or block at one end, RO that heavy hens can get up easily and avoid injury to themselves Ilavo all the perches on a level, for if they slant the Lens will crowd for the highest place. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specif! ic. It can be given in a cup of coff-e or tea without the knowledge of the person taking i'; i* absolutely harmless anil will effect a permanent arid speedy cure, whether the patient is u moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their owa free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —There is a dentist in a Michigan town tbe sign over whose door read?: Teeth exfracted without eny pane. Laffin gas (10) cents a 11a! Ila! Tho Secret Of Health is the power to eat, digest and assim ilate a proper quantity of food. This can never be the case while impurities exists. Dr Tutt's Liver Pills expels all impurities and vitalizes the system. —The many remarkable cures Hood'j Sarsapaiillu accomplishes are sufficient proof that it does posseess peculiar curative powers. —Mr. Wcstinghouse, of air-brake fame, Las taken out about twelve hun dred patents of various kinds. —Our readers have doubtless often noticed that Hood's Sarsaparilla is well spoken of in the newspapers. Tbe press is quick to recognize merit, and does not hesitate to give praise where it iB due. Tbe follow ing is from the Baptist Weekly, a lead 1 ' ng religious paper : "Advertising may bring an article prominently before the public, but'no advertising can long help it if it has not real merit. Hood's Sarsaparilla is well advertised; but the best proof of its value is that BO many persons use it on the recommendations of friends who have proved its peculiar virtues." —The Xcw York Legislature pass ed a bill requiring a lifa-saving rope to lie placed in every hotel room. —A statistical sharp has calculated that if 32,000,000 persons should clasp hands, they could reach around tho globe. —The population of New York City, according to tbe new city direc tory, is 1,000,000. There are 2,300 Smiths, 1,800 Browns aud 000 Jones enrolled. Mr. Skinner's Decease. "Bill Skinner is dead, " said a man coming into the office of a Dakota newspaper. "Moses and thunder!" yelled the editor, beginning to jump around the desk, "That old thief hasn't died, has be? I begun to think the old fossil would live forever! He owed me four years back subscription but I am willing to lose it just for the satis faction of knowing that the howling old hypocrite has gone where he will get what he deserves. Besides, if I went out and said a word about it the old woman and the boys would chase me off the place with a pitchfork. Got to give him an obituary, though, I s'poee." Then he sat down and wrote: "It is with a heavy heart and lag ging pen that we make the announce ment that William Horatio Skinner is no more! For many years ho has been a leading citizen of this place; a man honored, respected, large-heart ed, able; a man who touched nothing that he did not adorn. This usually happy community is plunged in the gloom by the sad event. But what is our loss is heaven's gain. Rest in peace! He was a kind husband and an indulgent father." Content to Try One. A man with a purple nose was fish ing for porgies off South street wharf last Saturday and suddenly fell into the water. A fellow fisherman of benevolent aspect promptly hauled him out, laid him on his back and then began to scratch his head in a puzzled way. "What is the matter?" asked the exeited bystanders, "why don't you revive him?" "There are sixteen rules to revive persons," said the benevolent man, "and I know 'em all, but I can't jnst now call to mind which comes first." At this point the drowned man opened his eyes suddenly and said faintly: "Is there anything about giving brandy in the rules?" "Yes." "Then never mind the other fif teen." Just 100 Sweet for Anything. From the Sandy Lake News.] At the picnic at the lake on Tues day a happy young couple went out on a boat ride. After some time, the Miss said: "Aud what are you doing now, Charlie?" "Only hugging the shore, Mary." "Charlie," she said in a longing manner, "I wish I was a-shore." "Why, are you—" he looked up. She hung her head and smiled. He took up the oars. * * Charlie was soon enacting the part of the boat, while Mary beautifully represented the shore Mr. Childs' Two Maxims George W. Childs has two max ims which stand him in good stead. They are: "Do the best and leave the rest," and "What can't be cured must be endured " These bits of philosophy and the habit of taking long walks keep Mr. C in a state of unruflied temper. He is a great pedes trian. He will not go anywhere in a vehicle if ho can travel oil foot. He walks from his town house to his office aud back every day. As soon as ho recovered from his recent fall he insisted on resuming his walks, — New York World . Consumption Can be Cured ! Not by any secret remedy, but by proper, healthful exercise, and tbe judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hvpophosphites, which contains the healing and strength-giving virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Prescribed by Physician. Take no other. —ln 1837 a colored woman put SO4 in a suviugs bank at Baltimore. The other day her heir drew out $2,300 as a result of the increase of tho or iginal amount. In Brief, And To The Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of ord.-r. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to lie, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. Rut Greon's August Flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business aud making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :—No happiness with out health. Hut Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cents. —Three millions of pounds, or 315 carloads of feathers are yet consumed every year in America for bedding purposes. The geese yielding these feathers are mostly south of the Ohio and Missouri Rivers. I have been for several years a sufferer from hay fever aud severe head colds, and have tried other rem edies in hope of getting relief but have found none that can compare with Ely's Cream Balm. I would not be without it for any consider ation. It is simply wonderful in its effect on the nasal organs. S. A. Burtt, Wilmington, X. C. I (ran cheerfully recommend Ely's Cream Balm to the suffering public for hay lever and stoppage of the air passages. I have tried it and find it gives immediate relief.—J. E. Rector, 200 Rock St , Little Rock, Ark. —The world's railroads carried 7,- 400,000 people last year. —Sam Jones says he "wouldn't give ten cents a dozen for christians who don't pray in public. To which one of them replies he would be pay ing an enormous price for some vho do pray in public, if he invested half that sum in a doz:n of thein." FOR saij: A lurjre frame l»i;ir<ln>«; house, «ooil location anil ilulliK l;ir«r Imsilli i. Terms e:tv,. lor lurtlier jiarticulari li.iiiiin- "f it. S. Me JI MilS, 17 i:. I< iT.rs»si SI.. 7-29,0 Cutler, Pa. WVEBTISEBS on advortisi.'g when in Chicago, will find it on fi!o at A(J *c*r t i.u FC : YOU CAN FINDmSH <;n til; hi i'lTTMisriciui at flio A<lvertf»iiig liurcau of E& aS REMINGTON BROS. v.iio will t'ouijuct tor uiivuitlalfjg ut lowest rules. this psmsgissm N. VV> AYfcli d> SON, ou l «<"liuilxc<l ktftuU. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHARLES A. McPHEBKIN, Atty at Law. Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Dia mond, Butler, Pa. Collections n specialty. febs-M>-iy JAMES B. MATES. Attorney" at Law. Office at Xo. to S. Main fct opposite Heineman's Book Store. IKA McJUNKIN, Attorney at Law, Room 3, Reiber building But ler, Pa, Entrauce oil Cunningham St. GECKGEC. PILLOW^ Attorney at Law and SURVEYOR, Main street Butler, Pa. Oliice with J. O. MeJunkiu. F. M. EASTMAN, Office with Clarence Walker. S. F. BOWSEK, Office in Brady's Law Building. S. H. PIERSOL, Office on X. E. comer Diamond, Riddle Building A..M. Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. CORNELIUS & WELSH, Attorneys at Law—Office in Berg's buildin second story. [4-10- tt i, J. D.MCJUNKIN, Oaice in Beiber Block. T. C. CAMPBELL, Offiee in Berg's new building, 2d lloor, east side of Main street, a lew doors soutli oi Lowry House. A. T. BLACK. Office on Main street, one door south of Brady Block, Butler, Pa. AARON E. REIBER, Oliice in lteibei Block. C. O.CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections wade and promptly re milted. Business correspondents promptly at tended to and answered, J. T. DOXLY, Office near Court liouse, W. D. BRANDON, Office in Berg's building. CLARENCE \\ ALKER, South-east corner of Diamond. Butler, Pa. FEED KEIBEIt, Office in Keiber's building\ Jefferson street. VVM. H. LIISK, Office in Riddle Building, Diamond. FRANCIS X. KOIILEK. Attorney -at-Law and Notary Public Counsel given in German and English. Oliice south of Court House, J. B. M'JUXKIN. J. M. OALBKKATII. McJUNICIN & GALBRKaI'H, Office opposite Williard House, Butler, Pa. GEO, R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond. J. F. BEITTAIN, Office on Diamond, THOMAS ROIHNSON, ISUTLKIt, l'A, JOHN' 11. N2GLEY Gives particular attention to transactions In Real Estate throughout the enmity, office on Diamond,near Court House,in CITI/.KN Building JOSC VANDKRLIN, Office Main St., 1 door south of Court Mouse LICV. McQ I'LSTION. Office near Court House, South Main St. J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON & SOX, Attorney at Law. office on I lie west side of Main St. A few doors North of Troutman's dry goods store. L. K Alc-JUNKLY, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't. l-'ire, Life and Accident Insurance written at this oliice. Also, Desirable Building Lot", Dwelling Houses au'.l Farms for sale. 17 EAST JEFFIHtSON ST, NIXON'S HOME, No. 35 McKcan Street, STD PEW XM Meals nt, al! hours. Open all N'hflit. lireakfus tic. Dinner asc, sapper R". i.o I j.v-, lu-t-jtul Sjmko.m Mixon, Prop'r, Summer Tours. Palaco Steamero. Low Rates. Pcur Tripn per Woek lictwocn. DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND fit. Iffnaco. Chobovran, Alpena, Ilarriavillo, Orcocla. Hand Uea'sli, Fort Huron. Cl. Clair, Oakland lioui o, Mar'.uo City. Every Wook Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpcclal fJuuday Trlpri durlnir July ac;l August. Oun ILLUSTRATED PAMP-HLETS Hl. ten a?.d rronralon Tlcki-tn %vi 11 bcfurnlxLed by your Ticket Afc;oat, or addrestt C. D. Vi/HITCOMC, G«n'l Pais. Afjsnt, Detroit & Clev&land Steam Nav. Co. OtritOlT, MICH. County Auctioneer, JAMES R. KSABNS, IIUTI.KIt, I'KIVK'A. Ih prepared to serve the public of this Miction at vendues, etc. Having hail many yeats ol exjierience he can guirmteu pei lcet f.atlsl'ac tlOi i at rates that will buit all. J.i-uve word ut. this ollioe. 3,5,8-1.1 y Pu'&'rT ; 3 L&j Arcaiaiic Gone-;", Gic V.'li-a c,!.! I hk^ r V'- : ' : ' r ■ ittfeSl Aromatic Uc-r.c-va Gla ZJBsXr i: i I" a • ire I ,( . ,OJ.I. n». ' 1 'eV 1 ' r'-. 'i! 1 !-' 'I !'r ißssfvc i'iwM 'i. '-iii I y I^-.''oms'l ; .i't;\ !«• ijy Esy 'i-iTsliz. yj'i' i'.J.'iS JAtIKS C. nifilMtiS, Sol.* Agent,, lUii tiiAMJiEIwJ M'., KLW VOltU. Hilt S.M.K JIV J. C. REDICK, Druggist, BUTI.KU, IMvNN'A. AFFLICTED UNFORTUNATE Altor oil otliorta fnil c-r,nwnlt Dr. L.OBB 329 N. 15th St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa. 20 years experience in all 1* »1i • as»"*. !'«■ r maneiilly restore* lho*e wcakenet' l>y r;irly iudiscrc tions.&c. Call or write. Atlvice free and striclly ton* li-JtuiiA fttourk; ii a. £. till uiiU 7tv iv cvciiiug* AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval or re jection by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 111 pursuance of Article XVIII of the Constitution Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the commonwealth : Suction I. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of liepresentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in (ieneral Assembly met. That the following i s proposed :is an amend ment of tlie constitution ef the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in accordance with the pro visions ot the eighteenth article thereof: AMENDMENT. strike out from section one, of article eight, the four qualification* for voters wluch reads as follows : "If twenty-two years of age or upwards, he shall have paid within two years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one month before the election," so that the section which reads as follows : "Everv male citizen, twenty-one years of age possessing the following qualifications, shall lse entitled to vote at all elections : l'irst. He shall have been a citzen of the United states at least one month. Second. He shall have resided in the mate one year (or if. having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third, He shall"have resided in the election district where-he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preceding the elec tion . fourth. If twenty-two years of age or up wards, he shall have paid, within tmo years, a state or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, aad paid at least one month oefore the elecMpn, shall be amended, so as to read .as follows : Every male citizen twenty-one years of age. possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at the polling place of the election district of which he shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere : First lie shall have beeu a citizen of the United states at least thirty days. Second, He shall have resided in the state one year (or if, having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the state, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. Third, He shall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least thirty days immediately preceding the elec tion." The legislature at the session thereof next after the adoption of this section, shall, and from time to time thereafter may, enact laws to pioperly enforce this provision. Fourth. Every male citizen of the age of twenty-one years, who shall have been a citi zen for thiity days and an inhabitant of this state one year next preceding an election, ex cept at municipal elections, and for the last thirty days a resident of the election district in which he' mav offer his vote, shall be entitled to vote at such election 111 the election district of which lie shall at the time be a resident and not elsewhere for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elected by the people : Pro vided. That in time of war no elector in the actual military service of the State or of the United States, in the army or navy thereof, shall be deprived of his vote by reason of his absence from such election district, and the legislature shall have power to provide the manner in which and the time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvas of their votes in the election district in which they respectively re side. Fifth. For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a resi dence bv reason of his presence or absence while employed in the service of the United States or the State, nor while engaged 111 the navigation of the waters of the State or of the high seas, nor while a student of any college or seminary uf learning, nor while kept at any almshouse or public institution, except the in mates of any home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors, who, for the purpose of voting, shall be deemed to reside in the election district where said home is located. Laws shall be made for ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage hereby established. A true copy of the joint resolution. T'HAHI.ES W. STONE. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Aug. 5, 14-t. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to the citizens of this Com monwealth for their approval or rejec tion by the (ieneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Published by order of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII of the Constitution. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of this Commonwealth : Skction I. ill' it resolved by the Senate and House of Kcpresentatiees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in (leneral Assembly met. That the following amendment is proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, in accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof : AMENDM EXT. There shall be an additional article to said Const itution to be designated as Article XIX, as follows; ARTICLE XIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ol intoxicating liquors, to be used as a beverage, is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this prohibition shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be provided by law, The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of intoxicating liquor for other purposes than as a bever'ge may be allowed 111 such manner only as may be prescribed bv law. The (ieneral As sembly shall, at the first session succeeding the adoption of this article of the Constitution, en act laws with adequate penalties for its enforce ""v true copy of the Joint Isolation. CHARLES \V. STONE, 8-R-ut Secretary of the Commonwealth. •JURY LIST FOR SEPT. TERM. List of Grand Jurors drawn to servo in a (:ourt of < • •inrter he.s.sloiia commoncln<f lirst Monday of s-E'pt, isx<~, hcluy the iin.ii day. Hurtner. Ueiman. Jefferson t|>. farmer, ItoilUjjfor. Henry. Cherry tp. .armor, lioyer, I.e\i, Lancaster tp. farmer, !la<:ii, John, Summit tp. farmer. •V I! JaiM'-s, Allegheny t|>. bl.ijlwm'tU. Coulter, Al.-x. Allegheny tp. Ulekey, ■) W. Wonh ip. farmer. Double. I'. Donegal tp: fanner iilass, George, Mlllerslj'.vn, Merchant. lillll iril, T 1!. Washington u, farmer. Uepple, Isaac, Fulrvtevv. Krlpps, A W, .Millerstown, litrher. I.vile .) l>. J.*'tl:soii w. farmer. M'cMahan. Daniel, Clearhel 1 Ip. fanner. Miller. Jessie B. Borwartl tp. farm sr. Mcintosh. K. Falrvlew e. farm.!!". McNees. isaacC. |lrad> t.p. farmer, ry .Johu 'l'- Oakland tp. farmer. McKce, T !\. Concord tp. farmer. Neil. John. Oakland tp. fanner. S\\.irl /.lander, J A. Fairvlew w. farmer, short/., <;rolt n, I'enn tp, shoemaker. Thompson. Tnomas, <'i arileia tp, rainier. Wilson, l.ohe, Jackson e, farmer. I.lst of Traverse jurors drawn to s-crve In the Court, or quarter Sept. Ii rin.lssT com mencing nit- set-on 1 M nelay ueli.g tlie lath day. Ash, J I*. Forward Ip, 1 wirier, All •xander, llamilt'in, Franklin tp. slon; ma son. I •.ri>I I:I 11 Kim ill. lioi.e;. ! i.I, farmer. 1'.1.i.-k, Win. I'arki r tp. I ..hoi or. 151.11.-, Uo'ier!, \ ea.ia ;>I p. i :rm sr. 15 ektvlih. Tie.s. supperyiu ki p. runner, I leek. till). Fair.if.-. I;., pro .1 .v. lJollii'.'er, John. c; jerry tp. i inner, ( ;i:.e J ,i< !!.•;• Ip. Its -Hirer. <'il■ . All.-.till. Meiver I p, c.irpc.iti r. < I num. Jon-..than. Brad.-, tp. i.trm r. Camp i -il. I. ".vis. IV. -r l)i. It finer. < uoper :■> 11, I'e in tp l:- 'tner. Doiiah'ie. l-.ilward, Clearllel I tp, r.Util sr. |)eDS>y. J 'ties, liiiM'.-ivrh. 11-M\ Cotinoii s. !p, r inner, j:-. . i..;. .1 i-;. 11 .ne r ii ip. pumper. j.illi.r, w r. Wo: Hi tp. tai ni' r. l'leiiii-y. DaiiM 15' a.ilo. tp. I il-orer. l-'eatit I l / ."ph. ci : ir.l»: I tp. firmer. FllKlleV, Johll. l'alkerlp. il teller. (5a11.-ie.itli .1 A. Merger tp, farmer. (ilhson, .« ii, Parkertp lan ier. II •:iil|ioii, Andrew, Men er t.p. lariuer. ileirli lei.son. Jiiiw •. Cran'M-rry tp. farms-. 11 i> >! 1111. Martin. Donegal tp. tanner. Knox, II ■ -iiry Jr. t'ilntoii tp. lame -r. Mom • ICOIN'VI . Muddycrc.sk i;>. tarnier. .MM.-hell. John, Duller boro uud preeluef, llvery lll IX Me Williams. 11. 15. Centre tp. I rnier. MeKliiany, Kohert. I'h- rry ip, hlaeksai.lh. Mcl. itTeny. W A. <'learlleld lp. farmisr. M.-iiii-w, ilenj. Pro.,pect, gent.. McCoy. Ale.x. Sllpperyroek tp. farmer. Mct'lymonds, T li. lir.uty tp. fanner. Mi i-nil ni;;!!. US. Fairvlew !•:. I. iiuer. Nicholas, i'eter. Connoil- Ii tp. tanner. Powers, Henry. Jackson e, tanner, lii iinlek. I' i lierry tp, rariner: Iteyuolds, A M. Venango I p. fa'.nr. Studehaker, David, Worth Ip. farmer, Shearer. Joseph, Co:iiioi|. n. farmer. Trortinan, Adam, Duller horo imd precinct, merchant. Wellaml, John. JetTerson Ip. carpenter, Wltner. Jeff. Worth tp. farmer. Welse, C;is. Duller horo Ist, preelnt stone ma son. White. John. Franklla tp, farmer. Zelgler, Andrew, Jackson w. i'"Utfglst. Flailing Mill —AND— Lumber J. L. FUBVIP. L. O. I UKVIH, S.G. Purvis & Co. MA NT FACT!* It It its AN!) DKALKitS IN Rough and Planed Lumber FIR KVKKY uttacHirnoN, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, a Aril I, DOOHS, FLOORING, HIDING BATTENS, Brackcts,Guaged Cornice Boards. SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MiLL ANI) YARD Nei*r Herman tJaltiollot'lnircb mm\\ AGENTS r 11 nil ILU ■ I'tH.in it \i, nist i ssitiNs, ~n" hII'MIMAItI and I'Ol't I. AH. Iml i iillni' all Id*; |M-erhcs, hv .1 A MKM 15. HI.AINK. Al'l>ly at once for terms ami territory . 1 ' ' P. J. I'I,I-;M I N't 5 \ CO.. ii 4, Mil Ave., I'lltslmrK. BAHNY ASKS YOUM Attention! While other merchants are singing their own praises, we cause oar customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing: is the best, our gotds second o none, in fact superior to many usually kept and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and urrounding country needed such a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give U3, "and people will be fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manuer. Our medium and better grades take rank with any Custom-made in the way of fitting and make up. while our FIXE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive gnarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEA R, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE GEORGE REIBEJI BLOCK. IVlaAn Street, 13utlei> Pa. 18SO _ ,IHO - J IB6O 1860 ESTABLISHED 1850 1880 1850 1850 1850 E. G HXEB, JEWELER. No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, MUHII OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches CA&SPV I * >a P er Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque'with Floral Ornament ■HPl U a uLUllil t ' on i MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in abort, a complete line of Clocks C[||*rr\y»TTTQ q Q 1 Don't fail to see this line of Goods, 'as it is the largest Oil Vvl W (XtL U Ct Upuuldltj • JJund most complete stock eyer shown in Butler. J? 'Q SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, Ul l Or O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Warrant all floods as Represented. jJCgPEngraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutmaa's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. No. 19. North Main Street, - - - BUTLER, PA., YOU R ATT EN TION Is Oallecl to my Stock of x -u , Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, Ac., ; -,v All of which have teen selected with great care for JlMfk OUR TRADE. A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated Bf- KNIVES. FORKS. SPOONS. SC., &C.. fr^T**All (foods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well l i' GiaE B's, »«• LUKUWATCH CAOIIJ SIGN 01,1 ELECTRIC BELL. "PAINT v you Bh ° ul<l K\W WETHERILL'S NjpJW »x ' V*y Artistic Oetignt. Old-Fashloned Yti*. *, Houses,Quean Anne Tysty-• li'iWP%. Cottagea, Suburban /\4^\Sryv V KeHideuccH, Etc., r 'Vw uia 'ch shades of latest and mostef v lectlvc combinations "f colors in houao content* EvN painting. «tr»cij s if your dealer has not iwkt<« ; got our portfolio ask him #r,,,,r t 3to scud to usforono. You ATLAS' I :* can then Fee exactly how READY- \ . ® f your hoiwo will appear MIXED \ ® | when finished. PAINT \ |J\ <*« Dothlsan uae"Atla«" toKi»i«»t. n l Ready-Mixed Paint and In uraatioti, \ sure youryelf satisfaction. *° ."n t" l<J t *"% I «Mr Sec our guarantee. SS \ Jy I^Geo.D.Wetkill&Co. v .iKt|.r u »tn. > 1 J White Lead and Paint / it* 1 ~ Manufacturers. /■-, jfc W56 NORTH FRONT SI. VjjP" PHILADELPHIA, M. SOLD BY J. C. REDICK, Sole A^ent, IJutlei*, - - Pa. DOCTORS LAKE mm ft PRIVATE DISPENSARY /jftff .& OKKICKS, !H)H I'KNV AVE. • *TgEyi' ■ . PITTSBURGH, PA. - vfWnWr&fc,.] Ail forum of Delicate and Cnm \<SfSf plicated |it-easesrequiring<'ON- liNivi 111. and .sen,Ml in Mcill catlon arc treated at llds l>i pcii-::ry w Ith a mc cci-.i rarely attained. l>r. S. I\. I.ake 1* a member ol I la- Itoyal < ••ill | ■ • «»l I *li\ • lelans anil Surgeons, and is lilt) o'di ;,t:,i;d ilo U perienred M't.i I W.- i.st In tin- fly. Special attention given to Nerv oiih l>elil!it> trom tut Ivc mental exertion. In di.-icretninsof >until. A""., cauMiig pl.j l< aland mental decay,'la' li of enc'gv, lleH| leney, etc.; j,, ( ani ei-A, o:d .' ore, I Us. I'iles, IthcrmntlKm and nil<l!*'e;t: inul lh« SLin, (Slood, l-tings, I'rln iiry «V«-. I !oiin*ltatioii fit'Cuii'l Htiir.liy coiitlilcntial. Ofllcu Imuran 104 and 7 toKp.m.; .Sundays 2 tot p.m. only. Call atoiUce or address S.IC.J.AKK, M.1».,M.U.C.1*.5. orE.J.LAKK,M.B. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. ("articular attention given to the Retracing ol old Hues. Address, It. F. IIIM.IAKO. • '«. Snrioj or North Hope I', 0., llutier Co , I'a. 8,5,51.1y UTESMIiILER HOTII, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - JP^V. .War N«'\v ('(Mil-! Iln'isc formerly Donaldson Houst* a<*4'oD::i:o<!;tiions lor Ir.ivrh'fs. (iood i.thllnn <;oiiii< «-«l. [I !yj II KITHNMUI KKIt. I'mp'r. S32MEEBii l-'or 11 n. j my, (travel. Jtrlght's. Heart. I'rlnary or l.lver lltaeases, Nervousness, Ac. < lire ciuur atileeil. onit esul Aieli Htrei't. rhlladel|thl:i. $1 • r bottle,o foi fi. At UrujfjfUil.i. l'ry 11. A. Troutman & Son. 1111111111 <!;> 1111111111 We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry (IOOJS, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths. Lace Cut tains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. lilack and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Mieses, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Ilugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., tfce. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TJROUTMAN & SON'S, Butler p Fa- GET THE BEST! STONE PUMPS. Manufactured by Jumea MeNees at lJallHton, Butler County, I'a. The only Pump th:it leaves the water JPUIIK. They are the most desirable pump made. WE GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION in evory respect. JAMIiW jMelVlilES, KEISTKB I\O- Butler Co.. fa \|EADYILLE HONSEK VATORY OF Aft'Bl A liiwh L'rade lu»tltutloii with fiu illlic In Music and Art second to no school In the country. Kniplovn on 1 v teachers ut experience and eminent reputation. ICluht HeparaU; courses in Music liicliidiiiK all branches Vimml and Instruim-iital. Is a.iillated wllh Allegheny < 'ollej{e which accept# Music as an elective study. , . , A thoroiiith Art Course. Studio, equipped with finest casts, under ehaij;e of an artist of rare ability. Diplomas granted thosn completlnir any one ol the courses. Excellent tiourdiiiK faeiltles at verv moderate rates. Students admitted lo any grade. I'all term hegins September al, 7 .a ~,ri:ttUI" K UU I'HOK. V. A UKKNOIiUN, IIIKKCTOK, HKAaVILLIC, I'A. KIRKS WHITE HuSIN The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general household purposes is the very best SOAR 1529 Arch Slruet, Philad'a, Pa. A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Conhuiuptiou, Axtliraa, Bronchitis, D)gurp. hill. Catarrli, Hay Fever, lieadarhr, lMiiflljr. Khrnmatism, Kioralgia and all Chronic an 4 Jiervous liiorden. -The Compound Oxygen Treatment," I>rx. Starkey £ Palen, No, 1029 Arch Street, Philadel phia. nave been Hilng for the last seventeen years, is a scientific adjustment of the elcmciits of Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized, and the compound Is so condensed and made portable that It Is sent all over the world. Drs. Starkey & Palen have the liberty to refe* to the following named well-known persona who have tried their treatment: HON. WM. D. KELLEY, Memter of Congieat Philadelphia. REV. VICTOR. L. CONRAD, Editor Lutheran Observer. Philadelphia, REV. CHARLES W, CTsIIING, D. D„ Rochcsler HON. \Vm'. PENN NIXON, Editor Inter-Ocean, Chicago. liEV. A. W. MOOIiE. Editor The Centenary, Lancaster, S. C. \V..II.WOHTIIINGTON,Editor New South.Birm ingham, Ala. JUDGE 11. P. VROOMAN, Quenemo, Kan. SIRS. MARY A. LIYEHMOKE, Melrose, Massa chusetts. .ICDGE R. S. VOOIiHEES, New York City. MK. E. C. KNIGHT, Philadelphia. Ml!. FRANK SIDDALL, Merchant, Philadelphia HON. W. W. SCHUYLKK. Euston, Pa. EDWARD L. WILSON. 833 Broadway, N. Y., Ed. Philadelphia Photographer. FIDELIA M. LYON, Walrnea, Hi .wall Sand wich Islands. ALEXANDRIA RITCHIE, Inverness, Scotland. MRs. AIANI'EL V. ORTEGA. Fresnlllo, Zacate cas, Mexico. MRS. EMMA cooper. Utllla , Spanish Hondu ras, Bentral America. J. COBB. U. S. Vice Consel, Casablanca, Moroc co. M. V. ASIIBROOK. Red Bluff Cal. ERNEST TURNER, Nottlugeam, England. JACOB WARD, Bowral, New South Wales. Aud thousands of others In every part of the United States. "Compound Oxygen—lts Mode of Action and Results," is the title of a new brochure of two hundred pages, published by Drs. Starkey & Palen, which gives to all Inquirers full Informa tion as to this remarkable curative agent and a record of several hundred surprising cures lu u wide range of chronic cai-e-i—Hiany of them af ter being: abaudoned to die by other physicians, will be mailed free to any address on applica tion. Read the brochure! DRS. STARKEY & PALES, So, 1 •')•_>!) Arch Strept, Philadelphia, Pa. WEST PENN HOUSET This hotel, just across the street from the de pot. has been relitted in the new, and I am again prepared to accommodate the travelling public. BOARDING BY THE IUL, DAY OR WEEK. Good Rooms, good at'ention, good stabling: rates moderate. For further information enquire 011 the premises of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor. IK cm mm STORE in Butler, three doors west of West Penn Depot. Having opened a fresh stock of GBOCEKIK3 consisting of Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Syrup, Spices, Canned Goods of all kinds. Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c., &c„ Tobacco and Cigars, FLOUR ot best brands and iow prices ; also, a full line of Kllngler's popular brands of family Hour constantly on hands. HAY. OATS, CORN and FEED of all kinds at lowest figures. No. I.Nail,Lower any oilier Uouwe in Under. Country Produce wanted for which the highest j.rice will be paid. Call and examine our stock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. KEARNS & CO., 7G East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. J. H. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - 2-4-87-ly FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockorß, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture Store IN BJJTLER. . W.F.MILLER. • Ready Mixed. fiO, CO. 7!> to 1.00 per pal. BEST LINSKKI) OIL. PAINTS. Shipped anywhere, all shades. Property own ers order direct. Also 2 and :t ply Felt Rooting with host coating and Cement Agents wanted, folor card price list free. ATLAS I'AINT CO., P. O. ISoX Pittsburg. Pa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3H C. ROESSING, President. WM. CAMPBELL, Tkkasuri b. 11. C. HKINEMAN, Skcrktakt. DIRECTORS: j 1, Purvis ISamuel Anderson, William Campbell ..I. W. Hnrkhart. A. Ttoiitman. 1 Henderson Oliver, <S C RoesMiig, .lamesStephenson, l»r. W. Irvln. N.WelUel, J K Taylor. 11. C. Helneinan, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Oan. As'b SXTTXjBE;, PA. «lf AUTEfI I inv Arllvo i%n«l litclH(rvnt. lc Willi I LU — LRU V r»i»rti«nt I :hct owiiliH»llty an old firm. lUjfeitnM**rcHulrvd. l'erniAiiont tloii Aiul tfood salary. OAs & ilttOM., 14 liari'lAW */t». N. V. r,iso in the Citizen.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers