Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 27, 1887, Image 2

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One year " i®
811 months '
Three months
lateral lit Poatoßrr at B«tl«r »» -<» <•>«»» Matter
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1387.
Republican Primary Election.
The Repblican voters of Butler Co.,
are requested to meet at their usual
places of holding elections on Satur
day Jane 4th, between the hours of
1 and 7 o'clock P.M., to vote by ballot
for one person for Sheriff; one person
for Prothonotary; one person for
Register and Recorder; two persons
for County Commissioner; one person
for Clerk of Courts; two persons for
Coanty Auditor; one person for Cor
oner; two Representative Delegates
to State Convention; one person for
Return Judge. Said Return Judges
are to meet in convention at Butler
on Monday, June 6th, at 1 o'clock
P.M., to count up the votes and de
clare the result, and to attend to all
other business that shall come before
them. Said Return Judges to con- ]
stitute the County Committee for the
coming year.
The election will be held under the
rules governing primary elections.
Republicans only are to participate
at said election. By order of Com.
J. B. MATES, > EU R > VS
W. C. FINDLEY, Y 866 YB '
THE High License law, as passed
by the Legislature, appears in full in
the CITIZEN this week.
THE rains of Tuesday and Tuesday
night last were welcome here and
have done great good.
NOTHING particularly new in the
oil fields of this county. The price
of oil remains about same as last
week, from G2 to 63 cents.
THE bill to prevent the sale of in
toxicating drinks on Decoration Day
failed to pass in the Legislature. This
is generally regretted.
HON. ANDREW H. DILI,, of Lnion
county, has been appointed United
States Marshal for the eastern dis
trict of the State. Mr. Dill was the
Democratic for Governor
in 1878 when Governor Hoyt was
THE vote in the counties compos
ing this new Congressional district,
at the election for Governor last fall,
was as follows: Beaver, Butler, Law
renco and Mercer counties, Republi
can vote, 17,366; Democratic vote,
13,039— Republican majority on Gov
ernor, 4,327.
THE Pittsburg Com-Gazette of
Tuesday last contains in full the prop
erty of the Pittsburg & Western
Railroad Company, as advertised to
be sold in Pittsburg on June Bth. All
the road in this county, from Callery
op, including the depot buildings and
grounds in Springdnle, this place,are
among the pieces, rights, leases, etc.
that are advertised for sale.
The regular June Term of our
Courts commences Monday a week,
June 6, continuing two weeks, on the
first of which the Grand Jury will be
in session and the second will be
taken up in the trial of criminal cases
only. .
rT " Called In.
The last of the 3 per cent, bonds of
the Government have been called for
redemption by the Secretary of the
Treasury. They amount to near
twenty millions dollars, the principal
and interest of which are due July Ist
next. These are the only bonds of
the Government subject to payment
at par at the will of the Government.
The next bonds, per cent, do not
come due until 1891 and then none
after that until 1907. This state of
affairs, as to the said bonds, it in
feared may raise a perplexing ques •
tion in the financial affairs of the
Government, in which the surplus
re/enue.the tariff and other questions
all will enter.
Monument to Chaplain Christie
& The monument erected by soldiers
and friends of Father Christie, Chap-
P*"" Tain of the 78th, will be dedicated on
/ Memorial Day in Ebensburg, Pa. All
the old soldiers of the regiment and
their friends are invited to be present
on that occasion. Extensive and
costly preparations are being made by
the patriotic citizens of that ancient
borough for the accommodation and
entertainment of all visiting strangers
Col. A. Blakeley has consented to de
liver an oration on the life, character
and military service of the celebrated
"fighting chaplain" of the 78th We
understand that delegates are goiQg
from Kittanning, Indiana, Freeport
and Pittsburg. Butler should also
be represented on that occasion.
What say you. veterans of the 78th?
Arthur Love.
In all ages, countries, counties and
towns, it was and is a matter of pride
and boast to be the birth place of
genius or greatness. History is full
of such claims to such honors. But
ler county can boast of many eons
who haye risen to distinction in soma
way. Mr. Arthcr Love, born in
Clinton twp, this county, is our la
test boast. As a comedian he has
now a reputation wide as the United
States. We remember well his first
effort at his home here in the
concert line. We printed the first
bills for him and helped to "boost"
and speed him on his way. ilis fame
spread rapidly, and he has relumed
here several times to visit aad amuse
his old neighbors and friends. Ilis la
test visit was on Monday evening iant,
in which he and his compuny, in the
Opera House, delighted our citizens
with the comedy of the "Hoosw-r
Doctor," written by himself. It is a
comedy in every sense and is Arthur
Love all through aud through It
can only be appreciated by being
seen and beard. From an actor and
musician be has thus become an au
thor, and that of the great comedy, the
"Hoosier Doctor."
His greeting here was large and
enthusiastic, as well as those at Ren
frew, Evans City and other parts of
fcia old count/ home.
Prospect Sprigs.
EDS. CITIZEN. Be it observed:
That the sprigs are in need of rain.
That P. A. Shanor of West New
ton, was visiting at Mr. John Mar
tin's last week.
That Male Garland, of Pittsburg,
was in town on business and lookintf
up old friends.
That ladies' hats are leaving the
shops continuously.
That one of our belles "does wish
her fellow would come out on Deco
ration Day."
That the pleasantest hour is a re
hersal of youthful times by old
That Rev. Clark will preach the
memorial sermon in the Lutheran
Church, on May 29, at 3 P.M.
That Decoration services will be
held in Critchlow's Grove on May
30, at 10 A.M. Let all come to do
honor to the old guard.
That the W.C.T.U. egg social will
probably come off on Decoration Day
evening, in the Academy.
That birthday parties are becoming
common occurrences.
That Harry English has a new
wart-cure. Try him.
That S. S. Forrester will soon get
a pension on deafness.
That Davy Allen looks cross at
Geo. Cowan. Davy, get a new girl.
That Jesse Bowers is the boss fish
That Mrs. S. B. Martincourt has
returned from a business visit to the
City of Smoke.
That an increase of $500,000, in
the school appropriation, does surely
mean better wages for the teachers.
Teachers, your work will not always
be poorly paid for.
The ladies of the Y. W. C. T. U.
will hold an egg social in Prospect
Academy Chapel, Monday evening,
May 30, for the benefit of the Union.
This is something new in this county
and all are invited to attend. A
pleasant time is anticipated. Ad
mission free.
The annual Memorial Services will
be held in the Lutheran Church,
Prospect, on Sabbath the 29th in9t.,
at 3 o'clock P M Rev. Jas. A. Clark
will preach the sermon to the sol
diers. All are invited.
IIENRV HEYL, Chairman of Com.
West Liberty Items.
Candidates pretty thick as every
body knows.
Mrs. Elizabeth McDeavitt has built
a Dew house, on her farm in Brady
The house of Mr. Lilly was de
stroyed by fire on Tuesday of last
week. It caught fiom the kitcheD
stove and was consumed in one hour
About one-half of his household goods
were also bnrned. He was insured
for SBOO on his house and $175 on
bis furniture in a London Company.
• Anniversary Surprise.
Tuesday, May 17, 1887, was a
memorable day in the history of Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Shanor, of Muddy
creek, twp. It was the seyenty-fifth
anniversary of hw birth; and for
weeks before the idea of suitably cele
brating it had been entertained by his
friends. So skillfully were the plans
laid, and so adroitly the preparations
concealed, that not a suspicion was
caused in the minds of the aged cou
ple until their friends—and their
name is legion—began to come from
all points of the compass, with well
filied baskets and smiling counte
nances. The surprise was complete,
and as family after family arrived
with their congratulations, the feeling
of joy and gladness that thrilled the
breast of "Uncle Jonathan" could not
be expressed, biifc could easily be read
from bis happy face. The early por
tion of the day was spent in greeting
friends, renewing acquaintanceships,
showering congratulations upon Mr.
and Mrs. Shanor, and in other social
A raid was then made upon a well
laden table which groaned under the
weight of "good things" and which
perfectly satisfied the wants of all.
After dinner, a final meeting was or
ganized by the election of Judge Gar
vey, Pres , and W. B. Dcdds, Sec'y.
Addresses were made by Rev. Durst,
and Prof. P. A. Shanor, in which Mr
Shanor was congratulated for haviDg
so successfully withstood the storms
of so many winters; his present ex
cellent health and strength; his happy
family relations; and the bright
hopes of the future glorious rewards
of his life of faith- Mr. Conrad
Beighley responded in behalf of Mr
and Mrs. Shanor. The meeting thou
adjourned, and the 150 guests return
ed home better prepared by their
holiday to assume again the calls of
life, and left Mr. and Mrs. Shanor
happy because of the manifestation of
friendship and good will given them
by this hnppy occasion.
Latest From Kiester.
For tl.e Cmzrcx.
A fine rain, and very much need
Some late potatoes to plant yet.
Robert is six inches taller—its a
George Campbell says he will pay
the highest price for wool.
The Lutherans from Greenville
will hold the first picnic at the Park
this year, on the first day of June,and
the Catholics on the 25th, while
others will occupy it in the interim.
Mrs. John Kiester is now running
a Livery Stable for the accommoda
tion of Commercial travelers aad
others. Goodbye,
Resolutions of Respect.
The Ladies' Missionary Society of
the United Presbyterian Church of
Prospect adopted the following reso-
I Unions, relative to the death of
! Amanda Shanor, who departed this
! life May 2, 1887:
WHEREAS, <Jur Heavenly Father
j has in His infinite wisdom bceu pleas
led to visit this Society and call to
Himself oue of our most faithful
members, therefore,
licsolced, That we, as a Society,
bow in submission to the will of
God, resting assured that our 1033 is
her gain.
Second, That we will strive to live
so that we also may be ready to say
"welcome," when the Master shall
call cs.
Third, That we tender our heart
felt sympathies to the bereaved fami
ly, relatives and friends, and commit
p them to the tender mercy of Him
"who dofith »)) things well,"
Fourth, That these resolutions be I
recorded in the minutes of the Society, j
also a copy published in the county '
papers. 3y order of
The Power of the Associate
Judges the Legal point
deputation of Huntingdon lawyers is
here, called to argue a series of ap
peals from the decisions of Hunting
don County Court refusing licenses
to hotel keepers. The cases are ex
pected to come up to-morrow. The
delegation consists of Messrs. P. M,
Lytie, 11. Bruce Petriken, and W. M
McNeil, attorneys for the appellants
in the case, and Messrs. W. Mc-
Knight, Williamson and Samuel J.
Brown for appellees. The cases are
extraordinary in that the refusal to
grant licenses is the act of the two
Associate Judges against the protest
of the Presiding Judge.
Old lawyers assert that to their
knowledge no similar case has ever
occurred in Pennsylvania where As
sociate Judges have tbus interfered
with the President Judge in a matter
involving questions of law. 1 here is
not a hotel in the town of Hunting
don that caa lawfully sell liquor and
the 6,000 inhabitants are obliged to
go without it. It is to accomplish
the double purpose of relieving their
thirst and of testing the power of As
sociate Judges in such cases that
Messrs. Lytle, Petriken and McNeil
will appear before the Supreme Court
The appeals are those of Henry
Leister and Jamea C. Swoope, hotel
keepers at .Huntingdon, and E. F.
Gould and j a nes O'Neill, hotel-keep
ers at Broad Top City. Their appli
cations for license were argued before
the County Court at Huntingdon on
April 11, but were not acted upon
until three davs later. The Associate
Judges, Charles R. McCarthy and
Tobias Forman, overruled President
Judge A. 0. Furst in absolutely re
fusing the licenses. Judge Furst filed
a dissenting opinion in each case.
There was no opposition to the
licenses of Gould and O'Neill in
Broad Top City, but in Huntingdon
the temperance people, under the lead
of the Women's Chistian Temperance
Union, circulated vigorous remon
strances against licensing all hotels in
Huntingdon, particularly against
Leister and S'.voope, proprietors of
the Leister llou3e and the Hotel
Brunswick respectively. It was al
leged in the remonstrances that li
censes were unnecessary. The re
monstrances were circulated widely
through the town and are said to have
been signed by over a thousand per
sons, mostly women and grown chil
dren. When the cases were heard
the court-room was packed with la
dies, who mustered their strength
under the banner of tha W.C-T.U-
In refusing to grant the applica
tions for .licenses the Associate
Judges rendered a decreo similar to
this in each case:
"We find that a hotel is necessary
at that point for the purpose ofaccoin
modating the travelling community
and the entertainment of strangers
The applicant has complied with the
law in relation to licenses, etc
While such is the case we, the Asso
ciate Judges, do not thiuk that it is
necessary to 1 icon3o a hotel to sell in
toxicating liquors, and for this reason
this application is refused.
Associate Judges."
Judge Furst tiled a dissenting
opinion like this:—
"Under tbe law and the (acts this
license should be granted. I there
fore dissent from the decree made by
the Associates.
A. 0. FCRST, P. J."
Y. M. C. A.
Mr. S. K. McKee, one of the
State Secretaries of the Young
Men's Christian Association
of Pennsylvania, is in Butler at
present in the interest of the Butler
Association Jls met with the
board of directora of the As
80ciation here on Monday evening
last, at their rooms in the Ileiber
building, when plans were discussed
and adopted for furthering the inter
ests of the work here. The Associa
tion here, although not yet a year old
comprises near two hundred num
bers in all. They have rented and
put in suitable shape rooms for their
meetings and the reception of visitors.
The required money to do this was
mainly contributed at the time by
the members and some of our citizens.
Bat the Association has still much
work to do and is in need of more
funds to properly do it. All citizens
who have not contributed should feel
it a duty to do so. The yalue of the
work these Associations have in view
cannot be overestimated. Hardly a
town in the Stute but now has one
organized. But their great want is
financial aid. TLo State Secretary,
Mr. McKee, will, before he leaves,
call upon our citizens to lend a fur
ther helping haud in this Christian
work. Let all help some to putting
the Y.M C.A here oa a permanent
Still "B coming."
Bailer is still booming in the build
ing line,and in increase of population
and in business generally. Particu
larly is this the case in tbe South
Side or end of town. One of the
most unique buildings about finished
there in that of Mr. Bole, south end of
Main street. It has a form arid fash
ion of style that is peculiar—none
like it yet erected Something like
the spring bonnet of the young ladies,
it aims to go up higher, with angles
upon angles, and one section differing
from another It attracts much atten
tion and is regarded as quite an inter
eating improvement upon the old
style of house building.
The excavation for the new John
Stein .-tore house, near Willard
House, south end Main St. i 3 about
The stone foundations of the new
Scheuck building,, corner Diamond,
are about completed and brick work
soon to commence Also fur the Urge
addition to the Eitenmiller iiotel.
Tbe old tenements on the West
side Dougal lot have been removed
and the rubbish cleared away, previ
ous to the large business block to be
erected conjointly by Mr. ICetterer,
Miss Gilkey and Messrs I J. Mc-
Candless and A. Perry Stewart, fi-q
Many other buildings of various
kinds are going up in different parts
of the town.
For Sale.
A fresh cow for sale. Enquire at
this ollice.
Signing Bills.
Since the adjournment of the Leg
islature Governor Beaver has signed
the following bills:
An act to punish false pretenses ia |
obtaining registration of cattle aud i
other animals, and to punish giving i
false pedigrees; to provide civil rights
for all people, regardless of race or
color; amending the act regulating :
the admission of attorneys and coun
sellors at law to practice in the sever- i
al courts of this Commonwealth; to
anable managers of work houses to
purchase additional land for agricul
tural purposes; to give preference of j
appointment or employment to hon
orably discharged soldiers,sailors and
mariners who fought for the L nion
cause in the late war; authorizing the
issuing of execution upon judgments
for the purpose of selling personal
property of the debtor after five years
from the entry of such judgment with- j
out a previous writ of scire facias to
revive the same; extending the au
thority and jurisdiction of Justices of
the Peace and to the seyeral burge3- j
sesof this Commonwealth; to provide
| for the care and preservation of the
monuments marking the boundary i
i lines of this Commonwealth; relat
| iug to costs and the manner of com
puting milage in certain cases; a sup- j
plement to an act providing for the j
selection of a site and erection of a
State hospital for injured persons of
the anthracite coal regions, in the •
couuties of Schuylkill,Carbon,Dauph
in, Northumberland and Columbia,
etc; providing for the payment of
costs in criminal cases by the proper
county; providing for a night watch
man for the State Library; to extend
the minimum school term to six
months; authorizing the courts of
quarter sessions to make orders about .
the payment of costs in road cases; |
regarding the mutilating of books, |
maps, stationery, &c ; to regulate the ;
employment of labor, requiring two
weeks' notice of intended abandon
ment of work to be given the employ
er, who is also obliged to give a simi
lar notice on intended discharge; pro
viding for the semi-monthly payment
of wage-workers; to repeal the Lenox
road law, in Susquehanna, before this
Legislature for fifty years; repealing
the act increasing the pay ot sheriffs
and jailors of Lebanon county; re
pealing the act relating to road
bridges hereafter to be constructed
on the Juniata and Susquehanna
rivers; enlarging the competency of
witnesses; repealing the act to au
thorize the court of common pleas of
Luzerne county to appoint auditors
in certain cases; repealing the section
of the act to provide for the erecting
of pounds, doing away with the old
fence requirements; empowering cities
to take and hold donations of moDey,
books, real or personal property for
the purpose of free libraries aud au
thorizing appropriations; authorizing
the binding of any orphan to any city
to be made by mother, guardian or
next friend; for the protection of Ger
man carp ia public lakes or steams;
amending the game law so as to pro
hibit the killing of quail or Virginia
partridge between December 15th aud
October 15th, providing a penalty of
ten dollars for every violation of the
act; to prevent the adulteration of
candy or confectionery; makiug the
carrying on of the business of detec
tives without 4 license a uiisdemeanor:
authorizing the trustees, treasurer or
other proper ofiicers of any church,
congregation, presbytery or other
church organization to abandon bury
ing grounds and sell the samo in fee
clear of aii restrictloß; appropriating
the tax on dogs to the support of
public libraries in boroughs; making
tbe breaking into cars a felony; secur
ing to laborers the benfit of the ex
emption lawa and to prevent the as?
signment of claims for the purpose of
securing their collection against labor
ers outside the State; to provide for
the institution of proceedings in
e.juity by process of foreign attach
ment; authorising marriage licenses
to be applied for before justices of the
peace aud aldermen; authorizing
county treasurers to charge and de
duct commissions from school, road
and all other municipal taxes collect
ed and paid over by them to the
proper authorities; providing punish
ment for persons stealing lumber on
bauks of rivers and streams; to au
thorize an appeal from the assessment
of the amount to be paid by persons
desirous of using a private road; to
authorize a certain foreign corporation
to purchase certain real estate at ju
dicial saleg and to hold and convey
the same under ceiUin sonditioo'-j
regulating the method of the choice
of directors in certain corporations of
the lirst class.
Wanted the Whole Liver.
Humane Agent O'Brien this morn
ing received a telegram from Fayetto
City. It read:
'-For God's sake send the meat in
spector up here right away."
Wondering what lud happened to
the meat eating population of Fayette
City, Mr O'Brien took the telegram
to Meat Inspector Lindsay. On his
return to his office the agent encoun
tered a hoy with a special delivery
letter. The odor that arose from it
brought the tears to the eyes of
O'Brien, aud he was compelled to
support himself by clinging to a ta
ble while he tore open the envelop
with his teeth. Inside lie found a
piece of liver about half as large as
his hand It was about 140° under
the atmosphere and sinelled like a
remnant of a butcher's last year's
crop. O'Brien turned the hoce on the
meat for 15 minutes, and then tele
phoned the board of health to remove
it. Tho letter, also enclosed in the
envelop, reads:
"This is a specimen of the meat
sold in this towu. Is it good or
The agent, after recovering, sent
the following telegram to Fayette
"Can't judge from the sample
Send a whole liver."
Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon no
answer had been received —Pitts
burg Penny Press, May 20.
Six Months School Term,
The Legislature did well when it
passed the act compelling school dis
tricts to keep the schools open at
least six months in the year. There
are but a fe w counties that do not
have even longer terms, and those
that do not have ought to be com
pelled to keep them open. There are
some cases in which this may be a
hardship, but nearly all laws work
hardship in some way or other and
that (act is no reason why the general
public should be made to suffer for
the want of a jast and proper require
ment. The addition of a half million
of (Jollars to the school fund will add
just one-Laif to tho allotment which
the districts are now reeeieinjj. This
will partly compensate them for the
additional expense. Thi9 Legisla
ture is entitled to great credit for the
way in which it has treated the
schools.— Ex.
The Marriage Law as Amended
The act entitled "An act relating
to marriage licenses, providing lor
officers indicated to issue licenses for
parties to marry,'' was amended by
the last Legislature to read as fol
The clerk of the court shall inquire
A the parties applying, either separ
ately or together, for marriage license
as aforesaid, on oath or affirmation
relative to the legality of the contem
plated marriage; and if there be no
legal objection thereto, then he shall
grant such marriage license; or the |
parties intending marriage may either
separately or together appear before
any magistrate, alderman or justice
of the peace ot the township, ward or
county whereiu either of the contract
ing parties reside, and in the county
where the license is desired, who
may, and is hereby authorized to in
quire of them, touching the legality ;
of their contemplated marriage; and i
such inquiries and the answers there- i
to having been subscribed and sworn |
to by the parties before such officer,!
may be forwarded to the clerk of the
count, who, it satisfied, after an ex
amination thereof, that the same is
genuine and that no legal objections
to the contemplated marriage exists,
shall grant a license therefor.
And if any of the persons intending
to marry by virtue of such license
shall be under twenty-one years of
age, the consent of their parents or
guardians shall be personally given
before said clerk, or certified under
the hand of such parent or guardian,
attested by two adult witnesses; and
the signature of such parent or guar
dian shall be properly acknowledged
before a notary public or other officer
j competent under the law to receive
acknowledgements, which said certifi
cate and oath shall be filed of record
in said office, and entry of the same
shall be made by the said clerk on the
marriage-license docket as a part of
| the records of the issuing of said li
cense. and for which he shall receive
: as his fees the sum of fifty cents, in
addition to the marriage license fee,
and the said magistrate, alderman or
justice of the peace, for services ren
dered by him under the provisions of
this act, shall be entitled to the sum
of fifty cents.
The clerk of the court shall furnish
magistrates, aldermen and justices of
I the peace, at the cost of the proper
county, all necessary blanks for ac
knowledgments and affidavit, herein
required; and if any clerk of any of
said courts shall in any other manner
issue or sign any marriage license, or
it any magistrate, alderman or justice
of the peace, shall willfully make auy
false returns to the clerk of court, he
shall forfeit and pay any sum not ex
ceeding ono thousand dollars, to and
for the use of the party aggrieved;
Provided, That uothiog in this act
shall be so construed as to prevent
either party from making application
for such license, by or through any
next friend or relative, which next
friend or relative may uiaku tho re
quired proof on behalf of the person
represented by him or her,
A Very Neat Swindle
From Pittsburg Times of Wednesday.]
Several farmers living along the
Butler plauk road between Allegheny
City and the (rlade Mills bavo been
neatly victimized during the past
week, by a set of swiudiers, to the ex
tent of at least $l5O. William Mc-
Donald, one of the victims, was seen
in Allegheny last night, snd the
swindlers operated in this way: A
barouche containing four well dress
ed men stopped at Plankerton's hotel
on the Perrysville road last Wednes
day and one of the men announced
thq.t the party \yas prospecting for oil
territory iu that neighborhood and
that they would likely call and exam
ine the iarni3 of residents along the
Butler road.
The next day tho alleged prospec
tive toijr eotprnencetj, 'be first
person called on was John Shafer.
His land was examined by an alleged
expert who accompanied the party
and pronounced it excellent oil terri
tory. The territory was then leased
and the lease made out and the far.
mor given a check for SSO as a bonus.
The prospectors stopped a Shafer's
house all night and in payment of
their lodging and stabling of the
team presented a check on a Butler
bank for *3O, purporting to be signed
by Mr. Stoughton, of that town. The
bill amounted to $4 50 and the farm
er gave them sls 50 in change.
Several other grangers were visit
ed and the same racket worked suc
cessfully in I:, ost cases. Some of tho
farmers became suspicious, and while
they ioascd their lauds refused to bo
taken in by the chunge scheme. One
of the latter communicated his sua
pibious to Shafer on Friday last and
he went to Butler on Saturday aud
found the check given him wa3 bo
This exposure spread like wiMfxre
and the four men were eagerly sought
for all over the couutry. but they had
General Notes.
15V the collision of two largo ocean
steamers in mid-ocean last Thursday
afternoon five persons were killed
find several injured. Oae vessel had
her bow torn oil", and a great hole
was made iu the side of the other,but
the water tijjht bulkheads kept both
vessels from sinking.
It takes the tusks of 75,000 ele
phants per year to supply tho world's
piano keys, billiard balls and knife
Queen Kapiolana, the royal visitor
from the Sandwich Islands, tips the
scales at 200 pounds.
Miss Rose Elisabeth Clevelaud has
accepted a place as first assistant In a
school for young ladies in New York
Over in New Jersey elopements
are becoming so frequent that the
business men are talking of taking
their wives along to work.
The knee breeches boom iu Chica
go hasbursted The young men had
the courage, but they didn't hayo the
O'Brien's Impressions of Toronto
were uot altogether agreeable, but
they were certaiuly very striking.
A man out in Ohio grew tired of
life and leaped into a well. He prob
ably "kicked the bucket" as he went
Down in San Antonio, Texas,
! there was a long drouth, and the
' people made unpleasant but forcible
■ remarks about the dust. Then the
rain began to fall, arid it kept, tailing
until the people walked waist deep in
: mud Even then they were not hap-
I pv. It seems to be impossible to
| please some folks.
Two clipper ships, the Seminole
and the Charmer, started from New
York on Thursday oflast week for a
long race. Their destination is San
Francisco. It will probably be more
than three months before the race is
ended, and it is said that considera
ble money has been staked on the re
The New Tax Bill.
The new tax bill has two principal
aims—viz: To equalize taxation and
to increase revenue. Our tax law«
had becomeama<sof sorry patch-work,
amended from time to time as some
especial interest or necessity demand
ed, and they finally became a confus
ed medley of contradictions and prac
tically unintelligible. They invited
litigation and hindered enterprise by
the uncertainty of laws directly affect
ing the industrial energies of the
State. Even the Courts became in
volved in a tangle of conflicting de
cisions; and it was not until Rufus
E. Shapley, of this city, representing
the Auditor General, presented an
exhaustive compilation of the jarring
tax laws and decisions iu a recent im
portant tax case, that the imperative
necessity for a thorough revision of
our entire tax system was fully ap
preciated by those charged with the
administration of our revenue laws
The new law is chiefly the work of
Mr. Shapley, aided by Auditor Gen
eral Norris, and it is regarded as
largely increasing the revenue rather
by the equalization of '..axes than by
an increase of taxation.
The new law does not impose a
tax upon manufacturing companies,
corporate or limited, actually employ
ed in manufacturing within the StaU-.
The bill as originally passed by the
restored the old tax on manu
facturing companies, but the Senate
struck it out and the conference com
mittee accepted the Senate amend
ment with the limitation applying to
the exemption capital stock actual
ly employed in the Commonwealth.
The feature of the new bill that
will be most generally felt is that ex
empting household lurniture, carri
ages, watches, plate, etc. The gen
eral system of taxation is simplified
and presumably on a reasonably
equitable basis, whereby a large in
crease of revenue will be secured
without increasing the general tax
rate. In addition to the many ob
stacles which stood in the way of the
execution of the old revenue laws,
there was an absolute necessity for
increased revenue to enable the State
to continue the reduction of the pub
lic debt. In other words, had not a
new tax law been enacted, Governor
Beaver's administration would fall
several millions behind Governor Pat
tison's in the reduction of the State
debt, and political necessity, as well
as public policy, forbid such a step
backwards. With the new bill to
augtueut revenue, the increased ap
propriations necessary in a State of
marvellous progress will be met with
the regular or increased reduction of
the public debt, aud the present State
administration should leave the Com
monwealth practically free from what
was once a crushing load upon the
business aud thrift of Pennsylvania.
The success of the new revenue
measure is not due to the individual
exertions of any one man in or out of
the Legislature, but Senator Macfar
iane is entitled to special commenda
tion for the courageous, earnest and
practical eflorts he made to save the
bill when it was menaced and its suc
cess greatly imperiled by powerful
antagonisms It is safe to say that
without his tireless and well directed
battle for toe bill, it would have fallen
in the contest. In its equalization of
taxes It unfavorably affected personal
interests of the Senator, but he ac
cepted his public duty as paramount,
and gave faithful devotion to the in
terests of the State.—Philadelphia
' w. erf. u.
The Fifth Semi-Annual Meeting
of tho Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union of Butler oounty, will
oonveno In.; Millerstown, Tuesday
June 14th.
Presidents of Unions and county
superintendents are members of Con
ventions. Each Union is entitled to
three (3) delegatea. Let there bo
full representation as the Convention
promises to be one of unusual inter
Mrs. Frances L. Swift, President
of the State Union will conduct the
Convention. Ilr. Mary A. Allen of
Ithaca, N. Y., will lecture Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings, 14th and
15th. Programme next week.
Cor. Sec'y,
A Two Months' Job.
WASHINGTON, May 23 —Acting
Secretary Thompson to day appoint
ed a committee to make an examina
tiou of the books and assetts of the
office of the Uuited States Treasurer,
incident to the transfer of that office
from Mr. Jordan to Mr. Hyatt. The
examination will involve an aotual
count of all tho money in the treas
ury, including 31137,000,000 in paper
money in the reserve vaults, $!)5,000,-
000 in the cash vault, $(50,000,000 in
staudard silver dollars, $25,000,000
in gold coin and a smaller cpiantity
of fractional stiver
The committee in making the count
wiii have the assistance of 75 persons,
including expert counters. It began
this afternoon, and can hardly be fin
ished insido of two months
ington, on May 17, by Rev. It. B. Starks,
Mr. I. Presley Mqrtland au 1 Miss A.
Eupheniiu Starr.
COVERT—Mi;'>EE3—Ma/ 12, by Rev. J.
M.Ray, Mr. Thomas E. ("overt and Miss
Mary RebeosaJMeNeea, :it l'rogpoot.
KEIL -At hh borne A llejrheny, Sond*y,
May 22, 1887, George Keil, formerly of
Butler, !tL;ed 35 years.
GOLDFXGER— At hia hame in Parker twp.,
Monday, May, U.'i I, \n'.h >ny,Gol.linger,agwl
about 70 yeais. <>n the previous Saturday
Mr. Goldinger dniuk very freely from a cool
spring, and then sat in tho s) ade, attir over
heating himself at field work., and was
seized with a sickness fioni which lie did
not recover.
Tho importance of purifying the blood can
not bo overestimated, for without pure
blood you cannot enjoy good health.
At this season nearly every one needs a
good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich
the blood, and Hood's Sarsaparllla is worthy
your confidence. It js peculiar In that il
Strengthen* tind builds up the system,creates
jm appetite, and tones tho digestion, while
It eradicates disease. Give It a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparllla is sold by all druggists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
Somerset Swears OIL
From Pittsburg Dispatch.]
SOMERSET, FA. May 23. —The liquor
men of this county were never before
so completely knocked out as when
Judge Baer read from the bench that
all the applications for licenses were
refused by his associates, Judges
Shaver and Walker Somerset is a
decidedly temperance county, and
the fight against license last year re
sulted in shutting up every licensed
bar in thecouuty seat. Still a good
many licenses were granted at other
points in the county. This year
however, the new Associate .Judges
sat flatly dow u.metaphorically speak
ing, upon the whole business, and not
a license in the entire county was
granted. The disappointment of
some of the liquor uen is great, and
all day the air was blue with
"cusses," while the temperance peo
ple are very jubilant over their suc
cess. A union praise meeting was
held in the Luthtreu Church last
night, where enthusiastic speeches
were make by both men and wo
Absolutely Pure.
Tui6 fowder hever varies. A marvel ol
purity, slrcntrtb and wbolesontenets. More
seonoinlcul that the ordinary kind.*, and can
not be bold in competition with the multltue
ol low teats, short weiirhi.alumn or phosphate
powders. Sold only in cant-
106 Wall Street N. Y.
We are authorized to announce the fol
lowing gentlemen as candidates for
the offices under which their names appear,
subject to the Republican Primary Election
aud usuages of the party in Butler county:
Primary Election, Saturday,
June 4th.
Of Sunbury borough.
Of Oaklaud township.
Of MudJycreek township'
Of Allegheny township.
Of Forward township.
Of Centre township.
Of Brady township.
Of Win field township.
Of Marion township.
Of Clay twp. (formerly of Penn twp.)
Late of Washinton twp.—now of Butler.
Of Oakland township.
Of Clinton township.
Of Buffalo township.
Of Summit township.
Of Jackson township.
Of Butler borough.
Of Brady township.
Of Butler b .rough.
11. A. AYRES,
Of Mercer township.
Of Venango township.
Of Clinton township.
Of Centreville borough.
OfCrauberiy township.
Of Fairview township.
Of Butler borough.
Of Muddycrcek t»p.
Of Connoquencssing township.
Of Clay township.
Of Centre township.
Of Fairview twp. (formerly of Concord.)
Of Forward township.
Of Brady township.
Of Connoquenessing twp,
Of Parker township.
Of Butler borough.
Of Slipperyrock twp.
Of Franklin township.
Of Buffalo township.
Of Clearfield township.
Of Ililliards Station.
Of Washington township.
Of Butler borough.
Of Slipperyrock twp.
Of Sunbury.
Of Concord township.
Of Clinton township.
Of Summit township'
Of Butler Borough.
Of Butler township.
(2 to nominate.)
Of Fairview borough.
Of Butler.
Mercantile Appraiser's List for
the Year 1887,
J. A. & W. F. Anderson. Valencia, store 12
T. M. Marshall, Mars, store IS
D.B.Wilson. •• •• 13
J. C. Barr, *• drugs M
A. M. Beers. Callery. store 14
J.J.Smith, Myoma, store 11
C. B. Irvine, •• •• 14
T. 11. Murray. Callery. one pool table
J. 11. Thomas, Sandy Point, store 13
J. I). Shell Ji Co., •• *• " 14
O. W.jStoughton. Elora ;i4
Mrs. E. G. Cluttou, West Liberty 14
W. W. Robinson, •• •• 14
G. W. Elboltz. " •• 14
W. W. McQuistlon, " •• 14
Wick £ Young, •• 14
11. K. Sarver. SarversvUle 14
J. S. Adams. •• •• 13
William Watson, " •• 14
J. M. Fleming, •• 14
J. U. Harbison, Freeport 14
A. Guckenhelmer, " •• Dis 2
R. J. Anderson, Flick 14
It. B. Norrls, Riddles X Roads 14
Samuel Snyder. •• •• •• 14
Justin BOggS, OglO 14
Wm. Garvin. " •' 13
A. G. Hendrlckson " •• 14
Conrad Nicklas, Connoquenessstng 14
J. L. Christie, drugs " " 14
Mrs. Peter Staff; •« •• 14
J. T. SC W.A. Purvlance" •• 13
Joseph CJraham •• •• 13
T. 1). MoConncll, •• 11
S. L. Rasley, Buttercup 11
D. D. Qulgley. Pcachvllle 13
A. D. Kuhn, <Sc Co., Hooker 13
8. Markswell, Greece City 13
F. W. Llnberg, Carbon Centre 13
M.J. Mcßrlde. Coylesvlllc 13
Breaden & Conway, Euclid 14
Geo. J. Lacher, " i j
Painter i Sutton, " 11
G. SI. Dill &. Co.. Gomersol 12
Gustus Faegal, Coaltown 13
11. W. Elliott, 13
11. F. Mitchell, •• U
J, A. Bailey, Bovard 11
Harrison Bartnlskey, Bovard II
Lewis Owens, Bovard 11
11. C. McCoy Anandale U
J. H. Varner, Moniteau is
A. F. Fleeger, Fleeger 11
W. T. Campbell, Fleeger U
Jas. Coulter, Mccandless 11
N. W. McCandlcss 11
11. S. Cate, Greer H
Soloman Relsner, St. Joe Station II
W.M.Durham, •• •• 13
0. Kornumph, Mt. Chestnut 11
Wm. Watson, " " 15
S. S. Emery, Karns City 11
Pontus Itodgers & Co., Petrolla U
Oliver McCllntock, Beibold 11
W. W. Dickey, " 14
L. Ilartenstelu, Great Bolt 11
J. Larderer. Middle Lancaster 11
A. E. Metz, " '■ li
J. B. Flick, Flick 11
W. J. Marks & Bro., Glade Mills 11
W. M, Osborne, " •• 11
Joseph Baley, Harrlsvllle 13
J. 11. Gormely, Murrlnsvllle 14
Mrs. P. Mcßrlde. " II
Wm. Mabold. Boyer 14
L. J. Slsney, '• 11
John H. Stone, Greenville. Pa is
Jane Owens. Harrlsvllle 11
B. R. Bryson, Harrlsvllle II
H. Blaney « Soil. St. Joe Station II
A. G. Campbell, Sonora 11
Jas. A. Morgan. Parker's Landing 11
J. O. Kapp, Glenora li
Thos. Ralston, Bruin 11
E. 11. Adams '• 11
J. W. Orr, •• 11
Thos. Campbell, " 14
11. M. Caldwell 4c Co., Bruin 12
J. 11. Orr, Brulu 14
D. H. Sutton, Maharg U
11. llollefiund, Butler .... 14
W. J. Patterson, Lullng H
D. B. Douthetl, Bro%vnsdale K
A. W. Roat, Renfrew 1<
H. W. Koonce, Renfrew 14
M. Glass, •• 14
Katy L. Hcsslln. " 14
J. F. Anderson, " li
David Stewart, hotel, Renfrew I
M B. Dlttmcr, Herman 1<
J. P. Campbell, Kelster l;
Johh Cannon, " 14
J. A. Morrison, Branoliton 14
Henry Niece, Wick 11
G. F. Kolilmeyer, Eau Clair 14
J. F. Cohrau, " " li
L. T. Kerr, " •• 14
A. O. Miller, •• •• 14
X. Gardner, Jacksvllle li
A. R. Krause, Delano 11
Weldhaus. Delano 1!
H. F. Elliolz, Carbon Black 1!
C. Foster, Leasurevllle II
J. I.ogan, " 14
John McCorklU, llllliard 11
McKce & Co., •• n
E. Adams. " 11
Mrs. T. Altinlre, " 11
1. N. Thompson, North Hope 11
Miminit Mifflin, Jr.. " "J 15
Harper SL Gibson, " " 11
Jacob Boos 11
Christopher Stock H
Metzger & Volkweln 13
Geo. Ketterer 13
W. 11. Graham II
Mary L. .Morrison 14
J. O. A Win. Campbell f
J. L. Wuller M
L. E. K. I.lnn 13
lk'llia & Graham 12
J. F. Stehle 14
Ilarvey Colliert 14
J no. Blckel 10
I). T, l'ape 11
J. R. arieb 14
C. R. Grleb 1*
At. Ruff H
D. H. Wuller 13
Minnie Bahney II
F. P. Baldoff 14
11. ?chneidcman 11
Bitter 4 Ralston H
B. C. lluselton 10
L. Stein & Co id
Henry Bielil & Co 13
Mix. C. Koch 1<
A. Troutman Jt Son 8
Mcciung a KirkputrK-k ia
W. F. Miller 14
E H. Anderson 13
Mrs. E. Grleb 14
M. C. Rockensteln 14
('has. Duffy 10
D. A. Heck 10
Jobsc. Redlck 12
B. C. Roesslng 14
A. L. ltoblson 13
Berg 4 Cypher 10
John N. Patterson 11
A. « 11. Relber 10
Jackson £ Mitchell 13
Alfred M. Kelbcr 11
H. C. Helneman 13
A. J. Frank &. Co 14
J. F. Balph u
J. H. Douglass 14
D. L. (lee land 14
C. Wise
M. F. & M. Marks U
J. HOM.UI j|
G. W. Miller 4 Co 9
JuhnT. Kelly is
Miller Bros & Co !2
Jos. Niggle* Co 13
S. O. Purvis !• ;
Jarecki MTg Co. (limited) !."!!!!".!!! 13
J. J. Kearus & Co " M
W. J. Miller, butcher... . 14
W. 8. McCrea 12
H. J. Klinger ""
Geo. Relber A Sons j«
Harper Ui 03 .~
D. L. Aiken 13
James M. Turner, 4 pool tables
G. C. Roesstng & Son '
Butler Oi>eiaCo.. theatrical
S. E. Sloan _ M
G. W. Campbell, tavern 4
James Sellers •• 4
John F. Lowry ••
Henry Eltenmlller «• 4
Win. ltlehlug •• " 4
Thomas <;amble, merchant a
Jas. S. W llson
Mustek JC Baker 14
C. W. coulter, ag't „
Thos. Wilson & Sou ,*
I'ber i Uesler 14
J. I*. Modulation , 4
M. L. Kelly "13
Bard A: Son
Bingham £ son ".*!!!!".!!!!" 14
Geo. Ifft 4 sons ,2
1 a. J. Marburger j.
O. W. Sliouji !.
F. c. BUHL 13
Mrs. M. Enslon
Wahl, Bishop & Co
11. S. Walters, pool table
L. llohnadel ' [ M
J. W. Convert i. Bro 14
Robinson & Scott [[ [ 13
11. C. Boggs 13
J. Si E. Dambacli
J. W. Miller, hotel
Henry Stokev, ••
C. Scott, Baldwin 13 .
H. C. Blrchard j 4
A. Graw " " ' jg
W. L. Morrison j.
Robt. L. Black 14
John E. Curray '
F. A. Galbreath 14
j. M. EI rick 14
S. B. Bingham 13
H. C. BlacK
A. King !...!....]!!!!!! 14
J. N. Cubtison 13
E. S. Beaty
R. L. Brown j4
Latchaw & Stem 13
H. M. Bentel £ Co 13
A. Latchaw 14 .
G. B. Swain
A. w. zigier ;;;;;;;;;;;;; J4
Benjamin stiver 14
Augustus Foehrlnger ° 14
Samuel Beam, hotel ..1.."..""*.!. 6
C. F. Pierce 13
11. C. Lltzenger jy
S. Frankle, ag't 13:
F. It. Borland
H. Fredrlc & Byers 14
Harper Bros 13
Phil. Schrobel. pool table
Johnston & Bruce * 14
W. L. Campbell 13
Westerman Bros . 8
Perry Bell &co 14
S, Sharbnch M
T. 11. Brown. 4 pool tables ..".!!!!
F. Schwelger * 13
J. L. McKec 14
Hoch, Barnhart«fc t'o 1*
A. Hoch, 3 tables
R. F. Westerman &Co 14
J. T. Frazler 14
Geo. (4 lass j4
Jenkins fc Evans 14
M. I\ Black 12
G. I». Tadder A: Grlswell. theatrical
Selbert &. Fredrick jl
Johu A. Harding, hotel 5
B. J. Forquer, hotel 5
S. E Lenehan j4
11. A. Klengensmlth 13:
Geo. M. Jamison 1#
J. 11. Chatham 13
J. liosenberry 13
Mrs. W. H. Scott 14
C. L. Espy 14
Annie M. Kllchenstein 14
James M. Hawk 14
John A. Ervlne 14
Starr & Co 13
P. M. Kllugensmlth 12
E. P. Chesbro 10
Goodmans Teouskl 13
Q. J. Jones 14
Mrs. It. E. Foster 13
J. A. Foote 14
J. B. Klllroy 14
John Iturtner 14
Andrew W. Root 14
Audrew Boot & Co., theatrical
John Dill, :i tables
Win. Gibson 14
S. Yeager 14
A. Bowers 14
J. H. McClure 14
Sullivan <C Wright 13
Crltchlow Bros 13
S. Forrlstor 13
F. i». Millem&n 14
Henry Young 14
S. 11. Marilneourt (Buggy Co) 14
W. R. Riddle i Co 13
Williams Rros 12
A. 8. Marshall , 14
S. T. Okeson 14
(i. B. McDonald 14
Win. Humphrey 10
Theo. Tlelmbold 9"
8. B. Wetzel & Co 14
Krause, Helmbold A Co 11
E. & 11. M-ershon 14
G. W. Maurhoff 14
Frances Laube, hotel 5
Samuel Mulhoiland, hotel 5
Charles Weltzel, hotel 5
Peter Rhodes, Coultersville 14
E. C. Adams 14
Mechling it Murtling 14
W. W. Dunlap 14
S. Kelly 14
W. L. Stoops 14
ISreadeu & Conway 11
Russell ii Allison IS
Kelly <& Tinker 14
P. R. llurke 10
W. H. Met iaHick 13
11. C. Birchard 14
John Werche 14
Joseph Earhart 14
J. N. Titus (two tables)
Jacoq Steiue 14
11. M. Bentel &Co 14
Mrs. T. Milleman 12
11. Houshaler 14
C. S. Passivant 14
W. A. Ueohring & Co 12
Snyder & West 14
D. U. Bastiau 14
C. E. Reid 14
Jacob Steine - 14
E. Shuer & Co .? 14
A. Winters 14
J. Pindinger 12
F. A. Friskorn 14
Geo. Stahle, distiller„ 8
Charles Stokey, hotel 5
F. Strohecker, hotel 5
BUTLKB COUNTY, April sth, 18S7.
A.M. Beers duly appointed Apprviserof
mercantile aud other license tax in and for
said county do hereby certify that the fore
going aud aunezed is a correct list for tbe>
year 1597 of every person and who is actually
subject to pay a license tax under existing:
laws in the county aforesaid with the names
of all persons exonerated on appeal stricken
Personally appeared before me, Reuben
McElyain, Clerk of Quarter Sessions Court
of Rutler county, Pa., A. M. Beers who beinfr
duly sworn does depose and say that the
aboye aad foregoing is a true aud correct
Sworn and subscribed before me this sth
day of April, 1887.