VOL. XXIV. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been grant ed to Ui" undersigned on the estate of I rankllu Fisher, late of Allegheny township, dee'd. notice Is hereby given to all parties know lng them selves indebted to said estate to make Immedi ate payment, and those having claims against si'ld estate to present them duly authenticated for settlement. BAKBAKA HI'HKR.I Admr's W. A. KISUKR. » A Sandy Point, Butler Co.. Pa. A. E. Kelber. Att'y, Administrators' Notice. ESTATE OF R. M. HARBISON, OEC'D. Whereas letters of administration have been granted by the Register of Butler county Pa lo tlie itndersiTDed on the estate ol K, M. llAT trtaon, late of Buffalo twp.. Butler county. Pa., dee'd, all persons who know themselves In debted to said estate will make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present,! hem properly authenticated for settlement to the undersigned. J. 11. HARBISON, .JOHN IIARBIHOS. FKKEPORT. P. O- PA, Administrators. "ESTATE OF CHUSTOPHEK MCMKIIAKI-, LATE OF CLAY TOWNSHIP, DEC'L). Letters teetameutary on the of Christopher McMichael, dee'd, late of Clay township, Butlei county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against said estate, will present them duly authenticated for settle- MENT * JAPIIIA MCMICHAEL, Ex'r. EUCLID P. P., Bntler Co. Pa. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary having been gron ted to the undersigned on the estate of Robert Hesael gesser, dece'ised, late of \\intleld twp.. Butli r Co.. Pa., all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate wIU make immediate pay ment, an. .A.. HECK, Author of the Tli" Ilridc Won; or. Wliat a New Suit of Clothes DM." will be enacted.every , A. llE' K'S GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, So. 11, North Main St., Osffy'n Block. BOTtrER, - L'ntll;furthcr notice. This powerful work Is a wonderful and variegated combination of yagicul comedy, and comlc.!l tragedy and never ialls to bring down tlie house. TUo actors are all stars. Tiie costuming will be a strong feature. The following briefly outlined Is the PROGRAMME : Sosu- l'he liappj man no moiv reflects, Who buys hLs clothing at I>. A. Heck's ACT I,— SCRSE I— Time 9 a.M: Enter young man with friend. Voiing man explains to Ills friend that the direct cause of his engage ment to the wealthy farmer's dau/liter was his purchase ot a:i elegant suit a» I). A. HECK'S . A. IIE' K lias got the rail, And takes the town in selling clot lies. ACT 111.— SCEMS 3. —Time ten years later: HECK'S LARGEST EMPORIUM. Ten years are supposed to h;-ve elapsed. D. A. HECK'S Stole (piadrupled In size. Butler a metropolis. Arrival of several excursions, electric trains and a number of balloons, with crowds of people to buy Clothing, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Collars, Neck Ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, Uandkereiiiefs. Umbrellas. Trunks Valises, Satchels, EIU and Pocketbooks, Cloth. Hair and Tooth Brushes and Innumerable other articles which space forbids to mention. Scores of pros perous men and plump matrons gather around the proprietor, all agre.-'lng that their rise In the world began from the mo ment tliey began to buy their goods from D A. HECK. Cinderella and her husband about to de part for Mr. Chestnut (this Is no chestnut) The I'nlonvllle dude, a dnde no longer but a rich business man In the city of Butler. Population 10.000, noted chiefly for being the rnijst enterprising city In the county, and for fair dealing and ror tlu: fact I), A. IIIX'K'S Em;»orluiii, Duffy's Block, is the headquarters lor good goods, fair dealing and low prices. All will now Join in singing:— How D. A. Heck Is selling clothes, Way down at bed rock- Just watch the crowd that dally goes To l>. A. Heck's In Dulf'y Block. Curtain falls to slow but sure music. Tutt's Pills BEGULATE THE BOWELS. Habitual Costivenesa Canari derangement of tho efitiro system, and txv set* disease* that are hazardous to life. Pomona of a costive habit are subject to Hoadaeho, Defective Memory, 0 loom y Foreboding*, Ncrvousnehs, Fevers, Jjrowntneiw, Irritable Temper and other symptoms, which uuQts tlio nUterer for business or agrecabla associations. Regular habit of body alono can cor rect these cvlU, and nothing succeeds so well la nchlevlngthlacondltlon ajiTutr* Pills. By their una not only la tho oyxtem renovated, but in conse auenee of the harmonious changes thus created, lore pervades a feeling of satisfaction; tho men tal faculties perform their function* with vivacity, and there la an exhilaration of ndnd, freedom or thoiiKht, and perfect heart'* ease that bespeaks th» (all enjoyment of health. SECRET OF BEAUTY Is health. The secret of health la the power to digest it proper quantity of food. Tblacan never be done when the liver does not act lta part. It U the driving wheel in the mechanism of man, and when it la out at order, tho whole ayalem become* de ranged, and Fever, Dyspepsia, Mick Head ache, Constipation, Juundlce. BtlloasCol le and Ueneral Debility enaae. To reitors the functions of the Liver and Impart that beaatr which a I WHY H attend* a healthy coqstitatlon, l>r. Tutt'a Liver Pllla are recommended. They are not a cnre-all, hut are dealened wolely lor the disordered Liver and the dlteatci which It produces. Tutt's Liver Pills BTIB UP THE TOEPID LIVEE. ■OLD BI ALL ÜBVUGISTS, 38c. RMT^H' s il " n of the lining I wlt&fa/i HEArJ"" mI riinc ° r ,he ¥HMtVr&W2 Pj' lOS ' ri,s ' T htf mx throat, artect ;wrld iiiih us issijcrt;- burning sensation. -pasnis of stic-ezinjr. m£MM / USA. Ifrmment attacks of ■J PPMP mm headache. watery a V Km and inflamed eyes. Try the cure El/s Ceam Balm, K. particle N applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at i>, .legists ;bv mail, registered, oo. It takes otr Saratoga follies, flirtations, low necks, dudes, pug dogs, etc., in the author's in imitable inirth-provokinsr st. !e. The (KiOj pic tures by "Ojijier" are •'just killing." People crazy to net it. AUKXTM are making to S7O a week. Price 92 J0. Auk.vis WANTKU. Apply to HiUIIAUI) HKOS., 78=1 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Jyls,4t A J FRANK & CO, DEAI.EHH IK DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY ANt> TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMEKY, Ac. Presorlptlonti carefully com pounded. and orjera answered with care ana dispatch. our stock of medicines Is com pie to warranted genuine, and of the best quality. 45 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. WAIT A BIT. When Johnny came a-eotirting, I thought him overbold, For I was but a young thing, And he w; s not very old. And though I liked him well enough I fent him on his way, With "Wait a bit, bide a bit, Wait a week and a day?" When Johnny passed me in the lane, And pleaded i'or a kiss, And vowed he'd love me evermore For granting of the b!i»<-: Ai though I'd liked it ovorwel 1 , I ran from him away, With "Wait a bit, biJc a hit, Wait a week and a day!" When Johnny fell a-ranting, With "Jenny, be my wife?" And vowed 1 never should regret, However long my life, Although I liked it best o' all, I turned from hira away, With "Wait a bit, bide a bit, Wait a week an!'' Oh, Johnny was a ninny: He took me at my word! » And he was courting another, The next thing that 1 heard. Oh, what a ninny was Johnny, To mind me when I'd say: "Wait a bit, bide a bit, Wait a week and a di'y!" Iltigii-ho, I've met my Johnny, I gin him a blink o' my eye, And then he fell a-raviug, For want o' my love he'd die! I ne'er could be so cruel! So I set the wedding day, With "Haste a bit, nor wasle a bit, There's danger in delay!" BUTLER COUNTY. Her Gas, Coal and Oil. GAS More tban 20 years ago petroleum was found in the oil fields of Venango county, which joins Butler county on the north, and during the oil excite ment which followed and extended to Butler county, gas was found in great abundance, but attracted little attention till within the last few years. The producers however have been using it for running their pump ing wells for at least 17 or 18 years in the counties of Venango and But ler, and for several years farmers have used it for heating and light. The Carbon Black works, loeated a few miles south of Butler, have been making lamp black for 10 or 12 years and about five years ago the citizens of Butler obtained a charter and formed a gas company, furnishing for the people the heat aud light which ever since has taken the place of coal aud artificial gas, at less than one third the cost lor the amount of heat produced, dispensing with smoke and ashes, proving to be one of the great est discoveries of the age, opening within the last 3 or 4 years anew era in the history of petorlium. The cheapness of this product as a fuel gives new impetus to manufacturing in this part of the country because no section without this product can in any way compete with a county whose every hill abounds with this snbstance, which when brought to the surface can be utilized at a mere nominal cost. The use of gas is no new experiment in the Butler oil field; it has been tried and found to far exceed anything heretofore discov ered for heating furnaces and running machinery, and its continuing for at least 15 years shows the durability of it. The pressure iu this region is so great aud the quality to good that it seems to be almost iuexhaustable And while there are perhaps many prob lems with regard to it yet unsolved by the scientific world yet enough is already known to show Its incalcula ble value to a manufacturing commu nity. Closely allied with this subject is that of the COAL FIELDS OF IJUTLER COUNTY. Which ars it would Heem but an ex tension of the vaat coal fields at and around I'itthburg. Though the strata Bcemß more broken and scarcely equal in quality, yet it is of the same for mation, a good quality of bituminous coal. This belt extends northwest ardly from the Pittsburg region through the southern part of Butler, embracing the most if not the whole width of the county, extending clear through to Mercer county, with sur face and lower veins varying from one foot to G or 7 leet in thickness of good marketable coal as free perhaps from Bulphur aud other deleterious substances as most other bitnminous coal mines of our country. Many mines have beeu opened throughout the county of Butler and the majority of them are in working order. lu aud arouud C'oaltown and Ililliards, on the north, large slopes and shafts have been put in working order and this product is shipped to other mar kets in the north and west But of lato years the local coal trade of this county has been some what deteriorat ed by the use of natural gas,produced to such an extent as to render any other fuel for home consumption ot less vaiue. With these great sources of heat and light perhaps no section iu our country offers the same induce ments for the cheap running of heavy machinery, and at a mere nominal cost, aa docs the town of Butler and vicinity. We have substances here sufficient to feed furnaces aud forges for centu ries to come. The S. &A. it. It. with its branches to Ililiiard and Coaltown makes the transportation of coal to its junction with "the**other roads at Butler easy, and if one of these products fail to supply our man ufacturing establishments we have the other iu great abundance which iu our opinion insures for Butler a better out-look than other loealities less for tunate in their natural resources, and the one great barrier, viz: the expense to manufacturers in creating motive power to a very great extent taken away. PETROLEUM, The oil production of JJutler coun ty, while not as large as pome other sections, stands nevertheless among the large and productive fields of our country. Oil was discovered iu aud around l'etrolia, Greece City and Millerstovvn several years ago, of good quality,at an average depth aud while the wells in this county may not be as large as a rule as in some other territory, they are reputed to hold out much longer than in most of the other oil regions. Some of the wells have been pumping for 10 years and still said to be paying. Many of the small wells that produced but lit tle 8 or 10 years ago have kept up to nearly the same standard till the pre sent time. The oil fields of this county have ever since the discovery j of oil here offered fair inducements to ! operators, So that even iu the pro duction of oil Butler county takes no mean place iu the record of produc tion but presents a creditable page ia the history of petroleum. D. She Found Her Mamma The northbound train had left Austin, and Conductor Hughes was making his usual round collecting tickets. He stopped in front of a lit tle girl who was crouched iu u corner near the stove. Notwithstanding that a cold northwester was blowing, she was thinly ciad in torn ca i.-o dress, and her feet were destitute of shoes and stockings. .As she appeared to be alone, the conductor asked: "Have you a ticket, little girl?" "What is that?" "Pidu't whoever put you cn the car give you a ticket?" "Nobody put us on the car. We came all by ourselves, didn't we dolly," she said, hugging a dilapidat ed old doll. "Didn't your papa put you on the car?" "No, we didn't tell him we were coming, did we dolly." The conductor took the little girl's hand in his. It was burning hot. Her thin features were flushed and her eyes were glistening with fever. "Your clothes are tin. Don't you feel cold sometimes?" ' Yes, we ffel so cold, but we hug up close together, don't we dolly. VVhen 1 find mamma she'll give us some new clothes and some new shoes." "Where is your mamma?" "I don't know, but I'ii find her. She told me to come to her. She came into my room last night and put her hands on me and kissed me just as she used to before she went to sleep iu a lon# box and went off on the railroad " The conductor was puzzled. Hid the fever aff-.cted the child's head t "I think you are lost little girl. What is your name?" "My name is Fanny, but mamma used to call me 'little pet.' " "I'll send you back to your papa. You iiave got a pnpa, haven't you, in Austin?" A look of terror was frozen on the little pinched features. Two thin anus were thrown around the conduc tor's neck. "Please don't send me back to pa," she said in piteous accents. "My new mamma will whip me and lock me up in dark closet. Oh, please don't send me back! I'll be so good, I'll give you dolly. No; I can't give you dolly. Mamma gave me dolly, but I'll let you play with her. Please let me slay with you till I Gad n