Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 22, 1887, Image 3

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    THE oiTiZEiisr.
FRIDAY, APRIL 22. 1887.
New Advertisements.
Dry Goods—Boggs & Buhl.
Opera House—Sparks Bros.
Notice of Application for pardon.
Imported Percheron Horse.
New Locals —Stein's dry goods, Patterson's
—Are you on the black list ?
robins are nesting again.
—Two new announcements this week.
—Some f?the school girls who havn't had
the measles yet are greatly disappointed.
—The telegraph line from the S. <fc A. de
pot to Harrisville has been completed.
—All the Panhandle railroad emyloyes re
fused a hearing and gave bail for court.
—The Plate Glass Co. has sent to England
for 25000 fire brick of a particular make.
—Butler now has the best Town Council
that it has had for years.
—The rain of this week was very accepta
ble—particularly to the farmers.
—Our democratic exchanges are all hur
rahing for H. H. and V.
—About a thousand pounds of waste paper
is lying around this office which we will sell
—Butler now has a dramatic club with
Mr. A. N. Dyer as president, Alex. Russell
treasurer, aud W. J. Heiueman secretary.
—Spring is coyly sipping the warm weath
er again, but in a few weeks it will have all
fouri'eet in the trough.
—There has been more dangerously fast
driving in and about Butler during the past
two weeks than has ever before been noticed
in the town.
—The Pittsburg Gazette becomes a better
paper .with each succeeding year. It is
printed by Butler boys, and Butler people
ahould be proud of it.
—The spring bonnet is a story and a half
(more or lessinigher than last season, which
is comforting to those who have to sit behind
them in church, opera, etc.
—ln making up our paper last week, the
p. £ W« time table was pied, and as there
will be a new time table for that _road next
'week, we will let it go till then.
Our farmers and gardeners should raise
more onions. Our giocers have been supply
ing the Butler market for weeks by shipping
them here from Pittsburg.
—A foot or two below the level of the Dia
mond, where Main street crosses it, there is a
vein of slate coal which would make an ex
cellent road bed, and the street should be
graded down to it.
—An exchange suggests it is dangerous for
Touug ladies to go out in the «arly spring,
because the grass has blades; the ros« has
pistils; the cro-cusses; the bull rushes, and '
the trees shoot.
—The Chautauqua Assembly authorities
ai« considering the advisability of removing
the damaged trees on the Assembly grouuds
aod replacing them with new ones of greater
nuibraiity in appearance.
—A' lreal examination for admission to
"Princeton College will be held at Pittsburg
in June. For farther information apply to
"W. A. Robinson, 316 Ridge Avenue, Alle
gheny, Pa.
March borrows from April
Three days, and they are ill,
aad aa April seems to have returned the com-
S>hnient, we can expect more settled weather
or the balance of the month.
—An editor was asked by a young man
what sort of a wife he had better get to go
with him to the frontier, and hew out for
themselves a farm and fortune, advises him
to find the one photographed in Proverbs
xxxi, 10 31.
—The school directors elected at the last
February election will not participate in the
•lection of County Superintendent next
month. They do not take tbe oath ot offiea
.till the first Monday of June.
—There was a drunken row at the P. &
W. depot Monday evening, and there has
beea & row in town almost every night since
the bare were opened, and if this thing con
tinues we vill need a dozen policemen here
before the year ends.
—There Is a new announcement for Coun
ty Commissioner this week, that of Mr. Phil
ip Hilliard. of Hilliards Station, Washing
ton township. Esq. Hilliard was a County
Commissioner some thirty years ago, and he
-write* us tbUhe will be unable to make a
-canvass. - *ll
—We are under obligations to the Mercer
Dispatch and Republican, Grove City Tele
j)/mne, Kittanning Republican, Petrolia Rec
■ord, Mlllerstown Herald, Bharpsburg Obser
ver, Butler TVnuw.Zelienople News and perhaps
to other papers whose notices escaped our eye,
for complimentary reference to our efforts to
improve -our paper.
—The hotel keepers of this town have got
ten up a "black-list" of all the men of
known intemperate habits in the town, and
also of those young men who are said to be
noisy when under the influence of liquor,
and are refusing to sell them. The list is
■aid to be headed by a shining light of the
legal profession, with a celebrated "Doctor"
for a good second.
—This is Arbor Day, and each and every
one of us should plant a tree. If the saying
that "he who makes two blades of grass grow
where but one grew before is a public bene
factor" be true, then how much greater will
'be the beneficence if he who makes one
tree grow where none grew before, particu
larly if it be planted along the street or road
and grows up to shade the tired traveller.
If you can't plant your tree to-day do it to
morrow, or as soon as you have time.
—Mr. Will Stein, of the firm of L. Stein 4
Son, has just returned from his visit to the
New York dry goods market where be pur
chased a large stock of Spring and Summer
goods of the latest patterns and fashions go
ing. These goods are now arriyine and be
ing opened, a fact which our laay readers
ahoatd note. Read the new locals of this
firu in thU weeks paper.
—Hooie one asks,. Did you ever watch a
baby as ite opens his beautiful eyes in the
morning? Great heavens I Yes, at two
o'clock A, M.. with the mercury at zero, and
when with a garment to scant tor the occa
sion tbe doting parent hunts for the pin that
casues the trouble and finds that it's nothing
but total depravity. Please don't sentimen
talize on that subject; it will not bear tbe
—The Kioq-Broeli weddinjr procession,
consisting of four couplts And as many rigs,
arrived in front of the Court Bouse from
East Brady about half past ten of I**t Tues
day morning. Here (he procession Lilted
and the happy couple went in and secured
tbeir license, and then it moved on to the
residence of liev. who performed
ithe ceremony. Tbe self-possession of the
groom was noted by all.
—Mr. Fylvanus Cooper, of Slipperyrock
township, and Mr. Joseph K. Moore, of
Grove City, both supplied our citizens this
week with some of fie best of maple syrup.
Mi. Cooper has had a camp on his farm for
■BMy years, and it is now almost the only
carap in the county. Mr. Moore, formerly
of this eounty, makes an excellent article ot
•jrrup on his present farm near Grove City.
They both visited our office on Wednesday
last, and each left us two cans of their make
of pure maple syrup.
—With a knock-down on our streets or in
our hotels' almost every night, men baing
committed to jail every day for being drunk
ttd disorderly, men beating their wives and
faaalting ladies on our street*, men drunk on
•our streets who were never before known to
•drink, jurymen under the influence of liquor,
and very old men druuk ou our streets, the
results of license are apparent; the office of
the District Attorney of Butler county be
comes profitable, and oar justice.* and consta
bles reap a rich harvest, but tha bills against
the eounty will aggregate a large sum by the
end of the year. The Democratic politicians
of the county fully appreciate the signifi
cance of the iftsuH of the late license court,
the Butler am Millerstown Heralds defend
the most efficient ally the Democratic
party bn» ever had in this county, and com
pare the women of the W. C. T. U. to cranks,
fanatics and Ziegler now has a
meaningless moUo at the head of bis paper.
He should take it down, and until the ides
of November, at least, "Hurrah, for Whisky,
Hell on Mirth and a Democratic Victory in
Marriage Licenses.
Isaac O. W00d5.................... Penn twp
AdaDufford Penn twp
Thoa. W. Mays Penn twp
Locretia Pond Pen u twp
/Geoc*e J. King East End, Allegheny Co
'Vary Broell Bradys Bend, Pa
Michael &eana.... Butler Boro
Alice E. Christie Butler Boro
—Some additional announcements
appear in to-dayV paper.
—Lightning rod pedlere give this
c juatj little attention
Court House Notes.
Monday, May, i'th, will he the last day I r
filiai; accounts in the Register and Recorder s
office for presentation at June term.
B. F. Crow, guardian, deeded a howe an 1
lot in Butler to Xewton Blnek for S2
Zeuo Markel 150 acres in Forward ta David
Markle for $1 , Jacob Ehrman property
iu Butfilo ta Mary J. Warner fir B
S. Bauk pr>perty iu Butler to A. A. Ir in
for William Sm >ps an I w.r'e 1 j>J ae;e-»
in Butler twp to Andrew W. Birnhar: for
11000, S. E. Mcllanehaa et al pr.ipfrtr in
Venango to Mary McHanehan for SIOO, G.
D. Harvey house an! lot in Batler t> Miry
H. Armor lor Jai**»(> 11. .-'-vi fer prop
erty in Harmony to Ernest WeiurjJer tor
$550, E. Weinroder property in Harmony to
F. Weinroder for .S in: 1 ■! Cro.v lot at
Mars Station to Jas. A. McMarliu for $2.50.
Mrs. Am m l-» J. Morris p"'.iti JU-JI for ben
efit of separate a;:, aa I iisr pr.'.yer
was granted.
W. B. Cramcer hii' a replevin issued for
one bay in haids of F. KOSJ.
Edward B irn ;s his b;-ea roin -n1 to s>a •:
for seduction on oath of Mary C. McCiii-oiss.
Mary R. ll'jsi has d;> 1--1 "2"> avc-ii B:iJ*l>
to Frank Reith for $1550, Christian S.ail l
41 acres in Summit to Peter tor
S2IOO, J. M. Leighner, trasteJ, dei led H i
acres in Franklin to Harrison Ruby for
$2823, Ann McElwee deeieJ 55 a:res iu O in
land to Peter A. McEiwea for SSOO.
P. W. Lowry, Esq-, secured a patent for a
tract of 155 acres in Brady.
The will of John N'eu or X was o'o
bated, and lettei-s to Jos. and Peter and
George Trimbur.
H. S. Walters and O. W. Shoup, had a
summons in ejectment is-uei vs. T. W. Phil
lips et al; for six a;«i in Fir.virl t v;> ,
bounded on the south by Jno. Stewart an I
Geo. Dombart,
Stolen Goods Recovered.
From Pittsburg Telegraph of lota iast.l
A curious and pleasant story is
told of a prisoner in the cjuaty jiil
goinj out with a detective, unearth
ing a lot of silverware iu the woods
near Butler and returning the same
Some two mouths ago a man nam
ed Hedricks broke into the house of
Mr. C. T. Birney, a grocer at Taren
tum, and carried off considerable sil
verware which was treasured as the
wtdding preheats of Mrs. B'.ruey.
They were worth some urr or six
hundred dollars, but to her they were
much more valuable on account of
the associations connected with them
Her husband o&ered a handsome re
ward, and officer J. J Finaey, of
Hite S:ation, A. V. li. R , set about
the work of secovery.
After several week? of patient work
he became satisfied that Hedricks, a
black visaged, broad shouldered
shaoibler, who had hovered arouud
that country fo? 3) c tima.mast sure
ly be the man, USlwr Finney locat
ed him at Saksburg, arrested aud ra- |
located bim ia our new jail Hed
ricks acknowledged the theft but
would not disclose t}j:j manner in
which he disposed of ine stolen silver
ware Yesterday he charged his
mind, and in company with a Pitts
burg ofiber left for Phillips City, in
Butler county. There they tock a
buggy and drove out among the oil
wells and into the woods. Hedricks
was not handcuffed, but foe kae#
that the officer with him hid hii
hand on a thumpinsr revolver all the
time, and that he was a dead shot
They came to a big rock half hidden
by e< nie trees, and here Hedricks
gave the signal to stop. Hedricks
lost no time in pulling out the stolen
silverware, piece by piece, uutii it
was all in sight. For weeks it had
been hidden in a crevice under the
rock. Loading It into the buggy,
the return journey was begun. It
was accomplished without incident,
and Hedricks was back in his cell be
fore sunset that evening.
New Policemen, Etc.
At a meeting of the Town Coun
cil Tuesday evening of this week,
Ms. George Garuaar, a machinist
who works at Kesselmen's, was ap
pointed Chief of Police of Butler,
with Mr. William O.to and Mr. An
tony Allen as assistants, each to be
paid #SO per month. Their duties
are not jet defiued, but they are to
include the lighting of tbe street
Fifty dollars a month (or tbree
men means SIBOO a year, which
would be a pretty steep tax for the
people of this towa to pay for the
privilege of having licensed hotels in
the towo, but the fiaea collected and
the amount paid (or lighting the street
lamps—if the contract with the com
pany calls for their being turned out
every morning—will reduce this, and
it is expected that the hotel keepers
will exercise a littio common sense
in tin muter. Tue tax rate of tije
town for street and general borough
purposes was fixed at ten mills, a
raise of one mill, which will bring in
about SGOO.
The Council ordered ti.it &q ordi-
Daace be prepared forbidding the run
ning of cows on our streets at auy time
—excepting to take them to ana from
thrir pasture fields. This will make
a boom in pasture, and people who
cannot get it on the hills and fields
about town where there is a supply
of pure water had better sell their
cows. Pasturing your cow in a field
through which a filthy drain runs is
inviting disease iuto your family.
The council also ordered that an
ordinance be prepared taxing dogs
and sluts, and the rate for dogs will
probably lixed at sl, and for sluts s.'s.
This is a very good idea. Three
wide awake policemen ought to keep
our town pretty quiet at night, and
the tax collected from the owners of
the dogs, will help piy tlja police
men. The petition of the Shenango
Gcs Co. to drill a well on a little
lot in near frame
buildings, was refused.
—There has been a large change in
the clothing business in this place
during the p»st few years. The time
was when only tha sharpest grades of
goods were purchased and to get a
suit that would fit you was about a u
imposibility. Now this is all chang
ed. The material used in the cloth
ing is as good as the best and an or
dinary well made man can get as
good a fit as the average tailor would
give him. Much of this improve
ment in the quality and style of cloth
ing is due to Mr. John N. Patterson
He saw the necessity of the change
and made it. Now one can go to his
store and purchase a wedding suit
good enough (or *U7 man to "stand
up" in and it don't cost a suia'.J for
tune, either. His clotbiug, from the
best to the cheapest, is made up in
the latest styles and it is impossible
to tell, when worn whether it was
"ready made" or "tailor made."
These are facta which any one can
ascertain by examining the immense
stock of dotting always on hand at
the One Price Olothjqg Store, No.
29, 8. Main St #
—Silks, Cashmeres and fine Drees
Goods of all kinds at
—-New tCH Gloves, new Silk
Gloves, new Lilee Gioves, new hos
iery at
-=yTJi»re is a scarcity of items of
local o,ews this wrtk.
Mrs J. L Purvis Las been elect
ed president of the Ladies' Assisting
Committee of the V. M C. A„ Miss
Ella Ni'vmsn, Sec'y, and Mrs Nan
nie Black, Sec'v, and the Committee
will give a reception on the first
Thursday in May.
—Two children of Mr. Henry
Timblin, of Petrolia, were greatly
applauded Tor their performances at
the Band of Hope entertainment in
the M, E Church last Thursday
evening. They are grandchildren of
I S. I', Irvin, E q. of Butler.
—L B. Fortney, the P. & W. R.
R. conducter, has taken up his resi
| dence in Butler.—New Castle Qv.ar-
I diart.
—Howard Pryor of Sunbury had
his arm fractured by being thrown
j from a buggy, lately.
—The Millerstown eloping couple
have not yet returned.
—Mr. A. W. Barnhart, of Sugar
i creek township, Armstrong county,
has purchased 'Squire Wm, Stoops'
i farm, in Butler township, an 1 ex-
I pccts to become a citizen of Butler
! township in the near future.
—The remains of- Mrs. Flar
i bison of Jefferson township, were iu
terred at Knox Chapel on Wedaes
: day 'he 13th iust She was the
mother of Joseph Harbison, of Sar
! versville, and relict of the late Rob
! ert Harbison of Jefferson township.
--Beu Ho<ran, the reformed pngi
i list of tLe oil regions, of some years
back, is now on the Pacific coast He
recently lectured at SJU Jose, Cal.,
! and the News of that town the next
; morning had a complimentary
' notice as follows: "The Cumberland
Presbyterian church was filled again
I last night by people who Lad assem
i bied to listen to lien llogan, the re
; formed pugilist. He was as original
i as on the occasion of his first lecture,
!as he is evidently determined to put
'in ail bis future blows for God and
humauity. If a strong physique and
! voice, and an earnest purpose is the
I sort of material with which an evan
gelist may make a wiuning, then it is
safe to say that Ben ijogan will al
ways hold four aees and a kiDg in !
any game with the brunette of the
cloven foot,"
—Mr. Jas. W. Cheers has a swell
ed nose and face on account of being
bitten by his horse latfTuesday.
Col. tiowrys new boar.d s'all's
on Pearl and Washington streets
cost him $57. Two inch oak lum- j
ber is worth S2B a thousand.
—Mr, Joseph Ball has purchased
the pr. Graham property on Jeffer
son street, from George S. Bryap pf
Allegheny for $3600.
—W. D. Brandon, Esq., is on the 1
sick list.
--llr. John Yonkia intends build
ing on MclCean »trcct, en lot adjoining
thb old Lefevre house, and Mr. 41ex
Boyd is building on same street on lot
adjoining that of Waiter Graham,
Disturbing 2 Literary.
The case of the Commonwealth vs
JQO. C. Coulter, in which the Union
vilie Literary Society, by their presi
dent Mr. N. W. McCandless, was
prosecutor, was heard before Esq.
Jacob Keck aud a jury of six men
of this town lust Wednesday after
noon, and after o very hot fight, last
ing lor five hours, resulted in the de
fendant being acquitted and the costs
being equally divided between the
prosecutor and the defense.
The prosecution brought seventeen
witnesses here, the majority o»" iwhorp
swore that John was at the meeting
of the society on the evening of the
gtb of March last, and tbat he dis
turbed the proceedings by his loud
talking. John swQro that be was
not at the meeting thai night, u;d
gave a circumstantial account of his
doings that day, in which he was cor
roborated by a half dozen others.
The defd't demanded n trial
under the Potter county act of '67,
and the decision of the jury is final,
unless some fault can be found with
the record la this case old Johnny
Wallace was allowed to make a bur
lesque of the whole proceedings. We
believe that these literary societies
are a godsend to the rising genera
tion of that they should
be encouraged by alt respc-ctaule citi
zens, and that thsy should be as fully
protected as are the church and pub
lic school; and after hearing the evi
dence in this case, we were convinced
that »J oil a Coulter was there that
uight, that he disturbed ti,o proceed
ings of that society and was in the
habit of so doing, and that he escap
ed a just and merited punishment by
a tricky defense.
During the trial John threatened
Mr. Bowser, the attorney for the
prosecution, with bodily harm, and
after the trial some of those interest
ed in the defense, circulated the re
port that Miss Mocre had acknowl
edged that, bet'evidence \i*as false or to
use the words of young Jos. Couiter,
"some of the witnesses for the prose
cution have hud a calf since the
This reported change of Miss
Moore, however, regarding her evi
dence is positively contradicted.
—There was con eiderable fun in
House la3t week over the way in
which two members made the same
speech—or at least they were so re
ported in ihe Legislative Record,
Une member named Striae,from York
explained his part in the affair satis
factorily, but it was very funny. This
palming oti else's speech
for his own bus often been uotie in
the House. Not a decade ago the
great and only Morg Wise, who rep
resented Greene county in the House
and afterwards in Congress, stole a
speech made by another man, had it
printed in tue without inflict
ing it on the House, and the funny
part of it was that he had writteu in
at intervals "applause," "loud ap
plause," "sensation," "laughter,"and
other choice terms of approval. It
was all ritfht to print the speech but
soma members guyed Wise about
that applause oJ a speech which hu
never made. Wise's coastjtpents
thought he was a great man and
sent him to Congress. When Cleve
land was inaugurated President Morg
was one of the most persistent appli
cants for place, beginning uway up
high and finally accepting a little
iI.ZOP position away down South. I
always had an iyoa, tii&t the president
was so annoyed by YVi&e that he gave
him that plucedown South iu the hope
that the yellow fever would claim its
own.—Harrisburg Telegraph.
—Largest, stock of ctioiee, iity»ie«
Satiues and wash Dress Goods ever
brought to Butler at
—Dow Cochran, of Mercer Co , re
lates a yarn, which for downright
chei k lavs over any book agent we
have ever beard of. S'veral months
ii.o he caoecd it to be advertised that
bis wife had eloped with one Dan
M. tz And now Metz comes back
with a large bill for hoarding his wife
during her sojourn with him.
—lndiana county's new jail will
cost $51,693
Some time ajo a farmer named
Hilderbraut, residing in West Beth
lehem township, Washington county,
; gave his note for $1 »> to some Cleve
land parties iu payment for the erec
tion of some lightning rods, he not
haviug the cash on hand. The note
! was presented for payment a few
days since and instead of calling for
it had been raised to almost S2OO
i which Hilderbrandt was compelled to
pay There is only one safe way to
deal with traveling peddlers. If you
1 purchase of them pay the cash and
take A receipt in full and under no
consideration give a note or allow
i them to go off the farm with your
1 name to either note, order or any
other kind of paper.
—A nice young schoolmistress of
Cornellsvills had among her pupils a
had boy, whom she attempted to pun
ish She found he was too big for
her, but her young man happening in
before school was out, she asked his
aid, and with it thrashed the boy
Now the boy's pa threatens to sue
the teacher's young man for assault
, and battery.
—The Saltsburg people have about
concluded they are not on thegas belt
A well some two miles above the
town, was put down about 2,000 feet
and no gas found. Last week it was
abandoned and the tools taken away.
Thus is another hope gone up the
r'i ume.
Fuiler Details of the Great Fires
on the Prairies of Dakota.
FARGO, DAK , April 19
As the details are more fully gath
ered of the repeat prairie fires they
prove to be more widespread aud de
structive to property thaa earlier re
ports indicated.
la the region vjsjted tber** has not
been such loss from this cause since
the fall of 1879.
The fires extended over wide dis
tricts in a dozen or more counties from
and in Central Dakota to Lincoln, in
the extreme south, which are among
the older and more thickly settled
parts ,jf the Territory. The local pa
pers have many columns of losses,
comprising dwellings, barns, granar
ies, hay-stacks, and in several instan
ces towns and villages were only
saved by the active efforts of the citi
zens. No estimate can be given of
the aggregate losses. Jn only two
instances were persons fataiiy injur
The regions that suffered from
drought or fires last year have escap
ed this spring, as there was little to
feed san}e3, A heavy rain followed
the fires.
The Road Sold at Last.
GREENVILLE, PA., April 19.—The
Allegheny and Shenango Railroad
was sold at puolto amotion at
go, Pa., to-day by order of the United
States Court, Major A. J. Penticost,
of Allegheny, being the auctioneer,
The property was purchased by
Thomas P. Fowler, of New York,
president of the "New york, Ontario
and Western Railroad ana Receiver
of the Shenango and Allegheny road;
Frederick W VVhitridge, of Ne*H|
York, and James J. Shryock, of
Meadville, Pa., for the sum of $625,-
000, $50,000 being paid cash. The
amount paid fur the property was the
lowest for wbiph it goald be 30' d,
that being the only bid made.
There is considerable interest mani
fested concerning the new organiza
tion as to whether or not the princi
pal office will remain here and the
road remain under the present ir,aq
agement, but it is generally believed
that the reorganization will have but
little effect upon local interests.
Will Apply for a Divorce.
George Gibson, second porter at tho
St. Cloud Hotel, is now in Butler
where he will take evidence in a di
vorce suit against his wife who desert
ed him some time ago, Gibson was
accompanied bv hia sister.—New Cas
tle lte\va, f
—That April showers bring much
—Bargains in Toyels, Crashes,
Table Linens, Napkins, Muslins,
Sheetings, Ginghams and Calicoes at
L, S'j'ELTF Sow's.
—Purasols, Parasols, Latest Styles
just opened at
—Don't drive too fast down hill,
br,t yo;j never make a mistake when
you drive afte» an Etna stove o*-
range and get one. Chris htock
keeps them,
—The principal subject of conver
sation amongst all the housekeepers
of Butler is the great variety of bar
gains in tin and sheet iron ware,
fttna 0 and u Ktna E
cook stoves «t Stock's.
—That the man who tells you an
ultra-venerable story ought to be bas
—Full line of Hosiery and Gloves
at D. T. PAPE'S
—New stock of Feathers and
Flower* at }). T- P u'fc's.
—Any person needing Sewer Pipe
will save money by calling on M. C,
Rockenstein before buying.
—M. C. Rockenstein just received
two cor ioaus of Sevyer I'ipe for cellar
drains which he is selling very iow
—Th? largest and lowest priced
stock of Dry Goods of all kinds is to
be found at
—Special bargains in White Press
Goods, J.awns ( Nainsooks, Barred
India Linens, <Sco. at
—That strawberries and sand are
50 cents a box
—Standing with reluctant feet at
the corner of the street, many signs
confuse her eyes; doubts beset her,
and she sighs, but tbe«i i* no occa
sion to feel bad, young lady, if its a
good stove you are looking for, just
step into Chris Stock's, on S. Main
street and you will see tde finest se
ction of Etna stoves and ranges in
the uiaruct.
—That green peas can double you
—That you should be a pessi
—Wo have ten thousand dollars
■ worth of furniture in our three ware
rooms at No. 10 Jefferson St., Butler,
Pa. The best as well as the cheap
i ost, but all the test made for the price.
; All persons will find it to their ad
■ vantage to examine our stock and as-
I certain our prices before purchasing
—White Goods a specialtv at
The Tenth Aunual Convention of
the Butler county Sabbath School
[ Association will convene at Harmony
* on Monday, June 6th, at 7:30 p.m.,
and close the following Wednesday
i afternoon. All interested in Sabbath
! School work are invited to attend and
i take part, superintendents of schools
will please see that delegates and re
' j ports are sent to convention.
| Entertaiument has been provided
! for all. Also reduced rates on Rail
[ roads. Programs will be sent out in
due time. For further particulars.ad
REV. J. S MCKEE, Pres.
Butler, Pa.
Bruin, Pa.
—Elegant line of Emdroideries,
Laces, Flouneings and all kinds of
j trimmings at
—That the autograph fiend is an
—lt has been demonstrated in
court that a man might be accused
and convicted of numerous crimes and
yet be a man whose character for
truth and veracity could not be suc
[ cessfnlly impeached, and it is demon
: struted in huudreds of kitchens in
' Butler county every d*y that the Etna
stoves and ranges are the best in the
The highest cash price will be paid
for from 5,000 to 10,000 bushels of
rye, to be delivered at the store of
1-28-6 m JACOB Boos, Butler, Pa.
—Consult your own interests and
! examino our stock of furniture, uphol
stered suits, chairs, mattresses, etc.,
before purchasing. MILLER BRO'S,
No. 19, Jefferson St.
—Use Double All O K Horse and
Cattle Powders, best in the world. A
sure and speedy cure for heaves,
coughs, colds, inflamed lungs, rough
ness of skin, and all kidney diseases.
For sale by J. C. REDTCK,
2-18-3 m No. 5, N. Main St.
Butler, Pa
—That ductors say beer begets
—famine our of Silks and
Dress Goods. We ean suit you
—Ladies' and Misses Corsets at
—i»'or fresh fruits, Lem
ons, Malaga Grapes and Cranberries,
go to Morrison's City Bakery.
—Our Royal Ranges are dandies,
Oar Forncliff Ranges are daisies,
Our Home-trade Ranges take the cake
tijey efjua! anything in the market
and are sold way down at
—Spring Hats and Bonnets at
I). T. PAPE'S.
-■-With better aut} ejrga, paying
, here a little and there a little, many a
good housewife is able to buy a mow
ing machine for use on the farm. But
I she won't if she needs a new stove.
! spend her money for an
i Etna stove or range at Stock's—on
i Main street, a few doors south of the
; pojjrt |ioi4sp,
Closing Out at Cost.
We are closing out our Dry Goods
at cost to make room for a large stock
R T. PAJ' P ,S.
—That the "clove" plays an impor
tant part between acts—
—lt is alleged that winter is now
Memo vat,
James A, Negley & Sou, agents
for John Wanamaker's Wholesale 1
Dry Goods, Carpets and Notion
House, Philadelphia, have moved to
Xo. 12 North Main street, next door
to ieh 1 Co. Tfaey qow haye
a room largo enough to display their
splendid line of samples representing
the cream of Wanamaker's immense
wholesale stock. Rutler county mer
chants, and mauy from adjoining
counties, are availing themselves of
this opportunity of splecting goods
from the finest stock in the Wast
without the expense of visiting the
Eastern citjes. As Butler is now
either a terminus or a centre for four
leading railroads, viz: Pennsylvania.
Pittsburg & Western, Shenango &
Allegheny aud the Narrow Guage
system, business men and others cab
be assured a pleasant visit to the
—New Satines, Lawns, Seersuck
ers, Crazy Cloth, Ginghams and
Cham brays at
—That you can't brush your hair
SQ the bald spot vyyn't show—
—We are soiling furniture lower
than it has ever before been sold in
Butler, and alter ufcing it you will
say that it is what we said" it was,
otherwise no sale, at MILLER BRO'S,
No. 19 Jt-O'erson St.
—M. C. Rockenstein sells Cook
Stoves and Ranges cheaper than any
other uru) in town,
Full assortment of Embroideries
at I). T. PAPE'S.
—A. No. I. all husk mattress, guar
anteed, not mixed with exceleer at a
lower figure than can be had else
whore in Hurler, at \|iller |}ros',
furniture store, No. 10 Jefferson St.
—Go to Morrison's City Bakery for
fresh Oysters and Oyster Stews.
—Mourning Llats, Bonnets and
veiling at D. T. PAPE'S.
—That the roses that bloom in the
spring, tra la, cost a do*en,
Ready for Spring.
Charles L. Armor is prepared to
do the best work in Butler in the
way of House, Sign and Fresco
painting; Paper Hanging aud Kalso
mining. Prices reasouable. Esti
mates furnished. Otaoe oa Main
street, near Court House, Butler,
—Good, heavy,honest made stoves
are sold very cheat at M C. Ilocken-
Btoin's, No. TV Main bt.
—That the fellow that tells you of
his bodily ailmentß is a bore—
- | —That the farmer who got hit
oats in before the raiu is happy
For the nest sixty days, in ordei
to rpduee our stock, we will quote
* special low prices • all our stock
We have on hand* thirty bed roou
sets ranging from $lB to §l5O pel
3et "
, i Thirteen upholstered parlor suits
ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit.
Parlor stands from $2.50 to $lO.
Louns*es from $2 50 to $25.
Hat racks from $3 to S3O
Tabes from $1 25 to $lO
Wash-stands from $2 to $lB.
f Bureaus from $9 to $25.
1 Sets of chairs from $2 75 to sl(s pei
P set.
Secretaries from $lO to S4O.
'j Easy chairs, handsome picture?
1 room ornaments, etc., any of which
j would make both useful aad appropri
j ate presents.
No. 19, Jefferson St,. Butler, Pa.
| —llats and Bonnets reshaped at
j D. T. PAPE'S.
- —Just opened an immense line o
j French and American Salines at
L. Sx£lN SON'S
—Use Double All O. Iy. Horse Lini
ment, best in the world. For swell
ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu
matism, lameness, sore shoulders
' J ring bone, sweeny and spavin; it hat
Ino equal. For sale by J, C KEDICK
2-18-3 m. No, 5, N Main St.
Batler, Pa
i '
1 —Everybody will lied it to tbeii
advantage to go to t»o City Baker;
! for their bread, pies, cakes, etc.
I —Go to Morrison's City Bakerj
1 for line cakes and ice cream.
—lce Cream made to order at tht
*! City Bakerv.
i —That yaid-wide troupers are the
1 j fashion.
' j —Do you need a new Parasol or
Sun-umbrella—you will fiud the best
assortment at
1 Witherspoon Institute.
The cummer formal Term of the
Witherspoon Institute of Butler, will
op«u about June Ist. Address
—Beautiful pictures at very low
prices at Miller Uros.' furniture store,
I No. 19 Jefferson St.
—No. 19 Jefferson St. is the place
. to buy cheap and fnrqit'ire.
Homes Wanted.
Four homes are needed for boys be
tween 5 and 7 years of age bv the
Children's Aid Soc'ety of Butler
Also, temporary boarding jn a pri
vate family, in town or eountfV, for a
little boy. Apply to.
Mas. I)r NEYMAN,
—That the bipyple rirjpr is living
his steed greased, and If you want to
know whether Butler people like
opera "Read the answer In the
—All the newest things in Dress
Goods at
Hides and Bark Wanted.
I have purchased the tannery at
north end of Washington atieet, But
ler, No. 04,
Oonrad Roessing, and will buy hides
and bark delivered at the tannery.
I want No. 1 Chestnut Oak bark,
and all kinds of hides
For information regarding prices
call upon me at the tannery
Tu« bfabt ana Cheapest Farm
Gate in the World for $1.50.
Full sets hinges and rollers for large'aud
small gates combined. Will shut ltseir. pass
load of bay or reaper and binder, (No patent
on gate). Full directions for bulldftig and
Illumine ;,'ate in one hour wltli each set hlngea
and rollers. Takes same amount or lumber and
Hulls as (or |er-tl ( injun I.aots
lt-sj than bars, worta easier, wUI
not sag posts, car.not bo drifted In with snow
or opened by the wind. 000.000 now In use
Fullset* for fourg-ates, $5. Address J. K. JOHN
, box ">3l, Hutler.
Agent for 'Ohio Practical Farmer.' y-n-tf,
|That we are in our new quarters—in
Main street. 3 doors Routh of Jeffer
son street, wo invito ouo and all to
call and see what we offer for sale in
the line of
For men and boys. We make no
vain boasts, but, as»ure our patrons
that our goods aro seoond to none,
and In fact superior in make and lit,
to those usually kept in ready-made
clothing stores. As for prices we as
sure you of a saving on like goods,by
purchasing of us.
Forget not the place.
M. BAFNY, Clothier,
Opera House,
Monarehs of Merriment!
The Original
Sparks Brothers,
Supported by their own Specialty
Company of Acknowledged
Everything New, Bright and Sparkling.
4 bill overljowiitg >yitl»
See Popular Prices:
Admission 15,-2-». Reserved seats •'!.") cent! l ,
on sale at J. ft. Grieb's.
Sole Proprietors Sjiarks Bros
Business Manager - - - » - John Sparks
BiuiuesH Agent • . - • - A. B. Sooville
To the School Directors of But
ler County:
(ii X ri.i MKN: —In pursuance of the forty
third section of the act of Bth May, IS.">l, you
are hereby notified to meet in convention, at
the Court House iu Butler, on the llrst Tues
day in May, A. D. {SSJ, being tl.e iird Jay of
the month', and select, vLvn >orr, by a majori
ty of the whole number of directors present,
one person of literary aud scientific acquire
ments and of skill and experience in the art
of teaching, for County Superintendent, for
the three succeeding years, and certify the re
sult to the State Superintendent at Harris
burg, rs required by the tl.irty-t.inth ami
fortieth' ioctloiin of said act.
County Superintendent of Butler county.
Ajiril 15, I**".
I l&ly
n |/
Spring and Summer
r We are now ready with an
; immense stock of ail kinds*,
i, qualities and stylos ol' Dry j
h Goods, Wraps, Trimmings and
; Furnishing Goods, bought, lor
cash and will he sold for cash.
I at prices that will make it pay 1
I you to come long distances'
!to purchase the great bargains (
if 'we are now offering in eyery j
! department.
1.1 In all the staple styles and
• latest novelties, from •"> cents;
> to s:i ~)0 p:r yard and trim-1
j mings to match A very lull
' | line of gloves, hosiery, neck- j
wear. -See our embroidered
r kiu, sjlk and lisle gloves. Wraps
F | and jackets in all grades, styles
and prices; the very best fit
r \ ting garments in the market.
| and bought direct from
b i the manufacturer- Wo can
- actually soil them cheaperj
j i than you can make them. Car- j
| pets, oil cloths, mattings, drug-:
r gotts, rugs, malts, stair-rods
t and fasteners, everything found
|in a first-class carpet store.
| Good heavy ingrain at "2a
; cents; bpst pottage carpet at
,j -0 cents, and all new desira
[ j ble styles Kcru lace curtains,'
jsl per pair up. A large lot
| of good scrim at 10 cents. We
, | have wonderful bargains in j
, domestic goods. What do yon
think of a full yard wide, soft 1
finish, bleached muslin at (»i 1
' I cents — ]Q yavds for &1? Fair
; quality straw ticking at 8c ;
j extra line brown muslin Gi
I lir>cr> onlirl
. icems; uiuies nose, souu colors,
'j 5 cents per pair; but we can
| not begin to publish a list of
I our bargains— the only way to
t ! satisfy yourself that you can
save money and be better suit
ed at JRITTER & RALSTON'S than
elsewhere is to call and ex
amine the bargains we are
, now offering. All goods mark
i ed in plain figures. We cor
dially invite you to call in and
be convinced that our goods
and prices are unequaled in
this part uf' the State of Penn
B. & B.
! Grand lace Cuitaiii Sale!
Whicli wo have just inautpira'cd. TfcLs sate will
s::rpa£j ail ,ur former tU'.rt; In liiis direction,
lire ijijiwls arc all new pattern*, no old stult and
most of them our own importations, and styles
exclusive with us. Tliey will range in price viz :
F-«r ciioieo ii"\v desigm m Nottingham Cur
tains, s yards long. TBr. aad fi.M per pair. For
:i' 2 yard goods, with t >ped edges, J1.51,30,
St.', ), \c.
For Choice Patterns, j and 4 yard Notting
ham curtains, $2 "KI, i, ?i.oo, $5.00, T OO to
St-' IHJ per pair. French (luipnre Curt air, S SII>.QO
and 12 per pa|r.
Mirlah. Nt'jM li' .0., pse. to :t;o.
< 'urtaiii squints '<■ S' JC.. toe. and \S,4.
At tins special sale we feel justified in saving
will he ottered the very best values in Curtains
yet seen or ottered an> where.
Complete Cphotetery department where will
be found all the accessories.
.V c mplete Brass Trimmed pole at 25c., Kings,
Brackets, KtC.
In suit department we otfer specially Spring
.Jackets, in Checks, Plaids and stnj.c.s AtSo
Plain Cloths ai,d Aci-sevy With Lvi'l'KD
tat.Ul.-, TAIUHt M.\bF.
Newmarhtts With iiccd? and Capes
In < hocks, stripes and Plaids, at popular prices,
tor Mood Quality and Itest Workmanship, 56.50
and up,
Beaded all over and I.ace Trimmed,, .?10.00
each and up. Silk Wraps with Head Trimmings ;
Camel's llair Wraps, Morning Wraps, Mists'
and < hlldren's
Wraps, Jackets awl Newmarkets
and Dresses from years to 16 year sUes.
I.allies' Si|lt Department; lllark Silk Suits
3t!4.U0, $4.1 nud Hieli, Heavy
Silk and Trimmed In Head "Pa-ssamenterie.*'
Colored silk Suits,check Mik Suiis.
All Wool Cloth and Tricot Suits, Plain and
Mixed < olors. Full Skirts and urapen, .<s.:.oand
up to I* I.
barge and Special olt'erinirs during during the
present month of Silks and Snri'.i" I tress tuous.
New style Plain t oior.s add ( heck Suitings,
3a ».) I'.' incites, lit Tie., Wlc.. Uio.. TV-., Ki»'„ SI.W,
and 51.1i5. Black and White >trip,d Summer
Silks at UOc„ ate.. :t>E„ 4">C.,51M3., and SI.UJ.
Utrge line of Colored .Summer Silks, Colored
(Iro. (trains, Faille Frances' llliad/lmer Itarres
Satin Ithadames. Sc.. &e., at prices, which for
ipialitiCN have not vet lieon'cciualed
< »ur Mail i iriler 1 >oparttm-iil will, upon ropiest
send samples to any address, or for W raps,
< 'urtaius, etc.. goods from which samples cannot
be cut. we will.send a line of goods to select from
| upon receipt of proper references, or by Express
( I».. with privilege of examination ami se
lection. The customer to select what pleases, If
any, and pay express aj'eiii, ba'ai ( .\> tu he re
115, 117, HO, 121 Federal SI,
Allegheny Pa.
Application for Pardon.
Notice is hereby given that I, William Mc-
Keever, of Butler Co., Pa., convicted of as
sault ami battery in the Court of (Quarter
Sessions of Isu tier Co.. I'a., No, ;;s March
sessions, 1887, will apply for paidon before
the Board of Pardons in Uarrisburg, Pa., at
the next meeting of said Board the third
Tuesday of May, 1887, being; the '.7(1, tlay of
April 22, 1887.
No. 88 and 90, S. Main St,,
BUTLKif, - - PA.
Near New Court (louse formerly Donaldson'
House jraod accomniod.itlons lor travelers.
Cood stabling coniieete !.
l> J 11. EITENMrr.LEB, Prop'r
VV Hll ILU rnr.M rn YL IUSCI > IONS.
I»1 i'I.UM A'l !« ait'l I'l 11 1 LAI;."
Including all hisspwhe.i, bv .1 ami> (1, Hi.AI nk.
Applv ;il once for terms ami territory,
I s(|| AV6., HtlHl)'!??
Auditors' Report.
FinanH-t! -tllemc tof ti.e r. r .« o! Bulrr. i
Thet. collect - nf (fatpf cats of 188 ft.!
| Tob*L of lopfieate of '•! $1,679 99]
March 30 credit $ 297 34 '
August 7 'SO, crt-dif fci-l ii.>
'■ I f .V-. 8J !
IJII. il'iethf-b'iroiiv'i M -r Ji2 4;'
P. C. kloAbot, col ecar of .lop i«ttca oflic3 '
B'.'li 1.-sj
Bal. due t'.;o : -ro, <»n .«■ ti I dupiievcs as
{per • ta:. meiito! lii'-t Atiuitur r« 'i, JS lit
| Mar. 28, 'S !. eredit $
! Juii" 23, *BB g ...
■ March I t, 'S7 (ii<; 05 j
' Cotiiii-i- i>uoi 5 per cci.!... fcl
Hal. due hor i. nn Mar. 2;', ''7 ;$ fit) 33 j
<i. VS /ie. '. r, f)r. i • aiu't ofdupi ..' tie
I <-•! '
j Credit, 8 it: . ' 1,249
Jfor. !. 'm> 4 1 ( 83
I " .lan. 17, '.■■■7 fcjl 03
I " Jan. 17, V 7 ;>) )
" Mar. 2, 'S? ;; . j u
" Mar. 11, 'S7 2>7 71
Hal due tii«bora. M t *i 2 1 $3,848 19
Ctsper Bock< n, s•. sorer, i.i iccoiat
with boro. of f'utier t'r the yi areuj
ing Marc i 1 ISB7.
Hal due 011 fli-ilj; . t" i -j -y,! 55
Mar. "Ec u f.-.-.a M. Vboy 2iK) OS
1 Mar. S . it o'd :Voi.. N ,-:c. '2i-7 ::i
j .'nne 26, VM!, ree'd fr r« M AHiv. ... S2(>
I Mar. 11. v., r«v 1 :rom MeAbov (,10 »">
i Mar. ~ hi . rtc d fr. ir, Niggle 814 t,y
j Sept. 2i>, ' " ■■ Vv /iec;er.. 1,24!)
i v - 1. ' W. 7\ :!<i„ -i 1 1 ?..}
Jan. 17, -7, " "O. W. -ler.. 8-4 r;:
Jan. 17, '.<7, " "0. \V. '/. „ xr„ 00 50
| Mar. 2, '>7, " "a. vV /,<• ; ;;!1 n
! Mar. li, '67, " " \>'. Jtiegler.. .-7 71 j
Mar. 15, V 7, " "■ jiur. A. L. iC«.iberl97 7*i I
| Total receipts 0,407,74 j
Casperßockoubtein in aeoiiut u i h
of lir.tlfr.
C It.
Teaniiugaud stor.f s 2■">'.> 3') i
P? !)! ' r ,- 1»857 06
tire <!*'| ariinent 878 65 |
Prin'iaj;., 138 591
Stooe 121 25
Pave aect orders 3 lj
Water rem CoO (>0 (
Tax on loans -,1 Oi)
Justice iees 14 75
Attorney ftes 20 ) 00
Street ,::;i
Fire <)e|>art:ncQt hydrants 2, r »3 SI
Plumbing V 2 72 ]
•-in-t'c-r no 1
Hardware 67 93
Clerk's salary 125 00
Int. on iwri'.U.. 410 (X)
i>4 4>,
Police 30 75 <
Auditing 45 1
Constable fees 174 2.";
Surveying 17 go
Eureka Hose Co 475 00
Ai Id red & Troutman warrant > T o.
rre;.-urer'a eouimission 117 7> 1
By baiance due borough 453 <,u
Total amount credits s t.,-107 74
To balance due the b >rou jh...., $ 455 60
Audited Marci, 22,1 - t
If. (J. WALK KB, 1
April 4, ISS7.
Imported Perc'ieron Horss
Will stand (lie season of ISsT. rotnmencltff
April sub an-1 .Jiilv s!''. as follows:
Mondaysol each wg i. i 1 ~f James
Fle*gor<, at rntoitvine; Tuesdays and Wednes
d..\s at the barnot Alcnio i (Suullesß: Thurs
days ill Mt. I liPsmut; is-liUvs u n i saiurdavs at
tlio livery stable of J. S. Ilays, uutler.
Descr.ption and Pedigree:
Montague Is a (lark Iron gray, s fearscid, and
weacin: ivno l"s.; is it; 1 , luiu'N on short
!'•«<. v.lihi ti-ir.! bone. ~ tiuglisaial forearms,
deeo In elri I>. v.,,;, k ni-.i-kali!.' I 1 ,••-1 ami
a<-Wuj. wUd Hi everj wu.\ a perfo-t horse of re
maiV iWi-symmetry ana b-.,itv. lie was liu,
ported from Franc, !>y .1. i). Ueeket. of Chionao,
lii So|.|< inlxr. i--;;. an • i reeorde:! i»» i • ••
Norman Stud-tx ok also lu fftroioicn Btui
book of America sur,. u« \
an i bicd by < (a. Almcnsna. rrovinf,' of
Hriv.i.i. ...a,. MIV. I. ad-.r. own. i bv ihe
and „ Inner of two froM medals and
r.oco FRANC? ::» TWO » IOV. in FROM. ■ BESIDES
numarousotter j>r!-.vs. Dam, Lauretta: graz*
dam, i 'iiarlotla. a maro bred In ill- 1 Perciieron
family for forty >■ i>>, r.s ouaiiiu-d to in-
Cogot, -
Sir, dollars payable when m ire i; known to be
witU foal. The colt will be held (>■> insurance
until paid for. ; i s villi* Willi mar" tr
leave i ii< ■ neighborhood before known i •", or- ww
loal, forfeits Uto Insurance. Aiaivi must ho
marly return- lon triaid-iysas-'uveh ,i. Mare:-
kept on reasonable terms. All iw s-ible oarr
taken to prcveut a itlent - bui will be responsi
ble for non -. -MontaS'ie" has jo ed himself
to be a line bre dor.
Oil an>l after M >nhv, !> •li , trains
will leave Butler as I'.uiows: <
Ma UK I:t at (i:ls a. n , arriving atAllegli*
ny at !>:0:> a. in.; count''is > ast.
Exi-KKSS at ,S::s;i a. m , ar. iv;:ii; at Allei'Ue
ny at 10:30 a. m.; does not .'.nuuot for tlx
Ma it. at L\,V) j,. jo., MM] k'oos through t-
Allegheny, arriving tli re .u 4: i > j», m ; con
neets cast.
Act OMMODATf,>x at -I: i j>, m , and coa
neets at the .fiii'Ction »iCi l'l-'oprt Aeeom
modatiou, arriving at \lleglienv at 7:30
in., and connects as far ..s Aji tllo.
Trainseooneoting for Batter I"
mjtU7:3oa.m., p. :.:•>!. : m.°
Irai"s a.;e at iiatler at 1 a. m. and
4,05 and 7:35 p. ni.
Corrected to last time, 1 hour filer than
•ehedule time and twraty minutes ia-ie* then
Pittsburgh time.
Trains leave Butler for Greenville from
the Pittsburgh and Western ,lep,.t at ti:lo
a. m. and 12:30 nud o;.." p. m. Trains
leaving the I'. \V. depot in Allegheo"
eiiy at <.00,lO;20 :i.m. and 1:')J p.m. liw'i ii m ' t
connect at Butler >vith train* ou the ,s
<& A,
Trains arrive at But'.er from Greenville,
fasttime, !»:!.; a. in. and .'. II an I «:37 p. in.,
and connect with trains on the I*. & W.
arriving at at 11:30 a. la. and 4:5S
and 8:35 p. m., I ist ti :::e.
Trains leave Hilliaids at ii.lo, and }i.*oo a.
in., slow time, and arrive at lo:0d a.m. and
, :-0 i'. in. Hot is t(-.tii!s. '...liuect at Urauchton
for Butler (tiid o'iceuvilie. -
A .1 I'ltlN'iv & CO.
I > "Pbysleians' ri'-serlpllons earei'ully e(...,
pounded, anil orders answered with care ana
(ilspateii. Our stoeK of liiedleines is complete,
warranted genuine, and ol the best quality.
45 South Main Street,
S O TLE a, - 2?^..
Fainis, Houses and Lots For
Information can bo given at, the
Citizen office ol .several good laruis
in this county that are for sale.
Also of a lot of about eleven acres
on which is a new house, good water,
etc., and about live miles from Uut
Also an office, two room?, in Butler,
suitable for an Attorney's or other
Also several lots within the bor
ough of Uutlcr.
Euijuiro at CiiicEN cilice.
Swithin C. Shortlidge's Academy,
For ¥«au» Men ami llojtm, Metlia, I'a.
I*2 miles from Pbila.deiphia. Fixed priee covers
.'very expense, even books. <u-. No ev!
r" -. No Incidental cx{M*nseft- oxamma-
Uontur admission. Twelve* vpAie'nced teach
ers til men and aU .i.'diutt - S|>oelalopi)or
:iliiltl.-s ;'o,' iipl stiii .-al > lo advani • rapid.v.
Bpefclitl drltl for dul and backward boys.
irons or stndenm may select anj studies or
*IH'IOS" tile regular Mil ,'il' : . Sclentllie, lil'.siuess,
iassieal or ih il Knglueerii., • >.n ;e. siiii|,-ntH
Utted at >* •••I i i Aeademy are now In Hamvrd,
Me, I"rlneeton and I :i otln r C ;.■* and
Mytectialc Schools, in • -:iv.en! - to oil
lerfe 111 ! vl. 1" lU |ssl .|i l M |, s>l ;
year lit the&'mnien»l 1
" . •i. ■ a Physical and chemical bib*
"fih»v\ t iy iiiiia-l iin and Hall tireMin I i.*nm vtis.
tdded tn Übrary in ls-si. I* 11 \* hi ».il apparnnts
loublotl In Ivv:. x :«sil.i h-is chlireiiv. anV|
i tempera no charter which pftihtbiu h»- <■«■»»
1 all I" :■■■ .III'-J.- 11l ,|
•lielllai a Idrt • 111- '. i,„. ie.u and J | ...
■>» 11 KIN >' ..,iyi.l 1.11m.K, A. H., (Harvard
..,l«u.iu'j M»*dla, Pa. -i-C ibS-ly
Ofiice near C ourt Housf, South Main St.
\ttyat Law. Office withL.Z. Mitchell, Dia
mond!, Hntlcr, Pa. Collections a specialty.
i Mtorney at l.av. . Office at No. 40 S. Main ct
opposite Ilelneinan's Book Store.
• Attorney at f.aw. Koom 3. Keiber bnildiiiK Jsut
ler. Ja. Entrance on Cunningham St.
Attorney at Law and SUIiVEYOK, Main street
li ttler. Pa. t)nice with J. D. McJunkin.
Office with Clarence Walker.
Office in Brady's Law Building.
Office In Brady Buildinjj.
; Office on X. K. corner Diamond, Riddle Building
| A M. Conu'lhis. W. J. Welsh.
Attoniejs at I^iw—Office in Berg's Ituildin
second story. [4-10-«],
OiTlee in Schneideman's building, west side of
.Mam street, 2d square from Court House,
Office in lierg's new building, 2d floor, east side
Hons-'" 1 Mreet ' a few t,oors s "uth of Lowry
Office on Main street, one door south of Brady
Block. Butler, l'a.
omeewithT. C. Campbell, Berg building, Bnt-
Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully
transacted. Collections made and promptly re
"i! ii . A 1 ®** corr espondents promptly at
tended to and answered. J
umce near court lionse,
Office in Berg's building.
•South-east corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa.
office In Reiber's building.s Jefferson street.
Office in Riddle Building, Diamond.
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Counsel
given 111 German and English. Office South of
Court House,
Office opimsite Willlard House, Butler, Pa.
Oilli-e N. E. corner of Diamond.
Office on Diamond,
ft , ,,eiltlon to transactions in
1. al Estate throughout the county. Office on
Di.iinoud,near Court House, in Citizkn Building
' '" lcC a,h '" st -. 1 tloor south of Court House
J. M. TaoMMOir. w. c. THOMPSON
sf tto /V« y "i 1 Law -°ffice Oil the west side of Main
More doors North of Troutman's dry goods
0. K V'; u >:f )H !! N \ <; , ra(,l i ate of ,lie i*wia
-1 P , l:l , 'filial College, is prepared
s I"'he line of his profession in a
satisfactory inanner.
[ upseafrs 0 " Mai " slreet ' Union Block
edYii n,V. r^.V I VI t V U " !nK ,() tl,e Profession lexecut
m in nit? lit*attest manner.
specialties : —Gold Killings, and Painless Kx
raction ..f reeth. Vitalized Air admmistered
Office on Jefferson Street, one door But of Lonrr
Bonne, Up Stairs.
•r, , '"':,fo.," Pe ". dall >- exee P l "Wednesdays and
iSSwuMl.tlolT"''" 1 1 " I,J " ,a "
M * "■ BOA "
I'llj'Niclan and Surgeon,
office on Main St., over Kemper's atore.
Butler, - - Penn'a.
JOHN E. r_
Office No. 6T> South Main Street,
HUTL.ER, - pa.
Physician and Surgeon.
(Office, near Poatoffioo)
J. SLUSK, M. D.,
1 lias removed from Harmonv*to Butler and hxt
his office at No. 9. Main St., three doors below
; 1-owry House. apr-30-tf.
J. B. KNOX, Prop'r.
Boarding by the week or day.
| i «~Flve minutes walk from Court House.
Farm*, Mill*, Coal Land*, Etc., in W**t«ra IV tin
s) vania, by W.J. KISKAItPON, Krerport, Ta.
; Every Monday In I'ieeport and every Tuesday
at ritUburgU, 129 Filth Ave., 2d floor. Bend
I for printed Hat. may 28,W,iy.