Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 27, 1887, Image 1

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    VOL. XXIV.'
Administrators' Notice. |,
Whereas letters of administration have been | .
granted by the Iteetster ot Butler count* . Pa.,
to the undersigned on the estate of K, M. na r ~ ,
bison late of Buffalo twp., Butler county. Pa., i
dce'd all persons who know themselves In
debted to said estate will make immediate
payment, and those having claims against the ■
same will present.them properly authenticated
lor settlement to the
FHK SPORT. P, 0„ PA. Administrators.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Christopher McMichael, deo'd, late of C lay i
township, Butler county, Pa., having been ;
Kranted to the undersigned. All persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate,
will please make immediate payment, and ,
any having claims against said estate, will i
present them duly authenticated for settle- ; i
EUCLID P. 0., Butler Co. Pa. j
" Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary I
thp nnriprsltfiMKl on th 6 estate of Rowft uesspi i
eesser deceased. lute of WiQtleld twp., Butlei
- |
debtedt b will make Immediate pay- ,
ment and thos« having claims against said es
wufprSeiTt the same properly authenticat
ed for settlemen^
April 18, 'B7. Leaaarevllle. Butter Co.. Pa.
Notice in Insolvency.
In the matter of the application of Perry
Bricker for the benefit of the insolvent laws
MSD No. 1, March T. 1887, of the Court ot
Common Pleas of Butler connty, Penn a.
Whereas, Perry Bricker, residing near .. ar
versville Buffalo township, said county, by
occupation a farm laborer, did at the March
Sessions of said court, present his I* I'*""* 1 '*""*
asking for the benefit of the insolvent laws
of this Commonwealth.
And whereas, the said court made an order
fixing the first Monday of June, A. p. 168/ ,
at the Court House in Butler as the time and
place for hearing said application.
Notice is hereby given that said hearing
will then and there take place pursuant to
said order, wheu all parties interested may
attend if they see proper to so do.
Attorneys for Perry Bricker.
Notice in Divorce.
Mar* Battenfelder by her next friend Clias
A A Ohl vs. Conrad Battenlelder.
In Common Pleas of Butler county, A. D
No. 29, Dec. Term 1886.
To Conrad Battenfelder Respondent :
The eubpeena and alias subp«ena in the
above stated case having been regularly is
and returned non est
hereby notified to appear at a Court of Com
mon Pleas to be held at Butler in and for the
ZntVoTßutler, state of Pennsylvania on
the first Moniay of June next, to answer the
J*'"™ " l Mfikd p j? T ' E *k J S£MKE,
May 3,1887. Sheriff.
Bv virtue of an order of the
Court of Butler connty, the undersigned
trustee appointed by said court, will expose
to public outcry on the premises in Buffalo
>0 township, Butler Co., Pa., on
TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1887,
at one o'clock P. M., the following described
real estate, being purparts Nos. 2 and 3 in
partition of real estate of Wm. ileming,
sec'd,to-wit: puRpARTNO2
Bounded on the north by purpart No. one
of said estate, on the east by lands of Chas.
Elsenrath, dee'd, and Wra. B. Tucker, south
by lands of Jno. Elliott and Jacob Simmers
and west bv lands of Geo. and Jacob Sim
mers and Jno. Elliott, containing 09 acres.
Bounded north by lands of James Flemings
heirs, east by lauds of Samuel H. J" leming,
sonth and west by purpart No. one of said
estate, containing 4 acres and 120 perches.
One-third in hand on confirmation of sale
by the court, balance in two equal annual
installments with interest. Deferred pay
ments to be secured b N LH/V^ 6
Butler Pa., May, 3, 1887! Trustee.
In the matter ot the assignment of Thos, Ma
iler to 3. Percy McKea for the benellt of cred
ltlnfthe Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.,
Pa., M's D. No 2, June Term, 18W.
Notice Is hereby given that S. Percy McCrea,
the above named assignee will make application
to said court for discharge from his trust as as
signee aforesaid on Monday the-6th day of June,
1887. at two o'clock P, M.
Att y for S. P. McCrea.
Butler County's Best Farms
Containing 1-30 Acres.
All under a high state of cultivation; no
waste land; under good feuces. a large
almost new, with cellar under the whole
house, a large frame bauk barn, 50x52, a
three hundred dollar spriog house,
and all other necessary outbuild
ings. Excellent water.
Good orchard. Choice fruit of all kinds.
Chnrches acd schools convenient. This
farm is located on the llnionville
road in
Franklin Township,
<m£ mile from Mt. Chestnut and five miles
from Butler, and will be sold on easy
terms. Immediate possession will be given
Call on or address
Mt. Chestnut, Pa.
In Sutrarcreek township. Armstrong county,
near Adams P. 0., one and one-fourth mile east
of the new oil development In sugarcreek twp.
Farm contains
100 ACRES,
with bank barn, 32x<J0 feet;
IBx3ii feet, 2 stories, wltli collar, frame kitchen,
14x10 teet; good spring of water, farm well wa
good orchard of grafted fruit, farm In a
good suite of cultivation. About
balance In good timber. Will sell extremely
low Cor cash. For partli _
Clarion Co., Pa,
FABM of ITS acres nearK. K. station. 00 acres
Improved laud, convenient to Pittsburg ; barn
Is 100x00 and cost SISOO-!H good as uew- a good
6 room frame house, good orchard. Price Ssooo.
We have small and large farms for sale or trade.
Patent and Pension eases prosecuted. Itead
the new pension laws and write to us
J. 11. STF.VKNSON'B & Co's Agency.
100 Fifth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Farm*, Mill*, Coal Lands, Kte.,l» Western Pean
•r»»»l», by vr. J. KBSKADPO.N, Freeport, P*.
Every Monday in Freeport and every Tuesday
at Pittsburgh, 129 Fifth Ave., 2d floor. Send
lor printed list. may 28.84.1 y.
Swithin C. Shortlidge's Academy,
For Young Sen and Boys, Media, Pa.
It miles from Philadelphia. Fixed price covers
every expense, even books, 4c. No extra
charges. No Incidental expenses—No examina
tion for admission. Twelve experienced teach
ers, all men and all graduates, social oppor
tunities for apt students to advance rapld.y.
Special drill lor dul and backward boys. Pa
trons or students may select any gtudhss or
choose the regular English, Scientific, Business,
nana leal or Civil Engineering course. Students
flitted at Media Academy are now In Harvard,
Tale, Princeton and ten other colleges and
Polytechnic Schools. 10 students sent to col
lege In 1833, 15 Hi 1884, 10 m 1885, 10 In 1886. A
graduating class every year In the commercial
department. A Physical and Chemical Laab
ratory, Gymnasium and Ball Ground. 1300 vols,
added to library In 1883. Physical apparatus
doubled In l&ss. Media has seven churches and
a temperance charter which prohibits the sole
of all Intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated
circular address the Principal and Proprietor
graduate) Media, Pa. fr+M-iy
The Throbbing, Thrilling D.-araa. Kcw to
Save Money.
NY D. -A.. HECK.
Uiiv ami I'VCiiliig darm, the coming
season at D. A. llEt'K S
So. 11, North Main St., Duffy'* Blod..
BDTLEB, - Fii•
Until further notice. This powerful vork Is a
wonderful i.nd variegated coinl)i:i:ii : >n • :
tragical comedy, and cotui 1 tr.i'.r O
and never tails to brlnsj down tise house.
The netors are all stars. TUe oust umin.'j
will it* a strong feature. The following urkfiy
outlined Is me
Soso—Tlie happy man r.o more reflects.
Who buys lils clothing at L>. A. licks
Acr I, — Scene I—Tliae 9 a.m: Kin r yenu.sr man
with ineiid. Youn? man exple.i:ts to uls
trlecd that tUc direct cause of his engage
ment to the wealthy farmer's daughter
was his purchase ot an elegant si;:: at
1). A. UEt'K'S i;reai fiothlng Kinyonam
Filend tumbles to the Idea and is made
happy with a new suit. Hat, Shirts, < 'otlars
Ties. Underwear, Gloves. llos<\ irunJf
Valise. Umbrella, etc. Scene closes with
' song, joined In by the audience.
So.vo—The day will be intensely cold.
When P. A. lleck Is undersold. Ac.
ACT II.— SCENE 2—Time 11 a.m. Enter U,r.:i7 ct
ueon'e. old men. young men, 1a..1-;.-, chil
dren. inaniigtagmatrons w,tli nvtrnarable
daig'iters. w'i > with oa-s ac«'>r l fairly
Shriek with delight at the wonderful bar
gains shov.ti. The beautiful yonng lady,
Cinderella finds some Jevve.ery. a j . irof
Corsets, a pair of Kid Glove.-;. au
pair of liose that set her off so exquisitely
that a dudi' lroni X'rilouvllle and a young
man from Greece Cltv both propose,as the
Greece city man has on one of I>. A. Heck s
lrreslstable suits, < Inilcrella decid. s to
patronize home Industries and accepts
nim. The I'nionville dude tulfc? of duels,
suicides, .vc.. but decides not to leave I.its
world while he can get clothing so cheap
at V. A. llEl'K'S Great Emporium.
Song by company, joined by audic-nce:
"I Is o'ir experience, one and all.
And every oi." who tries i; knows:,
l iiat 1). A. liECK has got 1 lie call.
And takes the town In selling clothes,
ACT III.— SCENE 3.-- Time ten yeiiis later:
Ten vcars arc supposed to have elap.-nd.
I). UKCK'S Store i ; H.tUru;)led 1:;
lialier a metropolis. Arrival of several
excursion:;, eli-ctric trains and a number
of balloons, with crowds ot people to buy
CloUilng. Underwear.
Ilats, caps. Collars,
Neck Vies, Hosiery,
Suspenders, llandkei-elilefs.
Umbrellas, Trunks
Valises, satchels,
lilil anil Pock. I'xioks,
el'itil. Hair and Tootii llrus;2e:s
and lniiumei'.ibl" 1 other articles whlcii
space forbids to mention, scores of pros
perous men and plump matrons lior
around the proprietor, ail that
their rise in me world befran from mo mo
ment they began to buy their £oods from
Cinderella and her husband about, to de
part lor Mt. chestnut (l his Is no chestnut)
The I'nlonvUle dude, a dude no longer but
a rich business man In the city of Butler.
Population 10.000. noted chiefly for being
the most enterprising city In rhe county,
and for fair dealing and for the fuet D. A.
lIECK'S Emporium. Duffy's liiock. Is the
headquarters for good goods, fair dealing
and low prices.
All will now join in singing:—
How D. A. Ileck Is selling clothes,
Way down at bed rock—
Just watch the crowd that dally goes
To I). A. Heck's in Duff y Mock.
Curtain falls to slow but sure music.
Habitual Costiveness
Cansrs derangement of the entire Ditoni, and be
gets elf senses tnat are hazardous to life. IY-sons of
a costive habit aro subject to Headache, Defective
Memorv, Gloomy Forebodings, Nervousm sa.l'evers.
Drowsiness, Irritable Temper and other symptoms,
which unllta tlio sufferer for business or agreeable
associations. Regular habit of body alone can cor
rect these evils, and nothing succeeds BO well In
achieving this condition as Tutt's Plllß. By their u;o
not only Is tho system renovated, but m co;;sc
nnence of the harmonious changes thus created,
tnere pervades a feeling of satisfaction: the men
tal faculties perform their functions with vivacity,
and there la an exhilaration of mind, freedom or
thought, and perfect heart's case that bespeaks the
full enjoyment of health.
Is health. Tho Hecret of health Is the
power to dieedt n proper an&ntlty of food.
Thincnn uoverboaouowhen the liver does
not act its part. 11U the driving wheel iu
the mechanism of man ( and when it is out
ot order, the whole system becomes de
ritiiued, mid Fever, Dyspepsia, Sick Head
ache, Constipation, Jaundice, HillonsCol*
Ic and General Debility ensue. To restore
tho functions of the I.lver and Impart t hat
beauty which nlwnys attends a healthy
coustitntlon, l>r. Tutt's Liver Pills nro
recommended. They nro not a cure-nil.
but are designed solely for the disordered
Liver and the diseases which It produces.
Tutt's Liver Fills
cinal amenta for the cure of pain and dbeaso.
Prepared from the complete virtues of fresh
Hope, Burgundy Pitch and Gams. Tho greatest
strengthening plaster ever invented. Apply
one to Backache, Crick, Rheumatism, Kidney
Pains, Stitches, Sciatica, Soro Chest, or pain in
•ny part, local or deep-seated. Cures instantly,
soothes and strengthens the tired musclee. All
ready to apply. Sold by dm* and country
stores, 25 cents, 5 for SI.OO. Mailed for price.
Proprietors, HOP PLASTER CO., Boston, Mass.
S\.vo\wes\. vxwA
J» not a liquid, muff or jtoirdcr. Applkd
into nostrils is quickly absorbed. It cleu rises
the head. Allays inflammation. Heals the
sores. Restores the senses of taste and smell.
GO sentß at Dmgfjists; by mail, registered , 60 cents.
ELY BROTHERS, Prupgists.Owego,NY.
f iwphyßletans' Prescriptions carefully c 0..,'
i pounded, and orders answered with care nr.o
dispatch. Our stock of medicines is complete,
i warranted genuine, and of the best 'lUailty.
45 South Main Street,
I O, the fanu.r is a jovial !ad ! <
' So healthy, bright and free, ,
I In his country home he is over glad, i (
O, that is the home for me. I
With a whoop and a bey to his lively teair,
With the lark abroad is he, i ;
With his bread au Vmi k unrobfceJ of cream, j (
O, that is the h< me lor me. j .
In the morning brinht he drives away,
Ere the morning sun we see,
The lowing herd to the sylvan stream
| And the pasture green and free.
In the summer time to trie harvest fie'.J,
With a cooling drink, we see j i
! Both '.be farmer boy and the liiriner girl . ;
j O, that is the home for me. j i
; When t!.e antnmn winds are sweeping wi.d
I He is gathering nuls, you see;
! For a winter stock he v. iii lay them by
I For his sister,biir.self and me;
And theu to the orchard lie hies away
For lie knows each favorite tree,
j And he saves the fruit for a coming friend;
I O, that is the home fur me.
j When the winter comes with itj drilling
| Then the farmer boy's in giee,
j For he loves the sn vx that is falling fast
And is drilling o'er the lea;
And he says to himself, "To-morrow morn
With mr sled ar.d sk:-tes I'll be,
While the csttle arc munching their hay and I
O, that is the home for me.
O, that is the home for ice,
O, that is the home for me,
. With the farmer, his wife, his boy and girl;
O, that is the home for me.
The large party assembled as usual
at Langley towers to celebrate in ap
proved fashion the approaching Ist of
September were all collected one
night after dinner in the drawing
room, v. hen the conversation, hither
to rather languid, chanced to turn on
a burglary that had lately takeu place
in the neighborhood. Every one at
once seized on the topic, and proceed
ed to relate, more or less irrelevant,
but all alike gnstly, stories of famous
burglaries and robberies, till sudden
ly Miss Cecil Clifford, a cousin of
Langley's a very pretty girl and an
heiress to boot, who had hitherto ta
ken uo part in the talk, looked up
suddenly and said:
"I do wish you would not all dis
cuss such horrors, llow do you ex
pect us to sleep quietly in our beds if
you will insist on relating such fright
ful stories, especially as those wretch
es who broke into Coleton Park are
still at large? I feel as if I should
find a burglar in my room to-night,
so if I rouse tho house with a false
alarm, don't blame me !"
"I thiuk I should die if I were to
awake and see one in my room," ex
claimed little ladv Langley, shrug
ging her pretty white shoulders in
not wholly affected fright.
"At all events, the man would not
trouble you long with tiis company if
that tin case of yours, with your
Diamonds in it, were lying or your
dressing table, as usual," returned
her cousin. "I know you'll be mur
dered through those diamonds, one
day !"
"Do you really mean that Lady
Langley keeps her jewelry on her
dressipg-table?" asked Captaiu Le-
Marchant.an impecunous young man,
who was puspected, on very good
grounds, of being au mieux with the
prettv heiress, and who was, in con
sequence, rather out of favor with her
"To be sure she does," laughed his
host; "and, as Cecil says, I know we
shall wake up some fine morning to
find ourselves corpses because of that
whim of hers."
"What is the use of having jewelry
if it is always to be at the bankers?"
retorted Lady Langley.
"I wish to goodness you'd be sen
sible, Flo,"' remonstrated her cousin,
"and have it kept in the plate room,
at all events. I know that I shall do
nothing but dream of your dia
monds !"
Lady Langley laughed gayly, aud
seemed to take u malicious pleasure
in keeping the conversation on the
same subject, despite her cousin's
very evident dislike of it, in wLich
she was assisted by Captain Le Mar
chant, who chaffed Miss Clifford a
great deal about her nerves, until the
party separated for the night.
Next morning the house was in
confusion, for the diamonds were
Lady Langley missed them the
moment she arose, for, her maid be
ing far from well at the time, she had
bidden the girl not to sit up fur her,
leaving her diamonds, which she had
been wearing, loose on her dressing
table where Cecil Clifford found them
when she came to her cousin's room
to bid her good-night as usual, aud
she put them in their case Of course
every hole and corner was searched
but in vain. Tho police came, but
were equally unsuccessful. Not a
trace of either the thieves or the jew
elry were to be found. The police,
: including the detective hastily sum
moned from London, were positive
that the robbery had been committed
by some one in the house—conviction
that did not add to the comfort of the
inmates of Langley Towers. Sus
picion ran riot; the household ser
vants, one aud all, belonged to well
known aiid respectable families iu the
neighborhood, and had mostly been
for considerable periods in the Lang
leys' service; while the visitors' ser
vants, it happened, seemed equally
above suspicion. The only person
who ventured to differ from the offi
cials was Captaia Le Marchant, who
openly pooh-poohed the wbolo thing
as simply invented by the police to
screen their own incompetence.
Whether from conviction or oppo
sition, Miss Clifford embraced the po
lice theory, and before long her sus
picion full on the maid of one of the
visitors, whom she felt convinced was
at last an accomplice. Unfortunate
ly for this poor girl, Cecil Clifford
confided her doubts to her cousin,
who in her turn unconsciously be
trayed them to the detective, so the
unlucky maid was immediately plac
ed under a surveillance that rendered
her life a burden to her, aud ultimate
ly cost her her situation.
Captain Lo Marchant remonstrated
several times on the subject with his
fiance —for such she really was,though
the engagement was not officially ac
'* knowledged—but without affect. She
somehow seemed to distrust him, as
of late, for some cause or other, bis
usually sunny temper had quite de
a serted him; his tongue had acquired a
B> bitterness now to his friends; while
his handsome, merry face had grown
to look wcrn aud haggard.
Miss Clifford, though still persist-
ing in her opinion, bore his strictures i 1
with gentle patience, laying the very i i
evideut temper he showed to the sc- [
count of some money troubles that
she well knew were worrying him;
but at last he went too far, and ere
their interview on this occasion ter
minated the engagement between
tbem was summarily broken off by
the lady.
Captain Le Marchant nevar took
anv steps to bring about a reconcila
tion, which, on her side, Cecil Clifford
was fur too proud torflream of, though
what the estrangement cost her she
could only have told. All she knew ;
about him was that he had exchang
ed into a regiment stationed iu India,
and beyond one other fact she heaid
no more of him till tbfee or four
years later the newspaper| told her
that he had joined the army in Egypt, ,
and formed one of the" band sent to j
the relief of Gordon and Khartoum, j
Strangely enough, the one fact that :
she did bear privately—namely, his
having before leaving England pro- .
vided for the future of the -poor girl ,
who hud suffered so severely from j
the suspicions cast upon her about '
the lost diamonds—only seemed to j
render her more incensed against her j
erstwhile betrothed.
Six or seven years had passed since!
the burglary of Langley, when one
night toward the end of the season,
Miss Clifford—Miss Clifford still, in i
spite of her wealth and beuuty—at a
dinner found herself being introduced
to 'Colonel Le Marchant" by her)
host, who, ignorant of their previous j
acquaintance, hart been actuated by
a benevolent desire "to do dear old
Denis a good turn" by making him
acqainted with the heiress.
The old lovers stood for a moment
face to face, scrutinizing one another,
the lady secretly, though not a trace
of the hard work he bad undergone
escaped berj the gentleman openly.
He was the first to speak.
"It is long since we met, Mis 3 Clif
"Not long since we were together
at Langley," she replied softly.
"Yes, when tie diamonds were
stolen. I wonder if that busiuess
will be ever cleared up?"
Just then dinner was announced,
and the guests filed dowu iu solemn
procession. Although Colonel Le
Marchant escorted Miss Clifford, her
attention was at first claimed by her
other neighbors. But when the con
vcrsatiou had become sufficiently ani
mated to allow of private conversa
tion, Colonel Le Marchant turned to
ward her and their eyes met.
"What a wretched time that was,"
he said softly.
"At Langley, do you mean? Yes,
indeed, it was. But was it not
curious how they found these dia
monds !"
"Found them! you don't say so!"
he exclaimed eagerly. "When? Do
tell me, please, Miss Clifford. You
see, I only came home a few days
ago, and have heard nothing." ,
"Oh! it is nearly a year since. Sir
James was out fishing with one of
the boya, wheu his line got entangled
iu the branches of an old tree which
had fallen into the river at some time.
In disentangling it they saw some
thing wedged in agaiast the trunk of
the tree, which after a little trouble,
they fished out. It proved to be the
identical case in which Lady Langley
kept her diamonds, and when forced
open there they were safe enough,
and reports which appeared later de
clared that the box must have lain
there ever since the night of the rob
bery. The theory is that whoever
stole it must have hidden it in the
river bank, meaning to fetch it when
the fuss had blown over, but the cur
rent swept it away till the tree stop
ped it."
"Curious!" said Colonel Le Mar
chant, slowly.
"Yes, is it not?" she forced herself
to answer quietly, for the strange ex
pression on her companion's face
troubled her, she scarcely knew why.
'T suppose there can be no doubt that
it was some of the servants, though,
after such a lapse of time it would be
hopeless to try aud bring it home to
Le Marchant looked at her sharply,
and was just going to speak, when
their host interrupted him with some
questions about the Soudan, and the
conversation became general till the
ladies retired.
Miss Clifford had sheltered herself
iu the drawing-room behind a large
portfolio of rare prints to think undis
turbed over her unexpected meeting
with her old lover, when the subject
of her thoughts quietly came up and
took a seat beside her.
"I cannot tell you how glad I am
that those diamonds have been recov
ered," he said.
"So am I," she answered. "Do
you know, I feel as if I were a clair
voyante or something of the sort, for
ever since the robbery whenever 1
have been unwell, my nightmare has
been about those diamonds aud the
liver. I hear the rushing of the
water quite plainly," she went on
dreamily, unconsciously dropping into
the old tone her companion remem
bered so well. "I wondtr why it
"I suppose it is because you really
hid the diamonds under the banks of
Langley water," was the startling
"I hid ihe diamonds! What on
earth do you mean? You must be
mad, Colonel Le Marchant!"
"No, lam not. I saw you do it,"
he replied quietly.
"You saw me do itl Then why to
goodness did you not say so at the
"Because I teas mad then, Cecil,
and made a horrible mistake.
"You thought I stole the dia
He was silent.
"Then that was why you were so
keen about that poor little lady's
i maid?"
i He nodded.
"You believed—oh!—and were try-
I ing to screen me all the time!"
"Forgive me, Cecil."
"But do you mean that you actual
! ly saw me take the .diamonds?" she
• asked iu wonder. "Please tell me!"
I Colonel Lo Marchant stooped over
- over the books of prints Miss Clifford
was ostensibly examining and answer
l ed, in a low voice: "I had sat up late
i in the smoking room, worrying over
I some money trouble, when, startled
- to find bow late it was, I was retreat
-5 ing silently as I could to my quarters.
} As I was passing along the bed room
5 passage I suddenly saw you iu your
- dressing gown come out of Lady
i Langley's room carrying a tin box.
s Instinctively I drew behind the cur
i j tain of the stair case wiudow, and
I you walked by without noticing me.
-I I followed you softly. You went to
BUTLER, PA.. FRIDAY, MAY' 27, 1887
that little side door in the garden by
the drawing-room, about which
Lovat had chaffed Langley so much,
unfastaaed it, and went out, rlffht
across the lawn towards the river.
Then to my horror you bent over the
bank tiil I felt certain you would slip
in, and I was just rushing up to catch
vou when you scrambled back—
without the box! You returned as
you cauie by the little door through
which I followed you, and regained
your room. I was too taken
aback to speak to you, for the idea
that you were a sleep walker never
struck me tintil just now. Next
morning, when the robbery was dis
covered, I remembered the box you
had carued; and then the recollection
of that tin case you and Lady Lang
ley had spoken of on the previous
night flashed across my mind."
"But did you never go to look at
that place?"
"Yes, that rery day; but though I
felt certain that I was on the exact
spot, I could find nothing. This con
firmed my suspicious that you had an
accomplice, for I watched you closely
enough to know that you had not
again visited the river. So you can
imagine my feelings when I found
you trying, as I thought, to fix the
crime on Mrs Couipton's maid."
"Goo 4 heavens!" Then that wa9
what you meant that last day when
you made me so angry! Well, con
fusion for confusion, Colonel Le Mar
chant. You saw me, as yon thought,
steal the diamonds For my part,
judging from your agitation at t,he
time, and your energy in defending
that poor girl, I grew convinced that
you knew more of the robbery than
you should have done, and actually
believed that your subsequent kind
ness to her was simply remorse for
having let her be suspected of what
you had only too good reason to
know her innocent of."
"What a chapter of accidents]"
said Colonel Le Marchant, slowly.
•'lf only we had spoken out at the
time! I can hardly complain of your
doubt; but yet I think you should
have known me better."
"You doubted me, Denit!"
"But I saw you!"
Miss Clifford smilod
Still sheltered by the portfolio
which they were both apparently so
interest in, Colonel Le Marchant
caught his companion's hand, and
"Let by-gones be by-gones, Cecil,
and set one mistake againt the othor.
They have lo3t us years of happiness
Though their tete-a-tete was inter
rupted by their hostess, Mis 3 Clifford
must have found means of answering
this appeal, for before the week was
ont all the world and his wife were
discussing the impending marriage of
Colonel L Marchant and the hitherto
unapproachable heiress.
The Editor ana His Son.
I have an acquaintance who assists
iu editing a morning paper,but he does
not believe in allowing his children
to uttlerly forget him. He does not
want his boys to think they are or
phans just because he is not alway at
home. He i 8 a man of very strong
will and a strict disciplinarian. So
he gets a holiday every two weeks in
order to go home and do up his pun
One time he found that his eldest
or oldest son—l do not know which,
because I am away from home with
out my library—had violated the
rules of the house in a sad manner.
As near as l am able to come at
the facts, the boy had taken a quart
of corn and sewed a long thread
through each kernel, showing great
patience and perseverance in so doing.
He had then tied the ends of the
threads all together in one kuot and
scattered the corn where a large flock
of geese had been in the habit of asso
ciating and pooling for mutual profit
A man who came along that way
about dusk said he saw about thirty
geese standing around in a circle
looking reproachfully at each other
and trying to agree on some method
by which they could all go home to
gether without turning a part of their
crowd wrong side out, while behind
a high board fence there was a boy
who seemed to be enjoying himself in
a small way.
The incident was reported to the
boy's father, who came homo and
placed his son under a large dry
j goods box in the cellar, after which
he piled three or four hundred pounds
of coal on top of the inverted box.
He then made a few remarks for the
boy's good, which were followed by
the smothered remarks: "Rats!" from
the inside of the box. After ordering
that the box should not be disturbed
until his return, my friend put on his
coat and went back to bis work.
This was just as the returns began
to return in the autumn of 'B4. Sly
friend did not go home for two weeks
aud forgot all about the boy until he
came to do up his punishment for the
Wheu the truth flashed over him
he was filled with the keenest re
morse, and went home as soon as he
bad sent in the last proof, but when
he went down to the cellar he found
the box empty aud the following note
written on it with a pencil:
"Deer Paw do not weap for me i
have went away from my bapv home
whare i was onct so gay an free do
Not assassinate maw becus she Pride
up the box with a stick Of cord wood
yisterday and fed Me she left the box
So i could bust 4th i am gone Far
Far Away do not weap for me it is
better for me and you to be Apart,
ennyhow it is better for Me to be
apart i like being Apart a Good deal
better i think i will take a ham and
gar of Preserves of which i am pash
ionately fond but i will Itenumerate
you some Day as heaven is my jug
so No moar at Preseut from your
proddiglc Son Ileury,"— Bill Nye.
Dutch Etiquette.
From the Chicago Times
la Holland an unmarried lady al
ways takes the right arm of her es
cort, while the married oce selects
the left side of her husband. So
deeply bas the custom cutered into
the life of the Hollanders that at a
church wedding the bride enters the
edifice on the right side of the groom
aud wife returning on the left
sido of her husband after the ceremo
ny has been performed. No unmar
ried lady in that country can dream
of going to church, concert or any
other place of public assemblage with
out the escort of her parents or male
members ol the family. She cannot
take a walk, pay a visit or go shopping
unaccompanied by her mother or
some married lady friend.
Full Text of the Restrictive
Measure that Became a Law
on May 13th.
An act to restrain and regulate the j
sale of vinous and spirituous, malt
or brewed liquors, or any admix- ,
ture thereof.
Section 1. Be it enacted, etc , That'
it shall be unlawful to keep or main
tain any bouse, room, or place, hotel, j
inn, or tavern where any vinous,
spirituous, malt or brewed liquors, or ■
any admixture thereof, are sold by re- j
tail, except a license therefor shall
shall have been previously obtained, ;
as is hereinafter provided.
Section 2 Licenses for the sale of
vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed j
liquors at retail, in quantities not ex
ceeding one quart shall only be grant- |
ed to citizens of the United States of
temperate habits and good moral
Section 3. Such licenses may be
granted only by the Court of Quarter
sessions of the proper County, and
shall be for one from a date fixed by
by rule or standing orderof said Court
The said Court shall fix by rule or
standing order at a time at which ap
plication for said license shall be
heard, at which time all persons ap
plying or making objections to appli
cations for license may be heard by
evidence, remonstrance, or
counsel: provided that licenses under
previous laws 'shall not be granted
later than June 30th of this year.
Section 4. Every person intending
to apply for license as aforesaid in
any city or County of this Common
wealth, from and after the passage of
this act, shall file with the Clerk of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of the
proper County his, her or their peti
tion at least three weeks before the
first day of the sessions ot the Court
at which the same is to be heard, and
shall, at the same time, pay said
clerk $5 for expenses connected there
with, and said clerk shall cause to be
published three times in two news
papers designated by the said Court
a list containing the names of all such
applicants, their respective residences
aud the place for which application is
made. The first publication shall not
be less than fifteen nor more than
twenty-five days before the time fix
ed by the Court, provided that no li
cense shall be granted under the pro
visions of this act to any person to
sell in any room where groceries are
sold at wholesale or retail. Provided
also that in cities of the first class, in
the month of January, iu each and
every year, it shall be the duty of the
Mercantile Appraisers to return un
der oath, together with the list of
mercantile taxes, all licensed and un
licensed hotels, taverns, inns, restaur
ants or saloons engaged in selling in
toxicating liquors, and they shall also
return a duplicate list of said licersed
and unlicensed hotels, taverns, inns,
restaurants or saloons to the Clerk of
the JCourt of Quarter Sessions, and
the said list of licensed and unlicens
ed hotels, taverns, inns, restaurants,
or saloons, shall be published in the
manner now prescribed for the publi
cation of Mercantile Appraisers' list,
and said list to contain the name and
amount paid by each licensee, and
unlicensed hotel, tavern, inn, restaur
ant or saloon, and it shall be their
further duty to return to the District
Attorney in said cities of the first
class the name and residence of every
proprietor or keeper of any unlicensed
hotel, tavern, inn, restaurant or sa
loon, together with the location there
of. And it shall be the duty of the
duty of the District Attorney to forth
with proceed to .'prosecute each and
every offender according to law. And
for each and every license granted by
the Court for any hotel, tavern, inn,
restaurant or saloon the Mercantile
Appraisers shall receive the sum of
$2.50, the said sum to be paid by the
applicant or applicants for said li
Section 5. Said petition shall con
First. The name and present resi
dence of applicant and how long bo
has there resided.
Second. The particular place for
which a liceuse is desired.
Third. The place of birth of said
applicant and, if a naturalized citizen,
where and wheu naturalized.
' Fourth. The name of owner of
Fifth. That the place to be licens
ed is necessary for the accommoda
tion of the public.
Sixth. That none of the applicants
arc in any manner pecuniarily inter
ested in the profits of the business
conducted at any other place ;in said
County where any of said liquors are
sold or kept for sale.
Seventh. That the applicant is the
only person in any manner pecunia
rily interested in the business so ask
ed to be licensed, and that no other
person shall be in any manner pecu
niarily interested therein during the
continuance of the license.
Eighth. Whether applicant or any
of them has had a license for the sale
of liquors in this Commonwealth dur
ing any portion of the year preceding
this application revoked.
Ninth. The names of no less than
two reputable freeholders of the ward
or township where the liquor is to be
sold who will be his, her or their sur
eties on the bond which is required,
and a statement that each of said sur
eties is a bonafide owner of real estate
in the said County worth over and
above all incumbrances the sum of
$2,000 and that it would sell for that
much at public sale, and that he is
not engaged in the manufacture of
spirjtuous, malt, or brewed liquors.
Tenth. This petition must be veri
fied by affidavit of applicant, made
before the Clerk of the Court, a Mag
istrate, Notary Public, or Justice of
the Peace, and if any false statement
is made in any part of said petition,
the applicant or applicants shall be
deemed guilty of the crime of perjury
and upon indictment and conviction
shall be subject to its penalties.
Section (». There shall be annex
ed to such petition a certificate, sign
ed by at least twelve qualified elec
tors of the ward, borough or town
ship in which such liquors are to be
sold, setting forth that they have
beeu acquainted with the applicant
or applicants, that they have good
reason to believe that each and all the
statements contained in the petition
are true, and they therefore pray that
the prayer of the petitioner be granted
and that the liceuse prayed for issue.
Section 7. The said Court of Quar
ter sessions shall hear the petitions
from residents of the ward, borough
or township, iu addition to that of the
applicant, in fayor of and remon
strance against the application for
such license, and in all cases shall re-
fuse the same whenever, in the opin- ;
ion of the said Court, having due re- '
gard for the number and character j
of the petitioners for and against
such application, such license is not
necessarr for the accommodation of
the public and entertainment ot
strangers or travellers, or that the
applicant or applicants is or are not
fit persons to whom such license
should be granted; and upon sufficient
cause being shown, or proof being
made, to the said Court that the party '
holding n license has violated any
law of this Commonwealth relating
to the sale of liquors, the Court of
Quarter Sessions shall, upon notice
being given to the person so licensed,
revoke the said license, Provided
that all the additional petitions and
remonstrances allowed by this sec- |
tion shall be based on the necessity
of the license to sell liquors, ( or the fit- j
ness of the applicant, or the necessity j
of the hotel, ina or tavern, house, i
or place wherein vinous, spirituous, |
malt or brewed liquors or any admix- j
ture thereof are sold, in the locality '
where the applicant proposes to sell i
the liquors.
Section 8. That all persons licens
ed to sell at retail any vinous, spirit
uous, r. alt or brewed liquors or any
admixture thereof in auy house,room
cr place shall be classified and requir
ed to pay annually for such privileges
as follows: Persons licensed to sell by
retail residents in cities of the fist.sec- j
ond and third class shall pay the sum
of $500; those residents in all other
cities sh all pay S3OO, and those resi
dents in boroughs shall pay the sum of
150; those residents in townships shall
pay the sum of $75, which sum shall
be divided in portions as follows: In
cities of the first class four-fifths shall
be paid for the use of the city and
county, and one-fifth for the use of
the Commonwealth; in cities of the
second and third class two-fifths shall
be paid for the use of the city,
two fifths for the ose of the proper
county and one-fifth for the use of
the Commonwealth;in all other cities
and boroughs three-fifths shall be
paid for the use of such city or
borough, one-fifth for the use of the
proper county and one-fifth for the
use of the Commonwealth; in town
ships one-half shall be paid for the
use of the township, one-fourth for
the use of the proper county and one
fourth for the use of the Common
wealth. The sum so paid for the use
of the townships to be applied to
keeping the roads of such townsh ip
in good repair. Provided that coun
ties, cities, boroughs and townships
receiving part of said shall
bear their proportionate share of the
expenses attending the collection of
the same; and provided further, that
the treasurers of the several counties
shall appropriate for their own use
the same commission on the amounts
retained for the use of their reac
tive counties as they are now au
thorized to retain by law out of the
moneys they returned to the State.
Section 9. If any person or per
sons shall neglect or refuse to pay to
the City or County Treasury the sum
of money directed iu Section B,within
fifteen days after bis, her or their ap
plication for license has been granted
by said Court, then and in that case
the said grant shall be deemed and
held revoked and no license issued
It shall be the duty of the person or
persons whose application has been
granted by the said Court to pay the
said surti of money to the said Treas
urer within the said fifteen days, and
forthwith produce to and file with
the Clerk of Court the receipt of the
said Treasurer therefor, and upon any
default the said Clerk shall forthwith
mark said application and grant
Section 10. That the license shall
not be issued to any person or per
sons until he, she or they shall have
executed a bond to the Common
wealth and a warrant of attorney to
confess judgement in the penal sum
of s2,ooo,with two sufficient sureties,
to be approved by the Court grant
ing such license, conditioned for the
faithful abservance of all the laws of
this Commonwealth relating to the
selling or furnishing vinoug, spiritu
ous, malt or brewed liquors, or any
admixture thereof, and to pay all
damages which may be recovered in
aay action which may be instituted
against him, her or them under the
provisions of any act of the Assem
bly, and all costs, fines and penalties
which may be imposed upon him, her
or them under indictment for violat
ing this act or any other act of -As
sembly relating to selling or furnish
ing liquors as aforesaid, and the said
bond shall be filed in the office of the
Clerk of said Court, for the use and
benefit of all persons interested there
Section 11. The Constable of the
respective wards, boroughs or town
ships in each county shall, in the first
week in each term of the Court of
Quarter Sessions, make returns, un
der oath, of all places in his bailiwick
where vinous, spirituous, malt or
brewed liquors, or any admix
ture thereof, are kept for sale or sold,
except stores kept by druggists and
apothecaries, stating which of said
places are licensed under this act and
which are unlicensed; and it shall be
the especial duty of the Judge of
Court to see that this return is faith
fully made; and on failure of any Con
stable to comply with this provision,
or, if it be found upon examination
or inquiry by said Court that any
Constable has either wilfully or neg
ligently omitted to return all such
houses and the names of the proprie
tors thereof, in bis bailiwick,he shall
be guilty of wilfully or negligently
making false returns, and the Court
shall suspend him from office aud di
rect the District Attorney to indict
aud try said officer, and, if found
guilty, he shall be fined in the sum
not exceeding SSOO and undergo an
imprisonment, either simple or solita
ry, not exceeding two years, both or
either, in the discretion of the Court.
Section 12. It shall be the duty of
every Constable in the county to
visit at least once in each month all
places withiu their respective juris
dictions where any of said liquors
are sold or kept, to ascertain if any
of the provisions of this or any act of
Assembly relating to the sale or fur
nishing of such liquors have been or
are being violated; and whenever any
of the officers above mentioned shall
learn of any such violation it shall be
his duty to forthwith make written
returns ot the same to the Court of
Quarter Sessions with the names of
the witnesses, and do whatever
shall be in his power to to bring the ,
offender to justice; and upon any
neglect or refusal of auy of said offi
cers to perform the aforcseid duty the ,
Court shall impose the same penal
ties provided in Section 11 of this
Section 13. Every person receiv i
| iug such license to sell spirituous, {
vinous, malt or brewed liquors, or j
' any admixture thereof, shall frame
his license under a glass aud place
the same -o that it phail at a!l times
be conspicuous end easily reul in his
chief place of making sale, and no
such license shall authorize sales by
any persou who shall neglect this re
Section 14 No licensee who shall
sell liquors by less measure than one ;
quart shall trust or give credit there- i
for under penalty of losing and fore- j
! feiting such debt, and no action sbail
be maintained or recovery had in any ,
case for the value of liquors sold ia !
violation of the provisions of this stc- J
tion, and defense may be taken in said
! casc3 against such reovery without |
, special plea or notice,
j Sectiou 15. Auv person who shail j
hereafter be convicted of selling or ,
offering for sale any vinous, spiritu- .
ous, malt or browed liquors, or any J
' admixture thereof, without a liceuse ;
i shall be sentenced to pay a tine of j
not less than SSOO nor more than \
$5,000 and undergo imprisonment in !
the county jail of not less than three
months nor more than twelve months
Any person having liceuse who shall
hereafter be convicted of violating
any of the provisions of tbc Licence
laws shall be subjected to a fine of uot
less than SIOO nor more than SSOO,
' and for any second offense whereof he
shall be convicted not less than S3OO
nor more than SI,OOO, and for any
third offense whereof he shall be con
victed a fine of not less than SSOO nor
more than $5,000 and undergo im
prisonment in the county jail for not
lesa t-an three months nor more thau
twelve, or both or eithir, at the dis
cretion of the Court. Any person
convicted of more than one ollcnse
shall not again be licensed in any city
or county of the Commonwealth, and
the license of any persoa permitting
the customary visitation of disreput
able persons, or keeping a disorderly
place, may upon proof be at any time
revoked by the Court, and when thus
revoked the same party sbali uut
again be licensed iu any city or coun
ty of the Commonwealth.
Sectiou IG. That druggists nnd
apothecaries shall uot be required to
obtain license under the provisions of
this act, but they shall not sell intoxi
cating liquors except upon the writ
ten prescription of a regularly regis
tered physician; alcohol, however, or
any preparation containing the same,
may be sold for scientific, mechanical
or medicinal purposes. Anyone vio
lating the provisions of this act shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof shall ho subject to
the same penalties as are provided iu
the fifteenth section of this act. Pro
vided, that no spirituous, viuuous,
malt or brewed liquors shall be sold
or furnished to any person more than
once on any one prescription of a
physician; and provided further, that
any physician who shall willfully pre
scribe any intoxicating liquors as a
beverage to persons of known intem
perate habits shall be guilty of a mis
demeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be subject to the same penalties
and fines as are prescribed in Section
Section 17. That it shall not be
lawful for any person, with or with
out license, to furnish, by sale, gift or
otherwise, to any person any spiritu
ous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors
on any day upon which elections are
now or hereafter may be required to
be held, nor on Sunday, nor at any
time to a minor or a person of known
intemperate habits or a person visibly
affected by intoxicating driuk, either
for "bis or her use cr for the use of any
other "person, or to sell or furnish
liquor on a passbook or- order ou a
store, or to receiv'jvftomjtfriy person
any goods, wares, merctiandHe— ©£_
provisions in exchange for liquor,
shall be held and deemed a misde
meanor and, upon conviction thereof,
tho offender shall be fined not less
than SSO nor more ihau SSOO, and
undergo an imprisonment of not less
than twenty nor more than ninety
Section 18. Any house, room or
place, hotel, iun or tavern, where
vinou3, spirituous, malt or brewed
liquors are sold, offered for sale,
drank or given away in vioiatiou of
any law of thi3 Commonwealth, shall
be held and declared a nuisance, and
shall be abated by proceedings at law
or equity. All expenses connected
with such proceedings, including a
counsel fee of S2O for the couusel of
complainant, shall be p:iid by defend
ant or defendants.
Section 19. All local laws fixing
a license rate or fee less than is pro
vided for in this act be and the same
are hereby repealed; provided, how
ever, that none of the provisions! of
this act shall be held to authorize the
sale of any spirituous, viuous, malt
or brewed liquors, or any admixture
thereof, iu any city, county, borough
or township having special prohibi
tory laws.
Poisoning by Locust Tree Bark.
The iuuer bark of the fragrant
flowered locust (Robinia pseudaca
cia), commonly cultivated as an or
namental tree and for its invaluable
timber, has long been known to have
a sweetish taste resembling that of
licorice, and to have emetic and ca
thartic properties.
In the New York Medical Jour
nal Dr. Z T. Emery repjrt3 a case
of poisoning of thirty-two boys at the
Brooklyn Orphan Asylum, from
chewing some of this bark, which
they had obtaiued from tho 3'ard,
where fence posts had been strip
Iu the mild cases, vomiting of ropy
mucus was observed, together with
(lushed face, dryness of throat, and
dilated pupils. In the severest cases,
large quantities of ropy mucus mix
ed with blood was vomited. The
other symptoms were retching, p.iiu
in tho epigastrium, debility, stupor,
cold aud pulseless extremities, a fee
ble and intermittent action of the
heart, dilated pupils, aud face of a
dusky pallor.
The patients were given subear
bonate of bismuth and braudy by the
mouth, and morphine hypoderinical-
Iv; sinapisms were applied over the
stomach, and bottles of hot water
along the extremities. The patients
were discharged from the hospital in
two days.
—Have the grass cut if you want
your lawu a la moioed.
—There is a booiu in fruit jirs.
Prices have from from GO to 70 cents
a gross.
—The bark-peelers are at work. ,
Comical Avowals.
Chicago Herald.]
It is probable that before proposals
many have felt like the bashfai boy
who consulted his father ia his diffi
culties. "Why, you ninny," answer
ed the old gentleman, testily, "what
do you suppose I did when I married
your mother?" This was a poser to
the would-be swain, but after a mo
ment of anxious reflection he slowly
rejoined: "Oh you married mother,
but I've got to marry a strange girl!"
Had he been as religious as Dea
con Reynold Marvin, of Pleasant
Valley, Conn., he might have follow
ed his example. The Deacon, having
met a blithe lass who pleased his
fancy, rode to her home, and, seeing
her washing dishes at an open win
dow, remarked: "Becky, the Lord
hath sent me to marry you." Becky,
wiping her hands, returned simply:
"The Lord's will be done," and they
at once journeyed to the church.
Becky's parents, however, were hard
ly pleased with that style of arrang
ing matters, and therefore'the daunt
less deacon posted this notice on tho
church door:—
Reynold Marvin aud Becky Lee %
Do intend to marry;
And, though her dad opposed be,
They can no longer tarry.
An enterprising groom in lowa, not
able to secure the consent of his love's
farmer father, turned a herd of cattle
into his largest field of grain, and
while the family were driving them
out, made his way to the nearest
Justice of the Peace, where he was
joined in wedlock to his fair pr.ze.
In England, a handsome young of
ficer, dancing with a lady, mourned
his celibacy; being assured by her
that no one in the room would reject
him, "Will you take me?" he asked.
"With pleasure" she answered.
Does anyone wish to imitate this
style of proposal in writing? It was
from Lord Strangford to Miss Beau
fort: "1 was thinking the other day
about a communication from the Em
peror Akbar to the King of Portugal,
which contained a request tor copies
of the holy books of the Christians,
and in which the following sentence
occurs: 'ln the world of humanity,
which is the mirror and reflection of
the world of God, there is nothing
equal to love or comparable to human
affection.' For meny years I have
felt and known this, though I never
said it till to-day to-any one. When
you next write please give give me the
possessive pronoun of the first per
A Scotchman, pointing to the kirk
yard, remarked with true poetical
feeling to the lass of his choice: "My
folk lie there, Mary; would ye like to
He there ?" while an Irishman asked
his fair one if she were willing to
lay her bones beside his bones.
A girl informed her bashful lover
of her wonderful improvement in
cookery, saying she could make a
splendid cake now, and upon his ask
ing her favorite she replied: "One
made of flour and sugar, with lots of
raisins, currants aud citron; all beat,
fully frosted." "That's a wedding
cake," he said. "I meant wedding,"
she replied, and bliss and babies were
the result.
"I'll have thee if thou wilt."
And he wilted and she wilted.
Some Wise Women.
From Youth's Companion.
A poor clergyman died and left a
widow and two daughters.one was an- "
invalid and the other became the main
stay of the little family. Like too
many girls, she had received a gener
al but superficial education, which
did not qualify her to teach anything.
She bad no taste or skill as a milliner
or dressmaker. What could she do ?.-
Accidentally, she heardnumber of
housekeepers, regretting the impossi
bility of having hot, fresh cakes for
Sunday's breakfast. She had a re
ceipe for making English muffins,
which, if baked on Saturday, can be
heated the next morning.
She called on her friends and took
orders for these muffins: The cakes
were delicious and promptly served.
Iter customers increased. She has
now a large establishment and a com
fortable income.
Another woman, in the samo posi
tion, "took stock of herself" to discov
er what she could do.
"I know," she said, "that it is tho
thing which we can do better than
any one else, however trivial it may
be, which commands success. I had
but one little craft; I could dress hair
aud understood its management. I
?et out upon a tour of the inland
towns and villages of the Middle
States, advertising that Mrs. P
would teach ladies how to dress hair
becomingly, and to care for it on sci
entific principles.
"In these small towns coiffures
are unknown. I was the first to en
ter a new field and I reaped a rich
harvest. Since then I have visited
and found business in a great many
of the larger towns of the United
Another woman, a half-starved
dressmaker in a great city where
there were hundreds of dressmakers,
overheard a gentleman in a street car
say that there was no place in the
city where a man could have his
socks or underwear mended. She
took » room hear a college and open
ad a mending shop. She, too, was
the only person in possession of a
new business, and therefore succeed
He Showed the Wrong Card.
Peoria l 111.) Transcript.]
A story is told in regard to a chris
tening in the lower end of the city.
Mother, father and infant were on
hand. Also the godfather. The
good old priest proceeded with the
ceremony until it was necessary to
name the child. The godfather, a3
usual in such cases, had written the
name on a card, and when the cere
mony had reached this point he dived
into bis vest pocket and handed out
one. The priest took it, glanced
over it. and a look of horror came
over his face. The godfather turned
as red as the gills of a turkey gob
bler, went down into his pocket again
reached out another card, handed it
to the priest, and received in return
the one he had given the good man,
and the ceremony proceeded without
further interruption. The one he
had first handed to the priest read:
''l am somewhat of a liar myself."
It Wasn't a Clean One.
Mistress (horrified) —"Good graci
ous, Bridget, have you been using
one of my stockings to strain the
coffee through?"
Bridget ( apologetically ) —"Yes,
mum; but sure I didn't take a clane
one," ... ,
NO. 28