Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 12, 1887, Image 1
VOL. XXIV. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having ed to the undersigned on the Fisher, late of Allegheny township, dec d, notice Is hereby given to all parties know lnt, them selves Indebted to said estate to make Immedl ate payment, and those having claims again, t said estate to present them duly authenticated for settlement. BAHBAHA FISHBR, ) W. A. FISHER. F Sandy l'oint. Butler Co.. Pa. A. E. Kelber, Att% Administrators' Notice. ESTATE OK R. M. HARBISON, DEC'D. Whsreas letters of administration have been granted bv the Bolster of p" 1 " to the undersign.'<t on f bison, late of Buffalo twp.. Butler county. Pa.. deed all persons who know themselves ln debted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those liavlng claims against the same will present/hem properly authenticated tor settlement to the JOHN HARBISON. FHEKFORT. P. 0.. PA. Administrators. " ESTAWOP tHUISTOPHtB MeMICHAEL, LATE OF CLAY TOWNSHIP, DEC'D. Letters testamentary on the estate of Christopher McMichael, dee'd, late of Clay township, Butlet county, Pa., having been eranted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settle- MENT ' JAPHIA MCMICHAEL, Ex'r. EUCLID P. P., Butler Co. Pa. __ Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary - having the undersigned on the estate of Robert Hessei genser, deceased, late ol WlafleW twp.. Butler Co., pa., ail persons knowing 'J/ibted to said estate will make immediate pa>- """SUM—I .... DAVID HEHSELGEBBER.) Exrs. April 18, «7. icaHurevllle. Butler Co., la. Estate of Zephaniah Snyder, I.ATE OF BRADY TOWNSHIP, IIEC'D. Letters of administration C. T. A. on the es tate Zepiianlah Snyder, late of Brady twp., But ler Co.. Pa.. having been granted to the under- HWntxl. all persons knowing themselves Ind' ea to Halil estate will please make Immediate oavment. aud any having claims against said Mtate will present them duly authenticated or settlement. } Q SNYDER Aam , r , West Liberty P. 0., Butler Co., I'a. Partition Notice. in re petition of Henry W.) Watson and Sarah J. Watson, | O. C. N0..48, /or partition of the real es- j- June Ttrni, IhU; of Thompson Lewls.dec (1 I Imi tate of Muddycreek, twp. J To the HouorubU, the Judges of the Orphans' Court oj JJutler Oountv, I'enn'a. The petition of Henry W. Watson, of Muddy reek township. Butler county. Pa., and Sarah ).Watson, his wile. In the rlghtof the said Sarah J Watson, a sister of Thompson Lewi*, dee d. of , old township and county, respectfully repro* *nls that the said Thompson I-ewls. deed, dh d on or about April luth, ihk< , intestate seized Hi lits denies lie as of fee, of and In a certain piece el land situate In the township of Muddycreek, county of Butler, und State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: <)n "P north by lands of Samuel Brenneman and J, G. Glenn; on the east by lands of 1 eter scliclde luuutle and Kobert Glenn; on the south l>y lands of W'ui. Bauder, Henry Watson and Win. Duncan ; on the west by lands of John Pore ■nun und WE Mc< 'lymonds. containing two bundredand fifty acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, Said Thompson Lewis left no widow or Issue surviving him, but left two brothers, to wit: Mifflin Lewis, of Tama county, lowa, aged over seventy years; John I. Lewis. In tl»clHikLe of Ohio, aged over sixty years: srs. Mao iuafriou tinohtiiu « *3'. -W!'- llvlng In Perry township, lAwrenco county I a., und Mrs. Sariih V. Watson, married to Henry W, Watson, ilvlu;' In Muddycreek township, tlulbT county, Pa., she being the petitioner. Also, Kate Stanton married to Stanton, and Pho-be Mcuuflln, widow, living In New Castle, Lawrence county. Pa. Emma Wallace married to Wallace, living In Colorado ; children of H. J. Lewis, dee d, a brother of Thompson Lewto; Mary Miner, marrried to n. K. Miner, and living In Pittsburgh, Pa.; Win. (•. sharp. UvlngatNew Brighton, Beaver county, Pa.: children of Eliza Sharp, a def;'d sister of tin- said Thompson Lewis; Orlanda Young and Bell Voting, children of llettle Young, a dee d Ulster of the siild Thompson Lewis, living In Tama county. lowa ; V. L. Duncan, Alfred B. Duncan. Thompson Duncan and Bell Duncan, living In P 'Try township, Lawrence county, Pa.. Win. Duncan, living In Osage county. Kansas. All children of Lainsln Duncan, a de ceased sister of Thompson Lewis, tliat the alKive parties are all over twenty-one years of age, except Thompson and 801 l Duncan. Who uri' minors ; their father, Win. s. Duncan. Is living In Perry township, Lawrence county, Pa. That BO partition of said land has been made, nor can a Jury tor that purpose be agreed upon for that puriHJS.', owing to the fact that they are living so far apart, and other circumstances sur rounding the case. , , Your pelltloncrs, therefor, prays the Court to award an lnuuest to make partition of said estate to and among the aforesaid parties peeordlng to their rights and they will ever pray. r HUSKY WATSON. SAK.UI J. WATSON. ' BCTI.EK COUNTY. M : Personally appeared be fore me Ilenir W. Watson, who being duly sworn, says that the above jielltlon Is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Hknhy WATSON. L. P. WALKKR, [HKAI..J BCTI.kk Cmnmr, K3 : Certified from the llccord tills 28th day of June, A. D. 188". UEUBBN McEI.VAIN, Clerk. BCTI.kkCOCNTV, ss: To Peter Kramer, High jßhcrirr of Butler County. Greeting: We command you, that you make known to the several heirs of Thompson I-ewls, dee d, named In foregoing petition, the contents of the same and cite them to I*: and appear before the Judges of an Orphan*' Court, to be held at But ler, I'enn'a, on Monday the sth day of Septem ber. then ami there to show cause. If any they may have, why the prayer of the Petitioners Uliould n >t Is; granted, and a writ of Partition awarded. Witness the Honorable Aaron L. Ilazen. Presi dent Judge of our said Court, at Butler, this 28th day of June. A, I). 1887. UKCIIKN MCELTAIN. Clerk. §MMS'tCOURT SUE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Conrt of Butler County, the underoigued Ad ministratrix of John C. Blair, dee'd., will offer at public Kale on the premises in Slip pery rock township, Butler couuty, Pa., on SATURDAY, AUG. lOtb, 1887, ftt 10 o'clock A.M., lhe following dtscribod ileal Estate of said decedent: Ninety Acres of Land, More or less, situate in the Township, Couuty and State above mentioned. Bounded and described as follow?, to-wil: North by land of John Keister, Kast by Slipperyroclc ('reek, South by lauds ol Paul Keister and West by lands of Lewis Patterson. A Two-story Frame llou.se of eight rooms; J»g Barn aud numerous outbuildings there on. About 25 acres in timber, the balance cleared and in a good slate of cultivation. TKIIMS: One-third of purchase money in hand on confirmation of sale by the Court, balance in two equal annual installments with interest. Deferred payments to be se cured by bond and mortgage. MAItY A. BLAIR, Adtn'rx., iltownsdale, Pa. FARM FOR SALE. I will seell my farm, located in Franklin township, Butler county, Pa. It contains 220 A.CRICS of good, well watered land, both ridge and ■wamp; good grain land aud good grass land, about 30 acres of good chestnut timber, three orchards, GOOD BANK BARN, MxiiO feet, frame and log dwelling, ood spring and good spring house near house; well in kitchen, good corn crib, pig |>en and all necesnary improvements. For terms, etc, inquire of me on the prem ises. GKOKUKC. MCCANDLKRH, Prospect, Pa. FARM FOR SALE In Sugarcreek township, Armstrong county, near Adams I'. «).. one ami one-fourth mile east of llie new oil development In Sugarcreek twp. Pann contains 100 ACRES, with bank barn. :i2.\<iO feet; BRICK HOUSES, I**so feet, i stories, with cellar, frame kitchen. Hxlt) feet,; good spring of water, farm well wa tered, good orchard of grafted fruit. Farm In a good slate of cultivation. About 75 ACRES CLEARED, UaJnuce in good timber. Win sell extremely low far euult. For particulars Inquire of J. It. WICK, Itlinersburg, Clarion Co., Pa, TOR SALE OR EXCHANGET Two farms, one luts 112 acres line, rich, !e*«i laud, with house, barn. Jtc., also '/To acres of good, rich land adapted to dairy, stoek or grain, lias a good house and three bank barns. Both lieur a ptosperouous I'eunsyluanla city. Hood mortgages wauled on farms. J. 11. STKVICNM'in'S & Co's Agency, UM> FUth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. THE BUTLER CITIZEN. A DRAMATIC SENSATION, The Throbbing, Thrilling Drama, How to Save Money. Hy D. HECK, Author of the "The Bride Won; or. What a New suit of Clothes I)ld," will be enacted every day and evening during The coming season at D. A. 11ECK S GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, So. 11, Jiortli Main St., Duffy's Block, BOTLKS, - PA. Until further notice. This powerful work Is a wonderful and variegated combination of tragical comedy, and comical tragedy and i.ner lalls to bring down the house. The actors arc all Stars. Ihe costuming will be a strong feature. The fallowing briefly outlined Is the ——PROGRAMME : SONG- The happy man no more reflects. Who buys his clothing at D. A. Heck s ACT 1.-SCKNE L— Time 9 a.m: Enter young man with mend. Young man explains to his friend that the direct cause ol his engage ment to the wealthy fanner's daughter was his purchase ol an elegant suit at D. A. HECK'S Great Clothing Emporium Friend tumbles to the idea and is made happy with a new suit. Hat, Shirts, Collars 'l ies, Underwear,, Gloves, lluse.. 'l l'unk Valise, CmbreUa. etc. Scene closes with song, joined in by the audience. SONG— The day will be Intensely cold, When D. A. Heck is undersold, Ac. Act 11.— Scene 2-Tlme II a.m. Enter throng of people, old men, young men, laUles, chil dren, managing watroiiS With uiarrlarable daughters, who with one accord fairly shriek with delight at the wojideriul bW" gains shown. The beautliul young lady, Cinderella linds some jew fiery, a uair of corsets, a pair of KIU l,loves, an elegant pair ol Hose that set her on so exquisitely ihat a dude lrom I'lilonvllle and a young man from Greece City both propose,as the Greece city man has on oreof D. A. lieck s lrreslstable suits, Cinderella decides to patronize home industries and accepts him. The I nlonville dude talks of due's, suicides, Ac., but decides not to leave this world ivhlle he can get clothing so cheap at D. A. HECK'S Great Emporium. Song by company, Joined by audience: 'Tls our experience, one and all, And every one who tries It knows. That D. A. HECK has got the call, And takes the town In selling clothes. ACT III.—SCENE 3. -Time ten years later. LLECK'D LARGEST EMPORIUM. Ten years are supposed to have elapsed. D. A. HECK'S Store quadrupled In size. Butler a metropolis. Arrival of several excursions, electric trains and :i [lumber of balloons, with crowds of people to buy Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Collars, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Trunks Valises. Satchels, Bill and Pocketbooks, Cloth, iiuir and Tooth Brushes hti'l mimnruhl't Other articles which gj.ace forbids to mention. Krores of pros perous men aud plump mfetfoim gather around the proprietor, all i-.greeljjg t liiiS ment they bei:«u to buy their goods irom D A. HECK. Cinderella and her husband about to de part for Mt. Chestnut (this Is no chestnut) The L'nlonvllle dude, a dude no longer but a rich business.man In the city of Butler, population 10,000, noted chletly for being the most enterprising city In the county, ami for fair dealing and for the fact, 1). A. lIECK'S Khiporlum. Duffy's Itlock. Is the headquarters lor good goods, fair dealing and low prices. All will now Join In singing:— Ilow I). A. Ileck Is selling clothes, Way down at bed rock- Just watch the crowil that dally goes To H. A. lloeK's In Duffy Block. Curtain falls to slow but sure mus.!c. fat's Pills BEGULATE THE BOWELS. Habitual Costiveness Canno* derangement of the entire syatem.and Ket» dl-M-.-Lsi-R tliat ore hazardous to life, rcretons or a costive habit are subject to Headauhi>, Drfcctlvo Memory, Olooniy Vor«j boding*, Nervoaituena.Kevurs, lirowtlncM, Irritable Temper and other symptoms, which utints tho sufferer fur buatneu or ogreeahlo assoclatluiis. Regular habit of body alone can cor rect tliono evils, and nothing nu'-ci-eds so well In acldevlngl hl-icondition a-iTutt's Pills. Dy their uno rot only Is tho system renovated, but In conse quence of the harmonious changes thus created, there perrsdifi a feeling of satisfaction: tho men tal faculties iK-rform their functions with vivacity, end th«rfc is pn exhilaration of mind, freedom of thought, and perfect heart's We that bespeaks ths full enjoyment of health. SECREr OF BEAUTY la health. The aeeret of health Is the vowerto dlgem n proper quantity of food. This can never be douc when tho ll»er tloea nut act Its part. 11 In the drlvlna wheel In tho mechanism of man, and when It la out ot order, the whole system becomes ae irnnipd, and Fever, Dyspepsia, Hick Head* richc, I'onsilpatlon, Ja un dire, IlillonsCoi e und (Jenernl Debility ensue. To restore tho functions of the I,lVer and Impart that beauty which always attends <t healthy constitution. Dr. Tutt's Ijlvrer Pills arm iecoinnieHded. They are not a ciire-nll, ut lire deplaned nolely lor tlic disordered ,Wer and the diseases which It produces. Tutt's Liver Pills BTltt UP THE TORPID LIVES. ■OLD OV ALL baVfjtilSTS, 3So. jasittiHMit of the lining HrAnl 'neinbrnne of the nostrils, tear-ducts l ln-ro are severe 'S ■i-spasms of snee/lng. Kifly U.<X Ifrmnient alta' ks of rm headache, watery w Km and lullained eyes. Tijl the cure Ely's Ceam Balm, 4 particle Is applied Into each nostril ami is agreeable Price 50 cents at Druggists ;by mall, registered. (V> els. Circulars free, KI.V BltOS, lfl6<!reenwich St. New York. Mighty Funny - Agents Wanted PA MA NTH A UARATOGA. UKIIiIIT IIITM. COHIC CIW —BOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION— See the Splendid Success of Agents: One made a profit first :i weeks of Siw ; fine first <; days ; One llr<t 10 slays SI l.">; One iirki ;j tla'vH sjc..vi, one first 3 weeks fiuit.no; making 4 clean profit in 7 WCOK* works of jam. It t:tki-s off naratogi'L follies, tlirtatlons, low neeks, dudes, pug dogs, etc.. In 111!) author's In imitable mlrth-provoklng style, l lie (tOdj pic tares by "Upper" arc Just killing," People crazy to g>-t It. A'JKNTS are making 110 to #7. r > a week. Price 92.00. A«SKNTH WANTKII. Apply to 11l llIIAItl) BROS., J«a tliestliut St., I'll I lasle I |>h I a. JylO.-it EUREKA SPRINGS SAEGERTOWN, PA. Tills already Kumous Resort, though but a Hi lls- over tjirci.' years old, ha% met with an unpar alleled patronage by flu- MERITS OF ITS WATFSIS — Ihe cures performed. There Is no oilier Resort on the continent where Rheumatism. Dvspepsla, Kidney Disease, Kcrnlula, Blood anil Skin Ills eases. Diabetes, Female Troubls-s, ct«,. are so successfully treated. A complete cure is the rule, w here where a cure Is possible. It Is a <l<- iightfullv cool and pleasant Its-sort for TIIK FLKASIRK HKKKKU as well as lor tiie afflicted. Jlotel acs:ominsxl»tlons llrsl class—rates reason abio. /CfC|irsisilis rates on all leading It. R. ll lu->lrate<l pitiiiPlijcpi (,'ontaloing full lurormation In rcgarsl to place and t»cati,i"lit Bent free on application. Asliliess I't lIKKA MINKIIAI. Sl'ltlNslS CO., 1.1.M1 t KK. 8 s-8t SAKS.KUSIOW.V, PA, 'lire guaranteed 1 ll»kdl I■ J MBby III'. J. It. May § >lll ■Mai *■>'!'. H3l Arch St.. MUMUHUBMMHI Ease Nooperatlon or buslns-ss delay. Thousands of cures. At. Keystone House, Heading, I'a.. 2d Saturday of each mouth, bend for circulars. Advice uce, A LESSON. When the weary heart is sad And the days seem long, When the eyes are full of tears And life an empty song, When the burden of the heart Grows heavier each da/, Oh! tell me, is there nothing To help along the way? Ah, yes, sad heart! there's pleasure. Not only in the air, But in the sun and rain drops, And in the flowers fair; The kindly words oft spoken By those we daily meet, In lingering echoes whispered; Each hour Las pleasures sweet. 'Tis true that hearts have burdens, With many doubts and fears- Have dark and lonely vigils, With mauy silent tears — That life, at times, and pleasure Seem but an empty song, Where weary hearts are aching. And days are sad and long. All hearts must bear their buidtns, Yet will they lighter grow, If each will but endeavor To share the other's woe. So, weary heart, take comfort, Eor, if you strive each day - To ease your comrade's burden, Lo! yours will fall away. —Jostphtne Canning. THE NEW IMI'IKK. It you Lave met Charley Munger lately yon must have noticed bow old &ud careworn be is getting to be. He used to be one of the brightest fellows in Trotterviile and popular, too, but lately nobody seems to Bptak to him and there is little left of his old geniality. "Charley," I said to him the other day, "what iB the matter with you?" "Ob, nothing," answered Charley dejectedly. "Nonsense," I replied, "there js something wrong. Wbatiait? Any thing I can help yoa about? "Well, he said with a sigh, "it isn't anything serious. The trouble, if it can be called trouble, dates from the foundation of the Trotterville Base Ball club." "Why, I thought you were active in getting up the club?" vSo, I was; so I was. It's a good club, too, but you see I don't play and I am the umpire and " "I see how it it." "Yes, that's what's the matter. I don't eeein to be able to please any body. They're all down on me." - HtGc]s he?*}"! said, "I knnjy-a fel low in Detroit that used to be 3 league umpire. Let me bring him over. He is a little fellow, but I don't think they will irrowl much at his decisions." Ne*t dzy I ji}et Bill Higgins and as kid him to come over to Trottfr ville and umpire a game, and I post ed him on kind of kickers the Trot tervillians were. Iliggins is an Eng lishman, who used to be one of the cowboys in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, but, for some reason, itiggins did not cure to go bnck to England with the compuny, and so is out of a job just now. Bill used to do the fanry shootiDg and some 01 the lasso exercises, and is a tough customer. When we got to the Trotterville grounds the game was in progress and Charley was umpiring. "One strike!" he cried, as the ball came over the plate. "What's that you say?" cried the captuin of the ins, as he marched up threateningly to the umpire. "I said a strike," "That wasn't no strikej the ball was below the knee." This state ment was loudly corroborated by the man at the bat. "Well, I thought it was a strike," aaid the umpire. "It wasn't all the same," the ins were unanimous in saying. "All right. Call it cue ball then." "What's thai! what'B that!" yelled the captain of the outs, as he marched from the lield. "Oh, come now, to on with the game," said the bewildered umpire. "You said a strike," shouted the out captain, "and by George, you've got to stick to it." "Not if be was wrong, as he ad mits," said the captain. "Wrong nothing. It's a strike. He Baid so. Hang such umpiring." "See here," said the umpire, anx ioqs for pence, "let's call that off and begin again." After some grumbling this was agreed to, and the game went on. The man at the hat hit the ball and ran for the Grst base. The ball was very cleverly Btopped by the Bccoud baseman and thrown to first, ball and batsman getting there about the same time. The umpire bad run down to firßt and stood there with indecision "J)arn if I know which it is," he said helplessly. There was a howl at this remark "He's out!" yelled the outs. "Safe! saie!" shouted the ins, all gathering around the first base. There waß a wild wrangle between the two captains, and when they turned to appeal to the umpire they found that that individual had taken the opportunity to get over the fence and go home. "This gentleman," I Baid to the two captains, "was umpire in tho league last summer, I'erhaps he would see tho game through for you." They united in inviting him to take tho vacant post and he consented. The new umpire threw off his coat and unwouud from his body a long, thin rope which ho flung on the ground. Then ho tightened his belt and said; "TOSB that ball here." The pitcher tossed the ball to him. "That bull's no good," said the new umpire. "What's tho matter with it!"' growled one of the captains. "Well, its no good. That's what's tho matter with it." •'Well, wo ain't a league club, and we can't afford no dollar an' a hull balls on this ground," said the cap tain, Rome what cowed by the resolute demeanor of the little umpire. The little umpire flung the ball into the air, then putting his hand to his hip pulled out a big revolver and flred aw it came down. The baseball flew into a dozen pieceß. There waß a cry of amazement and dismay. They bad no other ball. The umpire went to where his coat was lying on the ground, brought from the pocket a fauiliar red labeled box, tore it opeu, took out a new ball and to&aed it to the pitcher. "There," he said, I'll make you a present of that one. Now, then play ball." Up came the ball. "One ball J" Up it came again. "Two balls !" "Three balls !" The pitcher took a fresh hold on the ball and rubbed it the sand. "Four balls." Next time the rattled pitcher flung wide of the plate. ' Five balls. Take your base " The batsman dropped his club and trotted down to first base. The cap tain of the outs came marching to the umpire, mad clear through. The umpire at once put his hand to his hip and cried : "What are you coming out of the field for sir ?" "I—l—l want to speak to the pitcher," said the captain. "All right," said the umpire ; "be quick about it." They conversed for a moment, then the captain said : "I suppose I can change pitchers ?" ' Yes, if you have another pitcher in the field." •The pitcher was sent to center field «ind the center man went into the box. He pitched a slow and curvelees ball, but it went over the plate every time. "One strike," "Two strikes." ' Hit at it," said the in-captaiu. '■Three strikes." "Four strikes. Striker's out." The in-captain strode up to the umpire. "See here," he began. "Well, what is it? Nothing against my umpiring, I hope,'' said the umpire, reaching down and tak ing a villainous looking ecalping knife out of bis boot leg. "Oh, no," faltered the captain, with a wan smile. "I was going to say that he's a daisy pitcher, isn't he ?" The next man was at the bat, and as the pitcher threw the ball the man on first base tried to steal second. It was a close call, but the umpire shouted 'Put|" Meanwhile the man on third got home. Two men were out. The in-captain was boil ing with rage, but he thought better not to protest. Jack Haggerty was at the bat. Jack was a slugger, and the cap tain told bim to Bend the ball over the back fence. "One strike." "Hit it, Jack; hit at it," cried the in enptain ; "he ll oall strikes on yuu, anyhow." The umpire darted a look at the captain, bat said nothing. Next time the ball came up Jack hit a sounding clip that sent it snin sing over the third baseman's head and'aloDg tbfr fopl line. "Foul," cried the uwpii'd. _ "It's not foul," cried the captuin ; "run, Jack, run." Jack dropped the bat and ran like all possessed. "Come back," yelled the umpire. "Hun," shouted tho frantic cap tain ; "make it a home run, Jack; they can't find the ball." Jack sped uloug from first to second base. The umpire picked up his coil of rope and went down by the pitcher's box. "Come back," be said. "Don't mind him, Jack; it's a home run." As Jack legged it wildly between second and third bases the umpire flung the lasso and then braced him self back. The rope tightened. Jack sprang into the air and fell on the turf. The umpire walked toward the home plate, dragging the struggling player along after him. Jack wildly tried to release himself from the lasso as he rolled over and over iu the wake of the umpire. When the latter reached tha home plate he pulled iu tho rope, hand over hand, as easily as if had a small fish at the end of the line instead of the slugger of the Trotterville nine. "There," he said, as he landed him covered with dust on the home plate, "when I tell you to corao back, you come back." The umpire put the knife between his teeth as ho loosened tho lasso from Jack. Jack dusted himself off and said nothing. The knife was slipped in tho boot again. The um pire held the coils of tho rope and turned to tho captain ; "Apologize," he said, swinging the noose. "I do," briefly replied the captain. "I'lay ball," said the umpire.— Luke Sharp in Detroit Free Prexa. A Chinese Mother, Advertisement in North China Herald. "Avoid incurring death by thun der!— Your mother is weeping bit terly as she writes this for her boy Jay to see. When you ran away on tho .'soth of tho Bth moon tho peo plo of the shop came and inquired for you, and that was the first news we had. I nearly died of fear at the time, and since then sleep and food have been in vain, and I am weeping and sobbing still. The letter that came from beyond the horizon I have, but it gives no place or abode where I might seek you. I am even now at my lust gasp, and the fumily has suffered for many days from grievous insults of others. "If you delay longer and do not return, I cannot, cannot bear it, and shall surely seek an end to my life, and then you will stand in peril of death by thuuder. If you como, no matter how, everything is sure to be arranged. I have thought of a plan, and your father may still bo kept in ignorance. My lifo or death hangs on the issue of these few days. Ouly I pray that all kindhearted people everywhere will spread this abroad, so that tho right man may hear of it. So they will lay up themselves a boundless store of secret merit.— Written by one iu Soochow city. She Was Sure There Was One. On a crowded East Boston horse car tho other evening tho seats of which were nearly all occupied by men, a cutting rebuke answered by a neat complement was overheard Shortly after tho car left tho ferry there got aboard a young lady,whose palid and care worn face marked her as an invalid. None of those having a seat at their disposal deigned to offer a seat to tho one who seemed moßt in need of the resting place till at the further end of the car a roughly dressed workingman, Beeing her plight, beckoned to her, and resign ing his scat -in her behalf, said : "There don't seem. Miss, to bo any gentlemen on this car." "I beg your pardon, sir ; I am suro there is one," she replied, gratefully, as she accept , ed the seat. BUTLER, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 12.1887 Justice Not Law. Staid old England, that has often raised Its hands in horror at the meth ods pursued in America, has itself sometimes broken the cold forms of law and given true justice a chance. Some thirty years ago the case of George Ilammond came to trial at the Old Bailey in London, before Lord Chief Justice Tindal. The prisoner, who was a portrait painter, was brought to the bar to answer to the charge of wilful murder which had been found against him by the grand jury With malice aforethought he had slain a rope-dancer and mounte bank. The prisoner was a man of middle height and slender form; his eyes were blue and mild. His whole being gave evidence of subdued sad ness and melancholy resignation. He was 41 years of age. His soft voice, bis manner, and appearance were testimony of his being a man of feeling and refinement in spite of the poverty of his dress. On being called to plead, the pris oner admitted that he killed Baldwin and he deplored the act; but, be added, however, on his soul and conscience that he did not believe himself to be guilty, Thereupon a jury was im paneled to try the prisoner. The indictment was read to the jury, and, as the act of killingwas admitted, the Government rested their case and the prisoner was called upon for his de fense. The prisoner then addressed him self to the Court and jury. "My lord, my justification is to be found in a recital of the facts. Three years ago I lost a daughter, then J years ofage, the sole memorial ot a beloved wife, whom it pleased God to recall to himself. I lost my child; but I did not see her die. She was an angel, and beside her I had nobody in the world to love. Gentlemen, what I have suffered can not be described; you can not comprehend it. I ex pended in advertising and frqitlese search evening I possessed, furniture pictures and even my clothes. All have been sold. For three years, on foot. I have sought my child in all the cities and all the villages of the three kingdoms As soon as by painting portraits I have succeeded in gaining a little money, I returned to re-commence my advertising in the newspaperp. At length on Friday, the 14th of April last, 1 crossed tho Smithfield cattle market. In the center of tha market a troupe of mountebanks were performing their feats. Amongthem a child was tam ing on its head, its legs in the air and its bead supported by a halbert. A ray from the soul of its mother must have penetrated my own for me to b&ye recognised my child in that condition. It was, ill deed, my poor child. Iler mother would have clasp ed her to her heart had she " been there. As for me a veil passed over my eyes. I threw myself upon tho chief of the rope-dancers. I knew not how it was; I, habitually gentle eveu to weakuess, seiaed bim by the clothes; I raised him in the air and dashed him to the ground. Then again. He was dead. Afterwards I repented what I had done. At that moment I regretted that I was only able to kill but one." "These are not Christian senti ments," replied the Chief Justice; "how can you expect the court and jury to look with favor upon your de fense, or God to pardon you, if you can not forgive?" "I know, my lord," continued the prisoner, "what will bo your judg ment and that of the jury, but God has already pardoned me, I feel it in my heart. Vou know not. J knew not then the full extent of tho evil that man had done. When tome compassionate people brought me my daughter in my prison she was no longer my child; shewas corrupted, body and soul; her manner, her lan guage, infamousjliko those of the peo ple with whom she had been living. She did not recognize me, and I no longer recognised her myself. l)o you comprehend mo now? That man had robbed me of tho love and soul of my child, and I have killed him but once." The foreman now spoke: "My lord, we have agreed on our verdict." "I understand gentlemen," answered the chief justice, "but the law must take its course; I must sum up the case, and then you will retire to deliberate. The chief justice sum med up the case and the jury retired, lu a moment they returned into court with the verdict of "Not guilty." On the discharge of Hammond the sheriff was obliged to surround him with an escort. The crowd of women and men was immense. The women werd determined to carry him off in triumph. Tho crowd followed all tho way to his lodgings with deafening shouts and huzzas. A Clergyman Who Has a Pen chant for Inventing Neat Lit tle Machines. W. W. Wythe, of Parker, a Meth odist preacher, but who has consider able mechanical ingenuity, while on his way to Chautauqua last night in tho Union Depot said: There is noth ing new in the theological world, but 1 have invented a novel little count ing machine, a description of which might be interesting to tho readers of THE DISPATCH. The machine is not more than 8 inches long by wide and 1 inch thiek. It is so arranged that by turning a crank you can add, subtract, multiply or divide any set of figures. I have tested the machine and find that it works satisfactorily. It will multiply a number of f! digits by a similar number in 43 seconds and divide tho same uumbers in 24 seconds. I have made it during my spare moments." Mr. Wythe is also tho inventor of a speed recorder that iB used very ex tensively on Western and Southern roads. About 8,000 are in use. They are not seen by the public gen erally, as they are put only on freights It records the number of miles made, gives'the rate of speed and notes the condition of the track, so that West ern conductors and engineers who are liable to stop and rob a hen roost or got u driuk of whisky and then run GO miles an hour to make up lost time, usually have the little trick exposed. —Dispatch. —Fifteen ostriches were sold in California recently, and brought SI,OOO per pair. —An Austrian has invented a machino for automatically lowering cofliins into graves. —Tho total receipts from General Grant's memoirs are said to havo reached the sum of $3,000,000. Attacked by Wolves. From the Pitts. Chronicle-Telegraph, Aug. -1. | Many of the local sportsmen who ; have been camping out for weeks past in the wilds of the West are now 1 getting ready to return home. But I the stories of thrilling adventures in flood and forest are preceding them. The members of the Summit Fish ing Club, of Alt. Washington, in camp at Mackinac, seem to be hav ing a world of trouble mixed up with the enjoyable features of camp life. One day recently Frank Stone and Hood Brokaw strolled into the in terior of the neighboring forests, and before they noticed how swiftly time was Hying they had wandered 20 miles. Not noticing any particular object during their stroll, they be came bewildered when they started back to camp. In vain an effort was made to locate the direction of the camp. Night was coming on and their rations were exhausted. To add still more to their discomfort, neither had a match by which a fire could be started. A few berries and a limited quantity of game was all that could be obtained to stay their rave nous appetites. As darkness settled down upon the lost sportsmen, they concluded to camp for the night where they were. Having closely examined the shot guns, and finding them all right, it was agreed that one should stand guard alternately lor two hours, while the other slept. It fell to Frank's lot to stand watch for the first two hours, during which time Hood lay upon the ground sleeping soundly. When the two hours had expired, Frank was relieved by Hood, and he lay down upon his stoney (no pun) couch. He closed his eyes in sleep, such as is experienced only by those who have been fatigued by traveling over rough ground in a bracing at mosphere. Nothing occurred to dis turb his slumbers for some tinie. He was dreaming of' the loved ones at home, with special reference to what Mrs. Stone would say to him when he got back to Pittsburgh about get ting lost in the woods. In the midst of his dream he was startled by a noise that souuded like a roaring cyclone. He sprang to his feet. There stood Hood, his hair actually resembling the back of a "fretted porcupine." "Listen !" he said. Frank listened, and sure enough there was room for the fright shown Hood. In the distance could be heard the low growls of wolves. It was a terrible moment for the two men. Ou came the wolves, seem ingly in a pack of countless numbers, tfo time could be lost, to Frank and Hood placed all their cartridges in their belts and holding their guns in their hands each climbed a tree. Hardly bad they reached a point of safety when the ferocious animals were under tho trees. The men then opened fire upon the savage beasts, and although every shot told with good effect, it seemed that no "differ ence was being made upon their numbers. The firing was continued until only a few cartridges remained, but they were not without hope. Day would soon dawn, and they knew that at the approach of light the wolves would take their departure. Even then streams of dawning light eould he seen in the east, gradually tho wolves left them. IKhcn the last one had gone, Stone and Brokaw de scended from their uncomfortable situ ation. Upon reaching (ho ground, or as near to the ground as they could get, they were astonished at the sight before them Piled up un der each tree was a Btack of dead wolves fully eight feet in height, and covering a spaco of twenty feet in circumference. AH thoy were too tired and hungry to speculate further on tho possibili ties of the forest, they made as much speed as possible back to tho camp, where they arrived without further difficulty and related the forgoing thrilling experience. Germany and France. HEHI.IN, August s.—Tho Deul aches Tagenblalt, in an article headed "German Baiting in Franco," sayf: "If these perscutions continue and the French Government adopt corres ponding measures, we should simply regard Franco as a barbarous, unciv ilized nation, and should break off diplomatic relatious, discontinue rail way and postal intercourse and throw out a line of military outposts If tho French play at war against us in time of poaco let us do tho same thing." Thirty-eight French employes re siding at Avricourt, near the frontier of Germany, have been expelled from the country. KEEL'INO THE PRINCE OCT OF FRANCE PARIS, August 5, —It is stated that tho Gorman Crown Prince has been advised by medical men to try tho waters of Cauterete, in France, but that Prince Bismarck and Prince William oppose tho suggestion. A Remarkable Escape. A MIANY, N. Y;, Aug. 2*—During yesterday's storm lightning struck a largo tree near 10lias Mathias' farm house at Clarksvillo, in this county, splintering it to the roots. The fluid then deflected to the doorway on tho east of the house. In this the Ma thias family were sitting. Miss Emma Mathias stood in the doorway. Tho lightning struck her on tho right side of her head, burning off the hair, and then coursed down the body. Her clothing was torn and loosened so that it hung simply from tho shoul ders, Her shoes were torn into threads, also burning both her legs, from tLe knee to tho foot, to a blister. The shock threw tho young woman to the floor. Th? fluid tore one of the shoos off Mrs. Mrs Mathias' foot and prostrat ed her. The other members of tho family suffered temporary insensibil ity from tho shock Miss Mathias, when picked up, was like a piece of marble statuary. She complains to day of her right arm feeling paralys ed. Otherwise she has not suffered injury more than would necessarily follow a severe nervous shock. —lt is estimated that there are sixty thousand colored Kuights of Labor in tho south. —The whole length of mail routes in the United States amouuts to 375,- 000 miles. —The Boston Globe speaks of "a lady equestrienne." A lady eques trienne is a female woman who take equestrian exercise on horseback. Caressed by a Tiger. From the ludian Mirror.] i I Lad left camp at au early hour in the morning to fish. While I carried my rifle with me, I had no intention of going out\>f my way to Gnd game. On the previous afternoon I had ob served what seemed to be a capital fishiDg spot in a bend of the river, and it was to this place I hastened as I I left camp. Some of the native ser vants were astir and saw me set out, but I did net want their services. It was pretty thick jungle between the camp and the bend, but at the bend there was a clear spot an acre in ex tent, with a heavy forest growth and a ledge of rocks for a background As I took a look around before sitting down on the bank to my sport I re marked that it was good spot for wild beasts, but as there was nothing mov ing I went right to work with my fishing tackle. Catching a frog for bait, I flung in the hook, and it wasn't five minutes before I was meeting with such luck that all thoughts of tigers, snakes and hyenas were driven out of my mind. I had landed half a dozen good sized fish, and was just then playing a larger one, when a slight noise startled me, and I looked around to see such a sight as has seldom come to the eyes of a sportsman A full grown tiger was within five feet of me, playing with one of the fish. It was the last fish pulled out, and in its dying agonies it was jumping about on the grass. Everytime it moved the tiger would reach out a paw in a playlul way, and once or twice he struck hard enough to move the fish three or four feet. I tell you I was a badly frightened man, and all I could do was to sit there with mouth and eyes open. The tiger had crept down from the bluffs, and why he hadn't attacked ma was a mystery. He v,*ent from fish to fish, turning them over with hia paw, and time and again brushing me with his tail as bo moved about. My rifle was ten feet away, leaning against a bush, and I might have been idiot enough to try to reach it but for a warning. My personal servant had followed me, to see what luck I had. He camo into the neighborhood while the tiger was playing with the fish, and softly climbing a tree, he uttered the call of a bird that attracted my atten tion, and then sang out: "Do nothing to provoke the tiger, master. lie is a hiloweele and if you do not cross him he will go away." He meant that the spirit of a good native bad been transformed and it was clearly the common sense way to follow his advice. As the beast gave me no attention I turned to the fish tugging at my line and landed him. lie was of good size and full of vitality and the the tiger waited in a playful way until I removed the hook and threw the fish on the grass Then he sprang for it as a kitten would for a ball of yarn and he play ed with it in the same way. It was laughable, in spite of the circumstan ces. to witness his actions. He would run around in circles, as you have seen a young dog do, sometimes almost leaping over me, aud then again he would become the cat creep softly forward to pounce upon one of the fish. Each e.n caught, was flung to him and it was full a half hour be fore he grew tired of the sport. I expected ho would turn to me sooner or later, but the native SAW the change first and called: "Master, tha hiloweele is going to play with you! Be as clay iu his power." The tiger suddonly left the last fish landed and camo stalking up to me, purring liko a cat and acting very playful, His first move was to worm his head under my left arm, and I am telling you the solemn truth when I say that 1 smoothed down his fur as if he had been a favorite dog. I had on a big straw hat, and this he got bold of in bis teeth, and played with for ten minutes, or until be bad torn it all to pieces. I had no more bait to fish with, and drew iu the line, and sut them waiting for the tiger's next move. When he had finished the hat, he came over and rubbed ogaist me, and purred in a pleased way, and I rubbed him with my hand from nose to tail. I gradually got over my scare, but yet very anxious to know how tho affair would cud. Tho sun was getting well up and very hot, and the beast would son be seeking his lair. In about thirty minuteu from the time he appeared the tiger began to show a change of demeanor. He acted nervous and uneasy, and the hair on buck stood up at intervals. I judged that he had got tho scent of my ser vant, and such proved to bo the case. I dared not rise to my feet, but I made up my mind that if tho tiger attacked me I should make a spring off the bank into tho river. It was infested with crocodiles, but there was not much choice between being eaten by boast or saurian. Once the tiger glared at me aud growled, but next moment whined as if afraid, and edged up toward me as if for protec tion. Tho servant had been keeping a watchful eye on my strange play mate, and he now believed tho time had come for decisive action. Ho therefore fired his pistol aud shouted at tho top of his voice. The effect was immediate. Tho beast dropped his tail, uttered a long-drawn whine, and with a sort of farewell glance at me he bolted for tho forest and dis appeared. The "Sun Do Move." The Rev. John Jasper says bo bus preached his famous "Sun do move" sermon about 100 times. ' I preached it first," ho pays, "in 1878. Since then I have had offers from all over this country and from London, Paris and other places to preach it; but I refused 'em ull 'causo I don't thiok it would be right to leave my people. Ouo man offered mo SIOO to London and preach the sermon. He even said he would pay me the money first, and that 1 wouldn't have to walk a step between here and Europe and wouldn't Luvo to walk a step after 1 got there." lie is now yery old, but halo and vigorous. "Soon after I first deliv ered this sermon hero in Richmond," ho says "I went to Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, and when I camo back a great revival was going on, and ouo day I baptised 2'itl people without oomiug out of the water. That laid me up tor a while. Never had but three attacks of sickness in my life. Since I was sick last December my appetite has not been as good as it used to be. Yes, I'm in mighty good health for an old man like mo."—New York Tribune. The Fish Law. It is made illegal to catch speckled trout, save only by rod, hook aiid line, at any time, or to place any set lines or tet-nets across auj* stream in habited by them, under penalty of $25. No person shall kill, sell, or have in possession after beiug killed, any salmon or speckled trout, save only from the fifteenth of April to the fif teenth of July, under penalty of $lO for each fish. No person shall take, for sale, any trout less than five inches long,or fish in any waters, for three years, in which brook trout have been plauted by the fish Commissioners, when public notice of said planting has been gived, under S2O penalty. No person shall catch or kill, save only with rod, hook and line, at any time,and no person shall catch or sell, or have in possession after being kill ed, any bass, pike, pickerel or Sus quehanna salmon, between the first of January and the first of Juue, under penalty of $lO. Any person taking or capturing a bass of less size than six inches in length, shall immediately return the same to the waters whence taken,un der penalty of $lO. No person shall kill or catch fish by placing any torpedo,giant-powder, nitro glycerine or any other explosive substance, in any of tho streams of this Commonwealth, under penalty of SSO. No person shall catch or destroy fish by shutting off or drawing off any of the waters of the State or by dragging small nets or seins therein, when the waters are wholly or partly bhut off, under penalty of SSO. No person shall place any fish baskot, pond net, eel-weir, kiddle, brush or facine net in any of the wa ters of this State, uuder penalty of $25 for each offense. It shall be lawful to fish with fyke or hoop-nets in any of the streams uu inhabited by brook or speckled trout, during the months of March, April, May, September, October and No vember: Provided, That the meshes of said nets shall not be less than one inch in size, and shall not be placed at the confluence of any wing-walls; and if any salmon, bass, trout, pike, pickerel or any other kind of fish in troduced by the Commonwealth in said waters, shall be taken or captur ed as aforesaid, they shall be return ed alive to the waters whence taken, and any person violating the provi sions of this act shall be subject to a penalty of $25. It shall not bo lawful, at any time, to catch fish by means of the drawing of a seine or seines, iu any of the waters of this State, under penalty of $25. Shad shall not be taken in the Sus quehanna or Juniata rivers from sun set on Saturday till sunrise on Mon day. during tho run of shad, from March 15 to June 25, or with seins less than four and one half inches to the mesh, under penalty of SSO aud three months' imprisonment. There shall bo no shooting, hunt ing or fishing on Sunday, under pen alty of $25. OI'EN SEASON—FISU Salmon or speckled trout, April 15 to July 15. Luke trout.October Ist to January Ist. Black bass, pike and pickerel, Juno Ist to January Ist. Fun In Camp. [Extract from a letter to the Mercer Dispatch, from Camp Comfort, Mus koka Luke, Canada, dated July 30J On Wednesday evening the Inde pendent club arrived on tho "Nipis sing" and accepted tho hospitalities of Camp Comfort until tho arrival of tho "Oriole" to take them to their camping ground at Sutton's, six miles above. We all put on our best behavior before tho ministerial breth eren, tho Sharon and Butler people even refraining from lying about tho weight of the fish they had caught, and George Price, the cook, put his best foot foremost in the way of got ting up a supper worthy of the occa sion. The meal over, tho visitors dis persed through the field near the ho tel and were soon eugaged it the bus iness of catching young frogs for bait. It was a most exhilarating spectacle see tho preachers "in their customary attitude"—upon their knees—making wild grabs for the agile Batrachian and seiziug instead, a fine, healthy bunch of Canada thistles. We had all "been there," and knowing tho re lief it affords, but doubting their abil ity to do the matter justice, several felt like going and offering to do a lit tle mild swearing for them in their extremity. They succeeded in secur ing several bags and bottles of tho lively bait, and the general verdict seemed to bo that Mr. Stockton boro off tho honors of the chas.s, although Prof. McClelland was a close second The "Oriole" arrived about 7 o'clock in tbo evening, and as sho rounded the point bearing them to their sum mer home they gave Camp Comfort three hearty cheers. Tuesday Judges McMichael and Mehard and J. (1. Klliott went to Juneck's Rapids, about five miles from camp. They returned about 11 o'clock, very hungry and very tired it is true, but briuging with them tho finest string of fish that any one boat load has brought this year. There was fully one hundred pounds, and almost every fish on the string was a beauty. Klliott is a tireless fisher man and takes rank with Carver, Mc- Michael, Zahniser,Stranahan and tbo other regular old timo disciples of Isaac Walton. Judge McCandless is one of our best fishermen, too, but it is whou bo takes bold of oars that be really shines, lie was out tbe other day with Ben Haywood nnd Port Lowry aud when they started home took the oars to row buck. His exertions were prodigious, and yet he seemed to make very slow headway, some thing which was very easily explain ed when au investigation showed tbat be neglected to hoist the anchor before starting back, and hud towed u lifteen pound stono at tbo end of a twelve foot ropo for about two miles. —This country consumes about $22,000,000 worth of patent medicines every year. —Nineteen millions of the sixty million people in this lund arc mem bers of churches. —A Troy paper spouks of a dog fight being "nipped in the bud " A dog fight mnst be a very interesting phenomenon. A Bunch of Wild Flowers. Ia passing through a Clover field I cull a nosegay, wild and sweet Of dowers, wind-sown, at my feet— Blooming among the meadow grau, They nestle timid as I pass— Ilut gay ax many lawn conld yield. Feathery sprays of Elder bloom, Aud daisies bright as stars of gold, With milkweed's pink and orange mold, A head of rye, a head of wheat, Some clover blossoms pink vnd sweet, I choose to deck my studdy room. ID passing through this life of oara We find our dullest days a-light With blessings hidden half from sight, Among the weeds of toil and strife Are loving deeds that brighten life, Scattered along our path like flo were. —Nettit Chase. Rabbit Bunch Defeated. LITTLE ROCK., ABK,, August B. An Indian Territory special says: Later returns from the election for Chief of the Cherokees indicate that Mayes has been chosen oyer Bunch by a small majority. Joel B. Mayes, the newly sleeted chief, is one quarter Cherokee, andbe longs to an illustrious family. He was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Cherokee Nation for a term of years and is an able and a distinguished man. Samuel Smith, who was elected Assistant Chief, is a lull-blooded Cherokee. The triumph of Mayes will com pletely change the political situation of the Cherokee country. Bushyhead and Bunch have held office for years, and have shaped the policy of the Cherokee Nation regardless of the wishes of the masses. The official machinery was under their control and their defeat is regarded almost as miraculous. Mayes is liberal and progressive, and is pledged to reform, 110 is chosen for a four year term. The friends of Bunch still claim his election. Spices from Ceylon. About on 9 quarter of the whole 25,000 square miles of Ceylon Is un der cultivation, and the principal pro ducts are cocoa, rice, cinnamond, nut megs and other spices, cinchona, cof fee and tea. There has within the last nine years been a most wonder ful increase in the amounts of some of these products exported. In IBTB only 25,000 pounds of tea were ex ported, as against nearly 4,500,000 pounds in 1885, and nearly 8,000,000 ia 188 G. Cinchona bark, from which quinine is manufactured, has gone up from some 200,000 pounds exported nine years before to nearly 15,000,- 000 in 188 G. The total number of cocoanuts raised on the plantations in a single year is approximated at near ly 700,000,000.—C010mb0 (India) Cor. Chicago Tribune. Love's Signal. From Warren Chronicle.] On the A. k P. road there is an engineer who has a girl, the boys say. The young lady resides some where within two miles of Warren. It is the custom of the young man, when passing through town, to make his road crossing whistle double strength quality, for the benefit of his inamorata. He therefore pulls tho apparatus wide open and it emits two loud, long screeches and a cou ple of short screeches. This is hie signal that 'it's me old girl, and I .am feeling good.' It's quite roman tic, but it'B terrible wearing on tired and wakeful humanicy in the east end of town. We wish the young man could greet his girl with some thing not so nerver-ending, Degenerated Spanish Onions. "Spanish onions," said a street dealer to a reporter, "are about the only tropical fruit or vegetable that will not succumb to the wiles of the northern gardener- The Long Island hot house owners have for years triod to reproduce this very desirable variety of the onion, but they have given it up as a hopeless task. The only outcome so far is a degenerated species, unequal in fla vor to poorest northern variety. Strange as it may seem, the seeds from tho degenerate onion will, when planted in a tropical country, produce a perfect Spanish onion."— New York Sun. —Five hundred more acres have been planted to watermelons in the South this year than in 1886. —Good nature is the groat lubri cant of hnman affairs. —An effort, even if mot by defeat, remains a success, —The success of an enterprise is due, like the strength of a house—to tho under supports. —There are now less than 700,000 slaves in the Empire of Brazil. —The total production of coffee in the world is about 350,000 tons. —There are $100,000,000 invested in tbo watch industry of this country. —More than 3,000 persona make a living by street music. —Two millions United States postal cards arc printed daily at pre* sent- —Chicago, on the basis of its new directory, claims a population of 800,- 000. —lt need occasion no surprise that a slaughter bouse emits an offal odor. —They say it's a sneezy thing to becomo a member of the National Hay Fever Association. —Some men vas always like der key hole on der backdoor of a clock. They vas behint time. —Old Man—"lf I had 50 cents and gave it to you in order to get a pentiy what would bo left?" Street Arab —-'An old man!" —The Philadelphia Record says: "Tho wise people of the large towns of the Stale are considering the pro* priety of laying down asphalt paring in their streets. Asphalt paving is better than any other which the wit of man has yet devised. It is a vast saving in the cost of transportation, in the wear of horse-flesh and vehi cles, and in the comfort and cleanli ness of city life. Tbe impart of wheels does not wear it out. Proper ly laid, it is almost indestructible and as easy of repair m any other paving. NO. 38