Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, April 15, 1887, Image 1

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IV. \ f ail order of the OrwlisuisToi-r. 't
Hj'. RiuW i iijt the undersigned Executor ft th-
B la-si will; Lidu-'juient of Hubert Flemtag. tie rt
late ot - ill . ouuSL will olf. r at publl- -wile oa
the prcu.S' - In tne \lliiiw PetersvUl", (on
ik-is-mi. twp., said toiiiity. on
I Tuesday, April 19,
A. I), l at 10 o'clock, a.m., the following
dcsi-rlb- •! . .estaet of said »!•■-
cedent. t i vMt: A lor of grouurt eou
t.ilnln- fOiii-i feet, more or less, lu said tlll.i-.-e
■ and i i vnslilp. bounded on the norm by < annul
■ 'Nicholas i»v Si h r.nus Hen-sUew (foriuerl;.
_ Knox . soutii i': an alley aud west by astreet.
■ ami out-V aUdlngs thereoD erected.
I TERM : One-third In l:ai.d on confirmation
■ of sale b liie Court, balance in two equal an
■ Kual ln-t-llraeuto wit it interest. Deferred |M)-
I meets to lie secured by bond and morl _'UKOS.
■ ."-25-3t Executor. |
W utters of wlmlulstr.itlon having been Kranted
I to the umlei>:;;ned in the estate of John
I ford dec'o. late of Uonegnl tp. Butler county,
I I'a., all persons knowing t leiasel ves ,. e
I to said estate v.ill iilea.se make immediate pa>-
I mi nt and any having claims agarnst said
li will present t liem duly authenticated for settle
I iiaruiiarts Mil.s, P. O.
■ honora, I*. 0.
KJ . S.F. Bowser, Att y. Administrators,
f Estate of C. A. McKinney.
I Letters testamentary on the estate of C. A.
I Mt lvlnnej. Es<|.. dee'd. late of counoquenessln},
I u\i, li ;' 1 rUo., I'a.. having been granted to ,
If the undfci slgn.Ml, all persons knowing them- ,
U\ selves li,d. U-d to said estate »illl ma!kt, 111.1- ;
I J fllate payiii 'iit, and any ha. n f ctataw
B said es'.at - <vill present them ujily AUta.ntiiat
■ • e«l for seitleru-:it»
- A. F. McKISNEV. (
OonnoquenessUig l'- 0., Eular Co.. 1 |
I Estate of David Humell,
I LAFE OF ca>:KKV TWP., DEC'd. .
Letters testamentary on the of Dayld I
i j, llumell. ti <-< i, late ot < uerry twp.,
i'a n i-.ln'" been granted to the uuuerslgntd ail
ptTHQiis kiTov. 1,« intmselves
rstaLe tvin please make p.'jment.
i „„,i „ nv I,\ iu" claims agulnst said estate win
present th-m auly authenticated for settlement.
1 TiiOS. IJIKOHAM.I K x - r3 .
1.. 1). lU-MEI.I, )
Coalville t'. <>.. Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of David Marshall,
Letter-i of administration having bMngTanted
to the ui. ■ ; s!?ned 011 the estate of m-.»d Mar
ghall, Umi . ■ dee'd, late of Prospect. Butler CO.,
I'a., all peirons knowing themselves Indebted .
to said estate >.'lll please make immediate
inent. ai.o a,.v having tUhns agiilns. sal'.ltstaU.
! will present iliem duly authenticated for settle- 1
Prospect, liutier co., Pa. |
. _ Lev. Mc'iulstlon, Att y.
— - —— r
Administrators' Notice.
Wlicreas lrttc-rs of administration have be<*n
granted bv the Keglster of
to the i signed on tue eitate ot K. M Ilur
t bison, lat: ot jiuH Uo twp., BuUer MUirty. 1
dee'd all oerrfOTiS who know themseho» in
{ dehte'd to said estate wll!
. payment, and those having elaluw «f 1
Bl Jiame wi'l ; waent them properkr^authentlcateU
for settlement to the «"" I^:^ e {s[ ABBIgON ,
FKKEI'ORT. P, P.. I'A. Administrators.
i cJFameutary the estate
i.-.hael. dee'd, late of Clay
indebted to estate,
make immediate
claims against said
duly tor settle
-11.11.I 1 . 0., EJiitler
sale or exchange:
near R. U. utation. 00 acres
consniient to Pittsburg; barn
luoxoo and cost «450f»—Is gocxl as new—.iK"»d
room frame liouv, good orchard. 1 Tieefcwioo.
MKlirr I'AV A CASH DIFFKKKaCF. on a trade.
We have .suiall and large f arms for saleor trade.
Patent and Pension cases prosecuted. Ke.w
the new pension laws ami v.rile to us
.1 ll Si'K.vKNSos's &Co s Agency.
km> Ave., Pittsburg. I'a.
HM Clinton Twp. Auditors' Report.
Am't, of duplicate for the year 1 Wi.
James M Kiddle, collector .. .« "'
Exoneratlona * * ,
(ollectors percent....... .7,1 q.
Net amount duelownshlp ..... ... 4 - ~,
Am't ree'd from J as. M. Kiddle, (ol ""
Bal. due from James M. Kiddle. Col t-V 91
Hal. due twp. from J. B. Cunning- _
ham. Collector for *
Exonerations 1 1
Reed from J. B. Cunningham 'sol
Bal. due Treasurer Ml
Bal. in hands of Treasurer u <*
Kee'd from Jas. M. itlddle, cohector on
Ain't In hands of Treasurer i|»T 0s
Vouchers redeemed -' 9 -'
Kid. In hand iof Treasurer ■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ~ 15
Am't of iou' iiei'B redeemed by rreas
John Harvey, repairing bridge :» 00
Andrew (iraoe. repairing bridge. . l*}
John 11. 1) 'Vis. plank • g
Kkas liroi lu is, tliuiH-r for bridge.. 1.1 ()•)
John til:, igow, timber so
Stephen llemphlll ' <■»
John M. Cirecr. attorney lee io w
Butler cltl/tn. advertising Audl
tors' Report 1 w '
It McHvaln. tUlrif Report 1 30
John H. liove, uiniK.'r tor btldge — v no
James Kiddle, services l'J no
Thomas llay, plank i:» oo
E. K. Maui i.oil, sen Ices i"-
K. B. < handier 1«> <"
Kdward Hay, tlmlier 4 1 cm
Henry sefton. services an<> timber. Wi «*
Win. Burtnei'. ci vices 12 "•)
James M. i< idle, plank 21 a.
Newton Morris, plank *1 :»i
j ollll u Davis, plank lt> J- r >
John JlcKlii'-en, limber I si»
Wm. Harvey, service:,andSec'y.... 21 <n
A. Hartley, . ei vlc.es and work 11 <)•)
W. F. WhL'.kemau. tlmlx-r i jilank 12 1.1
A. Montgom iv. plank I «2
Jos. Boon, timiicr • 2 sT
Wm. Harvey, expenses to Butlei . i; ro
K. Norrls..." *s
J<w. Flick. tliiPier 2 li;
Wm. Wood, timber 2 <v»
11. sefton, repairing road .K) «i
Wm. Burtr.er, Umber 2 74
A. F. Btark. Index boards 4 .71
T. A. Hartley, putting up finger
boards 1 30
Sarah Love, timber 2 m
Win. puriner, e<penses to Butler. 400
I'se of lioi 4 <*>
Auditors' vie; 6 00
Treasurer's i - rcent o 47
—*329 n.'l
Stationery .' 27
Arn't of poor tax In hands of Treas f227 61
Am't of vouciim . rede«med
John Ilaisti 11 * 2 00
James Wats .si 2 00
Am't In hairis of Treasurer 122.1 (it
We, the Auditors'of Clinton township hav*-
examhi' dtl- ace-'unts of John S. Love, Treas
urer of Clinton tow n ;hlp, road and poor tux and
tlnd It as I'll.\e state.l rnd bell«\e It to be cor-
I rect, this ith day ' f March. isk7.
I JA M l-:s SNIDER, 1
• TiIo.MAS Woon, J Auditory.
' ' List of Ju .rs drawn to serve In a special
com I. coin: aclng the lib Monday of April,
being the ir.ih day, 1»*T:
BoPon >:•.•••> Cn.moipienessing tp N, farmer,
cramner James, clay, farmer.
I Cochran if •• .Mer- ■r, farmer.
Camubell .. i 11. < orieoril, farmer.
; Cramner A 11, claj. l.irmer.
I Canipbell s A. \% ashlagton twp S. farmer.
CamplK'll J< -l.di. Concord, farmer.
Carothei l•! me <n. clay, farmer,
i i Coulter Tli" i:. Concord farmiir.
I,' TJouble II P. cherry t vp N. farmer.
B Dunbar s. I, vd. MliUllesex. farmer.
' Houthett .1 Keph. Ad inn;, farmer.
Evans T 11. ikincgal,producer.
Farnsworth Parson. Butler twp. farmer.
Forsylhe j.i:.Adam ;, tarni'-r.
> Graham Ac rf. cranb«-ri-}. laruior.
Hemlernon W i'.. Ve rcor. teamster.
Hardml'll >m .rge, Forward, farmer.
Illndiuan .1 »n.:ord. furiner.
Hazeled. I Wis < Id. farmer.
Het/.eigessi r J J. Whilield, farmer.
Hespenhlte Henry, Adams, farmer.
K<x uer W.n l-aiieastcr, farmer.
• Klldoo Es, #uddycreek, farmer,
Kaufman .lotit.. Adams, fanner.
Kamerer Win. 1 air; lew twp K. farmer.
• ix,gan Thomas, Middlesex, fanner.
V I.out/. Ilenr Ji fferHon, farmer.
■ Mct'ollougli \V s, Falrvlew tw|i E, furmer.
■ Mershlnn r Z It. clay, farmer.
■ Martin W T, Penn, farmer.
■ McKlsslck Jaines, Parker, farmer.
■ Morrison J.irnes, Lancaster, farmer.
I Manny Joha. Ilutler twp, farmer.
I Mechllng W T. Butler boro 2<l preoinet, elerk.
■ Meeder F ''. Adam ~ boarding house.
■ Aluyer Mathlaa, Brady, farmer.
I McUollough Mleli'iel. Venango, farwer.
■ , Martin Chris'.. Venango, farmer.
W- McCoy Kobert. silpperyrock, farmer.
MeNees James, Brady, farmer.
Netx-1 Burt. Summit, farmer.
Naugle Henry, Muddycreek, farmer.
Porter Joseph T, Marlon, farmer.
Painter J M. < lay. teamster
I'earco David. Italdridge, farmer.
u Sutton J 11. Hutler Uiro M precinct, clerk.
Hhearer Andrew, llutfalo. fanner.
■ Stewart ArcUey. ConnoqueneßSlng twp N farm
* e r.
Bmltb Edmond, SUpperyrock, farmer.
Htudebaker \Vm, Worth, farmer.
Todd W H. V.'lnlleld. farmer.
Wadsworth ilenry, Washington twp s, farmer.
Wilson David, Centreville boro, fanner.
I f# >
¥ l
if | |
This medicine, combining Iron with pure
i vegetable tonir -, oulckly and cumi Ictely
: I'urrs llrspcpiila, ImllfiMtlftii, H i'n!iue«,
Impure Blood, ,>lalnria,Chill»iii:d Iners,
t and Nenrsilsin.
It is an unfailing remedy i" >r Diseases of the
; Kidneys nn.l l.iver.
It i c invaluable for Clsea"es pe ulir.r to
TVi'inen, and all who lead sedentary lives.
It docs not injure the teeth, c.'iu-' !:■
produce constipation— othrr huu tritdicit • - (h>.
It enriches and purifies the blorxl. stimulates
the appetite, aids the asslmilatif n of f "1. ic
lieves Heartburn ar.d Belching, and strci. fc'th
ens the muscles and nerves.
For liit-.'Tiaitioiii Fevers. Ixri.t. 'le, Laocof
Eue'g>-. &c.. ii bus no equal.
tsr 'Hie nuiDc iasabove t>rde nnrlt nn 1 j
ncssed red Piksoii wrapper. Talcenoollmt. j
£b« CUIt St IISO-" ■ IIIMICAII iO . ;.M- ;-.:. iir
: And Hypopfiosp!ii!es sf Liina & ScJa
' Almost as^a!atob!e as toiilk.
i The otilv jirefinration of COC I.IVEfI OIL that
can bo taken readily and tolerated foi a long tiaie
by delicate stoa.aciei.
; SIKOII I'M S X t Fi:t"l'i f >>S» /■ WK'IIA, (lI.V
--EKAL btßll.ny. OH'bUS AMI 'JIIBD.if AF
f'E'.'l IQ.-'S a'i WAM'IMi DlSOj!.',! i.sT?
CM I liDRKX it is yaan-f-!lou» in its rrsultiu
btjfc tLysiciaxja
in the countries of tho world.
For Sale l.y oil f
for Pamphlet on Wasting Ad
drubd. SCOTT liOW.NE. Sew York.
9 S?cause pos.=esacd cf fresh and active mr»(!
H dual agenta for tno cure of pain and disease.
Sj Prepared fro-a tho oompleta virtue# of fresh
I Hops, B'arjruady Pitch and Gtn^3. The greatest
■ plaster ever invented. Apply
■ one to Backache, Crick, Hheuinatiani, Kidney
JDj Pains, Stitchr-s, Bcfritic:i, C. ro Chci»t, or pain in
ra uny part, local or dicn-:;rated. Cures x istantly,
9aoomce and s t K .e tired niuscxes. All
g ready 1o apply. 6: Id by dru* and country
B stores, 2"> cents, 6 for Mailed tor price.
B Propr;c;t..r3, HOI PLASTUa CO., Boston, Hasp.
k HXv v>w« * \
11 I|T U
ifl © y "4j) ill y •
Habitnr.l Ccstiveness
rinjws deranßcmpct of thccntlro system, nnd twv
r-t . tit I '' -. 3 taataro hnz.*ir.!ou«i lollfe. Person' of
B. :lvo h.ii iiaro i-übjici to Headache, Delfctlva
>l' ■. ■ i"v Gloomy 1 1 >ret*o«iiiit's, Kervoiiftiicfig.Kovfrs,
lir-iB slr.ww. lrritablo Te-nix-r u.td other symptomn,
w.Mi'h nufltstue Bufferei- for buslueso or agrecaldo
t. ..(.(■!:■ : i llegnlar hal.lt of Ixnly aloni!can cur
red tl'cxß evil?, and noililns nuecccds so well in
a'-i'l«;r:.atl i. condition asTntt's Pills. By thi-Iruso
n<.l only is tlio system renovated, but in c<:n« >
quciice of the harmonious changes thus created,
tnero pervades a fecllnpj witisraetton ; the meix
tal faculties perform their functions witn vivacity.
an«l there in an exhilaration of mind, freedom of
th'»;ig!it, ai. l jicrH'ct heart's ewe that bespeaks tho
full enjoyment of health.
la health. Tho necret of henlth !■» tli«
pan e;- lo dlicsi a i.roper qunntliy of looil.
I'll is CH ii litvi'V bo dour when the liver doen
not act itri port. It ix the driving wheel in
tho niecliuaUin of .mm, nnd wliou il Uont
ot order, >lio whole kyxleni becomes de
rniiued.nnd Fever, DyHDeiiHin, sicli lleiid
nclie. ('oiiKiipni lon, .1 n nnd ice. Hlllouh 4 <ii
lc nnd f.enei-Hl licbllif y cnxue. Tormliiro
the I'uiictionx of the l.iver and iinpnrt Mint
lieniity which nlivars nttenilx a henltuy
ciulKtiiution. |>r. 'i'titt'x Ijiver Pill* nro
recommended. They ore not n cnre-nll,
but are designed solely lor the dlnordered
I.ivcr uuil tho diKeabea which It produces.
Tutt's Pills
Catarrh ELY '|j
Cream Balm
Clean,Cß the
Hoac!. Allays
#£ Infl^mn - a;ion '
cKy tlcals the sores
Sine'l .Hearing.
U3A. 1 a quick Belief.
HAY-FEVER A positive cure
K particle is applied into eacli nostril and is
afjrce :b|e Price i*> cents at l>mt;j;ls!s :byma il
registered. <») ets. Circulars free, ICI.S IlltOS..
UrtlKgHts, tlwego, N. Y.
Yours for Health
Kr/rrvt. ydia E.
p i^ KHAW! ' s
|L cqmpoukd,
| j *V/ I» • Positive Cure
1 k r-f those Painful
wjfy Dolic-a J and
Complicated troubloa and
V j Weaknesses co common
> L arinon# our Wives, Mothers,
® nd aughtcrs#
fx TAM
( . " ' : '-
\ . J '! I'lixou
FORM, (6
C-C&SCr, fJf/f-.'it.x--*e t*- sasTBY « '.iLrn-
Vctbb Kr.ojt oir.tßvi-. i os i.F.< i-irr or riirn.
TIAI. CTCCDIia KAIIXD lo A:v 1. '.ItY I.}:':1>I.« AIORESH
a.vd sT.-.rr l.y: 1. .V :Ui< i this fupcr.
t fTIT 1» A 1.1.,: . 1.»,J TO OVtIiWOKKSO Wo«tK. IT I:&
vovrs VAI-.T- i s, na rtuiNcr, AIX < HAVING son utijiu-
LrUCOREIi'iJ. JIE..Bri:UAI.I- klol.Sl'A Oj without I'A IN.
Pbyslclano Uso Itund Proecribo It.
tZT IT l;i:viv;:s 11:2 DIIOOPINO !.:-IHITS, IXVIOOKATEH > •::>
IL\.. 'MZCS Till: olt'lAMO ITXCTIOHJI, OIVE3 El..'.' V
11. a>H BOKCS OF Ua'i *rm .0 ASH 1 At: r 1,1 >,Mi.n tisi:.
Jtn purjtosc is i."lcl<j for the legitimate healing of tli*-
c.y.e 1 111.J the relief of pain, unit it dm* A«,I. it claim* to
It will cure entirely all omrian or vaginal troubtet,
Inflnmmothm and Vlceratirm, Falling awl JH*pi<mmrnU;
ami cn,iiKf]iient Kplnal ir,afaifu, and in particularly
adapted to the Change, of Life.
The Woman'm Sure Frienil J'oa AU.t>i:i.li'ATS AND <F"IM
ctrnaTASCES, ACT i . UAEHONT V.ti,! THE i.aw, .17 -IATI IIE.
Sold by DrilgglKt^.^y
MItS. nMCEAit'S LIVTU I-ILLB ci'itK Coxsni'ATloN,
kuocK.-rnHi AND TOBWCITT or THE I.IV i b, 23 etvn.
Particular tti-ntion to tbc Ketrac p.' ol
old lines. Addro: ~
It. F. SI k S.t.H IK»,
i'o. Surveyor
North l'. 0., Liullcr Co., I'a.
A.ftor till rjtliorsi full or>nr-,ult
329 N. 16th St., below Callowhill, Phila., Pa.
20 years experience in all NI*K<'IA 1$ disea 's. Per
mancntly iritr.res lliasc weakene«l by early intliftcic
iioni,ftc. ('all or write. Advice free and strictly con
( (Hernial Hours ;nn m. till 3, and 7to XQ evenings.
! Cov anil uoct-rlaiu in Iter ways,
' She brings to eaith (.ursua-ive days.
Alluring by tears anj -miles
' That intermingle 0:1 her f*ce;
I is her tender grace
The blitlisome maid to full of "ilea.
tlo-.reis she "trows beneath hor fe t
To make her adv. ut still more sweet;
The voices of .lie birds attend
Upon her pleasure with their song,
While oil frc--h tiii:itr•; to her belong,
That she may to ti.e season leu.l.
I Give welcome to the early spriog,
| O hearts ! ere she lie vanishing;
She is a fiiend to mirlh and song;
j Her tears ar« bat the ovcril >w
i Of generous love, as we may know
Who seel: to hold i er treasure- long.
Dear April! take this lay as thine
From one who would thy gra'~ens'-.r'ne;
Nor.e shall forget thee who are led
In faithfulness along this way
Towards the light of endless d.ty—
j Us Ihcu in love hast visiled,
From Fanny I>. IFard's Letters..
Few visitors to tLe Mexican capi
tal neglect making a visit to tho sa
cred niotiiitttiu, 'iVpeyacac (ibe na
tional Mecca), upon whose suniiiiit
appeared iu person " Nuesira Scnora
d" •jcadal'.ipe," tho Ciele Mother of
I Christ aud especial Patroueas < f tho
' Indians, veuernted in
Mexico Her shrinesareevtry w here,
and her imago adorns the pcores, hut
as well as ibe grandest cathedral.
TLe height upon which her greatest
miracle was wrought and where now
stands, her most venerated shrin« is
about two miles from the City of
Mexico, reached by a tramway run
ning over one of those ancient cause
ways which Cortex found when he
invaded the Aztec Teuochtitlaa.
Among many tombs of historic in
terest OJI tho"%ummit of Tepevacac is
that of Santa Ana, the greatest war
ror Mexico e.er produced, who is
better remembered by Americans for
bis exploits in Texas during the war
of ISIO, especially i'i the taking oi
the Alamo. Not far from the en
trance his grave may be fouud, inclos
ed by a row of inverted iron torches
linked together with chains. A
scrapgy cactus bush is growing upon
it, and near the foot a tall and sickly
cedar struggles lor existence, being
nearly bare of branches from the con
stant demands of visitors, who gladly
give the sexton a dollar for a bit of
living green in which such illustrious
dust has found resurrection. At the
head a plain granite slab, bung with
wreaths of faded immortelles, bears
this inscription:
. A S"L'< INIO L.T >l*l /- 1)K .-'.\ NT AAN A. :
•le.VIO 21, !>K 1878,
The last line—"erected by his
wife"—calls attention to a new made
mound beside him, wherein lately has
come to rest the wife of his declining
years, his last and best lovo, Dolores
Tosta de Santa Ana. The romance
of her life is so little kuawn, even in
Mexico, that when she died, a few
weeks ago, at the age of 50, and was
burried without pomp or ceremony,
the few newspapers which alluded to
the event spoke of her as a very aged
woman, evidently believing her to bo
the former wife of the ruler, who, had
she lived until now, would have been
pa-t eighty.
One day, while riding in his car
riage down the calle de Sau Francis
co, the main street of the Mexican
capital, Santa Ana observed a beau
tiful child, barefooted and shabbily
dressed, sitting on the ground near
the door of a poor shop, playing with
a kitten. The little girl—who was
then but twelve years old—quite un
conscious of the attention she was at
tracting, displayed the grace of a
fawn and the limbs of au incipient
Venus in the frolic with her pel, aud
when she chanced to look up and en
countered the intense gaze of the
fierce old Dictator she blushed ami
smiled, showing the most beautiful
pearly teeth. But this was no Maud
Muller's romance, for, though the
great man "rode away," he sent a
messenger next day iu the person of
a middle-aged Captain of the Palace
Guards. When this highly-bedizen
ed, belaced and befogged functionary
entered the poor little shop the widow
Tosta—good soul - believed he had
come to pnrehase some of her incom
parable cigureloia, and hastened to
place the best she had before him; but,
what was her surprise and consterna
tion when he waved them away with
haughty gesture and announced that
he came as the bearer ol a message
from "Su Alteza," the President of
the Republic. Well, the message
in reference to the widow's one ewe
lamb, accompanied by a liberal oll'er
of money—so aroused the worthy
woman's ire that before it the Cap
tain retired on the double-quick, mut
tering to himself, J"Served me 1 ight;
it was cowardly for a soldier to un
dertake such a mission "
Not many days lates a palace fop,
who had never sinelled gunpowder,
called on Senora Tosta, and said with
out circumlocution, "Don't be a fool,
my gt/od woman. His Highness de
sires you to send your daughter to
the palace. Accede to his wishes,
and you may shut up this miserable
little shop and live in splendor the
your days" Choking with
wrath, the mother could find no
words lor reply, but seizing a jarrito
of red beans which were stewing in a
brazios, she burled them red-hot at
the head of the messenger. Ai he
beat an inglorious retreat, his yellow
satin vest besmeared with what
should have been their dinnpr, little
Dolores laughed merrily at his dis
comfiture, believing in her simplicity
that Su Altc/.a wanted her for a
kitchen-maid to wash dishes at the
Senora Tosta hoped that now she
had routed the enemy, and Lola—the
child's pet name--appeared to have
forgotten the report that the Presi
dent rode past the shop several times
every day, and never failed to look in
A fortnight bad passed away when
one morning the great Dictator him
self walked into the bumble room
Lola, now thoroughly frightened, ran
into a back room and hid herself un
der tho bed. Urave as a lioness iu
defense of her young, Senora Tosta
did not |return the courteous saluta
tion of the President, but with flash
ing eyes aud arms akimbo began
lecturing him in this wise:
' You ! you who ought to bo the
father of of the people, to try to rob a
widowed mother of her child !"
"Listen to me, my good woman,"
blandly commenced President Santa
A n a.
"I won't listen to you," she retort
"Then I will send my private sec
retary to explain that my intention is
jo "
"I'll scald him if he tyer enters
my door," »lirieked the mother, "and
1 will complain to tho Archbishop."
"Then, you old vixen," shouted the
Dictator, "Teli his Eminence that I
intend to marry Dolores."
"I cannot tell His Grace a lie," re
sponded Senora Tosta.
Santa Ana was never renowned for
patience, and now his small stock
was quite exhausted. Finding that
no solicitations could induce Lola to
come out from undor the bed, ho
turned to tho mother in a lowering
rage and cried:
•'You idiot, 1 will send
my private chaplain to propose for
Dolores in due form, for I tell you
she shail be my wife " Then mount
ing his borse, which all this time an
orderly held at the dour, be dashed
furiously away.
Senora Tos;a sank into a chair,
overcome with terror. She had no
idea that the ruler meant to marry
her daughter' but was certain he
would seize poor little Lola; and as
to her own fate, to be cast into a dun
geon for life or to be raked to death
in one of those torture chambers of
the Inquisition, of which she had
heard such terrible stories, wa-? the
mildest punishment her imagination
could conceive. The terrified child
crept, to her mother's side, sobbing
bitterly, and expecting every moment
that a squad of soldiers would come
to hoot her ouly protec'or and to
drag bc-rtelf awa}'. After hours of
agonizing su-pense a priest arrived.
At first Lola supposed he had come
to prepare the Dictator's victims for
execution, but when the padre smiled
and patted her on tne head she con
cluded that perhaps they were only
to be imprisoned; aud what was her
profound astonishment when, stand
ing beside her mother, she learned
that the ruler of Mexico really desir
ed her to become bis wife!
Six months were allowed her in
which to prepare for the great change,
when a regal trousseau was prepared
by the impatient lover, and on her
thirteenth birthday Dolores became
the Dictator's bride. A Spanish la
dy, through whose veins coursed the
bluest blood of Castile, bat who had
been impoverished by Mexican revo
lutions, was appointed "lady ot hon
or" in attendance upon the young
wife, to teach her etiquette, etc. Six
high born maidens formed her suite,
and a military guard was organized
for her especial protection, called
"LO3 Mosquetoras de Su Alteza."
These musketeers wore a peculiar
uniform of light-blue cloth embroider
ed with silver thread, their sombre
ros beiug pale gray, garnished with
silver cord, and their whole duty was
to escort "Su Altezi's carriage when
ever she rode on the Paseo or attend
ed the theatre. The dictator requir
ed ell persons to treat little Lola with
the difference due to a Queen and to
address her only as "Su Altezi"—
your Highness,
It is said that at first the child was
dazed by the change, regarding the
palace as a sort of wonderland and
her august husband as a good natured
gnome, to be feared as much as re
spected. Her regal state was not
less perplexing to this Mexican Cin
derella than the mysteries of reading,
wrrting and music, iu which she wis
instructed by various professors,
who were at once appointed to form
part of her household.
Difficult, indeed, to the unsophisti
cated little maid must have been the
role of "first lady of the land," even
though supported by the Castilian
dame and directed by her wise moth
er, whom Santa Ana now respected
for the course she had pursued. In
haif a year how great a change for the
barefooted girl ! Now so great was
her husband's power that Spanish
hidalgos and Mexicans of highest so
cial standing bowed humbly bafore
her when she condescended to attend
the opera. Her musketers surround
ed her carriage on splendidly capari
soned horses, daco mau bearing in
his left hand a flaming torch; and
when her coach arrived at the en
trance lackeys sprang to spread a
velvet carpet for her feet to walk Up
on, while pages bore her train and
maids of honor carried her fm, cloak
and opera-classes. During the per
formance her guards waited in the
portico or corridors of the theatre aud
then escorted ber back to the palaces
When she attended mass priests left
the altar to receive ber at the door of
the cathedral and conduct her to a
seat, and when the services ended
the clergy and acolytes, bearing a
cross and lighted tapers, accompanied
her to tho pavement and stood in re
spectful attitude till her coach drove
away. This is not exaggeration, for
iu those days the ambitious Dictator
was dreaming of making himself Kui
pcror, and was paving the way there
to by adopting the regal style.
To her credit be it said that when
Santa Ana lost power and prestige
and was banished from Mexico bis
young wife proved a true and devot
ed woman. In 1874 the exiled hero
—old, broken in health and bowed in
spirit—received permission from the
Mexican Government to return to his
native land, and then Dolores Tosta
was his only solace, doing everything
in her power to alleviate his mental
and physical sufferings. All his once
colossal fortune having taken wings iu
the West Indies, they now lived
very plainly, sometimes l icking even
the comman necessaries of life. Those
who had fawned most in other days
now utterly ignored them, nnd the
fallen Dictator was not only forgotten
by those upou whom he had once
conferred immense favors, hut his
favorite Generals and military chief
tains assumed airs of virtuous patri
otism and disclaimed intercourse with
the man whom it was theu the fash
ion to call a traitor.
After Santa Ana's death his family
recovered some of their former pos
sessions, and his widow found her
sedf again in affluence. She owned a
handsome residence in the City of
Mexico and a pretty villa in the sub
urban pueblo of Tacubaya Her
wardrobes were crowded with silk,
satin and velvet gowns, relics of re
gal days. Her laces alone constitut
ed no mean fortune, and she still re
tained costly sets of diamonds, pearls
and emeralds. But when the stimu
lus ol the Old General's overweening
ambition was g;>ue Mrs. Santa Ana
became too careless and inane to sus
tain the social position she might
have enjoyed. Her apathy was not
due to regret for past splendor—she
was simply lazy, as aro most Mexican
; woman Instead of opening her
' house to the friends who would have
i crowded around her, she absolutely
refused to see any one but ber near
est kindred, and—degenerating more
and more duriug the later years of
her life—she lay about the house
in attire that would have shamed her
lowest servant, eternally smoking or
sleeping, The last time I saw her—
more than a year ago, having gone
with a friend to make a ceremonious
call—she appeared in a ragged and
dirty calico wrapper, with an old cot
; ton re'ooso drawn tightly over her un
combed hair and the usual cigarette
between her discolored fingers.
Some Statistics.
: Froia Washington, Pa., Observer.
The statistics submitted iu the last
annual report of the Western Peni
i tentiary, if accurate, present some
| rather curious facts aud also some
; that are instructive. For instance, of
j the prisoners received during the
past two years, 532 or eighty per
cent, were never apprenticed to, or
; learned a trade; 100, <?r twenty-eight
percent, are entered as illiterate; and
j out of 2t'i2 prisoners received during
; the year 188G, ten were intemperate
land 110 moderate drinkers. ✓ This
shows that not whisky but idleness
'is the prolific mother of crime. Not
; that this fact can in any relieve the
' liquor traffic of its just responsibility
! for the manufacture of criminals, but
| to make a man into a food citizen he
j ruust be trained to habits of industry
ias well as of sobriety. Labor is the
condition of honest living and, if a
man seeks to avoid this condition, he
must either sink his so if-respect or
join the racks of the criminal class
The respective number of convicts
which each of the eight counties in
this corner ot the State had iu this
indtitutiou during the year IBSU, will
be a surprise to most persons. Dur
ing that time, Greene furnished three
prisorK* Lawrence, 18, Butler, 21;
Washington, 27. IJsaver, 29; Fayette,
40; Westmoreland, 53; Allegheny,
2% These figures would seem to
show Greene county up as a paradise
of order and decency, while Alleghe
ny would be set down as a small
i corner of hades anil Washington a
kind of unclassified neutrai ground
between the two. If we compare
the number of convicts from each
county with the population as given
iu the census of 1880, however, the
figures tell an altogether different tale,
itistrue Greenestiiistandsatthe head
and Allegheny at the tail of the list,
buo some of the others change places
ai.d the disparity in the character of
their populations, as indicated by the
figures given above, is greatly reduc
ed. Jsy this comparison it appears
that Greene county had one convict
to every 9,430 of her population; liut
ler, one iu 2,501; Washington, one iu
2,053; Lawrence, one in 1,850; Fay
ette, one in 1,498; Westmoreland one
in 1,574; Beaver, one in 1,350; Alle
gheny, one in 1/202.
One of the most striking inferences
to be drawn from these figures, is
the testimony which they bear to the
law-abiding character ol agricultural
communities. Greene county is
wholly agricultural and its criminal
record is almost nothing. Butler and
Washington also make a good show
ing, but the extensive oil develop
ments and large manufacturing estab
lishments of the former and the oil
developments and extended mineral
distflcts of the latter bring in ele
ments that cut dowu their averages
to a very low figure as compared with
that of Greene county. The poor
showiDg of Allegheny of course is
accounted for by the fact that she has
two large cities within her 'limits.
A Terrible Accident, and Brutal
The following is from the New
Brighton "News:" "Another hor
rible accident by lire comes from
Clinton. On Sunday last the family
of a man named Tate, consisting of a
number of little ones, the mother hav
ing died some months ago, were left
ail alone in tbe house. One of the
little girls attempted to put fuel on
tbe fire, and in so doing her clothing,
of the flimsiest kind of cotton, caught
fire, and for au instant she was a
mass of flames. She ran screaming
to the door and out on the street,
but before assistance could reach ber,
she was so frightfully burned that
tho flesh peeled from her in large
flakes and but little hopes are enter
tained of her recovery. Tho father
was away and when found was
beastly drunk. It is said that when
his sun found him and told him what
had happened he begged him to come
home, the brutal father replied, 'Go
home yourself, or I'il throw you into
the fire and burn you up too.' The lit
tlegirl who was burned is about 8 years
old The neighbors arc; doing all iu
their power t<> alleviate her suffer
ings. Miss Pickering, the young
lady who was so severely burned a
few weeks ago at the same town, is
getting better und will recover. Her
mother is taking the best care of her.
The little Tate girl hai no mother to
minister to her, the mother it is said
was an excellent woman, but died of
a broken heart."
A Slight Compensation.
Mrs. Bolster lost two husbands
within a year; tbe first died a natural
death, and the other was killed in a
railroad accident six months later, a
groom of two weeks. Very naturally
the doubly-bereaved woman was pros
trated by grief, aud her pastor went
to see her.
"This is a sad, sad blow, Sister
Bolster." he said, tenderly, as he took
her hand.
"I t's—it's—almost too —too—too
much to bear," she sobbed. "Yes,
ye.->, sinter; but the Lord tempers the
Wind to the shorn lamb, and lie
sends no allliction for which He
does not in some way compensate the
"I know, I know," she said bright
ening a little, " aud iu my case I find
that tho morning I bought to wear
for George will dj for Henry; but I
cant help weeping while my sorrow
is fresh, for Henry did give promise
of being such a comfort," and the
stricken woman broke dovvn again.
—lt matters not the age of suffer
ers from colds, coughs, or croup, "Dr.
Seller's Cough Syrup" is good for all
alike.- Price 25 cents.
—A stranger in Wheeling was
hunting for a man named Adams.
When asked what Adams he wanted
he answered : "The one that keeps
an express ollico." Ho found him.
The Sportsman's Paradise.
[Lieutenant McGiflin, formerly of
Washington, Pa , writes from Japan
to the Observer ol that town, an in
teresting letter about Cores, from
which we make the following ex
tracts] :
Corea is a paradise for sportsmen.
Almost in the village streets one may
1 shoot pheasant, quad, etc., for the na
tives as a rule let them alone, the
only hunting they do being of the
"still hunt" order, in each others
i heads. Tbis is a'most common sight
' to witness and I have even seen a
i whole line of coolies squatting down,
| one behind the other, tne front man
! being the only one idle, and the rear
j one the only unharvested one! I
; once suggested to the brethren at one
I of these battues that it would increase
i the efficiency of the combination if
i they would make "both end 3 meet."
| so that Alpha might employ himself
; upon Omega, but they seemed to re
j sent bar'oariaa interference and only
• looked at me suspiciously, as if doubt
i ing whether i had ever really had
! any practical experience at all in the
I matter.
: But for the other game. The most
| magnificently plumed, plump and lu
: cious pheasants, quail, woodcock, tur
! key bustard, wild swan, etc.. abound.
I The marshes and waters teeni with
; geese and duck, the waters with fish
| and oysters, the grass with ugly aud
venomous snakes—f but wear boots]
—and hare, wild boar, antelope, etc ,
; >re plenty within three hours' walk or
| so from any of the ports, within the
lianae distance bear and leopards are
frequently met with. I once saw in
Gensane a leopard that had been kill
ed that morning two miles off. They
skinned hiin and ate the llesb Leop
ard, bear and tiger skins, with count
j less wolf and smaller animals' bides
; are commonly exposed for sale iu the
! shops. Then there are tigers iu
! plenty, if you wish to go for a three
|or four days' trip. The Corean tiger
I is larger than his Indian brother, aud,
as his hair is some four or five inches
long (to suit the cold weather), which
bristles 'up and out straight when
aroused, his appearance is not sooth
ing to the nerves as may be imagin
He is very fierce, and, like his
Tammany relative, ufllietcd with
chronic hunger, which leads him often
into villages when least expected.
About half the year the Coreau hunts
the tiger, and the other half the tiger
bunts the Corean. I was anxious to
take part in a tiger hunt, or at least
to get a fresh tiger skin, but this sea
son of year seemed to bo right in the
midst of the tiger's half, so that al
though I might get a Corean's skin
cheap, a tiger's would come rather
high so 1 waited. Ido not delight
in killing dumb auituals, anyhow, and
it seemed to me more humane to wait
until the tiger, like the water snake,
sheds his skin, and then, when he
had gone to the niouutains for the
air, I could annex it quietly. I had
also a vivid recollection of an adven
ture I had a year ago in Formosa
with a buffalo, in which the tables
were turned and I was most energeti
cally and almost successfully hunted
into a dense and prickly jungle of
screw pines—and they dou't have
any screw pines here—l don't relish
screw pine jungles as au abiding
place, an Osage orange hedge is
pleasantc.', but then "any port iu a
"Well concerning this large game,
as I say, it can usually be had within
a few miles of any port, and there are
always chauces of meeting it even
within guashot of the houses, so it is
best to be prepared.
As for the other game, to use a
broad word, but one happily applica
ble to anythiug Corean, the country
is fairly lousy with it. I said that
the Coreaus bunt little, so they do,
but the few Corean hunters are splen
did shots and stalkers. I saw one
old shikoree come in one day, he
looked for all the world like some un
civilized old Bedouin of Sahara, arm
jed with a great long iron gun of
Moorish pattern with a lot of curious
characters carved on both wood and
metal, a match or fuse lock, for pow
der a coarse and fine home made mix
ture, and for shot a handful of small
pebbles aud bits of iron, I laughed
at him and his gun in derision, to
"rile" him, and succeeded. Then I
flung up a small bottle and he "pot
ted" it without an effort. The gun
hung fire a little, bnt he kept it bear
ing oil the mark—he was used to it—
aud waited. They always shoot
' from the hip."
These men go out after all tforts of
game with their oid blunderbusses,
Ipaded with bad powder and gravel
and a coil of slow match on their arm.
Up starts the game. Man gives a
puff to bis match, and, holding the
gun at the hip, jabs the match into
the pan! Then there is a fizz or a
sputter, but our man is calm. He
keeps his eye on the mark and guides
the gun by his hand until the "fizz"
ends iu a sluggish "bang," when al
most invariably, down co ttes the tar
get. I asked this particular Nimrod
would he sell bis gun He said:
Yes, 1,800 cash (about 75 cents.) I
carefully examined the weapon, a
"curio" it certainly was, but to buy
it as a gun at 75 cents was a reckless
waste. But I bought a brace of fat
woodcock from him for 7 cents.
During the spring in this port we
could buy spleudid pheasant or wild
geese at 70 cents a dozen; swan, tur
key bustard or antelope ot 30 cents
each, aud wild duck, quail, ployer,
snipe, woodcock and such game at
about 55 or 60 cents a dozen, whilst
other varieties and fish were almost
nothing. 1 lived almost entirely on
wild game, as you may imagine. All
canned and dried provisions are very
dear and poor iu quality.
Plenty of cattle are raised, chiefly
for beasts of burden. Cows are ueyer
milked and beef is not much consum
ed. Arouud Chemulpo, strange to
say, there are no sheep. T l ie graziug
is excellent for stock in general, but
sheep invariably die when imported.
They say that this is due to a pecu
liar weed or plant that abounds. It
i.i harmless to all animals but sheep
—goats do very well. The moun
tain goat has a pelt that makes a fine
rug. The cattle are undersized, as
aro the ponies; the latter are used
chiefly for carrying burdens, They
never require to bo broken From
the time of their birth the colts are
accustomed to man and kind treat
ment. Iu a few weeks a wisp of 1
straw or something is tied over his <
j hick and thus he grows up with a
' thorough acquaintance with burdens
and pack-saddles. As to the other
beast of burden, the colie, bis wages
are from 4to 10 cents a day. Car
penters, masons and skilled labor
sometimes receive as high as thirty
cents a day. In this country there
are no Goulds, Vanderbilts or bloated
monopolists, but I fail to see the
benefits derived from their absence.
! It is a)country where the laws agaicst
accumulating property and building
finely—laws that would delight tbe
Anarchists—aud tbe presence of the
to-be supported nobility, have taken
I away every incentive to labor or to
better their condition.
With such an abundance of fish,
flesh and fowl, and with such a rich
soil, it may be wondered at that the
people should so largely depend on
the imported food of China aud Ja
■ pan. But the game in general is lit
| tie used for food. Dried fish, cuttle
fish, shrimps, sea weed and cockle are
| eaten, and also domestic fowls, but
jin general little benefit is derived
from the many natural resources-of
! the country. A peculiar gauzy web
j like silk is made, but in small quanti
| ties. Cotton is grown and cotton
cloth manufactured. Formerly all
'cotton came from Chrtia, chiefly
brought by traders, who came to the
northern barrier. The Chinese jeal
ously guarded against all attempts to
obtain seed cotton, but finally, it is
said, that one of the annual tribute
bearing messeugers to Pekin, carried
back with him three seed—one con
cealed in the hollow of his staff, one
in bis ink pen aud oue bandaged up
iu a cut in hi 3 flesh. From these
seeds were born the present growth
of coua, so they say.
To tbe Core u,os thus far the most
important product of tbe soil is gin
seng. The root attains here a de
, gree of richness and excellence equal
'ed nowhere else in the world. It is
used by the natives as tea boiled in
water, aud in other ways consumed.
It is a marvelous tcnic and stimulant
to failing nervous vitality. There is
no doubt about this, it really does
seem to freshen and invigorate the ner
vous forces wonderfully. There is an
old Manchuriau story of a plant grow
ing in an unexplored, mysterious
neighboring land, which has tbe
, power of renewing the youth and im
parting a new life to the person who
will eat of it, yarn somewhat similar
to that which led old Ponce de Leon
into Florida. It is supposed by
many that the wonderful plant of the
Mancbu legend was the Corean gin
seng. For some physiological rea
son the Coreans are a deteriorative
race, and their vitality enfeebled ear
ly in life, but for the free use of gin
seng. Thus it becomes a plaut of
much national benefit, and its export
from the country is prohibited entire
ly, under the severest penalties but
owing to its high appreciation in
China there aro large profits to be
made in smuggling it—larger than
even in tbe Canton opium trade.
Consequently there are numbers of
smugglers, and the government keeps
a strict watch on the trade. To fur
ther increase their profits, the pro
gressive Corean smuggler or ginseng
merchant has learned to import tbe
greatly inferior ginseng of America
to adulterate the Corean article with.
The missionaries are at work !
Electrical Phenomena.
At one time it was very hard for
me to believe, indeed, that any person
living possessed such power as being
able to shullle across the carpet of a
room, and light the gas as it issued
from the jet of tbe burner, by simply
touching it with the tip of the finger.
I have at present, however, two
friends, among my acquaintances,
who seem to be capable of performing
this feat at all times, and uuder any
circumstances. Now, I find singular
phenomena exhibited to a very high
degree in my own person, at Fort
Wingate, New Mexico This point
is oyer fi,ooo feet above sea level; the
only water in the neighborhood is a
small pond—a puddle, really—and a
few insignificant springs. The air is
usually clear, aud highly rarilied; in
deed all the conditions seem to be
favorable to the exhibition of electri
cal appearances.
Only tho other day, while pacing
my room, passing, as I did so, each
time, over a large woolen najavo
blanket that lay spread out on tho
floor, a circumstance arose which call
ed upon me to touch that cast iron
urn that ornamented the top of a
small wood-stove in the apartment
and which had a fire in it at the timo
Before the tip of my index finger
touched it, by a distance of fully a
centimetre, there was a brilliant dis
play in the intervening space.a brill
iant electric flash, accompanied by a
report of that could be distinctly
heard in the adjoining room above
ordinary conversation The experi
ment repeated three or four times,
but tbe display became more and
more feeble with each trial; it regain
ed its original force, however, after I
paced across tho blanket on tho floor
a few times. Additional experimen
tation went to show that tho electri
cal discharge was considerably great
er from the tip of the index finger
than from any of tho others of the
hand, gradually diminished in regu
lar order as we proceeded to the little
finger; and further, it seemed in my
case more evident in the left index
rather than in the right one. When
all ten fingers tips were drawn to
gether and brought up to within a
centimetre's distance of tbis stove-urn,
the flash and report appeared no
greater than it did from the index
finger alone.— Science.'
He Read the Papers.
Ho was a very sleek stranger, and
he addressed old Farmer llornypalm
in the very smoothest of accents.
"Yes sir, I'm selling this patent
right but only to the best of men aud
I can let you have it on the very
easiest of terms."
"What air they?"
"Why, all you have to do is sign
tbis paper, agreeing to pay us 75 per
! cant, of the price received for the ma
' chines—you reserve the remainder
as commission."
"Do you seo that gate?" queried
the farmer, pointing to his front yard
"Oh, yes, sir !"
"Wal, I'm gwine in fer the old
muskit, but ef you kin make that gate
agiust I git back to the door, you'll
be purty well out o'range."
He made it, and several seconds to
—Word has been passed along the
line that there is to bo a big peach
crop this year.
| Men who Have Accomplished
Wonders in Their Old A ; 'e.
[J'nmi the New VDrk Ileme ■! unial
Suppose we agree to cill no m n
| old tili be is past C 3. Let us eel
down the nan ei of the some of illus
trious people of the world who Lave
prolonged thtir days of usefulness
after that ago. We shall make a
j table of them, aud begin it with those
who bare died at 70--that is to ear,
! with those in whom the springs of
| life Lave not stood still till they have
| had at least seven years of old oge.
j It will be found, however, to be lar
i from exhausted, and ercry reader
may find pleasure in adding to it
j from his own stock of information:—
j Age at
70—Columbus; Lird Chatham;
Petrarch ; Copernicus ; Spal
lanzani ; Boerhaave; Gall.
72 —Charlemagne ; Samuel Rich
ardson, Aiian Ramsay ; John
Locke; Necker.
73 —Charles Darwin ; Thorwa'.d
74—Handel; Frederick the Great ;
Dr. Jenuer.
7.7 —llaydu ; Dugald Stewart.
7 <»—Bousset.
77—Thomas Telford; Sir Joseph
Banks; Lord Beaconsficld.
78—Galileo ; Corneilie.
70—Wm. llarvey ; Robert Steven
son ; Henry Cavendish.
80—Piato ; Wordsworth ; Ralph
Waldo Emerson; Kant;Tbie:s;
Wm. Cullen.
81—BulTon ; Edward Young ; Sir
Edward Coke ; Lord Palmer
83—Wellington; Goethe; Victor
84—Voltaire; Talleyrand; Sir Wm.
85—Cuto the Wise; Newton;
Benj. Franklin ; Jeremy Ben
tha in.
86—Earl Russell; Edmund Ilalley;
88—-John Wesley.
89—Michael Angelo.
The wisest men and the best have
been conspicuous for working to the
Mrs. Tilton's Pension.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 30, 1887.—The
sole surviving representative of the
Revolutionary War, as recognized by
the government is Abigail S. Tilton,
of North Woodbridge, Rockingham
county, N. H. Out of the armv of
persons who are entitled to pensions
she is the only oue who receives such
as the wife of a soldier of the Revolu
tion. Mrs. Tilton is the widow of
Benjamin Stevens, who, according to
the musty records of the oSlice, pir
ticipated in the battle of Benniugton
as a member of Captain MoConnell's
company, under the command of
General Stark. Mrs. Tilton is now a
trifle more than one hundred years
old. She was married a second time
in 1831, but was divorced and re
turned her maiden name.
Her second marriage invalidated
her right to a pensiou as the widow
of Benjamin Stevens, but the State of
New Hampshire subsequently grant
ed her an allowance of $2 a week for
the remainder of her natural li e.
About eight years ago Congress fur
ther increased this by the addition of
$lO a month, to be paid to her n< a
special revolutionary pe sion, it hav
ing been alleged that she was "house
less, homeless and childless" The
old lady is represented as enjoying
excellent health and in the full pos
session of all her mental aud physical
faculties. Until a year ago three
other relicts of Rovoltionary heirs
drew similar pensions through the
Knoxville agency. But they have
all died within the past twelve
months and Mrs. Tilton is now the
only link that is left connecting the
government of to-day with the stormy
scenes of 1776.
—Gov. Beaver, of Pennsylvania,
now and then teaches a Sunday school
class at Harrisburg.
—The late Christian Ax, of Bilti
more was an earnest Republican in
politics, but would never accept pub
lic office.
—(Jueen Victoria will not accept
any jubilee present from private iu
dividuals with whom she is not per
sonally acquainted.
—lt is strongly believed that
Bishop Keane, of Richmond, Va,
will become president of the new
Roman Catholic University at Wash
—The Rev. Dr. George Dana
Boardman in 1884 began a series of
Wednesday evening lectures on the
Bible. Up to date he has delivered
816 of them.
—The memorial statue of General
Albert Sidney Johnston will be un
veiled in New Orleans on April 6,
the twenty-fifth anniversary of his
death at Shiloh.
—The eldest son of the German
Crown Prince is as strong a partisan
as Bismarck himself. He refuses
even as to drink champagne, and will
drink only German wines.
—The Duke of Westminster has
promised to give, during the remain
der of his life, $5,000 a year for the
building of new churches. He is now
sixty years old
—Dr. Edmund J. Janes, Professor
of Finance in the University of Penn
sylvania, has declined the presidency
of the lowa state University, with
double his present salary.
—The people of Chicago arc very
much worked up over the information
that they packed 700,000 less hogs last
year than the year before, and they
are determined to find out who packed
those hogs
—The Socialirt ticket in Chicago
was completely snowed under, j Roche,
the Republican candidate for Mayor,
has a majority of nearly thirty thous
and. In the interest of law and order '
this is a glorious victory.
—The Board of Pardons rccoiu- i
mended the commutation of the death i
sentence to imprisonment for life in I i
the case of Wm. G. Busch of Elk j !
county, convicted of murdering his 1 |
brother. As an instance of the ig- ; i
norance of the Busch family they all ] <
went to Ridgway on the 24tli of i
March to see William hanged, not! t
knowing he had obtained a Respite. J i
Its Universality, Its use and
How to Meet it.
Henry Ward Beecher, preached on
, "Suffenug; Its Universality, Its Use
and how to Meet It." "Why wasn't
. the world created just about rn:bt?"«
Le asked. "If created at all, why uot
so as to bring most happiness to all ?
Man is born in iguorance and trained
. in uncertainty. There is a capacity
for jov in every element that is in his
composition. The world outside of
h is beautiful and offers him pleas
ure for eye, ear, palate—for all the
senses. Why should he use his high
intellectual endowment to find out
un happiness?
"The animal has no to-morrow.
II has no conscience and consequent
ly no remorse. Every hour with
him is comparatively tranquil. Hap
! piness is lower but more constant,
more uucbecked in animals. In m:vn
chile hood is the paradise, but st ill
imperfect As the child grows older
doubt and uncertainty come. This is
a Wjrld created for happiness and a
race endowed with the capacity for
h'tppi'iesis. Least advanced it is most
r. ; least happy when most ad•
vi-.etd Why is this? Well, if any
of von ev-r find out, why please come
J and til me. (rod has created the
; world as He pleased,
j "Suffering comes from broken laws
j you s iy. Here is a man so built
1 that he drinks for forty years unin
sured. His ueighbor doing the saw 9
j thing, is put in an insane asylum in
two years. One man chews the
1 i devil's own cud and grows fat. An»
. other becomes leau, nervous and su >
i jtct to spasms. Now don't neglect
your duty in order to escape Buffer
ing. Since it is universal no man
. to escape it. Now, its effects:
With some it is discontent, uneasi
ness aud when strong, bewilderment
and even rage are the result. There
;is the prosperous man, who, after
| j forty years of honest, virtuous toil,
he .=ays, is struck by a whirlwind.
Hec iu'f understand it. 'Mine i* a
peculiar case,' he says. Everybody's
case i.- peculiar. This is the way of
nature under suffering. Now, the
way of grace is to stand still. Hav
ing done all, stand; be found standing.
Take your grief aud bear it like a sol
dier. Rejoice that 3 T ou are counted
worthy to suffer. God moulds our
moral tissue as a sculptor does clay,
Begin to help others. Every act for
another is your own relief."
Scare Him Away.
' Mary suppose you sing some
"Oh,it's so late Charlie; I'm afraid
■ it'll waken every one."
> "That's too bad," exclaimed Char
lie with every appearance of dis
"But why do you want me to
sing, dear?" she tenderly inquir
"Why, you see," he replied, "a
fellow I owe five dollars has been
waiting outside all evening for mo,
and I thought maybe if you'd sing a
; little he'd go away."
—Governor Thayer of Nebraska
has made "Buffalo Bill" an aid-de
camp on his staff with the rank of
Colonel Myriads of American boys,
small and large, will rejoice to hear
of the honor doue to Colonel Cody.
—Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar
writes that on a hunting party given
in his honor by the Rajah of Bebore,
there were bagged nine tigers, three
bears, six rhinoceroses, fourteen
buffaloes, twenty-two stags, and liye
wild hogs
—A bit of Chicago land that cost
Benjamin Shurtleff SBOO in 1859 was
sold by him the other dav for $135,-
—Daniel Miller, of Donegal, Pa.,
bought a pair of common white rab
bits a year ago. He now as seventy
rabbits, the offspring of the original
—During a recent shower at Rock
port, Ind , 210 live catfish, from 3 to
8 inches long, fell to the ground.
They were gathered, and many '
them eaten.
—Some of the railroad companies
think of sending the inter-State com
merce bill to Robert Browning and
asking him to put it into pootry in
order to make it more lucid.
—Ex-Senator Wallace, of Pcnnsvl
vania, is said to have made $1,500,
000 since he left Washington.
—Thousands of ladies cherish
grateful remembrances of the help do
rived from the use of Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable Compound.
—A ghost which recently fright
ened people at Nyack, N. Y., was
knocked down by a stone in the
hands of a skeptic the other night,
aud thereupon promised to give up
the spook business.
—Boston Landlord (to porter)
—"Sen if the gentlemen in Parloc F
have finished discussing their dinner."
Porter (returned)—"Doy is fru eatlu,'
boss, but dey niu't done cussiu' it
—lt is said that a man could
easily carry $10,000,000 if the money
was in ton-thousand-dollar bills. It
is worth while for every man to
know this, so as to be prepared for
an emergency.
—"I vo just found out why light
ning never strikes in the same place,"
said a farmer to Mr. Fry, the light
niug rod man, as they talked one
day. "Why is it?" asked Mr. Fry.
"Because the same place is naff
there after the lightning once hits
it," replied the farmer.
—The capital punishment law of
Maine bus been revoked and a life
imprisonment, from which there can
be no pardon, substituted for hang
—Tho following from the State
school authorities is sound: "There
can be no question whatever as to the I
authority of the teachers to prohibit
their pupils from the use of tobacco
in the school room. The habit is too *}
offensive to be tolerated and the re
strieti >n is reasonable and proper so
far as it applies to tho use of tobacco J
in tho "School room. Tho persistent m
and willful disobedience of tho pupil
may be deemed by the Board to
sufficient cause to warrant his sus- j
pension from school, until such time ji
as the offending pupil is willing to ■
obey and comply with all proper rules V
and regulations governing the 1
bchool." Chewing pupils and chew- 1
ing teachers must be expectorated, ■