THE OITOZEN. | FRIDA Y. APRIL 15. 18S7. New Advertisements. Trustee's Sale—Estate of R. W. Haberling. i Bargain Store—A. L. Robinson. Clothing—J. Klee A Co. Agents Wanted—P. J. Fleming A Co. New Locals— Stock's Stoves and Ranges, Bahny's clothing. TJOI'AL AND GENERAL. The birds with carols hail the dawn, Tbe morning comes 'they say), The goat is browsing on the lawn. hop-scotcb school girls play. The sun is drying up the ground, Thdßjur's no more obscured, The iiisball umpire's looking round To get his life insured. —Have you got the spring fever ? —The new natural gas burners are a suc cess. —Men and brethren ! we are standing on the brink of another base-ball season. —The robins now begin to chirp at 5 a. m. and day breaks shortly after. —AH persons implicated in the Xew Cas tle deceased meat scandal have been held for court. —A number of new advertisements in our columns claim the attention of our readers this week. —A bill lo remunerate school directors has been introduced ihto the State Legisla ture. —The trial of Dave Kiug for the murder J. C. Davis, will begin at Clarion next Monday. —Messrs John Campbell. W. H. H. Riddle and Judge Hazen have purchased the hill side north of Riddle's place, and propose seeding it for pasture. —The Plate Glass Co. has purchased 11 acres of the Heim farm, east of the works, looking towards anenlargment of their plant in the future. —The Butler Glass Co. proposes building another prescription-bottle works adjoining their present works, provided the Improve ment Association will donate the lot. —America ahead all round ! and or der prevails in the South and West, and liberty is re-established in Michigan and in Butler county.— Kittanuhuj Globe (Dem.) —The horse-thief is loose in south Butler township, aud horses have lately been taken from the stables of Messrs. Bredin and Grat hill. —Anybody who want* it, can get about a thousand loads of good fertilizing dirt from around the Court House by applying to the commissioners. —Two old gray-headed drunken men be ing guytd by crowds of men and boys, was "fun alive" on Main street Wednesday af ternoon. —lf you would avoid zymotic diseases like scarlet fever, clean up your premises, use lime freely. and above all things, be sure that your supply of drinking water is pure. —The weather this week has been lovely, as we all know, but the farmers say that rain is needed to save the wheat. The mercury has been ranging between 70 and HO. —The sale of the Shenango A Allegheny railroad, which was to have taken place last week, was adjourned until Tuesday, the 19th ins'. —The exhibition given by the children of the German Catholic church in the Opera Ilause Monday evening, was well attended, and was great ly appreciated by. tbe audience The children all did well. —Dr. Frank Winter, of Allegheny City, formerly of Zelienople, has been arrested on serious charges preferred by a German girl, and will have a hearing to-day. The Dr. says it is a case of blackmail. —Mr. Mohr, the man arrested for forgery al Harmony some days ago, is yet skirmish ing arouod for his SSOO bail, and eveiybody seems to be resting easy in the matter. There is said to be some doubt of the man's guilt. —Tbe anti Randall Democrats are having high times over tbe rami r that Cleveland is I is aboth to make a clean sweep in tbe Penn sylvania offices; and that no Randall men need apply.— Ex. —A counterfeit on the new nickel five cent piece of 1887 is being extensively cir culated. It is almost all lead, and the letters "rty" of the word "liberty" are entirely ob literated. "" —The new ordinance regarding side walks, requires all board walks to to be constructed of oak inches thick, cut in four or six foot lenflns, According to the width ol m the street, and laid across either three or ■ four oak stringers, each four inches square. V —The Sunday edition of the Pittsburg f Dinpatrti al way » consist* of sixteen pages of " the best reading matter going, and it has at tained a circulation of 3SOOO copies. The Daily D.npalck is a complete newspaper, and the publishers claim, both for it •on 'h* Sunday, tbe largest circulation of any pa per in tbe Sute outside of Philadelphia. —A young lady of the South Side, Pitts- Durg, who had a wealth of golden hair, reaching below ber waist, was chloroformed and robbed of it at her own home Tuesday afternoon, by a veiled woman who pretend ed to be peddling hair crimpers. —The government chemists have found fresh proof* that the world is hollow and our spices stuffed with sawdust. Fortunately this is a matter that can ire easily remedied. Spice mills do not cost much; let every fam ily get oac and grind its own spices. Only the ground spices are adulterated. At the quarterly examination of pupils in Allegheny schools last week, the follow one .)/ tbe questions: Divide .001 by V|ll' multiply tbe result by 10 millionths; Miv'ide by 10 millioas, add .001 and multiply Fthe /esult by 100.00001. —There are some Butler county names in / the list of the Panhandle railroad employes arrested in I'itUburg last Saturday night, but they may not be natives of this county. The plunder of the gang is estimated to be worth from two to three hundred thousand dollars, and the stealing has been going on for years. —MUs Mollie Gilkey has purchased t'l feet of the property from W. C. Thompson for S2OOO. and Geo. Kettcrcr the other let of 22 feet between his building and the lot for *2OOO. Mr. I.J. McCandless ha* 2a feet adjoining to the south, and the*# l "~three parties will builJj together, and imme diately, a two story brick business block. —The Haley property at Washington and W. Pearl street, was partitioned by a sher iff's jury last Friday a* follows: The hous* and lot Ironting on Washington street werr aspraised nt -iW'A), the corner lot at &i r tell her that she was too old to be marrie'P —Mis* Ktinice Wallace, a woman over forty year/, of sge, was arrested by Sheriff Kramer lest Thursday ,on a charge of lar ceny, preferred by Mr. Casper Iteichert, of Oakland township. A week or so previous to that, a vest in one of the pockets of which Mr. Reichert bad placed SOO, was taken from bis, and although be suspected Mia* Wallace of the theft, she denied it, and be could not prove It. On Thursday he came to town and procured a search warrant and put It in the bands of tbe sheriff, who drove out and searched the bouse and premi ses, and finding nothing, arrested the woman and started for Butler with ber, wheu she agreed to give up the money. They then went to a Mr. Smith's near by, where a niece of Miss Wallace iiyes, and got 170 which Miss W. said was all she bad, and the sheriff brought ber to town and put her in lail, though she was balled on Saturday by ber brother, who lives in Karns City. The T«t WM found la the well. LEGAL NEWS. BALAXCK OK CIVIL CASKS TKIBO LAST WKKT C. A. Sullivan for use vs. John A. Goetz— April 7, verdict for the plaintiff for . J Elizabeth Rice by Jacob W. Rice vs. The Borouzh ot Bntler—April 8, verdict for the plaintiff for -rllS-Tj. John Donaldson vs. The Rorou?h of Butler —April 'J, verdict for the defendant. John Donaldson and wife vs. The Boro of Butler—April verdict for the de 'eudaut. Miller Hutchison vs. Robert A. Brown— j April e, case settled by the partiss. CASES DISPOSED OF THIS WEEK. William Arthurs for use t.f G. A. Madson vs. Jacob Eyman and Michael Gillespie, j Adm'rs of Ann Eymau, dec'J, et n! -Sei. F4ll, same to A. B. Pieper property in same for .> r .50, J. R- Suecop tt al have deeded 100 acres in Jeffc-r»on to Earnest Montag for j."x;so, Tho<- Critchlow has sold property in B'itler to W. S. McCrea for *3270. Letters of administration were granted to Josiab Coovert oa estate of Lelanl K. Coov ert. The will cf Albert G. Boyd was probated lajst Tuesday and letters to Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd. Mr. Thoa. Brown, of Buffalo township, has beeu appointed janitor ol the Court House. Richard Jrvit et al have deeded cjal land in Butler county to the Mercer Coal Co. lor $1,230,000, and tike Coal Co. has external a . mortgage to Thos. Powell Fowler, trusted lor $300,000. J. F. Shaffer, adnj'r, has deedid property in Harmony to Philip Kraedel for Juo. Williamson has deeded 170 a'-res in (.'lay to Nancy A. Sutton for $3090, B. Kost has deeded 50 acres in Butler twp. to M. lleim for S3OOO, K. L. Shunter has deeded 42 acres in Summit to Anna Spiunewcaver for >3IOO. Letters testamentary were granted to J. M. Leighner Wednesday, on estate ol Isaac Kelly of Prospect. The will of John Mcßride was probated April 8 and no letters. Marriage Licenses. John Adam Fisher Jefferson twp Clardena Schroat Jefferson twp Henry J. Lang Saxonburg Lydia P. Dreschei Saxonburg James 11. Gallagher Lancaster twp Loraine SitJer Jackson twp Walter L. Fleming and Julia '/•. McCor raiok applied for a license last week, hut were refused on account of Walter not hay ing a divorce frotn his former wife, and it is *sid they have gone to York state. —We call attention of our merchants to the advertisement of J. Klee & Co., 811 Lib erty St., Pittsburg, and »iJ< and Gi), Broal way, New York. This House manufactures its great line of clothing, from chillreos' up to mens'; altogether in their New York house where its facilities for constantly se curing new Ktyles is unequalled by any other Pittsburg house. It is the oldest in this line in Pittsburg, and are in fact among the pioneers of this country. In their stock you can find everything in the way of ready made clothing which surpass in manufacture, cut and trimming* any goods made in Pitts burg. We cm recommend this house as of undoubted reliability, and merchants will do themselves credit to inspect their stock. —A committee of our T.. T. PAPS'*. —For fresh Fruits, Oranges, Lem ons, Malaga drapes and Cranberries, go to Morrison's City Bakery. —Our Royal Ranges are dandies, Our FornclilT Ranges are daisies, Our Home-trade Ranges take tho cake th<*y equal anything in the market and are sold way down at . Ilazlelt, of Wialield township, has been lying sick of typhoid fever at the Allegheny City general hospi tal for eight weeks, but is now con valescent. Dr. A. L. Gibson, a dentist of Mil lerstown, and a Miss Murphy of the same town, are reported to have eloped—gone to York state aud got married—one day last week. Springdale. —The "bouncer" of tbe Glass Works is a very affable gentleman. —Messrs. S, M. Stewart and Frank Bedenbaugh are building houses on Ziegler Ave. —The Glass Co. is erecting eighteen tenement houses near tbe works. —Harper Bro's store ia doicg a good business. —Mr. D. L Aiken has recovered his health, and is building a house hack of his store-building. —Mr. Shields, Jr., has rented and moved into part of Philip Dauben speck's houee. —Mr. John P. Denny has chnrge of the City Drug Store. Mr. D. had a drugstore in Butler ten years ago in the room now occupied l>y D. A. Heck. Both ends of the main buildinr of the Plato Glass Works are fillelf with immense ovens. There are two or three dozen of them—each about 20 feet wide by 40 long—enough oven room to bake bread for the whole state. The central part of the building will contain the furnaces, part of which are under ground and are reached by subterranean passa ges, bricked and arched. It will be a wonderful affair, this plate glass works, but the "bouncer 1 ' checks all curiosity. Tho Northwestern G. A. R. The Northwestern Association of the Grand Army of the llepublic will hold their annual encampment at Oil City on August, 25th. Arrange ments will be made with the proprie tors of hotels for the accommodation of soldiers and their families at re duced rates. A transportation com mittee has been appointed to arrange for excursion rates on this occasion, to and from all points within the lim its of the organization Prominent speakers will be present. Among those already invited are General W. T. Sherman, Governor Beaver, Com mander-in-Chief Lucius Fairchild, and Department Commander Samuel Harper. It is one of the chief ob jects of this association that tho old soldiers may not forget each other. At the meeting of the executive com mittee a motion prevailed which re quests nil posts to invite posts or members of posts, in their respective vicinities, of Sons of Veterans, the Women's Relief Corps and Royal League, to be present and participate in the reunion. Look-Out For Cranberry Town ship. Well No. 7 on the Markle farm in Forward township, reached the sand last Saturday, began 'lowing at, iho rate of 45 barrels an hour, and was doing 80 an hour on Tuesday and not through the sand It is owned by the Philips Bros. Hirchfield & Co's well on the Hun bar or Beam farm, three-fourths of a mile south-west of this, reached the sand Tuesday morning arid started oil" at 15 an hour, and was said to be doing 50 an hour yesterday. Almost all the farms in Cranberry township have been leased, and it bids fair to be the greatest oil field in the county. —Don't drive too fast down hill, but you never make a mistake when you drive after an Ktna stove or range and get one. Chris Stock keeps them, —The principal subject of conver sation amongst all the housekeepers of liutler is the great variety of bir gains in tin and sheet iron ware, Ktna C and D ranges, and Ktna K cook stoves at Stock's. Full lino of Hosiery and Gloves at D. T. PAI-K'S —New stoek of Feathers and Flowers at I). T. PAI-E'S. Any person needing Sewer Pipe will save money by calling on M. C, Roekenstein before buying. —M. C. Roekenstein just rcoeivid two car loads of Sewer Pipe for cellar drains which he is selling very low. —Spring Hats and Bonnets at ✓ D. T. Pjwk'H. it is Observed: —TLat the frogs are rip— With butter and egsrs, saving here a little and there a little, many a good housewife is able to buy a mow ing machine for use ou the farm. But she won't if she needs a new stove She will spend Ler money for an E'na stove or range at Stock's—on Main street, a few doors south of the Court House. Closing Out at Cost. We are closing out our Dry Goods at cost to make room for a large stock of MILLINERY, FANCY GOODS, etc. at D. T. P APE, 8. —We are selling furniture lower than it has ever before been sold in Butler, and after using it you will say that it is what we said it was, otherwise no sale, at MILLER BED'S, Xo. 19 Jefferson St. —M. C. Rockenstein sells Cook Stoves and Ranges cheaper than any other firm iu town. Full assortment of Embroideries at D. T. PAPK'S. —That the womeu are hat and bonnet crazy— Removal. James A, Xegler & Son, agents for John Wanamakcr's Wholesale Dry Goods, Carpets and Xotion House, Philadelphia, have moved to Xo. 12Xorth Main street, next door to H. Biehl k Co. They now have a room large enough to display their splendid line of samples representing the cream of Wanamaker's immense wholesale sto?k. Butler county mer chants, and many from adjoining counties, are availing themselves of this opportunity of selecting goods from the finest stock iu the East without the expense of visiting the Eastern cities. As Butler is now either a terminus or a centre for four leading railroads, viz: Pennsylvania. Pittsburg & Western, Shenango & Allegheny and the Xarrow Guage system, business men and others can be assured a pleasant visit to tbe town. —That brass furniture is becoming fashionable. "It's so English, you know"— A. Xo. 1. all husk mattress, guar anteed, not mixed with excelcer at a lower figure than can be had else where in Butler, at Miller Bros', furniture store, No. 1!) Jefferson St —Lowest prices on tlannels, Blankets and Yarns at L. STEIN & SON'S —Latest styles of Ladies' Coats and and short Wraps at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Go to Morrison's City "Bakery for fresh Oysters and Oyster Stews. —That this is the last oyster month— —Mourning Hats, Bonnets and veiling at D. T. PAPE'S. Ready for Spring. Charles L. Armor is prepared to do the best work in Butler iu the way of 1 louse, Sign aud Fresco painting; Paper Hanging and Ivalso mining Prices reasonable. Esti mates furnished. Office on Main street, near Court House, Butler, Pa. —Use Double All O. K. Horse Lini ment, best in the world. For swell ings, bruises, stiffness of joints, rheu matism, lameness, sore shoulders, ringbone, sweeny and spavin; it has no equal. For sale by J. C RKDICK, 2-18 3m, No, 5, N Main St. I Butler, Pa ■lji'lack and Colored Bead Trim mi at L. STEIN & SON'S That "get up,breakfast is ready" is rousing speech— —Everybody will find it to their advantage to go to the City Bakery for their bread, pies, cakes, etc. —Go to 'Morrison's City Bakery for fine cakes and ico cream. —Large stock of Xew Cloaks at I J. STEIN SON'S. —lce Cream made to order at the City Bakery. —That moving time has come and gone and there are a good many changes— Bargains' For the next sixty days, in order to reduce our stock, wo will quote special low prices on all our stock. We have on hands thirty bed room sets ranging from $lB to $l5O per 1 set. Thirteen upholstered parlor suits ranging from $35 to $l5O per suit. Parlor stands from to $lO. Lounges from §2,50 to $25. Hut racks from $8 to S3O. Tabes from $1 25 to $lO Wash-stands from $2 to $lB, Bureaus from s'.» to $25. Sots of chairs from $2 75 to sl<» per set. Secretaries from slfi to $lO. Kasy chairs, handsome pictures, room ornaments, etc , any of which , would make both useful and appropri ate presents. MILLER BRO'rf. No. 19, Jefferson St,, Butler, I'a. —Xew Velvets, Xew Dress Goods, New Trimmings at I/. STEIN AT SON'S liats and Bonnets reshaped at I>. T. P.M-K'S. —That the straw hat is budding and will soon bo out in full bloom —Standing with reluctant feet at the corner of tbe street, many signs confuse her eyes; doubts beset her, and she sighs. But there is no occa sion to feel bad, young lady, if its a good stove you are looking for, just step into Chris Stock's, on S. Main street anil you will see tile finest se lection of Etna stoven and ranges in the market. .r . —Wfe have now open a lull stock \ of latest styles of Ladies' Cloaks, i Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods and Trimmings (or the Fall trade, Please I cull and examine, at L STEIN cents jto per yard and trim mings to match A verv full | . • *" i line of gloves, hosiery, neck- I wear. See our embroidered ; kid, silk and lisle gloves. Wraps and jackets in all grades, styles and prices; the very best fit ting garments in the market, j and bought . direct from the manufacturer. We can j actually sell them cheaper than you can make them. Car- I pets, oil cloths, mattings, drug -1 getts, rugs, inatts, stair-rods and fasteners, everything found in a first-class carpet stpre. I Good heavy ingrain at -o cents; best cottage carpet at | 2"> cents, and all new desira ble styles Ecru lace curtains $1 per pair up. A large lot ot good scrim at lo cents. We have wonderful bargains in domestic goods. What do yon think of a full yard wide, soft finish, bleached muslin at 01 cents—l ti yards for $1 ? Fair quality straw ticking at Nc; extra fine brown muslin Gi cents; ladies' hose, solid colors, •"> cents per pair; but we can ; not begin to publish a list of our bargains —the only way to satisfy yourself that you can save money and be better suit ed at KITTKH & RALSTON'S than elsewhere is to call and ex amine the bargains we are now offering. All goods mark ed in plain figures. We cor dially in\ite you to call in and be convinced that our goods and prices are unequaled in this part of the State ot Penn sylvania, IHTfER 8 MLSTOH. 11l —That Piaster music goes to this tune: Dross $, bonnet special con tribution (for which envelops will bo found in each pow) Si* $. Witherspoon Institute. The Summer Normal Term of the Witherspoon Institute of llutlcr, will open about June Ist. Address PltOK. P. K. BANOUOFT. Everybody Read This. The Spring Term of Prospect Academy begins April r>, 1887, at 2 o'clock, p.m. Students Reception in Chapel Hall at 7 p.m. Boarding, room rent and tuition low. Instruction thorough. Call on or address the Principal, F. W. MAUBK, Prospect, Pa. —Good, heavy,honest made Htoves are sold very cheat at M. C. Rocken stein's, No. 17 Main St. Beautiful pictures at very low prices at Miller Bros.' furniture store, So. 1!) Jefferson St. —No. li) Jefferson St. is the place to buy cheap and good furniture. I lorn cs Wanted. Four homes are needed for boys be tween 5 and 7 years of age by the Children's Aid Society of Butler county. Also, temporary boarding in a pri vate family, in town or country, for a little boy. Apply to. MHS. I'U NEYMAN, MIIS .1 F. BALIIII. The Best and Cheapest Farm Gate in the World for $1.50. !•*• i! 1 « f lilny H ami lolleni for •iiml IrI! *ll tfat'i COllihllied. Will : liUl 11 . |>UHM load or it ty or n-.toor arid hinder, (No patent «>!! gate). Full dltvrllollh r« »i* hnlldlnic ft ml 1111*: doors South of Jeffor son street, we invite one and all to rail and see what we offer for sale in the line of CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, ETC., For men and boys. Wo no vain boasts, but assure our patrons that our goods are second to none, and iu fact superior in make and lit, to those usually kept in ready-made clothing stores. As for prices we as sure you of a saving on like goods,by purchasing of us. Forgot not the place. M. BAH NY, Clothier, m {riveSYlQS" ol ' j,t ' '■ HV 0 £.ll 8 . ■dtmilw t> „ oi.'.m „;t,m«tt • on »ro, ot Butler. Thos. Niggle, collector of duplicate of _1 884 To ba!, of duplicate of 'SI $1,079 99 March 30, ':-6, credit 8 297 I \u<4ust 7, 'B'J. credit 814 05 Commission of 5 percent... <>o Bal. due the borough Mar. 30, 512 40 11. ( Mc.Vboy, collector of duplicates of IS»3 and 1885. Bal. due the boro, on said duplicates as fper statement of last Auditors' rep'ts2,636 40 Mar. 2.!, 'S6, credit 8 200 00 June 23, 'B6 820 March 14, "8" 616 tj > Commission of "> per cent... 81 8C Bal. due boro. on Mar. 29, 'B7 $ 919 33 G. V.\ Zieg'er, l>r. to ain't of duplicate of '86...". <15,838 79 Credit, Sept. 29, 'B6 81,249 32 " Nov. 4, 'B6 440 33 " Jan. 17, 'B7 824 63 " Jan. 17, 'B7 60 50 " Mar. 2, 'B7 334 11 " Mar. 11, 'B7 287 71 Bal due the boro. March 29 82,612 19 Casper Rockensteio, Treasurer, in account with boro. of Puller for the year end ing March 15, ISB7. DR. Pal due on audit of ISS7 $ 261 15 Mar. 23, r B6, ree'd from McAboy 200 0> Mar. 'B6, ree'd from Niggle 297 34 June 26, '.yi, ree'd from McAboy. ... 820 56 Mar. 14, 'B6, ree'd Irom McAboy 616 65 Mar. 7, 'B6, ree'd from Nignle 814 69 Sept. 29, 'BB, " " («. W. ZisglW- 1,349 32 Nov. 4, 's6, " " (i. W. Ziegler.. 440 33 .lan. 17, 'B7, " " (i. W. /iegler.. 821 63 Jan. 17, '."<7, " "O. W. Ziegler.. 60 50 Mar. 2, \s7, " "G. »V. /iegler.. 334 11 Mar. 11, '»7, " "G. W. Ziegler.. 2*7 71 Mar. 15, 'B7, " " Bur. A. L. Ileiberl97 7-"> Total receipts $6,407,74 C'af-per liockenstein in account with I>trough of Butler. Clt. Teaming and stone $ 259 30 Labor 1,657 05 lire department 378 55 Printing 1 ; >8 50 Stone 121 25 Pavcjieut orilers 3 15 Waler rent 600 On Tax on loans 5! 05 Justice fees 11 76 Attorney fees 200 Ott Street Commissioner 361 6o Fire department hydrants 253 51 Plumbing 12 72 Lumber 110 3!' Hardware 67 89 Clerk's salary 125 00 I nt. on h >nds 410 00 Klacksmithing 24 4s Police 30 75 Auditing 45 00 Constatfle fees 174 23 Surveying 17 80 Eureka Ilose Co 475 00 Alldred & Troutnian warrant No. 171 SOS 40 Treasurer's commission 117 78 !ly balance due Iwrough 453 60 Total amount credits $6,407 74 To balance due the borough •$ 455 60 Audited March 29,1887. GEORGE K. BALPII, 11. <2. WALK Kit, AMOS KEARNS, Auditors. April 4, 1887. TRUSTEE'S SALE ESTATE OF R. \V. IIEBERLING DEC'O. By virtue of an order of the Oridianb' Court of Butler county, Pa., at (). ('. No. 49 of Dec. 'l'.. IKS 6, to mo ilirected, 1 will ex pire to public sale on SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1887, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. on the premises, ill the Borough ot Zelieuo pie, the following described tract of land, or lot of ground, bounded and described as fol lows: <>n the north by lot of J. C. Brown, on the east by lot of A. E. Hcb .'rliiig, on the south by New Castle street, and on the west by iot of Mrs. Margaret Htrobeeker, and having a frontage oil New Castle street ot one hundred ami thirty-four feet, and run ning hack from theuce a distance of sixty six and two-thirds feet, with a ONE STORY BRICK HOUSE thereon erected. Sale to lie adjourned from tima to time if no sufficient bid is obtained. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of purchase money on confirma tion of sale by the Court, and remainder in two equal annual installments from that date with lawful interest; to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises, bond and mortgage embracing attorney's commis sion, in case the same shall have to be col lected by legal prncis. PETER KRAMER, Sheriff, Butler April 11, 'B7. Trustee. HIIHTCn AGENTS ,!!!£""' II nil ILU I'oi.i.itk ai, nisi rssinss, HIH.IIM vrn aii'l I'tifi," Including all Ills speeches. I»y .1 \mkh<:. lli.aink. \iiiil\ UL once fur terms anil territory . I*. .1. I 1.1 MINI. .V (11 . 4-1.-,. 41 4, lilli Ave., Pittsburg. RAILR OA D TIMETABLE,. WKHT PI'.N'N It. K. On and after Monday, I'ec. 13, IMS 6, trains will leave llutler as follows: Mark KT at 6:15 a. in., arriving at.Ylleghe ny at 0:00 a. m ; connects east. Exi'UKSS at 8:30 a. in., arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:30 a. m.; does not connect for the east. Mai l. at 2:35 p. rn., and goes through to Allegheny, arriving there ai 4:45 p. m.; con nects east. Accommodation at 1:55 p, in., and con nects at the Junction with Freeport Accom modation, arriving at Allegheny at 7:30 in., and connects east as far as Apollo. Trains connecting for Butler leave Allcghey ny at7:2o a.m., 2:30 |>. in. and 6:30 p. in. Trains arrive at llutler at 10:25 a, in. and 4:55 ami 7:35 p. in. Corrected to fast tinfti, 1 hour faster than schedule time ami twenty minutes faster then Pittsburgh time. Trains leave Butler for Greenville from tlie Pittsburgh and Western depot at 9:15 it. m. and 12:30 and 6:25 p. in. Trains leaving the P. A. W. depot in Allegheny city at 7:00,10:20 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. last time connect at itutlcr with trains ou the S. &. A. Trains arrive at llutler from Greenville, fasttime, 9:43 a.m. and 2:45 and 6:37 p. m., and connect with trains on the I*. it W. arriving at Allegheny at I I:.'JO a. in. and 4:58 and 8:35 p. in., last time. Trains leave Milliards at 6:10, and 11:00 a. m., slow tini«, and arrive at 10:00 a.m. and 7:20 l>. m. Both trains connect at llranokton for Butler and Greenville. A J FRANK & CO, |)RI OS, M EDM'I NFS, AND CHEMICALS, FANCY and TOILET ARTICES, SPONtiES, lIRI HIIES, I'EKI't 'MEIiV, Ac. I ""Tli.\ leliiiis" preHcrlpMoiiM carefully <<>■ !>oiinLi*np for Catalogue and mention carriages. IHt LUBOrtC , : U ' . =43 W. Bth St.. Philada.. Pa- CHEAP! CHEAP! LARGE VARIETY OF NEW GOODS AT A. L. Rcbison's Bargain Store. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TIN-WARE Class-Wars, Queans-Ware, and Jewelry Come and examine floods and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Centre room of George Keiber Building. COR. MAIN AND JEFFERSON STS., BUTLER, PA. J. KLEE & CO. 8H LIBERTY STREET, 628 &. 630 BROADWAY, PITTSBURG. NEW YORK. MAXTFUF'ACTTMESS OF CLOTHING IN ALL GRADES AND SIZES. Our Spring and Summer Slock most Complete and Unsurpassed. «eS=WHOLESALS EXCLUSIVELY-®# Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. A. Troutman & Son. 11111 1111 l 1111 mill AY e invite special attention to our unrivaled Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and * Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODs. We have a large assortment of Co'ored Dress Goods in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices Table Linens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Muslin Underwear fur ladies and Misses, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvets, New Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car pets in now (Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, New Smyrna ttugs, Door Mats, Oil Cloths, &c., efce. Lace Curtains, Madras Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &c. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. LARGEST STOCK. BEST ASSORTMENT. at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Butler,, Pa Reliable Boots aDd Shoes. • Please observe the daily arrivals of New and At tractive Spring Styles in Ladies', Misses' and Chil drens', Mens', BO3H' and Youths'footwear, all to be sold at the lowest prices. We have all our goods made to our own order and stand by every pair of them; warrant them to give you service. Please notice we sell 110 a iction goods, but all straight goods. We invite you to examine our New Spring Styles and our new prices. B. C. HUSELTON, No. I, N. Main St., Butler, Pa. KNOX HOUSE. J. B. KNOX, Prop'r. 10,44, E, JEFFERSON STREET, JiUTL. KK* I'A. Boarding by the week or day. ; • i> - Five minutes walk from Court ll"u <■. Homes For Everybody. The IVopltV llulldliiir niil Muller.- I'nr value of enrh a/mre # 100 Till* A»««m1 itlou pay* tlie borrower #IOO fl-r »hurt>, Willi a weekly OXpMlliO lO Mill of only <1 ei*, In addition i<» hi* regular Uqc». Foi further Inlurumliuu call on or id- U W MII.LKH, U M HKINEMAN, V Pre§ Duller, Pa FURNITURE! FURNITUR E Bed Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, LOOKING GLASSES, PICTURE FRAMES, CARPET-SEAT ROCKERS, Kino Lino of Carpet-Seat llockors, ut No. 40. NORTH MAIN ST.. Tin' ('hcapesl Purnilare Store IN HUTLKK. W. F.MILLSR. al (J in* t§. No operation or huntncnn delay. Tboux&lMjb <>t eiireH. At Keyntone itoune, Headline. l'a.. si Haturday of each montlt. N-ud tor circulars. Advice free, • <•" j'j3W