BUTLER CITIZEN^ MlSt 10l .1 jANEOI'S. June insects to be Looked After BY H. REYNOLDS, >l. D. There are several insects which need looking after during June. lusects have bocouie so numerous and destruc tive that unless special pains are taken to destroy them much injury will be upon the orchard, garden and farm. A little effort made at the right time may often be the means of saving a valuable crop. In dealing with in : sects it is highly important to be in season, and he who delays will see his crop ruined. I wish now to call tion to soTne of those insects which are especially injurious to old orchards at this season. TUE CODLING-MOTH. The codling-moth is the most de structive insect that the apple-raiser has to contend with, so far as his fruit crop isconcerned. In many sections of the country the larvae of the codling moth render one-half or more of the fruit Of the apple orchards unsalable. With the warm weather which brings out the apple blossoms, the codling iaoths emerge from their cocoons, where they have./ibode since they en tered them the fail before. Soon after the fruit sets the moths visit it and de ppait their eggs on the calyx, where the eggs soon hatch and the young Wvac begin to eat their way into the apple. A New York fruit culturist re ports that he has made the discovery that tfc6 wwm very soon penetrates the hei*rt of the apple and destroys its vital ity, then leaves it and enters a sound specimen, and f-o on, thus destroying a large number of apples. He also stated that Prof. C. V. Riley endorses his views upon this method. He suggests that the trees be daily examined and aJU the infected fruit be removed, so that all the worms may be destroyed before they have entered other apples, thus saving fifteen or twenty apples ior evety worm destroyed. It has gen emlly been believed that the worm re uiajßQed in the apple first entered until it was sufficiently developed to under go.traDsformation, and generally fell to the ground with the apple. According to this fruit culturist the worm seldom falls to th# ground in the apple until late in the season. This is a point well worth further investigation by frifit-growers, as it is an important matter to determine, and has a practi cal value in regard to the adoption of means to control the increase of the in sects. REMEDIES AND MEANS OF PROTECTION. As to remedies against the codling moth and its larvae, the use of paper, cloth or straw bands about the tree trunks are the means most generally relied upon by those who attempt to protect their fruit. The bands should oe about six inches ia width, and should go once or twice around the tree, being fastened by a pin or tack. Under thi3 band the larvae of the codling-moth will crowd to await their transforma tion, and by examining the baads every ten days they may be destroyed. The bands should be applied as soon as tfcp Srst of June, and inspected every eight or ten days until the last of Aug. In this way a large portion of the in sects may be destroyed, and the second bhK>d will be so far diminished in num bers that the apples at harvest time will sls&w only a small proportion of affeuted fruit. The first brood of lar vae enn best be destroyed by syringing the trees with Paris green, one table spooofwl to a barrel of water, at a time when the apples are about the size of a hazel-nut. The young worms are then on the outside of the fruit, aud a small quantity of poison kills them. This ftethod haabccn practiced for two years at the Michigan Agricultural College, and the Psofessors have been unable by the clo«est analysis to detect any trace of arsenic upon or in the fruit at harvest time. Of course it would not be advisable to apply Paris green after the fruit has attained a considerable size, as the poisou might lodge in the calyx or in worm holes. By using it when the apples are small the first brood of worms can be greatly dimin ished, and by the use of bands the sub sequent increase can be to a large ex tent controlled. TllE AI'PLE TREE APHIS. The apple tree aphis, or leaf-louse, is a very small insect, but sometimes does great injury to the apple trees. As soon us the buds begin to open in spring, the aphides or lice hatch out frqm the tiny eggs deposited the pre teeding autumn. They locate thetn selves upon the young leaves, and be gin to feed upon the sap. In two or three weeks thev reach maturity, and begiu to brinu forth young at the rate N»f two daily for two or three weeks, atid th(i»4fe. In two or three weeks tbeyduug lice in like manner begin to multiply, and so on, so that the in crease of these insects is surprisingly rapid, aid the tree soon becomes alive with them. The leayes thus infested becomes distorted and twisted about, the treo ceases to grow, and may be destroyed. As soon as these insects are detected (and they should be look er! for) a solution of half a pound of sal sodfe to a pailful of water should be ap plied to the tree with a fountain pump or fringe. Soapsuds may be used in the same way. The application should be repeated from time to time till the insects are exterminated. TIIK APPLE TREE BORER. The apple tree borer beetles lay their a<&js upon the bark of the tree during tM last of June or the first of July. The eggs soon hatch, and the young borers b<;gin to eat their way into the tree Then is the time to destroy ttiem. Prof. Saunders recommends a wash made of soft-soap, thinned with a solution of washing-soda in water to the consistence of paint, to be applied to the trunk aud larger branches of the tree the first of June. This will de stroy any young borers with which it comes in contact, and will deter the beetles from depositing their eggs. A second application should be made the fin* of July. The wash, if applied in the morning »f a pleasant day, will dry iiUo a tenacious coating not readily re- Moved by the rains. This is a much better way of dealing with the borer than to wait till they are in the tree »n<4 then try to dig them out. I'irit of tljo Finest Ink fur families or School** can be made from a 10c. package of Diamond J)yes. Try tfiem. All dr keep them. WeJls, Ilichardnofi & Co., Burlington Vt, Sample «.*arri, .'J2 colors, and hook of d irectious for 2c. Btamp. Revised axiom—To err in human, to forgive unusual. Please Remember. Do not forget tLat life is worth every effort that is put forth for its preserva tion, and no matter what the ailment or direase vou should not nive up to the fell distroyer without making every effort in your power to counteract his advances, and to iegain your health and strength. Yes, please remember that Dr. S. li. Ilartman.of Pittsburgh, has discovered a remedy called I'eri'XA which, although not warranted to cure everv disease incident to this climate and humanity in general, vet it has performed some cures which were al most miraculous in their nature. I'ERL NA is composed of the purest of ingredi ents, and no mineral poison is allowed to enter into it under any consideration and hence it is always a sure and safe remedy. Give it a trial, and you will like it. —The bicycle rider is said to be like the South American State, because he is always on the brink of a revolution. Papillon Skin Cure will remove Dandruff, cure Barbers Itch, Inordi nate Itching, Sebaceous Tumors, Blotches, Maggot Pimples, Grog Blos soms, Carbuncles and Boils. It never fails. For Sale by J. L. Wuller and D. 11. Wuller. —A Stratford, Conn., woman dreamed that she saw her husband kissing a neighbor's wife. She awoke and struck him in the face, breaking his nose. —The universal verdict, "The Hop Plaster is the best pourous plaster ever made." Only 25 cts, The Half was Never Told of the wonderful powers and virtues of that best of all Medicines, Kidney - Wort. It has been tried and proved. Its cures are numberless and the record of (supposed) incurable cases that have yielded to its influence, is astounding. If you have trouble with your Kidneys, Liver or bowels, if you suffer with constipation and piles, if you are a vic tim of Rheumatism or Malaria, take Kidney-Wort. You will find it the remedy you need. —Banana custard is the latest alleg ed delicacy. If you want to see bana na cussed hard you have only to leave the peel on the sidewalk of a busy street. —lf your face, neck and hands are sunburned or infiamed, bathe them with I'apillon Skin Cure; it will allay the inflamation instantly For sale by J. L. Wuller and I). 11, Wuller. That's the she tanker of the house hold, remarked a main street man as he allowed his wife to fill the heavy water tank on the stove, without lifting a single pailful. Time to Stop it. It's too bad, Sir or Madam, but don't get frightened. Your hair is falling out—that's certain. A glance in the mirror, or an investigating committee of fingers tell the dismal story. We dont discuss the possible cause. It is enough that Parkers Hair Balsam used now will prevent furfher distruction. Is your hair somewhat gray, too, and crisp? Alas, yes. The Balsam will give back the original color, softness and gloss. Not a dye, not oily, ele gantly perfumed, a perfect dressing. Some philosopher say, "Put off nothing till to-morrow." This means, dearly beloved, that to be bappy you should go to bed in your clothes, and disrobe in the morning. —lf you have a cold iu your head, been in a draft and have the result of your imprudence annoying your com fort, insufflate with a few applications of I'apillon Catarrh Cure, and you will be relieved at once. For sale by J. L. Wuller and I). 11. Wuller. Hay Fever and Rose Cold. I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to relieve all persons suffering from Rose Cold and Hay Feyer, I haye been a great suffers from these com plaints and have used it. I have rec ommended it to many of my friends for catarrh, and in all cases where they have used the balm freely they have been cured.—T. Kennedy, Dry Goods Merchant, Ithaca, N. Y. —lt sounds paradoxical, but a sick Indian can lie at the same time a well red man. Keep your temper while talking politics, it don't help you any to lose it. —"The Drummer Boy of Shiloh" is dead again. This time he died in Ken tucky. —White vests can now be worn. They are nice—if your girl doesn't grease her head. —A good way to get rid of the man who loafs in your office, is to lend him a half dollar. —There are said to be 80,803 idiots in the country, exclusive of pedestrians and baseball players. —Some of our base ball players seem to have been vaccinated. They cant catch anything. —Young Ward should be sent to re lieve General Gordon. What he doesn't know abor.t false profits isn't worth knowing —Can the bashful young man who blushes violently whenever he performs polite offices for the ladies, be called the pink of courtesy? —The sun and the artist makes the photograph. The most the sitter can do is to leave the measure of his feat ures in a negative sort of away. —A majority of the Supreme Bench of Maine has decided that a dog is not a "domestic animal," within the meaning of the statute, and that hence it is not an indictable offence to kill one There's some chance for the sheep yet. The Southern World wisely advises young men who are now "lounging around the street-corners and parlors of gilded sin" in the large cities of the South, living from hand to mouth, to rent ten acres of poor land and go to raising chickens for the market. Consumption Cured. Auold physician, retired from practice, having had placed In Ills hands by an Kasl India mission ary tin- formula of a sluipfe vegetable remedy for the speedy and |x rmain-ut cure ol Consumption. Ilronchitls, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat anil i.unif Affections, also a poaltivc and radical cure lor Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their Wonderful curative pow <rs In thoii-ands <>f eases, has tilt it Ins duty to make it known to Ins sullcntiK fellows. Actuated iiy Hits motive and a desire to relieve human sid (erlllK. I Will send free of charge. 11l all who de- Hire it, tin recipe. In C> rnian, Krcneh or English, | v.itli lull direction* for picpurliiK and uitu({. | Kent by mall by addressing with stamp. namiiiK j this p-'per, W. A. No\ KM, Tower's Wrick. I Koch ester, N V. heptl.'-M-ly'eow | Health andJappiness.j O DO AS OTHERS j £• have dqhe. I I Are your Kidneys disordered?! ! "Kidney Wort br..u»r.t me from i;:y u.-itP i wen*, after 1 had b«-en driven up by I. ! • u.Htj- n b Detroit." iL VV. Ixvt-raux, MeciuUiiv/, luinu, Mi< ■ Are your nerves weak? "Kidney *V.:t cured me fr.-m n-rv ~ ; : v . at™ ** Ac . after I was not r xpe ' ' t . liv.V -Mrs. M. j1- i>. I Goodwin, Iki. Christian Mo.iitor Cleveland, O. I Have you Bright's Disease? "Kianev ISi.rt < nrcd me when iny water ww jutst ' like chalk and then Ilk© blood." Fr an k W ilacn, Peabody, Mass. Suffering from Diabetes? "Kidn-y-Wort .-then. ■-t • -f n rem. ■. 1 have I ercr uati. oivw almo-t imm- .ia Dr. Plnihp C. Baliuu, M- \ t. Have you Liver Complaint? •Kidney-Wort cured mo «f chronic Liver Diseases after I praved to die." „ ~ Henry Ward, late Cot CJth'J.at. Guard, V V Is your Back lame and aching? "iUdney-Wort. < 1 bottle) cured nio when I lame I had to roll out of f»od. M C. M. Tali mage, Milwaukee, is. Have you Kidney Disease? ifl **Kidn< y-Wort made m<* inlly. r an-1 kidneys ■ after years <f unsuccessful' • tonnfr. Its v/ortn I slo a box."—Sam 1 Hodges, Wiluamstown, \\ eat \ a. ■ Are you Constipated? "Kidn».-y-Wort causes ea v evacuations and cured me after 1G years use of other nv <A:-ne<. Nelson Kaircliild, bt. Albans, \ t. Have you Malaria? "Kidney-Wort has done better man any other remedy I have ever used 141 njy P r ?f" t, ™" I r v» Dr. 11. k. Clark, bouth iiero, % t. Are you Bilious? '•Kidney-Wort has done me more cuod than any S other remedy Ihave evertatau oregon . I Are you tormented with Piles? B "Kidney Wort jx-rrnunrntlj cur"l i : > f I* ■' Oii-F,' ■ oiles. Dr. W. C. KJine recommendi •! it to m<-. » Geo. 11. iiorst, Cashier iL Bank, Myerstown, I'i. E Are vou Rheumatism racked?! S "K'dn. y Wort cur. u mo, afu r 1 was t-iv jupto a I die by i/h'ysiciaml l»'»d sufft-r* d thirty I I 3 ' ° Elbridjse Malcolm, West Kat!:, ilaine. I I Ladies, are you suffering? I I "Kidney-Wort cured me of i « ci.liar tr ui i a orß ■ several years Many fr I:-IH tn e r:.«! »-ra»>e ■ B iL Lamoreaux, iale LMottc, > t. ■ alf vou wotild Banish Disease! i i " and gain Health, Take f |- THE BLOOD CLEANSER. | PAPIiIOIciE ABSOLUTELY CUBES BALT HHKT'M, ECZEMA. SCROI I LA, SCALD Head, En-siK-las, Tetter, Hives. Iwudrutt, r'a Itch, l'lmpli -i. "tliijrs,' arbunch-H, I hint I'msoiiinß and Poisomd Wounds, lUngworm, Sunburn, tind a!! of the *?kin. For i'lies. Wound*, Cuts, I leers or Sores, no remedy Is no prompt in soothing and healing aj I'iplllon -Skin Cure. It doea not tun rt or burn. Directions in tat language! acampaMy tttry O-Jtlc. ■■IMCmRRH mfliimkAmE ABSOLUTELY CURE 3 NASAL CATAEUII, ACUTE or CIIKOXIC COLD in tin- Head, jUttte Cold, Kronchlal Catarrh aod HAY FEVEIt. C »Ijr* nostrili, jK-rniil.'. natural 1 reathlng, aiidj.i. v 'lit* HitruvtaliMi* Mitilll.-ti.nd "w '.iiijr. it i*a#p" i!i euro lor Cold in the Huftd -u hich 1- cause i by sudden clomp s in the atmu-piiLre. Jjn tLlUjns in ten language uc<Oh.j.r.uy ncry buttle. ABSOLUTELY CTJHBB WIIOOPXHG COUGH. Itlin harinlr-ia svrup, very delicious to the t„ te. lielleromt once mid ia a positive cure. WINTER and BRONCHIAC COUGH ' are rured by this excellent remedy. Directions in lot language} accwujumg evtry belt!:. ABSOLUTELY CUHE9 AM DISEASES OF THE I!I/»OD, STOMACir, Llvei. tlr.we|i 8l)d Kidneys; for all di'< : , •'■•orijin atlna In l:np:.iti..euKjf fin t lwid. as Ana tnla, Hielt J|. ud.-u-he, K», 10-i,o.:e V. e.il- .. Liver i • mpiulnt, I>vii))ep»hi, Jftondiee, jtili'.n n. . lid KMnev Ins.-ii- S, this medicine is #bm»!ir. i, mire. Tldmuedli I lie dn.-H n.t contain nnv Mineral. •<»'- eo lately vegetable, ri store# the bl to » heallliy condition, regulating and supplying oe flciencies, and prevents disease 1 . J/ircrti'ms in tin languagts nrrornj.nuy bottle. i'rlce, $1 per lloltle; Six Hollies for For Sale by All Urugg:sl3. ■ PAPI'.LON MFC. CO., CHICAGO. For f-alc: by J. L. Wi'LLEU and I). 11. Wl'Uiii. $11950 IN CASH GIVEN AWAY rrKmtuoM Umfjknrn of lilxu kwell'B Genuine ho. 4 tuti Uuii Hfnokin«Tobacco will . receive l J remhiiua foUoVH r »» }jfso() fcniiH aud corullttouH fcj'.narwaj 2d 52,000 3d " SI,OOO " J *'* '£'£ other I'reiniumx »« hcreshown. wr,o The ift r>rerjijijrii» will l>c awardwl December 82, taut. Vcuiuiuin | Koe» to th«i i»erH<»ri from whom we r.». cdve the lanri -nt number of our «mi>t y «pl- • toba<v obam prior to Itr.r, 15. JJjI will %ir,o trlven forthn next lßnrent numlier a* | and thun, in th ; or<l' r of tli'; number °' received from cac:h, in the twenty-five maocewiftil am tefftantH. Kach a*u/k orlKi'ial Bull Durham laljel. 11. H. J... ltcvenueHtarup, and Caution Notice. Ii iwrM muat Vie done up Kicurely In a IHOO package, with name and a'l»lr«*HM <>t uka render,^rjdnumlxnrof bair*contain cd. plainly marlod fji the outnlde, V'"" and niuattK* w?n*.ciiartfea prepaid, to $•{() Hlik UwclPw llurlanm Tol»ru r« W 2O <!o., DURHAM. N O. Every Kenulii* pu' han picture of Hull Kc<3 our next announcement A Public Benefactor. H in. 11. Nlcliior H<*iiilmt <»i lilt; f]«liluri»l si;i JI «»l ih> IVew Yorli Ilcriiltl; :ils<» !■;*■ else New Verlc City is Ann si., nay«: l)r it JI. Feutier, Fredonia, N. Y —Dear eir— I have been n groiit sufferer from Uilliounneßtj NervouM irritation and iAypcpHa fur yearn My friend, Jtou. 11. I.ako of tiio Kew York CiiHtora Honvo, induced me to try your Jih««l A Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. By Hie tuto of two bottler! I have realized a complete rentora tion to health. I look uj»OII it the greatest remedy of the aj;e, and njiott you, an Hie com pounder of the name, an a public benefactor." FUOM TllE NEW YOItK TRIIJONF.- New York Tribune, New York, Dr. M. M. Fenner. Fredonia, N. Y. tiear Hir | l'leaeo wend me two bottleM of your JShxxl and Liver Remedy and Nervti I'onio. s|y (a |ni lull tut ng it and it liai done her «ood YOUTH truly, C. A. TRACY. Completely, and entirely cleatmeH tbe blood relieves IlilioiiHiiehM, (JoiiMtipalioii and Headache; clct'iH out and healw the entiri utomncli and bowelw, hreaku up au'l curen Ague« and form iiig Fever*; ctiree I'licpl/if, Sliin Kruptioim and Hkiti UiKcauen, rcmoveM l'» 1 Droaiii, j* an anii dote for the IHIICH; KOOUih, MlicnKlhei.u a, ] healri We.al< and Irritated Nerv-H, good rent at night; and complttuly re.novatcu and reutoren a diHordered nyxtem whether ihu disorder ih flight or Krave. Dlt. FKNNER.H KIDNEY AN'l> HACK A':.'lK CI HE For all diHeaHcH of the KlilncyM, bladder, urinary p*h«agen, bit< l.achr, dropity, female weaktibMHeH, nervouM debility, Heart dineat«, rheumatiHin' etc. The moet eucci:M«ful remedy that ban ever been adu'inintcrcd in (ho di«e.a«"« named. (Int of your dealer Ihe memoiandum hook entitled 'iir. Ft'JUiei'rt I'eoplo'B ItemeilicM are I'Mcd all Over the World." And are lor wale by J, L. Wuller and D. 11. Wuller, JJutler, For COLOR and SWEETNESS WHMLMI Use BEAN'S CONCENTRATED ■PBfLVvI Extract o* Annatto. it^turr'■; own Color. Bri(jhU*t »■ ™ and Btroageai. ° r T" ur M ' r chant, or »<-u4 'l'* ct». la for a aarnpic, olutlvf r >'JO!!«a. Ut HIiAX. KAISK A CO., No. *33 Market St.. FUIL4UV LEGAL ADVE R TIS EME N TS. ' Kstsilo nl John 11. W ii*on dee'd LATE OF JACKSON TOWNSHIP. Letters of administration on the estate of ■ John 11. Wilson, dee'd., late of Jackson town- I ! ship, Butler county, Pa., having been granted j !to the undersigned*all persons knowing them- | selves indebted to said estate will please j ! make immediate payment, and those having ; 1 claims against said estate will present them j I dul authenticated for settlemnt. M ARGARET WIL«OX, > . , JONATHAN WILSON. . r "- I Evans City P. O. Butler Co., Pa. i Estate of Wexiiiulcr It. Cirant. LATE OF ALLEGHENY TCP., DEC'D. Letters of administration on the estate of] Alexander B. Grant, dee'd., late of Allegheny ; township, Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons knowing : themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and those claims against said "estate will present theiu dulv authenticated i'or settlement. JAMES C. GRANT, Adm'r. | Six Points, Uutler Co., Pa. Auditor's \ollce. In rc assignment for the benefit of creditors j of L. ii. Itoessiug at M's. D. No. 15, March T. j 1883. Having been appointed an auditor in the above case to hear and determine all matters appertaining to the distribution of funds in the hands of Albert Itoessing, assignee, to all per sons or creditors justly entitled thereto and to make report of the same to Court according to law. I will attend to the duties a« auditor, appointed for that purpose, at Butler, Pa., at uiy office on Friday, the 27 th day of June, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. C. A, SI'LLI VAN, Auditor. June 9th, 1884. WHAT'S TFIE NEWS? To those who ask the question in a spirit of good faith, we will make answer. In these times of political excitement, monetary troubles, spec illative disasters, it behooves every honest citizen to be cool-headed, and to have all ins wits about hint. We dare only Irust those whom we know to ,be worthv of our confidence. We must "Sail Close to Shore'' and practice Sensible Economy in the purchases we make. He is tin best buyer who knows WHKlii'. to buy. But, says the reader, "this is not news, ibis is an old Story." We know it, but we were only preparing you for the NEWS. Our old. reliable friend, Mtf. GEORGE VOGELEY, who is known wherever Butler is known, and worthy of the utmost confidence, lias just com pleted his loth Seiiii-Attnual trip to the great tobacco Centre*. He leturns laden with all the most desirable jjfiods incident to his line of business, such as I'iirars, I lo'«i».ir Tiilinn-ds. Nniill's. Pipes, \r. Ills tobaccos are the linest tli»- market can offer His cigars, for beauty and flavor, shame the wild rose. As lor the rest of his stock of ('hewers' and Smokers' articles no one pietends to question their excellence. Call and be convinced. Buy and be haiiyy. If vou \\i>h to enjoy the comforts and luxuries of this life and avoid its disappoint ments, call at once and aild yourself to bis already long list of Contented Customers. Old well-known stand. NO. 2y!», .Main Street, idgii of the "Big Indian chief." Middlesex Township. Auditors Report of Middlesex twp., for the year ending, June, 15t,1884. Account ofßobt. Trimble and J. B. Mahan as Directors of Poor for the year ending, 1884. DR. To balance'from last year $254 45 " Cash from Collector 100 00 " " " „„ 50 00 " " " 136 10 " " " 80 00 " Cash found on Quigg 80 " Balance in hands of Collector 58 11 $ 079 52 CR. IJy cash to Porter for boarding Wilsons £135 00 *' C'ash t" Anderson for lioard'g( v »uigg *j oo " " To Burry for lioanl gWearbaiji JA 00 " " To Ander.on for " " To Dr. Mershon for medical Kervices 2.< (X) " •' Tor. l-'lick Quigg's coflin. 20 00 " " For clothing paupers 5l 70 " Exoneration 14 18 " < )rder, .1. StubfTle. for plank and in dex boardsy 9 s<> " Cash to Donaldson 1 80 " Services of J.*ii. Malum 1 50 " Services of ft. Trimble 30 50 " Cash to Auditors 4 50 •' C»s|| to Mr». H rawer 1 00 * i f,; > 77 I'al iu bands of Collector and Truas.. . |B.i 75 iI 070 Si Account of Jacob Flick and J. Stubble us Mu pervisors of said twp., for 1883. JACOB FLICK. DR To amount of duplicate $ S.">2 92 To order on Poor Board 15 75 $ 808 07 Clt. By work on r0ad?..,.,, J'Bol 75 By percentage 51 17 By index boards aud duplicate 15 75 $ 808 07 JOHN STUBBLE, DR. To amo'uit of duplicate $941 88 To order on poor board for index boards and duplicate 27 50 -•> 909 38 cu, By work *M.s5 37 By percentage 50 51 By index boards and duplicate 27 50 $ 969 38 Account of Win. Logan as Treasurer of school funds for the year ending June Ist, 1881. DR. To amount of duplicate : I 185 32 " Balance lion; last, yam 172 8!) " Stale appropriation '.-' j8 •'!;( " Cash from sale of books 15 8:> " t'ash from Mrs. Hays of Adams Ip 3 02 $1 010 07 CR. By J, N. Snow, teaching $ 105 00 " N. Stevemion " 132 00 "K. Anderson " . JIJS 00 •' <). Houston " 105 00 "J.C.Trimble " 165 00 " Whiteside *' 105 00 " J.II Ilemlrickson" 39 75 " Miss Graham " 105 00 " W. J. Marks 12 59 " J. I!. Mahan 19 10 " E- Thompson 11 72 '■ c. Iml\t 2 oo " J. G, Campbell. 17 50 " C. Trijlicr :( 50 " J. Strsbbla IS 00 " W. Miller 20 l>7 " R. Anderson 2 00 " Jan. Wilson 12 40 " J. Miller 8 92 " Wm. Denny l/i 00 " Jno Park 22 55 '• Jas. Whitenide 10 94 " Wrn. J. Whiteside 13 34 " Win. Logan •'! 50 " J. Barely * 3 00 " T. Marshall .'i oo " Exonerations .... ■!) 58 " 5 per cent to tax payers on $802... 40 fO " Treasurer 27 24 " Collecting $225 at 5 per cent 11 -5 $1 472 05 To bal. in hands of Treasurer 113 12 $1 010 07 ,1. U. |'VF.T|)Y, ) H. 11. 11 A|tii|Si ik, ( Audit^irj. J.A.CI:oi'T. J DR. SADLER, 80i PEW AvI:\IF:. PITTHIU IMill, l'A. 'iQ' Kji'. Knr, %.)«.• mill 111 r mil H|x*.'lii 1 1 !••*. Olnra' l, Crooked Even, "Wild Hairs." Die; ! ii " Li.'f. Ix afiiftiH. Di-ehargo from I'lirs, *rrh eiic,:..-- fully treated. Hpec taelu Ktlltifdei', A'|i||iij»l I'.fi'M )||S( , te,J. UejiiJ for fi«<s •* Arj s m r sq Tj" ' c.M.BARTStRGERf | i ISB LIBCRTV r:T. n PITTtJBTT KOH. PA LEADING BUSINESS HOUSES. PITTSBURGH, PA., —A NO ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. PITTSBURGH. JOSKPII IIOKNE & CO.. Ketiiil Dry (ifiods, 195 toaw Peun avenue. Library Hall. I'.AI B i C AZZAM, (Limited.) Kngiue Builders and Machinists. Cear Cutting. w; Thirl Aveime. CKO. \V. lU'BLKV. The House Kurnisher. 40S old So, 00 Sniithlield St., lietw Itll 111 Aves (■EOBISK W. BICCS,*: CO.. Diamonds. Kinf Watches. Art Goods. Cor, Sixth Avenue and Sinitlifield Street. DU. i iI'IXCV A.SCOTT I>I.MAI OITTCES. ftln Q'*> ' "' ,l - N "• I'enn Avenue. I*U. i3i£.* Bememlier tlu- new number. K. A. LI.LIOTT. Artistic Florist. Se.-ds, Plants, Trees, Cut Flowers. &e„ Send lor catalogue. 5-1 Sixth Street. i i rrsr.i ia;n sicx WOKKS. Business Signs of every description. Descriptive designs sent on application Sixth Ave lIEAItD. BIBEIt i: ASTON. Dry Coods, Notions. Suits, &c.. & 507 .Market Street, near Fifth Avenue. .1. A. Mi'COB MICK. Worthington steam pumps and water meters, otto's silent gasengnies.engiiies and boilers, taper-sleeve wooden pulleys, siniiling and coupling. Estimates made on water works and all kinds of machinery. -'7 Market Street. WEST POINT IVOiI.F.U WORKS, i; Munroe Son. I'rop'rs. Jid and Smallman Sis. New and second hand boilers of all sizes. DOFCHEUTV & MOIiBISON. IJoilers. tanks, sheet iron works, salt pans, &c. U<s)>alnng piouiptly done. Duipiesne Way near Point. ( 7;I:A. CBAHAM & co„ .Maniifacturcis of Stoves, Itanges. Crate Fronts, I'enders, V vc. isil Liberty Street. I sjs. IAS BHIDLE& SON. UM. Wail I'aper, l.uicrusta Walton and French Irides cent papers. .71 Smitliiield Street. MEYEK, A IINOI.I) .S: CO., (Limited.) Fine and Plain Furiiiture, Sos. 70, 72 &74 Diamond Street. ,M. 1 >.\ EES ti < < CHBAN, FURNITURE Mauiilacliui rs oi aii Kinds of Furiiiiure and I'p hoistery. Oiliee and Wan-rooms, ss & ;<o Siuilli field St. Factory 71 lo 7"> Bldwell St.. Ailc'.'hciiy City. !'. C, IIE.1" in nit ure. led loungis, chairs, &c. 11l 4th Ave. Jlii\ Ist W ill If move to 310 Wood St Factory l ie, l is. Iso & Jackson St , Allegheny JAMES I'HELAX, Old stand Stocking Store, Men's Fine Furnishing Coods, ;i-j Fifth Ave, STEV. ABT IIENBY, successors lo Kussell it Co Cents' Furnishing floods, Roe goods at low prices. hii Flftil Avenue. 11. HOUSTON & CO., Pumps- Kkd JACKET, wood and iron, all kinds. .Sanitary Plumbers. 17 Seventh Avenue, II AC AN'S LADIES KEKTAUHANT, and Fancy Bakery, fiuuSmitliiield St.. Lewis Build ing, cor. Otli ave. Regular Dinner 11 :.;oa mto 2 :ao KEYSTONE ANVII. WORKS. Manchester & Son. i£r Send for circular. Cor. 28th & Railroad Sts. ARMSTRONC & M< KELY V. l'.w.viwifc OltM. White l.ead, Coach and Oil colors. Ready Mixed Paints apd Painters' Supplies. 33 Wood St, READY MIXED PAINT. .-jUi-. 75c and >1 oe per ualion. 11 and- Durable. Best, Color card sent Jto tanners, builders, property owners, P.O. Box 2t*J, Atlas Paint Co., Pitts- W,J, liARR, Electrolyper and Stereotyper, "J2 Diamond Street. I RON < 11 V CoI.I.ECE altords tineinialcd facili fifs f(ir Hi.- practical education of young inen, Send for circular. Cor. Finn ave. i Sixth SI. H1. 1.. 01 \TU\ 'ii. \ not sji. Win Haslage &: Sou. Special attention given lo country orders. Send for Housekeeper's Cubic mailed gratis. No in, Diamond Square. < . .1. iiii.LKspiK, Lumber, staves and heading. Duqm sue Way, between Eighth and Ninth, It. 11l .MI'HKKV, \V holesale jobber ill lumber, lath and shingles. Estimates given on application. .*H*t Sill till II clil .St. ( I'ltia I Ks'l IT|."rK JV I'NtOM pi SIM-.SS 1'01.1.M. K, Normal, Business ami Classical. stuilenls IT teachers ; send for uiicular ; W'.'t oth HI. 11. D. Williams, Manager ; J. C. William", Principal. 0 W 5.M.1.1 It, M D, KVK &4KAII. ('alarael removed, cross eyes straight.'lied, specta cles lited, artificial eyes, sol (old 255) Penn Ave. Mils M 1 11 ii 1 STY has removed Peun avenue, where she has opened an assortment of French Bonnets and Round Hats in all the latest styles. N KHI.HAS, l;|t"KI'.ll IX I'KTUOI Kl'if, o(l|i;e ii| I'ilt jliiirub I'etroli iiin Ivxchange ; slricfly ttiulieniie business; corrpupondeucp solicited ; ofl bougiit, Hold and carried <11: uiargii|sou best terms, WK MCI'AX.'K, &l KUCHA NT TAIUMI ( all and see mv Spring and Summer stock of Fori'ign and piece uooiis. No Liber ty Street. .1 ( 1:1111 m .v ( ii.. K II Market St. Best brands of genuine Milwaukee. Cincinnati ami Other bottled beers. Send lor price list. it \SSI i: pi It ft KB. I'll 1 ll|> a VKSI'K. Haves' iiictalic skylight ; lire, storm, condensation am) weal her proof galvanized Iron cornices. 1111 ; fooling <vc. Send for circular. <>T.»R I II K ( li., I.IJHTKp, Manulactiiic all patterns a|id i'olors nf plain and ciieaiislic tile for floors, hearths, vestihub's, ito. Work laul to order aim designs furnished, im uh avenue. JOHN U IIAIIIt, Architect, l~"i Sixth street. w 11.1.1 A .m rnmum. Hardware, Builders Hardware and Tools aspecial ty. Removed lo 517 Wood Street. |s;AC M I'K.v OCX, 1 t ,:i:tle aiej Mojt ;a, e Broker, city properly anil farms liouguf 11.'1.1 s.olj,' jlpjiey lo |orm. !;"• lib avenue. r.itow x & i n. Window Awnings, Tents, &c. No a Ferry Street, FI.KMINO, OfrrUlH ANI> ni l.!'. Ki uxri l UK. iVlaniifacliireis ol Plain and Fine Fiirnifcie and Folding I'.i Is. |.ai;:|-sl salesroom iu I lie fwo cities, 1 i ant! i > i'VdCfal sirt'ci, A[li'g||i t ii.y City, P;f. I.KNOX HIMt'SOJH, Patent Lawyer, Inventions coiiipleled. S3 Diamond Street. II s I'hits 111 xi; & cu, 107 Fourth avenue. New York slocks bought and sold on margins, iu lots of lo shares and upwards. Send for circular. .1 11 MAI IIK WM iS: SUN, Stencils, Seals. SI eel and Rubber Stamps. I.omV AUcllts ijlv. a>"< v.apled, 7't Third avenue. ' ■■ ■ ■ 1 ' ' ■■■ ■- 1 ■ H H hi-.A.M 10. successors to A ReiileV a"ituib uianufactiiri'i of Iron iuul steel boilers, stills, aai J lalors, tanks, salt pans, light iron work, sc, Thiriy first and Siiialluian streets. I'lttshi mill WIIIK \ vu KAII.IXI; wi>itKs,Taylor & lleait. cast, wrought and ornamental Iron Bail ings, i:;e-,tings, stable littings. Wire work of every No 205 Market street. I'KH ihi r. i 111. i.iis Bill mr street. I'liisliurcn, ica., iiml eoflces. Send lor price list. (Iriieis ol h pounds and upwards prepaid liiany town lint over 100 miles from I lie city.J s w IIAIIK A. i n. Practical Plumbers. (>as and Oil ('handellers, and chimney toi.s, lamps, pumps, .ewer pipe. ,ie. oil. gas and uasollm stoves. 1717 Carson street, Pittsburgh, SS. Send for circulars. on**; 1.1 s 4 .MuiiitK, I'IIIKINK- IMSKASKH only. 111 Pcj.ii avfjiup. 11a ;• t< moved. April |si, to |.vj I'CIIII avcniii. ellllilClS, 11. Mrs 111 SKIKI'.I, I-II i> I ■>■:!( A I'll I' .1, Cabinets, s.! no per dozen. Cards, -J ill), Dairies, SI 00. Fine work only, A I IIENY. . • *+■ ■ • A n j/lv Itsi» \ , Hi i:n\ f t , MTrs of i -s :iml li;ii|«| ;iinl h»»il« rs ;ih\ ays on li.tinl, Kl vt'iavc. un.i IfiifraizL I, All llKit & CHI! I.HON, IL'M I KlM'.lhl, HI .. \«*W llmi, IM'W Kooih p low |irirfs. Silks, l>n*s.M (iood.s, Cloven, Notions and I>oiiH*.stkrs. .IAMIM I' ISA I |.K\ , A ICC IIITKIT, N«ih «»I ami *>»', Federal str<M*t, '»• i•»- « xui.iis •t<'.'iifi i:iay and pn* im|is. An i 11 Hid VV i< , i itti IMI i, ■ IH'IMVI .N K in, i*i:i ni l. AVK. Tlio porlaMr raiiK'* Ha JM rfi RF H;l|<<T and rainint In- I xcrlh'd, alsti tin* Sh rliiiK <Stove Is vrry reliable. m*' mcK'iwn, .li'Wclir and Ontlriaii, I diamonds Walclii M, ('lorivs, al s|»« < lal hartcalns. ju | i<l c # ral str«*«*t. IJemovi'd next door to foimer iniifitie C<J i:i;i»i:i i*. Ifiver avenue below Su*<JH*IIMIOII In idtse, all l<lnd.s of new and second liand ma ' Inner\ and ohl In lar: «* ami small qnan m ai ' A|{rnl, l .i,;lr rlriiiin;; Mlll,», rioorln >\. al|n i l i»,H'difii( , • jijd|e|s, dfM»rn, Kr, Anderson and iutninsoii htreetd. TIIOM U I'XHII. TS l'«'dera! Htreet.i I buy ami sell farnih in all regions i »»rres|»ondem'e Holieited <;KKAT ATI.AXTIC p.wiFir TEA CO. Pure tresh Teas and fun* flavored "coffees at importers' prices. Elegant souvenirs to every customer lis Federal street . and :il r.tli avenue." Pittsburgh THKui.li HKUAUi.K Allegheny Steam Dyeing. Scouring and laundry works, office and works [ .Til ,:»! and 3ST> Beaver avenue. ! HIT. HISON AI.KN ANDKU . For bargains m steam Engines, from a) to 75 horse power . address us , ( or l'ark Way and Sandusky street SWAN Hot SK COK AH< H ANI) OHIO STKKKTS. special attention to the boarding department. J Al swan , Manager. Planing Mill —AND— Lmiil>ei' Y.ard. ; J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PUKVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., U4NUFACTUKBKS AND DBALBKB IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII, DOOILS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLE S& LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD i\>itr (Jeriiiau Cutholio Clnin li Summit Inp. School Itc|)or(. Auditors' Report of Summit township School funds, Peter Oesterling, Treaserer, Amount of Duplicate $1,0.13 4<i " Building Duplicate 487 til State Appropriation 201 12 Due from 1883 ti4 I J2 $1,807 11 > Paid to Teachers' orders $ 900 00 " Borrowed Money 2.'H> 00 " Contingencies and re pairs 241 04 Paid School furniture 182 00 " Collector's and Treas urer's percentage 100 31 Paid Exonerations 35 90 Paid Return tax to County Treasurer 6 30 Paid Secretary fees 17 00 " Auditing and printing 10 50 $1,735 05 Due township $132 00 Audited May 24, 1884. We, the undersigned Auditors of Summit, do certify (hat the above account is correct. It. D. STEVENSON, ] GEO. FORCHT, [Auditors. Jos. PoRTMAN, J day Iwp. Kcliool Report. Zenas McMichael, Treasurer of School fund, in account with Clay township, June 1, 1884. To amount of niouey ree'd. from liust.s Treasurer... (M DO To amount of money received of Jaa. Cranmer, Collector for 1881 54 00 To ain't. State apropriation 243 00 " rei>'d, of R. J. (iold, Col. for 1882 50 94 To amount rec'il. of 11. J. Brown Col. for 1883 948 29 $1,301 79 ORDERS, ETC. By order to Allie Tebuy (or " J I' Stoops " J2O 00 " HaltieO Tinker " 25 45 " II J Jones " 1.12 4K> " Dora L lloge " 20 00 " W B McKinuey " 132 00 " It J Grossman 132 00 " J M Painter " 152 (Ml " Mary McKisxick " 40 00 " M E Moore " 20 (Ml " Laura Williams " 130 50 " E J McElvain " 14 55 " Z McMichael for coal and repairs ;.. r:-! ••••••••: 825 Bv order W J S toiler for t-oal anil re pairs .'I 23 By order Joseph Kelly, coal 1,1 20 " Win Christy, repairs ~.,,,,,.. 2 50 " J C Breaden " UO 114 " R 15 Conn, publishing acc't. 4 00 " " coal and repairs 20 27 " " services as Scc'y 15 (M) " W M Webb, coal ami repairs 15 15 •' Japhia McMichael 10 72 " /, McMjohael, repairs 130 " David Stewart, rent fof spliool lot No. 3 1>» 00 By order Keystone School Furnishing Co., for desks w Ijy order /. McMichael, Treasurer's percentage..... . SO Hy order Ivelly and Tiiorne, auditing school account -i 00 By order J'l McCandless for c0a1...... 10 20 Balance in hands of Treasurer 99 73 $1,301 79 We, the auditors of Clay township, do cer tify that the aboye account is correct, to the best of our knowlwlge and ability. ("YRI S ('AMrIIIU.I., | O. It. TIIORNE, [Auditors. Ij. 11. Vop-|,, ] Vudilors' Report. Auditors'report of Venango township, But ler Co., Pa., year 1883. FRANK LI if JAMISON and R. C. WILSON, •Iverseers of Poor. Am'f from lasf year's Treas $ 85 05 '' of dHplicafe 101 20 '' rte'sl. from Co. Trj!#a. ; ..,............. 11 43 11 from former collector 00 $584 34 Ain't of tax on unseated land returned to Co. Treas 13 17 Ain't exonerations granted 11 30 " vouchers presented on settlement 217 37 Bal. due township 342 14 $584 34 It. C. CAMPBELL and ROBERT CO< II RAN, Supervisors. Ain't of work on duplicate $1,383 79 " cash duplicate 401 20 " from last year's Treas 00 80 $1,8(16 91 Ala't of la* on unseated land returned to Co, Trea5..,,,,,.,.,. 31 60 Ain't exonerations granted on cash and work tax 31 19 Ain't tax worked 1,342 57 " cash vouchers presented on set tlement •. 175 27 lial. due township 322 02 $1,905 91 Vl': - . (.hp auditor;, of Venango fooliship, Hur ler ('(i,, j'a., Certify that the aboyc accountu are just and true to the best of our knowledge ami ability, P.J.KELLY, 1 HAM I'LL MKALS, V Auditors, ... V. KOIII.MEVERJ The Keystone Electric Co HI IF.)*! UCENCFES YOU PENWA. OF The Baxter Electric Light Company are prepared to furnish entire electric plants. Will also arrange with counties, cities, corporations or individuals, for the right lo nsi* the BAXTER I.AM I', ill"' most economical Improvement in clue trie lighting ever Invented saving one-half the I,'list o| lighting by Are Lamps, and making a ((■.'idler and purer li;')it. Tfic eplisumntlmr o| tiarl.itns la lesst)iai P fo|ift]i pf wfial It'fs in I IM' ordinary lamp MglUe.-ii inches of carbons, burn ing 111 ordinary lamps, but half a night, will last in these lamps three uiuhts, iiurniiig Al.l, NMIIIT uiNil. Address KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO,, 212 S. Third St., Philadelphia, l'a, I E| ■■■ ESTOPPED FREE B H Marvelous turf ess. H ■ c Imane Porioni Restored B ■ ■XDr.KUNE SOKITAT NEHVERESTORER ■r ,$U lOUIW U. NKRVR I>IS*AS*V On/y turg I'4'X*? Nftvt 4ff t , aiHt. Lptirpyy. tft'. * 1.1.11il H H taken t»» hr#- f«- J. Jilt tfttr HSi- JrcatU*; Jin ! JU (rial l-ottle fic< t. f atfrnln, fiayinn raprr-M ved. S*«i«l jtanir-k, I'. O. . idcnirru a<Mrc-.. of tr.ftoriM KLINI{, 9 JI Ar«. H v >t..f*Ml«ilelbhia |*». tiLH AKL 01IMUAllyO 4-A.4UVS* .Hard Weed Furniture lor sale at extremely low licuhw, A great variety of Beds, Tables, Chairs, Children*' Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Kxlra Heavy Arm HiKk.er.-i, Marble ami Wood fop farlor L.l.'es Bureaus, Stands, Double and Single lx)un,'es, Spring Mattrcnse.-, «Vc., iVC., at WM. F. MILLER'S, Xortli jflaiis Strtel, 13 TJ T" L K R» F A., FACTORY ON WASHINtiTONSTRKBT. dl '-J'S3-tf. 8 Union Wcclsn Mills. I would desire to call the Mti*ti of the public to the Union W..olen Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved mtpunery for the manufacture of Bi;rrcd and Gray Flanrelß, Knitting arcl Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as boingvery dura ble. is they are manufactured of i*a,- lii;!ler county wool. They are beautiful 1% color, su perior in texture, and will he sold* very low prices. For sampler anil prices. :u!dfc.-. * H. ECLLtfrrON, jul24."7>i- ly Bttlcr. l'a Dr. Fease's Water Care Es tablishment. A health Institution in its "Otli jt ir . for nearly all kinds ol Chronic diseasi and es pecially the diseases of Women. o)%s AT ALL SEASONS, Circulars free. Address, 8. FREABE, M. D., yIS-ly New Brighton, Beaver Pa. LOOK I I I:RK! The undersigned lias just received tbplendid lot of GKOCKHIKS, Of all kinds, including Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teas, Canned Fruiti Spices, 4c., Ac., Largest Stock of Tobacco aal Cigars to be found in any Grocery in Butler.l AIJL GOODS Of the very best quality and at tin lowest Market prices. ALSO ON HAND Flour of all grades, Com Meal, antti'eed of various kinds. Highest cash price paid for all Jinds of Country Produce, Call at my store, Main street, Southed' Dia mond. JACOB BOOS. Star Beer Bottling Company, CITY BOTTLING HOUSE. J. C. BUFFUM & CO, PRQPKIAORS. 39 and 41 Market St.. PITTSBURIJ. PA. Sole Bott'ers of Jas. Schiltz Brewin&o.'s MILWAUKEE I. At. KB 11K Kit. Scbiltz' Expoit Beer tor families a spec|lty. Importers and dealers in Ales, Stouts, tiiugcr Ale, Siltzer water, iVe. Sprudle wair Mt. Clemens, Mich., (a natural spring waif;) and ManufatHirers and Bottlers o( Hoda wtjr and Syrups of all flavors. Try our quart Giuger Ale, Champagne Cider ami Spiudle water, especially lor family »se. Send ior Price list. I', O. BK SSB. iH MUM WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OCOORAPHV Of TM|«|ovjh« liy tho central position or its lino. connoctslho East and the Wost by the shortest route, on<l 4r rio« p&sscntfcrs, wltnout change of ears, bctwtnn Cbu-at'o and Kunsan City, Council liluflu Lcaifci worth, Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. [it cuniii'Otß In Union Depots \viih all tho vnucbal lines of road between ibo Atlantic and the PuJto Oeeacs. I*a equipment la unrivabnl and cent, bein* compoucti of t Comfortable Aid Beautiful Day Coaches. Maffnifloont llorton je cliuniK Chair Car 3, rullman'a Prettiest Tales Hloeping Cars, and tho Best Lino of Pining Clrs in th« World. Three Trains between Chicago Ad Viwiun lilver Foluto. Two Trains bciweeu CIl- C»uo and Minneapolis and bt. Paul.vU tho f'aiulia ♦'ALBERT LEA ROUTe." A Wow and Direot Line, via bcneca ami Ktnfc kee, h»H recently bceu opened between liiehmoid, Norfolk. Newport News. Chattanooga. Atlanta. A uiirfta, Nunhville. Louisville, Lexington.Cinetnuii, i rulianajioliH and Laiayette, and Omaha. Minu<?4- olic and Bt. Paul and intermediate points. All Through i'assengers Travel on ir'ast Trains. Tickets for sale at «\ll principal Tickot Office, fci tho United States and Canada. liaggige checked through and rates of fare A ways as low as competitors that offer leas ndvaj -I'or detailed information, got tho Jdaps aud Poll ers of tho GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your iieaVest Ticket Ottl.'o, or addrcas R. *. CA3I.K, C. BT. JOHN, Vice Pro. & Uv&'l M g r. <liu'l Tkt. 6 P&M. Af) CHICAGO. - SI,OOO £MS MAPS I VV J 5» \ J«*t what wetiecdci) in cvetj L -•■-.yfc'' St*'* I Hoioo,Office &Studio, Largest and most complete Map ever ptibli»)»et| in one sheet. For price and full particulars FK I'.li Agents Wanted. J. M. MURRAY, Publisher, RLIZ7IBRTH, N J. k S2B to 97S per month guaran teed. Some make $75 to tIOO per month: at this rate agents can soon makotholl,ooo. Take iloiL'n the a*ldr<ss ami write for tin Agency 40 pass cataloguo free. FOR KENSINGTON. ARHASEN ANDOUTLINK WORK DONE, Al*o IcHHonn in nanio given l>y ANNIK .1 LOW MAN, North Uriel, Butler, l'a. JtnaO-ly .■ " .'ir JOSEPH B, PIZER, PLASTERER & CONTRACTOR, Sutlers i^u. Having reniove«l to llntler, from I'ortcrsvilll, I hereby inform the public that 1 am |>repar«] to execute all ortlern and take contracts lir iiliuttcriug, stiuico anil mantle work in all i* brunches, ainl I w ill guarantee n.tti*f&etion mil give refereneex if neeeMKarv. < irdera can I** sent through the H(ajl or left al my renh|en(fe in Springdale, on Centre avenue, nearly o|>|tf kite the grocery «tore .1, 11. I'l/Kli >IC HAXJEI 'J'hree nrH-H of hunl, more or ltn» i«i .) ollersori r r<j\vnsliij >- Itutler County, l'a., hounded a* follow*: Ol the North by (iladc Mill and llanualiMtowt road, on the Knot by school lot and Marj Welsh, on the South by Frank Truth and oi: the West by Kdwaril Montag and Tho» Martin, having thereon erected a GOOD BRICK HOUSE, Frame Store Building, Frame Stable and out butildingN, being |>ro|ierty lately owned by Jacub Ni gley and now owned by C. H. Negliiy, olTarautum, l'a. Kor iiartieulars inquire of F.S. BOWfiKH, FSQ., Butler, l'a., |* J* H. Harvey, | Has oj.ened a paint shop in REIBEK'S BLOCK, | on JeHerson Street, Kutlcr, P,i„ where he 18 i prepared to tlo all kinds ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Paperinir and Cah<onjiuing, hanging window iliudf, etc. And, also keeps on hands H all Papers and Borders, ! „ Pal ills and KriiwlicM, ; * I'llles. and Window, (aliiMH. | all si/es cut to order.) 1 respeeUuiiy solicit a sh-ri- of the public pat n,' j. H. HAKVEY. 3,5,84.6 m D. L. CLEELANO, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of WATCH2S, CLOCKS, COLD, SILVER AND STEEL -BPECTACLEH- Of all kiuds and prices. Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of the very best quality. Everything warrant ed just as represented and sold at the low est cash price. Fine Watch a Spec ially. Otic square South of Diamond, Main Street UUTLEIt, PA. M IIM STABLE, Henry L*eibold, Continues the Livery Business on Jefferson St. first door below Bickel & Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always on hands Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horses bought ant' sold. oet.'s-ly. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. GL C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TKEASUUKR. 11. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J.L.Purvis, E. A. Helraboldt, William Campbell, J. W, Burkhart, A. Troutman, Henderson Oliver, G.C. Roeesing, F. B. McMilliu, Dr. W. lrvm, N. We itzel, A.B.Rhodes, H. C. Ueineman. JAS. T 3 M'JUNKIN, Gen. Aec't BUTLER IP A. BRICKS! BRICKS! The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement, bay window and other qual ities at liis kiln on the Fair <iround road, half a mile west of Butier. He will keep on hand a lot of bricksat all times. He will also make and burn brick m the country for anyoue desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As he intends carrying on the brick making business, he invites the custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize luin. All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates, ('all on" or address. J. GEORGESTAMM, mar2B-X) Itutler Pa. JDZEHSTTISTIR, Y . o|# W\LDRON, Graduate of the Phi! || adelpbia Dental College,is prepare* ■ lis to do anything in the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. OUlce on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pellaining to the profession execut ed in the neatest manner. Specialties Gold Filling, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attcutiou. JanlO'S4-8y JOHN E. BY ICRS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOis myai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klin tiler's Flour Store. EN. LEAKE, M. I)., • Ilomeopatliie Physician and Surgeon Ofliee in Union I!loek, and residence in Ferrero ho se, Butler, l'a. Oct. 25, 18*3. John L Jones, Auctioneer, BUTLER, PA. All orders will receive prompt attention. 16.3 m ■ ";i. • ' . '• •- . JR- ' ' The Imported Clydefcdalc Stallion, I'.ftrl (if Inglestou, will l>e found at tile i,faU!e ol Julian A. Clark, on Jefferson street, Butler, l'a. Earl of lngleston is a dappled bay with three white feet and a white face, with im mense heavy bone, complete foot, ami a terri ble goo I body, short and broad, heavy ends and shot lin the coupling; and also u HUM bred I lambletoiiian Col. |, >i blood bay with three white Let ami a white face, with a light mane and a sweeping tail, and shows a great promise of speed. For terms see bills or call at my stable on Jefferson street, Hutler, l'a., JULIAN A. CLARK. County Auctioneer, JAMES B. KEABNS, Js prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many ycais of experience lie can guarantee perfect satisfaction at rates that will buit all. Leave word at this office. UAW.Iy NEW DRUG STORE. J. F. HALPH SZ, CO. !\f]iin Ntreets (Opposite Yogclcy llogscj BUTLER PENN A. DKAt.KKS IN Pure DrtißS, Chemical, Pntont Modielnca, Lumps, Toilet Articles, &e., &c., Pure Liqnors for medicinal purposes, Oils and Paints, &c. tj". l)r. <• M Ziminerinan has his olllce on the second tloor ol same building. (IIINIIIIIKR HDUSf, JAMKS HELLERH, - - - -Proprietor I have purchased thin bouse from Mr. Kit«n milcr it:ill have bad it thoroughly renovatCMl 1 h*vo thirteen roi ills and twenty betls for guests, will sot a good table and sell none but tho best anil purest of liipiors at my bar JAMES HELLEItS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers