Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 14, 1884, Image 3

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1884.
New Advertisements.
Machinist—J as. J. Rheinlander.
Groceries—Jacob Boos.
Administrator's Notice —Estate of A. B.
Grant, and John H Wil«on, dee'd.
Administrator's Sale—E-tate of John tono,
Trial List for May 26.
Jury Lists for regular and special June
Widows Appraisements and Road Reports for
June Term.
Sheriff's Sales for June Term.
—Ein Moi macht fele gras uud hoi.
—J. F. Brittain, Esq., has removed his office
to the old Bredin corner,
—Considerable corn was planted in this coun -
ty last week.
—Koch's grocery store now runs a handsome
delivery wagon.
—So County Superintendent of this county
ha.s ever been re-elected.
—Our tanners are paying from to &7 per
< ord for chestnut and oak bark, the only kind
they are buying.
—A little daughter of W. I>. Brandon, Esq ,
fell from a hammock last Thursday and broke
one of her legs.
—Harry Wil.-on, formerly of this place, but
now of Da Bois, Clearfield county, was married
:i few days ago to Miss Mullin of Smethj>ort,
McKean -jouuty.
—While a Clarion county man and his fam
ily were away from home lately, burglars en
tered the house, blew open the safe, and secur
■ 't cash and bonds amounting to over •'MOoO.
—A few heavy frosts like that of last Monday
morning will injure the fruit crop. At present
there promise# to be an abundance of cherries,
apples and pears.
—A colored woman named Walters had a
Mrs. Howell, who lived near the depot, arrested
la.it week for keeping a disorderly house. She
had a hearing and was held on herown recogni
zance, but has left town.
—Some changes have lately been made on
the time tables of the local railroads. The
evening train on the West Penn now arrives
at 5:25 instead of 5:40 as heretofore, and leaves
the City 20 minutes earlier; and two Sunday
trains each way have again lieen put on the I'.
4 W. R. R.
—Jno. M. Apple was released from the Pen
itentiary on Monday of last we«-k and was in
Butler Thursday. He is not looking well, hav
ing contracted a bad cold in the new penitenti
ary, the lower story of which was under water
during the late flood.
- Charles Tebay, of this county, was acquit
ted iu the United States District Court at Pitts
burgh last Friday, on charges of sending ob
scene and lascivious matter through the mails.
The evidence showed the prisoner had sent nu
merous disgustingly obscene letters through the
mails to a respectable young lady of Lawrence
county. The defense set up was that the pris
oner was of unsound mind.
—All the newly elected Superintendents of
Common schools go into office 'luring the first
week in JuHe. Commissions issue to them at
the end of thirty days from the electiou if no
valid objections are made to the person elected.
As we stated last week, Mr. W. G. Russell was
elected Superintendent of this county and the
salary fixed at ■•tl200. In adjoining counties
the following persons were elected : Lawrence
county, J. R. Sherrard, and salary fixed at
•51000 ; Mercer Co, S. 11. McCleery, salary not
stated in county papers ; Venango Co., George
B. Lord, salary, $1200; Armstrong Co., G. C.
Htockdill. salary not stated ; Beaver Co., J. S.
Briggs, salary, £IOOO. There are more schools
in this county than in any of the coun
ties named, and more directors were present at
the Convention here than iu any of the others.
—The pulling down of tbe walls of the burn
ed Conrt House, and the huge stone pillars,
attracted a great deal of attention last week,
particularly by the boy*. To pull down the
walla, a wire rope was passed through a second
story window and over the top, the ends tied
and to the loop thus funned, a block and tackle
was attached aud pulled upon until a section of
the wall gave way. .Home sections were very
hard to pull over. In one case the tackle wits
attached to a locust tree in front of the YVeiser
property and the tree was pulled up by the
root*. The boys took great delight in pulling
on the rope, but their pulling was not very reg
ular, it was rather on the "steady by jerks"
principle. The pillars were easily pulled over,
a rope wait passed around the tops beginning
with the north one and they were upset one at
a time and they fell with a heavy thud to the
ground, the pavement having been previously
removed. Home of the caps of the pillars were
split horizontally by the fall ana they may
have been cracked by the fire. These columns
cost about a thousand dollars each, and it
seemed a pity to destroy them. .Some of tbe
pieces are over five feet in length awl nearly
four feet in diameter, and weight perhaps three
tons. They were all dragged on sleds over to
the diamond where they now Jic. The stones
for these columns were quarried at Bean's run
.South of town over thirty years ago. When
they were taken from the quarry they were
rounded and the ends cut square. Holes were
then drilled in each end and iron bars inserted
and fastened. A frame was then, built over
them, to which oxen were hitched and they were
rolled to town. When Bell reached the top of
the hill Houth of town on the old pike with his
first stone, he met with an obstacle or rather
the want of an obstacle tlmt he had not thought
of, if he started down the hill with the stone
as it was, it would roll over his oxen and kill
them. A man chopping in the woods near by
suggested cutting down a big tree aud attaching
it to the frame for a brake or drag, and that
was the way they got thein down the hill.
They were finished in front of tbe building
and put in place with the aiil of of a derrick,!
the tackle being attached to a wedge-key inserted
in one end of the stone, liutonc accident hap
pened in putting them up, when the cap for
one of the middle pillars was nearly up to its
place, the wedge-key split the stone and tbe
cup fell to the ground and was broken. It was
an expensive accident, and the contractor in
vited the workmen over to the Mechiing hotel
to console with biin. The columns were leveled
with thin strijm of led, which the boys rushed
for last Friday, and would have stood for' centu
ries. had they been allowed to do so.
Bald Ridge Notes.
Agnew's No. 1 on the McCalmout farm, was
completed last Wednesday and is doing about
100 barrels a day.
An accident happened at Fisher No. 2, on
the Wallace farm, last Wednesday, by which
tbe cable was snapped and the tools fell a
thousand feet to the bottom of the hole. This
means a bail job of fishing, and the tool* may
never be recovered, in which case the well will
have to be abandoned.
Fisher No.on the Wallace was completed
last Friday. It flowed heavily at first, and is
still doing about 200 barrels per day.
The tools of the B. R. Co's Powder Mill Hun
well are yet stuck fast. This Company deserves
all the credit for developing this field, but they
are not getting a fair share of the oil.
Home tw#»ity new rigs are up aud wells drill
ing in this district. The next important well
to come in is the .Johnson Bros, ou Thorn creek
Oil was worth but M cents yesterday noon.
The new well in Warren county, about five
miles west ot the town of Warren, broke the
market about five cents.
The worst piece of road in Butler county at
present is probably that from the town of Bald
Ridge up the creek to the new big wells.
Crazy Patchwork.
Having a large assortment of remnant* and
pieces of handsome brocaded silks, satins and
velvets, we arc putting them up in assorted
bundles and furnishing them for "Crazy Pitch
work" Cushions, Mats, Tidies, Ac., <t<'. PA< K-
A'ii: No. I —is a handsome bundle of exquisite
silk*, satins aud brocaded velvet* (all different).
Just the thing for the most superb putern of
fancy work. Sent postpaid for "Wi cent* in
postal note or l-oent stamps. PACKAGE No. 2
—Containing thri e times as much as package
No. 1. Sent postpaid lor SI.OO. These are all
of the very finest quality and cannot be equal
led at any other silk works in the U.S. at
three times our prices. Thev will please any
lady. One order always brings a dozen more.
4'H) illustrations and full instructions for ar
tistic fancy work, handsomely bound, |*>stpaid
V) cents. Order now. Address the "Kuctiester
.Silk C 0.," Rochester, N. Y.
- Sewing Machine attachments and repairs j
of all kinds, at K. Crieb's Jewelry store.
- l ight running Domestic Sewing bines
Jos Niggle A Bro. Agent", Butler, I'a if j
—Call early and get tbe bent bur-'
gains ever offered in kneo dusters at
C. Koensing & Hon'*, Jefferson St.
Send or leave your order for a Sewing Ma- j
chine, of tiny make, at F. Grieb's Jewelry store
Sinking with 135 Souls.
QUEBEC, May 7. —The Donaldson line steam
er Titania, from Glasgow to JJontreai, touched
at its port to-night, having on board twenty
four of the surv ivors from the wreck of the
State line steamer State of Florida.
Among the survivor%was I)r. Andrew Steele,
the ship's surgeon. He says that the ill-fated
steamer ->ai!ed from her pier at the loot of Canal
street, New York, at 9 o'elock on the morning
of april 12, bound for Glasgow. She carried
thirty-five passengers in her cabin, fifty in her
steerage and a crew of eighty-one men and one
stewardess. The vessel proceeded on her
course with no sj>ecial accident for six days.
"About 10 o'clock on the evening of April
18," says the Doctor, "I was sitting in my cab
in reading. I had been out on deck not long
before, and noticed that it was a clear, starlight
night. Suddenly I heard the clang of the gong
in the engine room signalling the engineer to
bacK the engine at full speed. At the same
time there was a confused tramping about the
"I hastened out on deck, and there I saw
plainly the spars and canvass of a big sailing
ship heading directly for us. Her port red)
light was distinctly visible. The men about
deck yelled :
" 'Collision ! Collision !'
'"The next moment, as our ship rolled to star
board on a big wave, the other sh.p crashed in
to us, striking us nearly amidships,
The shock completely demoralized every one.
The men cried 'Take to the boats,' but maoy
were too badly frightened to help themselves,
even alter some of the boats were safely in the
water, and the ship was going down too raidly
to enable those of the crew on deck to do much
toward saving any lives.
"Miss Macfarland, the stewardess, was lower-
Si into the boat, but no other woman was on
eck, 1 got into one of the boats with others,
aud in a very few minutes both vessels sank
out of sight. C'apt Heburn and two other sea
men were found clinging to some of the wreck
of their vessel, and were picked up by the
boat I was iu.
"We drifted about for two days, having
neither food nor water. There were 41
of us in our boat. Tue weather re
mained tolerably fair, however, and
we did not suffer very badly, except lor the
cold, some of the survivors t»eing very thinly
clad. In the meantime we separated from the
two other boats that were launched.
"Capt. Heburn told us that his vessel was the
Pouema, a bark belonging to the Jardine
Bros, of Chatham, New Brunswick.
"On the 20th we succeeded in attracting the
attention of the lookout on the Norwegian
bark Theresa, which was bound for Quebec
from Christiana, and we were all taken on
board and kindly treated. Two days later we
fell in with the bark Louis of Cardiff, also
bound for Quebec. We were making serious
inroad into the provisions of the Theresa, and
accordingly twenty people were transferred to
the Louis. I aud my shipmates remained on
the Theresa until may 5, when the steamer
Titania overhauled us, and we were transferred
to her, and here we are."
A Card.
Having been informed that a certain aspi
rant for the offee of Register and Recorder has
been circulating damaging reports against Mr.
Win. H. Walker, formerly of this township,
(who is alto a candidate for the same office;,
concerning business transactions between Mr.
Walker auu myself, I take this method of
informing the Republican voters of Butler
county that all such reports are maliciously
false, that the most cordial relations exist be
tween us and that in all our dealings, I have
found Mr. Walker an honest man.
Notice to Customers of Walters
Geo. Walter will shut down his Mill
for repairs on July Gth. The mill will
be stopped about four weeks. Parties
wishing grinding done will please
take notice.
—Go to Kelly's on Jefferson street,
Butler, Pa., for G. A. 11. Suits, buttons
and caps. Gents Suits $3.50 and up,
Pants 50cts and up, Boys Suits $1.50
and up, Shirks 50c. and up, Ilats 10c.
and up, Shoes 50c. and up,and furnish
ing goods at bottom prices.
Special Notice.
The Wilcox & White Organ Co.,
never haye and never will distress any
lease customers WHO MEAN TO BE HON
Closing out at the lowest prices. By
addiDg to my assortment the latest
Spring styles from New York, I can
please the most fastidious in taste. Call
and examine l»efore purchasing else
where. You will find it economy.
Mas. S. E. SLOAN,
West Cunningham Street.
Apr. 30, 4t.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $22.00.
Our Stock
Is now complete in Silks, SatiuH in
plain and fancy styles, in all kindk of
in all kinds of fine imported Woolen
dress poods, in fancy and staple Do
mestic dress Goods, in Milinery, in
trimmings, &c., <fcc. The universal
verdict of the crowds wlio attend
ed our grand opening last week, was
that our line of styles and prices posi
tively proves that the place to buy is
White Goods,
All styles and prices, at
—lf you Want a good wool mat
tress, go to Ketterer.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large stock, new designs, just received
at J. F. T, Steble's.
—(jo to 11. Bielii <fe Co., for Phonpiisite
Grain Drills, I'IOWN, Fruit Kvaporatorx, &«.
—See our Ulack Silks, a splendid
assortment, warranted to wear Well
and not cut.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for SIB.OO.
For Carpets and Rugs.
(io to A. Troutinau <fc Son's The
prices are the lowest and the styles and
quality are the best, You will save
money by buying at
—Wall Paper and Window Shades
large stock, new designs, just receiyed
at J. F. T. Steble's.
—lf you want a nice window pole or
extension cornice, go to (J. Ketterer.
A Special
Lot of men's good suits at $4.00 Pat
terson's one price Clothing House.
—Sweet & Orr's overalls, the best in
the world, at I). A. Heck's.
—Team Harness which have no
equal sold at slaughtering prices at
C. IloessiDg <fc Son's, Jefferson St.
—Musical Instruments and Musical
goods in general, on sale now at the
music store of Richer Bros. & Staufler,
Hutler, I'a., at reduced rates.
—Huy your trees from John Niggel,
and get them delivered at your house,
with no extra charges.
Best Velvet Brussels.
Carpet at $1.25 per yard, at
—Those ladies who walk with ease
arid grace buy the "Reed Weaver"
shoe, at Kelly's New Store on Jeffer
son street.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large stock, new designs, just received
at J. F T. Stehle's.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large stock, new designs, just received
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $20.00.
Black Gross Grain.
Dress silks at 50 cents and up. We
j have a very splendid assortment of
- colored silks, satins, «V'C., at
• At 20 Cents,
l Ottoman, Broidures in all colors at,
I At 6 1-4 Cents.
? New Colored dress goods, at
1 Lace Curtains.
r Xow Stock of Ecru and White Lace
c Curtains, also Curtaiu Net by the yard,
; cheap at
Live Stock Insurance.
' i
1 Insure your horses and cattle against
i loss occasioned by dealb from disease,
death from accident, or by theft, with
the Fanners' and Breeders' Mutual
Live Stock Insurance Co., located at
Butler, Pa.
For rates and insurance, apply to
i James 11. Tebay, Agent, Butler, Pa.
I apr3o,4t.
—lf you buy fruit trees from John
I Niggel, you will not be cheated. He
! sells nothing but what is good.
! —An immense stock of Flvnets
j coming in to be sold at the lowest
| prices ever offered at C. Roessing &
> Son's, Jefferson St.
Mourning Goods.
—We make a specialty of Mourning
! Goods, carrying a full assortment of
| all kinds of Black Dress Goods, Shawls,
i Crapes and trimmings to match, at
—The celebrated Johnston Binders,
! Folding Reapers and Mowers,
Jus. NIGUEL & BUG., agents,
Butler, Pa.
—Music boxes of different sizes, de
signs and prices at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Goto J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, flannels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county wool.
—Music boxes of different sizes, de
signs and prices at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—Fine parlor suits at Ketterer's,
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
chine for $17.00.
—Music boxes of different sizes, de
signs and prices at J. F. T. Stehls's.
Jonn Niggel wants agents to canvas
for fruit trees for him.
—The best Buggy Harness in the
market and the greatest bargains ever
offered at C. Roessiug & Son's, Jef
ferson St.
Spring Dress Goods.
New Striped and Checked Summer
New Colored Silk (Largest Variety.)
New Black Silk, (Best Make.)
New Colored Cashmeres,
New Black Cashmeres,
New Drap D'almas and Gersters'
Immense Stock of New Spring '
Dress Goods now open at lowest pri
ces, at
—Go to J. O. Fullerton's store on
Jefferson street, below Berg's Bank, for
blankets, flannels and yarns, manu
factured from pure Butler county wool.
—Ketterer has the largest and finest
stock of furniture in Butler.
—All the new spring shades in
Cashmeres, all-wool Satines and all
kinds of Dress Goods at
—Elegant new stock of Spring aud
Summer Hosiery and Gloves. Largest
stock ever brought to Butler, and low
est prices at
—Jerseys! Jerseys! Ladies Jer
seys, Childrens lerseya—Black and
Colored—Large assortment at lowest
prices, at
—lfvou wautagood substantial suit j
for little money, call at D, A. Heck's.
—lf you need furniture, goto Geo.
—Music boxes of different sizes, de
signs and prices, at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—lf you want a good Lunch, Square
Meal or an Oyster Stew go to Morri
son's City Bakery. tf
—You can buy a very handsome
Summer Silk for fifty cents a yard at
G. A. R.
Suits at Patterson's One Price Cloth
ing House. Nine dollars up, warrant
ed fast colors.
Childs Waists,
A good stock at low prices at Patter
sons one price Clothing House.
—Woven wire mattresses at Ketter
Bargains in Gloves.
French Silk Gloves, Lisle Thread
Gloves, Kid Gloves, largest stock o
Gloves, choicest styles, lowest prices
—The finest line of carpets, from the
cheapest to the best iu the world, at
—Trunks, valines, shawl straps, <fcc ,
full line, at Heck's.
Headquarters for shirts—D. A.
—Wall Paper and Window Shades,
large stock, new designs, just received
at J. F. T. Stehle's.
—We are giving extraordinary good
value in Black Silks and Cashmeres.
Do not fail to examine our stock before
Don't Buy
Your Straw Mats for Men or Boys'
wear until you see prices at Patterson's
one price Clothing House
This Week
We are receiving our third supply of
New Spring Clothing at Patterson's
one price Clothing House.
Always Ahead.
The "Silver" Unlaundried Dress
Shirt 7i»c. at Patterson's one price
Clothing House.
—Now is the time to buy Black
Silks, Black and Colored Cashmeres
and all kinds of Dress goods wry low
A m eric us.
S. Nixon's draft stullion "Ainericus,"
can be seen every Monday at Christie's
livery stable in rear of the Vogeley [
House, Butler, Pu.
—Spang New Family Sewing Ma
, chines are warranted for five years,
f —Hats to suit everybody, at D. A.
| Heck's.
—All the new things in Blocks,
Plaids, Stripes, aud Combinations,
i We have just returned from New York
and have the very latest Summer
Styles. To see desirable uew goods
you must call at
—A full line of furnishing goods, at
D. A. Heck's.
—Go to Kelly's, on Jefferson street,
for bargains in Gents', Youths' and
Children's Clothing, Hats, Shoes aud
Furnishing Goods and the celebrated
"Reed <fc Weaver" Shoe for ladies and
—lf you want a new dress, Either
Silk, Cashmere, Satin, Lawn, Ging
ham, Chintz or Calico do not fail to
inspect our stock. The goods this
spring are unusually handsome at
—Large stock of White Dress Goods,
India Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Nain
sooks &c., at
—Parasols and Sun L'mbrellas—all
the new styles. Silk Satin and Mo
hair—Elegant assortment at.
—We invite an examination of our
new Spring stock of Silks, Cashmeres
and Dress Goods of all descriptions.
Our stock is now complete in all de
—Until further notice, we will sell the
best 3 ply Carpets, at SI.OO per yard,
Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office
with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block
Butler Pa. mayl7-tf
KITS : All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day's use.
Marvelous cures. Treatise and -SL'.OO trial bottle
free to Fit cases. Send to l»r. Kline, !Cl Arch St.
Plnla.. l'a.
—Table Linens, Napkins, Towels,
Muslins, Sheetings, Shirtings <fcc., are
cheaper now than ever before known at
BY v irtue of sundry writs of Sci. Fa., Fi. Fa ,
Al. Pi. Fa.. Al. Lev. Fa., Leviri Facias and Ven
ditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Plena of Butler county, and to me directed
there will he exposed to public sale, at the
Court House, in the borough of Butler, on
Monday, the 2d day of June,
A. D., 1884, at one o'clock, p. m., the following
described property, to-wit:
E D No 62 June T Jos. B Brcdin att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of R.
8 Montgomery, of, in aud to twenty-five acres
of land, more or less, situate in Cherry town»
ship, Butler county, Fa., bounded as follows,
to wit: on the north by John Nelson, east by
David Atwell, south by Jas Billingsly, west by-
Alex l.indsy; partly cleared, log house with
frame kitchen attached thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of R. S.
Montgomery, at the suit of John 11. Thomp
ED No 57 June I', 1884. Thompson & Son
All the tight, title, interest and claim of H.
D. Oliphaut of, in and to all that undivided
one-halt of a certain tract of land situate in
Washington townsl'ip, Uutler county, Pa.,
bounded and described as follows.beginning at
a post at the Lawrenceburg and Centreville
road, near by the S. & A. R. R , thence north
89 deg east 152 4 5 perches to a stone by lands of
I' F Milliard and Y M Milliard, thence south <i2
deg east 17 and 7-10 perches to a post by lands
of Wiu Holland, thence south 2 deg west 31 and
8-10 perches to a post by lands of J K Holland,
thence soulh 88 1-2 deg west 10 perches to a
post by lands of Patrick Mcßride, thence
south \\4 I*lo perches to a post by
part of said tract, thence south 89 deg west
133 and 7-10 perches to a post by lands ol
Patrick M(B r id'.', thence south deg west
10 1-10 perch' s to a post by part ol same tract,
thence south B'J deg west 17 perches to a port '
also by the lands ol Patrick Mcßride, thence '
north 1 deg cast 68 perches to a post on said
road and to place of beginiug by lands ol Win,
and J E Beatty, containing 53 acres and 140 '
perches strict measure, about 8 acres cleared, J
.'{ board houses, 3 iron tanks, boiler house and (
boiler thereon. Seized andßtnkeu in execution
as the property of S D Oliphaut at the suit of ,
A J McKeau.
ED, No 3:i, Juno T, 1884. C A Sullivan, att'y.
All the right, title, interest ami claim of Alfied
Ageas of, in and to all that certain piece or par
cel of land situate in Clay twp, Butler Co I'a,,
bounded and described as follows, beginning at
a stone on tho iiortheant corner.thence by Chris
tian Brown's heirs north 89 deg, west 211, 7-10
perches to a post; thence by lands of heirs of
John McDevitt lii deg. east, 78 2-10 peiches to
a post; thence by lands of Neal McDevitt, Jos
McAnallen and Samuel Mock south 89 dog. east
211 1-10 perches to a white oak; thence by lands
of heirs of Samuel Gold and David Daily north 1
deg. west 78 2-10 perches to a stone the place of
beginning. Containing 103 acres and 51 perches,
more or less, all cleared, a one-story board
house, large frame barn, orchard, eoal bank
opened and in good running ordor, a 5 or 6 foot
vein of coal thereon, Seized ami taken in exe
cution a« tho property of Alfred Aggas at tho
suit of Joseph Coulter.
ED, No 09, Juno T, 1881. it F Scott, attorney.
All tho right, title, interest ami claim of W W
Mechliiig of, in and to 183 acres of land, more or
less, situated iu Jefferson twp, Butler Co, Fa,
bounded as follows, to-wit: on the north by Jas
Wright's heirs and Nancy Caldwell, east by
Samuel Caldwell and Peter C'riley, south by
Tliom Mechliiig and Henry Logan, west by lands
of the estate of Martha Mechliiig dee'd; about
100 acres cleared, a two story frame house, dou
ble log barn, corn crib, spring house, coal housa
two story log house, log bai u and two orchards
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of W W Mechliiig at the suit of JS
ED, No 46, June T, 1881 Williams <fc Mitchell.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W F
Jamison of, in and 50 acres of land, more or lend
situate paitly in Fairvmw twp,ami Fetroliaboro.
Butler Co, Fa, bounded as follows, towit: on the
north by public road, oast by Hazolwood Od Co,
et al, south by Babitt Bros, et al, west by Hazel
wood Oil Co. et al; mostly cleared, (5 producing
oil wells, machinery Ac, thereon, part of the vil
lage uf Fetrolia built thereon. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of W 1' Jamison at
tho suit of Bindley Hardware Co
E D No. 53 June T 188 L S K Bowser att'y.
All Ihc right, title, interest and claim ol
Kcbckah Harbison of, in anil to lour and one
half acres of I and, more or less, situate in Buf
falo township Mutler county, I'a., boundvd as
follows, to wit; on the north by J Burner, east
by A Krumpic, south by Mrs. Hesse, West by
Mrs, Hesse, small house and stable, Irnit trees
thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the
property ot Kebekah llai bison at the suit of
Theo. Hrlmbold lor use of Joseph J Keith.
EDNo HJ Juno 'l' IMS*. W II Lusk att'y
All the right, title, Interest and clai u ol A
U Giaham, 01, in and to live acres ol land, more
or ioMB, situate in Cranberry township, Butler
county, Pa , bounded as follows, to wit: on tho
north l>y E F Graham, east by K K Graham,
south by E K Graham, west by Michael Krcsli
korn: all cleared, board house, board stable
and brick smoke stack thereon, coal bank open
ed and in good running order, good mill site.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
ol A K Graham lit the suit ot Win Warner
trustee of Amanda K Graham.
ED, No 2!>, Juno T, 18H1 J H Thompson, att'y
All the right, title, interest ami claim of Thou
Wallace of, in and to 40 bv IHO feet of land,
more or less, situate in Buena Vista, Kan view tp
IJutler Co, l's. bounded as follows, towit on tho
north by Millerstown road, east by J L Dyers,
south by J L livers, west by an alley; a one
story frame house thereon. Seized and taken
in execution as tho property of Thomas Wallace
at the suit of Morris Grossman.
ED, No 52, Juno 'l', IHM4. A T Black, attorney.
All the right, title, interest ami claim of J N
J'horn of, in and to 100 by 300 feet of land, more
or less, situate in Kairflow born, Butler (Jo, I'a,
bounded as follows, towit: on the north by J A
Wilson, oast by W J Cooper, south by J A Wil
son, west by J A It vine and I'eter Kelchner;
frame house, frame stable, fruit trees nnd out
buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execu
tion as tho property of J N Thorn at the'suit of
J A Wilson.
ED. No 91, June T, IHKI J B Bredin, attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Val
entine SunUi of, in and to :10 acres of land, moro
or less, situate in Summit twp, Butler Co, I'a,
bounded as follows, towit: on the north by
I'eter Surcucr, i ast by Michael Sphan's heirs,
south by Jacob Oaheo, west by I'eter Sureuor;
mostly cleared, frame house, log barn and or
chard thereon. Seized nnd taken in execution
as the property of Valentine Smith at the suit of
Francis Reott for use.
£DNo 74 June T ISS4 Williams Jc Mitchell
All the riirht. title, interest and claim of P J
N'ohe of, in and to all that certain lot, piece or
parcel o- ground situate in the Borough of But
ler, Butler county, Pa., and being lot No 2S iti
Winner's addition to said borough of Butler
a» per draft .md sorvt-y ol James Duqlap, Esq ,
ai:d hounded on the i orth aloug i'enn street,
IST tt-et and one inch, md 011 the east alon»
I Wi-ener street 46 feet and 5 inches, on the
j south bourded bj and rxiem'e.l along No. 27, i
in the survey aforesaid, 1-8 feet and one inch,
' and on the west bounded by lot of S G Pnrvs
| 4y :eet and tive inches and a two-story frame
j dwelling house, frame stable and out buildings
| thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the j
I property ol PJ Nohe at the suit of Jol.anna 1
' Nohe for use.
E D, No 83, Juno T, 1- | S4. W H Lusk, attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim
M llazlett of. in and to all that certain lot or
piece of ground situate in Butler twp, Butler Co,
Pa, and bounded and described as follows; be
ginning at a peg on the Freeport road, corner of
lot No 10, thence along the line of lot No 10
2.055 feet to a peg on the Saxonburg road,
thence along said road to a peg on Samuel KeK
ly's line, thence along said line 222 feet to cor
ner of lot No 8. thence along the line of lot No
8, 1,969 feet to the Freeport road and thence
along the Freeport road 263 feet to a peg at the
corner of lot No 10 at the place of beginning;
containing acres, more or less, (.excepting
5 acres sold to Henry Ferena. April 1, 1876; and
the improvements, Ac. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the property of John M llazlett at
the suit of Win S Boyd*.
OC, No 33' March T, 1884. Williams dc Mitchell
All the estate and intere-t which John A Bart
ley has or had, under the wiil of Kobert Birtley,
dee'd. and all the estate and interest which the
said Robert Bartley had at the time of his de
cease, m forty acres of land situate in Centre tp,
Butler Co; Fa , adjoining lands of Sicith on the
north, of Bartley on the east, Maxwell's heirs on
the south, and Brewster's heirs oa the west; to
he sold for the satisfaction of a legacy be*
queathed to James Bartly by the said Bobert
Hartley, and charged upon the premises.
EDNo 87 June T 1884- C A Sullivan att'y.
Ail the title, interest and claim of Geo.
McCandless e>l, in and to all that certain lot of
ground situate it the Borough of Butler, Butler
county, Fa., bounded and described as follows;
on the north by L' niou street, on the east by an
alley, on the south by an alley, on the west by
lot No 15, being 63 1-4 feet in width fronting
on Union street and extending back 150 feet.
ALSO all that piece of ground situate in the
Borough of Butler, Butler county, Fa., bound
ed and described as follows: on the north by
Union street, on fhe east by lot No. 14, on the
south by an alley and on the west by an alley,
fronting on said Union street 1~4 1-2 feet and
extending hack 150 feet, hciug lots No. 14, 15
and 16 iu liobt Graham plan ol lots in said
borough, a story frame dwelling and out
buildings thereon. Seized and taken iu execu
tion as the property of George McCandless at
the suit of Joseph Coulter.
E D No 92 June T 1884. J D MeJunkin, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of
James II White of, iu aud to sis acres of land,
more or less, situate iu Mercer township, But
ler county, Pa., bounded as follows to wit. on
tiie north by Johu MeKne, east by Franklin
pike, sooth by Luther Braham, west by Win.
Metiiunis, with tic improvements. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of James H.
White at the suit of T W Morrow.
ED, No 88, JuueT, 1884. Williams 4 Mitchell.
All the right, title, interest and claim of J F
Timmenev of, in a lot or parcel of laud
situate in the borough of Butler, Butler Co, Pa.
being lot No 4 in Dauglierty s plan of lots aud
bounded north bv Dininger, east by Elm street,
south by G W Fleeger and west by an alley;
containing 40 by 140 feet, more or less. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of J F
Timmenev at the suit of Davis A Evans.
ED, No 93, June T, 1884, J B Bredin, attorney
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
Smith of, in and to 131 acres of land, more or
less, situate in Brady twp. Butier Co, Pa, bound
ed as follows, towit: on the north by lands ol
heirs of Silas Convert etai, east by lands of heirs
of Silas Ce.uvert aud John Smith, south by lands
of E Funk et al, west by lands of Thos Allen;
log house, log stable aud fruit trees thereon,
about 25 acres cleared. Seized and taken in ex
cntion as the property of John Smith at the suit
of Mrs Lizzie Smith adm'x Ac, for use et al.
ALSO —All the right, title, interest aud claim
of Johu Smith cf, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of laud situate in Brady towu
fchip, ButlcrJcouiilj', Pa., bounded as follows, to
wit: begiuingat a post at the south-west cor
ner,thence by lands of Isaac Double north 1 deg
west fi2 9-100 rods to a post, thence by lauds of
Jacob Robner north 89 deg east 134 7-10 rods
to a post, thence by lands of W Davis south 1
deg ea-t 62 92-100 rods to a post, thenco by the
same soulh 89 deg west 134 7-10 rods to the
place of begining, containing 53 acres neat
measure, orchard thereon and about 30 acre*
cleared. Seized and taked iu execution as the
property of John Smith al the suit of Mrs
Lizzie Smith, admr'x, tfce. lor use et al.
ALSO—AII tho riglit, title, interest and claim of
John Smith of, in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of land situate in Brady twp, Butler
Co, I'a, bounded as follows: beginning at a gum
tree, thence south 83 1-4 dog. east 65 5-10 per
ches to a post; thence south 2 deg. east 86 3-10
perches to a post; thence south 88 1-4 deg. west
05 5-10 perches to a chestnut; thence north 2j-£
deg. west 8 5-10 perches to tho place of begin
ning, containing 34 acres and 55 porches, more
or less, being tho s me laud purchased by slid
Smith from Isaac C McNeeso anil wife. Soizod
and taken in execution as the property of John
Smith at the suit of Mrs. Lizzie Smith adm'x Ac
for use et al.
ALSO—AII tho right, title, Interest and claim
of John Smith of, in and to all that certain
piece or parcel of land situate in Brady mid
Worth townships, Duller county, Fa., as fol
lows, begining at a post at the north west cor
ner thence north 89 1-4 deg cast 27:1 and 4-10
perches to a stone pile, thence south I 1-2 east
137 ai.d S 10 perches'to a pout, thence south
B'.l I i deg west 1113 and 0-10 perches to a w hit :
oak, tlieuce north 1-4 deg west 7H perches to a
post, thence south 89 1-4 deg west 84 2-10
perches to a post, thence north 1-4 deg west
05 and W -I'J perches to the place ol beglning,
containing 200 acres, more or being the
same piece of land purchased by the said John
Smith from Is ae C McNcese and wife, about
30 acres cleared, balance in timber. Seized and
taken iu execution as the property of John
Smith at tin: wu it of Mrs. Lizzie Smith, adtur'x,
Jcc. for urc, et at.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
of John Smith 01, in and to one hundred and
twenty-six acres ol' land, more or less, situate
Cherry township, Butler county, I'a., bounded
as follows, to wit: 011 the north by John Smith
et al, east l.y Win lloek"nbcrry and John
Smith, South by Jacob Wolford and Geo W.
lloekenberry, VVe4 by John Smith and Daniel
Wolford heirs, known as the Black, frame
house, log stable and orchard thereon,l mostly
cleared, bank thereon. Seized and taken in
execution as the property ol John Smith at ttio
suit of Mrs. Lizzie Smith adiur'x Ac, for use et
ALSO— All the right, title, interest and claim of
John Smith of, iu nud to 05 acres of land, more
or less, situated iu Cherry twp, Butler Co, Fa.
bounded a< follows, towit: on tho north by F O
Wolford et al, oast by John Smith south by Jno
Smith formerly Alex Black, west by John Smith;
about 40 acres cleared, frame bouse,
log stable and orchard thereon. Seized and
taken in execution a-i the property of John
Smith at suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith adm'x Ac, for
use et al.
ALSO All the rigid, title, interest and claim of
John Smith of, in and to all that lot or parcel of
land situate in Cherry twp, Butler Co. I'a,
bounded an follows; beginning at a post at the
north west corner of said lot, tlionoo south 88|£
deg. east by lands of John Italstou (part of same
tract) 191 porches to a,post; thence by lands of
David Wolfonl's heirs and Alex Black farm now
owned by said Smith south 2 deg. west <ls 5-10
perches to a post; thence north 88 1 il«g. wost
by lands of John Bollinger and heirs of C C Sul
livan deo'd and J W Christie 191 perches to a
post; thence north 2 deg. east by lands of Wm
Kelly 65 5-10 perches to tho place of {beginning,
containing 78 acres, more or less, frame house,
frame stable ami orchard thereon,about 40 acres
cleared. Seized and taken in execution a* the
pioporty of John Smith at suit of Mrs Lizzie
Smith adm'x Ac, for use ot al.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of
John Smith of, in and to 250 acres of land, more
or less, situate in Cherry twp, Duller Co, I'a.
bounded as follows, towit: on the north by (jeo
llockenbery et al, east by Jacob Wolford. south
by Alex Dlack's heirs, west by John Dobsou
heirs; log and frame dwelling house, double log
barn, frame stable, out buildings and good or
chard thereon, formerly known as the Kmart
farm. H-jized and taken iu execution an the
property of John Smith at suit of Mrs Lizzie
Smith adm'x, Ac. for use ot al.
ALBO—AI! the right, title. Interest and claim
ol John Smith, 01, in and to twenty-live acres
ol land, more or less, sitU'ito In Cherry town
ship, Butler county, la, bounded ;IH follows, to
wit: on the north hy lands ol Hugh Grossman,
east by lauds ol John Smith, south by binds ol
John Smith, west by lands ol Carlylc Wolford,
formerly owned by Lambing. Seized and
taken In execution as the property of John
Smith at the suit of Hn, l.ixzio Smith admr'x,
t\tc. for use, et al.
ALSO All tho right, title, interest and claim of
John Smith of, in ami to I 12 acres of land, moro
or less situate in Chetry twp, Butler Co, I'a.
bounded as follows, beginning at a post; thence
north 1 deg. en*t 111112-10 perches to a post;
thence north 3 deg. east 70 2-1(1 perches to a
post; thence south Nil deg. east 115 perches to a
post, thence south 1 deg. west 20(1 5-1(1 perches
to a poet, I hence noilli HI! deg, west 117 perches
to the place of beginning. Timber land adjoin
ing land of John Smith, Hubert San key "it al
(Wm Kelly farm). Seized and taken in execu
tion as the property of John Smith at suit of
Mrs Lizzie Smith, adm'x, Ac, for use et al.
Itevked Trial ll«l »«. IVr Order of Court.
_ Xo. Term. Yr. PtaintijSTt Attorney. j Piaintijf*. jj Defe»da»U. | Defendant ~
A. D. 60 Dec. 1883 Mitchell ami Martin, Margaret G Banoa,e t al, J«hi B Melukii, .1 D MeJunkin "~
! ,' S i w Ia H' U ' 1 Pi G Wooding Anthony Goldinger ef al Bowser and Benedict
I -fe, Mar. I^B2. Scott and Thompson. . Thompson Kyle James Kerr Mitchell and Mcfaiulles,
69, Same John Dixon Thomas Dixon flraudon
1 I! f~- " lS *? Butler tarings Bauk J..hn Seott <c»tt and Thompson
.. „£ 1 B'ack Com. Pa., I\\ ( ouwav sug. Janies II Tebay et al Cornelius and Brandon
31, N B Smiley M D Archibald [as pi n., Williams <fc Titus Forouer
" s°. " " K Marshall I M Thompson for use W. J. Crowe et al Purvianee
' 92, " ' Mitchell and Bran lon lohu Mitchell, Sh'ft'for use r J O'Brien eta! K Marshall
" 2, June " K Marshall Isaac Blakley S Thompson, c e ott
" 32, " " Brandon and I.usk Philip Gelbach • p&W 811 Co. Same
" 45, " " McQuistion and Forquer i ileurv Keasv SI) llazlett Colbert
s'. " " Purvianee and Galbreath. George Shad We-t Peim and 3CU It Co. Thorn.*™ & Fou
„ Thompson R.P.Scott C Sullivan et al McQ and Walker
58, Brandon \\ m M Meals and wife West Penn and SC R R Co. Thompson 4 Son
64, (( Scott John V Johnson for use Butler county Robinson
ho, same Henry Johnston for use Same Same
I! £?• " P, r^ in „ " Anderson Perrv Gilmore et al J H T., a L d N Black
91, McC and less John Little P & W R R Co. Scott
14 . ' Mitchell and Lusk Lizzie Purvianee, D A Renfrew Brandon
39, " * Lusk Samuel Steen Bruuermer Same
40, ' ' bailie Lewis W. Douglass Same Same
t _ 4'i, " " Mitei.ell and Lusk S S Purviauce et a! Porter Pliipps, Same
"52,53,j " " Marshall and Brandon Oven Brady, guardian George W Gillespie et al Mitchell
Prothonotary's Office, May, 8, 1884. M N.' GRI-.ER, PMH.on.tMT
No branch of my business has given greater evidence of the approval of the people than my Hat Department. I always retail at whole.ale
prices, nod in some instances I sell hats for less than any dealer in town ran l>uy the same.
The Prices are Having a Telling Effect;
Every buyer of a hat is surprised al the Low Prices. My assortment of IJojs' and Childrens' Hats and Cans is enormous I have in the 50c and
,5c qualities exact reproductions of the very finest goods iu the market, aud I have tli« very finest goods, too.
My Furninhing Goods Department is full to running over with alt the staples and novelties of the season. Try me onee for your
And you will experience what> pleasure it is to have a shirt that tits. My stock of
Is tremendous. My assortment of Neckwear is simply grand and then the great beauty of it all is that the price of each article is lower than
has ever been named before for entirely fresh and new goods. Some special bargains in Colored Shirts.
CHARLES R. GRIEG, Union Block, Main Street, Butler, Pa,
ALSO —All the right, title, iuteiest and claim of
John Smith of.in.and to 122 acres and 22 perches
of land, moro or less, situated iu Cherry twp.
Butler Co, Pa, hounded as follows, to wit, begin
ning at the uortheact corner in the middle of
the creek, thence south 2 1-2 deg, west 220 per
ches to a post; thence north 84 deg. west 125
perches to a post; theuce north 2 3-4 deg east
128 5-<lO perches to a post: thence south 84 deg.
eaHt 31 perches to a post; thenco north 2 3-4 deg
east 28 perches to a post; thence south 81 deg.
east 7 6-10 perches, 3 rods from the center of
the creek on the south side to fording; thence
north 21 deg. east 10 7-10 perches; theuce north
65 deg. east 2 7-10 perches; thence south 07 deg
east 5 perches; thence south 23 dog. east 6 per
ches; theuce north 24 deg. east 8 perches;
thence north 65 deg. east 32 perches; thence
south 23 deg. east 8 perches; thence south 50
deg. east 12 perches to the foreliug; thence south
84 deg. east 3 6-10 perches in the middle of the
creek; thence north 3 deg. west 10 7-10 perches;
thence north 71 deg. east 12 perches; thence
north 49 deg. east 2 perches th the mouth of
Glade Run; thence north 1 deg. west 12 perches;
theuce north 61 deg. oast 5 5-10 perches; theuce
south 57 deg. east 5 5-10 perches; thence south
84 eleg. east 6 5-10 perches; thenco north 35 deg
east 11 5-10 perches; thenco nirth
11 8-10 perches; theuce nortli 5 deg. cast 6 per
ches- thence no:th 14 deg. eat 5 perches to the
place of beginning, adjoining lands of James
Thompson. John Smith and Aaron Kelly. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of John
Smith at suit of Mrs Lizzie Smith adm'x, <lc, for
use ct al.
EDNo 43 JuneT 18S4. R M Sipes att'y
All the right, title, interest aud claim of J M
Harding 01, in and to the coal right of 50 acres
of laud, more or less, situate in Venango twp.,
Butler couuty. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
on the north by (ie-orge Irvin, east by Thomas
Morrow, south by Tanuahili aud Cochran, and
west by Addlcman and Morrow. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of J M
Harding at the suit of A. Buinett, for use ol A
B Walker.
ALS') —AUo all the right, title, Interest and
claim ot.) M Harding, of, In and to the coal
light ol 35 acres of laud, more or less, situate
in Venango township, Butler county, Pa„
bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by
David Burke, east by Donnelly and Hughs,
south by Smiln and Donnelly, west by Nor
cross. Seized and taken in execution as Ibe
property ol J M Harding, at the suit of A Bur
nttt foj use of A I) Walker,
ALSO—AII the ritrht, title, lnteieet and claim
ot J M Harding of, in and to the coal right of
117 acres of land, more or less, situate in
Venango township, Butler county. Pa, bound
ed as tollows, fo wit: 011 the north by John
Butke. cast by Michael Mcßride, south by W
(J Smith et al, west by Beaton heirs. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of J M
Harding at she suit of A I'n 1 netu for use ol A
B Walker.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim
01 J M Harding 01, iu and to the coal right of
107 acres ot land, more or less, situate in Ve
naugo township, Butler county, I'a , bounded
mm .ollows, to wit: 011 the north by Hugh T
Murrin, cast by Frank McNcriiicl, south by
David Bulk, west by Win,Beaton. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of J M
Maiding at the suit, ol A Burnett for use ol A
B Walker.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim of
J M Harding of, in and to tho cor.i right of 100
acres of land, more or less, situated iu Venango
twp, Butler Co, Fa, bounded ns follows, to wit:
on the north by Francis McName,
east by David Higgins and Wm Woleott, south
bv Theo Denney. west by David Burke. S eized
and taken in execution as tho property of J M
Harding at the suit of A Burnett for use of A B
ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim
ol J M Harding, of, iu and to the eoal right ol
137 acres ol land, more or less, situate iu Ve
nango township, Butler county, Fa.,bounded as
follows, to wit; on the north by Thos. Morrow
and Widow Addltinen, east by Joseph Blair
and Win Stalker, south by Edwards, west by
Kohl ai dWm Cochran. Seized and taken in
execution as the property ol J M Harding at
the suit ol A Burnett for use of A B Walker.
ALSO- All the right, titlo. interest and claim of
J M Haiding of, in and to the coal right of 42
acres, more or less, situate 111 Venango twp But
ler Co, I'a, botludtd as follows, to wit, on the
north by Philip Muirins heirs, east by Margaret
Peoples heirs, south by Michael Mi Bride, west
by Francis McNauioe and public road. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property of J M
Harding at the suit of A Burnett for use of A B
ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim
of J M Harding 01, in and to the coal right in
56 acres of laud more or less, siluate in Venan
go twp, Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows
to wi'; on the north by M irk Harper, east by
A J Bricclaud, kjuili by McKanse A lliggins,
west by Margaret Peoples heirs. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of J M
Harding al the suit of A Burnett lor use; ol A
B Walker.
AI,HO—AII the right, title, intercut and claim of
J M Harding of, in ami to the coal right in 50
acres of land, more or less, situated m .Marion
twp, Butler Co, I'a, bounded KM follow*,
to wit, 011 the north by David liiirke, east by
Thus Donnelly et al. south by tliu Donation lino,
west by J B McLaughlin et al. Seized and taken
in execution a« the property of .1 M Harding at
HUit of A Burnett for UHO of A II Walker.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest nod claim
ot J M Harding ot. In and to the coal right in
HI! acres ot land, more or loss, situate in Venan
go twp, Huller county, I'a , houinh d mid de
scribed :IH follows, to wit; on the north by
CIIIIH Dully and Briceliuid, cast by putilic roail
and Philip Duiignn, south liy James Higgin
heirs, west t>y John McKanc, Seized and
taken iir execution as the property <d J M
Harding at the tuil of A Burnett for use ol A
It Walker.
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and claim "f
J M Harding of, in and to the coal right in II
acres of land, more or less, situated in Venango
twp. Duller Co, I'a, bounded as follows, to wit,
on the north by David Burke and Kcaton,
cast by Michael McDride, south by Smith and
McLaughlin, west by Vanderlin. Seized
and taken in execution as tiio property of J M
Harding at suit of A Burnett for use of A B
A I.SO —All the right, title, interest and claim
ol J M Harding 01, in and to tiie coal right in
ItK) acres ul land, mote or leas, situate iu Vc
nango twp, Butler county, P i., hounded as fol
lows, to wit; on the north by Michiiel Garuilcy,
east hy John Murrlli, south by Kriiuk McNaiuce
west l>y Juuies Muriiu. Seized and Vikcn in
execution as the propcity ol J M I l ading at
the suit ol A Burnett for use ol A B Walker.
ALSO All Ihe right, title, interest nnd claim ol'
J M Harding of, in and to the coal right in 120
acres of laud, more or lews, situated iu Venango
twp. Butler Co, I'a bounded as follows, to wit.
on the north by David Callormau, lrvine
and Addleman heirs, east by Hobt Wilson,
Mrs Addleuian, Irvin and Smith, south I y John
In all its Grandeur.
Circus, Museum and Menagerie.
Three Monster Tents !
The most complete aud best organized show on tho Continent.
A Few Features cf Washburn & Hunting's
Which is replete with rare Living Curosities.
Merry, Mirth-Making Monkeys, Beautiful Trophical Birds,
Man-eating, Blood-sucking Vampires.
times a Greater Curiosity than a White Elephant.
A Grand free Balloon Ascension.
SERGT. JOHN MASON, who attempted the life of Gitcau, the assassin of
President James A. (Jarlield. "I am on my way to Beatty aud the Baby."
Three Great Clowns, American, Irish and German, Strong Men,
Strong Women, Male and Female Bareback Riding, •
Champion Bicyle Riding.
Brilliant Skatorial Triumphs
Gladiatorial contests, Athletic, Gymnastic and Acrobatic Exercises. Double
Horizontal Bar aud Wonderful Feats in Mid-air, Double Somersnults,
Extraordinary Leaping over Elephants, and Educated
Dumb Beasts of Many Kinds.
Mil. lton UI'NTIN'O, the Rambler from Clare, the funniest ami best of all clowns.
M'LI.K M A I!T1 NO'the unparalleled four horse eiiuestrinue.
SIONOR DON I.OUIS BKIIASTIAN, the Spanish sonersault rider.
UOEMKH nn<l LKHOI'K, Cliampiou Athletes of the world.
MR. ROBKRT WIIITTAKER. the Champion bareback ruler of tho world.
ROBKRT ami CLARICE, the Hying wonders of the air, or human meteors.
MISK 1,1 7.7. 1K KEYEB, America'* own acknowledged empress ot the arena.
'2 Fine Hands of Music
Three Hours of mirtli and AiiiiiNeiiieuf•
emember the
Doors open at 1 and 7p. m. Performances one hour later.
Admission ">•) cents to all AdAertised Shows. Children, _•"» cts.
Harmony, Thursday, May 11. Millerstown, Saturday, May 14.
Titni'liill and Miles Addleman, wont t»y I.eonard
Smitli and .lii<lf<f> McJunkili. Sci/.cil and taken
in execution as tlio property of .1 M llanliii); at
Miiii of A Burnett for use of A B Walker.
ALSO—AII the light, title, Interest and clnitn
<>t J M Harding, of. in und to the coal riHil ill
05 acres id'land, more or less, situate in \ ciiat:-
go Iwp, Butler county, l'a , bounded an follows
to wit. on the north by II T Murrin, east liy
Matilda and M Murrin, south by Joint liurU,
went liy II T Murrin and heirs. Seized and
taken in execution at i lie property ol .1 M
Minding at the suit ol A Burnett for uso of A
H Walker.
ALSO—AII tho right, title, interact and claim of
J M Harding of. in and to the coal right in 90
acroH of liiml, morn or ICMH, wtuate in Venango
twp, Duller Co, I'a, hound >d at* follown. to wit,
on the north hy Itoht Cochran Jr, rant hy John
Tauehill. coutti hy Kdwarda and Mc-
Dride, wont by Morrinnn, Cochran, Nancy I'ur
genon and Itoht Cochran Sr. Seized and tiken
in execution as the property of .1 M Harding at
Hint of A llurnett for line of A II Walker.
ALSO—AIi the right. title, interest :>ud claim
ol J M Harding 01, in and to the coal right in
•it) acres o! land, more or less, situate iu Venan
go f wp, ltutlcr county, I'.i. bounded as follows,
to wit. on tl e north by Michael Murrin, east liy
John S'lcarcr, south by Michael Mcßride,
west hy John and David Burks. Seized and
taken in execution as the property ot J M
I larding at the suit of A Burnett lor use of A
II Walker.
ALSO All tho right, title, intorent and claitu of
J M Harding of. in and to the coal right in 7fi
acriM of land, more or ICNH, Hitiiated in Venango
twp liutler Co, I'a, bounded aa follows to wit,
on the noith by ll\V Aildleman and L Smith,
cant hy John Tanchill. aouth hy Wl* Cochran,
went by Margaret Cochrau. Seized and taken
in execution an tho property of J M Harding at
i-uit of A Durnitt for use of A I! Walker.
AI.HO All tli«j right, title, Intercut aud claim
of J M Harding nl, in and to the cottlii/hl In
"•*> aercn «.l laud, more or ICHK, niiu.it'- in Venan
go twp, Duller county, I' , bounded ;IH lailoWN,
to * it: on tlie north I• y Cochran, caht by \V I*
Cochran, ninth by A Hrynon, went hy H.iinut'l
Kakitl. Sei/.ed and taki II ill execution tile
piopcrty ol .1 M ll irdlng at the Hull id A IJur
uett lor u*e ol A It Walker.
ALSO All tlu> right, tide, iuterunl and claim of
J M Harding of. ill and to the coal right m lf,u
acre* ol land, more or IOHM, mtiinted in Wanhing
ton twp. Duller Co, I'a. hounded an follow*. to»
wit, on the north hy Michael McDnde, ea.it hy
Win Wolcott and Mieliael Mcßiide, south by
Tlamias Donnelly, went by Win O Smith. Seiz
ed and taken in execution an the property of
.1 M Harding at Hint of A Burnett for use ol
A 11 Walker.
EKNo 5H June T I*M4 J M Hrwr ntt'y
All the right, title, intereet and el.iim ol VV
II Walker of, in and to thirty acre* of laud,
more or lens, situate iu Clay township, Butler
county, l'a , bounded us lollows, to wit: on
the mirth l>y Ne il <*allather, east l>y Israel
Cranmcr, south by Mieliael Gallagher, went by
Eliz. .1 Walker, all cleared, board house, frame
barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken
in exeeutioii an the property of W 11 Walker, at
the suit ol Matthew Thrower.
ALSO All tho light, title, interest and Claim of
W II Walker of, in and to 60 by 160 teat of
land, more or ICHS, situate in Butler borjuxh
Butler Co, l'a. bounded as follows, to wit on
the north by an alley, cast by vacant lot, south
by Pearl street, west by an alloy; atwo>s.oriod
frame home with kitchen attached, frame stable
and out buildings thereon. Seized and taken
in execution an the tirojterty of W 11 Walker
at suit of Mattbow Throwor,
ALSO All the right, title, interest and claim ol
j W II Walker o!, ill and to three hundred acres
1 ol laud, more or less, situate iti Clinton and
' Itutlalo township*, Butler county, l'a , hounded
i is follow ,t > wit; on the north by Joseph
Keith et al, east by Widow McClurc, south by
i, • Lore et al, west by Baxoaburg at.d
T i'enliim road; aliout 200 acres cleared, frame
dwelling bouse, Iruiiie barn, gr.in house, coal
bink, small dwelling liou-c, la'g' orelnrd
I thereon. Seized anil taken In in execution as
j he property of W 11 Walker at the suit of
' Matthew Thrower
I TKICMS OK SALE. The following must lie
I strictly'compiled with when property Is stricken
down :
1 When the plnlntitr or other lien creditors he
' coiiic the purchaser, the costs on the writs must
!.,• paid, and a list "I the liens. Including
j searches mi till' property sold, togelller Willi such
In n creditor's receipt* lor the amount of the pro
eeeds of J lie sale of such portion thereof as lie may
' claim, must I.e lurulsheil the Sheriff.
.Ml bids must be paid In full.
:i ,\|| sales lint settled immediately w 111 be con
tinued until I o'clock, t M.ol next day, id which
time all properly not settled for will again l>c put
up and s.iiil at I lie e\|»-nsc ami risk of the |MTSOII
t• ► whom first sold.
Portion'-, nine-.t. !Hli Kdltion, page tin, and
Smith'* h'ornn, pagcWl.
Sheriff of. DutterCouuty.
Slieiiß't oilier, Mutter. fit.