KASKINE (THE SEW QUININE) | BW ST BMW. A POWERFUL TONIC, that tUe most delicate stomaeli will bear. A SPECIFIC FOU MALARIA, RHEUM &TISLI, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL iii ood PURIFIER, Superior to quinine. Mr F V Miller Kio Eiist 157t1i street. New York was cured bv Kasklne 01 extreme malari al of seven years suffering. He had run down from l""> pounds to Oi, began on kas klne in .lune, 1884*. went to work In one .month, ""lined ifts full weight In six months. Quinine <iif? him no ffootl whatever. Mr Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one ot the most respected citizens of Bridgeport, conn. «avv "I am ninety years of age, and tor the last three years have suffered from malarial and the effects of quinine poisoning - . 1 recently with kasklne which broke up the malaria «%nd St. Jersey months' Illness, when we had given up all hope, Letters Irom the above persons, giving full de tails will be sent on application. Kasklne can be tskon without any special medfcaladvki. SI.OO per hot He. Sold by J. C BKDICK; Butler. 01- sent by maU on receipt o: PrICe kAKKINE CO., 51 Warren St., New York. If Bj set THAT THE o* 18 ffl EXACT LABLE is ON f|% C | t i ffi EAOH CHIMNEY AS \ % CO q MHprAOTURCp GO. TOmBURGW®' BDR salcbk&ealers gyqyf *MER£. - SCOTf'S EMULSIBM OF PDBE COD LITER OIL And Hypopliosphites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only preparation of COD LITER OIL thai ••a be taken readily and tolerated for a long time If delicate stomachs. _ ACT AS A REMEDY FOB fOSSTTMFTtOy, sflHinfloiA AfcmnoNs. anaemia, <a..v MAI bfchn.n y, cottafs and Tiiudvi /.f. FKTIMfI. and alt IVASTIXti "oF CHILDREN it la roarreltons in Hh resailg. Proscribed and endorsed by the best Physician* IB the countries of the world. For Sale fojr oil Ifrtidshfo. B9*Sosd for Pamphlet on Wast in £ Diseases. Ad dm SCOTT Jk BOVV.VE. Hew York. Imported Pereheron Horse MONTAGUE Will stand the season of IS3T, commencing April 85th and ending July 9lh, as follows Mondays of each weoS at the stable of Jaine.- Sleejrer, at Unlonvllle; Tuesdays and Wednes days at the barn of Alonzo MoCandless; Thurs days at Jit, chestnut; Fridays and Saturdays at the livery stable of J. 8. Uays, Butler. Description and Pedigree: Montague is a dark Iron gray, 8 rears old. anci weighs isoo lbs.; is itiJi hands hlgli, 011 short lees, with large bone, great thighs it u.l forearms, deep In girth, with remarkable good feet and action, and in every way a perfect horse of re markable symmetry and beauty, Ue was Im ported from France by J. D. Uecket.. of Chicago. In September, ISS3, and Is recorded In Pereheron Norman Stud-book lira; also In I'ereheron Stmi book of America 3115. He was foaled in IST?, and bred by C. Cogot, cf Almonaha. Province of Herche, France. Sire, Flcador, owned by the government, and winner of two gold medals and LotK) francs at two shows in France, besides numerous other prizes. Dam, Lauretta; gran dam, Cbarlotto, a mare bred in the Pereheron family lor iorty years, as qualliled to by C. Cogot. TEE/MS. *ls dollars payable when mare la known to be with foal. The colt will be held for Insurance until paid for. Persons parting; with mare to leave the neighborhood before known to be wii h foal, forfeits the Insurance. Mares must be reg ularly returned on trial days as directed. Mares kept on reasonable terms. AH possible care taken to prevent accidents, but will be responsi ble for none. "Montague" has proved himself to be a line breeder. till IHIMTI. The imported Clydesdale Stallion will make the season of 1837 At Prospect, at the barn of Oliver W. Stoughton the last four days of each week. At Fortsrsvills, ■— every Monday. TERMS:—SIS to insure one mare, $25 to insure two mares. His colts Recommend him very highly, OLIVER W. STOUGHTON, Manager, Prospect, Pa. The Reason Wbv yon should send j our order for any ".;>n<l < t Rye" or llonrl on Whiskey, liiandv. t Jin. Wine.-:, Sc.. to .1. Skhmnacher, No. ooi I,l* i it , Sr., PJtts tours. I'a.. is beoause-he keeps the Ivs; .n-'l pur est goods 111 Hint line, and >.e':ls thcin at lower prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old l'ure i'.ye, Sa fij pi r saltan. Kour year old Pure Kye. Si."*) per ;:a!ic: . Five year old Tare live, £.".<10 per ;;!•!'.< ;i. From' sto s year old I'ure l-';. e • ;• <) lo s.voa per gallon. The purest imported Win s. ltatimies and Gins prescribed by ph>sicii"is ior medical purposes. <ioods shipped to nil jifois of the count rv. No clurue for p:ck.\'«-. or write and (rtve me a Irlal order end you v.iil ; Her tnat deal with no other house. n:< ney with order, by registered letter or l'. O. order. U. S. Revenue laws prohibit sliipMng :-.o< < s c. <). I>. UespeeUuliy Ja<khs ;*•<•;:(. maciiku, 9i'.i 11Urty S;., I it>- ' mg.Pa. located :wo nun .te-. walk truni I'n 10'1 I)Op')t. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE « j WfeM AUTHORIZED OF LOGAN with introduction by HPSiHHV MRS. LOGAN. This Biography has been more than two years in prep aration. Gen. Logan himself furnished the data to the author, Cteo. Franela Dawaon, his intimate friend and associate; and before his death he read all but the closing chapters of the work, and gave it his unqualified endorsement. Mrs. lx>j|an states this in the introduction A million adaiirertof the dead Chieftain waul ilils tfarilllDK atery of bii great career ii C»ce and war. Splendidly illustrated with portraits anc ttle scenes. Send quick $1 for outfit and get choice o territory. Address HILL & HARVEY, PUBLISHERS, 111 H. Charles Street, Baltimore. PERMANENT STAFiiPiiJG For Kensington, Arrasene AND OUTLINE WOISK DONE, Also I lessons; In same plven by AN HIE -M LOWMAN, North street, BatUr. Pa. jneau-ly THE crnzßisr. MISCELLANEOUS Minutes of W. C. T. U. Conven tion. The sth semi-annual Convention of the Butler Conntv Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union met in the English Lutheran Church.of Millers town, June 14tli, 1887, at 7:30 P.M , with an uuusually large attendance, twenty eight Unions being represent ed. After a voluntary bv the choir, and praver by Rev. Miller, pas tor of the church, Mrs. Frances L. Swift, President of tbe State W.C. i' U., was introduced to take charge of the Convention, this having been the desire and arrangement of our late President during her illness. Dr. Mary A. Allen, of Ithaca, V Y., was then introduced and deliver ed her lecture on "Heredity" to a large and iutelligent audience. Dis missed by benediction by Kev. Miller. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 15th. Devotional service?, led by Mrs Rev. McKinney, of Mars. A minute was then offered and read by Miss Sullivan, on the death ot Mrs. Eliza beth It. Dain, President of the Butler County W.C.T.U. This was uuam rnouslv adopted by a rising vote and ordered to be placed on the records o. the Union, a copy to be presented to the bereaved family, also to be puo lished in the Presuylerian Banner and the Butler and Armstrong coun ty papers. [Resolutions published last week.] Mrs. Swift spoke in an impressive manner of the last hours spent with our lamented President, stating that the Butler County W. C. T. U. was very dear to her to the end^ Mrs Sal lie Kerr, Eau Clair, was chosen Secretary of the Convention. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with and the business of the Convention taken up. The following Committee ou Reso lutions and Plan of Work was then elected by the Convention; Miss Mary Sullivan, Butler; Mrs. Orr, Bruin; Mrs. Dodds, Prospect; Miss Pizor, Jacksville; Mrs. Brown, Brownsdale; Mrs. Mifllin, Lethel, Mrs. Ayres, Harrisville*; Mrs. Rev. McKinney, Mar*; Mrs. Rev Ed munds, Harmonj; Mrs. E. P.Chess bro, Petrolic; Mrs. Moore, Union ville. Address of Welcome, Mrs. Kitnb>e, Millerstown. Response, Mrs 1 ran ees L. Swift, of Allegheny City. Mrs. Marshall, of Butler, moved that a committee of two be appointed to drape the President's chair. Mrs. Conolly and Mr 3. Garret, of Millers town, were appointed. The report of the Corresponding Secretary was exceedingly encourag ing, eight new unions having been organized since the list Convention, making in all thirty-one in the coun ty. Number of members enrolled, 750, cumber of paying members, 560. Report accepted as read. The report of the County Treas urer was next heard A motion for supplementary report carried, as many of the local Treasurers had not handed in their quota, the President stating that ail money used for tem perance work should be reported to Treasurer. Singing. "Rock of Ages." The re mainder of the morning session was occupied in hearing the report of dele gates from the various unions. THIRD SESSION, WEDNESDAY 2 P.M. Devotional service, couducled by Mrs. A. G. Brown. Singing, "What a Friend We Have in Jesu3." Read ing, 90th Psalm. Prayer. Closing piece, "One More Day's Work for Jesus." Resolution offered by Mrs. Rev. J. S. McKee, of Butler, ou the death of Miss Etta K. Prugh, first President of the Butler Y. W.C.T.U, adopted by a rising vote. [Resolution pub lished last week ] By request the minute on the death of our late President, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Dain. was again read, a number of delegates having just arrived. Miaute3 of morning session read and approved. Reports of Superintend ents of departments were called. Sab bath Observances, Mrs. J W. Orr, of Bruin. Evangelistic Work. Mrs. Robert Kidd, of Myoma, being ab sent, no report was presented. Ju venile Work, Mrs. S. Uikes, of Bruiu. Legislative Work, Mrs. A. G. Brown, of Brownsdale, reports all unions do ing good work in this department. Prison and Jail Work, Mrs M. E Nieholls, of Butler, reports work in connection with the Y.M.O A., and much good being accomplished, bat an increase of prison inmates sinca the grauting of licence. License Work, MioS M. E. Suliivao, of But ler, reports earnest, systematic work done in all parts of the county, Re ports of Superintendents, were now postponed, the hour for the "Mothers' Meeting" having arrived. Dr. Mary Allen addressed the Convention on the responsibilities of mothers smd the importance of getting the confi dence of their sons and daughters. Press Work, Miss M. E. Sullivan, of Butler, Superintendent, said the Union Signal should be in every r.nicn, also the Amendment Herald Each union is asked to appoint a lo cal Superintendent ot Press Work. Work among Soldiers, Superintend ent, Mrs. Jacob Hutchiuan, not pres ent. Work among Mothers having been discussed a few remarks were made by the Superintendent, Mrs. E G. Cratty. Work among R. R. Em ployees, Mrs. Kennedy Marshall, Su perintendent. Butler Union only re ports work dona. Mrs. Swift sug gests placing marked Bibles and other reading in cabooses. Scientific Temperance Instruction, Mrs. J. C. Moore, Superintendent, reports this work hindered for the want, of proper books in many schools, but reports in terest and gcod work done. Sunday School Work, Mrs. John Dodds, Su perintendent, reports the work pros pering ami interest increasing. Com munion Wine, Mrs. Jane Walker, Superintendent. Young Woman's Work, Mrs Rev. J. S McKee, Super intendent, read a very interesting let ' ter from Mrs. Rose E Patton, State | Superintendent of Y. W's Work, to ' the Y's. Four Y.W.C.T.U's trgan ized since the last Convention. Ad journed io meet at 7:30 l\M. F.VI NINO SESSION, JUNE 1"). """Music by choi . Devotional ser vices conducted by Mr. Alex Cooper, of Michigan. .At tie close of litis service; Mr. Cooper made e. brief ad dress on Con;-.titution!il Aiv.eiusment. Dr. Mary Alien was ths n introduced and gave one of the most highly eu ! tertaining ond instructive lectures ever giveu in the county (subject, Stcial Purity) to a largo audience. Solo, "There's a work for each of us," by Miss Wick, choir joining in the chorus. Benediction by Rev. Decker. THURSDAY iiOltNlN(i SESSION, JUNE IG. Devotion service, opened by sing ing "We need iiiee every hour;" prayer by Rev. Decker. The Com mittee on Resolutions and plan of work was then called upon to report. Miss Sullivan from tho Committee reported the following which were taken up separately and unanimously adopted: RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, Ist, That we recognize at all times the presence of the Divine Master, without whose guidance and blessing we are entirely helpless in the great work before us. 2d, That we pledge the united ef fort of the various Unions ot Butler county to aid in securing Constitu tional amendment. 3d, That we urge the passage by Congress of tho Blur Educational Bill, aiid that we will all in our power to aid iu bringing about the de sired end. •lth, That we earnestly recommend the Immediate organization of a Union in every borough and town ship where none now exists. sth, That wo consider the propsr education of the young of vital im portance, and recommend organized juvenile work, in some form, in con nection with every Lnion in this county. . , 6th, The absolute necessity ot de partment work and prompt reports by cverv local Superintendent to the county, and the County Superintend ents to the State in time for the State Convention, is urged. 7th, That we gratefully recognize the' sympathies and tenders o> sup port taat we have received during the past year from official bodies repre senting churches &ud friendly orgaai zations. Sib, That the protection and pres ervation of society demand that the most effective barriers be erected against tho tide of moral corruption that is rising to overwhelm it, anc believing that the safety os tnis and future generations requires, at th« hands of women, a remedy for the evil, we urge our iocal unions to ac cept the commission thus thrust upor them, by taking up the prosecuting as opportunity offers, their God-givet work of consecrated womanhood iu the Department of Social Purity. 9th, That a tax of 10 cents pel member be assessed, to be paiu annu ally to the County Treasurer to forn a iund for the use of the sixteen de parunents of work, to be appropriates in proportion to tho wants of eaeu. 10th, That we bear testimony t( the complete success of the policy it inaugurated by our Court in 1880, ii refusing ai! license to seli intoxicat ic? drir.ks in the county of Eutk-r This action was accepted by the peoph of the county, cot, only as a wise ant prudent administration of the law, bu as in accord with the pubii'2 vs.ill, ex pressed with extraordinary unanimi ty. The result was a gratifying im provement iu public morals; law anc order, peace and prosperity every where reigning supreme, business it evt-rv department, was stimulated blighted homes were made hoppy and our county was placed in tLi foreground of progress, and recog nizea as the leader for moial reform, and other counties were rapidly fail ing into line, encouraged by our ex ample. Sadly we note the change occasioned by the action of the Court of 1887, reversing all this, and carry in.T bitter disappointment, keenly fell and expressed, into every bor ough, township anil hamlet in But ler county. 11th, That the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Butler eouuty, in Convention assembled, solemnly protest against the action of the Court of this county, the present year, in granting license to sell intox icating drinks, as we can only view it as a defiance of an overwhelming popular sentiment, expressed strictly as prescribed by the Supreme Court, in the form of remonstrance, aud as a disregard of the decision of the Su preme Court itself, in the cuso of Beed's appeal, which prescribed the rule to govern the lower courts iu determining the question of necessity for license. 12ib, That we cordially approve and endorse the action of the Butler Borough Union, as ex pressed in their resolu tions of April sth, relating to the Court's action on licence cases, and whilst we regret the necessity that compels those who have heretofore been in the fore front of our battle, to declare that they will not appear again in person as remonstrants so long as the present Judge remained ou the Bench, we recognize fact that their own aeif respect could not permit them to. take any other action. 13tb, That our hearty thanks are tendered to the more than five thous and good people of Butler county, who have placed themselves on record as remonstrants against a li censed liquor traffic in this county and whose remonstrances, although unheeded, were not challenged or ex cepted to daring the session of Court. 14,h, That thi;? ccnvention adopts the language of an übio jurist in an article in tlso I'iltsburg Le<jal Jvurnal of April 13, 1887, as ex pressing ita seniiuuuu iu these words: "When the law as construed bj the higher Court says to a Judge that wheu remonstrances are filed denying the necessity of a {license, his duty is merely to ascertain the number and character of those petitioning for and against tho application, and an nounce the resuit by refusing or granting the license as he finds the numbers and character, on one side or the other, and the Judge n fuses to be governed thereby takes the bit in his own mouth, and grants a license against the protest of a decided ma jority, especially of the moral and law-abiding people of a community, he must expect to be looked upon as defying both tho people and the Su preme Court, and taking sides with the enemies of law and order. The intelligent communities who protest against liquor licenses in their midst can and will read and understand Reed's Appeal for themselves. The Judge who expects to wash bis hands of the responsibility and it on the law will lind no eaav task iu such communities. One who from a I mistaken view of his duty saddles hiiuseii with » grave responsibility ! that does not be!o:ig to tiim is to be j pitied rather than h'ani'd. His | liiindiii'.-s to his own inUTe.-H in the prcmbea makes tueh a mistake a bluudrr of that sort that is said to be •worse than a crime ' " i 1 .vtb, That this reverse of the hour | —iho present triumph of (TIM Liqu >r i I .rogue has hot a;.- 1 .:: <d the I energies <•('oti: 1 iii.-eii>'ed inor.il and ; Christian p; op!:; i««:d that. ;!; • vVo | m:;n's Chri. thn 'lVu:j.--r :r.e : Union of iitttier county will throw a!! its power and influence into the contest of the coming year to aid the good citizens iu again removing from our county the curse now inflicted upon it, trusting that when tho people again appeal for rights granted them by iaw the Court, unbiased l>y unex pressed "views of its own," di&riiig "from other Judges, and even from that high tribunal called the Supreme Couit," will give to our remoa strances the weight to which th.y ; are entitled bv law as iuterpreted by the Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia. 10tb, That we cannot but express i our pronounced opposition to an> measure* by which the traffic in intox- j icating driuks is legalized and that | we see in all high license laws a spe-, cial tendency to discourage the efforts j of all good people towards the total; overthrow of this monstrous evil. | 17th, That the heart felt thanks of this Convention are due and hereby j tendered to the Woman's Chrii-tiau j Temperance Union and citizens oi j Millerstown for their hospitality in 1 receiving this Convention so graci-1 • ously and making thtir homes ours during our stay in their midst. lXtb, Tbat we return thanks to the pastor and officers of the English Lutheran church, who tendered tneir beautiful house of worship tor our J meetings during the Convention. llUh, Tbat we acknowledge our! constant obligations to the Press for the aid and sympathy we receive, and ; for the space in their columns, always courteously given, though oiiea at their own inconvenience. 20th, That we reluru thanks to the Pittsburg & Western Railroad Company for a reduction of ;are. The Department of Social Purity was now called. Mrs. Dr J- B [ Showalter, Superintendent, read uer J official letter to the Convention, in which she gave a very clear outline of the work to be done, connected with manv helpful suggestions to the unions as to best methods of prosecu ting the work The last hour of the Convention was occupied in discussing in an in formal manner various matters con nected with our work during the coming year. This meeting was ex i ceedingiy plessanfc and profitable, our ! only regret being tbat some of the 1 delegates had been compelled to leave, j Convention closed with singing led ! by Miss. Aiice Wick, aud prayer by I Mrs. Frances L. Swift. Adjourned to meet in Butler the steond Tuesday of' November, 13ST It is matter of sincere regret that a synopsis of the reports from the local Unions could not be giveu. They were exceedingly interesting having •been carefully prepared. {)ue feature of the W.C. I.U. Con vention particularly noticeable was the literature tuble :n the rear of the church in charge of iirs. M. ii. Ai:it thews, of Butler, Superintendent of that department of work. Unions can be supplied with literature on very reasonable terms by applying to Mrs Matthews Situations Wanted. Wanted, c-verybedy buffering ircm weak back, side'sche, kidney troubles,sore lungs, severe pains < r weak ness to try the j/oj) Plaster. A won derful strei.gthtner. Hops, Gums and Piteh combined, —An ert critic, descrlbieg a collec tion of brie a- brae, fcuy?: * The visi tor's ejo will he struck ou entering the room with a porcelain uinbtel !a." Chronic Cougbs and Colcls. And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by ILo use o' Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healiug virtues of Ccd Liver Oil and HypophOfcpbitcs in their fullest form. "1 consider Seott's Emulsion the remedy phr-excellence in Tuberculous aLd Sticmous affections, to say noth ing of ordinary colds and throat troubles."—W. R S. Council, M. D., Manchester, O. —A uual life—An Arizona news paper editor's. Pope was mistaken when he said worth makes the man. Worth makes the woman. in time." Known what? ''Known that a simple cold iu the head may develop into chronic catarrh," Well, it isn't, too late, fur Ely's Cream Balm will cure eutarrh even after the sulitrer's life has become a burdeu to him, aud he a nuitacec to his friends. It is the only radical aud thoroughly scientific catarrh cure known. Not a snuii. Not a liquid. Price fifty cents. Baseball is not a success in the South because the people are too lazy to uiob the umpire after the clote of the game. What is the oldest woman's club? The broom stick. Drunkenes or Liqour Habit, Positively Cured by adminis tering Dr. Haines' Golden Spe cific. It can b-3 given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of th-j pen-on tcking it, is tdisoiun IT harmless and will effect P. parmvnat as ) fpe; dy cure whether the p/tient is & moderate drinker or an sdcoholic wreck Thjoaands of drunkards hate ben mr.de tempi-rate men who htt.ve taken the. Golden Fpec:lie in their cofl't e wuli on t. their knowledge, and to-day be lieve ll- y quit drink!ag of their own free-will. IT N h V11!I FAILS. r i he system once impregnated with the Speeilic it becomes an utter impofiji bility tor the liquor appetite to exist For full particulars, address GOLD EN SPECIFIC CO., ISS Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —Deeds done in the flesh—these diawn up on parchment. —How to gain (hjsh —buy out a butchershop. A Lady's Perfect Companion, PAINI.ESS Cim.ABIUTH. a r.F-'.v BOOK by I>r ,!olin Dye. one of New York';; must tiillUul phy sicians. shows that |«i:i U lu-eeKsary la (ii'.Mlirtk BUT rew'ts causes easily un derstood oil OVi :i - on!:\ If ci"::i ly j avics ! hat. any vrc::vMt nuij i»-ee:.:. a iuotli>'r without :-;uf fcr'lu:,- any pain whatever. It ctio tells hu\v to overcoitie :. l p.-«- -•!. st-ki.- - . :,v.-ell c'l liiaijs ;ii J 1 ;iil • :t!l«evils at tra H.'U;' pr - Knae.i-y.* it l-j rell.ihiu au«l lilsr'.tl.v eiidorst-a by ]ibj>lcians every wht-ro LI." vit'i 's true prl vote companion, Cut this onti it. win save you gloat pain, anUposxlbl.v your life. Saul two cent s!::mp for <!: Tiptive elrenlar»,tesllmo sjiiils ai tl e.«ui!.!i'iitl(tl l -'t i* son* in si ~'. -.1 tn veiun. A'.Uli I-'itAN K THOMAS <i; Co., I'ubllsU crs, £;i:untorCt Mary Und, u .-i h:--> ?.-!■■! ; -<?■■ f A kjS >.M ?.%i pv H m n iT* evy i t\ Summer Tours, Fi laco Steamers. Low Ilate& i our 75<-*r W'-i- Between DcTROIT, iViACKsWAC ISLAND . - . 1., r.zo j, Cf.-bcvr.f-~t A:i.';ns. Vl irm*. Ocjcia. Sur. 2 llom li. Pert Hurotf, Ct. CU Oo -•-! il: -. . SCarisie C., y. £ cry Vrcj'-i Xli., I.otv/ cn pETP.OiT AND CLEVELAND Ci*c; ivA £3 a a clay Tiips .July and Aufcuit. OUN ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS lsau«-:; : sJc»yui*sioa Tieliotc will b:* furajjiriied t y A., at., cr.iddrctii C. l ; . Hi 1 Ccf/i4; ;,,, l Pass. Agenfr, Detroit & Cleveland fjav. Co. CE ri;ot r, MICH. ft'ASJTPS— SFIFSY A< * TIVO I'ltelHtront, tt .rL ~ , U,W • " pro •n( . her own 10. ality aiio.d rinn. Kereic-nct'sreijliirvl'erjuam at position Aad Bahu-y. <j\Y & Ji Duxxtak St., N. K. DR. STARKEYAND PALEN COMPOUND OXYGEN ISTOT A.DRUG. 1529 Arch Street, Phillad'a, Pa. A WELL TRIED TREATMENT For Co, .sumption. A-tlim*. Hr. ... I.ITI S 1- sii Catarrh. May KPVO r. IMnlltj. UhouiiiatiMii, Seuralfia and all Chronic ami Sorrow* Disorder*. -The Comp'UN.T oxygen Trcnituicnt. Ors. <*t-«RT--v . i';il<-n. No, Arch >uv>-.. 1 HIUIH L- R IU. U.,in- 1..1- IL«- L:«ST st>vi nti - I_N I, ,J S: . i,-I, •;!(!(■ .I.ljustment 01 the eleia ■nus -..'1 ;I-.L \;TROC -I ui.'4,'netlzea, AU*.I «»;" compoup'l LA so con.! I'S 1 UNA made portable liiat'R. is aont UII over the world. TIR.I. ;tar'.:ey & Palen have the lllx rry to NVR to thi' toll -ivlng narnid XWH-KUOWU ptrsoas who h:;ve tri'.-a theU* treatment: HON. \VM. 1). KKLLEY, Member o£ Congress, U -_-V I vi (' ROH''!■' I'O>: IIAD, Editor Lutheran *' Observer, I'ilil:ult'iphl.l -llliV. rIIAItLKS W, CLSIIINtI, 1>- 0., KoUltStei J IIOK."\\'FTI- L'KXN" NIXON. I'tlitor Inter-Ocean. Chicago. ~ .. REV. A. W. MOOKK. EUitCf IAE Ceatenarj. W. H.WoM'lfn-.'CTUX.EditorXe-vSouth.Eiriu "in'-'ha-.n, Ala. j". YHOOMAN. ti'l--ncmo, Kan. MLTV MAHV A. UVEItMOIcS, Melrose, Massa- I JUDUE li. "OORHEKS. X •«' York City. i MR. B. ( . KNIGHT, Fhlhulelphla. I \;;; i'liVX. ~: i•!> A!. •;.i< •• hani. Plillaueipala ! iiox. w. \v. scitC . i.Eit. I'X I BDWAHD I- WIL-'X. v.; ,UH. >. X. \ AD. Philadelphia PUouv„rr;lPA>r. IFLDELIA M. LYON, Via'.UIEI, 11..wad SAU'L ivlcU Islands, i \I.E V \NIJIt>.V U! !'• 'H..-:. LA'.ENI. --;. Scotlaiid. Mils. MANI 1.1, V. OKTKI.A. Fri-suiiio, Z icate cas. Mexico. ' MLF KIIVA '"OOPEK. I tllia , Spanish Houdu 'r.'is. i;. :. uai Amarlca. 1 J. C0I)I>. T. S. Vice I' JII-. I Casablanca, Moroc co. -I V ' SHIJROOK, P.ed Bluff Cal. R'L'SNFCX [' T! UXEi". X-Iiii:.ENGLAND. JACOB WARD, bo'vral. south Wales. And thousands of others In every part of the L ulled States. .a. "CotnpotUW! OS.VIEA— Us >K«JO Oi A -tioa and R'SULT-;!" is the into oi a jie> of TWO luindivd p.::,"-; puni.-.iR"! • .•' L>I"O SLA.'KOJR «: I'iJcn. which gives to all tnaairers MIL laforma tion as to this REWIULVAULI' < urativo AYVNT and a record oi ':E\ ■T.IL IIAN :I -" 1 S;.': I .LARUN S ia a v/LIL.- • ofeiironicctisvs-iiiany oi them ar te'r ij-.-iuvf a';aU(ioiK •to D'A ! 'V OLITER phyalelms. NID be mailed free to aav ad.ircss OA applica tion. Read the brochure ! PK*. STAiIKKV & FAIJKX, no, lilt tuft Htffrti PMNWfWi. Pi* AGENTS On S .lary or Commission | WAITED I FOR TFI SISii,AND By .1. W. ISUEL. Just pnMishdd. fhetirca! JIIW Book of Kxplomlion, Travel and L.,'l! V.;UR". U:\TII" turt!iin<; experieaee of ill! th -I-jeali -:. i ravejler.-. Missionaries AND | l(is>;ovi.ri-rs in all p iris <.l I IIE W orid. AND du ■A'J-'B"III-5 IU« WI:IDERFEL -REAMREA til U Mvu in the S.'.' ;tiiu .a T-:,i I. and. Terri'alea IV ait'ires With Ocean .Monsters, wUaje.?, sliaiks, SA >rdfi<'l. rtfcviiiisU. sea serpents, etc.. wait OMSUIIP'KII: «'T •all TH-- other wonderful creatures of the deep SEA. LIFE on th > Great Ocean, wonderful Islands AIIII t!;e VR. ' CREATINES found upon then:. *.U. a I<I:«I).-..RE :E.:.;:ai History of Uie E I'onnrrh - :.:id Ciirto.is UIJ N V i'.: '.v.jsld, IN cla'lN-TLI ■ R.TN;ii;ey men 'oi XEW (iumea. the territi'e man-eaters, dwaias and EAV.; dwellers, ii'tersr.ersed with grand hunts, terrific combitts. : PI! tluiliinx advcsriiirt's wilii wilt! animals and SAVAGE people IU -.tfange countries. A whole ' Mtrar. in one •,U!IIRI,S', llundieds I i T:eautiiui ijliiHtratioiis and cotovi tP p! U.A:, SS.I, e»p ,T>S ; »npi jn fo'ir WT i-H.3. «' ! .»-»aptt>t I>S«»A ever pul»- lislVcd. OIUAVLLI AJ! CIL): ■'» capital rciiiiired. AfCt'iits making to •>•"»-i *uiy. lvjj*" I kiio \l> like it. Write quick ami secure ternto rv. Von can eiear s.:•>■> in :;O days' time, as thousands are jusi watting lor this great new be„A. Vils AT -ia'AT. Special inducements to teacii.CL'3 TUPL II.AAIAI a;;.';MS. Noexperienceie fitiircd- **'*•'■ i'l-.k. NJ CA PI lal IMTUUED. »®W I plans. \V« start .»OU'in S:ICCESJGUAR ANTEED to honeat workeiu. AUDRO.II. lilSl'Ottlt'VL. PUBI.ISHIXd CO , K. W. cor. Otli and Arch Sts., Pliil idelplila, I'H. TPs riripm hmkii Ili i L'hi'A 1 t J I Wli v I'lH i &TOIIK ia Butlr-r, three doors west of West Peun Depot. Havinjr opened a frv«>ls sto. U of <;K«'K KUIES consisthij? of Coffee, Ti':'s, Kujtar, Syrup, Spices, Canned Coeds of nil kind:*. Ilams, Jiscon, Lard, &c., &c,, r r<>bacco £in<l Cigars, FLOUR o' he-it brands and low prices ; also, a full !;nf <if poptiiar bxaiids of lamiiy flo::r constants <ui hands. HAY. OATS, COKX and FEKD of all kinds at lowest figures, tfo I. sa!*,ff.ower sny other House lis Ifniit'r, Country Produce war.iod for which the highest price will be p:iid. Call aad examine our stock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. REAMS & CO., If, Eapt Jefferson St, - - Butle Pa. J. 11. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN qrp A TTONF'RV O J. xii. X JL V J3i J- i JL%/ JL OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - I^V, 2-4-87- ly 3SIT URF! FU-BNITUiiIU Bed Be .mi? Suits, C.'ning L : GQm Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES. CAHPET-SE AT RO OKERS, Pine Lin" of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40, MORTH ISAIN ST., The FiirniUn'c Store lIST BUTLER. W. F.MILLEE. Teachers' Examinations. 1887. The iinnur.l ••x.u:>;nati.'i!is f>r teachers in Butler County will be hold tw f>l!ows: June It lie n fie w. •• i", I'elersviile. " j>; Kvaus City. " l" Poitersv.He. " IS Prospect. " '24 Ccntri viiia. " 2") £J arrisvil'e. " 27 Mi'l(!!etf»wn. " 28 MilJerstown. " 20 Fiiirview. " 3it liruin. Julyjuly 1 North Washington " 2 Farmington. " 12 I'nionvilie. " 13 Gbule Mill. •' li Saxoaburg. " 15 CoyK-sville. " ifj Butler. " 30 Sacbury. f-*j.ce:.ii exaniina!ir>Bs will hohehl in Butler on Hi > Ji'.st - iturdnys of August, September and October. F.xaminations will be*in at half-past S o'clock a. ni. Applicants «ill brini! as a specimen of writing, :i composition of fifteen to twenty linea oa "How to IV oo Pensaan ship." CandiJa.es unknown ! > the Super intendant must furnish eviik-ucc of good moral chorai-U-r. Director.- an 1 citizens are invited. The Superintendaat will be ia hh office in the ('unit House on thy second anil last Saturdays ot t:eh month throughout the year, eswpt the dut-s i»iven nb <v.\ J. L. SNYDKR, P. O. Address, Co. Su;>'t of Schools. Slippery ;i ck, Pa. ''i: ' .. r.tnteed fesLSi"^sic*"A-f*\ :r£b<!>&\'9*k*fC '-"d? ill once. N(>o|s niiloii or tnisinr ■; c!< I :y. 'ijtcnsahfis of c»is«•.:. At Key sione ii us«'. i.'-.uihij-?. I'm.. 2<L saf unhiy or eVieh rnouili. S* !ui for ciroiil.irs. Afiv kv free. C ALES MEM WANTIsD J V £kJ»* to p;«»r :'» l»'i rf"»s* s,:u- of Xur Ai 9 Stork ' Siemlv eioploYlwnt t-e*l. K:i!ary ii i<! KX SENSES IMII). \pply ar a-1,. i \rf?r In this |-Hi»<T.) CaiSS iS I OtnSi a, uociiksskk. n. v. J. S. XmVSE, M.D., Has removed from Ilarmony to Hutlf r and h:v3 hisollii't- al No. 5, M in St., three Uoo.s imlow Lowiy House. apr-30-tf. ASMS FOUR A j j ° •I' MM.T t <w% m I % s 1 5 frl II ru I Oil- a While other merehanta arc singbg their own praises, we en use our customers to acknowledge that our method ol deattng is the Inst, cur pocds Record o ctr.e j Q fact superior to many usually kr-pt and sold ns Till' BEST. "Batkr and urroundin country needed such a store as this, is th« general encouraging vents our customers glva us "and neoplf will he fast finding it out too." We keep good and well made good* oak. Our cheapest garment is se-v-d with fir*t class thread, trimmed, liued and made up in a substantial manner Our medium and better rrrsde* take r ink with any Custom-made in the way of fittioj*and make up. while our FINK DURSS SUITS must he seea to ho nnore ciaied. OULI PUICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we keep a full line of " • Mens 5 , Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment. s<dd under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or monev refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR., HOSIERY, etc ,in grpat variety. The latest stvles of everything pertaining to a first-class elolhiag store always on Ivimi. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not a* yet patronized our store to ui a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on ijs before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, uo be he judge or no of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE QKOaSE RfilßSa BLOCS, Main Street, Biitlei** Pa. If \ *\ KAUr-feAMN S G?.A,\D DEPOT, the J . una FMnsish.ng Uct-do House, f ifih Avcnuo %; ' :' i II b LRU Smiti.fiefd Sircet, PittsDunj, will pay WMiMk , » ' -. c \ 1 t:.z {"wil ilaiircaa rare ta every resident of vyr#^Bßa> will // i S people v. i;.hing to erder goods by tnail, ;J"2T Kaufiiianc's tcaulifuiiy iliustrateil Kill be utaiied gratia, or application. g m n w %% m r £ H E mn &II A h M 5 JE WELE: 11 . No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches faa| fi y p | f 2 :/ O Paper Weight, Gilt, u ith Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament in flu! L- LU b 3 „ tion, MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete lino of Clocks 'QI I , ST'QT'TT €D Don't fail to see this lino of Goods, as it is the largest OH VUI Vv dli VOu a. by • [' and-most complete stock oyer shown in Butler. |"\T) SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in (Jold, Silver and Steel frames, \ J I \ v T O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. iUuscmbei\we Warrasit all a« Ufpprcscsilod. of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGrIN. TSTo- 19. ISTorth. Main is Ciillecl to my Stook of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SIlnViSaW&R®, ijSPjEOTAOXj.ES, £o„ Ail of which have been selected with great care for OUR TRADE. I complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated | vHBk ' " Ali gOvus Kngravod Fl! !■ '! of rharge. If you wist) to buy from a well f T) riBIPIVQ UNION HOCK. ' 1411J1 > u, No. 16, gUEain Street. IJKD Watch cASLJ oy eleotkio I^' fYi * Hif * 11 i laiimg Mili —ANT—- S ar<l J. L. PUKVi?. I ''l.'iiVi , s a TWT ? jr.jPTru UJ ViOK'UA »t M * ■»< ' ! 1 »>'• !I - i Sl.' !*• Houg-i and Planed Lumber ci* v £'i y !«;:< i'RAidkS, MO LL.'IN. B, fK U'ilS, •)D'N^ j Lonnos bOdiQSi |SinNGLES&LATII ! i'LANiNCi MILL AM) V/.KD ! r (^JilsUf^'SiKrcSi L E McJUMIN, i fusiiriiucfi Real taliitc As, (■ Fire, Life aad Accident Insurance written at this ctiioe. Also, Desirable I/'ts, Dwelling Ilouuc'B and J'ariiit for sa!«. 17 1' AST JEFFERSON ST. feTI'IiSBTIQIf oti ' tocrifnirs I'if'J U Ju<«6 > thia paper,oi obtain estirnatM on advertising spoco when in Chicago, will find it on tile at Uio Advertising Agency ef lORB&TOMS. A. f rou tin an & Son. I 111 111! 111 <j> 111 111 1111 • We invito special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil I Cloths. Lace Cut tains, Curtain Poles, Window Jbhades and | Fixtures. We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, Now Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Hraid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have j'i.st received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Hugs. Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c„ cfe. Lace Curtains, Mad res Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BKST ASSORTMENT. at A. TKOUTMAN & SON'S, Butler* Fa KIRKS WHITE The only brand of Laundry Soap Awarded a fust class medal at tho New Orleans Exposition. Giiaran- L*d absolutely pure, and for general household i>urjH>ses is tlio very best / * )0 •" -e-cv:. Gbl * C :V < I ! \-=V v " : i-i * .RoM. r.. A k.-i. -T. ~ f ß Areajatio ilsnov., Qfc I'? g : ISSESS- Lj< . . Q n . , ?i i- *i. .Ulll;ilfoil of th» : t (^ r : ,>' J umi i riuarr •fA.li K. WOKUIS, S.le } lt)3 CIIA?<1 f!KRi NEW VOP.w * J. C. REDIGK, Sole Agent, Butlers - - - - Pa. NixON'sHoME, No. 35 McKean Street, BTXTTLZEIR,.. 2PIEj"N JNI '_A_ Meals at all hours. Open all Night. BreaMas sc, Dinner 25c, Supper 25c, Lodging 25c, [l2-4 3m] SIMEON NIXON, Prop'r. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON Office No. 05 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. DR. R. C. McCURDY, riiysieian and Sssrgeon, Office on Main St., oyer Kemper's store. Butler, - Penrr'a. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work jx-rtainins to the profession execut eti HI TII* neatest manner. Specialties Cold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, VitaiizeaAir administered. OBlce on Jeffrtrhou Street. OIK- door East ofLowrj Hou.iC, Lp Stairs. (open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays, Communications by mail receive prompt attention, N. B.—The only Dentist in Butler using the liest makes of teeth. SAMUEL M. BIPPUST Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLER, PEKN'A EinillLL[R HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House -formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. [l-9- ts«-iy] 11 EITENMULLER. Prop'r. Koines For Everybody. The Peoples' Building and Loan Acsocia* lion of Butler.— Par value of each share SIOO Tills Association pays (he borrower SIOO per share, with a weekly expense to him of only 12 els, in addition to ;l his regular dues. For lurlhor intoruiation c' 11 on or ad dross GVV MILLER. C M HEINEMAN, Sec'y Prcs butler, Fa A J FRANK & CO, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, r, RUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac. tfPhyslcians' Prescriptions carefully com pounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. Our stock of medicines Is complete warranted genuine, and ot tho best quality. 45 South Main Street, BUTLER, • PA. "HTTLER countiT Mutual Fire insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. 0. ROESSTNG, PHESIDINT. \VM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. 11. C. HEJNEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L Purvis, j Samuel Anderson, William Campb< 11 ,T. W. Bnrkhart, A. Ttoutman, Henderson Oliver, (i.e. itoe.vsing, James Stephenson, Dr. W. Irvin, N. Wcitzel, J. K. Taylor. ill. C. Ileiuemau, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gsn, Ae't- J3UTLER-, IP A. BEDIBONT liYERY, W. Jefferson St., Butler Pa. Flick & Kennedy Have opened a first-class livery stable on West Jefferson St., with everything new horses, harness and wagons. ' OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Particular attention paid to the transient trade. When in Butler give us a call. 12-24-6lu FLICK & KENNEDY. SURVE Y I NG LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing ol old lines. Address, IS. F. iULIiIAKD. Co. Surveyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,8 My County Auctioneer, JAMES R. KEARNS, BUTLER, PEKiVA. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many years of experience he can guarantee perfect satisfac lion J l rates that will suit alt. Leave word at this otlioe. 3,5,84.1y ® Ready Mixed. 50, (to, 75 to I.(HI per gal. BUST LINSEED OIL I'AJNTS, Shipped anywhere, all shades. l*roperty own era order direct. Also 2 and :s ply Felt Hoofing, with best coattnpand Cement. Agents wanted. Color card pi Ice list free. ATLAS PAINT CO., p. o. BOX lvj, Pittsburg, Pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers