A nv LEASE or LIFE. When one has been suffering the agoniet ®f a severe attack of rheumatism, neural gia or sciatica, and relief comes, it seems as if a new lease of life had been granted. Such have been the feelings of thousands who, after trying physicians and number less remedies, have used Athlophoros and found to their great joy that this medicine really did cure these diseases. 867 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. After suffering for nearly two years with a continuous attack of rheumatism; after trying almost every specific, domestic and foreign, which the credulity of a wise man, or a fool, might lead one to trust in, it was a double pleasure to me to find a remedy which, originating in the famous "City of Elms"— the, home of my ancestors and its first founders—has proved so invalua ble a blessing. It is nearly six months since I was led to trace out the significance of that word Athlophoros. It has proved to me, in * good degree, a renewer of my former vigor and strength, so that I have been enabled to move about with almost yomthful activity, and to feel, while ap proaching my " three score y ears and ten," that I have a new hold on life. I believe your philosophy of the disease to be correct that it has its origin in the blood, and that your remedy touches those joints and mus cles, loosening the nodes, which have been brought into subjection to this dreadful disease, and sets them free as no other remedy that I have tried. I have been cautious for so long a time in recommend ing it to others till I had tried its efficacy in my own case; and I am now free to state the estimate I put upon it, as the safest and most efficient cure 1 have any knowledge of. A. B. DAVENPORT. Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druggist the Athlo phoros Co.] 112 Wall St., New York, will •end either (carriage Daid) on receipt of regular price, which is SI.OO per i>ottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pills. For liver and kidney diseases, dyppepsia, In digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of women, constipation, headache, impura blood, Ac., A thlophoros Pills are unequaled. i MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ABE oflered for sale represented as good as the Famous PEARLTOP BUT IHEY ARE NOT! And like all Counterfeits lack the Remarkable LASTING Qualities OF THE CEJfllNfi. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Insist THIS them on Each with PatQctTSoTIBBS. The PEARL TOP is manufactured ONLY fcjr GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. HAVE YOU RHEUMCTISM? A Bemedy that has been in sncceenful use for many , years in Europe, and was only lately introduced in ' this country, is the RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE TO* Remedy has the endorsement of Continental fhyiidans and Ooremment Sanitary Commissions, as well as the thousands of sufferers to whom it has brought relief. It has saved others—ail who have *rUA it. It WILL OURE YOU front further agony, if you'll only give it a chance. ■ -buti BOX A, „ I saa BOTH »W I IT&ADK MASKS I BMBWTBH CUHE.I gHJ^TCRE for complete information, Descriptive Pam phlet, with testimonials, free. * For by nil drsfgtits. If one or the other ia * not in position to furnish it to you, do not be per. amded to take anything else, bnt apply direct to the General Agents, PKAELZKU BROS. & CO. •10 & 881 Market Street, Philadelphia.. DOCTORS "LAKE hI PRIVATE DISPENSARY ABk OFFICES, 900 PENS AVE. i— PITTSBURGH, PA All forms o? Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring CON FIDEKTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Medi cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. 8. K. Luke Is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Burgeons, and is the oldest and most experienced SPECIAL IST In the city. Special attention given to Nerv ous Debility from excessive mental exertion, In discretions of youth, Ac., causing physical and mental desay,lack of energy, despondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Sain, Blood, Lungs, Urin ary Organs, Ac. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9to 4 and 7to 8 p.m.; Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call at office or address S.K.LAKE,M.D.,M.R.C.P.S. orE. J.LAKE, M.». Imported Percheron Horse MONTAGUE Will stand the season ot 1887. commencing April twh and ending Jnly »nj. as follows: Mondays of each week at the stable of James Fleeger, at Unlonvllle; Tuesdays and Wednes days at the barn of Alonzo McCandteßs; Thurs days at Mt, Chestnut; Fridays and Saturdays at the livery stable of J. S. Hays, Butler. Description and Pedigree: Montague is a dark Iron gray, 8 years old, and wetglis 1900 lbs.: is it;*,' hands high, on short, legs, with large bone, great thighs and forearms, deep In girth, with remarkable good feet and action, and In every way a perf'jet horse ot re markable symmetry and beauty. He was Im ported from France by J. D. 1 Socket, of Chicago, In September, ISS3, and la recorded In Perclieron Norman Stud-book 1903; also in Perclieron stud book of America 314 a. lie was foaled in isi», and bred by C. Cogot, of Almonslia. Province of Herche, France. Sire, Picador, owned by the government, and winner of two gold medals and 1,000 francs at two shows in France, besides numerous otlier prizes. Dam. Lauretta; grun dam. charlotta, a mare bred in the Perclieron family for forty years, as qualified to by C. , Cogot. T±Li JrO^dlS sl." flollaT-s payable when mare is known to be - with foal. The colt will be held tor insurance until paid for. Persons partlßg \v4tii,raare to leave the neighborhood before Wrtown to we wftn foal, forfeits the insurance. Mares must be reg ularly returned on trial days as directed. Mares kept on reasonable ternis. All possibly care taken to prevent accidents, but will be responsi ble for none. "Montague" has proved himself to be a fine breeder. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. To the pure Clydesdale stallion, GLEN AT HOI*, who will stand for mares during the season of 1887, beginning April 15, and ending Ailgtwt 15, at the stable of Peter J. Bach In Summit town ship. Butler county,about throe miles east ol But ler. near Bonnybrook (ilen Athole is No. isflS. registered hi Scottish Clydesdale stud book, VoL #. page "A, aged lour vears, and weighed when 3 ycarsold 11)21 lbs. Full pedigree found at barn in Btud books of Great Britain, and warranted to be as good as that of any other horse in the United States. TSH/MS: Insurance fis, payable when mare Is known to be with foal. Irregular att<rm)ance or part ing with a mare before known to be with foal forfeits the Insurance. When reasonable care is given a mare I will insure a walking colt or no pay. Care will be taken, but no accounta bility lor accidents. P.J, BACH. 4,8-4 m BUUCT, Pa. K j. . v THE OITIZEZfcT. MISCELLANEOUS A Rather Novel Nut to Crack. From Chicago Herald.] There is something about a puzzle which enlists the attention of old and young. Few people there are who do not like puzzles, particularly if they are neat ones and not too diffi cult of solution. Here is a new rail way puzzle. A locomotive is at aY, A /A A\ -/ \ // \ ED B \ x, is the engine; A and F. main track; U. c * and D. the Y switch; P, neck of Y. only long enough to hold one car orjenglne. 1. i. 3. are the three cars. Poles or ropes are not to be used in switching cars. headed east, and it is desired to turn the engine so that it shall face the west. But there are three cars stand ing on the Y, and these cars must be left standing where they are when the locomotive finally pulls away. An other diffiulty is that the top or pro jecting part of the Y (marked F) is only lcng enough to contain the loco motive or one car at a time, and will not hold the locomotive and a car to gether. How is the locomotive to so shift the oars as to turn itself, and at the same time leave each car in its original position before departing on its journey? It can be done. That Tired Feeling Season is here again, and nearly eve ry one feels weak, languid and ex hausted. The blood, laden with im purities which have been accumulat ing for months, moves sluggishly through the veins, the mind fails to think quickly, and the body is still slower to respond. Hood's Sarsapa rilla is just what is needed. It is,in a peculiar sense, the ideal spring medicine. t purifies, vitalizes and enriches the ood, makes the head clear, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling, and imparts new strength and vigor to the whole body. Winter's gone at last, —Blooming wild flowers. What is a cold in the head? Medical authorities say it is due to atmospheric germs, uneven clothing of the body, rapid cooling when in a perspiration, &c. The important point is, that a cold in the head is a genuine rhinitis, an inflammation of the lining membrane of the nose, which, when unchecked, is certain to produce a catarrhal condition—for catarrh is essentially a "cold" which nature is no longer able to "resolve" or throw off. Ely's Cream Balm has proved its superiority, and sufferers from cold in the head should resort to it before that common ailment be comes seated and ends in obstinate catarrh. —Sweet-smeling arbutus. An Unbiased Physician. The past two years I prescribed Tutt's Expectorant with astonishing results. In cases where I thought con sumption had taken place, the Ex pectorant effected a cure. R.H. Dean, Boston, Mass —Straw hats are budding. Situations Wanted. Wanted, 632 men and women who are suffering from backache, lame side, crick or sore chest, to apply a Hop Plaster and get instant relief, sold everywhere 25 cts. —The whitewash brigade is bard at work. Drunkenes OP Liqour Habit, can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Speifllc. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Qolden Specific in their coffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. No harmful results from its administration. Send for circular and full particulars. Address in confi dence GOLDSN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St, Cincinnati, Ohio. —Send us the news of your neigh borhood. For Scrofula, Impoverished Blood and General Debili ty- Scoti's Emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophoxphiles, has no equal in the whole realm of medi cine. Read tie following: "I gave one bottle of Scott's Emulsion to my own child for scrofula, and the effect was marvelous."—O. F. Gray, M. D., White Hall, Ind. —About this time plant fish lies and chestnuts. —What is more nasty than run ning sores, ulcers, pimples, boils, scrofula, erysipelas, etc.? Now, "Dr, Lindsey's Blood Searcher" cures them all. —The shovel, rake and hoe are now in active use. Astonishing Success. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wonderful qualities be known to their friends in curing consump tion, severe coughs, croup, asthma, pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to rtccommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try a bottle, as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no case where it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup cannot be two widely known. Ask your druggist about it. Sample bottlt-s to try, sold at 10 cts. Regular Bize, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists and dealers, in the United States ana Cauada. —Convict labor in New York will cease in August. A Lady's Perfect Companion. PAINLESS CHILPBIRTII. a new book by Dr John Dye, one of New York's most skillful phy sicians. shows that pain Is not necessary In childbirth but results from causes easily un derstood and overcome. It clearly proves that, any woman may become a mother without suf fering any pain whatever. It also tells how to overcome . nd prevent morning sickness, swell ed limbs, and all other evils attending pre gnancy. It Is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians everywhere as the wile's true prl vate companion, Cut this out! It win save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circulars,testimo nials and confidential letter sent In sealed en velop. Address FRANK TIIOMAS ii Co., Publish ers, Baltimore, Maryland, KASKINE (THE NEW QVIWIKE) i tSSk I NO HEADACHE. I 1 Cai 50 * ArsRA - J So lilnglng Ears. | CVBES OI'K'KLY I Pare A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA., RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. FOR COLDS KASKINE HAS IiEEN FOUND TO BE ALMOST A SPECIFIC. Superior to qui nine. BeUevue Hospital, N. Y„ "Universally successful - ' (••Every patient treat- St. Francis Hospital.N.Y. |ed with Ka.sklnu has (been dlsch'r'd cured," Rev. Jas. L. Hall, chaplain Albany Penitenti ary, writes that Kasklne has cured his wife, af ter twenty years suffering from malaria and nervous dvspepsia. Write him lor particulars. St. Joseph's Hospital, N. V.: -Its use Is consid ered indispensable. It acts perfectly." Prof. W K. Holcombe. M. D., 54 East 25th St., N. Y„ )late Prof, In N. Y. Med. CoUege) writes: ••Kasklne is superior to quinine in its specific power, and never produces the slightest Injury to the hearing or constitution. Thousands upon thousands write that Kas klne has cured thein alter all other medicine had fulled. Write for book ot testimonials. Kasklne can be taken without any special medical advice. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by J. C. REDICK, Butler, or sent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO., 34 Warren St., New York. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. WEST FKNN R. K. On and after Monday, Dec. 13, 1886, trains will leave Butler as follows: MARKET at 6:15 a. m., arriving atAlleghe ny at 9:00 a. m.; connects east. EXPRESS at 8:30 a. m., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:30 a. m.; does not connect for the east. MAIL at 2:35 p. m., and goes through to Allegheny, arriying there at 4:45 p. m.; con nects east. ACCOMMODATION at 4:55 p, m., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:30 m., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Alleghe ny at 7:20 a.m., 2:30 p. w. and 5:30 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:25 a, m. and 4:55 and 7:35 p. m. S. & A. R. R. Corrected to fast time, 1 hour faster than schedule time. Tr? ; us leave Butler for Greenville from the Pittsburgh and Western depot at 8:10 a. m. and 12:30 and 6:25 p. m. Trains leaving the P. &. W. depot in Allegheny city 10:20 a. m. and 4:15 p. m. fast time connect at Butler with trains on the S. & A. Trains arrive at Butler from Greenville, fast time, 10:25 a. in. and 2:35 and 6:10 p.«m., and connect with trains on the P. & W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. m. and 5:00 and 8:20 p. m., fast time. Trains leave Milliards at 6:50, and 11:00 a. m., slow time, and arrive at 9:35 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. Both trains connect at Branchton for Cutler and Greenville. p. & w. e. R. Corrected to fast time, one hour faster than schedule time. Trains leave Butler for Allegheny City at 6:15, 8:18, and 10:30 a. m. and 2:50 and 6:25 a. m. A train connecting for New Castle and the West leaves Butler at 1:40 p. m. and arrives at Chicago at 6:00 a. m. next morning. Trains arrive from Allegheny at 9:10 and 10:18 a. m. and 12:20, 3:36, 6:20 and 8:30 p. m. Trains leave Butler for Foxburg and the North at 10:20 a. m. and 3:38 and 8:33 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler for the north at 8:18 and 10:18 a. ni. and 6:00 p. m. On Sunday trains leave Butler for Alle gheny at 8:43 a. m. and 6:25 p. ru., and for the West at 1:40 p. m., and arrive from Allegheny at 10:1S and 3:36, and from the West at 7.56. A train arrives from the North at 8:43 a.m. and departs at 7:56. p.m. Trains leave Allegheny for Butler at 7:00, 8:20 and 10:20 a. m. and 1:40, 4:15 and 6:35 p. m., fast time. Trains leaving Butler at 8:18 a. m. and 1:40 p. m. make close connections at Callery for the West, and the 2:50 train connects but not closely. * DEITTISTH. X . 0 1/ WALDRON, Graduate of the Phila « «• delphla Dental College, is prepared to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory maimer. Oflice on Main street, Butler, Union Block up stairs. Ik. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties : —Cold Fillings, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth. Vitalized Air administered. OOlce on Jefferson Street, one door East of Lowry House, Up Stairs. Oflice open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mail receive prompt attention. Si. B.—Tlie only Dentist !n Butler tts'-ig the best makes of teeth. DR. R. C. McCURDY Physician and Surgeon, Off!co on Main St., over Kemper's store. Butler, - Penn'a. J. SLUSEi M. D>j Has removed from Harmony to Butler and has his oflice at No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. apr-30-tf. JOHN E. IBYERB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oflice No. G5 South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. B. & B. THE SPECIAL EVENT OF THIS SEASON WILL BE THE Grand lacs Curtain Sale! Which we have just inaugurated. This sale will surpass all our former efforts in tills direction. The t;oods are all new patterns, no old stuff and most of tliein our own Importations, and styles exclusive with us. Tliey will range in price viz : For choice new designs In Nottingham Cur tains. 3 yards long, 7.1 c. and it.oo per pair. For 3'i yard goods, with taped edges, $1.23, Jl.no, 31.75, &c. For riiolce Patterns, .I*4 and 4 yard Notting ham Curtains, ..TO, $;I.OO, SUHI. $.».IIO, 7.00 to »12.00 per pair. French (iuipure Curtains 510.00 and 12 per pair. Curtain Nets 114 c., IV:. to 85c. Curtain squints C! a c., At tills special sale we feel justified m saying will be offered the very best values in Curtains yet seen or offered anywhere. Complete Upholstery department where will be found all the accessories. A c' mplete lirass Trimmed pole at 25c., Rings, Brackets, Etc, In suit department we offer specially Spring Jackets, In Checks, Plaids and stripes Also Plain Cloths and .Jerseys with LAPPED SEAMS, TAILOR MADE. Newmarkets With Hoods and Capes 111 Checks, stripes and Plaids, at popular prices, for Good Quality and l?est Workmanship, $6.50 and up, SPRING WRAPS. Headed all over and Lace Trimmed,, ? 10.00 each and up. Silk Wraps with Bead Trimmings ; Camel's Hair Wraps, Morning Wraps, Misses' and Children's Wraps, Jackets and Newmarkets and Dresses from 2 years to 16 year sizes. Lidles' Salt Department; Itlark Silk Suits iSS.OO, $4.-> and s«.».<«). Rich, Heavy silk and Trimmed In Bead •"Passamenterle. Colored Silk Suits, Check Silk Suits. All Wool Cloth and Tricot Suits, Plain and Mixed t'olors. Full Skirts and Drapery, sß.soand up to 520.00. Large and Special offerings during during the present month of Silks and Spring Dress (loods. New Style Plain Colors and Check Suitings, 38 t042 inches, at 4T>C.. 50c., 63c.. 75c., 85c., si.o(l, and 51.2."i. Mack and White Striped Sumniei Silks at Soc„ 31c., 35c„ 45c.. 50c., ami St.oo. Large line of Colored Summer Silks, Colored (Iros drains. Faille Frances' Kluulzlmer Harris Satin Rhadames, &c„ &c., at prices, which for qualities have not yet been equaled, < >ur Mail Order Department will, upon request send samples to any address, or for Wraps Curtains, etc.. goods from which samples cannot lie cut. we will send a line ot goods to select from upon receipt of proper references, or by Express C. O. D., with privilege of examination and se lection. The customer to select what pleases. 11 any, and pay express agent, balance to be re turned, BOGGS & BUHL, 115, 117, 110,121 Federal St, Allegheny* Pa. TUIC n A BCD '» on filein Philadelphia JHg PAPER^ N.W. AVER A SON, our aiilhorUed agents. NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SPRING STYLES CONTINUE TO POUR IN AT B. C. HUSELTON'S. Every day adds new and beautiful Styles to our immense stock; our large and increasing trade demanded, this Spring, an immense stock and attractive Styles. You have had our best efforts, together with our long experience in the market with the best Manufacturers, with the most gratifying results in bringing together such a wonderful stock of such handsome styles and such low prices, nowhere can you find its equal out side of any city—as at Huselton's, the acknowledged leader in Boots and Shoes all over Butler count}'. Square dealing, good, honest goods at low prices did it, and we intend we shall still hold our trade, and better still, go on increasing it. We see new faces in our store every day buying liberally, going away pleased, and saying they will come again and tell their neigh bors, these are the best advertisements any house can have. We are showing Ladies' Fine Shoes and slippers, by far the greatest variety of any house in the county in the finest Kid, Pebble, Goat, Dongola, bright and dull finish, St. Goat in McKay Goodyear Hand Welt and Hand Turns in all the widths Irom AA to FF in low instep, high instep, full toes, low heels and opera toe and heel. These hand turns are growing more popular in our trade on account of the neat glove-fitting and soft to the foot. Then our flexi ble and globe insoles are very nice and soft and are taking wonderfully fast. You can see the finest Button Boots you ever saw at Huselton's at SI.OO, $1,25, $1.65, $1.75 and $2.00, trade so large have had to duplicate our orders in some of these already this spring. Mens', Boys' and Youths' fine shoes are beyond any doubt the choicest line. Best styles ever offered to the trade in Congress, Bals and Button seamless. See cur Kan garoo shoes in hand and machine sewed, they are beauties. In mens' we show the best you ever saw at SI.OO, $1 25, $1.50, $1.65, $1,75 and $2,00, aad we will warrant every pair of them, the styles of these cannot be excelled. Wal kenphaust shoes. Oil Mens' square box toe in Bals and Button; big trade in this line; can't get them as fast as we sell them is what troubles us now. Our Mens' and Boys' Brogans and Plow Shoes have a wide reputation all over Butler county as the best goods for the money ever sold. No auction trash sold in any of our lines. Misses' and Childrens' Spring Heel Shoes a specialty in the different widths, These goods are very nice for children and we are using them in Ladies' goods. Old Ladies' wide heel shoes and slippers a specialty, in Kid Grain, Glove Grain, Bals and Button very cheap from SI.OO and upwards. Serge Congress polish and serge slippers cheap. Leather and findings, best selection. Repairing done neatly at reasonable prices. Work made to measure. We will save you 25 per cent, on your goods by giving you honest values, correct styles and at bottom prices. Come and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. A. Troutman & Son. liiniiiii liniiiiii We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Carpets, Hugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DEESS GOODs. We have a large assortment of Colored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna Hugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., &c. Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Butlea*r. Pa BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. <3K C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER 11. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L Purvis, isamuel Anderson, Wiillam Campbell 1.1. W. Bnrkliart, A. Ttoutinan, Henderson Oliver, (i.C. Koessing, James Stepheuson, Dr. VV. Irvin, N. Weitzel, J. F. Taylor. H. 0. Heinemaa, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Gen, Atc't- EXJTLER, FJL. FURNITURE! FURNITUR E Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Seat Rockers, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., The Cheapest Furniture Store 11ST BUTLER. W. F. MILLER. A J FRANK & CO, DEALER!* IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, &c. £ fsr- Physicians' I Inscriptions carefully com pounded, and orders answered with care ana dispatch, our stock of medicines Is complete, warranted genuine, and o( the best quality. 45 South Main Street, BUTLER, • PA. Advertise in the CITIZEN. MILLER'S OIL REFINING WORKS, \ILMO4Wai BCIVAr CMTIT, Ofiiee 3JB Liberty St... Pittsburg. Pa. A. D. >ll Ll.Kit X SON, Manufacturers of High Test Oils, for export and home consumption. Would call public attention to our brand WATKK riT TPTTOTP -I«> WHITE VJJLIUJIIN HI TFCST Warranted None Better. Gasoline for stoves and pas machines, 74, BC, 87 88. and !t0 gravities. Lubricating oils. fcS?~Stavea and heading wanted. [4-o-'B6-ly] EITEHHDLLER HOTEL, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BTJTLER, - - Near New Court House—formerly Donaldson House—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. 14-9-'B6-ly] 11. KITENMULLER, Prop'r. NixON'sHoME, No. 35 McKean Street, BUTLER, :P:E,~M JN 'JL Meals at all hours. Open all Night. Breakfas sc, Dinner 25c, Supper 25c. Lodging 25e, [l2-4-3m] SIMKON NIXON, Prop'r, V ALES MEM A WANTED V io canvass for the sale of Nursery* ■ Stock! Steady employment guaranteed. Salary ami EXPENSES I'AID. Apply a! ouce, stating age Chase Brothers, •"SWKSsm! UIANTKI AGENTS "".S-JSZ"* II n 1 LU "POI.I.ITIC AI. DISCISSIONS. DIPLOMATIC and POi't l.A!:," Including all his speeches, by.! a M is*;, Bi.A: .vk. Apply at once for terms and territory, P. J. FLEMING & CO., i 4-13-41 4. sth Ave., IM'shurg. FARM FOR SALE A well improved farm of 134 aercs situated in Worth tp., Meieer county, I'a. Will be sold at a bargain. Any one desiring a good farm cheap will tlnd what they want in this one. For further information address L.J, Ki.m.MKL, Henderson, 2-25-4t Mercer Co., Pa. ■ RIfC|IT|OCDO or others,who wish to examln# All WCH I IwEllw this paper, or obtain estimates on advertising space whan in Chicago, wl " it on file at 4 ( to 49 Randolph St., | MR OTUAyiC the Advoiliting Agency of LUIIU ft I IIUMwi BUSINESS IS BUSINESS! AND IF YOU mm TO SEE BUSINESS VISIT Grand Spring Opening OF BOOTS, SHOES k SUPPERS At the prices I nrn marking my goods this spilngl ui:l perfectl. nivlfit rl In sa> ;nt," >u wlll>.' • th- Lary Hoom In the afcoe busing that you have evi-r witnessed in tills place. War after year m> l>u-iii.'s~ has U. i. lm i< ..-in .u. 1 to-da\ I and at li t- ■ i without it su'*ces~siul competltor and, why? simply because 1 don't waut the world. lam sitl>!i<".t with a siaail pro:ir. tryir. a V.M- to ive the trade good Boots and Shoes at very low prices. I Expected a Boom this Spring And bought accordingly and I didn't it either f. r .:!n arty I can .-•••<■> - ii . <• > i ir.• •• 'l'i:o in .vs is sprea ling lik ■ wiid-rire and it goes from township to townsh.p. ..cm farmer tn farm-r. li.-m !:• i -T u. ;Übor. In fa ft: • v •. |. country has he :<l It. BickeFs Spring Goods Have Come, And he has marked tliem cheaper titan ever; 'is it true, can it bo ;.i;SMi>le," \>u . <• ...i • an.l c and If air one little moment v..u even doubted that nickel's was the best and cheapest si .<e House In Butler county, yo'ir u-xt'ots vill .ill vanish and you i. 'I leave my suire and take up the cry with hundreds of others: For Good Goods and Low Prices Bickel Leads, It is most surely so, can't be otherwise. C om.' to Bicker- at anv time and If there i an.- = doiiu any place, you liPtlnd my store thronged with eager buyers. Tliey come to me because they kno.v my ..i of ilie l>. -t. a: Ip*ce-1 a■ i jv. w. aad if ou are In heed o: anyt hlag lit the shoe Hue visit my store this spring and you will never rogiet It. 1 have everythiag you coul I CK : > JC to tlud In a urst-class Shoe Store. Ladies' Fine Slices and Slippers. This line of goods are perfectlv grand tills tear, and I have a hundred duTer.'iit styles to s iow you, made ot Fr nch KI!. Am. Kltl. Mat. lild. iiilght and dull Doiigolas, Kangaroo.'st. Gout. Bird * E\e. Pebble Coat. (Hove Kid. etc.. maue on all the ilUTt.wut si vie last*, from A to IT. I can lit any foot In Butler county. 1 have ladies* line shots nii.de on all thedifferen- style li»>;s from very narrow to extreiuelj wid< aud large sizes., e>oine of my goods running to No. 9. Men and Boys Fine Shoes An Inspection of this line of goods will prove to you Unit they avo without doubt 'ho I«>t line of goods ,-vrr off« red to t he (ratio for perfect f«ittlii£ and correct stvles. They have no superiors and need only to if .><.**■;> to i»e appivi lait-d. And my ine .«f in«*dHim and low prkrrt go-.y sw as si'locted with the same'care. No'worthless shoddy goods can be found In t')ls stock, and to My entin » <;ni:.l»-.ice In these goods, 1 will give a guaran tee with every pair I sell and cheerhily refund the money in cas- any sj-ould prove to be not as i( presented. Mens Plow Shoes and Brogans, For tills line of goods I can only say that they are the products of the best mat'.ut'aet iters In the East. Ant telpating an unusually large trade this spring MV order for these goods was fully double to that of any previous year an'L 1 ILIAC marked theni to suit the times. Bargains In Kip, f'nlf and a Calf one'and two Buckle l'low shoe. Miners' shoes of every description. Don't tail to see this tine of goods. Boys' l'low Shots in great- variety. I will offer also YEHY CHEAP, a lovely line of I.adles' and Mtsses Kjne Kid Slippers in all styles. 5 • pairs of mens 1 shoes, shop made, at 52.50. This is a dec iiled an»l are in-»v iu*r very ;ast at the above prices. Ladle.? Sai'ife and Faxe.i goods la every style. .Just the kind of a llgbi every day shoe for summer Base Ball Shoss for men and boys. These shoes have become very popular and make a very good light v. orklnv .-.hoe. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, I have a full line of mv own work of Boo:s and Shoes constantly on hand, and In case you can't v. d> to have a pair made, I can rn you out ot my stock HEI'AIHIVt, done with neatness and dispatch. 1 eather and Eludings, of all kludM. ill !• <s th.iu i ' pr '-s. V. .: :t in Butler give nte a eaU ana examine goods aud prices. A bottle of Fine French Shoe i-oiuii presented to every lady purchasing a pair of shoes. Yours &c., .JOHN HICK EL, 22 SOUTH M4IN STRF'ST. BUTLER. PA. —is im w ESTABLISHED - 2850 E. E RIEB 9 j E w T E E Li E: ii . Ko. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, Diamouds, Ladies' timl Gents' (Jtld and Silver Watches. f™ A V f l l nn ! ?C Paper Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plasu Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament t ' on ' MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks Q 1 i"T7 on t k'' sce t^*'s :ie °' as it is the largest 01.* Vvl W CLI v Cu O UUlCtii UV a ;and most complete stock eyer shown iu Brtler. r\l) ITTATn'Q SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, ia Gold, Silver aud Steo.l frames, \_J K«>niember,we Warrant all €«»<!?; as Rep:c^eute<l. Epfc.-aving free of charge. Plac6 of businefs oppoeitj Troutman's Pry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIG3L ISTo- 19. !N"orth. IVTain. fetreet? ... BUTLEE? I^ J\., TOUR ATTENTION IsCalled to isiy Ntoek of JmkmZL Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, RWARE, SPEGTACSLESi All of which have been selected with great caro for A*! s L I'] of , I T> nii mD'C UNION BLOCK, BJSBPMJ- »• WvLLbb, Bo.iea.mii.Steet. lUIiU Watch cASIi) sign gf electric bell a AGENTS WANTED FOR THE AUTHORIZED LIFE OF LOGAN u-ith introduction by This Biography has been more than two years in prep aration. (*en. Logan himself furnished the data to the author, Geo. Francis DaiWion, his intimate friend and associate; and before his death he icad all but toe closing chapters of the work, and pave it his unoualined endorsement. Mrs. I.opan states this in the introduction. A million admirer* of the dead Chieftain want Ihl* thrilling: Hfry of his great eareer in Cace and war. Splendidly illustrated with portraits and ttle scenes. Send quick $i for outfit and &ct choice of territory. Address HILL A. HARVEY, PUBLISHERS, 111 N. Charles Street, Baltimore. For Drops*', Gravel. Bright's, Heart. I'rtnary or Liver Diseases. Nervousness, ,<te. cine Guar anteed. ofliee wt Arch street. Philadelphia. si. per bottle, 6 for i 5. At Druggists. Try It. Ready Mixed. »1 so, m, 75 to 1.00 per pa). BEST TOgy LINSEED OIL PAINTS. shipped anywhere, all shades. Properly own ers order direct. Also :: and :i ply Felt Rooting with best coating and Cement. Agents wanted, color card price list tree. ATLAS PAINT CO., P.O. ISOX 2M,;Plttsburg, Pa. Farms, Houses and Lois For Sale. Information can be given at the CITIZEN ollice of several good farms in this county that are for sale. Also of a lot of about eleven acres on which is a new house, good water, etc., and about five miles from llut ler. Also an office, two rooms, in Butler, suitable for an Attorney's or other office. Also several lots within the bor ough of Butler. Enquire at CITIZEN office. "CHEAP! CHEAP! large variety of new goods at A. L. Robison's Bargain Store SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TIM-WARE Class-Ware, Queens—Wars, and Jewelry Come and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Centre room of George Reiber Building. COR. MAIN AND JEFFERSON SYS., BUTLER, PA. = J". KLEE & CO. 811 LIBERTY STREET, 628 & 630 BROADWAY, PITTSBURG. NEW YORK. MAHWACTOSBS OF CLOTOIBra IN ALL Gil A LES AND SIZES. Our Spring and Summer Stock most Complete and Unsurpassed. EXCLUSIVELY*^# Maii Orders Receive Prompt Attention. &3TA HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRVKDAY Crt HBi!«JAY PRSSEJjT, j£ipj WONDERFUL Jj|||| S \Combining h Parlor, I.llirary, Smokinsr. H*«llntnu or Invalid _ " CIIAIII, IXirN'GK, BKD. or < OVCII. i Price $7 .OO "tttyayr* I | 3 CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES AU furnished with the AiitomJtlc Coub IJrnkr, and Retailed ? g" „f ~;ir U'holi -alt- Prlrn. Send stforCatalogue and mention carriages. THE LUBURC CO, f {45 N. Bth St., Phlfada.. Pa TBf OTBf Mtffl STORE in Butler, hrec doors west of West Perm Depot. 11 living open' .! I fresh .s'oek or fiIiOC'EKIES coils of < 'offer. Tea*. Syrup, Spices, Canned Coorts of :i•: kinds. Hams, Bacon, Lard. &c., flic,, Tobacco and Cigars, Kf.om c' hest brands ,r d low prices ; also, a full hut* of Kliujrler'* popular brands of family floor constantly on haiul-. iIA V, OA f~. CORN and FEED of ail kinds at lowest figures, Xo. 1. Salt, l oiver any other Si oust in i£it3l**r. Country Produce van'.Vi for wliirli the highest pri -i-will be paid. Call ~:id examine our stock and prices. Goods 1 'livered free to all parts of town. J. J. KEARNS & CO., 7<! Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. gl\ YKAU-OLD Giickecheimer Pure Rye Whisky! Gritcf".] to tiv p.il.r.e o,» new milk, with all th ' 1 • -.«! Pure Whiskey, mal low • 1 b;- tlui • tills \\h!s:: recommends itself at oil? eto ttuM.' 1 (i •• family and the con noisseur. T!. - iviils-ke: ! - from tlie world-re nowned distillery of i uckenlielmer Bros., I'l' i Pa. After r< malnlng lu bond for three y. ars. It was imported to Hamburg, <vrm ,i\ '.vUcr.? it was : :ored lor two years, . U't ..... lf!i brought ! aetc to lliis country. I' smi v '■ yo t - old. ' i avo a large quantity O! it, aud ;ia ii in full quart" bottles at Si «•!> V ROirU£ OR G I.ofTLES Edit $.<.00. Ii !s warranted a s.i i - : v Pure Whiskey, and for a or n.-.lim' -t.lmulant Is unexcel led. H'jslde.s Mils wlilski v. I have a large stock of ("allfomin Wines, eons:-: lug of I'ort. Sherry. Miivratt-l. VnsreHrn, Horl> ad Tokay. They are of the pure juice of the ipe, and are of the rrriiic dr la -rrmf oi < 'mice Unadulterated wines. They have been rightfully called the ••Modern m i tar of the Tlicy are put up In full quail bcttlrs at •<> cents per bottle or six )>ottli>s fbr $2.50. Orders by mall or other wise will receive prompt attention. JOS. FLEMING, DRUGGIST, SO. 3-1 MARKET ST„ Pittsburg, ■ ■ Pa S.B.SHAPLEIGH&GO'S (Boston, Mass.) STERLING PURITY, STERLING QUALITY, ALWAYS UNIFORM. Give this Coffee B trial and you will use no otln r. For sale by THE IMPEHiM. TEA CO, DEALERS IN PURE T||E||A||S AND COFFEE. CHOICE CONFECTIONA3Y, Tobacco and Cigars. COR.DIAMOHQ USD MAIN ST, BUTLER, PENN'A. mA Axvwii* 'irnevr, Cin CVi-V V; "" ' ' ; : v fcksmr£g&-:' sn ati'S ibwWfcM Aroratio Gs&6Ya Oin Is n v-nvo (S«VOi.;,re '' 'i I? 1 '' ! leav.. •K.-h)'; " iiijaulp^rbcr- Kii&Ve J"S. v: ' ' ?, fce. it wiil ! l (sy-iv. . ::alnralusMnromc-uy ft i "lie: rt: incur:- lor Uri|iiit'B I'liVlM tvTv*! f-Hscaae, W.m,- in I!::.niler, I .<ana all 1 11-iinmiixl n ( f the J^ a Vo« (Mg|F Kidney a cud Irluarf JAKES X?. MORRIS, Sole Acent,, IOJ CUAJUiEKa ST., NEW YOKK. J. G. REDICK, Sole Agent, Batleiv - - - - I la * County Auctioneer, JAMES B. KHABNS, BI TLEK, PEMi'A. Is prepared to servo the public of this section at vendues, etc. Hiving bud ninny ycais of experience he can guinnteo perfect tion at rules that will t»uit All. word at this cilice. • 3,5,81.1y The Volunteer Soldier'HlS v£>cSsr; Gen, John A, Logan, The volnnt < r service defended and upheld. I.OL-.H'S Personal Kentimseeiices OI t.'ie. I.iirne tKtavo Nolume, Iteautifully Illustrated. Circulars free k, PMING & CO.. i mill Ave., PittaburK SUßvE Y I NG LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given !o the Retracing ol old lines. Address, «{. F. JEILLiAKD, t'o. Surveyor North Hope f. 0., Butler Co., Fa. 3,5,84. ly Homes For Everybody- The Peoples' llulldinK and Loan Associa tion ol IJntler. — f'ttr value of each share F 100 This Association pay# the borrower f 100 per bhare. with a weekly expense to him ol on IT 12 tts, in addition to recuiar dues. For lurthfr inlormation c II on or ad- G VV MILLER. C M HE!NEMAN, Rec'y, Prca Butler, I a J. 11. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER - - 2-l;kT-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers