THBOITIZEN. JOH\ H. & W. C. NEGLEY, PROPRIETORS. BATES—POST AC. E PREPAID : H Jr One year - . Six months Thr«?e months 40 | 1 Entered at Post office at Uutlrr »s i.l rl«« mutt"- j ' Ik. FRIDAY, APRIL 15, Governor Hill of New has vetoed the High License bill passed by the Legislature of that State. • WITH one exception we succeedel in getting inserted all the communica tions of friends this week. It will ap pear next week- THE Brookes High License bill passed in the House at Ilarrisburg Tuesday by a vote of 123 for to <>2 against. THE rig is being put up for a new gas well on the lot of Mr. Samuel McClymonds, in this borough, South Side. THE Female Suffrage bill before the Senate at Harrisburg passed thai body on Tuesday last by a vote of 28 for to 17 agaiust. Hon. 11. L. Richmond, John J. Henderson, Esq., and Messrs Daven port and Ray are candidates for the Republican nomination for Judge in Crawford county. BY an ord nance of the Town Council of this borough, passed April 11th, all bar-rooms, saloons, or other places where intoxicating liquors of any kind are sold, shall be closed at 10 o'clock at night, local time, and re main closed till 5 in the morning, un der a penalty of sf>o for each violation of same. United States Senator Reagan, of Texas, has astonished the people of that State bv coming out squarely for Prohibition. The question is now before the people of Texas for a vote, just as it soon will be in Pennsyl vania, and Senator Reagan thus takes ground in favor of the measure. WHEN the Billingsley oil pipe bill was on final passage in the House, last Tuesday, Mr. Thompson of this county took occasion to state the cause of his absence when a previous vote had been taken. He was un avoidably absent on account of sick ness iu his family. Both he and Mr. Showalter were friends of the bill and voted for it. AMONG the bills passed finally in the Senate at Harrisburg was one "To punish the giving of false pedi grees of cattle." The bill providing that the death penalty in capital cases might be car £ ried out by means of electricity was lost on third reading. The repeal of the scalp law, which had been defeated in the House, was reconsidered and passed finally. Judge Livingston, of Lancaster county, has decided that the law ap proved June 25, 1885, providing for the election of an officer to be sty led collector of taxes, and regulating the collection of taxes, is unconstitutional, coming within the inhibition of the j constitution prohibiting local legisla-. tion. If the Supreme Court should sustain the learned Judge in his opin- j ion the collectors elected at the re- j cent election would be without au- i thority to collect taxes.—Ex. License Granting. In this week's CITIZEN will be seen several communications on the \ action of our late Court in granting licenses in this county. One of them is in defense of the action of Judge Hazen. Also another letter written by Judge Agnew on the power of the Courts in the matter. While our 1 own opinions have undergoue no j change on the question, yet we pre fer to give these communications and j to now hear from others. Our col- j umns are therefore open to all, and < for anything written in a proper spirit ' and that may afford any additional j light on ths subject. The question came up in this coun-! ty this year under different circum stances from that existing in any of the neighboring counties. There were no licenses granted in this county last year, while there were some granted in all neighboring coun ties. From this fact alone our peo ple had looked forward and expected none would be granted this year, j Their disappointment was therefore ! the greater on learning some granted. There is no doubt of the 1 -general public sentiment being] against the granting, and that far j more general satisfaction would have been given if none had been granted. , This is more particularly the case in this town, where it was thought the "number and character" of those re-' monstrating would prevail with the ] Court, as on last year. And here v. e are compelled to differ witn those who give 9uch a strained consti 'ictiou to the word "character" as ns«v' in tie act of 18C7. Wc think it means per. soncd character,standing in communi ty, as good, moral, useful < itiz'»ns, L having an interest in the' welfare of the place, and not character as to means or ability to know certain facts • concerning certain places or things. I This difference in this definition of that word may have had much to do with the question here. But it is not our intention at this time to go over I any of the ground on the question, but L as we say, prefer to hear from otherß. Judge Agnew's Reply. Some two or three weeln ago wc published in the CITIZEN a letter ad dressed by Judge Agnew to a meet ing of his fellow-citizens held at Beaver Falls, Pa. This letter was regarded as a very important and able one on the liceuse question. Coming from the author of the oft-misquoted "Schlaudecker case," we conceived that he had very satisfactorily shown that the judicial discretion spoken of in that case, to be used by the Courts in the grantiug of licenses, was a very different one from the duties of the courts under the law of ISG7, where the number and character of the petitioners for and remonstrants against license were mainly to be considered, as more recently defined by the Supreme Court in the Ileed case. But the Bea7er Argus and Radical undertook to criticise the let ter and the following is Judge Ag new's reply to that criticism. We copy his reply as written for the Ro chester (Pa.) Daily Argus, and as found in the Beavar talis Daily Tri bune, of April 9. It does seem to us that in this reply Judge Agnew leaves no ground for auv court to stand upon that grants licenses over the heads of a majority of the people of a place interested, as expressed in their remonstrances to the court. We invite a careful reading of what he says, as it covers all points that just now happen to be discussed in our community:— THE LIQT'OK QUESTION MR. EDITOR : Your kind editorial on my letter to the Beaver Falls meeting is quite flattering. It is also pleasant to sec the versatility with which vou have exchanged the edito rial tripod for the judicial robe. Your remarkable similarity of style as edi torial judge and editorial reporter would almost induce us to suppose that the editor and the judge had ex changed places, only we know that the editor would not suffer, and the judge would not descend, to write un der cover. Now, as you have taken up the role of a judicial critic, judicial fair ness admits of a comment on the criticism. The first is that you have failed in judicial discrimination. If one side is wrong it does not follow that the other is right. Both may be wrong, or partially right and partial ly wrong. Thus, if Mr. Stranahan contended that the court must look solely at the necessity for selling li quors, and not the necessity of the hotel, he is wrong. The court must look at both, but if the evil of selling intoxicating drinks at that hotel over balances the necessity for the hotel a.-! such, the act of 18G7 requires the li cense to be refused. So Judge Wick ham is clearly wrong if he looks wholly at the necessity of the hotel, and disregards the greater evils of selling intoxicating drinks there, as shown by the evidence of remonstran ces under the act of 18C7. The Su preme Court says that the act "pic scribes the method by which the ne cessity shall be ascertained. Next, you have omitted entirely to notice that Schlaudccker's license, as proved by the record, was refused on other evidence, and not on the evi dence of remonstrances, and therefore that case is no authority for granting a license against the weight of the re-; monstrances, under the act of 18G7 A blundering lawyer may confound ! cases, but a good judge never does. So you do what a fair minded law yer or judge never does, viz: you ap-, ply the language of my opinion iu Schlaudecker's case to another whol ly different from the oue I was con sidering. It is not judicial, indeed | it is not fair, to distort language to j meet a different question. You also err in criticising my state- j ment that the act of 18C7 stiil regards i the necessity of the hotel as an ele- j ment of decision. You ought to have | gone further acd said that 1 regard J both elements—the necessity of the j hotel, and the evil and injury of sell iug intoxicating driuks in that hotel— as essential to a just decision; and if, 1 in weighiug those, the evils of the j latter oyer-balance the necessity for the former, the act of 18C7 (which, the Supreme Court says, prescribes | the rule of determination) requires the license to be refused. Now, as a judge, you ought to have j noticed that the Act of 18G7 says .nothing about the other evidence con tained iu former laws, but on the con trary puts the decision of the court wholly on the petitions for and remon strances against the application. Suppose we read the first section of the act of ISG7, viz: "That when an application is made to any court oi Quarter Sessions for license to sell in toxicating driuks, it shall be lawful for said court to hear petitions in ad dition to that of the applicant in i'avur of, and remonstrances against the ap plication lor such liceuse, and in all cases to tejuse the same, whenever, iu ihe opinion of the court, having due regard for the number and char acter of ibe petitioners for and aguiast such application, such license is not necessary lor the accommodation of the public and entertainment of struu gers and travelers." Can there be anything plainer than this? 1 have used italics to make it plain. Now, when the act of 18G7 says j nothing about other evidence or facts ! but prescribes the duty of the court ! solely upon the petitions and remon ! stranees, do you not see how my ian ! guage in Schlaudecker's case is db j torted when you say I said: "It is ( the duty of the court, therefore, to hea.* and eletennine each case on its ' evidence and facts, meaning,cf course, I all the evidence and all the facts, cot | simply that portion of them embraced I iu the petitions aud remonstrances." | Now, I meant no such thing, for that case was decided on other evidence ■ and facta, and not on petitions u:id j remonstrances, and that I showed by i the record in my letter. It is true the act of 13G7 existed when the opinion w£3 written, but it is wholly untrue that my opinion had auy reference to the evidence of peti tions and remonstrances under the act of 18G7. It is true also that Common Pleas judges have differed in fhe interpretation of the act. But the reason is obvious Their per sonal opinions often guided them Some granted nearly all licenses, others refused nearly ail No wonder that the legislature now liuds it neces sary to compel judges to observe the act of 1867. Besides, uciil the case of Reed c&ine up from from ton there ha* been no opinion of the Supreme Court to guide them on the effect of remonstrances. As editorial repor.c-r you say Judge Wickbam stated tbis opinion was only ft dictum. But what did the Supreme Court pay? "We see that the petitions and remonstrances are for the purpose of determining, without regard to the character of the applicant, whether such license is or is not a matter of public necessity. Furthermore, th" Legislature ha* j reset ilea the method by which the necessity shall be ascertained, that is bv the number and character of those petitioning for or ugaintt such appli cation." This is no dictum, but a decision, on the very point made before the court The fact that the case finally went off on the ground that the plain tiff had no remedy by writ of certi orari did not change the nature of the decision on the question made. The court frequently decides upon the errors assigned, and yet finally dis misses the case on other grounds. A dictum is something said by a judge outside of the question to be decided. As to counting names, the argu ment is evasive. The cause has re gard to character as well as number of names. It would be a legal out rage to grant a license in disregard of the fact of a great evil evidenced by the largest number and names of the beat men in the community asserting by earnest remonstrance that the sell ing of intoxicating drinks at the par ticular hotel would be an unmitigat ed evil. As u judge you will agree with me that the "prescribed method" of the act of 1807 cannot be so disre garded. It would be contrary to good sense, sound law, moral fitness and the public welfare, so to disre gard the law. 1 feel assured that as an editor, your own good- sense as a temperance man would forbid a dis regard of a rule of decision intended for the public good, and to avert the terrible evils and crimes of drunken ness DANIEL AGNEW BILLINGS LEY'S BILL PASSES The House Gives it a Large Majority on Final Passage. IIARRISBCUG, April 12. —Mr. Bil lingsley aud the friends of hid pipe line bill scored a sweeping victory iu the House this morning, when the measure was passed finally by a vote of 132 to 39. Its triumphant pas sage was somewhat of a surprise, even to those who have watched with a close eye the progress of the fisrht since the first day Billingsley introduced ihe bill until the end ot the battle, a3 far as the House is concerned. To-da) there was a scene of unusual activity abjut the State legislative halls several hours before the session began. The barefaced lobbying occasioned by the fight for and against high licence was of little consequence compared with the wire pulling of last night and to-day. More than a hundred oil producers worked in the interest of the bill and the shrewdest emissaries in the em ploy of the Standard 0.1 Company did their best. General Superinten dent of the Nation Transit Company Seheide, had charge of the work for the Standard, and he made a gallant fight. He talked with each of sever al members for more than an hour at a time, and he was at work a few minutes before the vote was taken. After the vote had been announc ed a recess of It) minutes was taken, £0 great was the excitement. Mr. Billingsley's hands were grasped by the supporters of his biil, hats were thrown in the air and hearty congrat ulations were indulged ii. Then one enthusiastic individual shouted, "There's a God in Israel," aud the rejoicing crowd left tho hall's of the legislature to further celebrate the victory. There was no discussion over the bill to-day. Graham, of Allegheny, wanted soma information about the merits or defects of it, but no one seemed disposed to say a word, and the vote was quietly tak en* REJOICING OVER THEIR DE FEAT. Anti - Woman Suffragists in Kansas Pleased With Their Sisters' Chagrin. LEAVENWORTH, KAN., April 7. — This city to-day witnessed the re markable sight of a procession iu which 300 of the most promi nent and respected ladie3 of Leaven worth, iu their private carriages, took part. The procession was in celebra tion of the defeat of the nominees of the woman suffrage movement. Be sides the ladies, the business men of the city were also in line, in carria ges and ou foot. All wore badges with pictures of S. F. Neely, the In dependent candidate fos Mayor. The vehicles and many of the business houses were decked with flag?. A review of the field here discov ers the fact that much money was used in the election for the purchase of women's votes, and the attendaut expense of carriages to convey them to the polls has made it the most ex pensive municipal, election in the history of the town Some of the ladies were deterred from voting by women of the other side threatening to ventilate their reputation. The most personal and bitter animosities wire engendered, scandals revived mid unwarranted attack-* were made upon reputations. It is the opinion of politician;} here that the Female Suffrage law, in this city at least, will be a dead letter iu the future. Eastsr Eggs for the Minister- ALI.ENTOWN, PA., April 12.—Sun day night, during services in the First Ward Evangelical Church, a strange incident occurred while the officiating clergymen was in the midst of his sermon. A woman apparently f)0 years of age, entered the church, walked boldly up the middle aisle and handed the ministers four Easter eggs, then took a seat in a corner of one of the front pews where she list ened to the baiance of the sermon with apparent interest, and alter ser vices went home with the other peo» pie. Gil Matters, The oil market shows a disposition to advance a little, hut very slowly Tbis week it opened at this piace generally at about <*>4 _V On Wed nesday the bigSie.n point reached was 05 cents, autl on tliia, Thuraday morning, it opened at 6ij, From lle.ibold w■> have little addi tional news. In which direction the field will extend i 3 as yet uncertain, but that it will extend in some direc Uou iustfjps to be generally believed. A pretty gOt,\d we!! has baen ob tained on the .)aiii!» lurm, Fenn twp. This farm lays £ontb of the Uuiton farm aud the strike deemed a very important one, as being urtueiii sou th from the Thorn creek extension field i-han n:y well yet obtained in that section. COMMUNICATIONS. BVTLER, A I'RIL ! 1, ISST. "Truth is stranger than tiction," and in some places much scarcer, too. We are led to this remark upon read ing the action of the W.C.T.U., in re lation to the license question. The preamble charges, that the court dis regarded the wishes and testimony of a large majority of th>' best citizens of the count;/. This is a startling charge to come from those who repre sent and illustrate the "law abiding christian sentiment of the county." But the charge loses much of its force when the number of persons whose testimony was thus disregarded is fix ed at 5000. The population of But ler county is near C.0,000 —but 5000 of these (>O,OOO constitutes a "large majority of the best citizens of the county." Such is the modest declar ation of these best citizens themselves. If 5000 constitutes a majority of the best citizens it is manifest that the whole number of such good ones is less than 10,000, leaving 50,000 who are not good law abiding and Chris tian people. Therefore the action of the court in holding that 5000 are not a majority of 60,000, and in not de claring that these remonstrants con stitute all the best and all the decent, law abiding people of the county, is a "Judicial outrage." If this associa tion insists that they represent, or are the best people of the county, would it not be well to ask the pa pers of the county to publish a detail ed statement, of the rumber and char acter of those who did not ask the court to refuse license instead of mod estiy asking these newspapers to pub lish a statement of the number and character of the "remonstrants whose wishes have been so arbitrarily disre garded ?" No doubt the association entertains an exalted opinion of its own importance and a deservedly high one of the superlative excellence of its individual members, but tha' alone neither proves these opinions to he true nor convinces anybody that 5000 are a larger majority of either the decent or law abiding citi zens of Butler county. Humility is a Christian virtue. Charity is its sister and we believe that true humility and charity—in tense and pure—are found among thousands of citizens besides thoee who modestly assume that they pos sess all of these. We dare not believe this. Besides, true merit is not osten tations, It does not proclaim itself en the street corners; not publish its virtues in the newspapers—charity is kind, not revengeful, itenviethnot 'Charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up." It is not easily provok ed. Charity "beareth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." We hope that there are good and law abiding citizens besides those who signed the remonstrances and respectfully prayed the court to refuse all applications for license. We believe that this W.C T U , com posed as it is of good, honest aod true women, does not embrace all the good and true women of Butler coun ty, and that such an assumption would be untrue and insulting. Whenever any person or society loses its temper and dignity because its wishes have been arbitrarily dis regarded by the court it concedes its unfitness for giving either legal or moral instruction. Courts are not constituted to register private wishes and when it refuses to cater to the private wishes of anybody its action is not mysterious nor strange. Seri ously, the action of the W.C T.U, is regretted by all who entertain a proper respect for the opinion of others. The conclusion so inconsid erately reached and so promptly pub lished to the world is too hasty, too ill-tempered, not to say egotistic, to command the respect of thoughtful citizens. While the determination to abandon the fight is an exhibition of spleen in strong contrast with the un selfish purposes and the exclusive Christian virtues of these disappoint ed ladies. Besides all thin, may the court not be right lifter all'/ Pennsylvania has over sixty counties besides Butler; courts are held in every one of them, presided over by hocest Judges. In most of these counties licenses are granted by the courts under the same law which governs ours; among all tbe Judges one and one only has re fused all licenses, while over sixty have felt constrained by their official oaths to grant; and yet the action of this court is said to be arbitrary and a Judicial outrage. The surround ing Judges—Judges Wickham, Mo- Michael, Mehard, Church. Taylor, Wilson, Brown, Hart, Hunter and Xeale —have all granted licenses. Did they commit a Judicial outrage or is their conduct strange or mysteri ous? TLc suggestion, ''That wc will hold the Judge responsible for the evils and crimee!'' is in perfect har mony with the arrogant and dicta torial attitude maintained through out. As to the men whose appetites for strong drink have been overcome, while they were unable to get at it, there is little to soy. A man who is sober only when he can't get drink, and who will not restrain his appetite is not to our mind entitled to much sympathy. And we believe that if svmpathy were wasted on subjects more deserving aud the drinker told that he is a beast when drunk, in stead of a hero aud saint when acci deutlv sober, it would be much better for him and the community. We have great sympathy for the wife and children of such a man—none for him He deserves none. Just as long as female sympathy is lavished on drunken vagabonds and the tempor ary reformer lionized by them, just so long the crop will be grown, aud fresh subjects furnished to order. Let us reform ourselves and cease to be judges of others. N EMO. Resolutions of the Butler Pro hibition Club. WHEREAS, The Butler county Li cense Court, in its late grant of 17 liquor licenses, has disregarded the majority wibhes of the citizens of the county brought before it, has treated with contempt the late decision of the Supreme Court, which declares : that the necessity for a licensed house is to be ascertained "by the number : and character of those petitioning ! for or against it;" and has thus shown j its preference for the licenced liquor bar rather than for the public weal, i therefore, Resolved, Ist, That we deplore, in thiii action of the court, the use of its "discretion'' in thy interest of the most active enemy of civil law aud social order, and against the welfare of society; making Itself the legalizer and endorser of the open liquor bar, when it was within its "discretion" lq refuse it legalized life, and to pro tect the people f;orj its ravages. 2i. That we tender our to the W.C.T.U,'a of the borough and of the county iu the- defeat they have sustained, after haricg fairly earned victory by carefully gathering over' 5,000 signature*, (utterly disregarded by the Court), to their remonstran ces God bless the women who are laboring in this noble work. 3d. That we express our high ap preciation of the clearness and ability with which the counsel for the re monstrants brought the matter be fore the court, so that the court did not err of ignorance, but of its own wish, and in the clear light that the people of the county, in great major ities, do not want the licensed liquor bar. 4th. That we express our sympa thies with all persons brought into new joeril by this unchaining of the tiger in the borough and in the county; with young men compelled once more to pass the open doors of legalized t liquor bars; with the former victims of drink now subject to new tempta tions, and with women always the chief sulferers from the legalized liquor crime. sth, That to one and all laboring ; for the public good, in the direction ! of banishing the legalized liquor bar, ! be sent this word of greeting and j courage: Hold on; go forward; j where defeat is sustained to-day the forces will camp in victory to-mor row. BY ORDER OF CLUB. '"Ordained of God." MESSRS EDITORS:—In an article, commenting on the W.C.T.U. resolu tions, published last Saturday, the writer begins by quoting Scripture. Taking for his text the paragraph from Romans XIII, 1, "Let every soul be subject to the higher powers; for there is no power but of God, the j powers that be are ordained of God." I he uses tbe expression "ordained of ; God" in five different connections. 'The perpetuity of a government is j assured because it is ordained of God, j Christians respect the 'powers that } be' because they are ordained of God, ; the Judge who executes a bad law is i ordained of God, the Judge who con strues the laws is ordained of God, and infidels and anarchists attack tbe officers ordained ol God." According to the writer our government, the "powers that be" j and particularly our Judges are "or- j dained of God " I believe in G,J, 1 the Supreme Power, the Creator of the heavens and all things that iu them are,and the Creator of the earth and all things that on it is, but as far j as this government is concerned,l be lieve with Lincoln, that it is "of the people, by the people and for the peo ple"—always relying on the Creator for His guidance God has ordained that the sun should give us heat and light, that tbe crops should grow,that the winds should blow and that the rain should fall, but every people makes its own laws and chooses its own officers. Twelve years ago, and again, two years ago every big and little politician in this Judicial Dis trict was ordaining who should be our next Judges God has ordained that his crea tures should dwell upon this earth, but who will believe that He ordain ed that men to whom He has given health, strength, wisdom and manly beauty should by their own acts be come the most putrid rascals in the community. God has ordained that the hens should cluck in the spring, but who will believe that He ordain ed that lit in that back office or a thousand other disagreeable and dis graceful incidents in the history of Butler. Agaiu the writer says that our Sa viour was betrayed by a kiss and wants to know if Judicial rectitude and official purity should be purchas*j ed with the same money. He seems to forget that tbe Savior was betrayed by a man and not by a woman,and I have heard no insinuations of Judge Ilazen having been seduced by either the wiles of a liquor seller's wife or by a false member of the W.C.T.U. He compares Judge Ilazen to "Cie sar strickeu in the temple by his be trayers," forgetting or not knowing that CICIAR was stabbed to death iu the Roman forum and by his person- j al friends for treachery to them and treason to the people. The whole article is a curious mix ture of truth and blasphemy, emanat ing from a perverted mind. The devil always could quote Scripture and always will. The women feel like translating '' El tu Brule " to "and you, you brute," and I am ONE OF TIIEM. Prospect Tangents. EDS. CITIZEN:—It is discovered: —That the entertainment at the opening of the academy was a grand j success —That there are sixty students now enrolled. —That Prof. Fullerton, of New Castle, is assistant teacher. —That Burt Martincourt has roof ed his hotel. —That District Attorney McPher rin makes our town a flying visit every now and then. Right, Charlie, tor your young client, should become familiar with the rules of tho court. —That Shannon and Warren are fixing Young's hall for tbe I O O I F. —That John McLure, Alex Bor land, Frank Critcblow and Douth Frazier have formed a elee club. If you want to hire them see Dr, Leigh ner, manager. —That P. A. Shanor, of West Newton, was home over Easter. —That Mrs Martin lleyl is recov ering from her late illness. —That a fire in Shaffer's woods last Sabbath destroyed a big lot of new rails and some fence. —That a couple of our enterprising farmers intend to dabble in carp cul- \ ture. "Fresh fish" will soon be heard. —That the time of Sunday School and choir reorganizations is at hand. Attocd if you should have to put others to inconvenience. —That Dr. Roth is attending to j Dr. Leplev's unfinished dental work. ALTRUISM. Saxonburg, Pa. —Wonder—License. Surprise—Five beers on Tues- i day. --Astonishment—Druukeniicss. j —Tuesday came in warm with plenty to quench the thirst, causing men to stagger along the streets. —Nothing worthy of ujentiou un til Saturday evening when it would have done the honorable Judge's heart; good to look into the homes of some j of our citizens, and travel some of our streets. —One man on bis way home was stopped by two drunken fellows who made au attempt to loosen the wheel of his wagon. —The mail carried on his way home from Sharpsburg was stopped and detained by some men who had taken in too much of the Judge's de-, cision. Uncommon and hideous yells make the roads leading from Saxon burg during the evening very un pbat>ant. —A home that has been a place of peace and quietness for a few years was again the scene of disorder. The husband got too much "fire-water" and made things lively in his home for a while by knocking down bis wife and then kicking her for fall ing- —Of course "there is no time like the old times." —ln another family the wife is brought to sorrow and tears knowing that she and her children must suffer hunger and the inclemency of the went her from her husband's drinking ; proclivities. —We send a most cordial and ur-1 ' gent invitation to the Judge to visit our little burg iu the near future. —The chairs and furniture in an other family are made to danca the Indian war jig. Sunday brings no j rest to the weary. JIMSON. Unionville School." MCCANDLESS, PA., ) March 31, 1887. ) The report of Uuiooville School for six months ending March 31,1887. ; Two months taught by Miss Ilaitie Gruver and four by the subscriber. Whole No. of pupils enrolled dur-j ing the term, 87. No. of pupils that missed no days, ! S. No. of pupils that missed 1 day, I 3. | No. of pupils that missed 2 and 3 days, 3. Average attendance, 52; per cent of attendance, 85. Conduct middling good. Progress j good. General condition of the school j good. The school was visited by the Co. j Superintendent, directors and a few of the parents, The plan of seating ! and heatiug the room is very unsatis- j 1 factory. The house could be heated , with one-half the expense and trou-1 ble. If the heating was right the j ' seating could be arraigned conveni- j i eutly. The tiu roof rattling and the noise caused by the folding lid of the desks make it diffcult to keep good order in the room. Smith's Physiol ogy and Hygiene is very unsatisfac tory, and it is desired that the Direc tors will make a change and adopt some complete series with a primer and advanced book. The study of Hygiene and Physiology has been I very satisfactory in my school this winter. A few of the pupils objected ! to the study but they were easily in- [ duccd to take the study and then they made good progress, as good as iu any of the other branches taught. The Legislature of Pennsylvania was fully satisfied that Mrs Hunt re ceived no royalty from the book pub lisher. If Ohio Statesmen were led to believe thut Mrs. Hunt received a royalty on books and therefore did not pass a bill introducing the study in the schools is no reason why the Legislature of Pennsylvania should have done the same, especially when members of the Pennsylvania Legis lature were petitioned so strongly by their constituents. Even admitting that Mrs. Hunt does recieve a royal ty on books, which we believe "she does not, the Temperance study is a good branch and should be taught to every pupil in our common schools in proportion with the other branches required by law to be taught. Give the pupils good books and require the j teacher to do good work. Sickoess interfered with the school | work some this winter, and death j claimed one of our bright little boys i and the following is a resolution of respect passed by the school: WHEREAS, It has pleased Almigh ty God in his wisdom to remove bv death our beloved pupil and school j mate, Walter McCandless, Resolved, That we, the scholars , and teacher of Unionville school,hum-' bly bowing in submission to the will of Him, who doeth all things well,do hereby extend our sympathies to the ! bereaved family and relatives. And j that we are admonished by the re-1 raoval of Walter to be more consider- i ate for the welfare of each other, and to act in kindness to al), not knowing who will next be taken from the sthool on earth to the school in hcav-; en. Thanking the County Superinten-1 dent, Directors and patrons for their help and kindness,we remain a school teacher. J. G. MCCULLOUGH. FIRE IN KANSAS PRAIRIES, i Fifteen Persons Burned to Death ! ATCHISON, KAS , April 12—No I less than fifteen persons have been burned to death by the prairie fires : which, starting near Nicodemus, Gra- ■ ham county, haye swept northwest , on an air line into Norton county. The lire has destroyed everything J on a path that in places is from two | and a half to seven miles wide—a) great roaring sea of flame, rolling in ; tremeudtious sheets under the impe tus of the high winds that prevailed all day Saturday and night. Starting on the South Fork of the Solomon river, iu G'aharn county, the fire swept north to the North Foik, where it crossed 4 'at Ed'' ond | a station on the Central Branch Rail road in Norton county, and at last ac counts it was still sweeping across the Norton county in the direction of Decatur, the adjoining county on the west, carrying destruction and death ! in its path Thousands of head of stock of all kinds have been burned, and thousands of tons of hay, corn aud wheat and from 100 to 175 houses and barns have been destroyed, The people living along the line of the fire ; have been left homeless and desti tute It is impossible n3 yet to learn the names of those who perished in the Q&mes. Tremendous excitement i prevails all through the burnt district, ■ which extends a distance of over sixty : miles in length by two and a half to ! seven in width, with fires still spread- j ing west and notrhwest. • The fire is still raging furiously, and ! the people along its path i*re terror- j ! stricken. The destruction of the tele- j graph poles and wires between Green- j leaf and Edmond prevents the obtain- | ing of further details. Relief will be ; forwarded at once from towns east of j ! the fuc. —Sixteen new members were add- ! ed to the English Lutheran Church of this place last Sunday, and one hun dred aud eleven participated in the Communion services of the church on ' same day, W f ROYAL ISaS* Ik B'i4| Spiy &AKIM** POWDER Absolutely Pure. This ili-r bever vai iw. A niftrvi I ol purUy, t-trensrth atiJ wfcoleson: ess More | 330nouiienl ti'.at l lie ordinary kiml-. ;infl oin | uot be t-oM in romp.-tUiou with the multitue ol low sho't weight,a'unin or ptios-pbate j powderv. Sold on'y in vans ROYAL SAKING POWDER CO., ICO Wall Street N. Y. I Railroads Robbed. One of the most startling discover ies has been made at Pittsburg. Freight Railroad conductors and brak 'iuen, to tho number of sixty, were arrested there last Sunday night on the charge of systematically J stealing from the freight trains of 1 which they had charge The steal ings by the # e mp'oyes had been going !on for about two years, and were ! principally ou the Panhandle road, between Pittsburgh and Dennison, Ohio. The company has been pay ! ing largely for th« se lost articles, and the discovery of the real thieves is a j matter of great interest and impor i tance. The Pittsburg papers of Monday ■ give the following, among other of ! the many particulars of the arrests , made: A GIGANTIC RAID. The day policemen, part of the ! uighc force, the detectives, many of I the constables in the city, and many persons connected with the city and county government, were in the line, j Detective Coulson headed a portion of the force that marched toward the i Panhandle track ou Try street. Con- ] stable P. Murphy took charge of the main party that marched up Grant 1 ! street. The greater part he led around to the big railroaders' hotel ! kept by A. M. Brown on Washing-1 | ton street, above the Union depot, j ! while smaller detachments were I I sent up the hill aud out I'enn ave- j nue. It was 1:15 o'clock this morning j when the first fruits' of the move - j ment were preemptible. At that | time Detective Coulso:t and another officer marched up to the jail with two prisoners. Assistant Warden Gang was on duty and in apparent readiness to receive his early morn ing visitors. These first men came from Try street, and were speedily followed by others, who came from the same locality and from Brown's Hotel. The prisoners were ail railroad men, conductors and brakemen. The scene at Brown's Hotel,where almost all the boarders are railroad men,was very quiet. A crowd of officers were on Washington street, a few were scattered along Fountain street, and Detective Shore and Constable Mur phy sat on a box at the end of the. | long foot bridge and near the Pan- J handle Railroad dispatcher's office. ; A watchman had been impressed iu jto the service and through him the j affair was conducted with all possible decorum. He would be told that a certain man was wanted and would disappear in the big door of the hotel. When he reached the room of the ! | man he wanted a kuock would waken I the sleeper, and a quiet "You are I wauted at the dispatcher's office" ! would instantly arouse a man who | belongs to a class that is always j ready for duty. When the man ! I wanted came out of the hotel he was i unmolested in his approach to tbe j dispatcher's office. Then Shore and Murphy won Id in tercept him. "We want you," was the notice. "What do you want me for?" would j be the reply. The answer to this was ! ! always in a tone too low to be heard j |by any save the cflteers. Then the j prisoner would be handed over to j some of the waiting men aud started ! for the county jail. Similar scenes were occuring at j other places, and at 2:30 this morn- 1 ing IS men had passed into the jail j aud there was nothing to indicate when there was to come a stop. The j officers were reticent and absolutely j refused to talk, to say by whose or- j ders tbe arrests were made or upon j what charge. At the jail admission was refused and no one had time to i talk. The men arrested were the! freight brakemen and conductors employed on the Panhandle Rail road. ALL ALONG TOE LINE. Not only in this city but nil along j tbe Panhandle from Pittsburg to Columbus were arrests made It hid j been so timed that men wanted were on duty within reach. It was a part j of Norris' scheme. The thne had i i lieen fixed at midnight last night,and all the officers were on hand, and, so far aa heard from,captured their men. Two hundred and ninety five war rants had I e?u issued for railroad em ployes, and though tbe work began at midnight last night it was not an ticipated that all the men would be gathered in until to-night There was a report that other roads were interested, but officials denied this. Colonel Norman M. Smith, who is connected with Pittsburg Transfer, with headquarters at Twenty-eighth street, was seen about 1:30, and cor roborated ihe details as gathered by Dispatch reporters above. He said: "For three years past the Panhan dle road has beeu systematically rob bed. Cars on sidings and cars in moving trains were broken open and j , goods stolen, including every descrip- , ! tion of merchandise. It is estimated ! | that at least $300,000 worth of goods j j were taken, for which the company j I had to pay. In August kat we got | a clue and the company determined : jto push it to the end. Detectives j ! were employed who followed up j ; every scent, and finally we had the ; information upon which to proceed. ! When everything was ready we do- j ' cided to make a move all along the line from Columbus to Pittsburg, and , 12 o'clock Sunday night was fixed to strike the blow. 80 WARRANTS IN PITTSUURG. "About 80 warrents were issued for men in Pittsburg; I can't tell how many for other plawa, but it was at every point tilonjj the lino; it will run up ia tho hundreds. It i«s the big gist tiling "f the «ir.»i that ever hap pened in i'iit-hurp.or in railroad mat ter- in the world, for nothing like it his ever happened before " Colonel, Smith refused t > talk farther or pive a-.y names o! ringleaders. He declin ed to say whether or not any persons ] outside railroad circles were impiieat [ td. All the men arrested were brought to the jai>, r.nd ato'clock this morn ing there wt re men in jail, and 75 were expected. Some of them had been pulled off trains on the bridge across the Monongahela river The trains v.vre (lagged and im n taken off, while others were put on to ru i the the train into the yards. One of these w.»s a mau naiucd Baker, and i it is said there arc 3.*»charges against him. Women Cast their Votes for the First Time in Kansas. Kansas City, April s.—Scattering returns from Kansas indicate that the : municipal elections in general passed oft' quietly, and as far as can now be . judged the introduction of female suf frage does not work great change in ! the character of results. In some cities and towns the women availed I themselves quite generally of their j newly acquired privilege. The effect i of the experiment canuot be divined as yet. The issues involved, how ever, are local. At several points ! women were elected to membership on the school boards. i im: a bid. AUAMj —GUi'.Elt —At the M. E. Parsonage iu Parmiugt-jn, Hutlei Co., Pa., April 1, 1.-S7, by Rev. L. P. Merritt, Mr Amos O. Adam?, of Allegheny twp., aad Miss Miu nie E. Greer of Venango tap. ID-ELiA.T££S. IIENSHEW—At her homia Port ersvil le, Tuesday, April o, ISS7, .Mrs. Aionzj Hen shew, of scarlet fever aad diphtheria. ALKY—It Butler, April 8, lSs", Julia, daughter of Jac-jh S. A ley, i 20 years. O'DONNELL— Iu Oakland twp., Friday. 1 April s, lS;>r, Dennis O'Donuell, aged 75 years. WATKINS— At his home iu i Sunday, April 3, 1887, Erau Watkins. Mi EL WEE— At her home in Oakland tvrp., Pridaj, April 8, 1887, McElwee, daughter ol Jacob MeElwee, aged about 30 years. | LEITHOLD— ApriI 10, 1887, of typhoid fe ver, Annie, daughter of William Liithoid, j of Clearfield twp. ; STRAVK.K— At Jefferson Centre, on Fri day, Apr ! 8, l s ""7, Mrs. Strawick, aged j about 80 years, niter an ex (ended illness. HAIIDLS'>N— Ncsr Miilerstown, on Monday April 14, Mrs. Susan Harbison, sister j of Mrs. Strawick, after a short illness, in the 75 th year of her age. NEIGII— Oa Tuesday, April 11, at his home ! in Summit, tp. John Neigh, aged about 75 j years. WALKER—At the home of James Kildoo, in (.'lav township, on Saturday, April !•, ISB7 Mrs Mary Walker, aged about 35 j years. She was a daughter of Mr. Kildoo, | and at the time was home on a visit. [Hooinpf 1 COMPOUND EXTRACT YWi mm The importance of purifying the blood ran j not he overestimated, for without pure blood you cauuot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and Ilood's Sarsaparllla is worthy your confidence. It is peculiar in that it strengthens and builds up the system, creates ail appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. Give it a trial. Mood's Sursaparilla is sold by all druggists. | Prepared by C. I. IIooU & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOC Doses One Dollar BUTLER MARKETS. j The following are the selling prices of nier- I ohvnts of this place : j Apples, per bushel, 75 to .§1.25 Butter, per pound, 27 to 30 cts. Beans, per «jt. !> to lOets. Cabbage, new, 5 to 10 cts. Candles, mold, 14 to 15. cts. Carbon oil, 10 to 15 cts. Cheese, 15 to 18 cts per lb. Crackers, 7 to 10 cts. per lb. Chickens, per pair, 35 to 10. cts. | Coffee, liio, lt> to 20 cts. j Coffee, Java, 25 to 28 etc. I Coff Roasted, 20 to 25 cts. | Coffee, ground, 20 to 2o ets. . Eggs, 18 ets. | Fish, mackerel, 10 to 15 cts. ; Piour, per barrel, .$4.50 to $6. i Flour, per sack, 51.15 to $1.50.. Feed, chop, per 100 pounds, jl 25. . Feci, bran, per 100 lbs. sl, '• Grain, wheat per bushel, >l. 1 Grain, oat.-; per bushel 40 ets. G r ain, corn per bushel 40 cts. Lard, 10 cts. Jfams, 14 cts. Honey, 15 to 20 cts. I Shoulders, 10 cts, [ Bacon, 12 cts. Dried beef, IS to 25. i Corn meal, per pound, 2 ets. Peas, green, 15 e.ts per peek. Potatoes, new, 40 to 45 'p bus, ! Rice, 8 to 10 ets. Sugar, hard, 10 cts, i Sugar coffee, 7 oU. Sugar, i a >v, ti j ets. So' l i>, <> to 10 ets. Salt, per barrel, §l.lO, Tea, Ilvson, Gunpowder, etc., 50 cts. to sl. Tea, Japan, etc , 50 to <; > cts. Tea, Breakfast, 10 to 80 cts. Tallow, 8 cts. Timothy seed. §2,25. ' Clover " §4,50 Wool2o to 30 ets. I BtftU TIFULL-V ritATED. This Magnzinc portrays Anieri> can thought and life from ocean to ocean, is filled with pure high-class literature, and can be salely wel> coined in any family circle. PRICE 25c. OR S3 A YEAR BY MAIL. Sample Copy of current number mailed upon re ceipt of 25 cts.; bach numbers, 15 cts. Premium List with either. Address*. R. T. BUSH Sc SON, Publishers, 131 > & 132: Pearl St., N. Y. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention givcu to the Retracing ol old lines. Address, B.F. IK 11,ILIAK I>, Co. Siirvej or North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,84.1y WANTED —LAOY Active «uN, < 'i Centre towuship. ISAAC ('. Mi NEKS, Oi lirady township. I S. D. IIAZLETT, Of V "infield township. JOHN K. VINCENT, Of larion township. FOIE I'IiOTKi^OTAItY. NAAMAN P. BARTI.EV, Of Clay twp. if,utrly of Penn twp.) j \V. M.SHIUA, lAte of Washintoa i.vp.—now of Butler, j CAPT. JOHN G. 81l ITS, Oi Op k land township. JOHN D. HARBISON. ' Clinlen township. REGLSIIIR *1 UECORUER, I JAMES M. FLEMING, ( Buffalo township. LEANDER M. WISE, c.' Summit township. H. M. WISE, Of Jack-r,: township. JAMES M. CARSON, Of Butler borough. J. P. DAVIS, Of Brady township. DAVID E. DALE, O. utler borough. F«25 TRE iSI RER, AMOS SEATON, Of Venango township. PHILIP SNIDER, Oi t linton township. JAS. S. WILSON, Of C'eatreville boroug!:. CYRI S HARPER, Of Cranberry township. JAS. J. CAMPBELL, Of Pa itvii-w township. G, C. KOESSING, Of ISutier borough. WILLIAM BAUDER, Of Muddy creek twp. R. F. EKIN, Ot ConnotjiHsiessing township. JAMES CRANMER, Of Clay townshij», ViISSIOVF R, (TMVO ) A. J. HUTCHISON, Of Centre township. W. P. BROWN, Of Fairyiew twp. (Tormwly of Coucord.) W. J. CROWE, _ Of Forward W. McQL IST ION, Brady Of JOHN M. TURNER, Of i'arkcr SAMUEL T. MARSHALL, Of Butler borot^H J. D. STEPHENSON, Of Slipj>eryrock twp. S JAMES WILSON, Of Franklin township. 1 JOIIN WADE, ' Of Buffalo township. PETER FENNELL, Of Clearfield township. FOB CLERK OF COURTS, ISAAC MEALS, Of Wa '.-ingtonjtownsh ip. REUBEN M( EL VAIN, Of Butler borough. FOR AFfHTOR, (TWO TO XO.IIXATE.) I. S. P. DKWOLFE, Of Slippery rock twp. CHARLES BL'IL, Of Sunbury. It. A. KINZER, Of Concord township. E. E. MAURHOFF, Of Clinton township. JOHN A. GILLILAN D, Of Summit township* FOR CORONER ALEXANDER STOREY, Of "utler township. For County Superintendent. (Dlrrrtsrs Con rent ion of May 8<1.) \V. (i. IJI'SSKI.L, IlestlU Co. Stlp't of Schools. Withdrawal. >fr George Moon luis withdrawn from the canvass for Sheriff, giving as a reason his I physical disability to m:ik. a canvass. iffliTuil HOTEL No. 88 and 90, S. Main St., BUTLER, - - Near New Court House formerly Donaldson i House—good aei:omni. (i:,i oils for travelers, (iood stabling connected. U-y-Vt; Iyj 11. EITENMUI-LER. Prop'r. BED FRONT LIVEHY, W. Jefferson St Butler Pa. Flick & Kennedy Have opened a livery stable on West Jeffersou St., wit everything new— \ horses, harness and w,;g< n-. OPtN DAY AMD NIGHT. Particular attention jel! to the transient trade. When in Butler »veus a call. 12-24-Ota lv & KENNEDY. Swithin C. Shortlidge's Academy, For Vonnjr Men and Hnys, Mcilis, l'a. 12 miles from Plilliide;pl;!i. Fixed price covers every expense, even iHMii Ac. No extra rliar •s. No incidental o. ienses—No examina tion lor adliil slon. Twelve experienced teaeh i'rs. all men ane 1 in commercial department. A Physical an I rheinlcal Lab - ratorr, cvmnaslum and Ti >|i oround. 1500 vols, ailded to IJbrary In is<;, ; livslcal apparatus doubled In lsss. Media h s'ven eliurches and I a temperance cliart erwhi • prohibits the sale of all Intoxtcatlni; drinks. For new Illustrated circular address the Prir r>at and I'roprletor. SWITIII> < SIIOKTI.11M;. , A. tl., (Harvard uraduate) Media. Pa. s-