Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 17, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.
Administrators' Notice.
Whereas letters of administration have been
granted by the Register of Butler county. Pa.,
to the undersigned on the estate of It. M. liar
bison, late of buffalo twp.. Hutler county. Pa., j
dee d, all persons who know themselves In- ,
debted to said estate will make immediate
payment, and those having claims against the .
same will present.them properly authenticated ;
for settlement to the undersigned^
FKEEPOKT. P, 0., PA, Administrators.
Letters testameutarv on the estate of j
Christopher McMichael, dee'd, late of i
township, Ilutler county, Pa., having been .
granted to the undersigned. All persons t
knowing themselves indebted to said estate,
will please make immediate payment, and j
any having claims against said estate, will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment. ,
EUCLID P. 0., Butler Co. Pa.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary having J^ aU iiessJl°
the undersigned on the estate of Robert Hessei
tresser deceased, late of \V Intleld twp., Butlei
Co Pa., aU persons knowing tnemselves In
debted to said estate will make paj -
tate the
ed tor settlement nRssEMSESSER
April is, 't>7. Leasureville. Butler Co.. la.
Partition Notice.
O.C.No.9l,March 1887. In re thepetition of
Jas D. Fowsar for partition of estate of Sa
rah B. Fowzer, dee'd.
And now to-wit, June /, A. D., 1837. aer
vice having been accepted tor all the heirs
and legal representatives of Sarah 15. r owzer
dee'd, except Heorietta Fowzer, whose resi
dence is unknown. On motion of Messrs.
Williams & Mitchell the Court is requested
to order publication requiring the said Hen
rietta Fowzer to appear and show cause, why
partition of real estate of Sarah B. Fowzer
should not be made accor ing to law.
June 7, 1887, motion granted.
To Peter Kramer, llig'a Sheriff o( Butler
County, Greeting:
We command yntt that you make
known by publication in one or
more of the weekly newspapers pub
lished in the county of Butler t>y
not less thau three successive publications,
or bv personal service oi this writ, the con
tents ot the foregoing petition and ru.e.here
to be and appear before the Judges of our
Orphan's Court at Butler on the 4th Monday
day of June, 1837, being the 27th day of said
month, to show cause, if any she may have,
whv the real estate of Sarah B. Fowzer, dec d,
should not be partitioned as prayed for.
Witness the Hon. Aaron L. Hazeii, I resi
dent Judge of our said Court at Butler, this
7th day of June. ISB7. ,
Butler County's Best Farms
Containing 1-30 Acres.
All under a high state of cultivation; no
waste land; under good fences, a large
almost new, with cellar under the whole
house, a large frame bank barn, 50x5L, a
three hundred dollar spring house,
and all other necessary outbuild
ings. Excellent water.
Good orchard. Choice fruit of all kinds.
Churches and Rchools convenient. This
farm is located on the Unionvil'e
road in
Franklin Township,
one mile from Mt. Chestnut and live miles
from Butler, and will be fold oil easy
terms. Immediate possession will be given
Call on or address
Mt. Chestnut, Pa.
In Sugarereek township. Armstrong county,
near Adams P. 0., one and one-fourth mile east
of the new oil develop went In sugarereek twp.
Farm contains
100 ACRES,
with bank barn, 32x00 feet;
IBx3<; feet. 2 stories, wltli cellar, frame kitchen,
HxlG feet; good'spring of water, farm well wa
tered, ffood orchard of grafted fruit. Farm in ft
good state of cultivation. About
balance in good timber. Will sell extremely
low for c:t:;h. For particulars inquire of
J. K. " i* I*i
Clarion Co., Pa.
Farm*, 31111*,C00l Lands. Etc., In Wintern Penn
sjrania, by W. J. KISKADPOX, Frc*port, Pa.
Everj' Monday in Kreeport and every Tuesday
at Pittsburgh, 129 Filth Ave., 2d floor. Send
for printed list. niay 23,8-l.ly.
Summer Tours.
Palace Steamers. Low Rates.
Four Trips par Week Between
BUJjrnacc. Cheboygan, Alpena,JlArriaville.
Osooda, Sand Tteaoli, Port Huron,
Ct. Clair, Oakland House, Marine City.
Every Week Day Betvrean
Bp«a!al3ona*y Wpa during July andAuguit.
Ilatct and Excuraioa Tieicite will be furnlalied
by your Ticket Agor-t, cractdrcaa
C. D. VVHITCOMB, P»«. Agent,
Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co.
Teachers' Examinations. 1887.
The annual examinations for teachers in
Butler Ceunty will be held us follows:
June 14 Rsnfiew.
•« 15 Petersville.
« is Evans Citr.
«« 17 Portersville.
«• is Prospect.
•« 21 Ce.ntreviile.
«< 2," Harrisville.
<• 27 Middletown.
<• 28 Millerstown.
'< 2!)! Fuirview.
" 30 Brnin.
July i North Washington
«• 2 Farmington.
" u I'nionville.
" 13 Giade Mill.
•« 14 Saxonburi;.
" 15 Coyksville.
«< id Hutler.
" 30 Sunbur/.
Special examiuations will l>eheld in Hutler
on the last Saturdays of Angust, September
and October.
Examinations will at half-past 8
o'clock a. in. Applicants will bring as a
specimen of writing', a composition of fifteen
to twenty lines on "How to Teach Penman
ahip." Candidates unknown to the Super
intendant must furnish evidence of i;ood
moral character. Directors and citizens are
invited. Tlie Superintendant will be in his
office in the Court House on the second and
last Saturdays of each month throughout
the year, except the dates given above.
J. 1,. SNYDER,
P. O. Address, Co. Sup't of Schools.
Slippery rock, Pa.
fllic n A BCD Is on Me in f uilndelphla
I HIS UArrKst tbe 'Ji<m»if.per Advcr.
J.^«y r .TTlS» u rS SSffi
The Throbbing, Thrilling Drama. How to
Save Money.
H.v D. HECK,
Author of tbe The Pride Won; or. What a New
Suit of Clothes Did. will be enacted every
day and evening during tit coining
season at D, A. HECK'S
So. 11, Xortli Matii St.. ItiifTy's Block,
Until further notice. This powerful work Is a
wonderful and varies ilea combination .°f
tragical comedy, and comical tragedy
and never falls to bilug down the house.
Tiie actors are all Stars. '1 la- < 1 'Si tuning
winU' a strong leuturc. '1 he lolluv, lug tint uy
outlined is me
SONU- i"he happy man no more reflects.
Who t.'.tya his clothing at U. A. Heck's
ACT I,— SCENE l Tir.ie 9 a.m: Enter young mac
with friend. Young man explains to his
fries: 1 that the direct, cam " or ills engage
ment to the wealthy farmer's daughter
was his purchase of an elegant suit at
D. A. iIKCK's Great Clothing Emporium
Friend tumbles to Hie idea anti is made
happy witha new . liat. Shirts. Collars
Ties, Underwear, Glove.-:, llcse.. TrunV
Valise, t'mhrella, etc. Scene closes with
song, joined in by the audience.
SONG— The day v. ill be Intensely cold.
When I>. A. Hick Is und.'rsold, 4c.
Act it. —SCENE 2 -Time 11 a.m. Enter throng of
people, old men. young men. ladles, chil
dren. managing mat rons w ,tli marrlarable
daughters, who with one accord fairly
shriek with delight at tli. wonderful bar
gains shown. The beautiful young iady,
Cinderella linds some Jeweiery, a pair of
Corset:!, a * air of Kid Gloves, an elegant
pair ot Hose '.h it set her off : o exquisitely
tin t a dude from Vnlonville and a young
mati from Greece City both propose.as the
Greece City man has on one of b. A. necks
Inesi-iab! • Mills, Cinderella decides to
patronise home industri's and sH-eepts
him. The Ciilonville dude talks of due-Is,
suicides. ,vc., but deotdes t'.oito leave tills
world while lie cau get clothing so cheap
at D. A. HECK'S Great Kmporium.
Song by company, joined by audience:
"Ho our experience, one and all.
Anil every one who tiles It knows,
That I). A. llE'.'K. has got the call,
And takes the town in selling clothes.
ACT III.— SCENE 3.—Time ten years later.
Ten years are supposed to have elapsed.
i>. A. HECK'S Store quadrupled in size,
butler a metropolis. Arrival of several
excursions, electric trains and a number
of balloons, with crowds of people to buy
Clothing, Underwear,
llats, Caps, Collars,
Neck Ties, Hosiery,
Suspenders, Handkerchiefs,
Umfcrellas. Trunks
Valises, Satchels,
mil and Pocfcet'jooks,
Cloth, Hair and Tooth Brushes
and Innumerable other articles which
space forbids lo mention. Scores of pros
perous men and plump matrons gather
around the proprietor, all agreeing that
their rise in the world began from the mo
ment they tirgan to buy their goods from
Cinderella and her husband about to de
part for ML Chestnut (this is no chestnut)
TheUnlonvlUe dude, a dude no longer but
a rich business man in the city of Butler.
Population 10,000, noted chiefly for being
tlt«' most enterprising city in the county,
and for fair dealing and for the fact, b. A.
HECK'S Emporium. Duffy's Block, Is tlie
headquarters lor good goods, fair dealing
and low prices.
All wUI now Join ill singing:—
How I>. A. Heck Is selling clothes,
W ay clown at bed r.ick—
.lust watch the crowd that daily goes
To I>. A. licck's In Duffy Klock.
Curtain falls to slow but sure music.
Cleanses tho
ncad - Aiiws
KL Heals the sores
/ Restores the
Smell .Hearing.
HAY-FEVER A positive cure
\ jtariicle is applied into eacli nostril and is
agreeable. Price so cents at xiriigicists ;by mail,
rtfglst<*refl, CO ets. Circulars free, ELV liKOS,
Druggists, Owego, N. V.
elnal agenta for the cure of pain and disease.
Prepared from tho complete virtuea of freah
Hops, Burgundy Pitch and Gums. Tho greatest
strengthening plaster ever invented. Apply
one to Backache, Crick, Rheumatism, Kidney
Pains, Stitches, Sciatica, Sore Chest, or pain in
■ any part, local or deep-seated. Cures instantly,
■ socthcs and strengthens the tired muscies. All
■ ready to apply. Sold by drug and country
H stores, 35 cents, 6 for SI.OO. Mailed for price,
g Proprietors, HOP PLA3TER CO., Boston, Mass.
tvx\A "BesO.
Ms Pills
Htlmnlate the torpid liver, strength
en the digestive regulate the
bowels, ami are tmeqiialcri as au
anti-bilious medicine. Iu
Malarial Districts
their virtues arc widely recognized,
as they possess peculiar properties
in freeing the system from that poi
son. This popular remedy rarely
i'uiis to effectually cure
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick
HeadacSie, Biliousness
and all disorders arising from a
Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion.
A Proclamation!
Br. I. (luy I.cwis, Fulton. Ark., says:
"A year ago I had bilious fever;
Tntt's Pl'ls were so highly reccoin
mendvd that 1 used them. Never did
medicine have u happier effect. Af
ter a practice «»!' n quarter of u cen
tury, I proclaim them the best
medicine ever nsoil. I always pre
scribe them in my practice."
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray St. New York.
Tuit's Manual of Useful Receipts sent Free.
Swithin C. Shortiidge's Academy,
For loans Hen ami i'ojs, Xcilla, I'a.
12 mllpsfrom PlilladeltVuis'. Fixed price rovers
every expense, even books, .ve. No extra
charges. N'<> Incidental expenses—Xo examina
tion lor adust islon. Twelve expi ri 'need teach
ers-. nil men and all graduates, spec 1:1 oppor
tunities for npt .si mlents to i>«lvance rapid.y.
(■'•iH'clal drill for ciwl and backward boy.-. Pa
trons or students may scl«vi any studies or
choose the regular English,Sclentlilc, I'.uslness,
classical or Civil Engineering course, students
tutted at Media .V- demy are now in Harvard.
Vale, Princeton and ten other colleges and
Polytechnic Schools. 10 students sent to col
lege In IMS, 15 In is--4,10 In l.vO, lo ill 1886. A
graduating class every year In the commercial
department. A Physical an-.l Chemical I,aab
ratorr, Oynin isPmi and Hall t .round. 1500 vols,
added to Library in Physical apparatus
doubled In ls-ot. Media has seven churches and
a temperance charter which prohibits the sale
of all Intoxicating drinks. For new illustrated
circular address the PriiKtpal and Proprietor.
Kwmux <•. SIIOKTMIiUK, A. M., (Harvard
i .raduate) Media, Pi. 8-G-Bu-ly
a jwaM* bm ■ *: x
Olllce l.ibertv St., Pittsburg, Pa.
A. U. MII.I.KU .1 SOX,
Manufacturers of lliuh Tesi Oils, for export and
home consumption. Would call public
attention to our brand
win?" OLEINE &
Warranted None Better.
Gasoline for stoves and gas machines, 74, 8", 87
88, and !X) gravities. Lubricating oils.
t#~Stavcs aud heading wauttd, [4-3-'BO-ly]
My feet approach life's western slope;
Above me bends the noonday skies,
BeyonJPmc spreads the realtu of hope,
Behind, the land of memory lies:
I know not what the years may bring
Oi' dangers wild, or joys serene;
Cut, turning to the east, I sing,
"Lord, keep my memory green."
Oh laud of winter and of gloom,
Of singing bird, and moaning pine,
Tbe golden lights, tby tender gloom,
Thy vales and mountains all are mine !
Tny holy loves of other years
With beck'ning hand toward me lean,
And whisper through their falling tears,
"Lord, keep my memory greeu."
Dear memory ! whose unclouded gaze
Cau peure-i the darkest wilds of spaee
I see her morning watchfire blaze,
I feel her breeze fan my face;
I would not give the light she flings
Across my future landscape scene
For all the pomp and power of I-.ings
"Lord, keep my memory green."
Let memory near my sou! abide.
With eye and voice to w ara and win,
Till Hope and Memory, side !>y side,
Shall walk above the tides of sin—
Till from life's western lakes and rills
The angel lifts the sunset sheen,
And haugs it o'er the eastern hills
"Lord, keep my memory green."
In the year ISO— John Ilarlow
started for San Francisco, Cal , on a
tour of recreation from a long course
of legal study. Nothing of special
note occurred to relieve the tedious
ness of his journey, be arrived at his
destination much shattered and fa
tigued. Immedia'e rtst was needed,
so he souifht a boarding-house in a
dull, quiet part of the city, and for
some days enjoyed the seclusion and
rest he so much stood in teed of. His
meals were brought to his room, and
therefore he had no opportunity to
make the acquaintance of his fellow
boarders. The house was run by a
matronly looking woman named
Went worth, whose only weakness
seemed to be her voluble tongue.
However, she atoned somewhat for
this iu the excellent quality of her
menu, and as thi3 is the paramount
object sought for in a bcarding-house,
whatever foibles she possessed in the
eyes of her tenants were graciously
Htr daughter, a comely young girl
of seventeen years, assisted her in the
household duties and in the evening
usually entertained the house with
pleasing music on the piano. One
evening as Harlow was enjoying a
fragrant Havana in his room, and
moving retrospectively over old
scenes and faces, the soft plaintive
strains of a delicate but musical voice
seemed to emanate from the parlor
below. There was something un
natural in the tone of the voice that
told him he had never heard it there
before. The air spoke volumes of
sadness and breathed such pathos and
distress that he turned involuntarily
in his chair, and noticing in the mir
ror at the other side of the room what
a change it had wrought in his fea
tures, he jumped up suddenly and
was about to shut out the voice from
his hearing, when it suddenly stop
ped. The music had piqued his curi
osity. He would know the owner of
that voice.
Tbe cbatting of two women below
told him that some lady friend of
Bertha—Mrs. Wentworth's daughter
—was probably paying her a friendly
visit. He dressed himself hastily and
repaired to the parlor, where, under
the pretext of wishiug to be called
early iu the morning, he bad tbe op
portunity of seeing Bertha. She
seemed pleased to be ot service to
him. The Rubicon passed, he was
soon engaged in delectable conversa
tion with Cora Lane, to whom he
had bcon introduced by Bertha.
Of all fair faces he bad ever seen
her'B was the fairest. There was an
air of melancholy sufl'using the entire
features that seemed in keeping with
the sad blue eyes the expression of
which completely charmed him.
Someting indefinable in her sweet,
gentle manner, felt its way deeply
into his breast and caused it to beat
with rapture. He could have sat for
hours and contemplated her lovely
face, so great was bis infatuation.
Tbat night as he lay on his couch,
with the picture of the fair face en
grossing his every thought, he felt,
he knew, that Cora Lane was the
only woman he would ever love. It
was late the next morning when he
arose, despite the fact that Bertha
had done his bidding.
His first impulse was to rush to
her and learn all she knew about
Cora, but better judgment prevailed,
lie concluded to ascertain through
quiet inquiries all he could about his
new found love. Bertha, however,
anticipated him. She saw, with a
woman's quickness, the profound ad
miration ou his visage as he sat gaz
ing at her friend the night previous,
and intuitively surmising that he
wished to know something of her
friend, told him of her own accord all
that she knew.
"Cora was employed a.sa saleslady
in a millinery establishment She
was twenty years old, was supposed
to be an orphan, and came originally
from the East."
This was all Bertha knew of her
although she dtvelt eloquently on her
amiable manners and goodness of
Every night for two weeks Harlow
saw bis love safely home, but not a3
an escort. He could not nerve him
self to meet those great blue eves,
for he felt that th.j venture would
lead him to a passionate avowal of
the love that wa3 surging against his
heart like a vast billow. No, he must
strive to beat down the vehement at
tachment that was almost consuming
him and let time shape his fortunes.
Harlow had passed two evenings
at tho house of Cora, and each time
he set his eyes on ber,some new-born
charm revealed itself to his enamored
vision. A certain air of constant re
serve in her demeanor awed down all
efforts on his part to divulge the dic
tates of bis heart. If the mellow
gaze that wreathed ber face at time
conveyed to his mind tbe looks of re
ciprocal affection. Its relaxation into
a moody, apathetic stare dispelled the
felicitous thought. Still, his manner
and conversation appeared to please
and entertain her, aud at times she
grew eloquent in her responses.
One gentle mooulight evening,
when the stars studded tha vaulted
heavens with unwonted brilliancy
and bracing breezes stole softly
through the trees and flowers, bring
ing with them the inyigorating influ
ences of a balmy evening in May,
Harlow unbosomed his heart to her.
I He told her in impassioned tones of
l his adoration; how life without her
J would be a dismal blank; how he had
watched ber night after night, and
i felt happy to know that he was close
|to the woman whom he loved; bow
eagerly he had looked forward to the
1 time when he could tell her all. She
listened demurely, with downcast
eyes, but uttered not a word. That
she did not remonstrate with him
reconciled him to the belief that the
j affeetioa was mutual. At last she
spoke aud her melodious voice thrill
ed him with delight.
I She told him she dearly loved him,
i loved him for his kindness to her;
! that ever since she first saw him his
j image was indissolubly mingled with
1 her day dreams; every moment in his
presence seemed an hour of happiness
to ber.
These endearing words threw off
the restraint he had sustained, aud in
the ardency of his fondness he drew
her to bis side and repeatedly kissed
the pale, upturned lips.
' Cora, you will be my wife," he
said, looking down upon her with un
speakable joy, as if the answer he
sought was already his. She drew
herself gently from his embrace and
the ga?e in her lovely eyes appeared
-to pass over him to space beyond.
She spoke as if in a dream.
"That never can be," she uttered,
at the same time throwing her arms
about his neck and sobbing bitterly,
as if in deep anguish
To be refused by a woman who had
just avowed herself iu love seemed
a strange anomaly to him. A hun
dred conjectures filled his brain at
that moment. Was her heart pre-oc
cupied? Was there a man on earth
who loved Cora Lane more thau he
did? Why could she not be his wife?
"Don't ask me why, John. It is
better for us if we see each other no
more. Forgive me if I make you un
happy, but it really can never be; to
be your wife would only bring sor
row and distress to our home."
Her enigmatical words puzzled
"Cora, dearest, I will forgive every
thing. We will start life anew; blot
the past from our sight; only say
you will be mine."
She strove to answer, but the pro
found anguish in her bosom mocked
all efforts to scorn. The look of melan
choly sadness that overspread her en
tire features, told Harlow that his
love was hopeless.
When he left that night with the
arrow of deep disappointment sunk
deep into his breast, she exacted a
vow from him never again to broach
the subject of matrimony; but he left
her with the sorry assurance that she
loved him better than any one on
For a week Harlow never left his
room. His sprightly, gay spirits
vanished, aud long fits of dejection
If Bertha suspected the cause of
the change in his appearance she
never betrayed it. He pleaded an at
tack of malaria, to which he said he
was a victim; this was all be offered
in explanation of his moodiness.
At the end of his hermitage a long
ing desire to see his love again reas
serted itself. He tore himself from
his seclusion and went to her house.
When he entered to his bewildered
consteration he learned she had left
the city.
A note was banded him by the
lady of the house, which she gave
him at Cora's request. He trembling
ly tore open the envelope. The note
read as follows:
"In three years. CORA."
Every one of those words seemed
as if written in fire. He was mysti
fied beyond reason. The thought,
"Was she trifling with his affec
tions?" took tho place of all other con
siderations. But where was tbe mo
tive? The more he cogitated over
the short note the more he clothed it
with an occult meaning.
He left tbe house, repaired to his
room, and in the wreck of his life's
happiness wept poignant tears of woe.
The Occident had no more charms
for him; he determined to return East
in the course of a fortnight.
He left San Francisco an altered
man and returned to his home, but
the thought of Cora, ever present in
his mind, drew a view of sadness
over his whole life. Some months
afterward he finished his law studies
and entered upon bis chosen pro
At the end of three years his life
was just as devoid of happinoss a3
the day when Cora told him it could
never be.
lie resolved at last to once again
visit the West aud learn, it possible,
her whereabouts.
When he arrived at San Francisco
he called at lha house whero be had
last seen her; she had never been
heard from, and as far as the good
lady could enlighten hitn she might
be dead, Mrs. Wentworth and her
daughter told the samo despairing
story—she had almo3t dropped from
tbeir memory.
The one great o!\ject of life now
wu3 to find bar and learn from her
own lips the meaning of those odd
words: "In three years."
If he failed—alas! he dared not
contemplate the consequences. Find
her he would, if it took years of con
stant search. Such is the love of
some men, who in their constancy
sacrifice years of happiness for the
sake of one mortal. Not a stone was
left unturned in his untiring search
for hear, but to no avail. No one
could be found to give him ono ray of
hope as regards her whereabouts.
But he found her at last—found her a
new even lovelier than be
had ever seen her.
What strange, impelling influence
led him to visit Sau Quetin he will
never know. Was it a mere whim,
a fancy, or was it the hand of fato
striving to make amends fur pa3t dis
San Quetin is a sma'l town, situat
ed on the bay of San Fraucisco. It
took him but a short time to ascertain
that there was uothing there to inter
est his attention. But stay—the
State's prison is located iu this small
village. Another trair did not arrive
for two hours; why not pass the time
It was the extravagant desire ol a
morbid temperament. He had no
idea that the sights there would in
terest him any more than the com
monplace realities of the village itself.
He repaired to the prison. Tbe
warden was very kind and urbane
he could go through the prison if he
so desired. An usher who escorted
him through the different departments
explained every point iu the work
ings of the place, but he listened in
differently; he felt that not one of the
hardened criminal-? he passed by
could be more ehopfallen than be. In
going out he hed to pass by a waiting
rcom. He casually looked through
a hole in tbe panel of the door that
opened into that room In that room
a sight met his jraze the effect of
which almost froza his blood.
Was it Cora's face he saw, or was
it the phantom of bis love?
To assure himself he peered again;
the truth was very patent. Her arms
were entwined around a tall, manly
form, but he could not see the face,
as the back was turned towards him.
The usher, noticing his wild fixed
gaze, drew him to one side and asked
him if he was sick.
A glass of water was all be desir
ed, as he sat or rather fell into a chair.
He told the man that it was an at
tack of the vertigo; it would soon be
oyer. He felt as though his reason
was leaving him; strange phantasies
shot through his brain.
That Cora loved another, and that
person a convicted felon, was his first
deduction. The terrible truth sank
into his soul like a poisoned shaft. A
craving for revenge on the man he
had just seen all but controlled him.
That man should never live to en
joy tbe happiness tbat should bs his.
The usher iu his dismay was about
to shout for help, thinking he was
caged with a madman, when Harlow
suddenly sprang to his side and
hoarsely whisptred:—
"Who is that man in the other
The latter seeing that bis compan
ion had subsided somewhat in wild
ness, deigned to reply.
It was John Lane, who was about
to be discharged from prison. He
bad been convicted of forgery and had
served a fifteen years' sentence. The
woman was his daughter. This was
all he knew.
The sudden revulsion in Harlow's
feelings stunned him; he reeled and
would have fallen bad not the usher
caught him in time; he slipped a gold
coin into the hands of the usher and
left the prison.
He sought a tree near by, whose
large drooping branches afforded a
good ensconcement, and throwing
hitr-self on the green grasses, began
to ruminate over the exciting circum
stances which bad just taken place.
Tbat was indeed one of the happiest
moments of his life. His heart never
beat so lightly before.
The words, "noble, grand girl" es
caped his lips in the delirium of his
delight. Ab! now he kne%v the rea
son of her magnanimous sacrifice; of
her refusal to accept the band of the
man she loved. The filial love was
paramount to all other affections.
Why had she not told him all? So
great was his love he could have for
given everything.
lie lay on the cool grass for some
time, turning over future plans, but
was at last roused from his blissful
thoughts by the approaching train
which was to bear him and his love
back to San Francisco.
He watched the devoted couple un
til they boared the train, and then
took a seat himself in the rear coach.
How different was the journey back.
Every object along the road sparkled
like a dazzling gem; every plot of
grass disclosed some new-born charm;
the very air seemed to breathe hap
piness, John Harlow's new life be
gan when he boarded the train that
afternoon. For reasous better known
to himself he did not see Cora Lane
for two weeks after tbe prison epi
He allowed tho excitement of the
past few weeks to completely die out
before he ventured to see her. Then
he found her and reiterated his undy
ing aflc-ction. Tbey were soon mar
ried and returned to the East, but the
father remained in San Francisco,
where for many years he led a good,
useful life, and fully expiated his
past misdeeds. John buried the se
cret of his wife deep in his noble
heart, as regards that his lips were
forever fcileut Often as he sits and
gazes into her largo liquid eyes he
wonders if she reads bis thoughts,
but as he never speaks of the reason
why for three long years she avoided
the man she loved, he rests content
ed that his secret is unknown to
Henry George's Land Theory
The fundamental doctrine of Mr.
George, which a correspondent asks
ns to state and explain, is the notion
that no man has or can acquire a
riqbt to the ownership of land. His
theory is that the value of the land
is not created by man's labor, and
therefore cannot be properly appro
priated by individuals. The truth is
that the part of the value of land
which is the result of man's labor is
iufinitely the greater part, and is ab
solutely inseparable from the value,
if there ever was any, existing in the
laud independently of such labor.
Name a tract of ground anywhere
and examine its history closely, and
it will be found that its value has
been created by the building of roads,
tbe creation of means of reaching it
and transporting products from it, by
the clearing, fencing ar.d other im
provements ol that and adjacent
lands, by the growth of villages,
towns and cities more or less near tbe
laud in question, by tbe building of
stores aud churches, railroads, canals
or turnpikes, and, in a word, by all
the progress of civilization from the
earliest settlement of that region to
this day. As a rule, the laud itself
has no value which is not the result
of human industrv.
The value thus created must be
long to somebody, and be capable of
transmission from one person to an
other. This is necessary to the wel
fare of civilized society, because the
creation of such values, by the im
provement of lauds and the construc
tion of means of communication,
would be arrested if the laud were
not the property of individuals. The
infinitely larger porportiou of value
whiob is created by man's labor must
be individually owned, that being
necessary to the progress of society.
The infinitely smaller proportion not
so created, if any such value exists,
must therefore be also individually
owned, because its separation from
the other aud far greater is impracti
cable. Nor is it practicable even to
determine whether land has or would
have hud any value apart from the re
sult of human improvements and hu
man labor.—New York Tribune.
Sold Him too Cheap.
"What crime did Joseph's brothers
commit in selling him?"
All the pupils in chorus:
"They sold him too cheap."
Lutheran General Synod
OMAIIA, XKII , June 10. —In the
Lutheran General Synod to-day a
proposition was made to suggest to
the trustees of the Wittenburg Col
lege, Ohio, to remove tbe theological
department to Chicago. This caused
considerable discussion. The Itev.
E. Iv Bell said it would be impossi
ble to remove Wittenburg Seminary
from Springfield, O In Chicago
there was no English Lutheran
strength, while iu Springfield there
were strong churches and excellent
preachers among tbe Lutherans.
This is necessary to produce Luther
an preachers. It would be better to
establish a seminary in Oaiaha rath
er than in Chicago. Toe East will
not always have the best institutions
of learning. The centre of culture
will move westward. Tbe recom
mendation was, by a vote of the
Synod, stricken out of the report.
The board wa3 authorized to raise
SSOO per year for the payment of the
expenses incident to the preliminary
work of establishing a college. I>r.
Rhodes offered resolutions setting
forth the conviction of the General
Assembly that the time has come for
the establishment of a college iu the
West After a lew words by Dr
Rhodes in advocacy of the resolutions
they were unanimously adopted.
Rev. J. D. Severingbaui read the
report of the condition and the work
of the recently established German
Theological Seminary at Chicago, 111.
During the past two years this insti
tution has sent out ten young men
into the ministry. The receipts of
the seminary treasurv were sl,-
Rev. Dr. Valentine presented the
report, of the Committee on Common
Order of Service, which was contin
ued from the last convention at IDir
risburg in 1885. The report stated
that the report of the committee was
completed, and would be published
in a few weeks. A common order of
worship lor all English Lutheran
churches in this country has been
adopted by all English general bodies
of the Lutheran Church. The orders
adopted do not include the orders for
ministerial acts, but the United
Synod and General Council have
taken steps for the preparation of
such orders.
On motion af the Ilev. Sylvanus
Stall the privilege of the floor was
grauted to Rev. F. W. Conrad, I).
D , who addressed the Synod on the
subject of common order of service.
The report was accepted and the
committee continued with instruc
tions to co-operate with other mem
bers of the joint committee in secur
ing a preparation of orders in minis
terial and also an authorized transla
tion of the Augsberg Confession and
Lutheran Small Catechism. The
Hymn Book Publishing Committee
was authorized to publish in all fu
ture editions of the Book of Worship
this common order of services and to
publish iu cheap form a separate edi
tion of the order of service for use of
those congregations which have in
use the books containing the old or
der of service, which is now by this
order superseded. The committee
was also authorized to publish an edi
tion injthe German and Scandinavian
A report answering the inquiries of
the Hymn-Book Publishing commit
tee was discussed by the Rev. Dr.
Baugher, Rev. Dr. Billheimer and
Mr. J. W. Rice. These inquiries
arose by reason of the fact that a re
cent edition of the Sunday school
hymn book contained tbe Apostles'
Creed with a different punctuation
from that found in the Book of Wor
ship. An amicable difference of opin
ion existed betweeu the Hymn Book
Committee aud the Sunday School
Hymn Book Committee and they de
sired the Synod to define tho author
ity of the standing committee. The
decision was that all the publications
concerning the doctrinal teachings of
the Church must be approved by the
General Synod. The Hymn Book
Publishing Committee was declared
to have no authority to amend the
subject-matter prepared by auy other
standing committee until so ordered
by the General Synod.
The proposition from the L T nited
Synod of the South asking for tbe
appointment of a committee to act
with a similar committee on their
part to secure not only a common ser
vice but a common hymn book was
offered to the standing committee on
a common order of service.
Rev. E S. Wolf read the report of
the Committee ou the Re-establish
ment of an Office of Deaconess, and
declared that this office has the ap
proval of the early Church in which
deaconess exercised functions of this
office. The committee did not see
tbeir way clear to authorize its imme
diate restoration in churches, but they
recommended a continued investiga
tion of the subject, which should be
reported upon again at the next con
vention. The report wa3 adopted,
and the committee continued with the
addition of liev. i-J 11. Harpster, of
Canton, O.
Rev. Dr. Baugher presented a res
olution that the Central Synod, hav
ing no organ for the publication of its
views except its own official minutes,
wishes it distinctly understood that
for whatever else is published by ed
itors the contributors aud individual
writers alone are responsible. The
resolutions appended to tbe Home
Mission report which had not previ
ously been acted upon were consider
ed. The one recommending the ap
propriation of $155,000 for the Home
Missions during the next two years
was adopted.
A Wall.
The attention batchelors is invited
to the following "wail:"
' There are some sad sights in this
world; a city sacked and burnt—a
battle Geld after a great slaughter—a
London in the midst of a plague—a
shi]> burning at sea—a family pining
in starvation—a jug of molasses
wrecked ou the pavement All bad,
but true. But to us the saddest
sit;ht is an old bachelor wearing to
ward the end of his journey of life,
his great duties undone. Miserable
creature!— Just look at him; his shirt
buttons off—his stockings out at the
toes—not a son or daughter, nor a
relative to drop a tear, close his eyes
iu death, or to leave his money to—
nobody, iu fact, to care for him—
shunned by saint and sinnerl"
—Two years ago a farmer of Cedar
Grove, Ga , planted two rows of po
tato slips on Sunday. Since thct
time, although on both sides of th 'se
row 3 everything that is plautcd grows,
this space has singularly refused to
produce anything.
CuMM i -Nil A L lUX&
Kansas and Arkansas.
LYSHON, K VN , MAY ;JO, 18 ->7.
EI>J. CITIZEN: — Since my last writ
ing I have been around
Leaving Prairie G'ove, I went on &
journey over the Boston junta!'--".
After traveling ten miles L I v.v
came to what is CDK'D the Yellow
Rocks, a cliff with a t'aca over o.
j hundred feet high, as straight and
I smooth as if cut with a chisel,
i At the base is an opening where a
number of people can s;nud
' and where t rie different kinds of ROCK
cau be seen; all yellow us gold and
I hanging in rocks, or clusters, as K
; were, and as easy cut as crayon. 1
| broke a few pieces from a cluster,
| which I shall take with me when 1
| return to Pa. At this opening is a
j spring where deer come to drink, and
! where tracks were sufficient to tell us
that they were not far away.
The next curiosity is the Auger
Rocks, an opening in the biuff well
deserving the name, in v.hicti are
rocks exactly the SHAPE of augers,
from thirty to forty feet in height
Here we left our ponies and trav
eled fourteen miles east, seeing more
sights than I have time tj explain
At the end of this journey, we
came to the northern limit of the cot
ton belt, and tho noted rocks called
Curiosity Bluff. Iu this Bluff there
is an opening called the Hotel, where
there are chairs, stands, and almost
all kinds of stone furniture.
After finishing our fishiog and
hunting expedition we returned to
Prairie Grove, where the reaper can
be heard and the harvest is at hand.
Oa the 30th day of May I attend
ed the decorating of the soldiers
.'raves at Fayetteville, where I bad
the pleasure of listening to Col.
Parker, Judge of the U. S. Court of
Ft. Smith, Ark , who hr.s sentenced
more men to be hung than any Judge
in the United States. I was told by
old citizens of Fayetteville that the
crowd was the largest ever known
be in the town since the war, and
the battle of Prairie Grove, 18fi2.
At 3 o'clock p. M , I took tho train
for Pierce City, Mo., from there to
Ft. Kan., from Ft. Scott to
Kansas City.
After spending a short time on the
W ire Cable street cars viewing the
city, I took my departure for the
Sunflower State, or the State of
wealth, health and happiness; where
the poor are made rich, and where
farmers do not raise little five oere
fields of corn, but were we seo from
40 to 200 acres in one field. At the
present time Osage county, K m., is
having very little rain, but dry
weather cannot check the crops in the
garden spot of America. Yesterday
I was iu the south-western part of
the county, to-day, June 3, [ went to
the south-eastern corner, and I find
it all verv near the same.
The prairies are covered with all
kinds of flowers, and tbe cattle are
feeding by the hundreds.
To those coming west I would say
give the Sunflower (Kansas) State a
a trial. Topeka is increasing at Uk
rate of 1000 a month, Lyndon will
have the Kansas City R. 11. through
bet* town in a short time.
Reader, I will close for the- present
by stating that the wind in Kansas
will not hold a hat to the side of a
building all day. Such an assertion
is incorrect. I expect to visit the
greatest pork market iu the U. S.
before returning to Pa.
Thanking you for your kinduess,
I remain E L. ENGLISH.
Raising Pork Cheaply. *
We need more grass aud clover,
and less corn, upon which to make
pork. More grass and clover means
cheaper growth and l«ss disease.
Just as the great corn and pork pro
ducing lands have been developed,
has swine disease sprung up aud iu
creassd, because our swine are given
a monotonous diet of dry oily food.
Gras3 and clover are the foods of na
ture, and the swine harvest them.
They require little preparation of
the ground for them, and uo cultiva
tion. When pastured they build up,
rather than exhaust, the land ; and it
cannot be successfully disputed that
they are essential factors iu the pro
duction of the cheapest pork. Let
the pigs farrowed in the spring be
put on grass and clover as soon as
t.hey are fit to be grazed, and?kept on
them as long as they are palatable,
aud the result will be pig not fat,
but in good condition and thrifty,
that until fall has large, healthy
bones and muscle and a vigorous
appetite for corn. And then it may
be fed corn largely, for this will put
fat ou the large frame the pasture
has made, and tho hog ia vigorous
enough to digest the corn well; and
if the hog is fatted rapidly ami mar
keted as soon ns fully fat, it is the
cheapest pork that can be made—the
cheapest, not counting loss from dis
ease. But swine plague rarely in
vades the pasture; its favorite place
of appearance is in the small lot,
paved with cobs and manure. The
hog summered ou grass and clover is
so that it rarely sickens
when being fattened ou corn largely,
but also other food, and in clean quar
ters with pure water.— American
An Assessor's Wonderful Logic.
From tho Trenton Emporium.]
There is a certain township asses
sor who valued a tract of ten acres
for taxation at §I,OOO. The v.iiua
ti->N had not been changed for A score
of years. At length ono acre was
sold to a stranger for SI,OOO. TH
following year the assessor valu "1
the single acre at £I,OOO and the nine
acrces which remained- in the original
holder's posess'UN were valued a
§ooo. The assessor claimed that the
one-acre plot having been sol 1 for
til, ooo he was required to value it UT
that sum, but that the nine-acre
plot having been diminished by one
tenth should be valued at one-tenth
less. This seems to be about the
kind of reasoning used by lUJ,ny of
the rural assessors.
It Was Tough Work.
"It's SIOO in your pock-.'t," whis
pered the defendant's lawyer to the
juror, "if you can bring out a verdict
of manslaughter in the second de
Such proved to be the ver.lict, and
the lawyer thanked tho juror warmly
as be paid him the money.
"Yes," said the juror, "it was
tough work, but 1 got there after a
while. All the rest went in for ac
i riCKSCM :-o t ts
A Boston photographer named
di ckering was in Court last week,
i.idir , . •* •!-.^i'iju
'• v. ' y la
dies of Boston's« : / fa milies
thau those will v.\A*h \a? famous
picturei iq tho i\; :- .:0J tird drcp*
The crazs for full-length photo
graphs in seaaly at Ira first st '.zed
hold U:» n half a ■ •/. n ; ung iciety
b lies, who rta-aie .■ -> 0 am a wealth
avi-iiue, last fail. They po oil in Mr.
Ch : ck.ring's studio in m.a . g..,ceful
attitudes. Soma of ih a pictures were
taken singly ai • >L: 0 -.»-b ot the
"Greek Goudt -;:K: av partie
ulii: Ijr "Ye nil I! ig i'r >;a the Sea,"
while others were large-siiad groups
iu imitation of the ' \vph. the
Bath," and o* .ar fata.ass works of
art. The you:; _* »voiuoa prt:orrtd
not to reveal their i . i'.y i. d ,a;ve
the names ol . . rvu •' u theii homos,
where they deslr-. d : .ho proof.? scut.
In several case 'ivd - containing
proofs of the photographs were re
' tarued to Mr. t with the
posuffice toeiiicrandum ih <t no such
person lived at the • . üb. r given la
these euses the "■ oa:. g a a■ a ca*ie*
j the studio sul-sequeiuly ax i blush
icgly explained in emiidenra what
the trouble was.
The collection of pi. tares of these
young ladi' S, ns seen by a correspon
dent, would certuialy coins within
the provision of Anthony Comstoek's
interpretation of the !:iw. BUL the
young women d!r.im t',.i* a true sense
of art would see nothing immodest in
them. They had them uken far
t!: - : r n*vr. bar ■ .-uhl i " *a»» edmira
tioa of a few ftiendand had no sua
| picion that they would ever b seen
outside of a very select few. The
prosp:ct of t!. -ir photographs being
produced in court and put on file as
evidence BO thoroughly ir m <1 them
that they hav suea.. da 1 i L .viag
tLeai supprc . d vn v,:.. ."■ ■■ t;ic da
velopneats in Ihe *■> ni.y bo their
names wfll probably never be known.
As a compromise the nude photo
graph of some nnknown ycuag wo
man has been oliered in evidence as
a sample, aad ih ; o hor have disap
Such a powerful iufljoace was
brought to bear by tL ■- f-iand ; of tha
young devotees of art I i the Bos
ton' newspapar.' ei-i «.ot publish a
word of the case when Mr. Cbicker
ing was arre-ited aa I f;- i, taken to
court. The story ucs : rau-heJ Bos
ton in a New York t i -rr. Mr.
Cidekeiiag rein.-ed to ; jivo the names
of the young 1 -iU ii e sai i:
"1 have uiadj no adtal.tsioas and
no denials, ar. 1 don't an to, If
the grand jary bring in an indictment
I have a very good defense, without
telling anything a'-.- -ut ray pa roas or
the pietu-es.
The Sunday Ques-ion.
Postmaster-Gen 1 Til as, while he
was. practicing i-\v in Madison, Wia,
was a lecturer to the State
1 University. was v>;\ p.pular
among the s;-. ..-at . r . : v. . • e-peci
aliy apt and wi ty n Li; aa • .vera to
questions, mu a the la >re > a when
he thought t!) qi; ti •ur v/: i trying
to corner him. J,.e y« ar, »t'tae cad
of a course on • vide-:cs, stud just be
fore commcGc . ! Col.- Ytias, call
ed by the b r : ; ats !• a
"Bill," was v- iv : g his farewell
talk to his cla v, ;:. i.: the boys
success, and el-jsing wi " s the request
that if they em got pu v/ . d over a
low point to write to in and he
would help th ai; ■ i . o .vou'i do
J this even if he b•! i j v.- »••': a Sua
[days. At thi . lu.amus
in the pipod out; "Bat, Col-
CDCI, the Bi'ol ■ I'.-; - u•, . L o wors
Sunday." "Yes, it d *■bat it also
says you may i: t. - out of the
mire, even though it : ;u:iay," rr
plied the i ■ »Col ael never
smiled until tha cla s 1 i d oio with
a storm ot laugi ' *r, whan ho gave
vent to a pecui:',i !:idd of a chuckle
that set the cl o:'.' aaaia. — Chicago
Franklin's Famous Toast.
Ban Franklin was dining with a
small party of distirguis -ad gentle
men when ono of them s id:
"Here are three natio ialities rep
rc » am French, my friend
there is Knglish, aad Mr. Franklin is
an American. Lot us eaeii propose a
It was agreed to. aad the English
man's turn came first. I r • arose, and
in a tone of a Briton bold, said:
"Hare's to Great Brit.da, tho run
that gives light to all nations of the
eari h."
The Frenchman -res rather taken
back at this, but he prop a-; • I:
"Hero's to France, die tnaaa whose
magic ravs moves the tide of ail the
Our Ben then arose, w.'.h his air of
q : int in V-' a:, i> d :
"iiere's to Q jor , a Wa hington, the
Joshua of A n i' ■, who commanded
the Bun and in . x to at -aa still—and
they stood still."
Next Thhr; to Prohibition.
On July 4th a law goes into effect
the £■ tie of liqu jr. It forbid » tho u-3
of Ec-jerx or i r I'viao t > obslruct
po>l tab' - or ray of!: r tab.as used
for games of chance in snob places, j
dents, and habitual Iru ' and
daughter or s ... a* r. s„ • !ae to the
dealer through the riff or other
peace oliieer nut - - !t > <. -a p *r
son. A bond of tfa.OOO that he will
strictly comply with to - law must be
furnished by cvery dealer.
His 'Lastly.'
Young .Man (to sexton at church
door) —Isn't th.» sermon nearly
Sexton—About i a !i or vet. He
is only on ! i.-i 1 jis;!;»
Young ,\jan—ls. take -faiin an
hour to fret through his L i tly.'
Ss. xt.on—No; but thcri 'it the 'One
word more i>od 1 dt; i■>,' and the
'Finally,' jvud '.bo'ln conclusion' to
come yet. Don't pet impatient,
young man! Your gitl won't spoil,
The Organ Admitted at Last.
The decision reached recently by
the General Assembly of the United
Presbyterians finally permitting the
use of musical instruments in worship
' IV,is an ecclesiastical struggle exist*
ing o\er the past seven years and
begun stiil earlier in the Church.
The fyiit of the Scotch secession
movement iu 1733, t'ue Associate
Presbyterians, as they were first
known,organized their first presbytery
in America in 1753; but it was not
until 1X53 that the scattered bodies
f Steeders in the United States were
i might together in the Church
-ir:ce known as the United Presbyte
. iThis body, sprung from one
of the sternest and most uncomprom
ising of the many protests made by
Scotchmen iu the. iasc three centuries
ngainst the spirit, has preserved, as is
apt to be the case with small nou-con
t rming bodies, to an unusual degree
the minute and precise poiuts of dif
h reuce on which the original rupture
we.s based, led by men like the
Krskines, whose sincerity was as un
qu -tioned as their usefulness in pre
serving the spirit of evangelical
Chief among these lesser points was
the exclusion of all instruments of
music on the ground that their use
was not ordained in the New Testa
meat. In 1881, the long struggle of
the younger members of the Church
against this rule ended in submitting
an "overture" to the presbyteries on
the subject. The vote was a close
oae, G2o| favoring repeal and
voiing to continue the exclusion of
the organ. As the entire number of
voters in the presbyteries was 1,240,
the nice legal question arose whether
a majority bad voted iu favor of the
repeal of the restriction. The Gen
eral Assembly in 18S2 decided that
it had; but instead of directly recom
mending the use of organs, it limited
itself to a declaration that they could
not be held to be forbidden by the
Word of God, and urged no church
to introduce instrumental music
where any member objected.
The subject has gone through many
phases in the five years which have
passed, and more than one legal opin
ion has been obtained on the subject,
Judge Agnew. among others, passing
oujthe subject came squarely up in the
determined attempt of the Synod of
lowa and the Presbytery of Keokuk
to prohibit the use of an organ
in a church in the latter city, and the
General Assembly has declined to
support the lower bodies in this at
tempt. This still leaves the usage of
the Church in favor of exclusion; but
it also leaves it open for any church
to act for itself, and not many years
will pass before the worship of the
United Presbyterian Church is as
similated to other bodies of the same
faith, the first step toward a more
complete union.— Phil. Press.
Origin of Some Political Phrases
" Vv" here do ycu go from here?"
"I go to my home in Mansfield,
where I intend to take a solid week's
You are going home to look after your
knees, of course?"
The Senator laughed heartily.
"Do you know," he inquired,"how
that expression originated? No!
Then I'll tell you. While I was Sec
retary of the Treasury I came home
to Mansfield for a few days at one
time. As soon as I got there, there
were an influx ot newspaper corre
spondents from all parts. Some of
thorn announced that I was getting
ready to run for Governor; others
that I was working up a boom for the
Presidential nomination. One of
them came to me and boldly asked
what 1 was doing in Ohio. It just
harspeued that on that day I
had contracted with a man to repair
some fences that were in a tumbled
down condition. So when the news
paper man asked me what I was do
ing in Ohio I told Lim that I bad
some home to look after my fences.
He published what I said, and the
expression went everywhere. It was
even used on some occasions in the
British Parliament. It's funny how
these political expressions originate,
la some city just before election the
Democrats employed an immense
number of laborers to lay water pipes.
That's what gave rise to the express
ion 'laying pipes.' You remember
that at one time the Democrats were
called Locofocos, During a Demo
cratic meeting in New York the par
ticipants became so turbulent that it
became necessary to extinguish the
lights. The participants left in total
darkness, pulled out locofocos, as the
old fashioned matches were called.
That's how that name originated."—
Enquirer interview with Senator
Duped by Swindlers.
From Kric Hereld, June ■!.]
A few days ago a young man nam
ed Sylvester Mason arrived in the
city with a friend from near Williams
port. They were in pursuit of three
swindlers who had duped Mason's
father, an old man, out of $3,000.
The swindlers boarded a P. & E.
train separately, but got together
near Kaue. They came on to Erie
and took a train west. The pursuing
party reached here on a train after
the trio had gone from the city,
llad they telegraphed to Erie the
swindlers could have been intercept
A few days ago fi maa called at tho
house of Asa Williams, living near
Corrv, representing a new style of
fence, lie asked for permission to
pnt up a section of fence and Mr.
Williams, who is upward of 80 years
old and quite feeble, was induced to
i ; n . a written consent, as he suppos
ed, to do so.
Thursday another man came, stat
ing that ho was tho attorney of the
Company in Connecticut represented
by tho first agent. He said the ma
chine for building the fence had ar
rived and the bill, S2OO, must be paid
m the order stipulated, immediately.
The old gentleman repudiated the
order, but iu his feeble and aged con
dition was induced to "settle" the *
matter by giving his note for SIOO
payable in one year. The attorney
escipid. Farmers are warned to
look out for swindling permissions
and fraudulent contracts.
—A traveler en route for Boston
was awakened by a cry outside of his
window: "Pedal teguments artistical
ly illuminated for the infinitesimal re
muneration of 5 cents," By Jove,
he said, "we're there."
—News has just been received at
.Hanson, Calhoun county, lowa, that
llej. Dr. Reid, who leit that place
last winter to become a missionary
in Central Africa, had been killed and
eaten by a tribe of cannibals.
NO. 3!