Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 12, 1887, Image 3

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    THE orriZEEN".
FRIDAY. AUGU3T 12, 1887.
New Advertisements.
Execute.'* N >tice—Estate of Vlirv A.
Mates, dee d.
Batler Fair
l»re*s-making—Mrs. Eyth.
Soid Report*.
Widow's Appraisements, and Partial and
Final Accounts for September Term, 1837.
"Bradford Restaurant."
New Local Notices.
—Rev. Oiler he» returned from Canada.
—Mr. Jo?. Craig and fsmilr, of Van Wert,
o.,ara visiting friends acd relatives in Butler.
—Mr. George Wolford has purchased an in
terest in the Sunbury Flouring Mill.
—Rev. John Graham, of Lancaster county,
is here on a visit to hi» mother.
—Calvin Beighley U reported to have left
for parts unknown.
—Two tanks of the PitL-borg Pipe Line
Company's oil, were destroyed by fire at
Renfrew, last Monday.
—Mr. Chas. Lusk and family, of Sherman,
Texas, are visiting his parents Dr. and Mrs.
Lusk, here.
—The Woodcock Oil Co's. well on the
Dixon farm, Penn township, is reported as
doing 75 barrels a day.
—Mr. Harrv Bvram, one of the proprietors
of the Ckrunide-Ttlegraph, of Pittsburg, was
in town on business lut Monday.
—The assignee's sale of the Haley property
in Butler was adjourned to September 5, at
the Court House.
—Hoc. A. L. Campbell, of Fairview twp.,
threshed 291 bushels of oats from 2C9 dozen
sheaves last week.
—Mr. Ja«. Scott, of this town, fractured
two ribs,on Monday of last week, by a fall in
Washington county.
—Geo. Textcr, of thi-i county, fell dead on
the Rittx farm in Allegheny county on Mon
day of last week.
—The dry weather his damaged the pa»-
jture and put several cents on the price of
.-Mis* Carrie White and Miss Madge
T>o«'ila»i, went to Chautauqua Lake, Wed
nesday lasi.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ziegler have moved
back to Doaaghy's, and John Denny and
/arnily have moved into the Weber house,
jjn Washington street.
—A bob and daughter of Christy Moore,
F.sq., *4 Centre township, were thrown from
their bwggf on N. Main street, last Friday
—There will preaching in the Baptist!
Chnrcb next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock,
and 7:45 in the evening. After service in the
morning, Baptism, after Baptism communion ,
—Jfri. John Kelly, wife of Esq- Kelly of
Farfcer twp., fell down stairs on Thursday
night week, and broke the bones ot an
arm and mi ankle.
Mr. John McCarthy, who HVCE new the
Weet l'enn depot, cune near loting his life
by an overdose of laudanum last Tuesday
—Mr. Brown, of East Brady, a dry (»ods I
■nan, was in town Wednesday, and effereu
Mr. I. J. McCandleta a handsome figure for
bis store room and basement.
—Mr. W. L. Trenholm, Controller of the
Currency, has declared a final diridend of 11
per cent, in fayor of the creditors of the First
National Bank of Butler.
—Mr. Jos. K. Brittain, a young artist of
Greenville, has two fine crayon portraits in
tbe windows of Mrs. Pape's store. Mr. B.
trould be pleased to receive orders from
aoma of our citizens for similar work.
—Ttie Hon. Samuel Miller, "the War
Horse of the Connoquencssing," was fifty
years of age on Tuesday of this week. Sam.
(lassed the day in serious reflection, and was
congratulated by everyb-jdy who met him.
—A base I*ll association wai organized in
tfcistawn last Saturday evening with J, P.
Fisbel ax President, Cbas. Boyle. Treasurer,
11. J. Ai.derson, Manager aud Will J. Heine
man, Captain. Tbe new club I* to be called
the J. P. Fisbel clnb of Butler.
—Mr. J. W. Anthony and Mr. Samuel
Eckeberger, have opened a restaurant in
in theßisbop building, on Main street, call
ed The Bradford. They are bo:a a/:flv« cjen,
Jiatrc hwl largeex[»erien(« in the buiium,
4iad *ill give their customers complete sa'.u-
—E. V. Rwr'olph, of Zelienople, was found
tilt a<l in his bed on Tuesday morning of this
«wek. lie was 7'J years of age aud has
served in the capacity of Justice of Ihe Peace
for a quarter cf a century. He was a re
spected citizen, had the confidence of tbe
community, and his children and other rela
tives have the sympathy of all in their loss.
—Townspeople note the great increase in
late y«ais of tbe number of bananas used. A
few yeari ago comparatively few at« them,
now everybody seems to. Then a single
banana schooner, at long intervals brought
them to this county; now lines of fast steam
ers are used in the trade.
l'nder the new license law it is an of
fense, punishable by fine and imprisonment,
to give intoxicating liquor to a minor or a
person of intemperate habiU, aud a man a t
Km teuton, Clarion county, has been arrested
and held for Court lor giving a man of known
.intemperate habits a drink of whiskey.
—Every line set in a newspaper office crests
aumubody something. If it lie for the benefit
i 4 an individual or firm, it should be paid
for. If the grocer were asked to donate gro
ceries to a person able to pay for tbem, be
would refuse. The proprietor of a paper
must pay for Ihe free advertising if tbe ben
eficiary does not.
—Mrs. J. B. Nessle, Jr., and Mrs. Cal.
Keefer, of New Castle, were visiting at tbe
Vogan homestead, last Sunday. The house
stauds on the line dividing Butler and Law
rence counties, and the table was set so that
when the ladies took dinner at the same
table, M rs. Kcefcr was in Butler county and
Mrs. Nessle in Lawrence county.
—An authority on canned goods reveals
(he interesting fact that most of tbe jellies in
the market are made of apple-|>arings and
cores. Sometimes the stock is kept so long
that it will not make Jelly; then they make
/•trained honey out of it. This is called en
terprise in America. In France Ibey call It
criminal, and send the men who practice It
4t> jail.
—The Coupeeutville Courier says that
Henry Ceor«e Ihe sbolisher of poverty,
charges laboring men $450 a day for wairglng
-Ilia Umgue, That is what he demanded lor
bis services at Erie last week. Henry Carey
the great Greenback evangelist aud laboring
man's friend, charged the worklngnten of
4>>nn*autville in about the same proportion
or a speech a few years since.
—Rev. Jas. 11. Wright «as released July
28th, !>y the Presbytery ofßu'ler, from the
pastoral charge of Centrevllle und North
Liberty Churches. A call, which he will
accept, has been prepari-J for him by the
church of Sunbury. He will devote a part
mf his time to teaching in the Academy of
abet (dace. This will add to the popularity
M ibis school, already so prosperous.
—Alexander Storey, Esq., of Butler town
ship, hai receiv»l the agency for the sala of
tbe "Life of General .fotfn A. Logan," aud
will soon solicit same in B it
ler Boro. and Butler, Penn, Pairview, Par
ker and Donegal t> wnsbips, this county.
Everybody should have a copy of the lifs of
iieueral Logan. Next to Grant's life It is
snota sought for.
—A of poisoning by nutmeg U record
ied in Ihe liri/ nh SlrdUut Journal, in which
'me nutmeg hail been eaten bv a patient as a
cure for diarrhoea. It caused him to become
«iddy, stupid and very drowsy all next day
The narcotic properties of these scads, and of
others of the same natural order, do uot ap
|tesr to he generally known, aud seem worthy
Jit investigation.
—A daughter of Ex-U, 8. Supreme Judge
Baldwin, died at the age of Ho, at tbe Home
of the Little Sisters in East Liberty, last
Sunday. During his term on tbe Supreme
Bench, Judge Baldwin was a leader in the
social world of the National Capital, but be
was ruined by speculation, among whbih was
sk« old Baldwin Furnace ne/r Parker, and
•lis financial failure compelled his daughter
to teach music, which she did until within a
few months of her death.
—An editor was called iuto a lawyer's of
fice ou Main St, to laugh at the following
joke; "How many apples did Eve and
.Adam eat on a certain memorable oecasiou? "
"One of course!"
Vieut lawyer -"Eve H (ale) and Adam 2."
Total U|.
We-eoad lawyer —"Eve 8 and Adam 8." To
tal Hi.
Third lawyer—"Eve 8 and Adam 82."
Total IH>.
Fourth lawyer—"Ere fll aud Adam $12."
Total 80.1.
fifth lawyer—"Eve 814 herself aud Adam
«124 himself." Total 8,034,
Sixth lawyer—"Eve 8142 know how it
lasted aud Adam 28142 know what it was
like." Total :w,2Bt.
No wonder they were kicked out of Par
The Coming Re-Union.
The first re-union of the 11th Reserves v Hi
held St Indiana in 1873, the so cd at Blai<>
rille in 18S3, and the third a: if
lgßs. Each town made extensive prepara
tions for their rccepticn, ar.d the re unions
were ail successful and pleasant affairs. The
regiment ha? voted to re unite in Butler on
Wednesday, Sept. 21*t, aid we should try to
m*ke this re union excel auy ol tlie preced
ing ones.
At » meeting of the citizen* in the court
r.om last Thursday evening we': the follow
ing committees were appointed :
General Committee of Arrangements—Jno.
M. SuiMvan, 11. C. Heiceuisn. Robert Story,
11. J. Kiingler, Geo. C. Roessiog.
Committee on Invitations Honorable*
John M. Greer, A. L. Hazen, E. McJunkin,
A. D. Weir, James Mitrhell, Jec-nb Zeig'er,
John ii. Negley. J. S. Lusk, Thomas Robin
son, Lewis Z. Mitchell, Charles McCandless,
J. D. McJunkin, John M. Thompson, J. T.
Committee on Reception—Major C. t.. An
derson, Geu.Geo. W. Reel, Col. Alex. Lowry,
Capt. Samuel Walker, Jeff. Burtner, Samuel
Irvine, John S. Campbell, James H. Shields,
W. A. Clark. W. A. Forquer, Clarence
Walker. W. H. Riuer, Walter L. Graham,
Kmistdy Maahali, Michael Byerly, A. P. Me-
Kc, Geo. W. Campbell, George Krug. Jas.
M. Galhrcath, W. Hail Clark,Geo.Schaffuer,
I. J. McCacdle&s, L. E. Abrams, Harvey
J. Harvey Milier, Geo. \ogeley,
Jas. B. Mates, Stephen Huselton, Lewis M.
Cochran, John N. Patterson, Joseph Rockea
steifi, Dr. Moore, F. S.' Purviance, Joseph B.
IJredin, Joiin Black, Esq.
Comiuiiiee on Finance—Jos. L. Purvis, W.
A. stein, Ileniy Trcutmen, Chas. Duffy, Jno
if. A. Kennedy, C. G. Christie.
Committee on Transportation —R. P. bcott,
John M. Thompson, Joseph S. Gray.
Committeemi Programme—Newton Black,
Lev. MeUoUtion, S. F. B>w-»er.
Coinmiitee cu Music —A. G. illLancs, A.
M . Corcelios, A. E. Reiber, E, Msckey, Fred
Committee on Banquet—Alex. Russe.l, Ira
McJunkin. Dr. A. M. Neyman, Dr. Samuel
Graham, W. C. E D.
Will J. Boyd.
Committee on Entertainment Alex.
Mitchell, Alfred Wick, Simeon Nixon, W.
A. Wright, W. T. Mechling, A. B. Richey,
Henrv Biehl, Michael litnno, Casper Sher
man. *J. A. McMarlin, I". D. Fisher, Frank
Koch, Wilson E. Reed, R. C. McAboy, L. P.
Walker, G. W. Miller, John Bickel, J. D.
Jacksoii, Dr. J. C. Redick.
Committee on Decoration —W. 11. H. Rid
dle, W. H. Ensmicger, ;W. A Lovry, K- U-
Anderson, M. Starr, B. C. Huselton, Dr. Juo.
E. Bycrs, Dr. R. H. Pillow, L. S. McJunkin,
Harry D. Heineman, P. W. Lowry, \\ . P.
Roessing, Lon.Shira, Daiab Mcßride, Dr. J.
F. Balpli, Ed. Colbert, David E. Dale, Frank
Kohler, John Cratty, Alex. Grieb, Charles
Pape, D. O. Ihms^n.
ComaiiU.ee on Printing—Jaraes M. Carson,
A. G. '/■ iegler, W. C. Negley, Will J. Heine
The General CouJwiß&2 of Arrangements
met on Monday evening Sflfifited L. Z
Mitchell, to deliver the fcddrev; of sel-1
come, and the Executive Committee of the;
Reserves at their meeting at Blairsville, se
lected Col. S. M. Jackson, of Apollo, to
respond to the address of welcome, and Major
H. K. Sloan, of Indiana, Pa., as orator of the
day. , .
The Gecsrpl Committee also, at their meet
ing Monday ere/ii.tg, defined the duties of
the different committee; 35 (nlloiyx:
J>L'TJfc-S OK TUB KE-t Silt»Jf tOiiwl'l »EK^.
Committee ou Invitation shall send sn in
uiiation to every surviving member of the
11th Regiment of Penu'a Reserves, an l also
to such other persons, at a distance, as are
rtcogniz-*! by the leg iment as its special
CcuMir'Jte on Reception. This committee
is chargwf wlit Jjie duty of receiving and
caring lor, during their »4i7 ij\ Butler, of the
the lltta regiment and invited feUfciC, for
whom places of entertainment shall have'
been previously proviled by the Committee
on Entertainment. It is also charged with
the duty of rc/jducting the ceremonials of
reception and eseo.t ftud of superintending
and directing the formation jj;:d march ot
the procession.
Committee on Finance. This committee,
after consulting with the Geueral Committee
ot Arrangeuie&U, will estimate the probable
amount of money required to be rai.ed to de
fray expenses, aud solicit contribution from
citizen* to cover this estimate.
Committee on Transportation will nego
tiate with railroad companies over
whoze roads soldiers will have to pass tofand
from Butler for tbe lowest possible rates of
transportation, and report at as early a date
as j»rictv:a,ble.
Committer oc Programme shall prepare in
detail the order of ttia day for Re union day,
and report the same to the GeacrU Com
mittee of Arrangements for publication.
Committee on Musis shall arrange and de
termine upou suitable vocal music to be ren
dered during tbe day aud shall have power
to invite aid lroin such vocalists and choirs
on t Ley :j?av deem proper. Fue employment
of bind, oi music shall Ik; in
charge of tbe Committee gf A rraugeiuents.
Committee on Banquet. >bi»
sliai! soli-Jit a suitable plac~- to Hold
the banquet, ami shall have the general su
perintendence thereof. They shall admit no
pert onto the banquet except upon ticket
signed by the Chairman and Secretary.
'ti.zy jyc authorized to appoint as a-isislauU
a cotnmlUs.- of Jadiec and to name and assign
tho>e who are to* Uke„h. r ,~ , "of each table re
Committe<! on Decoration. This ooian.itiee
is charged with the duty of seeing that But
ler is put In holiday attire on Beunion Day,
iuvxiug »'l property owners ou the principal
streets to il. their residences with dags.
They arc also inquire int> the
expediency of erecting evesjtreei; rr-bes oyer
Main St. at Clay, Jefferson, Ciuiaingbat* at.d
Wavne strec.ts ami over the front entrance ol
the Court House, and to embellish theui
wilii st!itable portraits and mottoes. 'Jhey
wi 1 flutter have charge of the entire dceo-a
tion of Bain ftitst IfnU.
Committee op ThU com
mitted wiil call upon the of llutler
to open their bouses for tbe o'
soldier* and invited guest* and gjvc these
honored strangers a wsloome honje Voile
with us. The committee will call upon and
note how many each family can ecUirtain
and report their names and number of guests
for each to the (k/mmittee on Reception, who
will detail members of the committee to^ es
cort *tlie guet.ts to their respective assign
Committee on Printing. This committee
will ditlrjbtfte through the several printing
c(fleet of this tl;e printing required by
the several committees, no griming shall
be done except upon the ordar 61' tbe general
Committee of Arrangements.
Marriage Licenses.
Daniel I[. Johnson C>nnoquene*sing twp
JosieCritchlow Pcnn twp
Orsimus IMmer Fairvicw twp
J;?.Ura M. ilalliday Petrolia
Plenie antj Re-union.
There will lie a basket picnic huia at the
Eight-square sell(cil house, in Worth town
ship . on Friday, the 10th inst.
All former und present teachers and
scholars are requested to be present. Come
with well-filled baskets, and let us have a re
union aud a good time generally.
K. of Le Picnic.
The K. of L. Organizations of ti.u w>i»nty
and vicinity, hav selected Friday, Heptein
ber 2d, as l-altor Day, arid ou that day will
srive a grand I'nion Picnic at Slippery I lock
Park. Trains leave llutler at 0:30 and 10:30,
A. M., ami 2:00 and 5:05, P. M. Music by
Stehle's Orchestra.
TicUets, 50 cts. and for rale at Frank's
Drug Store.
A Big Sale.
On Wednesday afternoon, of Ibis week,
the Sheriango Can Company, sold to the
Plate Class Company of llutler, their five
gas wells ou the lull south of town, their
Ttituuu and freeholds in this vicinity, aud all
the pipes end material east of the little sta
tion hou-m at Ktau»n)'s brick yard. This
gives the Class Company aiojost unlim
ited supply of gas, and the Uas (Jumpn:>/ in
tends taking up its pipe we-.t of the brick
yard, and running a line iuto Beaver
Fairs for 1887.
Butler Siapt. 13, 14, 15 anil |(J.
Millerstown—Sept. H, 7 njid 8.
Parker —Sept. 20, 21, 22 ami W-i.
Kittanning—Oct. 4, 5,0 and 7.
Clarion -Sept. 27. 2S, 2'J and 30.
Franklin Sept. 7, 8, and 0.
Mercer—Sept. 21, 22 anil 23.
Dayton, Armstrong Co—Sept. 27. 2X, 20
and :?).
Ktoneboro, Mercer Co- Sept. 2H, 20 and .'lO.
Granger's Viunip, Cumberland Co -August
20th to Sept. 3d.
Stale Fair, Philadelphia—£e|>t.b to 17.
—The Hound Heads will reu ne ill Wash
ington, Pa., ou the .'list Inst.
—Tobacco is tiic latest "necessity" that has
rapidly advanced in price, ami consumers ot
the "weed" SP' confronted with the prospect
oi having to pay luofcior their tobacco plugs
aud tobies, else receive a lets qunuljty for the
same money. Last year the tobacco crop
was very large and instead of the planters
realizing 20 ceuts a pound for their crop the
market dropped to 2 cents. By general
agreement they planted but a third of a crop
Ibis year, ami the natural consequence is
that speculators as well as dealers have been
stocking up, with a view to running np
prices or cuttiug down quantities in the
eourse of a few months—that is, when Ihe
old erop shall have been exhausted.
P. Gil let-pie, assignee of J. L.
Tnri.« r has is-u-d suiu'ju'iis iu ejectment vs
The tVntr* 1 "'Co, iimited, for 2-10 actf
in W&bhiiigton iw^.
Thcs. E. Christly, adm'rot' Michael Ham
ilton had suiuuious in ejectment issued vs
Joseph acd Joba Kenchon and Chas. tirubbs
for 7ii acres in Cherry twp.
Mr?. F. H. McCailerty ha? summons in
partition issuei vs tfuian Sarvei ami Maiy
Ann Thompson.
Henry had a hearing btfore
Judge Ilaz-n last Sa urday, and a new com
mittee was appointed to inquire .nto Henry's
mental condition.
John Q. A. Kennedy has brought suit
against J. J. Irvin and the Sh-->ua!i,'o Nat
ural Gas Company, for forcible trespuo.
Al- Glena has been returne 1 to court
for larceny oa oath of John Dwi?. also tor
furnidiicg liquor to men of intemperate
habits, by Detective Dun tar.
James P. Coman has been returned for
F. & B. by M&ry E. Leighcer.
Geo. Mush rush for assault and battery,
11. C. Seigfried.
Calvin Logia, for Isrceny, by Robert
W. J. for assault and battery,
with intent to kill, by M. S. Story.
C 1 ara,Critch 1 ow, for larceny, by S. E.
Jas. L. Conn, for Surety of the Peace, b;*
W. H. Stroup.
Doc Mosier, for assault and battery, and
resisting officer by Geo. M. Gardner.
Wm. Kennedy, for assault and battery, by
C. B. Spang.
The will of Margaret Croft, of Forward
township, was probate! and letters to John
Rohner, Esq.
Let'era of administration were grafted to
Analina Pattt-rson and Williamson B.irtley,
on estate of fiobt. A. Patterson.
Also to Julia McLaughlin, on estate of
E. D. McLaughlin, ofFairview towathip.
Two will of Jno. AHiCrt, of Fairview, was
probatwl aul lottors to w! ~ Alii art.
Also will of Chambers Scott, of Fairview,
and no letters.
A mortgage calling fur ten luillion dollars,
from the P. <te W. R. R. Co.. to the Mercan
tile Trust Co., of Xtw Vorlx, was filed Tues
day evening. It occupies pages ol printed
matter, and will take some pa;es ou the
—Harry A. Moorheal, of Karas City, last
Tuesday tiled a petition in the Orphans'
Court, of Allegheny county, asking permis
sion to prove tlie conteuts of the will of his
grandmother, Mrs. Essie E. Armstrong, un
der which ha is'ratified to a hot>-e an 1 lot in
Tareutura. The will was placed in t.'.e kee;>
ing of John N. Purviance, of Butler, for the
purpose of having it probated, bat Mr. Pur
viance died iu 18S5, without having the
wiil, which is now lost, probated.
B. W. Bredm sold a lot in Butler to Aanie
Trimbour for S3OO.
G. D. Swain, adm'r., sold property iu Har
piojiy to F. T. Schafer for $1,105.
F. T. Is&bafor proji r rrtv in Harmony
to Jacob Feidler, Jr., lot 'sl,lri9.
Juo. W. Atkinson, srdd i acre in Buffalo,
tt> Peter Red iox for S4O.
Isaac Burr and wife, sold Id acres in For
ward, to Wm. Burr, for $450.
Lewis Hays, sold 'J acres in Adam l , to H.
C. Bughman, for SSOO.
Wr(j. Kesifclrnan, sold 54 acres in Donegal,
to w. F;GOU'.3; for
The Assignee of N. W. Hughs, «ud 31
acres in Buffalo, to A. G. Morris, for S'JOO.
Robt. Morris and wife, sold 7 acres iu
Buffalo, to A. G. Morris, for SIOO.
Wm. Barrou, soldo acres in Cbtrry, to
G. Armstrong, for $250.
A. A. Kelty, sold 100 acres in Brady, to
Fred 11. Werle, for $3,000.
J. J. fe'eidjar, £t,rcm Ziegler and Daniel
Feidler, executed la;,t *«rj<iir and
Saturday to Jas. Bredin, Margaret Dougn
erty, Daniel Markle, and Wm. Wallace, ag
gregating $21,000.
—The Norfolk Mission Singer* will give a
concert ja tbe Uuited Presbyterian Church,
this place, to-ujorrow (Friday) evening.
I lev. W. J. Uobinsop, of Pittsburg, er>eaks of
them ity these words- ' "They f,ag the cabin
and plantation kri pi full of
thu pathetic memories of slavery titqe<, witli
such naturalness, heartiness, tenderness and
sweetness that they capture their audience at
the very btart anil hold them delighted listen
ers to the close." Admission 25 cent". Pro
ceed* for benefit of Norfolk Colored College.
—Rev. Father McSweeny, who for years
was one of the faculty of the St. Francis
College, at Lorctto, Pa., died at the St. Fran
cis HoaptlJ, ',R fittabprg, on Tuesday, afur
an illuees of several u'.outn?, Tiife
father was born in Butler county, and was
for many years pastor of the Knglish Catho
lic Church here. For the past twenty years
he has been connected with the St. Francis
school. Abont three months ago be was
stricken with paralysis and was removed
to the St. Francis hospital. The deceased
was , J jji ara of ape and until he was a fleeted
with paralysis w&2 an unusually jrtrpng and
active worker,
—On Monday, the lit inst., Mr. fiamuel
Gallagher, of Philadelphia, placsd his toy,
aged l.'t years, oil the train there with a
ticket to Butler, lie was to come to Butler
via Blairsville, ami go from here to the home
ol i*u Mrs. Jaris Gallagher, of Butler
township, .fait nortfc gf i f e should
have arrival here rxe*t day, t/ut jr.i s, (uiher
got DO word of him, and on Friday tele
graphed to know if he arrived aud receiving
answer that he had not, telegraphed ail
al ng the line of the I'. It. 11, hut can hear
nothing of him. The hoy was here on a
visit foi,r '':;arH ago and his father ex
pected linn to uiitke iitc
—While the good people of ifannahatown,
and vicinity, were at church last .Sunday
rooming, a tramp, who in described as a
short, heavy-let.dark-compl-xif'ritd man, with
a black mustache, entered several of the
houieu of that towu and Kecared Hums of
money to
Mr. (Jooper js to have lout SIBO,
Mr. Koenigk $l4O, anil others .jj to £/).
Thu tramp was traced to Coal tyun, in JefTir
son townshin, arid iu supposed to ho hiding
in the thicket there, lie carrier a net of
keys with him and has no trouble opening
do r< and bureau drawer". The tr<tnjp law
needs enforcing in this county badly. At
present Butler county is a paradise for
tramps. The act of 1870 gives Constables
the right to arrest tramps, and Justices of
the Peace the right to commit them to work
upon fh- road*, or streets, or put them to
any available vq»«» .
—An act passed In Iha closing days or the
late session of the legislature declares that
it shall be unlawful for any person to know
ingly and willfully keep aujr peach, al
mond, apricot or nectarine tree infected with
the contagious disease known as the yellows,
or to sell or ship to others any of the fruit
thereof; and the tree so infected Khali be
subjected to destruction as a public nuisance.
It provides that the supervisor of any town
when; tl;ejre is good reason to believe that
the dineasa ciaiju shall appoint
three freeholders, who shall imiiiediaMy ex
amine the suspected tree or fruit, and if they
shall Hud It diseased, order the owner to de
stroy it within ten days. If he does not
obey he jis liable to a fine or imprisonment,
or l>oth, as it becomes the Commissioners'
duty to tiled the destruction at the cost of
the town, which is given a right of action
against the delinquent to recover the amount
of it a;i(l the Commissioners' fees.
What I* nulled lite "aaw-u'ict-' i/iyjndlp ,'H
described m follows: The victim iw usually
a muntryman, who receives u circular letter
informing him thut a distant relative in some
large city or foreign country has just died,
and that the deceased had left him s.'{ooo.
The receiver is cautioned to sny very little
upon the subject, and in tuld to come to the
an noon an possible, with about $250 to
pay the tipeu;:;H. If he floa* not smell
a rat he follows the inMiru';lio-b and njeetji the
"agent" at a hotel. He in conducted to an
oflice, and ji-'KKKi in crisp new bill* are count
ed out to him and done up in a package. He
pays the "legal expenses" and he is then
given a package, the exact counterpart of
that containing the bills, whieli he is advised
to send home by express. When he arrives
and secure* the package lie hurries to
Ws room, aii<i of*' the paper, only to
liud a brick, some waste paper liitd saw dust.
Several complaints have been made to the
police authorities of different cities by per
sons who have been swindled by this method ,
but thus far no arrests have been mile.
—The Woman's Foreign Mission
ary Society of the Methodist Church
will bold an ullduy meeting at the
Butler Camp on Wednesday, Aug.
21. Ladies from Pittsburg will be
present to participate in the services.
Grovo City College.
Grove City College offers very su
perior advantages. iJ.'i to #lO will
pay ail the expenses of a term of
thirteen weeks. A letter o? inquiry
as to the advantages of the College,
or as to how $25 to $lO can be
made to pay the expenses of a term
will bo promptly answered.
Address for catalogue, tho Presi
Grove City, Pa.
—For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem
ons, Malaga Grapes and Craiiberriep,
go to Morrwoo'a City Bakery.
Jacob Smith, of New Castle, at
tempted Buieiue by hanging last Fri
day, bat failed, ou account o: the rope
—A photographer, at Rock Point,
Lawrence county, was set upon by
a Pittsburg Fishing Club, last week,
and badly used up.
k New Castle has a well of pecu
liarly bad ST.eilitg and wi rst tisting
water, that comes up out of a well
drilled for gts by an iron firm there
several years ago. and they are now
figuring on that town as a health re
| sort, baths are to be erected, etc.
—Two men recently, in one day,
caught 33 snapping turtles, weighing
in the aggregate 350 pounds, in Wolf
creek, near Grove City.
—J. J*. Jolly claims to have cut
17 loads of hay, averaging 2500
pounds each, off three acres of what
is known as the Power farm at Cun
neaut Lake.
—The Youngatown Telegram
says that C. N. Decker, on the Haw
kins farm, near that town, had a field
of oats that was threshed last week
aid yielded 90 bu3hcls to the arce.
Thirty bushels to the acre is usually
considered a good yi»-ld.
The Sheriff of Venango county
advertises the Hulings homestead, at
Emlenton aud other property of Mar
cus Hillings, the oil operator, for
sale, as the result of unfortunate
mining investments in the West.
—Mr. Jas. D Cisrk, of Lawrence
county, took over eighteen tens of
hay from four and a half acres this
year. The hay is of first-class quality,
and stood straight up as high as the
horses' backs. Farmers who were
present when it was cut, sud it was
the tallest and heaviest grass they
ever saw.
—The public spirited citizens of
Union City are arranging for a grand
celebration in that place on the 10th
of September, the anniversary of
Commodore Perry's victory o?er the
Briti&h on Lake Krie in iSI3.
—The Greensburg Anjua ha 3 an
idea that if the deyil had been on
this part of the foot stool last week,
he'd feel like returning home for
lighter underwear and a (an.
—Over two hundred saloons closed
in Allegheny county on Saturday be
cause the owners couid net afford
SSOO licenses. Score another point
for the nigh license law.
—All members of the 111 th Peun
sylvania Regiment are urged to at
tend the annual reunion at Warren.
Pa., on Thursday, the first day of
September ne*t. Slate Legis
lature having appropriated $1,500 to
each regiment of the State in that
battle for a monument at Gettysburg,
arrangements will be made at the
coming meeting to erect a suitable
—A shower of toads fell in the
vicinity of Spring Crovp, Lancaster
county, one day last week. Tart of
the farms of Peter H. Souder and
Christian Weaver are covered with
millions of little toads us big as a
man's thumb nail. This is no toad
story, but a fact that can be seen by
any one who will tale the trouble.
—The Crawford Journal says a
remarkable traiu passed over the X.
Y., P. & O. road a few evenings ago,
which consisted of twenty-five new
50,000 pound freight cars equipped
with Roache's automatic brakes,
which are operated from the engine,
and "stopped short'' in the yard in a
manner that matin aid railroaders
marvel. The car coupling Is han
dled in the same manner us the
—An Idiana county farmer was
recently taken in by a glib tongued
Eaton t right man. who visited bis
ou»c and showed birn a patent gate
The farmer did not wish to purchase
Would he permit the patent right
man to put up the gate on the far
mer's premises in order that others
might Bee it? He would. Would
lie sign a paper disclaiming the own
ership of Haid gate'i lie would A
few weeks afterward another man
came around, who had a judgment
note for S2OO which he desired the
farmer to pay. The farmer knew
nothing of it, but his signature was
there, ami his |a\*yc»' qdyieed him to
pay it. The farmer had not been
taking a newspaper. He was too
—Robert Mcllwain and James
dinger, of Armstrong county, had
a thrilling experience, lately
They went osit to haul in the jast
load of wheat and rye, as a btorm
was coming up. The former was
throwing up the sheaves, while the
latter was building the load. They
had just begun to load when light
ning struck a trco twenty feet away,
blinding both for a moment They
had scarcely recovered from the shock
yhan lightning struck the ground
just a few feet off, knocking liobert
down and duzing James. Following
this came a blinding Hash which
struck the fence near them and set
ting the meadow grass on fire. Think
ing this was enough, they hastily un
hitched the horses and started for
the house. While passing through a
wood lot, a tree near them was
struck, aud, as Robert expressed it,
it was the happiest moment of their
life when they got into the stable.
The field they were hauling the graiu
from is on one of the highest hills in
the county.
—The people of Sbaton are suffer
ing the horrors of war. The Salva
tion Army advanced on that tuwa
last week. The following isibe proc
lamation issued by the advanced
guard of the Army :
Waves of Power! Cyclones of
Grace !
The Salvation Army
Will h«ld a ihreo day's campaign
of real salvation demonstrations
in Sharon, I'a,,
August <», 7 and 8.
Grand Reception
of our new I> O. and wife sup
ported by stuff; also the sav
ed fjambler from I'ellvue,
Hallelujah Wedding
of two Salvation Army Officers
Sinners weeping and Saints
—New stock of Feathers and
Jflov/ers I*T I>. T. PAPA'S.
—A. No. I. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a
lower figure than can bo had else
where iu Butler, at Miller Rros'.
furniture store, No. 19 Jefferson St.
Grove City College.
The Full Term of (Jrove City Col
lege will begin August Kith, $25 to
S4O will pay the expenses of a term of
thirteen weeks. The facilities of the
College are being largely increased.
Kor catalogue and circulars address
the president.
ISAA<; C. K KTl.Kil,
(irove City, Pa
—Largest stock of choice, stylies
Satines and wash Dress Goods ever
brought to Butler at
General Notes.
—Some queer things are seen in the
Veterinary Hospital of Philadelphia
Among others are a pig'» easy chair,
a padded cell for a lunatic hur: ; e. a
Turkish bath, a swinging harness
in which a horse may live or die
without bearing any weight on his
—A congregation of colored Prim
itive Baptists nc-ar Atlanta, after list
ening to one brother who advised
them to seek the pearl of great prica,
abandoned their work and for ten
days have done nothing night or day
but fish around iu old wells, turn
oyer logs and look under houses for
the unique object of their search.
—lt has been resolved by the wall
paper manufacturers' pool that out
siders must be crushed out, and to
effect this, prices ere to be cut so low
that there will be uo profits at all.
Tha smail manufacturers are quite
confident that they can stand the
storm and make tne pool do business
on fair terms. While the fight shall
continue consumers will be able to
buy wall paper at much lower prices
than have heretofore prevailed.
—The New York Herald has a
correspondent in Washington who
deserves to be put on the retired
list, without a pension, immediately.
This sharp fellow has learned the
wife of the President had a uew pho
tograph of herself taken. Alter des
cribing the general pose of the young
wife, he proceeds to say, "Her love
ly features are illumined with the
tender devotion of an only child,
deeply conscious upon whom she is
recliniog." His friends ought to
catch that young man and pen him
in an ice house.
—Measured by their gains, lead
ing horse jockeys are very important
men. Several of them earn yearly
more than most professional men,
from SIO,OOO to §20,000 not being
an extraordinary figure.
—Coining £.t a time when their
star seems to be waning, the diath of
President Taylor may have a serious
effect upon the Mormon Church. As
he does not appear to have been a
man of much force, particularly when
compared to his predecessor, bis loss
may not be badly felt.
—After experimenting long enough
to demonstrate that their hotels will
not pay, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company has decided to sell the
Bryn Mawr Hotel and the Mountain
House, at Cresson. The Logan
House. atAitoona, has become so
closely identified with the Pennsyl
vania Railroad system, that it will
be retained.
—All the way from California
comes the news that ex-Goveruor l'at
tison is afflicted with the Presidential
fever. It seems to have broken cut
since he became a member of the Pa
cific Railroad Comm : ssion
—Mr. John C. Chambers, who has
been in the Russian oil fiulds for sev
eral years as agent of the Standard
Oil Company, with his headquarters
at Batoum, returned to his old home
in Jamestown, N. Y., last week.
He says there is oil enough in the
Unssian fields to supply the civilised
world, but that the quality ia very
—All tLe Chicago boodle Commis
sioners vvc-ro found guilty Friday
and some of them sent to the peni
tentiary for 2 years, and the others
—That a bustle is a hollow mock
Butler Carnp Meeting.
TI)C -Management of tho Camj)-
meeting Association are making
ample arrangement for the best en
campment that has yet been he'd on
their ground 3. Eight new cottages
have been erected and taken and more
will be built, if notice is given in time.
The "meeting will begin Thursday
evening, Aug. 18, 1837, como one,
come all, and enjoy a week in the
leafy Grove,
Veal Calves Wanted.
Highest ca«h price paid for ail Xo.
l. veaieaivep, delivered in Butler every
Saturday morning,by J.UKIUKII,
North St , Butler, I'a.
—Hats and Bonnets reshaped at
I). T. L'APK'S.
—Tin largest and lowest priced
stock of liry (ioods of all kinds ia to
be found at
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Broa.' furniture store,
No. l'J Jefferson St.
—Everybody will liod it to their
advantage to go to the City Bakery
for their bread, pies, cakes, eto.
—That "hieroglyphic braiding" is
the latest.—
—Use Double All O. K. Horse and
Cattle Powders,best in the world. A
sure and tpccdy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For salo by .1. C REOICK,
218-iin No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, I'a
—Just opened an immense line of
French and American Salines tit
—Do you need a new l'arasol or
Sun-umbrella—you will find the beat
assortment at
—Ladies' and Misses Corsets at
Full lino of Hosiery and ({loves
at D. T. TAPE'S
—Elegant lino of Emdroideries,
Baees, Flouucings and all kinds of
trimmings at
—White Goods a specialty ut
D. T. I'APE'S.
—Bargains in Towels, Crashes,
Table Linens, Napkins, Muslins,
Sheetings, Ginghams and Calicoes at
—Consult your own interests and
examine our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. MIU.EK BIIO'H ,
No. l'J, Jefferson St.
Examine our stock of Silks arid
Dress Goods Wo can suit you
—No. 1!) Jefferson St. is the place
to buy cheap and good furniture.
—We aro selling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
ButU>r, and alter using it you will
say that it is what we said it was,
otherwise no sale, at Ml El, Kit Bun's,
No. 1!) Jefferson St.
—That a tlude is now called u
"tutti fritti."—
—That "soersu-ker" is ti:e latent
brand of soda water
Grove City College.
Grove City College o!V= rs very su
perior advantages. $25 to S4O will
pay all the expenses oi u Urm of
thirteen week?. A letter of inquiry
its to the advantages of the College
ur as to how to £4U can be made
j to pay the ex pen. es o!' ti term will be
i promptly answered.
Address for catalogue, the Presi- ;
I dent, Isaac C. Ketleu,
Grove City, Pa.
; Toe highest cash price will bo paid
t for from 5,000 to 10,000 bushels ol j
rye, to be delivered at the store of
! 7-29-tf J.acoc Boos, Butler, Pa. !
—Spring llats and Bcnnet3 at
D. T. Pape'S.
Hides Wanted.
1 will pay the highest cash priee '
for ull kinds of hide 3, delivered at my j
tannery at the north end of Washing- j
ton street, Butler. Pa.—No. f,4.
llenrt WAG NEH, JR.
—That your false teeth are the j
last to come.—
—Go to Morrison's City Bakery ■
for fine cakes and ice cream.
—Silks, Cashmeres aud fine Dress !
Goods of all kinds at
—Parasols, Parasols, Latest Styles j
just opened at
L. Stein & Soa's.
Full assortment of Embroideries
at D. T. PAre's. !
—lee Cream made to order at the
City Bakery.
Renfrew Academy.
The Fall Term will commence
Tuesday, August IG, 1887. The j
advantages of this institution are 1
equal to the best in the county.
For circular containing particulars I
J. C. Tixst.MA.V, A. M.
Renfrew, Pa. Prin.
—That it often convenient to have
■'a previous engagement."
—Special bargains in "White Dress
Goods, Lawns, Nainsooks, Barred j
India Li&ens, &o. at
—-New Kid Gloves, new Silk
Gloves, new Lilse Gloves, new Hos
iery at
Ready for Spring.
Charles L. Armor i 3 prepared to
do the best work in 13ut!er in the
way of House, Sign and Fresco
painting; Paper Hanging and Kalso
mining. Prices reasonable. Esti
mates furnished. Office on Main
street, near Court House, Butler,
—Use Double All O. K. Horse Liui
inent, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rhtu
mutism, lameness, sore shoulders,
ring-bone, sweeny aud spavin; it has
no equal. For sale by J. C. KaDl€»i,
2-18-Bm. No, 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
—That the 'retarder' will give you
a short aud dainty step.—
—We ten thousand dollars
worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 1!) Jefl'eisou St., Butler,
J'a, The best us well as the cheap
est, but ali the best made for the price.
All persons will find it to their ad
vantage to examine our stock and as
certain our prices before purchasing.
New Satines, Lawns, Seersuck
ers, Cloth, Ginghams and
Chambraye at
—That some women have need to
whis-per 'lend us not into temptation'
when they go to church and see to
inauy new hats
—All the newest things in Dress
Goods at
Farmers Take Notics.
For tho next two weeks I will sell
No 1 salt at 90 cents per barrel, and
140 pound bags at 45 cts per bag.
Salt all full weight and of the best
quality. JACOB BOOS.
[7-29-tf ] S. Main St., Butler, I'a.
Closing Out at Cost.
We nro closing out our Dry Goods
at coat to make room for a large stock
of MILLINERY, FANCY Goons, etc. at
I). T. I'APE,S.
—That there are a great many
young men who would make their
mark in the world if they would only
try. The troulile with them is, they
don't try and have no inclination
that way.
Prosperous Butler.
Butler has doubled her population
since tho census of 1880, and now
has a population of over (JOOO, and
the county has tho third largest pop
ulation in Western Tennsvlvania.
Butler is the business centre of the
county, has excellent and competing
railroad faeilties, —the Tenn'n., I*. k
W. and S. k A.—has inexhaustable
coal, oil and gas fields all around it, in
a beautifully located, busy, prosper
ous,growing town, and say ! wouldn't
it pay you to insert your card it that
old, and well established paper— THE
—(Jo to Morrison's City Bakery for
fresh Oysters and (Jyster Stews.
—Mourning Ilats, Bonnets and
veiling at D. T. TAPE'S.
LS;I rgains'
For the next sixty days, in order
to reduce our stock, we will quote
special low prices on till our stock.
We have on hands thirty bed room
sets ranging from §lB to sff>o per
Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $!!;"> to slf>o per suit.
I'arlor stands from $2,50 to $lO.
liouncos from $2,5(1 to $25.
11 at racks from $8 to $:»<).
Tabes from $l 25 to $lO.
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB.
Bureaus from $!) to $25.
Sets of chairs from $J 75 tosl»> per
Secretaries from $lO to S4O.
Easy chairs, hnndsomo pictures,
room ornaments, etc., any of which
would make both useful and appropri
ate presents.
MlLliElt BIIO'S.
No. 1!), Jefferson St,. Butler, I'a.
The Best and Cheapest Farm
Cialo in tlio World for $1.50.
l 01l kolh liliitf' i and roll' rn Tor lar ••'an I
Mll. ill combined. Will hlmt Ii sell, pa
load of hay or reaper and binder. (No patent
on T.HC). l ull dlr«« tlon . for and
liln;;li:'.r jfitf•- in mm Injur with each wh IIIIM' a
andVoiler .. Takes :,,ini.; aii.otinl ot lumber and
ii I 11M as lor len/ili common one. |,nsiM
longer. C« ' |e . Hi.lll bi11,., Wcli. i easier, will
uot .1" i•» ' < mnot i»e drlfUttl in with vttoiii
tor op'lie Iby the wind. now In n•.
Knll-etH tor I'iuryate <». Ad'dr. s .1. K. .loIIN
bo\ Itnt ler.
Atfcnt for Ohio TrucM- al 1 aimer.' :y-II If,
A Midsummer Boom
£j|S g
££££ - - Butler, Pa.
A boeni, A Genuine Boom to be brought about by a big redaction in prices of
Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes
fa this great Midsummer Sale I am going to offer the trade a Ui ■■■.>. el Ladic..' Fine Shoes and Slippers that will
compare favorably with any goods made and at a price that will rut them in reach of all.
Apif w cay v
M. & ii Jl U? £ik Juil A JLj Mi j® i& AJ JEi
During the next thirty days I will offer the trade 5,000 pair of Sample Shoes at "less than first cost. They have
been carried on the road GO or 90 days but are not damaged in tie least, only slightly soiled from
handling they were bought at an extremely low price and are to bo s Id in same way.
Now is \ our Opportunity
a. k. a-'
To buy good Boots, Shoes and Slippers at about half priee. They cau't po—ibly Inst long. Coma while the selec
tion is good and get the cream of this great Sample Sale which wi:! p -itiv? ly close in CO days.
Are You Coining, or Are You Not?
This of course is a question for you to decide yourself; but reason the tfcirg. are you going to stand by and fee
your neighbors carry off these sample shoes at about half their value, without getting a share of them I think not
And have made ample provisions for you, and I ftel sure that any person coming to Butler to buy Boots and
Shoes will huu: me up in ease they have heard of this great Sample Saio. So Help me
"5> pisi?it ri *r iJ K* priif ii n iys wyy e
\J % u a iyi isl E "*M iLy a J Ww Of
Tell your friends to come, bring your family and the variety will bewilder you. The prices will astonish yon, and
if you in need ef any foot wear I know you will buv.
Bargains in Every Department.
c' «. £_
It cannot be told right. You must come and see. Shoes to suit everyone at their own prices. What more'cap
you ask. I leave the matter with you. Come and I will do you good. Stay away and your loss will' be
some one's gain.
|£*y~A Full Stock of Shop Made Boots and Shoes ahvay ou 1 and
Repairing Done on Short Notice,
—That ;he fellow who loafs a
round on tho streets ali day and goes
home at night to a wife, mother or
sister, who works hard all day to
support him, can tell what the coun
try needs to make it prosperous, ar.d
whr,t policy a uewspapo r ought to
pursue and the kind of matter it
should get up to make it a glorious
Switiiin C. Shortlidge's Academy,
For Young s!<-n ami I!U}H, .ilcilia, Pa.
12 nilles from Fixed price covers
every expense, even books. So extra
el:;;!Vl"!. >• iii. lt v titnl e\j)fU.-.es-Xo CXaUllna
lidiiior ailm'.-:M'in. 'i'v.else experh-DC- l teaeli
eru. :ill men aiiU all S|MVIIU oppor -
tunities for aptstudenc-i to advuiiec i\t[il<l,y.
spcelal drill for (inl and liaekwnrd boys. P»-
irotw or students may select, any studies or
i*lii ose Hie regular Kie/Usli,Scientific, llii:,lne:-;s,
classical orClvll Engineeringcuurse. .''indents
iilttedat .Media Academy are now In Harvard.
Yale, Princeton and ten other colleges and
I'dlyteeliale Schools, in students .M 1, 1 to col
le<. • in :n t'l iii in In A
ki class every year In (lie eoinmerelal
dcpurl meat. A Physical and Chemical Laah
ratory. (iymnasliiin and Ball (Jround. 1500 vols,
added lo Elhrury Jn ISs3. Physical apparatus
doubleil In l.ss.t. Media has seven thurriu-s end
a tempi'ranc i-chari er which prohibits Hie sale
of all Intoxleatlre,' drinks. For new Illustrated
circular address the Principal and Proprietor.
HiVITIIIN ('. KHOICTMMUE, A. 31 , (Harvard
(jraduate) Media, Pi. i-.-u-.sc-iy
A M hool for both sexes. Well endowed and
equipped Property sl« t .nxi. I• >.ir..' . , llall
t.mt il ~OfK). ateain heal, spi injf water. Per
l-el- ilniln life. !:• lalill.-.li"d ::i years. Eleven
leacln r.s. In addll lon lo reifiilar -cadeuue work,
given mil Oomuietvlal College course, and un
surpassed advantages In music. Pall Term
opens S< pt. i;. Winter Term, Dec. l Spring
'Hci 111. March 27. • 'atiilngues free, on appllca
11'>n lo p.ev. ,i. r. KDWMtDs, i). i).;
July I 2\t, 29. Ale,'. 5, 12. 11, pel). 7. 11/: I.
Short-hand, itcnmaiu/i!j>, ti/pr-trrilintj and Ivnfflish
training school. Connected n ith Allegheny College.
S« nd for "Tli«» Reporter," wiving term* nrid full
information. Enclosn 4 «t.-. in Humps and uddrciw,
A. W. Sill Til, MKADVILLi; IM.
0 H Li t« Iv. l .i* In-c;iii i'liur. li.
Opens Sept. Bth, IssV. $142.75.
Kxpcii.'.es very low. Vo.i want a('atal<>Kue.
Write lo ICev. 11. W. Until, 1», I>. President, or
io i:ev. i). MeKee, \. m.. «MHnU«,
Prill, o| Academic Dep't, MKKl'rilt. CO., PA.
AT lIKAVHU I'A., t.wcitt. sl\ mil.-. below
IMH*h!iinh. on tlx Ohio. H)st YOl'M*' I.ADJK-i.
Superior location and biiildinits. I'upiN in ;
fitlitli.', <»f President. Physical, Intellectual. So
rial and Moral Powers tiovidojßMl. !'• si I
•rn In every department. lhr< 'lor <>| Music ;i
of r.« iltn, Kates i«a »iiahl". >'»'n»l
for new circnlar. tt. 'l'. 'i'A V f.OII .
Fall Teim hcglns Sept. Willi. 'l'lirec Courses
Ic.tdlnK to A, P.. decree. Milil.ii', I>cp irlnieiit.
Preparatory School. Conservatory of Music.
Commercial School. Open to hot It sexes. Ili«h
grade. Modei.tic cxpi'iisen. For catalogues,
addle ; i,
I»AMI> 11. Wliir.Oh, 1.1,. 11., PHI NItIKNT.
I'or both sexes. 20 miles from Pittsburgh.
The best ami Classical .School, i're
l>ir< i studentu I'or .ftinior vur in College.
I'l ITION IJ VM, id"/. Next term opens
Sept,'.M'-t. I'or Cull information nd lri 1 ,
lit!. IV. K. lIItOWN, Caiioiisloim, l'.i.
Geneva College Beaver Kails,
< 'lassie Hdrilllflo and iderlrlc eo4»#s;'s. lirv.
AhraiiH ' l <*an'ia in «diair of Natural
LO'MIIOO hr.uiiiul and licaltliy. splondid
l>ull(lhi;'s. i ;n*at redm'tion in on
rotnplidiott of iu*\v Oorniitorv with oprtiliiK of
w 1111 ** i t«*riji- r.oard;n>r nnd ronin ool;,
pi r NPPI ••i;ir, r |M|| rs «• o 1 1 «•. •«• \c.ir
onl\ >IV ». l«*or < i-h*.. addr<".
ii. ii. ci'.mtcr, I'rts t.
For Kensington, Arrasene
Mi-.o l< .oils lit lame p.iven by ANNIIi M
LOVVMAN, Not 111 iti cct, Duller, Pa.
vj a I & 1'.., e gc yU»
.""" ni CLOTHING mnrm
Of Fine and Medium Grades, at Closest Prices.
Every pair guaranted not to rip.
Sos, as sa«l €»,' SO Ih'oadway, New York.
Oil S.IBHSEI'ffY frV-ff.,. PIffSBURSH.
fl Iff Mil FAIR
Butler County Agricultural
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
SlPlliilß, «, !i, IS US IS. IIS).
The r. .. W. Ballro<ul tMl.:' will nut <■. i-. n minutou liotwoi n th" !'. tc W. depot and the Pair
(« 'OUlidl'iis.-cii'.-ers (Hi I ::<• A \. ItallM.nl Will Ik' l:iil'l.'il lit, till' Fair UrOOIUIS Without
c!i mge "i <-»rs. sj' ■ lid oxcur.- m i.ii mi :i!i railroads. For excursion rales soe small posters.
Tins unparalleled mi' < r <oi lite V .latlon In 1 lie past i iicournircs tin; maimpremont to sparo
rii paliw or c'xp-'as't to m »t:i't hi'co ui: • \.till>:« t-ciij• anj Pair over hold In Western Pennsyl
vania. I'reiuluais In ell ol.i : >o . liave in o i carefully revised and are unusually Mural.
Ml paid mi tli'i i;v. unils mi i i:o l i -.1 >1 i.v or Hie l'lilr, at 12 o'elocfi: (Tuxm)
Tlio exhibit o» ln'.svy «lr.i!( 1 rit 1 !>!.•>• I.■■ i and Mil • bivd cattle and sheep wll! exceed any
thing ever S'.-ri In \\Vst -i-n I' lin ivaiim.
Kememiicr eolri'M u»r I • i . ill • will trio.** s,i ur.lay, Sept. 10 at 10 p.m.
For excursion j.. *-■ - ;>nil prmtilmii list i ililr*- s,
W. P. ROESSING, Secretary.
X\ t > T I'HSN p.. <t.
On and :<!'t»-r Monday, May 2d, 1 • 7, trains
will leave Butler as iolic ,v :
M a;:;: k t' at (j:ls ft. in., arriving ;d A Jlcgli"-
ny til !>:00 a. in.; connects en d lor lllairsville.
Kxi'l'.ess at 8:25 :\. in., arriving at Ailcgli ■-
ny ut 10:20 a. in.; does not connect lor the
M Atl. 11l 2:35 p. in., I'lid goes (hroit.;h to
Allcglieny, arriving Iherc ai l: !i p. in.; ( on
neets east.
At i «)M.mi>i>atii)\' at !. l'i p, in., ami eu-
I.eels at the Junction Willi l'r; epo: I Aciom
modation, arriving at Allegheny ut 7:2>>
hi., mid connects <a.st at lar its Apollo.
'I rains conned it;-.; for Butler leave Alleghe
ny at 7:20 a.m., Hp. 'm. and .'.:.'tl p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler at 10:20 a, m. and
5: lo and 7: lo p. m.
s. ,fe a. R. K.
Corrected to fast time, 1 iiour fV.ster tluiu
schedule liui:*.
Trail.* leave Iliillcr lor (in -nvillc fiom
the Pittsburgh ami Wc; lern d. put ..l
and IO:.'So a. in. an 1 .■:t•.") p. m. Trains
leaving llie I'. A. W. depot in Allegheny
city M:2O a. tit. and 1:10 p. in. 1 isl time
connect at Butler with trains on the S.
& A.
Trains arrive at Butler from (ir <Mtvilltr,
last time, 10:1.'! a. in. and 2:'!'. and 7 1. p. t i.,
and connect with Ir:'it:u on the I'. »'u \V.
arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. i.t. and .Voo
and !) p. in., fast I line.
The l(»:.'lo a.m. train north e d !i: i t put
south, have through parlor cart, between
Allegheny City and Cliautuuipia I. .•, and
run daily.
Trains leave Milliards at ti:00, and <1:00 a.
in., .slow tin:", and arrive at " ;.'i a.m. and
(1:20 p. hi. Both train* r.onucct at Bi..uchtou
for Butltrand Greenville.
I'. it w. it. I!.
Corrected to fa,! time, i n'! heir fader
than schedule limit.
Trains leave Butler for Allegheny ('ity nt
ti: 15, 8:IS, and 10:30 a in. and 2. >o and
tt. m. A train coiuioctiug for New Castle
and the West leuven lintler at 1:10 p. in.
mi l arrixca at t.'hiuago at t .-•» a. u. next
Triuiiri arrive fiotn Allegheny at !i:lo and
10'IH a. hi. and 12.M, .'i:{t», ti:2o and .s:.;o p.
Train- leave lintler for I'oxbui": and I n
North at 10:20 a. to. and s and M;.'!.; p. in.
'fiaiii i arrive at lintler lor the north ut ■ l >
and 10:1S a. m. nnd ti:00 p. in.
(in Sunday trains leave Bniler for Alle
gheny at S; a. in. and ii.2.1 p. hi , nod lor
ll:u VVi.4 al 1:10 p. 111., aid sirrlvi tr.-iu
Allegheny Ht 10:1 > and and fronj tie'
West at 7. '•. A triiiu arrives from the
North at S: Ida in. and departs at i. ni. p.m.
Trains leave Allegheny for I'.ntler at 7:00,
*:.'o and l(i:'.'o u. in. and 1:10, 1:1.") ami
t>:.'t.i p. ill., last tune.
Trains leaving lintler alt * a. in. and
1:1') p. m. make close connections at t'alLry
for the West, and the 2")0 tf;',i'.i Con net 0. but
not closely.
"Bradford Restaurant,"
South Main Struct,
ill the Bishop Building,
s •; v<-.l at ail lion is at, reasonable rates.
Am! everything In season.
Tie-patronage irf the oil men and travelling:
public r.- ipcciruli.v soU'.ited.
Kino Cigars and Tobacco olwojrs kept on
.1. W. Anthony & Eckclbcrger,
The fellow ing are the selling prices of mcr
' hv.nts of this place :
Apple.), per linslicl, 50 to (50
!'.utter, |«r pouild, 15 to 20 cts.
I mim, per «| t. to lOets.
Cttbba.;e, new, 7 to 10 it t.
Candle, mold, 11 to l.i. cts.
Carbon oil, 10 to 15 cts.
< I.«•; -C, 12 to l.i cts j>er II).
< 'raclcers, 7 to lOets. per |l>.
(:?!iolco»js, per pair, 10 to 50. ets.
('oil e, Uio, 30 cts.
Coffee, .lava, :»5 oto.
CoT lioastcd, 2o to ."0 cts.
Coll'ce, ground, 20 to 2t> et*.
15 «t*.
I id), mackerel, It) to C, els.
Ph-nr, per barrel, <1..>0 to sll.
I'lour, per iek, >l.l > lo „51.50..
l'i 'd, chop, per 100 pounds, ; 1 25.
I'ced, bran, per 100 Hit. sl.
(iruin, wheat per bushel, j>l.
(iraiu, oats pur bu she! 40 Ctt.
t it no, e irn pur buslicl 10 rU.
I,ird, lo cts.
Hams, 1 1 els.
Money, 1., lo 20 els.
Shoulder', 10 cts,
l;.ieon, 12 cts.
I tried bcel", I.S to 2.">.
torn meal, pt>r pound, 2 cts.
IVa., green, cts per peck.
I'o.atoc , new, IK cts peck,
Itiec. s lo 10 cts.
Sugar, hard, 10 cts.
hug ir eoliee, 7 cti,
Sugar, raw, <ij ola,
So'.tji, to 10 cts.
Silt, rwr barrel, sl.lO,
Tea, llywiu, Gunjmwder, etc., 50 cts. to
'1 ea, Japan, etc., 60 to »;0 eta.
Tea, Breakfast, -10 to 60 eta.
Tallow, H ote.