I—■« »-I —I I ■ ■■ ■■!■■■*■ R ■ HTILED BY PREJUDICE. ■ Few persons realiie how thoroughly they are controlled by prejudice even to ■ their own disadvantage. For many years the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and headache has l>een by some ■ outward application, and, thertlore, with -out stopping to think that the origin of ■ these troubles mwt, from necessity, be in ternal, the wearv sufferer continues to rub, rub and tind no relief. Ath lophoroc is taken internally, and as a proof that this is tlie correct principle, it cures surely and quick ■ lv.• The statement of those who Aeen able to dress nor I scarcely able to fi-eil herself for three I months, being in severe pain most of the time. The acute p:iin ceased alter taking ■ three bottles of Athlophoros, but she con- H tinued to take it until all signs of rheunia tism were gone; having taken 27 bottles in ■ all. She has not taken any since last May, ■ and can use her arn:3 as well as ever. A ■ numl>er of friends have taken it, and in I everv case it has givensatistaction. Incase ■ of sick headache, it gives almost immediate I John M. Wolcott, Tiffard, N. Y., savs: ■ " T g o t a buttle of Athlophoros for a friend. H She at once gained rapidly, and has not I been troubled with the rheumatism since." I Every druggist should keep Athlophoros ■ and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can- H not be bought of the druggist the Athlo ■ phoros C 0.," 112 Wall St., New York, will H • send either (carriage paid) on receipt of ■ regular price, which is £I.OO per Lottie ■ for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pills. ■- Fur liver and kidney diseases. dyspepsia. in ■ digestion, nervous dpMlity, «li>eases of women, f-oustipation. headache. impure ■ Uood, &c., A tlilophoros Pills are une ~ =3?T5s Twice litis birr* To Rolf Gtuh with ■ I LfcU SJ$- i. f Mlitrf aii-i iMtb Trsdf DDI^C *. C ' MHICI. For coiui'lc'o iufurinat on. Descriptive I'am tililt-r, with teatiinouiuh. I'ree. For sale by nit ilru««i»t*. If one or the other is not in iKvition U> it to yon. do u»t he i» r milled to take auythiwc else, but apply dirwt to the General A.m.; , tot p.in. only, tall at ollj''e or uddrvs* S.K.LAKE,M.I>.,M.RX'.r.S. or E.J.Lakk, M ». J.E DOUGLASS, —DEALER IS STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Books and Periodicals,! CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., V SUTLER, - - lr>^, 2-1-*. \J . j A. J. FRANK' CO, DKA l.f.Hi IS DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS, | FANCY AND TOILET ARTICES, SPONGES, BRUSHES, I'EliFt MERY, &e. i ii. I'liyslclans'J Pies'.rlptlonH caioiully com- j pounded, and orders answered with eare and i dlspate].. 'mr stock of nifslldnen Is eoiuplctr, : warranted genuine, and or the Is-st >|Uullty. 45 South Main Street, B'UTLER, - ] ig|F% AGENTS WANTED AUTHORIZED OF LOGAN MRS. LOGAN. This Biography ban been more tl .in two years in prep arati'in •• I "U'* n furnished the data to the author,'®*©. »Vanri» DMHIH. hbintht>»te Jri«4 and and before l is death he icad all hut the closinF f haptcrn < f «»>c work, and pave it his Miujaalificd endornrrncrif. Nfr-». *.:;ite« thin in the A inillloß admlrtr*' f the dead Chieftain want •fell, tiirlllinir »t»r.T <>/ !-i» f«"»t ****** "1 ee.ire an-1 war. splendidly illusiratea with portraits and Witle scene*. Send quick $t tor culiit and choice ol territory. Address HILL 4, HARVEY, PUBLISHERS. 11l N. Charles Street, Baltimore STAMPING For Kensington, Arrasene AND , OUTLINE .WORK DONE. Also lessons in same given by AWN IE M LOWMAN, North ttrcel, Butler, Fa. ju<4Jo-ly AnVtfiYKPRC O^hcrs.whowish t(Jexamkv# RUVS.II I SdbllW trns p-ip'jr,of Obtain eitimatM on advcrtiiing tpaco v/hon in will find it on file at AS to 4 ) Randolph St., | f|o|| O TUMIIC Advertising Agency of LUHiI ft I IBUIIIAwt ■i m i g—w ■ ■» THE OXTIZkiN". MISCELLANEOUS True Lovers They. When ihe eougress of kaDgaroos j were recently shipped from Australia, {bv Liverpool, they were separated in j the latter city, part of them beiug placed ou the Assyrian Monarch aud the rest on the Persian Monarch, there not being room on either ship lor the 15 cages. Flora, a female kaDgaroo, manifested great reluctance when separated from her mate, who was put on board the other steamer, aud she became very melancholy and dumpish, refusing to eat or drink and rejecting the caresses of her keeper, to which she had been daily accus tomed At first the keeper thought his pet was sick, and administered ruch medicine he thought-would ben efit her, but all to no purpose, the same restlessness was apparent,aud she called repeatedly, aud seemed to strain her ears for a reply. During the voyage her two babies were born, bright-eyed things, that nestled in the mother's pouch, peeping out now and then, and hiding on the approach of any of the passengers. Meanwhile Jack, the mate of Flora, looked anxi ously out the bars of bis cage for his mate, and called, but no answer came. Flora's ship was fi;st to arrive, and the batch of kangaroos on board were at once sent to the museum Jo join their fellows. Immediately Flora seemed to scent her mate, and wheu the cage containing him was brought in he beard Flora's voice and answer ed Flora's joy knew no bounds, and she leaped about her cage in the wild est excitement now and then stop ping to gaze out from behind the bars to see if Juck bad come. The keeper to prevent Flora from injuring herself against the sides of her cage, was obliged to bring her mate up stairs aud put him in her cage. Never was a more impressive scene, enacted be tween two animals. They embraced, licked each other and rubbed their noses in expression of affection, for getting all about the babies. Finally their father saw them and tenderly licked their faces, while the little ones hopped from their mother's pouch to extend to him a friendly greeting. Jack, Flora and the two babies are the happiest animals in the congress, and the keeper vows he will never separate them again. TO CRUSH SECRET SOCIE TIES. Congress of Churches and Christians in Session at Chi cago. The Congress of Churches and Christians commenced its session at i Chicago Wednesday, its object being ) the inauguration of a movement to • crush out secret societies. About 1 300 delegates, mostly men beyoud j middle age, were present from sever |ai States. The stage of the theatre where the congress was in sessiou i was set with a scene representing the i interior of a lodge. Prof H, 11. I George,of Ueneva College, was elect ed President. Mr. Pritchard and Prof George both made short speeches, and were followed by the Hon Hal leck Fiojrd, of Ohio Mr. Floyd de nounced secret-societies as inimical to American institutions. He eaid it was time for the pres3 to take ofl the muzzle and speak out against Masonery and all secret societies. E D. Bailey, of Washington Hights, followed with another address Mr. Bailey, who is the editor of the American at Washington, D. C denounces the lodges as the cause of poor attendance at prayer-meetings and the geueral lack of interest in re ligious matters. He was succeeded by the Rev. N. Wardner, editor of the Wesley an Methodist, who read a paper on "Secret Societies and the Civil Courts." He claimed that the Masonic oaths aod obligations cover ed the concealing of all crimes, no matter how heinous, committed by a member of the fraternity, aud that death was the penalty for doing other wise. President Blancha.d, of Wheaton College, read a paper on "What Secret Societies have doue for the Laboring Classes," in which be considered the position of the Ivnlgbts of Labor and other organiza tions. The bulk of his attention and those who subsequently discussed the | paper was, however, devoted to au- j tagouizing Free Masonerj.—Ex. A Woman's Way. ! An agent with two or three rugs in j I a strap had called at a house on Na-! ! tional avenue and rung the bell | out'arousingaujbody, whea a wotuau i ! called to him from across the street:— i '"No use ringing there." "Lady gone':"' "They are too poor to buy rugs " i He was about to pass on, when a ] chamber window was raised, and a woman stuck her head out and said: I "I'll show 'em whether we are or !not! I think a carpenter's wife is just 1 as good as a dairyman's wife, and ba« i just as much money for tine things, i Which is your best rug?" "This one, ma'am—for SB." "Hang it ou the fence, where I ! everybody can see it. Now mke thin j 1 S2O bill und cull at all the houses 1 around here and ask for change. You I won't get it, but I have got the right amount to give you when you come back. If you happen to say to 'em as you go arouud that this is the first I $8 rug that you've sold within a mile i of here I'll giva you a piece of pie and a gjajsof milk.*'— Detroit Free Press i Physicians say that there ia no ! i remedy for consumption. In some j caees this may be correct. We know however of many cures made by Dr ' Bull's Cough Syrup, and we will i guarantee relief. i A sensible woman will not fail to I keep a buttle of Salvation Oil on hand ; l fur men's cuts and bruises. not bad a very good season for their business Spring Medicine. The necessity of a spring medicine is almost uuivertally admitted And the s'uperiortv of llood'4 Sarsnparilla for (bis purpose becomes more and more widely known every year. That] power to purify the blood, and those elements of strength and health which the system craves, and to which it is iso susceptible at. this season, are pos sessed by this peculiar medicine iu a pre-eminent degree, Scrofula, pim ples, boils, or any humor, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, catarrh, rheumatism, or any disease or affec i tiou caused or promoted by impure blood or low state of the system, are cured by Iload'M Sarsaparilla. Try tbe peculiar medietas, —Good.resolutions c ay fha** tfce future but tbey cauoot uudo tbe work -of tbe past. •—A big blower—The wind. Proving the Soundness of an Eye. In a large factory in which were employed several hundred persons, oue of the workuieu, in wielding his hammer, carelessly allowed it to slip i from h s hand It flew Lalt way across the room and struck a fellow workman in the left eve. The man averred that bis eye was blinded by . tbe blow, although a careful examina tion lailed to reveal an injury, there being not a scratch visible. lie : brought a suit in the courts for com compensation for the loss of half of his eyesight, and refused all offers of !' compromise. Under the law, the ' owner of tbe factory was responsible for an injury resulting from an acci j dent of this kind; and although he be lieved the men was shamming, and that the whole case was an attempt jat swindling, he Lad about made up 1 his mind that he would be compelltd to pay the claim. The day of the trial arrived, t»nd in open court an ! eminent oculist retained by the de feuse examined the alleged injured member, and gave his opinioD that it was as good as the right eye L pou , the plaintiff's loud protest of his ina : bility to see with bis left eye, tbe oc ulist proved bim a purjerer, and sat isged the court and jury of the falsity lof his claim. And how do you sup | pose he did i'? Why, simply by knowing that the colors green and j red combined make black He pre ' pared a black caid on which a few , i words were written with green ink. > Then the plaintiff was ordered to put : cn a pair of spectacles with two d;f ferent glasses, the one for the right .; eye being red and the oue for the left I j eye consisting of ordinary glass, i Then the card was handed to him, and he was ordered to read the writ ( ing on it. This he did without besi ■ tation, aud the cheat was at once ex ' posed. The sound right eye, fitted i with the red glass, was unable to dis ( tinguish the green writing on the black surface of the card, while the left eye, which he pretended was sightless, was the one with which the ■ reading had to be done.— Pottery Ga . zette. One Decent Man • "A few years ago," said Mrs. A , 1 "I had a servant who hated men She was a spinster about 40 years of age. and she seemed to cherish a set tled aversion to tbe brothers of tbe i human family. One day she asked for my library ticket to go to our village library tor a" book to read. I recommended two or three books j which I thought she would find with in her capacity, but she found that they we/e all out and she chose a book for herself. It was Darwin's "Descent of Man " "Why did you | pick out this book, Biddy {'' I ask .ed her iu surprise "Sure, ma'am," I she replied, "it says it's about a day ■ cent man, and if there's one dayceut ; man on top o'grouud, I'd like to be i readiu' about him; but it ain't about, i any man at ail, ma'am; its all about j monkeys, sure " He was Allowed lo Testify. A rather peculiar incident occurred at a tml in Washington county re- j cently, involving the credence to be j given the testimony of a witness who | does not believe in the existence of a | God. The testimony o< Prof. Hay was objected to on the uround that he j was an unbeliever. When asked if j this was true he replied that it was. j Upposing counsel then a-ked him if ; he did not think he would be punish ed if he testified falsely. He replied ! that Le did, and when a-ked in what j manner, outside of the law ou perju- , ry, said tbut au honest man's con | science would punish him Judge i I Stowe decided that the professor ! should be allowed to testify,and when | counsel for the defense reminded him that a bill was now before tbe Legis- j ture, which, if passed, would prevent such persons from acting as witness- ( es, His Honor made answer that j Legislators were not Judges,and that if convicts and ex convicts were to be j ! allowed to testify, such a man as Prof. Hay should certaiuly be allow- j ed the same privilege Prof. Hay j then made a simple affirmation. Getting a Drink in Maine. An impecunious looking fellow > went into a Lisbon street drug store i Saturday and wanted some alcohol to ! bathe a sore fiuger. The druggist j | said he could uot sell it to him ( i "Won't you pour some on my finger j then?" asked the man. Tbe druggist j ; said that he would, aud the fellow | stuck out his finger, the druggist , j looked at it, aud thinking that it | wasn't swolleu much, took hold of the ; ( ! fiuger that was completely bidden in : i of cloth. The finder yield- | ed to his touch, and he pulled at it, ' and tbe bandages yielding, revealed the fact that tbe linger was badly | bogus—being made up of a sponge j and a evident design to get tbe sponge well ; soaked, and then suck out the alcohol. ! Lcwiston (Me.) Journal. —Women that have been pro- | nounced incurable by tbe best physi- !. cians have been completely cured by ; Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- j ■ pound ! —Tbe man who struck an attitude j has not yet been arrested. * Real Estate. Valuable investment. You may ■ buy and sell real estate but if you suf- j fer from backache, kidney affections, rheumatism, crick, severe pains, sore ] chest, sciatica, sore joints and mus- j j eles, or pain in any part, you canuot j eujoy happiness. Hop Plasters are : I prepared from Burgundy Pitch,Cana jda Balsam and fresh Hops. Apply ! one directly over the pain and get in- , | stant relief. 25 cts —Naomi was SHO years old when : she got married. Truly tbe Bible is i | a great consoler. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Bos- 1 chee'x German Syrup a few 1 y.'iars, has astonished the world. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the sptedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds ! and the severest Lung troubles. It] aots ou an entirely different principle from the usiinl prescriptions iriven by ' I'hy icians.ao it does not dry up a cough ■ and leave the disease utiil iu tbe 1 system, but on tbe contrary, ' j removes tho cause of the trou ble, beals the parts affected aud leaves , them in a purely healthy condition, A bottle kept in tbe bouse for • use when Ifce diseases make their appcar , aoce, will nave doctor's bills and a , i long spell of aerioua ilines* A trial will convince you of these facta, (titi positively sold by all druggists and geueral dealers in the land, Pric'e ) 75 cts. on a locomotive, no matter how haxd-hearted he may be, is still a tender map, /. KASKINE (TIIF. XF.W HI IXISE) t\o BAD EKKEt T SO lIKAIUCHE. SO NUSCA. So lliiitriui; Ears. CI'KEs (jl'lt'Kl.Y PLEAS A ST, Pure A POWERFUL TONIC. ' that the must delicate stomach will l>.'ar. A tPfiCIFIC FOR MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, and all Germ Diseases. 1 FOR COLDS KASKINE lIAS BEES FOI ND •TO BE ALMOST A SPECIFIC. Superior to qni- J nine. ; Bellevue Hospital, N. Y.," -Universally successful' (■•Ever\ patient treat- I Sr. Francis Hospital.X V. Jed with Kaskine has (been dlscli'r'd cured." i Rev. .las. 1.. Ilall, Chaplain Albany Penitenti ary. writes that Kaskine has cured his wife, al ter twenty years suffering from malaria and i nervous dyspepsia. Write him for particulars. St. .Joseph's Hospital, X. V.: -Its use Is consid ered Indispensable. It acts perfectly." Prof. \v F. llolcom'ie. M. I).. 54 East 2"»tli st.. X V.. late Prof. In X. V. Med. College writes: •Kaskine Is superior to quinine In Its specific power, and never produces the slightest Injury to the heal ing or constitution. Thousands upon t Lion-.aids write that Kas kine has cured them after all other medicine ha;l failed. Write for book of testimonials. Kaskine can be taken without any sfe-'ial medical advice. si.»« per bottle. Sola by .!. c. REDICK, Butler, or sent by mail on receipt of price. i KASKINE CO., 34 Warren St.. New York. I "I Am Great and You are Small. ! A sparrow swinging on a branch Once caught a passing fly. "oh. let me live 1" the insect prayed, With trembling, piteous cry, "No,"' said the sparrow, "you must fall For I am great and >du are small." The bird had scarce begun his feast Before the hawk came by. The game was caught "Pray let me live !'' Was now the sparrow's cry. "No," said the captor, "you'must fall, For I am great and you are small." An eagle saw the rogue, and swooped Upon him from on high. t "Pray let me live ! why would you kill So small a bird as I?" "oh,"' said the eagle, "you must fall, Fori am great and you are small." But while he ate the hunter came : He let his arrow fly, "Tyrant!" the eagle shrieked, "you have Xo right to make me die !" "Ah :"*aid the hunter, "you must fall, For I am great and you are small," Tr. n*luted from the Qemm oj I/err Sin "Iff, Why She Wept. A ladv called ou a friend who had only been married a few years, and was surprised to find her in tears, j "I am the most unhappy woman in Austin, and it is all on aeount of my husband," "Why, your husband lives for you alone. He stays at home ull the time, i He never goes a way from home, he I never brings any of his friends to the ! house." J "Yes," replied 'he nufortuaate wo man, putting her handkerchief to her I eyes, and sobbing convulsively ; "that's-what-makea me-so uiisera j ble." Drunkenes or Liqour Habit, can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Speiflic. ! It can be given in a cup of coffee ;or tea without the knowledge j of the persou taking it, ef- j fecting a speedy and permanent cure, { j whether the patient is a moderate j : drinker or an alcoholic wreck ! Thousands of drunkards have been j ! made temperate men who have taken . ! the Golden Specific in their coffee with- i I ont their know.edtfe, and to-day be- ! I lieve they quit drinking of their own | free-will No harmful results from its , I administration. Send for circular and j ] full particulars. Address in confi dence Golden SirEciipic Co, ISo ; I Race St , Cincinnati, Ohio. —A clerk in a hard war 3 store at j Xew Bethlehem, this S'ate, placed I two pigeon's eggs iu a drawer and for- ! i got about them. Two week-;after he i | beard a noise iu the drawer and sup- j i pobing it was made by mice he held | up a cat with one bund and pulled open I | the drawer with the other. The cat j : being unable to get in he reached in | and to his surprise found two | pigeons, the constant heat of a gas i tire close by having batched the eggs, j The young birds are growing nicely How to Gain Flesh and Strength. Cse after each meal Scott's Emul- j sion; it is as palatable as roilk and easily digested Delicate people im- , prove rapidly with its use. For con-, sumption, itipoat affections and Bron chitis it is unci|Ufil!ed. Dr. Thomas! Prim, Ala, bays-; "i used Scott's Emulsion on a child eight mouths old; be gained four pounds in a month. —What is more nasty than run : ning sores, ulcers, pimples, b.-Tis ecr6!uia, erysipelas, etc.? Now, "Dr- Lindsey's Blood Searcher" cures, j them all. . j A lot of New York reporters have joined the Knights of Labor, This is a crucial test. If the Order can stand that it can staud anything. —Advices from Atrici state that | Explorer Stanley has arrivtd at Banana, It looks more and more as though his expedition were bound to bear fruit. —"lt's « fine dnv, your Honor,") i said the disorderly drunk in a wheed- 1 ling tone. "It h. indued," replied j bis Honor, sternly, "Ten dollars : j fiue " —Singular language ours: When a j i man is full of kinduess and bonevo- , lunce, we say he is humane; when he ! is full of frailties, we say he is only j i human. i —An agricultural exchange ad-, ; vises its readers to take care of their cabbages. |n this relation, we may I remark that it is only a brute who ' would be unkind to his cabbage. What more precious offering can ! be laid upon the altar of a man's ! heart, than the first love of a pure, earnest, and affectionate girl, with an undivided interest iu "eight corner : lots, and fourteen three-story houses. Among a lot of coal recently mined near Pottsvilb, I'a,was found a piece of crystal rock in tiie shape of I a perfectly formed owl. —Sir John Lubbock, the English naturalist, has a tame wasp which : itself l»e stroLi-d &ud vyhich eats i from bis hand. A Lady's perfect Companion. Painless ithildbikV a new book by Dr John Dye, one of New YTfcts mos t skillful phy j slclans, shows that pain X not, necessary in 1 Chlklblrth but results trom>*ii„ s easily un ! derstood and overcome. It proves that. „ry woman may become a iiou* suf »ainfc ifM r :itn whatever. It also OhL i„ nv ; oven utile tlii pitit't morning C(l limbs, and all o«ll£» rl',""',ltnfcire gn:'.Dey. it is reliable and highly 1 physicians everywhere as the wife's true pl\ vale companion cm tuis out: It will save you great pain, and i»ivtii,iv vnir life. Send two i cent stamp for ooßtriirtu,. c irculars.testimo nials and confidential letter aent i n sealed en -1 ; velop. Address Fkank Thomas a '-u , public • ers. Baltimore. Maryland, ' • A MAMATIC SENSATION, The Throbbing. Thrilling Drama. How to Save Money. H.V I). IIECK- Author <»f tli • "Tlit* \\ • * : • r What a New vi to( Clothes Did will be enacted ©Ten cla\ aiul ov**rl»v dunu* the coming season at i'- A. lIKC K GREAT GLOTHIKS EMPORIUM, No. 115. North >lhlii M., DufTv** Block, BUTLSIt, - PA. 1 Mil further notice. This powerful work Is a wonderful and variegated combination of trailed e.iii;ed\. .ml comlcul trajr*dy ' iit:il never talis to brinv down the !iou->- i The aitors are all S'ars F.i<- ! will be a stron, r feature. The following b rue fly outlined Is the PR< >G P. A M M F.: SON'i;—Tile happy man no more reflects. Who Buys lils clothing at 1). A. Heck - A r 1,-Scknk l Time 9 a.in: Enter young man with frlftnd. Young man explains to lit* I friend that the direct cause of his engage ment to the wealthy farmer's daughter - j was his purchase of an elegant suit at I>. A. HECK'S «;reat Clothing Emporium. Friend tumbles to the Idea and Is made : ! happy with a new suit. Hat. Shirts. Collar.-. ' I Ties. L'nderwear, Gloves. Hose. Trunk Valise. VmbreUa. etc. Scene closes with song. Joined In by the audience. 1 so so—The day will be Intensely cold, • j When I). A. lleck is undersold, sc. ' '■ ACT 11.— SCESK -'—Time it a.m. Enter throng ot people, old men. young men, ladles, cliil -1 (lren. m iiiagln^m itroti-w.tli m.irnar abie daughters, win with ohe accord fairl> shriek with delight at tie- wonderful bar gains shown. The beautiful young lady Cinderella linds some jtwe.ery. 11 pair ot Corsets, a pair of Kid 1 »loves. an elegant pair or Hos>- that *•( her off so exqulslt-ij that a dude from I'nlonvilie and a young m 111 from Greece City both propose.us the Greece i ltv man has on one of I) A. Heck's lrreslstabl'e suits. Cinderella decides t, patronize home Industries and accepts liim. The I'nlonvilie dude talks of duels, suicides. iVc.. but decides not to leave this world while he can get clothing so cheap at l>. A. HECK'S Great Emporium. Song by company, joined by audience: "lis our experience, one and all. Mid evet-v one « ho tries It knows. That !• A HE' K lihs got the call. Alia takes the lowu In selling clot hen. . I Ai"cnts; Entirely New and Elegant. I F-'-iaWi All-Wool Srlin»};ipnl or ('on|inrr Corii at 7-> c.'iils. in lar(f" iiu ■ of Spriint Sliailes. I \ hundsoUje assori ineni of ,io-ia ii Vicuna (•Juths !»l 7") e.iilfs, all sliadi.'S. and notice the j wldtlj, '>< l In. Uea I'HOit'K IMPOHTtrI) XOVKM'IKS | In small broken cheeks, llalr I.liies and Mix tures. in Grey . Light Brown, arid Beige effects, are tli • proper things for Spring Dress Goods. ! We are showing a liewllderliig assortment 01 these from the best German Manufacturers in 40 and 4-2-lncli goods at 7.". cents, SI.OO and $1.25, entirely new iaoiics. | 10-iniii Hair Stri|»' I'Hshmere CoriU, all wool in line of colors at .Vi cents; cheap cents. 1 In the cheaper grades ol Dress (ioods we offer I check Novelties wfioi lining. K Inches, notice I the width, at :tj cents; would be very che .pat ! no cents. Fancy armure, wool tilling, at is cents. I Also l. (Wo yards "1 Mrlpo .Novelties, wool flli- Ing. In ail colors, at 15 cents; an extra bargain. In Velvet stork are many extraordinary things. I Itl-Tneh Silk Front VeJvels. in Colored stripes I ! at .'x»-cents; these aro SI.OO goods, i Also large assortment of iti-lnchj'olored Stripe | : Velvets at cents, tvori hll ">o. IN SILK DEPARTMENT, ' Two specialities are Black Surahs at 1,". ! 1. ~ti,. all pure silk stock, are coosldcred even i extra valn-i If so d at '>l centi. ' c ilored surahs, l'i Inelios wide, ii} all shades, ! |at cents; usually sold at cents. UtIE ei'HTAIJiSI I. VI'K CI KT.VIMS | ; Hl'Kf'l Vli PATTKKMS! jour own Importations, at Sl.iw, il.i", and extra j values; full length and width and taped edge at 1 I $:I.(k» to tln.oo a pair. Portieres, l.amlirt piliis. Felts. < uiialn Poles, j 1 chains, x t", | A Brass Trimmed Curt itn I'ole i-oiiiplete, ends, I 10 rings and brackets, at 2"> cents. ! Special v alue- .it this s-ason of the year In j Household Linens. Muslins. Slieetlngs. etc.. etc. ] Semi Vour llrilcr* for samples and prices to . our m ill order department, being as explicit as I possible In mentioning kind or goods wanted. , ami your request will b answered promptly , j with newest goods and lowest prices offered 1 ! anywhere. BOGGS & BUHL, 115, 117, III), 121 Federal SI, j Allegheny* Pa. Adjcurnmsnt of Sals James P. Robinson Farm, I < 1:1 Wednesday, March :*), iu pursuance of no ) tice published i i this jiap r Win. P. I'.rali.un, | Assignee of .latn »sl'. liobliison, offered for sale lon the premises in Parker I wp.. acre- of laud; ; no sul'tleienl Lid belnji; obtained the sale was ad . Journed to THURSDAY, APRIL 14,1887, at i o'clock, p.m., at same place, of which all j persons interested will talce notice WM B, i'.KAHAM, Assignee, KNOX HOUSE.; _ J. B. KNOX, Prop'r. NO, 44, E, JEFFERSON STREET, UUTLKI!. 1 'A. Boarding by the week or day. | pyi'lvH miii UN's walk from Court f louse. County Auctioneer, JAMSS H. KSARNS, BUTLER, PENI'A. Jb prepared to serve the public of this fection at vendues, etc. Having had many yeais ol ex[>erience he can gu irintcc perfect satisfsc •(tliou it rutiSi 'M'- >v '" Buit Leave Word otiloe.* 8|84.1y Yiha n a nrn >« iindciphia I En' l the N'<-W»r>per Adver. 1 J ■Sp-A."' tihlnif Apl'W of Mw«ni. J "• W, A & SON, v»t avtiiorixcd mfiutn. TRIAL VjINT FOR XPECIAIi t'llt KT, ( OJWESC'IXH JIOSDiT. 1PR11.23. IHH7. Xo. Trrm. Pi.iintif, At'wry I'm,lift. Pfftmimmlt. Defen-lunl' $ AOo> wry~ ; 11 AD, I BiH, 1886;W B Ltak IRMmM U et*l . Scutt '• .'5 March, lss.t I. / Mitchell et al Andrew Bott et al The I'nited Pipe Line It iudin " Dee, 1 ss, Campbell Sophia Kelly, Adm'rx Cni-I>u.!'y Mitchell " 39 IVc, 1 sS3 liraudnu -lames . I " 4«) )lec, ls>4 Brandon James Bo'»tridge et as I' !! H t'o Snmo " -17 Sept lss-I Braudon et al George Kennedy Joh# A tilenu Thompyon A Son * " -18 Sept lSi>4 Brauilon et al Georjfe Kennetlv lohn A Glenn Same " f»!> March, lssi Campbell W I) XlcCau.lies* for use Oha* Mct'amlless x-ne " 2fi June, lss-2 MeJ A Galbraith Wm Watson Samuel An.leron Brandon " 4t> June, lSsi Brandon Joseph Emery et al J.iaeph McKlroy Sc .tt 41 «»(» .luric, Tbomp6;m \ Son P«*uii f a RK Co Con !l K * o " .'1 Sept, IS<"> McCaniiivss .1 C Sntiline et al l imes Storey et al K Mantball • | "41 1 We, l.s.s.i White Kii Met'lure ct al i Yeagcr rhuiitwin 'I " 4< Dec] 18S.1 1 Brandon an.l Welsh l..h:> H nkle • \V.i*ter K-asvet al W A F.> quer '* 32 Pre, 18'85 l'iersol an.l Scatt Iti i.'. A Dividsou John l>* I our It r V|i;v aioiuss . " "»•> March, ISSH vlnrtin White aa I Wallace Kverett K- ts>i.'.e Marshall and Mates | " 24 June ItSSI Vanderiin Patrick (iarduer Patton Bell McCandlew •' 'Js June l.sst. Brandon and Greer. i! I. II ckeu.Vrrv JR Hi nam an et ux Williams A Mitchell I " 75 June' lS.St'. McCandUss Henrv Bickel et'al H J KlicgUr el al McQuist'on i " 7t! June, is, Si. Mitchell Minlev Davil Ku'kiiuui White and Hoarser I "4 Sept. IsSU Luok C M K.M.t I r use . M l!;i#!i. net al Scott 28 Sept, IsSri McCandless Jeß rsi.ii Weimar Casper I! oIIiuau Mctjuistion " 4 8 Sept, ls.So Soott et a I Joseph MeKlrnv HA K iiiu'ei sui :th Brandon " 53 Sept, 1886 Thompson A Son A Martin Mrs C Piuviauee Campbell " t>7 Sept, lSSti Met) et al Iteuben F Rush WPTutneretal Bowser •" 23 Dec, 1886 Mitchell Wilson E Rted WU < ruiir Williams A Mitchell " 57 Dec' 188b j D Marshall N M Uichardso.i James SII ys Greer ' 65 Dec, 18S(> Greer C!:nton twp George K Moutgomer/ Thompson & Son " tiO Dec, ISMi Greer Mary K Walter David I>>gan Mct^uistion " IS March. Is,s7 Mitchell W A GlthblU*l Jaee.b (.uaiper Riwdm Prothanotnry's Office, March 28, 1887. • WM. M. SHIUA, Prothouotary, . _ _ _ 1850 ' 1850 ~ESTABLISHED lS ' 1850 E, C HIEI, J b: w l m?Lu k Ii . ISO 19 NO!{Til MAIX BTKEKT, Diamonds, L idies' tu.d (Jeatn' (JoU ami Silver Watches. —>—— Pap ol " Weight.-Gilt with (JlussShmV, Push Lo-k, IMnque with Floral Omanieat ' I All w Y tioa, MAIIBLK, ICaameled Irou; in shurt, a complete line of Clocks " R"! ItTO'P'UTCI PQ Q Q 1 i'tT I>oa ' t fl,il t0 tbis line ot Goolis ' as it is the largest i s OIIVUI W CLLKj MJ I r I \ / i SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, ia Gold, Silver and Steel frames, i Ljf l\ IX, >V S scit'Diifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Etemrmlier we Warrant all i?« McpreKciiteil, trie of charge. Place of business opposite Ttoulnian's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. N"o- 19. North IVTain - - - BUTLER» l^A, .YOUR ATTENTION Is Oalle TRADE. | 'i I; of charge wish to l;uv from a well «.isu I nilLDWatch cASIj stGN ov electrio BELL 15, 14 , A. Troutman Son. 1111111111 1111111111 We invite special attention to our unrivaled StooA of Dry Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Hugs, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window bliades and Fixtures. SILKS and DIiESS GOODs. I We h:rve a assortment of Co'ortd Dress Goods in all the j Xew fcfliadtig. Blacl> and Colored Silks at low prices i Li liens, Table Napkins, Quilts, Miislin Underwear for ladies and Mioses, Xew Kid ({loves, New Lisle and Siik Gloves, New Velvets, Xew Braid Trimmings. Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, j We have j-ist a very large gtock of Xew Spring Car- 1 IMfts in new Colorings and Designs ami at lower prices, Xew Sin vi na liugs, Door Mats, (HI Cloths, &e., .000 Copies <**■ f■ ' J.'. .^.'^3 ! •£* 'jv.'ith /X\CJSPS. Charlei Scrib: > J ■ ■ the I. . iol fry enable us to offer :iC?vl - NEKS MA GAZiNE with the | rentier Oitizen Igrat t inotion rate < #N I ' % I for bo", a . : orde?,> r o •• y / F*, \ > whui cr Btcir 4 a VU. i" •>'•] : TEE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. * A HAMUJOWS BirtlHbAV »iB HOLIDAY PRESENT, .u mf luburg mm v r onibin;iii; u Parlor, Llhrtrr, Hinoltlnp:, HwllnliMC or In-, ill ll' | - ( II AIH, UII .HKL, UKD.urCO < 1/ jji S ilHlSit 1 «Tt4 ilf'y iktk ®Od lit) • ••ml stuiup j -HIfIPPKD ♦« al • j*! I<' (y 4 for Catalogue. I |»rtl of Ihr woilil \ CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES ! 5 All flinilnhcd -.vlth the Anlomatk Coach Brake, mid Kr<;illrr< | ared | to do aiirtliii.}; In the line ol his jirofi .-»iircet, llntlcr, ( iilon llloi-k np Maim. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work port lining t<» the professionjexeeut oil in tlie lo alesf iiraiuier. S|-c 'lal! a > Cold Killings, and I'ainioss l'.\ I traotiini ol Toi tli, Vitalized Air administered. I Jefferson Street, one ilnor Kast ot'Lowr IIOIIM'. I )> Stairs. ORieo open daily, exiv|.t W't-ilnosdays ai l l 'l'llin - la>s. Conimunleatioiis l»\ mail receii' ! prompt atWntion, \. 11. J lie "lily lie nil-1 in liuller th best niakes of lootli. DH. R. C. McCUEDY, i'lijsk'laii aii«l *i[Sfj;eoji onieeon Main St., over Kimii iior"> .stme. Butler, - jPenm'a. JOHN B. BYERB, PHYSICIAN xN|, SUKOEON 'tftlee Xo. iw South Main Slrei f, _ 1 IUTLIER, - PA. SAMU£L M. BIF+fS, ; Physician and Surgeon, (Ollioe, near Poei(oflico) BUTLBR.. rEIXTiJ'A-1 J. SLUSK, D-, ll. ih removed H orn llurnioay to itutK-ranfl has li sofli. eat Xo. 9. Main St.. three do..|-s lieh.W , l.owry House. apr-30-lf. Planing Mill! —AND— Lumber Yard .'. L. I'L lvV'lß. L. (). I'UR Vl', ' S.G Purvis & Co.! j ' MANCVACTIIKBIUi AND DLAI.BUJ' IN Rough and Planed Lumber ; RVKKY i Jtl t 'I < f . fHAM KS, moulding 8a v M, . DOOlvi-, I | H'L-. < wUNO, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Suaged Eornice Hoard?, SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD hiirolt BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts. •3. C. IIOESSIXO, Pbestdhnt. WM. UAMPi?KLL, Tkkasureb ii. (\ li KIXK.M Ais , Hechktaky DIRECTORS: J. I. Purvis, Sarmn ' Anderson, William rampbell .1 linrM'art A Tt'i'itmali, Jleiiilersoil OlKer, |..r. lioi --I' Jiinie< Stepliejisun, Pr. W.'lrvm, SAViitzel, J. i". |ay|uf B. C. ikineiuaii, LOYAL M'JUNKIN. ttoa. Ate 1 ! BXJTX-iEIR., PA. ii or IniMnesH delay. Thousaiuls of oures. At Keystone House. UoadlnK. I'll., tf ' Saturday «>r ea' h mniitli. Send for circulars. 1 Advice free, Nixon V No. 35 McK i Street, BUTL.EF?, JN 'J\ Mfiils at at) hours. <»r Jl Nlffht. Breakf# »"« Dinner MlpptT * J.V. ;iS-»-:.ni >os Nixok, Propt Hf tS!it: ROCET STORE in Bur rrp doors £Bt of West Pe i 1 >#pot. II ,v nf i.i -.i ; i .' n ol l.l;m |IES, eon* st :i(t 1 <'offer.'i' - ii/ar. .svrutt S l "®*' Canned Goods kind* ' 11 an r»oi:n, l«r ce . &c„ Tobacco r. Kl.ol'R <> •>»•■>( I• 111- i , w price.' also, a fui line of Mn .„ I( | s family rl >■ '-in sta' »IT «n !• ii HA V > ■ \ is. i ul; of Jklnds at lowest fijiU'es. Xo 8. Kall, f«• ;• on^llier I&oeikc t- iu'li*. «'"> ll'r> t'ro.'T • \ .f J'rc highest i-rt.-f « >■< l o paid. ( ; ■ yji/«- >ur stock a ' prices, Goods delivered free ■ . imf town. J. J. KSAH 1& CO., 70 East .Ifffcrfoj Si Butler Pa. gIX YKAtt OI.H GuckecMmer Pure RyoVhisky! t'.ratcfiii i.i ;u«. pal. t« iu muir, with all Hie v.- *u;i! i■ ■ pr. ••ril 'f Whiskey. mel lowed »« tlt:v • i< •< " •mmends Itself at Oil' • I ' tile I ll>. i.'l;s - • and the l\»n --: -.-•■nr. This > liiski t•• the worlil-re no" urn! ii!-:i i, -v of *'lii.iir.cr Ilroa., Kr i' -ii. i i \jrr« ■ lag- in load for t' :■ • \ ars. it «as (• '1 to llitabmjj. <;« nnr vli' i" if I for two years, an.l was in t.rw..; '<» I his country. !i I- >ow six Te. fy ■ ' a lanre quant Ity oili.and am seUln-; "U quart t>ottles at $1 A BOTTI K Of* l 'l 'T.KS CO It .*4.00. it is warranted a-i 1' Whfckey, and for a beverage c,r iue I >lant is unexcel led. Itin«des this '"I 1 ; u a large stock i f C.iliriiinla M ini's, -It!- of Port. Sherry. Mii-ati-l. Ai>m 11. n,' i'» TnUy. They are of the mr, Jul-eq 1 ■•! 1 are of the rreme «lr* In rrcnt ' -'nice I'nadulterated wines. Tlicv l.t v o' i-'htfilly tailed the* •M- :lorn neetar of' •' They are put up jln full d'tai" Wtl«~ Certs per Kittle or six bot'ies for f> $ • •>' mall or other wise will receive ' . ation. JOS. FLfIS, DRUGGIST, VQ.d \ xet ST , Pittsburg, ■ • Pa Swithin C.ot!- ipe's Academy, For You ■ ""'i iojn, Media, Pa. 12 miles every expetis ' «v •• No extra t liarpes. N - i -I nei.-< No oxawlna tlon lor ndm*'"" v eypertenced iciirh rs. all tiie»n4f" - ites. sp<>elal oppor tunltit s for ■'»«!• » o advance rapid.y. cle i .1 ■ "or new Illustrated cireotar •In t i: and Proprietor. ' SWTS'M <'• syi.il' , A >l.. (lliirvai-d Gradual Medli. Sa-s6-iy [111*1!.' 0 H9T(i; N>. 88 a 90, . Wain St., butch- - - PA. Np : . New ('4l - "rmeriy Donaldson Hoc' —K 0.1 iiai.i-' ions far travelers. tjoi.l st iblliig «v *•*' IliOl* •>« * 1 ' [r.'-'B6-iy] •i !" mi l-l.KK,Pror'r. Rt i) ni! mm!, W. Jefifen C\. Butler Pa. jFlick c Kennedy 'Have opcnoJirst. '<■ livery stable on West « ■ everything new horses, luirnutl -v i OPEN ;Y A D NIGHT. fj Particular it-.m 1 to the transient 1 trade. WlnliutV e a ctll. 1 12 2M!m '!■ ' K A KEXXKUf. S.B.SPU H&CO'S (ton, > ass.) STRUNG STERLiPURITY, «L:NC CfALITY, ALV.'.*"*r3 UNIFORM. Olvo CoiTee n ' .1 ami you will unf n«> o 1' or l»y IHE PtKIM It* to.| DIKRS ! • PUR H". TEJAHS, ' i CC ?si. CIIIIIC fOSFECTIIINASy, ticco ariti Cigars. i.S. Mt-.i STRUT, rLEK, I NN'A. | - -neva Sin f C CIS T'.A SK U At: CI Li J % • ,; l J > >W* Jill • .-)Oii!.re • r 1 «* l>u*-hu w.t| '• i '.'rt 1 rim _.Nf Bright'* I , u h . 11 :it 1 11 of the v v -» • '-«1 t':i!iurjr ,f» E. ''lon 1 -olc Vtfont,, JJIAJIi Uvi NL W YolX. ■ J. SEDICK. "iole Agent, ■ |Jiu% - - PR? I ties For Everybody- ■ flj©ties' lliilldiim <1 1-oan Assoclii* tlon hi« n-crular dats.'tt.rlh'!! till >ru. :>n call on or ad dr*:Bs o W t' ; it. c M ItLINEM AN, hee'y, H Pre# liiuler, Fa