THE OXTIZEIsT - JOHN. H. & W. C. NEGLEY, PROPRIETORS. 81 "CCBUTION RATES —POSTAGE rKJCPAID : One year "TC Six months ' Three months jjjßtorwTiit PwU'" l »att«r FRIDAY. JPNE 10, 1887. Republican County Ticket, FOR SHERIFF, OLIVER C. REDIC. FOR PBOTHOSOTARY, JOHN D. HARBISON. REGISTER A RECOROER, H, ALFRED AYRES. FOR TREASURER, AMOS SEATON. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, A. J. HUTCHISON, B, M. DUNCAN. FOR CLERK OF COURTS, REUBEN MCELVALN. FOR AUDITORS, ROBERT A, KINZEB. ISAAC S. P. DEWOLFE. FOR CORONER, ALEXANDER STOREY. BUTLER county losses SB,OOO by the blunder or criminal conduct o the presiding officers of the Senate in not signing the new re nue bill passed by the Legislature. UNDEB the new school law,districts that do not keep their schools open ed six months in the year will not re ceive any part of the State appropri ation for public schools. Directors should make a note of this. EX-VICE PRESIDENT WHEELER died at his home in the State of New York on the 3d inst. He was elect ed tice President in 1876, with Pres ident Hayes. There is only one Ex- Vice President left now living, and that is Hannibal Hamlin of Maine who was elected when President Lincoln was first elected in 1800. Death of Judge Mercur. Hon. Ulysses Mercur, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of this State, died at the residence of his son Dear Philadelphia on Monday last. He WH taken ill a short time before but hopes had been entertained of his re covery, and his death was unexpected. While there may have been more bril liant Chief Justices on the Bench of the Supreme Court there were none that surpassed Judge Mercur in solid learning and ability. His distinguish ing reputation was for good, practical common-sense. Added to this was a patience and industry in his labors, and a gentleness in discharging them, that made him a great favorite with the Bar of the State. His term of office would have ex pired on the first of January next, and he was a candidate for re-election, which his death now ends. Ihe Governor has the filling of the vacan cy for his unexpired term, but as the Republican State Convention may soon be held, to place in nomination a candidate for that office, it is thought the Governor will not make an ap pointment until the Convention meets and names its choice among the candi dates proposed; the Governor may then appoint said choice for the remainder of Judge Mercur's term. This would avoid auy prestage or advantage an appointee of the Governor would have over other candidates for the nomination. An Extra Session. The mishap to the Revenue bill passed by the late Legislatu-e has created even greater troub.e than at first supposed. The bill is useless and cannot be signed by the Gover nor, becausa it was not signed by the officers of the Sena'r The mistake, or crime, whichever it may be, to have it properly signed was not discovered until the Legislature had adjourned An effort is being made to lay the blame for this hefeat in the bill upon the Bhoulders of a mere message clerk. But this iB "too thin" as the saying is. The message clerk's duty was per formed when he delivered the bill from the House to the proper officers of the and it was ths duty of the Senate officers to Bigu it. The Constitution and the laws do not rec ognize or speak of the mere message e'erk in the matter, but they do speak of presiding officers in the matter of aigni igr bills. Governor Beaver is now compelled to veto many appropriations because of want of funds to pay them. This has raised a cry for an extra session * of the Legislature to cure tht* matter. The Governor refuses to call an extra session and an effort is made to force him. The Philadelphia Times has telegraphed inquiries to all the mem bers, asking if they are willing to re turn and serve without pay in order to have the bill repassed. A large number have responded their will ingness to do so. But some make answer, that it was no fault of the members, but was tho fault of the of ficers of the Senate, and therefore, pay ahonld follow if they have to return. . It seems to us that if the matter was traced to where the fault lies, and then punish the guilty ones it would be more sensible and right. As the bill taxed corporations and relieved the people of taxes a strong suspicion prevails that improper influences have onrposely caused this mischief. RESULT OF THE PRIMARY. The Ticket Nominated. The Return Judges, elected by the Republican voters at the primaries last Saturday, assembled in the Ope ra House in Butler on Monday last and counted up the votes received by the different candidates. The other proceedings of the Convention will be seen in another place. By them it will bo seen the following are the suc cessful candidates. FOB SHERIFF. Col. Oliver C. Redic, has carried off the prize. We need not say that this is a good nomination. No more deserving man than Col. Redie was before the p;ople. On the breaking out of the Rebellion and when yet a young man he was among the first to enlist for the cause of the Union, His bravery and good con duct gained him rapid promotion and he became the commander of the Regiment to which he belonged. At the head of his Regiment he led his men in some of the hardest fought and bloodiest battles of the war, and they all speak of him as brave and daring. Besides his merit as a sol jlier Col. Redic has all the qualifica tions necessary to make a good and safe Sheriff. We regard his nomina tion as a strong one and one that the people will ratify in November. FOR PROTHONOTARY. The nomination has fallen to Mr. John D. Harbison, of Clintou town ship; this was generally expected from the large vote he received three years ago for this office. He is a man of good character, industrious in his habits, worthy as a citizen and fully competeut to fill the office. He comes from one of the oldest families of the county. The nomination of Mr. Har bison is the only one the southern end of the county gets and as he has many friends his election in the fall is assured. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER. Capt. Hugh Alfred Ayers came out first best after a lively contest for this nomination. His merit as a soldier in the late war was not overlooked by the Republican voters. Although young he was among the first to vol unteer in defence of his country and soon rose to the rank of Captain of his company. As a citizep he fills every duty of life faithfully. His nomina tion is regarded as not only deserved but as a strong one, and of his election in the fall there cannot be a doubt. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Mr. Amos Seaton is the successful candidate. Like in the cases oi Col. Redic and Capt. Ayers the voters of the county have recognized his ser vices to the Union cause in the late Rebellion. Amos Seaton was a pri vate in the rauks and all accounts bear testimony to hi? fidelity and bravery. In battle he received a very severe wound which for a long time threatened his life ard from the ef fects of which he yet suffers. Ilis nomination is conceded on ail hands to be a strong one and his election as certain. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. These important nominations have fallen upon Mr. Andrew Jackson Hutchison and Mr. Beriah Magoffin Duncan, and we but voice the gener al sentiment when we say that two better or more competent and worthy men could hardly be found iu the county. The name of "Jack Hutchi son," as he is familiarly known to his neighbors and fellow citizens, is one that implies a kindness of feeling to wards him and regard for his merit and worth. From the first of the campaign his success seemed to be conceded and the leading vote he re ceived attests his popularity with the people. Mr. Duncan comes from one of the oldest, best known and most respected families of this county. He is a clear headed, straight forward man, honest and correct in all his dealings with his fellow citizens, uad will make an efficient county commissioner. His vote over other strong and good com petitors indicates bis merits and strength. Mr. Duncan and Mr. Hutchison are both the right kind of men to serve the people as thoir coun ty commissioners, men of intelligence and with good judgment, who will know the interests of the taxpayers of the county and who cannot be deceiv ed or misled in the performance of their duties. FOR CLERK. OF TIIE COURTS. The re-nomination of Reuben Mc- Elvain, Esq , proves his worth as a citizen and an officer. Nothing but his being so general a favorite with the people could have insured his success over a strong and worthy competitor. His election in the fall is of course cer tain. FOR COUNTY AUDITORS The choice fell upon Robert A Klnzer and Isaac S. P. DeWolfe. These gentlemen are good scholars and accountants and no doubt will serve the people in that capacity faithfully and well CORONER. For this office Alexander Storey, Esq., had no opposition. Mr. Storey is well qualiGed and willmake an at tentive and judicious Coroner. STATE DELEGATES For Delegates to the next Republi can State Convention the honors fell upon Capt. Thomas Hays and J. 11. Negley, senior Editor of the CITIZEN. The time for holding the Convention has not yet been fixed, but is thought will be in the latter part of August or first part of September. Taken altogether the ticket nomi nated is a good one, and is Well dis tributed over the county. No com plaints are made of any successful one having used unfair means to se cure his nomination, and hence all nominated will have the support of their unsuccessful rivals in November. The only regret is that so many good men had to be disappointed. A table of the vote in detail, as cast in the different districts, will be seen in another place. General Notes. —A large part of Hungary, Aus tria, has been inundated by the burst ing of a dike; 50,000 families are homeless, and thousands of human beings and cattle hrve been drowned. —A steamer carrying 730 passen gers, mostly natives of Hindostan, was lau-ly sunk in the Indian ocean by a cycloue, and ull ou board were drowned, THE Grand Jury was in ses sion this week, with Mr Zeigler of the Herald as a member and acting as its Foreman. JUDGE BROWS, of Forest county, refused ail liquor licenses. There were more signers against granting than for it, therefore the result as above. Cleveland Meets a Bear. PROSPECT HOUSE, Upper Saranao Lake, June s.—While the President and Dave Cronk, the gnide, were out on the Saranac yesterday they saw an object in the water which the lat ter Grst took for a burnt log afloat, but soon saw was a big black bear swimming across the lake. The President ordered Dave to follow the animal, and then ensued a race which euded a little la'er by the bear shak ing the water from its shaggy sides and disappearing in the depth of the forest. Dave urged the President to climb the bank and keep watch of the bear's movements until be returned to camp and secured a gun, but the President cut him short by asking: "What would I do in case the bear came back this way? I have no gun to shoot him with, and if I swam out into the water he could easily follow me." Davy assured the President that such a contingency was altogether unlikely. The bear, he explained, was more afraid of them than they were of him. lie would probably re main several hours on the island be fore coutiDuing bis journey, and if the President would wait until a rifle could be produced they would have no difficulty in bagging him. But the President discreetly refrained from accepting Cronk's advice. "Moreover," he added, "to kill the animal would be a violation of the game law." And so it was finally decided that Bruin should be left alone, and to Cronk's deep regret the trip down the lake was again renewed. The President will nOt attend the funeral of Ex-Vice President Wheeler at Malone, Tuesday. The following dispatch was sant by him this even ing to Charles A. Burke, who had telegraphed him in regard to the mat ter:— "While sympathizing with the citi zens of Malone in their grief for the death of their distinguished fellow townsman, I will be unable to attend the funeral services on Thursday next." TLis has been a quiet uneventful day with the Presidential party. The weather has been cloudy, with a soft Southeasterly breeze blowing strong enough to ripple the lake, but not so boisterous as to make it necessary to put on outside wraps. The Presi dent has had a day of complete rest, spent at the cottage with Mrs. Cleve land and Mr and Mrs. Lamont, or in walking about the hotel and along the lake sh«re. There were no boats moving on the lake, except those that brought a few travelers from below, and fishing rods and flies were not used. It is now reasonably certain that the President will leave here on Thursday afternoon and return to Washington by tho route traveled in coming to the mountains. He has been greatly benefitted by his week of absolute freedom from business cares and escape from the routine that is imposed upon him at the White House, aud he will return to Washington invigorated by an out door life in a clear, pure, bracing at mosphere. There have been no de partures by the gentlemen of the President's party from the rule of plain dressing that they have adhered to. The President's boots were pol ished by mistake, but he wore his brown velvet jacket and soft hat to dav, just as he has since his arrival more than a week ago. Mrs. Cleve land and Mrs Lamont made a con cession to Sunday by appearing this afternoon in white costumes of soft woolen materials, but without change of bats. W. C. T. U. Convention. The Fifth Semi-Annual Meeting of the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union of Butler county, will convene in Millerstown, Tuesday June 14th. Presidents of Unions and county superintendents are members of Con ventions. Each Union is entitled to three (3) delegates. Let there be full representation as the Convention promises to be one of unusual inter est Mrs. Frances L. Swift, President of the State Union will conduct the Convention. TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1887. Evening session:—7:30, Devo tional Exercises ltd by Mrs. Frances L. Swift. Lecture:—Mary A. Allen, A.B.M. D, of Ithaca. N. Y , Subject, The Bequests We make our Children. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1887. Morning session:—B:oo, Devotion al meeting led by Mrs. Lillie J. Mc- Kinney. 8:30, Convention called to order, Reading of minutes of last conven tion. Appointment of Committees. Address of Welcome—Mrs. H. Kimball. Response by a delegate. Report of corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Report of Delegates. 12:00—Adjournment. AFTERNOON SESSION I:3o—Devotional exercises led by Mrs. A. G. Brown. 2.oo—Convention called to order, reading of minutes. Mother's meeting conducted by Dr. Allen. Department of Social Purity taken up and best methods considered. Music, Recitations and Question Drawer. Reports from Superintendents of Departments of work. s:oo—Adjournment. EVENING SESSION. 7:3o—Devotional exercises. B:oo—Lecture by Dr. Allen, Sub ject, The Beautiful Vision. THURSDAY MORNING. B:oo—Devotional meeting. B:3o—Convention called to order, reading of minutes. Report of Superintendents of De partments of Work resumed. Report of Committees, music. 12:00—Adjournment. Train will leave Butler for Millers town at 3:3G fast time. MRS. ELIZABETH 11. DAIN, President. Miss MARY E. SULLIVAN, Cor. Sec'y. —Every one who reads a news paper becomes familiar with the busi ness houses whoso names appear in it and naturally they themselves and send others to the plice they know about, instead of hunting up others thev never heard of. Merchants who advertise make many warm friends through the colnmus of a newspaper, »3 their names become familiar house hold words; those on the contrary, who depend on casual customers to pass their doors, generally get left. And as a geueral rule the merchant who don't advertise sells goods at a higher price than one who does—he is a sort of an old fogy—he neither reads the newspapers or knows the price of goods at wholesale. COMMUNICATIONS. Sunday School Convention. The Annual Convention of the Beaver Baptist Sunday School Con vention was held, with the Muddy ! creek Baptist Church on Tuesday, May 31st and .Tune Ist The Mud dycreek aod Lower Zion Baptist Churches are under the pastoral care I of Rev. J. M. Ray aud are in a pros perous condition. In view of the late convention the church had been i thoroughly renovated and now pre | senta a handsome appearance. The meetings were well attended and the interest manifested was ex j cellent. Delegates were present from the Sunday Schools at Sharon, Sharpsville, West Salem, New Cas tle, Beaver Falls, New Brighton, Harlansburjr, Hillsville; also from the schools of the Harmony, Zion and Providence churches and others. Alter a devotional meeting led by Rev. J. W. Planmett the address of welcome was made by J. Y. English, followed by a spleuded discussion of "The best method to prevent the dis use of the Bible as a text book.' In the evening "Is it possible for Christians to be indifferent to Sunday School work" was admirably opened by Rev. H. C. Hall of Sharon. WEDNESDAY MORNING. After devotional service Miss Ella Truesdale of Sharpsville a well prepared paper on, "The teachers per sonal efforts for the conversion of the scholars " After which the Question Box was opened by Revs. N. Rich ards, Planmett and Ray. Atternoon Session:—"How,and by whom, should the weekly review lessons be conducted," opened by Rev. Colburn. After discussion Rev. H. Madtes showed the best method of promoting Christian sociability in the S. S. In the evening after an excellent sermon by Kev. J. H. Planmett, "The importance of the Women's Baptist Home Mission Work," was presented by Rev. Colburn followed by Miss Mellissa Hazen who)earnest ly urged the formation of a Women's Circle in the Muddycreek Church, which was done and officers elected as follows: President, Mrs. J. M. Ray. Sec., Miss Lydia Lepley. Treas , Mrs. D. Graham. Adjourned to meet with the Bap tist Church at Sharpsyille on the last Tuesday in May, 1888. R. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. —Heavy rains in the mountains last Monday night and early Tuesday morning caused Stoney Creek, which empties into the Conemaug at Johns town, to rise at the rate of 5 feet in 20 minutes. ""The Conemaugh was backed up, and Johnstown and sev eral smaller towns were flooded with great loss of property, aud some loss of life. Some small towns were com pletely washed away. —The village of Grafton, O, was flooded by a cloud-burst last Sunday. —A religious fanatic named Her mann. who lived on Mt. Washington, Pittsburg, attempted to murder his wife last Monday, cut his child's throat and then his own, all because his wife, who is a Catholic, had the baby baptised by a priest. —The Republicans of Clarion Co., have nominated Jesse Gardner for County Commissioner; W. 11. Morris for Register and Recorder; W. C. Sherrick for Treasurer, and J. F. Ming for Auditor. —Charles Danzeisen, of Canton, 0., who recently attempted to mur der his wife, stabbing her repeatedly with a butcher knife, is out ou SI,OOO bail. His wife, pale and still feeble from her wounds, walked into the Mayor's office and signed a mortgage on property owned jointly with him to secure the bail necessary. —For some time past, at a certain residence in Beaver Falls, Pa , the inmates have been frightened almost out of their wits by a continued rap ping, which sounded a= if in a closet in an apartment up stairs. Investi gation at the time of the rapping fail ed to reveal anything, and some peo ple went so far as to say that the house was haunted. The other day as the lady of the house was cleaning the room, she heard the same curious sound, followed by what she called a "sneeze." She went to a window to open it, and while she was pushing the shutter open the sound became more distinct, and, casting a glance upward, she s ,w a large woodpecker sitting near the window, and peckina: away with all its might. It seems that a piece of timber the bird was sitting on lead to the closet, aud when the bird would peck the sound could be clearly heard in the room. The famiiy sleep sounder o' nights now. —The contract for the new college building at Grove City was awarded to J. \V. Orr of Mercer at SIO,OOO. The bids ranged from sixteen to twenty two thousand. Lightning played another of her funny pranks in Indiana Co. last week. Mr. James Smith took shelter from the rain in his barn, sitting in the cuttiDg room very near his horses, and, also, not very far from three pigs which were in the shed. The large shed doors were closed, but two small ones remained open A flash of lightning came, and without strik ing the barn or, in fact, any place that could be found, killed the three pigs, knocked the horses off their feet, but left Mr. Smith unharmed. There was not a mark on auy of the animals killed. Mrs. Anna M. Gallagher. Anna Maria Burkhart was born in Butler township, Butler couuty, Pa , on the 25th day of July, 1834. At the atie of 15 years she was converted and embraced religion, unitiug with the U. P church. She wa3 married to D, J, Gallagher on the 25th day of December, 1850. She buried six of her children in Pennsylvania, and emigrated with husband «.ud three re maining children to Biliings, Mo, She is survived by her husband, three children, one brother, three sisters and a large circle of relatives and friend3,who will mourn her death. She died on the 20th day of May, 1887, and was at the time of her demise 52 years, 10 months and one day old. The funeral took place on the 2Sth ult, and her remains were interred in the Ove Cemetery, in Lawrence coun ty.— Billings (Mo.) Weekly Times of June 3rd 1887. She was a daughter of the late David Burkhart and a sister of Mr. John Burkhart, of Butler township. For Sale. A fresh cow for sale. Enquire at this office. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY OF BUTLER COUNTY, JUNE 4th, 1887. Ml Ki:m _ ritoi n- xi'i au\ i i:k.w i;i:i: hc IS 1 iXDUCDBDU
    _r = r- =- £ = ~ - " S = | f I » § 5 „ g g>p|p| ■op : P -,r ?-r§~ 2E• 1 j ; i!a:Iy•- ae j£# > ! |°af "° i * Adams tu-n 90 811 1" 2 1 03 58; 5 II 61 11 u ]2 34 u33 53 - - ji, , j 1,1 j «, 1. 11 us Ai'<*?iicny 225 2 8 96 81170 21 1 3... W .... „** , 5 o', , ' «I ") ;.. 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' •> 4- *li~ 4"i Connot|ueuessing S 32 13 2 114 1 2 111 S 4"», 2i 2.... 212 18: 1 714 6 12 8 6 24 8 2 1 16 54 1 ...... 19 ] !!!!!/ 1 11 i v 41 Cranlnrry 41 6 7 116 6 ! 9 18 39 2 ... 68 1 13 11 lo 6 2 16 10 2' 20 8 '> 5Y 1 1 1 o-. "Z r.l Donegal 14 6 1 2 3 7 38 15 36 610 5 4 1 ... 41 14 14 12 13 28 5 31 1 3 3 22 11 7 21 l« '>o 6 1 V 11 •• "a Fairview K 13 7 8 24 40 5 3 2 29....... 1 7 6 1 5, 4 9 38* 33 :{ ij .% 4 17 jh •> o ' j ( | « Fairview W 1 652 13 4 S 2 16 26 62 6 67 4... 9 10 2 , 9 5 85 1 80 15 9 l(f 4 2!' 40 3 " * 1 41 56 For word 84 7 1 5 10 12 65 3 1 12 29 4 li 4'. ti 16 32 13 21 9 1 1 #7 60 1 11 8 i ""7 ""*> c i;« Franklin 220 5 1 42 17 25 4 42 34 32 54S 12 7 9 7 4 522 15 3 7 69 5 9 6 9 31 13 *i 2 4 15 " 4 Lancaster 1 4 444 11 2 10 10 41 450 15 1 12 6 12 18 lu 1 2 2.i 33 19 2 •' 1 1 4- IV V) Marion 412 2 36 31 5 9 42 1 j 76 8 01 12 13 1 4 ."hi 7, 75' 14 4 ii 3 ' 42! 4> Mercer j 15 9 4 6 1 2 69 9 15, 59 23 11 1 4 1 2 4 71 525 108 1 6 1 ]§ 5t 3 47 39 j;; j. '■> i""j 41 71 Middlesex 51 38 412 6 2 3 9 4, 28 87 3, 3 | 2lj 11 54 37 1, 17 7 jo 51 3 7 3 35 55 < j 53 3 6" "s 14 ji 73 Muddycieek 3 2 5 130 2 1 1 i 39 73 15 143 .. 1 2 31 4 60 20 2 18 6 2 17 41 1 o0 11 18 1 1 "3 ill 62 75 Oakland 580 6 8 11 2 2, 69 23 10! 14 11 ... 1 3b 19 829 25 16 26 ?3 12 1 310 14 2! 11 i" 79 31 1 1,: > { ■;<« -,•> Parker 1 12 30 17 9 67 < 19| 26 49 35 10 2 1 21 5 60 29 50. 12 39 19 13 3 32 20 15 05 73 2 22 ">5 IT 1 471 85 Penn 65 42 413 6 1 5.... 27 19 76 14 1 12 17 2.">; 364 22; Is 20 20 52 •! 2 ISi 10 46 67 2 54 15 ....." I "7 "•> 41 8 ' 46 Slipoeivrock. 5 315 16 11 14 41 21 11 48 32 33 5 ' 23 1 96, 50 18 49 1 1 1 3 5 IS 3 39 10 27 80 " 4 V, 68 53 Siiiuuiit 10 2 4 1 2 1 2 8 17 7 0 2 1 313 1 1 10 2 1 5 1 21 2 8 1 10 17 ; 3 5 11 11 16 Venango 1 5 2 1 60 5 1 11J 41 25 81 j52 3 7 15 ! 1 1 16 18 40 46 7 1 2 . 1" 47 31 Washington N 15 12 S .... 1 19 7 2 15 29 51 2 | 3o 1 10 12 1 1 1 16 1 42 25 17 3 2 4 41 15 Washington S 10 46 28 3 1 31 2 7 8 28 76 13 4 ... 1 1 97 2 2; 47 »> 46 18 ! I'll 3 7 46 7? 93 "7 "i 7 100 : 21 Wiotieta 213 265 3.... 4 0 27 40 12 2...' 8 7 141 20', 9 4 5 52 1 12 1' 1 2 6 16 42 11 "" "i 79 ' 43! 4<> Wouh 13 312 1! 19 15 29 2 4 28 71 1 38.... 1 ... : 1—; 15 147 60 ; ? 5 34 1 1 9 31 22 15^"*23 "&i *46- 71 1 29 Boro. Butler Ist wd 50 40 27 412 S 8 30 2 S 58 35 79 6 2. 2. 25 6S 40 14 23 40' li 65, 7 4 5 IS: 2 53 38 10 7 51 94 12 8 25 "l l 34 3t' 147 " Butler 2d wd 5< 47 35 554 5 12 37 !' 1J 65 47 12! 3 1 4 ... 23 1;3 41 13 31 .">0 55 124 12 5.".: 6 15 7 67 57 16 , 3 86 130 0 S 43 17 4't 32 222 " Ceotreville... 5 2 1 3 2 2si 8 4 31 7 4 2 4 1 " Evaas City... 23 3 2 210 2 1 3 10 ( 27 2 3 ' 124 1 1 8 4 113 2 3 3; 18 2 1 29 21 ( 2 *4 ...... I i"*" 16 "t; : 37 " Fairview 2 1 1 25 3 5 12 5 9 1 7 11'... • 1 1 4 7 15 8 9 i 8 12 2 15 20 2 'lj'""'l 3 18 " KarnsCily 421 4 1 15 S 3.... 8 '... 4 3 1 5 6 6 8 9 1 3 : 19 1 6 3 2 15 5i..!.. 3 ' 1 27 " Millerstown.. 310 5 2 4 2 S 29 ..... | 27 716 7 4 3 1 SIS 7 214 18 12 19 1 1 12 22 12 13 6 23| 4 1 3 121 3 13 33 26 " Petrol : a 1 8 3 1 S 13 U 11 < 6 1 S 9 1 5 4 10 j 4 3 5 2 1 2 12 15 ; 6 2 ! !"j 4 13 14 " Prospect ; 3 3 12 11 11 14 11 10 520 5 1 ... 1 1 12, 5 2 4 14 1' 10 4 1 4 14 4 3 S 1 S ...'."j V 40 20' 19 " Saxonburg... 5 3 1 9 ! 10 1 9 1! 2 1 2 !27 | 1 16 9 1 2 12 2 1 6 2 2 3 28! 10 17 " Sunbury 36 : 10 'll 7 17. 12; 2 211 1 1 25 1 Si 16 10 6 • 1 12 1 !' 2 6, 3f 32 : 1 1 2 1 21 i 26 " Zelienople...: 26 lj ; 25 6 3, ; 1 17 Id; 9: 9>,.,..i ... 33 1 jJ6 3 7 9 13 4 132 27 1 j 3: 13 j j j j 9 j 43 Total j 826 739 '>4s 27!' 406 .lis 337 !"I8 107 419 1305'17:»7 <>'- 451 205 7f 50< .-ii", i002.0'.2 B.!,s'l2vt .V:-: 1073 840 499 293 208 3-7 870 1273 809 324 2004 121s 2C9 3".7| 217|"wj 1018 198?} 2525 NOTE For County Auditors the following is the total vote received by each candidate: R. A. Kinzer had 2099 votas; LS. P. DeWolf had 1308; Charles Beil had 1247; E. E. Graham bad 10G2; J. A Gilliland had 1007; E. E Maurhoff bad 880.—Messrs. Kinzer and DeWolf nominatjd. For County Coroner Alexander Storey had 3540 votes—nominated. For Delegates to State Convention, Thos Hays had 2687; John H. Negley 1761; Kennedy Marshall 1254—Messrs. Hays and Negley elected. The New Tax Law. The Attorney-General has notified County Commissioners that the act of Assembly exempting household furniture, pleasure carriages and watches from all taxation goes into effect from the date of its passage, May 13, and therefore relieves them from taxation for 1887 The word ing of the act is as follows: Be it enacted, &c., That all taxes for whatsoever purpose laid upon household furniture, watches and pleasure carriages by aud under the revenue laws of this Commonwealth, be and the same are hereby abolish ed, aud the laws under which said taxes are levied and collected so far as they relate to the property herein mentioned are hcroby repealed. The County Commissioners of Allegheny have, however, as a mere precautionary measure instructed the assessors to return pleasure carriages, household furniture and watches as usual as what the result of this session's legislation would be"on the revenue question was not easy to foresee. The returns for the year have been made and the County Treasurer charged, and now all the taxpayers will be obliged to come in and be ex onerated as this is the only way the books can be kept straight. The law thus imposes an unexpected burden on the county officials. County Com missioner Mercer estimates that to make the necessary changes one the books of the Treasurer will require the assistance of three additional clerks. It will also delay the county ia receiving the $392,000 allowed some time since by the State, and ou account of which tho county has been retaining all State tax collected in the county. The returns in this county for this year have not yet been footed up, but an approximate estimate of how much tax will be taken off by the new act may be obtained by tak ing the returns of 1886. These were as follow.-:—On pleasure ca-riages, $3,828 64; on household furniture, $3,726 72, and on watches, $5,463.75. Total, $13,019 10. It now transpires that the new law abolishing this tax was passed before the irregularity in the passage of the revenue law was discovered.— PiUs. Com. Qazells, June 9. |)KOOPVf COMPOUND # The importance of purifying the blood can not bo overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good heaUh. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and Hood s Sarsaparilla is worthy your confidence. It is i*culiar in that it strengthens and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, wliile it eradicates disease. Give it a trial. / Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar Partition Notice. O.C.No.9l,March 1837. In re thepetition of Jas 1). Fowser for partition of estate of Sa rah B. Fowzer, dee'd. And now to wit, June 7, A. D., 1887. Ser vice having beeu accepted tor all the heirs and legal representatives of Sarah B. Fowzer dee'd, except Henrietta Fowzer, whose resi dence is unknown. On motion of Messrs. Williams & Mitchell the Court is requested to order publication requiring the said Hen rietta Fowzer to appear and show cause why partition of real estate ot Sarah B. F owzer should not l»e made accor ing to law. WILLIAMS & MITCHELL, Att'ys. June 7, ISS7, motion granted. BY TUB COI KT. THE COMMONWEALTH OF PKN.N'A, ) COUNTY OF BUTI.ER, S ' To Peter Kramer, High Sheriff of Butler Couuty, Greeting: We commanu you t.iat you make kuowu by publication in one or more of the weekly newspapers pub lished in the county of Butler by not less than three successive publications, or by personal service of this writ, the con tents of the foregoing petition and rule'.here to be and appear before the Judges ot our Orphan's Court at Butler on the 4th Monday day of June, 1887, being the 27th day of said month, to show cause, if any she may nave, why the real estate of Sarah 15. Fowz >r, dec d, should not be partitioned as prave 1 for. Witness the Hon. A iron L. Hazjn, Presi dent Judge of our said Court at Butler, this 7th day of June. 1387. ItEi UEN MCJELVAIN, Clerk. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. K \HM of 175 acres near It. It. station. !K) acres improved liuid,convenient to Pittsburg; barn is> and cost SIVW-is good a.s new---a good room frame house, good orchard. 1 rice £OOO. MlllllT PAY A CASH DIFFKHKN. K Oil 11 trade. We have small and large farms for sale or trade Patent and Pension eases prosecuted. Ivi-ad the new pension laws and write to us J H. STEVENSON K&Co s Agency, WO Filth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. MARBIED. _ FREDLEY—LESLIE-June 7, Butler, Pa., by Rev. W. E. Oiler, Mr. Daniel A. Fred ley aud Miss Aggie M. Leslie, both of Glade Mills. A\ LSWORTH —O'DONNELf -On Tue*. day, Juue 7, 1887, at the Wiilard House, Butler, Pa., by J. W. Brown, J. P., Mr, Thorn." 1 * W. Aylsworth an;l Miss Aggie M. O'Dounell, both of Clea field twp. EMRICK—RODGERS—June 2, 1887, lu Allegheny City, by Her. W. F. Connor, Mr. A. F. Euiriok and M'ss Sue E. Rodg e.-s, of Allegheny City," formerly of Clar ington, Ohio. MONTGOMERY—WOOLCUTT—At the M. E- Paiso lage, in Farmington, this county, by Rev. E. F. Merritt, May 11, 1887, Mr. Joseph Montgomery and Miss Catharine B. Woolcutt, bolh of Hilliards, this county. CARROLL -BOYD—At the rjsidenoe of T. 11. Lyon Esq., Butler. Pa., Juue 6, 1887, by Rev. D. i.. Harnisa, U. S. Grant Car roll and Miss Rose Boyd, both of St. Pe tersburg, Clarion Co., Pa. BIEIIL BEST—At the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. D. N. Har.iish, June S, 1887, Mr. Geo. C. Biehl and Miss Sarah Best, b>th of Butler, Pa. DEATHS. ~ SEATOX—On Thursday, June 2, 1887, Rebecca, widow of Wm. Seaton, of Ve nango twp., aged about 81 years. Mrs. Seatou \v:-> the mother oi Amos, Wil liam, Eiias and Lewis Seaton, all of whom reside in this county, and one of whom, Amos, is the present Republican candidate for Couuly Treasurer. PF.ARCE—At his home in Butler twp., June 2, 1887, Mr. John Pearce, in the 771h year of his age. Mr. Pearce was among; the oldest citizens of this county. He was noted as a man of strict integrity, ?.i well as being a very in dustrious man. He wrs respited f a neighbor aud friend by I who knew him. His remains were interred in the South Cem etery on Saturday If t. FISHER —At his home in Allegheny twp., this county, on June 3, 1887, of pneumo nia aud hemorrhage, Mr. Franklin Fisher, aged (JO years, 3 months aud 25 days. The news of the death ot Mr. Fish er when received at this place wa3 a shock to all who knew him. He had lived a long and useful life among our people and was respected by all as a man of the greatest integrity and worth. For many years he was en gaged here in the brick making busi • ness, which he carried on successful ly. Some five or six years ago he purchased and removed to the farm of the lato Milton Maxwell, about two miles northwest of Butler. Hav ing sold this he purchased a farm in Allegheny township and removed there last spring a year. There was no more industrious and honest citi zen of the county than Frauklin Fish er. In all the relations of life he was an example In the English Luth eran Church of this place for many years he was a leading, liberal, con eistant and upright member aud officer nis remains were brought to But ler, his old home, and interred in the south cemetery on Sunday last. Be fore burial they were taken to and lay in the Church that he served so loncj aud well. It was crowded on the occasion of the services to his memory and many who attended were unable to obtain room or seats. The services were conducted by the Rev. I). L. Roth, pastor, assisted by the Rev. J. B. Fox, of Emlenton, Pa., who accompanied the remains to this place. Rev.Roth preached an impres sive and appropriate funeral sermon, taking his t?xt from Acts 11: 24: "For he was a good man, and full of the lloly Ghost and of faith" in which he faithfully delineated the charaeted of Mr. Fisher. Appropri ate hvmns were sung, and when the services were ended all present sought an opportunity to view and take a last look of all that remained of their departed but esteemed neighbor and friend. The interment subsequently was priva*3, but was attended by a very large circle of mouruiag relatives of his own and of Mrs Fisher's side of the house. His four soas-ia-law, Itev Henry Iv. Shanor, of Freeport, Mr llarry Grayson, of Clarion, Mr. George W. Shievcr, of this place, and Mr. T. J. Critchlow, of Prospect, acted as the pall bearers on the sad occasion. Mr. Fisher was the father of thirteen children, all of whom are living. His widow and his children have the sympathy of this entire com munity in their great loss. A J FRANK & CO. DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, Ac. rariiyslcians' Prescriptions carefully co.a pountled, and orders answered with care and dispatch, our stock of medicines is complete, warranted genuine, and of the best quality. 45 South Main Street, S'UTLE-a, - IP-A_- lAfAAITICn I »"«* Intelligent, tc If Mil ICU LRU I represent in her own locality uii o!tl firm. Reference*required. Permanent position juid fc'ootl salary. GAY JC UltOS., 12 Barclay St.. N. Y. The dav of the fisherman, he of the rod and crawler, has begun, and truth, crushed to earth duriug the winter, will proceed to rise again. ASM.S YOUit While other merchants are singing the 5 - own praises, we cause oar customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, our gocds second to 11 ce in fact superior to many usually kept and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and surrounding' country needed such a store a3 this,"' is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and people will be fast findinj it out too." We keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is sswed with first class thread, trimmed, liued and made up in a substantial manner. Oar medium and better j,:ades take rank with any Custom made in the way of fitting aud make up. while our PINE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUR PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to sta f ■» that we keep a full Hne of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all styles and grades. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, e f *!., in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a first class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result. We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE, GEORGE RJSIBER BLOCK. JVCain Htreet, T3utlei*» jPa. —Col. A. K. McClure advoeat2B the abolition of the conferree system in the Philadelphia Times as follows: "The new Congressional apportion ment gives both political parties in this State an excellent opportunity to escape from the evils of the boodle conferree system of nominating can • didates for Congress. Only four of I the districts composed of more than ' one county are identical with districts existing under the old apportionment, and to retain the conferree system, with its equal connty representation and rotation features, would be to create new antagonisms wherever one or more counties have been brought into a group in place of others de tached for addition to new districts. It is a most auspicious time for the adoption of the popular convention system with the party vote as the basis of representation, in every coun ty in the State. The larger a con vention is the nearer it is to the peo ple whom it represents, but it must steer clear of being unwieldy aad must therefore be small enough to make it easy to preserve order and to prevent fraud and mobocracy. A system of Congressional rules, under which each County Convention would be entitled to choose one delegate for every 250 votes polled by its party in the coun ty at the last preceding Presidential or Gubernatorial election, would give the composite districts popular but not bulky conventions of from 32 * 3 90 delegates each. Representation according to party vote would be juster in the abstract than representa tion according to population regardless of party, but the evils of the corrupt ing conferree system are too grave to admit of pig headedness on the part of those who would reform it out of ex istence. If the population or town ship basis will be adopted by some districts that will not adopt the party vote basis, encourage them to adopt it. The main thing is to do awfty with the machine conferee system." Tilt: CITIZEN, A weekly newspaper, published every Fri day morning at Butler, Pa., by JOHN H. Jr W. C. NEGLEY. Subscription Rate. Per year, in adv? ace SI 50 Otherwise 00 No subscription will bo discontinued until all arrearages arc paid. All communications intended for publication in this paper mustbe accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith, Marriage and death notices must be accom panied by a responsible name. Advertising Rates. One square, one insertion, 41; each subset quont insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertise ments exceeding one-fourth of a column. f5 per inch, Figure work double these rates; additional charges where weekly or monthly changes art made. Local advertisements li) cents per line for first insertion and 5 cents per lino for each additional insertion. Mar riages and deaths published free of charge. Obituary notices charged as local advertise ments and payable when handed in. Auditors' Noticea, *4; Executors, and Administrators' Notices, $3 each; Eatray, Caution and Dis solution Noticos, not exceeding ten linws, $2. Address THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. J. SLUSH, M. D., Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his offlce at. No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-tf. BUTLER MARKETS. The following arc the selling prices of mer ehsnts of tins place : Apples, per bushel, 75 to .$1.25 Butter, per pound, 10 to 15 cts. Beans, per qt. 5 to lOcts. Cabbage, new, 5 to 10 cts. Caudles, uiold, 14 to 15. cts. Carbon oil, 10 to 15cts. Cheese, 15 to 18 cts per lb. Crackers, 7 to 10 cts. per lb. Chickens, per pair, 35 to 40. cts. Coffee, Rio, 20 to 22 ct3. Coffee, Java, 25 tp 28 etc. Coff Boasted, 28 to 33 cts. Coffee, grouud, 20 to 26 cts. Eg"s, 18 cts. • Fis.i, mackerel, 10 to 15 cts. Flour, per barrel, $1.50 to £5. Flour, per sack, 51.15 to $1.50.. Feed, chop, per 100 oouuds, -'•1 25. Feed, bran, per 100 lo . sl. Grain, wheat per bushel, sl. Grain, oats per bushel 40 cts. Grain, corn per bushel 40 cts. Lard, 10 cts. Ilarns, 14 cts. Honey, 15 to 20 c''. Shoulders, 10 cts, Bacon, 12 cts. Dried beef, 18 to 25. I Corn meal, per pound, 2 cts. I'eas, green, 40 c.ts per peck. Potatoes, new, 50 cts "j 1 peck, Bice, 5 to 10 cts. Sugar, hard, 10 cts. Sugar coffee, 7 cts. Sugar, raw, 61 cts. Soap, 6 to 10 cts. Salt, per barrel, sl.lO, Tea, liysou, Gunpowder, etc., 50 cts. to sl. Tea, Japan, etc., 60 to 60 cts. Tea, Breakfast, 10 to 80 ctw. Tallow, 8 cts. Tiiuatby seed. $2, Clover " $5,50 Washed wool 25 to 30 cts. Unwashed wool, 16 to 20 cts. RUSSIAN • The only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a fust class medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general household purposes is the very best SOAR Swithin C. Shortlidge's Academy, For Yomiir Moil and ltoys, Mctlla, l*a. 12 miles from Philadelphia. Pixel price covers every expense, even books. Ac. No extra charges. Incidental expenses- -No cxamlna tlou for admission. Twelve exi>erleneed teach ers. all men ami all graduates. Special oppor lunities for apt students to advance rapliLy. special drill fir dul and backward boys, ra tions or students may ulcer any studies or Choose the regular English, Scientific. Business, classical or civil Engineering course, students tutted at Media Academy are now In Harvard, Yale. ITlnceton and ten other Colleges end Polytechnic Schools, 10 students sent to eel lege lu IS*<>. 15 in r—». lu in tsSo. It) lu ISSti. A graduating class every year in the commercial department. A Physical and chemical Laal ratorr, <;vmna«lum and Hall c.rouml. i">oo vo's. added to Library In usa. Physical apparatus doubled In lsc, [l2-4-auij ST J .OK NIXON, Prop'r, JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN ANI) SURGEON Office No. 65 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. DR. R. C. McCURDY, Pliysiciau oud S«*^fon, Ofllceon Main St., over Kemper's store. Sutler, - Penn'a. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession " execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties :—Uold Killings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalizeu Air administered. Offlcc on JcfTcrson Street, on*' door East of Lowry llousc, I'p stair*, office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. 'cmnmnlcaUuns bv mail receive prompt attention, N. B.—The OP'V Dentist in Butler r Irj the best makes of tecr'i. SAMUEL M. BIPPTJS, Physician and Surgeon, No. 10 West Cunninghum St., BUTLER, IIPIEINniSr'J^ EITENMULLER HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. [l-u-'so-ly] II EITENMULLEIt. Prop'r. Homes For Everybody. The Feoples' Building aud Loan Associa* tion ol Butler. — Par value of each share f 100 This Association pays the borrower #IOO per Hliare, with a weekly expense to him of only 12 cts, in addition lo a his regular dues. For lurther information c 11 ou or ad- U W MILIAR. C M HEINEMAN, Bcc'Y Pres llutler, Fa Advertise in the CITIZEN. %