BUTLER CITIZEN- M iscui .1 ,VM:OI'S. Better Than Diamonds, and of a greater value than fine gold is a great tonic and renovator like Kidney Wort. It expels all poisoniotis humors from tho blood, tones up the svstem and by acting directly on the most important organs of the body stimulates them to healthy action and restores health. It has aflected many marvelous cures and for all kidney diseases and other kindred troubles it is an invaluable remedy. The way to the transgressor is-- Canada. We have never heard of such mar velous cures of coughs in children and adults as Pitpillon Cough Cure produ ces. You should have a bottle in your house in case of need. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller. blow it out. Sprains, lameness, pains and stitches, weak back or disease of the spine will be immediately relieved on application of a Hop Plaster over the affected part. It's penetrative power is wonderful. Warranted to be the best made. Patience is bitter but the fruit is sweet. The Dream of Youth. The dreams we so fondly loved in early life may just as quickly pass away Bad leave nothing but a seared and desolate path behind. Ihe proud hopes which spring unbidden to the human heart, may die and fall as fell the plague on sinful man. The mo ments of beauty and art which ha\e been seared by man's creative genius may crumble and turn to dust, but yet PER UNA the great remedy, will still be acknowledged to be the greatest of all medicines, and will still receive the praise which so rightly belongs to it. Thousands have received benefits from it, and have shown their appreciation of it by their testimonials to that effect. Ask your druggist for this great reme dv and the pamphlet called the "Ills of life," or address Dr. S. B. Hartman & Co., Columbus' Ohio, and they will send you one free. your teeth. —Many members of the Hay Fever association of New England, used Pa pillon Catarrh Cure for several seasons, and take pleasure in recommending it as the simplest aod most certain pre ventive and cure. For sale by J. L. Wuller aud I). H. Wuller. No Grease for Him. "When Greece her knees—Greece her knees—Greece her knees,', stam mered an embarrassed schoolboy, for getting the next line of his recitation. "There is no occasion to grease any body's knees," shouted his teacher. "Go and study your piece." Neither is there occasion to grease your hair. Parker's Hair Balsam is all the dress ing you need. Restores the original gloss to gray or laded hair. Does not soil the linen; not a dye; good for the scalp; prevents falling out —lt is said that women are funniest when they say nothing, but is it very seldom they are funny. Catarrh.—For twenty years I was a Bufferer from catarrh of tte head and throat. By a few applications of Ely's Cream Balm I received decided benefit— wai cured by one bottle.—Charlotte Parker, Waverly, N. Y. I was was troubled with chronic catarrh and gathering in head; was deaf at times, had discharges from ears, unable to breathe through nose. Be fore the second bottle of Ely's Cream Balm was exhausted I was cured.—C. J. Corbin, 924 Chestnut St., Philadel phia., Pa. .—The "Spring Fever" has got a a tight grip upon some persons in But ler. —Papilloa Skin Cure is a delight ful lotion to apply after shaving or bathing, It will cure all irritation and prevent ulcerous formations, and sore ness and chafing. Mixed with cologne it is a delightful toilet water. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wul ler. —The constant sound of the hammer and saw teila the story of general im provement. —Diversity is the most marked feat ure of fashions this spring. Well, we are glad that the dear girls are to have something new in the way of dress —lt is hard to tell which the fair sex scans the closest, wedding suits or di vorce suits. —A dude and a cowboy recently met face to face in Denver. Both turned and ran for dear life. —A Butler man compels his daugh ter to eat onious every night for sup per, and thus assures himself that he can shut the house at ten o'clock with out locking in a strange youug man. A stove has been invented for tbe comfort of travelers. It is to be put under the feet, with a mustard plaster on the head, which draws the heat through tho whole system. —"Be ye not unequally yoked," ex claimed a minister in a sermon on ill considered marriages. This is good advice, but how are young people to to know before marriage which is the best fighter ? —At a fair in Sanfield, Conn., the people are voting a silk hat to the wickedest man in town. The competi tion between the friends of the village coal dealer and one of the Baptist deacons is sharp and exciting. —At the last term of court'in Berks county thirty-four young women were seeking fathers for their babies. Among the defendants was a man sev enty-two years of age and the girl but twenty. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and l.ung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, alter having tested tlieir wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of cases, has lelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf fering, 1 will send free of charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Scut by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. No YES, ll'.i l'ower's Block. Kocliester. N V. Septt2-83-ly'eow 4<i«N><l I \t . l» *iill(l pe« mo matlcrK'lliu;: >;<lri»r:in«l \eu History. I'uuiouoatid lim<lt<> lUHllt«oflh*WorM IVrile t" J. C. .'IH urtlj »% Philadelphia, l a. Pipe HniokinxiH the real te*»t®f a tobacco. It in tlio regal way of unckintf. You get more directly ut the flavor and fragrance You take the smoke cooler, and th«* tonic cleanlier and safer. Pii«o tuiokiiitf i» BmokinNT reduced to a fine art. The more the question of adulterated tobacco forces itself on the attention of rtinokcrfl, the more desirable it becomes to know precisely what you aro smoking. In BlnckweU'a Hull Durham Smoking- To ■———■—| baccoyou haveajruarantee, . always, that it is Nature's own unadulterated product. Its fragrance, flavor, and unsurpassed «|uality, are de j rived from the soil and air. * Try it. and you will be *af * Jlj None ffenuino with out trade-mark of the Bull. !gm9 All successful rishermen and Sj>orte- jj i jUM men smoke Blackwell's Bull Durham Q |H amokin r ,- Tobacco, and they enjoy it 3 m bnkl Causes no Pain. ■ Ro^^j^§is£S Mt .'N|Givea Relief at once. Thorough J Treatment will Mp C §£m Cure. Not a Liq- Hr / or Snuff. Ap- with Finger. a f^r ' a '" aml')o cents at druggists. Klfciy cents by mail regis- tered. Send for circu- ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Owego, N. Y. Jl'BV LISTS FOB JI NK TKKJIfc. Craml Jurors for flrst Monday of June, being the second day, ISS4. Allegheny twp— A. SI. Thompson Butler boro—N. 51. Slater Buffalo twp—.lohn Murphy Cherry twp —S C Bovarti Adam Curry Clearfield twp—John Fennel James Flick R M Thompson Centre tw|»—John A Miller Forward I wp—George Bishop l'ranklin twp--Benton Dick Fairview twp— Win Ellenberger Samuel Mock Jackson twp —Cbas Goehring F T Shaffer Jefferson twp—August Muder W B Shearer Muddycreek twp- IJavid Ramsey Millerstown boro—C A Wagner Barker twp—John Emrick Prospect boro —II W Ilenshew Venango twp —J II Kelly Worth twp Jonothan Morrow Washington twp—John Sherman List of Traverse Jurors drawn to serve during second week of June Term, beginning Monday the 9tli day. Adams twp—W S Cashdollar Butler twp—George Bower John JlcElroy Sam uel Single Butlei boro— (1 D Harvey David Xiggel Centreville— W R Brown R E Bard Conno'iuouessing twp—James Bolton Kobert Henry James Cable Clay-H C Black J A Ilolstein Crabbery—John Croft John (Joehring Jnincs Henry Concord—David Fleeger Clinton—William llarvey Centre lsaiah M'ClungS ii Rider Donegal—Archie Black Evans City boro—Henrv Alll J A Pipocr tll'airview twp—Steven Pluncard T l: Story T 1$ Laurence McLaughlin 1! S Rankin fcporward—l) C' Lyon » Jefferson--Smith (Jeer Jackson—Samuel Knox M C Latshaw Lewis Tfeifer Ziegler Marion—T J Black Middlesex—Jno I> Miller Oakland -Jacob Bippus Prospect boro—David Marshall George Owen It s Wetgle Saxon burg—August Warrick Win Slirotli Emil Steubgen Washington—Samuel Shira Samuel Cook Wmfield twp-George Reiger Henry Volens W M Black List of Traverse Jurors tor a social Term begin ning the third Monday of June In*4 being the iitth day. Butler bor—(i K Ralph D A Heek J M Wick Christian Stock J F Shaffer Brady twp—Ceorge Gibson A M Thompson Buffalo—David Hoover Connoquenessing—Samuel Wright Phillip Thom as C H ltoe-siug Daniel Cress Centerville boro—W C Weber Cherry twp—Calvin Tinker S C Kerr Clay—Jefferson Stoner Alben Allen Concord A C BobbG W Moser J S Murtland Centre—Samuel Irvin Cranberry—J A Cookson Clearfield— Joseph Criley Donegal—J D Hartman Jacob Kellerman Jaiues Stelnbrook Franklin—Samuel Stickles Jno St Clair Jackson—Jacob cooper Philip Nesbit jelTerson—Win Divener Millerstown boro—J J Westerman A L lirenne man Muddycreek twp—Austin Meclimond Win clee land Nick Bander Jliddlesex—Samuel Ekis Oakland—Cornelius Kelly Petrolia boro—R J Hottncr Parker twp— R L Black Pcnn—D H Fulton Jeff Fisher DII Sutton J B Thompson Summit—John Sherman Martin Heim Washington—Wm coruthers A J Jack, REGISTER'S NOTICES The Register hereby gives notice that the following accounts of Executors, Administra tors and Guardians have beeu filed in his office according to law aud will be presented for con firmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 4th day of June, 1884, at 8 o'clock p.m. of 6aid dav. 1. Final account of J. H. Gibson, Adm'r. of James Waid, late of Waehlugtou township, dee'd. • a. First and final account of Wm. Wach smuth Ex'r. of Henry C. Wachsmuth, late of llutler county, dee'd.' 3. Final account of J. W. Hartley, Adm'r. pi Robert Bartley, late of Butler couuty, dee'd, 4. Final account ol Joseph O'Donnell Ex'r , and Margaret iiildebrand Exr'x. ol George Hiidebriind, late of Donegal twp., dee'd. 5. Final and distribution account of J Hutchinan aud T. W. Kennedy, executors and trustees ol Wm. Forsythe, late of Adams twp., deceased. ti. Final account of Thos. A. Hay, Ex,r. of James Hay, late ot Clinton twp., deed. 7. First and final accouut of Ann Maloney, Exr'x. of Jeietniah Maloney, late ol Donegal townuhip, dee'd. 8. Fiual account of J. W. Dershimer (dee'd) Guardian of the minor children of Margaret Dershimer, as stated by his Adm'r. 9. First and parti il account of Henry Sehla gel, Surviving Ex'r. of Gidecu Schlagcl, late of Butler twp., dee'd. 10. Final account of Harvey Campbell Ex'r. of Thomas Campbell, late of Concord twp. dee'd. ID Final accouut of Alex Walling, dee'd., guardian of Sarah Walling, as stated by his surety, Norman Graham. 12. Fiual account of J. S. Rice, guardian ol the minor children of Wm. Gallagher, late of Worth twp. dee'd, 13. Final account of Newton Garvin, Adm'r of James Sterling, late of Cranberry township, dee'd, 14. Final and distribution account ol' Nich olas Rictt, Ex'r of John G. htroble, late ol Clearfield township, dee'd. 15. First and final account of W. J. Camp bell administrator ol W. P. Mechling, late ol Washington twp., dee'd. 10. Final account ol Henry Frederick, Adm'r. of George Millhein, 8r„ late of JetlersQU twp., dee'd. 17 Partial account of Mary Jane McLaugh lin, Executrix of John B. McLaughlin, late ot Clinton twp. dee'd. IK. Fifbt aud final account of John Loguc Adm'r. ot Wm. late of Venango twp., dee'd. P.). First and partial accouut uf John Smith and Cass Wigton, Ex'rs. of John .C. Wigtou, lateol Slipperyrock twp., dee'd. 30. Partial accouut of Elizabeth Rickets, Eir'jt, of Nancy Rickets, late of Donegal twp., dee'd, 21. Fiual account of D. C- Rankin, guardian ol minor child ol Josiah Brtnvu, late of Fair view twp.. dee'd. •ii. First and final account of John K. Gil christ, guardian of Johu N. Midbcrry, minor child ol Geo. B. Midbcrry, late of Mariou twp., dee'd. 28. Final account of Wm. and John McKiu ney, Adm'rii. ol Mckinuey, late of Adams twp., dee'd. £4. Final account of Rout, grywn. Adm'r. of James Young, late of C'ay twp. de^'4/ 25. Fin.il account of C, F. Monison, gw i»- dlati ot W- B. Moriison, minor child ol -Mar garet K Morrison, dee'd -20. Final account of A P Stewart, adm'r. of Joliu Anchors, lute ot l'urkur township, dee'd. Union Woolen Mill, BUTLER, I'A. i H. FCLIERTO.V, Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLA:>«V*TS, F;,ANKELS, YAKSS, Ac. Also custom work done to ord*ir, such ae cirding Rolls, making lilaukets, FianaeU-, KuiL tiog and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low i prices. Wool worked on the shares, ii do-; sired. my7-ly LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 11. Wilson dpf'd LATE OF JA« roWNSHIP. Letters of administration on the estate of John 11. Wilson, dee'd., late ot Jackson town ship, Butler county. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims aeainst said estate will present litem dul authenticated for settlement. MARGARET WILSON, I , . JONATHAN WFLSON. , 1 F.vans City I'. O. Butler Co., Pa. EMaic <>i Alexnntfer it. Clrml, I.A'l K UI-' AI.LEGIIKN V T\V p., DKC'I). F.etters of administration on tiie estate ot Alexander B. Giant, dee'd., late of Allegheny township, Butler Co., Pa., having been grant ed to tl.e undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and those having claims asrainst said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. JAM KS C. GRANT, Adm'r. Six Poiuts, Butler Co., Pa. Administrator's ftale. By virtue of an order of the Orpbaus' Court cf Butler eocuty. the uudersigued as adminis trator of Sunuel Andre, dee'd., late of Con cord twp., will expose to public sale at the Court House in Butler, on Tliurotltt) the 29th day of May, ISS4 at one o'clock p. m., ail the interest (being one tenth interest) of Samuel Andre, dee d , in the lollowini: described real estate, viz: All that tract situate in Concord twp., But'er county, Ha., bounded north by Thos. Fleming; Cast by Jno. Morrow; south bv James Hamilton and west by Christian Fleeger's heirs, containing ICO ACHES MORE OR LESS. Also the following tract situated in the State, couuty and township aforesaid and bounded north'by John Morrow, enst by Peter Fleeger, south by John Whitmire and west by James Hamilton's heirs, containing 40 acres more or less. Terms cash, DANIEL ANDRE, Adm'r. of Samuel Andre, dee'd. McJunkin Jc Galbrenth, att'ys. Estate of Ttaos. Clark, Dee'd. I.ATF. OF WORTH TOWNSHIP. Letters of administration on the estate of Thomas Clark, dee'd., late of Worth twp., But ler Co., Pa., having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will please make imme diate payment and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. J. C. KELLV, Administrator, Slipperyrock P. 0., Butler C#., I'a. Estate ol JOIIII II- MoiKgouierj (LATE OF CI.INTON TOWNSHIH, DEC'l>.) Letters testamentary on the estate of John B. Montgomery, dee'd, late of Clinton town ship, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement, JAMES E. MONTGOMERY, Ex'r., Iliddles X Roads, Butler Co., Pa. Estate of Joseph 11. Patterson, LATE OF BUTLER COUNTY, DEC'D. Letters of administration on the estate of Joseph H. Patterson, dee'd., late of the county of Butler, Pa., having been granted to the un dersigned all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate will make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against said es tate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. , , NANCY PATTERSON, Adm'x. Mar. JC, 'B4. Coultersyille, I'a. McJunkin <fc Galbreath, Att'ys. EN:ate ot Samuel Andre, dee'd. (LATE OF CONCORD TOWNSHIP.) Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Andre, dee'd., late of Concord twp., Butler county, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly probated for set tlement DANIEL ANDRE, Adm r. Mar. 26, 'Bl. McJunkin £• Galbreath, att'ys. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that James Barr, com mittee of Irvine Ranisy, lately dee'd, a lunatic, has tiled bis final account in the office of the Prcthonotary of Butler Co., Pa., in the Court of Com. Pleas, at C. P. No. 1, Sep. term 1643 and that said account will be presented for con firmation and allowance on Wednesday the Ith day of June, 1884. M. N. GREER, Prothonotary. Prothy's. office, May 5, 1884. \OTICE. Notice is hereby given that A. Roessing, As signee of L. B. Roessing has filed his t inal Ac count in the office of the Prothonotary of tbe the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Countv at M's, D. No. 15 March term 1883 and that the satue will be preseuted to said Court tor confirmation on Wensday the 4th day of June, Iftß4. M. N. GREER, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's office. May 5, 1884. Jury List For Mil) 2(5. List of Traverse .jurors drawn to serve in a spe cial term of Court commencing the fourth Monday of May being the twenty-sixth day A, D., 18*4. Allen Joseph, Connonuenessing tp., N. farmer. Anderson Samuel, Clinton, farmer. Allison Anderson. Worth, farmer . Artliers John, Jefferson, Jr., pedler, Bighain.Wm.. Slipperyrock, farmer. Bupp John, Lancaster, farmer. Beitjhley Daniel, llutler, farmer. Critelilovv H. C., Penn, farmer. ('oilman Win,, Centreville boro., blacksmith. Clingensmitii 11. A.. Petrolia boro., grocer. Dunlap Melvin, Marion tp., farmer. Ditner Joseph, Summit, farmer. Dcnnv Edwin, Middlesex, farmer. Duller ltuben, Counoqueuesslng, N. farmer. Emery Daniel. Marion, farmer. Kisler Conrad, Butler boro, 2nd ward gardener. Frederick Adam. Summit tp. farmer Fletcher W. 8.. I'arkertp. farmer. Fennel Abram.Clearfield, farmer, Flemmlng G. W. Concord, farmer. Gilleland Lewis, Adams farmer. Glenn Robert. I'-rady. farmer. Hoch Augustus, Millerstown boro, Hotel keeper. Hutchinson W. J.. Oakland tp. Hunter James, Buffalo, farmer. Johnston Jacob. Summit, farmer. Jones James, Muddycreek, farmer. Kepple Jonathan Farmer. Kemper Joseph Butler boro, 2nd ward sadler. Leighner John Donegal tp., farmer. Miller 1). C., Centre, farmer. MeGill M. L. Cherry, farmer. Morse Win. E. Buffalo, farmer. Marshall Joseph. Marion, farmer, Morebead J. P., Wintield. farmer. Miflln Thos.. Slipperyrock, fanner. Stewart John, Evans City boro.,gent. Silter Jacob, Jackson tp. W., farmer. Shanor Ruben, Prospect boio., clerk. Stutz John Summit tp. farmer, i Sowash 11., Fairview tp. W. Shoemaker. Vanderlin Geo. Venango, farmer. Wadeßobt., Washington, famer. Young Philip. Harmony boro. farmer. look ii I:HI:! The undersigned has just received a splendid lot of GROCERIES, Of all kinds, including Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Coffees, Teaa* Canned Fruits, Spiees, ic., ic., Largest Stock of Tobacoo and Cigars tj be found in any Grocery in Butler, ALL GOODS Of the very best quality and at tbe lowest Market prices. ALSO ON HAND Flour or all grades, Corn ifeal, and feed of various kind**. Highest cash price paid for ail kinds of Country Produce, Call at my store, Main street, South of Dia mond. JACOB BOOS. T. 1,. II4SXY A' CO., Manuf icturers of Crystal Palace Cooking Stoves, Fl'Lli I.Of. Of INn liiXUFS. Special attention to repairs for the Old ,iiul Im proved Cr\ stal Palace stoves. Otlieo and ware room : L' 3 Federal Street, Allegheny. P. Police to Ituiliki'M. Sealed will be received up to May 21th by the Directors z? Oakland township, this county, for the building of fbrpe new school houses. Specifications can be seen at tbe residence of J. Wr Bullr, Miller Wick or J. li. BipfMH. J. G. BIPPUS, Sec'y. I<JJE! ICE 11 For sale in amounts to suit purchrsers, deliv ered; or orders left at the Kirk store, corner Diamond, Butler, Fa., will receive prompt at tcul}ot». my 7 ;jni D. 11. LYON. TRIAIj LIHT FOR SPEC IAL (Ol liT. (OnnH\( I\(3 .IJOXDAY, .MAY 2ft, 1884. HevUc«l Trial Lint n* IVr Oriler <»f < ourt. MtlTrrm. Yr. liaiitlirf'* Attonuu. Plnintig*. Defendant*. JhUndwi't Attorney. A.l>. r.tl !).•■•. l.s.s.{ Mitchell and Martin, Msir>carct O Barrun, et al, Jnlm 11 M<-)uukiu, Jl) McJunkin, i-j!) " l-70 Martin. -i \V't>oding Anthony ftolilin!»«>r et a! Hovrser and Benedict " :t"i, Mar. l-S'J'Soott and Ttiotupsiin. Thompson Kvle James Ktrr Mitchell and McCandless " tjft, " " S;nne John Dixon Thomas Dixon Brandon " 22, " . I s Sa Kra-i'lon Ilutler Savinps Hank (ohn Scott Scott and ThominwD " as, •' " A T P.laek Coin. Pa., 1' >V Conway siir. James II Teliayetal Cornelius ai;<J llruudou " ,11, " " Sls Smil<-y M I'Archibald [as pl'fl'. \» illiam ; & Titus Forqner " " 92, " " |Mitohell and Braudon John Mitchell, Sh'ff for tise T J O'lSriei. .< il K Marshall " 2, June ";K Marshall Isaac Blakley S Thiiinpson, Scoti " 32,) " " Brandon and Liisk Chilip <telbaeh I* &WR 11 Co. Same " 4,">, " " McQnistion and Forr[U«-r lileury Ki-asv > D H:izl<tt, ('oll>erl " si ( " " Pnrviancc and (ialbreath. ("ißorgc Shad" West l'eun am: Stll II Co. Thompson <fc Son " 54, '• " Thompson i' !'. fV 'lt ('Sullivan ct al \lc<2 and Walker '• 581 " " Brandon Wm M Meals_4iid wile >V> -f Pcnn and S('U 11 Co. Thompson <V Son " 64, " '• Scott John I' John4ft l'«.r at*.' Butler C inty Robinson " 05, " " Same Henry Johnston for use Same Same " OS, " " Bredin II '' Vuderson IVrrv Gi!i:i.»re et al JII T., and X lila.-k " £>l, " " McCi ndlrfss John Little 1' .t WR R Co. Scott " 14, Sept. " Mitchell and I.usk I.izzie Piiiviance, 'DA Renfrew Brandon " ;{£>, " "Lu k Samuel Steeu George Brunermer Same " 4n s " " Sa :»e Lewis W/Duiiffla'-s Sauio Same " 4ii, " " MiUl.ell and I.usk ' S S Purviance et :i! .I'orter I'liipps, -vim*; " 52,53, " " M mhall and Brandon < >«,vn I'.ratlv, KuarJian iiieorge W (jillespie et al Mitchell " 101,, " " Wiinains a: Mitch. il John R Boyer |Geor%e Beam McQnintioa Prothonotary's Office, May, 8, 1884. M. X. GREER, Prothonotary _ • A WORLD'S EXPOSITION OF STYLISH HATS No branch of my business has given greater evidence of the approval of the people than my lint Department. I always retail at wholesale j prices, and in some instance* 1 sell hats for less than any dealer in t v. n can bny the same. The Prices are Having a Telling Effect; Every buyer o''a hat is surprise lat the Low Prices. My as-ortmeut o!' Boy-.' and < hi Miens' 'fats and Caps is en >rmoii •, I have in the 5Jc and | 75c qualities exact reproductions of the verv finest goods in the market, au i I have t!ie very finest u' 1 • Is, t >■>. GENTS' AND BOYS' mt FURNISHING GOODS. I My Furnishing Goods Department is full to runuin * over with ai' the staples and novelties of the season. Try me once for your WHI T/E SXII R r r H* And you will experience what a pleasure il is to have a shirt that tits. My stock of UjtfDERWEAft HOSIERY Is tremendous. My assortment of Neckwear is simply /rand an ! then the great beauty rf it all is that the price of em n article is lower than has ever been named before for entirely fresh and new goods. S< me special bargains iu Colored Shirts. CHARLES R. GRiEB, Union Block, Main Street, Butler, Fa. 1850 00000 ESTABLISHED 00000 THE JEWELER, We have them and you will be lucky by getting one from us. C« xX CeleJbxated Quick Train Hcckfcrd Bsilrcad Watch M a^c ° ave ou bond other makes ar.il grades of Watches. I HEAiaWETIBS FOE THE FOIIOWIHG GOODS, ) Eightecu K T. W c>«i«ling Kings, \Xa ' Walclits, C locks, c Ji-welcry, feilvei wai-e and Siieclaclcs. Our line of Boger Bros., Silverware, whith is tdi (v!tt{.td to le lie liM, lorgc&t ever ehowu in Butler Please call otd examine stock atd prices. EXGBAYJKG FKEE OF CBAEGE on all gcods i urtl astd of ne. lej aiiirg of Watches, Clccks and Jewelry a specialty, which we warrant to give satisfaction. Place of business two doors North of Pnfly's and opposite TroutnianV Dry Goods store. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SILVERWARE, &C. V Prices to "be Equaled for Cash, Watches, Clocks, *&c., Repaired and Warranted. s£gT D Pon 7 t Forget the Place, opposite Berg & Cypher's Hardware. Sign of Electric Bell., J. 11. Grr-ieTp. GRAND OPENING SPRING AWO SUMMER STOCK ——O F A. T Last February when in Massachusetts I finished up my orders with manufacturers for my Spring Stock, all my goods are made to my special order and made by the largest and best manufacturers. THIS STOCK IS NOW COM ING IN DAILY; never before have I shown such an immense variety of Styles to select front as this season, HAYING ADDED TO MY IMMENSE STOCK several new lines that for WE A li, FIT, STYLE and PRICE cannot be surpassed in Pennsylvania. OUR TRADE IS INCREASING RAPIDLY. We have been compelled to enlarge and remodel our entire room inside, which we have now just completed and you will find one of the finest BOOT AND SI 101. HOUSES in Western Pennsylvania with a Stock of BOOTS and SHOES twice as large as any other house in Butler County, and filled with immense bargains front top to bottom. Can't give prices on this immense Stock; it would till a whole newspaper, but will say, will sell you a Good Two-Buckle Plow Shoe, sizes •>-1 —, 75 to 85 cents; a Good Call Boot, sizes G-l 1, at $1.50. These are regular lines of goods made to my order; no old shoddy goods; no auction stock of sample lots that we want to push oft" our hands hut fresh, clean goods. Ladies' Button Shocs'iall solid, 2i-7, at 85 cents. This is an elegant shoe for the money, will surprise you to see it. OUR STOCK IN LADIES', MISSES' AND! CHILDREN'S. ARE JUST ELEGANT, and selling rapidly at prices we have marked them, recollect our goods are all marked in plain figures. We SELL , THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH WALKENPIIAST SHOES, best in the woild, the shape of the natural foot; i try them for solid comfort, <#ur Line ol JJCHS'. Boys' and VUKJISK' ftSioex !»*•<> Beantiw. Ask to see our new line of Mens' Hand Sewed Shoes, tht-y are grand ; never had anything to equal them before. See our MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S' SLIPPERS AND WALKING SHOES. We haye not forgotten the Old Ladies. We have wide shoes, low fceels, all kinds and prices. MENS' aud BOYS CANYASS SHOES for Base Ball and Mechanics; light and cooi; very cheap. We will cut the prices to the very bottom, but wont cut prices to one man to cost to make a sale and stick his neighbor to make it up; one man's money is iust as good as another in this house ; customers are told what goods are before they buy. Recollect no old auction or sample goods in this stock. See our elegant line of Ladies' French and Cur. Kid Button Boots, in Hand Turned ! Hand Sewed and Machine. Our Don'golia, Glovekid and Simon Goat Button Boots very handsome. CHIL- j DRENS'SCHOOL SHOES, NEAT AND SERYICISABLE- J Our Stock of Mens and Boys' Calf Boots i is elegant; a specialty in Mens' LOW INSTEP BOOTS. Large Stock of Leather aud Findings constantly on hands at the very lowest figures. We don't mention manufacturers names of Goods we use, but control a dozen or more of the fipest and best in the country. and see us, will save you b:g money in Boots and Shoe 3 front any house in | Butier, and give you fjood honest goods that speak for themselves, that will bring you back, also your neighbor. We are keeping the lead in Boots'and Shoes and increasing sales all the tiu;e. Repairing done neatly and at lowest prices. Step in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. j PAPMOHS ABSOLUTELY CURES SALT RHErM, ECZEMA, SCROFULA, SCALD llt .u!. Er -i; • IlVtt<*r, Hiv«*s, Dandruff, lUrlx r'si Itch, l iiuV'l' •*. !• s. I'lnnt I'« -mintf an«l 1 Wouuas, Rlugftoiiu, Sunburn, una nil of the Hkin. For riles, Wouii-H. Cuts, I'lcers or Sow*. i»o rt-ni- lv i> -o |»r mi|>t in soothing and healing a* Pat illon <kln Cure. It <lo« not smart or bum. Lu . c fiimt in ten languages aecu£*/tt»jr every boilU. I 9 s . 9§|f fIMCATARRH rMriSiiliicußE ABSOLUTELY CURES > A«\l CATARRH. ACUTE or CHRONIC COLD i H«.n 1, !U'-f Coltl, lironclii.il Caurrii and HAY FEVER. C! -s the nostrils, |x>nnits natural brenthlng, • i i ut' incrustations. suufii* s and suetzing. } i.ii'rar lor Cold in the Head—which j is itnij< •by sudden chanp sin the atmosphere. j 'i-.-ns in ten languages act>j»>p<tny every botitc. i mmrn i ABSOLUTELY CUBES WIIOOPIjfG COUCH. It : a harmtvegetable syrup, very delicious to ~i rt t. v. 11, lieves at once'anu is ft i-oeitive cure. WINTER and BRONCHIAL COUCH ar.- cured by this excellent remedy. Irlrcctn !in ten lunyuaga accompanf firry lottlc, &ftr S^IaIIICVRE ABSOLUTELY CUBES ALL or TIIE BLOOD, STOMACH, I.i . t'. '. ' • a*i-I K I s: f«.T all df.-eases origin .r i?i h;ii--' rniei.t of i! ■> *l. u« Ana-mfn. Sick j ! . id. oal \» •- -1 ic I.i v; r I • i• -i;i. J. •. Bili.m j»e*s and Ki In- •• I»; .»- tlii-* medicine is absolutely sure*, ihisn:e«ii.-;!ie »»•> > n«»t contain : nv mineral, lsnb • .i • MTM Ibe bii dtoa IM altfcj I t »'l o:i. : .uhuinp ex-esses ami supplying de- j iicieneiws, an.l prevents disease. Lircctions in ten languages acccmjwtiy every bottle* j Price, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottles for $5. For Sate by All Druggists. PAPIM.ON MPC. Col, CHICACOi For sale by J. L. WCLLER and D. H. WALLER. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly on Land a complete stock ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL -Si^ECT^OTLES- Of all kind* and prices. Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of the very best qmlity. Everything warrant ed just as represented and sold at the low est cash price. Fine Hutcli ICepairinsr a Spec inlty. One square South of Diamond, Main Street BUTLER, PA. Planing Mill —AND— J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, 8. G. Purvis & Co., MANCJfACTPBEHS AN I> DEALERS lh Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Wear Oermaii (!ntliolle_l'liureli Hard Wood Furniture for sale at extremely low figures, A great variety of Beds. Tables, Chairs, Children®' Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Exlra Heavy Arm Rockers, Marble ana Wood Top Parlor Tables Bureaus, Stands, Double and Single Lounges, Spring Mattresses, Ac., Ac., at WM. F. MILLER'S, North Haiu Street, B U T L E R, f FACTORY ON WASHINGTON STKEET. d12'83-tL W, W BRECKENRIDtSE A SONS, AGKNTS, NORTH LIBEBTV, PA. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call (he attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill. Butler, Pa., where 1 have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recomme.id them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will bo sold at very low prices. For eamplos wid pricen. address, H. FCLLERTON, ju124,''78-ly Butler. Pa The Keystone Electric Co SOLE LICENCEKS FOR PEXN'A. OF The Baxter Electric Light Company are prepared to furnish entire eleetrleplants. Will also jirrange w it It counties cities, corporations or individuals, fur the ri«ht to use the BAXTER i. AMI", the most economical improvement In duc tile 1 i-ilitid'_C ever invented—saving one-half the cost ut by Are Lami>s, and making a steadier and purer llj;ht. The consumption of carbons is less than one fourth of what it is in the ordinary lump. Eighteen inelies of carbons, burn ing in ordinarv lamps, but half a night, will last in these lamps 'thr>-e nights, burning ALI. .VKIHT LIONG. Address KEYSTONE ELECTRIC CO,. , 212 S. Third St., Philadelphia. Pa, Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. A health Institution in ils SDth year. For nearly all kinds ol Chronic diseases, and cs- \ pecially the diseases of Women. Of EN A-t ALL SEASONS, Circulars tree. Address, 8. FREASE, M. D., ylB-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. j X . OU VV \LDRON, Gra' l ot the Phi! jft adelphia Dental Co ge,ls prepare' a !i• to do anything in the line of hU profession in a satisfactory manner. Oilier on Main street, Butler, Union Block, op stairs. Br. S. A. JOHNSTON7 DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work j eitaining to the profession execnt , ed in the neatest manner. S| iciaitie.-: Gold Filling, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Tbur.-days. Communication# by mall receive . prompt attention. ianl6'S4-2y JOHN B. HVERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURG EOJN Liyai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. T? N. LEAKE, M. D., 1 Ilouieopatliic Physician and Surgeon | Office in Union Blwk, and residence in Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2.5. lfvyi. FOS SALE" 18 Acreb of land, with large two-ntory biick hoiifce aiul barn thereon erected. Good | orchard; tUuated in Butler twp , liutier county. Pa., adjoiiiing Butler borough on the *outh f will j be Bold cheap anil 011 ea?y terms. For p&rticn* laie» inquire of Lev McQuibtion, Esq., Butler, Pa. S U R V E YTNG j LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing o l old lines. Address, K. Hlt.lilAlU),Co.Snrreyor North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,5±.1y G. D. HAEVEY, j Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates gnen on contrrtt work. Resi | deuce, Washington street, north end, Bntler, j ! >a - jan2.ly. J. H. Harvey, Has opened a paintshop iu REIBER'd BLOCK, on Jefferson Street, liutier, Pa„ where he is prepared to do all kindo ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Papering and Calsoiniuing, banging window blinds, etc. And, also kceos on hands Wall Papers and Borders, PainlH and Brushes, Putties, and Window Glass. [all sizes cut to order.] I respectfully solicit a share of the public pat~ rouage. . J. H. HARVEY. 3,5,84.0111 1884." WALL PAPER" IBBi New Designs iu Wall and Ceiling Paper for dwell ings, offices, halls and churches. A large and well selected line of DECORATIONS for ceilings and walls. Brown back paper from 8 cts. up. white back paper from to els. up. (lilts from 22? J cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler, Pa. al 27.3111 I'EBMASEST STA33PING FOR KENSINGTON, ARBASENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lessons iu same given by ANNIE M. LOWMAN, North street, Butler, Pa. jue2o-ly NEW LIVERY STABLE, Henry Xaeibold, Continues the Livery Business on Jefferson St. first door below Bickel & Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always on hands Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horses bought am' sold. oct3-ly. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. J. C. ROESSING, PRESIDKNT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkhart, A. Troutman, Henderson Oliver, G. C. Roessing, F B. McMillin, Dr. W. lrvin, N. Weitzel, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T» M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't BUTLER PA. BRICKS ! BBIOKS J The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, paw ment. bay-window and other qual ities at bis kiln on the Fair Ground road, half a mile west of Butler He will keep on hand a lot of brieksat all times. He will also make and burn brick in the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As lie intends carrying on the brick making business, lie u.vites the custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ize him. All order? promptly filled at reasonable rates. Call on* or address. J. GEORGE STAMM, mar2B- S3 Butler Pa. JOSEPH B, PIZER, PLASTERER & CONTRACTOR, ]3uitler» 3r*a. Having removed to Butler, from Portersville, I hereby inform the public that I am prepared to execute all orders and take contracts for plastering, stucco and mastic work in all its branches, and I will guarantee satisfaction and give references if necessary. Orders can be sent through the mail or left at my residence in Springdale, oil Centre avenue, nearly oppo site the grocery store J, B. PIZER IMPORTANT !_NOW! Do you want to JUAKK WOUIEY, and Immediate and Perman ent employment ? Any worker can succeed. Write for particulars aDd send reference to A H. DAY & CO., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y. FOB SALE! Three acres of land, more or less in Jeff'erson Townsliip* Butler County, Pa., bounded as follows: On the North by Glade Mill and Hannahstown road, on the East by school lot and Mary Welsh, on the South'by Frank Truth and on the West by Edward Montag aud Thos. Martin, having thereon erected a GOOD BRICK HOUSE, Frame Store Building, Frame Stable and out butildings, being property lately o\rned by Jacob Negley and now ovned by C. S. Keglajf. of Tarantum, Pa. For particulars inquire of F.S. BOWSER, ESQ., Butler, Pa. Advertlsein the CITIZIN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers