Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 18, 1884, Image 1

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    VOL. XXI.
We have just received and placed on sale our Spring Stock of Carpets in
all grades and descriptions, from the Lowest Prices to the Best Quality
We Especially Invite you to call and Examine Stock and Prices.
Juat opened, a Splendid Stock ot all kinds and styles of Embroideries in Swiss
Nainsook and Hamburg and Inserting to match, and wc are offering the
whole lot at astonishing LOW PRICES.
Hew White Goods of all Descriptions.
Lace Bed Spreads, Muslin Underwear, Skirts, Night Dresses,
Chemises, Drawers, Infants' Robes.
Our inducements.—We vo Largest Stock and guarantee you th
H. Schneideman,
Trading fjlothier
IN •
Call and examine our Goods and Prices, and if we cannot do better with you
in both respects, we will not ask your patronage. Goods guaranteed,
and if not satisfactory money will be refunded on return of goods.
Headquar's for G. A.R. Suits,
Suits with Gilt Buttons, $9.50 worth $11.00; $10.50 worth sl-.
All-wool Sack Suits $7.50, worth SIO.OO. Mens' Good Working
Suits $3.50. Jean Pants 90 cts, worth $1.20.
We have the best Over-alls in the market 75 cts., sold elsewhere
at 90 cts., guaranteed not to rip.
We are the Exclusive Agent for Warner Bros., Celebated
Clothing. First Class in Every Respect.
IP- S.— I Clothing Made to Order-
National Bank Building, Butler, Pa.
{ haye secured CyTIIBERT'S MACHINE SHOP and
Firs t-Class Machinery
I am now prpae d to do all repairing in the Machinery line.
tural Maohinery repaired.
Note to Farmers: —l bare Patterns of all kinds of Thresers and
Horse Powers.
Casing and/all sizes of pipes cut to order. Steam connections and fittings
for Mining purposes made to order. Special attention given to repairing
BLACKSMITHING AND FORGING promptly attended to Cash paid for WRAUGHT
All work gatisfaotorily guaranteed. Works on South side of P. &W. R. R., near Camp
bell's Foundry, Butler, Penn'a.
Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
At tilts New Store of
Jefteraon St., East« f Lowry House, Butler, Pa.
Dealer in
, f° r Bradley's well-known Stoves, Ranges and Heaters. Rontiug, spouting and repair
log done on short notice. Store on Main St., corner of NortU. Sign of Large C'olTee Pot.
of the present generation. It is for the
Cure of this disease and its attendants,
TTTTT'S PTT.LS have gained a world-wido
reputation. Mo Remedy has ever been
discovered that acts so gentiy on the
digestive organs, giving them vigor to A=-
simjiate food. As a natural result, tho
NervoutTßystem is Braced, the Muscles
are Developedrand the Body Hobu3t.
Chills and I'ovor™
E. RIVAL, n Planter at Bayou Sara, La.. says :
My plantation la In a malurlal district. For
several years I could not make half a crop on
account of bilious diseases and chills. I was
nearly dlscouragod when I began the use of
TDTT'S PILLS. Tho result was marvelous"
my laborers soon became hearty and robust,
and I have had no further trouble.
They relievo the engorged I.lver, eloanae
tbc Blood from pulmiaoin humorn, »nd
rnuir the bowel* to set naturally, with
out which no one run feel well.
Try thU remedy fairly, anil you will gain
a healthy Digestion, Vigorous llnd.v. Pure
Blood, Strong Nerve*, and a Mound Liver.
Price, 25t ent*, ttflice, 35 Murray Stt., 3i. Y.
OKAY HAIR or WirrsnF.ns changed to a GLOSSY
BLACK by a sincle application of this DYE. It
Imparts a natural color, arid acts Instantaneously.
Sold bv Druggists, or sent by express ou receipt
of One Dollar.
Office, 33 Murray Street, New York.
(Dr. Tt rrs M.I.VTJ/, of I'aluatilCv
Information ami Useful Heeeipta 1
trill he mailed r ME on up]ilica((«H,/
Is nature's greatest remedy, the otilyH
one that harmonizes with tho advancedM
teachings of our modern Physiologists, ■
who claim that no medicine can haveanyM
ceal beneficial effect on disease
It clearly coincides with the vis medica-U
trix nat::ra ami aids it in curiug the dis-H
ease. It is conceded that so far PERUNA®
is the only remedy that fills this exact■
wan t. ■
Cnres > Chronlc_CtttariJi,
and Lungs.
These organs are the birth-places of all H
diseases, hence, by putting these in aB
healthy condition ana keeping them so, M
all diseases must pass away. For "Theß
Ills of 1.if0," a book every man, woman ■
and child should read, ask your druggist®
or address B. B. Hartmau & Co., Colum- ■
bus, Ohio, and get one gratis. Ho. 3. rH
Cures Constipation and Piles. t
Price $1 per Bottle. Six Bottle 3 $5.
Causes no Pain.
■ * I Gives Relief at
tADionce. Thorough
f Treatment will
Not a Liq
/ or Snuff. Ap-
WkMk <P'y with Finger.
it a Trial.
n | "•o cents at druggists.
ELY BItOTHEKS, Druggists, Owcgo, X. Y.
-*]•> \ -J-, ALL I
LH.I.!;»*P ]i Loss
nR Appetite
B. & 8.
Spring and Summer Dry Goods,
We have just opened a now store room
joining our present stores. This is, we olaim,
one of the finest and best lighted and appointed
salesrooms in this patt of the country. This new
room, which is 36 x 140 feet, will give us addi
tional and increased facilities to handle our large
and constantly increasing business, and will
prove very beneficial to our patrons and the
public. We shall put in additional large lines of
And will alt-o carry very hill stocks of every
thing, and thereby v. ill be able to please
all tastes.
Summer Silks
Wo are now showing, are commanding atten
tion from buyers- New and elegant
Bargains in
Housekeeping Goods & Domestics,
Suits Wraps
.Largest and most complete stock of I'atis and
Berlin Suits and Wraps for Ladies and
Children, GO dozen Ladies' ail-wool
Also a better quality at X.25. These are
Write for samples if yon aro not coming to
Pittsburgh, and you will be safe in buying by
115 ami 117 Federal SS„
Allegheny City.
Bricklayer and Contractor.
Estimates given on contract work, llesi
dence, Washington street, north end, Butler
fa. jan2.ly.
Of Schools of Butler County.
I have the honor to submit the fol
lowing annual report of the public
schools of Butter county for the school
year ending June Ist, 1884. It affords
me pleasure in presenting this report to
be able to say that the past year has
been one of substantial progress in
most particulars. More interest was
manifested by the patrons of the schools
than formerly; directors were general
ly more careful in the selection of
teachers and the attendance of pupils
was better than any previous term.
Notwithstanding these evidences of
progress too little interest is felt and
manifested by patrons in some of the
districts, and some boards allow per
sonal motives to influence them in the
selection of teachers.
Twenty regular and six special ex
aminations were held during the year.
Four hundred teachers were examined.
Eighty failed to pass and were not li
censed. Most of those failed in arith
metic and grammar. Many of those
who passed had been attending school
and took a higher grade of certificate
than formerly. There are still a lew
teachers who are satisfied with present
attainments and who make no effort to
Fortunately for some of them, but
not so for the school, they hold per
manent certificates.
Seven new houses were built during
the year and many more are needed.
Many of the old ones arw unfit for use.
The "houses are too small, the ceilings
too low and blackboard surface so limit
ed in extent as to be of little use. In
others it is so poor in quality as to be
practically useless. Plenty of black
board surface is indispensible to suc
cess in teaching. Cranberry district
had its old boards covered with manilla
and heavily slated. They are now the
best in the county.
A number of schools has been sup
plied during the year with apparatus,
but fiew sufficiently. Much of what
has been supplied is in bad conditio ,
and I am sorry to say through the care
lessness ot the teacher, in some instan
ces. Many teachers do not make the use
they should of the apparatus, nor do
they sufficiently encourage the pupils in
the use of it. Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary and a good Encyclopedia
should be found in every school room.
Globes, maps and charts also, but par
ticularly the former. Pupils be should
required to make use of them daily.
Good furniture is indispensable in
the school room. All the new houses
and a few old ones were seated with
improved patented furniture. There
are still several districts that have not
an improved desk in one of their
schools. Strange to say some of these
districts are among the most wealthy
in the county. Care should be exercis
ed in the seating of school rooms as
well as iu the selection of furniture.
In some of those seated with patent
furniture the desks and seats are too
high aud the desk too far from the seat,
rendering them inconvenient for writ
ing and injurious to the health of the
were commenced October Ist, aud con
tinued to the close of the schools. All
the schools but eight were visited once
and a number of them twice.
There are now two hundred and
sixty-two schools in the county. The
condition of the roads for a part of the
season retarded visiting somewhat.
Yisits averaged fully ouc hour and a
half. The classification, the course of
study, the grading and the character of
the work were carefully inspected aud
such suggestions made as deemed best
calculated to correct existing errors.
The "course of study" prepared for the
ungraded schools was taken up by
many of the teachers and successfully
carried out. The design of the "course"
is to induce pupils to take up and pur
sue all the studies of the school and
thus systematize school work, by keep
ing all profitably employed. Idleness
is the bane ot school. Of the two hun
dred and ninety-four directors in the
county, two hundred aud fifty-six ac
companied me iu my visitations. In
many instances these were the only
visits made bv directors to the schools.
Much of the fear and trepidation prev
iously manifested by teachers and pu
pils, at the approach of the Superin
tendent, has given way and his visits
are no longer dreaded
The annual session of the County
Institute convened at Butler, Novem
ber 12th, and continued in session five
days. The attendance of teachers was
not as large as that of last year. This
is doubtless due to the fact that some
boards of directors would not allow
the teachers their time whilst attend
ing the institute. Directors should al
low the time, but teachers sLould not
exact the holidays wheu this is done.
The earnest, enthusiastic teacher
will attend the institute whether time
is allowed or not.
Prof. John Ogden, of Fayette, Ohio;
Prof. George Little, of Washington,
D. C., and Deputy State Superintend
ent Houck, were the instructors. The
instruction given by each was good
and highly appreciated. The good
work done by Prof. Little can be seen
in the school. Deputy Houck was the
favorite. The work done by our
teachers was highly commended by the
instructors aud others as well. The
institute was pronounced the best ever
held in the county, aud a degree of
popular interest awakened that was
heretofore unkown, and that has made
itself felt for good in our schools al
ready. A part of one day was set
apart for a meeting of the school direc
, tors, but few felt interested enough to
attend. Those who did eflected a per-i
manent organization and concluded to
meet semi-annually. The second meet
i ing was held at Butler, May fith.
Adams district keeps up local
1 monthly institutes. These are well at
tended by the patrons and much inter
! est is manifested.
Interesting local institutes were
held at Evans City, Harmony, l'ros
, pect and Sunbury. These were well
j attended and an unusual degree of
j popular interest awakened in school
The teachers who had charge of the
schools during the past year, with very
few exceptions, did good work. My
observations have led me to the con
clusion that our teachers need more
enthusiasm, more skill in the manage
' ment of their schools and in the con
ducting of recitations, better discipline
and more general information. Dur
ing my Superintendency the teachers
who have been under my supervision
have been largely in full accord with
me in my desire to improve the schools
and have treated me with respect.
The bane of the profession is change.
But few of the teachers who were
teaching three years ago are teaching
now; they have left the profession for
more lucrative employment. Some ot
the young and inexperienced teachers
did not give satisfaction and some of
them did better work and gave better
satisfaction than older and more ex
perienced teachers.
Feeling was envinced by a few re
jected applicants, and by some of those
whose certificates were not as good as
anticipated, as the result of their ex
amination. These were confined to a
clsss of self assured persons whose
knowledge of the elementary branches
is quite imperfect sand who possesses
but little general information. How
ever as a class our teachers are im
proving each year and although we
have yet a few "drones" in the pro
fession, I feel confident that the teach
ers of the county compare favorably
with those of any county of Western
In some of the schools the teacher is
still required to write copies for the
children. This is a mistake. Teach
ers should insist upon a series of writ
ing books being adopted, and boards of
directors should not hesitate to adopt a
uniform series.
A series of language lessons is need
ad in many districts. During my
visits I spoke of the necessity for
these, and confidently hope that ac
tion will be taken by the proper au
thorities ere the opening of another
school term. Want of uniformity in
text-books is a serious hindrance to
progress in some schools.
It is a fact that many of our school
houses, even in public places, are with
out the necessary out-buifflings. It is
the duty-of the boards to provide these
and the duty of the teacher to see that
they are properly cared for.
There ought to be tliscriiuination in
teachers' wages. It is probable that
some teachers are paid too much, but
it is evident that others are not paid
enough. As it is the "tyro" is paid
as much as the "veteran," the "rut
driver" as much as the "live" teacher.
In conclusion allow me to return my
thanks to the teachdrs, directors and
citizens for their hospitalities while in
the discharge of my duties, to the edi
itors of our local papers for their gen
erosity and to the Department of Pub
lic Instruction for advice and informa
tion. JAS. 11. MURTLAND,
County Supt.
The Twin Hone of Ihe House.
Representative Horr's twin brother
strolled iuto the House the other day
and took the chair of the member from
the Eighth Michigan district. Reed,
one of the few persons who can tell the
brothers apart, whispered to the door
keeper and that officer requested young
Ilorr to retire. "But," said the occu
pant of the chair, "my name is Ilorr;
I'm from Michigan." The door-slam
mer looked hard at the intruder and
would have weakened had not Mr.
Reed made signs for him to go ahead,
that it was all right. "But you're not
Representative Ilorr, said the guardian
of the House, "and you must come out
side." Just then the real Representa
tive of the Eighth Michigan district
came in and the doorkeeper glared at
the two in evident dismay. "All
right," said Representative Ilorr to his
brother; "you go outside aud I'll come
out and talk to you." As the twin
passed out the Doorkeeper took a sort
of mental photograph of him with his
eyes and said to his chum. "I'll be
blowed if he comes that game on me
again." In a moment or two Mr. Ilorr
left the floor and joined his brother iu
the corridor.
After they had finished their chat the
Representative said to his brother:
"You go in now and take my seat
again." As he passed the portal the
doorkeeper smiled confidently and
said: "All right, sir. 1 know which is
which now." When Citizen Ilorr was
again in his brother's seat, Mr. Reed
again beckoned to the doorkeeper and
said: "Great heavens! you've let the
wrong man in again,"and then pointed
to Representative Horr, who was
coming in from another door. The be
wildered doorkeeper looked at the two
Horrs, and then, as the cold sweat
gathered on his brow, he stammered
out: "For God's sake, mark 'em some
way, or I'm likely to turn the other
fellow in a caucus any night.
It is instructive to read that in St.
Louis there used to be a metaphysical
club, "at whose meetings the keen
lightning of American thought cut the
blue air of German mysticism."
Miss Rachel Ewing, the oldest
teacher in the Pittsburgh schools, has
resigned at the age of seventy-six. She
has not by her lifework made as much
money as some bank presidents, but
she has probably rendered quite as
much service to the woild.
Annandale Station.
June 9, 1884.
MESSRS Ens:—lf you will allow us
the space in your valuable paper we
will give you a small history of the
beautiful little towu called Annandale
On last Wednesday morning about
two o'clock A. M. the alarm of lire was
heard, the fire department responded
promptly but the Haines had gained
such headway that they could not be
extinguished until the entire building
of Geo. P. Christie's coal house had
been destroyed. George, in the future
be sure your ashes are cold before bar
reling them.
The Sproull Bros, are doing and ex
tensive business in the flouring mill at
this place. Their flours are giving un
bounded satisfaction everywhere,
which fact is plainly apparent from the
number of teams we see going to and
coming from the mill daily. They say
they cannot be beaten in Butler coun
ty on a straight grade of flou. and that
is what the farmers want.
Annandale Station is one of the
greatest tie and stave shipping stations
on the S. & A. railroad. There are
about 20 teams hauling tics and staves
daily. Mr. Small is our station agent
and you will find him the right man in
the right place.
The young people still carry on the
singing at the M. E. Church at Annan
dale. They are so far advanced they
can carry on the singing themselves
with the assistance of Mr. E. G. Sproull.
They expect to have a grand concert
about September next.
Mr. S. S. Crawford still works on
the railroad. Sam is a good section
hand, especially at pumping the hand
car home in the evening.
Our genial friend Mr. Lisnev looks
quite sad for a few days past, his wife
has gone away on a visit to her
mother's at Pulaski, Lawrence Co., Pa.
But cheer up Levi she will be glad to
come back ere long.
Our hotel keeper Mr. J. 11. Kelly has
removed from midst. lie has gone to
Altoona, Pa. We were sorry to lose
John but as fast as one leaves another
steps in to take his place.
James A. Sproull has moved into the
Central Hotel buildiug. formerly occu
pied by Mr. Kelly, you will find Jim
an obliging laud lord, him a call.
H. Baldwin, our village blacksmith,
has just completed a new veranda and
picket fence in front of his dwelling
and intends putting down a new side
walk which will add greatly to the
beauty of his dwelling.
—Our obliging store keeper, Mr.
Mabold is getting very industrious this
summer. He is clearing a piece of
laud and leaves his store in charge of
his lady clerk through the day.
Our wagon maker, Mr. Borkbart, has
been wearing a very pleasant smile for
sometime past. It is a bouncing baby
boy. THE JOLLY Two.
He Took the Cash
BUTTE, MON , June I—A gentle
man who has just arrived from Spo
kane Falls says that a man named Kin
ney, who kept a boarding-house there,
suspected that his wife was improperly
intimate with their French cook named
Gireaux. He left home ostensibly to
take a load of goods to the mines, but
he returned at night and found Gireaux
aud Mrs. Kinney together. Without a
moment's hesitation he pulled out a
large knife and was in the act of spring
ing upon the guilty couple when
Gireaux waved him baik and made
this proposition :
"Kinney," said he, "I have done
you a great wrong. Your wife no
longer has any claim upon you. You
will not wish to live here any longer.
What will you take for your house,
your business, and your wife ?
I'll give you $1,200."
Kinney reflected on this novel prop
osition for some time aud finally agreed
to accept it.
"Give me the money," he said, and
take everything I have got."
The money was counted out and
j Kinney departed.
—Every great passion is but a pro
longed hope,
Hope lives by what it desires and
and dies bj r what it obtains.
—Hope consoles for eyery loss; noth
ing consoles us for loss of hope.
—lt is said they have female foot
pads in Chicago, The Chicago girls
can now run up and down stairs with
out disturbing their neighbors
—lt doesn't cost anything to remem
ber the poor, but if you want the poor
to remember you it will cost you some
—This year young men who don't
want to get married will wear large
placards on their breasts, reading, "1
never had any experience nursing ba
bies, and don't want any."
—"Dear Mr Jones," said a learned
woman, "you remind me of a barome
ter that is filled with nothing in the
upper story," "Divine Amelia Brown"
retorted Jones, "you occupy my upper
It is claimed that from the verandas
of the summer residences of the eastern
slope of the Orange Mountains "the
most-inhabited landscape in America"
can be seen. Within the limit that can
be easily swept by the naked eye the
population is probably more than two
—Now-a-days parents entertain a
silly notion that their children must be
instructed in a genteel profession; they
repudiate the "vulgar" notion of bring
ing a boy up as a carpenter, cabinet
maker, shipwright, or in fact auy oc
cupation that involves labor. He must
be educated for the church, the bar, the
law, or for the post of civil engineer.
Hence these professions are over-run,
and hundreds, nay thousands, of young
men are a burden upon their families,
being unable to find anything to do.
Proceedings of P. H. P. Conven
BUTLER, June 3. ISB4.
Pursuant to call, the delegates from
; tbe different townships of the county
i to the P. H. P. Convention met in the
parlors of the Wick House at 1 o'c'ock.
Called to order by the Chairman, J. W.
1 Brandon. Cpened with prayer by
Rev W P Shaw Moved and carried
that tbe present County Committemen
jbe continued for the next year in their
; respective townships and such addi
; tions made to it as the Chairman of Ex
ecutive Committee may deem best
The.selection of officers resulted in the
election of Levi Porter, Marion town
ship, Chairman; J M Rose, Forward
township, Sec etary, and S. Harper,
Washington township, Treasurer for the
1 coming year. Moved and carried that
| the Chaiaman appoint a committee of
; five to present to the convention names
of persons as candidates for county
offices. Chair appointed David Patton
I) P Kelly,James Stevenson, Matthew
Sloan and George Rosebaugh. Moved
and carried that a committee be ap
pointed on resolutions. Rev. W. P.
Shaw, I, X. Meals and J. 11. Moore
were selected. While the committees
were out short speech making and
talk on greatly improved prospects of
the party were indulged in. Commit
tee on nominations reports the follow
ing ticket, which was unanimously
endorsed, item by item, after a great
deal of protestation by candidates, who
prefer others to themselves ?
For Congress —Rev E. Ogden, of
Middlesex township.
For Senate —J. W. Brandon, of Cou
noquenessing township.
For Assembly —J C Moore of Centre
township and J W Orr of Parker tp
For Sheriff —J. P. Robinson, of
Parker township.
For Prothonotary —Jas R .Moore of
Washington township.
For Register and Recorder—l. X.
Meals of Washington township.
For Treasurer —Washington Bo
vard, ofCherrv township
For Clerk of Courts—l. M. Rose,
of township.
For County Commissioners—
Archey Stewart of Connoquenessiug
township and Harvey Campbell of
Concord township.
For County Auditors —ll. S. Pau
benspeck of Parker township and
Christie Robb, of Oakland twp.
For Coro.ier —P. W. Conway, of
Sunbury borough.
No nomination for Judge was made,
it being the prevailing opinion that
the oath required the executing of the
law granting licence to sell liquor, and
therefore inconsistent with the true
Moved and carried that the candi
dates for Congress and Senate be em
powered to appoint their own confer
ees. Committee on resolutions re
ports. Report Received, considered
Seriatim aud adopted U9 follows:
WHEREAS, our'S is a Christian gov
ernment and our laws, in spirit and
purport, should be in conformity with
the will of Him who is the author of
all law, therefore be it resolved,
Ist. That we regard drunkenness
as a vice, condemed by the law of
God and the dictates of reason; that
we consider It an enemy to religion,
a foe to humanity, and we are convinc
ed that it tends to the subversion of
every principle of good government.
2d, That the license system antag
onizes the moral law, private welfare
aud public security, and that true po
litical economy demands its repeal.
3d. That an evil sanctioned by cus
tom, nurtured by avarice, justified by
statute and protected by political party
organization demands a political or
ganization for its suppression and ex
4t,h. That voting for temperance
men within parties organized on other
issues is insufficient, as loyalty to their
party, which upholds and . sanctions
the traffic, would compel them to ignore
or subordinate this vital question to
party interests and policy.
sth. That we will not sanction by
our vote or influence the fostering of
vice for the profit of the few and the
ruining of the weak and inoffensive.
Gth. That we reaffirm the declara
tion of principles adopted by the late
State and National P. 11. P. party con
7th. That we recognize aud com
mend tbe W. C. T. Union as an able
co-laborer and an educational influence
in tbe work of securing constitutional
Bth That as one party has held its
convention, made its nominations and
was afraid to speak out on this great
question, and as there is no better bope
of the other party, we cordially invite
all temperance voters to unite with us
in electing our county, State and Na
tional officers.
Moved and carried that the |Secre
tary be required to furnish full
reports of the proceed
ings to all the papers in the county and
to tbe Prohibition Jianner, of Pitts
Moved and carried that we empower
our Chairman to employ Josiah Coop
er, of Washington county, Pa., or some
other, to more thoroughly organize the
Resolved that each township is
earnestly requested to send at least two
dollars and as much more as they please
to our treasurer, S. Harper, North
Hope, for the purpose of organization,
printing, bills, tickets, &c.
Treasurer reports all bills paid aud a
small balance on hand. Adjourned to
meet at call of Chairman.
J. W. OUR, Secretary pro tern.
—"Subdued snuff'' is a handsome
new color not to be sneezed at.
—The linen duster ripens slowly,
but will soon be ready for picking.
—A Pittsburgh paper summarizes
the Penn Bank failure in this fash
ion : —"Whatthe reporter asked, ' —?
—?—?—?' What the bank director
answered'—!—!—!—!—' What tbe
public learned,' —0—0—0—0—.' "
Temperance Convention at Mar
ti nsburg.
In connection with the meeting of
the Butler Presbytery there will be
held a Temperance Convention or pop
ular temperance meeting at Martins
burg, Tuesday, June 24th. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to attend
and hear a discussion. In the after
noon the Evils will be discussed under
the following division.
Ist. Intemperance, the great moral
and material blight, or curse of this
age, its effects on the individual and
the family. To be opened by G. W.
2d. The evil which intemperance
inflicts on society aud the Datiou at
large. The enormous burdens it im
poses upou the sober and industrious
citizens and taxpayers for the pecuni
ary benefit of the liquor seller. To be
opened by Rev. S. M. Glenn.
In the evening the remedy.
Ist. Constitutional prohibition as
an aid to the pulpit in the great work
of temperance reformation. To be
opened by Rev. I']. Ogden.
2d. Female influence, including the
work of the W. C. T. U., and how to
make it effectual against intemperance.
To be opened by Rev. A. M. Reed.
After the opening addresses a general
discussion will be invited on these sev
eral topics.
Presbyterial Committee.
Investigating a Railroad.
Two or three years ago, while the
Wisconsin Legislature was in session,
a member gave notice that he would
introduce a bill to investigate the af
fairs of a certain railroad corporation,
Two or three days after be was bunted
up by an officer of the road, who
"I see that you intend to investigate
our road?"
"Fes, sir."
"Ah, yes; in which direction, may I
ask, will your investigation lead?"
"Why, I want to see if there is any
way I can get the road to pass my old
woman down and back from Osh
There probably was, at least the
bill was never heard from further.
She Knew Her Business.
"Oh, some one is coming up the
steps, ma," exclaimed Miss Pyrkinsto
her mother, who kept a boarding
house. "Shall Igo to the door?"
"No, indeed," answered Mrs. Pry
kins, bustling around. "It is a young
man who is probably looking for board.
Go down into the parlor and be play
ing a dreamy air on the piano when he
comes in."
"Yes, I know; but some one must
attend to the door. There goes the
bell now."
"Well, I will run to the kitchen and
send Jane to open the door, while you
are playing and Jane in showing him
in, I will be pounding on the table
! with a rolling-pin."
"But what for, ma?"
"It will sound as if we had two ser
: vants and were going to have beef
steak for lunch.
Something to Talk Of.
One day last fall a farmer entered
the office of a Chicago capitalist and
asked for an interview, and when this
had been granted he spread out a
country map on the table, and said:
'l've got an enterprise here to roll
millions of wealth into your pockets."
"See hero. Here, at this point,
Coou Creek and 'Possum River are
only five miles apart."
"I sec."
"A canal cut across this neck con
nects the two. I've been over the
ground, and a canal ten feet deep and
fifty feet wide can be dug for $250,000;
and we can charge such toll as we see
"On what?"
"On vessels passing through."
"Just so. My friend, Coon Creok
has an average depth of two feet and
'Possum Creek about fifteen inches.
Just think of some plan to get your
ships up to the canal."
The farmer slowly rolled up his
"Durn my buttons," he muttered:
"but I hadn't thought of the ships. I
guess I'll give up the canal and go to
boring for salt."
—A man too busy to taka care of
his health is like a mechanic too busy
to take care of his tools.
—Matrimonial arithmetic—Twice
two are one.
—St. Louis intends to make the
newsboys pay a license.
When a young woman brushes a
stray speck off a young man's coat col
lar the heart of the baby carriage man
ufacturer is filled with a great gladness.
—Mrs Mary Lang, a wealthy widow
of Carrolton, Ga., gathered her worldly
possessions, divided them among three
giaudcbildren, and poisoned hersel
with laudauum. There must have
been a lawyer somewhere in that fam
—The following polite inscription
may be found on a tombstone iu New
port, R. I. : "The human form respect
ed for honesty and known 50 years by
the appellation Christopher Eller began
to dissolve in the month of February,
—A California editor recently re
ceived a cord of wood in payment for a
subscription, which was piled in front
of the office at a late hour. The next
morning he found six sticks left. This
fact led the editor to believe that the
morals of the town were improving.
A year ago there wouldn't have been a
stick left.
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