Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 15, 1887, Image 4
A GREAT MISTAKE has heretofore teen made in the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, aud nervous or •irk headache. Tliis is endenwd br the lailnrecti the part of thousand- of sunerers t,) find relief even though they have ex hausted the skill of various physician* *nd tried nomeroua so-called remccit-f. io Rich Athlophoros is offered a w/f, wr.% and quick aire. Itß success has been phe nomenal, and yet it is not rarpmicg be cause it «B do all that is claimed for it. The Athlophoros Co. will gladly rcfer any who desire to make an ixwestigaUon to re reliable parties who have teen cured by it. Wan ensburgh, N. Y. find postal etc for one-half do/-n bMtles of your Athlophoros. It is wonJerful how it cures every rate * he re I can persuade them to try The «!<* are incrSsin?. My t iiU,r-in-law given up to die bv the doctors; they sent f r me; 1 took a bottle of Athlophor'« and persuaded her to trv it, the second dose give relief. She had not lain in bed for two weeks; the next night she went to bed ar.d slept all night; in one week she was up and at work -« jimd the house. Many tLanfcs. MRS. Jro. D. >CM>G. It is owing to Athlophoros that I am mlive. I have suffered with inflammatory rheumatism for years, most of the time be inif perfectly helpless. Eut one fcott.e oi Athlophoros has cured me. There is no thing like it for the speedy relief and per ment cure of rheurnatisra, so I recommend it to all, knowing it will accomplish wliat it claims to do. MJts. E. \ ickees, 46 Pleasant St., Waterbury, Conn. F. C. Hazzard, Upper Lisle, N". Y.,says: U 1 had neuralgia in the bead atK * neck, *nd Athlophoros cored them." Every drnggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druggist the Athlo phoros Co.; 112 Wall St., Sew *dl iUd either (carriage paid) on receipt ot regular price, wliich is JI.W per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for ril:-. . VorhrJ and kidney rilmtfioo. weakness. debClty, gi!jreK .Kffgfa • HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM? A Bawedy that ha« BWN in oj*fcr many EnrM*. «u4 »» 02J7 lately mtrodood m ttiiK counter. _ ■ RUSSIAN RHEUMATISM CURE Thi» Bemfelr ba« the eu'lmcaieut ot Oratioental Phystclaiu *ai Oattrma'-ul Sanitary Couinufcmon*, wfe .| M tto<yuwid* ot to *b«*n it bu othera— «il Who ha»« """■" WILL CURE YOU from further agoar. it r onTl ffiily <rtve it > (UM il-Tr - "*" BOX A, A R^USSIA K#» HAS BOTH 1 TTTAUL Y ' ImBMAVM CMi] g,OSATIBB 1 mmn Tvtie* thiaHiztT' * jTo. _ _ wM—i t*u K«- For eoo.H«e inform* oc, Ile-crSpu™ I am. uhlet. with tesUmmitals. free. For mit: t>y nil drmm*'"* "■ U one »T Uje f-tfcerto mot In iioniti m t-i foruiah it U> yuu,tfc> 10. |>er eea<lr4 U) I*W* - elv*. l»iit aj/yly <l- ; ' " PFAM.ZKK KKOM. 4 O. SIM & #2l Market HUx-M, Philadelphia. many LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE * oflered for sale represented as good as tho Famous PEARLTOP BCT THE* ARE NOT! AaA like all Counterfeit* lack tho Beaarkable LMTMO QnaUtiei Or THE CEIFISE. ASK FOHT THE PEARLTOP Aallasist THIS >SSU2jdBPy on Each tritfc CHIMSEI The PEARL TOP Is Haßafactared ONLY by Geo. A MACBETH & CO.. PITTSBUBOH. PA. DOCTORS LAKE HI PRIVATE DIHPKNSARY sUti. B OFFICES, 901 PESX AVK. PITTSBURGH, PA. - ■RK; All foirnd of Delicate and' '"m |ilj/'.al"l * rwjiiirl I iukmiu BWI Wii-nii'i':M»u catlon are treau >t at tI.U lJi-j*ii-;iry with a HOC <*»« rarely attalncl. l>r. h. K. I/lIUJ U a iiM-tnlx-r oftbeKoyaK <»lWr«e«f I'liyrtJanaawlKurseo#*. ami U tI«JOI<!e»TAI.'I Hrt/ lAl urr In tlie <-lty. *-J« '-T£il attention LO NM OUA IV'L/tJlty from (•*(*«)»« mental exi rtion, in dlacrreti/MiHof > until, &• ~ cau*in(F iiliyrUalami jnenttl «U:<ray,"4llFW«f em-pry, «H-r I""" 1 ' SoC anrer» T Ol<l T-<-re», HU. Pllci, Khciiiuati>m and all O< the HKLN, L»L<««L, LANP, L.rin ary «»rtraim, 4c. fr>e and atrletly r.iiilM. I'tial. TTFFI"' Ll'yur-4 lt TO4 TTTI'I 7to H 11.tn., UutMl«Y»2to4 MIII) . < allatonneoraa-lri-W S.K.LAKK, M.D., M.K.C.P.H. or E.J.UAXK, M.». J, -E DOUGLASS, —DKALEU IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, -AMI— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., BUTLER. - - PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensington, Arrasene AWD. OUTLINE ;WOBK DONE, " Atoo icaaon*' In aame given by ANN IK W 1/JWMAN, North (street, Bnll«r. I'N. ly FARMERS*TAKE NOTICE. T<> the pnr<- atsiliici, OX.KN ATHOL. who will Htand fi/r niar< » tltirin/ '.lit < ■ < 1 ot IMC. beftiinlriK April H'i'l etiiiltiK 1 ■ at the »tat»le of r.fr .1. r.-iiti In tin ablp. KutJ«-r ci>iiiiiy,ali<iiiltlir • •- * ><i' ler. near llonnybruok tiled A thole is v«. -JMiTi. I- «''iV|.!i VlytleMlale Mti'l Itook. Vol. 0. |iac- t four yeaw. ntitl weljtlte<i when:« >1 n... Full n»'<lli<r'-' f<mn«l at hum In ntu<l h- ■ 1 "t Untaf Hritalu. and ttarr.mteil to i>« a. ■ that of any other horn* in th<- Hiillcil «. TERMS: liwuranee dl% payable when mare w U ■< . to he with toal IrreKttlar alteiuianc- or (.art ItlK with a inare before known to .... forfeltt the iwatrtuee. When reawinalile < ;if< U zlveu a 111..re I will ItlHUre ;L wa'/l: ' o't OI no pay. C are will hn takoi, hut no aeeounta btllty hit accideut». ( 4iu Butler,' Pa. IRUCDTI6CDC 01 ' Ahvn: ' ,ho w - h t'-<:«>*" < MlfCn I IwEltd Win paper,of obtain •aiim»tt 9H tdv»ftbi"g tptc* wh«n in Ct»c*go, will find l> on file »< LORD (THOMAS, TIiZE OITIZEIST. I MISCELLANEOUS COMMUNICATIONS. ! COME, WELCOME BIRDiE. ; For the Cm/EN. i Birdir, oh birdie, dear birdie si i Coming again with y«">or little '»Are feet: | Sieging so sweetly o er treetop an 1 ~.iru>, 1 Twittering to nobly your luliaby o! Jove. ' Oi, stay little birdie, your freedom I crave, I On, y>jn are so happy, so merry aa-1 brave: ' la meadow or lane, ia wooJ'aad or street, ' Voar song is the same, yo.u'r so happy aa i neat. j Yoar troubles are cast to the w.aiU that g by, I »ear<y: give them a thought, a frown or % sigh: j Teach me, dear birdie, your liirht heart to share, | And I will you welcome, will weleoaie you here. j Then come, little biriie, in your little bare feet. Welcome, little birdie, with your little song to sweet; Your neat little form and smart little way=, Make you a welcome gaest throagh our and happy days. lIBS. t. 51. EDMrSDSON. Prospect, Butler Co., P*. The Husbands' Command ments. ; EDS. CITIZEN:— The sociables art go numerous that many times the husband and children are left alone to take care of themselves, while the i wife is out enjoying herself, therefore j it becomes an important duty for the ■ husband to establish rules, whereby ! be and the children may be protected, la the following you will iiud THE HCfeBAHDS' COMMANDMENTS. Thoa sLalt love no other man but me. Thoa shalt not have any other iikenees of any man bat thy hus band. Thon shalt not keep it in secret and worship it, fur 1, thy am a jealous husband. Thoa shall cot speak tby buhband= ; name with levity. Remember thy huobands' com mandments to keep them sacred. Honor tby husband aud obey him that thou mayst lie lung iu the home he has given thee. Thou shalt not liad fault when tby husband chews and smokes aud takes a gl<»ss of beer when he is out all night with the boys. Ihou shalt not scold uud«r any cir cumstances, Thou shalt not permit thy hus band to wear a buttonless shirt, but shall keep his clothing in good re pair for going out at nigbt. Thoa shalt not continually gad about, neglecting thy husband a.-iti children. Thoa shalt not strive to live ia the style of thy neighbor unless thy hu-i --band has wealthy relatives and is able to support it. Thou shalt not covet thy neigh bor's fiae house, nor his litie furni ture, nor his wife's silk dress or the paiut on her lace, nor an) thing that is thy neighbors. Thou sbalt not go to WornanV. Rights meetings, neither to speak thyself or to hear others speik, Thoa sbalt not scold il thy husband stays out all night. Thou shalt not sum up large bills at the stores whi-jh thy husband i» unable to foot, tit veriiy, Le knowetb bis own business and is capable of at tending to it. There are so many secret orders and other nigbt meetings that the wife is often lelt alone part, or all night, with three or four small chil dren—the wile is broken hearted, not knowiug when her husbaad will re turn To protect herself and the children she adopts the following: THE WIFE-j' COMMANDMENTS. Thou shalt have no other woman but me. Thou shalt not have n. picture or likeness of any other woman but me, lor i only am thy wife, and a jealous wife. Remember thy wife's command ments to keep them sacred so l«»ng as ye sbtiit live. Love and cherish thy wife, and no other woman, that ehe . ay live lov ingly together ia the home thou gav : e«t unto bt r. Thou shalt not find fault when thy j wife goes out to spend money buying | fashionable sh twin and druses, lor 1 | am tby wife, i Thou sbalt not scold, j Thou sbalt uot suff-r tby wife to i wear a threadbare d'ess, but shall j keep her decently c.ad and in good repair to go out to ail ti.e sociables. Thou shalt furnish buttons aud thread to keep thine and thy chil dren's shirts in oidi-r. Fail not. Thou shall not j.'ud about from sa loon to saloon, &f;.tr sunset, neglect ing thy wife and children. Thou shal- n »t dress thyself in fash ion uuiess thou drt.rn tby wife a! so. Thou shalt not go to spiritual or other sleight of hand meetings,neither to spc-ak tby.-'-lf, nor hear others speak: thurf saitb tby wife. Tbou shalt not find fault if tby wife should fit; 1 in getting the menl iri due time, for knowest thou, Oh man ! better late than never. Thou sbalt not drink beer cor i-pir its, nor chew nor smoke, for knowest thou it consumeih money. Verily, venly, 1 say unto thet I am m -tress of the houre thou gaveat unto me. .J T. A LI.KOUENV Twp, April 9, —' (jive Ely's Cream i'ulm a trhl. This justly < -lebrau-d remedy I <r the ! i-ure of catarrh, t.'iy It vi r. cold iri th<! Lead, &e , can be obtultr.d of any re : putable druggiet, a/id may b relied up /ii as a rait; and pleasant ivniedy I ft r the above complaints and Will I give immediate relief. It is not a ' liquid, snnir or powder, ha < no oflen : sjvt: odor and can be used a», any | time with good rcsolis, as thousands can testify, among them some, of ihe ! attaches of this ofii-.e."— HpirU of tin: j t.ni'iH, May 2!), IH-j(j. Public vendues are now pretty ! well ov< r. They have been quite nutn | ♦reus in this section thi pa«t few i months. A Pleas;-rit (Cordial. Tint's Expectorant r.ii<" s the i j.bletrni, subdues in (I imrnation and jep»cdilr cures the ruos.t ob-tinate couurbs. Children take it readily. I For croup it is invaluable. l~> cents j and per bottle. ' " ' —■' The right side on most topic < < f public discussion is the popular side ! and the best paying side. The popular blood purifier, | Hood's Sarsaparilla, is having u tre mendous sale this season. Nearly every body takes it. Try it your ! self. KASKINE (THR \KH Ql IXIXE) NO HAD EFFKIT I C' >» HEADACHE, F NO SAVSEA. ) >o Kihffiut Ears. fl i:F-» Ol'lt kLT -W I»LEA>ANT. Purt ' irK# A POWERFUL TONIC. A fcPSCIFIC FOB MALARIA, EHLUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION. ani ali norm liL-«-ascs. FOR *-*»!.!•-= K-V-!-:I:»E HA* KEEN FOUND TO BE ALMOST A SFK'IFT*. Superior to qui nine. iv-u.-.-. a- Hospital- X. Y.. Tii!v«--aliy sißce-tSful " . -Every patient treat- St. Francis Ilospi:al.N.Y. led with Bev. ML i_ 80. t%i|*li AOaar WSj or,- Wri T that H * *S! flf ■ U-S C wTO'l El *' II". • ter t«'cat*v *-<-ars i ; - -rl->.' from malar:. j. -. not U V- SScciiaV . M. !•- -4 K :,' «l<: <«t.. y law Prof, iii N *• - v *' ' ' • ; : kasklnp U to quinine- in Its spt-.-iftc power, and • •-•• - pro tae<s the sUghtest injury Tl- I ' v "' r ! - ■ Idne Has cure<l them after ail MC llclne had fail;-I. WRITE tor of K-itlmoLla-S. K'«-.-ine c •• BE : ■ n wit-; ut UNY special ,i£j. ■ r ' • • . S.-l.: L> .!. r. BEDIC'K. Butler, or sett by mall on receipt o( ' )RTC K ASK INK CO.. ."4 Warren St., N v York. He!p! Help! Hop?, Borgandy i'itch and Gnms combined make tLe famous Hop Platters heft and strongest placer ever known. Multitudes say so. Lave a r.ort of fteiing for each other. As Bge conies OD they wateb each otLer, ai d WOLIIH whose SANDA of life will run the longest. Women that Lave been pro nounced incurable by the best physi cians Lave been cmpletely cured by Lvdia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound. Free Trade. TLe reduction of internal revenue and the ttklng off of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has largeiy benefitted ?far; consumers, as well a.-; relieving tLo burden of h,me manufacturers. Especially in this the care with Green'a Auyuat i lower and Botch at 'a Ge.rm-'in .S jr up,'an the reduction of thirty-six cents fer d< zen, been added to increase iho siZ's of the bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in th»3 To cent size The Awjuat blower for Dyspepsia iiid Liver Complaint, and the Ger man H'jrvi> for Cough and Lung troubles, Lave perhaps, the largest ;ale of any medicines iu the world. PLe advantage of iuciet. Ed size of the >ottles wiii be greatly appreciated by .he tick oud nfflicted, in every town :nd village iu civil /.■ d countries, Sample bottled fur 10 c -nts remain ae bi.nie size. —There seem.: to i;& a deal >f good-natured rivalry i'i tije nii'lin iry ba/fioei'.'i this '■ <g. Drunkenori or Liq -mr Habit, can be Cured hy a<i ninistering Dr. Haines' Golden S^eifllc. It can b-; given j a cup of cofi'-;e •jr tea without the knowledge >f the person it, ef- Vctiug a y a..'J jj• v..anent cure, tvnether the piUent in a moderate Jri ok'.-r or an tl'.tho! c wreck, i'housaudfi of drua!: >;• i - Lave been ;na'ie temperate men who Lave takeu .he Golden .Specific iu th'.ir c« with jTU their know.edge, a ! ; i to-day he ijeve they fpi't drinking of their cwn free-will N.«J harmful re.-uits from ltt stdminiiitratioD. »Seud for circular and full particulars. Audreys in confi dence Golden Si'Koific CO, Ka';« St, Cincinnati, Ohio. TLe Judges of the o'.ate do not Bgr-e in to- ; r Ifite;|, ~'.a'i >n of the iicuuHe lawti. Scrc ly two of them ; ;ee the law in the Hume iight. How to Gain Flesh and Si rengtli. Ur.e af < r ea- h u.«al Sco'l'* Eiuul- Biot.; r Is us palatable aa milk and ear ,v u\ji> ■ <-d Delicate people im {.ri/%e lap:-: v wi'k U'»\ ForcoU' bn j uiioii, i at tiona and Uron Cll '<* It l; 'lj <1 |Ji". i'holllDß V. il, A 1 < , i-aj K "1 U-ed fccott'# ivu« - >u'on a ci;.M eight monilw ul'i; he g-incd four iii a mouth of tomtoms and blowing 'A th J hew gug on the Lr.-et~, in the name of re ligion, was btopped? —What is rn /re na-ty than ruu- Ui'jg '■<!'. J , ul':""*s, pi'.'lp'"—, b il J. tcrolula, <T) -ip'-l; , etc ' Now, "Dr, Li:.<lr.e_v'ri JJlood Searcher" cures them all. —Forty-four wl iekey II ifkn were found in the Lall alter the adjourn ment of the Idaho* Legislature. One of them we..-, not fjuite empty, and is suppoiicd to have been dropped by some Htrangi r. A Lady 1 . l J e:fei:t Companion. F'AT*!.<--I ' IIIUC'IITRA A NEW 1»J <i- •<>' I'r J«!ulK« one of .New Yor!-'* raolit MkUtful J.IIY -in. i , i: .•(. fi.iiu i-t not i»i • nit'iljl! •il ! I : ll' .n -II • d' • tool awl • ri-'lUb!, tt ■ I ..l- l<r »vi 1 .il ;my -/■ i/iu<iti I-* ' - 'iwjome ii ihoMi'-i > • i .»-<" fi.-ri;.-; <•••> i- n» v.e r. if .»!*••» k.-IK now u <,vci. - i. I ; '-.- ill lii'i/jil i • -I:i- - il . | |> ,|, . : i,-l ;■;» i i. ; • vIJ M.!< IKlill, |)f" .. || 1 :.IHI til !.U -I'l"! I'i j. i r ,. ••• •• Wsi • ii" s:- "• I" ' «.( lit |l||>, out: li v. ;,t hiiv • YO«: YII I. I 111. I !>'»• .1 - 'l'll III". H'*l»L »«• , i iii ' I.I'I !ir 'ii---.' ■ 'ii' .Lllis,!'- 'I mo :I.! I I ',1,1. L.*I(L |:IL J'- 1 I R H'-.'LL ltl • ' ill'-'L '-II • I VM|' -. I'll.*:. /. IA« 4A* K • I'llllil «r.!. V,.:il :.i.-Jli-, MI.L-J I - :.1. BUTLER 0 )U NTY ■\vAwA rsra Insurance G" i Cr, r.'.iii &0 mr Sts, }, c. KOKSSINO, PP.esiijkwt. \V"i. < \ .PIsKI.L, T HK,* -,U II! !T :; C. II Kl I - ' KM AN, Si/,'hex Anr DIftKCTOKH: f I, I' • is i'':i . il"'. A li'l<-t oil, r ' W Hiirkli. I • i R.iu ii* , ; V.II <>hv« r. (, r I; (. ,» t * iluill''* t <';»t: L>' M» I>r. w. Irvln. V >- WellMi, I j-* Tuylor. If. ( Jlnii«iriUi, I/K INK! -, to. Ac f 1 3CJ .t Xj'HJIR/, JPA-- AOENTB WANTEI , rod TMC AUTHORIZED |O&LIFE OF LO6AI E? MRS. LOGAN. -t |.I, j„, ..ranhy liaa bc*n TTKirr (lun (V, yc;i"» In pf' r~. : . I (.in ~||«4 ib< .U(. to i ~ ii... frnnrla IIKHMHI, 1.1511.11U ...i' I'"-- and ut' , ».'.•! I*'?' " hri «!«'«•! tl L«* read all butt' »ri .-f th® nnork, »n«l u*v« it h»» • • j...... • i A million 4dmlr«r»'! <> l " ' ***' thU lltrllllntr Mory • i Kr+mt • ». ~.1 AT. \rt 'Ldfy ill'iHUfcted With •» bate. ni.d oultl a, *' J cUoi '- c l« i< y. A'i'lr'rii HILL A. HARVEY. PUBLISHERS, 111 N. Cbarle* Street, Baltimore. dehsttxstiß/ *. 01/ V, vl.t>Ko\ i .radr.ate of tlie Pliila , l\. i•»*<jiiii.i imtal Colle*e. bMcpded : to do tu}lh:u: In the line of his profession in a vitf-l-i'-t'Tv in miii r. i <>! i .Main street, Butler, I ttion Block up »tatrs. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA, All work pert.un:iii: to th»* prof»-"!o:i; execut ed in the ueatesT in timer. <;»- ~ i l- iti i i.- ai.il Painless K\ i ..i-»ij t'f *le,*ih, Vitalized Vir administered. OS:i o on Jt fTi rso>. <trirt. oht d.ior Ea>.t ofLowry House. 1 p Stair*. Office open daily, exo-;>t Wednesdays anil Tliui~ Jay- < • ntmunlcjitions by mail receive jirmipt attention. X. E.- The only DcntLst in Butler u.-ins Uie best makes of teeth. BR. K. C. McCURDY, K'bjsitlaii ami Surgt-on, Office on .Main St.. over Kemper's store. 13iitier, Penn'a. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AXI> SURGEON Office No. C-'j South Main Street, BUTLER, - PA. SAMUEL Ivl. BIPPUSJ Physician and Surgeon, ("Office, t;ear Postoilice) BTTTLBE.-, I=Sl3-T3Sr'A j. s lusKJ m. a-, Has removed from Hannonj to Butler and has ills office at No. 9. Main tlip-e doors below Lcvrry Hoase. apr-30-tf. ATTORNEYS YT LAW. LEV. Mi Ql ISTION. Office near f'ourt House, South Main St. CHARLEi A. XofBUUN, Atly at Law. Office »i"b L. '/.■ Mitchell, Di iiio: d, Butler. Pa. Collections a specialty ly JAMES B. MATES. Attorney at Law. Office at No. 40 S. Main st opposite Heineir.an's Book Store. IP.A McJINiUN, Attorney a' Law, Koom Uetber building But ler, i'a. Entrance on ( unnlngham Bt. OECEGEC. PILLOW, rnpv at !.a>v and SCBYE\OE, Mafn stre< t oiitier. Pa. Office with J. I). M«'Jui»';iu. F. M. EASTMAN, Offiee with Clarence Walker. S. F. BOWSEII, Office in Brady's Law Building. S. B. SNYDEE, Office in E-ady Building. S. II PIKHSOL, Oflon N. E.corner Oiamond, Riddle Buildinj A. M. Cornelius. W. J. Welsh. tOKNEUCS & WELSH, Attorneys at Law Office in Berg's buildin second story. [4-16- 11., I). Mr.) I N KIN, Office in Schnefdeman'-s bttliding, west side of Main street, 2d square from Court House. T. c. CAtrmix, Office in Bern's new bi'ldinK,'M II 1 >r, ea st sid<- of Main street, a few doors -ovith of Lowry House. A. T. BLACK. Office on Main-treet, one door south of Brady 15! x: k, Butler, Pa. AAEON V.. BStBKS, Offiee with T. ('. Campbell, l:«-r« building, But ler, Pa. r. ( ~ rHELSTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal lius'ieis carefully mint ••'■led. Collection# made and promptly re mitted. Bus . corr> qioa.lclit-i promptly at tended to and answered. .I T. HOM.V. Ofttcj n<-ar Court Hoire, W I>. BKAXDON. Office In Berg's building. CI. VEEN' E WAI.K EE. H itli-east corner of Diamond. Butler, Pa. rao BHMI, Office In Eeibor's lr.nidln;: Jefferson street. WM. H. LI.SK. Office in Kiddie Building, Diamond. PEAN«'IS KOHL Kit. Attornev-at-Law and Not TV PIIIII"- ' " Ji*""'! viv.-ii in German and Kugiish. Office South of ' ourt Housi*, .». p.. j»'.ii;VKl - M - <*AtiQHBASS» M'.' J I.'NK IN GAI.BEE ll H, Office opposite Wliliafl House, Butler, Pa. GEO. It. WHITE, Office N E. corner of Mlamon I. J V. BEITTAIX, Office on Oitimond, TH< )M AS EOBINSON, HUTt.f.U, I'A, JOHN 11. NKGLKY C,|v«-s partl'-ilar attention to transactions In Ei-al Estate th>- eoou'y. Ulauioiid.neart.'oitrt House,in Ii t i/r.N l*uildlii(s JOS t: VA N'DEltt.l N, Offiee Ma: i St.. I doortwtulli i f Court House f. >l. '1 jio.*tH*s'»x. W. C. Tiioji vttub l lIOMPKON & SON, Attorney at Law. 0.1ie.; on Hie we t side of Main -I A(-:<vdoo:s .'fi lli of Tro itman's dry goods ft tor#. Planing Mill —ANf— SjUiiiber li ard 5. L. PL'KVIB. L. O. PUKVI , S.G. Purvis & Co. m isrrACTi'nKi'.i; :>KAi.Bi:btH Rough and Planed Lumber OB" E\ 1 KY l)El< F.ll'TH N, KitA.Vil.H, U;1N(t8, H \ 11, I KL<- OjtlK(4, jnT'f ENS, Brackeh,Gu3pd Cornice Boards. SMINGLES&LATIJ I'EANiNO JILL AM) VAltl) 1 4; ( « N i .If 111 BOH HOOD NOTES. am NALI: I'a rani, «lll».l unl l.«nd», Kir.,ln W«-»t<rn Pcnn sy tnnin, lij IV. J. KIMK AIH'OM, Ern port, »*a. Every Monday in I reeport uud every Tin sdaj at Pittsburgh. i-:i !• iftli Ave., 2d lioor. Mem ' lor printed list. may W.M.ty. I -*——-• - ll '""" '■ Fayns, Houses and Lots Foi Sale. Infurttialion i-un b« ufivfcti at tin ClTI'/.KN'.lli-<J <<f i i-vi rul in iliiM county that urn f>>r Alt •» of u l«jt of ultout « lcvcn ncrti on which iH a fj« v/ bouM', good waU-r etc , uud about livo fiotn Hut ler. Alho an '.tlicn, two room*, iri I'utler hultatiltj fur au Attoraey'ri or otht office. Also Hfcverul lots within the bol oagh of liullt r Enquire at Citi/kn ollice. A DRAMATIC BESBATION,| The Throbbing, Thrilling Drama. How to Save Money. H.v T>. A. HECK, \utii r <>l the The Bride Von; »r. What .1 New Satt of (lotbeeDM.' Mite 1 mi liwiiirnT dav and evening during the coming season a: i>. A. lil-X'K s GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM, No. 11. North Main St.. Duffy's Block. S "" F£k.' | L ntd fun her notice. This mertd work Is a I wonderfuludrarte ateae nUMjaBOI ! in ' -I comedv. and comical trageflv and Lever lulls to bring down the bouse. TUe actors are all stars. The costuming viil Lie a -troiig feature. TUe lollowtng brlen;. outlined Is the PROGRAMME: soso—The h<-ppy man no more reflects, , Who buys his clothing at 1). A. Heck 3 KC-I 1.-SCTSE 1 Till- 9 a.m: F.at< r young ma 1 h with friend. Young man explains to nts * mend that the din t cause ot Ms engage ment to tli'.- wealthy r..mu*r - dauiriiter was his purchase r >( an elegant suit at D. A. l!L< k s < treat Clothln? Emporium. Friend tumbles t-> tht- idea and is ina«le hapov with a new suit. Hat. Shirts, Collar- Tfr*?*, Underwear, tiloven. Hose., lTuniv j Umbrella, etc. Scene closes wits. . son-, joined In by the audience. iasG—Tie* rtav will l<e int. nsrly et >ld. When I>. A. I leek is undensold, &c. t \ Ut 11.-S. esk 2— Time 11 a.m. *>t*r tUron* «f people, old men. men. lauics. cnii , dren. managing mat ronsw.tU mftrriarable (I . nH » ri* a • xi- icooro hui 13 1 , shriek with delight at \v«.»nderful bar ;U. >;• .wn. "i'li*- » y.. inu- lady. CtaSreßa fluds some jeweieiy.* fMrg c.rsets, a pair of Kid (.love?, an elegaiu pair of J lose tliat set Uer "IT so exquisitely tliat a dud-* irom l nit■ n ville and a young mm tr.»m Greece Ci'y bath the Greece city man has' on one 01 u. A. llecKs IrrcsUtable -uita. Cinderella decides to i.-.tronlz- hoiu- ln-Kstrtes an! accepts Idas. TUe Unlonvilie dutle talks of duels, filicide-*. <•;< .. but decides not to leave Hits while !.<• • n g. t clothing so cheap ; at D. A. 1 i K< KS Great Oaporlum. Song by company, Joined by audience: "lis our experience, one and all. \wi every < iie tilo Hit slt knows, 'ihat }>' A. UK' K has got the call. And takes the town In celling clothes. t ACT HI SCENE 3.—' Time ten years later: HECK'S LARGEST EMPORIUM. Ten \ears ere suppon...! to have elapsed. I>. A'. 11K< K S store quadrupled 111 ize. Bati-r a nam |-o:Arrival Cf several excursions, tlccti li trains and a Dumber , of 1 aUoons. with 1 rowdij ol people to ou.. | , Clothing. Underwear. llats, t ups, collars, y.-.-k Ties, Hosiery, Snspenders, Handker. hlels, Imbrellas. 'i runks \ allses, Satchels, Bill and Pocketbooks, Cloth, ll ilr and footli Brushes and Innumerable other article which hoace fnrbliis to mention. Scores or pros- D6TOBB QUI :< plulttp IMtTOM RWMJ I aromai tii; proprietor, all agt'-' lng that t'i lr rls-- 'u the world began Irom the ino- ( ment they w-gan to buy their goo<ls from D. A. HECK. cinder'-lla and l:'-r husband about to dc -0 ir' for Ml. ctiestnut (this is no chestnut) 1 li- i US-MI . 11l - dudi*. a oitdi- no longer but a rich i tislni-ss !fia;» In the cltj of Butler. I'eiiiilatlo.i 10 O '. no'. 1 chiefly for in Ing the ino'rt enterprising cltj in tlw-county, iiit-1 for fair deaiiujf iiiMl lor the f.ict D. A. ilK' K'S Kmporlum Duffy- Block, is the beMlt"iai 11 r I lor go'. f-». fair dc.lllng ( and low prices. HI will now Join In singing:— How I>. A. Heck is w illng clothes, \'- ,iv down at i/*■ d rock— JIJUI »vj. I*■ i) t lie crowd that dally goes To I>. A. Hock's In Duff y Block. 'urtaln falls to slow but sure music. B. & B Spring Crsss Fabrics _— — 1 Our llllfH>r?atliili . :•;•» i-.1l !«• aloour rjjdrr ;t(( pi. ; , witii O'liii 1 -»t m' in.i'iuf;i':t ;;r«*i :i, ;• re fcel lu.-.tlliC-d ill -a.s Ing there never was ,r.iu:'b* 1.. II: no l*"]' ! v liwn In an'. Ie '< '•' 9T'''' .11-1 e1,.-a|i .slock of Dr- ■ GO'o-i.s II »w To'a'mttjortlj of the public the |M"stlon 01 pri'"-. th» iiii.-r.--i of • lie | k".- look Is a iiciti.-r of iu.| ortance. and demands ar«*fui eoiiSl«lera , lon. On Ih'-v: two 1 .■your patroniip md will j S.-.k our reputation that vou will i;e K-nellt. l.y 11 . nd we i>-i..,n your trade. Mnilt' l j >.!*'*' will only abinlt of an outline iienlion of .M in;. iiai /ains. , m t'oiiilil. t.- line "(fsiirlilK slinijch I ( r „.»-inrli All - Void fiii|...rl< .l I .lintli' te I.rev an I l;'.» a . HX nm.tl encent ; Kntlrclj N< •••• and Eleifant l-'-lnrli .ill-Wuol Si lianl.ipal "r ( anpuri- < nr.t I 7.1 <■ . nl«. i» lar-'i li 1 • < > Sj.iiniC Stexh*. \ |.;ii,i' 1 a—>or; meat ol ajll -it 11. uni loths at 7.', i-.--its, all shad l s, an I nolli e the rldth, .Vi Ineh'-s. ciiDlt'K I>l ;•!»::!i.s» NDVI I.IMS n small broken ' I,llalr Uic and Mix ire, la Gre.- bight Br '« and la e.-- ue tlie prot.er tiling i l"r s;irlng l»r<- <1 (..iods. Veiire Hhowing a ijewlid"rtnif n-sori in'-nt 01 i.e-, • froia til ' I" V lenii ili :.|an.;M.''urers I'l oand iig 10 lulE cent:!, tl.Wan l •iiHrely ii'-v/ laorl' ■. 10-lrtrli tlnlr StrJr«<linirr« • «r.ls, : I 1 wool I II line ui color >at > cents; cheap •' cents. I i„ til" ehcap.-r grid Ur IGo Hwei.rrer •lie. '' elllet. *•'."•! Ill'licr e: Inei -.1. la/t!• < he wld'H, at ' < uu; w.ulil \x> very ci.e pat "I'ancV artnure, v.onl tilling, at l>* cent c Also I'Ki" 'I : ■ • rip" .No'-elll'S, wool! M ill!/ In all < olor- at 1 , cent all >:l1 a b ilg ilil. lii vH.i stork an- many e*'tiaoiil!t»ary 'n-fn.'li Silk Front Vciv 1 In Colored trip. s. it iui 1 en' ■: tbc-e are • i.w good Als 1 large aKsortineht of iti*lnch?' ilored si ripe Velvets at T'i'' ills, worth Jl. ■<». IN SILK DEFAKTMKNT, ; |'\,'o :»<■'!•' •<• ** 1 I ' : "I* 1 ' ,l '' j senis* &U puf6 silk ur© conmwi a®v©n| •Xt *a vain If H'i '1 at Hi < "n?n. . f Hurahs, l» ire lies wld ■la a bWtefc il ' wijj.e ; lineally 'V>ld al ulu. : HCK IIUIAI -S! I.t< !■ <' ur.UNH: sl'i.tlVl, IMTIKKMi ! ur own Import.itloni' at h.ik). Il.ar.niid ext.-a ,alu«' ; full U and wi i* -i and iaj. <1 «• l«e at to a v»ajr# l»jirller.'M I.»iJi»ae(pilnu, I-vUh. run-in 1 o.« a'I'II.I - Tlllntlied rurlidll I'ole enlilpl'l e. . ■ als. !'» ring-, and I.r.i.keti. 11l .. -p,.. •i) \,lll •' •. a» t!> - ' i "ft <»r tin- rin >p, II .eil.ild l.lnen 1, MurIIIIS. rth' ctlngs,- i "i j Si 11.1 vonr (lrili-r» lor -Jinpl- and l rl- ■ ito, ,ur mall oiuer <!']'iiine iii iM-lng as .--pII U •■'- i Kisslble In mentlonliiir kind ui gme: waiit.-d, ind '."in n-p. si wit! be aiistt eied prompt I,> ,vp!i 1,-west gilds Hi'l I'-.V'it prlees ollereil my where. BOGGS & BUHL,j J 15, 15 7, 111>, 3~ 1 l etlcrnl SI, I Adjournmsnt of Sals OK James ['. Robinson Kami, On "Veilii'-da . Marcli ;o. In pur lanee of no- Uee pjllUsll-l 1 I tills paper Will I*. Itrih.Ull, Assk' ■»••' <>! .lairr* i # . n .'»n, ««!l -r-* « for • #:i tli- |»reifii- eH in l*ail;»*r I W|» r.- •. »l ..ui'! ui I l<l b«*hi«#Maii»«-U ?!»•• sa!i was ad j loilflied to THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1887, at 1 o'clock, p in , ft' ante pla.-e.nf wliicll nil ni'fUMe. 1 *1 Will ta' • ii'» \\ M T. Hlf All AM, A'".:' I^l ■ KNOX HOUSE. J. B. KNOX, Prop'r. NO. 44. E. JEFFERSON STREET, HiJ rr.ioiN PA. BoardinQ by th?, v/ae!< or day. {©-Hive minutes walk from Court House. County Auctioneer, JAM2S R. KSARNS, ItUTLLK, I'l-NX'A. In i reparcd to r.crvc the. public ol this «ecUon at vendue*, etc. llaVll.K t'a.l many yea., ol expcrlei.cc I.e enn «u »r»ntee lierleot nallnrac Hon it raid that will *nll all. L«»v«<word al till* Olllce. #,n,»».iy BUSINESS IS BUSINESS! SKD IF fOtl WANT TO SEE BUSINESS VISIT nc nfidT? k ippsk ° Up DuuiiJ, ouUm a oLliimi) . T n-,n-i< tiiu *r,vtr<. I Ice! r..-r>'.. t!v jn-iiri-a isi ya\ it:j- von Will s-.' the Lanrcst Boom la the slice b-win"ss that you At the prices lam ran kin-mj g. ofethl* ?!'• ins- Ii« l, i • J »; • u ~ . , oH)av ~ ,A h e.,,; „t a succevssiul. oiujH-tlior W s!S*b£is£l* ma .-Vri .i ■•! wttt «ca .11 profit -rvih, •**& to •;!••• t!,- K .,,i is ~,s Shoes at .•ry low prices. ' • • r" ; • I Expected a Boom this spring - Bickel's Spring Goods Have Gome, . - lsitirtv fan It be possible," voti •»•. como and s'xj au! If ror one little moment you even doubted !h»t li' .n'y. ~, ir do ■ > v,:il ail vanish anl you w;;i leave my .tore azrj take up the cry it'llh hundreds of others: For Good Goods and Low Prices Bickel Leads, T. «„, Hp otherwise Come to »!<• t's at anv time and If i hor.- Is au> huslu.-ss doing any place, you will tlml my store thronged 2 '■ r ' : 'UwtoMtte£nT<i - my go Is arc of tl • best, and prices tha lo; - nr.! If J-u are in n.v1... aaythlng In the 5,..* 'w- ;'a- 4t irr; l.ii spria/ aa I you wltt never tigSt it. . bKfo «i xytMafjWi COOM «*paet to fir. Ila a Srst-class hUoe Store. Ladies' Fine Shoes and Slippers, , ~ , , „,i. „„ „,„i i i..,v0 i hundred cSifT. rent stvUs to show vou, raade of French Kiel, Am. Kid. Mat. Kid, Bright ihislineof are perfw t.y pv. .n. ...KI I (;m a „- th) . tllr rerent sty. l..sts. from Ato I I'. 1 can lit ar.y teOT in Blithe TOuVity '("have ladles' fine sbw<'"' i.«..!«• on alt the different tyi.- I ,»ts from very narrow to extremely wldt and large sires. Some of tuy goods running to No. 9. Men and Boys Fine Shoes £W33^-3S£^^SgSs^«Se tee with every I ,c-H and .-Ueerluly refSd the money in any should prove to be not a>T-^'d. Mens' Plow Shoes and Brogans, w fsxf&nK- h&tssnssst was !suv,ss';,s /rt'f.p Ml vol V "hoe '.Uceis' shoes of .-x.-r v deserlptloli. IKn'l ill to -ee this line of goods Hoys' Plow shoe-. In great variety. 1 will offer aWo v' ' v it"\y. a 1..V.!1v line of Irtk* and Mixes' Fine Kid all styles. - n,\ ,t • . Sju.n made, { ,t Si.Kl. This Is a deeded barptn and .re moving very fast at the above prices; I 'W S iTrfV; loc *! .V,:, is la every style, -lust the kind of a IK-hf ever? -My si. ■ • f„rsumm~ l( „ . l : ,• Bill S i j-i for ut ■ian 1 b These shoes irave become very popular and make a very g»-Ou light working shoe. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, . .. _ .... rV . nf i*.nn- -.ih! shoes constantly on hand, and In case you can't wait i-> have a pair made, I can lit you out of my (stock 1 iVc" i'iilt v< •' T r'.ViP r 1 i.v and'dispatch. I. • t;ier and Klndltv.-... of all kinds, at less than e11..' prices. tth :l in Butler give me a .•all and exam! ii'. Isa a' 1 prli •<. A bottle of Fine FreaeU Shoe PaiLsh presented to every lady purchasing a pair of shoos. Yours &c M • J(3 hi IST 1 i ICK EL, 22 SOU'IH MAIN STSSET. BUfLEE. PA. Till ALIST FOB SPECIAL COVBT, CaiXEXI IST® WOH PAY, APRIL 28,1887. X, Term. IV. Fl*Mitr.Al><miey\ Plaintiff*. ... , " jDgmdmt* i - ii- I. § I"C lohnaton M B.ifchert et si Scott •! 25 Ma P reh lPs !L 7. Mitehell et al Andrew Holt et a! The U«ile:l Pipe Line :: I iss SSff f S :: 47 \m Brandon et al -J "£%*«>* & S °" :: «a, I^SSr 1 . » 4<i June, Ish", Brandon ittuTlV' \v"p & S Ton 11 RCo MeCan.Uoss :: is IwHt'ei :: js K; s& nau ..«« L\ter " 52 D<<-, IKS", Pie/sol and Scott iuha A Frerett V-.r.ytoe Marshall and Mates " 52 March, lrtst; Marti.i u "'VoLtoii Patted Bell Mcl^andiess " 24 June 1881 Vcnderlin !,"r ,i ?!„ 111 Ciodman et ux Williams & Mitchell •' 28 June, 18Sti Brandon an.l Greer. f'''''i';;,? f, [■', II I Ktiugleretal MW/ui#lion <■ 70 June, 8^; Mitchell ir \l Ro«VtTr use M Bui>chert et al >"« . . , A SS; STiiiiSSS iih »r a »„7 Kept. 1-W Mc(i et al \ ' s{ ( ' - Williams & Mitchell "W IS j ' Marshall " I S March, 1887 Mitchell iVV A Gtulibxtt al 'l, bumper _ \\ M. M. &HIHA, Prnthouolary, Protbonotary's Office, March 28, 1887. * IBSO « "•'* ESTABUSHED J3SO S. E 11121 , J TG W T KT-i JE 1.1 . Ho 19 N OUT 11 MAIN BTRBBT, ———Diamonds, Ladies' »od QenU' floW sod Bil*er Watcbe#.- - - n » rt t# r.n tJ f* Paper Weight,;(Ji!t with OUsb Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Ornament- L 3 JL?i- 5 tion, MA RULE, ICmimelod Iroo; in hhort, acunqilete hno ol Clocks n ,- J „ Ov» Don't fail to tec thin lino of l.oodH, as it is the largest Silverware a bpeciQ/iiy. : .*>»»« compw. .» u«ti«r. .... ir . AT / |I(J SPECTACI.KH awl KVK OI.ASSES, in UoW, fiilror aod Stcc-I fruniM, ) J K I NV I scientifically adjusted under Dr. Ivmp System. Koueniber we Warrant all <.«<»«!* ««* Iffprrsenlwl. »Engraving frt eof charge. Place of bu&ineHS opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. 1M y r lM KT > PA No- 19. North' Main Street* - " " LlilLK » YOl H ATT¥iN TI ON l<> my I<liieHl<wk <>l Qn Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, \VW%' gavaßwaßE, JPEOTAOI.ES, tic., AM ° f whiti ' i,u ve ,)o{ '" w!|ccwd with r<>ut (aro ,or s ° ljß . I^SF- J |{ (j| {j j" I VS. No. 18, K R. N Main Street. tli> V ' 1 11 ? BUTL.KJI, PA. lliWrnHtAStJ 3ION OF ELECTRIC BELL- WMV MM m « Wa A * l rw farm for sale ,£JSaKW®\ffg was •t li;ir-;iiM Auv oik; il« n nij :i fH.rin crli'-.ip will ilmt wlw! lh«y v.nit in nut on -. 1 <>r lurtlicr lul'iriiiMloii I, ,1, KIMMKI.. Ilcii'li-i wnj ioasisi i, (ir 'V 1. In i -lii . II"-<t i tuary ;,r uv,r i'l N,r, •• ■ ...•■■ < m.li-i- I. .il A. li i I'lill'Y"'.;; . |h-i' Ijuttl'', a for |i. At I»ruKU" I,M - ''J' " oa li-:sm km \ WANTED V Lli., i.div'ixi tur il.- ->i« "i N . ur vvf,,,. hio I' ' Mt"H<lv i-iiilili'Viiwiit M'anuit-:«•>!- *->-tI jry ■ nil KXI'IiSHKh Apply ll«iih:b,"l^tlMK 14.L. ' |. I It.-f»*l ««» Mill piipT,) Chase Brothers, uomfsuß, >. * FURNITURE! FURNITURE ) Bed Koorn Suits, Dininfj uoom Suits, 1 LOOKING GLASSES, 1 PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROUKERS, j Fine Line of Curp« - t*Soat Kucknr*, tit No. 40 NORTH MAIN ST., Tlie Clieapi-Kt Furniture Store I JST MUTLKR. W. F. MILLER. ! in tb« OITIZKM. I MILLF.K'BoII* ItKFJNINM WoUKS, v "*■' » OlUrc : l.llwrtv M.. l'tllsl>niV. • » A. »». Mil.l. Kit A s<)>, Miinufivtiin.. »1 MW. '«• ;!. <M , N - t«.»-.•M.'.t yml itoiiM* roinuiiiiplion. Would call public iilU-tttlon to our brand \VM OJL.EIM hi JK ST Wurr:uiti'«l None llcttiT. (iilHullni' III" -town :ili"l gas luiUilltl'X, 71, HiJ, 87 I:n i .vUlcc. I.Ml.HcatllH,' Oil*. »■/*Si:i\ <--1 .11111 walll* <l. [4-f* w.-ly] Hannan^ \ ,(Mi iM'Wm «»r ijunhj«v.A i|<*luy. I hoiiHjiiKlH of i-utv'i A i K'j ull*■ Holiv. * c » vjunt.y «*r <u u montii. H*»nU lor circulars. A lVi o ruiu, mvm< " n/v77aYER <fc BON, »ur »..'b.nrrrt mf.nl*. I NixoN': HOME, No. 35 McKcan Street, EUTLiiDR- ersTst JN'.A.t Mi i|s ai all hours. < ;J1 Night. Prenkfas „.v. Dliner2sc, Suppe: . Lodging2SC, [IS-4-: in] .sios NIXON, lYop'r, tiTtiSF HEOT : STOKE in Butl« v. hrcp doors west of Wi't!t r r a Dopot. !I ivir - opet.oti :i fr« ! « ck Of <« LOCI.ttJPS, c mi--flu;« >n'« Syi»i|».B^*-* C"a!iU:'l <'o !H O Kinds. I'.. ;i, Li Sc., &(*,, Tobacco o* d C^ars ( Kl.ot'B o !•(•«.; i>i : ■ , : v. prices; hlso, a fill ! if of K :r4 ';;r hr.aids of family 11 >ur coi.slauHv on li ■ ' 11AY OATs f.»KN : FKtCD of al! kinds at lowest li>;Ur<-s. Xo f o• • r any other S§ou»*f e Ti£ssi«-»*, <'• irr-- J'r< - r >lt'll the highest prii'i ill :«• j:,: I. e i examine our stock a-n! prl 'es. Goods delivert'd free P '! i sits of town. J.J. KSAF ;3 & CO., 76 Kn.'t Jefferson • - - Butle Pa. OIX-VKAK -OLD 0 Guckeilieimer Pure Rye Whisky! Grsteful to the r«i- • ■ now ii,ill:, with all tin- \. !proj • rilt - Pun- Whiskey, mel lowed!. ti. >•. this whi nmends itself at I'-noc i , 1( n:itiPy nm! the con noi: seur. Tl:i-;vli! . ;e; .from tU" world-re nowned d!stiiler\ of 1 i !;; nhelraer Pros., Kit port. Pa. After ir.lng In Pond for tUri' yews. It was rted to Ur.mbuig, G-uoauy. where !• v.. red for two years, and wes Uie.n Pre hi v. to this country. It is i. >v six yi'M-s (1,1. i ; ave : 1 :rge quantity cf!t,.nd :ni selling it • full quart bottles at §1.0(1 A BOTTLE OK «. OTTI.KS KOK $5.00. It is v.iirranlel a sir;, i l'me Whiskey, and ,or ;; eve-rage or nieiii, Or.ulant Is unexeel -1 ,i. -t; s v'"i;j i - i imve a large stock il California \\ Ir.ei, coi ii.i; of I'ort, Sh«iry. }ln*rat«d, AuccHca, Hoi. ml Tiiljij-. They are i f the pure juice of the -ape. and arc of the rrrme ci>' la :nmf c; 'olee I'nadulterated vines. Thev have Iff ' "htfuliy railed the "A'cdern nectar of the - P - They arc put up In full quart bottlis al oepts per bottle or six 1 < ttli sft r J2.50. Oi ' <by mail or other wise will receive pron ;>t attention. JOB. FLEWIKL. DRUGGIST, TO. 84 Mi KET ST , Pittsburg, • • Pa Svvithin C. Short• at's Academy, For Young 2en pn : S ' ojs, Molltt, I'a. 12 wiles from Milled* Fixed price covers every expense, even i Vs. A'c. No extra ehaikes. No P ■ lur;ir-l est f—No exmnlna- ■ tiou fcr adti'ls.'.li.n. Tv.'i "."i experienced teacli- ■ ers. nil men and nil pv. _ - tes. S]>ecial opiior- ■ tunities for apt sturiei lo advanee rapld,y. ■ special drlil lor 'ul :: • '.l ward toys, i'a- ■ trons or students ma; .• ■fauy studies or ■ ew.-i- the re,;uiiir En::1I Rclentlflc. Business. ■ classical or Civil Engine. course. Students ■ llltted at Media AcaJei nc now In Harvard. ■ Yale. Princeton and t- oilier Colleges and ■ Polyteehtile Schools, 1 ud :ntasent to col- ■ lege In last, is la istt.lol A ■ tr i luating cl.i ever In the commercial ■ .1. io'in" 1 '!, A I'h.v 1 id Chemical l-iiw»- H ratonr. Gymnasium and Ground. UN added to" Lit ran IN 1 - I'livsleal apparatus ■ douhpHl in iss3. M'* li" I. evi-a churches and ■ a temp' ram e ch;'ri 11 ,vl prohibits tiie sale !■ of »!i lnt.o*l.-atlnsf drti.!- i'or new illustrated ■ circular address thf 1 i 1 al and Proprietor. ■ sv< I; i 11N t SIIOHTLIB A.M., (Harvard ■ liraduatc) Media, Pa. fi c-sti-ly [ITIIIIfUII I SHI, I No. 88 and 90. Main St., ■ BUTLKR, - - PA. I N'eur New Court Ho,. - »rmerly Donaldson H House nood aceoimne.'! n.fuw for travelers. ■ Good stiildliiK connect i d. H j i-u-'se. iv] 11. Kill U 11.fcR.l'rop'r. ■ Biolßii uifiC I VV. JuTtirson St, Butler Pa. I Flick & Kennedy I Have opened a firsl-ili- livery stable We«t JtlVer-.on Hi., vv"' everything new— horses, harness and w:■ y OP :?I DAY L D^NIGHT. Parlieular attention p i t to the transient trade. When in IJutler eu a cull. IJ-J-l fin J . i K & KKNNEDY. (Boston, Mass.) 1 |«1 COFFBEJ STERLING PURITY, ■ STERLING QUALITY, At-WAV ) UNIFORM. ■■ <;ivc till* R » a<l y° u w ' ll umo ii<j otlii'i'i For •file »:y THE IMPERIAL TEA CO. ■ DEALERS I'- PURE T||E||A||S| AND CCL-7SE. I CHOICE COMFI'TIONA3Y,M con, DIAMOND Aa3 MAIS » BUTLER, P- *N'A. ■ ' I ' ■ > i J\>lV Arreut#, 105 CKAMJu.Iii j. C. REDICK, bole Homes For Everybody- Tho People*' liulldlutr '•<! Lwin tlon ol Uiillur. - l'<tr v«t" «t *'"tre Tuts Ar-oclitlon I>'J> ■" Grower Her Hbure, witii a wr. x|»cn»e to o! only l'J .'U, In aldlt- Mo Mo du<». for lurlhar tnlorui • • n c.ill on or u "\* MIM-.1-K, C M II iNEM AN.^Hec^^H