KASKINE „ (THE HEW «tUIWIWE) A IHW UO ° D APPI:T,TE | rajf skw STBE!ieTH ' * 'y NfcttYKS, I HAPPY DAIS. J I SWEET SI.EEP, A POWERFUL TONIC, that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL -BLOOD PUKIFIEK, Superior to quinine. Mr. F. A. Miller 630 East 157 th street. New York was cuntl by Kasklne of extreme malari al prostration of seven years sulfertn;,'. He had run down irom 175 pounds to i/T, on kas klne la .)uue. lsW, went to work In one month, revalued his full weight In six mont Us. Quinine did htm no good whatever. , Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one ol the most respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn, says: "I am ninety years of age, and fqr the last three years have suffered from malarial and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kasklne which broke up the malaria and Increased my weight 22 pounds." Mrs. T. A. Solomons, ot 159 Hnlllday St., Jersey City, writes: -My son Harry, eleven years, was cured of malaria by Kaskine. after fifteen months' illness, when we hadjrtven up all hope. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tolls. will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by J. C. RKDICK. Butler, or sent by mall on receipt of PrICe kAS4tINE CO., M Warren St., New York. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE offered for sale represented as gcod as the Famous PEARL TOP BUT THEY ARE NOT! like all Counterfeits lack the Remarkable LASTING Qualities OF THE GENUINE. ask for THE PEARLTOP lad Insist THIS fiM>m uUUnHy on Each With CHMHEI Pat Oct. 80,1883. The PEARL TOP is Manufacture* OHtT by DEO. A. MACBETH & CO., prrnsBCKOH,.PA. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF FEE COD IMB OH WHjpe^liiWUiifcS^ Almost as Palatable as Milk. Th* onto preparation of COD LIVER OIL Out tolerated for A long UM i FOB cossonrioir, Uitlli 6ES HIL Wllffll a*& Mfeftif AF ICHwTed'IH Wl&lS'e DfeMpfeftsffi l MifiUlll It UubrreHoM In lt» recalls. by Uo beat t-hyrictoi fettie countries trf the world. POP SOLA Jbj all DRAFGLST*. Imported Percheron Horse MONTAGUE Will stand the season of 18S7, commencing April 85th and ending July »th, as follows: Mondays of each week at the stable of James Fleeger. at Unlonvllle; Tuesdays and Wednes days at the barn of Alonzo McCandless; Thurs days at Mt, Chestnut; Fridays and Saturdays at the livery stable of J. 3. II ays, Butler. Description and Pedigree: Montague Is a dark Iron gray, 8 years okV and weighs ISO lbs.: Is I(J3*' hands high, on short legs, with large boae, great thighs and forearms, I deep in girth with remarkable good feet and action, and In etctv way a perfect horse of re markable symmetry and beauty. He was lra , ported from France by J. D. Becket. of Chicago, In September. i«a, and is recorded in Percheron Norman Stud-book HKXS; also In Percheron Stud book of America 3145. He was foaled In IST9, and bred bv C. Cogot, of Almonsha, Province of Herche, France. Sire, Picador, owned by the government, and winner of two gold medals and I 1,0(10 francs at two shows in France, besides numerofirf other prizes. Dam, Lauretta; gran dam, Ch&rlotta, a mare bred in the Percheron family for forty years, as qualified to by C. Cogot. TERMS. sls dollars payable when mare is known to be with foal. The colt will be held for Insurance '*>■> until paid for. Persons parting with .mare to leave the neighborhood before known to be with foal, forfeits the insurance. Mares must be reg ularlv returned on trial days as directed. Marcs " kept on reasonable terms. All possible care taken to prevent accidents, but will be responsi ble lor none. "Montague" has proved himself to be a tine breeder. sons™. The imported Clydesdale Stallion Will make the season of 1887 At Prospect, at the barn of Oliver W. Stoughton the last four days of each week. At FortersYills, p* every Monday. TERMS:—SIS to insure one mare, $25 to insure two mares. His ,colts Recommend him very highly, OLIVER W. STOUGHTON, Manager, Prospect, Pa. The Reason Why you should .wnd your order for any kind of Bye or Bourl on Whiskey, Brandy, Glit. Wines, , Sic., to ,1. Schumacher, No. 001 Llf.-erty St., Pitts burg. Pa., is because he keeps tho iK'st and pur est goods In that line, and sells them at lower ■ — prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Rye, <2 oo per be Hon. Kour year old Pure live, 92 50 per gallon. Five year old Pure Bye, iJ.OO per gallon. Prom sto 8 year old Pure Kye #3 CO to So.OO per gallon. The purest imported Wines, Brandies and Clns prescribed by physicians for medical purposes, Goods shipped to all parts ot the country. No charge for package. Call or write and give me a trial order and you will after that deal with no other house. Send money with order, by registered letter or I'. (>. order. U.S. Beveutie laws prohibit shipping goods C. O. 1). Ilespeetlully .IACOH >SCIII MACIIKH, 904 Liberty St., Pittsburg. Pa. located two minutes walk Irom Un ion Depot. K • i ' jCPV AGMTTS WANTED row THE !j AUTHORIZED introduction by HRSFLLH MRS. LOGAN. Thh Biography has been more than two years in prep ■mtion. Gen. Logan himself furnished the data to the author, VraßCftf DKWMI, his intimate friend and associate; and before his death he read all but the dosing chapters of the work, and gave it his unaualified endorsement. Mrs. Logan states this in the introduction. A tmOMimm Matrcn of the dead Chieftain wmmt fills Mirifflwi rtsry °f lite irtat career in ■eace and war. Splendidly illustrated with portraits and iattlc scenes. Send quick $i for outfit and get choice of territory. Address HILL A HARVEY, PUBLISHER*. 11l *. Char In Street, Baltimore. WtlTCn AGENTS IV nil ILU "roI.UTICAI. DISCUSSIONS, DIPLOMATIC and POPULAK," Including all his speeches, hy .IAMBS G. BI.AINK. Apply at once for terms and terrrtorv, _ 4-15-H 4, sth Ave., Pittsburg. "WillTFn I AAV Active and ititolliniit, M I UIH I represent In herovn locality THE OITIZEIT. MISCELLANEOUS A 12-year old Girl to Hang. At Barnwell Court, South Caro lina, last week, Judge Hudson sen tenced Axey Cherry, a colored girl, 12 years of age, to be hanged on the third Friday in September for the murder of the infant of Mr. Amos Williams, ot Alleudal, in Barnwell county. The young murderess was hired by her mother, much against her will, as nurse to Mr. Williams' baby.. She pouted around the house and attended to her duties in so neglectful a manner that she bad to be constantly scolded. After a scolding one day she was overheard muttering to herself that she wasn't going to bother with that baby much more. A few days after this,concen trated lye was used in scouring the floor, and as Mrs. Williams left the room she told Axey that the lye was poison, and that Bhe musn't touch it. On her return Mrs. Williams was horrified to find her baby's mouth full of concentrated lye. Axey ran cut ol the house saying as she left: "I don't reckon I will have to nurse that baby much longer now," The young murderess all through her trial seemed to have no idea of the awful nature of her deed. When she was sentenced to be hang ed she gazed stupidly at the Judge and grinned as she played with the buttons on her dress, As she was being carried back to jail she saw her father and made an efiort to go to him. She cried for the first time when she was told that she could not go home, but must go back to jail to await the day for her execution. About the Girls. No sane girl ever burns a love let ter. The young lady who pounds the piano has a disagreeable bang. First graduate—What struck you as the best thing about the graduat ing exercises? Seoond ditto—The girls, of course. The best shelter for a girl is her mother's wing, especially when she is disposed to he what the French men call a little chic. A London letter says "the British barmaid stands alont." That is more than her customers are able to do after they ha /e patronized her a short time. Who ever eaw a stutering woman? It appears that nature has kindly given to the weaker sex a weapon ol defense that is seldom, if ever impair ed. In Minneapolis the girls have form ed a society with the motto: "The lips that touch wine shall never touch mine." It is now declared that the young men all imbibe through a straw. Wanted a "Sealskin Wash." An old miner once met Charley Backus in the bar room of the What Cheer house, then the famous inn of the coast, and saluting hira, said: "Pard, imbibe?" "Certainly," replied Backus. '•Name your root." "A sealskin wash," said Backus. The bartender was puezled, and the miner looked askance, and ex claimed: "If you want a stomach settler, holler it right." "Well, I've shouted. I vociferat ed a sealskin wash. In plain An glo Saxon, 1 require a whiskey straight." Whiskey is used to wash and pre serve sealskins. The miner saw the point and carried it back to Helena, M. T. ( where "sealskin washes" are still popular drinks.—Chicago Her ald. Drunkenes or Liqour Habit, Positively Cured by adminis tering Dr. Haines' Golden Spe ciflic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure whether the patient is a moderate drinker or •an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. How to Cure a Felon. To cure a felon, saturate a bit of wild turnip the size of a bean with spirits of turpentine and apply to the affected part. It relieves the pain at once, and in twelve hours or less there will be a hole to the bone. Dress with sticking salve, and the finger is well. So says an exchange. Consumption Can be Cured ! Not by any secret remedy, but by proper, healthful exercise, and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites, which contains the healiog and strength-giving virtues of these two valuable specifics in their fullest form. Prescribed by Physician. Take no other. —A farmer of Pigeon Creek turn ed his horse into the pasture and the animal seeing a boy there, walked up to him, seized him by the pantaloons, pitched him into the air and then coolly walked away. The boy was hurt, but not so badly as he was scared. In Brief, And To The Point. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy i food, bad cookery, mental worry, late j hours, irregular habits, an.l many | other things which ought not to bs;, j have made the Americin people a Datiou ol dyspeptics. Hut Greau's August Flower has dono a wonderful work in reforming tSis pad business and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember :—No happiness with out health. Hut Green's Augnst Flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-five cents. —There isn't as much as a chalk line between Henry Georgeism and Socialism, and "Anarchism is Social ism gone to seed. Romance of a Diamond Ring. Giles Busby, a Toledo fishmonger, was cleaning a whitefish last week, and in the larger intestines of the fish he fonnd a diamond ring. The ring had engraved upon its inner surface "J. A B. Chicago, '09." Busby forwarded tha ring to the chief-of police in that city. Last Wednesday Mrs Julia A. Lennox, of 12 Lennox Place, Chicago, identified and recov ered the ring. She tells an interest ing story of its loss. In 1869 she, as Miss Bennett, became engaged to Mr. Lennox, and he gave her this diamoud ring for which he paid s>4so. Upon their bridal trip in 1871 Mrs. Lennox lost this ring; while she was washing her hands in the toilet-room of the Pullman car the ring slipped from her finger and dropped through the waste pipe. As the train happen ed to be crossing the bridge over the St. Lawrence river, uear Montreal, just at that time the bereaved bride had no hope of recovering the ring There are no whitefish in the St. Lawrence; the theory is that a small fish seized upon the ring, and that at | some future time this small fish, while cruising about the lakes, fell a prey to the whitefish in which the long lost ring was discovered. Giles Buaby. the Toledo fishmonger, re ceived from Mr. Lennox a check for SIOO for his honesty. Blushing Beauty at the Ball. Miss Saddie McSniffin was rigged out as pretiy as a red and green v,-ag on with two spring seats, and made more mashes than a few. She had on a blue dress with a red flap at the side, and a pufl'y something or other on the other side. Miss Sue Sharp wore an en train rig, and could have knocked Mrs. Langtry silly when it came to good looka. Her hair was en curl and her face en powder. She had sixteen rings on one finger and bracelets clean to her elbow. Little Birdie Bloom wa9"the daint est darling of all," in white toggery of some sort, looped up in spots. She wore band painted gloves and slip pers and passymentrv jewelry. A Colorado Judge has rendered a decision in which he give an elab orate analysis of love. Some of the analyses previously given, however, wero briefer as well as more compre hensive. One of these says love is "an affection of the heart and an inflammation of the brain. the college commencements have all commenced—a learned expression which means that they have all ended. New Jersey mosquitoes are ela ted at the prospects of feasting on thousands of Pennsylvanians during the next two months. They relish their rich blood. The United States owns about $00,000,000 worth of buildings of all sorts and has never pnt a dollar of insurance on any of them. The policy is that the country is strong enough •to carry its own insurance. Losses, J n proportion to the risk carried, are insignificant. Government buildings in Washington and New York and nearly all the large cities are practi ally fire proof. A young 11 an who was placed in temporary charge of a newspaper in lola, Kansas, published a para graph last week accusing a local druggist of dishonest bii*ness meth ods. The latter knocked him down on sight. The new editor got up, drew a revover, and shot him dead. —A fabulously rich vein of gold bearing quartz is reported to have been discovered on the lands of the Lake Superior Iron Company, six miles northwest of Ishpeming, Mich igan. —The Ohio Labor Party has de nounced speculation in the necessaries of life. This is right. Any attempt to raise the price of beer or decrease the size of th& glasses should be frowned down. —Colonel W. O. Celt, of commander ot the Eighty-third regi ment Pennsylvania volunteers in the civil war, buried the horse the other day which he rode through many battles. The animal was thirty-seven years old. —The leading hotel proprieters of Huntingdon, by mutual agreement, have closed their hotels and turned out all guests, as they say they can not conduct business profitably with out license to sell liquor, and they weje refusai license last April. DR. TUTT'S PILLS is a purely vegetable concentration for keeping the bowels in natural motion and cleansing the system of all impurities, and a positive euro for Constipation. Sold by all druggists. —A ferry company has been organ ized at Kittanning. It is for the re lief of farmers on the west side of the river who have been charged heavy tolls by the bridge company. Are you weak and weary, over worked and tired ? Hood's Sarsa parilla is just the mediciue to purify your blood and give you strength. —Mrs. Jap. Carmody, of Emlen.tou, by mistake gave her two-weeks-old chiid a morphine powder intended for herself, Wednesday of last week, and the child died in great agony. —Ely's Cream Balm was recom mended to me by my druggist as a preventive to hay fever. Have been using it as directed since the 9th of August and have found it a specific for that muchdreadtd and loathsome disease. For ten years or more I have been a great sufferer each year, from August 9th till frost, and have tried many alleged remedies for its cure, but Ely's Cream Balm is the only preventive I have ever found. Hay Fever sufferers ought to know of its efficacy.—F. B. Aintswortb, Publisher. Indianapolis, Ind. —An Illinois school teacher, who kept a boy sitting on a chunk of ice for two hours as a punishment, has had to pay S3OO damages. —A woman woke her husband during the storm the other night and said : "I do wish you would stop snoring, for 1 want to hear it thunder. Mrs. Langtrv will become a citizen of the United States,as she is now living in the "glorious climate of California." She is said to prefer not only the climate, but the divorce 1 aws of that State. AFFLICTED » UNFORTUN Alt Aftor till othors fail constilt Dr. LiOBB 321> N. 15th St., belowCallowhill, Phila., Fa. 20 years experience in all SPIKI VI. diseases. Per manently restores those weakened by early indiscre tions, &c. Callprwrite. Advice free and strictly con frlcntiat. Meurs : 11 a.«. till 7,and 7to 10 evening*. Kor Dropsy, Gravel, Brlght's, Heart.. Urinary or Liver Diseases. Nervousness, so. Cure Guar anteed. oittcc «il Amu sire >t. Philadelphia. $1 er bottle, 6 for $3. At Try tt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHARLES A. Mcl'UEKltlN, Atty at Law, Ofllce with L. Z. Mitchell, Dia mond, Butler, Fa. Oolleetious a specialty. febs-SO-ly JAMES B. MATES. Attorney" at Law. Olice at No. 10 S. Main St opposite Helneman's Book Store. IBA MCJUNKIN, Attorney at Law. Koom :•>. Umber building Sut ler, I'a, Entrance on CunnlnijUiim St. CIXKOEC. PILLOWT >ttorneyat Law ami SVKYEYOB, Main street liutler, I'a. Ollice with J. 1). McJunkin. F. M. EASTMAN, Oflice with Clarence Walker. S. F. BOWSEK, Ollice in Brady's Law Building. S. 11. PIEKSOL, Ofllce on N. E. corner Diamond, liiddle Building A. M. Cornelius. w - J- Welsh. CORNELIUS & WELSH, Attorneys at Law—Ollice in Berg's buildin second story. |.i-lb- ti I, J. D. MCJUNKIN, Office in lieiber Blocli. T. C. CAMFBELL, Ollice in Berg's new building, - SURGEON Ollice No. 05 South Main Street, BUTLER, - X'^L. ~~L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Ag't. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance written at this oflice. Also, Desirable Building Lots, Dwelling Houses aud Farms i'or sale. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. N Ixon's Home, No. 35 McKean Street, IBTTTTjEI?,, :P:E~N JN >_&. Meals at all hours. Open all Night. Breakfas sc. Dinner 23c, Supper 23c. UKljrliisjw, [lM4ffl] BIHCOH N Ixo -1, I'rop'r, MAC KIN AC. Summer fours. Palaco Steamers. low P&toa. Four Tripj per Week Ho two in DETROIT, MACK AC ISLAND St.lgnace, CheborpriT*, Alpena. lTirri3Viile, Oscoda. Sjvn.l Beach, Port Jluror, Bt. Clair, Oakland House, Mariuo City. 2very Week Day Between DETROIT AMD CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips during July and August. Our illustrated Pamphlets Bute j and Excursion Tickets will fcefumiaked by your Ticket Agent, or addresj C. D. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pass. A^nt, Detroit & C!cve!and Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. County Auctioneer, JAMES R. KEARNS, ItVTLEK, PESX'A. fs prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many yeais ol experience he can guarantee perfect satisfac tion at rates lhat will suit all. Leave word at this olllce. 3,5,8-1-1 y rmy \\ \\r rj FJ OTri \MrH fill Uu Hy n ILS< Ml U4. c_ it. fcS I- v? s Lb} No. 88 and SO, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - FA Near New Court House- formerly Donaldson Houee —good accommodations tor travelers. Uo.o.lsrabilnjr connected. [4-9-W>!y] 11 iiITENML'M.KK. l'rop r. Homes For Everybody. The Peoples' Building nr.d Loan Associ i' tlon ol Biuivr. — I'ur i i'ue of each share *IOO Tnls Association payi- tl; j borrower ?100 per share, with a weekly expense to lilm of oulv 12 cts, in addition lo :l his ri*;rolar dues. For lurther information c 11 on or ad dress G W MII.LKIt. 031 UEINEMAN, Pros Butler, J P rWAdvertiee ia the Citizen. B. & B. Grand Shopping Mart. Special values In each o( the M Extensive De partments In our store, offered each season. We do not mean liy tills a few special values offered as a catch-penuy buslnos. the .vlllng of goods below cost to create the impression that all our goods :ire sold proportionally Cheap, etc., etc.; but Ural Live llanrulns, TI!K VEUV ISEST VALUE for the money, which can be had in any Dry Goods Establishment la America. To offer such values at all times to our cus tomers has t>een our aim and this has been our line of policy right through. We mean to continue it and hope to succeed la our efforts still. A question of Value represents a matter of Profit—again or loss. To most of us this Is a matter of considera ble importance. The storks we offer the purchasing public contain almost everything in the different lines to be found, and unple enough to suit all tastes, even the most fastidious. This much as to assortment i.nd variety. The (iuods are the Best. -By this we .mean the best for the price, if low priced goods are want ed we can offer these too, and up to the very finest grades. The Prices—Well, upon this Item we risk our reputation. The prime ques tion with us in the purchase and sale of goods, Is not how much can be obtained ;for an article but for how littie can it be sold. These are the Items, then—Plenty of I.ight mill Koom for your Comfort, Lost ((untitles in all Lines, Largest Assortments, l.oivest Prices. Arc our claims sustained ? Everybody is looking, now for Hot Weather Dry Goods. We can give you excellent assort ments in the way of French and Domestic Satines, Anderson's Scotch Ulnghams, Zephyr Ginghams Chambray Ginghams, , Tussor Crepes, Batistes. Lawns, India I.lnons, Crinkle Seersuckers, 11 Inted cilallls and Light Weight Wool Efam ines In large assortment of weaves and colors for si as-'de and mountain resorts. When in the city, you areal.vays welcome to make our store room your headquarters, for meeting of friends, appointments, etc., etc. Plenty of room for your accommodation. Sail Orders—To our patrons, who do not always i find it convenient to come to the city to make their purchases, we extend the services of our Thoroughly Organized Mail Order Ueiiartmeut. Samples of tae newest and choicest styles of goods as they come In, will c- cheerfully sent to any address upon request. We have thousands of customers who rind this method of shopping with us very satisfactory and profitable. 115, li/, 119,121 Federal St., Fa. DENTISTRY. 0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the Phila . '»■ ilelpliia Dental College, is pi.pared to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Office oil Main street, liutler, Union Block up stairs. j. sTL'crsKj M.&., Has rcmo\ed from Harmony to Butler and has his office at, No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-tf. DH. It. C. McCUKDY, S'hjKician aj» PA - All forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Cox i iDKN-TiALand SClKNTll'lCMedi cation are treated at tl.is Di.-iicnsary witii a suc cess rarely attained. I>r. S. K. Lake Is a member of the lioyal ( uliogeof Physicians and Surgeons, and is tlio oldest and most experienced Sl'iU'lAl-- in the city. Si>eclal attention given to Nerv ous Debility from excessive mental exertion, in discretions of vocih, &c., causing physical and mentaldccav,lack of energy, despondency, etc.; a'.ao Cancers, Old Sores, tils, Piles, Rheumatism ainl all diseases ol the Skin, I'.lood, Lungs, I rin ary &C. Consnitatlon free and strictly conll'iciilial. Office hours !i tot anil 7to 8 p.m., Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call at ofllce or address S.K.T.AKE, JtI.I>.,M.IJ.C.P.S. or E.J.LAKE, XI. B. 3URVEYI NG LANI), COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Uctracing ol o'dliues. Address, B. F. ISILIJAKD. Co. Surveyor North Rope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 8,5,84.1y fi CDY'IO or others,who wish to examine 1 KlllCll I EObllV this paper, or obtain e&tirr.ates on advertising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at 43 to 49 Randolph St., ■ A|)n a TUflll AC #lO AdvorWing Agency of kVllll Qt I llUfflAvi A Midsummer Boom AT 22 Mot ill i Main ... Butler, Pa, A boom, A Genuine Boom to be brought about by a big reduction in prices of Spring and Summer Boots and Shoes In this great Midsummer Sale I am going to offer the trade a line of Ladies' Fine Shoes and Slippers that will compare favorably with any goods made and at a price that will put them in reach of all A GREAT SAMPLE SALE During the next thirty days I will offer the trade 5,000 puir of Sample Shoes at less than first cost. They have been carried on the ruud GO or 90 days but are not damaged in the least, only slightly soiled from handling they were bought at an extremely low price and are to be sold in same way. Now is Your Opportunity To buy good Boots, Shoes and Slippers at about half price. They can't possibly last long. Come while the selec tion is good and get tho cream of this great Sample Sale which will positively close in 30 days. Are You Coming, or Are You Not ? This of course is a question for you to decide yourself; but reason the thing, are you going to stand by and see your neighbors carrv off these sample shoes at about half their valu?, without getting a share of them. I think noi. HENCE I EXPECT YOU ALL And have made ample provisions for you, and I feel sure that any person coming to Butler to buy Boots and Shoes will hunt me up in case they have heard of this great Sample Sale. So Help me Tell your friends to come, bring your family and the variety will bewilder you. The prices will astonish youf and if you cin need of any foot wear I know you will buy. Bargains in Every Department. Tt cannot he told right. You must come and see. Shoes to suit everyoue at their own prices. What more "can you ask, I leave the matter with you. Come and I will do you good. Stay away and your loss will b3 some one's gain. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, Full Stock of Shop Made Boots and Shoes alway on hand. Repairing Done on Short Notice, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. JOHN BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER. PA.. * ASKS YOUR While other merchants arc singing their own pra'ses, we c use our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, cur foods second o none, in fact superior to many usually kept and sold as THE BEST. "B .t'.er and urrounding country needed such a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give m, "and people will be fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garme it is sewed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and made up in a substantial manner. Our medium and be; er grades take rank with any Custom-made in the way of fitting and make up, while our FINE DRESS SUITS must be seen to bo appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one aud all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE GEORGE RS3IBEK. BLOCK, JVlairi Street, Butler» Pa. ISSO IS-SU 1860 1860 ESTABLISHED 1850 ISSO 1850 1850 1850 f! B V THE hu I? ♦ J HJ W ELER. No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, GUI HK OF flffi GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches r'AjyPW PS n Paper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament tlon » MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks Q QTVDI/VI Q 14"TT Don't fail to see this lino of Goods, as it is the largest XI V OiL Wiild (m vSUJLd>I UV • o aa d most complete stock eyer shown in Butler. m> J/' I ">£l SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, \ _L% \ J .O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Hciucutberjwe Warrant all Goods as Ilepresented. free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. ISTo- 19. North Main Street* ... BUTLER? PA, YOIR ATTENTION Is Oailed to my Fine of -x * atclies, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVSRWARE, aPECrACLES?, &c., ,\il 0 f which have been selected with great caie fo;* / J%„ OUR _ TRADE. wtOMSi KS SPOGNS - &c --l|s|§|ss^;~ coods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well riflHK j." R gbi !•: ira * Mid) Watch cASEu sign of electric bell. KIRKS white BuifiSN The only brand of Laundry Soup awarded a first class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general household purposes is the very boat SOAR Crs. Starkey and Palen. COMPOUND OXYGEN NOT A. DRUG. 1529 Arch Street, Phillad'a, Pa. A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Consumption, A-.tlima. Bronchitis, Uyxprp xia, CaUrrli, H.ir lever, Ilctiltrhc, Dfbiiltjr, RlicuniitUm. Xruralgii anw Arch Street, Philadel phia. have been using tor the last seventeen years, is a scientific adjustment of the elements 01 Oxygen and Nitrogen magnetized, and the compound is so condensed and made portable that it ii sent all over the world. Drs. starkey £ Palen have the liberty to refer to the following ni.iutil well-known persons who have tried tnelr treatment: IiON. WM. D. KELLEY, Member of Congress. Philadelphia. KEY. VICTOK L. CONRAD, Editor Lutheran Observer, Philadelphia, REV. CHARLES W, CCSIIING, D. D.. Rochester N. Y. HON. WM. PENN NIXON, Editor Inter-Ocean, Chicago. KEV. A. W. MOOKE. Editor The Centenary, Lancaster. S. C. W..H.WOHTUINtiTON, Editor New Sonth.Blrm- Insrham, Ala. JITHiE 11. P, VKOOMAN. Quenemo, Kan. MRS. MARY A. LIYEKMOIiE, Melrose, Massa chusetts. JI DOE K. S. YOORHEES, New York City. Mil. E. C. KNIGHT, Philadelphia. MB. FItANK SIDDALL. Merchant. Philadelphia HON. \V. AY. St H (JYLER, Easton. Pa. EDWAItD L. WILSON, SSJ Broadway, N. Y., Ed. Philadelphia Piioto~r;ipher. FIDELTA M. LYON, \\ aii.iea, Ht.wall Sand wich Islands. ALEXANDRIA liITC'HIE, Inverness, Scotland. MKs. MAN l EL Y. ORTEGA, Fresnlllo, Zacu.lv cas. Mexico. MRS. EM via COOPER. Clllla , Spanish Hondu ras, Bentral America. J. COBB. V. S. Vice ConucL Casablanca, Moroc co. M. V. ASHBHOOK. Red Bluff CaL ERNEST TUKNKIt, Nottlageam, England. JACOB WARD, Bowral, New south Wales. And thousands of others la every part of the United States. ••Compound Oxygen—its Mode of Action and Results," Is the title of a new brochure of two hundred pages, published by Drs. Starkey £ Palen, which gives to all Inquirers full Informa tion as to this remarkable curative agent and a record of several hundred surprising cures In a wide range or clirontecases—;uany of them af ter beln? abandoned to die by other physicians, will be mailed tree to any address on applica tion. Read the brochure 1 DRS. STARKEY & PALEN, No. 1520 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS I On Salary or Commission WANTED I i on "SEI AND I*A3VD.» By J. W. BI'KL. Just publixhdd. The Great Xew Book of Exploration, Travel and Adventurr, giving the thrilling experience of all the greatest Travellers. Missionaries and Discoverers In alt parts of the World, and de scribing the wonderful creatures that live in the Sea and ou the Land, Terribleadveutun » with Ocean Monsters, v,hales, sharks, swordflsh, devilfish, sea serpents, etc., with description of all the other wouderlul creatures of the deep sea. Life on the Great Ocean, wonderful Islands and the strange creat-tres found upon tnetn. Also a complete Natural History of the Strange Countries anil Curious Races ot the world, in cluding the monkey-men New Guinea, the terrible man-eaters, dwarfs and cave dwellers, interspersed with grand limits, terrific combats, and thrilling adventures \v tli wild animals and savage people in strange countries. A whole librarv in one volume. Hundreds of beautiful illustrations and colored plates, 30,000 copies sold in four weeks, ciie-ipest book ever pub lished. Outsells all others. No capital required. Agents making SIX) to $..0 a day. Nothing eve* known like it. Write quick and secure territo ry. You can cli ar S3OO in UO days' time, as thousands are Just wailing lor this great new book. Sells at sight, special inducements to teachers and regular agents. No experience re quired. No risk. No capital required. New plans. We start yon In business. Succcssguar cnteed to honest workers. Address, HISTORICAL PUBLISHING CO., 8. W. cor. Gth and Arch Sts.. Philadelphia, Pa. WSST _ PEHN HOUSIL Tliis hotel. Just across the street the de pot. has been refitted in tlie new, and I am again prepared to accommodate the travelling public. eomoiis Bf TIE DAY OR WEEK. Good Rooms, good attention, good stabling: rates moderate. For further information enquire on the premises of R. B. GILCHRIST, Proprietor. 11l CHEiPEST GBICEBT STORE in Butler, three doors west of West Penn Depot. Having opened a fresh stock of GROCERIBB consisting of Coffee, Teas. Sugar. Syrup, Spices, Canned Goods of ail kinds. Hams, Bacon. Lard, &c., &c,, Tobacco and Cigars, FLOUR of best brands and iow prices ; also, a full line of Klingler's popular brands of family flour constantly on hands. HAY, OATS, CORN and FEED of all kinds at lowest figures, \o 1. Salt, Lower any other lEonac m Sutler, Country Produce wanted for which the highest price will be paid. C;dl and examine our stock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. KEARNS & CO., 76 East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. J. H. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - 3P.A, 2-4-87-ly FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture 'Store IN BUTLER. W. F.MILL2R. ® Ready Mixed. 50, no. 75 to 1.00 per fjal. BEST LINSEED OIL PAINTS. Shipped anywhere, all shades. Property own crs order direct. Also 2 and 3 ply Felt Kooflnff with best coating and Cement. Agcn te wan ted. color card prlce llst, free. ATLAS PAINT CO., P. O. BOX 300, Plttflburg, I*