Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 10, 1887, Image 4
KASKiNE (THEIF.W «111IWI»E) | <,wodai>pi:tite I Py srw STKKX.TH. I J qiIKT SIEVES, | HAPPT DATS. A POWERFUL TONiC. that the most delicate sumach will bear. A SPECIFIC TOR MALARIA* RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. THE MO* I SCIENTIFIC AND SI CCtSSKCL RLOODPI ICIFIEB. Superior to quinine. All F. A. Ml'ler East 15Ttli street. ew York, was cured i>>" Kasklne of extreme malari al pPostratloi. ol seven years suflerlu?. He had run down . x.rii 175 pounds ton.. bt'gan on Kaa klji*- in June, isxti. weur to work In one montli, regained his full wei;, it in six months. Quinine did him no goo <l whatever. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the most respected cl i l/ens of onn. saw 4'l a n ninety vears of age. and for the last three years have suffered from malarial and the effects of quinine po king. I began with Kasklne which broke up the malaria and increased my weight 22 . Mrs T Soio'uons, of lot* H<tlltaav rsej Clrv writes: *>Jv son Harrjf, eleven years, was cured ot malaria by Kasklne, after fifteen mont hs* lll'iess, when we up * Letters fron tbe above persons, gl\ lag rail at * tails will be sent w application. Kasklm- can l»- taken without ajurspecial medlral advice. »1.00 i«r bottle. soldb} J. < • REDICK, Butler, or sent by mall on receipt of C 0.. H Warren St., New York. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE oflered for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARL TOP BUT THEY ARE NOT! And. like all Counterfeits lack the Remarkable LASTING Qualities OF THE GEOTINE. ask FOR THE PEARLTOP The PEARL TOP is manufactured ONLY by GEO.A, MACBETH&CO„ PITTSBUBGH..PA. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD IMB OH And Hpphospiiites of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. The only preparation of COD LIVER OIL that ran be taken readily and toleratod for a lung time b, delicate stomachs. . IMI AS A REMEDY FOR CONStHIPTIOff, SfsorTf/)l S AKKF.CTIOXS, ANAEMIA, CEH BTfrgEfeIUTV. COKiHS i>P THROAT AF- »nj all WAST IN(< DISQIIDEBS ffF QHiiPBEW It in marrelloaii In lt» rranlta. **Vrescrll>cd and endorsed by tiio Lust Physician* In the countries of the world. For Male hy All Prngffht*. *s*Send for Pamphlet on Wast in* Diseases. Ad drfeaj. SCOfTT A HOWA'E. flew York. Imported Percheron Horse MONTAGUE Will stand the season of 18S7, commencing An'll 'i"iili and ending July Ml), as follows: Mondays of each week at the stable of James Fleeger, at fnlonvlile; Tuesdays and Wednes days fit the barn of Aionzo McCandless; I liurs days at Ml , Chestnut; Fridays and Saturdays at the livery stable of J. b. Bays, Butler. Description and Pedigree: ' Montacrue is a dark Iron prray, S rears old. and weighs i'jnnlbs.: is 10hands high, on short jetp;. wtili targe hone, great thighs and forearms, deep In girth, with remarkable good feet and action, and in every way a perfect horse of re markable symmetry and beauty, lie was Im ported from France by J. D. Beekct. of < lite ago, In September, i-st. and is recoruedln l'ercheron Norman Stud-book V «; also In Percheron Stud book of America :jur.. He was foaled In isii>. and bred by C. Cogot, of Almonsha, l*rovlnce of Herche, France. Sire, Picador. owned by Die government, and winner of two tfold medals and 1.000 irancs at, two shows In France, besides numerous other prizes. Dam. Lauretta; dam. Chariot ta. a mare bred In the Percheron . family for forty years, as qualified to by C. Cogot. TZE3ELIVC3. tls dollars payable when mare is known to be with foal. The colt will be held for Insurance until paid for. Persons parting with .ware to leave the neighborhood ixjfore known to be with foal, forfeits the Insurance. Mares must be reg ularly returned on trial days as directed. Mares kept on reasonable terms. All possible care taken to prevent accidents, but will lie responsi ble for i;oii "Montague" has proved himself to be a line? breeder. EARL OF jIGLESTII. The imported Clydesdale Stallion will make the season of 1887 At Prospect, at the barn of Oliver W. Stoughton the last four days of each week. At Fortersville, every Monday. TERMS:—SI oto insure one mare, $25 to insure two mares. Hia colts Recommend him very highly, OLIVER W f STOUGHTON, Manpger, Prospect, Pa, AGEXTS WANTED AUTHORIZED tmmxt OF LOGAN -45W1 with introduction by MRS. LOGAN. This Diography has been more than two years in prep aration himself furnished the data to the author, Ce<». Fraaeill Dawaon, his intimate friend and asvx.iate; and before his death he read all but the dosing chapters of the work, and gave it his unqualified endorsement. Mrs. Logan states this in the introduction. A ■illlaa adnlren uf the dead Chieftain want |il« (hrflllnar mtmrjr of hla great career in Cace and war. Splendidly illustrated with portraits and ttle scenes. Send quick $i for outfit and get choice of territory. Address HILL A HARVEY, PUBLISHER*, 111 5. Charto Street, Baltimore. BUTLER COUNTjf Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. a. C. ROESSINO, President. WM. CAMPBELL, TUKAUCRKR H. C. HEINEMAN, SKCKKTAIIY DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Samuel Anderson, William Campbell .1. W. linrkhart. A. T tout man, Oliver, G. c. Kncssini{, .lames Stephenson, l)r. W. Irvtn. N. Wcitzel, J. 1". Tajlor. 11. C. Ileihcmaii, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gsn, Ag't- BUTLER, PA. t For nroimy, Grav«l, llrlght's. Heart. Lrlnary or IJver Nervousness. &c. Cure Guar anteed office sil Arch street. Philadelphia. sl. per bottle, 6 lor £>. At Druggists. Try u. THE CITIZEIT. MISCELLANEOUS Stanton and Nye. Senator Nye, of Nevada, went to Secretary Stanton one day to make a petition for some dead soldier's or-, phans. It was in the darkest days of the war. Stanton said: "I have not time, Mr. Nye, to see what yon want." "Suppose you take time, Mr. Secretary." "You are unreas onable Mr. Nye, in pressing such a thing at this time," said Stanton. "Permit me to say that you are the unreasonable man," answered Nye. "If you were not a United States Senator I should say that you are very impertinent," said Stanton, | haughtily. "If you were not a great Secretary of War I should be tempted to say you were making a blanked fool of yourself," replied the old Gray Eagle, with his eyes blazing. Stan ton looked at nim a moment, and then softening, said : "Maybe I am, Jim who knows—come inside and tell me all about it." "Now, Ned. my boy, you are growiDg sensible, ' said Nye, and the business was quickly arranged. As empty vessels make the loudest Bound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blab blers. Tutt'S Pills. Twenty-five years of experience ha 3 firmly rooted Tutt's Pills in pub lice estimation. They are largely used in hospitals in Europe and America as well as in the army and navy. An industrious workman knows more about hire life than any gilded society dude. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, With Hypophos ites. for Children and Pulmonary trou bles. Dr. W. S. Hoy, Point Pleasant,W. Va., says: "J have made a thorough test with Scott's Emulsion in pulmo nary troubles and general debility, and have been astonished at the good results; for children with rickets or marasmus it is unequalled." The counsels that are given in wiue will do no good to thee or thine. For wine read whisky. —Look! The household cure for sadden pains, stitch, cramps and sore ness, is the llop Piaster, That tired feeling and loss of ap petite are entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine Try it. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is about to engage in con structing a third track between Pitt burg and Philadelphia. Drunkenes or Liqour Habit, can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Speiflic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, ef-, fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate meu who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. No harmful results from its administration. Send for circular and full particulars. Address in con - dence GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. The anti-bald head hat is ODe of the last ideas of fashion to be found wrought into a useful object. Such ventilation as is thus secured has never been obtained before. It is not confined to the top or sides or band, but includes the whole hat. The supply of air thus secured for the head is invaluable for the hair's health. Instead of hot and dry scalps, aa was the case with the old hats, there cau now be well cooled, thor oughly aired heads of hair. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing consump tion, severe coughs, croup, asthma, pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to reccomraend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to-try a bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup cannot be two widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cts. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists and dealers, in the United States ana Canada. —With the thermometer recording ninety degrees, ready-made clothing fits a fellow as nicely as the best made custom goods, —lt bus been commonly held that the honor of being the highest moun tain in the world belonged to Mount Everest in India, the loftiest peak of the Himalayan range, the height of which is set down at 20,002 feel. But later explorers deny this and assert that Papua, or New Guinea, boasts a mountain, which they call Mount Hercules, which soars to the tremendous altitude of 32,780 feet. We fear that until this wonderful figure is refuted Mount Everest must hide its diminished head, and that Of tunica, in this wise, must take pre cedence of Ai-ia. —The bumble bee, that much aliuted instct, gets a kind word from Mamia Thompson, the great natural ist, who thii.ks a strong nest ol bum ble bets, in a big clover field, is worth S2O to the owner. These iusects, he asserts, ere the chief agents in fertil izing the blossoms, thereby insuring a heavy crop of seed. In A ustralia there are no bumble bees of our kind and they could not raise clover seed there until they imported some bumble bees. A Lady's Perfect Companion. PAINI.ESS Cnti.M'.IKTII a new book by Dr John Dye. one of New York's most skillful ph.y slclans, shows that pain is not ncces.-ary In rtilldblrt.li but results irosu eau-es easily un derstood and overcome, It elenrly proves that, any woman may become ;» mother wuhou* sut tering any pain whale >er. It also tells how to overcome, tid prevent morning sickness, swell ed limbs, and all other evils attending pre gnancy. It Is reliable and highly endorsed l.y physicians everywhere as the H ire's true prl VHte companion, rut t Ills out; It. will save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp Mr descriptive circulars,testimo nials and confidential letter sent In scaled en velop. Address I-'KANK THOMAS IT Co., Publish ers, Baltimore, Maryland, TUIO HADED «J"in Philadelphia I nlO Kflrrn't 'he Km** i»per A liver. I " I " lining Af.v*Dcy of Mexsr*. N. W. AVER A SON, our »" f horized fctfenta. ISP™* Advertise in the CITIZEN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW.j CHARLES A. McFHERRIN, Attv at Law. Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Dia mond, Butler, Pa. Collections a specialty. fet's-W-ly JAMKS R. MATES. I Attorney at I .aw. Ofliee at No. 40 S. Main St opposite Heineman's B*w»k Store. 1 IRA M. .IL NKIX, Attorney at Room Reiber building But- | ler. I'a. Entrance on Cunningham St. GECRGEC. PILLOW, Attorney at l-aw and SI"RVE\OR. Main street Butler, Pa. <MMee with J. I>. McJuukln. F. M. EASTMAN", Office with Clarence Walker. S. F. BOWSER, Office in Brady's Law Building. S. H. PIER.SOL, Office on X. E.corner Diamond, Riddle Building A. M. Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. CORNELIUS & WELSH, Attorneys at Law—Office in Berg's bulldin second story. [l-10- tfl, J. I). McJL'NKIN, (mice in Reiber BIOCK. T. C. CAMPBELL, Oflice in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side of Main street, a few doors south of Lowry House. A. T. BLACK. # „ Office on Main street, oue door south of Brady Block, Butler, Pa. AARON E. REIBER, Office in lieibei Block. C. G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly re mitted. Business correspondents promptly at tended to and answered, J. T. DONLY, Ofliee nc-ar Court House, W. 1). BRANDON, Office in Berg's building. CLARENCE WALKER. South-east corner of Diamond. Butler, Pa. FERD REIBEB, Ofliee in Reiber's buildings Jefferson street. WM. 11. LCSK, Office in Riddle Building, Diamond. FRANCIS KOHLER. Attorney-at-I.aw and Notary Public Counsel given in German and English. Office South of Court House, J. B. M'JUNKIN". J. M. OALBHEATH. McJCNKIN & GALBREATH, Office opposite Wiiliard House, Butler, Pa. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond. J. F. BKITTAIN, * , Oflice on Diamond, \ THOMAS ROBINSON. I HUTLKU, PA, JOHN 11. NK(;LEY I , Gives particular attention to transactions in * Real Estate throughout the county. Office on I Diamond,ucarCourt House,ln CrrtZKX Building JOSC VANDERLIN, Office Main St., 1 door south of Court House 1 LEV. McQ (JISTION. I , Oflice near Court House, South Main St. J. M. THOMPSON. W. C. THOMPSON , THOMPSON & SON, I Attorney at Law. Office on the west side of Main St. A tew doors North of Troutmau's dry goods 1 store. mi cnupcst tin STORE iD Butler, three doors west of Weot Pen a Depot. Ilaviim opened a fresh slock of GIIOCF.UIES consisting of Coffee, Teas. Sugar, Syrup, Spices, Canned Goods of all kinds. Hams, Bacon, Lard, &c., &c„ Tobacco and Cigars, FLOUR of best brands and low prices ; also, a full line of Klingler's popular brands of family Hour constantly on hands. HAY, OATS, COliN and FEJiI) of all kinds at lowest figures, Xo. 1. SaU, LOHX'I' nny other House in ISutler. Country Produce wanted for which the highest price will be paid. Call and examine our stock and prices. Goods delivered free to all parts of town. J. J. KEARNS & CO., 70 East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. J. 11. DOUGLASS, DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eaglo Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - 2-4-87-ly Homos For Everybody. The Peoples' Building and Loan Associa tion ot Mutter. — I'iir value of each share SIOO Tliis Association pays the borrower ? 100 j.er share, with a weekly expense to him of ouiy 13 els, in addition to ü bis regular dues. Koi lurlher iuionuation c 11 on or id dress (i W MILLHK. (' M JIF.INE.XIAN, See') l'rcs butler, l'a THIS CITIZEN, A weekly nowspapor, publishod every Kri day moruing'nt butler, l'a., by JOHN H. A W. C. NKG LEY. Subscriptlon Rate. Por year, in advi nee $1 50 Otherwise $2 00 No subscription will bo dißeoiitiuiled until all arrearages arc paid. All communications intended for publication in tins paper miutbo accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Marriage anddtath notices ruu-t be accom panied by a responsible name. Advertising IJatcs. Outs square, one insertion. 11; each subset quent insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertise ments exceeding one-fourth of a column, *5 per inch, Figure work double these rates; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes art made- Local advertisements 10 cents por line for first insertion and 5 cents por lino for each additional insertion. Mar riages and deaths published free of charge. Obituary notices charged as local advertise ments and payable when handed in. Auditors' Notices, i 4; Executors, and Administrators' Notices, $3 each; Estiay, Caution and Dis solution Notices, not exceeding ten linus, iJ. Address TUE CITIZEN, butler, Fa. A. Troutman & Son. liuiiiiii <*>iiiiiiini We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Hugs, Matting*. i Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles. Window Shades ana Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk (TIOVCS, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats, (Ml Cloths, &c., etc. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Pa AMONG The oldest Shoe House in Pennsylvania, is the one established bj ALBREE & Co , in Pittsburgh long before railroads were in use and the telegraph known. This old established house passed into the hands of P. WAGNER. JR. about a year ago, who now continues to sell the same reputable and well made goods sold by his predecessors, both Wholesale and Ketail. Shoe buyers coming to Pittsburg should not fail to visit this wide-awake establishment and get the very best goods lor the least money. Mens', Boys' and Youths' Shoes in all grades. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, all styles, including hand-sewed, hand-turned, machine sewed and Waukenphast makes. Extraordinary inducements during the next month. Don't fail to see our lines at $2 00, $2 50, $3.00 and $3.50. Orders by Mail promptly filled. P. WAGNER, JR. Successor to Albree & Co., 401 Wood Street, Cor. Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. PA. CHEAP! CHEAP! LARGE VARIETY OF NEW GOODS AT A. L. Robison's Bargain Store SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TIN-WARE Qlass-Ware, Queens-Ware, and Jewelry Come and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Centre room of George Reiber Building. COR. MAIN AND JCFFERSON STS., BUTLEft, PA. J. KLEE & CO 811 LIBERTY STREET, 628 & 630 BROADWAY, PITTSBURG. L NEW YORK. MANUFACTURES OF CLOTHI2V6 IN ALL GRADES AND SIZES Our Spring and Summer Stock most Complete and Unsurpassed. j3t3£,WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY"®# Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. AGENTS On Salary or Commission WANTED FOK AND I*AETD.» By •!. \\. itliKl,. J list |iulilisliil<l. Th<H«rcnt Sew Hook of Exploration. Travel and Adventure, giving lll'* tunning experience of all Die greatest Travellers. Missionaries and Discoverers In all parts r.f tlie World,ml de scribing the wonderful creatures that live in the Sea and on the l.sind. Terrible;;<lventures with o.e-Mi Monsters, whales, sharks, swordlish. ili silfisli. sea serpents, etc., with <lescript'on ol all the other wonderful creatures of the deep sea. I.lfe on the <!reat<)ce..n, wonderful Islands and the strange creatures found upon them. Also a complete Natural History of tin; Strange Cour.trUs and Curious ltacesof the world, in - eludlmc the monkey-men ?of New Cuinea. the terrible man-eatets", dwarfs and cave dwellers, interspersed with grand hunts, territic combats. i;nd thrilliog adventures with wild animals and savage people in strange countries. A whole library'ln one volume. Hundreds of beautiful illustrations and colored plates, 30, > copies sold in four weeks. Cheapest book ever pub lished. Outsells all others. No capital required. Agents making >'JO to •?«> a day. Nothing ever known like if. Write <;ulck and secure ternto rv. You call clear in 30 days' lime, as tuoiisands are just waiting lor this great new book. S-'lls at si"ht. Special inducements to teaeiiers and re"u ar agents. No experience re ([Uired. "No rts.c. No capital iciiuired. New plans. \\ e start you in business. Success guar anteed to honest workers. Address, liisToiciCAL run.isinx; <;o., S. W. cor. fitli and Arch Sts., IMiilailelplila, I'a. /T\ DOCTORS LAKE hm f PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICKS, tion I'KNN* AVK. ' / P|TTSBURGH - pA - •fljgjr*, - Ry, ; All forms of Delicate nnd Com- pliiatcd Dlsc.-im S rei|iilriiig < ON i ii»KM iAi.«nit Scientific Medi cation are treated at thin Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. l-ake Is a member of the 1 loyal ( oilegeof l'liy siciaiH and Surgeons, ami is the nUlt at and mosle.\perlcnecd Si-ki i \i.- IST In the city. Siu'eial attention given to Nerv ous Debility from excessive mental exertion, in dliir returns of youth, &<•., can ing physical and mental di-c:iy,"l.i<U of energy, despondency, etc..; also I anecrs, < Md Soi*cs, I iis, I'lles, Klieimiatism and all diseases ol tin* Skin, I'.lood, l.ungH, I'rin ary Orjrans, &e. Consultation free anil strictly confidential. < IfTiee hours !> to 4 anil 7to K p.m.; Sundays 'I to 4 p.m. only. Call at office or address S.IV.LAKI.. M.D.,M.K.C.P.S. oi E.J.LAKK,M.». A J FRANK k CO, DEAt.EKS IN DttL'o3, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ART ICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PEItFUMERY, &c. B»T"PliyKlclans' Prescriptions carefully c 0..»- poutided, and orders answered with care and dispatch. Our slock of medicines is complete, warranted genuine, and or the liest quality. 45 South Main Street, BUTLEE, - PA. WANTED—I 4HY AH|VB l,n ' l in*»iii(cent, t« J 1 . ■■Jill I rv|>i**Hcnt in her own locality an oki nrm. J'erm*n«ut poMftioti •utl «owl (alary. OAY & ijROS., U Dan-la* tfk, S. X. Planing Mill —AND— Liiiiil>ei* Yard J. L. PUKVIS. L. O. PUKV S.G. Purvis & Co. MANLFAC. ;r US ANP DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber CK KYKKY DEiJtill FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SA-HH, DOORS, FLOrtING, SIDING. liATTENS, Grackets,Guaged Cornice Boards, SIIIN GLES & LATH PLANING MILL AMD Y/RD Ne»r tJeraiiun Oalbollt'l'burfli PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensington, Arrasene AND OUTLINK ,WOHK DONE, Also lessons in same giveu by ANNIE M LOW MAN, North street, Butler, i'a. jnu2o-ly AFFLICTED After oil others frill consult B PIT■ J-jC 339 N. 16th St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa. 20 years experience in all SPKf'IA I, diseases. Per manently restores tliose weakened by early indiscre tions, &c. Call ur write. Advlccfrecandstrictlyci.il felcntidi. Ueurs : n a. a. idl a, and 7to lu cvciiumv inUCDTICCDC cf others,who wish too«jmin» Alii Lit I IwClAw tKift paper,Of obtain estimates on advertising spaco when in Chicago, will tind it on filo at 45 10 4-J Randolph St., | AQH © TIIAM **• Advertising Ag«ncy®t Lwlllr Of 1 "ÜBMwi A Stunner to Competition. JOHN BICKEL MARCHES BOLDLY; FRONT And Says he Can't be Undersold. BOOTS, SHOES & SUFFERS MOST GO. SOME BIC BARGAINS IN STORE FOB YOU. Great Slaughter in Prices Until July 4th. One Dollar is Worth One Hundred and Twenty-five Cents at Joliu Biickel'§ Great Summer Sale. WHAT JK> \< >l \\ AN! . WHAI I)0\ol XEKI) • Anelegant lint- of Ladles Hand Trrned shoes which muM move durln ' t-liis -IV uid also IhoUfundu of palls ol Lai.l s Uutton slices In (.oat and Kid iu prlt iroui ;."> i ents up. There Is 110 end to I adii -M i • eT-s 1 i . hi, an.l increut arloty all of v. hlcl. HUM go by July «U. and the prl.es are »«!., off I i., s v ear ontlu sey oocs. Sl!j>jT£ Misses' and Children's Shoes. There Is no occasion for your children wearing shoddy 111-Mttluir shoes when you have in your ml. Ist a House that can s.-ll \ in "OOd shoes perfect fitting at a less price than these worthless shoddy can hi had for eiseu here. Attend m\ great Summer Sale and ou w ill i elenefltted. For the Gentlemen I Have a Surprise In the fdiaj>e of fine French c all shoe for This Is one of tl>e ea'est barg .ins ever offered ,o the trade and Is . illv e.iual to anv in.oo m'M iii Hutlcr, So ' i>ufi S.io»' a; under value. ° BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES I Come now If you want to buv boy- shoes. Conic at once If you want to carry home goods at vor- own price, for I will positively close out lines of goods by July 4th. Hence what is my loss will be your gal j. 1 have the goods and thev mest be sold, and " you are In need of anv foot wear, now is the time to buy. Mens' Plow Shoes and Brogans at Half Price, ALL 1 ASK OF YOl" IS < <>M!: and 1 know you wi". buy, you cannot help It. Tempting bufgalrP- are greeting you on everv side, and before vou are fallly Inside the house you u ;il In- an eager purchaser, and the happy participant In some real good bargnns lam gl\ Irg liij ira.ie during this sale. IF Vol" DON'T WANT TO. IK>N'T . 'oil U. but If you are a close buyer and want good foot-wear for yourself and'faintly. 1 Insist on vou coming. If you are. Just a little hard ran this spring and want on- hundred and twenty -live cents for one dollar you must come to Bleltel's to'get It. other merchants say one dollar Is worth one hi" wired cents at their store. LAY DOWN ONE DOLLAR AT MY STORE, And you will not be disappointed In what It will bring you for I have given you my word. I have promised yon p, -cater bargains than have ever been offered In IJutler. Make it a point to Investigate this matter and examine the bargains lam offering, you win surely go away a w illlng advertiser for me. Men and Boys Base Ball Shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, Full Stock of My Own Make Always on Hand Repairing Done oa Short Notice. A Bottle of Polish presented to every lady purchasing a pair of shoes. Leather and Findings. Blacksmith Aprons, &c, Call before July 4. Yours &c M ,)OHX BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAl** STREET. BUTLER. PA. 1850 I<w '" ,u - 15,,; ESTABLISHED M M 185 D E. CBIEH, .1 E W t K e l, R . Ko 19 NORTII MAIN STREET, GRID OPENING 9F SFBING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and G jnts' Gold and Silver Watches. I™ A&3 \J S f' l it Paper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Moral Omament- I All VI uLUUf\ J, tiou ' MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks OilwA-WTTTAMrt r> Cj -y\ ri 1 4*TT Don't fail to see this line of Goods, as it is the largest O] cL )U>jP6Clci»luy• most complete stock ever shown in Butler. my -| r T V7V i SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Ste#>l frames, Y \ H O scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. KcineiHber we Warrant aSi €»««»<!* as Represented. |5?/ "Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OP WIRE SIGN. ISTo. 10. North Miiin Street, - - - BUTLER, PA, YOUR ATTENTION Tsaj Called, to my Fineßtock of cCWM» Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, Jftfcriv •%/ All of which have been solcctc-d with great care for OUR TRADE. ' Ail 1" Kn^rave<l FIIK K 1 cliar If ]ou w !nij* (ront a wvll , r I) / I 1)1 J"" |)V UNION FLOCK, J. It. bill hi )0, No. Street. lllllil) sign 01 " ELECTfUC B£LL SAMUEL M. BIPPU S, Physician and Surgeon. No. 10 West Cunningham St., BUTLER [ITENMUILEB HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER. - - PA) N-ar New Court House formerly HouahUftn accommodations lor travels. Good stabling coiinwtMi. ./ [l-j-'au lyj 11 r. EST" AdvertiEj^kir'tEe^CJT^/.KN DR. R. C. McCURDY, B'lijsiciau and Kurgcoil, Odlceon Main St.. over Kemper's store 13 u tier, - Penn'a. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work +h<* ert lh the neatest manner. - Sp-nallies • -liolil Killing, anil Painless hx 'traclion of Teeth. Vitalized .\ir udmmistored. Willi e on Jefferson Street, one iloor Knst of Lonrj IfouHe, l'l> Stairs. Offl.'o open daily, exceiit Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention. B.—The oit'y Dentist in Duller n- in-* the best make* of teeth. 0 1/ WAMHCOV liraluate of the Pliila • '*• (li'i|iln.i Dental Collet", Is prepared to do anytliuu' In tin- line i.f his profession in a salisfaetor, manner. oti'u-e on Main street, Butler, Union Block np stairs. j.slusk/m. d,, Has removed rrotn Harmony to Butler and has Ills ortlee at No. 9, Main St.. three doors below Lowry Heu.se. apr-SO-tf. L K Jt&UJNKIN, liisurance anil Iteal Eslalc As'l- Fire, Life and Accident Insurance written at tli is ollice. Also, Desirable Building Lots, Dwelling Houses aud Farms for .sale. 17 EAST JEFFERSON ST. S.B.SHAPLEIGH&CO'S (Boston, Mass.) STERLING JAVA COFFEE STERLING PURITY, STERLING QUALITY, ALWAYS UNIFORM. Give tlii* Coffee r. trial and you will use no olhv •. t'oi sale by THE IMPERIAI TEH to, DEALERS IN PURE T| |E|! A| |S MD COFFS2. CHOICE CONFECTIONARY, Tobacco and Cigars. [mmm ako MHII SI, BUTLER, PENN'A. ' j|l> Aj'ocio tic Ctec <rz "in £•■&&**> ,| '" ilty'-Ji.-TS'-rn. -{'MuliutS Awm&ao 3ia ■ " v''-* : 1 •'V- ■ 1 ■ - ; !-vro- <*/ 4 •*»*c:-.*rr i n Juniper bor- S* nrrooft f Sc. 1c will t r's! *?, t>* i a.? favu-'uable r'mefly !s':•' -S HltWlWf Sti iic 'in £l:'ii«!c£ | fe« J , i r ' l r -U inflammation of ih» Ltifir Ivldnoyc and l.'rinarr Uitfuurf. ' JAMES E. MORITIS, Sole' ~,. 103 CLXAILIILIUI ST., NEW.YOSE. J. C. REDICK, Sole Agent, Butler, - - - - Pa. County Auctioneer, JAMES R. KEARNS, UUTLKR, PENN'A. la prepared to servo the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many ye:us of experience he can guir*ntefc perfect satisfae lion at rates that will rait all. Leave word at this olHee. 3,5,84.1y FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Bed lioam Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCF "RS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST.. The Cheapest Furniture Store IN BUTLER. W._F. MILLER. BED rROHT LIVERY, W. Jeifarsoii St., Butler Pa. Flick & Kennedy Have opened a first-class livery stable on West Jeffervon St., with everything new horses, harness and wagons. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Particular attention paid to the transient trade. When in Uutler give us a call. 12-24-6 M FUCK & KENNEDY. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attentioD given to the Retracing ot old lines. Address, |{.l\ iiILLURB. to. Surveyor North Uope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,84.1 y ■■■BMWWBMWWMI re guaranteed J»J I 8 Sjh si 8I »J •»>>' Dr. J. li. May -1 |?IJ oQM Mil aft-r. 831 Arch St., WMiw ' at once. Xooperation or business delay. Thousands of cures. At Keystone House, Pead'ng. Pa.. 2d Saturday of each montii. send lor circulars. Advice free. 0 ALES MEM \ WANTED | 'y> canvass for the sale of NurseryX ■ Stock ! Steady employment guaranteed. Selary ami KXPKXSKS i*AII>. Apply atonce, staling age Chase Brothers, ttfjiyTCn AGENTS ror ll^^ iut * s Including all hlsspceche I.V.IAMKSO.KLAIXK. \pplv at once f»r terms and territory, " ■ p. ,I. I 1.1 MIM: CO.. 4-15-41 4 Mh Ave., Pittsburg. MILLER S OH. REFINING WORKS, (H K.% «-• w» OMif- s l.iberiv sr.. I'ittsburg, Pa. A. I>. Mitil.KK V SOX, Manufacturers of Iliisli Te l oils, for export and iiome consumption. W< uld call public attention to our lirand SATS OLE! ME & Warranted None Better. Casolinc for stoves and pa- machines, 74, BC, 87 w. and !« gravities. I.iibriculing oils. i±T~ Stav« s and heading wanted, [l-O-'sfi-ly] Ready Sflixed. TO, CO. io !.'» pex gaK_ BEST Shipped nn\ wli Ti*. all si: Kins. Property own ers order direct. Also 3 and i ply l"cl' Iloofl n% wl: li best coutin;; and « emem. Agents wanted, dolor IMTII prlee i'sl fr- e. ATLAS PAINT CO., 1\ O. BOX -IW. I'lttsbtirjf, P:l NixoN'S HOME, No. 35 McKean Street, BUTILER, ZFZ&TQ JN Meals at .Ml hours. Open .ill Night. Brcakfas Be. Dinner-.w. Supper iv. L xl'iUii;2K, [I2-4-3W] SIMKON NIXON, I'rop'r, JOIIN B. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AM> SURGEON Ofllce No. 05 South Main Strept, 0 BUTLER, - PA.