"NEARLY CRAZED with pain" is the sad cry of many a victim of rheumatism or neuralgia, anil trequently other diseases, such as kidney and liver complaints, are directly traceable to rheu matism or ne-iralgia. These diseases, for some unexpiainable reason, are rapidly in creasing, and in many instances are the direct cause of much sickness which so hides its real origin as to be mistaken for other diseases. In curing rheumatism, neu ralgia, sick headache, and in many cases of kidney and liver troubles, Athlophoros has wrought wonders. 1 hose who have used it are best qualified to speak of its merit. Rouses Point, New York. I took Athlophoros and I think it helped me I had not walked for 8 weeks when I took the Athlophoros and havo walked since. I have taken nearly all medicines recommended for rheumatism, and I think that Athlophoros helped me the most of any. lam not entirely cured yet, but am iroing to take Athlophoros if it comes on oad again. MRS. XHOS. IIA^ES. Boltenville, Vt., August ISth, 1886. I can thankfully say I believe I owe my life to Athlophoros as an instrument in the hand of God. I have had no return of those awful spells of neuralgia of the heart since I last wrote you. Hoping this may induce others to try so valuable a medi cine, I remain Very respectfully yours, MRS. C. N. PAIGE. Pawling, N. Y., August 19, 1886. The bottle of Athlophoros I procured for Jacob Keinner's wife acted like a charm. She had been confined to her bed for three weeks or more. Could hardly help hereelf any. In one week she was on her ieet. She had not long beforegiven birth to a child and had inflammatory rheumatism. A. A. TOFFY. Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druggist the Athlo phoros C 0.," 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.(0 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pills. For liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, in digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of women, constipation, headache, impure Mood. \c., A thlophoros Pills are uncqualed. 9 pEABhXOp LMOpWEY a O IXAOT LABLE IS ON f I 6 S m BAOMOMIMNEV AS S \ S m SEO.B^AGB ) |IiHj< ea IDs DEALERS FVfcpYwHERE. RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM Spl. CURE H J I HAS PBOYXD TO BE liLi 1 THE REMEDY EngS FOR RHEUMATISM. ? Mahion. Ind.. Ausr. 111WS. My wife wan BO afflicted with Ktaeu -92 matisin in her shoulder and arm that 51 J y- she could do nothing for herself, and ft could not sleep in bed. but had to be Si'sST k bolstered up in a rocking chair. Fhy. i{ * \ sictans prescribed, many patent medi ■m* I cines were used, but the pain still *1 I got worse. I sent for the Hruian sjp?t I Hheumatism Cure, under a cloud of ' fi\ / doubts. It was used according to 1 J rya \ directions for one week, and my wife 5 f \ was cured, it was one of those a*ree- T> | \ able surprises that you meet once in a i, « I lifetime. It la now over four months ■S ■ J \ I since the cure was effected, and she > " can wash, iron, hce in the (ran'en, and i " / 1 do all kinds of work as well as ever, I j and has no symptom* of the old dis- V • J ease. We have no hesitancy in reoom- mending the cure to all similarly I sry afflicted, as Safu and Suiie. Truly yours. Jggfcj , * HJ.FisnEix. "■teMrf Thousands of others have been oured. " PRICE 52.50. For complete Information, Descriptive Pnin plilet, with testimonials, free. ' For sale by all druggist*. If one or the other is not in position to furnish it to you, do not be i<cr. ■uaded to take anything else, but apply direct to the General Agents, PFAEJ.ZEtt BROS. A (O. •19 6c 821 Market Street, Philadelphia. ?7T\DOCTORS LAKE ML PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 906 PEN.V AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA | All forms of Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Con- FiDEMiAi.and St'iEJiTlFic Medi cation are treated at tikis Dispensary with a BUC- Cce9 rarely attained. Dr. S. K. I-nke is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is the oldest and mostexiKjricnccd Si'KCiALr 18T In the city. Special attention given to Nerv ous Debility from excessive mental exertion, in discretions of youth, Ac., causing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, dcsi>ondcncy, etc.; aUo Cancers, 01<1 Sores, Fits, Piles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Skin, Jilood, Lungs, Urin ary Organs, 4c. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9to 4 and 7to 8 p.m.; Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call at office or address S.K.LAKE, M.D., M.R.C.P.S. or E.J.LAKE, M.». J. H. DOUGLASS, —DEALER IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER, - - Jf*A, 2-4-87-ly PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensington, Arrasene AND; OUTLINE |WOBK DONE, Also lessons" In same given by ANNIE V LOWMAN, North street, Butler, Pa. Jne2o-ly FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. To the pure Clydesdale st illion, GLEN ATHQLr. who will stand for mares during the se::s..ii of IM7, betpuiiing April 15, and ending at the stable of l'eter J. ISach in Summit tovn sbtp. Butler county. about three miles eust <>l imt ler, near Bonnybrook. Glen A thole is No. 2X05. registered in Scottish Clydesdale stad book, Vol. 6, page 754. aged fo'ir vears, and weighed when :s yearsold IV2I it>s. Full "pedigree found at barn in' stud books of Great Hritai n. and warranted to bo as good as that of any other horse in the United States. TIEj"R,IM"S: Insurance sls, payable when mare is known to be with foal. Irregular attendance or part- In* with a mare before known to be with foal forf- Its the insurance. When reasonable care is given a mare I will insure a walking colt or no pay. Care will be taken, but no accounta bility for accidents. P. J. BACII. 4,8-4ra Butler, Fa. THE CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS Wasn't Used to Hard Work. "It ain't ev'rybody I'd trust my little gal to," said old farmer Skinner to the love lorn young granger who bad become enamored with Sallie Skinner and wished to carry her from the loving care and shelter of the home nest. The "little gal," who was 5 feet 11 inches tall in her bare feet (as she was at that moment), hid her happy blushing face on the dear, fond old father's shoulder, and wept happy tears as he said to the deeply moved lover: "You must take good keer of my wee birdling, Jack. Ric collect she's been raised kinder tend er like. Two acres a day is all I ever asked her to plow, and an acre of corn a day is all she's used to hoeing. She kiD do light work, sich as makin' rail fences and diggin' post holes, and burning brush, and all that, but ain't used to regular farm work, and you musn't ask too much of her. It's hard for her old dad to give his little saDshine up. He'll have to split his own cord-wood and dig his own ta ters now. But go, birdie, and be happy !" Unforseen Extras. Mme. Primadonna—"l will have to ask you to change that bill, sir." Omaha hotel-keeper—"Beg pardon; I made it out myself and am sure it is correct " "Instead of owing you SSO you owe me $2,000." "Eb! Wha-wba-how do you make that out?" "While in my dressing-room this morning I forgot myself and sang an aria all the way through." Crime at its Blackest. "Philadelphia seems bound to sound the lowest deeps of crime." "Another murder?" "No!" "Assault on George Washington Childs?" "Worse than that even. Three men stole a Councilman's horse and drove it furiously." "Well, well! Persons who would do that would throw stones at Wash ington's tomb." Mothers, be Advised. No mother should ever be without Tutt's Expectorant in the house Croup requires prompt treatment; as soon as the hoarse, hollow cough is heard give the Expectorant and it will be easily subdued. —A substance 230 times sweeter than sugar hes been discovered. Tbe report that it is the sweet girl gradu ate is a mistake. It is called by the discoverer saccharine. —A dead certainty: The Hop Planter is more active than any other plaster on earth. Kills pain. —Having frozen up the SoutLern States and ruined the early vegeta bles, gentle spring is now giving us something balmy, and it's a chance if she doesn't melt the bulbs off the thermometers That Tired Feeling Afflicts nearly every one in the spring. The system being accus tomed to the bracing air of winter, is weakened by the warm days of tbe changing season, and readily fields to attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsa parilla is just the medicine needed. It tones and builds up every part of the body, and also expels all impurities from the blood. Try it this sea son. —There may be very good reasons for the frequent changes in stamp de signs ordered by the postoffice depart ment, but the department is singular ly reticent about stating them. For Scrofula, Impoverished Blood, and General Debili ty- ScotCa Emulsion of pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, ha? no equal in the whole realm of medi cine. Read the following: "I gave one bottle of Scott's Emulsion to my own child for scrofula, and the effect was marvelous."—O F. Gray, M, D , White Hall, Ind. —The Republicans of Snyder are Srst in the field with a county ticket, having held a convention and made their nominations. Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live in! Natures gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health; but how ofte» do the mnjority of people feel like giving up disheart ened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when there is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer can easily obtain, satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower will make them free from disease, as when born. Dyspepsia and liver complaint are the direct causes of seventy-flve per cent, of such maladies as bilious ness, indigestion, sick headache, cos uveness, nervous proetration, dizzi ness of the head, palpitation of the heart and other (ji3tressfhg symp toms. Three doses of August Flower will prove its wondeiful ef fect. Sample bottles 10 cents. Try it. Nothing Slow About Them "Parisians," remarked Brown, 'seem determined that there shall be nothing slow about their coun try." "Indeed," responded Smith. "Yes," said Brown, "they con sume about fifty tons of snails each season. —When the mysterious William Kissane, who is asking the New York courts to quash a thirty-year old indictment for forgery, because he has not been indicted for anything since, and has become a wealthy citi zen of California—when this respec table criminal pays the men he swin dled a generation ago, it will be time enough to talk about withdrawing i he prosecution. —The list of members of the Fif tieth Congress presents a number of Presidential names. There is a Washington, an Adam?,a Taylor and a llaves. —The ttx imposed on oleomargar ine has evidently not destroyed that industry, it is being manufactured at the rale of more than six million pounds per month, —English sparrows are being kill ed off in Albany at a great rate. Since they appeared in the market there seventeen days ago, one dealer has sold 1,700 at thirty-seven cents a dozen. A boy shot eighty in one afternoon. They go to make sparrow pie. KASKINE (TIIK NKW QI IXISE) | . \o ran EFFECT | NO HEADACHE, JJ FCSJJ NO SAISEA. | 1 So Bingluir E*rs. g CURES QUICKLY 11 PLEASANT, Pure A POWERFUL TONIC. that the most delicate stomach will bear. A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM* NERVOUS PROSTRATION. and all Germ Diseases. FOR COLDS KASKiNE HAS ISEEN FOI"ND TO BE ALMOST A SPECIFIC. Superior to qui nine. Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., 'Universally successful ("Every patient treat- St. Francis Hospital,N,Y. jed with Kaskine has (been dlseh'r'd cured." Rev. Jas. L. Hall, chaplain Albany Penitenti ary, writes that Kaskine has cured lils wife, af ter twenty years suQerlnir from malaria and nervous dyspepsia. Write him for particulars. St. Joseph's Hospital. N. V.: "Its use is consid ered indispensable. It acts perfectly." Prof. \V K. ilolcombe, M. I>.. 54 East 23th St.. N. Y„ )late Prof, In X. Y. Med. College) writes: "Kaskine is superior to quinine In Its specific power, and never produces the slightest injury to the hearing or constitution. Thousands upon thousands write that Kas kine has cured them after all other medicine had failed. Write for book of testimonials. Kaskine can be taken without any sped ! medical advice. SI.OO per bottle. Sold by J. c. REDICK. Butler, or sent by mail on receipt of price. KASKINE CO.. r>4 Warren St., New York. —Arkansas is developing its gold mines. As much of tbe precious metal is produced per acre as would purchase half of the oats raised on the same quantity of ground. —The Pennsylvania railroad com pany has been successful in its exper iments for heating cars with steam. In improvements which add to the comfort and safety of its patrous the Pennsylvania always takes the lead, —The Greek department of Har vard is going to be crippled by the resignation of two professors, but it the foot and base ball departniens ol the college are kept in good working order a little break down in Greek will not matter. —The Chinese mode of abating the tramp nuisance is very effective, but rather barbarous. In a Chinese town a few months ago over three hun dred tramps made tbeir appearance in » body. The inhabitants inveigled the whole party into the temple and dur ing the night set fire to the buildiug Forty escaped, but the rest of the crowd were burned to death. —Samuel Small, the Evangelist ond companion of Sam Jones, is dy ing at his heme in Atlanta from blood poison resulting from hemorr hoids. —Even a burglar cannot success fully ply his vocation when drunk Uae was caught in Philadelphia the other night because he was to much intoxicated to scale a back fence. —' Give Ely's Cream Balm a trial. This justly celebrated remedy for the cure of catarrh, hay fever, cold in the head, &c , can be obtained of any re putable druggist, and may be relied upon as a tale and pleasant remedy frr the above complaints and will give immediate relief. It is not a liquid, snuff or powder, has no offen sive odor and can be used at any time with good results, as thousands can testify, among them some of the attaches of this office."— Spirit of the times, May 29, 1886. —Many persons complain that thev cannot grow crisp radishes The trouble is the land is too Leavy and rich; a load of clear sand worked into ten or twelve feet square of ground will make good radish soil. Drunkenes or Liqour Habit, can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines 1 Golden Speifiic. It can be given iu a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with ont their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. No harmful results from its admini&tration. Send for circular and full particulars. Address in confi dence Goldev Speciftc Co, 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —To cure gapes iu chickens: Pour a mixture of a few drops of camphor and water down the throat. It is said to be a sure cure. —What is more nasty than run ning sores, ulcers, pimples, boils, scrofula, erysipelas, etc ? Now, "Dr, Lindsey's Blood Searcher" cures ihem all. —For a sprain the whites of eggs and powdered alum made into a plaster is said to be almost a speci fic. A Lady's Perfect Companion. I'AINLHSW Cnn.DBIHTII. a new book by Dr John Dye. one 01 .New York's most skillful phy sicians, shows that pain Is not- necessary In chlldblrt li but results irom causes easily un derstood and overcome, It clearly proves that" tiny woman may become a mother v. lthou; suf fering: any palu whatever. It also tells how to c ertotne . ml prevent morning sickness, swell ed limbs, and all other evils attending pre gnancy. It Is reliable and highly endorsed by physicians everywhere as the wife's true pri vate companion, Cut this out: It will save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for descriptive circulars,testimo nials ttud eonildentlal letter sent In sealed en velop. Address KIIASK THOMAS ec Co., Publish ers, Baltimore, Maryland, O-HLM'JJXSO: E> x . 0 1/ WAI.DRON, (iradnate of the Phila delphia Denial College, Is prepared to do anything In the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Olllce on Main street, llr.tler, I n ion Block up stairs. DrTs. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pertaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Uold Killings, and rainless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office oil Jefferson Street, on? door Kaxt ol l.owr) House, I j> Mairs. On tee open daily, except Wednesdavs and Thursdays. Communications t>\ mail receive prompt attention, X. 18.- The only Dentist in 15;illcr using the best makes of teeth. DR. R. C. McCURDY, J'lijsifEaii ami Snrgt'ou, Olllce on Main St., over Kemper's store. Butler, - Penn'a. JOHN E. PHYSICIAN ANM SURGEON Office No. (Vi S«HUIT Maisi Street, BUTI.ER, - PA. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS, Physician and Surgeon, (Office, near Posl office) BUTLER, ZPZEUSnST'^ J. SIaUSK, m. D., Has remover! from Harmony to Flutter and lias his office at No. 9, Main St., three doors below Lowry House. ui>r-30-tf. 2W A HANDSOME WEDDING, BIRTHDAY OR HOLIDAY PRESENT. THE WONDERFUL Jffe9l £ 21^ if LUBURG OHASr 2 Combining a Parlor, I.lhrary. Smoklii*. Rccllnln« or Inval^t i -V CHAIR, tOt'MGE, BICD, or COrtH. •i S ufV ik /Auniiui>. >• .ndstump I WSHIPPED to a! I #4 t %C(s 4 •*"* for Catalogvr. | part* of the woiln : || CHILDREN'S CARRIACE& j * A,I furnished with tfco Automatic Coach Crake, and Retaitrc ? "iC ,ii •-r Price*. Send stamp for Catalogue and mention carriages THE LU&U3& BSAMF'C CO , 145 N. Sth St.. Philada.. Pa CHEAP! CHEAP! LARGE VARIETY OF NEW GOODS AT A. L. Robison's Bargain Store SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TIN-WARE Glass-Wars, Queens-Ware, and Jewelry Come and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere Centre room of George Reiber Building. COR. MAIN AND JEFFERSON SIS., BUTLErt, PA. JT. KLEE & CO 811 LIBERTY STREET, 628 & 630 BROADWAY PITTSBURG. NEW YORK. MANUFACTURES OF CLOTHING IN ALL GRADES AND SIZES Our Spring and Summer Slock most Complete and Unsurpassed. EXCLUSIVELY-^# Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. A. Troutman & Son. in mint <;> li liiinii We invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs. Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. We have a large assortment of Co'ored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, ~f New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., dec. Lace Curtains, Mad res Curtain by the yard, Curtain J^les. Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Butler* Fa- "Reliable Boots aDd Shoes. Please observe the daily arrivals of New and At tractive Spring Styles in Ladies', Misses' and Chil drens', Mens', Bojs' and Youths'footwear, all to be sold at the lowest prices. We have all our goods made to our own order and stand by every pair of the'm; warrant the in to give you service. Please notice we sell no a iction goods, but all straight goods. We invite you to examine our New Spring Styles and our new prices. B. C. HUSELTON, No. 4, N. Main St., Butler, Pa. Adjournment of Sale OF James P. Robinson Farm, On Wednesday. M::rch 3), in pursuance of no tice puMislif.l in !liis paper Wm. Uraham, Assignee of ,l.;!iii*> i'. Unbiuson, offered for sale i. i the premi ,es in P;irker twp.. '.'2 acres .if lanil; no siil'iieinpt I id being obtained t!ie sale was ad journed to THURSDAY, APRIL 14,188/ :it l oVloek, p.m., at same place, of which all persons interested will t*ike notice WM P. Briiiam, Assignee, mum HflTEi, No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLERj - - I>A. Near New Court House—formerly Donaldscu House—good accommodations for travelers. Good stabling connected. |4-9-'BO-lyf H. EITENMCL.LER. Prop'r. ttggr i AGENTS WANTED r°R TMC gfyj§ AUTHORIZED yBKjUFE OF LOGAN with introduction by MRS. LOGAN. This Biocraphy has been more than two years in prep aration (icn. Logan himself furnished the data to the author, Geo. Franeli Dawion, his intimate friend and associate; and before his death he read all but the closing chapters of the work, and pave it his unqualinca endorsement. Mrs. Logan states this in the introduction A millioa admirer* of the dead Chieftain want glil» tbrlllflna: »lory of bit creal in peace and war. Splendidly illustrated" with portraits and battle scenes. Send quick $i for outfit and get choice ol territory. Address HILL 4. HARVEY, PUBLISHERS, 111 N. CliarlM Street, Baltimore. WANTPII agents--^- IIH i LU "HOLLITICAL DISCUSSIONS, ii ww DIpLOMAII( . an(l pOfULAK," Including all his speeches, by Ja.vks G. Blaine. Apply at ou'.-e for terms and territory, P. J. FLEMING «: CO.. 4-15-41 4, sth Ave., Pittsburg. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS! AND IF YOU W/SNT TO SEE BUSINESS VISIT JOHN BICKEL'S Grand Spring Opening OF BOOTS, SHOES Si SLIPPERS At the prices I am marking my goods this spring I feci perfectly justified In saying you will see the Largest Boom in the shoe business that vou have ever witnessed inthls place, lt-ar after year my business has been Increasing and to-day I stand at the head without a successful competitor and, why? Simply because 1 don't want the world. I am satistled with a smull prortt. trytng always to give the trade good Boots and shoes at very low prices. I Expected a Boom this Spring And bought accordingly and I didn't miss It either for already 1 can see signs of my expected Boom. The news is spreading like wikl-!ire and it goes from township to township, from fanner to fanner, from neighbor to neighbor. In fact the wh >le country has heard It. Bickel's Spring Goods Have Come, And he has marked them cheaper than ever; -is it true, can it be possible." you say. Come ' and see and if for one little moment you even doubted that Bickel's was the best and cheapest Shoe House In Butler county, your doubts will all vanish and you wt'l leave mv store and take uo the erv with hundreds of others: " K J For Good Goods and Low Prices Bickel Leads, It is most surely so, can't be otherwise. Come to Bickel's at an;.' rime and if there is any business doing anv place, vou wlll'flnd mv store thronired with eager buyers. They come to me because they know my gO'jds are of the best, and prices the lowest, and if you are In "need of anvthimr in tlie shoe Hue visit my store this spring and you will never regret it. I have everything you could expect to rinl in a tirst-class Shoe Store. ° Ladies' Fine Shoes and Slippers. This line of goods are perfectly grand tills year, and I have a hundred different slyles to show you. made of French Kid. Am. Kid. Mat. Kid, Bright and dull Dongolas. Kangaroo. St. (ioat. Bird's Eye. Pebble Coat, Glove Kid. etc.. made on all the different style lasts, l'rom Ato IT. I can lit anv foot In Butler county. I have ladles' line shoes made on all the different style lasts from very narrow to extremely widf anil large sizes. Some of my goods running to No. 9. Men and Boys Fine Shoes An Inspection of this line of goods will prove to you that they are without doubt the best line of goods ever offered to the trade for perfect tutting ind correct styles. They have uo superiors and need only to be seen to be appreciated. And my line of med'um and low priced goods was selected with lhe same care. No worthless slioddv goods can be found In this stock, and to show mv entire confidence in these goods, I will give a guaran tee with every pair I sell and cheerfuly refund the money in case any should prove to be not as represented. Mens' Plow Shoes and Brogans, For tliis line of goods I can only say that they are the products of the best manufacturers In the East. Anticipating an unusually large tracu. this spring my order for these goods was fully double to lhat of any previous year and I have marked them to suit the times. Bargains In Kip. Calf and a Calf one and two Bu< Lie l low shoe. Miners' shoes of every description. Don't full to see this line of goods. Boys' Plow Shoes in great variety. I will offer also VKItY CHEAP, a lovely line of Ladles' and .Misses" Fine Kid Slippers In all stvles. SO pairs of mens' shoes, shop made, at This is a decided bargain and are moving very fast at the above prices; Ladles' Sa; ;vi t FoxeJ g»ui3 la every style. Just the kind of a light every day shoe for summer Base Ball Saaes for m>n ami boyj. These shoes have become very popular and make a very good light working shoe. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, 1 have a full line of ray own work of Boots and Shoes const intly on haud. and In case you can't wait to have a pair made. I can tit you out of my stock REPAIUINC done' with neatness and dispatch. Leather and Findings, of all kinds, at less than city prices. When In Butler give me a ail and examine gojJs and prices. A bottle of Fine French Shoe Polish presented to every lady purchasing a pair of shoes. Yours &c., JOH2ST BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER. FA. TRIAL LIMT FOR SPECIAL COURT, COBftMENCIXQ JJOXDAV, APRIL 23.1887- iVo. Tern. Yr. Plaintiff's Attorney: Plaintiffs. Defendants. I Defendant's Altoi ney AD, 3 Sept, US6 W HLUSK J N Johnston ' M Boschert et al j-Scott '• '25 March, 18S.» ! L Z Mitchell et al Andrew Bott et al The United Pipe Line Brandon " 29 Dec, 1883 Campbell Sophia Kelly, Adin'rx Chas Duffy Mitchell " 39 Dec, 1883 Brandon James Bolstridge P&WR RCo Scott " 40 Dtc, 1884 Brandon James et ux P&WR RCo Same " 47 Sept 1884 Brandon et al George Kennedy John A Glenn Thompson & Son " 48 Sept 18(54 Brandon et al George Kennedy John A Glenn Same " 59 March, 1885 Campbell W D McCandless for use Chas McCandless Same " 29 June, 1882 McJ & Galbraith Wm Watson Samuel Anderson Brandon " 4G June, 1885 Brandon Joseph Emery et al Joseph McKlroy Scott " 06 June, ISBS Thompson <& Son Penn'a RR Co WP i S Con RR Co McCandless " 21 Sept, 1885 McCandless 'J C Sabline et al James Storey et al K Marshall " 41 Dt c, 1885, White E G McClure ct al F Yeager Thompson " 48 Dec, 188o| Brandon and Welsh John lleukle Webster Keasy et al W A Forquer " 52 Dec, 1885;PiersoI and Scott Julia A Davidson John Belfour Ei'r j McCandless " 52 March, 18S6 Martin White and Wallace Everett Forsythe Marshall and Mates " 24 June 1881 Vanderlin Patrick Gardner Patton Bell McCandless •' 28 June, 1886 Brandon and Greer. B L Ilockenberry J R Hindman et nx Williams & Mitchell " 75 June, 188t> McCandless Henrv Bickel et al H J Kliugler et al McQuist>on " 76 June, 188ti Mitchell IMiuley Hoge David Fulkman White and Bowser " 4 Sept. 188G Lus>k |C M Root for use M Buschert et al Scott 28 Sept, 1886 McCandless jjeflerson AVeimer Casper Hoffman McQuistion " 48 Sept, 1886 Scott et al ! Joseph McElroy H A Klingansmith Brandon " 53 Sept, 1886 Thompson & Son A Martin Mrs C Purviance Campbell " 67 Sept, 1886 McQ et al Reuben F Rush WP Turner et al lit?* 8 " „ „ , „ " 23 Dec, 1886 Mitchell I Wilson E Reed W H Craig Williams & Mitchell " 57 Dec' 1886 J D Marshall N M Richardson JameaSHaysSS eer . 65 Dec, 1886 Greer Clinton twp George K Montgomery Thompson & son " 66 Dec,' 1886 Greer Mary E Walter David Logan McQnistion " 13 March, 1887 Mitchell !W A Grubbset al jJacob Gumper [Brandon Prothonotary's Office, March 28, 1887. WM. M. SIIIRA, Prothonotary. IBSrO - "* 0 1880 ~ lßßu iaM) EST E.CRIEB, J F: KR . No 19 NORTH MAIN STREET, GRAND OPENING OF SPRING GOODS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches. r « |ipy Al Taper Weight,' Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Omament- I A!1ll I ULUV l\ 3 ? tion > MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks Q-il<»*s\i/)T-rTrh MA c\ Q.l/\nn\ n H*TT Don't fail to see this line of Goods, as it is the largest OilVv3l lAf dil V (\i OUijvldlUjr# Jand most complete stock eyer shown in Butler. |->w *3 TT- SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, L/XX jSk.Xi.lVjr O scientifically adjusted nnder Dr. King's System. Remember,we Warrant all Goo<ls as If epresented. free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. N"o- 19. IST or tlx Main {Street* ... BUTLER? J?-A., YOUR ATTENTION als Oalletl to my Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, <£c., All of which have been selected with great care for OUR TRADE. A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated KNIVES. FORKS, SPOONS, SC., SC., JSgT'All eoods Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to bay from a well JTR GEIEB'S, UUlll) WATCH CASIiU SIGN OF ELECTRIC BELL. FARM FOR SALE A well Improved f;irm of 134 :i/"res situated in Worth tp., Me:cerconnty. Pa. Will be sold at a bargain. Anv one desiring a good farm cheap will find what they want In tins one. For further information address 1.. J, KIMMKJ.. Henderson, 2-25-4t Mercer Co., J'a. (■drbwhhv'Ubii 'ure guaranteed No operation or business delay Tliousands of cures. At Keystone House. Reading. Ha., 2d Saturday or each month. Send for circulars. Advice free. OALESMEIU \ WANTED V canvass for the sale of Nursery* 1 Stock ! Steady employment guaranteed, halarjr and EXPENSES PAID. Apply at once, stating age Chase Brothers, KNOX HOUSE. ; I J. B. KNOX, Prop'r. NO, 44, E, JEFFERSON STREET, BUTLER, PA. Boarding by the week or day. tS""Klve minutes walk from Court House. FOR - SALE" Farms, Villa, Coal Laada, Etc.,ln AVenters Pean : sjrraaia, by W. J. KJBKAUPOS, Free port, Pa. Every Monday in Freeport and every Tuesday jat Pittsburgh, 129 Filth Ave., 2d floor. Send for printed list. may 28,84,iy. MILLER'S OIL REFINING WORKS, A I. ■> I:«» *■ Office :«8 f.ibertv .Ht.. Pittsburg, Pa. A. I), fIH.M K A SON, Manufacturers of High Test Oils, for export and home consumption. Would call public attention to our brand XtiFP OLEINE TKsr Warranted None Better. Gasoline for stoves an 3 gas machines, 74, BP, 87 W. and !*) gravities. Lubricating oils. tip-Staves and heading wanted. (4-9- 'BG-ly] Homes For Everybody. The Peoples' Building aud Lonn Associa* tioo of Butler. — Par value of ea:h share SIOO Tula Association pay# the borrower $ 100 per share, with a weekly expanse to him ul only 12 cn>, In addition io a his regular does. For further information c II on or ad dress G W MILLER, C M HEINEVIAN, Stc'y, Fres Butler, F» NixoxV HOME, No. 35 McKcan Street, BUTLER. PETvi _N 'A. Meals ar a!l hours. Op :i ill Night. Breakfast „sc. Dinner 35c, biippei 2 <•. Lodging 25c, [ i2-4-»II)i siatos NIXON, Prop'r, 1 CWIifBGCEBT STORE id Butler hree doors west of West Pet a Depot Having opened a frt. li t-vrk of (JKOCKHIEB, cons stinj; of Coffee. Tc -in-ar. Syrup, Sfffces, Cauued <>oo<ls of kinds. Hams, Bacon, Lar.i ,<c-, &c„ _ Tobacco atid Oig'»i*s J KUH'K o' best brands u> i iow prices : also, a full line of Klingler's po; • ur brands of family fl'inr constantly 011 li tin . HAY, OATS, corn am! ; '£tu of all kinds at lowest figures. ]¥o. l.ftait,? o\ r any other lEouse In- Sutler. Country Produce wanie- ir which tiie highest price will be paid. Cali ; examine 3'.:r stock and price* Goods delivered free to VI parts of town. J. J. KEAIJ-S & CO., 70 East Jefferson St., - - Butle Pa. gIX-TKAIt «M» GuckeuLeimer Pure Rye Whisky! Grateful to the palate new milk, with all the valuable properties 'tire Whiskey, mel lowed by time, this whlsi ict-ouimends Itself at once to the physician f inilly and the con noisseur. Tins whiskey . 10111 the world-re nowned distillery ot > rkenhelmer Bros., Freeport. Pa. After . tlnlng in bond for three years. It was ltt. rted to Hamburg, Germany, where It w>i.s ■■■rd for two and was then brought ; to this country. It Is now six yenrs old i • tve <\ quantity of It, and am selling it .1; full quart bottles fit SI.OO A nOTTI.E or 8 : >nXES EOU >5.«0. It Is warranted a St 1, Pure Whiskey, and for a be\erage or medlcn' ■ mnlant Is unexcel led. Besides tlils whisk' I Imve a large stock Of California Wines, cc 'in? of Port, Sherry. Muscatel. Anselim. Hoc, nil Tokay.- Thev are of the pure juice of the • r<.pe. and are of the rreme ue la m uie 01 t ; olee Unadulterated wines. Thev have been t srlitfully called the ••Modern nectar of ti.eg -is." They are put up In full quart bottles at 5.' fCPts per bottle or six bottles for *2.50. Or, by inal! or other wise will receive prompt attention. JOS. FLEMING DRUGGIST, fO. 84 MAi IiET ST , Pittsburg, • • Pa S, 6. SHAPLEiSH&GO'S (Boston, Mass.) STERLING J Air A [ COFFEE STERLING PURITY, STERLING QUALITY, ALWAYS UNIFORM. Give this Coflfee a triaAimd yon will lie no other. JTor sale 'H THE IMPERIAL TEA CO, DEALERS II PURE T| | E | | A | |S AND COFFEE. CHOICE CONFECTIONARY, Tobacco and Cigars. COR, DIAMOND AHO MAIH ST. BUTLER. P£NN'A. Bm i iv i' ; S " TPVn."' cocsM jjr >{£, Ai'om- fenev&iin djstlUid rt\ JUbcrsc, i-no in Cl.?!?le" and ell 1 ' .mmacioa of the Kitl.ic; rmii Urinary JA9IES E. MORJii~. Sole Airent,, 163 CHAJIBEKS ST . SEW YORK. J. C. REDICK, Sole Agent, I3iitlei-, - - - - Pa. FURNITURE! FURNITUR PJ Bed Room Suits, Dining aom Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PfCTUr if. FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT R0 JEERS, Fine Line of Carpet-Scat Rockers, at No. 40. NORTH MAIN ST., The ( heapest Fnr.ntiire Store IN BUT LER. W. F. MILLER. Swithin C. Academy, For Younir Men ami Media, Pa. It miles front Philadelphia. Fixed price covers every expense, even boot &c. No .extra 'jharges. No incidental expoi s—No examina tion for admlsslo 11. Twelve perfenced teach ers. all men and all eraduHr. special oppor tunities for apt students t-> advance rapid.y. special drill for tiul and laUv.ard boys, Pa trons or students may s>jk- ■' any studies or choose t he regular KngllsiW- -fenilflc. Business, classical or civil Engineers;,' course, students timed at Media Academy 1 uow In Harvard. Vale, Princeton ami ten <-t r Colleges nnd Polytechnic Schools. 10 str . :ts sent to col lege In iss3,ls In issi. n>» 1 - ■">• lo in 1886. A graduating class every y<Gr 1 the commercl 1 department. A Physicals*' chemical Lab - ratorr. Gymnasium and Hall mnd. 1500 vo s. added to' Library in 18*3. leal apparatus doubled In lssa. Media has s. ■ ••n churches and a temperance chart < r whli h iblblts the stile of all Intoxicating drinks, i new Illustrated circular address Mi!- prineip tl and IToprietor. SWITIIIX C. SHOItTIJIHiE, A. M., (HaTV; rd Uraduate) Media, Pa. 8-6-bfi-ly County Auetioneer, AMES E. KEARNS, BOTLERi PKNN'I. In prepared to serve the puWic of this section at vendues, etc. Havinjr ha ! many yeats of experience he can guarantee perfect satisfac tion at rates that will »uit all. Laave word at this oIHoe. 3,5,84. ly frcgr*Adverdae in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers