KASKINE (THE SEW QUI WISE) L 00011 APPETITE I df SKW NTBKN(,TH ' I J f HAPPY DATS. 3 I SWEET SLEEP, A POWERFUL TONIC, that the most delicate stomach wUI bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL BLOOD PURIFIER Superior to quinine. Mr F. A. Millar 630 East Is.th street, New- York. wns cured by Kasklne of extreme malari al prostration Of seven years sulfeiin lie had run down rroni 175 pounds to 37, began on Kas klne in June. ]W;, wont to work In one month, regained his full weight In six months. Quinine dl 3 him no good whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the most respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn, says: am ninety years of age, and for the last three years have suffered from malarial and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kasklne which broke up the malar* and Increased my weight 22 pounds."' Mrs. T. A. Solomons, of lSOHalllday St., Jersey City writes: "My son Harry , eleven yeurs. was cured ol malaria by Kasklne. after fifteen months' Illness, when we hadjrlven up all hope. Letters from the above persons, giving full de tails. will be sent on application. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. Jl.oo per bottle. Sold by J. C. REDICK, Butler, or scut by mall on receipt of CO., 5-1 Warren St., New York. MAN? LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE oflered for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARL TOP BUT THEY ARE NOT! Aad like all Counterfeits lack tho Remarkable LASTING Qualities OR THE GENUINE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Hl3 Fat Oct. 30,1883. The PEARL TOP is manufactured ONLY by GEO. A, MACBETH & CO., PITTSBURGH,.PA. SCOTT'S iEIIULSiON OF PDBE COD LITER OIL # And Hypophosphiles of Lime & Soda . Almost as Palatable as Milk. 7b6 only preparation of COD LITER OIL that can be taken readily and tolerated for a longtime fcjdelkato stomach*. Aire AS A HEMEPT FOB CONSHIPTIOIT, gflt6n*L6l6 AFFECTIONS, ANAEMIA, 6EW- Kiil. ttKhlLllf. COUGHS AND THBOAT AF FKTMSfi. and »I 1 WASTIXO PIS6H»CHH 6P CHTLDKLN It I. itrrelloug in itw waits. Prescribed and endorsed by the best Physician* IB the countries of the world. For Sale by *ll DrauUtii. for Pamphlet on Wasting DiaeftMfl. Ad drS. SCOTT Jk BOW.VX Hew Ifork. Imported Percheron Horse MONTAGUE Will stand the season of 15.7, commencing April 25th and ending July #th, as follows: .Mondays of each week at the stable of .Jaincs Fleeger, at ("niouvllle; Tuesdays and Wednes days at the barn of Alonzo Met handles.-:; Thurs days at Mt. chestnut; Fridays and Saturdays at the livery stable of J. 8. Ilays, Butler. Description and Pedigree: Montague Is a rtarl; iron gray, 8 rears old, and weighs 1900 lbs.; Is l* J i hands high, on short legs, with large bone, great thighs and forearms, deep In girth, with remarkable good feet and action, and In every way a perfect horse of re markable symmetry and beauty. He was im ported from France by 3. 1). Becket. of Chicago, In September, iwy, and Is recorded In Percheron Norman stud-book i!*w; also In l'ercheron Stud book of America 3145. He was foaled in is 79. and bred by C. Cogot, of Almonsha. Province of Herche, France. Sire, Picador, owned bv tlio government, and winner of two gold medals and j,oco francs at two shows in France, besides numerous other prizes. Dam, Lauretta; grau dam, Chartotta, a mare bred In the Percheron family for forty years, as qualified to by C. Cogot. TZEIRJVLS. sls dollars payable when marc is known to be with foal. The colt will be held for Insurance until paid for. Person:! parting with t mare to leave the neighborhood before known to be with foal, forfeits the Insurance. Mares must be reg ularly returned on trial days as directed. Marcs kept on reasonable terms. All possible care taken to prevent accidents, but will be restKjusl ble for none. ".Montague" has proved himself to be a line breeder. URL IQKLfflll The imported Clydesdale Stallion will make the season of 1887 At Prospect, at the bam of Oliver W. Stoughton the last four days of each week. At Fortersville, every Monday. TERMS:—SI sto insure one mare, $25 to insure two mares. His colts Recommend him very highly, OLIVER W. STOUGHTON, Manager, Prospect, I'o. The Reason Why you should send your order for any kind of I llye or I'.ourl on Whiskey, Brandy, (ilii. \\ lues, tic., to .F. Schumacher, No. 961 1,1: erty St., l'itts burg. Pa., is because he keeps the t and pur est goods ill thiii line, arid sells them at lower prices than any house in Pittsburg. Three year old Pure Rye, i- ou per fallen. Four year old Pure llye. 82.r>0 per gallon. Five year old Pure live, &!.oo per gallon. From 5 to h year old Pure Bye $3 «> to 0.00 i>er gallon. The purest imported Wines, Krandies ana Olns prescribed by physicians for medical purposes, floods shipped lo all )i;ir!s of the country. No charge for package. Call or write and give me a trial order ami vou will after that deal witn no other house Sentl money with order, by registered letter orl". (). order. U.S. Revenue lows prohibit shipping goods c. (>. i>. Resjiectfully .TAOOII SCIII'MACHKH, 901 Liberty St.. Pittsburg, l a. |2F~Bt'i;elocated!wo minutes walk from Un ion Depot. i jflk AGENTS WANTED FOR THK J AUTHORIZED IHKEIuFE OF LOBAN with introduction by mrSKKKM MRS. LOGAN. Tht* Biography has been more than two years in prep aration. C»en. lx>gan himself furnished the data to the author, (tea. Praaeta Dawaaa, his intimate friend aad associate; and before his death he read all but the | closing chapters of the work, and cave it his unaualified endorsement. Mrs. Logan states this in the introduction, j A ■UIHNI adllrrwof the dead Chieftain waat j ffcla ftkrllllaf mtmry of bla in>< tamr in ; |Wiire and war. Splendidly illustrated with portraits and tattle scenes. Send quick $i for outfit and get choice of •arritory. Address HILL a HARVEY, PUBLISHCRS, 111 V. CharlM Stmt, Baltimore. ' PTRMAHE'TT STAMPING For Kensington, Arrasene AND OUI LINE .WOBK DONE, AIM . lessons} In same given by ANNIE M LOWMAN,'.North atreet, BuUer, Pa. jneaO-ly THE OXTIZE3ST. MISCELLANEOUS A BED TIME SONG. Sway to and fro in the twilight gray, This is the ferry for Shadow town; It always sails at the end of day, Just as the darkness is closing down. Rest, little head, on my shonlderso; A sleepy kiss is the only fare; Drifting awav from the world we go, Baby and I in the rocking chair. See, where the fire logs glow and spark, Glitter the lights of the Shalowlaud; The winter rain on the window—hark ! Are ripples playing upon its strand. There, where the mirror is glancing dim, A lake lies shimmering, cool and still; Blossoms are waving above its brim — Those over there on the window sill. Rock slow, more slow, in the dusky light; Silently lower the anchor down. Dear little passenger say "Good night," We've reached the harbor of Shadow tow n —Lilian Cynevor Rite in St. Nichola*. COMMUNICATIONS, Letter From Kansas. LYNDON, KAN., June 8, 1887. EDS. ClTlZEN: —Beautiful weather and everybody in a good humor. More rain fell last night than has fallen for the past year. The farm ers are happy and think there are worse places in the world than Kan sas. What splendid rains wo are hav ing. The wicked chintz bug has about suspended business and oats will make a fair crop after all. Name the town in Kansas of twelve hundred inhabitants that has over six miles of side walk and every foot of which is in good condition, with six blocks of ten feet walks,that is what you can see in Lyndon. CROP OUTLOOK. I have within the past week been over much of the country, and with the exception of the oat crop, there never was, on the 7th day of June, a better prospect for an abundant har vest. Thore are thousands of acres of corn in Osage county that will av erage four feet high. Mr. Sylvester Campbell, late of Prospect, Pa., is tendiDg 110 acres, that will yield 10,000 bushels, if the season is good. Prospect Coys, think of that! Evervthing goes West. Even the Star of Bethlehem that nearly eigh teen hundred and eighty-eight years ago shone out so brilliantly in the east, has beer sighted by a Kentuc key Astronomer shining out in great beauty over northwestern Kansas. One reason why Kansas towns are enjoying such a boom, and fpecding so much money in improvements is, that before prohibition, she sent out more than $27,000,000 for liquors. Last year she sent out but $7,000,- 000. The difference ia u6ed at home, and the results are plainly seen every day, Cherryvule has Btruck both coal and gas, and a company with a capi tal of $200,000 has been organized to develop both, At Oil Springs, Arkansas, pure coal oilcan be dipped with a cup. I would advise some Butler county company to Invest. In Wichita according to returns, Bicce last July, 1,999 residence houses have been built. The water in the Maiasdescygues River is running far the first time ia the last year. E. L. E„ "THE SPY." —"Ob! if I had only known that in time." Known what? "Known that a simple cold in tbe head may develop into chronic catarrh," Well, it isn't too late, for Ely's Cream Balm will cure catarrh even after the sufferer's life has become a burden to him, and he a nuisance to his friends. It is tbe only radical and thoroughly scientific catarrh cure known. Not a snuff. Not a liquid. Price fifty cents. —An exchange bays that wben you hear a man saying that he takes his local paper just to help the poor editor, you can generally calculate that he is from five to eight years be hind on his subscription. Drunkenes or Liqour Hab : ?, Positively Cured by adminis tering Dr. Haines' Golden Spe ciflic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of tbe person taking it, is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cur® whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Goldeu Specific in their coffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes au utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLD EN SI'ECIFJC Co., 185 Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio. —"Can the red man be civilized?" a°ks Vi. L. White of the American Magazine. Experience has shown that he can—with a club. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee'ii German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing consump tion, severe coughs, croup, asthma, pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, aud wo consider it the duty of all Druggists to reccommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try a bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no caso where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Si/rujj caunotbe two widely known. Ank rour druggist about it. Sample bottles to try, euid at 10 cts lU-gular size, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists and dealers, in the United Stales and Canada. —The great secret of avoiding dis appointment is not to expect too much. Despair follows immoderate b .pp, as things M! hardest to the g.vund lhat have been nearest to the sky. A Lady's Perfect Companion. I'MNI.IKS ('aiumttmi. a new book l»y l)r .John l)jf. One or Ni-w York's most skiillul |iiiy li-U.nn. shows that pain is not necessary In «I»li(|htrr|i but result* froin causes easily un derstood and overcome, It clearly proves that, any woman may bcco in; a mother wit liou* suf fering auy pain what :ver. It also tells how to overcome tnd prevent morning sickness, swell ed limbs, and all other evils attending jire gn mcy. It is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians everywhere as the wife's true pri vate companion. Cut this out: It will save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circulars.testimo nials anil conlldeiitltil letter sent In sealed en velop. Address KIIANKTHOM AS A Co., l'ubllait ers, ualtlinore, Maryland, THE BALL MATCH. The pitcher fired the ball to twist it: The hatter struck so hard he missed it. The catcher cau?ht the ball and dropped it. Then rolled it to the pitcher who stopped it. The pitcher then to the hatter socked it; The hatter shut his eyes and knocked it. The shot-stop jumped for the ball from habit. But jumped not high enough to grab it. Tue left field from the ground he picked it And to the first ba?e quickly slicked it. The first baie tried but didn't catch it, And then raced alter the ball to fetch it. The batter went like lightning greasy And made the second and third bfse easy. The first base got the ball and roughed it To the third base chap who muffed it. The batter scooted for home a-flyiug And tumbled over the base a-djKnj. The crowd set up a terrible yelling, And charged the players with game a-selliug, And first to the umpire gave a cuffing, And kicked right out of him the stuffing. The gate keeper laughed at the fun so funny And then skipped oil with the boodle money. Cheap Life Insurance. Twenty-five cents will buy a box of Tutt's Fills. They will restore the functions of the liver,stomach ami bowels. If these organs act well a long and healthy life is assured. Make the investment. This is Another Puzzle. o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******* In the above table the letter O rep resents a bartender. The stars rep resent twenty-one joliy students seat ed around a table. Alter each one had treated they resolved that the expense should be put upon the bar tender. So they agreed to commence at one side ol the table and count around, bartender included. Every time 7 was counted,one —the seventh was to go out, and the man left in side was to settle. From which man must they have commenced to count, in order to leave the bartender to pay the bill? Personal. Wonderful success. Hop Planter for weak parts, severe aches, strains, backache. A New Medicinal Plant. A very interesting discovery that a plant well known in India, which is entirely harmless, destroys the power of tasting sugar, has been recen'lv published in Nature by Prof. Thistle ton Dyer. The plant is the gymtema sylvestre, growing wiidiv in the DJC can Peninsula, and also met w th in Assam and on the CoromandeJ coist A late Governor of Madras and other residents of India who have tested the properties of this plant certify that chewing two or three leaves ot it abso lutely abolishes the tongue's power to taste sweetness. Prof. Dyer's experi ments with leaves sent to him at Kew, in England, orroborates their testimony. This plant is likely to prove a most valuable addition to modern materia medica. Its power to destroy the taste of sweetness suggests its use by physi cians to correct morbid craving for sweetmeats, which is a source of widespread disorders of digestion. Gen. Elles, of Madras, is reported as having found that gymnema abolishes '•the power of enjoying a cigar." While smokers may not relish this, physicians may prize immensely a plant which, administered to pa tients who use tobacco to excess, would for a timu, at least, check in ordinate smoking. The power of the plant to render tasteles many drugs which are extremely nauseous prom ises to commend it to the medical profession. —lmpurities of the blood often cause great annoyance at this season Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and cures all such affections. —Making hay while the sunshines is now in order. —Where to spend their vacation is not worrying many people, but the query of sss is. Lie is not yet born who can please every bo dv. Chronic Coughs and Colds. And all diseases of the Throat and Lungs can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion, as it contains the healing virtues of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites in their fullest form. "I consider Scott's Emulsion the remedy par-excellence in Tuberculous and Strumous affections, to say noth ing of ordinary colds and throat troubles."—W 11 S. Connell, M. I)., Manchester, O. —Advise is like cantor oil, easy to give, but hard to take. —Tuesday was the longest day —lt vhas all right to forgif your enemies but if you can lick 'em first it cornea easier und vhill list longer. —Men who bet on elections must have the purse of Eortua hat-us. —lt is easy to find fault if one is on the lookout; but some people would discover a far greater number if they were on the look in. Teachers' Examinations. 1887. The snnual examinations for teachers in Butler County will he held as follows: June 14 Renfrew. " 15 Petersville. " 10 Kvans City. " 17 l'ortersville. " 18 Prorpecl. " 21 Centreville. '' 25 Ilarrisvillc. 2" MiiMlctown, " 28 Millerstown. " 2'.) Fsiirview. " 30 Bruin. July 1 North Washington " 2 I'.irmington. " I.; I 'ui'invill-*. i:> Mill. •' I I SllX>'llhl|r£. " 15 Coyi.-sville. " 1i! Butter. " 30 Suubury. Special examinations will beheld in Butler on the last Saturdays of August, September and October. Examinations will at hjlf-|>a«t S o'clock a. in. Applicants will brinir as a specimen of writintc, si coiii|M>si:i >:i of liltcen to twenty line* on "ll'iw to Ti-.ch l'. n.-.ian i-hip." Candidates unknown to the Super iutendant must l'iirni>h evidence of Rood moral character. Directors and eiii/.tns are invited. The Superintend int will be in his office in the Court House on the second and last Saturdays of each month throughout the year, except the dates given ab >ve. J. 1.. SNYDER, P. O. Address, Co. Sup't of Schools. Slipperyrock, Pa. J. S. LUSKj M.D.j Has removed from Harmony to Huller and has his office at No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. npr-30-lf. A. Troutman & Son. liiiiimi <«> minim We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stoo* of l^ r .y Good*, Notions, Trimmings, Carpets. Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lnce Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Mifses, New Kid tiloves, New Li.sle and Silk (rloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and ])csigns and at lower prices, New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats, (Ml Cloths, &c., etc. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps lor ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TEOUTMAN & SON'S, Butler,, Pa- AMONG The oldest Shoe House in Pennsylvania, is tbe one established h> ALBREE & Co , in Pittsburgh long before railroads were in use and tbe telegraph known. This old established bouse passed into tbe bands of P. WAGNER. JR. about a year ago, who now continues to sell tbe same reputable and well made goods sold by bis predecessors, both Wholesale and Ketail. Shoe buyers coming to Pittsburg should not fail to visit this wide-awake establishment and get the very best goods for the least money. Mens', Boys' and Youths' Shoes in all grades. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, all styles, including hand-sewed, band-turned, machine sewed and Waukcnphast makes. Extraordinary inducements during the next month. Don't fail to FCO our lines at $2 00, $2 50, $3.00 and $3.50. Orders by Mail promptly tilled. Successor to Albree & Co., 401 Wood Street, Cor. Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA. Things Are Different. A boy was going down the street With his elbow in his ear, Inquiring the pries of fire works, lie said t'was strange but queer. When he came along by No. 3 llis heart began to cheer; With one tremendious yell and bound He pulled bis elbow out of his ear. Hurray for the Fourth, boys, We will buy our fire works here, For we can save more money Than we can make in a year. A. L. ROBINSON'S IS THE PLACE TO GET THE FIRE WOUKS, NO. 3 NORTH MAIN CLOSE TO JEFFERSON STREET. J. KLEE & CO 311 LIBERTY STREET, * 628 & 630 BROADWAY, PITTSBURG. NEW YORK. MiKOPAGTURES OF GLOTHlffifi IN ALL GRIDES AND SIZES. Our Spring and Summer Stock most Complete and Unsurpassed. EXCLUSIVELY-^# Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention, AGENTS Oa Salary or Commission WANTED FOR "SlZ&and I*axstd." Ity J. \V. BI'KL. J list pnbllshdil. \i « Book of K<|iloration, Tr.s»el an I AIILMIIII giving lim limiting ••tprriencn Hi ;ill llie pirates:-Tr:ive!!ers. Missionaries mid Hiscovureis in all parts of tiie WorM, mid «!«• scribing I lie wonderful creatures lliat live in the Set and on ilie I.and. Terrible adventures with Ocean Monslers, whales, siiaiks, swordlish, devillisii. sea serpents, etc., with description of all liie other wonderful creatures of tfie deep sen. Mfe on the (Ireal Ocean, wonderful Is'ands and t.ie straiise creatures found upon tlicni. \l ,ii a complete Natural Historv of the Strange < s and Curious Races Of tiie world. 111 - ctudinK the monkey men Nil New Ouiifa. the terrible man-eaters, dwarfs and cave dwellers, interspersed with (jnunl hunts, t' rritic combats, and thrilling adventures with wild animals and sava-;e people in strange count ties. A whole library In one volume. Hundreds of beautiful illustrations and colored plates. ::o,t i copies sold in four weeks. < lie::pest book ever iiub lishcd. Outsells all others. No capital reunited. \<;ents inakir.j; fin to a day. Nothing ever known like tr. Write quick and secure ternto IV. You call clear m ."0 days' time, as liiottsamis are ittst waiting lor tills urcat new t 001.. Si lls at siyin. Special inducements to teachers and regular agents. No experience re quired. No row. No capital required. New plans. We start you in business. Success guar anteed to honest workers. Address, lIISTMKICAL I'tBUSIIIXO CO., S. W. cor. Ct'.i and Arch St i., I*l<ila<l -!i»lila, I'a. IK! GHUPEST Slttfl STOIIK io Butler, Ibrce doors west of West Pen a Depot. I lav I iiir opened a fresh slock of OiiOCKKIKS cons'iti'i;{ olCoiree/i i is. Suj;ar. Syrup,Spii cs, Canned Ooods of a!i kinds. Hants, liacon, Lard, &c.,&c., Tobacco autl Cigars, I'l.oi 11 of best brands and iow prices ; also, a lull line of KlinKler's popular brands of family lloitr const .nil iv on hands. HAV. OATS, CORN and FK.Ci> of all kinds at lowest li^itrcs. \o 1. Xttie,f.owci* any oilier liuiiM! in Ifntlei*. Country I'roiluee wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Call and examine aur stock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J.J. KEARNS & CO., 70 Ea«t .Jefftiruon St, - - Butle Pa. AFFL!CTEO«6 UNFORTUNATE After nil others full ec»ri6»ult Dr. LOBE :t£9 N. 15th St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa. 20 years experience in all APICCIAK disease*. Per manently restores those weakened by early indiscre tions, &c. CaHorwrile. Advice free and strictly con- Uaurs : xi a. A. till 2, and 7 to 10 evenings. lar-AJvoitiee iu tbc CITIZEN. And bought one p'k of fire crackers For 5 cents, And told every boy in town Where Robinson's store was. Then a dozen boys or more Came running iu to price them, And said they never saw before Such wonderful reduction. Planing Mill —AND— Yard J. L. I'UKVIS. L. O. I'UKVI?, 8. G, Purvis & Co. MANUPACTIIREIIS ANP I>RAU!RSTf» Rough and Planed Lumber OF KVKKY OKSCKiraON. FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII. DOOlth, KJj -' ; itIN(J, SIDING PATTENS, Brackets,Gyagsd Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AlsD YAHD \««>r UeiuiHß tatliolicili J. 11. DOUGLASS, DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TAELLTS, Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - I\A., 2-4-87-ly A Stunner to Competition. JOHN BICKEL MARCHES BOLDLYjj FRONT And Says he Can't be Undersold. BITS, SHOES I SUFFERS MIIST GO. SOME BIG BARGAINS IN STORE FOR YOU. Great Slaughter in Prices Until July 4th. One Dollar is Worth Ons Hundred and Twenty-five Cents at John Hickel's Great Summer Sale. WHAT no YOV WANT?.; WHAT DO YOl NKKD? An elegant lino or Ladles Hand Turned Shoes which must mow uiirin" »<iLs R«IP *mi thousands of pairs of Ladles Button Shoes In Goal and Kid i-an«;iiij; In i i ic<- from 75 c-i»ts up. There Is no enJ to Ladles Mn.nv; l Cir. ,T,V and Walking shoes In reat.variety all of which must go by.iul\ lth. and the i rices are away off this year on these goods. V'n.e Orcr • fer s ! !'». " selling from 50 cents up. ' Misses' and Children's Shoes. There Is no oreaslon for your children wearing shoddy ill-tit ting shoes when you have in your midst, a House that can sell you good shoes perfect titling at a. loss price than these worthless shoddy goods can I e had for elsew lsere. Attend my great Summer Sale and; ou w ill to benciitted. For the Gentlemen I Have a Surprise in the shape of iiu.> French Calf. Seamless shoe for t2. 25. This Is one of t.ho '/riMlost barg tins ever offered 10 the trade and is fully equal to any S:s.oo shoe sold in IMllor. Scv niy elegant liuir Shoo at Sl.oo and $1.25, and an extra good'eme for Jl.oo. These goods cannot last loti" as iliej are ureatlv under value. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES come now if vou want to buy boys shoes. Come at once if you want, to carry home goods at your own price, for 1 win positively close out these lines "t -roods V ; y .luly it lu Hence what is my loss will t>e your gala. I have the goods and they must be sold, and ir joa are lii need oi auy toot wear, now Is the time to buy. Mens Plow Shoes and Brogans at Half Price, U.I. 1 ASK OF YOl' IS COM r and ! know you will buy. you cannot help 11. Tempting bargains are greeting you on every side, and before you are f sl'iy insiiio ;'u" U.mse vou will lean en .xt purchas.-r. aiid the happy participant in sum? real good b;trgans iam irlvlng mv trade during this sale. il' Ot. DON'T WANT TO, DON'T ct)MK. but If you are a close iiuyer and want go<id tout-wear for yourself and family, I insist on you comintr. i: yon :nv i'ls! a litt! • luml run tids spring and want ono hundred and twenty-live cents for .one dollar you must come 'to nickel's to get It Other merchants say ono dollar Is worth on.- hundred cents at their Store. LAY DOWN ONE DOLLAR AT MY STORE, And vou wi',l not be disappointed In what It will bring you for I have given you my word. 1 have promised you greater bargains than have ever been offered in l'.utVr. Make it a point to investigate this matterand examine the bargains lam offering, you will surely go away a willing advert 1. or for me. Men and Boys Base Ball Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, Full Stock of My Own Make Always on Ilaad. Repairing Done on Short Notice. A Bottle of Polish presented to every lady purchasing a pair of shoes. Leather and Findings. Blacksmith Aprons, &c, Call before July 4. Yours &c M JOHN BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA. .1850 m M m ESTABLISHED 1880 1888 *»» ** 1850. E. C BXEB, jeweler. No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, GUI DPI* OF .SPRIG GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches C $ f 1 V 2 P C* l* a P er e 'ght, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornanient l" A£lli T wj t ' oD ' MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks Y'd O Q 1 irXT on t 10 SPe " lie 0 * Good.*, as it is the largest OilVWi vV Cil \J Cc O jJvsvA(t»iujr • ;l and moßt complete stock eyor shown in Butler. my TV" SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, \ J_J_ l vJT scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Itemr»iber k wf! Warrant all (;<»od4 »» I^prtsciilod. of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. TSTo- 19, North. IVEain {Street* ... YOUR ATTENTION (s Called to my Stock of . Jl , Watch.es, Clocks, Jewelery, SIJLV^RWAR33, SPECTACLES, <&c„ ■ -All of which have been selected with great care for MPjjL OUR TRADE. PMH KNIVES. 'FORKS. SPOONS, &C., &C„ ~ A" goods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well JBmmBRjTiT oiuMirs. .IIIBKHUSEJ SIGN » ELECTRIC BELL mmm m. No operation or bu.slin■ s delay Thousands of eures. At Keystone House, Heading'. I'a.. lid Saturday of each mouth. Send lor circulars. Advice free, 0 ALESMEIH A WANTED « canvass for the sale of Nursery ■ Slock ! Steady employment nuaninticil. Salary anil KXI'KNSKS I'AID. Apph at once, slating a«e Chase Brothers, (, BWHtvrKß\Ti. ) 3 t/CDTIQ COO or other.,who wish to cxamir.o übven I IdLlld this paper, or obtain estimate* on advortising spaco when in Chicago, will find it on file at 45 Randolph St., ■ FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockora, ut No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture Store IIST BUTLER. W. F.MILLER. XJJbJIIN X . 0 1/ WAI.DItON, <: r.nl nat«* nf tin- I'hlla • !»• iletphia l>enlal College, Is prepared to<lo anything In the line of his profession in :i satisfactory maimer. <)il!<t! on .Main .-treet, Itutler, I'ulon I'.lock up stairs. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate A*'t. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance written at tli is office. Also, Desirable Isuildin» Lots, Dwelling Houses and Farms for sale. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. WBUTFII I tf)V A <" vo "•■<l : >toui K .nr, tc *'* fc" Hil# I rc(i)t a hi*nt in ht-rown locality un oM Ann. Uefepin't'irwiiifrt'd. I'orniiinent pnxitioii tuul Ifowj Btilaiy. IIA Y <Si illtUU., U lliu-ciin Mb, N. Jf. j KIRKS %VHHT£ / \ \\ The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first class medal afc the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general hor. jeiuld purposes 13 tlie very best v- - - I • . : *i i. fct» y . .'' " . " \ •■•!>* hm ... i - ■ bM '■<? l" J \,p •..•;• . •i . . ~ ' V v «■>; •' ; • :Jcr, g nad 1 r,!la^ JASTES E. T)KiKl:fs. {:,>>•. 163 CtiAHUEIui &T.,'ii£\Y VlV'if J. C. REDICK, Sole Agent, ISntlei', - - - - I , a. NixoN'sHoME, No. 35 McKean Street, BUTLER. .T?:£"N JM \A. Meals at all lvpurs. Open all Hreakfas se. Dinner '2sc, Supper £*•, Lodging 23c, [l2-T-OIA] SIMEON NIXON, Prop'r, JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN A>l > SURGEON Office Ko. G5 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. DE. R. C. McCUBDY, i lijsk lau «25tl Snrgcon, Office on Main St, over Kemper's store. Butler, - I^enn'a. Br. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed m the neatest manner. Special!ies :—Gold Filliners, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized vir administered. Office on Joffiwn Stmt, one door East of Lowry house, l'y stair*. ofilce open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursiir.\ :. Communications bv mail 'receive prompt a! tent-on, X. n.— 'l he only Dentist in Butler using the best makes of teeth. SAMUEL M. EiPPDs7 Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunningham St., B'CTTJLjIIIIR/, IPZEZNTTSFA. IITENSHUEB HiilEt, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Ir* -A_. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson • louse—«ood accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. [4-u-'yu lyj II ICITENMUILER. Prop'r. Homes For Everybody. The Peoples' Building aud Lonn Associa tion of Butler. — Par ta/uc of each thare SIOO This Association pays the borrower f 100 per share, witli a weekly expense to him of only 1:3 cts, in addition to a his regular dues. For farther information c 11 on or ad dress U W MIU. lt. C M HEINEM AN, Bec'y Free Uutier, Pa A J FRANK & CO, DKALEKS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET AItTICES, SPONGES, CRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac. C poonded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. our stock of medicines is complete, warranted genuine, anil of the best quality. 45 South Main Street, _BU TLER, ■ PA. lultler COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Gor. Main & Cunningham Sts. >3. C. ROESSINO, PBSSIDENT. \VM. CAMPBELL, TKEASUEKB. 11. C. HEINEMAN, Skcbetaky. DIRECTORS: •f. I, Purvis, Samuel Anderson, Wiiliam Campbell .». W. Bnrkhart, A Ttoniman, I leuderson Oliver, C.C irncisimt, .lames Stephenson, Hr. W. liviu, N. Weitzel, .1 K Tajlor. If. C. Heincm'an, LOYAL M'JUMIN, Gen. As't- BUT'LER, IP^V. bTdTroiit lihert, W. Jefferson St.,Bul!er Pa. Flick & Kennedy Have opened a livery stable on West Jeti'ervon St., with everything new horses, harness and wagons. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Particular attention paid to the transient trade. \\ hen iu Uutier irive us a call. 12-24-6tu FI.JCK & Kknkedy. S U R V E Y ING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the lietraclng ol old lilies. Address, IS. F. HILT.I £Ktl», to. Survt'j or North lio;>e I*. O , t'.utlei Co., Pa. 3,5,f4.1y County Auctioneer, JAMES B. KEABKS, BUTLER, I'EXX'A. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many yeais of experience he can gu iron tec perfect satislac lion a*, rates that will suit all. Leave word at this ofllee. 8,5,54.1y jgffix Ready Mixed. V). no. t.'i to i ,oo js'r BEST V^3£)Sr I.INSKEI) OIL I'AINTS. Shipped anywhere, all .shades. Pniperty ers order dlre.:t. Also l' aiulpl.v Frit Kouilug. wt.'U t»'.~! C'eincut. wanted. Color ( ar.l price list free. \TL.\s PAINT CO.. I*. o. UOX 2i»», Pittsburg. Pa Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers